HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/20/19331 i 1 1 1 I 427 City Hall, I.ionday, February 20th 1933 - 7 :30 F..I`. City Council met in regular session - I.:ayor L.1'.Sinsheimor presiding. Present : J.H.Borkeiieyer, John Chapak, H.7�.Cox, T.J.Defosset, L.F.Sinsheimer. CA !'one. The minutes of February 6th and 14th % +ere read and approved as read on motion of J.B.3erkemeyer seconded by L.J.iDefosset. The following applications i'or perriit to build ':Mere granted on motion of r.E. ^ox seconded by �,.J.Defosset: George H. Dunklec - ;;ddn of second Story pt lot 11 ;?lock 96 Mission ' ina ;TardTr CcsV" 4,750.00 ?:i.Ossman - ?emodel front of Store, loci: X04 i.ission 'vineyard Tr Cost 5-7100.00 'he following applications for licenSeS - v5iere fererred to the Commissioner of public Health and 'afety for report to the Council on notion of H.E.Cox seconded by J.5.3::rkameyer; H.A.:.icRae s4ra`e 1001 Chorro Street 2ranco Chavis Soft Drinks & Cigars ;;idoline 866 _alm Street 'The i,ierchandising Bored of I1ax Ossman and I1. Buckviald, Surety United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, received and on notion of H..O,o., seconded by J.B.BerLemeyer the Surety was accepted and the Bond approved. Application of :1.A-Turner for registr:ction as a Class " E " Contractor, together with Bond and license fee received and on Motion of H.E.Cox seconded by J.B.Berkemeyer the application was granted and certificate of registration ordered issued. ^_he reports of the City Clerk and the _pound ?:;aster for the iaonth of January, 1953, ;,ere received and ordered filed on motion of .E.Co :% seconded by J.3.3erkemcyer. Ipplication or the '_:idland Counties Public Servico Corporation i!o. 208 for permit to do certain wort_ on ?iurray = ?venue hetwecn Hathtaa17 :venue and the Southern Pacific aailroad riS;ht of way 'jas.granted on favorable report and motion of H.E.Cox seconded by J.R.Berkemcyer. On motion of L.J.:)efosset seconded by H.E.Cox the following applications for licenses were granted Obispo Athletic Club (E.C.VcnSchaick) Dance idational Dollar Store 666 Upham :;tract. Ci ;4rs Sideline 732 Higuera 3treet. On motion of L.J.Defosset seconded by J.B.BerL••eueyer the following licenses issued for January quarter 1933, were ordered cancelled : January quarter 1933- 7 2047 - C.E.Andrevis IT If IT - 1490 - Colquit's Cafe it if " - 1547 - Dora 'Thomas " " " - 1552 - L.id.Cratiiford IT " IT - 1.558 - i:i.idaLa ji if if it - 1591 - I,:.Naka ji " IF " - 1652 - V1. JA'Idann " IT " - 1717 - S.O.Darling " IF - 1745 - Standard Parts Co " IF " - 1757 - ;1. J.Hileman ' It - 1813 - Gettle L :.�artin " IT " - 1862 - II. Luis " if " - 1868 - A.I,1.Wallace " - 1870 - The P:ionarch Tailoring " if IT - 1879 - J.n.Chambless IT IT " - 1957 - Louis Levonstein IT if IT - 1965 - J.Stanley 7;icJon1.ld If IT IT - 1998 - '_.Craig IT " IT - 2019 - Daniels 8: Koore IT if IT - 2026 - '::fission restaurant '' It " - 2027 - '' I1aka j i If - 2050 - Elsie Fitzpatrick it of " - 2058 - 'airs. Quc:cnio :-ardon It " IT - 2071 - :.�.oye ?orwa,rding Co C -Eng & Surveyor 2.50 Restaurant 7.50 Lodging House 2.00 Architect 5.00 Billiards 8: Pool 5.00 - Cigars Sideline 3.00 I::dse.poultr,, r. Eggs 2150_. ?:Idso Dry Goods 6.00 Auto Accessories 12.00 Geroge 10.00 ;:dse. Shoes 6.00 Barber 1.00 Cleaniii6 w Dye inn 2.50 Tailorin_g 2.50 eal testate 5.00 Junk Dealer 5100 Dental Office 5100 Photographer 4.00 Soft Drinks 5.00 Soft Drinks 5.00 Soft Drinks 5.00 Beauty Shop 2.00 :�eautv Shop 2.00 Truck 5.00 7 110.50