HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/28/1930u L 1 1 -. 1 t. 23 5 City ::all , ::_ ond.ay , July 2cith 1930 - 7:30 F .I:I. :;ity •ouncil ::let in adjourned session - <:yor _,.1'- .;_insr_eimcr presiding. lrescr_t . Chas 1'orbes, _.J. -Defossct, r.E.CoX, .'.cinsheirler. ribsent John Chapek. The following applications for periait to build were granted on motion of H.E.Cox seconded by ChL:s 'orbcs: 0.1. :,lurray - l:esidt�ncc w Garage pt lots 8 w 9 ilk 2 iieills riddn Cost 2,000.00 .S.I.i.Glover - .addition of room pt lot 1 slk 53 Cost 250.00 The petition of :. ?- i.Fettinger for per: :pit to raze building from part of lot 4 block 41 ( _ary S. '._arshall property ) vaas also granted. The applie_:tions of ' -rs. J.1 .Smithey for license for _Dining _;oom at 547 �.._zarsh Street also, for permit to Bang a sign ct the same location, were referred to the Co,unissioner of rublic Ileulth and Safety for report to the Council on motion 0: Ii. .Cox secondeda by Chas Forbes On Tiotion of has 10orbes scconded by H.E.Cox the application of Roy .y Fridley for license for Taxicab at 1005 - .onterey= "street was referred to the Co-,xiiissioner of Public zcalth and safety for report to the Council. The petition Of vtruttoYl S.alth for permit to recess curb of sidev;e.lk for driveway at 448 �Iigucra Street was referred to the Co.!:aissioner of iuhlie .)orks for report to the Council on motion of !.J.Dcfosset seconded by ,fh. s = Forbes. The report of the .-ity Treasurer for the iaonth ending June 30th 1930 and the reports of the City Clerk for the months ending 1 :lay 31st 1930 and June 30th 1930 were received and ordered filed, 01, !notion of L.J.Dofosset seconded by Chas Forbes. The assessciicnt _-all for the iuprovement of Portions of Santa Eosa , Fig and Stenner Streets in the City of Sin Luis Obispo, under _resolution of Intention 1 10. 311 ( ldevti= Series ) s presented to the Council. Discussion On Motion of '..".Cox seconded by Chas F -orbis the date for the hearing on said Assessment =;011 was set for August 18th 1930,at 7 :30 o'clock F jLI. The application of H.F.French for license for Cigar Store at hotel knderson was granted on motion of L.J.Defos:ct seeondod by H.B.Cox. The application of !:Irs. i.i.F.Si -m. ons for license for lodging House at 143 Santa Barbara 'venue was granted on „lotion of L.J.Defossct seconded by Chas Forbes. The petition of Ch-,,s J. Storili for per-At to install an bMdergrou.nd gasoline storaao tank of ,300 gallons capacity at residence property 772 Essex Street v,as granted on motion of L.J.!)efosset seconded by Chas i'orbes with the provision that said tank be installed under the supervision of_the City inginccr and in accordance with rules and regulations of the Board of Firc Ur_dcr: °miters, and , with the further provision that same be removed at the pleasure of the Council: _he am)lication of Fred C. = inlball for permit to install an undo ground gasoline storage tank of 7,500 gallons capacity at ','i.._ball Service otation Co corner -'i-h and :-iguera itrectS Wds also granted, with the hereinabove nailed provisions. The applications of f :rs. 1. -ary Zudolph and Joni, J. le-we' ling for permit to ley side- walk aria curbing on Islay Street, and on .ontalban Street, respectively, were laid over, pcndin the fixing of grades for the said Streets. A :olication of the Union oil Co' pant for .permittto make approach to Service Station in Block 41, corner _'onterey and P&ssex Streets, was again laid over for report by City- Engineer City Engineer presented map showing proposed change on street grade on !slay Street between Beach Street and Carmel Street. ]:latter discussed and .ity Engineer directed to sta out grade for viewing b� the Council.