HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/07/1923-A f CitI Hall, Monday May 7th 1923,— 7:30 P.M- City Council met in regular session - Mayor L.F. Sinsheimer presiding. Present : Geo. A. Kilbern , James.Piper , L.F. 5insheimer. Absent : 7".B. martin ;. H.A. Go�;.man. The minutes of April 16th.23d.25th.26th.and 30th. were read and approved as corrected, on motion of James Piper seconded by Geo. W. Kilbern. The following applications for permit to build were granted on motion oz Geo. W. Kilbern seconded by James Piper Bank of Italy - Alterations & Repairs lots 3 & 4-Block 96 Cost 200000.00 C.A. Younglove — Store Lots 4 & 5 Block 86 " 5,000.00 C.J. Holmes — Garage Lot 9 Block -5 Weiils Addn " 75.00 Geo. Crocker — Garage Lot 20 Block 186•Inglesede Tr. " 25.00 Mary Jasperson - Addition to Redidence Lot 10 Block 186 Ingleside Tr " 400.00 Southern Pacific Milling Co — Lumber Shed Block 187 B " 500.00 J•. P. Andrews Est — A:Iait ion to building Block 18 " 600.00 On motion of Jaryes Piper seconded by Geo. W. Kilbern the following applicat- ions for permit to lay sidewalk and curbing were granted: Alfred Hiossi — 45 ft 5 ft park sidewalk , curbing and retaining wall on the South side Pacific Street between Essex and Johnson 5t. C.A. Younglove — 88 ft 9 ft sidewalk on the East side Broad Strect between Higuera and Marsh Street. The application of the 'Marre Lard and Cattle Cc for permit to connect with Sewer was granted on motion. of James Piper:-seconded by Geo. W. Kilbern. The anrlication of the Midland Counties Public Service Corporation for pe to set 6 poles and 2 anchors on Pismo Street between Osos.and Toro Stre =t was referred to the Commissioner of Public Works for investigation and report on motion 6f James Piper seconded by Geo. W. Kilbern. The petition of .John Ghigliotti for transfer of licenses for Soft Drinks and Cigars Sideline at 1034 Morro Street to Jas. Moreno was referred to the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety for report.. The reports of the City Collector and Police Judge of. the month of April were.-received and ordered filed on motion of Geo. W. Kilbern seconded by James Piper. On.motion of Geo. W. Kilbern seconded by James Piper the Merchandising of San Luis AHattress and Upholstering Works , Surety New Amsterdam Casualty Cc ., was app E A check in the.amount of w$ 93.79 was received from the Producers Transportat- ion Company , being submitted as franchise payment. On motion of James Piper sec by Geo. W. Kilbern it was ordered that the said amount be received only as a partial pay— went on account. On motion of James Piper seconded. by Geo. Ti. Kilbern a co:::munication from H.S.Bond of the Stutz Fire Engine Company, was laid:-over to such time as the Commissioner Public Health and Safety is present. The report of City Engineer W.B. Burch ,that 11orro Street Bridge had been completed in accordance with plans and specifications for sa:re and recomr.ending that said work be accepted by the City of San Luis Obispo was received. It was moved by Geo. W. Kilbern, seconded by James Piper and carried that the report be accepted. On motion duly seconded and carried the claim of the Davis Construction Co. in the amount of $ 119.50.vas ordered paid. The report of the city Collector on licenses was laid over to the nextmeet: Application of Joseph Wilson for license for Taxicab granted on motion of James Piper seconded by Geo. W. Kilbern. Application of F.T. Takumi for license to conduct a Pool Parlor at 666 Palm Street was granted on motion of Geo. W. Kilbern seconded by James Piper. 0 lna. U L N