HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout11/7/2023 Item 4, Gordon11/7/2023 Item 4, Speaker Slips received during the meeting11/7/2023 Item 6a, Achugbue, B.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Achugbue, B. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Adler11/7/2023 Item 6a, Akers11/7/2023 Item 6a, Allen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Annika11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ashworth11/7/2023 Item 6a, Avanti SLO11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ayral11/7/2023 Item 6a, Banys11/7/2023 Item 6a, Barros11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bashaw11/7/2023 Item 6a, Baumberger11/7/2023 Item 6a, Belasco11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bennett11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bertozzi11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bevan11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bewley11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bliss Cafe11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bowen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Brandon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Brass11/7/2023 Item 6a, Braunschweig11/7/2023 Item 6a, Brostman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Brown11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bruursema11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bryan11/7/2023 Item 6a, Bugrova11/7/2023 Item 6a, Busek11/7/2023 Item 6a, Butcher11/7/2023 Item 6a, Buthelezi11/7/2023 Item 6a, Byrd11/7/2023 Item 6a, Campe11/7/2023 Item 6a, Camuso11/7/2023 Item 6a, Carcich11/7/2023 Item 6a, Carlin11/7/2023 Item 6a, Carnes11/7/2023 Item 6a, Carnes, S.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Carroll11/7/2023 Item 6a, Chamberlain11/7/2023 Item 6a, Chapman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Chasuk11/7/2023 Item 6a, Christensen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Christensen (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Clements11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cohen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Congalton11/7/2023 Item 6a, Connors11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cook11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cook, C.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cook, K.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cooper, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cooper, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cota, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cota, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cotkin11/7/2023 Item 6a, Covey11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cronin11/7/2023 Item 6a, Crooks11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cross11/7/2023 Item 6a, Cusick11/7/2023 Item 6a, Davis11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dawn-Stein11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dexter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dickson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dodd11/7/2023 Item 6a, Doles11/7/2023 Item 6a, Donovan11/7/2023 Item 6a, Doorman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dorich11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dornish11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dotzler11/7/2023 Item 6a, Drisdelle11/7/2023 Item 6a, DuChene11/7/2023 Item 6a, Dudding11/7/2023 Item 6a, Duenow11/7/2023 Item 6a, Easter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Eckert11/7/2023 Item 6a, Efird11/7/2023 Item 6a, Eidelman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ellison11/7/2023 Item 6a, Elsey11/7/2023 Item 6a, Emerson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Engle11/7/2023 Item 6a, Englert11/7/2023 Item 6a, Eskelsen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Evans11/7/2023 Item 6a, Fabbrini11/7/2023 Item 6a, Faecher11/7/2023 Item 6a, Farber11/7/2023 Item 6a, Felix11/7/2023 Item 6a, Fernandes11/7/2023 Item 6a, Figueroa11/7/2023 Item 6a, Finney's Crafthouse11/7/2023 Item 6a, Fissell11/7/2023 Item 6a, Fouhy11/7/2023 Item 6a, Foushee11/7/2023 Item 6a, Frauenheim11/7/2023 Item 6a, Fredman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Galanti11/7/2023 Item 6a, Galletti11/7/2023 Item 6a, Gammons11/7/2023 Item 6a, Garcia-Lemus11/7/2023 Item 6a, Gibson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Giovanetti11/7/2023 Item 6a, Goodman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Goodreau11/7/2023 Item 6a, Gordon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Gorter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Goswick11/7/2023 Item 6a, Graviano11/7/2023 Item 6a, Gray11/7/2023 Item 6a, Green11/7/2023 Item 6a, Greensfelder11/7/2023 Item 6a, Guess11/7/2023 Item 6a, Guiles11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hall11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hamilton, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hamilton, P.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hammack11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hanna11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hansen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harding11/7/2023 Item 6a, Haring11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harland, S.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harland, S. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harn11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harrell11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harris11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harris, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Harris, L.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hays11/7/2023 Item 6a, Heller, S.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Heller, S. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Henry11/7/2023 Item 6a, Herbekian11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hightower11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hilty11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hoffman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Holliday11/7/2023 Item 6a, Houser11/7/2023 Item 6a, Howarter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hudson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Huebner11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hunstad11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hunter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Hutchinson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Indvik11/7/2023 Item 6a, J C11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jacobson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jacobson, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, January-Courter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jenkins11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jenkins, D11/7/2023 Item 6a, Johnson, G.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Johnson, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Johnson, S.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Johnson, T.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jones11/7/2023 Item 6a, Jongeward11/7/2023 Item 6a, Kaiser11/7/2023 Item 6a, Katz11/7/2023 Item 6a, Keller, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Keller, D.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Killough11/7/2023 Item 6a, Kimball11/7/2023 Item 6a, Kizanis11/7/2023 Item 6a, Koberl11/7/2023 Item 6a, Kruggel11/7/2023 Item 6a, LaChapelle11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ladue11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lang11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lankes11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lauritzen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Laursen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Laylon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Layman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Leibovich11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lenhardt11/7/2023 Item 6a, LeNoue11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lerian11/7/2023 Item 6a, Leva11/7/2023 Item 6a, LeVander11/7/2023 Item 6a, Licciardi11/7/2023 Item 6a, Linquist11/7/2023 Item 6a, Logan11/7/2023 Item 6a, Long11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lowe11/7/2023 Item 6a, Luce, Melinda11/7/2023 Item 6a, Luce, Miya11/7/2023 Item 6a, Lundeen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mahnken11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mallon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Manderscheid, G.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Manderscheid, R.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Marchetti11/7/2023 Item 6a, Marcotte11/7/2023 Item 6a, Martin11/7/2023 Item 6a, Martorella11/7/2023 Item 6a, Masada11/7/2023 Item 6a, Matheny11/7/2023 Item 6a, Maulhardt11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mayr11/7/2023 Item 6a, McClanahan11/7/2023 Item 6a, McCorkle11/7/2023 Item 6a, McDonald11/7/2023 Item 6a, McDonald (Parking Questions) - Staff Correspondence11/7/2023 Item 6a, McDonald (RFP Clarification) - Staff Correspondence11/7/2023 Item 6a, McDougall11/7/2023 Item 6a, McGee11/7/2023 Item 6a, McGrath11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mees11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mesler11/7/2023 Item 6a, Molina11/7/2023 Item 6a, Montgomery11/7/2023 Item 6a, Morgan11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mulholland11/7/2023 Item 6a, Mullen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Neal11/7/2023 Item 6a, Nelson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Neville11/7/2023 Item 6a, Nicole11/7/2023 Item 6a, November11/7/2023 Item 6a, Nusbaum11/7/2023 Item 6a, O'Connor11/7/2023 Item 6a, Oldenkamp11/7/2023 Item 6a, Olsen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Olsen, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Olsen, C.11/7/2023 Item 6a, O'Neill11/7/2023 Item 6a, Open Air Flowers11/7/2023 Item 6a, Orton11/7/2023 Item 6a, Osborne11/7/2023 Item 6a, Otto11/7/2023 Item 6a, Owen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Owens11/7/2023 Item 6a, Padgett11/7/2023 Item 6a, Paine11/7/2023 Item 6a, Palaszewski11/7/2023 Item 6a, Palmer, K.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Palmer, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Papac11/7/2023 Item 6a, Pappas11/7/2023 Item 6a, Paulick11/7/2023 Item 6a, Paulick (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Peluso11/7/2023 Item 6a, Perry11/7/2023 Item 6a, Picking Daisies11/7/2023 Item 6a, Piette11/7/2023 Item 6a, Pittman11/7/2023 Item 6a, Pobor11/7/2023 Item 6a, Porter, J.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Porter, Pamela11/7/2023 Item 6a, Porter, Paul11/7/2023 Item 6a, Powers11/7/2023 Item 6a, Pratt11/7/2023 Item 6a, Prentis11/7/2023 Item 6a, Price11/7/2023 Item 6a, Prince11/7/2023 Item 6a, Pyburn11/7/2023 Item 6a, Quaglino11/7/2023 Item 6a, Quinn11/7/2023 Item 6a, Quirk11/7/2023 Item 6a, Racouillat11/7/2023 Item 6a, Radecki11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rains11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ramirez, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ramirez, J.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Reed11/7/2023 Item 6a, Reeder11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rico11/7/2023 Item 6a, Risner11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rivera11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rizzi11/7/2023 Item 6a, Robertson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rogers11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rowe11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rowley11/7/2023 Item 6a, Rudnick11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ruffner11/7/2023 Item 6a, Russo11/7/2023 Item 6a, S, Kathi11/7/2023 Item 6a, Saggau11/7/2023 Item 6a, Salisbury11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sandstrom11/7/2023 Item 6a, Santer11/7/2023 Item 6a, Schleicher11/7/2023 Item 6a, Schmidt, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Schmidt, R.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Schuberg11/7/2023 Item 6a, Schwartz11/7/2023 Item 6a, Seitz11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sexton, R.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sexton, R. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Seybert11/7/2023 Item 6a, Shaouat11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sharp11/7/2023 Item 6a, Shetler11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sievert11/7/2023 Item 6a, Signorelli11/7/2023 Item 6a, Silton11/7/2023 Item 6a, Silva11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sletteland11/7/2023 Item 6a, Smeehuyzen11/7/2023 Item 6a, Smith11/7/2023 Item 6a, Smith (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sohl11/7/2023 Item 6a, Solimeno11/7/2023 Item 6a, Soto11/7/2023 Item 6a, Soto, S.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Speaker Slips received during the meeting11/7/2023 Item 6a, Spencer-Canepa11/7/2023 Item 6a, Springer11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stackhouse11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stafford11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stanio11/7/2023 Item 6a, Starkey11/7/2023 Item 6a, Starr, B.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Starr, B. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Steinbeck11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stephenson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stone11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stouffer, A.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stouffer, M.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Streets For All11/7/2023 Item 6a, Stubson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sutcliffe11/7/2023 Item 6a, Sylvester11/7/2023 Item 6a, Thomas11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tidik11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tigerlily Salon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Toral11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tree11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tuman, J.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tuman, R.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Tuman, R. (2)11/7/2023 Item 6a, Turner11/7/2023 Item 6a, Valdez11/7/2023 Item 6a, Valentine11/7/2023 Item 6a, Vaskov11/7/2023 Item 6a, VerPlanck11/7/2023 Item 6a, Viola11/7/2023 Item 6a, Voss11/7/2023 Item 6a, Vujovich-LaBarre11/7/2023 Item 6a, Walker11/7/2023 Item 6a, Walsh11/7/2023 Item 6a, Ward11/7/2023 Item 6a, Weinberg11/7/2023 Item 6a, Welch11/7/2023 Item 6a, White11/7/2023 Item 6a, Whittaker11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wiest11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wilkes11/7/2023 Item 6a, Willard11/7/2023 Item 6a, Williams11/7/2023 Item 6a, Willson11/7/2023 Item 6a, Winkenbach11/7/2023 Item 6a, Winter11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wolf Hoover11/7/2023 Item 6a, Woodward11/7/2023 Item 6a, Woske11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wren11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wright11/7/2023 Item 6a, Wright, R.11/7/2023 Item 6a, Yates11/7/2023 Item 6a, Yoon11/7/2023 Item 6a, Yoshida11/7/2023 Item 6a, Zaitz11/7/2023 Item 7a, Finger, H.11/7/2023 Item 7a, Finger, K.11/7/2023 Item 7a, Horn - Staff Agenda Correspondence11/7/2023 Item 7a, Luo - Speaker Slips received during the meeting11/7/2023 Item 7a, Perez - Speaker Slips received during the meeting11/7/2023 Item 8a, Patel11/7/2023 Item 8a, Thomas