HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-2020 PC Agenda PacketCity of San Luis Obispo, Agenda, Planning Commission Agenda PLANNING COMMISSION Wednesday, August 12, 2020 6:00 PM REGULAR MEETING TELECONFERENCE Broadcasted via Webinar Based on the threat of COVID-19 as reflected in the Proclamations of Emergency issued by both the Governor of the State of California, the San Luis Obispo County Emergency Services Director and the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as well as the Governor’s Executive Order N-29-20 issued on March 17, 2020, relating to the convening of public meetings in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of San Luis Obispo will be holding all public meetings via teleconference. There will be no physical location for the Public to view the meeting. Below are instructions on how to view the meeting remotely and how to leave public comment. Additionally, members of the Planning Commission (PC) are allowed to attend the meeting via teleconference and participate in the meeting to the same extent as if they were present. Using the most rapid means of communication available at this time, members of the public are encouraged to participate in PC meetings in the following ways: 1. Remote Viewing - Members of the public who wish to watch the meeting can view: • Televised live on Charter Cable Channel 20 • View a livestream of the meeting on the City’s YouTube channel: http://youtube.slo.city • View the Webinar (recommended for the best viewing quality): ➢ Registration URL: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6062971406956438031 ➢ Webinar ID: 635-887-019 ➢ Telephone Attendee: (415) 655-0060; Audio Access Code: 298-344-096 2. Public Comment - The PC will still be accepting public comment for items within their purview. Public comment can be submitted in the following ways: • Mail or Email Public Comment ➢ Received by 3:00 PM on the day of meeting - Can be submitted via email to advisorybodies@slocity.org or U.S. Mail to City Clerk at: 990 Palm St. San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 ➢ Emails sent after 3:00 PM – Can be submitted via email to advisorybodies@slocity.org and will be archived/distributed to members of the Advisory Body the day after the meeting. Emails will not be read aloud during the meeting • Verbal Public Comment ➢ Received by 3:00 PM on the day of the meeting - Call (805) 781-7164; state and spell your name, the agenda item number and leave your comment. The verbal comments must be limited to 3 minutes. All voicemails will be forwarded to Advisory Body Members and saved as Agenda Correspondence. Voicemails will not be played during the meeting. ➢ During the meeting – Members of the public who wish to provide public comment can join the webinar (instructions above). Once you have joined the webinar, please put your name and Item # in the questions box. Your mic will be unmuted once Public Comment is called for the Item and you will have 3 minutes to speak. Planning Commission Agenda for August 12, 2020 Page 2 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Hemalata Dandekar ROLL CALL : Commissioners Michael Hopkins, Steve Kahn, Nicholas Quincey, Michelle Shoresman, Mike Wulkan, Vice-Chair Robert Jorgensen, and Chair Hemalata Dandekar CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 1. Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 22, 2020. PUBLIC COMMENT: At this time, people may address the Commission about items not on the agenda. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. Items raised at this time are generally referred to staff and, if action by the Commission is necessary, may be scheduled for a future meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS Note: Any court challenge to the action taken on public hearing items on this agenda may be limited to considering only those issues raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Luis Obispo at, or prior to, the public hearing. If you wish to speak, please give your name and address for the record. Please limit your comments to three minutes; consultant and project presentations limited to six minutes. 2. Review of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan project, which includes a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment/Pre-zoning, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, Annexation, and related actions that would allow for development of the 109.7-acre Froom Ranch Specific Plan area. The Draft Specific Plan includes a mix of land uses, including a Life Plan Community with 404 units of independent and assisted senior housing units (known as Villaggio), up to 174 multi -family residential units, approximately 100,000 square feet of commercial/retail, open space (over 60% of the Specific Plan area), and a 3.6-acre public trailhead park that would incorporate four relocated historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex. A Final Environmental Impact Report is proposed for certification; Specific Plan Area 3; Project Address: 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road; Case #: SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP- 0737-2019, ANNX-0335-2020, EID-0738-2019; Specific Plan Area 3; JM Development Group, Inc., owner/applicant. (Emily Creel – 180 minutes) Recommendation: Take public testimony and provide input to City staff on the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, Final EIR, and related entitlements, and subject to the Commission’s input, recommend to the City Council that they take the following actions as identified in the attached Resolution (Attachment 1): (1) certify the Final EIR, adopt CEQA Findings and the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan; (2) approve the Froom Ranch Specific Plan based on findings that the project is consistent with the General Plan; (3) approve related project entitlements, including General Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, pre-zoning, and initiation of annexation. Planning Commission Agenda for August 12, 2020 Page 3 COMMENT AND DISCUSSION 3. Staff Updates & Agenda Forecast ADJOURNMENT The next Special Meeting of the Planning Commission is scheduled for Thursday, August 13, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., via webinar. Th e purpose of the Special Meeting is to continue review of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan . The next Regular Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 2 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., via teleconference. APPEALS Any decision of the Planning Commission is final unless appealed to City Council within 10 days of the action (Recommendations to City Council cannot be appealed since they are not a final action). Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Commission may file an appeal with the City Clerk. Appeal forms are available at the Community Development Department office, City Clerk’s office, or on the City’s website (www.slocity.org). The appropriate appeal fee must accompany the appeal documentation. LISTENING ASSISTIVE DEVICES are available for the hearing impaired--please see the Clerk The City of San Luis Obispo wishes to make all of its public meetings accessible to the public. Upon request, this agenda will be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with disabilities. Any person with a disability who requires a modification or accommodation in order to participate in a meeting should direct such request to the City Clerk’s Office at (805) 781-7100 at least 48 hours before the meeting, if possible. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (805) 781-7410. Planning Commission regular meetings are televised live on Charter Channel 20. Agenda related writings or documents provided to the Planning Commission are available for public inspection on the City’s website: http://www.slocity.org/government/advisory-bodies. Meeting video recordings can be found on the City’s website: http://www.slocity.org/government/department- directory/city-clerk/on-demand-meeting-videos Page intentionally left blank. City of San Luis Obispo, Council Agenda, City Hall, 99 0 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo Minutes - Draft Planning Commission Minutes Planning Commission Regular Meeting Wednesday, July 22, 2020 CALL TO ORDER A Regular Meeting of the San Luis Obispo Planning Commission was called to order on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 6:00 p.m., via teleconference, by Chair Dandekar. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Michael Hopkins, Steve Kahn, Michelle Shoresman, Mike Wulkan, Vice-Chair Robert Jorgensen, and Chair Hemalata Dandekar Absent: Commissioner Nicholas Quincy Staff: Community Development Director Michael Codron, Senior Planner Brian Leveille, Assistant City Attorney Roy Hanley, and City Clerk Teresa Purrington PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None 1.CONSENT AGENDA – CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES ACTION: MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KAHN, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER HOPKINS, CARRIED 6-0-1 (WITH COMMISSIONER QUINCEY ABSENT) to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of July 8, 2020. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.Review of a four-story, 200 room dual brand hotel in the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan area; The project is consistent with the previously certified FEIR and SEIR for the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and no additional environmental review is required per CEQA; Project Address: 1035 Madonna Road; Case #: ARCH-0796-2019; Zone: Neighborhood-Commercial Zone (N-C) San Luis Ranch Specific Plan; Arris Studio, Thom Jess, applicant . Commissioner Kahn and Commissioner Hopkins recused themselves from the item. Contract Planner John Rickenbach presented the staff report and responded to Commission inquiries. Applicant Representative, Heather Wiebe, provided an overview of the project. Chair Dandekar opened the public hearing. Item 1 Packet Page 1 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 22, 2020 Page 2 of 5 Public Comments None Chair Dandekar closed the public hearing ACTION: MOTION BY VICE CHAIR JORGENSEN, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER WULKAN, CARRIED 4-0-2-1 (WITH COMMISSIONERS KAHN AND HOPKINS RECUSED AND COMMISSIONER QUINCEY ABSENT) to adopt a Resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION APPROVING THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 4-STORY, 200-ROOM DUAL BRAND HOTEL WITHIN THE NC ZONED PORTION OF THE SAN LUIS RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AREA, AND A DETERMINATION THAT THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CERTIFIED FINAL EIR FOR SAN LUIS RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN AND EXEMPT FROM FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA); AS REPRESENTED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND ATTACHMENTS DATED JULY 22, 2020 (1035 MADONNA ROAD, ARCH -0796-2019)” With staff changes presented at the meeting and the following additions: • Add to Condition 9 – “A landscaped berm shall be provided at Froom Ranch Way and Dalidio to soften views of the parking lot from the street, and to minimize headlights from shining into the hotel building.” • Staff and Applicant to explore the feasibility of a second minor access point for emergency and safety purposes. • Staff and Applicant to work on a way to soften the visual appearance of the southeast corner and south elevation of the hotel, potentially including landscaping and awnings on second and third floors, along with additional attention to the entrance from the proposed Agricultural Center. Commissioner Kahn and Commissioner Hopkins rejoined the meeting at 7:40 PM. RECESS Commission recessed at 7:40 PM and reconvened at 7:45 PM with all Commissioners present. 3. Review of five new two-bedroom, two-story single-family residences, each with an attached two-car garage. The project site is within the Mill Street Historic District and includes the retention of five, two-bedroom, single-story residences, which are on the Contributing List of Historic Properties. The project also includes a common-interest subdivision to create ten lots, each will contain one of the ten residences. The applicant has requested exceptions from development standards to allow interior side setbacks to be reduced (five feet where seven is the standard, six feet where eight feet is the standard, seven feet where nine feet is the standard, and eight feet where eleven feet is the standard) and to allow requir ed parking to be provided in tandem. A Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental review (CEQA) is proposed; Project address: 1137 Peach Street; Case #: ARCH-0568-2019, SBDV-0571-2019, EID- 0800-2019; Zone: R-2-H; Levi Seligman, owner/applicant. Item 1 Packet Page 2 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 22, 2020 Page 3 of 5 Assistant Planner Kyle Van Leeuwen presented the staff report and responded to Commission inquiries. Applicant’s representative, Will Ruoff, provided an overview of the project. Chair Dandekar opened the public hearing. Public Comments Jerry Weintraub Chair Dandekar closed the public hearing ACTION: MOTION BY COMMISSIONER WULKAN, SECOND BY COMMISSIONER HOPKINS, CARRIED 6-0-1 (COMMISSIONER QUINCEY ABSENT) to adopt a Resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, A COMMON INTEREST VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 3140 TO CREATE TEN (10) RESIDENTIAL LOTS, AND APPROVE THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW OF FI VE NEW TWO-STORY SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES IN THE MEDIUM DENSITY, HISTORIC PRESERVATION OVERLAY (R-2-H) ZONE (ARCH-0568- 2019/SBDV0571-2019/EID-0800-2019)” With a modification to Finding #12, to read: The site is physically suited for the type of development allowed in the medium-density residential (R-2) zone and provides for passive and natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision. With the following changes to Conditions: • Condition #34 amended to require infilled parkway be removed and placed with trees as staff recommended as alternative to tree wells. • New condition #7 requiring that, along south edge of property line, add trees or vertical landscaping near the property line behind the new buildings on lots 7-10 to provide privacy between the properties on Mill Street. • Condition #7, 8, & 9, amended to include “… or an alternative parking scenario acceptable to the Community Development Director to reduce tandem parking...” 4. Review of the 6th Cycle Draft Housing Element and Negative Declaration of Environmental Review; Project Address: Citywide; Case #: GENP-0217-2020 & EID-0218-2020; City of San Luis Obispo, owner/applicant Associate Planner Rachel Cohen presented the staff report and responded to Commission inquiries. Chair Dandekar opened the public hearing. Item 1 Packet Page 3 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 22, 2020 Page 4 of 5 Public Comments Pam Ricci Molly Kern Chair Dandekar closed the public hearing. ACTION: MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HOPKINS, SECOND BY VICE CHAIR JORGENSEN, CARRIED 6-0-1 (COMMISSIONER QUINCEY ABSENT) to adopt a Resolution entitled: “A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND AMENDMENTS TO THE HOUSING ELEMENT OF THE GENERAL PLAN AS REPRESENTED IN THE PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT AND ATTACHMENTS DATED JULY 22, 2020 (GENP-0217-2020 & EID-0218-2020)” With the following changes: • Amend Appendix D, Table D-2 and Program 6.13 to include two additional properties, 12500 Los Osos Valley Road (APN: 053-141-013) and APN: 053-161-020 (Los Osos Valley Road), for areas to be considered for rezone as requested in a letter submitted by Pam Ricci. • Amend Policy 7.9: Remove “outlet,” add “healthy” in front of “food,” and replace “active” with “attractive.” [With the changes, Policy 7.9 reads, “Encourage neighborhood design elements that improve overall health of residents including safe and convenient opportunities to access healthy food and attractive places for recreational exercise.”] • Directed staff to work on the wording of two new programs to support Policy 7.9 based on the language provided by the Planning Commission.[Original proposed language: “The City shall encourage each new residential and commercial development be reviewed and scored by the Healthy Communities Work Group before review and recommended approval by the appropriate advisory bodies.” and “The City shall encourage developments with 10 or more units to include the following: outdoor visiting and gathering spaces, places to exercise or recreate, and spaces reserved for edible landscape or community gardens.”] • Add “Core” after “Downtown” in Policy 2.15. • Amend Policy 5.1: Adding the language “where compatible with existing and planned surrounding development.” [With the changes, Policy 5.1 reads, “Encourage mixed-use residential/commercial projects in all commercial zones, especially those close to activity centers, where compatible with existing and planned surrounding development.”] • Amend Goal 7: Add “and livability.” [With the changes, Goal 7 reads, “Maintain, preserve and enhance the quality and livability of neighborhoods.”] Item 1 Packet Page 4 Planning Commission Meeting Minutes July 22, 2020 Page 5 of 5 COMMENT AND DISCUSSION 5. Agenda Forecast – Senior Planner Brian Leveille provided an update of upcoming projects. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. The next Regular Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 12, 2020, via teleconference. APPROVED BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION: XX/XX/2020 Item 1 Packet Page 5 Page intentionally left blank. Packet Page 6 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT SUBJECT: Public meeting to consider the Froom Ranch Specific Plan project, including related entitlements and the associated Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The project entitlements include a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, pre-zoning, and annexation. PROJECT ADDRESS: 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road  BY: Emily Creel, Contract Planner Phone: (805) 539-2870 E-mail: ecreel@swca.com     FILE NUMBER: SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV- 0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, ANNX-0335- 2020, EID-0738-2019   FROM: Tyler Corey, Principal Planner Shawna Scott, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION Take public testimony and provide input to City staff on the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, Final EIR, and related entitlements, and subject to the Commission’s input, recommend to the City Council that they take the following actions as identified in the attached Resolution (Attachment 1): (1) certify the Final EIR, adopt CEQA Findings and the Statement of Overriding Considerations, and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan; (2) approve the Froom Ranch Specific Plan based on findings that the project is consistent with the General Plan; (3) approve related project entitlements, including General Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, pre-zoning, and initiation of annexation. SITE DATA Applicant John Madonna Construction Co.,  Inc.  Representative RRM Design Group  (Pam Ricci and Victor Montgomery)  Proposed  Zoning  SP‐3 Madonna on LOVR would  require pre‐zoning for the Specific  Plan. Proposed designations  include Medium‐High Density  Residential, High Density  Residential, Commercial Retail,  Conservation/Open Space, and  Public Facilities.   General Plan SP‐3 Madonna on LOVR  Site Area Approximately 110 acres  Environmental  Status  A Final EIR has been prepared and  is now under public review but has  not yet been certified by the City  Council.   Meeting Date: August 12/13, 2020 Item Number: 2 Item 2 Packet Page 7 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 2 SITE INFORMATION/SETTING The project site consists of two parcels totaling approximately 110 acres (APNs 067-241-030 and 067-241-031) within unincorporated San Luis Obispo County, and adjacent to City of San Luis Obispo city limits. The site is located immediately west of Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) between U.S. Highway 101 and the Irish Hills Plaza. These parcels are identified for future annexation into the City in the Land Use Element (LUE) as the Madonna on LOVR Specific Plan Area (SP-3, now known as Froom Ranch). The site is characterized by flat to rolling grasslands in the lower portions of the project area, which rise to steep, rocky hills associated with Irish Hills at the southwestern (upper) portion of the property. Froom Creek bisects the project area in a generally north to so uth direction before passing under Calle Joaquin and U.S. 101 towards its confluence with San Luis Obispo Creek. Natural features within the site include wetlands, grasslands, stands of mature trees, and Froom Creek and three tributary drainages. Existing land uses at the site include horse grazing, stormwater detention basins, the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex, John Madonna Construction Co., Inc. office (within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex), staging and materials storage, active quarry area, and unpaved agricultural roads. Surrounding uses include Irish Hills Plaza (including the Costco/Home Depot shopping center) to the north, Los Osos Valley Road and auto dealerships to the east, hotels along Calle Joaquin and Mountainbrook Church to the south, and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and associated trails and open space to the west. SUMMARY John Madonna Construction Co., Inc. has proposed a project that includes several entitlements that would allow development of approximately 43.5 acres of the 110-acre project site. Requested entitlements include a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, pre-zoning, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, and annexation. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan proposes a mix of land uses, including up to 404 units of independent and assisted senior housing in a Life Plan Community (LPC) known as Villaggio, up to 174 multi-family residential units, 100,000 square feet of retail-commercial uses (including potentially a 70,000-square foot hotel), open space (60% of the project site), and a public trailhead park (see Figures 1 and 2, Zoning/Land Use Map and Conceptual Site Plan). The project requests a General Plan Amendment to allow limited development above the 150-foot elevation, and in particular, seeks to amend Policy 6.4.7(H) of the Land Use Element (LUE), which states that the Irish Hills area “should secure permanent open space with no building sites above the 150-foot elevation, in conjunction with any subdivision or development of the lower areas.” This amendment would only allow for residential development above the identified 150-foot elevation within the northwest corner of the Specific Plan area near Home Depot, within an area currently used as an active permitted quarry and construction storage area. The proposed General Plan Amendment would also amend Chapter 8 of the LUE, Special Focus Areas, to allow a reduction in the minimal amount of commercial development allowed within SP-3 and an increase in the identified maximum number of residential uses. Item 2 Packet Page 8 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 3 The project proposes to realign approximately 2,145 linear feet (0.41 mile) of Froom Creek within the Specific Plan area. The project also proposes to relocate, rehabilitate/reconstruct, and adaptively reuse four historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to the new public trailhead park, including the Main Residence, Creamery/House, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, and Granary. The project is described in detail in Section 3, below. 1.0 PLANNING COMMISSION’S PURVIEW The Planning Commission’s role is to review and provide input on the Draft Froom Ranch Specific Plan (July 2020) and related entitlements, including the General Plan Amendment, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, pre-zoning, annexation, as well as on the Final EIR, which addresses these project entitlements. The Commission will make recommendations to the City Council on certifying the Final EIR and the various project entitlements as conditioned in the Resolution attached to the staff report as Attachment 1. Additional entitlements, such as Conditional Use Permits for Villaggio, other residential development on-site, and other commercial development on-site, will come back to the Planning Commission for review after annexation and prior to development. 2.0 BACKGROUND / PREVIOUS REVIEWS 2.1 City Council Initiation of Specific Plan On April 5, 2016, the City Council authorized initiation of the Madonna on Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) Specific Plan (currently referred to as the Froom Ranch Specific Plan). Amendments to the General Plan would include a change in the land uses to include a senior residential community (Villaggio) and to allow development above 150 feet in elevation, since hillside development is regulated by several General Plan policies and programs, including Land Use Element Policy Figure 1. Zoning/Land Use Map Figure 2. Conceptual Site Plan Item 2 Packet Page 9 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 4 6.4.7(H), which states that the Irish Hills area “should secure permanent open space with no building sites above the 150-foot elevation, in conjunction with any subdivision or development of the lower areas.” The Council generally supported the concept to reduce the amount of commercial development within the Specific Plan area and increase residential uses, including through the development of a LPC within the City. As part of its initiation of the Specific Plan, however, the City Council required that the project applicant also develop a feasible “actionable alternative” that locates all development below the 150-foot elevation. 2.2 Early Pre-Application Reviews Following initiation by the City Council and prior to submittal of the Specific Plan, the applicant presented preliminary concepts for a public park incorporating onsite historic structures for pre- application advisory review as follows:  Parks and Recreation Commission (PRC) on August 3, 2016  Cultural Heritage Committee (CHC) on September 26, 2016 Based on preliminary feedback received in 2016, the applicant incorporated a public trailhead park into the project and completed the first draft of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan in July 2017 (referred to as the 2017 Draft Specific Plan). 2.3 Environmental Review Upon completion of the 2017 Draft Specific Plan, the City (working with a consultant – Wood Environment and Infrastructure Solutions, Inc.) began preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR). An Initial Study/Notice of Preparation was circulated, and a public scoping meeting was held on July 26, 2017 to receive feedback on the scope of analysis in the Draft EIR. Both the proposed project (the 2017 Draft Specific Plan) and an actionable alternative were to be evaluated in the Draft EIR. Additional details regarding the environmental review process are described in Section 4.0 below. 2.4 Conceptual Reviews The 2017 Draft Specific Plan was conceptually reviewed by a variety of advisory and decision- making bodies as follows:  CHC on August 28, 2017  Architectural Review Commission (ARC) on December 18, 2017  Planning Commission (PC) on January 24, 2018 During its conceptual review in January 2018, the PC provided preliminary feedback regarding the proposed project, including concern about development above the 150-foot elevation, concern about the size of the affordable housing site, concern about the proposed creek realignment and groundwater recharge, and concern about the cumulative effect on traffic. The PC also requested further consideration of the wildland/fire interface and need for secondary access, effects on wildlife corridors, the need for a fenced and gated Life Plan Community (Villaggio), and the extension of bike lanes and connectivity to adjacent commercial uses. The EIR evaluated each of these issues in detail. The report and minutes of these conceptual reviews are linked below in Section 10. Item 2 Packet Page 10 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 5 2.5 Draft EIR Reviews The Draft EIR was circulated for public review from November 8, 2019 through December 23, 2019. During circulation of the Draft EIR, the project was further reviewed by various advisory and decision-making bodies as follows:  CHC on November 18, 2019  ARC on December 2, 2019  PRC on December 4, 2019  Active Transportation Committee (ATC) on December 10, 2019  PC on December 11, 2019 The Draft EIR provided a comprehensive analysis of the 2017 Draft Specific Plan, as well as an evaluation of the Council-required “actionable alternative,” which was included in the Draft EIR as Alternative 1 (refer to Figures 3 and 4 below). Alternative 1 was identified as the Environmentally Superior Alternative due to a substantial reduction in potentially significant environmental impacts related to Visual Resources, Biological Resources, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, Hazards/Wildfire, Land Use and Planning (related to policy consistency), and Noise. Recommendations and comments made at each of these meetings were documented and included in the record of the public review process for the EIR; a written response to each comment was provided in the Final EIR. Copies of reports and minutes from these Draft EIR reviews are linked below in Section 10 and the Final EIR’s written responses to oral testimonies provided at these meetings are included as Attachment 5. Additional details regarding the environmental review process are described in Section 4 below. 2.6 Applicant Decision to Pursue Alternative 1 In response to the conclusions of the Draft EIR, public comments, and feedback provided by City advisory bodies and the Planning Commission during review of the Draft EIR, the Applicant publicly stated at each of the advisory and decision-making body meetings listed above in Section 2.5 that it was their intent to move forward with Alternative 1 as the Applicant’s preferred alternative. Alternative 1 maintained the same type and density of proposed land uses within the Specific Plan area, except that no development would be located above the 150-foot elevation on the Villaggio portion of the project site (in the highly-sensitive and resource rich area referred to as the Upper Terrace). In addition, Alternative 1 limited development above the 150-foot elevation on the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the project site (referred to as the “quarry area”) to development of the proposed trailhead park. At the public meetings identified in Section 2.5, above, and as a part of declaring the intent to move forward with Alternative 1, the Applicant also expressed disagreement with the proposed relocation of the park and provided reasons why they believed the park would be more appropriately located at its originally proposed location (refer to Figures 3 and 4). Concerns cited by the Applicant included public safety, wildfire risk, and lack of visual prominence and visibility from public locations. An Applicant-Revised Alternative 1, which slightly modified configuration of the proposed public park and adjacent uses, has been developed in the 2020 Specific Plan to partially address these concerns while also maintaining the park’s location adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Preserve (refer to detailed discussion in Section 3). Item 2 Packet Page 11 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 6 2.7 Preparation of Revised Specific Plan and Final EIR Following public review of the Draft EIR as described in Section 2.5, the Applicant began preparing a revised Draft Specific Plan to reflect the Applicant-Revised Alternative 1 as the Applicant’s proposed project. The revised Draft Specific Plan (the 2020 Draft Specific Plan) was finalized in July 2020 and is described in further detail in Section 3, below. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan proposes a project that largely reflects Alternative 1, with a few minor modifications as described in Section 3. The City also completed a Final EIR for the project, which is proposed for certification. The Final EIR is described in Section 4, below, and available on the City’s website: https://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/community-development/documents- online/environmental-review-documents/-folder-2086 2.8 Airport Land Use Commission A portion of the Specific Plan area lies within Safety Zone S-2 of the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport’s Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP). The Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) reviewed the project on July 15, 2020. With a unanimous vote, the ALUC determined the 2020 Specific Plan was consistent with the ALUP as conditioned in the ALUC’s Notice of Airport Land Use Commission Action. The City and Applicant have confirmed they are agreeable to the ALUC’s conditions. The Notice of ALUC Action is included as Attachment 3. Figure 4. Alternative 1 Park Location Figure 3. 2017 Draft Specific Plan Park Location Item 2 Packet Page 12 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 7 2.9 CHC Review of 2020 Specific Plan and Final EIR The CHC reviewed the 2020 Specific Plan and Final EIR as they relate to the treatment of cultural resources, and in particular the proposed treatment of historic resources within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex on July 27, 2020. The CHC made a motion recommending the Planning Commission find the 2020 Draft Specific Plan consistent with the City’s General Plan policies for cultural resources, Historic Preservation Ordinance, and Historic Preservation Program Guidelines, and that the EIR adequately addressed Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources. The draft minutes are included as Attachment 4. 3.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1 Project Description Summary Froom Ranch is envisioned as a primarily residential project with some commercial development in the northeast portion of the site closest to Los Osos Valley Road and the adjacent Irish Hills Plaza. A major component of the planned residential uses is an LPC known as Villaggio, which would provide a variety of independent and assisted senior living units. Additional residential uses in the northern portion of the site would be medium-high and high density multiple-family. The Specific Plan also designates approximately 60% of the site as Open Space and includes a public trailhead park to connect to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve, which would incorporate onsite historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex. The Applicant’s overall goals of the Specific Plan are to: 1. Develop new residential housing to meet the City’s housing needs. 2. Provide a variety of housing types and costs to meet the needs of renters and buyers with a variety of income-levels, including affordable housing for residents with low income levels. 3. Develop an LPC to meet Housing Element goals to address special housing needs for retirement aged residents of San Luis Obispo. 4. Provide new retail commercial and offices adjacent to the existing Irish Hills Plaza shopping center to achieve land use synergy and enhance services available to residents. 5. Protect and enhance creek/wetland habitats, and maintain visual resources in open space areas. 6. Provide a trailhead park that addresses the recreational needs of Specific Plan area residents, neighboring residential areas, and supports the open space trails bordering the site. 7. Evaluate historic buildings within the proposed City trailhead park with adaptive reuse of some buildings and historical identification where appropriate. 8. Phase the proposed development so that public facilities are developed concurrently with each new phase in a rational and cost-effective fashion. 9. Encourage the use of bicycles and walking within the Specific Plan area by incorporating pedestrian paths and bicycle lanes along the roads and providing connections to the trailhead park and open space areas beyond the site. Item 2 Packet Page 13 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 8 3.2 Proposed Land Uses Table 1 summarizes the proposed project relative to land use designations and development potential. Both the Planning Commission and City Council through the Specific Plan initiation process generally supported the proposed mix of uses, with increased residential units and a lower level of commercial development than currently identified for the site in the LUE. The project provides a total of 66.2 acres of Conservation/Open Space, which includes a previously dedicated 7.1-acre open space easement adjacent to Calle Joaquin that would be amended to encompass 7.8 acres of onsite wetlands. Consistent with the City’s General Plan requirement that 50% of the Specific Plan area be maintained in Open Space, 58.4 acres or approximately 53% of the site area within the Froom Ranch Specific Plan is allocated as open space (not including the existing 7.1-acre or amended/expanded 7.8-acre open space easement area). The City's LUE requires that specific plans for residential expansion areas include sites suitable for affordable housing. The minimum standards require that a total of 15% of new housing within the Specific Plan Area be affordable. An affordable housing project constructed by a qualified low- income housing developer is proposed on a portion of the R-4 site near Los Osos Valley Road. This project is intended to satisfy the Inclusionary Housing requirements of the entire Specific Plan area, including the LPC and R-3 housing and commercial development proposed in the northern (Madonna Froom Ranch) portion of the site. The Specific Plan also allows for the provision of affordable units within the Specific Plan area or the dedication of land in-lieu to a low-income housing developer. The proposed land use/zoning plan and conceptual site plan are shown in Figures 1 and 2, above. Table 1: Proposed Froom Ranch Specific Plan Land Use and Zoning Summary Land Use Zoning Acres Density Potential Units Potential Square Feet/Beds RESIDENTIAL Medium-High Density Residential – Life Plan Community - Villas - Garden Apartments - Apartments - Village Suites - Assisted living units - Memory care and skilled nursing - Ancillary facilities such as recreation center, restaurants, and theaters R-3-SP 23 13-20 du/ac - 61 - 108 - 150 - 47 - 38 - 51 beds - 67,485 sf Medium-High Density Residential Madonna Froom Multifamily Units R-3-SP 6.2 13-20 du/ac 130 High-Density Residential Madonna Froom Multifamily Apartments R-4-SP 1.8 21-24 du/ac 44 Residential Subtotal 31 5781 NON-RESIDENTIAL Retail-Commercial C-R-SP 3.0 100,0002 Conservation/Open Space C/OS-SP 66.23 Public Facilities Neighborhood Park Other (Roads) P-F-SP 3.6 5.9 Item 2 Packet Page 14 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 9 Land Use Zoning Acres Density Potential Units Potential Square Feet/Beds Non-Residential Subtotal 78.7 TOTAL 109.7 1 Exceeds LUCE range of 200-350. 2 Consistent with LUCE range of 50,000-350,000 square feet of commercial development. 3 Includes proposed project open space (58.4 acres) as well as the amended open space easement area (7.8 acres). 3.3 Proposed Development Standards Residential Development Standards. Most of the residentially zoned land within the Specific Plan area is in the Medium-High Density Residential (R-3-SP) zoning category. R-3 zoning will be utilized for two major land uses in the Specific Plan area: non-restricted housing in the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the site, and a gated senior residential community in Villaggio LPC (refer to Figure 2, Conceptual Site Plan). The Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the project also includes R-4-SP zoning to provide housing opportunities for smaller households. A portion of this zone is set aside as a potential affordable housing site. Residential development standards are identified in Table 2. Table 2: Residential Development Standards for the Froom Ranch Specific Plan1 Standard R-3-SP R-4-SP Maximum Density 20 du/ac 24 du/ac Minimum Density 13 du/ac 21 du/ac Maximum Building Coverage 60% 60% Maximum Building Height2 35 feet, up to 50 feet for multi-story LPC buildings3 35 feet Minimum Street Yard Setback 15 feet 15 feet Minimum Other Yard Setback 5 feet 5 feet Minimum Lot Size4 1,000 square feet 1,000 square feet Minimum Lot Width 20 feet 20 feet Minimum Lot Depth 50 feet 50 feet 1 Density and height standards apply to Villaggio LPC development area, but since there are not individual lots for residences, coverage, setbacks, and lot standards do not apply. 2 Building heights are measured from finished grades established at time of completion of subdivision grading. 3 Components of solar energy systems, towers, and mechanical equipment screening may extend up to 10 feet above maximum building height. 4 Small lot standards are intended to allow “building footprints” to define separate ownerships (PUD type of common interest subdivisions). Commercial Retail Development Standards. Froom Ranch includes 3.0 acres of C-R-SP, located on the northeast side of the Specific Plan area, adjacent to the Irish Hills Plaza and Los Osos Valley Road. The C-R-SP designation is intended to provide for a wide range of retail sales, business, personal and professional services, as well as recreation, entertainment, transient lodging (up to a 70,000 sf / 120-room hotel), and some residential uses. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan specifies that property development standards shall be consistent with the City’s Zoning Regulations for the C-R Zone. Item 2 Packet Page 15 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 10 3.4 Villaggio Life Plan Community The Villaggio LPC component of the project is proposed in the southern portion of the overall Froom Ranch Specific Plan Area (refer to Figure 2). It would occupy approximately 23 acres within the lower area of the project site. The LPC would be a private gated community, not directly accessible from adjacent public roadways. The major land use components and their sizes within Villaggio are listed in Table 3 below. Table 3: Villaggio Life Plan Community Project Summary Land Uses Size/Number Floor Area Independent Living 366 units Assisted Living Units 38 units 31,025 sf Memory Care 17 beds 13,880 sf Skilled Nursing 34 beds 35,006 sf Wellness Center & Pool 15,390 sf Commons Building 34,481 sf Auditorium 8,004 sf Maintenance & Welcome/Security 9,610 sf The independent living units would vary in size and type. Smaller detached structures will house two- bedroom villas (approximately 1,600-2,000 square feet each). Other smaller-scale buildings are proposed as garden terraces, which would consist of two-bedroom apartment units (approximately 1,300-1,800 square feet each). Independent living one- and two-bedroom apartments ranging in size from about 750-1,900 square feet would be included in larger buildings and upper floors of multi-use buildings within the main LPC village center. The core of the LPC community includes a complex of mixed-use buildings known as The Commons. The Commons would serve as the village center and include ground floor community accessory uses including multiple restaurants, art and crafts center, and movie theaters. The applicant’s intention is to design the Commons to feel like a central paseo with plaza areas and a pedestrian orientation. The LPC village center includes a Wellness Center, which would include recreational facilities including a swimming pool. Another key element of the overall LPC development is the Healthcare Center, a two- and three-story building located near the main project entrance. This building would include the skilled nursing and memory care beds for residents that require 24-hour care and supervision, and assisted care units. Given the security requirements and needs of the population in the community, the perimeter of the development is proposed to be fenced. There is a guard station proposed at the main entrance point to the community to control residents, visitors, and deliveries. Pedestrian access points to trails would be controlled by coded gates in fencing. 3.6 Conservation, Open Space & Recreation Dedicated Open Space. Open space is the predominant land use occupying 66.2 acres or just over 60% of the total Specific Plan area. This 66-acre total includes an existing open space easement of 7.1 acres adjacent to Calle Joaquin, which would be amended and reconfigured to encompass and permanently protect 7.8 acres of existing wetlands. Open Space calculations are shown in Table 4 and open space areas are shown in Figure 5, below. Item 2 Packet Page 16 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 11 Table 4: Open Space Calculations Area Acres Notes Project Site Total 109.7 Existing Open Space - 7.1 Dedicated via easement Improved road right-of-way - 1.4 Calle Joaquin Net Site Area 101.21 Required Open Space 50.6 50% of 101.2 acres Open Space Provided Total Open Space Provided 58.4 58% of net site area 1 Net site area is the total site area of 109.7 acres less 8.5 acres comprised of the 7.1-acre existing agriculture/open space easement and 1.4 acres of existing undedicated Calle Joaquin roadway. Trailhead Park. The City requires a minimum dedication of ten (10) acres of parkland per 1,000 residents. The Specific Plan would provide 3.6 acres of parkland in a public trailhead park. The applicant proposes to dedicate the park parcel to the City of San Luis Obispo. The applicant’s principal goal of the park is to provide connections to the surrounding public trails and adjacent Irish Hills Natural Reserve and to incorporate and adaptively reuse key historic structures from the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex. In addition, the park is proposed to include typical support features such as benches, picnic tables, restrooms, and a play area. The Froom Ranch property was used as a dairy from the 1850s to 1977 and included a complex of buildings such as a dairy barn, creamery, granary, four-bedroom house, and bunkhouse. The applicant prepared a Historic Resources Assessment (First Carbon Solutions, in association with Chattel, Inc., July 2017) for the project, which concluded that the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex was considered eligible as a potential historic district upon application of National Register of Historic Places, California Register of Historical Resources, and local City of San Luis Obispo criteria, standards, and guidelines. These buildings remain standing in the northwestern portion of the Specific Plan Area, just south of Home Depot. Per the Historic Resources Assessment, four structures within the complex were determined to be individually eligible for listing in the National and State registers, as well as on the City’s Master List of Historic Resources: the Main Residence, Creamery/House, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, and Granary. The project proposes to incorporate these four individually eligible historic structures into the public trailhead park (refer to Figure 5). The relocated historic structures are proposed to be used Figure 5. Proposed Open Space Areas Item 2 Packet Page 17 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 12 by the City’s Parks and Recreation Department, in particular the ranger staff (e.g., as a ranger station, mini-corp yard, and storage facilities). The proposed uses of these structures are described in further detail in Section 5.2 below. 3.7 Circulation Access Improvements. The proposed street system is comprised of arterial, collector, and local streets designed to accommodate traffic generated by future residents and commercial destinations (refer to Figure 6, Circulation Plan). Interior public roads within the Specific Plan area are limited to Commercial Collector Road A, which provides access to Los Osos Valley Road, Local Road A which provides access to the trailhead park, and a portion of Local Road B which provides access to the emergency access connection with Irish Hills Plaza and the entrance to Villaggio. Roads within the LPC are proposed as private roads to be maintained by the LPC. A roundabout is proposed at the intersection of Commercial Collector A and Local Road B in the Specific Plan area, with one lane of travel and a central island. Minor widening at Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) is proposed to facilitate turning movements into the Specific Plan area as an intersection with Auto Park Way and would extend just south of the planned intersection to accommodate a new transit stop (refer to Froom Ranch Specific Plan Figure 5-3 Los Osos Valley Road & Auto Park Way Intersection). The project proposes two private secondary access roads. One is within the northern portion of the Specific Plan area between the northern end of Local Road “B” and Local Road “A” before the cul-de-sac. It will provide access to multi-family housing in Madonna Froom Ranch. The second is located along Los Osos Valley Road approximately 825 feet south of the main project entry at Auto Park Way. It is intended for emergency vehicles to access the site and will have bollards to restrict passenger vehicles from entering but will allow pedestrians and bicyclists to pass safely through. Both secondary access roads would be paved and 24 feet wide. Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements. The project proposes new Class IV bicycle facilities (protected bike lanes or “cycle tracks”) along the project’s frontage with LOVR and along Commercial Collector A. A Class III bike route is proposed along the Local Road A and a portion of Local Road B, and will Figure 6. Circulation Plan Item 2 Packet Page 18 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 13 connect the bike lanes to the public park and residential areas. Local Road B will include bollards on its north end to stop vehicles from entering the adjacent shopping center, but will allow bicyclists and pedestrians to pass safely though. The conceptual bike facility network is shown on Figure 7. Pedestrian sidewalks would be located along the portion of LOVR to be widened, Commercial Collector A, and Local Roads A and B to provide pedestrian passage between residential areas to commercial and recreational areas. The project proposes a pedestrian trail system to connect to existing trails and provide additional recreational opportunities. A six-foot-wide paved pedestrian trail would extend adjacent to the realigned Froom Creek to a dead-end overlook area near the wetlands at the southern boundary of the Specific Area. Additional trail linkages are proposed to connect to existing Irish Hills trail network and Irish Hills Plaza. Trail amenities may include benches, signage, trash cans, landscaping, and dog waste stations. Additional private trail linkages would be provided within the LPC for the use of its residents and visitors and would connect to the project’s public trail system and the Irish Hills trail network. The LPC trails would be privately maintained and gate controlled. The project proposes a new transit stop just south of the Los Osos Valley Road and Auto Park Way intersection to improve access to existing transit services for Specific Plan area residents, employees, and visitors. Additional information on offsite transportation improvements that have been made requirements of the project are described in Section 5.2 below. 3.8 Project Phasing Figure 8 identifies the anticipated phasing for development of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan. These phases represent the phased approach to extending services and infrastructure throughout the Specific Plan area. Phase 1 would include rough grading, realignment of Froom Creek, and installation of major roadways, utility infrastructure, and trails. Phase 2 would include final grading and development of Villaggio. Phase 3 would include final grading and development of Madonna Froom Ranch. In some cases, property owners may wish to develop in an earlier phase than identified in Figure 8. The Specific Plan notes that this may be permitted provided the necessary infrastructure to Figure 7. Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Network Item 2 Packet Page 19 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 14 serve the proposed development is already in place, or if the project can construct the required infrastructure prior to development. 3.9 Project Financing Chapter 8 of the 2020 Draft Specific Plan analyzes the financing of public facilities associated with the land uses proposed in the Froom Ranch Specific Plan and presents a “pay-as-you-go” financing strategy. The focus of the analysis is on infrastructure and related costs necessary to serve the project directly, plus development impact fees that would be imposed on the project for other City- wide capital improvements that the project must contribute to. “Pay-as-you-go” refers to the fact that the phasing of public improvements has been designed to ensure that funds will be available to cover the cost of facilities when they are required. The facilities covered by the Chapter 8 financing plan do not include in-tract improvements for subdivisions within the Specific Plan; it is expected that these costs will be privately funded by the Specific Plan developers. 3.10 General Plan Amendment / Pre-Zoning In order to implement the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, a General Plan Amendment will be needed. The General Plan Amendment is intended to address the following:  Update the City’s Land Use Map to reflect the development pattern included in the Specific Plan, and amended City limits and Urban Reserve Line;  Update the City’s Circulation Map to reflect the circulation system included in the Specific Plan;  Update the relevant portions of the General Plan to update statistical data related to land use acreage and long-term buildout potential. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan would require two specific General Plan text amendments: (1) an amendment to LUE Section 6.4.7 to reflect an allowance for limited development above the 150-foot elevation, and (2) an amendment to LUE Section 8.1.5 to reflect an increase in the identified maximum number of housing units allowed within the SP-3 Specific Plan area. These two sections are proposed to be amended as follows (new proposed text is underlined, deleted text is shown in strike-through). Figure 8. Project Phasing Item 2 Packet Page 20 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 15 6.4.7. Hillside Planning Areas The City shall urge the County to implement the following hillside policies. Specific policies to address  particular concerns for the areas as shown on Figure 7 are listed below. For each of these areas, land  above the development limit line should be secured as permanent open space.    H. The Irish Hills area should secure permanent open space with no building sites above the 150‐foot  elevation, in conjunction with any subdivision or development of the lower areas. (See also Section 8,  Special Focus Areas.) This restriction does not apply in the location of the existing Froom Pit quarry, a  5.5‐acre red rock quarry permitted under SMARA which is heavily disturbed and where surface  elevations have fluctuated by approximately 50 feet over time (refer to Figure below).            Figure 9. Area of Development Above 150-foot Elevation Item 2 Packet Page 21 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 16   8.1.5. SP-3, Madonna on LOVR Specific Plan Area Performance Standards: This specific plan shall meet the following performance standards.    Type Designations Allowed % of Site Minimum1 Maximum Residential (Mixed Use) MDR MHDR HDR 200 units 578 350 units Commercial NC CR 50,000 SF 350,000 SF Parks PARK Open Space / Agriculture OS AG Minimum 50% Public n/a Infrastructure n/a 1 There can be a reduction in the minimum requirement based on specific physical and/or environmental constraints. The Specific Plan land use designations also form the basis for pre-zoning the site. This information will be forwarded to Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) as the basis for long-term development in the City. Once annexed, the Specific Plan will constitute the zoning for the site, and the City’s zoning map will be updated accordingly. 3.11 Vesting Tentative Tract Map The project includes a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (Attachment 2), which addresses future development within the Specific Plan area. The map includes details that go beyond those included in the Specific Plan, including information on lot locations, roadways, drainage, grading, and other information typically associated with Tentative Maps. The Tentative Map would facilitate development within the areas it covers. It is intended to be consistent with the Specific Plan – implementing its policies, zoning standards, and Design Guidelines. The Map also includes details regarding proposed roadways and circulation improvements. A future tract map (or maps) would be required for further subdivision within the Specific Plan area (e.g., for any further individual lot subdivision within the Madonna Froom Ranch component of the project). 3.12 Annexation Along with the processing of the Final EIR and other entitlements, the City Council will consider adoption of a resolution to initiate annexation of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan property to the City. Following City Council action on project entitlements including adoption of the Specific Plan and certification of the Final EIR, the project will be submitted to LAFCO for the formal annexation review process. LAFCO works with the City and County of San Luis Obispo to negotiate tax sharing and to ensure that a proper plan of services is in place to guide orderly development of the annexed property. Both the City limits and Urban Reserve Line (URL) would be amended upon annexation. Item 2 Packet Page 22 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 17 4.0 PREPARATION OF THE FINAL EIR 4.1 Final EIR Process Under the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), a 45-day public review period of the Draft EIR for the Froom Ranch Specific Plan Project began November 8, 2019 and ended on December 23, 2019. CEQA does not require that a public meeting be held during the public review period but does encourage it. The Planning Commission held a public hearing to solicit input on the Draft EIR on December 11, 2019. The Draft EIR was also reviewed at public hearings before the following advisory bodies in November/December 2019: CHC, ARC, PRC, and ATC (refer to discussion in Section 2.5). The City received written comments on the Draft EIR from four state agencies, four local agencies, eight organizations, and ten individuals. In addition, a total of 20 oral testimonies were received from individuals during the Planning Commission and advisory body hearings in November/December 2019. The Final EIR is a compilation of the Draft EIR, responses to comments to the Draft EIR, and any changes made as a result of those comments. In some cases, revisions were made to the Draft EIR to clarify information, data, or intent, or to make minor typographical corrections or minor working changes. Pursuant to CEQA, written responses to all comments received on the Draft EIR have been included in Chapter 8 of the Final EIR, available for review on the City’s website: https://www.slocity.org/Home/ShowDocument?id=27520 Although changes were made to the Final EIR, none of these changes represent significant new information, substantive new analysis, an adverse change of severity related to the significance of a given impact, or additional mitigation measures needed to reduce new or more severe significant impacts. Several mitigation measures in the Draft EIR were revised as a result of these responses to comments, in order to clarify or improve their effectiveness. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan, although a slight variation of Alternative 1, was adequately analyzed in the EIR (covered by the analysis of the originally proposed project and Alternative 1). In Residents Against Specific Plan 380 v. County of Riverside (9 Cal.App.5th 941), the California Court of Appeals (Fourth Appellate District – Division Two) held that changes to the allocation and arrangement of uses within a specific plan area that don’t change the kinds of uses permitted, or the overall extent or density of the proposed development, or the project footprint, did not require revision and recirculation of the EIR when substantial evidence was provided that the changes would not result in any new or more severe environmental impacts that were not previously identified in the EIR. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan proposes a reduced project alternative that, like Alternative 1, would substantially reduce potential environmental impacts in comparison to the originally proposed project. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan’s incorporation of identified mitigation measures would further reduce potential environmental impacts in comparison to Alternative 1. The limited development proposed above 150 feet under the 2020 Draft Specific Plan is less than that proposed in the originally proposed project and includes uses (the public trailhead park) that the Draft EIR determined would avoid and reduce environmental impacts when compared to the original project. Therefore, the 2020 Draft Specific Plan would not result in new or more severe impacts not previously analyzed in the Draft EIR and additional evaluation is not necessary to meet the requirements of CEQA. Item 2 Packet Page 23 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 18 4.2 Final EIR Conclusions Based on the analysis in the Final EIR, the project will result in the following significant and unavoidable impacts:  Aesthetic and Visual Resources o Impact VIS-2: The Project would significantly impact the existing visual character of the site by changing a rural setting to a commercial and residential setting, particularly as viewed from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve trail system and the Froom Creek Connector Trail and trailhead. o Cumulative Aesthetic and Visual Resource Impacts: The Project, in combination with approved, pending, and proposed development in the City, would contribute toward creating a defined transition from the rural environment towards the south of the City to the urban environment to the north of the City.  Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions o Impact AQ-2: Exceedance of APCD operational-emissions thresholds o Impact AQ-4: Inconsistency with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions o Impact AQ-5: Inconsistency with the 2001 Clean Air Plan o Cumulative Air Quality Impacts: Cumulative impacts from operational emissions, inconsistencies with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions, and inconsistencies with the 2001 Clean Air Plan from buildout of the LUCE  Biological Resources o Cumulative Biological Resource Impacts: Cumulative impacts from conversion of agricultural and open lands to developed urban uses, resulting in losses of open space and habitats supporting sensitive and/or special-status species, and loss of wildlife corridors  Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources o Impact CR-3: Loss of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Dairy historic district o Cumulative Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Impacts: Cumulative loss of known archaeological resources and historic structures  Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire o Impact HAZ-1: Exacerbation of wildfire risks by developing residential uses adjacent to a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone o Cumulative Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Impacts: Exacerbation of hazards from wildfire from cumulative development  Land Use and Planning o Impact LU-1: Project inconsistency with City plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards o Cumulative Land Use and Planning Impacts: Project and potential cumulative project Item 2 Packet Page 24 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 19 inconsistencies with City plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards  Transportation and Traffic o Impact TRANS-2: Exacerbation of queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Existing plus Project conditions o Impact TRANS-3: Exacerbation of queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Near-Term plus Project conditions The Final EIR also finds that there will be significant impacts that can be mitigated to less than significant in the categories of Aesthetics and Visual Resources, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Biological Resources, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Public Services and Recreation, Transportation and Traffic, and Utilities and Energy Conservation. Impacts related to Agricultural Resources, Population and Housing, Mineral Resources, as well as certain issue areas related to Aesthetics and Visual Resources, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Geology and Soils, Hazards/Hazardous Materials/Wildfire, Hydrology and Water Quality, Land Use and Planning, Noise, Public Services and Recreation, and Utilities and Energy Conservation were found to be less than significant. The MMRP attached to the Draft Resolution (Attachment 1) summarizes the project’s impacts and mitigation measures. The Final EIR must be certified before or concurrent with an action to approve the proposed project entitlements. 4.3 CEQA Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and MMRP The City has prepared a draft set of CEQA Findings, a draft Statement of Overriding Considerations, and a draft Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP), all of which are included as attachments to the Draft Resolution (Attachment 1). The uses proposed under the 2020 Draft Specific Plan were adequately analyzed in the EIR (covered by the analysis of the originally proposed project and Alternative 1), and is fully reflected in the Draft CEQA Findings, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and MMRP attached to the Draft Resolution. Item 2 Packet Page 25 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 20 5.0 DISCUSSION 5.1 General Plan Guidance and Policy Consistency The Froom Ranch Specific Plan Area (SP-3) was one of three Specific Plan areas designated for development in the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements update, which was adopted by the City Council in December 2014. The project is intended to be generally consistent with policy direction for the area included in the General Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policy 8.1.5, which identifies the Madonna on LOVR (Froom Ranch) area as a Special Focus Area (SP- 3), subject to policies for the development of a specific plan and certain broad development parameters and principles. For clarity, the entire policy is provided in Figure 10. The project requests a General Plan Amendment to (1) allow limited development above the 150-foot elevation, and (2) to increase the number of allowable residential units within the Specific Plan area, as described in Section 3.10, above. On balance, the project is intended to be consistent with all other General Plan policies, including those in the Circulation, Safety, Conservation and Open Space, and Water and Wastewater elements. An evaluation of the original project’s consistency with General Plan policies is discussed at length in Section 3.9 of the Final EIR. In short, the analysis found that the project would be consistent with all General Plan policies with prescribed mitigation measures included in the Final EIR, with the exception of the following, where a finding of “potentially inconsistent” was made:  Land Use Element Policy 1.4 (Urban Edges Character)  Land Use Element Policy 1.8.1 (Open Space Protection) Figure 10. LUE Policy 8.1.5 SP-3, Madonna on LOVR Item 2 Packet Page 26 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 21  Land Use Element Policy 1.8.5 (Building Design and Siting)  Land Use Element Policy 1.13.8 (Open Space)  Land Use Element Policy 2.3.7 (Natural Features)  Land Use Element Policy 6.4.1 (Hillside Policies)  Land Use Element Policy 6.4.2 (Development Limits)  Land Use Element Policy 6.4.7 (Hillside Planning Areas)  Land Use Element Policy 6.6.1 (Creek and Wetland Management Objectives)  Land Use Element Policy 6.6.3 (Amenities and Access)  Land Use Element Policy 8.1.5 (SP-3 Madonna on LOVR Specific Plan Area)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 3.3.1 (Historic Preservation)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 3.3.3 (Historic Documentation)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 3.3.4 (Changes to Historic Buildings)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.3.1 (Protect Listed Species)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.3.2 (Species of Local Concern)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.3.3 (Wildlife Habitat and Corridors)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.5.4 (Preservation of Grassland Communities and Other Habitat Types)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.5.5 (Soil Conservation)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.7.7 (Preserve Ecotones)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.7.8 (Protect Wildlife Corridors)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 8.2.2 (Open Space within the Urban Area)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 8.3.1 (Open Space within an Urban Area)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 8.3.2 (Open Space Buffers)  Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 9.2.1 (Views to and from Public Places, including Scenic Roadways) The EIR determined that, overall, impacts related to potential policy inconsistencies would be substantially reduced under Alternative 1, primarily as a result of removing all development from the sensitive Upper Terrace. The 2020 Specific Plan, as a slightly modified version of Alternative 1, would similarly result in a substantial reduction of potential policy inconsistencies in comparison to the originally proposed project. Alternative 1 was found to be substantially more consistent with the General Plan LUE and COSE policies that protect sensitive biological, cultural, open space, and visual resources. The Final EIR (pages 5-75 through 5-77) determined that avoidance of development within the Upper Terrace would protect biological resources, including federal and state jurisdictional wetlands and special status plant species. Required implementation of MM BIO-13 (which has been incorporated into the design of the 2020 Draft Specific Plan) would result in relocation of residential uses in the southwest portion of Villaggio to maintain a buffer on the centerline of the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 with Froom Creek, consistent with General Plan policies designed to protect wildlife corridors and ecotones (COSE Policies 7.7.7 and 7.7.8). The following analysis discusses each policy, relative to making a consistency determination for the currently proposed project (2020 Draft Specific Plan). Land Use Element Policy 1.4: Urban Edges Character. The City shall maintain a clear boundary between San Luis Obispo's urban development and surrounding open land. Item 2 Packet Page 27 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 22 Development just inside the boundary shall provide measures to avoid a stark-appearing edge between buildings in the City and adjacent open land. Such measures may include: using new or existing groves or windrows of trees, or hills or other landforms, to set the edge of development; increasing the required side-yard and rear-yard setbacks; and providing open space or agricultural transition buffers. Land Use Element Policy 1.8.5: Building Design and Siting. All new buildings and structures should be subordinate to and in harmony with the surrounding landscape. The City should encourage County adoption of regulations prohibiting new structures on ridge lines or in other visually prominent or environmentally sensitive locations, and allowing transfer of development rights from one parcel to another in order to facilitate this policy. Land Use Element Policy 2.3.7: Natural Features. The City shall require residential developments to preserve and incorporate as amenities natural site features, such as land forms, views, creeks, wetlands, wildlife habitats, wildlife corridors, and plants. Land Use Element Policy 6.4.1: Hillside Policies. The City shall maintain comprehensive standards and policies for hillside development for the following reasons: A. To protect and preserve scenic hillside areas and natural features such as the volcanic Morros, ridge lines, plant communities, rock outcroppings and steep slope areas that function as landscape backdrops for the community. B. To set the limits of commercial and residential development in hillside areas by establishing a permanent open space green belt at the edge of the community. C. To protect the health, safety and welfare of community residents by directing development away from areas with hazards such as landslides, wildland fires, flooding and erosion. Land Use Element Policy 6.4.2: Development Limits. The City shall establish and maintain clear development limit lines for hillside planning areas, and special design standards for the hillside areas. The location of the development limit and the standards should cause development to avoid encroachment into sensitive habitats or unique resources as defined in the COSE, and public health and safety problems related to utility service, access, wildland fire hazard, erosion, flooding, and landslides and other geologic hazards. Also, the development limit line and the standards should help protect the city’s scenic setting. Conservation and Open Space Policy 8.3.2: Open Space Buffers. When activities close to open space resources within or outside the urban area could harm them, the City will require buffers between the activities and the resources. Buffers associated with new development shall be on the site of the development, rather than on neighboring land containing the open space resource. Buffers shall be adequate for the most sensitive species in the protected area, as determined by a qualified professional and shall complement the protected area’s habitat values. Conservation and Open Space Policy 8.3.1: Open Space within an Urban Area. The City will preserve the areas listed in Goal 8.2.2 (creek corridors, including open channel with natural banks and vegetation, wetlands and vernal pools, grassland communities and woodlands, wildlife habitat corridors, habitat of listed species, and unique plant and animal communities Item 2 Packet Page 28 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 23 including “species of local concern”) and will encourage individuals, organizations, and other agencies to do likewise. The City will designate these areas as Open Space or Agriculture in the General Plan. Conservation and Open Space Policy 9.2.1: Views to and from Public Places, including Scenic Roadways. Preserve and improve views of important scenic resources from public places...including streets and roads. Analysis: The project site is located within the City’s Sphere of Influence (SOI), is planned for growth under SP-3, and would be annexed to the City consistent with adopted policy and LAFCO review. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan would preserve mature trees and riparian vegetation along the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 with Froom Creek, which would screen and soften the visual transition between open space uses in the Upper Terrace and urban development in Villaggio. The edge of development within the Specific Plan area would be set by the Irish Hills and would generally be consistent with adjacent uses on the west side of LOVR. By limiting development to the lower portion of the site except for the trailhead park and limited multi-family residential uses in a highly disturbed area within Madonna Froom Ranch, the project does not propose development on ridge lines or in visually prominent or sensitive locations. On the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the site, the public trailhead park in the uppermost portion of the site would provide a transition buffer between the adjacent open space and multi-family uses. The project would enhance Froom Creek and provide public access and wetland viewing locations. The project would substantially reduce risks associated with landslides, wildland fires, flooding, and erosion in comparison to the originally proposed project. The project would also preserve the most sensitive portions of the project site in the Upper Terrace, consistent with these policies. Land Use Element Policy 1.8.1: Open Space Protection. Within the City's planning area and outside the urban reserve line, undeveloped land should be kept open. Prime agricultural land, productive agricultural land, and potentially productive agricultural land should be protected for farming. Scenic lands, sensitive wildlife habitat, and undeveloped prime agricultural land should be permanently protected as open space. Land Use Element Policy 1.13.8: Open Space. The City shall require that each annexation help secure permanent protection for areas designated open space, and for the habitat types and wildlife corridors within the annexation area that are identified in the COSE. Analysis: The project would preserve over 60% of the Specific Plan area in open space, in excess of the amount required by the City’s General Plan (which identifies a minimum of 50% open space for the Specific Plan area). Mitigation Measure BIO-13 requires the development of a 300-foot-wide buffer along the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 with Froom Creek to preserve a wildlife corridor, which has been incorporated into the 2020 Draft Specific Plan. The project would amend and expand an existing agriculture/open space easement from 7.1 acres to 7.8 acres. The project would also be required to comply with LAFCO’s Agricultural Policies, which require substitution of prime soils (as defined by LAFCO policies) converted by the project at a 1:1 ratio, through acquisition and dedication of farmland, payment of in-lieu fees, or other measures that meet the intent of the policy. In addition, a portion of the mapped prime agricultural lands onsite contain wetlands, which would be preserved and enhanced by the project, consistent with these policies. Item 2 Packet Page 29 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 24 Land Use Element Policy 6.4.7: Hillside Planning Areas. The City shall urge the County to implement the following hillside policies. Specific policies to address particular concerns for the area as shown on Figure 7 are listed below. For each of these areas, land above the development limit line should be secured in open space. H. The Irish Hills area should secure permanent open space with no building sites above the 150-foot elevation, in conjunction with any subdivision or development of the lower areas. Analysis: The project seeks a General Plan Amendment to modify this policy to allow limited development above the 150-foot elevation in a heavily disturbed area in the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the project site. Development proposed above the 150-foot elevation is predominantly associated with the public trailhead park, which would provide a substantial community benefit through increased access to the existing trail system within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The park would also provide education opportunities related to the interpretive plan and documentation of the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex. The limited (0.7 acre) multi-family residential uses in this location would also contribute to the Specific Plan’s goals for providing multi-family housing within the Specific Plan area. The area above 150 feet where development would occur is currently heavily disturbed by historical mining, stockpiling, and construction storage uses; therefore, the proposed development would not impact sensitive environmental resources this policy is intended to protect. Land Use Element Policy 6.6.1: Creek and Wetland Management Objectives. Maintain and restore natural conditions and habitats; minimize flooding damage; recognize sections of creeks which are in largely natural areas and manage for maximum ecological value. The City shall manage its lake, creeks, wetlands, floodplains, and associated wetlands to achieve the multiple objectives of: A. Maintaining and restoring natural conditions and fish and wildlife habitat; B. Preventing loss of life and minimizing property damage from flooding; C. Providing recreational opportunities which are compatible with fish and wildlife habitat, flood protection, and use of adjacent private properties. Land Use Element Policy 6.6.3: Amenities and Access. New development adjacent to creeks must respect the natural environment and incorporate the natural features as project amenities, providing doing so does not diminish natural values. Developments along creeks should include public access across the development site to the creek and along the creek, provided that wildlife habitat, public safety, and reasonable privacy and security of the development can be maintained, consistent with the COSE. Conservation and Open Space Policy 8.2.2: Open Space within the Urban Area. Within the urban area, the City will secure and maintain a diverse network of open land encompassing particularly valuable natural and agricultural resources, connected with the landscape around the urban area. Particularly valuable resources include: A. Creek corridors, including open channels with natural banks and vegetation. B. Wetlands and vernal pools. C. Undeveloped land within the Urban Reserve not intended for urban uses. D. Grassland communities and woodlands. Item 2 Packet Page 30 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 25 E. Wildlife habitat and corridors for the health and mobility of individuals and of the species. F. The habitat of species listed as threatened or endangered by the State or Federal governments. G. Prime agricultural soils and economically viable farmland. H. Groundwater recharge areas. I. Historically open-space settings for cultural resources, native and traditional landscapes. J. Hills, ridgelines and the Morros. K. Unique plant and animal communities, including “species of local concern.” Analysis: The project would relocate approximately 0.4 mile of Froom Creek. However, the existing creek provides little to no riparian habitat and the project proposes to restore and substantially increase the habitat value along the creek corridor. The existing location of the creek channel has been altered through site disturbance and development of a berm that holds the creek up against the base of the Irish Hills. The proposed relocation would realign the creek through the project site on an alignment that more closely matches its historic alignment. Through the enhanced connectivity with the Calle Joaquin wetlands and development of the stormwater drainage basin, the project would increase flood capacity within the Specific Plan area. The project provides substantial recreational opportunities, including the Froom Creek Trail, which would extend along the realigned creek throughout the Specific Plan area and provide wetland viewing opportunities and other amenities. These features have been sited and designed through consultation with regulatory agencies to minimize impacts to sensitive resources onsite, consistent with these policies. Land Use Element Policy 8.1.5: SP-3 Madonna on LOVR Specific Plan Area. The purpose of the specific plan is to provide design flexibility that will secure the appropriate development of the site while protecting sensitive environmental resources on the site. Development on the site should be a compact, mixed-use project that provides workforce housing options and neighborhood commercial uses that support pedestrian and bicycle access. Analysis: The project proposes compact development limited primarily to the lower portions of the site, including substantial opportunities for multi-family housing within Madonna Froom Ranch. The project also provides limited commercial/retail uses and increased connectivity to adjacent commercial uses to support onsite residential uses. The project would develop substantial on- and off- site pedestrian and bicycle facilities as described in Section 3.7 above and 5.2 below. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan would result in substantially reduced environmental impacts in comparison to the originally proposed project, consistent with this policy. Conservation and Open Space Policy 3.3.1: Historic Preservation. Significant historic and architectural resources should be identified, preserved, and rehabilitated. Conservation and Open Space Policy 3.3.3: Historic Documentation. Buildings and other cultural features that are not historically significant but which have historical or architectural value should be preserved or relocated where feasible. Where preservation or relocation is not feasible, the resources shall be documented and the information retained in a secure but publicly accessible location. An acknowledgement of the resources should be incorporated Item 2 Packet Page 31 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 26 within the site through historic signage and the reuse or display of historic material and artifacts. Conservation and Open Space Policy 3.3.4: Changes to Historic Buildings. Changes or additions to historically or architecturally significant buildings should be consistent with the original structure and follow the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Buildings. New buildings in historical districts, or on historically significant sites, should reflect the form, spacing and neighborhood’s architectural character should be maintained. Analysis: The 2020 Draft Specific Plan proposes to relocate and reconstruct/rehabilitate four individually significant structures into the trailhead park for adaptive reuse: the Main Residence, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, Creamery/House, and Granary. Mitigation Measures CR-9 through CR- 14 would reduce impacts to these historic resources to the maximum extent feasible. All historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex would be documented per Secretary of the Interior standards prior to removal or relocation, and mitigation in the EIR requires such documentation to be made permanently available to the public. The EIR determined the project would result in a significant and unavoidable impact to historic resources based on the demolition of three structures that were determined to be contributors to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district (the Old Barn, Bunkhouse, and Shed). The City’s Cultural Heritage Committee reviewed the 2020 Draft Specific Plan and Final EIR on July 27, 2020 and found the project to be consistent with the City’s General Plan policies for cultural resources, Historic Preservation Ordinance, and Historic Preservation Program Guidelines, because the 2020 Draft Specific Plan proposes to relocate and reconstruct/rehabilitate four individually significant structures into the trailhead park for adaptive reuse. The three structures that will be demolished are contributors to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex but are not individually significant. All historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex would be documented per Secretary of the Interior standards prior to removal or relocation, and the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requires such documentation to be made permanently available to the public. Because the applicant will invest in the relocation, rehabilitation, and restoration of four of the seven structures contributing to the Complex such that they will be incorporated into a public park located within the Specific Plan area and utilized by the City and the public, and as the three structures proposed for demolition are not individually significant, restoration or rehabilitation of these three structures is impractical. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.3.1: Protect Listed Species. City will comply with state and Federal requirements for listed species; City will protect listed species through its actions on…development applications. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.3.2: Species of Local Concern. The City will:  Maintain healthy populations of native species in the long term, even though they are not listed for protection under State or Federal laws. These “species of local concern” are at the limit of their range in San Luis Obispo, or threats to their habitat are increasing.  Identify the location, habitat and buffer needs of species of local concern. This information will be developed by qualified people early in the planning and development review process. Item 2 Packet Page 32 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 27  Protect species of local concern through: its actions on land use designations, development standards, development applications; the location, design, construction, and maintenance of City facilities; land that the City owns or manages.  Encourage individuals, organizations, and other agencies to protect species of local concern within their areas of responsibility and jurisdiction.  Protect sensitive habitat, including creeks, from encroachment by livestock and human activities. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.5.4: Preservation of Grassland Communities and Other Habitat Types. Grassland communities and other habitat types in the Greenbelt and in designated open space areas shall be preserved. Analysis: The project substantially reduces potential impacts on listed species through the removal of proposed development in the highly sensitive Upper Terrace (refer to Figure 11). City staff and the applicant’s team have coordinated extensively with federal and state regulatory staff to ensure the project meets state and federal requirements for listed species. Mitigation identified in the EIR, including BIO-1 (Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan), BIO-2 (Biological Construction Monitoring), BIO-3 (Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan), BIO-4 (Avoidance, Restoration, or Replacement of Sensitive Natural Communities), BIO-5 (Wetland Restoration), BIO-6 (Habitat Restoration Requirements), BIO-9 (Froom Creek Habitat Restoration), BIO-10 (Chorro Creek Bog Thistle and Special-Status Plant Management), and BIO-11 (Special-Status Wildlife Species Management) would ensure potential impacts to special-status species and species of local concern and their habitats would be mitigated to less than significant. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.3.3: Wildlife Habitat and Corridors. Continuous wildlife habitat, including corridors free of human disruption, shall be preserved and where necessary, created by interconnecting open spaces, wildlife habitat, and corridors. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.7.7: Preserve Ecotones. Condition or modify development approvals to ensure that “ecotones,” or natural transitions along the edges of different habitat types, are preserved and enhanced because of their importance to wildlife. Natural ecotones of particular concern include those along the margins of riparian corridors, marshlands, vernal pools, and oak woodlands, where they transition to grasslands and other habitat types. Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.7.8: Protect Wildlife Corridors. Condition development permits in accordance with applicable mitigation measures to ensure that important corridors for wildlife movement and dispersal are protected. Features of particular importance to wildlife include riparian corridors, wetlands, lake shorelines, and protected natural areas with cover and water. Linkages and corridors shall be provided to maintain connections between habitat areas. Analysis: Mitigation Measure BIO-13 requires development of a 300-foot-wide buffer along the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 with Froom Creek to maintain this important connection between open space areas and the water resources in Froom Creek and the Calle Joaquin wetlands as a wildlife corridor. The 2020 Draft Specific Plan has incorporated this measure into its land use plan and removed all structures from within this buffer (refer to Figures 15 and 16). Item 2 Packet Page 33 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 28 Conservation and Open Space Policy 7.5.5: Soil Conservation. Public and private development projects shall be designed to prevent soil erosion, minimize landform modifications to avoid habitat disturbance, and conserve and reuse onsite soils. Analysis: Siting proposed development in the lower portion of the site and avoiding development in the steeper Upper Terrace would reduce the risk of soil erosion and avoid substantial landform modifications in the Irish Hills. Development above 150 feet in the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the Specific Plan would occur in an area that is already heavily modified by historic mining and stockpiling uses. Grading of this area would mimic the more natural elevations of the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex and would improve landform modifications that have occurred in the past. Implementation of standard mitigation measures would also ensure erosion and sedimentation would not adversely affect sensitive resources (e.g., Froom Creek) during project construction. The project would require import of large quantities of fill material to raise the elevation of the lower portions of the site out of the 100-year flood zone; however, onsite soils would be reused to the extent feasible, including through use of cobbles and material within the existing Froom Creek corridor in the new realigned channel. Item 2 Packet Page 34 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 29 5.2 Analysis of Key Project Issues Development above the 150-Foot Elevation The City Council directed staff and the applicant to evaluate an “actionable alternative” that locates development below the 150-foot elevation. The EIR evaluated “Alternative 1,” which limited uses above the 150-foot elevation to open space and the public trailhead park adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. No residential or commercial development is proposed above 150 feet under Alternative 1. Following circulation of the Draft EIR, staff worked extensively with the applicant team to develop the current recommendation (the 2020 Draft Specific Plan), which limits use in the area above the 150-foot elevation in the southwestern (Villaggio) portion of the Specific Plan area (known as the “Upper Terrace”) to open space, but allows development of the public trailhead park as well as 0.7 acre of multi-family residential uses above 150 feet in the northwestern (Madonna Froom Ranch) portion of the site (known as the “quarry area”). The Upper Terrace supports a diverse range of biological and cultural resources (refer to Figure 11). The EIR identified numerous potentially significant environmental impacts associated with development in this portion of the project site. The quarry area, which encompasses almost the entirety of the area above 150 feet on the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the project, is an active quarry and construction storage yard. The quarry area is heavily and regularly disturbed with very limited environmental resources (refer to Figures 11 and 12). Per the project Applicant (and property owner), elevation changes at this location have varied since the Madonna’s purchase of the property in 1976 by as much as 50 feet, due to ongoing mining and stockpiling activities. The Applicant estimates that the maximum elevation at this location was approximately 190 feet and the lowest elevation of the quarry was approximately 135 feet. Figure 11. Constraints Map Upper Terrace Quarry Area Item 2 Packet Page 35 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 30 The 2020 Draft Specific Plan designates the quarry area predominantly as Public Facility to accommodate the proposed public trailhead park, while also allowing a limited amount (0.7 acre) of Medium-High Density (R-3-SP) residential zoning, as well (refer to Figures 13 and 14). City staff and the Applicant team coordinated extensively with the City Parks and Recreation Department regarding the adaptive re-use of the four historic buildings to be incorporated into the public trailhead park, and the results of those discussions are reflected in the current park concept plan. These structures are proposed to provide storage for ranger and public works maintenance equipment and vehicles, ranger offices, opportunities for interpretive materials and programs, covered seating/picnic area, small play area, and restroom facilities. The differences in the proposed land use pattern between Alternative 1 and the 2020 Draft Specific Figure 14. Proposed Park Concept Figure 13. Land Use Designations - Quarry Area Figure 12. Quarry Area 150-foot elevation Item 2 Packet Page 36 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 31 Plan land use plan and concept plan are minor, and are predominantly limited to the change in proposed uses in the quarry area described above and in the incorporation of Mitigation Measure BIO-13 identified in the EIR, which requires the establishment of a 300-foot-wide buffer along the Upper Terrace drainages confluence with Froom Creek to preserve a wildlife corridor. Incorporation of this measure resulted in the relocation of residential uses within Villaggio under Alternative 1 that would have been located in close proximity to the sensitive natural drainages as they exit the Upper Terrace and connect with Froom Creek (refer to Figures 15 and 16, below). Realignment of Froom Creek, Wetlands, and Flooding A key component of the project is the proposed realignment of Froom Creek through the Specific Plan area. Froom Creek is an intermittent stream with a relatively narrow channel and incised banks that traverses the Specific Plan area generally in a north to south direction, and ultimately flows beneath U.S. Highway 101 via two concrete box culverts, heading to its confluence with San Luis Obispo Creek. Froom Creek has a history of periodic flooding. The analysis in the EIR states that while some overbank flow contributes to wetland habitat along Calle Joaquin, the primary function of Froom Creek appears to be groundwater recharge, and subsurface maintenance of the Calle Joaquin wetland area.1 1 Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calculations, Prepared for the Froom Ranch Specific Plan (RRM, July 2017) Figure 15. Alternative 1 Land Use Plan Figure 16. 2020 Draft Specific Plan Land Use Plan Item 2 Packet Page 37 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 32 Historically, Froom Creek had a different alignment through the project site. The project proposes to realign Froom Creek to accommodate development of the site and more closely align with its historic alignment through the Specific Plan area. The realigned creek would be designed to accommodate 100-year storm flows within the creek banks. The historic, existing, and proposed creek alignments are shown in Figure 17. The proposed realignment of Froom Creek was extensively evaluated through the EIR process to determine whether the proposed change in hydrologic conditions would adversely affect the Calle Joaquin wetland or exacerbate flooding potential. Project development would substantially alter onsite drainage patterns through realignment of Froom Creek, reconstruction of the LOVR ditch, installation of the Home Depot ditch, replacement of the existing onsite detention basin with the proposed stormwater detention basin on Mountainbrook Church property, increases in impervious surfaces, and fill of the Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas to raise site elevation by approximately one foot. The EIR determined that implementation of proposed stormwater treatment and retention measures would adequately attenuate all stormwater peak flows and even slightly reduce peak flows at the U.S. 101 double box culvert. Considering proposed stormwater management system improvements and the Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calculations prepared by RRM Design Group for the project, stormwater would be adequately managed, maintained, and attenuated through on- and offsite stormwater control features, which have been designed consistent with the requirements of the City Drainage Design Manual and State Post Construction Requirements. The Applicant’s hydrologic reports and modeling have been reviewed by City Engineering staff and determined to be adequate. Because the Calle Joaquin wetlands are primarily sustained by groundwater, the EIR determined that after project build-out, the wetlands would continue to be supported by shallow groundwater adjacent to Calle Joaquin. However, the project would increase the connectivity of surface water flow from Froom Creek into the wetlands from approximately a 10-year storm event to a 2-year storm event. This increased connectivity due to the realignment of Froom Creek would result in more frequent inundation of the wetland and increased risk of sedimentation. Because it is predominantly supported by groundwater, the EIR determined that the wetland is still anticipated to exist after build-out under the Specific Plan; however, some wetland characteristics may be altered by the increased frequency of inundation and/or increased risk of sedimentation. Therefore, the Final EIR includes mitigation requiring a comprehensive long-term monitoring plan to document and evaluate potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands due to realignment of Froom Creek and development of the Specific Plan area. The long-term monitoring plan was developed after additional coordination with state and federal regulatory agencies and sets forth clear performance standards and thresholds to determine if the Calle Joaquin wetlands are adversely affected. The requirements of the long-term monitoring plan were largely based on the monitoring requirements for the “cutoff” wetlands south of Calle Joaquin (near the Hampton Inn), when Calle Figure 17. Froom Creek Alignments Item 2 Packet Page 38 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 33 Joaquin Road was realigned. Documented adverse effects would be mitigated through adaptive management strategies onsite and, if unsuccessful, through wetland replacement at a 3:1 ratio. This mitigation requirement would reduce potential impacts on wetlands to less than significant. Wildfire The EIR identified a potentially significant impact related to wildfire hazards and emergency response and the need for wildfire fuel management in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The rugged, sloped terrain of the Irish Hills make firefighting challenging and the project would eliminate the existing buffer between the Irish Hills and urban development in the Specific Plan area. Public Resources Code Section 4291 would require the project to establish a 100-foot clearance between structures and highly flammable vegetation to create a defensible space. This defensible space typically involves fuel modification within the buffer zone where combustible native or ornamental vegetation is modified or replaced with drought-tolerant, low-fuel-volume plants. Mitigation Measure HAZ-2 requires preparation of a Community Fire Protection Plan, developed by a City-qualified team of specialists (fire management professionals, biologists) to design the creation and maintenance of the required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and to detail the methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible. The Plan would be subject to review and approval by the San Luis Obispo Fire Department and Sustainability & Natural Resources Official (Natural Resources Manager). Mitigation Measure HAZ-4 further requires preparation of a project-specific Evacuation Plan, which would provide accommodations for assisted living and special care individuals, including shelter-in-place accommodations, specified vehicles required to accommodate residents of Villaggio, and a relocation plan from the site to a secondary facility. HAZ-5 would ensure emergency vehicles can directly access the Irish Hills through the project site in the event of a wildfire and the proposed trailhead park has been designed to further reduce wildfire risks (e.g., by creating a fuel break through placement of the parking lot adjacent to the wildland interface). These measures would reduce the range of wildfire risks associated with the project. However, the EIR concluded that, in the event of a catastrophic wildfire, potential impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. It should be noted that the City currently conducts fuel management in the open space areas bordering the City’s urban areas. Item 2 Packet Page 39 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 34 Amendment of Agricultural Easement There is an existing 7.1-acre agricultural/open space easement within the Specific Plan area, which was recorded in May 2010 as a condition of annexation of the Prefumo Commons area into the City. The San Luis Obispo County LAFCO required the easement to mitigate the effects of annexation and development of agricultural land within the Irish Hills area. The easement agreement specifically references that the easement area may be used for wetland and biological resources mitigation banking, and the area encompassed by the existing easement primarily consists of wetlands adjacent to Calle Joaquin. The Applicant proposes to amend the 7.1-acre easement agreement to accommodate onsite development and to more closely align with existing onsite wetlands. The Applicant originally proposed to amend the existing easement by dedicating an equivalent 7.1 acres of continuous area of comparable soils and open space currently conserved under this easement, which would meet the legal requirements of the agricultural easement established by the City. Under the 2020 Draft Specific Plan, the Applicant proposes to amend the existing easement to encompass and permanently protect an increased area of 7.8 acres, which includes the entire extent of wetland habitat adjacent to Calle Joaquin (refer to Figure 18). The amended easement area also includes the wetlands on the south side of Calle Joaquin. Offsite Transportation Improvements The project would be required to construct or contribute fair share payments or in lieu fees towards numerous transportation improvements within the City to meet the mitigation requirements of the EIR and comply with City policy. These improvements and the Applicant’s responsibility for implementing them are summarized in Table 5, below. Table 5: Offsite Transportation Improvements Intersection/Segment Improvement Froom Ranch SP Contribution LOVR/SB 101 Ramps Contribute towards extension of southbound Off-Ramp turn pocket & traffic coordination by San Luis Ranch Fair share contribution Figure 18. Reconfigured Open Space Easement Item 2 Packet Page 40 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 35 Intersection/Segment Improvement Froom Ranch SP Contribution LOVR/SB 101 Ramps Extend SBR turn pocket Froom Ranch to construct (100% fair share responsibility) South Higuera/Vachell Contribute towards restricting left turns and construction of Buckley Rd Extension by Avila Ranch Fair share contribution South Higuera/Suburban Contribute towards restriping westbound approach by Avila Ranch Fair share contribution South Higuera/Tank Farm Contribute towards bike improvements by Avila Ranch Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees South Higuera/Tank Farm Contribute towards intersection widening by Avila Ranch Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees Prado Interchange Contribute towards Prado Interchange Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees South Higuera/Prado Contribute towards intersection widening by City Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees LOVR (Diablo to S. Higuera) Construct Class IV Bike Lanes (protected bike lanes or “cycle tracks”). Segment between Calle Joaquin and Froom Ranch Way per adopted conceptual plan for Bob Jones Trail Connector (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Froom Ranch to construct. Eligible for Citywide TIF credit up to $2,000,000 for segment between Calle Joaquin and Froom Ranch Way. Private Reimbursement Agreement required for any additional reimbursement beyond fair share costs. Madonna (Oceanaire to 101 SB Ramps) Contribute toward Class I Bike Path by San Luis Ranch Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees Local Road A Traffic Calming Install traffic calming Froom Ranch to construct (100% fair share responsibility) LOVR/Foothill Fair share towards future intersection widening by County Fair share contribution LOVR/Madonna Modify signal timings to add Lead Pedestrian Interval City to complete South Higuera/Tank Farm Modify signal timings to add Lead Pedestrian Interval City to complete South Higuera/Tank Farm Contribute towards future northbound right-turn lane extension Satisfied through payment of City TIF fees LOVR (Descanso to S. Higuera) Develop signal timing optimization plan for LOVR Corridor Froom Ranch to construct (100% fair share responsibility) LOVR/Madonna Contribute towards future striping to extend southbound left-turn pocket Fair share contribution Madonna/Dalidio Contribute towards signal modifications for future eastbound right-turn overlap phase Fair share contribution LOVR Median Install median along project frontage Froom Ranch to construct (100% fair share responsibility) LOVR/Auto Park Ped/Bike Safety Install signal & protected intersection elements, including pedestrian median refuges, bulbouts, hi-vis crosswalks and lead pedestrian intervals Froom Ranch to construct with up to $500,000 TIF credit Item 2 Packet Page 41 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 36 Intersection/Segment Improvement Froom Ranch SP Contribution LOVR Royal Contribute towards future striping to extend northbound left-turn pocket Fair share contribution LOVR/Calle Joaquin Modify signal timings to add Lead Pedestrian Interval City to complete Higuera/Tank Farm Contribute towards future striping to extend southbound left-turn pocket Fair share contribution Air Quality / Greenhouse Gas Emissions The EIR determined that the proposed project (and Alternative 1) would result in significant and unavoidable impacts related to Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions related to vehicle trips, energy emissions, and additional area source emissions associated with the project. In accordance with the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District’s CEQA Air Quality Handbook, all standard mitigation measures and feasible discretionary mitigation measures would be incorporated into the project. Many of these measures have been incorporated as policies in the 2020 Draft Specific Plan and would be implemented during future development as site design measures or transportation strategies to reduce vehicle trips and vehicle miles traveled, which would reduce area source emissions. City staff coordinated extensively with the Applicant team to incorporate all feasible mitigation measures into the project. Appendix C of the 2020 Draft Specific Plan identifies how particular mitigation requirements have been incorporated into the Specific Plan. Mitigation measures that have been incorporated into the 2020 Draft Specific Plan include the following:  Electricity shall be the only energy source for the entirety of the project operations (exemptions shall be limited to appliances in commercial kitchens, emergency backup generators, and medical end-uses that have no viable electric alternative)  Electrical power shall be provided by alternative or carbon-free energy sources  For new buildings, onsite solar photovoltaic systems shall be required. At a minimum, for nonresidential, mixed-use, and mid-rise residential buildings, a solar photovoltaic system shall fill the entirely of the Solar Zone (as defined in the 2019 California Energy Code)  Only electric fireplaces are allowed  Installation of an EV charging station at the nearby Calle Joaquin Park & Ride lot, or a fair share payment towards this project of up to $75,000  Requirements for the use of zero emission vehicles for all flees, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles in Villaggio and the electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support it, in addition to chargers required for private vehicles  Requirements for the installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for fleet, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles within the commercially zoned areas of the Specific Plan  Provision of onsite bicycle parking consistent with Cal Green standards  Provision of dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles that meet Cal Green Tier 2 standards Item 2 Packet Page 42 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 37  Allow for the provision of child care facilities onsite  Provision of lunchtime shuttles  All personal small vehicles (e.g., golf carts) shall be 100 percent electric powered  Installation of electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support clean fueled vehicles for commercial uses, in addition to the chargers required for private vehicles  Provision of free-access telework terminals and/or wi-fi access in multi-family developments where an indoor common area is proposed  Individual garages shall be “electric vehicle (EV) ready” and shared parking areas for apartments shall include EV charging stations  All EV chargers shall be, at a minimum, level 2 chargers  Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 1 standards for building efficiency  Utilization of 100% carbon-free energy  Provision of outdoor plugs for electric powered landscape equipment and policies requiring contracted landscaping companies to use battery powered or electric landscape maintenance equipment  Provision of roof trusses designed to handle the dead weight loads of standard solar-heated water and photovoltaic panels  Installation of a new bus stop along the LOVR frontage  Identification and preservation of an onsite location to serve as a hub/node of the City’s bicycle share network  Numerous bicyclist and pedestrian improvements, including through the requirements of TRANS-5, TRANS-8, TRANS-9, and TRANS-10.  Requirements to incentivize transit options for employees and residents Because the effectiveness of these measures cannot be reliably quantified, residual impacts were determined to be significant and unavoidable; however, the project has incorporated all feasible APCD measures, which would substantially reduce the project’s potential for significant air quality and greenhouse gas emissions. 6.0 CONSISTENCY COVID-19 ORDERS AND CURRENT FISCAL CONTINGENCY PLAN This activity is presently allowed under the State and Local emergency orders associated with COVID-19. The proposed project and associated staff work will be reimbursed by the Applicant directly or indirectly through fees and is, therefore, consistent with the guidance of the City’s Fiscal Health Contingency Plan. 7.0 OTHER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The project has been reviewed by various City departments and divisions including: Planning, Engineering, Transportation, Building, Utilities, and Fire. Item 2 Packet Page 43 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 38 Engineering has reviewed the Specific Plan, technical reports supporting the hydrological analysis in the EIR, the Vesting Tentative Tract Map, and the approach to stormwater management. Through the review process, the applicant has provided clarifications to technical reports, and modifications to the Vesting Tentative Tract Map. The Transportation Impact Study was conducted by a City-approved transportation consultant, in close coordination with the Transportation Division. As two other large projects (San Luis Ranch and Avila Ranch) require road and bicycle improvements in the City (some similar to Froom Ranch), the Transportation Division prepared clarifications to the identified mitigation measures in the Final EIR and distinctions in the conditions of approval to identify fair share contributions, where applicable. The Utilities Department reviewed the prepared Water Supply Assessment, the EIR, and the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure adequacy of the City’s infrastructure, water supply, and sewer capacity, concluding that the City will be able to serve the project upon annexation and completion of project infrastructure improvements. The Fire Department reviewed the Specific Plan, the EIR and the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure the EIR sufficiently evaluates and mitigates potential wildfire risk to the maximum extent feasible, and that the Specific Plan and Vesting Tentative Tract Map identify required primary and emergency access routes. 8.0 NEXT STEPS If the Planning Commission recommends approval of the 2020 Specific Plan and related entitlements to the City Council, these are the next steps in the process:  City Council Considers Project Approval. The City Council will review the Planning Commission recommendations and consider project approval. If approved, the City Council will forward a request for annexation to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).  Annexation. LAFCO will consider the City’s application for annexing the project area into the City.  Project Entitlements. Once annexed, the City’s approved project entitlements will become effective, including the Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment, pre-zoning, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map.  Development Pursuant to the Specific Plan. Development pursuant to the Specific Plan would require development entitlement applications and would be subject to further City review and approval. 9.0 ACTION ALTERNATIVES 1. Continue project. An action to continue the item should include a detailed list of additional information or analysis required to make a decision on the project. 2. Deny the project. An action denying the application should include findings that cite the basis for denial and should reference inconsistency with the General Plan, Zoning Regulations, or other applicable policy documents. Should the Planning Commission want to pursue this alternative, staff recommends that the specific findings under Government Code Section 65915(d)(1)(B) and (d)(3) are adequately addressed. Item 2 Packet Page 44 SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019, ANNX-0335-2020 12165 and 12393 Los Osos Valley Road Page 39 10.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolution 2. Vesting Tentative Tract Map 3. Notice of Airport Land Use Commission Action 7.15.20 4. Draft Minutes of the CHC 5. Responses to Oral Testimony Received During Review of the Draft EIR The 2020 Draft Froom Ranch Specific Plan is available for review online on the City’s website: https://www.slocity.org/Home/ShowDocument?id=27530 The Froom Ranch Final EIR is available for review online on the City’s website: https://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/community-development/documents- online/environmental-review-documents/-folder-2086 The following conceptual review reports and minutes are available for review online on the City’s website through the following links:  CHC Conceptual Review on August 28, 2017 report minutes  ARC Conceptual Review on December 18, 2017 report minutes  Planning Commission Conceptual Review on January 24, 2018 report minutes The following Draft EIR review reports and minutes are available for review online on the City’s website:  CHC Draft EIR Review on November 18, 2019 report minutes  ARC Draft EIR Review on December 2, 2019 report minutes  PRC Draft EIR Review on December 4, 2019 report minutes  ATC Draft EIR Review on December 10, 2019 report minutes  Planning Commission Draft EIR Review on December 11, 2019 report minutes Item 2 Packet Page 45 R ______ RESOLUTION NO. PC-XXXX-20 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CERTIFICATION OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE FROOM RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN, ADOPTION OF ASSOCIATED FINDINGS AND STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, AND APPROVAL OF THE FROOM RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN, GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, PRE-ZONING, VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP #3106, AND INITIATION OF THE ANNEXATION PROCESS (SPEC- 0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, ANNX-0335-2020, EID-0738- 2019; SPECIFIC PLAN AREA 3; 12165 AND 12393 LOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted public hearings on the Froom Ranch Specific Plan project August 12 and 13, 2020; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission hearings were for the purpose of formulating and forwarding recommendations to the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo regarding the project; and WHEREAS, notices of said public hearing were made at the time and in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and the evaluation and recommendations by staff, presented at said hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo to recommend to the City Council certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), and approval of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment/Pre- zoning, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map (“Froom Ranch Specific Plan Project”), and upon project approval, initiate the annexation process. This resolution is based on the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings, mitigation measures, and map conditions, with associated annexation findings: SECTION 1. CEQA Findings, Mitigation Measures and Mitigation Monitoring Program. Based upon all the evidence, the Planning Commission makes the following CEQA findings in support of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan project. 1. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (Final EIR) was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines, adequately addressing impacts associated with the project. 2. The project is a slight variation of Final EIR Alternative 1, and was adequately analyzed in the Final EIR, which includes a comprehensive analysis of the originally-proposed ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 46 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 2 project (which included development above the 150-foot elevation line, including residential development in the northwestern corner of the project site) and Alternative 1 (which included development of a public park and incorporation of relocated, restored, and rehabilitated historic structures in the northwestern corner of the project site). In Residents Against Specific Plan 380 v. County of Riverside (9 Cal.App.5th 941), the California Court of Appeals (Fourth Appellate District – Division Two) held that changes to the allocation and arrangement of uses within a specific plan area that don’t change the kinds of uses permitted, or the overall extent or density of the proposed development, or the project footprint, did not require revision and recirculation of the EIR when substantial evidence was provided that the changes would not result in any new or more severe environmental impacts that were not previously identified in the EIR. The project is a reduced project alternative that, like Alternative 1, would substantially reduce potential environmental impacts in comparison to the originally proposed project. The project’s incorporation of identified mitigation measures would further reduce potential environmental impacts in comparison to Alternative 1. The limited development proposed above 150 feet is less than that proposed in the originally proposed project and includes uses (the public trailhead park) that the EIR determined would avoid and reduce environmental impacts when compared to the original project. In addition, as presented in the CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit A) and Mitigation and Monitoring Program (Exhibit B), identified mitigation measures have been modified in order to be specifically appliable to the proposed project and its effects on the environment. Based on substantial evidence in the Final EIR and “Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations”, the modified measures are equal or more effective because they apply to the proposed project. These measures have been available for public review through a public hearing process. Therefore, the project would not result in new or more severe impacts not previously analyzed in the EIR and additional evaluation is not necessary to meet the requirements of CEQA. 3. The proposed project is consistent with the requirements of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR as proposed based on the CEQA Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations, attached hereto as Exhibit A, and prepared consistent with CEQA Guidelines Sections 15091 and 15093, and this approval incorporates those Final EIR mitigation measures as applicable to Vesting Tentative Map #3106, as detailed below, and described more fully in the attached CEQA Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit A) and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (Exhibit B). 4. All potentially significant effects were analyzed adequately in the referenced Final EIR, and reduced to the extent feasible, provided identified mitigation measures are incorporated into the project and the mitigation monitoring program (refer to Exhibit B, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program). ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 47 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 3 SECTION 2. Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment/Pre-zoning, and Vesting Tentative Tract Map Approval with Findings and Conditions. The Planning Commission does hereby recommend certification of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR and approval of the project to the City Council, inclusive of applications SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737- 2019, EID-0738-2019, a Specific Plan, General Plan Amendment/Pre-zoning, Vesting Tentative Tract Map, and Final EIR, based on the following findings, and subject to the following conditions: Findings: 1. The project area was identified as one of three Specific Plan areas designated for development when the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements update was adopted by the City Council in December 2014 (Specific Plan Area 3, Madonna on LOVR). The Froom Ranch Specific Plan was prepared to implement this aspect of the General Plan. 2. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan is substantially consistent with policy direction for the area included in the General Plan, specifically Land Use Element Policy 8.1.5, which identifies the Froom Ranch area as Special Focus Area (SP-3), subject to policies for the development of a specific plan and certain broad development parameters and principles, and as amended by the General Plan Amendment to reflect incorporation of a life plan community within the Specific Plan area. The Specific Plan is consistent with Policy 8.1.5 because the project proposes compact development limited primarily to the lower portions of the site, including substantial opportunities for multi-family housing within Madonna Froom Ranch. The project also provides limited commercial/retail uses and increased connectivity to adjacent commercial uses to support onsite residential uses. The project would also develop substantial on- and off-site pedestrian and bicycle facilities as described in the Final EIR. 3. The General Plan Amendment/Pre-zoning allows the implementation of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan by: a. Updating the City’s Land Use Map to reflect the development pattern included in the Specific Plan; b. Updating the City’s Circulation Map to reflect the circulation system included in the Specific Plan; c. Updating the relevant portions of the General Plan to update statistical data related to land use acreage and long-term buildout potential; and d. Providing the pre-zoning information needed for the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo) to consider annexation of the site to the City, which is a prerequisite for allowing development on the site under the City’s General Plan. 4. The Specific Plan is substantially consistent with Land Use Element Policies 6.4.1 and 6.4.7 (Hillside Planning Areas, Irish Hills) and Land Use Element Policies 1.4 (Urban Edges Character), 1.8.5 (Building Design and Siting), 2.3.7 (Natural Features), and Conservation and Open Space Policies 8.3.1 (Open Space within an Urban Area), 8.3.2 (Open Space Buffers), and 9.2.1 (Views to and from Public Spaces, including Scenic Roadways) because development is concentrated in the lower area of the site, below the 150-foot development limit line on a majority of the site, which would result in the ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 48 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 4 avoidance of sensitive habitats, and minimize potential effects on scenic, biological, and cultural resources, avoid grading activities on the steeper portions of the project site, and would place sensitive biological and cultural resources within designated open space. Development above the 150-foot elevation line in the northwest corner of the site would be substantially consistent with these General Plan policies because it would be limited to a public trailhead park, which would incorporate relocated and restored/rehabilitated historic structures (low impact uses that would support the functions of the open space), and limited (0.7 acre) residential uses; in addition, the subject area is currently operated as an active quarry and construction storage area, and does not support any sensitive habitats, vegetation, or cultural resources. 5. The Specific Plan is consistent with all other applicable General Plan policies as described and analyzed in the Planning Commission Agenda Report (dated August 12/13, 2020) and as discussed further in the Final EIR. 6. As conditioned, the Vesting Tentative Tract Map is consistent with the General Plan because it is consistent with the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, it results in the avoidance of sensitive environmental resources within the upper elevations of the site, will result in the addition of senior and multi-family housing units within the City, will allow for commercial development near Los Osos Valley Road, and would provide needed infrastructure, roadway, bicycle facility, and public park amenities identified in the City’s General Plan. 7. Implementation of the Specific Plan and Vesting Tentative Tract Map will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of persons living or working at the site or in the vicinity because conditions of approval and mitigation measures require primary and emergency access improvements, and comprehensive plans related to wildfire risk and emergency response as documented in the Final EIR. The building areas would not be located within the legally required fault setback zone and would avoid the steeper areas of the project site. 8. The Airport Land Use Commission found the Specific Plan consistent with the Airport Land Use Plan, as conditioned. 9. Development will occur consistent with the Vesting Tentative Tract Map and the required architectural review process, which will allow for detailed review of development plans to assure compliance with City plans, policies, standards, and design guidelines. 10. As conditioned, the design of the subdivision will not conflict with easements for access through (or use of property within) the proposed subdivision, and the project is consistent with the pattern of development prescribed in the Froom Ranch Specific Plan. 11. The project will provide affordable housing within the Specific Plan area consistent with the intent of California Government Code Section 65915, and in compliance with City policies and the Housing Element. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 49 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 5 12. The proposed treatment of the historic resources contributing to the significance of the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex is consistent with General Plan policies pertaining to cultural resources, because the 2020 Draft Specific Plan proposes to relocate and reconstruct/rehabilitate four individually significant structures into the trailhead park for adaptive reuse: the Main Residence, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, Creamery/House, and Granary. The Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn would be relocated outside of an underlying fault line. The three structures that will be demolished are contributors to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex but are not individually significant. All historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex would be documented per Secretary of the Interior standards prior to removal or relocation, and the adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program requires such documentation to be made permanently available to the public. Denial of the application would constitute an economic hardship because the applicant will invest in the relocation, rehabilitation, and restoration of four of the seven structures contributing to the Complex such that they will be incorporated into a public park located within the Specific Plan area and utilized by the City and the public, and as the three structures proposed for demolition are not individually significant, restoration or rehabilitation of these three structures is impractical. 13. The existing Open Space and Agricultural Conservation Easement is subject to and consistent with the promises, covenants, and conditions identified in the easement, and may be amended with the written consent of the property owner and the City. The Easement document states that “The Easement Area may be used for wetland and biological resource mitigation banking. As used herein, mitigation banking means the restoration, creation, enchantment [sic] [enhancement] and/or preservation of wetlands and/or biological resources, for the purpose of providing compensation mitigation as a result of impacts to similar resources.” The Easement Agreement also allows for “subsequent conservation easements on the Easement Area, provided that such subsequent easements are for the purpose of wetland, wildlife habitat or biological resource creation, enhancement or preservation.” As proposed the amendment is consistent with the purposes of the Easement Agreement because it would increase the overall size of the Easement Area from 7.1 to 7.8 acres, the proposed area includes similar underlying soils, vegetation, and wetlands as existing within the current Easement, and the amendment would result in the preservation of these 7.8 acres for wetland habitat, wildlife habitat, prime agricultural soils/land (as defined by the San Luis Obispo County, Local Agency Formation Commission), and open space. 14. The Vesting Tentative Map, as conditioned, will comply with all environmental mitigation measures prescribed herein, and therefore is consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act, as implemented through the Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR. Vesting Tentative Tract Map Conditions: The project conditions of approval do not include mandatory code requirements. Code compliance will be verified during the plan check process, which may include additional requirements applicable to the project. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 50 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 6 Community Development, Planning Division 1. At the time of submittal of a request for approval of a final map, the subdivider shall provide a written report detailing the methods and techniques employed for complying with these conditions of approval and the mitigation measures imposed upon certification of the Environmental Impact Report for the Project. 2. The applicant shall comply with the mitigation measures identified in the adopted Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (Exhibit B). Upon submittal of the Final Map, and all subsequent entitlements, the applicant shall submit a matrix demonstrating compliance with the Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (Exhibit B). 3. The proposed relocation and rehabilitation/reconstruction of the Froom Ranch historic buildings shall be completed in conformance with the Final EIR Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program. Prior to any grading or commencement of any construction activities for infrastructure or building construction, a security and protection plan shall be submitted and approved to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. The plan shall detail methods to prevent trespassing and removal of any building materials. Prior to any grading or commencement of any construction activities for infrastructure or building construction, a relocation plan prepared or reviewed by a qualified historic architect shall be submitted for review and approval by the Community Development Director. The plan shall include, but not be limited to: identification of the methods and measures to relocate buildings and materials; measures to ensure secure and weather-proof storage of materials to be retained for incorporation into the relocated, restored, and rehabilitated historic structures; and an inventory process to document treatment of materials. 4. Prior to final map, County of San Luis Obispo Avigation easements shall be recorded for each parcel within the development. 5. Prior to the recording of the final map, the applicant shall enter into and record an Affordable Housing Agreement with the City, detailing the timing of construction of affordable units on-site, and with guarantees to ensure timely delivery of all of the required affordable housing units or dedication of real property consistent with Section 2.3 of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan. Subsequent Affordable Housing Agreements, or an amended Agreement, may be required upon further subdivision of the Madonna-Froom portion of the project site. 6. Pursuant to Government Code § 66474.9(b), the subdivider shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and/ or its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City and/or its agents, officers or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul, the approval by the City of this map and its related approvals, and all actions relating thereto, including but not limited to environmental review. The City shall promptly notify the subdivider of any claim, action, or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. If the city fails to promptly notify the subdivider of any claim, action, or proceeding, or to cooperate fully in the defense, the subdivider shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold the City harmless. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 51 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 7 7. This map is conditioned upon the annexation of the property to the city and this approval shall not be effective until annexation of the property to the city has been completed. If the annexation is not completed within one year of the date the City Council approves the map or following any agreed extension in writing, then the approval of the map shall be null and void. Consequently, no final or parcel map may be filed until the Project site is annexed to the city. 8. The residential density for the project site is limited to 630 dwelling units. The non- residential density for the project site is limited to 750 persons. The maximum building coverage for the project site is limited to 20%. 9. Construction plans for proposed structures shall be submitted via Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Form 7460-1 to the Air Traffic Division of the FAA regional office having jurisdiction over San Luis Obispo County at least 45 days before proposed construction or application for a building permit, to determine compliance with the provisions of FAR Part 77. The applicant shall also coordinate with the FAA on potential structural encroachments into the glidescope critical areas as shown on the draft Airport Layout Plan. 10. All extremely and moderately noise-sensitive land uses on the Project site shall include noise mitigation as required by the Airport Land Use Plan. 11. No structure, landscaping, apparatus, or other feature, whether temporary or permanent in nature shall constitute an obstruction to air navigation or a hazard to air navigation, as defined by the Airport Land Use Plan. 12. Any use is prohibited that may entail characteristics which would potentially interfere with the takeoff, landing, or maneuvering of aircraft at the Airport, including:  creation of electrical interference with navigation signals or radio communication between the aircraft and airport;  lighting which is difficult to distinguish from airport lighting;  glare in the eyes of pilots using the Airport;  uses which attract birds and create bird strike hazards;  uses which produce visually significant quantities of smoke; and  uses which entail a risk of physical injury to operators or passengers of aircraft (e.g., exterior laser light demonstrations or shows). 13. Avigation easements shall be recorded for each property developed within the area included in the proposed local action prior to the issuance of any building permit or conditional use permit. 14. All owners, potential purchasers, occupants (whether as owners or renters), and potential occupants (whether as owners or renters) will receive full and accurate disclosure concerning the noise, safety, or overflight impacts associated with airport operations prior to entering any contractual obligation to purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise occupy any property or properties within the airport area. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 52 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 8 15. Prior to issuance of any grading permits the project proponent shall provide that for every one (1) acre of prime farmland (as defined by the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission [LAFCO]) on the site that is permanently converted to non- agricultural use as a result of project development, one (1) acre of land of comparable agricultural productivity shall be preserved in perpetuity. The acreage required to meet the 1:1 ratio may be met by on or off-site agricultural conservation easement/deed restriction(s), as long as this land meets the conditions outlined in this measure and meets the intent of LAFCO policies. Said mitigation shall be satisfied by the applicant through: a. Granting a perpetual conservation easement( s), deed restriction( s), or other farmland conservation mechanism(s) to the City or qualifying entity which has been approved by the City, such as the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, for the purpose of permanently preserving agricultural land. The land covered by said on and/or off-site easement(s) or deed restriction(s) shall be located within or contiguous to the City’ s Urban Reserve Line or Greenbelt subject to review and approval of the City’ s Natural Resources Manager; or b. Making an in-lieu payment to a qualifying entity which has been approved by the City, such as the Land Conservancy of San Luis Obispo, to be applied toward the future purchase of compensatory agricultural land in San Luis Obispo County, together with an endowment amount as may be required. The payment amount shall be determined by the qualifying entity or a licensed appraiser; or c. Making an in-lieu payment to a qualifying entity which has been approved by the City and that is organized for conservation purposes, to be applied toward a future perpetual conservation easement, deed restriction, or other farmland conservation mechanism to preserve compensatory agricultural land San Luis Obispo County. The amount of the payment shall be determined by the qualifying entity or a licensed appraiser; or d. Any combination of the above. Community Development, Engineering Division 15. Secondary access is required from all portions and/or phases of the subdivision where more than 30 dwelling units are proposed. The location and development of the proposed secondary access shall be presented to the City for review and approval prior to the preparation of the related improvement plans or final map approval for each subsequent map or construction phase. Any temporary or permanent emergency access location, construction, and controls shall be in accordance with the Fire Code, City Engineering Standards, and shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Fire Department and Public Works Department. 16. Fire Department access shall be provided for each building construction phase to the satisfaction of the Fire Chief. Phased street construction shall consider and provide suitable Fire Department hydrant access, circulation routes, passing lanes, and turn-around areas in accordance with current City codes and standards. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 53 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 9 17. Access controls for the Emergency Vehicle Access roadway shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Fire Department and Transportation Division of Public Works. The use of bollards for the entire access width may not be supported. The controls may need to be set back from the roadway and/or may require an automatic activation system. 18. All public streets shall conform to City Engineering Standards and the Specific Plan, including curb, gutter, and sidewalk, driveway approaches, and curb ramps as approved by the City Engineer. Where conflicts occur between the City Engineering Standards and concepts identified in the specific plan and/or represented on the tentative map, the City Engineer shall make the final determination of design approval and/or exceptions. 19. All subdivision improvements shall be consistent with the City Engineering Standards except where the applicant has requested and been granted a formal design exception by the City Engineer. Design exceptions shall be requested in a format approved by the City and shall be accompanied by the required application and review fee. The applicant shall summarize the need for the request, alternatives, and may be asked to propose final construction details, specifications, and minimum construction tolerances/testing for review and approval by the City Engineer in support of the request. The request shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to submittal of complete public improvement plans. 20. Final street sections shall be approved in conjunction with the review and approval of the final project drainage report. The final design shall consider drainage, transitions, and accessibility. 21. Final roundabout geometry shall be consistent with applicable engineering standards, design guidelines, and shall accommodate design vehicle turning movements consistent with City Engineering Standards. 22. Any required or proposed on-site traffic calming elements shall be designed and installed by the project applicant. The subdivision is not eligible for future participation in the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. 23. The improvement plans shall include a line-of-sight analysis at applicable intersections to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. Fence heights and plantings in the areas of control shall be reviewed in conjunction with the analysis. A separate recorded agreement or Notice of Requirements for private property owner, HOA, or property owner association responsibility for the maintenance of sight lines may be required as a condition of the City Engineer's approval of the development plans. 24. The subdivision improvement plans shall include full on-site and any off-site public and private improvements as required to satisfy all mitigation measures, specific plan requirements, and conditions of approval. The plans shall comply with the City Engineering Standards, Bicycle Transportation Plan, Community Design Guidelines, Caltrans Highway Design Manual, Specific Plan, National Association of City ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 54 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 10 Transportation Officials (NACTO) design guidance, City policies, and applicable County of San Luis Obispo Public Improvement Standards. 25. Depending upon the timing of the proposed Caltrans relinquishment at Los Osos Valley Road and Calle Joaquin, a separate plan and permit may be required from Caltrans for work, construction staging or temporary traffic control that encroaches within the Caltrans rights-of-way. Said plans, if required, shall be provided to the City of San Luis Obispo for review and approval of consistency with the project mitigation measures, conditions of approval, future project entitlements, Specific Plan, and conformance with the subdivision improvements. 26. If an off-site dedication/acquisition of property for public right-of-way purposes is necessary to facilitate orderly development and the anticipated project improvements, the subdivider shall work with the City and the landowner(s) to acquire the necessary rights-of-way. In the event the subdivider is unable to acquire said rights-of-way, the City Council may consider lending the subdivider its powers of condemnation to acquire the off-site right-of-way dedication, including any necessary slope and drainage easements. If condemnation is required, the subdivider shall agree to pay all costs associated with the off-site right-of-way acquisition (including attorney fees and court costs). 27. With respect to all off-site improvements, prior to filing of the Final Map, the subdivider shall either: a. Clearly demonstrate their right to construct the improvements by showing title or interest in the property in a form acceptable to the City Engineer; or, b. Demonstrate, in writing, that the subdivider has exhausted all reasonable efforts to acquire interest to the subject property and request that the City assist in acquiring the property required for the construction of such improvements and exercise its power of eminent domain in accordance with Government Code Section 66462.5 to do so, if necessary. Subdivider shall also enter into an agreement with the City to pay all costs of such acquisition including, but not limited to, all costs associated with condemnation. Said agreement shall be in a form acceptable to the City Engineer and the City Attorney. If condemnation proceedings are required, the subdivider shall submit, in a form acceptable to the City Engineer, the following documents regarding the property to be acquired: i. Property legal description and sketch stamped and signed by a Licensed Land Surveyor or Civil Engineer authorized to practice land surveying in the State of California; ii. Preliminary title report including chain of title and litigation guarantee; iii. Appraisal of the property by a City-approved appraiser. In the course of obtaining such appraisal, the property owner(s) must be given an opportunity to accompany the appraiser during any inspection of the property or acknowledge in writing that they knowingly waived the right to do so; ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 55 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 11 iv. Copies of all written correspondence with off-site property owners including purchase summary of formal offers and counter offers to purchase at the appraised price. v. Prior to submittal of the aforementioned documents for City Engineer approval, the subdivider shall deposit with the City all or a portion of the anticipated costs, as determined by the City Attorney, of the condemnation proceedings. The City does not and cannot guarantee that the necessary property rights can be acquired or will, in fact, be acquired. All necessary procedures of law would apply and would have to be followed. 28. Detailed plans shall be provided for any off-site or out-of-phase improvements in conjunction with the proposed development phasing plans and timing of mitigation requirements, unless preliminary or final designs are needed for orderly development and/or to substantiate the design of an adjoining phase. 29. Any jurisdictional permits from authorities other than the City, including but not limited to, those from the Army Corps of Engineers, California Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Regional Water Quality Control Board shall be obtained prior to the City's approval of improvement plans and the Developer's commencing with work for any construction phase subject to the jurisdiction of such regulatory agencies. 30. The final map shall show and note an offer for street purposes for the existing improved section of Calle Joaquin noted as Lot 4 on the tentative map. The final map numbering shall be adjusted accordingly. 31. The limits of the public and private streets shown on the final map and improvement plans shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 32. The proposed park shall be dedicated to the City in fee. Unless otherwise approved by the City for deferral, Park in-lieu fees shall be paid in conjunction with the map recordation. If approved for deferral for some or all of the subdivision, a separate agreement or Notice of Requirements shall be recorded prior to map recordation. 33. Access rights shall be offered for dedication to the City of San Luis Obispo along Los Osos Valley Road and all on-site public streets (Commercial Collector A, Local Road A) except at approved driveway locations. 34. The final map shall show and note all existing and proposed easements, the extinguishment of any public easements. The map shall show the proposed street tree and Public Utility Easements (PUE’s) for reference. Additional public pedestrian easements may be required at curb ramps, landings, and ADA sidewalk extensions. 35. The limit of public trails and paths, private path easements, or areas defined as project private amenities, and the maintenance of the same shall be approved to the satisfaction of ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 56 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 12 the Public Works and Community Development directors prior to map recordation and approval of the subdivision improvement plans. 36. Separate Open Space and Creek or Biological Easement Agreement(s) shall be recorded in conjunction with the final map recordation. The easement agreement(s) shall be developed by the applicant in a format provided by the City. 37. Unless covered in other agreements, a separate wildland fuel management/reduction zone plan and easement agreement will be required in conjunction with the map subdivision improvement plan approvals. 38. The final map and improvement plans shall include all subdivision boundary, property corner, and centerline monumentation in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations and City Engineering Standards. Unless specifically waived by the Public Works Director, the map and improvement plans shall include additional monumentation for benchmark(s) in accordance with the City Engineering Standards and City’s Vertical Control Network (benchmark program). 39. All landscape parkways shall be privately maintained by the property owner, HOA, or Property Owner Association. Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director, the limited landscape and landscape irrigation required for the medians and roundabout shall be privately maintained. 40. The final grading and drainage plans and project reports shall show and note compliance with the project environmental documents, Specific Plan, and any additional requirements or conditions established with any jurisdictional permits. 41. The final grading plans, reports, and cross-sections shall clarify the limits of low-flow (2- year event) containment within the realigned and/or enhanced Froom Creek Channel sections. The plans and reports shall further clarify the extent and limit of stormwater overflows for events exceeding the 2-year design storm. Additional cross-sections may be required on the final improvement plans to clarify the limits. 42. The grading plans shall provide additional detail interface between all new areas of grading and the existing channels, swales, drainages, roadways, driveways, and building pads. The plans and report shall evaluate all areas of potential run-on along the tract boundary. The project plans shall show and note how all run-on will be accepted, conveyed, and discharged in a non-erosive manner. 43. The project and report shall show and note compliance with the City’s Floodplain Management Regulations, Drainage Design Manual (DDM), and the Post Construction Stormwater Regulations. The final plans and reports shall clarify how the peak management stormwater control measures (SCM’s) for the 2 throug h 10-year storm events will drain within 48 hours to provide for peak management in back to back storm events in ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 57 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 13 accordance with the DDM. The City supports the design and recognition that the Calle Joaquin culvert will provide outlet controls and peak management for the development. The final plans and reports shall include a stage vs storage summary and additional clarification of the water surface elevations for all design storms at critical river stations. 44. The final map shall include an additional map sheet showing the existing and/or proposed 100-year flood zone limits in accordance and an approved CLOMR or LOMR in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations. The final map shall include reference to the project soils report. 45. The required CLOMR shall be approved prior to commencing with any potentially adverse grading. The LOMR shall be processed and approved within 6 months of the completion of the proposed grading and prior to building permit issuance unless otherwise specifically approved by the Public Works and Community Development directors. 46. The subdivision improvement plans and subsequent building plans shall show that the building pads will be elevated at least 1’ above the base flood elevation (BFE). 47. Separate notification of review and approval of the drainage report and strategy by Caltrans may be required if it is determined that the project improvements may impact their rights- of-way. 48. EPA Requirement: General Construction Activity Storm Water Permits are required for all storm water discharges associated with a construction activity where clearing, grading or excavations result in land disturbance of one or more acres. Storm water discharges of less than one acre, but which is part of a larger common plan of development or sale, also requires a permit. Permits are required until the construction is complete. To be covered by a General Construction Activity Permit, the owner(s) of land where construction activity occurs must submit a completed "Notice of Intent" (NOI) form, with the appropriate fee, to the State Regional Water Quality Control Board. An application is required to the State Board under their Stormwater Multi-Application, Reporting, and Tracking System (SMARTS). 49. The subdivision improvement plan submittal shall show compliance with the Post Construction Stormwater Requirements as promulgated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The submittal shall include a complete Post Construction Stormwater Control Plan Template as available on the City’s Website. 50. An operations and maintenance manual will be required for the post construction stormwater improvements. The manual shall be provided at the time of improvement plan submittal and shall be accepted by the City prior to approvals. A private stormwater conveyance agreement will be required and shall be recorded prior to approvals. 51. The drainage report and stormwater control plans shall clarify the limits and extent of water quality and water quantity controls. If additional treatment will be required for the ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 58 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 14 proposed individual development sites, a Notice of Requirement shall be recorded in conjunction with the map recordation to define the future development requirements. 52. This project is considered a common plan and the single-family residential exceptions will not apply to this subdivision or subsequent re-subdivision of the Froom Ranch residential development areas of the Specific Plan. 53. Stormwater SCM’s shall be maintained by the property owner, HOA, or property owner association. Any SCM’s or appurtenances proposed for location within a public right-of- way shall first be approved by the Public Works Director. If supported, a separate encroachment agreement shall be recorded in a format approved by the City. 54. A separate encroachment agreement will be required for any private improvements that have been specifically approved to cross within, under, or over the existing or proposed public rights-of-way. 55. The proposed development on this site has the potential to intercept subsurface or spring water. The constant flow of spring water to the street may create a nuisance. All wall drains and French drains for any site retaining walls and foundation retaining walls shall outlet to a natural drainage course, open space, or storm drain system where feasible. Where infeasible, an engineered dry well or other suitable outlet may be required. Provide a non-erosive outlet as necessary. Surface runoff from storm events may be directed to the public street. 56. The future development including basements or subsurface improvements may intercept standing and/or seasonal groundwater. Additional analysis may be required regarding any specific impacts related to temporary or permanent dewatering, impacts on the wetlands, subsidence, or the diversion of subsurface waters. The project soils report should include some preliminary analysis in conjunction with the subdivision improvement plan submittal. A Notice of Requirements may be required in conjunction with the map recordation. 57. The subdivider shall install public street lighting and all associated facilities including but not limited to conduits, sidewalk vaults, fusing, wiring, and luminaires along all existing and proposed City streets, including along the Los Osos Valley Road project frontage, per City Engineering Standards. Pedestrian-scale lighting shall be provided on public streets and trails consistent with the Specific Plan and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 58. Private street lighting may be provided along the private streets/alleys/parking areas, pocket parks, and linear parks per City Engineering Standards and/or as approved in conjunction with the final Architectural Review Commission (ARC) approvals. 59. Existing overhead wire services shall be undergrounded along Los Osos Valley Road. The undergrounding shall terminate at existing underground utility points of connection unless ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 59 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 15 otherwise specifically approved by the Public Works Director. The undergrounding shall be accomplished without a net increase in utility poles. 60. Street trees are required as a condition of development. Street trees shall generally be planted at the rate of one 15-gallon street tree for each 35 lineal feet of property frontage. Landscape plans may include grouping of trees to vary this standard to honor site/public improvements, achieve visual variety, or to honor line-of-sight corridors within the subdivision. 61. The public improvement plans shall provide a final analysis of the trees to be removed and trees to be retained. The existing trees located along or across the tract boundary, within areas of utility work, and/or within vacant lots proposed for future development shall be specifically identified in those plans as removed or retained. The plan/map submittals shall include a tree preservation plan and/or notice of requirements attached to the final map. Trees not previously noted and approved for removal shall be retained unless otherwise specifically approved for removal by the City. A tree preservation plan shall be provided by a Certified Arborist and approved by the City for any trees to remain or to be relocated. 62. Improvement plans for the entire subdivision, including any off-site improvements shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department, Utilities Department, and Fire Department prior to map recordation. Off-site improvements may include but are not limited to roadways, sewer mains, water mains, recycled water mains, and storm drain improvements. Off-site improvements may include off-site access roadways, transportation improvements, and utility system improvements. 63. A separate demolition permit will be required from the Building Division for the removal of any existing structures and related infrastructure. Building removals are subject to the Building Demolition Regulations including the additional notification and timing requirements for any structure over 50 years old. 64. A separate building permit will be required for building relocations and associated site, grading, and utility service connections. 65. The improvement plans shall clearly show all existing structures, site improvements, utilities, water wells, septic tanks, leach fields, gas and wire services, etc. The plan shall include any water well and private waste disposal systems that are located within regulated distances to the proposed drainage and utility improvements. The plan shall include the proposed disposition of the improvements and any proposed phasing of their demolition and removal. 66. The improvement plan submittal shall clarify whether any water well(s) to remain will be temporary for construction or will be retained. Retained water wells shall show compliance with all City and State regulations. If retained, specific or blanket easements will be required for the well site, services, appurtenances, tanks, and piping. The well and any ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 60 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 16 service lines will need to show the required separations from existing and proposed infrastructure and drainageways. 67. The map and improvement plans shall show and clarify the extent of all existing and proposed public and private easements. The developer shall provide any additional clarification regarding the use and disposition of any water wells. Any private water well service piping that crosses or is proposed to cross an existing or future public right-of-way shall be approved by the City and shall be covered by an Encroachment Agreement to be recorded in a format approved by the City. The developer shall provide any additional clarifications, amendments, and/or quitclaims on any outstanding private easement agreements, as necessary. 68. Street paving shall be phased in accordance with City Engineering Standard 7110 unless unphased construction is otherwise specifically approved by the City Engineer. Phased construction of the new street pavement shall provide for the ultimate structural street section and pavement life per the City's Pavement Management Plan and City Engineering Standards. The engineer of record shall detail the phased paving requirement in the public improvement plans to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 69. Separate utilities shall be provided to each lot in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations. The applicant shall clarify whether gas service is proposed within this subdivision. The elimination of gas service to any individual lot or portions of the subdivision must be approved through the City’s Design Exception process in conjunction with the subdivision improvement plan submittal. 70. The improvement plan submittal shall include a complete construction phasing plan in accordance with the mitigation measures, conditions of approval, City codes, and standards. A truck circulation plan and construction management and staging plan shall be included with any demolition, stockpile, grading, or improvement plan submittal. General truck routes shall be submitted for review and acceptance by the City. The engineer of record shall provide a summary of the extent of cut and fill with estimates on the yards of import and export material. The summary shall include rough grading, utility trench construction, road construction, AC paving, concrete delivery, and vertical construction loading estimates on the existing City of San Luis Obispo roadways. The developer shall either: 1) complete roadway deflection testing before and after construction to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and shall complete repairs to the pre-construction condition, or 2) shall pay a roadway maintenance fee in accordance with City Engineering Standards and guidelines, or 3) shall propose a pavement repair/replacement program satisfactory to the City Engineer. The roadway impacts analysis and mitigation strategy shall be approved prior to commencing with grading or construction. 71. The public and private subdivision improvements shall be completed or substantially complete to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Community Development directors ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 61 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 17 prior to building permit issuance for new structures in accordance with the Subdivision Regulations. The proposed historic building relocations are required to support the entitlements and subdivision improvements and are not subject to these permit limitations. The improvement plans shall be approved or substantially approved prior to building relocations to establish final line and grade. 72. Retaining wall and/or retaining wall/fence combinations along property lines shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Planning Division and shall conform with the zoning regulations for allowed combined heights or shall be approved through the Architectural Review Commission (ARC), Specific Plan, or separate Fence Height exception process as dictated by the City Zoning Regulations. 73. The ARC plans and public improvement plans shall show the location of the proposed mail receptacles or mailbox units (MBUs) to the satisfaction of the Post Master and the City Engineer. The subdivider shall provide a mailbox unit or multiple units to serve all dwelling units within this development as required by the Post Master. MBUs shall not be located within the public right-of-way or public sidewalk area unless specifically approved by the City Engineer. Contact the Post Master at 805-543-2605 to establish any recommendations regarding the number, size, location, and placement for any MBUs to serve the several neighborhoods and occupancies. 74. Porous concrete, pavers, or other surface treatments as approved by the City Engineer shall be used for private parking areas, V-gutters, private curb and gutter, etc. to the extent feasible within the over-all drainage design for water quality treatment/retention in accordance with the specific plan and General Plan. Fire Department 75. Prior to recordation of the Final Map, the applicant shall provide a Community Fire Protection Plan pursuant to Mitigation Measure MM HAZ-2, for review and approval by the City Fire Marshal and City Natural Resources Manager. The vegetation fuel buffer management zone shall be delineated on the Final Map. Vegetation Management/Fuel Modification areas shall be maintained in an approved manner. 76. Where gates or barricades are placed on a fire access road or Emergency Vehicle Access they shall be secured in an approved manner. Electronic gates shall be openable by a Knox key switch, manual gates or barriers shall only require one lock to open. 77. Needed Fire Flow and all-weather access roads shall be installed and available prior to start of combustible construction. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 62 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 18 Transportation 78. Unless a design exception is approved by the Public Works Director, the Final Map and public improvement plans shall conform to City adopted Engineering Standards, Engineering Specifications, Policies and Plans. 79. Project construction and infrastructure shall be completed in the sequential phase order as evaluated in the Froom Ranch Specific Plan, Final EIR and Transportation Impact Study, or as agreed to between the City and Developer. If phasing is modified, amendments to the Specific Plan, Transportation Impact Study, and EIR may be required. 80. Los Osos Valley Road Class IV Bikeways. Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director, prior to issuance of any occupancy permits for the first development phase, the subdivider shall design and construct Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along Los Osos Valley Road in the southbound direction between Diablo and South Higuera and in the northbound direction between South Higuera and Madonna and between Laguna Lane and Diablo. Bikeway improvements between Calle Joaquin and Froom Ranch Way shall be substantially consistent with the preferred design concept approved by the City Council for the Bob Jones Trail (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Connection Project and may be eligible for Citywide traffic impact fee credits for eligible construction costs. Bikeway designs shall be consistent with applicable design guidance as published by the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO), the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Caltrans and City Engineering Standards. Physical bikeway separation shall be provided by elevating the bikeway to an intermediate or sidewalk level, or through installation of a concrete curb/median between the bikeway and motor vehicle traffic. Green pavement coloring shall be provided at intersection and driveway conflict points. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right-of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve bicycle and pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees, rumble strips/stripes, or other features that further buffer active transportation users from street traffic. 81. Los Osos Valley Road & Auto Park Way. Prior to issuance of any occupancy permits for the first development phase, the subdivider shall design and construct intersection improvements and install a traffic signal at Los Osos Valley Road & Auto Park Way. The intersection shall be designed as a bicycle protected intersection as conceptually shown in the Bob Jones Trail (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Connector Project Study Report and consistent with design best practices published by Caltrans, NACTO, FHWA and AASHTO. Intersection lane configurations and design elements shall be consistent with recommendations presented in the Specific Plan EIR and Transportation Impact Study and City Engineering Standards, including provision of ADA-compliant curb ramps, street lighting, pedestrian median refuges, corner bulbouts and high-visibility crosswalk ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 63 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 19 markings. Traffic signal installation costs may be eligible for Los Osos Valley Road subarea add-on transportation impact fees. The new traffic signal shall include all equipment and appurtenances necessary for intended operation per City Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards, including but not limited to, green powder coated equipment, new controller and cabinet, comm. block for communications, electrical service enclosure with battery backup system, video detection system with video encoder and wireless radio, and accessible pedestrian signals. The new traffic signal shall be interconnected with the adjacent traffic signals along Los Osos Valley Road. 82. Los Osos Valley Road Median. Prior to issuance of any occupancy permits for the first development phase, the subdivider shall design and construct a raised median island along Los Osos Valley Road between the existing median fronting Irish Hills Plaza to Calle Joaquin. The median design shall include landscaping and irrigation per City Standards and shall accommodate openings for left-turn access to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. 83. Los Osos Valley Road Sidewalks. Prior to issuance of any occupancy permits for the first development phase, the subdivider shall design and construct ADA-compliant sidewalks and pedestrian ramps along the west side of Los Osos Valley Road to provide a continuous path of travel between the existing sidewalk fronting Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. 84. Traffic Calming. Public improvement plans shall include traffic calming along Local Road A consistent with the project EIR mitigation requirements and to the approval of the Public Works Director. The subdivision is not eligible for future participation in the City’s Neighborhood Traffic Management Program. 85. Commercial Collector A & Commercial Collector B Roundabout. The subdivider shall construct a single-lane urban roundabout at the intersection of Commercial Collector A & Commercial Collector B. Improvement plans shall be approved prior to issuance of building permits, while construction of the roundabout shall be completed prior to issuance of first occupancy permits for Phase 2. Final roundabout geometry shall be consistent with applicable engineering standards and design guidelines and best practices for bicycle and pedestrian accessibility, and shall accommodate design vehicle turning movements consistent with City Engineering Standards. The Final Map shall reflect any necessary lot line adjustments required to accommodate the final roundabout design. 86. Los Osos Valley Road Striping. Where implementation of roadway improvements along Los Osos Valley Road required substantial realignment of existing roadway striping, the subdivider may be required to grind and slurry seal the roadway surface prior to installation of final roadway striping to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 64 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 20 87. Transit Service. Prior to recordation of the final map, the applicant shall complete the design of the bus turnout and stop at the southwest corner of Los Osos Valley Road and Auto Park Way to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. The bus stop shall be constructed by the applicant prior to occupancy of the first development and shall include an on-street turnout, boarding area, transit shelter, route signage, lighting, bicycle rack, and waste receptacle per City Standards and to the satisfaction of the City Transit Manager. The applicant shall coordinate with SLO Transit to ensure that adequate service would be provided to the new bus stop prior to occupancy of the first development phase. 88. Traffic Impact Fees. Prior to issuance of building permits for each development phase, the subdivider shall pay applicable Citywide and Los Osos Valley Road subarea add-on transportation impact fees. The fees for the Life Plan Community shall be levied based on the “specialty” fee rate, which is calculated based on project trip generation. Trip generation for the Life Plan Community, as referenced from the project Transportation Impact Study, includes 1,338 trips and 99 PM peak hour trips. Fees for Madonna Froom Ranch development shall be based on the number of residential dwelling units and the square footage of commercial development within the Project site. 89. The Applicant shall submit a traffic engineering study identifying recommended signal timing plans for the new Los Osos Valley Road/Auto Park Way signal, as well as recommended timing modifications for existing signalized intersections along the Los Osos Valley Road corridor between Descanso and South Higuera. The traffic engineering study recommendations shall identify recommended adjustments to base timing inputs (min and max green times, pedestrian walk and clearance intervals, yellow and all red times, etc.) consistent with CA MUTCD guidelines and engineering best practices, as well as recommended adjustments to coordinated time of day plans (plan times, cycle lengths, offsets, splits/force-offs, etc.). Recommended timings should be provided in Synchro format and in spreadsheet format (excel, csv.). In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signals along the Los Osos Valley Road corridor. Timing recommendations for Caltrans-operated traffic signals will be submitted for review and potential implementation by Caltrans. 90. Final location of proposed on-site driveway locations shall be reviewed and approved by the City to ensure compliance with City Engineering Standards and access management policies. 91. On-street parking shall be prohibited on all public streets within the plan area. Improvement plans shall include sufficient signage and/or curb paint to convey parking restrictions. 92. Off-site dedication/acquisition of property for public right-of-way purposes may be necessary to facilitate orderly development, anticipated build-out improvements, and/or to satisfy mitigation measures, conditions of approval, or compliance with City Standards and ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 65 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 21 policies. The subdivider shall work with the City and the land owner(s) to acquire the necessary rights-of-way. In the event that the subdivider is unable to acquire said rights- of-way, the City Council may consider lending the subdivider its powers of condemnation to acquire the off-site right-of-way dedication, including any necessary slope and drainage easements. If condemnation is required, the subdivider shall agree to pay all costs associated with the off-site right-of-way acquisition (including attorney fees and court costs). Government Code Section 66462.5. Utilities 93. The project shall include the proposed sewer generation calculations, based on Section 7 of the City’s 2018 Engineering Design Standards, in the permit submittal plan set. The calculations shall include in the scope of the study the minimum depth and size of the required sewer for the manhole to serve developments to the north and to the east of the proposed parcel map, and shall be established and approved to the satisfaction of the Utilities Director. 94. Sewer flow rates and flow velocities shall comply with the requirements of the 2016 Wastewater Collection System Infrastructure Renewal Strategy. Prior to issuance of a building permit the development’s sewer system shall have: A public 8” sewer main within public Streets A, B, and C. The sewer main and laterals south of the culvert on Street B shall be private; the area south of the culvert along Street A, shall be an 8” private system, and the alignment shall be maintained within the proposed paved roads where feasible. If shallow groundwater is encountered within the Villaggio area 10-feet below the original ground surface, the 8” private sewer main and private laterals shall be made with HDPE pipe. 95. The two proposed sewer connections shall be made at manholes for public systems and at wyes for private systems onto the existing 8” sewer main located on the west half of Los Osos Valley Road. 96. If commercial uses in the project include food preparation, provisions for grease interceptors and FOG (fats, oils, and grease) storage within solid waste enclosure(s) shall be provided with the design. These types of facilities shall also provide an area to wash floor mats, equipment, and trash cans. The wash area shall be drained to the sanitary sewer, and an environmental compliance permit shall be filed prior to issuance of occupancy permit. 97. Underground dewatering systems for basements (if needed) shall discharge to an on-site retention system or shall obtain an environmental compliance permit prior to issuance of an occupancy permit. 98. Any sewer that crosses beneath a creek shall be sleeved through that section. 99. Any sewer lateral that crosses one proposed parcel for the benefit of another shall provide evidence that a private utility easement appropriate for those facilities has been recorded prior to issuance of a Building Permit. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 66 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 22 100. Projects involving the construction of new structures requires that complete frontage improvements be installed or that existing improvements be upgraded per city standard MC.12.16.050. 101. (MM UT-2) The Applicant shall pay fair share construction costs for replacement of the 24” sewer main, and related appurtenances, crossing HWY 101 through negotiation of a private reimbursement agreement with the San Luis Ranch. Negotiations of a private reimbursement agreement shall be facilitated by the City to fulfill the Project’s fair share financial obligation towards construction of necessary capacity improvements in accordance with the San Luis Ranch Development Agreement using the project’s proposed sewer flow rates. The City shall approve the private reimbursement agreement and verify that the Applicant contributes appropriate fair share construction costs as approved by the City prior to issuance of building permits. Using the available information provided in the entitlement application, the current estimated fair share construction cost is 10% for 320- feet of a new 24” sewer main, and related appurtenances, crossing Highway 101. The final proportionate fair share contribution by Froom Ranch for the construction costs shall be subject to review and approval by the Utilities Director to fulfill environmental mitigation MM UT-2. 102. The project shall include the proposed water demand calculations, based on Section 6 of the City’s 2018 Engineering Design Standards, in the permit submittal plan set. As part of the public improvement plans, a hydraulic model shall be provided with a design narrative that validates the pipe size, flow rates, and pressures of the proposed improvements and impacts to the existing systems. 103. Water flow rates and flow velocities shall comply with the minimum requirements of the 2016 Potable Water Distribution System Operations Master Plan. Water flow rates and pressures more than what is available from the existing 10” public water main along Los Osos Valley Road shall be augmented by a private booster pump station, surge tank(s), and related appurtenances. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer’s water main system shall have: a public 8” PVC water main within Public Streets A, B, and C. 104. Final grades and alignments of all public and/or private water, recycled water, and sewer shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Utilities Department. The final location, configuration, and sizing of on-site service laterals and meters shall be approved by the Utilities Director in conjunction with the review of the building plans, fire sprinkler plans, and/or public improvement plans. 105. The alignments of public and private water, recycled water, and sewer systems shall be located under a paved street whenever feasible to facilitate access and maintenance, and to the satisfaction of the Utilities Engineer. 106. A hydrant assembly shall be installed at ends of proposed potable water mains that are not looped back into the existing system. 107. The Madonna Froom Ranch Development’s commercial and residential uses shall be metered separately. All residential units are to be individually metered. Privately owned ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 67 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 23 sub-meters may be provided for residential apartments upon approval of the Utilities Director. The CCR’s for the property/homeowner association shall require that the sub- meters be read by the association (or P/HOA contracted service) and each apartment billed according to water use. 108. The Villaggio development shall be metered with a City-owned master meter. Each individual unit shall be privately sub-metered per California Green Building Code requirements. 109. The proposed Villaggio development, which is located south of the proposed culvert along Road B and west of Los Osos Valley Road, shall have a private domestic loop with a public 6” master meter for potable demands, and a separate private fire loop with an 8” double check backflow preventer. Structures within the Villaggio Parcel that are served by the private domestic water loop, and downstream of the public master meter, shall have private sub-meters, and shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Director. 110. Existing well(s) planned for abandonment shall be destroyed per County Health Requirements and the California Department of Water Resources Standard Bulletin 74-81 and 74-90 and the County Health Requirements. A final plan for the disposition of wells shall be included in the public improvement plans, and the Developer shall comply with the California Water Code and the regulations imposed by the City in its capacity as the Groundwater Sustainability Agency pursuant to the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (“SGMA”) in all matters related to the Project. Developer acknowledges that SGMA regulations will be implemented after the Vesting Date and likely throughout its term and nevertheless agrees to comply with them as to the Project. 111. Services from existing water wells shall be maintained within the same parcel boundary per Municipal Code 13.08.370. Parcels with existing wells shall have backflow devices installed behind all meters service the parcel, consistent with City standards. The applicant shall provide confirmation that all well and associated service lines are maintained on the same parcel prior to map recordation, and is provided with the minimum set-back required by the County Health Department and the California Department of Water Resources. 112. Any existing well within a proposed parcel that meets the well set-back requirements that is planned for destruction, the Developer may elect to dedicate the well to the Utilities Department with a 12-foot access easement from a public road. This item may be waived to the satisfaction of the Utilities Director if the well abandonment is necessary for site development. 113. The project shall include the proposed recycled water irrigation demand calculations to meet the criteria of Section 10 of the City’s 2018 Engineering Design Standards in the permit submittal, showing the City’s MAWA and ETWU calculator table, including all inputs. 114. Prior to issuance of a building permit, the developer’s recycled water main system shall have: a public 8” ductile iron recycled water main within Public Streets A, B, and C. The recycled water main and service laterals serving the Villaggio Parcel shall be private and ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 68 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 24 shall include a private service beneath the private service road connecting to Los Osos Valley Road. 115. Recycled water, or another non-potable water source, shall be used for construction water (dust control, soil compaction, etc.). An annual Construction Water Permit is available from the City’s Utilities Department. 116. Irrigation systems using recycled water shall be designed and operated as described consistent with the City’s Procedures for Recycled Water Use, including the requirement that sites utilizing recycled water require backflow protection on all potable service connections. Three sets of irrigation plans shall be submitted for review during the City’s improvement plan and/or building permit review process. 117. Projects having landscape areas greater than 500 square feet shall provide a Maximum Applied Water Allowance calculation as required by the Water Efficient Landscape Standards; Chapter 17.87 of the City’s Municipal Code. 118. Projects generating more than two cubic yards of total waste shall comply with AB 1826, and local waste management ordinance to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. 119. Driveways and access routes to all trash and recycling receptacles shall be designed to accommodate the size and weight of garbage trucks; a written confirmation from the San Luis Garbage Company shall be included in the building permit plans for the proposed project. 120. Trash enclosure and refuse bins shall be sized to provide a reasonable level of service per the requirements of the San Luis Garbage Company. Large bin enclosures shall be wide enough, to accommodate trash, organic, and recycling receptacles, and shall conform to the engineering design standards. 121. The Froom Ranch Development’s commercial and residential refuse services shall be separate unless a letter of agreement between the tenants and a Conditional Exception Application from the City’s Development Standards for Solid Waste Services are provided to the City with the building permit submittal. 122. The proposed utility infrastructure shall comply with the engineering design standards in effect during the time a building permit is obtained and shall have reasonable alignments and clearances needed for maintenance. 123. Revisions to the existing sewer and water infrastructure, that may result from the proposed land use modifications, shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Utilities Director to minimize impacts to operations and maintenance of existing or future services. ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 69 Resolution No. _____ (2016 Series) Page 25 SECTION 3. Annexation (ANNX-0335-2020). The Planning Commission does hereby recommend that in order to implement the approved Specific Plan and related entitlements, that the City Council initiate the process of annexing the project site into the City of San Luis Obispo, by authorizing staff to submit an application for annexation to the San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo). Findings: 1.The project area was identified as one of three Specific Plan areas designated for development when the General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements update were adopted by the City Council in December 2014. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan was prepared to implement this aspect of the General Plan. 2.The Froom Ranch Specific Plan is within the City’s Sphere of Influence as defined by LAFCo, which is an area designated for eventual annexation provided that City services can be provided, and that the annexation is otherwise consistent with LAFCo policies. 3. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan as conditionally approved, provides a framework for providing the necessary City services. Upon motion of _______________________, seconded by _______________________, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was adopted this 13th day of August 2020. ____________________________________ Tyler Corey, Secretary Planning Commission ATTACHMENT 1Item 2 Packet Page 70 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 1 SECTION 1. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo (City) considers and relies on the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR; State Clearinghouse Number 2017071033) for the proposed Froom Ranch Specific Plan (FRSP; Project) in determining to approve the Project and adopt the Specific Plan. The FRSP includes a General Plan Amendment, Pre-Zoning, a Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM), and annexation of the site to the City to allow for development of the 116.8-acre site, as described in the 2020 Draft Specific Plan available for review on the City’s website: https://www.slocity.org/Home/ShowDocument?id=27530 The Final EIR consists of the Draft EIR with changes in response to public comments, written responses to comments received on the Draft EIR, identification of persons and agencies that commented on the Draft EIR, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP), and technical appendices. The City Council has received, reviewed, considered, and relied on the information contained in the Final EIR, as well as information provided at hearings and submissions of testimony from official participating agencies, the public, and other agencies and organizations. Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR]) and Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code require a Lead Agency to adopt findings for each significant environmental impact disclosed in an EIR. Specifically, for each significant impact, the Lead Agency must find that: Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified in the Final EIR; Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by that agency; or Specific economic, social, legal, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR infeasible. The California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15091(b) requires that the City’s findings be supported by substantial evidence in the record. Accordingly, the Lead Agency’s record consists of the following: Documentary and oral evidence, testimony and staff comments and responses received and reviewed by the Lead Agency during public review and the public hearings on the Froom Ranch Specific Plan Project. The City of San Luis Obispo Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final Environmental Impact Report (July 2020). The EIR, FRSP, and other portions of the administrative record are available for review at: City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Department 919 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Contact: Shawna Scott EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 71 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 2 (805) 781-7176 In addition to making a finding for each significant impact, if the Lead Agency approves a project without mitigating all the significant impacts, it must prepare a statement of overriding considerations, in which it balances the benefits of the project against the unavoidable environmental risks. The statement of overriding considerations must explain the social, economic, or other reasons for approving the project despite its environmental impacts (14 CCR 15093, Pub. Res. Code 21081). This document contains the findings and statement of overriding considerations for the approval of the FRSP and reflects the City’s independent judgment. This document incorporates by reference the Final EIR. Having received, reviewed and considered the foregoing information, as well as all information in the record, the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo hereby makes these Findings pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code. SECTION 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A. PROJECT OBJECTIVES As required by the City General Plan, the FRSP contains policies and standards that will facilitate appropriate development of land, protection of open space, and provision of adequate public facilities within the Specific Plan area. The overall objective of the FRSP is to adopt a Specific Plan for the Project site, as required by the City General Plan. The EIR objectives for the FRSP include: 1. Development of a mix of uses while protecting sensitive environmental resources and maintaining public views of the Irish Hills. 2. Provision of a range of housing options, including workforce housing, senior housing, and inclusionary housing. 3. Development of an economically feasible, healthy, safe, and secure Life Plan Community that will serve residents 60 years of age and over. 4. Development of multi-family housing, including housing consistent with the adopted City Inclusionary Housing Requirements in effect at the time of the Specific Plan adoption. 5. Provision of commercial retail uses that complement residential uses and facilitate pedestrian and bicycle access. 6. Provide site hydrology design to improve stormwater conveyance and management, provide a restored riparian creek corridor, and enhance fishery habitat and biological resource value. 7. Development of a public park that includes access and connection to existing trails in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and proposed trails within the Specific Plan area. 8. Reconstruction, rehabilitation, and adaptive reuse of architecturally significant historic structures within a public park, in a setting and configuration that retains historic integrity, while avoiding seismic impacts. 9. Establishment of a cohesive transportation and circulation network of collector and residential roads, bicycle lanes, transit opportunities, and pedestrian sidewalks that is integrated with and enhances the regional transportation system. 10. Incorporation of sustainability measures that meet or exceed the requirements of the California Building Standards Code (Title 24) and California Energy Code (Part 6) in effect at the time of EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 72 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 3 construction, as well as provide onsite renewable energy facilities and Electric Vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in all land use types. 11. Avoidance of impacts to sensitive plant and wildlife species, such as the state and federally endangered Chorro Creek bog thistle (Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense). B. PROPOSED PROJECT The City Council authorized initiation of the Draft FRSP on April 5, 2016 and a Draft FRSP was finalized in July 2017. The 2017 Draft FRSP is evaluated in Section 3.0, Environmental Impact Analysis of the Final EIR. However, as part of the City’s initiation, the City Council required that the EIR also evaluate an feasible “actionable” alternative that would locate all proposed development below the 150-foot elevation line to be consistent with City General Plan Land Use Element (LUE) Policy 6.4.7(H), Hillside Planning Areas. The actionable alternative, referred to as Alternative 1– Clustered Development Below the 150-foot Elevation Alternative, is described in Chapter 5, Alternatives of the Final EIR. Based on the analysis of both the originally proposed project, referred to hereafter as the 2017 Draft FRSP, and Alternative 1, JM Development Group, Inc. (Applicant) now seeks approval and adoption of a revised Alternative 1 as the proposed FRSP as amended in response to the Final EIR and these Finding by the City. The “Applicant-Revised Alternative 1” (hereafter referred to as the “Project”) consists of a General Plan Amendment, Pre-Zoning, VTTM, and annexation of the site to the City. The Project would develop Villaggio, a senior Life Plan Community, and Madonna Froom Ranch, a multi-family residential community with a public park and commercial uses (see Table 1 and Figure 1). The Project continues to include a request for a General Plan Amendment to allow development above the 150-foot elevation, as described further below. Similar to Alternative 1, the Project’s proposed land use plan would substantially reduce the area of disturbance and development compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR, including substantially reducing residential and commercial land uses in areas of the site above the 150-foot elevation line (see Figure 1). Development would only exceed the 150-foot elevation line within the Madonna Froom Ranch portion of the Project site where residential and public park uses would replace the existing red rock quarry and related disturbed areas. Overall developed area would decrease by 8.2 acres as compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the EIR, and more than 6.1 additional acres within the Upper Terrace area of Villaggio would remain as designated open space, substantially reducing direct and indirect disturbance of habitats and natural resources in this area. Similar to Alternative 1, the Project includes construction of up to 578 residential units (31.0 acres), 100,000 square feet of commercial development (3.0 acres), 3.5 acres of public facilities (P-F-SP), and 5.9 acres of other (roads), with 66.2 acres preserved for conservation and open space (C/OS-SP) uses (see Table 1). Table 1. Summary of Project Zoning and Land Uses Proposed Zones Acreage Density Housing Units/ sf VILLAGGIO R-3-SP Medium-High Density Residential 23.0 13-20 dwelling units/acre 404 units/ 51 beds Independent Living Units 366 units Assisted Living Units 38 units Health Care Units (Skilled Nursing & Memory Care) 51 beds Ancillary Uses (recreation center, restaurants, theaters, etc.). 67,485 sf MADONNA FROOM RANCH EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 73 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 4 Proposed Zones Acreage Density Housing Units/ sf R-3-SP Medium-High Density Residential 6.2 13-20 dwelling units/acre 130 units R-4-SP High Density Residential 1.8 21-24 dwelling units/acre 44 units C-R-SP Retail-Commercial 3.0 100,000 sf1 Hotel with Restaurant 70,000 sf Other Commercial 30,000 sf PF-SP Public Facilities 3.6 -- ADDITIONAL USES C/OS-SP Conservation/ Open Space 66.2 -- Designated Open Space 58.4 -- Reconfigured Agricultural Easement 7.8 -- Roadways 5.9 -- TOTAL 109.7 578 units/51 beds2 100,000 sf commercial 1 Consistent with LUE range of 50,000-350,000 square feet of commercial development. 2 Total exceeds maximum 350 units as allowed in Section 8.1.5 of the General Plan LUE consistent with guidance that maximizing housing units is consistent with City goals. In addition, the Project would include the following features, which were either previously required as mitigation for significant impacts identified for the Draft FRSP as analyzed in the Final EIR or have been included as design features to enhance consistency with applicable plans and policies. More specifically, the following features have been included as aspects of the Project to reduce or avoid impacts attributed to development above the 150-foot elevation line in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio:  Consistent with Alternative 1, nearly all new urban development would occur below the 150-foot elevation line. Nearly all residential land uses under the Project would be relocated to areas within the Project site that are primarily below the 150-foot elevation line and all development within the sensitive and resource-rich Upper Terrace would be avoided. The only development that would occur above the 150-foot elevation line would be the proposed public trailhead park containing four historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex structures and approximately 0.8 acres (34,727 square feet) of R-3- SP (Medium-High Density Residential). This would restrict development to roughly 40 percent of the site.  Similar to Alternative 1, development would be clustered within the Lower Area of Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch. Overall building density in developed areas of the site would increase to accommodate the same capacity for development as the Project but within a smaller area. Maximum heights of some buildings would increase by approximately one story. o The Lower Area of Villaggio would remain designated R-3-SP but development of buildings within the Lower Area would be reconfigured and some building heights and sizes would increase by one story, including the Villaggio Commons buildings and the proposed tower. o Residential areas within Madonna Froom Ranch would remain designated R-3-SP and R- 4-SP and maximum residential density would remain at 20 dwelling units per acre for R- 3-SP designated uses and 24 dwelling units per acre for R-4-SP designated uses.  Emergency access would be provided via three different connections: 1) from the Irish Hills Plaza into Madonna Froom Ranch; 2) from Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) into Madonna Froom Ranch via the main entry road; and 3) from LOVR to Villaggio across the realigned Froom Creek EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 74 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 5 and wetlands adjacent to LOVR. The emergency access road through the proposed drainage basin on Mountainbrook Church property that was analyzed in Alternative 1 is not proposed for the Project as the three proposed emergency access points would provide adequate access and emergency response to the site and would avoid additional impacts to Froom Creek, onsite jurisdictional drainages, and/or wetland areas.  The Project incorporates the requirements of Mitigation Measures (MM) BIO-13 into the proposed land use plan, which was identified in the Final EIR to apply to both the Draft FRSP and Alternative 1. The Project land use plan has been modified to maintain within a 300-foot buffer on the centerline of the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 and the realigned Froom Creek to maintain natural vegetation, ecological, hydrology, and wildlife connectivity between the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the Froom Creek corridor consistent with General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element Policies 7.3.2, 7.3.3, and 7.7.7. Similar to Alternative 1, the Project is proposed to be constructed in three phases. Phase 1 would involve construction activities, including site preparation such as grading, realignment of Froom Creek, and installation of roadways, utility infrastructure, and trails. Phase 2 would involve final grading and vertical development of Villaggio in the Lower Area only, including construction of 404 R-3-SP Medium-High Density Residential units, 366 of which would be independent living units and 38 would be assisted living units. Construction of Villaggio in Phase 2 would also involve construction of an approximately 85,670- square-foot health care administration building with 51 skilled nursing and memory care beds and 67,485 square feet of ancillary uses. Phase 3 would involve final grading and vertical development of Madonna Froom Ranch, including extension of utilities and construction of up to 130 R-3-SP residential units, 44 R-4-SP residential units, and 100,000 square feet of C-R-SP Retail-Commercial. Construction is planned to begin in 2021 and anticipated to be completed by 2025. These elements of the Project are further described in the 2020 Draft FRSP. Because the Applicant seeks approval of the Project as revised, rather than the 2017 Draft FRSP as originally proposed in the Final EIR, the Findings below relate to revised Project. The Draft EIR is available at the following link: https://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/community-development/documents- online/environmental-review-documents/-folder-2018 The Final EIR is available at the following link: https://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/community-development/documents- online/environmental-review-documents/-folder-2086 The proposed 2020 Draft FRSP is available at the following link: https://www.slocity.org/Home/ShowDocument?id=27530 EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 75 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 6 Figure 1. Project Land Use Plan EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 76 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 7 SECTION 3. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT A. BACKGROUND The Final EIR was prepared in compliance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. In accordance with Section 15121 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the purpose of the Final EIR is to serve as an informational document for the public and City decision makers. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15182, “where a public agency has prepared an EIR on a specific plan after January 1, 1980, a residential project undertaken pursuant to and in conformity to that specific plan is exempt from CEQA,” as long as the residential project is within the scope of the EIR, no new or more severe environmental effects would occur, and no new mitigation measures are required for the residential project. In accordance with Section 15105 of the State CEQA Guidelines, the Draft EIR was circulated for a 45- day public review period that began November 8, 2019 and concluded on December 23, 2019. The City held several Advisory Committee and Planning Commission Hearings on November 18, 2019, December 2, 2019, December 4, 2019, December 10, 2019, and December 11, 2019, to allow for Advisory Committee, Planning Commission, and public review and comment on the Project and to receive public testimony in the form of verbal comments on the Draft EIR. Responses to each written and verbal comment that the City received are included in Section 8.0, Response to Comments of Final EIR. The Draft EIR and Responses to Comments collectively comprise the Final EIR for the Project. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 77 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 8 B. IMPACT ANALYSIS Five categories of impacts are identified in the EIR:  A beneficial impact would result when the proposed project would have a positive effect on the natural or human environment and no mitigation would be required.  No impact would result when no change in the environment would occur; no mitigation would be required.  A less than significant impact is an adverse impact that does not meet or exceed the applicable significance criteria thresholds for a particular resource. Generally, no mitigation measures are required for less than significant impacts; only compliance with standard regulatory conditions would be required. However, mitigation may still be recommended should the lead or responsible agency deem it appropriate to reduce the impact to the maximum extent feasible, as long as there is rough proportionality between the environmental impacts caused by the project and the mitigation measures imposed on the project.  A less than significant impact with mitigation is an adverse impact that would cause a substantial adverse effect that meets or exceeds the applicable significance criteria thresholds for a particular resource, but which can be reduced to a less than significant level through successful implementation of identified mitigation measures.  A significant and unavoidable impact would cause a substantial adverse effect on the environment that meets or exceeds the applicable significance criteria thresholds for a particular resource, and no feasible mitigation measures would be available to reduce the impact to a less than significant level. Determinations of significance levels in the EIR are made based on impact significance criteria and State CEQA Guidelines for each environmental resource. SECTION 5. FINDINGS FOR LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROJECT The findings below are for impacts that are adverse, but would not result in significant effects on the natural or human environment. The City Council concludes that the following impacts would result in adverse but less than significant effects on the natural or human environment. The impacts identified in this section are considered in the same sequence in which they appear in the Final EIR. A. AESTHETICS AND VISUAL RESOURCES 1. Impact VIS-3: The Project would introduce a new source of nighttime light, impacting the quality of the nighttime sky and increasing ambient light. New sources of nighttime light generated by the Project would not substantially affect existing nighttime views due to light pollution generated by surrounding development. Further, the Project would be regulated by outdoor lighting standards consistent with the City’s Night Sky Preservation Ordinance and Community Design Guidelines (Refer to Impact VIS-3, beginning on page 3.1-39 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 78 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 9 b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. B. AGRICULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Impact AG-1: The Project would convert onsite Farmland of Local Potential and prime soils if irrigated to non-agricultural uses. The Project site does not contain Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Important Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) of the California Resources Agency. The loss of Grazing Land and Farmland of Local Potential is not considered a significant impact under CEQA, nor under the City’s General Plan LUE. The Project site contains approximately 43.9 acres of Cropley clay and 3.7 acres of Salinas silty clay loam soils (total 47.6 acres), which are considered to be prime soils if irrigated. A California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) Model was prepared for the Project, resulting in a scoring decision of less than significant. The Project is subject to the annexation approval jurisdiction of the San Luis Obispo County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and would be required to comply with LAFCO’s Agricultural Policies, including substitution of any prime agricultural lands (per Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act definitions) to be converted as a result of Project development. Therefore, the Project would not convert Important Farmland or result in the significant conversion of or prime agricultural soils (Refer to page Impact AG-1, beginning on page 3.2-16 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact AG-2: Implementation of the Project would create potential conflicts with existing agricultural zoning. Development of the Project site would convert 116.8 acres of Agriculture, Rural Lands, and Commercial Retail designated land uses to urban uses. This includes 58.4 acres of Agriculture and Rural Lands designated land use that would be annexed and designated as Open Space under the Project, making these areas not suitable for agricultural uses in the future. However, the site is planned for urban development, public park, and open space uses in the City’s General Plan LUE (Refer to Impact AG-2, beginning on page 3.2-19 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Impact AG-3: The Project would amend and adjust the boundary of an existing open space and agricultural conservation easement to a location that would reduce the viability of agricultural operations within the recorded easement area. Adjustment of the existing easement boundary would effectively reduce the extent of lands dedicated to grazing uses, as livestock would not have the ability to access or utilize the amended easement area after buildout of the Specific Plan area. However, realignment of the easement would support conservation of habitat and biological resources, particularly the protection of existing wetlands and would increase the total size of the easement area from 7.1 acres to 7.8 acres, which is consistent with the terms of the easement and would be a less than significant impact (Refer to Impact AG-3, beginning on page 3.2-20 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 79 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 10 4. Cumulative Agricultural Resources Impact: The Project would result in the incremental loss of agricultural resources within the County, including the loss of Grazing Lands and loss of Farmland of Local Potential, per the FMMP. However, the Project site does not contain prime agricultural resources per the FMMP or the California Agricultural LESA Model and would be required to comply with LAFCO’s Agricultural Policies, including substitution of any prime agricultural lands (per Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg Act definitions) to be converted as a result of Project development. Therefore, the Project would not contribute to the substantial loss of prime agricultural land within the County and Project’s cumulative contribution to loss of agricultural resources would be less than significant (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.2-21 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect. C. AIR QUALITY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 1. Impact AQ-3: Project development could result in the release of toxic diesel emissions or naturally occurring asbestos during construction, which could expose sensitive receptors to emissions-related health risks. There are no existing sensitive receptors on the Project site or vicinity that would be significantly exposed to Project construction emissions and future sensitive receptors would be protected from exposure to significant construction emissions through Project phasing. Proposed areas of development within the Specific Plan area are also not located adjacent (i.e., within 500 feet) to a freeway producing significant DPMs or a gasoline station (i.e., 50 feet). Therefore, impacts would be less than significant (Refer to page 3.3-51 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. D. GEOLOGY AND SOILS 1. Impact GEO-1: The Project would expose people or structures to adverse effects from earthquakes and seismically induced hazards. A section of the Los Osos Fault runs through both the Madonna Froom Ranch and Villaggio portions of the site. Based on the proposed land use plan, the Los Osos Fault would cross residential (R-3-SP), open space (C/OS-SP), and public facility (PF-SP) land uses. The FRSP incorporates the recommendations of the Subsurface Fault Investigation, including development standards to ensure habitable structures (structures occupied more than 2,000 hours per year) are constructed outside the recommended setbacks. Compliance with federal, state, and local regulations, in addition to the recommendations of the Subsurface Fault Investigation and Preliminary Engineering Geology Investigation would reduce the impacts associated with seismicity or seismically induced hazards to a less than significant level (Refer to Impact GEO-1, beginning on page 3.6-19 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 80 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 11 2. Impact GEO-2: The Project has the potential to exacerbate potential soils hazards, including expansive soils, differential settlement, and subsidence. Implementation of recommendations outlined in the Preliminary Soils Engineering Report and the geotechnical recommendations included therein would reduce impacts related to construction and operation of the Project on soils that are loose, saturated, and expansive. Additionally, compliance with federal, state, and local regulations (i.e., International Building Code, California Building Code, the General Plan Safety Element, and the City Municipal Code) would reduce impacts associated with expansive soils, differential settlement, and subsidence as a result of the Project (Refer to Impact GEO-2, beginning on page 3.6-22 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Impact GEO-3: The Project would potentially cause erosion, landslides, and rockfall. However, potential for landslides to occur at the Project site is considered low, and slopes at the Project site are generally stable. Further, the potential for rockfall within the proposed areas of development at the site is considered low, especially since development within the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, where slopes are steeper and less stable, would not occur under the Project. Implementation of recommendations outlined in the Preliminary Soils Engineering Report and Preliminary Engineering Geology Investigation would reduce impacts related to development of the Project on soils that are steep and potentially unstable. Additionally, compliance with federal, state, and local regulations (i.e., International Building Code, California Building Code, the General Plan Safety Element, and the City Municipal Code) would reduce impacts associated with erosion, landslides, and rockfall hazards (Refer to Impact GEO-3, beginning on page 3.6-23 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 4. Impact GEO-4: The Project would include subterranean parking in Villaggio and may require groundwater dewatering in areas with high groundwater in the Lower Area. According to the Project’s geology and soils reports, shallow groundwater levels were observed at a depth of 1.5 to 4.0 feet below ground surface. To limit potential for saturated soils or groundwater intrusion, the Project would import engineered fill material to elevate the lower-elevation areas of the Project site to a finished grade of at least one foot above the 100-year floodplain. Further, realignment of Froom Creek and alteration of the 100-year floodplain would change the site topography to ensure development avoids groundwater intrusion. Where necessary, the finished grade may be raised several feet above the existing grade. Implementation of the above measures and compliance with federal, state, and local regulations would reduce impacts associated with development on an area of potential shallow groundwater (Refer to Impact GEO-4, beginning on page 3.6-25 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 5. Cumulative Geology and Soils Impacts: The majority of structures on properties bordering the site were constructed within the past 30 years, including the hotels along Calle Joaquin, Mountainbrook Church, and Irish Hills Plaza. These structures were required to meet California Building Code (CBC) standards to prevent them from hazardous conditions to public safety due to soil instability EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 81 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 12 during an earthquake. In accordance with the City Municipal Code and the General Plan Safety Element, all discretionary development within the City, including cumulative development projects, would be required to undergo analysis of each site’s geological and soil conditions prior to construction. This analysis would include investigations of native soils onsite and the structural stability of any proposed subterranean structures to ensure each individual project is designed and engineered to withstand reasonably foreseeable seismic activity or unstable soil conditions and would meet the most current and stringent building safety requirements. It is anticipated that the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts associated with seismic activity, soil instability, subsidence, collapse, and/or expansive soil would be less than significant (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.6-28 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect. E. HAZARDS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, AND WILDFIRE 1. Impact HAZ-2: The Project would potentially expose persons to toxic, hazardous, or otherwise harmful chemicals through accidental conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment. Ultimately, the existing Project site conditions and historical use for agricultural uses (i.e., grazing) do not indicate that substantial safety risks from hazardous materials are present that may be exacerbated. Additionally, implementation of the Project would not substantially increase the risk from hazardous materials to the public within the Project site or within the surrounding area. Compliance with standards and regulations would ensure that the risk of hazardous materials would be reduced or eliminated (Refer to Impact HAZ-2, beginning on page 3.7-37 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact HAZ-3: The Project site is located within the Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP) Safety Areas and would potentially result in an airport-related safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project site. Although a small portion of residential and commercial uses in the northeastern corner of the site are within Aviation Safety Sub-Areas S-1B and S-1C of the existing ALUP, developable land uses proposed under the Project are largely located within Aviation Safety Area S-2, which generally indicates areas of overhead aircraft turning movements. Further, the Airport Land Use Commission conceptually reviewed the Project on April 19, 2017 and advised that the Project should comply with Aviation Safety Area S-2 restrictions at a minimum. With compliance, no substantial physical airport- related safety hazard would occur as result of Project implementation. Further, the Project would be subject to review by the ALUC for consistency with the ALUP and Airport Safety Areas. With regard to excessive airport noise, the Project site is outside of any ALUP noise contours and noise from aircraft overflights do not generate excessive noise levels under current or projected airport operations and would not substantially affect the health or safety of future Project residents (Refer to Impact HAZ-3, beginning on page 3.7-40 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 82 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 13 F. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY 1. Impact HYD-3: Operation of the Project would potentially impact water quality of Froom Creek and San Luis Obispo Creek due to polluted urban runoff and sedimentation. The Project includes a comprehensive stormwater management system with approximately five stormwater retention and treatment areas on site, as well as the proposed LOVR and Home Depot ditches, which would capture and bio-filter runoff before it enters Froom Creek or the Calle Joaquin wetlands. Additionally, the proposed FRSP outlines best management practices (BMPs) which, once adopted, would guide development of the Project to manage stormwater runoff consistent with City and Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) requirements. Upon compliance with the City’s Storm Water Management Plan, Engineering Standards, General Plan, and City Municipal Code requirements, as well as permitting requirements of the Central Coast RWQCB, adverse effects to water quality from operation of the Project would be reduced to a less than significant level (Refer to Impact HYD-3, beginning on page 3.8-37 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact HYD-4: The Project would involve development of new impervious surfaces and potentially interfere with groundwater recharge. The proposed Project would relocate Froom Creek to the base of the slope within the Project site and raise the ground surface to at least 1 foot above the 100-year floodplain, which would eliminate the potential for the proposed development to encounter groundwater resources. The higher site elevation would increase the depth to water below grade, assuming the groundwater level elevation will be similar to the recent groundwater elevations. Implementation of the Project would not substantially interfere with groundwater resources or impede groundwater recharge (Refer to Impact HYD-4, beginning on page 3.8-38 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Cumulative Hydrology and Water Quality Impacts: The Project, through the proposed realigned creek design and stormwater detention basin, would adequately attenuate all Project-related increases in flood flows on- or offsite, such that significant flooding would not occur. Policies and design measures of the proposed FRSP would reduce the Project’s contribution to potential cumulative flooding impacts to the extent feasible, even such that peak flows experienced at the U.S. Highway 101 (U.S. 101) box culvert may be less than existing flood flows. Therefore, the Project’s contribution to cumulative flood impacts would be less than significant. The proposed Project, in conjunction with pending cumulative development, would not significantly increase the concentration of urban pollutants in surface runoff or groundwater. Polluted runoff that may be generated during construction activities of cumulative development and projects considered in this analysis would be regulated by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) under General Construction, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, and would be minimized using standard construction BMPs. Cumulative impacts would therefore be less than significant for water quality. With adherence to these regulatory standards, the cumulative contribution from the Project would be less than significant (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.8-40 of the Final EIR). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 83 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 14 a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect. G. LAND USE AND PLANNING 1. Impact LU-2: The Project would potentially be inconsistent with existing easements and setback requirements onsite. Assuming compliance with existing policies and required findings that must be met in order to approve an exception to established uses within designated setback areas, realignment and revegetation of Froom Creek would be consistent with City setback policies. Amendment of the 7.1-acre easement would increase the area protected by the easement from 7.1 acres to 7.8 acres and would continue to meet the objectives and LAFCO requirements of the 2010 Open Space and Agricultural Conservation Easement agreement, which allows for conservation of habitat and biological resources. Regarding the 2018 Memorandum of Option and easement rights, the Project would entail purchase of easement rights within the Mountainbrook Church property to develop a proposed stormwater detention basin. This action would be consistent with the Memorandum of Option and easement rights currently held by the Madonna Family Trust (owner) and the Mountainbrook Church. Regarding the 2001 Open Space Easement and 2010 Deed of Easement for Ingress and Egress, based on the land use plan proposed under the FRSP, implementation of the Project would not alter these existing easements (Refer to Impact LU-2, beginning on page 3.9-66 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. H. NOISE 1. Impact NO-2: Project construction activities (e.g., excavation, transportation of heavy equipment) could result in exposure of sensitive receptors and buildings to excessive groundborne vibration. Vibration levels experienced by offsite sensitive receptors would not exceed the threshold of 0.10 in/sec. These vibrations would be temporary and intermittent due to the nature of construction, and would only occur during the hours of construction, generally 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM except for Sundays and holidays. With regard to onsite sensitive receptors, because residential units would not be developed within the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, heavy construction equipment would not pass through occupied units in the Lower Area and potential impacts from construction-related vibration on this population would not occur. While Villaggio would be occupied during construction of Madonna Froom Ranch, vibration would be attenuated with the intervening distance and would be at an imperceptible level at the location of proximate sensitive receptors (Refer to Impact NO-2, beginning on page 3.10-30 and the Noise section, beginning on page 5-79 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact NO-3: Long-term operational noise impacts would include higher roadway noise levels from increased vehicle traffic generated by the Project, Project operational noise, and exposure of future residents to high noise levels that could result in the exceedance of thresholds in the City’s General EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 84 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 15 Plan Noise Element. However, the noise impacts from operation of the proposed development would be typical of similar uses and would not constitute a substantial increase in ambient noise levels at offsite locations and therefore would not exceed interior or exterior ambient noise thresholds at offsite locations (Refer to Impact NO-3, beginning on page 3.10-31 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. I. POPULATION AND HOUSING 1. Impact PH-1: Residential and commercial development associated with the Project would induce population growth. The Project would not result in or substantially contribute to a significant housing impact, or a related population impact, because the Project would be consistent with the LUE projected population forecasts and with the residential unit growth requirements specified by LUE Policy 1.10.2. Therefore, the Project would not induce substantial housing or population growth either directly or indirectly (Refer to Impact PH-1, beginning on page 3.11-19 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact PH-2: The Project would provide additional housing for the City, assisting the jobs-to- housing ratio. With 332 new jobs added to the City’s existing 54,132 jobs and 174 multi-family units added to the existing 21,416 housing unit stock, the jobs-to-housing balance would be approximately 54,464 jobs to 21,590 housing units, or similarly remaining at 2.5 to 1. Given this negligible change in the jobs-to-housing ratio, the Project would maintain the City’s current jobs-to-housing ratio of 2.5 to 1, ensuring consistency with Policy Land Use 1.5 (Refer to Impact PH-2, beginning on page 3.11- 21 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Impact PH-3: The Project would provide additional affordable housing for the City. The FRSP includes policies that require the Applicant to provide for deed-restricted housing for low and moderate-income households, consistent with the General Plan (Refer to Impact PH-3, beginning on page 3.11-23 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 4. Cumulative Population and Housing Impacts: The Project contribution of increased housing and population would remain consistent with LUE and Housing Element policies and would not result in significant cumulative population contribution. Further, existing LUE policies requiring that the City manage its housing supply so that it does not exceed a growth rate of 1.0 percent per year, on average, would help to ensure population growth does not exceed planned growth or result in significant cumulative impacts associated with increases in population and housing within the City. Therefore, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 85 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 16 cumulative impacts would be less than significant (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.11-23 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect. J. PUBLIC SERVICES AND RECREATION 1. Impact PS-1: The Project would increase demand on the San Luis Obispo Police Department (SLOPD) for police protection services. Existing SLOPD staff levels are adequate to meet the General Plan Safety Element standard of 30 percent available-time sworn officer objective for patrol response. The City currently has a ratio of 1.30 officers per 1,000 residents. Based on the current City population of 46,802, the addition of 1,231 residents as a result of implementation of the Project (total population of 48,033) would incrementally reduce this ratio to 1.27. Therefore, the Project would not reduce the available-time sworn officer objective below the General Plan Safety Element’s target goal. In addition, measures have been included in the FRSP to decrease Project demand for police protection services, which would help reduce any indirect impacts to City residents associated with such increased demand and allow more flexibility for City allocation of resources (Refer to Impact PS-1, beginning on page 3.12-15 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact PS-2: The Project would increase the demand on San Luis Obispo Fire Department (SLOFD) and California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) for fire protection services and create potential declines in firefighter-to-population ratios; however, the Project would be located within the accepted response time performance area. Development of senior residential uses, which are associated with higher than average calls for emergency medical service, would increase emergency calls for service. The SLOFD currently anticipates adequate resources exist to serve the Project consistent with its established 4-minute response time goal without the need for additional personnel. Further, the SLOFD believes the Project would not result in a significant increase in demand for fire or emergency response services, and that adequate resources and staff exist to serve the proposed development (Refer to Impact PS-2, beginning on page 3.12-17 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Impact PS-3: The Project would generate increases in enrollment at public schools (especially C.L Elementary and Laguna Middle Schools). Based on San Luis Coastal Unified School District (SLCUSD) student generation rates used in the SLCUSD Enrollment Projections Capacity Analysis, it is estimated that Project development would generate approximately 37 additional school‐age children. All respective schools for each grade level would have remaining capacity to accommodate an increase in student population from the Project, with the exception of Pacheco Elementary; however, the SLCUSD currently requires all new residential and commercial development to pay developer fees to offset potential impacts of increased enrollment on City school facilities EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 86 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 17 (Government Code Section 65996), which is considered to be full mitigation for potential impacts (Refer to Impact PS-3, beginning on page 3.12-18 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 4. Cumulative Public Services and Recreation Impacts: Public services within the Project vicinity are primarily provided by the City, supplemented by interagency mutual aid agreements between SLOFD and CALFIRE for fire protection services and a Memorandum of Understanding between SLOPD, the County Sherriff’s Department, and Cal Poly’s California State University (CSU)- operated University Police Department. The Project, in conjunction with approved, pending, or proposed development projects in the City, proposed land use changes under the LUCE Update, and associated population growth, would incrementally increase overall demand for public services including fire protection, police protection, schools, and parks (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.12-25 of the Final EIR). Police Services Though the Project would not individually result in the demand for any new officers due to its associated incremental increase in demand for service and existing sufficiency of services, the Project, in addition to all cumulative development within the City, would contribute to the potential increase in demand for added police staffing. However, as noted above, the City Council would address SLOPD departmental budget, staffing, and equipment needs as part of the annual budgetary process. This review allows SLOPD to determine whether any increases in police resources and equipment is needed. The SLOPD is funded through general fund revenues generated by property, sales, and transient occupancy taxes, all of which are expected to increase in proportion to new development within the City. Such increases in revenues could be used to hire additional officers and purchase equipment to maintain or improve SLOPD service levels over time to meet changing demands, if determined appropriate by the City Council. The planned new or replaced police station, though not directly attributed to an increase in demand for services, was identified as important by City voters due to the age of the existing facility is anticipated to be completed in the near future and may also help to accommodate these future cumulative demands. Therefore, the Project’s contribution towards cumulative impacts would be less than significant for police services. Fire Protection The Project would be adequately served by existing fire protection facilities and services and the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would not be considerable. However, as several future developments in the City would be located in the vicinity of the Project, including the Avila Ranch Development Plan and the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan, additional demands would be placed on the SLOFD and the mutual aid agreement with CALFIRE. As indicated by the 2016 Fire Department Master Plan, a fifth fire station in the southern portion of the City would be required to maintain adequate fire protection services within the City under buildout of the LUCE Update. Upon development of the fifth fire station, cumulative impacts to fire protection services on the southern side of the City would continue to be less than significant. Further, an Interim Fire Station is planned under the approved Avila Ranch Development Plan and would provide fire protection services within the southern extent of the City until the fifth fire station becomes operational. Therefore, the Project would not result in a cumulatively considerable contribution to impacts to fire protection services and cumulative impacts would be less than significant. Schools EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 87 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 18 Due to district budget constraints, new dwellings will have serious adverse consequences for school staffing, facilities, and programs unless new development adequately mitigates the adverse impact on school facilities. Mitigation in the form of development fees ($3.79 per square foot of residential development and $0.61 per square foot of commercial development) is assessed with issuance of construction permits. School district fees are collected by the City and used by the district to fund school infrastructure needs. Given the payment of developer fees for school facilities under the Project (which constitutes full mitigation pursuant to SB 50), the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would not be considerable and potential cumulative impacts would be less than significant. a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the Project would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect on police, fire protection, and school facilities and services. K. UTILITIES AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 1. Impact UT-2: Project-related increases in water use would increase demand for the City’s potable water supply. Using the Project’s Water Supply Assessment (WSA) to estimate total indoor water demand for the proposed land uses and the WSA-estimated outdoor irrigation water demand values, the total water demand of the Project is estimated at approximately 174.18 AFY. Based on these water demand projections and assessment of available water supplies currently and in the future under multi-year drought conditions, there would be a sufficient existing and future supply of water to meet the Project's needs (Refer to Impact UT-2, beginning on page 3.14-33 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Impact UT-4: The Project would generate additional solid waste for disposal at the Cold Canyon Landfill. The Project would contribute an estimated 6.7 tons per day of solid waste. Based on these daily solid waste projections, the Project would contribute approximately 0.3 percent of the potential daily waste capacity of Cold Canyon Landfill. Anticipated increases in waste generated at the Project site would therefore comprise a nominal portion of excess capacity of existing solid waste facilities and would not substantially affect the landfill’s capacity or ability comply with federal, state, or local regulations (Refer to Impact UT-4, beginning on page 3.14-38 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 3. Impact UT-5: The Project would result in an increase of energy consumption and requirement for additional energy resources. Operation of the proposed Project is estimated to generate a new demand for 128,574.7 therms per year of natural gas, 5,289.7 megawatt-hours per year of electricity, and 927,763.2 gallons per year of vehicle fuel. Based on this comparisons of the Project’s electricity and natural gas demands with statewide, regional, and City demand, the proposed Project is anticipated to be lower than City, County and state average energy demands and is not expected to result in the use of a large amount of electricity, natural gas, or vehicle fuels in an unnecessary, wasteful, or inefficient manner, nor would it affect regional supplies or peak/base periods of demand as the estimated energy demand is typical for a Project of this size, and would result in a negligible increase in Citywide and regional demands. The Project would also be required to comply with federal, state, and local EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 88 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 19 regulations, pertaining to improved energy efficiency and conservation in both Project construction and operation, further reducing the Project’s potential to result in wasteful or inefficient use of energy resources (Refer to Impact UT-5, beginning on page 3.14-40 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 4. Cumulative Utility and Energy Conservation Impacts: Other than wastewater treatment, all existing utilities systems have sufficient capacity to provide service to the Project site, as well as to future development under the City General Plan buildout. Potential cumulative impacts to the City’s wastewater collection, conveyance, and treatment system are discussed further in Section 6. Implementation of this Project and other proposed or current projects would increase the cumulative demand on utilities; however, these projects would be required to comply with standards for adequate utilities set forth in the City’s General Plan, would be subject to City planning and review processes, and would be required to pay development impact fees to offset any contribution to cumulative impacts from utility infrastructure needs and service capacities. The Project would not result in any significant or adverse cumulative effects on the supply of water and solid waste. The Project, along with other cumulative development within the City and region, would be required to comply with state and City requirements for implementing energy efficiency measures and help the City achieve carbon neutrality by 2035, which would help to reduce inefficient or wasteful use of energy supplies within existing and future development within the City. Project impacts to such utilities and facilities would be less than significant. The Project would result in considerable contributions to cumulatively significant impacts with regard to the City’s wastewater collection, conveyance, and treatment system. Cumulative impacts to wastewater facilities are described below under Section 6 (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.14-46 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect on City water, solid waste, and energy resources and facilities. L. MINERAL RESOURCES 1. Impact MN-1: Project implementation would result in the loss of the existing onsite red rock quarry (Froom Ranch Pit). The Project would reclaim the existing quarry site consistent with the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act (SMARA) permit reclamation plan (including grooming and reseeding the area with pasture mix) and develop the area for park facilities, the relocated historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex, and medium-high density multi-family housing within the Madonna Froom Ranch area of the site. Reclamation would occur during Phase 1 of Project construction and, consistent with the quarry’s reclamation plan. The impact of the Project on available resources within the region and state would be minimal. There is no current or expected future red rock production from the 5.5-acre quarry, and further mining would be prohibited under the Project following annexation to the City. Available acreage for onsite mineral production is 0.01 percent of the 40,895 acres available within the Production-Consumption Region for this resource, which is a nominal loss of mineral production to local and state needs (Refer to Impact MN-1, beginning on page 3.15-8 of the Final EIR). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 89 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 20 a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than significant effect. 2. Cumulative Mineral Resources Impacts: The City does not allow mineral resource extraction and there are no other proximate active mines identified for future annexation into the City. The County’s proposed mining designation amendments would adjust land use designations to reflect state- designated regionally significant mineral resources and would help prevent closure and elimination of these sites. The County’s Infrastructure and Facilities Capital Improvement Plan does not indicate expectation of any projects that would impact availability of mineral resources or mineral resource recovery sites. Therefore, the Project is not expected to result in significant cumulative impacts to mineral resources or mineral resources (Refer to Section Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.15-9 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: None b. Finding: The City finds that the impact would have an adverse, but less than cumulatively significant effect. SECTION 6. FINDINGS FOR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE MITIGATED PROJECT ALTERNATIVE THAT HAVE BEEN MITIGATED TO A LESS THAN SIGNIFICANT LEVEL The findings below are for impacts that would result in potentially significant effects on the natural and/or human environment, but could be reduced to a less than significant level through feasible changes or alterations to the Project or implementation of mitigation measures. When approving a project with impacts that are less than significant with mitigation, the decision-makers must make findings that changes or alterations to the project have been incorporated that reduce the impacts to a less than significant level. This section presents the Project’s significant environmental impacts and feasible mitigation measures. Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR]) and Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code require a Lead Agency to make findings for each significant environmental impact disclosed in an EIR. Specifically, for each significant impact, the Lead Agency must find that:  Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified in the Final EIR;  Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by that agency; or  Specific economic, social, legal, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR infeasible. Each of these findings must be supported by substantial evidence in the administrative record. This section identifies impacts that can be fully avoided or reduced to a less than significant level through the incorporation of feasible mitigation measures into the Project. The impacts identified in this section are considered in the same sequence in which they appear in the Final EIR. As discussed above, the Project EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 90 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 21 includes revisions to the proposed FRSP land use plan to become the Applicant-Revised Alternative 1. In doing so, some aspects of certain mitigation measures become inapplicable. Where needed, required mitigation measures have been amended with strikethrough and underline format to adjust the measures to be applicable to the Project. Where changes have been made, a written justification has been provided to document how the revised mitigation measure is equally as or more effective than the originally proposed measure. A. AESTHETICS AND VISUAL RESOURCES 1. Impact VIS-1: Project implementation would change views of scenic resources, including hillsides, rock outcroppings, open space, and historic buildings, from an eligible State Scenic Highway or local scenic roadway. The Project site is not clearly visible or is only intermittently visible for northbound and southbound drivers as views of the lower elevation areas of the site from U.S. 101 are largely obstructed by intervening development, vegetation, and topography. The impact on views from Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) and the LOVR Overpass would be substantial due to the potential loss of vegetation currently providing visual shielding for the Project site, as well as the loss of distant views of the Froom Ranch Dairy complex. Therefore, because LOVR and the LOVR Overpass are considered scenic roadways by the City and the Project would expose viewers to a replacement of open space and vegetation with urban development, the impact to scenic resources would be potentially significant (Refer to Impact VIS-1, beginning on page 3.1-24 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure is required to reduce impacts to scenic resources viewed from an eligible State Scenic Highway or local scenic roadway as a result of development of the Project. - Mitigation Measure VIS-1. The Draft FRSP shall be revised to include the following Landscape Screening Guidelines to provide effective screening of proposed structural massing as experienced from public views along LOVR and the LOVR Overpass. The Project landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and include the following: 1. Maximize protection of existing vegetation along the Project site boundary to provide visual screening during Project construction and operation. 2. Retain existing vegetation fronting the Project site along LOVR to the greatest extent feasible to screen construction activities. 3. Specify a plant palette and landscape plan that ensure a vegetated site boundary of sufficient height and density to provide visual screening of the proposed development from public views. Robust riparian planting shall be included in landscape plans to achieve visual screening along the proposed realigned Froom Creek. 4. Native tree specimens and shrubs capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of the adjacent proposed structures shall be planted along Project site boundaries visible from public views. 5. Screening planting specimen selection and location shall emphasize the ability to interrupt the contiguous massing of structures as experienced from area roadways and scenic vistas. Spacing shall be sufficient to minimize views of structures within the Project site. 6. Screening planting specimen selection shall emphasize the ability of planting species to effectively establish and thrive over the life of the Project, such that smaller sizes shall be considered rather than exclusively larger box sizes. Planting establishment rates shall be considered but shall not preclude the use of slower-growing species, such as coast valley oak and willows. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 91 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 22 7. Native tree specimens capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of adjacent structures shall be planted adjacent to multi-family and commercial structures located within the interior of the Specific Plan area consistent with the specifications above. 8. A bond for screening landscaping and irrigation shall be provided to ensure establishment of plantings. The bond shall be revoked upon satisfactory establishment of screen planting vegetation according to the plan. b. Finding: The City finds that the mitigation measure will reduce impacts to scenic resources viewed from scenic highways or roadways to a less than significant degree. B. AIR QUALITY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 1. Impact AQ-1: The Project would result in potentially significant construction-related emissions, including dust and air pollutant emissions. Modeled emissions for the Project were found to be above SLO County APCD daily and Tier 1 and Tier 2 Quarterly thresholds for construction emissions of Reactive Organic Gases (ROG) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), and above SLO County APCD Daily and Tier 1 Quarterly thresholds for Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) (Refer to Impact AQ-1, beginning on page 3.3-27 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would reduce impacts associated with construction air emissions to less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure AQ-1. A Construction Activity Management Plan (CAMP) shall be included as part of Project grading and building plans and shall be submitted to SLO County APCD and to the City for review and approval prior to the start of construction. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. A Dust Control Management Plan that encompasses the following dust control measures:  Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible;  Water trucks or sprinkler trucks shall be used during construction to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site and from exceeding the APCD’s limit of 20 percent opacity for greater than 3 minutes in any 60-minute period. At a minimum, this would require twice-daily applications. Increased watering frequency would be required when wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour (mph). Reclaimed water or the onsite water well (non-potable) shall be used when possible. The contractor or builder shall consider the use of a SLO County APCD-approved dust suppressant where feasible to reduce the amount of water used for dust control;  All dirt stock-pile areas shall be sprayed daily as needed;  Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved Project revegetation and landscape plans of any development within the Specific Plan area should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities;  Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established;  All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by SLO County APCD; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 92 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 23  All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used;  Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site;  All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or shall maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114;  Designate access points and require all employees, subconsultants, and others to use them. Install and operate a “track-out prevention device” where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved streets. The track-out prevention device can be any device or combination of devices that are effective at preventing track-out, located at the point of intersection of any unpaved area and a paved road. If utilized, rumble strips or steel plate devices shall be cleaned periodically. If paved roadways accumulate tracked-out soils, the track-out prevention device shall be modified or replaced to prevent track-out;  Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible;  All of these fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading and building plans; and  The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust control emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below 20 percent opacity, and to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holiday and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to SLO County APCD Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork or demolition. 2. Implementation of the following Best Available Control Technology (BACT) for diesel- fueled construction equipment. The BACT measures shall include:  Use of at least Tier 3 off-road equipment and 2010 on-road compliant engines;  Repowering equipment with the cleanest engines available; and  Installing California Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies. 3. Implementation of the following standard air quality measures to minimize diesel emissions:  Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer’s specifications;  Fuel all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment with California Air Resources Board (CARB) certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off-road).  Use on-road heavy-duty trucks that meet the CARB’s 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines and comply with the State On-Road Regulation;  Construction or trucking companies with fleets that do not have engines in their fleet that meet the engine standards identified in the above two measures (e.g. captive or NOx exempt area fleets) may be eligible by proving alternative compliance;  On- and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than five minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the five-minute idling limit;  Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 93 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 24  Staging and queing areas shall not be loated within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors;  Electrify equipment when feasible;  Substitute gasoline-powered in place of diesel-powered equipment, where feasible; and,  Use alternatively fueled construction equipment onsite where feasible, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane or biodiesel. 4. Tabulation of on- and off-road construction equipment (age, horse-power, and miles and/or hours of operation); 5. Schedule construction truck trips during non-peak hours (as determined by the Public Works Director) to reduce peak hour emissions; and 6. Limit the length of the construction work-day period to 8 hours max. — Mitigation Measure AQ-2: To reduce ROG and NOx levels during the architectural coating phase, low or no Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)-emission paint shall be used with levels of 50 grams per liter (g/L) or less (Odorless, Zero VOC Paint). The schedule for architectural coatings application shall be extended, limiting the daily coating activity to a level determined acceptable by SLO County APCD. — Mitigation Measure AQ-3: If required, an offsite mitigation strategy shall be developed and agreed upon by the Applicant, City, and SLO County APCD at least three months prior to the issuance of grading permits. Offsite mitigation strategies may be in the form of cash payment, circulation improvements above the Project’s fair share, or funding for ongoing transit improvements. The Applicant may provide appropriate funding necessary to offset the Project’s residual construction-related ROG+NOx emissions beyond SLO County APCD’s daily threshold; in the event funding is required, it shall be provided at least two months prior to the start of construction to help facilitate emission offsets that are as real-time as possible. If required, cash payment of offsite mitigation fees shall be calculated based on the most current CARB-approved Carl Moyer Guidelines at the time of commencement of each Project phase. Offsite mitigation strategies shall include one or more of the following:  Develop or improve park-and-ride lots;  Fund a program to buy and scrap older, higher emission passenger and heavy-duty vehicles;  Retrofit or repower heavy-duty construction equipment, or on-road vehicles;  Subsidize vanpool programs;  Contribute to funding of new bike lanes;  Replace/repower San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) transit buses;  Purchase Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies (VDECS) for transit buses or construction fleets; and  Fund expansion of existing SLORTA transit services. b. Finding: The City finds that the mitigation measures will reduce impacts from construction- related activities for the Project to a less than significant level. C. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 1. Impact BIO-1: Project implementation would impact sensitive riparian, wetland, and native grassland habitats identified as sensitive natural communities under state and City policy. Based on EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 94 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 25 the land use plan included in the Applicant-Revised Alternative 1, a total of 2.43 acres of sensitive natural communities would be directly impacted within the Project site, including the loss of 0.80 acres of serpentine bunchgrass grasslands, 0.5 acres of Coast and Valley Freshwater Marsh, and 1.13 acres of Arroyo Willow Riparian Scrub. Project construction over a 5-year period could also expose onsite and adjacent habitats to sustained disturbance and indirect impacts from vegetation clearing, construction staging and storage, dust generation, erosion and sedimentation, risk of spills of fuel or motor oils, and increased human presence in currently natural areas. Indirect impacts would affect onsite and adjacent habitats, such as those within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve along the boundary of the Project site. Once operational, the Project would require maintenance and clearance of vegetation to maintain permanent wildfire buffers both onsite and offsite that would extend into known existing sensitive natural communities. While buffer management would entail strategic vegetation management to balance sensitive habitats with wildfire fuel reduction, damage to or direct removal of sensitive vegetative communities as a result of fire management activities (e.g., vegetation clearing for fire clearance within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve) is considered adverse and potentially significant. The exact location, width, and area of these buffers will be subject to coordination, review, and approval of the City Natural Resources Manager, SLOFD, CALFIRE, and the Applicant based on Project development and management plans. This coordination has the potential to result in a reduced size of or need for a wildfire buffer and fuel management zone around the proposed development; however, potential remains that adverse impacts to sensitive communities may occur. Realignment of Froom Creek also has potential to adversely affect the character or quality of the Calle Joaquin wetlands through changes in frequency and quantity of waters entering the wetlands, potential for migration of the Froom Creek corridor through the wetlands, and increased sedimentation of the wetlands under typical storm conditions (Refer to Impact BIO-1, beginning on page 3.4-40 and Biological Resources, beginning on page 5-58 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project construction and operational impacts to sensitive natural communities to the maximum extent feasible. MM BIO-3 has been edited to eliminate reference to the Upper Terrace in Villaggio since the Project no longer proposes development in the Upper Terrace. Removal of development within the Upper Terrace would substantially reduce potential impacts; MM BIO-3 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. MM BIO-Alt. 1 has been edited to remove reference to the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin, as this component is not proposed as part of the Project. Following further review of the Project, the City Fire Department concluded that the access and emergency access roads shown in the proposed Project are adequate and meet Fire Code regulations. Removal of this emergency access route would avoid additional impacts to onsite drainages and Froom Creek; MM BIO-Alt. 1 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 95 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 26 Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 96 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 27 end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measures BIO-2. The Applicant shall retain a qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist, subject to review and approval by the City to oversee compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all construction activities, conduct a biological resources education program for all construction workers prior to the initiation of any clearing or construction activities, and provide quarterly reports to the City regarding construction activities, enforcement issues, and remedial measures. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for conducting inspections of the work area each work day to ensure that excavation areas and sensitive or restored habitats do not exhibit construction-related impacts or hazards to wildlife. If any exposure risk is identified, the Environmental Coordinator shall implement measures that could include, but not be limited to, hazing, fencing, and wildlife removals to eliminate the exposure risk. In addition, the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor and regulate all construction occurring within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian habitat, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4, and seasonal or permanent wetlands. During appropriate flowering, nesting, breeding, migration, and dispersal seasons, the Environmental Coordinator shall also conduct sensitive species surveys immediately prior to construction activities and shall monitor construction activities in the vicinity of habitats to be avoided. The work area boundaries and other off-limit areas shall be identified by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator on a daily basis. The biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator shall inspect construction and sediment control fencing each work day during construction activities. Any vegetation clearing activities shall be monitored by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 97 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 28 — Mitigation Measure BIO-3. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) with details on timing and implementation of required habitat restoration, enhancement, or creation measures. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP shall be prepared under the direction of, and approved by, the City’s Natural Resources Manager in conjunction with regulatory agencies with permitting authority over the Project. The HMMP shall contain, at a minimum, the following components (or as otherwise modified by regulatory agency permitting conditions): a. Pre-construction surveys and delineation of vegetation communities, habitat, and wetland features, including clear maps and a summary of onsite habitats to be protected and acreage, design, and locations of required habitat mitigation sites. b. A description of the location and boundaries of the mitigation site and description of existing site conditions. c. A description of measures to be undertaken to enhance the mitigation site for the target species and to protect sensitive resources. d. Record necessary replacement of disturbed, altered, and/or lost area of habitat. e. A binding long-term agreement with the Applicant to implement and maintain protected and restored sensitive habitats, including native bunch grassland, wetlands, springs, seeps, tributary drainages, and other sensitive or restored native habitats. These measures shall identify typical performance and success criteria deemed acceptable by the City and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) based on measurable goals and objectives. Said criteria for restored habitats shall be, at a minimum, at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type. f. A description of habitat and species restoration and monitoring measures, including specific and objective performance criteria, monitoring methods, data analysis, reporting requirements, and monitoring schedule. (At a minimum, success criteria shall be at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type and will include a replacement ratio of 2:1 and determination by a City-approved biologist that the mitigation site provides ecological functions and values for the focal species equal to or exceeding the impacted habitat). g. Plan requirements that ensure mitigation elements that do not meet performance or final success criteria within 5 years are completed through an extension of the plan for an additional 2 years or at the discretion of the City Natural Resources Manager with the goal of completing all mitigation requirements prior to the HMMP end date. h. Monitoring of the mitigation and maintenance areas shall occur for the period established in the HMMP, or until success criteria are met; an endowment may be required in some cases as determined by the City. If success criteria cannot be met through the HMMP, the City Natural Resources Manager shall specify appropriate commensurate measures (e.g., onsite or offsite restoration, endowment, or bond to the City for completion of necessary mitigation). i. A binding long-term agreement with the Villaggio Life Plan Community to fund and retain a qualified biologist to train all landscaping crew staff hired over the life of the development on sensitive plant species and habitat within the vicinity of the development, including the identification and avoidance of sensitive plants and habitat. The qualified biologist shall conduct annual monitoring of vegetation surrounding the development and prepare a report summarizing the avoidance or disturbance of sensitive resources from operational activities of the Villaggio development, and identifying necessary replacement or restoration of affected resources. Necessary mitigation shall be subject to the same standards for performance, monitoring, and success identified in subitems b through h, above. The report shall be submitted to the City annually for review and approval. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 98 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 29 j. A plan for fencing and/or signage around the Upper Terrace of the Villaggio development, prohibiting residents, guests, and employees from accessing and disturbing the surrounding sensitive resources. k. Requirements for payment of annual fees to the City to fund City review and inspection of the site and Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP requirements. — Mitigation Measure BIO-4. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require avoidance of sensitive natural communities outside approved development footprints such as the Nassella pulchra Herbaceous Alliance, Central Coast Arroyo Willow Scrub Community, Coastal and Central Valley Freshwater Marsh, and wetland areas to the maximum extent feasible. Mitigation for impacted sensitive natural communities that cannot be avoided shall be achieved through one or more of the following options, subject to City approval: a. Onsite restoration, enhancement, or creation of suitable replacement habitat, if feasible onsite restoration opportunities exist and at ratios consistent with those identified in MM BIO-5; b. Offsite restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted species at the minimum replacement ratio of 2:1 for sensitive natural communities, native grasslands, and riparian habitat; c. Financial contribution to an in-lieu fee program that results in restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted natural communities and/or species; and/or d. Purchase of mitigation credits at a USFWS- and/or CDFW-approved mitigation bank. — Mitigation Measure BIO-5. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require all temporary and permanent direct and indirect impacts to wetlands, grasslands, and riparian habitat be mitigated, as follows: a. Temporary direct impacts to wetland, native grassland, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio (area of restored habitat to impacted habitat). b. Permanent direct impacts to sensitive natural communities, such as native grasslands, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio (area of restored and enhanced habitat to impacted habitat). c. Permanent direct impacts to wetlands shall be mitigated at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (as appropriate). d. Potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands affected by the Froom Creek realignment and changes to site hydrology shall be mitigated as follows. As a part of the HMMP prepared for the Project, the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan that is designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the HMMP over time to ensure its objectives are achieved. The Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall be supported by a Baseline Conditions Assessment that identifies the pre-construction condition of the Calle Joaquin wetlands and establishes success criteria for sustained wetland conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall provide qualitative and quantitative information that will be used in comparing data obtained during subsequent monitoring years to determine if a significant deviance from baseline conditions has occurred at the site. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan will establish the parameters of a significant deviance from baseline conditions. A significant deviance from baseline may be defined as a “change in wetland area greater than 10%”. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall be updated prior to the start of construction to support agency permitting and guide implementation of the Long- EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 99 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 30 Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. This updated baseline shall be considered in combination with existing and past baseline documentation to provide an expanded baseline reflective of a range of acceptable conditions to compare post Project conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall include a focused description of the site’s hydrologic setting, vegetative cover and composition, quantified wetland areas and classifications, and shall establish the threshold for a significant deviance from wetland area based on the presence of hydrophytic plant species, hydric soil indicators, and wetland hydrology. At minimum, the condition of the wetland shall be evaluated on an annual basis through completion of a wetland assessment using a regulatory agency approved model (such as, but not limited to, the California Rapid Assessment Method [CRAM]) to document and facilitate long-term monitoring of changes to the wetland. The annual evaluation shall determine and document any degree of change to the wetland as a result of the proposed changes to site hydrology and development throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. Reports documenting the annual wetland assessment shall be provided to the City and relevant regulatory agencies. Long-Term Wetland Monitoring for the Calle Joaquin wetlands shall occur continuously for a period of no less than 7 years following Phase I build-out of the FRSP area. After the initial 7-years of minimum annual monitoring, the frequency of long-term evaluations shall be determined in coordination with regulatory agencies and per the requirements of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall include (at minimum) the following requirements. Additional detailed criteria and performance standards will be established in the HMMP prepared for the project and approved by regulatory agencies, but they shall not be any less stringent than the following criteria and performance standards: i. Annual monitoring shall evaluate and track the wetland health and biological integrity of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. ii. Annual evaluations shall utilize intensive site assessments to provide a more thorough and detailed measure of wetland condition by gathering direct measurements of biological taxa and hydrogeomorphic functions. iii. Typical industry standards for the quantitative evaluation of plant cover will be used (e.g., Bonham 1989 and Daubenmire 1968) to evaluate plant composition and structure as well as direct inspections of soil conditions and hydrologic functions. iv. Annual or semi-annual evaluations shall observe and document the following, at a minimum:  whether groundwater recharge from Froom Creek to the shallow aquifer is being sustained,  whether the onsite artesian well has been discharging to the wetland,  evidence of overflows entering the Calle Joaquin wetland from the realigned Froom Creek,  excessive ponding, as evidenced by changes in vegetation related to increased duration of ponding,  measured depth to groundwater in the onsite artesian well and the relationship of these conditions with conditions in the wetland,  specific conductance and temperature in the wetland and other surface sources,  the presence or absence of salt efflorescences in the wetland,  any persistent green vegetation patches or changes in willow/grass ecotone, and  representative photo points. v. Monitoring of the realigned creek’s hydrology would be required following large storm events during the rain season that are sufficient to initiate flowing water through the site. If after the 3rd year of monitoring, vegetation has successfully EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 100 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 31 established along the creek corridor and sedimentation and erosion are not observed beyond what is determined to be a normal level, then the rainy season monitoring could be scaled back to occur on a quarterly or as-needed basis for the remainder of the monitoring schedule, upon review and approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager and applicable regulatory agencies and consistent with the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. vi. Success criteria to determine whether the Calle Joaquin wetland functions are sustained shall include the following, at a minimum:  The constructed bank between the realigned Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands remains functional and does not recurrently scour or fill to a degree that impairs its operation or impedes circulation through the wetland,  Excessive surface water does not pond for periods of long duration,  Salts do not accumulate such that discernible increases in salt efflorescences at the ground surface are not visible,  Evidence of deposition by high flows is not found within the wetland (e.g., silt, organics, or other flood deposits). vii. If success criteria are not achieved within the 7-year initial monitoring period, a hydrologic assessment will be conducted by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved specialist in groundwater supported wetlands to establish whether non-attainment is attributable to onsite conditions or actions beyond the effective control of the Project Applicant. The specialist shall be a registered hydrologist or certified hydrogeologist with statewide expertise, familiarity with groundwater supported wetlands in central coastal California and verifiable experience conducting functional analyses of such wetlands. Recommendations for remedial actions will be submitted by the groundwater specialist to the USACE for review and written approval prior to implementation. If wetland failures are determined to be directly related to the realignment of Froom Creek and development within the Froom Creek Specific Plan area, possible remedial actions would include, at minimum, the following:  Engineering controls include biotechnical erosion controls such as the installation of willow wattles and brush mattressing and addition of native cobble to reinforce the low flow berm separating the creek channel from the wetland area to help contain flows into the wetland area.  If vegetation establishment is taking longer than expected, remedial measures such as re-seeding bare soils, replanting areas of mortality, and increased maintenance and monitoring may be prescribed.  If there is significant evidence of scouring, collapse, or filling of the overflow bank between the realigned low-flow Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate bank type, size, and slope and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement.  If there is excessive ponding (spatial or temporal), a registered professional engineer shall assess access to and capacity of existing drainage outlets and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement if necessary.  If salt efflorescence is observed and specific conductance in the wetland is greater than baseline conditions, a registered professional engineer shall re- evaluate the bank type, slope, size, and conveyance between the realigned Froom Creek low-flow channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands to increase the frequency of salt flushing, such as altering surface flows to more frequently overflow to the wetland area. viii. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project does not adversely impact the Calle Joaquin wetland areas (as defined above), the Applicant shall provide EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 101 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 32 documentation annually (at minimum) to the City, for review and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager, that no significant signs of hydrological interruption, erosion (including bank failure), or sedimentation have occurred, that the wetland is sustained in biological integrity and health with existing hydrologic inputs, and that channel migration has not adversely affected existing wetland features adjacent to Calle Joaquin. ix. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project adversely impacts the Calle Joaquin wetland area, recommendations shall be made for modifications to the Project design in consultation with the City and appropriate regulatory agencies for review and concurrence, as described in subsection viii above. The annual reports would detail the issue or problem area and proposed remedial actions. x. If through monitoring it is determined that the Calle Joaquin wetland condition and function cannot be remediated with implementation of all feasible remedial actions and recommendations identified through long-term monitoring and as described in subsection vii above and the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan, then adversely affected wetland areas shall be delineated and mitigated on- or offsite at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate), consistent with subsection (c) above. xi. Funding for long-term wetland monitoring, adaptive management, and any recommended contingency measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Payment of a bond by the Applicant would be required to ensure the availability of adequate funds to ensure successful implementation and completion of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. e. Habitat revegetation or creation shall occur in the fall or winter no more than 1 year following habitat disturbance. Revegetation shall be monitored monthly for 7 years with a goal of at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type at the end of the 7-year period. Irrigation shall be provided during this period or until otherwise determined necessary by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator. f. Riparian vegetation along Froom Creek shall be maintained in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the City by the Applicant or a City-approved designee. Froom Creek conditions shall be monitored annually following winter storm seasons to assess damage to riparian vegetation and need for maintenance restoration. Monitoring and maintenance of riparian vegetation conditions shall be conducted consistent with the requirements of the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-3. — Mitigation Measure BIO-6. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall detail timing and implementation of required habitat restoration and shall be submitted to the City’s Natural Resources Manager for review and approval, including requirements for consultation with CDFW, NMFS, and USACE as needed. A copy of the final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan shall be implemented by the Project Applicant, under supervision by the City and the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator, and shall: a. Describe replacement of sensitive natural community habitats removed, lost, or adversely impacted by the Project, including a list of the soil, plants, and other materials that will be necessary for successful habitat restoration/ replacement, and a description of planting methods, location, spacing, erosion protection, and irrigation measures that will be needed. Restoration and habitat enhancement shall be limited to use of appropriate native species. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be designed to facilitate EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 102 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 33 establishment of appropriate native plants such as willows, cottonwoods, bunchgrass, and rushes. b. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be established within the Project boundaries, adjacent to and contiguous with existing habitats to the maximum extent possible. c. Habitat restoration or enhancement sites shall be placed within existing or additional necessary deed-restricted area(s) and shall be maintained and monitored for a minimum of 7 years. If sufficient onsite mitigation area is not practicable, an offsite mitigation plan shall be prepared as part of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by permitting agencies. d. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall identify appropriate restoration and enhancement activities to compensate for impacts to creek, wetland, native bunch grass and riparian habitat, including a detailed planting plan and maintenance plans using locally obtained native species, and shall include habitat enhancement to support native wildlife and plant species. e. A weed management plan and weed identification list shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. f. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be maintained weekly for the first three years after Project completion and quarterly thereafter. Maintenance shall include replacement of unsuccessful planted specimens and eradication of noxious weeds found on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Lists A and B. Noxious weeds on CDFA List C may be eradicated or otherwise managed. g. Quarterly and annual reports documenting site inspections and site recovery status shall be prepared and sent to the City and appropriate agencies. — Mitigation Measure BIO-7. Utility line installation shall be timed so that sensitive habitat areas are not disturbed (e.g., prior to the development and restoration of the new Froom Creek realignment, after removal of riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch due to LOVR widening). In the event a utility line is proposed to be installed across the existing or realigned Froom Creek, or the sensitive riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch, while these features are in their natural or restored conditions, installation shall be via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to avoid impacts to sensitive habitats. Prior to installation of utility lines, a site-specific geotechnical investigation and frac-out clean-up plan shall be completed in areas proposed for HDD. The geotechnical investigation shall provide recommendations for avoidance of frac-outs and/or other HDD related impacts and to determine appropriate HDD methods (i.e., appropriate drilling mud mixtures for specific types of sediments). The investigation shall include results from at least three borings, a geologic cross-section, a discussion of drilling conditions, and frac-out clean-up plan. The frac-out clean-up plan shall identify methods for minimizing potential for frac-outs and addressing any necessary clean- up or remediation in case of a frac-out. The boring operation would be stopped immediately if a frac-out occurs and steps would be taken to contain and minimize the effects of any spill of drilling mud. The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the geotechnical investigation. — Mitigation Measure BIO-8. The Applicant shall submit a Froom Creek restoration plan that identifies measures for securing the proposed low-flow channel berm along the stretch of Froom Creek proposed adjacent to the Calle Joaquin wetlands to protect the bank from erosion and prevent migration of the Froom Creek channel into these wetlands. Measures for securing the bank may include a mix of natural and biotechnical measures capable of prevention erosion based on the anticipated erosive velocity of the creek under 100-year storm conditions. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 103 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 34 — Mitigation Measure BIO-Alt. 1. The additional emergency access roadway across Froom Creek and the LOVR ditch and the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin shall be reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Natural Resources Manager, and Fire Department prior to adoption of the Final FRSP and approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure that design is adequate for City emergency ingress/egress standards and minimizes impacts to riparian vegetation and wildlife passage, and that adequate on- and offsite mitigation of impacted riparian and wetland vegetation is provided. The City shall ensure review and approval of these features as part of the Final FRSP considers the siting, alignment, width, materials, and access controls. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of MM BIO-1 through MM BIO-8 and MM BIO- Alt. 1 would reduce impacts to sensitive vegetation communities and bring the Project into partial compliance with relevant goals and policies of the City General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element, including Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 7.5.4, Preservation of Grassland Communities and Other Habitat Types. Further, MM HAZ-2 would require preparation of a Community Fire Protection Plan and use of a City-qualified biologist to identify and preserve the integrity of vegetation and habitat surrounding proposed development to the maximum extent feasible, also reducing impacts. Implementation of these measures would reduce potential impacts to sensitive riparian and wetland habitats within the Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch development areas (e.g., LOVR ditch and Calle Joaquin wetlands) to a less than significant level. Because the Project would avoid development above the 150-foot elevation line within the southwest area of the site, where the most sensitive habitats are present, the Project would substantially avoid disturbance, alteration, or removal of high value habitats, such as serpentine bunchgrass grasslands and unique seeps and spring-fed wetlands, compared to the Draft FRSP. With implementation of mitigation, Project impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 2. Impact BIO-2: Project implementation would have substantial direct and indirect adverse impacts on candidate, sensitive, or special-status species that are known to occur or have the potential to occur on the Project site. Potentially suitable habitat exists within the Project site for several designated special-status species, particularly in serpentine outcrops, Froom Creek, and seeps, springs, and drainages within the higher elevation areas of the southwest portion of the site, as well as within the adjacent Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The higher elevation areas of the southwest portion of the site support a rich assemblage of sensitive habitats and 12 documented occurrences of special-status plant species, some of which occur in close proximity to or within the planned Villaggio development/disturbance footprint. Documented rare plant occurrences that may directly be affected by proposed development include Brewer’s spineflower (Chorizanthe breweri), San Luis Obispo owl’s-clover (Castilleja densiflora ssp. Obispoensis), Congdon’s tarplant (Centromadia parryi ssp. Congdonii), Mouse-gray dudleya (dudleya abramsii ssp. murina). However, the Project would substantially avoid sensitive habitats in the higher elevation areas of the southwest area of the site, which is the most biologically diverse and sensitive area of the site. Woodland areas and other habitats within this area would not be impacted by proposed development or fire clearance, protecting foraging, roosting, and nesting habitat for several Species of Special Concern, including bats and birds. Additionally, avoidance of development within this area would protect the majority of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 where these drainages support a federally endangered species and provide water to sensitive plant and animal species. Direct and indirect impacts to wildlife species and sensitive habitats supporting special-status plant and animal species on- and offsite would occur under the Project as a result of construction noise, increased human presence, and potential exposure to EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 104 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 35 pollutants and hazardous materials (Refer to page Impact BIO-2, beginning on 3.4-70 and Biological Resources, beginning on page 5-58 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation would be required to reduce impacts to special-status species to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 105 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 36 minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measure BIO-9. Construction and grading of the realigned portion of Froom Creek, including planting of riparian vegetation, watering, and bank stabilization, shall be conducted prior to removal of the existing creek segment to ensure a habitat for special-status species within the creek is maintained through the Project site with no interruption during construction. Project phasing shall be adjusted as needed to accommodate this sequence of construction activities. — Mitigation Measure BIO-10. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the Applicant shall submit or fund a site survey for special-status plants, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and: EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 106 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 37 1. All individual locations of special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and suitable habitat areas shall be mapped using GPS coordinates. No construction activities or disturbance shall occur within 50 feet of mapped special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat areas. This setback shall be delineated and maintained with construction fencing and clear signage for the duration of grading and construction. If the site survey results identify Chorro Creek bog thistle that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50-foot buffer from mapped Chorro Creek bog thistle occurrences. 2. Development adjacent to Drainages 1, 2, and 3 shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank of these drainages and the edge of delineated associated wetlands. 3. Drainages 1, 2, and 3 and associated wetlands shall be fenced a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank or edge of delineated wetland during construction. The Applicant shall ensure and demonstrate to the City through frequent reporting requirements approved by the City that these areas are managed and maintained in perpetuity to maintain wetland and Chorro Creek bog thistle habitat values to the extent feasible. 4. If the site survey results identify special-status plant species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50-foot buffer from mapped individual occurrences and suitable habitat areas. If buffers cannot be maintained, then consultation with CDFW shall occur to determine appropriate minimization and mitigation measures for impacts to special-status plant species, or in the case of plant species listed pursuant to CESA or the Native Plant Protection Act, to determine if take can be avoided. If take cannot be avoided, take authorization prior to any ground-disturbing activities may be warranted. Take authorization would occur through issuance of an ITP by CDFW, pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081(b). — Mitigation Measure BIO-11. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address special-status wildlife species management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the rainy season (typically October 15 to April 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, and other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian or wetland habitat, and any suitable nesting sites as determined by the City-approved biologist. Injury, mortality to, or significant disturbance of onsite sensitive species, including the California red-legged frog, south-central California coast steelhead, and white-tailed kite, shall be avoided. The plan shall include the following measures: pre-construction surveys; worker awareness; cessation of work in occupied areas if individuals are identified; relocation (if necessary) of frogs and steelhead from the work area by a professional biologist authorized by the USFWS and/or CDFW; and monitoring of construction activities within the vicinity of sensitive habitats by a qualified biologist during construction, consistent with MM BIO-2. Necessary permits shall be obtained from the state (CDFW) and federal (USACE and USFWS) regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and/or permitting authority over a portion of the Project. Any other sensitive species observed during the pre-construction surveys shall be relocated by the qualified biologist into the nearest suitable habitat outside the disturbance area as determined in consultation with the appropriate jurisdictional resource agency. — Mitigation Measure BIO-12. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address the habitation and movement of special-status wildlife species, as follows: 1. Migratory and Nesting/Burrowing Bird Management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the breeding season (typically from February 15 to August 15) to the extent EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 107 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 38 practicable, particularly within 50 feet of riparian or wetland habitat and mature trees and within onsite grasslands. If Project activities must be conducted during this period and within the vicinity of riparian or wetland habitat, grasslands, and/or mature trees, pre- construction nesting bird surveys shall take place no more than one week prior to habitat disturbance associated with each phase; if active nests or burrows are located during these surveys, the following measures shall be implemented: a. Construction activities within 50 feet of active nests shall be restricted until chicks have fledged, unless the nest belongs to a raptor or burrowing owl, in which case a minimum 500-foot activity restriction buffer shall be observed. b. Construction shall be limited to daylight hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM or sunset, whichever is sooner). c. A pre-construction survey report shall be submitted to the City immediately upon completion of the survey. The report shall detail appropriate fencing or flagging of the buffer zone and make recommendations on additional monitoring requirements. A map of the Project site and nest locations shall be included with the report. If any sensitive species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedure for handling or avoidance of the specimen. d. The Project biologist conducting the nesting survey shall have the authority to reduce or increase the recommended buffer depending upon site conditions and the species involved. A report of findings and recommendations for bird protection shall be submitted to the City prior to vegetation removal. If sensitive or special-status species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedures for handling or avoidance of the specimen. e. If burrowing owls are found onsite and avoidance is not possible, burrow exclusion shall be conducted by City-approved qualified biologists and only during the non- breeding season, before breeding behavior is exhibited and after the burrow is confirmed empty through non-invasive methods, such as surveillance. CDFW recommends replacement of occupied burrows with artificial burrows at a ratio of one burrow collapsed to one artificial burrow constructed (1:1) To avoid recolonization, ongoing surveillance shall be provided by the City-approved Project biologists throughout Project construction at a rate that is sufficient to detect burrowing owls if they return. 2. Bat Colony Management. Prior to removal of any trees over 20 inches diameter-at-breast- height (DBH) or demolition/relocation of existing onsite structures, a survey shall be conducted by a City and CDFW-approved biologist to determine if any tree or structure proposed for removal, trimming, demolition, or relocation harbors sensitive bat species or maternal bat colonies. Maternal bat colonies shall not be disturbed, and grading and construction activities shall avoid the bat breeding season to the extent feasible. If disturbance of structures must occur during the bat breeding season, buildings must be inspected and deemed clear of bat colonies/roosts within 7 days of demolition and an appropriately trained and approved biologist must conduct a daily site-clearance during demolition. If bats are roosting in a structure or tree in the Project site during the daytime but are not part of an active maternity colony, then exclusion measures shall be utilized and must include one-way valves that allow bats to leave but are designed so that the bats may not re-enter the structure. For each occupied roost removed, one bat box shall be installed in similar habitat as determined by the Project biologist and shall have similar cavities or crevices to those which are removed, including access, ventilation, dimensions, height above ground, and thermal conditions. If a bat colony would be eliminated from the Project site, appropriate alternate bat habitat shall be installed within EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 108 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 39 the Project site. To the extent practicable, alternate bat house installation shall occur near onsite drainages. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation measures, including pre-construction surveys and relocation of animal species, would minimize potential impacts to the maximum extent feasible and result in less severe impacts compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR due to the Project’s avoidance of development of sensitive habitat areas above the 150-foot elevation line and around Drainage 1, 2, and 3 in the southwest area of the site. MM BIO-1 and MM BIO-9 through MM BIO-12 would reduce impacts to listed, candidate, or special-status wildlife species and assure compliance with Conservation and Open Space Element Policies 7.3.1, Protect Listed Species, and 7.3.2, Species of Local Concern. Implementation of MM HAZ- 2 requiring preparation of a Community Fire Protection Plan and use of a City-qualified biologist and Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator to identify and preserve the integrity of vegetation and habitat, as well as the maximum feasible avoidance of designated special-status species, would also reduce impacts. Thus, impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 3. Impact BIO-3: Project implementation would have a substantial adverse impact on state and federally protected wetlands. The Project would have potentially significant adverse impacts on the Calle Joaquin wetlands and the LOVR ditch, resulting in the loss of up to 1.54 acres of CDFW jurisdictional features, 0.32 acre of USACE jurisdictional wetlands, and 0.73 acre of USACE Other Waters (2.58 acres total). These losses would occur primarily from construction of LOVR frontage improvements and relocation of the LOVR ditch, realignment of the Froom Creek channel, and construction of LOVR widening improvements. Impacts may also occur to wetlands through construction of an emergency access road connecting to LOVR. Compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR, impacts associated with utility line installation would be reduced under the Project, as utilities extending from Villaggio to LOVR would be constructed across the proposed emergency access road and would not occur underneath existing wetlands to the extent feasible. The gravity sewer line may still need to be constructed under the creek. In addition to direct physical loss and disturbance of existing wetlands, realignment of Froom Creek would substantially alter onsite hydrology and drainage with potential to change the characteristics and dynamics of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. While it is the intention of the Project to maintain or improve wetland habitat onsite, realignment of Froom Creek has potential to affect the 5.81-acre Calle Joaquin wetlands by changing the frequency and quantity of water supporting the wetlands, increasing potential for migration of the Froom Creek corridor through these wetlands, increasing potential for sedimentation of the wetlands, and altering the effects from severe storm and post-fire flood conditions (Refer to Residual Impacts, beginning on page 3.4-68, Impact BIO-3, beginning on page 3.4-83, and Biological Resources, beginning on page 5-58 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts to wetland features associated with construction of the Project and realignment of Froom Creek. MM BIO-3 has been edited to eliminate reference to the Upper Terrace in Villaggio since the Project no longer proposes development in the Upper Terrace. Removal of development within the Upper Terrace would substantially reduce potential impacts; MM BIO-3 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. MM BIO-Alt. 1 has been edited to remove reference to the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin, as this component is not proposed as part of the Project. Following further review of the Project, the City Fire Department concluded that the access and emergency access roads shown in the proposed Project are adequate and meet Fire Code regulations. Removal of this emergency access route would avoid additional impacts to onsite drainages and Froom Creek; MM BIO-Alt. 1 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 109 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 40 — Mitigation Measure BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 110 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 41 i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measures BIO-2. The Applicant shall retain a qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist, subject to review and approval by the City to oversee compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all construction activities, conduct a biological resources education program for all construction workers prior to the initiation of any clearing or construction activities, and provide quarterly reports to the City regarding construction activities, enforcement issues, and remedial measures. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for conducting inspections of the work area each work day to ensure that excavation areas and sensitive or restored habitats do not exhibit construction-related impacts or hazards to wildlife. If any exposure risk is identified, the Environmental Coordinator shall implement measures that could include, but not be limited to, hazing, fencing, and wildlife removals to eliminate the exposure risk. In addition, the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor and regulate all construction occurring within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian habitat, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4, and seasonal or permanent wetlands. During appropriate flowering, nesting, breeding, migration, and dispersal seasons, the Environmental Coordinator shall also conduct sensitive species surveys immediately prior to construction activities and shall monitor construction activities in the vicinity of habitats to be avoided. The work area boundaries and other off-limit areas shall be identified by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator on a daily basis. The biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator shall inspect construction and sediment control fencing each work day during construction activities. Any vegetation clearing activities shall be monitored by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator. — Mitigation Measure BIO-3. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) with details on timing and implementation of required habitat restoration, enhancement, or creation measures. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP shall be prepared under the direction of, and approved by, the City’s Natural Resources Manager in conjunction with regulatory agencies with permitting authority over the Project. The HMMP shall contain, at a minimum, the following components (or as otherwise modified by regulatory agency permitting conditions): a. Pre-construction surveys and delineation of vegetation communities, habitat, and wetland features, including clear maps and a summary of onsite habitats to be protected and acreage, design, and locations of required habitat mitigation sites. a. A description of the location and boundaries of the mitigation site and description of existing site conditions. b. A description of measures to be undertaken to enhance the mitigation site for the target species and to protect sensitive resources. c. Record necessary replacement of disturbed, altered, and/or lost area of habitat. d. A binding long-term agreement with the Applicant to implement and maintain protected and restored sensitive habitats, including native bunch grassland, wetlands, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 111 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 42 springs, seeps, tributary drainages, and other sensitive or restored native habitats. These measures shall identify typical performance and success criteria deemed acceptable by the City and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) based on measurable goals and objectives. Said criteria for restored habitats shall be, at a minimum, at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type. e. A description of habitat and species restoration and monitoring measures, including specific and objective performance criteria, monitoring methods, data analysis, reporting requirements, and monitoring schedule (At a minimum, success criteria shall be at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type and will include a replacement ratio of 2:1 and determination by a City-approved biologist that the mitigation site provides ecological functions and values for the focal species equal to or exceeding the impacted habitat). f. Plan requirements that ensure mitigation elements that do not meet performance or final success criteria within 5 years are completed through an extension of the plan for an additional 2 years or at the discretion of the City Natural Resources Manager with the goal of completing all mitigation requirements prior to the HMMP end date. g. Monitoring of the mitigation and maintenance areas shall occur for the period established in the HMMP, or until success criteria are met; an endowment may be required in some cases as determined by the City. If success criteria cannot be met through the HMMP, the City Natural Resources Manager shall specify appropriate commensurate measures (e.g., onsite or offsite restoration, endowment, or bond to the City for completion of necessary mitigation). h. A binding long-term agreement with the Villaggio Life Plan Community to fund and retain a qualified biologist to train all landscaping crew staff hired over the life of the development on sensitive plant species and habitat within the vicinity of the development, including the identification and avoidance of sensitive plants and habitat. The qualified biologist shall conduct annual monitoring of vegetation surrounding the development and prepare a report summarizing the avoidance or disturbance of sensitive resources from operational activities of the Villaggio development, and identifying necessary replacement or restoration of affected resources. Necessary mitigation shall be subject to the same standards for performance, monitoring, and success identified in subitems b through h, above. The report shall be submitted to the City annually for review and approval. i. A plan for fencing and/or signage around the Upper Terrace of the Villaggio development, prohibiting residents, guests, and employees from accessing and disturbing the surrounding sensitive resources. j. Requirements for payment of annual fees to the City to fund City review and inspection of the site and Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP requirements. — Mitigation Measure BIO-4. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require avoidance of sensitive natural communities outside approved development footprints such as the Nassella pulchra Herbaceous Alliance, Central Coast Arroyo Willow Scrub Community, Coastal and Central Valley Freshwater Marsh, and wetland areas to the maximum extent feasible. Mitigation for impacted sensitive natural communities that cannot be avoided shall be achieved through one or more of the following options, subject to City approval: e. Onsite restoration, enhancement, or creation of suitable replacement habitat, if feasible onsite restoration opportunities exist and at ratios consistent with those identified in MM BIO-5; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 112 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 43 f. Offsite restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted species at the minimum replacement ratio of 2:1 for sensitive natural communities, native grasslands, and riparian habitat; g. Financial contribution to an in-lieu fee program that results in restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted natural communities and/or species; and/or h. Purchase of mitigation credits at a USFWS- and/or CDFW-approved mitigation bank. — Mitigation Measure BIO-5. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require all temporary and permanent direct and indirect impacts to wetlands, grasslands, and riparian habitat be mitigated, as follows: a. Temporary direct impacts to wetland, native grassland, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio (area of restored habitat to impacted habitat). b. Permanent direct impacts to sensitive natural communities, such as native grasslands, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio (area of restored and enhanced habitat to impacted habitat). c. Permanent direct impacts to wetlands shall be mitigated at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (as appropriate). d. Potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands affected by the Froom Creek realignment and changes to site hydrology shall be mitigated as follows. As a part of the HMMP prepared for the Project, the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan that is designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the HMMP over time to ensure its objectives are achieved. The Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall be supported by a Baseline Conditions Assessment that identifies the pre-construction condition of the Calle Joaquin wetlands and establishes success criteria for sustained wetland conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall provide qualitative and quantitative information that will be used in comparing data obtained during subsequent monitoring years to determine if a significant deviance from baseline conditions has occurred at the site. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan will establish the parameters of a significant deviance from baseline conditions. A significant deviance from baseline may be defined as a “change in wetland area greater than 10%”. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall be updated prior to the start of construction to support agency permitting and guide implementation of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. This updated baseline shall be considered in combination with existing and past baseline documentation to provide an expanded baseline reflective of a range of acceptable conditions to compare post Project conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall include a focused description of the site’s hydrologic setting, vegetative cover and composition, quantified wetland areas and classifications, and shall establish the threshold for a significant deviance from wetland area based on the presence of hydrophytic plant species, hydric soil indicators, and wetland hydrology. At minimum, the condition of the wetland shall be evaluated on an annual basis through completion of a wetland assessment using a regulatory agency approved model (such as, but not limited to, the California Rapid Assessment Method [CRAM]) to document and facilitate long-term monitoring of changes to the wetland. The annual evaluation shall determine and document any degree of change to the wetland as a result of the proposed changes to site hydrology and development throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 113 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 44 Reports documenting the annual wetland assessment shall be provided to the City and relevant regulatory agencies. Long-Term Wetland Monitoring for the Calle Joaquin wetlands shall occur continuously for a period of no less than 7 years following Phase I build-out of the FRSP area. After the initial 7-years of minimum annual monitoring, the frequency of long-term evaluations shall be determined in coordination with regulatory agencies and per the requirements of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall include (at minimum) the following requirements. Additional detailed criteria and performance standards will be established in the HMMP prepared for the project and approved by regulatory agencies, but they shall not be any less stringent than the following criteria and performance standards: i. Annual monitoring shall evaluate and track the wetland health and biological integrity of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. ii. Annual evaluations shall utilize intensive site assessments to provide a more thorough and detailed measure of wetland condition by gathering direct measurements of biological taxa and hydrogeomorphic functions. iii. Typical industry standards for the quantitative evaluation of plant cover will be used (e.g., Bonham 1989 and Daubenmire 1968) to evaluate plant composition and structure as well as direct inspections of soil conditions and hydrologic functions. iv. Annual or semi-annual evaluations shall observe and document the following, at a minimum:  whether groundwater recharge from Froom Creek to the shallow aquifer is being sustained,  whether the onsite artesian well has been discharging to the wetland,  evidence of overflows entering the Calle Joaquin wetland from the realigned Froom Creek,  excessive ponding, as evidenced by changes in vegetation related to increased duration of ponding,  measured depth to groundwater in the onsite artesian well and the relationship of these conditions with conditions in the wetland,  specific conductance and temperature in the wetland and other surface sources,  the presence or absence of salt efflorescences in the wetland,  any persistent green vegetation patches or changes in willow/grass ecotone, and  representative photo points. v. Monitoring of the realigned creek’s hydrology would be required following large storm events during the rain season that are sufficient to initiate flowing water through the site. If after the 3rd year of monitoring, vegetation has successfully established along the creek corridor and sedimentation and erosion are not observed beyond what is determined to be a normal level, then the rainy season monitoring could be scaled back to occur on a quarterly or as-needed basis for the remainder of the monitoring schedule, upon review and approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager and applicable regulatory agencies and consistent with the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. vi. Success criteria to determine whether the Calle Joaquin wetland functions are sustained shall include the following, at a minimum:  The constructed bank between the realigned Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands remains functional and does not recurrently scour or fill to a degree that impairs its operation or impedes circulation through the wetland, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 114 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 45  Excessive surface water does not pond for periods of long duration,  Salts do not accumulate such that discernible increases in salt efflorescences at the ground surface are not visible,  Evidence of deposition by high flows is not found within the wetland (e.g., silt, organics, or other flood deposits). vii. If success criteria are not achieved within the 7-year initial monitoring period, a hydrologic assessment will be conducted by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved specialist in groundwater supported wetlands to establish whether non-attainment is attributable to onsite conditions or actions beyond the effective control of the Project Applicant. The specialist shall be a registered hydrologist or certified hydrogeologist with statewide expertise, familiarity with groundwater supported wetlands in central coastal California and verifiable experience conducting functional analyses of such wetlands. Recommendations for remedial actions will be submitted by the groundwater specialist to the USACE for review and written approval prior to implementation. If wetland failures are determined to be directly related to the realignment of Froom Creek and development within the Froom Creek Specific Plan area, possible remedial actions would include, at minimum, the following:  Engineering controls include biotechnical erosion controls such as the installation of willow wattles and brush mattressing and addition of native cobble to reinforce the low flow berm separating the creek channel from the wetland area to help contain flows into the wetland area.  If vegetation establishment is taking longer than expected, remedial measures such as re-seeding bare soils, replanting areas of mortality, and increased maintenance and monitoring may be prescribed.  If there is significant evidence of scouring, collapse, or filling of the overflow bank between the realigned low-flow Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate bank type, size, and slope and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement.  If there is excessive ponding (spatial or temporal), a registered professional engineer shall assess access to and capacity of existing drainage outlets and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement if necessary.  If salt efflorescence is observed and specific conductance in the wetland is greater than baseline conditions, a registered professional engineer shall re- evaluate the bank type, slope, size, and conveyance between the realigned Froom Creek low-flow channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands to increase the frequency of salt flushing, such as altering surface flows to more frequently overflow to the wetland area. viii. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project does not adversely impact the Calle Joaquin wetland areas (as defined above), the Applicant shall provide documentation annually (at minimum) to the City, for review and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager, that no significant signs of hydrological interruption, erosion (including bank failure), or sedimentation have occurred, that the wetland is sustained in biological integrity and health with existing hydrologic inputs, and that channel migration has not adversely affected existing wetland features adjacent to Calle Joaquin. ix. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project adversely impacts the Calle Joaquin wetland area, recommendations shall be made for modifications to the Project design in consultation with the City and appropriate regulatory agencies for review and concurrence, as described in subsection viii above. The annual reports would detail the issue or problem area and proposed remedial actions. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 115 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 46 x. If through monitoring it is determined that the Calle Joaquin wetland condition and function cannot be remediated with implementation of all feasible remedial actions and recommendations identified through long-term monitoring and as described in subsection vii above and the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan, then adversely affected wetland areas shall be delineated and mitigated on- or offsite at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate), consistent with subsection (c) above. xi. Funding for long-term wetland monitoring, adaptive management, and any recommended contingency measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Payment of a bond by the Applicant would be required to ensure the availability of adequate funds to ensure successful implementation and completion of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. e. Habitat revegetation or creation shall occur in the fall or winter no more than 1 year following habitat disturbance. Revegetation shall be monitored monthly for 7 years with a goal of at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type at the end of the 7-year period. Irrigation shall be provided during this period or until otherwise determined necessary by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator. f. Riparian vegetation along Froom Creek shall be maintained in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the City by the Applicant or a City-approved designee. Froom Creek conditions shall be monitored annually following winter storm seasons to assess damage to riparian vegetation and need for maintenance restoration. Monitoring and maintenance of riparian vegetation conditions shall be conducted consistent with the requirements of the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-3. — Mitigation Measure BIO-6. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall detail timing and implementation of required habitat restoration and shall be submitted to the City’s Natural Resources Manager for review and approval, including requirements for consultation with CDFW, NMFS, and USACE as needed. A copy of the final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan shall be implemented by the Project Applicant, under supervision by the City and the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator, and shall: a. Describe replacement of sensitive natural community habitats removed, lost, or adversely impacted by the Project, including a list of the soil, plants, and other materials that will be necessary for successful habitat restoration/ replacement, and a description of planting methods, location, spacing, erosion protection, and irrigation measures that will be needed. Restoration and habitat enhancement shall be limited to use of appropriate native species. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be designed to facilitate establishment of appropriate native plants such as willows, cottonwoods, bunchgrass, and rushes. b. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be established within the Project boundaries, adjacent to and contiguous with existing habitats to the maximum extent possible. c. Habitat restoration or enhancement sites shall be placed within existing or additional necessary deed-restricted area(s) and shall be maintained and monitored for a minimum of 7 years. If sufficient onsite mitigation area is not practicable, an offsite mitigation plan shall be prepared as part of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by permitting agencies. d. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall identify appropriate restoration and enhancement activities to compensate for impacts to creek, wetland, native bunch grass EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 116 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 47 and riparian habitat, including a detailed planting plan and maintenance plans using locally obtained native species, and shall include habitat enhancement to support native wildlife and plant species. e. A weed management plan and weed identification list shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. f. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be maintained weekly for the first three years after Project completion and quarterly thereafter. Maintenance shall include replacement of unsuccessful planted specimens and eradication of noxious weeds found on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Lists A and B. Noxious weeds on CDFA List C may be eradicated or otherwise managed. g. Quarterly and annual reports documenting site inspections and site recovery status shall be prepared and sent to the City and appropriate agencies. — Mitigation Measure BIO-7. Utility line installation shall be timed so that sensitive habitat areas are not disturbed (e.g., prior to the development and restoration of the new Froom Creek realignment, after removal of riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch due to LOVR widening). In the event a utility line is proposed to be installed across the existing or realigned Froom Creek, or the sensitive riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch, while these features are in their natural or restored conditions, installation via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to avoid impacts to sensitive habitats. Prior to installation of utility lines, a site-specific geotechnical investigation and frac-out clean-up plan shall be completed in areas proposed for HDD. The geotechnical investigation shall provide recommendations for avoidance of frac-outs and/or other HDD related impacts and to determine appropriate HDD methods (i.e., appropriate drilling mud mixtures for specific types of sediments). The investigation shall include results from at least three borings, a geologic cross-section, a discussion of drilling conditions, and frac-out clean-up plan. The frac-out clean-up plan shall identify methods for minimizing potential for frac-outs and addressing any necessary clean- up or remediation in case of a frac-out. The boring operation would be stopped immediately if a frac-out occurs and steps would be taken to contain and minimize the effects of any spill of drilling mud. The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the geotechnical investigation. — Mitigation Measure BIO-8. The Applicant shall submit a Froom Creek restoration plan that identifies measures for securing the proposed low-flow channel berm along the stretch of Froom Creek proposed adjacent to the Calle Joaquin wetlands to protect the bank from erosion and prevent migration of the Froom Creek channel into these wetlands. Measures for securing the bank may include a mix of natural and biotechnical measures capable of prevention erosion based on the anticipated erosive velocity of the creek under 100-year storm conditions. — Mitigation Measure BIO-Alt. 1. The additional emergency access roadway across Froom Creek and the LOVR ditch and the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin shall be reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Natural Resources Manager, and Fire Department prior to adoption of the Final FRSP and approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure that design is adequate for City emergency ingress/egress standards and minimizes impacts to riparian vegetation and wildlife passage, and that adequate on- and offsite mitigation of impacted riparian and wetland vegetation is provided. The City shall ensure review and approval of these features as part of the Final FRSP considers the siting, alignment, width, materials, and access controls. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 117 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 48 b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation measures would substantially reduce impacts to federal- and state-protected wetland areas through avoidance to the maximum extent feasible, long-term monitoring of wetlands onsite, on- or offsite wetland restoration, and full replacement of equivalent wetland values affected by proposed future development of the site at a 3:1 ratio unless otherwise required by appropriate regulatory agencies. The Project would avoid impacts to the unique seep-fed wetlands in the Upper Terrace, which the EIR determined would be difficult to mitigate through replacement due to the extent and variety of rare plant species supported by those wetlands (refer to page 3.4-88 of the Final EIR). The Calle Joaquin wetland and LOVR Ditch support hydrophytic wetland vegetation but do not support rare plant species. Therefore, replacement of these wetlands (if necessary after long-term monitoring) would be feasible and would reduce impacts to a less than significant level. Implementation of these measures would reduce potential impacts to wetland habitats within the Lower Area (e.g., LOVR ditch and Calle Joaquin wetlands) to a less than significant level. Impacts to wetlands in the higher elevation area of the southwest portion of the site would be avoided compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR. 4. Impact BIO-4: Project construction and operation would have a substantial adverse impact on the movement of resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or resident and migratory wildlife corridors along Froom Creek, Drainages 1, 2, and 3, and across open grasslands in the southwest portion of the Project site. The Project site is designated in the City General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element as both a Wildlife Zone and Wildlife Corridor providing the conditions necessary to allow wildlife to move safety through urban areas, particularly those on the urban-rural interface of the City’s boundary. Implementation of the Project would disrupt wildlife utilization of and movement across the Project site. Development of the Project would largely isolate the restored Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands from wildlife in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve, replacing the existing broad open grasslands and ecotones that currently link these habitats with intensive development, confining wildlife movement to a relatively narrow restored creek channel extending between the proposed development and LOVR. While the realigned and restored From Creek corridor may provide enhanced riparian habitat, it would be a relatively urbanized creek corridor – compared to its current more natural state – bordered by relatively intensive development. The Project would not disrupt wildlife utilization of and movement across the higher elevation areas of the southwest portion of the site or along Drainages 1, 2, and 3 and their confluence with Froom Creek (Refer to Impact BIO-4, beginning on page 3.4-88, and Biological Resources, beginning on page 5-58 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation would be required to reduce impacts to the movement of wildlife species and migratory wildlife corridors to a less than significant level. MM BIO-3 has been edited to eliminate reference to the Upper Terrace in Villaggio since the Project no longer proposes development in the Upper Terrace. Removal of development within the Upper Terrace would substantially reduce potential impacts; MM BIO-3 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. MM BIO-Alt. 1 has been edited to remove reference to the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin, as this component is not proposed as part of the Project. Following further review of the Project, the City Fire Department concluded that the access and emergency access roads shown in the proposed Project are adequate and meet Fire Code regulations. Removal of this emergency access route would avoid additional impacts to onsite drainages and Froom Creek; MM BIO-Alt. 1 would continue to apply written to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 118 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 49 The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 119 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 50 construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measures BIO-2. The Applicant shall retain a qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist, subject to review and approval by the City to oversee compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all construction activities, conduct a biological resources education program for all construction workers prior to the initiation of any clearing or construction activities, and provide quarterly reports to the City regarding construction activities, enforcement issues, and remedial measures. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for conducting inspections of the work area each work day to ensure that excavation areas and sensitive or restored habitats do not exhibit construction-related impacts or hazards to wildlife. If any exposure risk is identified, the Environmental Coordinator shall implement measures that could include, but not be limited to, hazing, fencing, and wildlife removals to eliminate the exposure risk. In addition, the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor and regulate all construction occurring within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian habitat, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4, and seasonal or permanent wetlands. During appropriate flowering, nesting, breeding, migration, and dispersal seasons, the Environmental Coordinator shall also conduct sensitive species surveys immediately prior to construction activities and shall monitor construction activities in the vicinity of habitats to be avoided. The work area boundaries and other off-limit areas shall be identified by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator on a daily basis. The biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator shall inspect construction and sediment control fencing each work day during construction activities. Any vegetation clearing activities shall be monitored by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator. — Mitigation Measure BIO-3. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) with details on timing and implementation of required habitat restoration, enhancement, or creation measures. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP shall be prepared under the direction of, and approved by, the City’s Natural Resources Manager in conjunction with regulatory agencies with permitting authority over the Project. The HMMP shall contain, at a minimum, the following components (or as otherwise modified by regulatory agency permitting conditions): b. Pre-construction surveys and delineation of vegetation communities, habitat, and wetland features, including clear maps and a summary of onsite habitats to be protected and acreage, design, and locations of required habitat mitigation sites. k. A description of the location and boundaries of the mitigation site and description of existing site conditions. l. A description of measures to be undertaken to enhance the mitigation site for the target species and to protect sensitive resources. m. Record necessary replacement of disturbed, altered, and/or lost area of habitat. n. A binding long-term agreement with the Applicant to implement and maintain protected and restored sensitive habitats, including native bunch grassland, wetlands, springs, seeps, tributary drainages, and other sensitive or restored native habitats. These measures shall identify typical performance and success criteria deemed EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 120 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 51 acceptable by the City and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) based on measurable goals and objectives. Said criteria for restored habitats shall be, at a minimum, at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type. o. A description of habitat and species restoration and monitoring measures, including specific and objective performance criteria, monitoring methods, data analysis, reporting requirements, and monitoring schedule (At a minimum, success criteria shall be at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type and will include a replacement ratio of 2:1 and determination by a City-approved biologist that the mitigation site provides ecological functions and values for the focal species equal to or exceeding the impacted habitat). p. Plan requirements that ensure mitigation elements that do not meet performance or final success criteria within 5 years are completed through an extension of the plan for an additional 2 years or at the discretion of the City Natural Resources Manager with the goal of completing all mitigation requirements prior to the HMMP end date. q. Monitoring of the mitigation and maintenance areas shall occur for the period established in the HMMP, or until success criteria are met; an endowment may be required in some cases as determined by the City. If success criteria cannot be met through the HMMP, the City Natural Resources Manager shall specify appropriate commensurate measures (e.g., onsite or offsite restoration, endowment, or bond to the City for completion of necessary mitigation). r. A binding long-term agreement with the Villaggio Life Plan Community to fund and retain a qualified biologist to train all landscaping crew staff hired over the life of the development on sensitive plant species and habitat within the vicinity of the development, including the identification and avoidance of sensitive plants and habitat. The qualified biologist shall conduct annual monitoring of vegetation surrounding the development and prepare a report summarizing the avoidance or disturbance of sensitive resources from operational activities of the Villaggio development, and identifying necessary replacement or restoration of affected resources. Necessary mitigation shall be subject to the same standards for performance, monitoring, and success identified in subitems b through h, above. The report shall be submitted to the City annually for review and approval. s. A plan for fencing and/or signage around the Upper Terrace of the Villaggio development, prohibiting residents, guests, and employees from accessing and disturbing the surrounding sensitive resources. t. Requirements for payment of annual fees to the City to fund City review and inspection of the site and Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP requirements. — Mitigation Measure BIO-4. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require avoidance of sensitive natural communities outside approved development footprints such as the Nassella pulchra Herbaceous Alliance, Central Coast Arroyo Willow Scrub Community, Coastal and Central Valley Freshwater Marsh, and wetland areas to the maximum extent feasible. Mitigation for impacted sensitive natural communities that cannot be avoided shall be achieved through one or more of the following options, subject to City approval: a. Onsite restoration, enhancement, or creation of suitable replacement habitat, if feasible onsite restoration opportunities exist and at ratios consistent with those identified in MM BIO-5; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 121 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 52 b. Offsite restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted species at the minimum replacement ratio of 2:1 for sensitive natural communities, native grasslands, and riparian habitat; c. Financial contribution to an in-lieu fee program that results in restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted natural communities and/or species; and/or d. Purchase of mitigation credits at a USFWS- and/or CDFW-approved mitigation bank. — Mitigation Measure BIO-5. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require all temporary and permanent direct and indirect impacts to wetlands, grasslands, and riparian habitat be mitigated, as follows: a. Temporary direct impacts to wetland, native grassland, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio (area of restored habitat to impacted habitat). b. Permanent direct impacts to sensitive natural communities, such as native grasslands, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio (area of restored and enhanced habitat to impacted habitat). c. Permanent direct impacts to wetlands shall be mitigated at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (as appropriate). d. Potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands affected by the Froom Creek realignment and changes to site hydrology shall be mitigated as follows. As a part of the HMMP prepared for the Project, the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan that is designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the HMMP over time to ensure its objectives are achieved. The Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall be supported by a Baseline Conditions Assessment that identifies the pre-construction condition of the Calle Joaquin wetlands and establishes success criteria for sustained wetland conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall provide qualitative and quantitative information that will be used in comparing data obtained during subsequent monitoring years to determine if a significant deviance from baseline conditions has occurred at the site. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan will establish the parameters of a significant deviance from baseline conditions. A significant deviance from baseline may be defined as a “change in wetland area greater than 10%”. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall be updated prior to the start of construction to support agency permitting and guide implementation of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. This updated baseline shall be considered in combination with existing and past baseline documentation to provide an expanded baseline reflective of a range of acceptable conditions to compare post Project conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall include a focused description of the site’s hydrologic setting, vegetative cover and composition, quantified wetland areas and classifications, and shall establish the threshold for a significant deviance from wetland area based on the presence of hydrophytic plant species, hydric soil indicators, and wetland hydrology. At minimum, the condition of the wetland shall be evaluated on an annual basis through completion of a wetland assessment using a regulatory agency approved model (such as, but not limited to, the California Rapid Assessment Method [CRAM]) to document and facilitate long-term monitoring of changes to the wetland. The annual evaluation shall determine and document any degree of change to the wetland as a result of the proposed changes to site hydrology and development throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. Reports documenting the annual wetland assessment shall be provided to the City and relevant regulatory agencies. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 122 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 53 Long-Term Wetland Monitoring for the Calle Joaquin wetlands shall occur continuously for a period of no less than 7 years following Phase I build-out of the FRSP area. After the initial 7-years of minimum annual monitoring, the frequency of long-term evaluations shall be determined in coordination with regulatory agencies and per the requirements of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall include (at minimum) the following requirements. Additional detailed criteria and performance standards will be established in the HMMP prepared for the project and approved by regulatory agencies, but they shall not be any less stringent than the following criteria and performance standards: i. Annual monitoring shall evaluate and track the wetland health and biological integrity of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. ii. Annual evaluations shall utilize intensive site assessments to provide a more thorough and detailed measure of wetland condition by gathering direct measurements of biological taxa and hydrogeomorphic functions. iii. Typical industry standards for the quantitative evaluation of plant cover will be used (e.g., Bonham 1989 and Daubenmire 1968) to evaluate plant composition and structure as well as direct inspections of soil conditions and hydrologic functions. iv. Annual or semi-annual evaluations shall observe and document the following, at a minimum:  whether groundwater recharge from Froom Creek to the shallow aquifer is being sustained,  whether the onsite artesian well has been discharging to the wetland,  evidence of overflows entering the Calle Joaquin wetland from the realigned Froom Creek,  excessive ponding, as evidenced by changes in vegetation related to increased duration of ponding,  measured depth to groundwater in the onsite artesian well and the relationship of these conditions with conditions in the wetland,  specific conductance and temperature in the wetland and other surface sources,  the presence or absence of salt efflorescences in the wetland,  any persistent green vegetation patches or changes in willow/grass ecotone, and  representative photo points. v. Monitoring of the realigned creek’s hydrology would be required following large storm events during the rain season that are sufficient to initiate flowing water through the site. If after the 3rd year of monitoring, vegetation has successfully established along the creek corridor and sedimentation and erosion are not observed beyond what is determined to be a normal level, then the rainy season monitoring could be scaled back to occur on a quarterly or as-needed basis for the remainder of the monitoring schedule, upon review and approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager and applicable regulatory agencies and consistent with the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. vi. Success criteria to determine whether the Calle Joaquin wetland functions are sustained shall include the following, at a minimum:  The constructed bank between the realigned Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands remains functional and does not recurrently scour or fill to a degree that impairs its operation or impedes circulation through the wetland,  Excessive surface water does not pond for periods of long duration,  Salts do not accumulate such that discernible increases in salt efflorescences at the ground surface are not visible,  Evidence of deposition by high flows is not found within the wetland (e.g., silt, organics, or other flood deposits). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 123 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 54 vii. If success criteria are not achieved within the 7-year initial monitoring period, a hydrologic assessment will be conducted by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved specialist in groundwater supported wetlands to establish whether non-attainment is attributable to onsite conditions or actions beyond the effective control of the Project Applicant. The specialist shall be a registered hydrologist or certified hydrogeologist with statewide expertise, familiarity with groundwater supported wetlands in central coastal California and verifiable experience conducting functional analyses of such wetlands. Recommendations for remedial actions will be submitted by the groundwater specialist to the USACE for review and written approval prior to implementation. If wetland failures are determined to be directly related to the realignment of Froom Creek and development within the Froom Creek Specific Plan area, possible remedial actions would include, at minimum, the following:  Engineering controls include biotechnical erosion controls such as the installation of willow wattles and brush mattressing and addition of native cobble to reinforce the low flow berm separating the creek channel from the wetland area to help contain flows into the wetland area.  If vegetation establishment is taking longer than expected, remedial measures such as re-seeding bare soils, replanting areas of mortality, and increased maintenance and monitoring may be prescribed.  If there is significant evidence of scouring, collapse, or filling of the overflow bank between the realigned low-flow Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate bank type, size, and slope and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement.  If there is excessive ponding (spatial or temporal), a registered professional engineer shall assess access to and capacity of existing drainage outlets and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement if necessary.  If salt efflorescence is observed and specific conductance in the wetland is greater than baseline conditions, a registered professional engineer shall re- evaluate the bank type, slope, size, and conveyance between the realigned Froom Creek low-flow channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands to increase the frequency of salt flushing, such as altering surface flows to more frequently overflow to the wetland area. viii. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project does not adversely impact the Calle Joaquin wetland areas (as defined above), the Applicant shall provide documentation annually (at minimum) to the City, for review and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager, that no significant signs of hydrological interruption, erosion (including bank failure), or sedimentation have occurred, that the wetland is sustained in biological integrity and health with existing hydrologic inputs, and that channel migration has not adversely affected existing wetland features adjacent to Calle Joaquin. ix. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project adversely impacts the Calle Joaquin wetland area, recommendations shall be made for modifications to the Project design in consultation with the City and appropriate regulatory agencies for review and concurrence, as described in subsection viii above. The annual reports would detail the issue or problem area and proposed remedial actions. x. If through monitoring it is determined that the Calle Joaquin wetland condition and function cannot be remediated with implementation of all feasible remedial actions and recommendations identified through long-term monitoring and as described in subsection vii above and the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan, then adversely affected wetland areas shall be delineated and mitigated on- or offsite at a minimum EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 124 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 55 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate), consistent with subsection (c) above. xi. Funding for long-term wetland monitoring, adaptive management, and any recommended contingency measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Payment of a bond by the Applicant would be required to ensure the availability of adequate funds to ensure successful implementation and completion of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. e. Habitat revegetation or creation shall occur in the fall or winter no more than 1 year following habitat disturbance. Revegetation shall be monitored monthly for 7 years with a goal of at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type at the end of the 7-year period. Irrigation shall be provided during this period or until otherwise determined necessary by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator. f. Riparian vegetation along Froom Creek shall be maintained in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the City by the Applicant or a City-approved designee. Froom Creek conditions shall be monitored annually following winter storm seasons to assess damage to riparian vegetation and need for maintenance restoration. Monitoring and maintenance of riparian vegetation conditions shall be conducted consistent with the requirements of the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-3. — Mitigation Measure BIO-6. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall detail timing and implementation of required habitat restoration and shall be submitted to the City’s Natural Resources Manager for review and approval, including requirements for consultation with CDFW, NMFS, and USACE as needed. A copy of the final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan shall be implemented by the Project Applicant, under supervision by the City and the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator, and shall: a. Describe replacement of sensitive natural community habitats removed, lost, or adversely impacted by the Project, including a list of the soil, plants, and other materials that will be necessary for successful habitat restoration/ replacement, and a description of planting methods, location, spacing, erosion protection, and irrigation measures that will be needed. Restoration and habitat enhancement shall be limited to use of appropriate native species. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be designed to facilitate establishment of appropriate native plants such as willows, cottonwoods, bunchgrass, and rushes. b. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be established within the Project boundaries, adjacent to and contiguous with existing habitats to the maximum extent possible. c. Habitat restoration or enhancement sites shall be placed within existing or additional necessary deed-restricted area(s) and shall be maintained and monitored for a minimum of 7 years. If sufficient onsite mitigation area is not practicable, an offsite mitigation plan shall be prepared as part of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by permitting agencies. d. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall identify appropriate restoration and enhancement activities to compensate for impacts to creek, wetland, native bunch grass and riparian habitat, including a detailed planting plan and maintenance plans using locally obtained native species, and shall include habitat enhancement to support native wildlife and plant species. e. A weed management plan and weed identification list shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 125 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 56 f. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be maintained weekly for the first three years after Project completion and quarterly thereafter. Maintenance shall include replacement of unsuccessful planted specimens and eradication of noxious weeds found on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Lists A and B. Noxious weeds on CDFA List C may be eradicated or otherwise managed. g. Quarterly and annual reports documenting site inspections and site recovery status shall be prepared and sent to the City and appropriate agencies. — Mitigation Measure BIO-9. Construction and grading of the realigned portion of Froom Creek, including planting of riparian vegetation, watering, and bank stabilization, shall be conducted prior to removal of the existing creek segment to ensure a habitat for special-status species within the creek is maintained through the Project site with no interruption during construction. Project phasing shall be adjusted as needed to accommodate this sequence of construction activities. — Mitigation Measure BIO-11. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address special-status wildlife species management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the rainy season (typically October 15 to April 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, and other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian or wetland habitat, and any suitable nesting sites as determined by the City-approved biologist. Injury, mortality to, or significant disturbance of onsite sensitive species, including the California red-legged frog, south-central California coast steelhead, and white-tailed kite, shall be avoided. The plan shall include the following measures: pre-construction surveys; worker awareness; cessation of work in occupied areas if individuals are identified; relocation (if necessary) of frogs and steelhead from the work area by a professional biologist authorized by the USFWS and/or CDFW; and monitoring of construction activities within the vicinity of sensitive habitats by a qualified biologist during construction, consistent with MM BIO-2. Necessary permits shall be obtained from the state (CDFW) and federal (USACE and USFWS) regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and/or permitting authority over a portion of the Project. Any other sensitive species observed during the pre-construction surveys shall be relocated by the qualified biologist into the nearest suitable habitat outside the disturbance area as determined in consultation with the appropriate jurisdictional resource agency. — Mitigation Measure BIO-12. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address the habitation and movement of special-status wildlife species, as follows: 1. Migratory and Nesting/Burrowing Bird Management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the breeding season (typically from February 15 to August 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of riparian or wetland habitat and mature trees and within onsite grasslands. If Project activities must be conducted during this period and within the vicinity of riparian or wetland habitat, grasslands, and/or mature trees, pre- construction nesting bird surveys shall take place no more than one week prior to habitat disturbance associated with each phase; if active nests or burrows are located during these surveys, the following measures shall be implemented: a. Construction activities within 50 feet of active nests shall be restricted until chicks have fledged, unless the nest belongs to a raptor or burrowing owl, in which case a minimum 500-foot activity restriction buffer shall be observed. b. Construction shall be limited to daylight hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM or sunset, whichever is sooner). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 126 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 57 c. A pre-construction survey report shall be submitted to the City immediately upon completion of the survey. The report shall detail appropriate fencing or flagging of the buffer zone and make recommendations on additional monitoring requirements. A map of the Project site and nest locations shall be included with the report. If any sensitive species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedure for handling or avoidance of the specimen. d. The Project biologist conducting the nesting survey shall have the authority to reduce or increase the recommended buffer depending upon site conditions and the species involved. A report of findings and recommendations for bird protection shall be submitted to the City prior to vegetation removal. If sensitive or special-status species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedures for handling or avoidance of the specimen. e. If burrowing owls are found onsite and avoidance is not possible, burrow exclusion shall be conducted by City-approved qualified biologists and only during the non- breeding season, before breeding behavior is exhibited and after the burrow is confirmed empty through non-invasive methods, such as surveillance. CDFW recommends replacement of occupied burrows with artificial burrows at a ratio of one burrow collapsed to one artificial burrow constructed (1:1) To avoid recolonization, ongoing surveillance shall be provided by the City-approved Project biologists throughout Project construction at a rate that is sufficient to detect burrowing owls if they return. 2. Bat Colony Management. Prior to removal of any trees over 20 inches diameter-at-breast- height (DBH) or demolition/relocation of existing onsite structures, a survey shall be conducted by a City and CDFW-approved biologist to determine if any tree or structure proposed for removal, trimming, demolition, or relocation harbors sensitive bat species or maternal bat colonies. Maternal bat colonies shall not be disturbed, and grading and construction activities shall avoid the bat breeding season to the extent feasible. If disturbance of structures must occur during the bat breeding season, buildings must be inspected and deemed clear of bat colonies/roosts within 7 days of demolition and an appropriately trained and approved biologist must conduct a daily site-clearance during demolition. If bats are roosting in a structure or tree in the Project site during the daytime but are not part of an active maternity colony, then exclusion measures shall be utilized and must include one-way valves that allow bats to leave but are designed so that the bats may not re-enter the structure. For each occupied roost removed, one bat box shall be installed in similar habitat as determined by the Project biologist and shall have similar cavities or crevices to those which are removed, including access, ventilation, dimensions, height above ground, and thermal conditions. If a bat colony would be eliminated from the Project site, appropriate alternate bat habitat shall be installed within the Project site. To the extent practicable, alternate bat house installation shall occur near onsite drainages. — Mitigation Measure BIO-13. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to establish a 300-foot development buffer on the centerline of the confluence of Drainage 1, 2, and 3 and the realigned Froom Creek to maintain natural vegetation, ecological, hydrologic, and wildlife connectivity between the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the Froom Creek corridor. The required buffer shall extend from the point at which the proposed realigned Froom Creek exits the Specific Plan area, upstream along the centerlines of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 for 600 linear feet. The Applicant shall relocate residential uses to areas outside of this buffer and EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 127 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 58 should not exacerbate biological resource impacts in other areas of the site (This measure has been incorporated into the design of the Project and reflected on the Project land use plan). — Mitigation Measure BIO-14. Proposed roadway/pathway crossings over any drainage shall be designed to ensure adequate passage for wildlife, consistent with the design standards and guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration Wildlife Crossing Structure Handbook. — Mitigation Measure BIO-Alt.1. The additional emergency access roadway across Froom Creek and the LOVR ditch and the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin shall be reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Natural Resources Manager, and Fire Department prior to adoption of the Final FRSP and approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure that design is adequate for City emergency ingress/egress standards and minimizes impacts to riparian vegetation and wildlife passage, and that adequate on- and offsite mitigation of impacted riparian and wetland vegetation is provided. The City shall ensure review and approval of these features as part of the Final FRSP considers the siting, alignment, width, materials, and access controls. b. Finding: The City finds that the Project would avoid development of much of the most sensitive and important wildlife movement corridors of the site and would result in less severe impacts compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR. With implementation of mitigation measures, potential impacts to resident or migratory wildlife and resident or migratory corridors would be reduced by ensuring the ability of resident or migratory wildlife to access high quality habitats. Impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 5. Impact BIO-5: Project construction would result in the potential disturbance, trimming, or removal of up to 75 mature trees. On the northwestern side of the site, potentially affected trees are located in the developed/disturbed area adjacent to the existing quarry and construction business. Mature trees in the southwest portion of the Project site adjacent to Drainages 1, 2, and 3 would also be potentially affected. The land use map for Project would designate residential and commercial areas to avoid direct and indirect disturbance to much of the woodland areas, reducing indirect fire clearance impacts to coast live oak and California bay woodlands. Based on the Project land use plan, approximately 19 mature western sycamore, Freemont cottonwood, arroyo willow, Peruvian pepper tree, and eucalyptus trees would be directly affected by development of the site. Trimming or work within the rootzone of mature trees for construction or wildfire buffering could indirectly impact additional mature trees within the vicinity of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 (Refer to Impact BIO-5, beginning on page 3.4-94, and Biological Resources, beginning on page 5-58 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation would be required to reduce impacts to native trees to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure BIO-15: Native Tree Protection. To ensure protection of native protected trees with respect to the tree trunk, canopy, and root zone, the Applicant shall hire a City-approved arborist or qualified biologist to conduct a daily, pre-construction survey of all activities occurring within the protected root zones of protected trees, and shall make recommendations for avoidance, and for any necessary remedial work to ensure the health and safety of trees that are encroached, and any measures necessary to reduce and/or remove potential safety hazards posed by any of these trees. Following construction, the health of affected trees shall be monitored by the arborist or qualified biologist for up to 5 years if necessary and as determined at the discretion of the City. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 128 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 59 Should Project activities result in the compromised health of native trees resulting from encroachment, the Applicant shall submit a native tree replacement planting program, prepared by a qualified biologist, arborist, or other resource specialist, which specifies replacement tree locations, tree or seedling size, planting specifications, and a monitoring program to ensure that the replacement planting program is successful, including performance standards for determining whether replacement trees are healthy and growing normally, and procedures for periodic monitoring and implementation of corrective measures in the event that the health of replacement trees declines. Where the worsened health of a tree results in the loss of protected tree species, mitigation measures in the native tree replacement program shall include the planting of replacement trees on the Project site, if suitable area exists. Riparian trees 4 inches or greater measured at DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 3:1 (replaced: removed). Trees 24 inches or greater inches DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 10:1. Willows and cottonwoods may be planted from live stakes following guidelines provided in the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual for planting dormant cuttings and container stock (CDFW 2010).  Tree replacement shall be conducted in accordance with a Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan to be approved by the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  The Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan shall prioritize the planting of replacement trees on-site where feasible, but shall allow that replacement trees may be planted off-site with approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  Replacement trees may be planted in the fall or winter of the year in which trees were removed. All replacement trees will be planted no more than 1 year following the date upon which the native trees were removed. Where onsite mitigation through planting replacement trees is not feasible, mitigation shall be provided by one of the following methods:  Off-site mitigation shall be provided by planting no less than 10:1, at a suitable site that is restricted from development or is public parkland. The Applicant shall plant seedlings – less than 1-year old – in an area providing suitable habitat. In the case of oak trees, the seedlings shall be grown from acorns collected in the area; or  An in-lieu fee shall be provided for the unavoidable impacts of the loss of native tree habitat. The fee shall be based on the type, size and age of the tree(s) removed. b. Finding: The City finds the above described mitigations would reduce potential impacts to mature trees to a less than significant level. D. CULTURAL AND TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Impact CR-1. Project grading and construction would occur within areas of prehistoric archaeological sensitivity with the potential to impact subsurface cultural or tribal cultural resources. Per the technical studies completed for the Draft FRSP and the City’s Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines, there are two known prehistoric sites and archaeologically sensitive areas within the Project site that may contain undiscovered cultural resources that would be impacted by construction under this alternative, including within the higher elevation areas of the southwest portion of the site and a 200- foot area around the top of banks of Froom Creek (Refer to Impact CR-1, beginning on page 3.5-24, and the Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Section, beginning on 5-67 of the Final EIR). a. Project Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce potential construction related impacts to subsurface resources. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 129 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 60 — Mitigation Measure CR-1. A Phase 2 – Subsurface Archaeological Resource Evaluation (SARE) investigation shall be conducted prior to any grading or development proposed within 200 feet of the recorded P-40-000783 and P-40-001195 sites, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, to evaluate the potential for unknown buried resources within these “archaeologically sensitive” areas, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or features including hearths, structural remains, or historic dumpsites, consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines. If discovery of unknown buried archaeological resources occurs through the SARE, a City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and CEQA. If the discovery is found to be a significant cultural resource, Project design shall be modified to avoid modification, disturbance, or destruction of the archeological resource. If the Phase 2 SARE investigations do not discover unknown buried archaeological resources but conclude there is a possibility that cultural resources exist within the archaeologically sensitive areas that were evaluated, the Community Development Department Director shall require that the Applicant retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor construction activities to identify and protect archaeological resources in accordance with the Archaeological Monitoring Plan described in MM CR-3. — Mitigation Measure CR-2. If any ground disturbing activities are proposed within 100 feet of the recorded sites P-40-000783, P-40-0011195, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, on preparation of construction plans, the plans shall delineate a 50- foot buffer surrounding the boundaries of the recorded sites. The area shall be labeled as an “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Highly visible temporary construction fencing shall be installed along the boundary of the 50-foot buffer and shall remain in place until the archaeological monitor recommends removal. If feasible, no ground disturbance, construction worker foot traffic, storage of materials, or storage or use of equipment shall occur within the “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Archaeological monitoring shall occur during all construction activities occurring within 50 feet of the delineated boundary. Upon completion of archaeological monitoring, an archaeological monitoring report shall be prepared and submitted to the City Community Development Department and the Central Coast Information Center at the University of California Santa Barbara. — Mitigation Measure CR-3. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, and recordation of the final map, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) shall be prepared. The AMP should include, but not be limited to, the following:  A list of personnel involved in the monitoring activities;  Description of Native American involvement;  Description of how the monitoring shall occur;  Description of location and frequency of monitoring (e.g., full time, part time, spot checking);  Description of what resources are expected to be encountered;  Description of circumstances that would result in the halting of work at the project site;  Description of procedures for halting work on the site and notification procedures;  Description of monitoring reporting procedures; and  Provide specific, detailed protocols for what to do in the event of the discovery of human remains. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 130 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 61 — Mitigation Measure CR-4. The Applicant shall retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor Project-related ground-disturbing activities that have the potential to encounter previously unidentified archaeological resources, as outlined in the AMP prepared to satisfy MM CR-3. Archaeological and tribal monitoring may cease only if the City-approved archaeologist determines in coordination with the Applicant, Community Development Director, and the Native American monitor that Project activities do not have the potential to encounter and/or disturb unknown resources. — Mitigation Measure CR-5. In the event of any inadvertent discovery of prehistoric archaeological resources, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or historic-period archaeological resources, all work within 100 feet of the discovery shall immediately cease (or greater or lesser distance as needed to protect the discovery and determined in the field by the City-approved archaeologist). The Applicant and/or contractor shall immediately notify the City Community Development Department. The City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines prior to resuming any activities that could impact the site/discovery. If the City-approved archaeologist or Native American monitor determine that the find may qualify for listing in the CRHR or as a tribal cultural resource, the site shall be avoided or shall be subject to a Phase II or III mitigation program consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and funded by the Applicant. Work shall not resume until authorization is received from the City. — Mitigation Measure CR-6. Prior to construction of each phase, workers shall receive education regarding the recognition of possible buried cultural remains and protection of all cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic resources, during construction. Such training shall provide construction personnel with direction regarding the procedures to be followed in the unlikely event that previously unidentified archaeological materials, including Native American burials, are discovered during construction. Training shall also inform construction personnel that unauthorized collection or disturbance of artifacts or other cultural materials is not allowed. The training shall be prepared by a City-approved archaeologist and shall provide a description of the cultural resources that may be encountered in the Project site, specify areas of known sensitivity, outline steps to follow in the event that a discovery is made, and provide contact information for the City-approved archaeologist, Native American monitor, and appropriate City personnel. The training shall be conducted concurrent with other environmental or safety awareness and education programs for the Project, provided that the program elements pertaining to archaeological resources is provided by a qualified instructor meeting applicable professional standards. — Mitigation Measure CR-7. If human remains are exposed during construction, the City Community Development Department shall be notified immediately. The Applicant and City shall comply with State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, which states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has been notified and can make the necessary findings as to origin and disposition of the remains pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. Construction shall halt around the discovery of human remains, the area shall be protected, and consultation and treatment shall occur as prescribed by law. b. Finding: The City finds that the mitigation measures will reduce impacts from construction-related activities for the Project on cultural and tribal cultural resources to a less than significant degree. 2. Impact CR-2. Compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR, operational impacts associated with recreational activities of future residents in sensitive open space areas would be substantially EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 131 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 62 reduced under the Project. By avoiding development in the Upper Terrace, proposed residential development would be located over 250 feet from known archaeological resources and, therefore, less subject to potential indirect disturbance by future residents. The nearest residential structures in Villaggio would be enclosed by a security fence that would further limit access to archaeologically sensitive areas in the Upper Terrace. However, it is reasonable to assume that Villaggio residents would use open space areas and the private recreational area for passive recreation or to access the Irish Hills trails network. Increased passive recreational use of the open space by Project residential populations and domesticated animals could result in indirect adverse impacts to prehistoric resources, including illicit artifact collection and erosion from hiking, dog walking, etc. (Refer to Impact CR-2, beginning on page 3.5-32, and the Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Section, beginning on page 5-67 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure would be required to reduce potential operational damage to archaeological resources in the vicinity of residential area. — Mitigation Measure CR-8. No designated recreational areas, facilities, pedestrian paths, or roadways shall be located with 50 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural resource site. All archaeological site soils within 100 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural site shall be seeded with shallow rooted native vegetation unless existing natural vegetation (i.e., existing grasslands) can screen the cultural resource from view. b. Finding: The City finds that the mitigation measure will reduce impacts from operational residential activity on the site to archaeological resources to a less than significant level. E. GEOLOGY AND SOILS 1. Impact GEO-5: Project construction could uncover paleontological resources in geologic deposits during earthwork activities. The geologic deposits underlying the Project site, including Quaternary- aged alluvial deposits and meta-sediments of the Franciscan Complex, have a low potential for containing paleontological resources. Surficial deposits of Holocene age or previously disturbed sediments are determined to have a low paleontological sensitivity because they are either too young or unlikely to preserve fossilized remains. However, if paleontological resources were uncovered during Project construction and were then improperly handled, such unknown paleontological resources could be damaged or destroyed (Refer to Impact GEO-5, beginning on page 3.6-26, and the Geology and Soils Section, beginning on page 5-69 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure would be required to reduce risk of potential damage to paleontological resources in earthwork activities to less than significant. — Mitigation Measure GEO-1. Prior to construction of each phase, workers shall receive education regarding the recognition of possible paleontological resources, during grading and excavation. Such training shall provide construction personnel with direction regarding the procedures to be followed in the unlikely event that previously unidentified paleontological materials are discovered during construction. Training shall also inform construction personnel that unauthorized collection or disturbance of paleontological resources is not allowed. The training shall be prepared by a City-approved paleontologist and shall provide a description of paleontological resources that may be encountered in the Project site, outline steps to follow in the event that a discovery is made, and provide contact information for the Project paleontologist and appropriate City personnel. The training shall be conducted concurrent with other environmental or safety awareness and education programs for the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 132 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 63 Project, provided that the program elements pertaining to paleontological resources is provided by a qualified instructor meeting applicable professional qualifications standards. In order to prevent inadvertent potential significant impacts to paleontological resources that may be encountered during ground disturbance or construction activities, in the event of any inadvertent discovery of paleontological resources during construction, all work within the vicinity of the resource shall temporarily cease. If a paleontological resource is discovered, the City-approved paleontologist shall be notified to assess the significance of the find and provide recommendations as necessary for its proper disposition. b. Finding: The City finds that the mitigation measure will reduce impacts from earthwork construction activities to a less than significant level. F. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY 1. Impact HYD-1: Project construction activities would result in impacts to water quality due to polluted runoff and increased erosion and/or siltation. Construction would include excavation, grading, and other earthwork that would disturb soils across the Project site, including construction of a new realigned channel for Froom Creek and installation of the proposed stormwater drainage basin, along with supporting stormwater management infrastructure such as the Home Depot ditch and LOVR ditch. During this time when soils are disturbed or stockpiled onsite, rainfall has the potential to cause substantial soil erosion and sediment transport into Froom Creek due to runoff waters moving over exposed areas and newly created slopes and entering the new drainage system leading to the realigned Froom Creek and the Calle Joaquin wetlands. In addition, soil erosion could result in the creation of onsite rills and gully systems, clog existing and planned drainage channels, breach erosion control measures, and transport soil into down-gradient areas on the Project site (Refer to Impact HYD-1, beginning on page 3.8-24, and the Hydrology and Water Quality Section, beginning on page 5-74 of the Final EIR). a. Project Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce adverse effects to water quality to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure HYD-1. Prior to the issuance of any construction/grading permit and/or the commencement of any clearing, grading, or excavation, the Applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for discharge from the Project site to the California SWRCB Storm Water Permit Unit. — Mitigation Measure HYD-2. For each phase of construction, the Applicant shall require the building contractor to prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City 45 days prior to the start of work for approval. The contractor is responsible for understanding the State General Permit and instituting the SWPPP during construction. A SWPPP for site construction shall be developed prior to the initiation of grading and implemented for all construction activity on the Project site in excess of 1 acre, or where the area of disturbance is less than 1 acre but is part of the Project’s plan of development that in total disturbs 1 or more acres. The SWPPP shall identify potential pollutant sources that may affect the quality of discharges to stormwater and shall include specific BMPs to control the discharge of material from the site, including, but not limited to: • Temporary detention basins, straw bales, sand bagging, mulching, erosion control blankets, silt fencing, and soil stabilizers shall be used. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 133 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 64 • Sufficient physical protection and pollution prevention measures to prevent sedimentation, siltation, and/or debris from entering the Calle Joaquin wetlands. • Soil stockpiles and graded slopes shall be covered after 14 days of inactivity and 24 hours prior to and during inclement weather conditions. • Fiber rolls shall be placed along the top of exposed slopes and at the toes of graded areas to reduce surface soil movement, as necessary. • A routine monitoring plan shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite erosion and sedimentation control measures. • Dust control measures shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite activities to control fugitive dust. • Streets surrounding the Project site shall be cleaned daily or as necessary. • BMPs shall be strictly followed to prevent spills and discharges of pollutants onsite (material and container storage, proper trash disposal, construction entrances, etc.). • Sandbags, or other equivalent techniques, shall be utilized along graded areas to prevent siltation transport to the surrounding areas. Additional BMPs shall be implemented for any fuel storage or fuel handling that could occur onsite during construction. The SWPPP must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the SWRCB. The SWPPP shall be submitted to the City along with grading/development plans for review and approval. The Applicant shall file a Notice of Completion for construction of the development, identifying that pollution sources were controlled during the construction of the Project and implementing a closure SWPPP for the site. — Mitigation Measure HYD-3. Installation of the stormwater management system shall occur during the dry season (May through October), including realignment and restoration of Froom Creek, installation of hydrological connections for the stormwater detention basin, construction of onsite retention basins, and the installation of the Home Depot and LOVR ditches. Stormwater management system features shall be fully installed and restored to ensure soil stabilization and adequate stormwater conveyance capacity prior to the storm season (October through April). b. Finding: The City finds the mitigation measure will reduce impacts to water quality from construction activities to a less than significant level. 2. Impact HYD-2: The Project would potentially exacerbate flooding and erosion hazards onsite and in areas downstream, particularly related to the proposed realignment and design of Froom Creek and developed areas of the site. Project development would substantially alter onsite drainage patterns through realignment of Froom Creek, reconstruction of LOVR ditch, installation of the Home Depot ditch, replacement of the existing onsite detention basin with the proposed stormwater detention basin on Mountainbrook Church property, increases in development and impervious surfaces, and fill of the Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas to raise site elevation by approximately one foot. In addition, Project construction and proposed stormwater conveyance systems would substantially alter the volume and velocity of surface water flows and runoff flowing to the realigned Froom Creek channel, which could experience unstable banks and erosion over time. Implementation of proposed stormwater treatment and retention measures would adequately attenuate all Project stormwater peak flows and even slightly reduce peak flows at the U.S. 101 double box culvert. Considering proposed stormwater management system improvements and the Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calculations prepared by RRM Design Group for the project, stormwater would be adequately managed, maintained, and attenuated through on- and offsite stormwater control features, which are EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 134 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 65 designed consistent with the requirements of the City Drainage Design Manual and State Post Construction Requirements. Based on the Preliminary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calculations, projected flow rates would not destabilize banks or cause substantial erosion of the realigned Froom Creek. Further, though the lower elevation areas of the Project site are located within a designated floodplain, the Project would relocate and redesign Froom Creek to provide additional flood-flow capacity and would fill the Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch portions of the site within these flood zones to engineered elevations above the 100-year floodplain. Implementation of the proposed improvements would remove the site development area from the FEMA floodplain and require a Conditional Letter of Map Revision/Letter of Map Revision from FEMA (Refer to Impact HYD-2, beginning on page 3.8-29, and the Hydrology and Water Quality Section, beginning on page 5-74 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure would be required to reduce the Project’s impacts on flooding and erosion to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure HYD-4. The Applicant shall submit final Froom Creek Realignment plans and supporting technical studies that provide a refined bio-engineering approach to ensure creek bank and channel bottom stability and avoidance or reduction of further erosion. Final creek design plans and a supporting engineering study shall address appropriate boulder sizes and bank protection measures necessary to prevent dislodgement or remobilization of in-channel or toe-slope protection rock. Natural methods (e.g., additional rock) shall be employed as needed to maintain the proposed creek alignment and downslope bank location between the channel and LOVR and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, and to protect mid- to upper- bank areas and top-of-bank from erosion from flood flows and aid in maintenance of riparian vegetation. b. Finding: The City finds with implementation of mitigation measures, the Project would not exacerbate flood hazards or erosion hazards onsite and impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. G. NOISE 1. Impact NO-1: Project construction, including site grading and heavy truck trips, would generate noise levels that exceed thresholds established in the City’s General Plan Noise Element and Noise Guidebook resulting in potentially significant impacts from rough grading, heavy truck trips, and construction in areas of the site proximate to sensitive receptors (such as hotels along Calle Joaquin, the Irish Hills Natural Reserve, and Mountainbrook Church). Noise would also occur from sources such as backup warning devices, which would be audible offsite. Construction activities proximate to Calle Joaquin include realignment of Froom Creek and construction of the proposed stormwater detention basin. Overall, Project construction maximum noise levels could reach as high as 89 to 92 dBA at surrounding sensitive uses, including hotels along Calle Joaquin, Mountainbrook Church, and within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The City Municipal Code permits construction noise up to 70 dBA for commercial sensitive receptors and up to 20 dBA above normally acceptable levels for any instantaneous noise event. Project construction activities could exceed these thresholds both in peak noise and duration (Refer to Impact NO-1, beginning on page 3.10-25, and the Noise Section, beginning on page 5-79 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce construction-generated noise levels to a less than significant level. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 135 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 66 — Mitigation Measure NO-1. Except for emergency repair of public service utilities, or where an exception is issued by the Community Development Department, no operation of tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, or demolition work shall occur between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM, or any time on Sundays, holidays, or after sunset, such that the sound creates a noise disturbance that exceeds 75 dBA for single-family residential uses, 80 dBA for multi-family residential uses, and 85 dBA for mixed residential/commercial land uses, as shown in Table 3.10-9 and Table 3.10-10 of the Final EIR, across a residential or commercial property line. — Mitigation Measure NO-2. For all construction activity at the Project site, noise attenuation techniques shall be employed to ensure that noise levels are maintained within levels allowed by the City of San Luis Obispo Municipal Code, Title 9, Chapter 9.12 (Noise Control). Such techniques shall include: • Sound blankets on noise-generating equipment. • Stationary construction equipment that generates noise levels above 65 dBA at the Project boundaries shall be shielded with a barrier that meets a sound transmission class (a rating of how well noise barriers attenuate sound) of 25. • All diesel equipment shall be operated with closed engine doors and shall be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers. • Temporary sound barriers shall be constructed between construction sites and affected uses. — Mitigation Measure NO-3. The Applicant shall inform landowners and business operators at properties within 300 feet of the Project site of proposed construction timelines and noise complaint procedures to minimize potential annoyance or nuisance complaints related to construction noise no less than 10 days prior to initiation of any grading and construction activity for any Phase. The notice shall include the name and contact information of the Project’s construction manager and contact information for the City’s Community Development Department. b. Finding: The City finds that with implementation of mitigation measures, construction noise generation would be reduced to a less than significant level consistent with the City’s General Plan Noise Element and Noise Guidebook. 2. Impact NO-4. Periodic high noise levels from nearby commercial uses (e.g., delivery trucks, forklifts, backup alarms) may exceed City thresholds for residential land uses. The 2020 Acoustic Assessment concluded that existing Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) levels of approximately 70 dBA may occur at the northern boundary of the Project site during a 24-hour scenario with a maximum amount of activity and noise from adjacent businesses such as Costco, Home Depot, TJ Maxx, and Whole Foods. These levels would decrease to 60 dBA further into the Project site as distance from these adjacent businesses increases. The 60-dBA contour was determined to extend approximately 150 feet from the Project site’s northern border with Irish Hills Plaza. Such operational noise could exceed exterior noise standards for the public park and multi- family residential uses of Madonna Froom Ranch (Refer to Impact NO-4, beginning on page 3.10-34, and the Noise Section, beginning on page 5-79 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure would be required to reduce operational noise from nearby commercial use to a less than significant level. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 136 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 67 — Mitigation Measure NO-4. Prior to approval of park and residential development within the Madonna Froom Ranch area of the Specific Plan, the Applicant shall submit a project- specific noise study that evaluates the potential for noise exposure from adjacent commercial uses and identifies project-specific design measures to attenuate exterior and interior noise consistent with the City’s Noise Element and Noise Ordinance. If necessary to reduce noise within acceptable levels, noise reduction measures may include a planted earthen berm, sound wall, or similar noise attenuating feature along the site boundary with Irish Hills Plaza, consistent with Policy 1.8.2 of the Noise Element. b. Finding: The City finds noise generation from nearby commercial uses would be reduced with implementation of mitigation requiring installation of noise attenuation (e.g., sound wall) to below acceptable noise levels and impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 3. Cumulative Noise Impacts: The Project would contribute to a marginal increase in both construction-related and operational stationary and mobile noise sources contributing to the existing noise environment. Though increases in noise under the Project would be marginal, the Project, in combination with approved, pending, and proposed development within the City, would contribute to an increase of long-term traffic and associated traffic noise, as well as operational noise from the proposed new development which has potential to exceed acceptable City noise standards. The City’s Noise Element and Municipal Code contain policies and programs that would address and mitigate potential site-specific impacts for individual projects in the future, including Noise Guidebook Policy 1.4, which requires noise created by all new development be individually mitigated by each project so as not to exceed acceptable outdoor noise levels (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.10-37, and the Noise Section, beginning on page 5-79 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce the Project’s contribution to cumulative noise impacts to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure NO-1. Except for emergency repair of public service utilities, or where an exception is issued by the Community Development Department, no operation of tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, or demolition work shall occur between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM, or any time on Sundays, holidays, or after sunset, such that the sound creates a noise disturbance that exceeds 75 dBA for single-family residential uses, 80 dBA for multi-family residential uses, and 85 dBA for mixed residential/commercial land uses, as shown in Table 3.10-9 and Table 3.10-10 of the Final EIR, across a residential or commercial property line. — Mitigation Measure NO-2. For all construction activity at the Project site, noise attenuation techniques shall be employed to ensure that noise levels are maintained within levels allowed by the City of San Luis Obispo Municipal Code, Title 9, Chapter 9.12 (Noise Control). Such techniques shall include: • Sound blankets on noise-generating equipment. • Stationary construction equipment that generates noise levels above 65 dBA at the Project boundaries shall be shielded with a barrier that meets a sound transmission class (a rating of how well noise barriers attenuate sound) of 25. • All diesel equipment shall be operated with closed engine doors and shall be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers. • Temporary sound barriers shall be constructed between construction sites and affected uses. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 137 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 68 — Mitigation Measure NO-3. The Applicant shall inform landowners and business operators at properties within 300 feet of the Project site of proposed construction timelines and noise complaint procedures to minimize potential annoyance or nuisance complaints related to construction noise no less than 10 days prior to initiation of any grading and construction activity for any Phase. The notice shall include the name and contact information of the Project’s construction manager and contact information for the City’s Community Development Department. — Mitigation Measure NO-4. Prior to approval of park and residential development within the Madonna Froom Ranch area of the Specific Plan, the Applicant shall submit a project- specific noise study that evaluates the potential for noise exposure from adjacent commercial uses and identifies project-specific design measures to attenuate exterior and interior noise consistent with the City’s Noise Element and Noise Ordinance. If necessary to reduce noise within acceptable levels, noise reduction measures may include a planted earthen berm, sound wall, or similar noise attenuating feature along the site boundary with Irish Hills Plaza, consistent with Policy 1.8.2 of the Noise Element. b. Finding: Due to requirement for compliance with existing regulations, implementation of Project- specific noise mitigation measures, and nominal increases in the ambient noise environment from proposed cumulative development, the City finds that, with identified Project-specific mitigation, cumulative noise impacts of the Project would be reduced to a less than significant level. H. PUBLIC SERVICES AND RECREATION 1. Impact PS-4: The Project would increase the demand for public parkland and neighborhood parks from increased residential population. The City’s General Plan Parks and Recreation Element requires Expansion Areas and all residential annexation areas such as the Project site to provide developed neighborhood parks at the rate of five acres per 1,000 residents and at least ten acres of developed parkland for each 1,000 new residents. The Project site is an Expansion Area defined by the General Plan and would be an annexation to the City. As such, City policies would require additional parkland to serve the Project’s future residential populations. The Project proposes onsite amenities to partially serve the unique needs of its future senior resident population, as well as a 3.6-acre public park that would provide the basic elements of a neighborhood park as defined within the General Plan Parks and Recreation Element. The Project increases the size of the neighborhood park by 0.7 acres compared to the Draft FRSP. Even so, the proposed park facilities would not meet the requirements for provision of neighborhood park and parklands for new annexations provided under City Parks and Recreation Element Policy 3.13.1 and Policy 5.0.2. As it relates to the Villaggio development, the Project’s increase of 732 independent living residents would require development of an additional 7.32 acres of parkland, including at least 3.66 acres of neighborhood park within the City. Based exclusively on the increase of 406 residents anticipated for Madonna Froom Ranch, at least 4.06 acres of public parkland would be required to meet the General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, and 5.0.2, of which approximately 2.03 acres would need to be a neighborhood park. In total, the Project would increase demand for recreation area and amenities from an increase in 1,138 residents (discounting 93 assisted living residents that would be served by onsite amenities provided by Villaggio). Together, the Project would be required to provide 11.38 acres of public parkland with 5.69 acres dedicated as neighborhood park, consistent with General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, and 5.0.2. Without this required parkland, the Project’s residents would substantially increase demand and use of recreation facilities in the City, contributing to accelerated deterioration and need for maintenance of existing recreation areas and facilities. The EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 138 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 69 Project proposes 3.6 acres of neighborhood park, which would offset the Project’s demand for public parkland and neighborhood park. As a result, the Project would necessitate an additional 7.78 acres of parkland, including 2.09 acres of neighborhood park. Ultimately, parkland and neighborhood park calculations and requirements would be confirmed through subsequent review of specific development plans within the Specific Plan area, based on the actual number of units proposed and associated increase in population (Refer to Impact PS-4, beginning on page 3.12-20, and the Public Services and Recreation Section, beginning on page 5-82 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to address the increased demand for parkland from residential population increase. MM PS-1 and MM PS-2 have been edited to update the acreage of required parkland and neighborhood park to reflect a proposed increase in the onsite public trailhead park from 2.9 acres, as analyzed in the Final EIR for the Draft FRSP, to 3.6 acres as proposed in the Project. The adjusted acreages would remain compliant with the City’s Parks and Recreation Element Policy 3.13.1 and Policy 5.0.2. — Mitigation Measure PS-1. Public Parkland Requirements for Villaggio. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch. At the discretion of the Community Development Department and City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Department, and to ensure that parkland would satisfy the needs of the proposed population of Villaggio, the Applicant shall either: a. Identify, purchase, and develop up to 7.32 acres of parkland, including 2.09 acres 2.79 acres of neighborhood park (in addition to the 3.6 acres 2.9 acres of public parkland proposed by the Project), within the City’s Sphere of Influence, consistent with City General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2. If feasible, land for development of neighborhood park space should be identified within interior areas of the City Sphere of Influence to maximize use and access; or b. Provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. — Mitigation Measure PS-2. Public Parkland Requirements for Madonna Froom Ranch. The Applicant shall identify, designate, dedicate, and/or develop up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of public parkland into the Froom Ranch Specific Plan to be operational at the time of buildout of the Project, in addition to parkland required under MM PS-1. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch and may be implemented using one of the following options, at the discretion of the Community Development Department and City Parks and Recreation Department: a. The Applicant shall designate an additional area of up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of public facilities land use with the intention of providing parkland, within the Specific Plan area, consistent with City General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2, or b. The Applicant shall identify and purchase or dedicate up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of parkland within the City’s Sphere of Influence, or c. The Applicant shall provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. b. Finding: The City finds that with implementation of mitigation measures and provision or designation of additional land to be developed for and parkland and neighborhood park consistent with the City’s General Plan, the Project’s increase in residen tial population and associated demand on parks and recreation would be reduced to a less than significant level. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 139 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 70 2. Cumulative Public Services and Recreation Impacts: Public services within the Project vicinity are primarily provided by the City, supplemented by interagency mutual aid agreements between SLOFD and CALFIRE for fire protection services, and a Memorandum of Understanding between SLOPD, the County Sherriff’s Department, and Cal Poly’s California State University (CSU)- operated University Police Department. The Project, in conjunction with approved, pending, or proposed development projects in the City, proposed land use changes under the LUCE Update, and associated population growth would incrementally increase overall demand for public services, including fire protection, police protection, schools, and parks. Police Services Please refer to the above discussion. The Project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts to police services that would not require mitigation (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.12-25, and the Public Services and Recreation Section, beginning on page 5-82 of the Final EIR). Fire Protection Please refer to the above discussion. The Project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts to fire protection services that would not require mitigation (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.12-25, and the Public Services and Recreation Section, beginning on page 5-82 of the Final EIR). Schools Please refer to the above discussion. The Project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts to schools or school services that would not require mitigation (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.12-25, and the Public Services and Recreation Section, beginning on page 5-82 of the Final EIR). Parks and Recreation The Project would contribute to increased demand for parks and recreational facilities due to approved, pending, or proposed citywide development and associated population growth. The implementation of cumulative development projects in the City, in combination with the Project, would result in substantial increased use of, and demand for, parks and recreational facilities. The future population of 56,868 individuals as projected under development of land uses permitted under the General Plan LUE would require a projected need of approximately 363 acres of additional parkland. The Project would cumulatively contribute to this increased demand citywide. a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to address the increased demand for parkland from additional residents. MM PS-1 and MM PS-2 have been edited to update the acreage of required parkland and neighborhood park to reflect a proposed increase in onsite public park from 2.9 acres, as analyzed in the Final EIR for the Draft FRSP, to 3.6 acres as proposed in the FRSP. The adjusted acreages would remain compliant with the City’s Parks and Recreation Element Policy 3.13.1 and Policy 5.0.2. — Mitigation Measure PS-1. Public Parkland Requirements for Villaggio. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch. At the discretion of the Community Development Department and City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Department, and to ensure that parkland would satisfy the needs of the proposed population of Villaggio, the Applicant shall either: EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 140 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 71 a. Identify, purchase, and develop up to 7.32 acres of parkland, including 2.09 acres 2.79 acres of neighborhood park (in addition to the 3.6 acres 2.9 acres of public parkland proposed by the Project), within the City’s Sphere of Influence, consistent with City General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2. If feasible, land for development of neighborhood park space should be identified within interior areas of the City Sphere of Influence to maximize use and access; or b. Provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. — Mitigation Measure PS-2. Public Parkland Requirements for Madonna Froom Ranch. The Applicant shall identify, designate, dedicate, and/or develop up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of public parkland into the Froom Ranch Specific Plan to be operational at the time of buildout of the Project, in addition to parkland required under MM PS-1. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch and may be implemented using one of the following options, at the discretion of the Community Development Department and City Parks and Recreation Department: a. The Applicant shall designate an additional area of up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of public facilities land use with the intention of providing parkland, within the Specific Plan area, consistent with City General Plan Parks and Recreation Element Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2, or b. The Applicant shall identify and purchase or dedicate up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of parkland within the City’s Sphere of Influence, or c. The Applicant shall provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. b. Finding: The City finds that with the implementation of mitigation measures, the Project would not result in a considerable contribution to cumulatively considerable impacts as the Project would mitigate its potential impact and provide adequate parkland consistent with City standards along with payment of development impact fees to accommodate the recreational needs of future Project residents. Further, other projects in the area, such as the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Avila Ranch Development Plan projects, would also be contributing additional parkland for the City to support the associated population increases in each area. Ultimately, the Project would not result in cumulatively considerable deterioration of existing facilities or service levels and implementation of MM PS-1 and PS-2 would reduce the Project’s contribution to a less than significant level. I. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC 1. Impact TRANS-1: Project construction activities would potentially create traffic impacts due to congestion from construction vehicles (e.g., construction trucks, construction worker vehicles, equipment, etc.), as well as temporary travel lane and sidewalk closures (Refer to Impact TRANS-1, beginning on page 3.13-75, and the Transportation and Traffic Section, beginning on page 5-84 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce traffic impacts from construction vehicles and temporary closures. MM TRANS-1 has been edited to remove references to development in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as this component is no longer proposed in the FRSP. MM TRANS-1 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 141 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 72 — Mitigation Measure TRANS-1. The Applicant shall prepare a Construction Transportation Management Plan for all phases of the Project for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of grading or building permits to address and manage traffic during construction. The Applicant shall coordinate with SLO Regional Rideshare for the development of the Plan. The Plan shall be designed to: • Prevent traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway network; • Restrict construction staging to within the Project site; • Minimize parking impacts both to public parking and access to private parking to the greatest extent practicable; • Ensure safety for both those construction vehicles and works and the surrounding community; • Prevent substantial truck traffic through residential neighborhoods; and • Provide strategies to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips made by resident and employees. The Construction Transportation Management Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director to ensure that the Plan has been designed in accordance with this mitigation measure. The Applicant shall identify a point of contact to coordinate Plan implementation. This review shall occur prior to issuance of grading or building permits. It shall, at a minimum, include the following: Ongoing Requirements throughout the Duration of Construction: • A detailed Construction Transportation Management Plan for work zones shall be maintained. At a minimum, this shall include parking and travel lane configurations; warning, regulatory, guide, and directional signage; and area sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and parking lanes. The Plan shall include specific information regarding the Project’s construction activities that may disrupt normal pedestrian and traffic flow and the measures to address these disruptions. Such Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and implemented in accordance with this approval. • Heavy haul construction vehicles and cement trucks shall not pass through Villaggio’s Lower Area access roads once any of the Lower Area residences become occupied, and must utilize access from Calle Joaquin to access the Upper Terrace after that time. • Work within the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the City on a case-by-case basis based on the magnitude and type of construction activity. Work shall generally be performed between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. This work includes dirt hauling and construction material delivery. Work within the public right-of-way outside of these hours shall only be allowed after the issuance of an after-hours construction permit administered by the Building and Safety Division. Additional restrictions may be put in place by Public Works Department depending on particular construction activities and conditions. • Streets and equipment shall be cleaned in accordance with established Public Works requirements. • Trucks shall only travel on a City-approved construction route. Limited queuing may occur on the construction site itself. • Materials and equipment shall be minimally visible to the public; the preferred location for materials is to be onsite, with a minimum amount of materials within a EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 142 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 73 work area in the public right-of-way, subject to a current Use of Public Property Permit. • Provision of off-street parking for construction workers, which may include the use of a remote location with shuttle transport to the site, if determined necessary by the City. • Where construction activities require closure of bike lanes or sidewalks along LOVR, temporary bicycle and pedestrian pathways shall be provided where feasible with physical separation provided between users and adjacent vehicle traffic consistent with Public Works requirements. Project Coordination Elements That Shall Be Implemented Prior to Commencement of Construction: • The traveling public shall be advised of impending construction activities that may substantially affect key roadways or other facilities (e.g., information signs, portable message signs, media listing/notification, and implementation of an approved Construction Impact Mitigation Plan). • A Use of Public Property Permit, Excavation Permit, Sewer Permit, or Oversize Load Permit, as well as any Caltrans permits required for any construction work requiring encroachment into public rights-of-way, detours, or any other work within the public right-of-way shall be obtained. • Timely notification of construction schedules shall be provided to all affected agencies (e.g., Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, and Community Development Department) and to all owners and residential and commercial tenants of property within a radius of 0.25 mile. • Construction work shall be coordinated with affected agencies in advance of start of work. Approvals may take up to two weeks per each submittal. • Public Works Department approval of any haul routes for construction materials and equipment deliveries shall be obtained. • Construction traffic plans, routes, and schedules shall be shared with the City Active Transportation Committee, County Public Works Department (for distribution to the County Bicycle Advisory Committee), the Los Verdes Park 1 and 2 Homeowners Associations, and local bicycle advocacy groups, such as Bike SLO County and the SLO Bicycle Club. b. Finding: The City finds implementation of mitigation measures would reduce impacts associated with Project construction traffic to a less than significant level. 2. Impact TRANS-4: The Project would result in traffic safety impacts and inadequate emergency access and evacuation options, resulting in potential for structural damage, injuries, or loss of life due to wildland fires or other emergency situations (Refer to Impact TRANS-4, beginning on page 3.13- 116, and the Transportation and Traffic Section, beginning on page 5-84 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required ensure adequate emergency access and evacuation options to a less than significant level. MM TRANS-20 and MM TRANS- 21 have been edited to remove inference to development in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as this component is no longer proposed in the FRSP. MM TRANS-20 and MM TRANS-21 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-4. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to: EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 143 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 74  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-19. The Project shall design and install a landscaped median along LOVR from the terminus of the existing median at northern Project frontage to Calle Joaquin. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-20. The Project shall include an emergency access point from Villaggio’s Lower Area to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve to provide access to the existing dirt road network to fight fires in Irish Hills, specifically to Neil Havlik Way which connects to the four utility power line structures at the top of the ridgeline. This access point may be gated to ensure site security in consultation with SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-21. The Project shall integrate access to the Project site perimeters for defending the Project site development. Specifically, these measures should address access to the wildland area immediately abutting the western boundary of Villaggio’s Lower Area. This measure shall include access from the proposed Local Road “C” to the Irish Hills, which may include use of space between proposed buildings for firefighting vehicle access, ramps up proposed retaining walls, and similar vehicle infrastructure to maintain access to the base of the Irish Hills. b. Finding: The City finds that with implementation of mitigation measures, the Project would ensure adequate emergency and evacuation access, reducing associated impacts to a less than significant level. 3. Impact TRANS-5: Onsite circulation would result in safety impacts to pedestrian and bicycle access. While the specific locations and design of onsite access driveways have not been developed at a level necessary to conduct detailed review as part of the Project’s Transportation Impact Study (TIS), future connections to proposed private and public roadways would be designed per City Engineering Standards and Access Management Policies. However, the following items comprise potentially significant safety issues associated with onsite pedestrian circulation:  At the Project’s LOVR/Auto Park Way entry intersection, children and the elderly may not be able to safely cross the intersection due to the crosswalk’s length and timing between light cycles;  Within the site, signage and limited lines of sight from driveways may cause pedestrian safety impacts to the Project’s potential population; and  The Project currently does not adhere with the existing City standards for sidewalks or Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements for a comfortable walking environment. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 144 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 75 With regard to bicycle circulation deficiencies, the following items comprise potentially significant safety issues associated with onsite bicycle circulation:  Within the Project site, signage and limited lines of sight from driveways may cause bicycle safety impacts to the Project’s potential population; and  The Project does not provide consistency with City-adopted best practices for high-quality bicycle facility design for users of all ages and ability levels (Refer to page 3.13-121 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation is required to safely accommodate all uses of the street system and provide pedestrian and bicycle facility connectivity between the Project and nearby land uses to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-22. To address pedestrian and bicycle circulation safety issues, the Project Applicant shall incorporate the following elements into public improvement plans based on design guidance published by National Association of City Transportation Officials and the Federal Highway Administration:  Install pedestrian refuges within center medians at north and south legs of the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection;  Install a single northbound left-turn lane at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection in lieu of dual left-turn lanes, as currently proposed, to shorten pedestrian crossing distance at the south leg of the intersection.  Minimize the amount of roadway widening required along LOVR to the extent practicable by reducing turn pocket lengths at the LOVR/Auto Park intersection to the minimum extent required per applicable traffic engineering standards;  Install a bulb-out at the southwest corner of the intersection to shorten pedestrian crossing distance at the south leg of the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection;  Install Lead Pedestrian Intervals at all pedestrian crossings at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection;  Install protected bicycle intersection features as part of signalization and intersection improvements at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection, conceptually consistent with planned improvements at the nearby LOVR/Froom Ranch Way and Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive intersections, and as illustrated in the Bob Jones Trail (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Project Study Report;  Provide physically protected bicycle lanes (Class IV bikeway) along LOVR approaching/departing the Auto Park Way intersection and along Commercial Collector “A”. The Class IV bikeways shall be installed on-street with a physical barrier between cyclists and vehicular traffic or by constructing raised bicycle facilities at the sidewalk level adjacent to pedestrian sidewalks;  Sidewalks shall be provided within the Madonna Froom Ranch development area of the Project site as per City standards; and  Sidewalk design shall meet ADA requirements for a comfortable walking environment. b. Finding: The City finds that with implementation of mitigation measures Project site circulation and access would safely accommodate all users of the street system and provide a complete and connected pedestrian facility between the Project site circulation system and nearby land uses. Widening or adjustments to pedestrian or bicycle circulation infrastructure may result in secondary impacts on biological resources (see Impact BIO-1). Impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 145 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 76 4. Cumulative Impact TRANS-6: Under long-term Cumulative plus Project conditions, Project- generated traffic would result in a cumulatively considerable contribution to traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bike modes of transportation, causing transportation deficiencies in the Project vicinity. Potentially significant operational impacts to multi-modal transportation would occur at occupation of Madonna Froom Ranch, including 13 separate intersections and roadway segments due to increased automobile, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic under Cumulative plus Project conditions. These include automobile impacts at five locations, bicycle and pedestrian related impacts at six locations. No cumulative impacts to transit facilities or services were identified (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.13-124, and the Transportation and Traffic Section, beginning on page 5-84 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation is required to reduce the Project’s contribution to cumulatively significant impacts on automobile, pedestrian, and bicycle facilities within the Project vicinity to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-2. The Project Applicant shall design and construct the extension of the southbound right-turn pocket at the LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection to provide a storage length of at least 150 feet. In coordination with the Applicant, the City and Caltrans shall also implement traffic signal coordination between the LOVR/Calle Joaquin intersection and adjacent U.S. 101 northbound and southbound ramps and optimize traffic signal timings at these three intersections. In addition, the Applicant shall also pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements that are required to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development at this intersection, which include extension of the southbound off-ramp through/left-turn pocket to provide a storage length of at least 320 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-8. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right- of-way limitations or other design constraints. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-9. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA- compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right- of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-12. In coordination with the County, the Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee for costs to construct the following future improvements at the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 146 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 77 LOVR/Foothill Boulevard intersection: widen northbound approach to provide one left-turn, two through, and one right-turn lane; widen westbound approach to provide one left-turn lane, one shared through/right-turn lane, and one right-turn lane. Additional improvements include roadway striping and traffic signal modifications needed to accommodate new lane configurations. This mitigation measure requires County approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-13. In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signal at LOVR/Madonna to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-14. In coordination with the City, the Project Applicant shall fund any costs required to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-16. In coordination with the City and Caltrans, the Project Applicant shall fund costs required to optimize traffic signal timings along the LOVR corridor between Descanso Street and the South Higuera to improve traffic coordination and operations along this roadway segment. These intersections include LOVR/Descanso, LOVR/Royal, LOVR/Laguna, LOVR/Madonna, LOVR/Froom Ranch, LOVR/Auto Park, LOVR/Calle Joaquin, LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps, LOVR/U.S. 101 northbound ramps and LOVR/S. Higuera. This requires coordination with Caltrans. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-18. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund modifications to the traffic signal at the Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive intersection to provide an eastbound right-turn overlap phase concurrent with the northbound left-turn phase. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-23. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund striping modifications to extend the northbound left-turn pocket at the LOVR/Royal Way intersection to 150 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-24. In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signal at LOVR/Calle Joaquin to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase. Requires Caltrans coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-25. The Project Applicant shall pay its fair share mitigation fees to fund intersection striping improvements to extend the southbound left-turn pocket storage at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection to 300 feet. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation measures that require payment of fair share contributions to fund offsite improvements would generally not result in significant residual impacts, as these improvements would occur within existing roadway rights-of-way, or within urbanized paved/landscaped areas immediately adjacent to existing roadway rights-of-way. The Project’s fair share contribution has been identified for all intersections and improvements in the TIS. The Project’s equitable share is calculated using the method for calculating equitable mitigation measures outlined in the Caltrans Guide for the Preparation of Traffic Impact Studies. The City finds that with implementation of mitigation measures the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 147 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 78 J. UTILITIES AND ENERGY CONSERVATION 1. Impact UT-1: The Project would require the expansion of utility infrastructure to serve new development, including water, sewer, natural gas, and electricity into the site; the construction of which could cause environmental effects. Potential onsite construction would include trenching for utility installation, transport of pipes and other material to the site, and associated increases in construction-related traffic. Onsite trenching could impact sensitive biological or subsurface cultural resources, lead to increased erosion and possible sedimentation, and generate air emissions and noise. Offsite trenching would occur along LOVR and may adversely affect traffic, cause delays or congestion, and generate air emissions (Refer to Impact UT-1, beginning on page 3.14-30, and the Utilities and Energy Conservation Section, beginning on page 5-87 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to address necessary utility infrastructure expansion under the Project to a less than significant level. MM TRANS-1 has been edited to remove references to development in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as this component is no longer proposed in the FRSP. MM TRANS-1 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure AQ-1. A Construction Activity Management Plan (CAMP) shall be included as part of Project grading and building plans and shall be submitted to SLO County APCD and to the City for review and approval prior to the start of construction. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. A Dust Control Management Plan that encompasses the following dust control measures:  Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible;  Water trucks or sprinkler trucks shall be used during construction to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site and from exceeding the APCD’s limit of 20 percent opacity for greater than 3 minutes in any 60-minute period. At a minimum, this would require twice-daily applications. Increased watering frequency would be required when wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour (mph). Reclaimed water or the onsite water well (non-potable) shall be used when possible. The contractor or builder shall consider the use of a SLO County APCD-approved dust suppressant where feasible to reduce the amount of water used for dust control;  All dirt stock-pile areas shall be sprayed daily as needed;  Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved Project revegetation and landscape plans of any development within the Specific Plan area should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities;  Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established;  All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by SLO County APCD;  All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used;  Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 148 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 79  All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or shall maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114;  Designate access points and require all employees, subconsultants, and others to use them. Install and operate a “track-out prevention device” where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved streets. The track-out prevention device can be any device or combination of devices that are effective at preventing track-out, located at the point of intersection of any unpaved area and a paved road. If utilized, rumble strips or steel plate devices shall be cleaned periodically. If paved roadways accumulate tracked-out soils, the track-out prevention device shall be modified or replaced to prevent track-out;  Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible;  All of these fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading and building plans; and  The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust control emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below 20 percent opacity, and to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holiday and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to SLO County APCD Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork or demolition. 2. Implementation of the following BACT for diesel-fueled construction equipment. The BACT measures shall include:  Use of at least Tier 3 off-road equipment and 2010 on-road compliant engines;  Repowering equipment with the cleanest engines available; and  Installing California Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies. 3. Implementation of the following standard air quality measures to minimize diesel emissions:  Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer’s specifications;  Fuel all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment with CARB-certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off-road).  Use on-road heavy-duty trucks that meet the CARB’s 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines and comply with the State On-Road Regulation;  Construction or trucking companies with fleets that do not have engines in their fleet that meet the engine standards identified in the above two measures (e.g. captive or NOx exempt area fleets) may be eligible by proving alternative compliance;  On- and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than five minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the five-minute idling limit;  Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted;  Staging and queing areas shall not be loated within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors;  Electrify equipment when feasible;  Substitute gasoline-powered in place of diesel-powered equipment, where feasible; and,  Use alternatively fueled construction equipment onsite where feasible, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane or biodiesel. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 149 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 80 4. Tabulation of on- and off-road construction equipment (age, horse-power, and miles and/or hours of operation); 5. Schedule construction truck trips during non-peak hours (as determined by the Public Works Director) to reduce peak hour emissions; and 6. Limit the length of the construction work-day period to 8 hours max. — Mitigation Measure MM BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 150 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 81 h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measure CR-2. If any ground disturbing activities are proposed within 100 feet of the recorded sites P-40-000783, P-40-0011195, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, on preparation of construction plans, the plans shall delineate a 50- foot buffer surrounding the boundaries of the recorded sites. The area shall be labeled as an “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Highly visible temporary construction fencing shall be installed along the boundary of the 50-foot buffer and shall remain in place until the archaeological monitor recommends removal. If feasible, no ground disturbance, construction worker foot traffic, storage of materials, or storage or use of equipment shall occur within the “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Archaeological monitoring shall occur during all construction activities occurring within 50 feet of the delineated boundary. Upon completion of archaeological monitoring, an archaeological monitoring report shall be prepared and submitted to the City Community Development Department and the Central Coast Information Center at the University of California Santa Barbara. — Mitigation Measure CR-3. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, and recordation of the final map, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) shall be prepared. The AMP should include, but not be limited to, the following:  A list of personnel involved in the monitoring activities;  Description of Native American involvement;  Description of how the monitoring shall occur;  Description of location and frequency of monitoring (e.g., full time, part time, spot checking);  Description of what resources are expected to be encountered;  Description of circumstances that would result in the halting of work at the project site;  Description of procedures for halting work on the site and notification procedures;  Description of monitoring reporting procedures; and  Provide specific, detailed protocols for what to do in the event of the discovery of human remains. — Mitigation Measure CR-4. The Applicant shall retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor Project-related ground-disturbing activities that have the potential to encounter previously unidentified archaeological resources, as outlined in the AMP prepared to satisfy MM CR-3. Archaeological and tribal monitoring may cease only if the City-approved archaeologist determines in coordination with the Applicant, Community Development Director, and the Native American monitor that Project activities do not have the potential to encounter and/or disturb unknown resources. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 151 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 82 — Mitigation Measure CR-5. In the event of any inadvertent discovery of prehistoric archaeological resources, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or historic-period archaeological resources, all work within 100 feet of the discovery shall immediately cease (or greater or lesser distance as needed to protect the discovery and determined in the field by the City-approved archaeologist). The Applicant and/or contractor shall immediately notify the City Community Development Department. The City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines prior to resuming any activities that could impact the site/discovery. If the City-approved archaeologist or Native American monitor determine that the find may qualify for listing in the CRHR or as a tribal cultural resource, the site shall be avoided or shall be subject to a Phase II or III mitigation program consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and funded by the Applicant. Work shall not resume until authorization is received from the City. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-1. The Applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Impact Management Plan to the City of San Luis Obispo Fire Department (SLOFD) prior to the issuance of grading permits. The Plan shall list measures taken during construction to reduce the potential for brush or grass fires from use of heavy equipment, welding, vehicles with catalytic converters, and other potential activities. The Plan shall include SLOFD recommended measures including, but not limited to the following:  All equipment with the potential to work off-road shall be equipped with appropriate mufflers and have extinguishers mounted on each vehicle;  In coordination with SLOFD, personnel shall be briefed on the dangers of wildfire and be able to respond accordingly should the need arise;  Onsite supervisor(s) shall have a cell phone or other means of initiating a 911 response time in a timely manner in the event of a medical emergency and/or fire;  All dead and decadent vegetation immediately surrounding the development area shall be removed to a minimum perimeter of 30 feet;  Smoking shall only occur in a designated area;  A water tender will be available on each construction site during the entire phase of construction; and  A water tender operator shall be available onsite during all construction and remain onsite a minimum of 30 minutes after all construction has finished for the day. — Mitigation Measure HYD-1. Prior to the issuance of any construction/grading permit and/or the commencement of any clearing, grading, or excavation, the Applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for discharge from the Project site to the California SWRCB Storm Water Permit Unit. — Mitigation Measure HYD-2. For each phase of construction, the Applicant shall require the building contractor to prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City 45 days prior to the start of work for approval. The contractor is responsible for understanding the State General Permit and instituting the SWPPP during construction. A SWPPP for site construction shall be developed prior to the initiation of grading and implemented for all construction activity on the Project site in excess of 1 acre, or where the area of disturbance is less than 1 acre but is part of the Project’s plan of development that in total disturbs 1 or more acres. The SWPPP shall identify potential pollutant sources that may affect the quality of discharges to stormwater and shall include specific BMPs to control the discharge of material from the site, including, but not limited to: EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 152 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 83 • Temporary detention basins, straw bales, sand bagging, mulching, erosion control blankets, silt fencing, and soil stabilizers shall be used. • Sufficient physical protection and pollution prevention measures to prevent sedimentation, siltation, and/or debris from entering the Calle Joaquin wetlands. • Soil stockpiles and graded slopes shall be covered after 14 days of inactivity and 24 hours prior to and during inclement weather conditions. • Fiber rolls shall be placed along the top of exposed slopes and at the toes of graded areas to reduce surface soil movement, as necessary. • A routine monitoring plan shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite erosion and sedimentation control measures. • Dust control measures shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite activities to control fugitive dust. • Streets surrounding the Project site shall be cleaned daily or as necessary. • BMPs shall be strictly followed to prevent spills and discharges of pollutants onsite (material and container storage, proper trash disposal, construction entrances, etc.). • Sandbags, or other equivalent techniques, shall be utilized along graded areas to prevent siltation transport to the surrounding areas. Additional BMPs shall be implemented for any fuel storage or fuel handling that could occur onsite during construction. The SWPPP must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the SWRCB. The SWPPP shall be submitted to the City along with grading/development plans for review and approval. The Applicant shall file a Notice of Completion for construction of the development, identifying that pollution sources were controlled during the construction of the Project and implementing a closure SWPPP for the site. — Mitigation Measure NO-1. Except for emergency repair of public service utilities, or where an exception is issued by the Community Development Department, no operation of tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, or demolition work shall occur between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM, or any time on Sundays, holidays, or after sunset, such that the sound creates a noise disturbance that exceeds 75 dBA for single-family residential uses, 80 dBA for multi-family residential uses, and 85 dBA for mixed residential/commercial land uses, as shown in Table 3.10-9 and Table 3.10-10 of the Final EIR, across a residential or commercial property line. — Mitigation Measure NO-2. For all construction activity at the Project site, noise attenuation techniques shall be employed to ensure that noise levels are maintained within levels allowed by the City of San Luis Obispo Municipal Code, Title 9, Chapter 9.12 (Noise Control). Such techniques shall include: • Sound blankets on noise-generating equipment. • Stationary construction equipment that generates noise levels above 65 dBA at the Project boundaries shall be shielded with a barrier that meets a sound transmission class (a rating of how well noise barriers attenuate sound) of 25. • All diesel equipment shall be operated with closed engine doors and shall be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers. • Temporary sound barriers shall be constructed between construction sites and affected uses. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 153 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 84 — Mitigation Measure NO-3. The Applicant shall inform landowners and business operators at properties within 300 feet of the Project site of proposed construction timelines and noise complaint procedures to minimize potential annoyance or nuisance complaints related to construction noise no less than 10 days prior to initiation of any grading and construction activity for any Phase. The notice shall include the name and contact information of the Project’s construction manager and contact information for the City’s Community Development Department. — Mitigation Measure NO-4. Prior to approval of park and residential development within the Madonna Froom Ranch area of the Specific Plan, the Applicant shall submit a project- specific noise study that evaluates the potential for noise exposure from adjacent commercial uses and identifies project-specific design measures to attenuate exterior and interior noise consistent with the City’s Noise Element and Noise Ordinance. If necessary to reduce noise within acceptable levels, noise reduction measures may include a planted earthen berm, sound wall, or similar noise attenuating feature along the site boundary with Irish Hills Plaza, consistent with Policy 1.8.2 of the Noise Element. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-1. The Applicant shall prepare a Construction Transportation Management Plan for all phases of the Project for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of grading or building permits to address and manage traffic during construction. The Applicant shall coordinate with SLO Regional Rideshare for the development of the Plan. The Plan shall be designed to: • Prevent traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway network; • Restrict construction staging to within the Project site; • Minimize parking impacts both to public parking and access to private parking to the greatest extent practicable; • Ensure safety for both those construction vehicles and works and the surrounding community; • Prevent substantial truck traffic through residential neighborhoods; and • Provide strategies to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips made by resident and employees. The Construction Transportation Management Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director to ensure that the Plan has been designed in accordance with this mitigation measure. The Applicant shall identify a point of contact to coordinate Plan implementation. This review shall occur prior to issuance of grading or building permits. It shall, at a minimum, include the following: Ongoing Requirements throughout the Duration of Construction: • A detailed Construction Transportation Management Plan for work zones shall be maintained. At a minimum, this shall include parking and travel lane configurations; warning, regulatory, guide, and directional signage; and area sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and parking lanes. The Plan shall include specific information regarding the Project’s construction activities that may disrupt normal pedestrian and traffic flow and the measures to address these disruptions. Such Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and implemented in accordance with this approval. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 154 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 85 • Heavy haul construction vehicles and cement trucks shall not pass through Villaggio’s Lower Area access roads once any of the Lower Area residences become occupied, and must utilize access from Calle Joaquin to access the Upper Terrace after that time. • Work within the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the City on a case-by-case basis based on the magnitude and type of construction activity. Work shall generally be performed between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. This work includes dirt hauling and construction material delivery. Work within the public right-of-way outside of these hours shall only be allowed after the issuance of an after-hours construction permit administered by the Building and Safety Division. Additional restrictions may be put in place by Public Works Department depending on particular construction activities and conditions. • Streets and equipment shall be cleaned in accordance with established Public Works requirements. • Trucks shall only travel on a City-approved construction route. Limited queuing may occur on the construction site itself. • Materials and equipment shall be minimally visible to the public; the preferred location for materials is to be onsite, with a minimum amount of materials within a work area in the public right-of-way, subject to a current Use of Public Property Permit. • Provision of off-street parking for construction workers, which may include the use of a remote location with shuttle transport to the site, if determined necessary by the City. • Where construction activities require closure of bike lanes or sidewalks along LOVR, temporary bicycle and pedestrian pathways shall be provided where feasible with physical separation provided between users and adjacent vehicle traffic consistent with Public Works requirements. Project Coordination Elements That Shall Be Implemented Prior to Commencement of Construction: • The traveling public shall be advised of impending construction activities that may substantially affect key roadways or other facilities (e.g., information signs, portable message signs, media listing/notification, and implementation of an approved Construction Impact Mitigation Plan). • A Use of Public Property Permit, Excavation Permit, Sewer Permit, or Oversize Load Permit, as well as any Caltrans permits required for any construction work requiring encroachment into public rights-of-way, detours, or any other work within the public right-of-way shall be obtained. • Timely notification of construction schedules shall be provided to all affected agencies (e.g., Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, and Community Development Department) and to all owners and residential and commercial tenants of property within a radius of 0.25 mile. • Construction work shall be coordinated with affected agencies in advance of start of work. Approvals may take up to two weeks per each submittal. • Public Works Department approval of any haul routes for construction materials and equipment deliveries shall be obtained. • Construction traffic plans, routes, and schedules shall be shared with the City Active Transportation Committee, County Public Works Department (for distribution to the County Bicycle Advisory Committee), the Los Verdes Park 1 and 2 Homeowners Associations, and local bicycle advocacy groups, such as Bike SLO County and the SLO Bicycle Club. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 155 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 86 — Mitigation Measure UT-1. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to require that the size, location, and alignment of all on- and offsite water supply, recycled water, wastewater, and energy infrastructure shall be subject to review and approval by the City’s Public Works and Utilities Departments. The Applicant shall be responsible for constructing all required onsite and offsite utility improvements, as well as for repaving of damaged roadways. b. Finding: The City finds implementation of mitigation measures would ensure utility installation would avoid significant impacts to onsite natural resources (e.g., horizontal directional drilling below wetland areas to avoid disturbance, onsite monitoring for cultural resources), minimize risk of hazardous materials release, and control construction traffic, noise, and air emissions. MM UT- 1 would ensure Project utilities are engineered consistent with City standards. With implementation of MM UT-1, as well as construction-related mitigation measures for air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, noise, and transportation and traffic, impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 2. Impact UT-3: Project-generated wastewater would contribute to demand for wastewater collection facilities and remaining available and planned capacity of the City’s Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF). Wastewater generated at the Project site would be conveyed to the Calle Joaquin lift station, through a force main north to the Laguna lift station, and then conveyed to the City’s WRRF for treatment. The City notes the gravity main that extends under U.S. 101 to the Laguna lift station currently experiences capacity issues and needs replacement to accommodate new development within the service area of this lift station, particularly the recently approved San Luis Ranch development. Operation of the Project and associated new wastewater flows to this lift station would contribute towards existing capacity constraints, resulting in need for upsizing the gravity main under U.S. 101. Further, based on the Project’s anticipated wastewater generation, the Project’s impact on the operating capacity of the WRRF would be nominal. As the Project would require the connection to the City collection system, the Applicant would be subject to development impact fees implemented by the City for utility services to offset any impacts to capacity at the City’s WRRF. Payment of these fees as a condition for Project approval would ensure that the Applicant pays a fair share of costs associated with the wastewater infrastructure needed to serve the Project and ensure adequate WRRF capacity to serve the development (Refer to Impact UT-3, beginning on page 3.14- 35, and the Utilities and Energy Conservation Section, beginning on page 5-87 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation is required to address the Project’s contribution to existing capacity constraints of the Laguna lift station to a less than significant level. — Mitigation Measure UT-2. The Applicant shall pay fair share costs for replacement of the Laguna lift station or construction of capacity improvements through negotiation of a private reimbursement agreement with the City. b. Finding: The City finds implementation of mitigation would adequately address impacts to the Laguna lift station via a fair share payment fee, and impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level. 3. Cumulative Utility and Energy Conservation Impacts: As discussed above in Section 5, the Project would result in less than significant cumulative impacts to water supply, stormwater, solid waste, and energy resources or facilities. For cumulative impacts to wastewater collection and treatment, the WRRF’s capacity to process and treat up to 5.4 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater would be sufficient for flows generated by the Project and the City at General Plan EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 156 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 87 buildout, including the cumulative projects, under dry-weather conditions. Under wet-weather conditions, cumulative development could exacerbate the deficiency of the WRRF to process and treat peak flows that can exceed 20 MGD. Since peaks in wastewater flow may result in permit violations and release of effluent to San Luis Obispo Creek, the contribution of the Project’s wastewater plus effluent generated from future pending projects could be cumulatively considerable. However, as described above, any new pipes installed by cumulative projects would be consistent with City standards, including the requirement for seamed sewer lines, and therefore would not result in a considerable contribution to the wet-weather issues that cause peak wet-weather flows due to inflow and infiltration. The WRRF Upgrade Project which would increase capacity to handle both wet-weather and dry-weather flows would help to alleviate the impact of cumulative development on the WRRF’s capacity to sufficiently treat the City’s wastewater to meet RWQCB standard and avoid periodic spills into San Luis Obispo Creek. Further, a gravity sewer main to the Laguna lift station serving the southwestern portions of the City (including the Project site) currently experiences capacity issues. Cumulative development within this portion of the City, including the San Luis Ranch development, would contribute towards exceedance of capacity of the wastewater collection system. However, the Project, along with other cumulative development approved within the City and which would be served by this infrastructure, would be required to pay its fair share towards the upsizing of the gravity sewer main (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.14-46, and the Utilities and Energy Conservation Section, beginning on page 5-87 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure would be required to reduce the Project’s cumulative impact on City wastewater collection, conveyance, and treatment facilities. — Mitigation Measure UT-2. The Applicant shall pay fair share costs for replacement of the Laguna lift station or construction of capacity improvements through negotiation of a private reimbursement agreement with the City. b. Finding: The City finds with implementation of mitigation measures, mandatory compliance with existing regulations and policies, and expansion of the WRRF facility, the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts to wastewater facilities are would be reduced to a less than significant level. SECTION 7. SIGNIFICANT UNAVOIDABLE ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED MITIGATED PROJECT ALTERNATIVE FOR WHICH SUFFICIENT MITIGATION IS NOT AVAILABLE The findings below are for impacts that would result in potentially significant effects on the natural or human environment that could not be lessened to a less than significant level through changes or alternations in the project or implementation of mitigation measures. To approve a project resulting in significant and unavoidable impacts, the CEQA Guidelines require decision makers to make findings of overriding consideration that "... specific legal, technological, economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the EIR...". This section presents the Project’s significant and unavoidable environmental impacts after feasible mitigation measures have been considered. Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines (14 California Code of Regulations [CCR]) and Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code require a Lead Agency to EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 157 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 88 make findings for each significant environmental impact disclosed in an EIR. Specifically, for each significant impact, the Lead Agency must find that:  Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects identified in the Final EIR;  Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by that agency; or  Specific economic, social, legal, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the Final EIR infeasible. Each of these findings must be supported by substantial evidence in the administrative record. This section identifies significant impacts that can be reduced, but not to a less than significant level, through the incorporation of feasible mitigation measures into the Project, and which, therefore, remain significant and unavoidable, as identified in the Final EIR. The impacts identified in this section are considered in the same sequence in which they appear in the EIR. Where adoption of feasible mitigation measures is not effective in avoiding an impact or reducing it to a less-than-significant level, the feasibility of adopting alternatives to the proposed Project is considered in Section 8 of this document. A. AESTHETICS AND VISUAL RESOURCES 1. Impact VIS-2: The Project would significantly impact the existing visual character of the site by changing a rural setting to a commercial and residential setting, particularly as viewed from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve trail system and the Froom Creek Connector Trail and trailhead. The Project would facilitate development of up to 174 multi-family residences in Madonna Froom Ranch, 404 senior housing units and assisted living facilities and amenities in association with the Villaggio Life Plan Community, commercial development, developed urban parks, roads, bicycle paths, and other urban infrastructure. The proposed development would transition the Project site from predominantly open space and grazing uses to dense multi-story development creating a continuous swath of urban development at the base of the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Project’s visual character and architectural design guidelines would adhere to the policies in the City’s General Plan LUE and would ensure visual compatibility with surrounding development. However, the Project site is highly visible from public trails overlooking the site from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. From these vantages, the Project would degrade or obstruct view corridors over the Project site and would substantially impact the visual character of the site, including public perception from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve (Refer to Impact VIS-2, beginning on page 3.1-33 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The incorporation of the following mitigation measure is required to reduce the Project’s impacts associated with conversion of the site’s rural setting to commercial and residential setting. — Mitigation Measure VIS-1. The Draft FRSP shall be revised to include the following Landscape Screening Guidelines to provide effective screening of proposed structural massing as experienced from public views along Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) and the LOVR Overpass. The Project landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and include the following: 1. Maximize protection of existing vegetation along the Project site boundary to provide visual screening during Project construction and operation. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 158 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 89 2. Retain existing vegetation fronting the Project site along LOVR to the greatest extent feasible to screen construction activities. 3. Specify a plant palette and landscape plan that ensure a vegetated site boundary of sufficient height and density to provide visual screening of the proposed development from public views. Robust riparian planting shall be included in landscape plans to achieve visual screening along the proposed realigned Froom Creek. 4. Native tree specimens and shrubs capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of the adjacent proposed structures shall be planted along Project site boundaries visible from public views. 5. Screening planting specimen selection and location shall emphasize the ability to interrupt the contiguous massing of structures as experienced from area roadways and scenic vistas. Spacing shall be sufficient to minimize views of structures within the Project site. 6. Screening planting specimen selection shall emphasize the ability of planting species to effectively establish and thrive over the life of the Project, such that smaller sizes shall be considered rather than exclusively larger box sizes. Planting establishment rates shall be considered but shall not preclude the use of slower-growing species, such as coast valley oak and willows. 7. Native tree specimens capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of adjacent structures shall be planted adjacent to multi-family and commercial structures located within the interior of the Specific Plan area consistent with the specifications above. 8. A bond for screening landscaping and irrigation shall be provided to ensure establishment of plantings. The bond shall be revoked upon satisfactory establishment of screen planting vegetation according to the plan. b. Finding: The City finds that the Project would provide a visual transition between the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and residential development in Villaggio by locating development below the 150-foot elevation line. By avoiding development above the 150-foot elevation line and preserving higher elevation areas as open space in Villaggio, the Project would preserve aesthetic resources and provide a more natural transition from rural to urban settings, particularly for viewers located above Villaggio within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. However, the Project proposes residential development above the 150-foot elevation line and adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve within Madonna Froom Ranch. This development would be highly visible from the Froom Creek Connector Trail and trailhead, which is an identified scenic resource in the City. With implementation of MM VIS-1, impacts under the Project would be reduced, but because the visual change that would be experienced for viewers affected by Madonna Froom Ranch development adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve would continue to be substantial, the City finds that this impact would be significant and unavoidable. 2. Cumulative Aesthetic and Visual Resource Impacts: The Project, in combination with approved, pending, and proposed development in the City, would contribute toward creating a defined transition from the rural environment towards the south of the City to the urban environment to the north of the City. Consistent with long-term buildout under the General Plan, the Project and cumulative projects would be required to adhere to the design standards of the City General Plan, Community Design Guidelines, and City Building Standards and would be subject to discretionary review by the Community Development Director, Architectural Review Commission (ARC), and Planning Commission. The Project would convert open space at the base of the Irish Hills to dense urban development, which would contribute to cumulative loss of visual resources from urbanization in the southern edges of the City (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.1-40 of the Final EIR). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 159 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 90 a. Mitigation: The incorporation of the following mitigation measure is required to reduce the Project’s cumulative impacts associated with conversion of rural sites and settings within the City to commercial and residential setting. — Mitigation Measure VIS-1. The Draft FRSP shall be revised to include the following Landscape Screening Guidelines to provide effective screening of proposed structural massing as experienced from public views along LOVR and the LOVR Overpass. The Project landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and include the following: 1. Maximize protection of existing vegetation along the Project site boundary to provide visual screening during Project construction and operation. 2. Retain existing vegetation fronting the Project site along LOVR to the greatest extent feasible to screen construction activities. 3. Specify a plant palette and landscape plan that ensure a vegetated site boundary of sufficient height and density to provide visual screening of the proposed development from public views. Robust riparian planting shall be included in landscape plans to achieve visual screening along the proposed realigned Froom Creek. 4. Native tree specimens and shrubs capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of the adjacent proposed structures shall be planted along Project site boundaries visible from public views. 5. Screening planting specimen selection and location shall emphasize the ability to interrupt the contiguous massing of structures as experienced from area roadways and scenic vistas. Spacing shall be sufficient to minimize views of structures within the Project site. 6. Screening planting specimen selection shall emphasize the ability of planting species to effectively establish and thrive over the life of the Project, such that smaller sizes shall be considered rather than exclusively larger box sizes. Planting establishment rates shall be considered but shall not preclude the use of slower-growing species, such as coast valley oak and willows. 7. Native tree specimens capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of adjacent structures shall be planted adjacent to multi-family and commercial structures located within the interior of the Specific Plan area consistent with the specifications above. 8. A bond for screening landscaping and irrigation shall be provided to ensure establishment of plantings. The bond shall be revoked upon satisfactory establishment of screen planting vegetation according to the plan. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation measures would reduce the Project’s cumulative impacts to aesthetic and visual resources, but the Project’s contribution to cumulative loss of visual resources from conversion of open space to urban land uses in the southern edge of the City, including the San Luis Ranch Project and Avila Ranch Project, would remain significant and unavoidable. A. AIR QUALITY AND GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 1. Impact AQ-2: The Project would result in potentially significant long-term operational emissions. Operational emissions from the Project include those generated by vehicle trips (mobile emissions), the use of natural gas (energy emissions), use of consumer products and appliances, and the use of landscaping maintenance equipment (area source emissions). Maximum daily operational emissions EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 160 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 91 were calculated for the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR using California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod), which would involve comparable amount of operational emissions compared to the Project. While the estimated emissions would not exceed annual emissions thresholds, projected maximum daily emissions for the Project would be above the established SLO County APCD daily thresholds for operational emissions of ROG + NOx (Refer to Impact AQ-2, beginning on page 3.3- 35 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measure are required by the SLO County APCD to reduce Project operational ROG and NOX consistent with the Air Quality Handbook. — Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Consistent with standard mitigation measures set forth by SLO County APCD, Projects generating more than 50 lbs/day of combined ROG + NOx shall implement all feasible measures within Table 3-5 of the Air Quality Handbook. The following mitigation measures shall apply to the Project (see Table 3.3-9 of the Final EIR). b. Finding: MM AQ-4 summarizes the list of appropriate mitigation measures, and indicates which of these are to be incorporated by the Applicant in accordance with the 2012 APCD CEQA Air Quality Handbook (as amended by the 2017 Clarification Memorandum). Many of these measures would be incorporated as policies of the FRSP for which future development would be required to implement and would manifest as site design measures that would reduce area source emissions. Measures identified in MM AQ-4 emphasize transportation strategies to reduce VMT and associated mobile-source NOx emissions. Incorporation of this mix of measures would be feasible for the Project, and would substantially reduce operational ROG and NOx emissions. However, it is noted that many measures listed in MM AQ-4 do not contain quantifiable air quality emissions reductions for programs such as the FRSP. While implementation of these measures can feasibly reduce ROG and NOx, the City finds that the Project’s estimated emissions after implementation of these measures cannot reasonably be quantified, and long-term operational residual impacts are conservatively considered significant and unavoidable due to potential continued exceedance of maximum daily emissions thresholds. 2. Impact AQ-4: The Project would be consistent with the City’s Climate Action Plan, but would result in potentially significant greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during construction and operation which would be inconsistent with other state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions. The City’s Climate Action Plan is designed as a Qualified GHG Reduction Strategy, consistent with CEQA Guidelines Section 15183.5(b). The Project would be consistent with applicable goals and policies of the Climate Action Plan. However, the City’s Climate Action Plan is specific to the goals of Assembly Bill (AB) 32 and does not consider, nor is it in compliance with, the 2030 GHG reduction targets mandated under Senate Bill (SB) 32. Compared to SB 32-compliant thresholds for land development, a Bright Line Threshold of 690 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MT CO2e), or an efficiency threshold of 2.65 MT of CO2e/service population/year, the Project’s estimated 6,080.9 MT CO2e total and 4.9 MT CO2e/service population/year emissions are considered inconsistent with the basic goals, objectives, and emissions reduction strategies of the state’s adopted GHG laws. The Project is also considered inconsistent with the City’s current goal for achieving citywide net-zero carbon emissions by the year 2035, which reflects the City’s intent to achieve the emissions and carbon reduction requirements of SB 32 and Executive Order B-55-18 (Refer to Impact AQ-4, beginning on page 3.3-54, and the Air Quality and GHG Emissions Section, beginning on page 5-53 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce Project GHG emissions and ensure consistency with applicable state and local GHG emission reduction goals and policies to the maximum extent feasible. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 161 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 92 — Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Consistent with standard mitigation measures set forth by SLO County APCD, Projects generating more than 50 lbs/day of combined ROG + NOx shall implement all feasible measures within Table 3-5 of the Air Quality Handbook. The following mitigation measures shall apply to the Project (see Table 3.3-9 of the Final EIR). — Mitigation Measure AQ-5. The Applicant shall revise the Draft FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce Project operational stationary-source GHG emissions to achieve net zero emissions, consistent with the City’s 2035 net-zero GHG emissions target. These measures shall include Best Available Mitigation strategies for reducing operational emissions, including but not limited to the following:  Electricity shall be the only energy source for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to space conditioning, water heating, illumination, cooking appliances, and plug loads (exemptions to this requirement shall be limited to appliances in commercial kitchens, emergency backup generators, and medical end-uses that have no viable electric alternative).  Electrical power for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation shall be provided by alternative or carbon- free energy sources according to the following priority: 1) on-grid power with 100- percent renewable or carbon-free source (a planned product of Monterey Bay Community Power available to the City in 2020), or 2) a combination of grid power and on site renewable generation to achieve annual zero net electrical energy usage, or 3) purchase of carbon offsets of any portion of power not from renewable or carbon-free sources. As a first priority, carbon-free sourced energy shall be purchased from Monterey Bay Community Power.  For new buildings, onsite solar photovoltaic systems shall be required, and retrofitted buildings shall be encouraged to install onsite solar photovoltaic systems to offset energy demand, regardless of building size. At a minimum, for nonresidential, mixed-use, and mid-rise residential buildings, a solar photovoltaic system shall fill the entirety of the Solar Zone (as defined in Section 110.10 and specified in Joint Appendix JA1 of the 2019 California Energy Code). This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park.  All proposed commercial and health care facilities shall exceed the minimum standards of Title 24, Part 11 (Cal Green) by adopting all or some elements of Cal Green Tier 1 and/or 2 voluntary elective measures to increase energy efficiency in new buildings, remodels and additions. These measures shall prioritize upgrading lighting (e.g., using light-emitting diode [LED] lights), heating and cooling systems, appliances, equipment and control systems to be more energy efficient. This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park. — Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The Applicant shall revise the FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce the Project’s operational, mobile-source emissions, and VMT to the maximum extent feasible, including, but not limited to the following:  Rideshare and Employee Ridership Programs: The FRSP shall be amended to include measures for encouraging and incentivizing residents and employees of the proposed development participate in the San Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare program. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 162 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 93  Senior Shuttle Service: Villaggio shall provide clean fuel shuttle services and shall provide sufficient onsite electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support the services. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure included to meet requirements for personal vehicles may not be used to fulfill this requirement.  All Electric Small Vehicles: The FRSP shall require all personal small vehicles (e.g., golf carts) be 100 percent electric powered.  Promote Carpools, Vanpools, and Electric Vehicle (EV) Vehicles: Provide dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles in exceedance of Cal Green Tier 2 standards. b. Finding: Implementation of MM AQ-4 and -5 would ensure stationary-source operational emissions of the Project are reduced to 0 MT CO2e/year, consistent with the City’s intent to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035, with the purpose and intent of SB 32 to further reduce statewide GHG emissions, and with Executive Order B-55-18 requiring attainment of statewide carbon neutrality by 2045. Similarly, MM AQ-4 and -6 would reduce Project mobile-source emissions to the maximum extent feasible. The reduction in emissions from the combination of onsite and offsite mitigation strategies cannot be directly quantified; however, implementation of these mitigation would generally demonstrate compliance with adopted state and local policies for reducing GHG emissions. The City finds that required mitigation would ensure the Project achieves compliance with adopted regulations and Citywide objectives and stationary-source operational emissions are reduced to 0 MT CO2e/year; however, potential for exceedance of GHG emissions thresholds as a result of Project mobile-source emissions would remain, and no feasible and quantifiable mitigation exists to reduce Project impacts to a level of insignificance. Impacts would be significant and unavoidable. 3. Impact AQ-5: The Project is potentially inconsistent with the SLO County APCD’s 2001 Clean Air Plan. The Project would include 174 multi-family units, 404 independent and assisted senior housing units, 51 beds for memory care and skilled nursing, and up to 100,000 sf of mixed commercial uses resulting in an estimated 1,231 new residents. The Project’s increase in City population is within the projections of the Clean Air Plan; however, the proposed amount of residential development is inconsistent with the General Plan LUE Policy 8.1.5, which established performance standards for the Project site stating a minimum of 200 dwelling units and maximum of 350 dwelling units should be developed at the site. Further, as indicated in the LUCE Update EIR, population estimates cannot be directly compared as the Clean Air Plan only projects population estimates until 2015. In addition, as described in Impact AQ-2 above, the Project would result in significant and unavoidable operational air quality impacts generated by area, energy, and mobile emissions. With regard to the transportation and land use criteria of the Clean Air Plan, the Project’s estimated per capita VMT would be below the countywide averages and would be consistent with the Clean Air Plan. However, the Project would be potentially inconsistent with several Land Use Strategies and Transportation Control Measures (TCMs) from the Clean Air Plan, including L-4 (Circulation Management) and T-8 (Teleworking, Teleconferencing, and Telelearning), and may hinder the County’s ability to maintain attainment of the state ozone standard (Refer to Impact AQ-5, beginning on page 3.3-61, and the Air Quality and GHG Emissions Section, beginning on 5-53 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce Project GHG emissions and ensure consistency with applicable state and local GHG emission reduction goals and policies to the maximum extent feasible. MM TRANS-5 has been edited to remove inference EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 163 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 94 to the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as that component is no longer proposed by the FRSP. The requirements of MM TRANS-5 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure AQ-2: To reduce ROG and NOx levels during the architectural coating phase, low or no Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)-emission paint shall be used with levels of 50 grams per liter (g/L) or less (Odorless, Zero VOC Paint). The schedule for architectural coatings application shall be extended, limiting the daily coating activity to a level determined acceptable by SLO County APCD. — Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Consistent with standard mitigation measures set forth by SLO County APCD, Projects generating more than 50 lbs/day of combined ROG + NOx shall implement all feasible measures within Table 3-5 of the Air Quality Handbook. The following mitigation measures shall apply to the Project (see Table 3.3-9 of the Final EIR). — Mitigation Measure TRANS-5. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards bicycle improvements at South Higuera/Tank Farm to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include extending the westbound bike lane on Tank Farm Road to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection and installation of a bike box (with loop detection) to facilitate bicycle left-turn movements. Fair share contribution is satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If the planned bicycle improvements have not yet been completed prior to development of the Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-8. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right- of-way limitations or other design constraints. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-9. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA- compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right- of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-10. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards Madonna Road improvements to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development, which include installation of a Class I Multi-Use Path parallel to Madonna Road between Oceanaire Drive and the U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection. This project is in EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 164 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 95 construction currently. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. b. Finding: Implementation of MM AQ-4, requiring implementation of measures for projects that exceed ROG and NOx emissions, would help the Project to achieve consistency with many of the various TCMs of the Clean Air Plan, including strategies L-4 and T-8. Implementation of MM TRANS-5, -8, -9, and -10 would ensure facilities serving pedestrians and bicycles in the Project vicinity would be provided prior to occupancy of the first unit of Villaggio, which would result in consistency with SLO County APCD’s Clean Air Plan Goal TCM T-2A. However, as described above, the Project is not fully consistent with overall land use planning principles contained in the Clean Air Plan due to continued exceedance of population growth, vehicle trip, and VMT projections for the region. Therefore, the City finds that the Project, despite implementation of all feasible mitigation, would result in continued inconsistency with the Clean Air Plan and have a significant and unavoidable effect on GHGs. 4. Cumulative Air Quality Impacts: The Project, in combination with any approved, pending, and proposed development within the City, would further contribute to the increase in development and associated generation of air quality-related emissions. The South-Central Coast Air Basin is currently in state non-attainment for PM10 and ozone, for which NOx and ROGs are a precursor. As the Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts associated with long-term operational emissions, particularly for NOx and ROGs, the Project would generate air quality emissions for criteria pollutants within an air basin that is under state non-attainment; therefore, the Project would contribute cumulatively and considerably to air quality emissions throughout the City and region. Further, as analyzed in the LUCE Update EIR, full buildout under the LUCE would not be consistent with the 2001 Clean Air Plan. With regard to GHG emissions, analysis of GHG emissions and climate change are cumulative in nature because impacts are caused by cumulative global emissions and accumulation of GHGs in the atmosphere. The Project’s construction and operational stationary- source emissions would be individually significant and thus would result in cumulatively considerable contributions to the cumulatively impacts of GHG emissions and climate change (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.3-68, and the Air Quality and GHG Emissions Section, beginning on 5-53 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures would be required to reduce the Project’s cumulative impact to air quality and GHG emissions to the maximum extent feasible. MM TRANS- 5 has been edited to remove inference to the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as that component is no longer proposed by the FRSP. The requirements of MM TRANS-5 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure AQ-2: To reduce ROG and NOx levels during the architectural coating phase, low or no Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)-emission paint shall be used with levels of 50 grams per liter (g/L) or less (Odorless, Zero VOC Paint). The schedule for architectural coatings application shall be extended, limiting the daily coating activity to a level determined acceptable by SLO County APCD. — Mitigation Measure AQ-4. Consistent with standard mitigation measures set forth by SLO County APCD, Projects generating more than 50 lbs/day of combined ROG + NOx shall implement all feasible measures within Table 3-5 of the Air Quality Handbook. The following mitigation measures shall apply to the Project (see above table). — Mitigation Measure AQ-5. The Applicant shall revise the Draft FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce Project operational stationary-source GHG emissions to achieve net zero EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 165 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 96 emissions, consistent with the City’s 2035 net-zero GHG emissions target. These measures shall include Best Available Mitigation strategies for reducing operational emissions, including but not limited to the following:  Electricity shall be the only energy source for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to space conditioning, water heating, illumination, cooking appliances, and plug loads (exemptions to this requirement shall be limited to appliances in commercial kitchens, emergency backup generators, and medical end-uses that have no viable electric alternative).  Electrical power for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation shall be provided by alternative or carbon- free energy sources according to the following priority: 1) on-grid power with 100- percent renewable or carbon-free source (a planned product of Monterey Bay Community Power available to the City in 2020), or 2) a combination of grid power and on site renewable generation to achieve annual zero net electrical energy usage, or 3) purchase of carbon offsets of any portion of power not from renewable or carbon-free sources. As a first priority, carbon-free sourced energy shall be purchased from Monterey Bay Community Power.  For new buildings, onsite solar photovoltaic systems shall be required, and retrofitted buildings shall be encouraged to install onsite solar photovoltaic systems to offset energy demand, regardless of building size. At a minimum, for nonresidential, mixed-use, and mid-rise residential buildings, a solar photovoltaic system shall fill the entirety of the Solar Zone (as defined in Section 110.10 and specified in Joint Appendix JA1 of the 2019 California Energy Code). This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park.  All proposed commercial and health care facilities shall exceed the minimum standards of Title 24, Part 11 (Cal Green) by adopting all or some elements of Cal Green Tier 1 and/or 2 voluntary elective measures to increase energy efficiency in new buildings, remodels and additions. These measures shall prioritize upgrading lighting (e.g., using light-emitting diode [LED] lights), heating and cooling systems, appliances, equipment and control systems to be more energy efficient. This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park. — Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The Applicant shall revise the FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce the Project’s operational, mobile-source emissions, and VMT to the maximum extent feasible, including, but not limited to the following:  Rideshare and Employee Ridership Programs: The FRSP shall be amended to include measures for encouraging and incentivizing residents and employees of the proposed development participate in the San Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare program.  Senior Shuttle Service: Villaggio shall provide clean fuel shuttle services and shall provide sufficient onsite electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support the services. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure included to meet requirements for personal vehicles may not be used to fulfill this requirement.  All Electric Small Vehicles: The FRSP shall require all personal small vehicles (e.g., golf carts) be 100 percent electric powered.  Promote Carpools, Vanpools, and Electric Vehicle (EV) Vehicles: Provide dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles in exceedance of Cal Green Tier 2 standards. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 166 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 97 — Mitigation Measure TRANS-5. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards bicycle improvements at South Higuera/Tank Farm to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include extending the westbound bike lane on Tank Farm Road to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection and installation of a bike box (with loop detection) to facilitate bicycle left-turn movements. Fair share contribution is satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If the planned bicycle improvements have not yet been completed prior to development of the Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-8. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right- of-way limitations or other design constraints. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-9. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA- compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right- of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-10. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards Madonna Road improvements to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development, which include installation of a Class I Multi-Use Path parallel to Madonna Road between Oceanaire Drive and the U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection. This project is in construction currently. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. b. Finding: Implementation of mitigation measures would reduce Project long-term operational air pollutant and GHG emissions to the maximum extent feasible; however, as analyzed in the LUCE Update EIR, full buildout under the LUCE would not be consistent with the 2001 Clean Air Plan. Further, despite implementation of all feasible mitigation strategies, the Project’s estimated mobile-source emissions continue to have potential to result in exceedance of established GHG emissions thresholds and state and local GHG reduction strategies due to inability to ensure associated emissions are quantifiably reduced. Therefore, the City finds the Project will have a significant and unavoidable cumulative impact from long-term operational air pollutant and GHG emissions. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 167 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 98 B. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES 1. Cumulative Biological Resource Impacts: The proposed Project is one of several planned and/or proposed residential developments in undeveloped open or agricultural lands along edges of the City, such as the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Avila Ranch Development Project. Construction of the Project would incrementally contribute to the conversion of undeveloped land and habitat areas to developed urban uses, with cumulative losses of open space and habitats, increases in impervious surfaces, night light, noise, and traffic that accompany such development. Cumulative removal of habitat in the vicinity of the Project site reduces the amount of foraging and breeding habitat for non- sensitive mammals, birds, and reptiles, particularly to wildlife corridors along Froom Creek, its tributaries, and the Irish Hills. Project impacts, when combined with other projects in the vicinity, such as the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Avila Ranch Development Project, would also add to impervious surfaces and pollutant loading in the Froom Creek and San Luis Creek watersheds (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.4-97 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation is required to reduce cumulative impacts to biological resources to the maximum extent feasible. MM BIO-3 has been edited to eliminate reference to the Upper Terrace in Villaggio since the Project no longer proposes development in the Upper Terrace. Removal of development within the Upper Terrace would substantially reduce potential impacts; MM BIO-3 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. MM BIO- Alt. 1 has been edited to remove reference to the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin, as this component is not proposed as part of the Project. Following further review of the Project, the City Fire Department concluded that the access and emergency access roads shown in the proposed Project are adequate and meet Fire Code regulations. Removal of this emergency access route would avoid additional impacts to onsite drainages and Froom Creek; MM BIO-Alt. 1 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 168 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 99  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure BIO-1. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction- related measures and BMPs: a. Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b. Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c. During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d. All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e. All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f. The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 169 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 100 g. Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h. All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i. Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. — Mitigation Measures BIO-2. The Applicant shall retain a qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist, subject to review and approval by the City to oversee compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all construction activities, conduct a biological resources education program for all construction workers prior to the initiation of any clearing or construction activities, and provide quarterly reports to the City regarding construction activities, enforcement issues, and remedial measures. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for conducting inspections of the work area each work day to ensure that excavation areas and sensitive or restored habitats do not exhibit construction-related impacts or hazards to wildlife. If any exposure risk is identified, the Environmental Coordinator shall implement measures that could include, but not be limited to, hazing, fencing, and wildlife removals to eliminate the exposure risk. In addition, the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor and regulate all construction occurring within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian habitat, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4, and seasonal or permanent wetlands. During appropriate flowering, nesting, breeding, migration, and dispersal seasons, the Environmental Coordinator shall also conduct sensitive species surveys immediately prior to construction activities and shall monitor construction activities in the vicinity of habitats to be avoided. The work area boundaries and other off-limit areas shall be identified by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator on a daily basis. The biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator shall inspect construction and sediment control fencing each work day during construction activities. Any vegetation clearing activities shall be monitored by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator. — Mitigation Measure BIO-3. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) with details on timing and implementation of required habitat restoration, enhancement, or creation measures. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP shall be prepared under the direction of, and approved by, the City’s Natural Resources Manager in conjunction with regulatory agencies with permitting authority over the Project. The HMMP shall contain, at a minimum, the following components (or as otherwise modified by regulatory agency permitting conditions): EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 170 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 101 a. Pre-construction surveys and delineation of vegetation communities, habitat, and wetland features, including clear maps and a summary of onsite habitats to be protected and acreage, design, and locations of required habitat mitigation sites. b. A description of the location and boundaries of the mitigation site and description of existing site conditions. c. A description of measures to be undertaken to enhance the mitigation site for the target species and to protect sensitive resources. d. Record necessary replacement of disturbed, altered, and/or lost area of habitat. e. A binding long-term agreement with the Applicant to implement and maintain protected and restored sensitive habitats, including native bunch grassland, wetlands, springs, seeps, tributary drainages, and other sensitive or restored native habitats. These measures shall identify typical performance and success criteria deemed acceptable by the City and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) based on measurable goals and objectives. Said criteria for restored habitats shall be, at a minimum, at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type. f. A description of habitat and species restoration and monitoring measures, including specific and objective performance criteria, monitoring methods, data analysis, reporting requirements, and monitoring schedule. At a minimum, success criteria shall be at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type and will include a replacement ratio of 2:1 and determination by a City-approved biologist that the mitigation site provides ecological functions and values for the focal species equal to or exceeding the impacted habitat). g. Plan requirements that ensure mitigation elements that do not meet performance or final success criteria within 5 years are completed through an extension of the plan for an additional 2 years or at the discretion of the City Natural Resources Manager with the goal of completing all mitigation requirements prior to the HMMP end date. h. Monitoring of the mitigation and maintenance areas shall occur for the period established in the HMMP, or until success criteria are met; an endowment may be required in some cases as determined by the City. If success criteria cannot be met through the HMMP, the City Natural Resources Manager shall specify appropriate commensurate measures (e.g., onsite or offsite restoration, endowment, or bond to the City for completion of necessary mitigation). i. A binding long-term agreement with the Villaggio Life Plan Community to fund and retain a qualified biologist to train all landscaping crew staff hired over the life of the development on sensitive plant species and habitat within the vicinity of the development, including the identification and avoidance of sensitive plants and habitat. The qualified biologist shall conduct annual monitoring of vegetation surrounding the development and prepare a report summarizing the avoidance or disturbance of sensitive resources from operational activities of the Villaggio development, and identifying necessary replacement or restoration of affected resources. Necessary mitigation shall be subject to the same standards for performance, monitoring, and success identified in subitems b through h, above. The report shall be submitted to the City annually for review and approval. j. A plan for fencing and/or signage around the Upper Terrace of the Villaggio development, prohibiting residents, guests, and employees from accessing and disturbing the surrounding sensitive resources. k. Requirements for payment of annual fees to the City to fund City review and inspection of the site and Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP requirements. — Mitigation Measure BIO-4. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require avoidance of sensitive natural communities outside approved development footprints such as EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 171 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 102 the Nassella pulchra Herbaceous Alliance, Central Coast Arroyo Willow Scrub Community, Coastal and Central Valley Freshwater Marsh, and wetland areas to the maximum extent feasible. Mitigation for impacted sensitive natural communities that cannot be avoided shall be achieved through one or more of the following options, subject to City approval: a. Onsite restoration, enhancement, or creation of suitable replacement habitat, if feasible onsite restoration opportunities exist and at ratios consistent with those identified in MM BIO-5; b. Offsite restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted species at the minimum replacement ratio of 2:1 for sensitive natural communities, native grasslands, and riparian habitat; c. Financial contribution to an in-lieu fee program that results in restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted natural communities and/or species; and/or d. Purchase of mitigation credits at a USFWS- and/or CDFW-approved mitigation bank. — Mitigation Measure BIO-5. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require all temporary and permanent direct and indirect impacts to wetlands, grasslands, and riparian habitat be mitigated, as follows: a. Temporary direct impacts to wetland, native grassland, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio (area of restored habitat to impacted habitat). b. Permanent direct impacts to sensitive natural communities, such as native grasslands, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio (area of restored and enhanced habitat to impacted habitat). c. Permanent direct impacts to wetlands shall be mitigated at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) (as appropriate). d. Potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands affected by the Froom Creek realignment and changes to site hydrology shall be mitigated as follows. As a part of the HMMP prepared for the Project, the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan that is designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the HMMP over time to ensure its objectives are achieved. The Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall be supported by a Baseline Conditions Assessment that identifies the pre-construction condition of the Calle Joaquin wetlands and establishes success criteria for sustained wetland conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall provide qualitative and quantitative information that will be used in comparing data obtained during subsequent monitoring years to determine if a significant deviance from baseline conditions has occurred at the site. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan will establish the parameters of a significant deviance from baseline conditions. A significant deviance from baseline may be defined as a “change in wetland area greater than 10%”. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall be updated prior to the start of construction to support agency permitting and guide implementation of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. This updated baseline shall be considered in combination with existing and past baseline documentation to provide an expanded baseline reflective of a range of acceptable conditions to compare post Project conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall include a focused description of the site’s hydrologic setting, vegetative cover and composition, quantified wetland areas and classifications, and shall establish the threshold for a significant deviance from wetland area based on the presence of hydrophytic plant species, hydric soil indicators, and wetland hydrology. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 172 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 103 At minimum, the condition of the wetland shall be evaluated on an annual basis through completion of a wetland assessment using a regulatory agency approved model (such as, but not limited to, the California Rapid Assessment Method [CRAM]) to document and facilitate long-term monitoring of changes to the wetland. The annual evaluation shall determine and document any degree of change to the wetland as a result of the proposed changes to site hydrology and development throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. Reports documenting the annual wetland assessment shall be provided to the City and relevant regulatory agencies. Long-Term Wetland Monitoring for the Calle Joaquin wetlands shall occur continuously for a period of no less than 7 years following Phase I build-out of the FRSP area. After the initial 7-years of minimum annual monitoring, the frequency of long-term evaluations shall be determined in coordination with regulatory agencies and per the requirements of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall include (at minimum) the following requirements. Additional detailed criteria and performance standards will be established in the HMMP prepared for the project and approved by regulatory agencies, but they shall not be any less stringent than the following criteria and performance standards: i. Annual monitoring shall evaluate and track the wetland health and biological integrity of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. ii. Annual evaluations shall utilize intensive site assessments to provide a more thorough and detailed measure of wetland condition by gathering direct measurements of biological taxa and hydrogeomorphic functions. iii. Typical industry standards for the quantitative evaluation of plant cover will be used (e.g., Bonham 1989 and Daubenmire 1968) to evaluate plant composition and structure as well as direct inspections of soil conditions and hydrologic functions. iv. Annual or semi-annual evaluations shall observe and document the following, at a minimum:  whether groundwater recharge from Froom Creek to the shallow aquifer is being sustained,  whether the onsite artesian well has been discharging to the wetland,  evidence of overflows entering the Calle Joaquin wetland from the realigned Froom Creek,  excessive ponding, as evidenced by changes in vegetation related to increased duration of ponding,  measured depth to groundwater in the onsite artesian well and the relationship of these conditions with conditions in the wetland,  specific conductance and temperature in the wetland and other surface sources,  the presence or absence of salt efflorescences in the wetland,  any persistent green vegetation patches or changes in willow/grass ecotone, and  representative photo points. v. Monitoring of the realigned creek’s hydrology would be required following large storm events during the rain season that are sufficient to initiate flowing water through the site. If after the 3rd year of monitoring, vegetation has successfully established along the creek corridor and sedimentation and erosion are not observed beyond what is determined to be a normal level, then the rainy season monitoring could be scaled back to occur on a quarterly or as-needed basis for the remainder of the monitoring schedule, upon review and approval of the City’s Natural Resources EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 173 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 104 Manager and applicable regulatory agencies and consistent with the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. vi. Success criteria to determine whether the Calle Joaquin wetland functions are sustained shall include the following, at a minimum:  The constructed bank between the realigned Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands remains functional and does not recurrently scour or fill to a degree that impairs its operation or impedes circulation through the wetland,  Excessive surface water does not pond for periods of long duration,  Salts do not accumulate such that discernible increases in salt efflorescences at the ground surface are not visible,  Evidence of deposition by high flows is not found within the wetland (e.g., silt, organics, or other flood deposits). vii. If success criteria are not achieved within the 7-year initial monitoring period, a hydrologic assessment will be conducted by a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) approved specialist in groundwater supported wetlands to establish whether non-attainment is attributable to onsite conditions or actions beyond the effective control of the Project Applicant. The specialist shall be a registered hydrologist or certified hydrogeologist with statewide expertise, familiarity with groundwater supported wetlands in central coastal California and verifiable experience conducting functional analyses of such wetlands. Recommendations for remedial actions will be submitted by the groundwater specialist to the USACE for review and written approval prior to implementation. If wetland failures are determined to be directly related to the realignment of Froom Creek and development within the Froom Creek Specific Plan area, possible remedial actions would include, at minimum, the following:  Engineering controls include biotechnical erosion controls such as the installation of willow wattles and brush mattressing and addition of native cobble to reinforce the low flow berm separating the creek channel from the wetland area to help contain flows into the wetland area.  If vegetation establishment is taking longer than expected, remedial measures such as re-seeding bare soils, replanting areas of mortality, and increased maintenance and monitoring may be prescribed.  If there is significant evidence of scouring, collapse, or filling of the overflow bank between the realigned low-flow Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate bank type, size, and slope and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement.  If there is excessive ponding (spatial or temporal), a registered professional engineer shall assess access to and capacity of existing drainage outlets and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement if necessary.  If salt efflorescence is observed and specific conductance in the wetland is greater than baseline conditions, a registered professional engineer shall re- evaluate the bank type, slope, size, and conveyance between the realigned Froom Creek low-flow channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands to increase the frequency of salt flushing, such as altering surface flows to more frequently overflow to the wetland area. viii. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project does not adversely impact the Calle Joaquin wetland areas (as defined above), the Applicant shall provide documentation annually (at minimum) to the City, for review and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager, that no significant signs of hydrological interruption, erosion (including bank failure), or sedimentation have occurred, that the wetland is sustained in biological integrity and health with existing hydrologic EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 174 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 105 inputs, and that channel migration has not adversely affected existing wetland features adjacent to Calle Joaquin. ix. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project adversely impacts the Calle Joaquin wetland area, recommendations shall be made for modifications to the Project design in consultation with the City and appropriate regulatory agencies for review and concurrence, as described in subsection viii above. The annual reports would detail the issue or problem area and proposed remedial actions. x. If through monitoring it is determined that the Calle Joaquin wetland condition and function cannot be remediated with implementation of all feasible remedial actions and recommendations identified through long-term monitoring and as described in subsection vii above and the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan, then adversely affected wetland areas shall be delineated and mitigated on- or offsite at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate), consistent with subsection (c) above. xi. Funding for long-term wetland monitoring, adaptive management, and any recommended contingency measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Payment of a bond by the Applicant would be required to ensure the availability of adequate funds to ensure successful implementation and completion of the Long- Term Wetland Monitoring Plan throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. e. Habitat revegetation or creation shall occur in the fall or winter no more than 1 year following habitat disturbance. Revegetation shall be monitored monthly for 7 years with a goal of at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type at the end of the 7-year period. Irrigation shall be provided during this period or until otherwise determined necessary by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator. f. Riparian vegetation along Froom Creek shall be maintained in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the City by the Applicant or a City-approved designee. Froom Creek conditions shall be monitored annually following winter storm seasons to assess damage to riparian vegetation and need for maintenance restoration. Monitoring and maintenance of riparian vegetation conditions shall be conducted consistent with the requirements of the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-3. — Mitigation Measure BIO-6. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall detail timing and implementation of required habitat restoration and shall be submitted to the City’s Natural Resources Manager for review and approval, including requirements for consultation with CDFW, NMFS, and USACE as needed. A copy of the final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan shall be implemented by the Project Applicant, under supervision by the City and the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator, and shall: a. Describe replacement of sensitive natural community habitats removed, lost, or adversely impacted by the Project, including a list of the soil, plants, and other materials that will be necessary for successful habitat restoration/ replacement, and a description of planting methods, location, spacing, erosion protection, and irrigation measures that will be needed. Restoration and habitat enhancement shall be limited to use of appropriate native species. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be designed to facilitate establishment of appropriate native plants such as willows, cottonwoods, bunchgrass, and rushes. b. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be established within the Project boundaries, adjacent to and contiguous with existing habitats to the maximum extent possible. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 175 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 106 c. Habitat restoration or enhancement sites shall be placed within existing or additional necessary deed-restricted area(s) and shall be maintained and monitored for a minimum of 7 years. If sufficient onsite mitigation area is not practicable, an offsite mitigation plan shall be prepared as part of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by permitting agencies. d. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall identify appropriate restoration and enhancement activities to compensate for impacts to creek, wetland, native bunch grass and riparian habitat, including a detailed planting plan and maintenance plans using locally obtained native species, and shall include habitat enhancement to support native wildlife and plant species. e. A weed management plan and weed identification list shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. f. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be maintained weekly for the first three years after Project completion and quarterly thereafter. Maintenance shall include replacement of unsuccessful planted specimens and eradication of noxious weeds found on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Lists A and B. Noxious weeds on CDFA List C may be eradicated or otherwise managed. g. Quarterly and annual reports documenting site inspections and site recovery status shall be prepared and sent to the City and appropriate agencies. — Mitigation Measure BIO-7. Utility line installation shall be timed so that sensitive habitat areas are not disturbed (e.g., prior to the development and restoration of the new Froom Creek realignment, after removal of riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch due to LOVR widening). In the event a utility line is proposed to be installed across the existing or realigned Froom Creek, or the sensitive riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch, while these features are in their natural or restored conditions, installation via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to avoid impacts to sensitive habitats. Prior to installation of utility lines, a site-specific geotechnical investigation and frac-out clean-up plan shall be completed in areas proposed for HDD. The geotechnical investigation shall provide recommendations for avoidance of frac-outs and/or other HDD related impacts and to determine appropriate HDD methods (i.e., appropriate drilling mud mixtures for specific types of sediments). The investigation shall include results from at least three borings, a geologic cross-section, a discussion of drilling conditions, and frac-out clean-up plan. The frac-out clean-up plan shall identify methods for minimizing potential for frac-outs and addressing any necessary clean- up or remediation in case of a frac-out. The boring operation would be stopped immediately if a frac-out occurs and steps would be taken to contain and minimize the effects of any spill of drilling mud. The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the geotechnical investigation. — Mitigation Measure BIO-8. The Applicant shall submit a Froom Creek restoration plan that identifies measures for securing the proposed low-flow channel berm along the stretch of Froom Creek proposed adjacent to the Calle Joaquin wetlands to protect the bank from erosion and prevent migration of the Froom Creek channel into these wetlands. Measures for securing the bank may include a mix of natural and biotechnical measures capable of prevention erosion based on the anticipated erosive velocity of the creek under 100-year storm conditions. — Mitigation Measure BIO-9. Construction and grading of the realigned portion of Froom Creek, including planting of riparian vegetation, watering, and bank stabilization, shall be conducted prior to removal of the existing creek segment to ensure a habitat for special-status species within the creek is maintained through the Project site with no interruption during EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 176 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 107 construction. Project phasing shall be adjusted as needed to accommodate this sequence of construction activities. — Mitigation Measure BIO-10. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the Applicant shall submit or fund a site survey for special-status plants, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and: 1. All individual locations of special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and suitable habitat areas shall be mapped using GPS coordinates. No construction activities or disturbance shall occur within 50 feet of mapped special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat areas. This setback shall be delineated and maintained with construction fencing and clear signage for the duration of grading and construction. If the site survey results identify Chorro Creek bog thistle that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50-foot buffer from mapped Chorro Creek bog thistle occurrences. 2. Development adjacent to Drainages 1, 2, and 3 shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank of these drainages and the edge of delineated associated wetlands. 3. Drainages 1, 2, and 3 and associated wetlands shall be fenced a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank or edge of delineated wetland during construction. The Applicant shall ensure and demonstrate to the City through frequent reporting requirements approved by the City that these areas are managed and maintained in perpetuity to maintain wetland and Chorro Creek bog thistle habitat values to the extent feasible. 4. If the site survey results identify special-status plant species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50-foot buffer from mapped individual occurrences and suitable habitat areas. If buffers cannot be maintained, then consultation with CDFW shall occur to determine appropriate minimization and mitigation measures for impacts to special-status plant species, or in the case of plant species listed pursuant to CESA or the Native Plant Protection Act, to determine if take can be avoided. If take cannot be avoided, take authorization prior to any ground-disturbing activities may be warranted. Take authorization would occur through issuance of an ITP by CDFW, pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081(b). — Mitigation Measure BIO-11. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address special-status wildlife species management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the rainy season (typically October 15 to April 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, and other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian or wetland habitat, and any suitable nesting sites as determined by the City-approved biologist. Injury, mortality to, or significant disturbance of onsite sensitive species, including the California red-legged frog, south-central California coast steelhead, and white-tailed kite, shall be avoided. The plan shall include the following measures: pre-construction surveys; worker awareness; cessation of work in occupied areas if individuals are identified; relocation (if necessary) of frogs and steelhead from the work area by a professional biologist authorized by the USFWS and/or CDFW; and monitoring of construction activities within the vicinity of sensitive habitats by a qualified biologist during construction, consistent with MM BIO-2. Necessary permits shall be obtained from the state (CDFW) and federal (USACE and USFWS) regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and/or permitting authority over a portion of the Project. Any other sensitive species observed during the pre-construction surveys shall be relocated by the qualified biologist into the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 177 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 108 nearest suitable habitat outside the disturbance area as determined in consultation with the appropriate jurisdictional resource agency. — Mitigation Measure BIO-12. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address the habitation and movement of special-status wildlife species, as follows: 1. Migratory and Nesting/Burrowing Bird Management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the breeding season (typically from February 15 to August 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of riparian or wetland habitat and mature trees and within onsite grasslands. If Project activities must be conducted during this period and within the vicinity of riparian or wetland habitat, grasslands, and/or mature trees, pre- construction nesting bird surveys shall take place no more than one week prior to habitat disturbance associated with each phase; if active nests or burrows are located during these surveys, the following measures shall be implemented: a. Construction activities within 50 feet of active nests shall be restricted until chicks have fledged, unless the nest belongs to a raptor or burrowing owl, in which case a minimum 500-foot activity restriction buffer shall be observed. b. Construction shall be limited to daylight hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM or sunset, whichever is sooner). c. A pre-construction survey report shall be submitted to the City immediately upon completion of the survey. The report shall detail appropriate fencing or flagging of the buffer zone and make recommendations on additional monitoring requirements. A map of the Project site and nest locations shall be included with the report. If any sensitive species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedure for handling or avoidance of the specimen. d. The Project biologist conducting the nesting survey shall have the authority to reduce or increase the recommended buffer depending upon site conditions and the species involved. A report of findings and recommendations for bird protection shall be submitted to the City prior to vegetation removal. If sensitive or special-status species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedures for handling or avoidance of the specimen. e. If burrowing owls are found onsite and avoidance is not possible, burrow exclusion shall be conducted by City-approved qualified biologists and only during the non- breeding season, before breeding behavior is exhibited and after the burrow is confirmed empty through non-invasive methods, such as surveillance. CDFW recommends replacement of occupied burrows with artificial burrows at a ratio of one burrow collapsed to one artificial burrow constructed (1:1) To avoid recolonization, ongoing surveillance shall be provided by the City-approved Project biologists throughout Project construction at a rate that is sufficient to detect burrowing owls if they return. 2. Bat Colony Management. Prior to removal of any trees over 20 inches diameter-at-breast- height (DBH) or demolition/relocation of existing onsite structures, a survey shall be conducted by a City and CDFW-approved biologist to determine if any tree or structure proposed for removal, trimming, demolition, or relocation harbors sensitive bat species or maternal bat colonies. Maternal bat colonies shall not be disturbed, and grading and construction activities shall avoid the bat breeding season to the extent feasible. If disturbance of structures must occur during the bat breeding season, buildings must be inspected and deemed clear of bat colonies/roosts within 7 days of demolition and an appropriately trained and approved biologist must conduct a daily site-clearance during EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 178 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 109 demolition. If bats are roosting in a structure or tree in the Project site during the daytime but are not part of an active maternity colony, then exclusion measures shall be utilized and must include one-way valves that allow bats to leave but are designed so that the bats may not re-enter the structure. For each occupied roost removed, one bat box shall be installed in similar habitat as determined by the Project biologist and shall have similar cavities or crevices to those which are removed, including access, ventilation, dimensions, height above ground, and thermal conditions. If a bat colony would be eliminated from the Project site, appropriate alternate bat habitat shall be installed within the Project site. To the extent practicable, alternate bat house installation shall occur near onsite drainages. — Mitigation Measure BIO-13. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to establish a 300- foot development buffer on the centerline of the confluence of Drainage 1, 2, and 3 and the realigned Froom Creek to maintain natural vegetation, ecological, hydrologic, and wildlife connectivity between the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the Froom Creek corridor. The required buffer shall extend from the point at which the proposed realigned Froom Creek exits the Specific Plan area, upstream along the centerlines of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 for 600 linear feet. The Applicant shall relocate residential uses to areas outside of this buffer and should not exacerbate biological resource impacts in other areas of the site (This measure has been incorporated into the design of the Project and reflected on the Project land use plan). — Mitigation Measure BIO-14. Proposed roadway/pathway crossings over any drainage shall be designed to ensure adequate passage for wildlife, consistent with the design standards and guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration Wildlife Crossing Structure Handbook. — Mitigation Measure BIO-15. Native Tree Protection. To ensure protection of native protected trees with respect to the tree trunk, canopy, and root zone, the Applicant shall hire a City-approved arborist or qualified biologist to conduct a daily, pre-construction survey of all activities occurring within the protected root zones of protected trees, and shall make recommendations for avoidance, and for any necessary remedial work to ensure the health and safety of trees that are encroached, and any measures necessary to reduce and/or remove potential safety hazards posed by any of these trees. Following construction, the health of affected trees shall be monitored by the arborist or qualified biologist for up to 5 years if necessary and as determined at the discretion of the City. Should Project activities result in the compromised health of native trees resulting from encroachment, the Applicant shall submit a native tree replacement planting program, prepared by a qualified biologist, arborist, or other resource specialist, which specifies replacement tree locations, tree or seedling size, planting specifications, and a monitoring program to ensure that the replacement planting program is successful, including performance standards for determining whether replacement trees are healthy and growing normally, and procedures for periodic monitoring and implementation of corrective measures in the event that the health of replacement trees declines. Where the worsened health of a tree results in the loss of protected tree species, mitigation measures in the native tree replacement program shall include the planting of replacement trees on the Project site, if suitable area exists. Riparian trees 4 inches or greater measured at DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 3:1 (replaced: removed). Trees 24 inches or greater inches DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 10:1. Willows and cottonwoods may be planted from live stakes following guidelines provided in the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual for planting dormant cuttings and container stock (CDFW 2010). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 179 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 110  Tree replacement shall be conducted in accordance with a Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan to be approved by the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  The Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan shall prioritize the planting of replacement trees on-site where feasible, but shall allow that replacement trees may be planted off-site with approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  Replacement trees may be planted in the fall or winter of the year in which trees were removed. All replacement trees will be planted no more than 1 year following the date upon which the native trees were removed. Where onsite mitigation through planting replacement trees is not feasible, mitigation shall be provided by one of the following methods:  Off-site mitigation shall be provided by planting no less than 10:1, at a suitable site that is restricted from development or is public parkland. The Applicant shall plant seedlings – less than 1-year old – in an area providing suitable habitat. In the case of oak trees, the seedlings shall be grown from acorns collected in the area; or  An in-lieu fee shall be provided for the unavoidable impacts of the loss of native tree habitat. The fee shall be based on the type, size and age of the tree(s) removed. — Mitigation Measure BIO-Alt.1. The additional emergency access roadway across Froom Creek and the LOVR ditch and the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin shall be reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Natural Resources Manager, and Fire Department prior to adoption of the Final FRSP and approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure that design is adequate for City emergency ingress/egress standards and minimizes impacts to riparian vegetation and wildlife passage, and that adequate on- and offsite mitigation of impacted riparian and wetland vegetation is provided. The City shall ensure review and approval of these features as part of the Final FRSP considers the siting, alignment, width, materials, and access controls. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation measures would reduce impacts to sensitive vegetation communities, special-status species, wildlife movement, and mature trees would be reduced to a less than significant level. However, despite incorporation of all the Project-specific mitigation measures described above, the Project’s contribution to regional cumulative impacts to biological resources would be cumulatively considerable due to inability of the Project to avoid or successfully mitigate all impacts associated with loss or disturbance of sensitive and regionally significant biological resources to a level that would not be collectively significant when added to other closely related past, present, and reasonably foreseeable probable future projects. Therefore, the City finds that the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts to biological resources would be significant and unavoidable. C. CULTURAL AND TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES 1. Impact CR-3: The Project would result in relocation, demolition, disturbance, and/or removal of historic resources onsite, including individually eligible historic resources and a historic district. The Project would relocate, rehabilitate, and adaptively reuse (within the proposed public trailhead park) four structures within the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex (i.e., Main Residence, Creamery/House, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, and Granary) that are individually eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), California Register of Historical Resources (CRHR), and the City’s Master List of Historic Resources. The proposed relocation and reconstruction of four of the Froom Ranch Dairy complex buildings would maintain the character- defining features of the four individually significant structures, including the existence, orientation, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 180 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 111 relative horizontal and vertical relationship of the Main Residence, Creamery/House, Dairy (Round- Nose) Barn, and Granary, and the relative open space and minimally landscaped setting. However, there is a potential for conflict between the design and character of the surrounding Madonna Froom Ranch development and the rehabilitated/reconstructed historic structures. Incompatible design of adjacent new development has the potential to reduce or inhibit the historic quality, character, and context of the relocated and rehabilitated/reconstructed structures. Further, the Project would result in the demolition and permanent loss of three contributors to the eligible Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district (i.e., the Shed, Bunkhouse, and Old Barn). While these structures are not individually significant historic resources, they contribute to the historic setting and integrity of the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district based upon their association with the Froom family, connection to the historic dairy operation, character-defining features of Craftsman-style or vernacular architecture, and good integrity (Refer to Impact CR-3, beginning on page 3.5-33, and the Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Section, beginning on page 5-67 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts to historic resources to the maximum extent feasible. MM CR-13 has been edited to require design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to all historic structures (not just the Main Residence), since the Project proposes multi-family development adjacent to all four relocated historic structures (not just the Main Residence). This more stringent mitigation measure will ensure potential indirect impacts to historical resources are minimized to the greatest extent feasible. — Mitigation Measure CR-9. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional historic architect meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61) to review and comment on design and construction drawings and monitor construction to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The role of the historic architect shall include collaboration on a range of items relating to materials selection, construction methods, design of exterior and interior alterations, and monitoring of construction activities. The historic architect and Applicant shall resolve any unforeseen circumstance in a manner that conforms with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The qualified professional historic architect shall work with the Applicant team to ensure: a. Deteriorated historic features would be repaired to the greatest extent feasible. Where features are deteriorated beyond repair, they would be replaced to exactly match the old. b. All character-defining features are retained. c. Physical treatments to historic material would use the gentlest means possible and would not damage material. d. Reconstruction would be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. e. Interpretative signage would clearly provide information regarding the history of the buildings and their reconstruction. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be published in an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. — Mitigation Measure CR-10. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional photographer to prepare Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II documentation and investigate additional applicable surveys (e.g. oral histories, LIDAR, and/or photogrammetry). This documentation shall record the existing appearance of all seven EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 181 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 112 contributing buildings in large and medium format HABS photographs. HABS Level II documentation shall pertain to the entire Froom Ranch Dairy complex so that functional relationships between the buildings can be documented. All documentation components shall be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (HABS standards). The photographs shall consist primarily of large format, 4-inch by 5-inch, black and white negatives (one set), contact prints (one set) and 8-inch by 10-inch prints (two sets), archivally processed and printed on fiber-based paper. The set of original negatives shall be made at the time the photographs are taken. The original, archivally-sound negatives and prints shall be and distributed as follows: (1) the Library of Congress in Washington, DC through the National Park Service (one set of negatives and contact prints). — Mitigation Measure CR-11. The Applicant shall work with the City to develop an interpretive project that documents the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by means of a pamphlet and/or additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), subject to approval by the City. This interpretive project will highlight the former Froom Ranch Dairy, both primary and secondary contributors, in a social (Froom family) and industrial (dairy industry) context, with an emphasis on how these buildings were used on the dairy farm, and how this property relates to the larger dairy farm context in San Luis Obispo, the Central Coast, and California. Five hundred copies of the pamphlet shall be published. These professionally researched, written and printed materials shall be offered at no cost through the local museums and heritage organizations, and at the trailhead park. After the initial distribution of printed brochures, digital copies shall be available. Throughout the park, interpretive signs that provide information on building history and function (extant and demolished) shall also be incorporated. — Mitigation Measure CR-12. The Applicant shall reuse original material to the greatest extent feasible in the proposed work on the contributing structures to be relocated and/or reconstructed within the proposed public park (main residence, dairy barn, creamery/house, and granary). The Applicant and historic architect shall work with the City to prepare a marketing plan to offer to the public any salvaged historic materials not used during rehabilitation and reconstruction of the primary contributors, and demolition of the secondary contributors. As appropriate, unused or unretained historic materials will be offered to local historical societies and museums, then offered to architectural recycling before being disposed. — Mitigation Measure CR-13. The Applicant and historic architect shall prepare design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to historic structuresthe main residence. New construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that the essential form and integrity of relocated historic structures the main residence and their its setting would be unimpaired. The design guidelines and review by City Community Development Director shall ensure new construction is compatible with historic structures main residence in material, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing. — Mitigation Measure CR-14. Prior to commencement of Phase 1 construction, a City- approved qualified structural engineer and historical architect shall survey the existing foundations and other structural aspects of the main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary, and develop a preservation plan to protect the historic buildings from potential damage during construction activities. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 182 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 113 The qualified structural engineer shall identify any necessary temporary structural bracing for the historic structures to avoid damage to these resources during the duration of construction. The qualified structural engineer shall prepare a temporary historic structure stabilization plan identifying these techniques as necessary. b. Finding: Implementation of MM CR-9 through MM CR-13 would ensure relocation and restoration of the four individually eligible historical resources would conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and MM CR-14 would address potential for construction vibration to disturb existing historic buildings during Project construction. Additionally, these measures would lessen impacts to the eligible historic district by ensuring that relocation and reconstruction of the Main Residence, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, Creamery/House, and Granary would retain character-defining features that convey the district’s historical significance, and that demolished historic structures would be thoroughly documented and curated. However, because the demolition of a portion of a historic district and relocation of a historic district represents an irreversible change to the historical resource, the City finds that these impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. 2. Cumulative Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Impacts: Cumulative development would result in the permanent loss of known archeological resources and historical structures, including those located within the Avila Ranch Specific Plan and San Luis Ranch Specific Plan areas. In addition, cumulative development may uncover previously undisturbed archeological resources and could potentially result in damage or loss of such resources. Cumulative projects would be required to comply with General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element Policies 3.5.5, 3.5.6, and 3.5.7, and would be subject to review by the City’s Cultural Heritage Committee for conformance with guidelines for cultural resources protection. Further, cumulative projects would be subject to environmental review under CEQA, which requires avoidance of significant cultural resources whenever feasible; if avoidance is not feasible, then appropriate mitigation measures would be applied (CEQA Guidelines Section 15126.4). Project mitigation would reduce impacts to archaeological and tribal cultural resources to a less than significant level and would not contribute to a cumulative impact to those resources. However, the Project would result in a significant and unavoidable impact associated with the removal, relocation, and reconstruction of features associated with the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Complex, therefore resulting in considerable contributions to cumulative impacts to historic resources within the region (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.5-41 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce impacts to cultural, tribal cultural, and historic resources to the maximum extent feasible. MM CR-13 has been edited to require design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to all historic structures (not just the Main Residence), since the Project proposes multi-family development adjacent to all four relocated historic structures (not just the Main Residence). This more stringent mitigation measure will ensure potential indirect impacts to historical resources are minimized to the greatest extent feasible. — Mitigation Measure CR-1. A Phase 2 – Subsurface Archaeological Resource Evaluation (SARE) investigation shall be conducted prior to any grading or development proposed within 200 feet of the recorded P-40-000783 and P-40-001195 sites, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, to evaluate the potential for unknown buried resources within these “archaeologically sensitive” areas, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or features including hearths, structural remains, or historic dumpsites, consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 183 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 114 Program Guidelines. If discovery of unknown buried archaeological resources occurs through the SARE, a City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and CEQA. If the discovery is found to be a significant cultural resource, Project design shall be modified to avoid modification, disturbance, or destruction of the archeological resource. If the Phase 2 SARE investigations do not discover unknown buried archaeological resources but conclude there is a possibility that cultural resources exist within the archaeologically sensitive areas that were evaluated, the Community Development Department Director shall require that the Applicant retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor construction activities to identify and protect archaeological resources in accordance with the Archaeological Monitoring Plan described in MM CR-3. — Mitigation Measure CR-2. If any ground disturbing activities are proposed within 100 feet of the recorded sites P-40-000783, P-40-0011195, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, on preparation of construction plans, the plans shall delineate a 50- foot buffer surrounding the boundaries of the recorded sites. The area shall be labeled as an “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Highly visible temporary construction fencing shall be installed along the boundary of the 50-foot buffer and shall remain in place until the archaeological monitor recommends removal. If feasible, no ground disturbance, construction worker foot traffic, storage of materials, or storage or use of equipment shall occur within the “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Archaeological monitoring shall occur during all construction activities occurring within 50 feet of the delineated boundary. Upon completion of archaeological monitoring, an archaeological monitoring report shall be prepared and submitted to the City Community Development Department and the Central Coast Information Center at the University of California Santa Barbara. — Mitigation Measure CR-3. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, and recordation of the final map, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) shall be prepared. The AMP should include, but not be limited to, the following:  A list of personnel involved in the monitoring activities;  Description of Native American involvement;  Description of how the monitoring shall occur;  Description of location and frequency of monitoring (e.g., full time, part time, spot checking);  Description of what resources are expected to be encountered;  Description of circumstances that would result in the halting of work at the project site;  Description of procedures for halting work on the site and notification procedures;  Description of monitoring reporting procedures; and  Provide specific, detailed protocols for what to do in the event of the discovery of human remains. — Mitigation Measure CR-4. The Applicant shall retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor Project-related ground-disturbing activities that have the potential to encounter previously unidentified archaeological resources, as outlined in the AMP prepared to satisfy MM CR-3. Archaeological and tribal monitoring may cease only if the City-approved archaeologist determines in coordination with the Applicant, Community Development Director, and the Native American monitor that Project activities do not have the potential to encounter and/or disturb unknown resources. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 184 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 115 — Mitigation Measure CR-5. In the event of any inadvertent discovery of prehistoric archaeological resources, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or historic-period archaeological resources, all work within 100 feet of the discovery shall immediately cease (or greater or lesser distance as needed to protect the discovery and determined in the field by the City-approved archaeologist). The Applicant and/or contractor shall immediately notify the City Community Development Department. The City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines prior to resuming any activities that could impact the site/discovery. If the City-approved archaeologist or Native American monitor determine that the find may qualify for listing in the CRHR or as a tribal cultural resource, the site shall be avoided or shall be subject to a Phase II or III mitigation program consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and funded by the Applicant. Work shall not resume until authorization is received from the City. — Mitigation Measure CR-6. Prior to construction of each phase, workers shall receive education regarding the recognition of possible buried cultural remains and protection of all cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic resources, during construction. Such training shall provide construction personnel with direction regarding the procedures to be followed in the unlikely event that previously unidentified archaeological materials, including Native American burials, are discovered during construction. Training shall also inform construction personnel that unauthorized collection or disturbance of artifacts or other cultural materials is not allowed. The training shall be prepared by a City-approved archaeologist and shall provide a description of the cultural resources that may be encountered in the Project site, specify areas of known sensitivity, outline steps to follow in the event that a discovery is made, and provide contact information for the City-approved archaeologist, Native American monitor, and appropriate City personnel. The training shall be conducted concurrent with other environmental or safety awareness and education programs for the Project, provided that the program elements pertaining to archaeological resources is provided by a qualified instructor meeting applicable professional standards. — Mitigation Measure CR-7. If human remains are exposed during construction, the City Community Development Department shall be notified immediately. The Applicant and City shall comply with State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, which states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has been notified and can make the necessary findings as to origin and disposition of the remains pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. Construction shall halt around the discovery of human remains, the area shall be protected, and consultation and treatment shall occur as prescribed by law. — Mitigation Measure CR-8. No designated recreational areas, facilities, pedestrian paths, or roadways shall be located with 50 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural resource site. All archaeological site soils within 100 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural site shall be seeded with shallow rooted native vegetation unless existing natural vegetation (i.e., existing grasslands) can screen the cultural resource from view. — Mitigation Measure CR-9. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional historic architect meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61) to review and comment on design and construction drawings and monitor construction to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The role of the historic architect shall include collaboration on a range of items relating to materials selection, construction methods, design of exterior and interior alterations, and monitoring of construction activities. The historic architect and Applicant shall resolve any unforeseen EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 185 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 116 circumstance in a manner that conforms with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The qualified professional historic architect shall work with the Applicant team to ensure: a. Deteriorated historic features would be repaired to the greatest extent feasible. Where features are deteriorated beyond repair, they would be replaced to exactly match the old. b. All character-defining features are retained. c. Physical treatments to historic material would use the gentlest means possible and would not damage material. d. Reconstruction would be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. e. Interpretative signage would clearly provide information regarding the history of the buildings and their reconstruction. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be published in an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. — Mitigation Measure CR-10. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional photographer to prepare Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II documentation and investigate additional applicable surveys (e.g. oral histories, LIDAR, and/or photogrammetry). This documentation shall record the existing appearance of all seven contributing buildings in large and medium format HABS photographs. HABS Level II documentation shall pertain to the entire Froom Ranch Dairy complex so that functional relationships between the buildings can be documented. All documentation components shall be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (HABS standards). The photographs shall consist primarily of large format, 4-inch by 5-inch, black and white negatives (one set), contact prints (one set) and 8-inch by 10-inch prints (two sets), archivally processed and printed on fiber-based paper. The set of original negatives shall be made at the time the photographs are taken. The original, archivally-sound negatives and prints shall be and distributed as follows: (1) the Library of Congress in Washington, DC through the National Park Service (one set of negatives and contact prints). — Mitigation Measure CR-11. The Applicant shall work with the City to develop an interpretive project that documents the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by means of a pamphlet and/or additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), subject to approval by the City. This interpretive project will highlight the former Froom Ranch Dairy, both primary and secondary contributors, in a social (Froom family) and industrial (dairy industry) context, with an emphasis on how these buildings were used on the dairy farm, and how this property relates to the larger dairy farm context in San Luis Obispo, the Central Coast, and California. Five hundred copies of the pamphlet shall be published. These professionally researched, written and printed materials shall be offered at no cost through the local museums and heritage organizations, and at the trailhead park. After the initial distribution of printed brochures, digital copies shall be available. Throughout the park, interpretive signs that provide information on building history and function (extant and demolished) shall also be incorporated. — Mitigation Measure CR-12. The Applicant shall reuse original material to the greatest extent feasible in the proposed work on the contributing structures to be relocated and/or EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 186 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 117 reconstructed within the proposed public park (main residence, dairy barn, creamery/house, and granary). The Applicant and historic architect shall work with the City to prepare a marketing plan to offer to the public any salvaged historic materials not used during rehabilitation and reconstruction of the primary contributors, and demolition of the secondary contributors. As appropriate, unused or unretained historic materials will be offered to local historical societies and museums, then offered to architectural recycling before being disposed. — Mitigation Measure CR-13. The Applicant and historic architect shall prepare design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to historic structuresthe main residence. New construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that the essential form and integrity of relocated historic structures the main residence and their its setting would be unimpaired. The design guidelines and review by City Community Development Director shall ensure new construction is compatible with historic structures main residence in material, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing. — Mitigation Measure CR-14. Prior to commencement of Phase 1 construction, a City- approved qualified structural engineer and historical architect shall survey the existing foundations and other structural aspects of the main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary, and develop a preservation plan to protect the historic buildings from potential damage during construction activities. The qualified structural engineer shall identify any necessary temporary structural bracing for the historic structures to avoid damage to these resources during the duration of construction. The qualified structural engineer shall prepare a temporary historic structure stabilization plan identifying these techniques as necessary. b. Finding: Implementation of mitigation MM CR-1 through -8 would feasibly reduce Project- specific impacts to cultural and tribal cultural resources to a less than significant level and would not result in significant cumulative impacts to such resources. Implementation of MM CR-9 through -13 would ensure relocation and restoration of the four individually eligible historical resources would conform to the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards, and MM CR-14 would address potential for construction vibration to disturb existing historic buildings during construction. Additionally, these measures would lessen impacts to the potential historic district by ensuring that relocation and reconstruction of the Main Residence, Dairy (Round-Nose) Barn, Creamery/House, and Granary would retain character-defining features that convey the district’s historical significance, and that demolished historic structures would be thoroughly documented and curated. However, because the demolition of a portion of a historic district and relocation of a historic district represents an irreversible change to the historical resource, the City finds that the Project’s contribution to loss of historic resources within the region would result in a significant and unavoidable impact. D. HAZARDS, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, AND WILDFIRE 1. Impact HAZ-1: The Project would exacerbate wildfire risks, exposing Project occupants to wildfire hazards and impairing emergency response. The Project would require wildfire fuel management in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Project site is located in a region with very high to moderate fire hazard potential, including the western 1-mile-long perimeter of the site that borders and includes very high fire hazard areas. Adjacent grassland, coastal sage scrub, oak woodland and chaparral vegetation within the Irish Hills Natural Reserve provides substantial flammable natural fuels for EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 187 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 118 future potential wildfires. The risk of fire ignition from construction activities immediately adjacent to the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (FHSZ) constitutes a potentially significant adverse impact, especially during periods of high fire risk. The Project would exacerbate wildfire risks by developing residential uses in a high fire hazard area, thereby placing structures and people in a permanently high-risk location and contributing to wildfire hazards that would affect existing residents and property, including pollutant concentrations from a wildfire, uncontrolled spread of wildfire, and post-fire flooding, debris flows, and drainage changes. The Project would substantially increase the total number of people and structures within an area designated Moderate FHSZ and adjacent to a High FHSZ at the base of the Froom Creek watershed and the Irish Hills. During periods of maximum occupancy, 1,231 persons could be onsite within the residential and commercial areas (i.e., employees and residents). Although no development is proposed in the Very High FHSZ, the risk of wildfire remains high due to Project location at the wildland-urban interface at the base of steep slopes and ravines in the Irish Hills (Refer to Impact HAZ-1, beginning on page 3.7-24, and the Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Section, beginning on page 5-71 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project construction and operational impacts from wildfire hazards to the maximum extent feasible. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-1. The Applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Impact Management Plan to SLOFD prior to the issuance of grading permits. The Plan shall list measures taken during construction to reduce the potential for brush or grass fires from use of heavy equipment, welding, vehicles with catalytic converters, and other potential activities. The Plan shall include SLOFD recommended measures including, but not limited to the following:  All equipment with the potential to work off-road shall be equipped with appropriate mufflers and have extinguishers mounted on each vehicle;  In coordination with SLOFD, personnel shall be briefed on the dangers of wildfire and be able to respond accordingly should the need arise;  Onsite supervisor(s) shall have a cell phone or other means of initiating a 911 response time in a timely manner in the event of a medical emergency and/or fire;  All dead and decadent vegetation immediately surrounding the development area shall be removed to a minimum perimeter of 30 feet;  Smoking shall only occur in a designated area;  A water tender will be available on each construction site during the entire phase of construction; and  A water tender operator shall be available onsite during all construction and remain onsite a minimum of 30 minutes after all construction has finished for the day. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 188 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 119 practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-3. The FRSP shall designate smoking areas, located away from onsite fire hazards areas and within acceptable locations consistent with Chapter 8.16, Smoking Prohibition and Secondhand Smoke Control, of the City Municipal Code. Otherwise, smoking shall be prohibited onsite. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to include policies to requiring the allowed use of fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping in areas to reduce mulch/gorilla hair, which is the receptive embers, if determined appropriate by SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-4. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to:  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-5. The FRSP shall designate fire access routes in at least two locations from the Project site to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve on at least 12-foot wide paths, one extending from Villaggio and one from Madonna Froom Ranch. Fire access routes shall be designed to allow emergency response to wildland area in the Irish Hills to support direct access for firefighting personnel and equipment. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 189 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 120 b. Finding: Security fencing, retaining walls, and closely spaced residential units in Villaggio would limit access for firefighters to attack fires threatening residential units adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Preserve. The project includes primary and emergency access as reviewed and approved by the City Fire Department, and implementation of mitigation measures would reduce impacts associated with development of the Project in proximity to high fire risk areas and provide for direct emergency access for emergency response vehicles to both the Project site and adjacent lands of the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. Additional mitigation includes requirements for a Community Fire Protection Plan and Evacuation Plan. However, the City finds that while mitigation would reduce the range of wildfire risks, given the location of the site at the base of the Irish Hills (and associated moderate to high fire hazard zones) with slopes, vegetation, and winds that put the Project site and surrounding areas at risk for wildfire impacts, the mitigation measures would not reduce the potential impact to a level of insignificance. Occupants would still be exposed to wildfire hazards and secondary impacts to the Irish Hills would continue to occur from offsite fuel management. Impacts related to wildland fires with associated threat of damage to structures and loss of life would be significant and unavoidable. 2. Cumulative Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Impacts: The severity of potential hazards for individual projects would depend upon the location, type, and size of development and the specific hazards associated with individual sites. Discretionary projects proposed in the City would be required to undergo individual environmental review, including review of potential impacts related to hazards and hazardous materials that are applicable to that particular development site and proposed use. Additionally, projects would also be subject to the local, state, and federal standards which require the safe removal of potentially hazardous building materials and the cleanup of contaminated properties, thus reducing the level of risk on a particular site. Cumulative impacts from hazards and hazardous materials would be less than significant. Cumulative hazards from wildfire would be exacerbated by additional construction and operation of urban uses within the City and region along the wildland-urban interface. Projects within this area would introduce additional fire hazard-related risks that would place additional people and structures at risk of damage. Further, the heightened potential for future fire hazards from the influence of climate change and warmer conditions would contribute to the potential for a higher frequency, intensity, and size of fires that may occur within the Project site vicinity and overall region. Cumulative projects within the City and the Project vicinity would have the potential to expose future area residents, employees, and visitors to chemical hazards through development of sites and structures that may be contaminated from either historic or ongoing uses. The severity of potential hazards for individual projects would depend upon the location, type, and size of development and the specific hazards associated with individual sites. In addition, several cumulative projects are also within the ALUP Safety Areas, thereby potentially exposing persons to risk of airport safety hazards. These primarily include residential units and commercial developments near the Airport, such as the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Avila Ranch Development Plan projects (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.7-42, and the Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Section, beginning on page 5-71 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce cumulative impacts from and wildfire to the maximum extent feasible. Impacts associated with hazards, hazardous materials, and development within a ALUP Safety Area are less than significant, and no mitigation is required. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-1. The Applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Impact Management Plan to SLOFD prior to the issuance of grading permits. The Plan shall list EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 190 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 121 measures taken during construction to reduce the potential for brush or grass fires from use of heavy equipment, welding, vehicles with catalytic converters, and other potential activities. The Plan shall include SLOFD recommended measures including, but not limited to the following:  All equipment with the potential to work off-road shall be equipped with appropriate mufflers and have extinguishers mounted on each vehicle;  In coordination with SLOFD, personnel shall be briefed on the dangers of wildfire and be able to respond accordingly should the need arise;  Onsite supervisor(s) shall have a cell phone or other means of initiating a 911 response time in a timely manner in the event of a medical emergency and/or fire;  All dead and decadent vegetation immediately surrounding the development area shall be removed to a minimum perimeter of 30 feet;  Smoking shall only occur in a designated area;  A water tender will be available on each construction site during the entire phase of construction; and  A water tender operator shall be available onsite during all construction and remain onsite a minimum of 30 minutes after all construction has finished for the day. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-3. The FRSP shall designate smoking areas, located away from onsite fire hazards areas and within acceptable locations consistent with Chapter 8.16, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 191 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 122 Smoking Prohibition and Secondhand Smoke Control, of the City Municipal Code. Otherwise, smoking shall be prohibited onsite. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to include policies to requiring the allowed use of fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping in areas to reduce mulch/gorilla hair, which is the receptive embers, if determined appropriate by SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-4. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to:  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-5. The FRSP shall designate fire access routes in at least two locations from the Project site to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve on at least 12-foot wide paths, one extending from Villaggio and one from Madonna Froom Ranch. Fire access routes shall be designed to allow emergency response to wildland area in the Irish Hills to support direct access for firefighting personnel and equipment. b. Finding: The City finds that implementation of mitigation, required discretionary approval and environmental review for individual projects, and applicability of local, state, and federal regulations would feasibly reduce impacts of the Project with regard to release or risk of upset from hazards and airport safety related risks such that cumulative impacts would be less than significant. However, required mitigation would not fully eliminate or reduce risks associated with development of commercial and residential uses directly adjacent to high fire hazard areas. Given the high potential for wildfire near the City, the potential for cumulative development to exacerbate wildfire hazards is significant and unavoidable. E. LAND USE AND PLANNING 1. Impact LU-1: The Project would allow urban development above the 150-foot elevation within Madonna Froom Ranch and would relocate portions of the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex, which would potentially conflict with City General Plan policies adopted for the purpose of avoiding impacts to visual, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards. The Project site is highly visible to trail users in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve trail system where sweeping views across the Project site are available, particularly overlooking the southwest portion of the site and the western edge of Madonna Froom Ranch above 150 feet in elevation. Development of the Project would potentially conflict with General Plan Conservation and Open Space Element Policy 9.2.1, Views to and from public places, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 192 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 123 designed to protect public views, including those from such places as the heavily used trail network in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the Froom Creek trailhead. In addition, City LUE Policy 6.4.7, Hillside Planning Areas, was intended in part to protect sensitive hillside views by prohibiting development above the 150-foot elevation in the Project vicinity. With regard to cultural resources, while four individually eligible structures (i.e., the Main Residence, Creamery/House, Dairy (Round- Nose) Barn, and Granary) would be relocated, restored, and repurposed to maintain their historic integrity, the Project would result in the demolition and permanent loss of three structures identified as contributing to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district (i.e., the Shed, Bunkhouse, and Old Barn). This loss would be potentially inconsistent with City policy. Lastly, development of the Project would locate residential uses at the wildland-urban interface at the base of the Froom Creek watershed where potential fire risks are considered moderate to high. The Project proposes three emergency access routes that in the event of fire or other emergency would provide adequate ingress/egress for evacuating civilians and emergency response personnel to the Project site; however, security fencing, retaining walls, and closely spaced residential units in Villaggio would limit access for firefighters to attack fires threatening residential units adjacent to the Irish Hills Natural Preserve and secondary impacts to the Irish Hills would continue to occur from offsite fuel management. The proposed land use plan of the Project would avoid development of the most sensitive biological areas of the site, particularly those areas above the 150-foot elevation line in Villaggio, and would not result in major conflicts with City policies adopted for the protection of sensitive biological resources (Refer to Impact LU-1, beginning on page 3.9-63, and the Land Use and Planning Section, beginning on page 5-76, and page 5-63 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project construction and operational impacts to cultural resources and from wildfire hazards as they relate to consistency with City policies to the maximum extent feasible. MM CR-13 has been edited to require design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to all historic structures (not just the Main Residence), since the Project proposes multi-family development adjacent to all four relocated historic structures (not just the Main Residence). This more stringent mitigation measure will ensure potential indirect impacts to historical resources are minimized to the greatest extent feasible. MM TRANS-20 and MM TRANS-21 have been edited to remove inference to development in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as this component is no longer proposed in the FRSP. MM TRANS-20 and MM TRANS-21 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure CR-9. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional historic architect meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61) to review and comment on design and construction drawings and monitor construction to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The role of the historic architect shall include collaboration on a range of items relating to materials selection, construction methods, design of exterior and interior alterations, and monitoring of construction activities. The historic architect and Applicant shall resolve any unforeseen circumstance in a manner that conforms with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The qualified professional historic architect shall work with the Applicant team to ensure: f. Deteriorated historic features would be repaired to the greatest extent feasible. Where features are deteriorated beyond repair, they would be replaced to exactly match the old. g. All character-defining features are retained. h. Physical treatments to historic material would use the gentlest means possible and would not damage material. i. Reconstruction would be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 193 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 124 j. Interpretative signage would clearly provide information regarding the history of the buildings and their reconstruction. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be published in an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. — Mitigation Measure CR-10. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional photographer to prepare Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II documentation and investigate additional applicable surveys (e.g. oral histories, LIDAR, and/or photogrammetry). This documentation shall record the existing appearance of all seven contributing buildings in large and medium format HABS photographs. HABS Level II documentation shall pertain to the entire Froom Ranch Dairy complex so that functional relationships between the buildings can be documented. All documentation components shall be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (HABS standards). The photographs shall consist primarily of large format, 4-inch by 5-inch, black and white negatives (one set), contact prints (one set) and 8-inch by 10-inch prints (two sets), archivally processed and printed on fiber-based paper. The set of original negatives shall be made at the time the photographs are taken. The original, archivally-sound negatives and prints shall be and distributed as follows: (1) the Library of Congress in Washington, DC through the National Park Service (one set of negatives and contact prints). — Mitigation Measure CR-11. The Applicant shall work with the City to develop an interpretive project that documents the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by means of a pamphlet and/or additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), subject to approval by the City. This interpretive project will highlight the former Froom Ranch Dairy, both primary and secondary contributors, in a social (Froom family) and industrial (dairy industry) context, with an emphasis on how these buildings were used on the dairy farm, and how this property relates to the larger dairy farm context in San Luis Obispo, the Central Coast, and California. Five hundred copies of the pamphlet shall be published. These professionally researched, written and printed materials shall be offered at no cost through the local museums and heritage organizations, and at the trailhead park. After the initial distribution of printed brochures, digital copies shall be available. Throughout the park, interpretive signs that provide information on building history and function (extant and demolished) shall also be incorporated. — Mitigation Measure CR-12. The Applicant shall reuse original material to the greatest extent feasible in the proposed work on the contributing structures to be relocated and/or reconstructed within the proposed public park (main residence, dairy barn, creamery/house, and granary). The Applicant and historic architect shall work with the City to prepare a marketing plan to offer to the public any salvaged historic materials not used during rehabilitation and reconstruction of the primary contributors, and demolition of the secondary contributors. As appropriate, unused or unretained historic materials will be offered to local historical societies and museums, then offered to architectural recycling before being disposed. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 194 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 125 — Mitigation Measure CR-13. The Applicant and historic architect shall prepare design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to historic structuresthe main residence. New construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that the essential form and integrity of relocated historic structures the main residence and their its setting would be unimpaired. The design guidelines and review by City Community Development Director shall ensure new construction is compatible with historic structures main residence in material, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing. — Mitigation Measure CR-14. Prior to commencement of Phase 1 construction, a City- approved qualified structural engineer and historical architect shall survey the existing foundations and other structural aspects of the main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary, and develop a preservation plan to protect the historic buildings from potential damage during construction activities. The qualified structural engineer shall identify any necessary temporary structural bracing for the historic structures to avoid damage to these resources during the duration of construction. The qualified structural engineer shall prepare a temporary historic structure stabilization plan identifying these techniques as necessary. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-3. The FRSP shall designate smoking areas, located away from onsite fire hazards areas and within acceptable locations consistent with Chapter 8.16, EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 195 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 126 Smoking Prohibition and Secondhand Smoke Control, of the City Municipal Code. Otherwise, smoking shall be prohibited onsite. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to include policies to requiring the allowed use of fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping in areas to reduce mulch/gorilla hair, which is the receptive embers, if determined appropriate by SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-4. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to:  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-5. The FRSP shall designate fire access routes in at least two locations from the Project site to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve on at least 12-foot wide paths, one extending from Villaggio and one from Madonna Froom Ranch. Fire access routes shall be designed to allow emergency response to wildland area in the Irish Hills to support direct access for firefighting personnel and equipment. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-19. The Project shall design and install include a landscaped median along LOVR from the terminus of the existing median at northern Project frontage to Calle Joaquin. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-20. The Project shall include an emergency access point from Villaggio’s Lower Area to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve to provide access to the existing dirt road network to fight fires in Irish Hills, specifically to Neil Havlik Way which connects to the four utility power line structures at the top of the ridgeline. This access point may be gated to ensure site security in consultation with SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-21. The Project shall integrate access to the Project site perimeters for defending the Project site development. Specifically, these measures should address access to the wildland area immediately abutting the western boundary of Villaggio’s Lower Area. This measure shall include access from the proposed Local Road “C” to the Irish Hills, which may include use of space between proposed buildings for firefighting vehicle access, ramps up proposed retaining walls, and similar vehicle infrastructure to maintain access to the base of the Irish Hills. b. Finding: Compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR, and with implementation of MM BIO-1 through MM BIO-14, the Project would result in substantially reduced impacts to EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 196 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 127 biological resources and would be generally consistent with General Plan policies related to the protection of biological resources. With avoidance of the Upper Terrace and implementation of MM HAZ-2 through MM HAZ-5 and MM TRANS-19 through MM TRANS-21, potential land use impacts would be substantially reduced; however, as noted above (see Impact HAZ-1), the impact would be significant and unavoidable. Despite other mitigation to reduce impacts related to aesthetics and cultural resources, implementation of a General Plan Amendment to Hillside Policy 6.4.7, Hillside Planning Areas, and development and operation of portions of the Project above the 150-foot elevation would result in substantial impacts associated with inconsistency with City policy related to the protection of aesthetics and avoidance of wildfire hazards. Mitigation would also not avoid the significant loss of historic resources associated with the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district. The City finds that since implementation of feasible mitigation measures would not fully mitigate potential impacts resulting from development above the 150-foot elevation and loss of historical resources, mitigation would not ensure consistency with applicable policies of the City’s General Plan in a manner that would ensure potential policy conflicts would be less than significant. Impacts related to land use policy consistency would be significant and unavoidable. 2. Cumulative Land Use and Planning Impacts: The Project is one of many planned and/or proposed residential and commercial developments in undeveloped open or agricultural lands along edges of the City, such as the San Luis Ranch Specific Plan and Avila Ranch Development projects. Construction of the Project would incrementally contribute to the trend of conversion of the southern end of the City from undeveloped agricultural land and open lands to developed urban uses, with resultant losses of open space and habitats, increases in impervious surfaces, night lighting, noise, and traffic that accompany such development. The Project, in combination with planned buildout of the City’s General Plan and implementation of other pending or approved cumulative development within the City, would continue to incrementally contribute to the loss of biological and historical resources and inconsistency with City General Plan policies relating to biological, aesthetic, wildfire, and historic resources (Refer to Section, Cumulative Impacts, beginning on page 3.9-68 of the Final EIR and Chapter5.0 Alternatives of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project impacts to cumulative land use and planning impacts to the maximum extent feasible. MM CR-13 has been clarified to require design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to all historic structures (not just the Main Residence), since the Project proposes multi-family development adjacent to all four relocated historic structures (not just the Main Residence). This more stringent mitigation measure will ensure potential indirect impacts to historical resources are minimized to the greatest extent feasible.MM TRANS-20 and MM TRANS-21 have been edited to remove inference to development in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as this component is no longer proposed in the FRSP. — Mitigation Measure CR-9. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional historic architect meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61) to review and comment on design and construction drawings and monitor construction to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The role of the historic architect shall include collaboration on a range of items relating to materials selection, construction methods, design of exterior and interior alterations, and monitoring of construction activities. The historic architect and Applicant shall resolve any unforeseen circumstance in a manner that conforms with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The qualified professional historic architect shall work with the Applicant team to ensure: EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 197 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 128 a. Deteriorated historic features would be repaired to the greatest extent feasible. Where features are deteriorated beyond repair, they would be replaced to exactly match the old. b. All character-defining features are retained. c. Physical treatments to historic material would use the gentlest means possible and would not damage material. d. Reconstruction would be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. e. Interpretative signage would clearly provide information regarding the history of the buildings and their reconstruction. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be published in an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. — Mitigation Measure CR-10. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional photographer to prepare Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II documentation and investigate additional applicable surveys (e.g. oral histories, LIDAR, and/or photogrammetry). This documentation shall record the existing appearance of all seven contributing buildings in large and medium format HABS photographs. HABS Level II documentation shall pertain to the entire Froom Ranch Dairy complex so that functional relationships between the buildings can be documented. All documentation components shall be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (HABS standards). The photographs shall consist primarily of large format, 4-inch by 5-inch, black and white negatives (one set), contact prints (one set) and 8-inch by 10-inch prints (two sets), archivally processed and printed on fiber-based paper. The set of original negatives shall be made at the time the photographs are taken. The original, archivally-sound negatives and prints shall be and distributed as follows: (1) the Library of Congress in Washington, DC through the National Park Service (one set of negatives and contact prints). — Mitigation Measure CR-11. The Applicant shall work with the City to develop an interpretive project that documents the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by means of a pamphlet and/or additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), subject to approval by the City. This interpretive project will highlight the former Froom Ranch Dairy, both primary and secondary contributors, in a social (Froom family) and industrial (dairy industry) context, with an emphasis on how these buildings were used on the dairy farm, and how this property relates to the larger dairy farm context in San Luis Obispo, the Central Coast, and California. Five hundred copies of the pamphlet shall be published. These professionally researched, written and printed materials shall be offered at no cost through the local museums and heritage organizations, and at the trailhead park. After the initial distribution of printed brochures, digital copies shall be available. Throughout the park, interpretive signs that provide information on building history and function (extant and demolished) shall also be incorporated. — Mitigation Measure CR-12. The Applicant shall reuse original material to the greatest extent feasible in the proposed work on the contributing structures to be relocated and/or reconstructed within the proposed public park (main residence, dairy barn, creamery/house, and granary). The Applicant and historic architect shall work with the City to prepare a marketing plan to offer to the public any salvaged historic materials not used during EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 198 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 129 rehabilitation and reconstruction of the primary contributors, and demolition of the secondary contributors. As appropriate, unused or unretained historic materials will be offered to local historical societies and museums, then offered to architectural recycling before being disposed. — Mitigation Measure CR-13. The Applicant and historic architect shall prepare design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to historic structuresthe main residence. New construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that the essential form and integrity of relocated historic structures the main residence and their its setting would be unimpaired. The design guidelines and review by City Community Development Director shall ensure new construction is compatible with historic structures main residence in material, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing. — Mitigation Measure CR-14. Prior to commencement of Phase 1 construction, a City- approved qualified structural engineer and historical architect shall survey the existing foundations and other structural aspects of the main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary, and develop a preservation plan to protect the historic buildings from potential damage during construction activities. The qualified structural engineer shall identify any necessary temporary structural bracing for the historic structures to avoid damage to these resources during the duration of construction. The qualified structural engineer shall prepare a temporary historic structure stabilization plan identifying these techniques as necessary. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-2. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 199 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 130 management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-3. The FRSP shall designate smoking areas, located away from onsite fire hazards areas and within acceptable locations consistent with Chapter 8.16, Smoking Prohibition and Secondhand Smoke Control, of the City Municipal Code. Otherwise, smoking shall be prohibited onsite. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to include policies to requiring the allowed use of fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping in areas to reduce mulch/gorilla hair, which is the receptive embers, if determined appropriate by SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-4. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to:  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. — Mitigation Measure HAZ-5. The FRSP shall designate fire access routes in at least two locations from the Project site to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve on at least 12-foot wide paths, one extending from Villaggio and one from Madonna Froom Ranch. Fire access routes shall be designed to allow emergency response to wildland area in the Irish Hills to support direct access for firefighting personnel and equipment. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-19. The Project shall design and install include a landscaped median along LOVR from the terminus of the existing median at northern Project frontage to Calle Joaquin. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-20. The Project shall include an emergency access point from Villaggio’s Lower Area to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve to provide access to the existing dirt road network to fight fires in Irish Hills, specifically to Neil Havlik Way which connects to the four utility power line structures at the top of the ridgeline. This access point may be gated to ensure site security in consultation with SLOFD. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-21. The Project shall integrate access to the Project site perimeters for defending the Project site development. Specifically, these measures should address access to the wildland area immediately abutting the western boundary of Villaggio’s Lower Area. This measure shall include access from the proposed Local Road “C” to the EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 200 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 131 Irish Hills, which may include use of space between proposed buildings for firefighting vehicle access, ramps up proposed retaining walls, and similar vehicle infrastructure to maintain access to the base of the Irish Hills. b. Finding: Compared to the Draft FRSP analyzed in the Final EIR, and with implementation of MM BIO-1 through MM BIO-14, the Project would result in substantially reduced impacts to biological resources and would be generally consistent with General Plan policies related to the protection of biological resources. With implementation of MM HAZ-2 through MM HAZ-5 and MM TRANS-19 through MM TRANS-21, potential conflicts with emergency access and development adjacent to a high fire hazard area would be substantially reduced. Despite other mitigation to reduce impacts to aesthetics and cultural resources, implementation of a General Plan Amendment to Hillside Policy 6.4.7, Hillside Planning Areas, and development and operation of portions of the Project above the 150-foot elevation would result in substantial impacts associated with inconsistency with City policy related to protection of aesthetics and avoidance of wildfire hazards. Mitigation would also not avoid the significant loss of historic resources associated with the Froom Ranch Dairy complex. The City finds that since implementation of feasible mitigation measures would not fully mitigate potential Project impacts resulting from development above the 150-foot elevation and loss of historical resources, mitigation would not ensure consistency with applicable policies of the City’s General Plan in a manner that would ensure potential policy conflicts would be less than significant. Impacts related to land use policy consistency would be significant and unavoidable. F. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC 1. Impact TRANS-2: Under Existing plus Project conditions, the addition of Project traffic would exacerbate existing queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles, and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes of transportation, causing transportation deficiencies in the Project vicinity (Refer to Impact TRANS-2, beginning on page 3.13-80, and the Transportation and Traffic Section, beginning on page 5-84 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project impacts to traffic to the maximum extent feasible. MM TRANS-5 has been edited to remove inference to the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as that component is no longer proposed by the FRSP. The requirements of MM TRANS-5 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure AQ-6. The Applicant shall revise the FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce the Project’s operational, mobile-source emissions, and VMT to the maximum extent feasible, including, but not limited to the following:  Rideshare and Employee Ridership Programs: The FRSP shall be amended to include measures for encouraging and incentivizing residents and employees of the proposed development participate in the San Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare program.  Senior Shuttle Service: Villaggio shall provide clean fuel shuttle services and shall provide sufficient onsite electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support the services. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure included to meet requirements for personal vehicles may not be used to fulfill this requirement.  All Electric Small Vehicles: The FRSP shall require all personal small vehicles (e.g., golf carts) be 100 percent electric powered. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 201 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 132  Promote Carpools, Vanpools, and Electric Vehicle (EV) Vehicles: Provide dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles in exceedance of Cal Green Tier 2 standards. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-2. The Project Applicant shall design and construct the extension of the southbound right-turn pocket at the LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection to provide a storage length of at least 150 feet. In coordination with the Applicant, the City and Caltrans shall also implement traffic signal coordination between the LOVR/Calle Joaquin intersection and adjacent U.S. 101 northbound and southbound ramps and optimize traffic signal timings at these three intersections. In addition, the Applicant shall also pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements that are required to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development at this intersection, which include extension of the southbound off-ramp through/left-turn pocket to provide a storage length of at least 320 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-3. The Project Applicant pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development project, which include the following: left turn at the South Higuera Street/Vachell Lane intersection, extension of Buckley Road from Vachell Lane to South Higuera Street, and installation of a traffic signal at Buckley Road/South Higuera Street intersection. If the Buckley Road Extension has not been completed prior to the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of alternate measures to mitigate the Project’s proportional share of intersection impacts to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Alternative measures may include installation of a center refuge on S. Higuera to allow two-stage left turns from Vachell, installation of left-turn restrictions at South Higuera/Vachell if the planned Earthwood Lane street connection between Vachell and Suburban has been completed, or signalization of the S. Higuera/Vachell intersection. Mitigation may require County coordination. If the Buckley Road Extension has not been completed prior to the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of alternate measures to mitigate the Project’s proportional share of intersection impacts to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Alternative measures may include installation of a center refuge on S. Higuera to allow two-stage left turns from Vachell, installation of left-turn restrictions at South Higuera/Vachell if the planned Earthwood Lane street connection between Vachell and Suburban has been completed, or signalization of the S. Higuera/Vachell intersection. Mitigation may require County coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-4. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include restriping of the westbound approach of the South Higuera Street/Suburban Road intersection to extend the left- and right-turn pocket storage to 250 feet. If planned improvements have not yet been completed prior to issuance of building permits for the Madonna Froom Ranch development, the Applicant shall be responsible for installation of the striping improvements. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-5. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards bicycle improvements at South Higuera/Tank Farm to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include extending the westbound bike lane on Tank Farm Road to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection and installation of a bike box (with EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 202 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 133 loop detection) to facilitate bicycle left-turn movements. Fair share contribution is satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If the planned bicycle improvements have not yet been completed prior to development of the Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-6a. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards intersection improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include installation of a second southbound left-turn lane at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If installation of dual southbound left-turn lanes has not been completed prior to Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall coordinate with the City to retime the traffic signal at South Higuera/Tank Farm to mitigate the Project’s proportional contribution to queueing impacts. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-6b. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share costs for construction of the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-7. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the intersection improvements to be constructed by the City at the South Higuera/Prado intersection, which includes installation of a second northbound left-turn lane, a second southbound left-turn lane, a second eastbound through lane, bicycle protected intersection features, traffic signal modifications, and widening of the adjacent Prado Road Creek Bridge west of South Higuera. Fair share contributions for both improvements are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-8. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right- of-way limitations or other design constraints. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-9. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA- compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right- of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 203 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 134 — Mitigation Measure TRANS-10. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards Madonna Road improvements to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development, which include installation of a Class I Multi-Use Path parallel to Madonna Road between Oceanaire Drive and the U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection. This project is in construction currently. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-11. The Project is responsible for incorporating traffic calming measures (e.g., speed humps, bulb-outs, chicanes, etc.). into the design of Local Road “A” prior to development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. Traffic calming measures shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Public Works and Fire Departments. b. Finding: The City finds that ten of the identified Existing plus Project impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level through implementation of mitigation, while impacts to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection would be significant and unavoidable. With implementation of MM TRANS-2 through -6a and MM TRANS-7 through -11, impacts under Existing plus Project conditions would be reduced to a less than significant level with mitigation. Similarly, implementation of MM AQ-6, requiring the Applicant for the Villaggio Life Community Plan to provide shuttle services for residents of Villaggio would address the demands of the proposed senior resident population on transit facilities and reduce impacts to a less than significant level with mitigation. However, implementation of MM TRANS-6b requires the completion of the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project, which cannot be ensured by this Project. Therefore, if Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project is not in place by Project occupancy, impacts would be significant and unavoidable. Roadway widening for pedestrian or bicycle circulation infrastructure along LOVR, as required per MM TRANS-8 and TRANS-9, may result in secondary impacts on biological resources. The design of the proposed improvements would result in an estimated 19,300 sf of additional pavement area extending into the Project site, resulting in an estimated 18,425 sf of disturbance to the wetlands and riparian habitat located within the existing LOVR ditch and Calle Joaquin wetlands. Based on the total area of disturbance associated with widening of LOVR to accommodate this improvement, the secondary impact to sensitive riparian and wetland habitat is estimated to be up to 25,000 sf (0.57 acre). Implementation of MM BIO-5 requiring mitigation of direct impacts to wetlands at a 3:1 ratio would reduce the significance of this secondary impact to less than significant with mitigation (see Impact BIO-3). 2. Impact TRANS-3. Under Near-Term plus Project (Scenario 2) conditions, the addition of Project traffic would exacerbate existing queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bike modes of transportation, causing transportation deficiencies in the Project vicinity (Refer to Impact TRANS-3, beginning on page 3.13-102, and the Transportation and Traffic Section, beginning on page 5-84 of the Final EIR). a. Mitigation: The following mitigation measures are required to reduce Project impacts to the maximum extent feasible. MM TRANS-5 has been edited to remove inference to the Upper Terrace of Villaggio, as that component is no longer proposed by the FRSP. The requirements of MM TRANS-5 would continue to apply to all other portions of the Project site. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-2. The Project Applicant shall design and construct the extension of the southbound right-turn pocket at the LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 204 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 135 intersection to provide a storage length of at least 150 feet. In coordination with the Applicant, the City and Caltrans shall also implement traffic signal coordination between the LOVR/Calle Joaquin intersection and adjacent U.S. 101 northbound and southbound ramps and optimize traffic signal timings at these three intersections. In addition, the Applicant shall also pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements that are required to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development at this intersection, which include extension of the southbound off-ramp through/left-turn pocket to provide a storage length of at least 320 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-5. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards bicycle improvements at South Higuera/Tank Farm to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include extending the westbound bike lane on Tank Farm Road to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection and installation of a bike box (with loop detection) to facilitate bicycle left-turn movements. Fair share contribution is satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If the planned bicycle improvements have not yet been completed prior to development of the Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-6a. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards intersection improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include installation of a second southbound left-turn lane at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If installation of dual southbound left-turn lanes has not been completed prior to Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall coordinate with the City to retime the traffic signal at South Higuera/Tank Farm to mitigate the Project’s proportional contribution to queueing impacts. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-6b. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share costs for construction of the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-7. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the intersection improvements to be constructed by the City at the South Higuera/Prado intersection, which includes installation of a second northbound left-turn lane, a second southbound left-turn lane, a second eastbound through lane, bicycle protected intersection features, traffic signal modifications, and widening of the adjacent Prado Road Creek Bridge west of South Higuera. Fair share contributions for both improvements are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-8. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right- of-way limitations or other design constraints. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 205 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 136 — Mitigation Measure TRANS-9. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA- compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right- of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-12. In coordination with the County, the Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee for costs to construct the following future improvements at the LOVR/Foothill Boulevard intersection: widen northbound approach to provide one left-turn, two through, and one right-turn lane; widen westbound approach to provide one left-turn lane, one shared through/right-turn lane, and one right-turn lane. Additional improvements include roadway striping and traffic signal modifications needed to accommodate new lane configurations. This mitigation measure requires County approval and coordination. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-13. In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signal at LOVR/Madonna to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-14. In coordination with the City, the Project Applicant shall fund any costs required to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-15. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards extension of the northbound right-turn pocket storage at the South Higuera/Tank Farm Road intersection to 230 feet. Improvements are to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch Development or as a City-led capital improvement project. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-16. In coordination with the City and Caltrans, the Project Applicant shall fund costs required to optimize traffic signal timings along the LOVR corridor between Descanso Street and the South Higuera to improve traffic coordination and operations along this roadway segment. These intersections include LOVR/Descanso, LOVR/Royal, LOVR/Laguna, LOVR/Madonna, LOVR/Froom Ranch, LOVR/Auto Park, LOVR/Calle Joaquin, LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps, LOVR/U.S. 101 northbound ramps and LOVR/S. Higuera. This requires coordination with Caltrans. — Mitigation Measure TRANS-17. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund restriping modifications at the LOVR/Madonna Road intersection to increase southbound turn pocket storage to 365 feet. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 206 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 137 — Mitigation Measure TRANS-18. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund modifications to the traffic signal at the Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive intersection to provide an eastbound right-turn overlap phase concurrent with the northbound left-turn phase. b. Findings: The City finds that eight of the identified impacts would be reduced to a less than significant level with implementation of mitigation, while seven impacts would be significant and unavoidable. With implementation of MM TRANS-2, -5, -8, -9, -13, and -14 through -18, impacts under Near-Term plus Project conditions would be reduced to a less than significant level with mitigation. However, MM TRANS-12 involves improvement of an intersection that is within County jurisdiction. Implementation of these improvements would be outside of the City’s control and cannot be ensured. If these improvements could not be agreed to with the County or could not be implemented, impacts would be significant and unavoidable. Similarly, implementation of MM TRANS-6b requires the completion of the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project, which cannot be ensured prior to occupancy of this Project. While MM TRANS-2, -6a, -13, and -15 would mitigate Project-related impacts to the maximum extent feasible, seven impacts if the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange is not in place by Project occupancy under Near-Term plus Project conditions, impacts would be significant and unavoidable. SECTION 8. FINDINGS FOR ALTERNATIVES TO THE PROPOSED PPROJECT A. INTRODUCTION As identified in Section 7 of this document, the proposed Project will cause the following significant and unavoidable environmental impacts to occur: • Impact VIS-2: Impacts to existing visual character • Cumulative Aesthetic and Visual Resource Impacts: Cumulative impacts to existing visual character • Impact AQ-2: Exceedance of APCD operational-emissions thresholds • Impact AQ-4: Inconsistency with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions • Impact AQ-5: Inconsistency with the 2001 Clean Air Plan • Cumulative Air Quality Impacts: Cumulative impacts from operational emissions, inconsistencies with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions, and inconsistencies with the 2001 Clean Air Plan from buildout of the LUCE • Cumulative Biological Resource Impacts: Cumulative impacts from conversion of agricultural and open lands to developed urban uses, resulting in losses of open space and habitats supporting sensitive and/or special-status species, and loss of wildlife corridors • Impact CR-3: Loss of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Dairy historic district • Cumulative Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources Impacts: Cumulative loss of known archaeological resources and historic structures • Impact HAZ-1: Exacerbation of wildfire risks by developing residential uses adjacent to a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone • Cumulative Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Impacts: Exacerbation of hazards from wildfire from cumulative development • Impact LU-1: Project inconsistency with City plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 207 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 138 • Cumulative Land Use and Planning Impacts: Project and potential cumulative project inconsistencies with City plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards • Impact TRANS-2: Exacerbation of queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Existing plus Project conditions • Impact TRANS-3: Exacerbation of queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Near-Term plus Project conditions Because the proposed Project will cause significant and unavoidable environmental impacts to occur as identified above, the City must consider the feasibility of any environmentally superior alternatives to the Project, as proposed. The City must evaluate whether one or more of these alternatives could substantially lessen or avoid the unavoidable significant environmental effects. As such, the environmental superiority and feasibility of each alternative to the Project is considered in this section. Specifically, this section evaluates the effectiveness of these alternatives in reducing the significant and unavoidable impacts of the proposed Project. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE ALTERNATIVES The Final EIR evaluates the following five alternatives to the Project: the Draft FRSP; a No Project Alternative; a Clustered Development Below the 150-foot Elevation Alternative (Alternative 1, Actionable Alternative); a Residential Development Alternative; and a Minimum LUCE-Compliant Alternative. 1. Draft FRSP. Under the Draft FRSP, which is the basis of the Project Description in the Final EIR, the FRSP dated July 2017 would be adopted, including General Plan Amendment, Pre-Zoning, VTTM, annexation of the site to the City, and related actions to permit construction of up to 578 residential units (39.1 acres), 100,000 square feet of commercial development (3.1 acres), 2.9 acres of public facilities (P-F-SP), and 5.6 acres of other (roads), with 59.0 acres preserved for conservation and open space (C/OS-SP) uses. Under the Draft FRSP, the Applicant would develop a larger area of the site and would separate Villaggio into two distinct areas, including a “Lower Area” within the footprint of the currently proposed Villaggio and an “Upper Terrace” consisting of an approximately 6.1-acre area within the southwest portion of the site above the 150-foot elevation line. Similar to the Project, the Draft FRSP would include realignment of Froom Creek. 2. No Project Alternative. As required by CEQA, the EIR evaluates the environmental consequences of not proceeding with the Draft FRSP. This alternative assumes that the FRSP is not adopted, no development or annexation of the site to the City would occur, and the site would remain designated for agricultural and commercial uses by the County. Under the No Project Alternative, the site would continue to be used as grazing land and as a staging and operations site for the existing construction company. There would be no disturbance to existing soils or vegetation, except for any ongoing grading permitted by the County, and no new development would occur on the site. Froom Creek would not be realigned or enhanced and no changes to existing stormwater conveyance and management systems would occur. The existing wetlands and onsite stormwater detention basin would remain. All structures associated with the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex would remain in place, would not be rebuilt or restored, and would continue to be utilized for construction business operations (offices, equipment storage, etc.). Daily vehicle trips would remain low/negligible associated with limited employee trips from the existing construction business onsite. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 208 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 139 3. Alternative 1: Clustered Development Below the 150-foot Elevation Alternative. Alternative 1 served as the basis for the currently proposed Project and would similarly include a major reconfiguration of the proposed land use plan and redesign of key Draft FRSP elements to cluster proposed land uses into a smaller development footprint, thereby reducing environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR. Alternative 1 represents an alternative largely designed by the Project Applicant with a few key changes to respond to the EIR’s impact analysis for the Draft FRSP. Alternative 1 would involve the same components of the currently proposed Project, with a few minor revisions, including alternative design of the proposed trailhead park and evaluate of additional emergency access roads to Irish Hills Plaza, to LOVR, and through the proposed stormwater detention basin area between Villaggio and Calle Joaquin. Specifically, Alternative 1 would include the following features: 1) Consistent with the 2014 General Plan LUE, all new private urban development would occur below the 150-foot elevation line. All residential land uses under Alternative 1 would be relocated to areas within the Project site that are below the 150-foot elevation line and all development within the Upper Terrace would be removed. The only development that would occur above the 150-foot elevation line would be the proposed public trailhead park containing four historic structures from within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex (the three proposed to be retained by the original Project [Main Residence, Dairy Round-Nose Barn, and Creamery/House] plus the Granary). This alternative would restrict development to roughly 30 percent of the site; 2) Development would be clustered within the Lower Area of Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch. Overall building density in developed areas of the site would increase to accommodate the same capacity for development as the Project but within a smaller area. Maximum heights of some buildings would increase by approximately one story. a. The Lower Area would remain designated R-3-SP, but development of buildings within the Lower Area would be reconfigured and some building heights and sizes would increase by one story, including the Villaggio Commons buildings and the proposed tower. b. Residential areas within Madonna Froom Ranch would be designated R-4-SP and maximum residential density would increase to 24 units per acre from 20 units per acre under the Project; 3) Emergency access would be provided via up to three different connection alternatives: 1) from the Irish Hills Plaza into Madonna Froom Ranch; 2) from LOVR to the Lower Area of Villaggio; and 3) from Calle Joaquin to the Lower Area of Villaggio through the proposed stormwater detention basin area. 4. Alternative 2: Residential Development Project Alternative. Similar to Alternative 1, Alternative 2 would include a major reconfiguration of the proposed land use plan and redesign of key Project elements, including substantially increased clustering of development within Madonna Froom Ranch and the Lower Area of Villaggio to reduce environmental impacts identified in the EIR. Alternative 2 would continue to provide a Life Plan Community and new multi-family neighborhood; however, unlike the Project and Alternative 1, Alternative 2 would eliminate commercial uses on site. Instead, Alternative 2 would support 178 multi-family residential units (four more than proposed under the Project or Alternative 1), 404 senior independent living units, 51 beds in residential health care facilities, and 3.3 acres of public parkland. Four primary features of this alternative are intended to substantially reduce identified Project impacts: 1) No commercial development (e.g., hotel, retail) would be included in the Madonna-Froom Ranch portion of this alternative; commercial uses proposed under the Project in Madonna Froom Ranch would be replaced with R-4-SP High Density Residential Uses. Resident-serving commercial EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 209 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 140 uses would continue to be developed within Villaggio to serve Villaggio residents and would be similar to those proposed under the Project (e.g., restaurants, theater); 2) Consistent with the General Plan LUE, all development would be confined to areas below the 150-foot elevation, removing all development from the Upper Terrace and restricting new development to roughly 30 percent of the site within Villaggio’s Lower Area and Madonna Froom Ranch; 3) Development of buildings within the Lower Area would be reconfigured, and some building heights and sizes increased to accommodate the same capacity for development as the Project of 404 units, 51 beds in health care units, and more than 160,000 sf of administrative and support facilities; 4) As with Alternative 1, emergency access would be provided via up to three different connection alternatives: 1) from Irish Hills Plaza into Madonna Froom Ranch; 2) from LOVR to Villaggio; and 3) from Calle Joaquin to Villaggio through the proposed stormwater detention basin area on the Mountain Brook Church easement. 5. Alternative 3: Residential Plus Business Park Land Use Alternative. Alternative 3 would be a low-build alternative with the most restricted area for development and a major redesign of key Project elements. Alternative 3 would substantially reduce the development capacity of the Project site to the minimum development allowed by the General Plan LUE. This alternative would be most closely aligned with the existing General Plan LUE performance standards and minimum development policy framework for the Project site with regard to the land use mix and allowable development levels. Alternative 3 would support 200 multiple family residential units, 50,000 sf of commercial uses and 3.0 acres of public facilities, but would not support development of a Life Plan Community. This development would be clustered in already-disturbed areas of the Project site on the northern side and below the 150-foot elevation line, which would avoid or minimize a range of environmental impacts identified in the EIR. Alternative 3 would reduce or change Project impacts through the following features: 1) Residential development would be reduced to 200 units consistent with the minimum development performance standards of the LUE SP-3, Madonna on LOVR Specific Plan Area, from 582 units and 51 beds under the Project (an approximately 65.6 percent reduction). Residential uses would be confined to 10 acres that would be developed under R-3-SP Medium- High Density zoning at a maximum density of 20 units/acre; 2) Commercial development would be reduced to 50,000 sf consistent with the minimum development performance standards of the LUE SP-3, a reduction of 50 percent from the Project, with commercial uses limited to 2.5 acres compared to 3.1 acres under the Project; 3) The Villaggio Life Plan Community would no longer be developed, thereby avoiding a range of impacts associated with biological and cultural resources (particularly in the Upper Terrace), hydrology and water quality, and fire hazards but also not maximizing housing production to address jobs housing balance issues, particularly for senior housing, consistent with City Housing goals; 4) Froom Creek would not be realigned, thereby avoiding the potential impacts and benefits associated with this major element of the Project. The existing Irish Hills stormwater detention basin system would be retained and expanded or modified to accommodate any increases in runoff under this alternative. Internal drainage and stormwater improvements to slow and infiltrate runoff into the soil within developed areas would remain similar to the Project; 5) Road improvements, including Commercial Collectors A and B would remain similar to the Project, along with required widening of LOVR, with associated impacts to riparian and wetland habitats along LOVR ditch, but no local or private roads would be needed to serve Alternative 3; 6) Consistent with the City’s General Plan, all development would be confined to areas below the 150-foot elevation; EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 210 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 141 7) Emergency access would be provided at only two different connections: 1) from the Irish Hills Plaza into Madonna Froom Ranch; and 2) from LOVR to the southern area of Madonna Froom Ranch. C. EFFECTIVENESS OF ALTERNATIVES IN AVOIDING SIGNIFICANT PROJECT IMPACTS This section evaluates the effectiveness of the alternatives in reducing the significant and unavoidable impacts. 1. Significant and Unavoidable Air Quality Impacts. The Project would result in significant and unavoidable project impacts related to operational emissions, and project and cumulative impacts related to state and local GHG reduction goals and Clean Air Plan inconsistency. Under the No Project Alternative, no development would occur, and no additional vehicle trips would be generated; therefore, air quality impacts would be substantially reduced. Under the Draft FRSP and Alternative 1, construction and operation would result in a similar level of air quality emissions; therefore, air quality impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. Under Alternative 2, vehicle trip generation would be slightly reduced due to removal of commercial development from Madonna Froom Ranch, decreasing potential air quality and GHG emission impacts compared to the Project. Although residential units would be approximately the same as under the Project, this alternative would decrease onsite commercial development, substantially reducing vehicle trips and GHGs and other air pollutant emissions associated with operations of commercial development. Additionally, the Project would continue to be required to implement mitigation measures to further reduce potential impacts to air quality. Despite substantial reductions as compared to the Project, impacts to air quality from implementation of Alternative 2 remain significant due to inability to feasibly predict reductions in long-term operational (particularly mobile-source) emissions from required mitigation. Under Alternative 3, impacts to air quality and GHG emissions would be substantially reduced as overall commercial development would be reduced by half and residential development would be reduced by 378 units as compared to the Project. Alternative 3 would reduce anticipated population increases by more than half, and corresponding reductions in vehicle trips associated with reductions in residential, commercial, and senior residential land uses. These reductions in development would also result in a decrease in emissions generated onsite. Additionally, this alternative would be required to implement applicable mitigation measures to further reduce potential impacts to air quality. As a result, impacts to air quality from construction and operation of this alternative are estimated to be lower than SLO County APCD thresholds and would no longer be considered significant. However, similar to the determination in the LUCE Update EIR, implementation of the City’s General Plan would not be consistent with the assumptions contained in the Clean Air Plan. Therefore, specific to consistency with the Clean Air Plan and potential impacts related to GHG emissions from mobile sources, it is expected Alternative 3 would result in significant and unavoidable impacts. 2. Significant and Unavoidable Biological Resource Impacts. The Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts as a result of direct and indirect loss of protected wetlands and cumulative loss of biological resources through conversion of agricultural and open lands to developed urban uses. Under the No Project Alternative, no development would occur, and the site would continue to support sensitive biological resources; therefore, impacts would be avoided. Under the Draft FRSP, development of the Upper Terrace would result in substantially greater impacts to biological resources due to the presence of highly sensitive and unique resources within that area, the mitigation of which is not considered feasible. Alternative 1 and Alternative 2 would result in similar impacts to the Project due to a similar development footprint, and significant and unavoidable impacts associated with cumulative loss of biological resources would remain; however, unlike the Project, mitigation EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 211 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 142 for redesign of Villaggio to preserve the integrity of the confluence of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and Froom Creek would be required (MM BIO-13). Cumulative impacts would remain significant and unavoidable under Alternatives 1 and 2. Alternative 3 would result in substantially reduced impacts due to avoidance of development above the 150-foot elevation line and a smaller development footprint. Reduced development onsite would minimize impacts to sensitive species, drainages, and onsite wetlands that would occur under the Project, although there is potential for sensitive species to occur within the development footprint of Alternative 3. Under Alternative 3, impacts would be reduced to less than significant with implementation of required mitigation. 3. Significant and Unavoidable Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resource Impacts. The Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts due to loss of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district. Under the No Project Alternative, the site would not be redeveloped and identified historic structures would remain in place. While the No Project Alternative would not involve the physical alteration of any onsite historic structures affecting their significance or eligibility, these historic resources would not receive the same benefits as under the Project. Eligible historic structures/resources would not be rehabilitated and preserved, nor would they be relocated outside the potential active fault zone to more geologically stable locations. Under the No Project Alternative, these resources would continue to be utilized for storage and construction business operations, with no specialized maintenance or upkeep. As such, these structures may further deteriorate and continue to be at risk of failure or collapse. Over time, the deterioration of the structures may result in a loss of integrity while remaining on site and a loss of the resource value entirely when deterioration results in removal of the structures. Retention of these structures in their current place and status would not result in any changes to the eligibility of the resources or the potential historic district in the short-term, which would less impacts compared to the Project, but in the long-term, the No Project Alternative would inevitably result in negligence of the buildings and eventual loss of eligible structures. Therefore, impacts under the No Project Alternative would be greater than the Project, and would remain significant and unavoidable. Under the Draft FRSP and Alternatives 1, 2, and 3, onsite historic structures would receive similar treatment as under the Project. Although mitigation measures would be implemented under all of these alternatives, relocation of dairy structures and the loss of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex historic district would remain significant and unavoidable. 4. Significant and Unavoidable Hazards, Hazardous Materials, and Wildfire Impacts. The Project would result in significant and unavoidable impacts associated with the individual and cumulative exacerbation of wildfire risks. The No Project Alternative would not construct new development and would avoid exacerbation of wildfire hazards, by both reducing the potential for ignition and keeping residential land uses out of high fire hazard areas at the urban wildland interface. The Draft FRSP, Alternative 1, and Alternative 2 all proposed development of residential uses directly adjacent to high fire risk areas and within the urban-wildland interface. Though Alternatives 1 and 2 would avoid development above the 150-foot elevation line, where wildfire risks are the greatest, neither of these alternatives would fully avoid or reduce significant wildfire risks, and impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. Under Alternative 3, reduction of development areas to already disturbed portions of the site in the northeast corner would reduce urban-wildland interface by approximately 75 percent, reducing defensible space requirements and increasing the distance between proposed residential units and wildfires originating from western upland areas with very high fire hazard potential. However, as under the Project, Alternative 3 would be located in an area highly susceptible to potential fire hazards, particularly at the base of the Froom Creek watershed where steep slopes and prevailing winds increase potential for a fire in the Irish Hills to move towards the site, and impacts would remain significant and unavoidable. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 212 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 143 5. Significant and Unavoidable Land Use and Planning Impacts: The Project would result in significant and unavoidable project-specific and cumulative impacts associated with potential inconsistencies with City General Plan policies adopted for the purpose of protecting aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and reducing or avoiding risks from wildfire hazards. The No Project Alternative would not result in development of the site but would result in continued discrepancies between the existing agricultural uses and the General Plan LUE intent for the area to provide substantial number of residential uses, Neighborhood Commercial or Retail Commercial uses, and preserved open space; however, the existing use would continue to be consistent with the County General Plan. This alternative would result in less than significant impacts related to consistency with General Plan LUE policies as no development would conflict with policies relating to Froom Creek, development above the 150-foot elevation contour, and development on agricultural and biologically sensitive lands. However, the City’s housing supply, particularly for senior units, would not be expanded, and conflicts with Housing Element goals for provision of such housing could potentially occur. The Draft FRSP would result in greater inconsistency with the General Plan as a result of development above the 150-foot elevation line and within areas of high biological value, for which several policies are established for the protection of such resources. Alternative 1, 2, and 3 would result in similar impacts to the Project due to proposed similar land use plans and continued inconsistency with policies adopted for the protection or preservation of historic resources and reduction of wildfire risks. 6. Significant and Unavoidable Transportation Impacts. The Project would result in project-level and cumulative transportation impacts associated with exacerbation of queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under both Existing plus Project and Near-Term plus Project conditions. Under the No Project Alternative, no development would occur; therefore, the significant and unavoidable transportation impacts would be avoided. The Draft FRSP and Alternative 1 would implement the same mitigation measures identified for the Project, but would result the same impacts due to a similar number of trips and demand for multi- modal facilities generated by proposed development. Alternative 2 would generate slightly fewer trips and VMT due to the lack of proposed commercial development; however, trip generation and demand for multi-modal facilities and associated impacts would be similar to the Project. Alternative 3 would have substantially reduced impacts to transportation as compared to the Project, as the development footprint would be considerably minimized, and trips would be reduced. This alternative would reduce residential units by 65 percent and commercial square footage by 50 percent compared to the Project. This large reduction in development footprint would be significantly lower anticipated addition of trips to internal and area roadways and demand for multi-modal facilities. Therefore, impacts under Alternative 3 would be considered less than significant. D. ENVIRONMENTALLY SUPERIOR ALTERNATIVE AND FEASIBILITY OF PROJECT ALTERNATIVES 1. Finding: The Draft FRSP, which comprised Section 2.0, Project Description of the Final EIR, would result in greater physical environmental impacts and inconsistency with City policies when compared to the Project. The Draft FRSP would result in a greater development footprint compared to the Project due to development of the Upper Terrace above the 150-foot elevation line, resulting in a greater amount of grading and associated construction emissions, impacts to biological resources, and more adverse changes in views from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The originally proposed Draft FRSP would not reduce or avoid any of the significant and unavoidable impacts of the Project; however, the Draft FRSP would meet all the Project objectives. As a result, the City finds that the Draft FRSP is feasible, and would satisfy all the Project objectives, but would result in greater environmental impacts. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 213 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 144 2. Finding: The No Project Alternative is environmentally superior overall, since no development would occur within the City’s jurisdiction. However, the No Project Alternative fails to meet the City’s objectives for the Project area as well as any of the Project objectives. As a result, the City finds that the No Project Alternative would be infeasible to implement. 3. Finding: Alternative 1 would result in similar physical environmental impacts when compared to the Project. With a similar degree of residential and commercial development and development footprint, this alternative would result in similar significant and unavoidable impacts associated with operational air quality emissions, consistency with state and local GHG reduction goals, consistency with the 2001 Clean Air Plan, cumulative loss of sensitive biological resources, loss of historic structures contributing to a historic district, exacerbation of wildfire risks, inconsistency with City plans and policies, and transportation and traffic. Alternative 1 would meet all of the Project objectives. As a result, the City finds that Alternative 1 is feasible, and would satisfy all of the Project objectives, but would not reduce significant environmental impacts compared to the Project. 4. Finding: Alternative 2 would result in similar physical environmental impacts when compared to the Project. With a similar degree of residential and commercial development and development footprint, this alternative would result in similar significant and unavoidable impacts associated with operational air quality emissions, consistency with state and local GHG reduction goals, consistency with the 2001 Clean Air Plan, cumulative loss of sensitive biological resources, loss of historic structures contributing to a historic district, exacerbation of wildfire risks, inconsistency with City plans and policies, and transportation and traffic. Alternative 2 does not proposed development of commercial uses and would therefore not meet Project objectives for developing a mix of uses and providing commercial retail uses that compliment residential uses. As a result, the City finds that Alternative 2 is feasible, but would not satisfy all of the Project objectives and would not reduce significant environmental impacts compared to the Project. 5. Finding: Alternative 3 would result in less physical environmental impacts when compared to the Project. This alternative would result in a substantial reduction in the development capacity of the Project, compliant with the minimum development standards for the Project site identified in the City’s LUE. This alternative would result in less environmental impacts associated with development of the site compared to the Project, such as operational air emissions, biological resources, and transportation and traffic; however, Alternative 3 would continue to result in significant and unavoidable impacts associated with consistency with state and local GHG reduction goals, consistency with the 2001 Clean Air Plan, loss of historic structures contributing to a historic district, exacerbation of wildfire risks, and inconsistency with City plans and policies. Under Alternative 3, residential units would decrease by 378 units (65 percent) and commercial development area would decrease by 50,000 square feet (50 percent). Additionally, senior housing units would not be provided within a Life Plan Community. Froom Creek would not be realigned under Alternative 3, reducing potential impacts to noise and other affected resources; however, lack of realignment of the creek would not support restoration or improvement of the creek corridor to provide improved steelhead habitat or alleviate flood capacity constraints downstream at U.S. 101. As such, Alternative 3 would fail to meet the objectives of the Project related to these aspects. As a result, the City finds that Alternative 3 is feasible, would reduce some, but not all, significant environmental impacts compared to the Project, and would not satisfy all of the Project objectives. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 214 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 145 SECTION 9. STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS A. INTRODUCTION The Final EIR for the FRSP identifies the following significant and unavoidable impacts of the Project: 1. The Project would result in change the existing visual character of the site from a rural setting to a commercial and residential area, particularly as viewed from the Irish Hills Natural Reserve trail system, including the Froom Creek trail and the Froom Creek Connector trail, as a result of development above the 150-foot elevation line. 2. The Project, in conjunction with other cumulative development occurring within the City and urban reserve line (URL) on or adjacent to undeveloped lands would adversely affect visual resources and the natural and open space visual character along the City’s urban-rural fringe and would contribute toward creating a defined transition from the rural environment towards the south of the City to an urbanized environment. 3. Operation of the Project would generate ROG and NOx emissions in excess of established SLO APCD Tier 1 Quarterly thresholds. 4. The Project would be inconsistent with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions. 5. The Project would be inconsistent with the SLO County APCD 2001 Clean Air Plan because it would result in an increase in projected population growth that would conflict with overall land use planning principles contained in the 2001 Clean Air Plan. 6. The Project, along with cumulative development within the City and region, would generate operational emissions in excess of established SLO County APCD thresholds, conflict with state and local goals for reducing GHG emissions, and would result in inconsistencies with SLO County APCD’s 2001 Clean Air Plan as a result of exceedance of projected population growth. 7. The Project, along with cumulative development within the City and region, would result in the conversion of open space and habitat areas to developed urban uses, resulting in losses of open space and habitats supporting sensitive and/or special-status species, and loss of wildlife corridors. 8. The Project would result in the loss of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Dairy complex potential historic district. 9. The Project, along with cumulative development within the City and region, would result in the potential loss of known archaeological resources and historic structures. 10. The Project would exacerbate wildfire risks by developing residential uses adjacent to a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone at the base of the undeveloped Irish Hills and the Froom Creek watershed. 11. The Project, along with cumulative development within the City and region, would exacerbate wildfire hazards. 12. The Project would be potentially inconsistent with City land use plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards. 13. The Project, along with cumulative development within the City and region, would be potentially inconsistent with City plans and policies regarding protection of aesthetic and scenic quality, cultural resources, and wildfire hazards. 14. The Project would generate new vehicle trips and demand for multi-modal facilities that would exacerbate queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Existing plus Project conditions. 15. The Project would generate new vehicle trips and demand for multi-modal facilities that would exacerbate queuing and peak hour traffic for automobiles and poor levels of service for pedestrians and bicycle modes under Near-Term plus Project conditions. EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 215 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 146 For a project that would result in significant and unavoidable environmental impacts after consideration of feasible mitigation measures, CEQA requires that the lead agency balance the benefits of the project against the unavoidable environmental risks in determining whether to approve the project. If the benefits of the project outweigh the unavoidable impacts, those impacts may be considered acceptable (CEQA Guidelines Section 15093[a]). CEQA requires that, before adopting such a project, the lead agency adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations setting forth the reasons why the agency finds that the benefits of the project outweigh the significant environmental effects caused by the project. This statement is provided below for the Project. B. REQUIRED FINDINGS The City has incorporated all feasible mitigation measures into the Project. Although these measures will lessen the unavoidable impacts listed above, the measures will not fully avoid these impacts. The City has examined a reasonable range of alternatives to the Project and has determined that the Project is feasible, environmentally superior, and would satisfy all of the Project objectives to the same or greater extent as the Draft FRSP, the No Project Alternative, Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3. Though the Draft FRSP, No Project Alternative, Alternative 1, Alternative 2, and Alternative 3 are considered feasible, none of the proposed alternatives to the Project would reduce the significant impacts of the Project while also achieving all of the City’s Project objectives. The Project is therefore considered to be environmentally superior to the alternatives analyzed in the Final EIR. The Draft FRSP would allow a greater amount of development and physical environmental effects, resulting in greater impacts to aesthetics and visual resources, air quality, biological resources, cultural and tribal cultural resources, hazards, hazardous materials, and wildfire, and land use and planning. However, the Draft FRSP would achieve the City’s objectives for the Project. Alternative 1 and 2 would result in a similar amount of development and physical environmental effects, resulting in similar impacts as the Project. Alternative 1 would achieve the City’s objectives for the Project, but Alternative 2 would fail to achieve the City’s objectives for the Project relating to developing a mix of uses and providing commercial retail uses that compliment residential uses. Alternative 3 would result in the substantially less development and physical environmental effects, resulting in less impacts. However, Alternative 3 would fail to meet the City’s objectives for the Project relating to provision of senior residential housing, realignment of the Froom Creek channel to support restoration or improvements of steelhead habitat or alleviate flood capacity constraints downstream at U.S. 101. In preparing this Statement of Overriding Considerations, the City has balanced the benefits of the proposed Project against its unavoidable environmental risks. For the reasons specified below, the City finds that the considerations below outweigh the Project’s unavoidable environmental risks. The City further finds that each of these findings is individually sufficient to support the approval of the Project. A determination that one of more of these findings is not supported by substantial evidence shall not affect the validity of the remaining findings. 1. Provision of Residential and Commercial Uses to Implement the General Plan. The Project will develop a new multi-family residential neighborhood and senior residential community that fulfills a portion of the City’s unmet housing needs identified in the Housing Element (refer to FRSP, Table 1- 1 Project Summary and City Housing Element, Appendix B Housing Needs, Tables B-3 Regional Housing Needs Plan for the County of San Luis Obispo and B-18 Summary of Housing Needs, City of San Luis Obispo). The Project fulfills the LUE’s requirements for a Specific Plan for the site that designates sufficient land for residential uses balanced with neighborhood serving commercial uses EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 216 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 147 and recreational opportunities to provide for the convenience and enjoyment of area residents, consistent with City General Plan Land Use Element Policies 1.5, 1.11.2, 2.3.1, 3.3.1, and 8.1.5 (refer to FRSP, Table 1-1 Project Summary). 2. Provision of a Variety of Housing Types for all Income Levels. The Project will provide a variety of housing types to meet the needs of renters and buyers with a variety of income-levels, including multi-family housing and inclusionary affordable housing for residents with moderate and low income levels, consistent with General Plan Land Use Element Policy 1.11.2 and Housing Element Policies 2.3 and 2.4 (refer to FRSP, Table 1-1 Project Summary and Section 2.3 Affordable Housing). 3. Open Space and Agricultural Protection: Implementation of the Project would preserve approximately 66.2 acres of land as open space in the Upper Terrace location where biological resource values are highest (refer to FRSP Section 3.2 Natural Open Space and Figure 3-1 Site Constraints Map, and Final EIR Section 3.4 Biological Resources). 4. Protection and Restoration of Froom Creek. The Project will realign and restore sensitive biological resources within Froom Creek, improving the overall quality of this habitat over the long term, improving flood capacity of the creek, and helping to alleviate flood capacity constraints downstream at U.S. 101 (refer to Final EIR Section 3.4 Biological Resources, and Section 3.8 Hydrology and Water Quality). 5. Provision of Park and Recreational Facilities. The Project will provide a variety of park and recreational facilities for residents of the Project site and City, such as parks, trails, pathways, a formal trailhead parking area for the Irish Hills Natural Reserve, and other recreational facilities, as well as passive recreational opportunities within open space (trail along the realigned Froom Creek and Calle Joaquin wetlands), both by constructing facilities on site and providing needed funding for enhancement of existing offsite City park and recreational facilities (refer to FRSP, Table 1-1 Project Summary, and FRSP Section 3.4 Recreation Resources, FRSP Figure 5-11 Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Network, and FRSP Section 5.5.2 Public Trails). 6. Well-Planned Neighborhood Would Reduce Per-Capita Vehicle Trips: The Project would develop a new residential neighborhood to meet the City’s housing needs and that designates sufficient land for neighborhood serving commercial uses to reduce vehicle trips and provide for the convenience of area residents (refer to FRSP Figure 1-5 Conceptual Site Plan and Table 2-1 Land Use/Zoning Summary). In addition, the FRSP encourages the use of bicycles and walking within the Project site and to adjacent commercial uses in the Irish Hills Plaza by including specific policies and development standards that will result in an internal circulation system and building designs that facilitate bike use and pedestrian access and incorporating multiple classes of bike lanes which provide critical connections in the existing bicycle network and including bike and pedestrian paths through the parks and open space areas (refer to FRSP Chapter 5, Circulation and Figure 5-1 Circulation Plan, FRSP Section 5.4 Bicycle Network, FRSP Figure 5-11 Pedestrian, Bicycle, and Transit Network, and FRSP Section 5.5 Pedestrian Network). 7. Provision of New Jobs: The Project would create new construction-related and permanent jobs in the Project area (refer to Final EIR Section 3.11 Population and Housing, pg. 3.11-19 to 3.11-22). Planned Neighborhood Commercial development would provide jobs in close proximity to housing (see FRSP Figure 2-1 Zoning/Land Use Map), consistent with Community Goal 34 in the General Plan Land Use Element and Land Use Element Policy 1.5, which states that the gap between housing demand and supply should not increase (refer to Final EIR Section 3.11 Population and Housing, pg. 3.11-22). EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 217 Findings of Fact and Statement of Overriding Considerations Froom Ranch Specific Plan City of San Luis Obispo September 2020 148 8. Sales Tax: Development of neighborhood commercial uses would contribute sales tax revenues that help fund needed City services (City of San Luis Obispo website, Local Revenue Measure). 9. Implementation of the General Plan: As required by the City General Plan, the Project contains policies and standards that will facilitate appropriate development of land, protection of open space, and provision of adequate public facilities consistent with the City’s General Plan LUE and the housing and transportation objectives (refer to FRSP, including Chapter 8 Public Facilities Financing). Accordingly, the City finds that the Project’s adverse, unavoidable environmental impacts are outweighed by these considerable benefits. Dated: ___________, 2020 Heidi Harmon Mayor, City of San Luis Obispo EXHIBIT AItem 2 Packet Page 218 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Froom Ranch Specific Plan 1 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM PURPOSE This Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) provides a summary of each mitigation measure for the proposed Froom Ranch Specific Plan (Specific Plan; Project) and the monitoring implementation responsibility for each measure. The MMRP for the Specific Plan will be in place through all phases of the Project, including design, construction, and operation. RESPONSIBILITIES The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires the adoption of feasible mitigation measures to reduce the severity and magnitude of potentially significant environmental impacts associated with Project development. State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(d) states: When making the findings required in subdivision (a)(1), the agency shall also adopt a program for reporting on or monitoring the changes which it has either required in the project or made a condition of approval to avoid or substantially lessen significant environmental effects. These measures must be enforceable through permit conditions, agreements, or other measures. The City of San Luis Obispo (City) will act as the lead agency and approve a program for reporting or monitoring of the approved mitigation measures for this Project to ensure that the adopted mitigation measures are implemented as defined in the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Project. For each MMRP activity, the Applicant will either administer the activity or delegate it to staff, consultants, or contractors. The Applicant will ensure that monitoring is documented and provided to the City as required and that deficiencies are promptly corrected. The designated environmental monitor depending on the provision specified below (e.g., City staff, environmental monitor, certified professionals, etc.) will track and document compliance with mitigation measures, note any problems that may result, and take appropriate action to remedy problems. The City or its designee(s) will ensure that each person delegated any duties or responsibilities is qualified to monitor compliance. EXHIBIT BItem 2 Packet Page 219 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM 2 Froom Ranch Specific Plan MONITORING PROCEDURES Many of the monitoring procedures will be conducted during the construction phase of the Project. The City or its designee(s) and the environmental monitor(s) are responsible for integrating the mitigation monitoring procedures into the construction process in coordination with the Applicant. To oversee the monitoring procedures and to ensure success, the environmental monitor assigned to a monitoring action must be onsite during the applicable portion of construction that has the potential to create a significant environmental impact or other impact for which mitigation is required. The environmental monitor is responsible for ensuring that all procedures specified in the monitoring program are followed. MONITORING TABLE For each mitigation measure, Table 1 identifies 1) the full text of the mitigation; 2) plan requirements and applicable timing; and 3) how the action will be monitored and the agency responsible for verifying compliance. EXHIBIT BItem 2 Packet Page 220 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Froom Ranch Specific Plan 3 Table 1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring Aesthetics and Visual Resources MM VIS-1. Landscape Screening Guidelines. The Draft Froom Ranch Specific Plan (FRSP) shall be revised to include the following Landscape Screening Guidelines to provide effective screening of proposed structural massing as experienced from public views along Los Osos Valley Road (LOVR) and the LOVR Overpass. The Project landscape plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape architect and include the following: 1. Maximize protection of existing vegetation along the Project site boundary to provide visual screening during Project construction and operation. 2. Retain existing vegetation fronting the Project site along LOVR to the greatest extent feasible to screen construction activities. 3. Specify a plant palette and landscape plan that ensure a vegetated site boundary of sufficient height and density to provide visual screening of the proposed development from public views. Robust riparian planting shall be included in landscape plans to achieve visual screening along the proposed realigned Froom Creek. 4. Native tree specimens and shrubs capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of the adjacent proposed structures shall be planted along Project site boundaries visible from public views. 5. Screening planting specimen selection and location shall emphasize the ability to interrupt the contiguous massing of structures as experienced from area roadways and scenic vistas. Spacing shall be sufficient to minimize views of structures within the Project site. 6. Screening planting specimen selection shall emphasize the ability of planting species to effectively establish and thrive over the life of the Project, such that smaller sizes shall be considered rather than exclusively larger box sizes. Planting establishment rates shall be considered but shall not preclude the use of slower-growing species, such as coast valley oak and willows. 7. Native tree specimens capable of reaching or exceeding the heights of adjacent structures shall be planted adjacent to multi-family and commercial structures located within the interior of the Specific Plan area consistent with the specifications above. 8. A bond for screening landscaping and irrigation shall be provided to ensure establishment of plantings. The bond shall be revoked upon satisfactory establishment of screen planting vegetation according to the plan. The Specific Plan Landscape Screening Guidelines and landscape bond shall be reviewed and approved by the City Community Development Department prior to vesting tract map recordation. Landscape plantings, including irrigation, outside of building sites shall be in place prior to issuance of building permits for each phase of the Project. Landscape plantings, including irrigation, within buildings sites shall be in place prior to occupancy for each phase. A landscape architect approved by the City shall provide verification of landscaping establishment pursuant to the Screening Plan to the City’s Community Development Department for review and approval prior to relinquishment of the bond. The City Community Development Department shall review and approve the Specific Plan Landscape Screening Guidelines. The Applicant shall ensure that all landscape planting and irrigation are in place and shall prepare a memo verifying condition compliance. The City Community Development Department shall review and approve the landscaping establishment bond letter. Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions MM AQ-1. Construction Activity Management Plan. A Construction Activity Management Plan (CAMP) shall be included as part of Project grading and building The CAMP shall be submitted to SLO County APCD and to the City for review City staff shall ensure measures are depicted on the CAMP and all submitted EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 221 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 4 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring plans and shall be submitted to SLO County APCD and to the City for review and approval prior to the start of construction. The plan shall include but not be limited to the following elements: 1. A Dust Control Management Plan that encompasses the following dust control measures:  Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible;  Water trucks or sprinkler trucks shall be used during construction to keep all areas of vehicle movement damp enough to prevent dust from leaving the site and from exceeding the APCD’s limit of 20 percent opacity for greater than 3 minutes in any 60-minute period. At a minimum, this would require twice-daily applications. Increased watering frequency would be required when wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour (mph). Reclaimed water or the onsite water well (non-potable) shall be used when possible. The contractor or builder shall consider the use of a SLO County APCD-approved dust suppressant where feasible to reduce the amount of water used for dust control;  All dirt stock-pile areas shall be sprayed daily as needed;  Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved Project revegetation and landscape plans of any development within the Specific Plan area should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil disturbing activities;  Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating native grass seed and watered until vegetation is established;  All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by SLO County APCD;  All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used;  Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved surface at the construction site;  All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or shall maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114;  Designate access points and require all employees, subconsultants, and others to use them. Install and operate a “track-out prevention device” where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto paved streets. The track-out prevention device can be any device or combination of devices that are and City approval prior to issuance of grading and construction permits and recordation of the final VTM. All required fugitive dust and emissions control measures shall be noted on all grading and building plans and all construction activities shall adhere to measures throughout all grading, hauling, and construction activities. The contractor or builder shall provide the City Community Development Director and SLO County APCD with the name and contact information for an assigned onsite dust and emissions control monitor(s) who has the responsibility to: a) assure all dust control requirements are complied with including those covering weekends and holidays, b) order increased watering as necessary to prevent transport of dust offsite, and c) attend the pre-construction meeting. The dust monitor shall be designated prior to grading permit issuance for each Project phase. The dust control components apply from the beginning of any grading or construction throughout all development activities until occupancy is issued and landscaping is successfully installed. grading and construction plans for each Project phase. The Applicant shall be responsible for compliance during construction activities, including holidays or weekends when work may not be in progress. City grading and building inspectors shall spot check and ensure compliance onsite. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 222 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 5 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring effective at preventing track-out, located at the point of intersection of any unpaved area and a paved road. If utilized, rumble strips or steel plate devices shall be cleaned periodically. If paved roadways accumulate tracked-out soils, the track-out prevention device shall be modified or replaced to prevent track-out;  Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible;  All of these fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading and building plans; and  The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust control emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below 20 percent opacity, and to prevent transport of dust offsite. Their duties shall include holiday and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to SLO County APCD Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork or demolition. 2. Implementation of the following BACT for diesel-fueled construction equipment. The BACT measures shall include:  Use of at least Tier 3 off-road equipment and 2010 on-road compliant engines;  Repowering equipment with the cleanest engines available; and  Installing California Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies. 3. Implementation of the following standard air quality measures to minimize diesel emissions:  Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according to manufacturer’s specifications;  Fuel all off-road and portable diesel-powered equipment with CARB-certified motor vehicle diesel fuel (non-taxed version suitable for use off-road).  Use on-road heavy-duty trucks that meet the CARB’s 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on-road heavy-duty diesel engines and comply with the State On-Road Regulation;  Construction or trucking companies with fleets that do not have engines in their fleet that meet the engine standards identified in the above two measures (e.g. captive or NOx exempt area fleets) may be eligible by proving alternative compliance; EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 223 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 6 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  On- and off-road diesel equipment shall not be allowed to idle for more than five minutes. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas to remind drivers and operators of the five-minute idling limit;  Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted;  Staging and queing areas shall not be loated within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors;  Electrify equipment when feasible;  Substitute gasoline-powered in place of diesel-powered equipment, where feasible; and,  Use alternatively fueled construction equipment onsite where feasible, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane or biodiesel. 4. Tabulation of on- and off-road construction equipment (age, horse-power, and miles and/or hours of operation); 5. Schedule construction truck trips during non-peak hours (as determined by the Public Works Director) to reduce peak hour emissions; and 6. Limit the length of the construction work-day period to 8 hours max. MM AQ-2. Application of Low or Zero VOC Paints. To reduce ROG and NOx levels during the architectural coating phase, low or no Volatile Organic Compound (VOC)-emission paint shall be used with levels of 50 grams per liter (g/L) or less (Odorless, Zero VOC Paint). The schedule for architectural coatings application shall be extended, limiting the daily coating activity to a level determined acceptable by SLO County APCD. The Applicant shall verify the measures through written documentation submitted to the City and SLO County APCD for review and approval. Measures shall be indicated on all building and construction plans and submitted to SLO County APCD and to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of building permits and recordation of the final VTM. City shall verify measures with the Applicant and SLO County APCD. City staff shall ensure measures are depicted on all building and construction plans. City building inspectors shall perform site inspections to ensure compliance. MM AQ-3. Offsite ROG and NOx Emissions Reductions. If required, an offsite mitigation strategy shall be developed and agreed upon by the Applicant, City, and SLO County APCD at least three months prior to the issuance of grading permits. Offsite mitigation strategies may be in the form of cash payment, circulation improvements above the Project’s fair share, or funding for ongoing transit improvements. The Applicant may provide appropriate funding necessary to offset the Project’s residual construction-related ROG+NOx emissions beyond SLO County APCD’s daily threshold; in the event funding is required, it shall be provided at least two months prior to the start of construction to help facilitate emission offsets that are as real-time as possible. If required, cash payment of offsite mitigation fees shall be calculated based on the most current ARB-approved Carl Moyer Guidelines at the time of commencement of each Project phase. Offsite mitigation strategies shall include one or more of the following: The Applicant shall prepare and submit the offsite mitigation strategy to SLO County APCD for review and to the City for approval at least three months prior to the issuance of grading permits for Phase 1 construction. The Applicant shall provide any necessary funding to SLO County APCD at least two months prior to the start of construction. SLO County APCD and City staff shall ensure offsite mitigation measures are appropriate. If the Applicant elects to pay mitigation fees, SLO County APCD shall verify the receipt of funding to the City. If the Applicant elects to provide improvements, proposed improvements shall be reviewed by the City and SLO County APCD and approved by the City prior to implementation. City and SLO County APCD staff shall monitor proposed improvements to ensure compliance. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 224 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 7 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  Develop or improve park-and-ride lots;  Fund a program to buy and scrap older, higher emission passenger and heavy-duty vehicles;  Retrofit or repower heavy-duty construction equipment, or on-road vehicles;  Subsidize vanpool programs;  Contribute to funding of new bike lanes;  Replace/repower San Luis Obispo Regional Transit Authority (SLORTA) transit buses;  Purchase Verified Diesel Emission Control Strategies (VDECS) for transit buses or construction fleets; and  Fund expansion of existing SLORTA transit services. MM AQ-4. SLO County APCD ROG and NOx Emissions Reduction Strategies. Consistent with standard mitigation measures set forth by SLO County APCD, Projects generating more than 50 lbs/day of combined ROG + NOx shall implement all feasible measures within Table 3-5 of the Air Quality Handbook. The following mitigation measures shall apply to the Project (see following table). The Applicant shall include the mitigation measures in Table 3-5 of the 2012 SLO County APCD CEQA Air Quality Handbook (as amended by the 2017 Clarification Memorandum), as indicated in the column “How the Project Will Include This Measure” in Table 3.3-9, above. All feasible standard mitigation measures shall be included in the FRSP prior to approval of the final FRSP and these measures shall also be included on the final VTM prior to recordation. City staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the FRSP, final VTM, and building plans prior to permit issuance. City staff shall ensure measures are listed on final plans submitted for review and approval by the City. City staff shall work with the Applicant to ensure that these strategies are implemented. The City shall conduct periodic site visits to ensure compliance, in consultation with the SLO County APCD. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 225 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 8 Froom Ranch Specific Plan SLO County APCD ROG and NOx Emissions Reduction Strategies per Table 3-5 of the CEQA Air Quality Handbook Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure 1 R SD Install gas or electric fireplace in place of U.S. EPA-certified Tier 2 residential wood burning appliances. GHG, O, P D The Project does not propose any wood burning appliances. If fireplaces are proposed, they shall be electric. 2 C, R SD, T Design and build high-density, compact development within the urban core or URL to encourage alternative transportation (walk, bike, bus, etc.). GHG, O, P D The Project would include residential and commercial development within the URL and would provide access to transit and non-vehicular transportation; however, the Project site lies on the southern edge of the City and is not located within an urban core area. To encourage alternative transportation, the Project shall provide a range of transit options and incentives to employees and residents of Villaggio, and commercial and residential developments within Madonna Froom. 3 C, I, R SD, T Provide a pedestrian-friendly and interconnected streetscape with good access to/from the development for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users to make alternative transportation more convenient, comfortable and safe (may include: appropriate signalization and signage; safe routes to school; linking cul-de-sacs and dead ends; orienting buildings towards streets with automobile parking in the rear, etc.). GHG, O, P D The Draft FRSP includes guidelines for incorporating pedestrian walkways, outdoor seating, and landscape areas where possible. Public commercial collector roads shall be connected to adjacent development to allow pedestrian and bicyclist access, and public pedestrian trails will connect public roads to the existing trail system in the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. 4 C, I, R SD, T Provide shade over 50 % of parking spaces to reduce evaporative emissions from parked vehicles. O D Shade trees in surface parking areas are to be provided as part of the Project per City requirement. The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require shade over a minimum of 50 % of proposed parking spaces. 5 C, I, R SD, T Reduce fugitive dust from roads and parking areas with the use of paving or other materials. P D No unpaved roads, driveways, or parking areas are proposed as part of the Project. 6 C, I, R SD, T Implement driveway design standards (e.g., speed bumps, curved driveway) for self-enforcement of P D The City has a requirement that the design speeds in local and collector roads not exceed 25 mph. Bulb-outs, traffic circles, chicanes, and other EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 226 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 9 Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure reduced speed limits on unpaved driveways. features are also included in the Project. There are no unpaved roads or driveways in the development. 7 C, I, R SD, T Use an APCD-approved suppressant on private unpaved roads leading to the site, unpaved driveways and parking areas, applied at a rate and frequency that ensure compliance with APCD Rule 401: Visible Emissions, and ensures offsite nuisance impacts do not occur. P O No unpaved roads, driveways, or parking areas are proposed as part of the Project. 8 C, I, R SD, T Incorporate traffic calming modifications to Project roads to reduce vehicle speeds and increase pedestrian and bicycle usage and safety. GHG, O, P D City has a requirement that the design speeds in local and collector roads not exceed 25 mph. Bulb-outs, traffic circles, chicanes, and other features are included. 9 C, I, R SD, T Work with SLOCOG to create, improve, or expand a nearby ‘Park-and-Ride’ lot with car parking and bike lockers in proportion to the size of the Project. GHG, O, P D In coordination with the City and SLOCOG, the Project Applicant shall fund and install an EV charging station at the nearby Calle Joaquin Park & Ride Lot. If station has not been installed prior to Project occupancy, and if approved by the City Community Development Director, the Applicant my provide a fair share mitigation payment to the City not to exceed $75,000 for installation of the EV charging station by the City or others. 10 C SD, T Implement onsite circulation design elements in parking lots to reduce vehicle queuing and improve the pedestrian environment. GHG, O, P D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require onsite circulation design in parking lots to reduce vehicle queueing and improve the pedestrian environment. 11 C, I SD, T Provide employee lockers and showers to promote bicycle and pedestrian use. One shower and five lockers for every 25 employees is recommended. GHG, O, P D The City’s Zoning Ordinance requires showers and lockers based on the square-footage of each land use. The Project would be consistent with the intent of this measure through consistency with the City’s Zoning Regulations. 12 C, I, R SD, T Increase bicycle accessibility and safety in the vicinity of the Project; for example: provide interconnected bicycle routes/lanes or construction of bikeways. GHG, O, P D The Project includes a number of improvements to pedestrian and bicyclist environment, including those required in MM TRANS-5, -8, -9, and -10. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 227 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 10 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure 13 C, I, R SD, T Exceed Cal Green standards by 25 % for providing onsite bicycle parking: both short-term racks and long-term lockers, or a locked room with standard racks and access limited to bicyclists only. GHG, O, P D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require onsite bicycle parking consistent with 2019 Cal Green Section 5.106.4, A4 106.9, A5 106.4.3m and Table A5 106.4.3 (or the Cal Green standards in effect at the time of adoption of the Specific Plan), and the City Zoning Regulations. 14 C, I, R SD, T Develop recreational facility (e.g., parks, trails, gym, pool, etc.) within 0.25 mile from site. GHG, O, P D The Project includes development of various facilities to meet the recreational needs of the residents of Villaggio. The Project also includes the development of a 2.9-acre neighborhood park within the Project site. 15 C, I, R SD, T If the project is located on an established transit route, provide improved public transit amenities (e.g., covered transit turnouts, direct pedestrian access, bicycle racks, covered bench, smart signage, route information displays, lighting, etc.). GHG, O, P D The Project site is located along LOVR and residential development is less than 0.25 mile from bus stops for Transit Line 2A and the Laguna Tripper. The Project would include installation of a new transit stop for these routes to improve public transit amenities and access. 16 C, I, R T Provide bicycle-share program for development. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall work with Public Works to amend the Draft FRSP to identify the location of a hub/node of the City’s bicycle share network at the Project site. The location of the hub/node site shall be developed/preserved to allow the development of such a hub/node in the future. 17 C, I T Require 15 % of fleet vehicles to be zero emission vehicles. DPM, GHG, O O The Project proposes uses that could include the use of fleet vehicles and/or shuttles (i.e. hotel/airport shuttle). The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require the use of zero emission vehicles for all proposed fleet, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles for the Villaggio Life Plan Community and to provide the sufficient electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support it, in addition to the chargers required for private vehicles. The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for fleet, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles within the commercially zoned areas of the Specific Plan. 18 C, I T Project includes alternative fuel fleet vehicle(s). DPM, GHG, O O The Project proposes uses that could include the use of fleet vehicles and/or shuttles (i.e. hotel/airport EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 228 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 11 Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure shuttle). The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require the use of alternative fuel fleet, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles for the Villaggio Life Plan Community and to provide the sufficient electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support it, in addition to the chargers required for private vehicles. The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require the provision of electric vehicle charging infrastructure for fleet, shuttle, or group-transport vehicles within the commercially zoned areas of the Specific Plan. 19 C, I, R T Provide neighborhood EV/car-share program for the development. GHG, O O The City has consulted with car share programs in other areas and researched the requirements of such a program, and have determined that a car share program is not feasible for this Project. 20 C, I, R T Provide dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and/or high-efficiency vehicles to meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to require the provision of dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles that meet Cal Green Tier 2 standards. 21 C, I T Provide vanpool, shuttle, mini bus service (alternative fueled preferred). GHG, O, P O The Applicant or developer of the FRSP shall promote carpool, vanpool, shuttle, and EV vehicles. See also MM AQ-6. 22 C, I, R T Work with SLO Regional Rideshare to educate occupants with alternative transportation and smart commute information (e.g., transportation board, electronic kiosk, new hire packets, web portal, newsletters, social media, etc.). GHG, O, P O The FRSP shall be amended to include measures for encouraging and incentivizing residents and employees of the proposed development to participate in the San Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare program. See also MM AQ-6. 23 C, I T Provide child care facility onsite. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include policies that allow for the provision of child care facilities onsite. 24 C, I T Implement programs to reduce employee vehicle miles traveled (e.g. incentives, SLO Regional Rideshare trip reduction program, vanpools, onsite employee housing, alternative schedules (e.g., 9–80, 4–GHG, O, P O The Project is required to implement mitigation programs and strategies to reduce employee VMT and mobile-source emissions at commercial uses. Refer to MM TRANS-5, -8, -9, -10, MM AQ-6. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 229 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 12 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure 10, telecommuting, satellite work sites etc.). 25 C, I T Provide a lunchtime shuttle to reduce single occupant vehicle trips and/or coordinate regular food truck visits. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include policies for provision of lunchtime shuttles to the Project site to reduce trips associated with onsite commercial businesses, as feasible. 26 C T Provide delivery service in clean fueled vehicles. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to provide the electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support clean fueled vehicles for commercial uses, in addition to the chargers required for private vehicles. 27 C T At community event centers (i.e., amphitheaters, theaters, and stadiums), provide free valet bicycle parking. GHG, O, P O The Project does not propose development of any community event centers or other communal gathering areas. 28 C, I T Implement a “No Idling” vehicle program which includes signage, enforcement, etc. DPM, GHG, O O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs and policies requiring implementation of a “No Idling” vehicle program for commercial development which shall include standards for signage. 29 R T Provide free-access telework terminals and/or wi-fi access in multi-family projects. GHG, O, P O The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs and policies requiring provision of free-access telework terminals and/or wi-fi access in multi-family developments where an indoor common area is proposed. 30 C, I T Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for providing EV charging infrastructure. GHG, O, P D The FSRP includes Program 4.7.2f, which states that individual garages are to be electric vehicle (EV) ready and shared parking areas for apartments shall incorporate EV charging stations. In addition, compliance with City Zoning Regulations or Cal Green Tier 2 standards regarding EV parking spaces (whichever is greater at the time of building permit submittal) shall be required. 31 C, I T Install 1 or more level 2 or better EV charging stations. GHG, O, P D The Draft FRSP includes Program 4.7.2f, which states that individual garages are to be “EV -ready” and shared parking areas for apartments shall incorporate EV charging stations. In addition, compliance with City Zoning Regulations EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 230 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 13 Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure regarding EV parking spaces shall be required. All electric vehicle chargers shall be, at a minimum, level 2 chargers. 32 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 1 standards for building energy efficiency. GHG, O D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs and policies for ensuring new development, at a minimum, meets or exceeds Cal Green Tier 1 standards for building efficiency. 33 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for building energy efficiency. GHG, O D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs and policies for ensuring new development, at a minimum, meets or exceeds Cal Green Tier 1 standards for building efficiency. 34 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for utilizing recycled content materials. GHG D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP Program 4.7.4a to encourage, at a minimum, use of recycled content materials consistent with Cal Green Tier 2 standards. 35 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for reducing cement use in concrete mix as allowed by local ordinance and conditions. GHG D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include a policy for encouraging construction of the Project, at a minimum, meets Cal Green Tier 2 standards for reducing cement use in concrete mix, as allowed by local ordinance and conditions. Recipe for cement mix shall be verified by the City prior to Project construction and subject to inspection by City permit compliance staff. 36 C, I, R EE All built-in appliances shall be Energy Star certified or equivalent. GHG D The Draft FRSP includes Program 4.7.4a, which requires that all new residential units shall incorporate high-efficiency Energy Star compliant appliances. 37 C, I, R EE Utilize onsite renewable energy systems (e.g., solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and/or bio-gas) to offset at least 10 % of energy use. GHG D The Project is required to comply with MM AQ-5, requiring the Draft FRSP be amended to include measures necessary to reduce Project operational stationary-source emissions, including utilization of 100 % carbon-free energy. 38 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for the use of greywater, rainwater or recycled water. GHG D The Project includes the use of recycled water for public landscaping in parks, landscaped buffers, the commercial mixed-use area, and common outdoor areas in multi-family residential projects. Commercial mixed-use and multi-family development projects will include reclaimed water EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 231 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 14 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Measure # Land Use1 Measure Type2 Mitigation Measure Pollutant Reduced3 Phase4 How the Project Will Include This Measure irrigation systems in their landscaping plans. Any irrigation needed to establish or maintain vegetation in the stormwater detention and riparian enhancement areas would also be required to use recycled water, consistent with the intent of this policy. 39 C, I, R EE Provide and require the use of battery powered or electric landscape maintenance equipment for new development. GHG, O D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include requirements for outdoor plugs for electric powered landscape equipment and programs or policies requiring contracted landscaping companies to use battery powered or electric landscape maintenance equipment. 40 C, I, R EE Meet or exceed Cal Green Tier 2 standards for using shading, trees, plants, cool roofs, etc. to reduce “heat island” effect. GHG D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs or policies requiring the use of shading, trees, plants, cool roofs, and/or other measures to reduce “heat island” effect, which at a minimum, meets Cal Green Tier 1 standards. 41 C, I, R EE Design roof trusses to handle dead weight loads of standard solar-heated water and photovoltaic panels. GHG, O D The Applicant shall amend the Draft FRSP to include programs and policies requiring the design of roof trusses to handle dead weight loads of standard solar-heated water and photovoltaic panels. This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park. 1 Land Use: C = Commercial; I = Industrial; R = Residential 2 Measure Type: SD = site design; T = transportation; EE = energy efficiency 3 Pollutant Reduced: DPM = diesel particulate matter; GHG = greenhouse gas; O = ozone; P = particulate 4 Phase: D = design; O = operational EV – Electric Vehicle SLOCOG - San Luis Obispo Council of Governments EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 232 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 15 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM AQ-5. Net-Zero GHG Emissions Strategies. The Applicant shall revise the Draft FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce Project operational stationary-source GHG emissions to achieve net zero emissions, consistent with the City’s 2035 net-zero GHG emissions target. These measures shall include Best Available Mitigation strategies for reducing operational emissions, including but not limited to the following:  Electricity shall be the only energy source for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to space conditioning, water heating, illumination, cooking appliances, and plug loads (exemptions to this requirement shall be limited to appliances in commercial kitchens, emergency backup generators, and medial end-uses that have no viable electric alternative).  Electrical power for the entirety of Project operations including but not limited to illumination, heating, cooling, and ventilation shall be provided by alternative or carbon-free energy sources according to the following priority: 1) on-grid power with 100-percent renewable or carbon-free source (a planned product of Monterey Bay Community Power available to the City in 2020), or 2) a combination of grid power and on site renewable generation to achieve annual zero net electrical energy usage, or 3) purchase of carbon offsets of any portion of power not from renewable or carbon-free sources. As a first priority, carbon-free sourced energy shall be purchased from Monterey Bay Community Power.  For new buildings, onsite solar photovoltaic systems shall be required, and retrofitted buildings shall be encouraged to install onsite solar photovoltaic systems to offset energy demand, regardless of building size. At a minimum, for nonresidential, mixed-use, and mid-rise residential buildings, a solar photovoltaic system shall fill the entirety of the Solar Zone (as defined in Section 110.10 and specified in Joint Appendix JA1 of the 2019 California Energy Code). This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park.  All proposed commercial and health care facilities shall exceed the minimum standards of Title 24, Part 11 (Cal Green) by adopting all or some elements of Cal Green Tier 1 and/or 2 voluntary elective measures to increase energy efficiency in new buildings, remodels and additions. These measures shall prioritize upgrading lighting (e.g., using light-emitting diode [LED] lights), heating and cooling systems, appliances, equipment and control systems to be more energy efficient. This requirement shall not apply to historic structures within the Froom Ranch Dairy Complex to be relocated to the proposed trailhead park. The Applicant shall include the above measure in the Final FRSP prior to approval and shall include the above measure on the final VTM prior to recordation. Plans submitted for building permits shall incorporate Best Management Strategies, and for the selected Best Management Strategies, the Applicant shall work with City and SLO County APCD staff to calculate estimated stationary-source emissions to ensure achievement of net-zero stationary source operational emissions for the Project. City and SLO County APCD staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the FRSP, final VTM, and building plans prior to permit issuance. City staff shall ensure measures are listed on final plans submitted for review and approval by the City. City and SLO County APCD staff shall work with the Applicant to ensure that these strategies are implemented. The City shall verify compliance in consultation with the SLO County APCD. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 233 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 16 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM AQ-6. GHG Emissions Reduction Best Management Practices. The Applicant shall revise the FRSP to include measures necessary to reduce the Project’s operational, mobile-source emissions, and VMT to the maximum extent feasible, including, but not limited to the following:  Rideshare and Employee Ridership Programs: The FRSP shall be amended to include measures for encouraging and incentivizing residents and employees of the proposed development participate in the San Luis Obispo Regional Rideshare program.  Senior Shuttle Service: Villaggio shall provide clean fuel shuttle services and shall provide sufficient onsite electric vehicle charging infrastructure to support the services. Electric vehicle charging infrastructure included to meet requirements for personal vehicles may not be used to fulfill this requirement.  All Electric Small Vehicles: The FRSP shall require all personal small vehicles (e.g., golf carts) be 100 percent electric powered.  Promote Carpools, Vanpools, and Electric Vehicle (EV) Vehicles: Provide dedicated parking for carpools, vanpools, and high-efficiency vehicles in exceedance of Cal Green Tier 2 standards. The Applicant shall include all feasible Best Management Strategies as part of the final FRSP. For the selected Best Management Strategies, the Applicant shall work with City and SLO County APCD staff to calculate estimated mobile-source emissions to ensure emissions are reduced to the maximum extent feasible as vehicles are the largest source of operational emissions, noting that vehicle emissions are regulated on a state and federal level. City and SLO County APCD staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the FRSP prior to recordation. City staff shall ensure measures are listed on the final FRSP submitted for review and approval by the City. City and SLO County APCD staff shall work with the Applicant to ensure that these strategies are implemented. The City shall verify compliance in consultation with the SLO County APCD. Biological Resources MM BIO-1. Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant shall prepare and implement a Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan that identifies both construction and operational related avoidance, reduction, and mitigation measures for impacts to sensitive natural communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include Best Management Practices (BMPs) to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources, and implementation of on and offsite habitat replacement as follows: 1) The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include the following construction-related measures and BMPs: a) Construction equipment and vehicles shall be stored at least 100 feet away from existing and proposed drainage features and adjacent riparian habitat, and all construction vehicle maintenance shall be performed in a designated offsite vehicle storage and maintenance area approved by the City. b) Prior to commencement of construction, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4 and all associated springs, seeps, and wetlands shall be protected with construction fencing located a minimum of 25 feet from the edge of the stream channel or top of bank and signed to prohibit entry of construction equipment and personnel unless authorized by the City. Fencing shall be maintained throughout the construction period for each phase of The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The plan shall incorporate any additional measures or requirements identified by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS. The Applicant shall prepare a Biological Mitigation Plan that identifies and incorporates all required measures identified in MM BIO-2 through MM BIO-12 below. The plan shall specify all mitigation site locations, timing of surveys and activities, species composition, habitat compensation, species avoidance measures, and other required information, including identification of appropriate onsite construction staging locations. The plan shall demonstrate compliance with all The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan through frequent monitoring and inspection, and receipt of quarterly monitoring reports provided by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator required per MM BIO-2. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall also ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities through routine monitoring, inspection, and reporting of restoration activities. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 234 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 17 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring development. Fencing and signage shall be removed following completion of construction. c) During any construction activities within 50 feet of the existing Froom Creek channel, realigned Froom Creek channel, LOVR ditch, Drainages 1, 2, 3, or 4, or other existing or proposed drainage features, a City-approved biological monitor shall be present and have the authority to stop or redirect work as needed to protect biological resources. d) All construction materials (e.g., fuels, chemicals, building materials) shall be stored at designated construction staging areas, which shall be located outside of designated sensitive areas. Should spills occur, or if any unanticipated hazardous materials are discovered, materials and/or contaminants shall be cleaned immediately and recycled or disposed of to the satisfaction of the RWQCB, Department of Toxic Substances Control, and/or San Luis Obispo County Public Health Environmental Services, as applicable. e) All trash and construction debris shall be properly disposed at the end of each day and dumpsters shall be covered either with locking lids or with plastic sheeting at the end of each workday and during storm events. All sheeting shall be carefully secured to withstand weather conditions. f) The Applicant shall implement measures designed to minimize construction-related erosion and retain sediment on the Project site, including installation of silt fencing, straw waddles, or other acceptable construction erosion control devices. Such measures shall be installed along the perimeter of disturbed areas and along the top of the bank of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel and other existing or proposed drainage features and 25 feet from the edge of Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4. All drainage shall be directed to sediment basins designed to retain all sediment onsite. g) Concrete truck and tool washout shall occur in a designated location such that no runoff will reach the creek, onsite drainages, or other sensitive areas. h) All open trenches shall be constructed with appropriate exit ramps to allow species that fall into a trench to escape. All open trenches shall be inspected at the beginning of each work day to ensure that no wildlife species is present. Any sensitive wildlife species found during inspections shall be gently encouraged to leave the Project site by a qualified biologist or otherwise trained and City-approved personnel. Trenches will remain open for the shortest period necessary to complete required work. i) Existing disturbed areas shall be used for construction staging and storage to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance of undeveloped required measures and any required permits shall be obtained from state and federal regulatory agencies prior to the issuance of grading or building permits. A 7-year site mitigation monitoring plan shall also be prepared by the City-approved biologist and incorporated into the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM, with annual reports submitted to the City Natural Resources Manager and Community Development Department. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 235 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 18 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring habitats. All construction access roads and staging areas shall be located to avoid known/mapped habitat and minimize habitat fragmentation. MM BIO-2. Biological Construction Monitoring. The Applicant shall retain a qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist, subject to review and approval by the City to oversee compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all construction activities, conduct a biological resources education program for all construction workers prior to the initiation of any clearing or construction activities, and provide quarterly reports to the City regarding construction activities, enforcement issues, and remedial measures. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall be responsible for conducting inspections of the work area each work day to ensure that excavation areas and sensitive or restored habitats do not exhibit construction-related impacts or hazards to wildlife. If any exposure risk is identified, the Environmental Coordinator shall implement measures that could include, but not be limited to, hazing, fencing, and wildlife removals to eliminate the exposure risk. In addition, the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor and regulate all construction occurring within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian habitat, Drainages 1, 2, 3, and 4, and seasonal or permanent wetlands. During appropriate flowering, nesting, breeding, migration, and dispersal seasons, the Environmental Coordinator shall also conduct sensitive species surveys immediately prior to construction activities and shall monitor construction activities in the vicinity of habitats to be avoided. The work area boundaries and other off-limit areas shall be identified by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator on a daily basis. The biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator shall inspect construction and sediment control fencing each work day during construction activities. Any vegetation clearing activities shall be monitored by the biologist and/or Environmental Coordinator. The City shall approve the Applicant’s qualified Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist prior to issuance of grading and building permits for each phase of construction. The Environmental Coordinator shall be present onsite to monitor construction activities pursuant to the approved Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Environmental Coordinator shall monitor all grading and construction activities occurring within the vicinity of sensitive habitats or known location of sensitive species, shall conduct regular site inspections throughout the entire site, and shall be responsible for compliance of the construction activities and the above BMPs within MM BIO-1 and MM BIO-3 through MM BIO-8. During construction, the Environmental Coordinator shall submit quarterly monitoring reports to the City to ensure compliance with the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and applicable laws, regulations, and policies. The Environmental Coordinator/qualified biologist shall be onsite during all construction activities which take place within 50 feet of sensitive creek, wetland, and riparian habitat areas. MM BIO-3. Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (HMMP) with details on timing and implementation of required habitat restoration, enhancement, or creation measures. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP shall be prepared under the direction of, and approved by, the City’s Natural Resources Manager in conjunction with regulatory agencies with permitting authority over the Project. The HMMP shall contain, at a minimum, the following components (or as otherwise modified by regulatory agency permitting conditions): a) Pre-construction surveys and delineation of vegetation communities, habitat, and wetland features, including clear maps and a summary of onsite habitats All requirements shall be included on the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan through frequent monitoring and inspection. The Environmental Coordinator shall also ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 236 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 19 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring to be protected and acreage, design, and locations of required habitat mitigation sites. b) A description of the location and boundaries of the mitigation site and description of existing site conditions. c) A description of measures to be undertaken to enhance the mitigation site for the target species and to protect sensitive resources. d) Record necessary replacement of disturbed, altered, and/or lost area of habitat. e) A binding long-term agreement with the Applicant to implement and maintain protected and restored sensitive habitats, including native bunch grassland, wetlands, springs, seeps, tributary drainages, and other sensitive or restored native habitats. These measures shall identify typical performance and success criteria deemed acceptable by the City and CDFW based on measurable goals and objectives. Said criteria for restored habitats shall be, at a minimum, at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type. f) A description of habitat and species restoration and monitoring measures, including specific and objective performance criteria, monitoring methods, data analysis, reporting requirements, and monitoring schedule. (At a minimum, success criteria shall be at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type and will include a replacement ratio of 2:1 and determination by a City-approved biologist that the mitigation site provides ecological functions and values for the focal species equal to or exceeding the impacted habitat.) g) Plan requirements that ensure mitigation elements that do not meet performance or final success criteria within 5 years are completed through an extension of the plan for an additional 2 years or at the discretion of the City Natural Resources Manager with the goal of completing all mitigation requirements prior to the HMMP end date. h) Monitoring of the mitigation and maintenance areas shall occur for the period established in the HMMP, or until success criteria are met; an endowment may be required in some cases as determined by the City. If success criteria cannot be met through the HMMP, the City Natural Resources Manager shall specify appropriate commensurate measures (e.g., onsite or offsite restoration, endowment, or bond to the City for completion of necessary mitigation). i) A binding long-term agreement with the Villaggio Life Plan Community to fund and retain a qualified biologist to train all landscaping crew staff hired over the life of the development on sensitive plant species and habitat within the vicinity of the development, including the identification and avoidance of sensitive plants and habitat. The qualified biologist shall conduct annual monitoring of vegetation surrounding the development and prepare a report through routine monitoring and inspection of restoration activities. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 237 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 20 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring summarizing the avoidance or disturbance of sensitive resources from operational activities of the Villaggio development, and identifying necessary replacement or restoration of affected resources. Necessary mitigation shall be subject to the same standards for performance, monitoring, and success identified in subitems b through h, above. The report shall be submitted to the City annually for review and approval. j) A plan for fencing and/or signage around the Upper Terrace of the Villaggio development, prohibiting residents, guests, and employees from accessing and disturbing the surrounding sensitive resources. k) Requirements for payment of annual fees to the City to fund City review and inspection of the site and Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP requirements. MM BIO-4. Avoidance, Restoration, or Replacement of Sensitive Natural Communities. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require avoidance of sensitive natural communities outside approved development footprints such as the Nassella pulchra Herbaceous Alliance, Central Coast Arroyo Willow Scrub Community, Coastal and Central Valley Freshwater Marsh, and wetland areas to the maximum extent feasible. Mitigation for impacted sensitive natural communities that cannot be avoided shall be achieved through one or more of the following options, subject to City approval: a) Onsite restoration, enhancement, or creation of suitable replacement habitat, if feasible onsite restoration opportunities exist and at ratios consistent with those identified in MM BIO-5; b) Offsite restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted species at the minimum replacement ratio of 2:1 for sensitive natural communities, native grasslands, and riparian habitat; c) Financial contribution to an in-lieu fee program that results in restoration or creation of suitable habitat for the impacted natural communities and/or species; and/or d) Purchase of mitigation credits at a USFWS- and/or CDFW-approved mitigation bank. All requirements shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the BMMP and HMMP to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities through routine monitoring, inspection, and reporting of restoration activities pursuant to the approved Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP through receipt and review of monitoring reports, and site inspections. MM BIO-5. Wetland Restoration. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall require all temporary and permanent direct and indirect impacts to wetlands, grasslands, and riparian habitat be mitigated, as follows: a) Temporary direct impacts to wetland, native grassland, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a minimum 1:1 mitigation ratio (area of restored habitat to impacted habitat). b) Permanent direct impacts to sensitive natural communities, such as native grasslands, and riparian habitat shall be mitigated at a 2:1 ratio (area of restored and enhanced habitat to impacted habitat). All requirements shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP (including the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan) to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The Environmental Coordinator shall ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities through routine EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 238 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 21 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring c) Permanent direct impacts to wetlands shall be mitigated at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate). d) Potential indirect impacts to the Calle Joaquin wetlands affected by the Froom Creek realignment and changes to site hydrology shall be mitigated as follows. As a part of the HMMP prepared for the Project, the Applicant shall prepare and implement a Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan that is designed to quantitatively and qualitatively assess the effectiveness of the HMMP over time to ensure its objectives are achieved. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall be supported by a Baseline Conditions Assessment that identifies the pre-construction condition of the Calle Joaquin wetlands and establishes success criteria for sustained wetland conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall provide qualitative and quantitative information that will be used in comparing data obtained during subsequent monitoring years to determine if a significant deviance from baseline conditions has occurred at the site. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan will establish the parameters of a significant deviance from baseline conditions. A significant deviance from baseline may be defined as a “change in wetland area greater than 10%”. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall be updated prior to the start of construction to support agency permitting and guide implementation of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. This updated baseline shall be considered in combination with existing and past baseline documentation to provide an expanded baseline reflective of a range of acceptable conditions to compare post Project conditions. The Baseline Conditions Assessment shall include a focused description of the site’s hydrologic setting, vegetative cover and composition, quantified wetland areas and classifications, and shall establish the threshold for a significant deviance from wetland area based on the presence of hydrophytic plant species, hydric soil indicators, and wetland hydrology. At minimum, the condition of the wetland shall be evaluated on an annual basis through completion of a wetland assessment using a regulatory agency approved model (such as, but not limited to, the California Rapid Assessment Method [CRAM]) to document and facilitate long-term monitoring of changes to the wetland. The annual evaluation shall determine and document any degree of change to the wetland as a result of the proposed changes to site hydrology and development throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. Reports documenting the annual wetland assessment shall be provided to the City and relevant regulatory agencies. Long-Term Wetland Monitoring for the Calle Joaquin wetlands shall occur continuously for a period of no less than 7 years following Phase I build-out of monitoring, inspection, and reporting of restoration activities. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan through receipt of monitoring reports and site inspections. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 239 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 22 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring the Froom Ranch Specific Plan area. After the initial 7-years of minimum annual monitoring, the frequency of long-term evaluations shall be determined in coordination with regulatory agencies and per the requirements of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. The Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan shall include (at minimum) the following requirements. Additional detailed criteria and performance standards will be established in the HMMP prepared for the project and approved by regulatory agencies, but they shall not be any less stringent than the following criteria and performance standards: i. Annual monitoring shall evaluate and track the wetland health and biological integrity of the Calle Joaquin wetlands. ii. Annual evaluations shall utilize intensive site assessments to provide a more thorough and detailed measure of wetland condition by gathering direct measurements of biological taxa and hydrogeomorphic functions. iii. Typical industry standards for the quantitative evaluation of plant cover will be used (e.g., Bonham 1989 and Daubenmire 1968) to evaluate plant composition and structure as well as direct inspections of soil conditions and hydrologic functions. iv. Annual or semi-annual evaluations shall observe and document the following, at a minimum:  whether groundwater recharge from Froom Creek to the shallow aquifer is being sustained,  whether the onsite artesian well has been discharging to the wetland,  evidence of overflows entering the Calle Joaquin wetland from the realigned Froom Creek,  excessive ponding, as evidenced by changes in vegetation related to increased duration of ponding,  measured depth to groundwater in the onsite artesian well and the relationship of these conditions with conditions in the wetland,  specific conductance and temperature in the wetland and other surface sources,  the presence or absence of salt efflorescences in the wetland,  any persistent green vegetation patches or changes in willow/grass ecotone, and  representative photo points. v. Monitoring of the realigned creek’s hydrology would be required following large storm events during the rain season that are sufficient to initiate flowing water through the site. If after the 3rd year of monitoring, vegetation has successfully established along the creek corridor and sedimentation and erosion are not observed beyond what is determined EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 240 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 23 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring to be a normal level, then the rainy season monitoring could be scaled back to occur on a quarterly or as-needed basis for the remainder of the monitoring schedule, upon review and approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager and applicable regulatory agencies and consistent with the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan. vi. Success criteria to determine whether the Calle Joaquin wetland functions are sustained shall include the following, at a minimum:  The constructed bank between the realigned Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands remains functional and does not recurrently scour or fill to a degree that impairs its operation or impedes circulation through the wetland,  Excessive surface water does not pond for periods of long duration,  Salts do not accumulate such that discernible increases in salt efflorescences at the ground surface are not visible,  Evidence of deposition by high flows is not found within the wetland (e.g., silt, organics, or other flood deposits). vii. If success criteria are not achieved within the 7-year initial monitoring period, a hydrologic assessment will be conducted by a USACE-approved specialist in groundwater supported wetlands to establish whether non-attainment is attributable to onsite conditions or actions beyond the effective control of the Project Applicant. The specialist shall be a registered hydrologist or certified hydrogeologist with statewide expertise, familiarity with groundwater supported wetlands in central coastal California and verifiable experience conducting functional analyses of such wetlands. Recommendations for remedial actions will be submitted by the groundwater specialist to the USACE for review and written approval prior to implementation. If wetland failures are determined to be directly related to the realignment of Froom Creek and development within the Froom Creek Specific Plan area, possible remedial actions would include, at minimum, the following:  Engineering controls include biotechnical erosion controls such as the installation of willow wattles and brush mattressing and addition of native cobble to reinforce the low flow berm separating the creek channel from the wetland area to help contain flows into the wetland area.  If vegetation establishment is taking longer than expected, remedial measures such as re-seeding bare soils, replanting areas of mortality, and increased maintenance and monitoring may be prescribed. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 241 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 24 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  If there is significant evidence of scouring, collapse, or filling of the overflow bank between the realigned low-flow Froom Creek channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate bank type, size, and slope and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement.  If there is excessive ponding (spatial or temporal), a registered professional engineer shall assess access to and capacity of existing drainage outlets and recommend a solution, such as augmentation or replacement if necessary.  If salt efflorescence is observed and specific conductance in the wetland is greater than baseline conditions, a registered professional engineer shall re-evaluate the bank type, slope, size, and conveyance between the realigned Froom Creek low-flow channel and the Calle Joaquin wetlands to increase the frequency of salt flushing, such as altering surface flows to more frequently overflow to the wetland area. viii. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project does not adversely impact the Calle Joaquin wetland areas (as defined above), the Applicant shall provide documentation annually (at minimum) to the City, for review and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager, that no significant signs of hydrological interruption, erosion (including bank failure), or sedimentation have occurred, that the wetland is sustained in biological integrity and health with existing hydrologic inputs, and that channel migration has not adversely affected existing wetland features adjacent to Calle Joaquin. ix. If through monitoring it is determined that the Project adversely impacts the Calle Joaquin wetland area, recommendations shall be made for modifications to the Project design in consultation with the City and appropriate regulatory agencies for review and concurrence, as described in subsection viii above. The annual reports would detail the issue or problem area and proposed remedial actions. x. If through monitoring it is determined that the Calle Joaquin wetland condition and function cannot be remediated with implementation of all feasible remedial actions and recommendations identified through long-term monitoring and as described in subsection vii above and the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan, then adversely affected wetland areas shall be delineated and mitigated on- or offsite at a minimum 3:1 ratio unless otherwise directed by state and federal agencies, including but not limited to the CDFW, RWQCB, NMFS, and USFWS (as appropriate), consistent with subsection (c) above. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 242 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 25 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring xi. Funding for long-term wetland monitoring, adaptive management, and any recommended contingency measures shall be the responsibility of the Applicant. Payment of a bond by the Applicant would be required to ensure the availability of adequate funds to ensure successful implementation and completion of the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan throughout build-out under the Specific Plan. e) Habitat revegetation or creation shall occur in the fall or winter no more than 1 year following habitat disturbance. Revegetation shall be monitored monthly for 7 years with a goal of at least 70-percent survival of container plants and 70-percent relative cover by vegetation type at the end of the 7-year period. Irrigation shall be provided during this period or until otherwise determined necessary by the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator. f) Riparian vegetation along Froom Creek shall be maintained in perpetuity to the satisfaction of the City by the Applicant or a City-approved designee. Froom Creek conditions shall be monitored annually following winter storm seasons to assess damage to riparian vegetation and need for maintenance restoration. Monitoring and maintenance of riparian vegetation conditions shall be conducted consistent with the requirements of the Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-3. MM BIO-6. Habitat Restoration Requirements. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall detail timing and implementation of required habitat restoration and shall be submitted to the City’s Natural Resources Manager for review and approval, including requirements for consultation with CDFW, NMFS, and USACE as needed. A copy of the final plan shall be submitted to the City for review and approval. The plan shall be implemented by the Project Applicant, under supervision by the City and the Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator, and shall: a) Describe replacement of sensitive natural community habitats removed, lost, or adversely impacted by the Project, including a list of the soil, plants, and other materials that will be necessary for successful habitat restoration/ replacement, and a description of planting methods, location, spacing, erosion protection, and irrigation measures that will be needed. Restoration and habitat enhancement shall be limited to use of appropriate native species. Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be designed to facilitate establishment of appropriate native plants such as willows, cottonwoods, bunchgrass, and rushes. b) Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be established within the Project boundaries, adjacent to and contiguous with existing habitats to the maximum extent possible. c) Habitat restoration or enhancement sites shall be placed within existing or additional necessary deed-restricted area(s) and shall be maintained and All requirements shall be included on the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP (including the Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan) to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The Environmental Coordinator shall ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and Long-Term Wetland Monitoring Plan through receipt of monitoring reports and site inspections. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 243 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 26 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring monitored for a minimum of 7 years. If sufficient onsite mitigation area is not practicable, an offsite mitigation plan shall be prepared as part of the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and approved by permitting agencies. d) The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall identify appropriate restoration and enhancement activities to compensate for impacts to creek, wetland, native bunch grass and riparian habitat, including a detailed planting plan and maintenance plans using locally obtained native species, and shall include habitat enhancement to support native wildlife and plant species. e) A weed management plan and weed identification list shall be included in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. f) Habitat restoration or enhancement areas shall be maintained weekly for the first three years after Project completion and quarterly thereafter. Maintenance shall include replacement of unsuccessful planted specimens and eradication of noxious weeds found on California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Lists A and B. Noxious weeds on CDFA List C may be eradicated or otherwise managed. g) Quarterly and annual reports documenting site inspections and site recovery status shall be prepared and sent to the City and appropriate agencies. MM BIO-7. Horizontal Directional Drilling Requirements. Utility line installation shall be timed so that sensitive habitat areas are not disturbed (e.g., prior to the development and restoration of the new Froom Creek realignment, after removal of riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch due to LOVR widening). In the event a utility line is proposed to be installed across the existing or realigned Froom Creek, or the sensitive riparian areas along the LOVR Ditch, while these features are in their natural or restored conditions, installation shall be via horizontal directional drilling (HDD) to avoid impacts to sensitive habitats. Prior to installation of utility lines, a site-specific geotechnical investigation and frac-out clean-up plan shall be completed in areas proposed for HDD. The geotechnical investigation shall provide recommendations for avoidance of frac-outs and/or other HDD related impacts and to determine appropriate HDD methods (i.e., appropriate drilling mud mixtures for specific types of sediments). The investigation shall include results from at least three borings, a geologic cross-section, a discussion of drilling conditions, and frac-out clean-up plan. The frac-out clean-up plan shall identify methods for minimizing potential for frac-outs and addressing any necessary clean-up or remediation in case of a frac-out. The boring operation would be stopped immediately if a frac-out occurs and steps would be taken to contain and minimize the effects of any spill of drilling mud. The Applicant shall comply with all recommendations of the geotechnical investigation. Geotechnical investigations shall be conducted, and a report of findings submitted to the City for approval. The findings shall be incorporated into the final Utilities Plan prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review the findings of the geotechnical investigations and final Utilities Plan and confirm compliance through review of grading and improvement plans. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 244 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 27 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM BIO-8. Stabilization of the Froom Creek Channel to Prevention Creek Migration. The Applicant shall submit a Froom Creek restoration plan that identifies measures for securing the proposed low-flow channel berm along the stretch of Froom Creek proposed adjacent to the Calle Joaquin wetlands to protect the bank from erosion and prevent migration of the Froom Creek channel into these wetlands. Measures for securing the bank may include a mix of natural and biotechnical measures capable of prevention erosion based on the anticipated erosive velocity of the creek under 100-year storm conditions. The Applicant shall submit a Froom Creek restoration plan for review and approval by the City, which incorporates these requirements in addition to all requirements identified by state and federal resource agencies. The proposed bank stabilization measures shall be depicted on final plans prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review the final plans, and shall inspect the Project site during construction to confirm installation of proposed stabilization measures. MM BIO-9. Froom Creek Habitat Restoration. Construction and grading of the realigned portion of Froom Creek, including planting of riparian vegetation, watering, and bank stabilization, shall be conducted prior to removal of the existing creek segment to ensure a habitat for special-status species within the creek is maintained through the Project site with no interruption during construction. Project phasing shall be adjusted as needed to accommodate this sequence of construction activities. The Applicant shall demonstrate phasing and creek restoration within the final VTM, and the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant shall submit the plan to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, and final VTM for compliance. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall monitor creek realignment activities to ensure compliance with this mitigation measure. MM BIO-10. Chorro Creek Bog Thistle and Special-Status Plant Management. Prior to issuance of grading and building permits, the Applicant shall submit or fund a site survey for special-status plants, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and: 1. All individual locations of special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, and suitable habitat areas shall be mapped using GPS coordinates. No construction activities or disturbance shall occur within 50 feet of mapped special-status species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat areas. This setback shall be delineated and maintained with construction fencing and clear signage for the duration of grading and construction. If the site survey results identify Chorro Creek bog thistle that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50 foot buffer from mapped Chorro Creek bog thistle occurrences. 2. Development adjacent to Drainages 1, 2, and 3 shall be set back a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank of these drainages and the edge of delineated associated wetlands. 3. Drainages 1, 2, and 3 and associated wetlands shall be fenced a minimum of 50 feet from the top of the bank or edge of delineated wetland during construction. The Applicant shall ensure and demonstrate to the City through frequent reporting requirements approved by the City that these areas are managed and maintained in perpetuity to maintain wetland and Chorro Creek bog thistle habitat values to the extent feasible. 4. If the site survey results identify special-status plant species, including Chorro Creek bog thistle, or suitable habitat that may be disturbed or lost from Project construction, the Project shall be redesigned to ensure a minimum 50-foot All requirements shall be included on the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall also ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 245 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 28 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring buffer from mapped individual occurrences and suitable habitat areas. If buffers cannot be maintained, then consultation with CDFW shall occur to determine appropriate minimization and mitigation measures for impacts to special-status plant species, or in the case of plant species listed pursuant to CESA or the Native Plant Protection Act, to determine if take can be avoided. If take cannot be avoided, take authorization prior to any ground-disturbing activities may be warranted. Take authorization would occur through issuance of an ITP by CDFW, pursuant to Fish and Game Code section 2081(b). MM BIO-11. Special-Status Wildlife Species Management. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address special-status wildlife species management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the rainy season (typically October 15 to April 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of the existing and proposed Froom Creek channel, and other existing or proposed drainage features, riparian or wetland habitat, and any suitable nesting sites as determined by the City-approved biologist. Injury, mortality to, or significant disturbance of onsite sensitive species, including the California red-legged frog, south-central California coast steelhead, and white-tailed kite, shall be avoided. The plan shall include the following measures: pre-construction surveys; worker awareness; cessation of work in occupied areas if individuals are identified; relocation (if necessary) of frogs and steelhead from the work area by a professional biologist authorized by the USFWS and/or CDFW; and monitoring of construction activities within the vicinity of sensitive habitats by a qualified biologist during construction, consistent with MM BIO-2. Necessary permits shall be obtained from the state (CDFW) and federal (USACE and USFWS) regulatory agencies with jurisdiction and/or permitting authority over a portion of the Project. Any other sensitive species observed during the pre-construction surveys shall be relocated by the qualified biologist into the nearest suitable habitat outside the disturbance area as determined in consultation with the appropriate jurisdictional resource agency. All requirements shall be included on the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan to be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits and recordation of the final VTM. The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to ensure that all BMPs and appropriate mitigation measures have been included. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements in the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall also ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities. MM BIO-12. Animal Migration and Nest/Burrow and Roost Avoidance. The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall address the habitation and movement of special-status wildlife species, as follows: 1. Migratory and Nesting/Burrowing Bird Management. Grading and construction activities shall avoid the breeding season (typically from February 15 to August 15) to the extent practicable, particularly within 50 feet of riparian or wetland habitat and mature trees and within onsite grasslands. If Project activities must be conducted during this period and within the vicinity of riparian or wetland habitat, grasslands, and/or mature trees, pre-construction nesting bird surveys shall take place no more than one week prior to habitat disturbance associated with each phase; if active nests or burrows are located during these surveys, the following measures shall be implemented: The Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan shall include a management plan for migrating and nesting birds and bat colonies and shall be submitted for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of grading and construction permits and recordation of the final VTM. Construction shall be conducted between August 16 and February 14 unless pre-construction surveys are completed. Reports summarizing pre-construction species surveys (i.e., nesting, bat surveys, etc.) shall be submitted to the The City shall review and approve the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan and HMMP to ensure that appropriate requirements have been included to address potential impacts to bird and bat species. The City shall ensure compliance with requirements for the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan. The Applicant’s Environmental Coordinator shall also ensure compliance during habitat compensation and/or restoration activities. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 246 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 29 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring a. Construction activities within 50 feet of active nests shall be restricted until chicks have fledged, unless the nest belongs to a raptor or burrowing owl, in which case a minimum 500-foot activity restriction buffer shall be observed. b. Construction shall be limited to daylight hours (7:00 AM to 7:00 PM or sunset, whichever is sooner). c. A pre-construction survey report shall be submitted to the City immediately upon completion of the survey. The report shall detail appropriate fencing or flagging of the buffer zone and make recommendations on additional monitoring requirements. A map of the Project site and nest locations shall be included with the report. If any sensitive species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedure for handling or avoidance of the specimen. d. The Project biologist conducting the nesting survey shall have the authority to reduce or increase the recommended buffer depending upon site conditions and the species involved. A report of findings and recommendations for bird protection shall be submitted to the City prior to vegetation removal. If sensitive or special-status species are observed during pre-construction surveys, the Project biologist shall coordinate with appropriate resource agencies to determine appropriate procedures for handling or avoidance of the specimen. e. If burrowing owls are found onsite and avoidance is not possible, burrow exclusion shall be conducted by City-approved qualified biologists and only during the non-breeding season, before breeding behavior is exhibited and after the burrow is confirmed empty through non-invasive methods, such as surveillance. CDFW recommends replacement of occupied burrows with artificial burrows at a ratio of one burrow collapsed to one artificial burrow constructed (1:1) To avoid recolonization, ongoing surveillance shall be provided by the City-approved Project biologists throughout Project construction at a rate that is sufficient to detect burrowing owls if they return. 2. Bat Colony Management. Prior to removal of any trees over 20 inches diameter-at-breast-height (DBH) or demolition/relocation of existing onsite structures, a survey shall be conducted by a City and CDFW-approved biologist to determine if any tree or structure proposed for removal, trimming, demolition, or relocation harbors sensitive bat species or maternal bat colonies. Maternal bat colonies shall not be disturbed, and grading and construction activities shall avoid the bat breeding season to the extent feasible. City within 10 days of survey completion. Construction work shall not commence until after the completion of surveys and City review of corresponding reports. Any required permits shall be obtained from appropriate state and federal agencies prior to issuance of grading and construction permits and recordation of the final VTM. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 247 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 30 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring If disturbance of structures must occur during the bat breeding season, buildings must be inspected and deemed clear of bat colonies/roosts within 7 days of demolition and an appropriately trained and approved biologist must conduct a daily site-clearance during demolition. If bats are roosting in a structure or tree in the Project site during the daytime but are not part of an active maternity colony, then exclusion measures shall be utilized and must include one-way valves that allow bats to leave but are designed so that the bats may not re-enter the structure. For each occupied roost removed, one bat box shall be installed in similar habitat as determined by the Project biologist and shall have similar cavities or crevices to those which are removed, including access, ventilation, dimensions, height above ground, and thermal conditions. If a bat colony would be eliminated from the Project site, appropriate alternate bat habitat shall be installed within the Project site. To the extent practicable, alternate bat house installation shall occur near onsite drainages. MM BIO-13. Froom Creek Confluence Buffer Requirements. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to establish a 300-foot development buffer on the centerline of the confluence of Drainage 1, 2, and 3 and the realigned Froom Creek to maintain natural vegetation, ecological, hydrologic, and wildlife connectivity between the Irish Hills Natural Reserve and the Froom Creek corridor. The required buffer shall extend from the point at which the proposed realigned Froom Creek exits the Specific Plan area, upstream along the centerlines of Drainages 1, 2, and 3 for 600 linear feet. The Applicant shall relocate residential uses to areas outside of this buffer and should not exacerbate biological resource impacts in other areas of the site. The above requirements shall be integrated into the Final FRSP and final VTM prior to recordation. City staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into building plans prior to issuance. The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the Final FRSP prior to Project approval. MM BIO-14. Design of Safe Wildlife Passage. Proposed roadway/pathway crossings over any drainage shall be designed to ensure adequate passage for wildlife, consistent with the design standards and guidelines of the Federal Highway Administration Wildlife Crossing Structure Handbook. The above requirements shall be integrated into the Final FRSP. City staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the improvement plans prior to approval. The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the Final FRSP prior to Project approval. MM BIO-15. Native Tree Protection. To ensure protection of native protected trees with respect to the tree trunk, canopy, and root zone, the Applicant shall hire a City-approved arborist or qualified biologist to conduct a daily, pre-construction survey of all activities occurring within the protected root zones of protected trees, and shall make recommendations for avoidance, and for any necessary remedial work to ensure the health and safety of trees that are encroached, and any measures necessary to reduce and/or remove potential safety hazards posed by any of these trees. Following construction, the health of affected trees shall be monitored by the arborist or qualified biologist for up to 5 years if necessary and as determined at the discretion of the City. Should Project activities result in the compromised health of native trees resulting from encroachment, the Applicant shall submit a native tree replacement planting All requirements shall be included on final grading plans. The qualified biologist shall monitor for the health of trees during and following construction activities, for a period of up to 5 years if determined necessary by the City. The qualified biologist shall monitor all construction activities, and if necessary, periodically monitor the placement and planting program. City staff shall monitor for the health of affected individuals to determine compliance and potential need for further mitigation. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 248 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 31 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring program, prepared by a qualified biologist, arborist, or other resource specialist, which specifies replacement tree locations, tree or seedling size, planting specifications, and a monitoring program to ensure that the replacement planting program is successful, including performance standards for determining whether replacement trees are healthy and growing normally, and procedures for periodic monitoring and implementation of corrective measures in the event that the health of replacement trees declines. Where the worsened health of a tree results in the loss of protected tree species, mitigation measures in the native tree replacement program shall include the planting of replacement trees on the Project site, if suitable area exists. Riparian trees 4 inches or greater measured at DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 3:1 (replaced: removed). Trees 24 inches or greater inches DBH shall be replaced in-kind at a minimum ratio of 10:1. Willows and cottonwoods may be planted from live stakes following guidelines provided in the California Salmonid Stream Habitat Restoration Manual for planting dormant cuttings and container stock (CDFW 2010).  Tree replacement shall be conducted in accordance with a Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan to be approved by the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  The Natural Habitat Restoration and Enhancement Plan shall prioritize the planting of replacement trees on-site where feasible, but shall allow that replacement trees may be planted off-site with approval of the City’s Natural Resources Manager.  Replacement trees may be planted in the fall or winter of the year in which trees were removed. All replacement trees will be planted no more than 1 year following the date upon which the native trees were removed. Where onsite mitigation through planting replacement trees is not feasible, mitigation shall be provided by one of the following methods:  Off-site mitigation shall be provided by planting no less than 10:1, at a suitable site that is restricted from development or is public parkland. The Applicant shall plant seedlings – less than 1-year old – in an area providing suitable habitat. In the case of oak trees, the seedlings shall be grown from acorns collected in the area; or  An in-lieu fee shall be provided for the unavoidable impacts of the loss of native tree habitat. The fee shall be based on the type, size and age of the tree(s) removed. MM BIO-Alt. 1. Emergency Access Roadway Riparian and Wetland Restoration. The additional emergency access roadway across Froom Creek and the LOVR ditch and the southern emergency access route entering the site from Calle Joaquin shall be reviewed by the City’s Public Works Department, Community Development The Applicant is required to implement the above mitigation measures prior to FRSP and VTM approval. The access roads shall be integrated into the VTM preliminary The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the Final FRSP and VTM prior to Project approval. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 249 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 32 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring Department, Natural Resources Manager, and Fire Department prior to adoption of the Final FRSP and approval of the Vesting Tentative Tract Map to ensure that design is adequate for City emergency ingress/egress standards and minimizes impacts to riparian vegetation and wildlife passage, and that adequate on- and offsite mitigation of impacted riparian and wetland vegetation is provided. The City shall ensure review and approval of these features as part of the Final FRSP considers the siting, alignment, width, materials, and access controls. grading plan. City staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the FRSP and VTM prior to acceptance of the final FRSP. Cultural Resources MM CR-1. Phase 2 - Subsurface Archaeological Resources Evaluations. A Phase 2 – Subsurface Archaeological Resource Evaluation (SARE) investigation shall be conducted prior to any grading or development proposed within 200 feet of the recorded P-40-000783 and P-40-001195 sites, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, to evaluate the potential for unknown buried resources within these “archaeologically sensitive” areas, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or features including hearths, structural remains, or historic dumpsites, consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines. If discovery of unknown buried archaeological resources occurs through the SARE, a City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and CEQA. If the discovery is found to be a significant cultural resource, Project design shall be modified to avoid modification, disturbance, or destruction of the archeological resource. If the Phase 2 SARE investigations do not discover unknown buried archaeological resources but conclude there is a possibility that cultural resources exist within the archaeologically sensitive areas that were evaluated, the Community Development Department Director shall require that the Applicant retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor construction activities to identify and protect archaeological resources in accordance with the Archaeological Monitoring Plan described in MM CR-3. Any required Phase 2 SARE investigations shall be conducted by a City-approved archaeologist prior to approval of the VTM or Project entitlements. The City shall ensure the Phase 2 SARE investigations are completed by a City-approved archaeologist and consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines. Any potential modifications to the Project design shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to approval of any subdivision map or other entitlement. MM CR-2. Designation of Environmentally (Culturally) Sensitive Areas. If any ground disturbing activities are proposed within 100 feet of the recorded sites P-40-000783, P-40-0011195, or the unrecorded site comprising three mapped stone isolates, on preparation of construction plans, the plans shall delineate a 50-foot buffer surrounding the boundaries of the recorded sites. The area shall be labeled as an “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Highly visible temporary construction fencing shall be installed along the boundary of the 50-foot buffer and shall remain in place until the archaeological monitor recommends removal. If feasible, no ground disturbance, construction worker foot traffic, storage of materials, or storage or use of equipment shall occur within the “Environmentally Sensitive Area”. Archaeological monitoring shall occur during all construction activities occurring Prior to recordation of the final VTM and issuance of grading permits, plans shall incorporate the delineation of the “Environmentally Sensitive Area” and associated protection measures. The City shall verity that required elements are shown on the final VTM and grading permits. Compliance shall be verified pursuant to the approved Archaeological Monitoring Plan. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 250 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 33 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring within 50 feet of the delineated boundary. Upon completion of archaeological monitoring, an archaeological monitoring report shall be prepared and submitted to the City Community Development Department and the Central Coast Information Center at the University of California Santa Barbara. MM CR-3. Archaeological Monitoring Plan. Prior to issuance of grading or building permits, and recordation of the final map, an Archaeological Monitoring Plan (AMP) shall be prepared. The AMP should include, but not be limited to, the following: a. A list of personnel involved in the monitoring activities; b. Description of Native American involvement; c. Description of how the monitoring shall occur; d. Description of location and frequency of monitoring (e.g., full time, part time, spot checking); e. Description of what resources are expected to be encountered; f. Description of circumstances that would result in the halting of work at the project site; g. Description of procedures for halting work on the site and notification procedures; h. Description of monitoring reporting procedures; and i. Provide specific, detailed protocols for what to do in the event of the discovery of human remains. The AMP shall be prepared by a City-approved archaeologist prior to issuance of grading or building permits and recordation of the final map. The City shall ensure the AMP is prepared by a City-approved archaeologist and consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines. MM CR-4. Archaeological Construction Monitoring. The Applicant shall retain a City-approved archaeologist and local Native American observer to monitor Project-related ground-disturbing activities that have the potential to encounter previously unidentified archaeological resources, as outlined in the AMP prepared to satisfy MM CR-3. Archaeological and tribal monitoring may cease only if the City-approved archaeologist determines in coordination with the Applicant, Community Development Director, and the Native American monitor that Project activities do not have the potential to encounter and/or disturb unknown resources. The conditions for monitoring and treatment of discoveries shall be printed on all building and grading plans. Prior to issuance of building and grading permits for each phase of the Project, the Applicant shall submit to the City a contract or Letter of Commitment with a qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor. The City shall review and approve the selected archaeologist to ensure they meet appropriate professional qualification standards, consistent with the City’s Archeological Resource Preservation Guidelines. City permit compliance staff shall confirm monitoring by the archaeologist and tribal representative and City grading inspectors shall spot check fieldwork. The Native American monitor and Project archaeologist shall ensure that actions consistent with this mitigation measure are implemented in the event of any inadvertent discovery. MM CR-5. Inadvertent Discovery of Archaeological Resources. In the event of any inadvertent discovery of prehistoric archaeological resources, including but not limited to stone, bone, glass, ceramics, fossils, wood, or shell artifacts, or historic-period archaeological resources, all work within 100 feet of the discovery shall immediately cease (or greater or lesser distance as needed to protect the discovery and determined in the field by the City-approved archaeologist). The Applicant and/or The conditions for monitoring and treatment of discoveries shall be printed on all building and grading plans. Prior to issuance of building and grading permits for each phase of the Project, the Applicant shall submit to the City a contract or Letter of City permit compliance staff shall confirm monitoring by the archaeologist and tribal representative and City grading inspectors shall spot check fieldwork. The Native American monitor and Project archaeologist shall ensure that actions EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 251 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 34 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring contractor shall immediately notify the City Community Development Department. The City-approved archaeologist shall evaluate the significance of the discovery pursuant to City Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines prior to resuming any activities that could impact the site/discovery. If the City-approved archaeologist or Native American monitor determine that the find may qualify for listing in the CRHR or as a tribal cultural resource, the site shall be avoided or shall be subject to a Phase II or III mitigation program consistent with City Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines and funded by the Applicant. Work shall not resume until authorization is received from the City. Commitment with identified Project archaeologist and Native American monitor. The City shall review and approve the selected archaeologist to ensure they meet appropriate professional qualification standards, consistent with the Archeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines. consistent with this mitigation measure are implemented in the event of any inadvertent discovery. MM CR-6. Construction Worker Cultural Resource Education Program. Prior to construction of each phase, workers shall receive education regarding the recognition of possible buried cultural remains and protection of all cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic resources, during construction. Such training shall provide construction personnel with direction regarding the procedures to be followed in the unlikely event that previously unidentified archaeological materials, including Native American burials, are discovered during construction. Training shall also inform construction personnel that unauthorized collection or disturbance of artifacts or other cultural materials is not allowed. The training shall be prepared by a City-approved archaeologist and shall provide a description of the cultural resources that may be encountered in the Project site, specify areas of known sensitivity, outline steps to follow in the event that a discovery is made, and provide contact information for the City-approved archaeologist, Native American monitor, and appropriate City personnel. The training shall be conducted concurrent with other environmental or safety awareness and education programs for the Project, provided that the program elements pertaining to archaeological resources is provided by a qualified instructor meeting applicable professional standards. Prior to ground disturbance for each phase, construction workers shall participate in an educational program that will enable them to recognize and report possible buried cultural remains and protect all cultural resources, including prehistoric and historic resources. The educational program shall be outlined within the Archaeological Monitoring Plan and submitted to the City for approval prior to issuance of grading permits for each phase. The City-approved archaeologist shall verify the training has been completed by all construction workers and shall ensure construction workers follow cultural resource discovery protocols. MM CR-7. Inadvertent Discovery of Human Remains. If human remains are exposed during construction, the City Community Development Department shall be notified immediately. The Applicant and City shall comply with State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5, which states that no further disturbance shall occur until the County Coroner has been notified and can make the necessary findings as to origin and disposition of the remains pursuant to PRC Section 5097.98. Construction shall halt around the discovery of human remains, the area shall be protected, and consultation and treatment shall occur as prescribed by law. The conditions for monitoring and treatment of discoveries shall be printed on all building and grading plans and reflected in the AMP. City permit compliance staff shall confirm monitoring by the City-approved archaeologist and tribal representative and City grading inspectors shall spot check fieldwork. The Native American monitor and City-approved archaeologist shall ensure that actions consistent with this mitigation measure are implemented in the event of any inadvertent discovery. MM CR-8. Avoidance of Prehistoric and Tribal Cultural Resource Sites. No designated recreational areas, facilities, pedestrian paths, or roadways shall be located with 50 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural resource site. All archaeological site soils within 100 feet of a known prehistoric or tribal cultural site The Draft FRSP shall be amended to incorporate these measures as they apply to P-40-000783 or P-40-001195 and the unrecorded site, prior to adoption of the Final FRSP. A City-qualified archaeologist shall review and approve the established buffer between Project development and known cultural resource sites and review vegetation EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 252 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 35 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring shall be seeded with native shallow rooted native vegetation unless existing natural vegetation (i.e., existing grasslands) can screen the cultural resource from view. seeding covering the archaeological site boundaries prior to issuance of occupancy. MM CR-9. Historic Resource Construction Monitoring. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional historic architect meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualifications Standards (36 CFR Part 61) to review and comment on design and construction drawings and monitor construction to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The role of the historic architect shall include collaboration on a range of items relating to materials selection, construction methods, design of exterior and interior alterations, and monitoring of construction activities. The historic architect and Applicant shall resolve any unforeseen circumstance in a manner that conforms with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The qualified professional historic architect shall work with the Applicant team to ensure: a) Deteriorated historic features would be repaired to the greatest extent feasible. Where features are deteriorated beyond repair, they would be replaced to exactly match the old. b) All character-defining features are retained. c) Physical treatments to historic material would use the gentlest means possible and would not damage material. d) Reconstruction would be clearly identified as a contemporary re-creation. e) Interpretative signage would clearly provide information regarding the history of the buildings and their reconstruction. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be published in an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. The historic architect shall submit a report documenting conformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of any building permits for the Project. Artifacts, features, and other materials recovered through this process shall be described, illustrated, and analyzed fully in a technical report of findings; the analysis shall include comparative research with other sites of similar age. In addition to the technical report, the findings from this research shall be submitted to an appropriate scientific journal. The Applicant shall fund all technical reporting and subsequent publication. The historic architect shall notify the Applicant if any unforeseen circumstance arises during construction that could potentially result in nonconformance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards. The City shall ensure the report is reviewed and approved prior to issuance of grading permits for Phase 3. The historic architect shall participate in a pre-construction meeting with the general contractor and subcontractors and periodically monitor construction to completion of construction. MM CR-10. Historic American Building Survey Level II Documentation Requirements. The Applicant shall retain a qualified professional photographer to prepare Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level II documentation and investigate additional applicable surveys (e.g. oral histories, LIDAR, and/or photogrammetry). This documentation shall record the existing appearance of all seven contributing buildings in large and medium format HABS photographs. HABS Level II documentation shall pertain to the entire Froom Ranch Dairy complex so that functional relationships between the buildings can be documented. All documentation components shall be completed in accordance with the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation (HABS standards). The photographs shall consist The draft documentation shall be assembled and submitted to the qualified professional historic architect and the City for review and approval prior to submittal to the repository. The HABS documentation shall be completed prior to the issuance of grading permits for Phase 1. A digital copy of the HABS documentation shall be reviewed by the City and approved prior to the issuance of grading permits. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 253 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 36 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring primarily of large format, 4-inch by 5-inch, black and white negatives (one set), contact prints (one set) and 8-inch by 10-inch prints (two sets), archivally processed and printed on fiber-based paper. The set of original negatives shall be made at the time the photographs are taken. The original, archivally-sound negatives and prints shall be and distributed as follows: (1) the Library of Congress in Washington, DC through the National Park Service (one set of negatives and contact prints). MM CR-11. Interpretive Project for the Historic, Cultural, and Architectural Heritage of the Froom Ranch Dairy. The Applicant shall work with the City to develop an interpretive project that documents the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by means of a pamphlet and additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), if deemed mandatory by the City. This interpretive project will highlight the former Froom Ranch Dairy, both primary and secondary contributors, in a social (Froom family) and industrial (dairy industry) context, with an emphasis on how these buildings were used on the dairy farm, and how this property relates to the larger dairy farm context in San Luis Obispo, the Central Coast, and California. Five hundred copies of the pamphlet shall be published. These professionally researched, written and printed materials shall be offered at no cost through the local museums and heritage organizations, and at the trailhead park. After the initial distribution of printed brochures, digital copies shall be available. Throughout the park, interpretive signs that provide information on building history and function (extant and demolished) shall also be incorporated. The Applicant shall prepare and submit draft documentation to the City and Cultural Heritage Committee (CHC) for review and approval prior to the issuance of grading permits for Phase 3. The pamphlet and interpretive signage shall be reviewed by the CHC and approved by the Community Development Director. The Parks and Recreation Commission shall review any interpretive signage proposed to be located within the park. The City Community Development Department shall ensure park designs incorporate interpretive signage consistent with approved documentation. MM CR-12. Salvage and Reuse of Historic Materials. The Applicant shall reuse original material to the greatest extent feasible in the proposed work on the contributing structures to be relocated and/or reconstructed within the proposed public park (main residence, dairy barn, creamery/house, and granary). The Applicant and historic architect shall work with the City to prepare a marketing plan to offer to the public any salvaged historic materials not used during rehabilitation and reconstruction of the primary contributors, and demolition of the secondary contributors. As appropriate, unused or unretained historic materials will be offered to local historical societies and museums, then offered to architectural recycling before being disposed. The Applicant shall prepare and submit draft documentation to the City for review and approval by the Community Development Director prior to the issuance of grading permits for Phase 3. The marketing plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director. MM CR-13. Protection of the Historic Integrity. The Applicant and historic architect shall prepare design guidelines and a review process for new construction proximate to historic structuresthe main residence. New construction shall be undertaken in such a manner that the essential form and integrity of relocated historic structures the main residence and their its setting would be unimpaired. The design guidelines and review by City Community Development Director shall ensure new construction is compatible with historic structures main residence in material, features, size, scale and proportion, and massing. The Applicant shall prepare and submit draft design guidelines to the City and CHC for review and approval prior to approval of entitlements and the issuance of grading permits for Phase 1. The design guidelines shall be reviewed by the CHC and approved by the Community Development Director. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 254 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 37 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM CR-14. Preparation of a Historic Structure Preservation Plan. Prior to commencement of Phase 1 construction, a City-approved qualified structural engineer and historical architect shall survey the existing foundations and other structural aspects of the main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary, and develop a preservation plan to protect the historic buildings from potential damage during construction activities. The qualified structural engineer shall identify any necessary temporary structural bracing for the historic structures to avoid damage to these resources during the duration of construction. The qualified structural engineer shall prepare a temporary historic structure stabilization plan identifying these techniques as necessary. The Applicant shall submit the preservation plan and temporary historic structure stabilization plan to the City for review and approval prior to recordation of the final map and issuance of grading and building permits for Phase 1 of construction. Prior to the issuance of Phase 4 building and grading permits, the Applicant shall submit the final Historic Structures Plan and temporary historic structure stabilization plan, with incorporation of any additional recommendations for repair, to the City for review and approval. The City engineer shall review and approve the preservation plan prior to recordation of the final map and issuance of grading permits for Phase 1. The City-approved structural engineer shall periodically monitor vibration during vibration-causing construction activities to ensure excessive vibration does not occur and that temporary historic structure stabilization plan strategies are effective at avoiding vibration damage. The structural engineer shall halt construction activity if he/she deems construction activity may harm historical resources and shall modify or augment the temporary historic structure stabilization plan strategies accordingly. Geological Resources MM GEO-1. Construction Worker Paleontological Resource Education Program. Prior to construction of each phase, workers shall receive education regarding the recognition of possible paleontological resources, during grading and excavation. Such training shall provide construction personnel with direction regarding the procedures to be followed in the unlikely event that previously unidentified paleontological materials are discovered during construction. Training shall also inform construction personnel that unauthorized collection or disturbance of paleontological resources is not allowed. The training shall be prepared by a City-approved paleontologist and shall provide a description of paleontological resources that may be encountered in the Project site, outline steps to follow in the event that a discovery is made, and provide contact information for the Project paleontologist and appropriate City personnel. The training shall be conducted concurrent with other environmental or safety awareness and education programs for the Project, provided that the program elements pertaining to paleontological resources is provided by a qualified instructor meeting applicable professional qualifications standards. In order to prevent inadvertent potential significant impacts to paleontological resources that may be encountered during ground disturbance or construction activities, in the event of any inadvertent discovery of paleontological resources during construction, all work within the vicinity of the resource established by the City-approved paleontologist shall temporarily cease. If a paleontological resource is discovered, the City-approved paleontologist shall be notified to assess the significance of the find and provide recommendations as necessary for its proper disposition. Prior to ground disturbance for each phase, construction workers shall participate in an educational program that will enable them to recognize and report possible paleontological resources. The conditions for treatment of discoveries shall be printed on all grading plans. The City shall be notified immediately after the unanticipated discovery of a paleontological resource. Paleontological reports shall be reviewed and approved prior to issuance of occupancy. In the event that any potentially significant paleontological resources are uncovered during ground disturbance or construction activities: a. Temporarily cease grading in the vicinity of the resource established by the City-approved paleontologist and redirect activity elsewhere to ensure the preservation of the resource in which the discovery was made; b. Immediately notify the City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Paleontological reports prepared for the Project site in response to an unanticipated discovery shall be maintained by the City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Department. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 255 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 38 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring Department regarding the resource and redirected grading activity; c. Obtain the services of a City-approved professional paleontologist who shall assess the significance of the find and provide recommendations as necessary for its proper disposition for review and approval by City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Department. d. Complete all significance assessment and mitigation of impacts to the paleontological resource and verification reviewed and approved by City of San Luis Obispo Community Development Department prior to resuming grading in the area of the find. Hazards and Hazardous Materials MM HAZ-1. Preparation of a Construction Impact Management Plan. The Applicant shall prepare and submit a Construction Impact Management Plan to the City of San Luis Obispo Fire Department (SLOFD) prior to the issuance of grading permits. The Plan shall list measures taken during construction to reduce the potential for brush or grass fires from use of heavy equipment, welding, vehicles with catalytic converters, and other potential activities. The Plan shall include SLOFD recommended measures including, but not limited to the following:  All equipment with the potential to work off-road shall be equipped with appropriate mufflers and have extinguishers mounted on each vehicle;  In coordination with SLOFD, personnel shall be briefed on the dangers of wildfire and be able to respond accordingly should the need arise;  Onsite supervisor(s) shall have a cell phone or other means of initiating a 911 response time in a timely manner in the event of a medical emergency and/or fire;  All dead and decadent vegetation immediately surrounding the development area shall be removed to a minimum perimeter of 30 feet;  Smoking shall only occur in a designated area;  A water tender will be available on each construction site during the entire phase of construction; and  A water tender operator shall be available onsite during all construction and remain onsite a minimum of 30 minutes after all construction has finished for the day. The Applicant shall prepare a Construction Impact Management Plan in coordination with SLOFD, the San Luis Obispo County Fire Department, and the City, and submit the Plan to the SLOFD for approval prior to the issuance of grading permits. Provisions for fire protection shall be restated on all grading and building plans. Fire protection measures shall be implemented throughout construction and draw upon the CALFIRE and San Luis Obispo County Fire Department Strategic Fire Plan. The name and telephone number of an onsite supervisor shall be provided to SLOFD prior to commencement of construction or grading activities. The SLOFD shall review the Construction Impact Management Plan and provide recommended measures as necessary. The City permit processing planner shall ensure measures are integrated into the final grading and building plans prior to permit approval. City monitoring staff shall spot check for compliance during construction for each phase of development. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 256 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 39 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM HAZ-2. Preparation of a Community Fire Protection Plan. In accordance with PRC Section 4291, the Applicant shall hire a City-qualified team that consists of appropriate specialists (i.e., fire management professionals, biologists) to prepare a Community Fire Protection Plan to design the creation and maintenance of required fire buffers and fuel management zones around developable areas and detail methods for achieving fire safety around new buildings while preserving the integrity and function of affected native plant communities to the maximum extent feasible, and that ensures that consistent fire fuel management practices are applied throughout the City. The Plan shall incorporate management strategies in coordination with adjacent property owners, including Mountainbrook Church and the Irish Hills Natural Reserve. The Plan shall outline the removal and control of invasive, non-native vegetation, and conservation of sensitive habitats and rare species, while developing fire fuel management practices that will discourage or prevent non-native grasses and other non-native invasive species from dominating surrounding areas. Landscaping shall be maintained by the Applicant and periodically inspected by the SLOFD during fire inspections in each of the fuel management zones to avoid the buildup of deadwood and leaf litter, which, if left to accumulate, would reduce the mitigating effect of the Plan. Specifically, the Plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following elements:  Vegetation coverage and type;  Setbacks between structures, sensitive wildlife species, and access routes;  Development plan landscaping and planting standards within the setback areas;  Native trees and shrubs, such as coast live oak, coastal scrub, and grassland shall be thinned and limbed up but left in place;  All allowable weed abatement techniques, qualifications, and requirements for weed abatement contractors, as well as measures and techniques that ensure the required fuel management and vegetation clearance, shall be designed and implemented to provide adequate structure protection and avoid degradation of sensitive biological habitat; and  Invasive species shall be removed and controlled. Prior to approval of the final development plan, the Community Fire Protection Plan shall be prepared and submitted to the City Natural Resources Manager and SLOFD for review and approval, with coordination from the San Luis Obispo County Fire Department. The Plan shall be implemented consistent with the approved maintenance schedule. The City-qualified biologist shall submit a monitoring report to the City Natural Resources Manager and SLOFD at the end of the first year following Project occupancy documenting the fuel management activities that took place. Conformance with the Community Fire Protection Plan shall be demonstrated through the submittal of annual photo documentation by the Applicant or site visits as necessary at the discretion of the Compliance monitoring staff. MM HAZ-3. Prohibition of Smoking and Designation of Smoking Areas. The FRSP shall designate smoking areas, located away from onsite fire hazards areas and within acceptable locations consistent with Chapter 8.16, Smoking Prohibition and Secondhand Smoke Control, of the City Municipal Code. Otherwise, smoking shall be prohibited onsite. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to include policies to requiring the allowed use of fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping in areas to reduce mulch/gorilla hair, which is the receptive embers, if determined appropriate by SLOFD. Prior to adoption of the Final FRSP, the Applicant shall amend the Final FRSP to include these policies. The Applicant shall coordinate with SLOFD to identify appropriate locations for designated smoking areas and appropriate fire resistant landscaping and hardscaping features within the Project site. The Final FRSP shall be reviewed by the SLOFD and City for inclusion of the above measure. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 257 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 40 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM HAZ-4. Preparation of a Site Evacuation Plan. The Applicant shall prepare and implement an Evacuation Plan, which shall address both Villaggio and Madonna Froom Ranch areas. The Evacuation Plan shall be subject to review by the City and SLOFD, and shall include, but not be limited to:  Accommodation for assisted living and special care individuals;  Shelter-in-place accommodations;  Specified quantity and capacity of vehicles required to accommodate residents and employees of Villaggio, and maintenance of those vehicles;  Signage that clearly indicates evacuation routes and meeting areas;  Specified egress points for transportation vehicles;  A relocation plan from the Project site to a secondary facility, with associated transportation;  Contingency plans for changes to the construction schedule or phasing plan that would affect the primary evacuation plan and routes;  Periodic updates that would consider potential redevelopment activities or other roadway alterations; and  Regular practice drills (e.g., one per year) for implementation of the Evacuation Plan. The above Evacuation Plan shall be prepared in coordination with the SLOFD and the San Luis Obispo County Fire Department and submitted for approval to the City and SLOFD prior to adoption of the Final VTM. The Applicant shall resubmit the Plan to the City and SLOFD prior to the construction of each phase of development. Prior to occupancy of the first residential unit, the Applicant shall implement measures within the Evacuation Plan. The City and SLOFD shall review the Evacuation Plan and ensure all recommendations are incorporated. The City Fire Marshall shall inspect the Project site for compliance prior to the occupancy of the first residential unit for each phase. MM HAZ-5. Irish Hills Natural Reserve Fire Access. The FRSP shall designate fire access routes in at least two locations from the Project site to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve on at least 12-foot wide paths, one extending from Villaggio and one from Madonna Froom Ranch. Fire access routes shall be designed to allow emergency response to wildland area in the Irish Hills to support direct access for firefighting personnel and equipment. Prior to adoption of the Final FRSP, the Applicant shall amend the Final FRSP to include the required accessway, in coordination with SLOFD to identify appropriate locations within the Project site. The Final FRSP shall be reviewed by the SLOFD and City for inclusion of the above measure. Hydrology and Water Quality MM HYD-1. Submittal of a Notice of Intent. Prior to the issuance of any construction/grading permit and/or the commencement of any clearing, grading, or excavation, the Applicant shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for discharge from the Project site to the California SWRCB Storm Water Permit Unit. The NOI shall be submitted for review and approval to the SWRCB. The City will verify that a Waste Discharge Identification (WDID) number is assigned by the Board prior to the issuance of grading permits for construction activities. The NOI shall address discharge during all phases of development of the site until all disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. The City will confirm WDID number assignment prior to approval of the grading permit(s). City monitoring staff will periodically inspect the site during construction to ensure compliance. MM HYD-2. Preparation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. For each phase of construction, the Applicant shall require the building contractor to prepare and submit a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to the City 45 days prior to the start of work for approval. The contractor is responsible for understanding the State General Permit and instituting the SWPPP during The Applicant shall prepare a SWPPP that includes the above and any additional required BMPs addressing each phase of construction and timing. The SWPPP and notices shall be submitted to the SWRCB City monitoring staff shall periodically inspect the site for compliance with the SWPPP during grading to monitor runoff and after conclusion of grading activities. A Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSP) EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 258 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 41 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring construction. A SWPPP for site construction shall be developed prior to the initiation of grading and implemented for all construction activity on the Project site in excess of 1 acre, or where the area of disturbance is less than 1 acre but is part of the Project’s plan of development that in total disturbs 1 or more acres. The SWPPP shall identify potential pollutant sources that may affect the quality of discharges to stormwater and shall include specific BMPs to control the discharge of material from the site, including, but not limited to:  Temporary detention basins, straw bales, sand bagging, mulching, erosion control blankets, silt fencing, and soil stabilizers shall be used.  Sufficient physical protection and pollution prevention measures to prevent sedimentation, siltation, and/or debris from entering the Calle Joaquin wetlands.  Soil stockpiles and graded slopes shall be covered after 14 days of inactivity and 24 hours prior to and during inclement weather conditions.  Fiber rolls shall be placed along the top of exposed slopes and at the toes of graded areas to reduce surface soil movement, as necessary.  A routine monitoring plan shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite erosion and sedimentation control measures.  Dust control measures shall be implemented to ensure success of all onsite activities to control fugitive dust.  Streets surrounding the Project site shall be cleaned daily or as necessary.  BMPs shall be strictly followed to prevent spills and discharges of pollutants onsite (material and container storage, proper trash disposal, construction entrances, etc.).  Sandbags, or other equivalent techniques, shall be utilized along graded areas to prevent siltation transport to the surrounding areas. Additional BMPs shall be implemented for any fuel storage or fuel handling that could occur onsite during construction. The SWPPP must be prepared in accordance with the guidelines adopted by the SWRCB. The SWPPP shall be submitted to the City along with grading/development plans for review and approval. The Applicant shall file a Notice of Completion for construction of the development, identifying that pollution sources were controlled during the construction of the Project and implementing a closure SWPPP for the site. under their Stormwater Multi-Application, Reporting, and Tracking System (SMARTS). The SWPPP shall be designed to address erosion and sediment control during all phases of development of the site until all disturbed areas are permanently stabilized. The development plans submitted to the City shall include and reflect the erosion control plan and BMPs submitted to the State. will be retained by the developer for overall management and reporting responsibility regarding the SWPPP and documentation under SMARTS in accordance with their permitting requirement. The Applicant will keep a copy of the SWPPP on the Project site during grading and construction activities. MM HYD-3. Timing of Installation of Stormwater Management Systems. Installation of the stormwater management system shall occur during the dry season (May through October), including realignment and restoration of Froom Creek, installation of hydrological connections for the stormwater detention basin, construction of onsite retention basins, and the installation of the Home Depot and LOVR ditches. Stormwater management system features shall be fully installed and The Applicant shall demonstrate compliance within grading and construction phasing plans subject to City review and approval prior to issuance of grading permits for each Project phase. The City shall review grading and construction plans for all phases to ensure compliance. City grading monitors shall spot check for compliance. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 259 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 42 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring restored to ensure soil stabilization and adequate stormwater conveyance capacity prior to the storm season (October through April). MM HYD-4. Preparation of Refined Plans for Bio-Engineering of Froom Creek. The Applicant shall submit final Froom Creek Realignment plans and supporting technical studies that provide a refined bio-engineering approach to ensure creek bank and channel bottom stability and avoidance or reduction of further erosion. Final creek design plans and a supporting engineering study shall address appropriate boulder sizes and bank protection measures necessary to prevent dislodgement or remobilization of in-channel or toe-slope protection rock. Natural methods (e.g., additional rock) shall be employed as needed to maintain the proposed creek alignment and downslope bank location between the channel and LOVR and the Calle Joaquin wetlands, and to protect mid- to upper-bank areas and top-of-bank from erosion from flood flows and aid in maintenance of riparian vegetation. The Applicant shall submit revised plans and additional supporting technical studies to the City for review and approval prior to recordation of the final VTM. The final VTM shall depict all necessary revisions or improvements identified in the revised Froom Creek Realignment plans and supporting studies. City staff shall inspect Froom Creek realignment improvements and ensure compliance throughout all construction phases. Permit compliance monitoring staff shall perform periodic site inspections to verify compliance with planned improvements. Noise MM NO-1. Limitation of Construction Work Hours. Except for emergency repair of public service utilities, or where an exception is issued by the Community Development Department, no operation of tools or equipment used in construction, drilling, repair, alteration, or demolition work shall occur between the hours of 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM, or any time on Sundays, holidays, or after sunset, such that the sound creates a noise disturbance that exceeds 75 dBA for single-family residential uses, 80 dBA for multi-family residential uses, and 85 dBA for mixed residential/commercial land uses, as shown in Table 3.10-9 and Table 3.10-10, across a residential or commercial property line. Plans submitted for grading and building permits shall clearly indicate construction hours and shall be submitted to the City for approval prior to grading and building permit issuance for each Project phase. To ensure response to and resolution of potential public noise nuisance complaints, plans submitted for grading and building permits shall clearly identify the Project’s construction manager (or similar) and 24-hour contact information. At the pre-construction meeting required for all phases of grading and development, all construction workers shall be briefed on restricted construction hour limitations. A workday schedule shall be adhered to for the duration of construction for all phases. The Applicant’s permit compliance monitoring staff shall perform periodic site inspections to verify compliance with activity schedules and respond to complaints. MM NO-2. Implementation of Noise Attenuation Measures. For all construction activity at the Project site, noise attenuation techniques shall be employed to ensure that noise levels are maintained within levels allowed by the City of San Luis Obispo Municipal Code, Title 9, Chapter 9.12 (Noise Control). Such techniques shall include:  Sound blankets on noise-generating equipment.  Stationary construction equipment that generates noise levels above 65 dBA at the Project boundaries shall be shielded with a barrier that meets a sound transmission class (a rating of how well noise barriers attenuate sound) of 25. The Applicant shall designate the proposed area of operation of stationary construction equipment and depict acoustic shielding around these areas on building and grading plans. Equipment and shielding shall be installed prior to construction and remain in the designated location throughout construction activities. Construction plans shall identify Best Management Practices City staff shall ensure compliance throughout all construction phases. The Applicant’s permit compliance monitoring staff shall perform periodic site inspections to verify compliance with activity schedules. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 260 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 43 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  All diesel equipment shall be operated with closed engine doors and shall be equipped with factory-recommended mufflers.  Temporary sound barriers shall be constructed between construction sites and affected uses. (BMPs) to be implemented during construction. All construction workers shall be briefed at a pre-construction meeting on how, why, and where BMP measures are to be implemented. BMPs shall be identified and described for submittal to the City for review and approval prior to building or grading permit issuance. BMPs shall be adhered to for the duration of the Project. Construction plans shall include truck routes and shall be submitted to the City prior to grading and building permit issuance for each Project phase. MM NO-3. Notification of Adjacent Properties Prior to Construction Work. The Applicant shall inform landowners and business operators at properties within 300 feet of the Project site of proposed construction timelines and noise complaint procedures to minimize potential annoyance or nuisance complaints related to construction noise no less than 10 days prior to initiation of any grading and construction activity for any Phase. The notice shall include the name and contact information of the Project’s construction manager and contact information for the City’s Community Development Department. The Applicant shall provide and post signs stating these restrictions and the Project’s construction manager’s name and contact information at construction site entries. Signs shall be posted prior to commencement of construction and maintained throughout construction of any Phase. The construction schedule and mailing list shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department 10 days prior to initiation of any earth movement. City staff shall ensure compliance throughout all construction phases. The Applicant’s permit compliance monitoring staff shall perform periodic site inspections to verify compliance with activity schedules and respond to complaints. MM NO-4. Preparation of Project-Specific Noise Study. Prior to approval of park and residential development within the Madonna Froom Ranch area of the Specific Plan, the Applicant shall submit a project-specific noise study that evaluates the potential for noise exposure from adjacent commercial uses and identifies project-specific design measures to attenuate exterior and interior noise consistent with the City’s Noise Element and Noise Ordinance. If necessary to reduce noise within acceptable levels, noise reduction measures may include a planted earthen berm, sound wall, or similar noise attenuating feature along the site boundary with Irish Hills Plaza, consistent with Policy 1.8.2 of the Noise Element. The Applicant shall incorporate the above mitigation within the final FRSP prior to adoption. City staff shall ensure compliance with required site design and noise reduction measures within the final FRSP prior to adoption and shall confirm any required noise attenuation measures are shown on construction plans prior to issuance of building permits. Public Services MM PS-1. Public Parkland Requirements for Villaggio. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch. At the discretion of the Community Development Department and City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Department, and to ensure that parkland would satisfy the needs of the proposed population of Villaggio, the Applicant shall either: The development of parkland and/or dedication of fees shall be completed by the Applicant prior to issuance of building permits. While coordinating with the City Parks and Recreation Department, the The City shall ensure compliance with General Plan PRE Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2, and shall ensure the above measure is implemented prior issuance of building permits. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 261 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 44 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring a. Identify, purchase, and develop up to 7.32 acres of parkland, including 2.09 acres2.79 acres of neighborhood park (in addition to the 3.6 acres2.9 acres of public parkland proposed by the Project), within the City’s Sphere of Influence, consistent with City General Plan PRE Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2. If feasible, land for development of neighborhood park space should be identified within interior areas of the City Sphere of Influence to maximize use and access; or b. Provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. Applicant shall modify the FRSP to demonstrate the provision of recreational facilities to meet the demand of Villaggio residents if an onsite option is selected. MM PS-2. Public Parkland Requirements for Madonna Froom Ranch. The Applicant shall identify, designate, dedicate, and/or develop up to 0.46 acres 1.16 acres of public parkland into the Froom Ranch Specific Plan to be operational at the time of buildout of the Project, in addition to parkland provided under MM PS-1. Mitigation shall be calculated based on actual buildout populations within Madonna Froom Ranch and may be implemented using one of the following options, at the discretion of the Community Development Department and City Parks and Recreation Department: a. The Applicant shall designate an additional area of up to 0.46 acres1.16 acres of public facilities land use with the intention of providing parkland, within the Specific Plan area, consistent with City General Plan PRE Policies 3.13.1, 3.15.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2, or b. The Applicant shall identify and purchase or dedicate up to 0.46 acres1.16 acres of parkland within the City’s Sphere of Influence, or c. The Applicant shall provide a contribution of fees in-lieu of dedication of up to 0.46 acres1.16 acres of parkland, restricted solely for parkland acquisition and improvement. The development of parkland and/or dedication of fees shall be completed by the Applicant prior to issuance of building permits. While coordinating with the City Parks and Recreation Department, the Applicant shall modify the FRSP to demonstrate the provision of recreational facilities to meet the demand of Madonna Froom Ranch residents if an onsite option is selected. The City shall ensure compliance with General Plan PRE Policies 3.13.1, 3.13.1, 5.0.1, and 5.0.2, and shall ensure the above measure is implemented prior to issuance of building permits. Transportation and Traffic MM TRANS-1. Construction Transportation Management Plan. The Applicant shall prepare a Construction Transportation Management Plan for all phases of the Project for review and approval by the City prior to issuance of grading or building permits to address and manage traffic during construction. The Applicant shall coordinate with SLO Regional Rideshare for the development of the Plan. The Plan shall be designed to:  Prevent traffic impacts on the surrounding roadway network;  Restrict construction staging to within the Project site;  Minimize parking impacts both to public parking and access to private parking to the greatest extent practicable;  Ensure safety for both those construction vehicles and works and the surrounding community; The Applicant shall submit the Construction Transportation Management Plan to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of grading or building permits. The Construction Transportation Management Plan shall be updated as needed to reflect changing conditions over the Project’s five-year construction schedule. The Applicant shall conduct necessary construction employee training prior to the commencement of construction. The City Public Works Department, Community Development Department, Police The City shall ensure compliance with the Construction Transportation Management Plan with periodic inspections of the Project site during construction. Complaints related to construction traffic at the site shall be directed to the City Public Works Department. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 262 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 45 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  Prevent substantial truck traffic through residential neighborhoods; and  Provide strategies to reduce single-occupancy vehicle trips made by resident and employees. The Construction Transportation Management Plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Public Works Director to ensure that the Plan has been designed in accordance with this mitigation measure. The Applicant shall identify a point of contact to coordinate Plan implementation. This review shall occur prior to issuance of grading or building permits. It shall, at a minimum, include the following: Ongoing Requirements throughout the Duration of Construction:  A detailed Construction Transportation Management Plan for work zones shall be maintained. At a minimum, this shall include parking and travel lane configurations; warning, regulatory, guide, and directional signage; and area sidewalks, bicycle lanes, and parking lanes. The Plan shall include specific information regarding the Project’s construction activities that may disrupt normal pedestrian and traffic flow and the measures to address these disruptions. Such Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Department and implemented in accordance with this approval.  Heavy haul construction vehicles and cement trucks shall not pass through Villaggio’s Lower Area access roads once any of the Lower Area residences become occupied, and must utilize access from Calle Joaquin to access the Upper Terrace after that time.  Work within the public right-of-way shall be reviewed and approved by the City on a case-by-case basis based on the magnitude and type of construction activity. Work shall generally be performed between 8:30 AM and 4:00 PM. This work includes dirt hauling and construction material delivery. Work within the public right-of-way outside of these hours shall only be allowed after the issuance of an after-hours construction permit administered by the Building and Safety Division. Additional restrictions may be put in place by Public Works Department depending on particular construction activities and conditions.  Streets and equipment shall be cleaned in accordance with established Public Works requirements.  Trucks shall only travel on a City-approved construction route. Limited queuing may occur on the construction site itself.  Materials and equipment shall be minimally visible to the public; the preferred location for materials is to be onsite, with a minimum amount of materials within a work area in the public right-of-way, subject to a current Use of Public Property Permit. Department, and Fire Department, and nearby residences and businesses shall be notified of the construction schedule prior to initiation of construction. The Applicant shall submit individual traffic control plans and part of encroachment permits for work within the public right-of-way. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 263 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 46 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  Provision of off-street parking for construction workers, which may include the use of a remote location with shuttle transport to the site, if determined necessary by the City.  Where construction activities require closure of bike lanes or sidewalks along LOVR, temporary bicycle and pedestrian pathways shall be provided where feasible with physical separation provided between users and adjacent vehicle traffic consistent with Public Works requirements. Project Coordination Elements That Shall Be Implemented Prior to Commencement of Construction:  The traveling public shall be advised of impending construction activities that may substantially affect key roadways or other facilities (e.g., information signs, portable message signs, media listing/notification, and implementation of an approved Construction Impact Mitigation Plan).  A Use of Public Property Permit, Excavation Permit, Sewer Permit, or Oversize Load Permit, as well as any Caltrans permits required for any construction work requiring encroachment into public rights-of-way, detours, or any other work within the public right-of-way shall be obtained.  Timely notification of construction schedules shall be provided to all affected agencies (e.g., Police Department, Fire Department, Public Works Department, and Community Development Department) and to all owners and residential and commercial tenants of property within a radius of 0.25 mile.  Construction work shall be coordinated with affected agencies in advance of start of work. Approvals may take up to two weeks per each submittal.  Public Works Department approval of any haul routes for construction materials and equipment deliveries shall be obtained.  Construction traffic plans, routes, and schedules shall be shared with the City Active Transportation Committee, County Public Works Department (for distribution to the County Bicycle Advisory Committee), the Los Verdes Park 1 and 2 Homeowners Associations, and local bicycle advocacy groups, such as Bike SLO County and the SLO Bicycle Club. MM TRANS-2. LOVR/U.S. 101 Ramp Improvements. The Project Applicant shall design and construct the extension of the southbound right-turn pocket at the LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection to provide a storage length of at least 150 feet. In coordination with the Applicant, the City and Caltrans shall also implement traffic signal coordination between the LOVR/Calle Joaquin intersection and adjacent U.S. 101 northbound and southbound ramps and optimize traffic signal timings at these three intersections. In addition, the Applicant shall also pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements that are required to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development at this intersection, which include extension of the Prior to recordation of the final VTM for subdivision of the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall submit a Public Street Improvement Plan for roadway improvements at the southbound right-turn pocket and a Traffic Engineering Study with signal timing recommendations for review and implementation by the City and Caltrans. Payment of fair share The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans or contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 264 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 47 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring southbound off-ramp through/left-turn pocket to provide a storage length of at least 320 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. mitigation fees shall be provided prior to first building permit issuance for Madonna Froom Ranch development, while construction of applicable improvements shall be completed prior to the issuance of first certificate of occupancy for Madonna Froom Ranch development. MM TRANS-3. South Higuera Street/Vachell Lane Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development project, which include the following: left turn at the South Higuera Street/Vachell Lane intersection, extension of Buckley Road from Vachell Lane to South Higuera Street, and installation of a traffic signal at Buckley Road/South Higuera Street intersection. If the Buckley Road Extension has not been completed prior to the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of alternate measures to mitigate the Project’s proportional share of intersection impacts to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Alternative measures may include installation of a center refuge on S. Higuera to allow two-stage left turns from Vachell, installation of left-turn restrictions at South Higuera/Vachell if the planned Earthwood Lane street connection between Vachell and Suburban has been completed, or signalization of the S. Higuera/Vachell intersection. Mitigation may require County coordination. If the Buckley Road Extension has not been completed prior to the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of alternate measures to mitigate the Project’s proportional share of intersection impacts to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Alternative measures may include installation of a center refuge on S. Higuera to allow two-stage left turns from Vachell, installation of left-turn restrictions at South Higuera/Vachell if the planned Earthwood Lane street connection between Vachell and Suburban has been completed, or signalization of the S. Higuera/Vachell intersection. Mitigation may require County coordination. Prior to issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a prorated fair share contribution towards the South Higuera/Vachell and Buckley Road improvements per the terms established in the Avila Ranch Private Reimbursement Agreement. If the Buckley Road Extension has not been completed by others prior to issuance of first building permits for the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall design and construct alternate mitigation measures to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director prior to issuance of first certificate of occupancy for Madonna Froom Ranch. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans or contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City. MM TRANS-4. South Higuera Street/Suburban Road Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include restriping of the westbound approach of the South Higuera Street/Suburban Road intersection to extend the left- and right-turn pocket storage to 250 feet. If planned improvements have not yet been completed prior to issuance of building permits for the Madonna Froom Ranch development, the Applicant shall be responsible for installation of the striping improvements. Prior to the issuance of building permits for Madonna Froom Ranch development, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the intersection striping improvements. If the planned improvements have not yet been completed by others prior to issuance of building permits for Madonna Froom Ranch development, the applicant shall be The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans or contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 265 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 48 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring responsible for installation of the intersection striping improvements prior to issuance of first certificates of occupancy for the Madonna Froom Ranch development. MM TRANS-5. South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Bike Lane Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards bicycle improvements at South Higuera/Tank Farm to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include extending the westbound bike lane on Tank Farm Road to the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection and installation of a bike box (with loop detection) to facilitate bicycle left-turn movements. Fair share contribution is satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If the planned bicycle improvements have not yet been completed prior to development of the Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees. If the planned improvements have not yet been completed by others prior to issuance of first building permits for Villaggio development, the Applicant shall be responsible for design and installation of the bicycle improvements prior to first occupancy permits for the Villaggio development. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans or contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City. MM TRANS-6a. South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road Southbound Left-Turn Lane Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards intersection improvements to be constructed by the Avila Ranch development, which include installation of a second southbound left-turn lane at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. If installation of dual southbound left-turn lanes has not been completed prior to Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall coordinate with the City to retime the traffic signal at South Higuera/Tank Farm to mitigate the Project’s proportional contribution to queueing impacts. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees. If the planned South Higuera/Tank Farm intersection improvements have not yet been completed by others prior to issuance of first building permits for Madonna Froom Ranch development, the Applicant shall submit a Traffic Engineering Study with signal timing recommendations for review and implementation by the City prior to issuance of first certificates of occupancy for Madonna Froom Ranch development. The City shall verify that the Applicant pays fair share costs in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. MM TRANS-6b. Prado Road Overpass/Interchange Project Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share costs for construction of the Prado Road Overpass/Interchange project. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees The City shall verify that the Applicant pays fair share costs in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. MM TRANS-7. South Higuera Street/Prado Road Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee towards the intersection improvements to be constructed by the City at the South Higuera/Prado intersection, Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the The City shall verify that the Applicant pays fair share costs in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 266 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 49 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring which includes installation of a second northbound left-turn lane, a second southbound left-turn lane, a second eastbound through lane, bicycle protected intersection features, traffic signal modifications, and widening of the adjacent Prado Road Creek Bridge west of South Higuera. Fair share contributions for both improvements are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees. MM TRANS-8. LOVR Bike Lane Improvements. The Project Applicant shall design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes. Improvement extents shall occur in the northbound direction between Laguna Lane and Diablo Drive, and in the southbound direction between Diablo Drive and Madonna Road. Some gaps in physical separation may remain due to right-of-way limitations or other design constraints. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio, the Applicant shall submit a Public Street Improvement Plan for review and approval by the City. Implementation shall be completed prior to the issuance of first certificates of occupancy for Villaggio development. Improvement costs exceeding the Project’s proportional share may be eligible for private reimbursement. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. MM TRANS-9. LOVR Sidewalk Improvements. The Project Applicant shall design and install ADA-compliant curb, gutter and sidewalk along the west side of LOVR to complete the sidewalk connection between the Irish Hills Plaza and Calle Joaquin. The Project Applicant shall also design and install Class IV bikeways (protected bike lanes) along LOVR to provide a physical buffer between the sidewalk and vehicular traffic lanes in the northbound and southbound directions between Madonna Road and South Higuera Street. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination for improvements near the LOVR/U.S. 101 interchange. If Class IV bikeways are not approved for segments within Caltrans right-of-way, or are deemed infeasible for short segments due to other geometric constraints, alternative treatments to improve pedestrian levels of service may be approved to the satisfaction of the Public Works Director. Potential alternative treatments include installation of striped bike lane buffers, street trees or other features that further buffer pedestrians from street traffic. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a Public Street Improvement Plan for review and approval by the City. Implementation shall be completed prior to the issuance of first certificates of occupancy for Villaggio’s Lower Area development. Applicable construction costs for improvements along LOVR between Calle Joaquin and Froom Ranch Way consistent with the planned Bob Jones Trail (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Connection Project may be eligible for credits or reimbursement through the City’s Transportation Impact Fee program. Costs exceeding the Project’s proportional share for improvements along other segments may be eligible for private reimbursement only. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plan. MM TRANS-10. Madonna Road Multi-Use Path Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards Madonna Road improvements to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development, which include installation of a Class I Multi-Use Path parallel to Madonna Road between Oceanaire Drive and the U.S. 101 southbound ramps intersection. This project is in construction Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees. The City shall verify that the Applicant pays fair share costs in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 267 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 50 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring currently. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. MM TRANS-11. Internal Road Network Traffic Calming Measures. The Project is responsible for incorporating traffic calming measures (e.g., speed humps, bulb-outs, chicanes, etc.) into the design of Local Road “A” prior to development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. Traffic calming measures shall be designed to the satisfaction of the City Public Works and Fire Departments. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a Public Street Improvement Plan for review and approval by the City. Implementation shall be completed prior to the issuance of first certificates of occupancy for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. MM TRANS-12. LOVR/Foothill Boulevard Fair Share Mitigation Fees. In coordination with the County, the Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee for costs to construct the following future improvements at the LOVR/Foothill Boulevard intersection: widen northbound approach to provide one left-turn, two through, and one right-turn lane; widen westbound approach to provide one left-turn lane, one shared through/right-turn lane, and one right-turn lane. Additional improvements include roadway striping and traffic signal modifications needed to accommodate new lane configurations. This mitigation measure requires County approval and coordination. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit preliminary intersection improvement plans for review and approval by the County, with plans developed to a level of detail sufficient to provide an engineer’s estimate of probable construction costs, including right-of-way acquisition (if needed). Fair share mitigation fees for these improvements shall be paid to the County prior to issuance of first certificates of occupancy development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. The City shall verify that the Applicant has provided applicable design plans and contributes an appropriate fair share mitigation fee to the satisfaction of the County. MM TRANS-13. LOVR/Madonna Road Intersection Timing Improvements. In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signal at LOVR/Madonna to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase. Prior to the issuance of first building permits for the Villaggio Lower Area development phase, the City shall implement the signal timing modifications. The City shall verify that the signal timing modifications are implemented in accordance to the approved project phase. MM TRANS-14. South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road Lead Pedestrian Interval Improvements. In coordination with the City, the Project Applicant shall fund any costs required to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection. Prior to grading and recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a Traffic Engineering Study identifying recommended signal timing modifications for review and approval by the City. The proposed Lead Pedestrian Intervals shall be installed prior to the issuance of an occupancy or building permit for Villaggio’s Lower Area development. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans or contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City. MM TRANS-15. South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road Northbound Right-Turn Pocket Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay fair share mitigation fees towards extension of the northbound right-turn pocket storage at the Prior to the issuance of building permits for each development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the The City shall verify that the Applicant pays its fair share fees. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 268 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 51 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring South Higuera/Tank Farm Road intersection to 230 feet. Improvements are to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch Development or as a City-led capital improvement project. Fair share contributions are satisfied through participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee program. mitigation improvements through payment of Citywide Transportation Impact Fees. MM TRANS-16. LOVR Corridor Intersection Timing Improvements. In coordination with the City and Caltrans, the Project Applicant shall fund costs required to optimize traffic signal timings along the LOVR corridor between Descanso Street and the South Higuera to improve traffic coordination and operations along this roadway segment. These intersections include LOVR/Descanso, LOVR/Royal, LOVR/Laguna, LOVR/Madonna, LOVR/Froom Ranch, LOVR/Auto Park, LOVR/Calle Joaquin, LOVR/U.S. 101 southbound ramps, LOVR/U.S. 101 northbound ramps and LOVR/S. Higuera. This requires coordination with Caltrans. Prior to issuance of first building permits for development of Villaggio Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a Traffic Engineering Study identifying recommended signal timing modifications for review and approval by the City and Caltrans. Signal timing implementation shall be completed by the City and Caltrans. The City shall verify that the Applicant submits the required Traffic Engineering Study. MM TRANS-17. LOVR/Madonna Road Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund restriping modifications at the LOVR/Madonna Road intersection to increase southbound turn pocket storage to 365 feet. Prior to the issuance of first building permits for the Villaggio Lower Area development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements. Improvements to be installed by the City as part of regular signing and striping improvements. The City shall verify that the Applicant pays its fair share fees and that adequate funding is collected to implement these improvements. MM TRANS-18. Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund modifications to the traffic signal at the Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive intersection to provide an eastbound right-turn overlap phase concurrent with the northbound left-turn phase. Prior to the issuance of first building permits for the Madonna Froom Ranch development phase, the Applicant shall provide a fair share contribution towards the mitigation improvements. Improvements to be implemented by the City as part of its ongoing traffic operations improvement program or installed in conjunction with other intersection modifications to be constructed by the San Luis Ranch development project. The City shall verify that the Applicant pays its fair share fees and that adequate funding is collected to implement these improvements. MM TRANS-19. Installation of LOVR Landscaped Median. The Project shall design and install a landscaped median along LOVR from the terminus of the existing median at northern Project frontage to Calle Joaquin. The final FRSP shall be amended to incorporate the above median improvement prior to adoption and submitted to the City for review and approval. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a public improvement plan for review and approval by the City. Implementation shall be completed prior to The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the final FRSP prior to Project approval. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 269 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 52 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring the issuance first certificates of occupancy for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. MM TRANS-20. Irish Hills Natural Reserve Emergency Access. The Project shall include an emergency access point from Villaggio’s Lower Area to the Irish Hills Natural Reserve to provide access to the existing dirt road network to fight fires in Irish Hills, specifically to Neil Havlik Way which connects to the four utility power line structures at the top of the ridgeline. This access point may be gated to ensure site security in consultation with SLOFD. The final FRSP shall be amended to incorporate the above emergency access connection prior to adoption and submitted to the City and SLOFD for review and approval. The above access road shall be integrated to the final VTM prior to approval of development plans. The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the final FRSP prior to Project approval. MM TRANS-21. Project Site Perimeter Emergency Access Points. The Project shall integrate access to the Project site perimeters for defending the Project site development. Specifically, these measures should address access to the wildland area immediately abutting the western boundary of Villaggio’s Lower Area. This measure shall include access from the proposed Local Road “C” to the Irish Hills, which may include use of space between proposed buildings for firefighting vehicle access, ramps up proposed retaining walls, and similar vehicle infrastructure to maintain access to the base of the Irish Hills. The final FRSP shall be amended to incorporate the above emergency access connection along the Irish Hills prior to adoption, and submitted to the City and SLOFD for review and approval. The above access road shall be integrated to the final VTM prior to approval of development plans. The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the final FRSP prior to Project approval. MM TRANS-22. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Improvements. To address pedestrian and bicycle circulation safety issues, the Project Applicant shall incorporate the following elements into public improvements plans based on design guidance published by National Association of City Transportation Officials and the Federal Highway Administration:  Install pedestrian refuges within center medians at north and south legs of the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection;  Install a single northbound left-turn lane at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection in lieu of dual left-turn lanes, as currently proposed, to shorten pedestrian crossing distance at the south leg of the intersection.  Minimize the amount of roadway widening required along LOVR to the extent practicable by reducing turn pocket lengths at the LOVR/Auto Park intersection to the minimum extent required per applicable traffic engineering standards;  Install a bulb-out at the southwest corner of the intersection to shorten pedestrian crossing distance at the south leg of the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection;  Install Lead Pedestrian Intervals at all pedestrian crossings at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection; The final FRSP shall be amended to incorporate the above improvements prior to adoption and submitted to the City and SLOFD for review and approval. Prior to recordation of the final VTM for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area, the Applicant shall submit a public improvement plan for review and approval by the City. Implementation shall be completed prior issuance of first certificates of occupancy for development of Villaggio’s Lower Area. The City shall ensure the above measure is incorporated into the final FRSP prior to Project approval. The City shall verify that the Applicant installs the improvements in accordance to the approved phase and design plans. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 270 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) Froom Ranch Specific Plan 53 Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring  Install protected bicycle intersection features as part of signalization and intersection improvements at the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection, conceptually consistent with planned improvements at the nearby LOVR/Froom Ranch Way and Madonna Road/Dalidio Drive intersections, and as illustrated in the Bob Jones Trail (Calle Joaquin to Oceanaire) Project Study Report;  Provide physically protected bicycle lanes (Class IV bikeway) along LOVR approaching/departing the Auto Park Way intersection and along Commercial Collector “A”. The Class IV bikeways shall be installed on-street with a physical barrier between cyclists and vehicular traffic or by constructing raised bicycle facilities at the sidewalk level adjacent to pedestrian sidewalks;  Sidewalks shall be provided within the Madonna Froom Ranch development area of the Project site as per City standards; and  Sidewalk design shall meet ADA requirements for a comfortable walking environment. MM TRANS-23. LOVR/Royal Way Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay a fair share mitigation fee to fund striping modifications to extend the northbound left-turn pocket at the LOVR/Royal Way intersection to 150 feet. This mitigation measure requires Caltrans approval and coordination. Prior to issuance of first building permits for Madonna Froom Ranch, the Applicant shall pay its fair share fees to the City. The City shall verify that the Applicant contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City and that adequate funding is collected to implement these improvements. MM TRANS-24. LOVR/Calle Joaquin Lead Pedestrian Interval Improvements. In coordination with the Applicant, the City shall retime the traffic signal at LOVR/Calle Joaquin to implement Lead Pedestrian Intervals for each pedestrian crossing phase. Requires Caltrans coordination. Prior to the issuance of first building permits for the Villaggio Lower Area development phase, the City shall implement the signal timing modifications. The City shall verify that the signal timing modifications are implemented in accordance to the approved project phase. MM TRANS-25. South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road Southbound Left-Turn Pocket Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Project Applicant shall pay its fair share mitigation fees to fund intersection striping improvements to extend the southbound left-turn pocket storage at the South Higuera Street/Tank Farm Road intersection to 300 feet. Prior to issuance of first building permits for Madonna Froom Ranch, the Applicant shall pay its fair share fees to the City. The City shall verify that the Applicant contributes an appropriate fair share as approved by the City and that adequate funding is collected to implement these improvements. Utilities and Energy Conservation MM UT-1. On- and Offsite Infrastructure Improvement Review and Approval. The Applicant shall amend the FRSP to require that the size, location, and alignment of all on- and offsite water supply, recycled water, wastewater, and energy infrastructure shall be subject to review and approval by the City’s Public Works and Utilities Departments. The Applicant shall be responsible for constructing all required onsite and offsite utility improvements, as well as for repaving of damaged roadways. The Applicant is required to implement the above standard mitigation measures prior to approval of grading and the final VTM. City staff shall ensure the above measures are incorporated into the Final FRSP and building plans prior grading and recordation of the final VTM. City staff shall ensure measures are on all Project plans. City staff shall work with the Applicant to ensure that these requirements are implemented. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 271 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (Continued) 54 Froom Ranch Specific Plan Mitigation Measure Plan Requirements & Timing Monitoring MM UT-2. Laguna Lift Station Replacement Fair Share Mitigation Fees. The Applicant shall pay fair share costs for replacement of the Laguna lift station or construction of capacity improvements through negotiation of a private reimbursement agreement with the City. Negotiation of a private reimbursement agreement with the City will fulfil the Project’s fair share financial obligation towards construction of necessary capacity improvements or replacement of the Laguna lift station. Appropriate fees shall be negotiated with the City. Payment of fees shall be required prior to issuance of building permits for each development phase. The City shall approve the private reimbursement agreement and verify that the Applicant contributes appropriate fair share fees as approved by the City. EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 272 MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM Froom Ranch Specific Plan 55 9.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ..........................................................1 9.1 Purpose ...............................................................................................................1 9.2 Responsibilities ..................................................................................................1 9.3 Monitoring Procedures.......................................................................................2 9.4 Monitoring Table ...............................................................................................2 Figures: No table of figures entries found. Tables: Table 9-1. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program ...................................3 EXHIBIT BItem 2Packet Page 273 2%2%SECTION B-BPUBLIC STREET 'B'CL12'TRAVEL LANE5'PARKWAY44'5'SIDEWALK12'TRAVEL LANE5'PARKWAY5'SIDEWALK10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT2%2%SECTION D-D, E-E, & F-FPRIVATE LOCAL ROAD "D", "E", & "F"CL12'TRAVEL LANE12'TRAVEL LANE2'2'VEGETATEDROAD-SIDE SWALEVEGETATEDROAD-SIDE SWALE2%2%SECTION A-ACOMMERCIAL COLLECTOR 'A'CL12'TURN LANE114'PUBLIC ROAD DEDICATIONR/WR/W6'SIDEWALK2'7'BIKE LANE8'PARKWAY11'DRIVE LANE11'TURN LANE11'PLANTING STRIP11'DRIVE LANE12'DRIVE LANE8'PARKWAY6'SIDEWALK2'7'BIKE LANE10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTS P R R10 1 227S ANLUIS OBISPOSOUTH STREETHIGHWAY BROAD STREET TANK FARM ROADHI G U E R A S T R E E T HI G H W A Y FOOTHILL BLVD ROADPROJECT LOS OSOS VALLEYPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10'BUS TURNOUT10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TURNING LANE30' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW6'RAISEDMEDIAN10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK8'WAITING AREA7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALKSLOPE 3:1 MAXLOT 615'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION G-GLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUT10'FROOM CREEKTHAWLEGFROOM CREEKCHANNEL BOTTOMFROOM CREEK TOPOF BANK PER PLANPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10.5'TRAVEL LANE19' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK5'PKWY6'SIDEWALKVARIESRAISEDMEDIAN12'TRAVEL LANE7'BIKE LANE3'SLOPE 3:1 MAXSLOPE 3:1 MAXLOT 315'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION J-JLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUT TO CALLE JOAQUIN10'FROOM CREEKTHAWLEGFROOM CREEKCHANNEL BOTTOMFROOM CREEKTOP OF BANK PERPLANPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10.5'TURN LANE32' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK5'PKWY6'SIDEWALK7'BIKE LANE3'10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TRAVEL LANE12'TURN LANE6'RAISEDMEDIANSLOPE 3:1 MAXSTORMWATERTREATMENT BASINLOT 1315'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION H-HLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - NORTH OF AUTO PARK10'PROPOSED LOVRDITCH BOTTOM2%2%SECTION C-CPUBLIC STREET 'A'CL12'TRAVEL LANE5'PARKWAY44'5'SIDEWALK12'TRAVEL LANE5'PARKWAY5'SIDEWALK10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT10'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C1_Title.dwg, C1, Jul 02, 2020 3:27pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC1Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 3106IN THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIAPROJECT STATISTICSUTILITIESBEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS 68 AND 69 OF OF THERANCHO CANADA DE LOS OSOS AND LA LAGUNA AS SHOWN ON THEMAP RECORDED IN BOOK A OF MAPS, PAGE 83 AND 84.ELECTRIC.............. PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRICTELEPHONE.......... AT&TCABLE.................. CHARTER COMMUNICATIONSGAS...................... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS COMPANYSEWER.................. CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOWATER.................. CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPORECYCLED............ CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOHORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CONTROLTOPOGRAPHYAERIAL TOPOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY M.B.S.VICINITY MAPSHEET INDEXNOT TO SCALEC1..............TITLE SHEETC2..............EXISTING CONDITIONS MAPC3..............VESTING TENTATIVE MAP (OVERALL)C4..............VESTING TENTATIVE MAP (FROOM)C5..............VESTING TENTATIVE MAP (LOWER VILLAGGIO)C6..............UTILITY PLAN (FROOM)C7..............UTILITY PLAN (LOWER VILLAGGIO)C8..............GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN (FROOM)C9..............GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN (LOWER VILLAGGIO)C10............GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN (SD EASEMENT AND BASIN)C11............GRADING BLOWUP DETAILSC12............STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANC13............STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANC14............LOVR WIDENINGC15............SITE CONSTRAINTS MAPC16............LANDSCAPE WATER USE MAPTHE BASIS OF BEARING FOR THIS MAP BEING BETWEENFOUND MONUMENTS #8112 AND #8113 OF THE CITY OFSAN LUIS OBISPO 2007 HORIZONTAL CONTROL NETWORKOWNERJOHN MADONNA CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.P.O. BOX 5310SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401C1TITLE SHEETREPRESENTATIVERRM DESIGN GROUP3765 S. HIGUERA STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401(805) 543-1794DESCRIPTION ZONING LOTS INCL AREAFROOM RANCH6-13 --RESIDENTIAL (R-3-SP) 8,10,11 8.91 acMULTI-FAM (R-4-SP) 6,72.91 acCOMM (CR-SP) 12,13 4.50acPARK (P-F-SP) 93.60 acVILLAGIO2-3 --RESIDENTIAL (R-3-SP) 2-336.72 acOPEN SPACE (OS-SP) 1,547.89 acROADS 4 & PUBLIC ROADS 5.16 acTRACT AREA109.69 acATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 274 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SD SD SD GGWWJT J T J T 48"CM P 18"RCP 18"RCP(2)30"C M P 42"CM P OHOHOHOHRELOCATE EXISTING BASINRELOCATE EXISTINGBASINABANDON EXISTINGDRAINAGE EASEMENTREMOVE EXISTING FENCEAND ACCESS ROADREMOVE EXISTING BUILDINGSRELOCATE EXISTINGBUILDINGS — SEESHEET C6 & C8PROTECT EXISTINGTREEABANDON EXISTING INGRESSAND EGRESS EASEMENTPROTECT EXISTINGWETLANDPROTECT EXISTING CELLTOWEREXISTING PROPERTYLINEREMOVE EXISTINGCONCRETE WEIRAMEND AND EXPANDEXISTING AGRICULTURALRESERVATION EASEMENT FORWETLAND PROTECTIONPURPOSES. SEE SHEET C5.EXISTING OFFER OFDEDICATION TO REMAINELECTRICAL ANDCOMMUNICATIONEASEMENT TO REMAINABANDON EXISTINGDRAINAGE EASEMENTABANDON EXISTINGDRAINAGE EASEMENTPIPELINE EASEMENT TOREMAINEXISTING PROPERTYLINEEXISTING RIGHTOF WAYEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING PG&EACCESS ROADREMOVE EXISTINGFENCINGREMOVE EXISTING FENCINGPROTECT EXISTING (2) 4' x 4'CONCRETE BOX CULVERTPROTECT EXISTINGSTORM DRAININFRASTRUCTUREPROTECT EXISTING12" RCP STORMDRAIN INLETPROTECT EXISTING24" RCP STORMDRAIN INLETRELOCATE EXISTING BUILDING— SEE SHEET C6 & C8REMOVE EXISTING STORMDRAIN — SEE SHEET C8 FORREVISED OUTLETEXISTING 100-YRFEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY, ZONE AEXISTING 100-YRFEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY, ZONE AAN UNPLOTTABLE EASEMENT TOPG&E EXISTS PER DOCUMENT#2002-100585 & 2002-103795 FORACCESS TO POWER LINESDEED OF INGRESS AND EGRESSTO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOPER DOCUMENT #2010035547185190195200205210215220225230235240245250255185190195200205210215220225230235240245250255 110115 120 125 13 0 135 140 145 150155 160165170175 180185 190 19 5 105315305300295290285280275180175170165160155150 1451401351301 2 5 120115 11011011 0260265270275280285290 270265260250245240235230225220320325330335335340345350340215210205200195 190 185180175170165160155150 145 140 135 130 125 120120125 125 120 1151151 2 0 1 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 0 115120125130130130130135140145150155160160120120120125130135135135140140145150155160165170175180185190195200205210215220225230235240245250255260265270275280285290EXISTING 100-YRFEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY, ZONE AEXISTING 100-YRFEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY, ZONE APROTECT EXISTINGARTESIAN WELLEXISTING ABANDONEDWELL TO REMAINPROTECT EXISTING WELLPROTECT EXISTINGMADONNADOMESTIC WELLEXISTING STORMDRAIN INLET TO BEREMOVEDEXISTING STORM DRAINPIPE TO BE EXTENDEDSEE ENLARGED AREA OFEXISTING BUILDINGS, THIS SHEETREMOVE EXISTING 1,500 GALSEPTIC TANKREMOVE EXISTING 1,200 GALSEPTIC TANKEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING CREEKFLOWLINEPROTECT EXISTING (4)24" HDPE STORM DRAINREMOVE EXISTING (4)24" HDPE STORM DRAINPROTECT EXISTINGSTORM DRAIN OUTLETREMOVE EXISTING GAS LINEREMOVE EXISTINGWATER LINEPROTECT EXISTINGDRY UTILITIESEXISTING OPENSPACE EASEMENTUNDERGROUNDEXISTING OVERHEADPOWER LINES140135135PROTECT EXISTING WELLOPEN SPACE AREA ADOC. NO. 2001-036268PTN. LOT 68A MAPS 83PTN. LOT 69A MAPS 83APN067-241-030APN 067-241-021APN067-241-031LOS OSOS VALLEY ROADAUTO PARKWAY CAL L E J O A Q U I N CAL L E J O A Q U I NMOUNTAINBROOKCHURCH MOTEL 6MARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNTOYOTA SLOBEAR VALLEYCENTERSUNSET HONDAPERRY FORDCOAST BMWHOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADTJ MAXXAPN053-171-032APN053-171-034APN053-171-039APN053-171-029APN053-171-014APN053-161-010APN053-510-017APN053-510-012APN053-510-016APN067-241-032APN053-151-042APN053-151-035APN053-151-023APN053-151-019APN053-151-021APN053-151-020APN053-151-016APN067-241-032APN067-241-032MOUNTAINBROOKCHURCHMARTINELLILAWRENCE JIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPOCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPOWWJTJT J T"OLD" BARNOUTHOUSEBUNKHOUSEMAIN RESIDENCELATER ADDITIONSHED BUILDINGSTORAGEBUILDINGCREAMERY/HOUSELATER ADDITIONDAIRY BARNLATER ADDITIONGRANARYCELL TOWERN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C2_Existing.dwg, C2, Jul 02, 2020 3:30pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC2EXISTING CONDITIONSEASEMENTS AND ADJACENT PROPERTY INFORMATION ARE DRAWNFROM AVAILABLE PUBLIC RECORDEASEMENTS NOT PLOTTABLE FROM RECORDEASEMENT FOR POLE LINE BOOK 73 DEEDS PAGE 471EASEMENT FOR ROAD AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES BOOK 548PAGE 431 O.R.EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL FACILITIES BOOK 1204 PAGE 266O.R.EASEMENT FOR AVIGATION DOC. NO. 2000.062151 O.R.EXISTING PROPERTY LINE/ROWEXISTING EASEMENTEXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING TREES/BRUSHLEGENDEXISTING POWER POLE75XEXISTING FENCEEXISTING ROADNOTESEXISTING FLOWLINESCALE: 1" = 150'75' 150'0300'EXISTING BUILDINGSSCALE: 1" = 80'PROTECT EXISTING MADONNA IRRIGATION WELLATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 275 5.33 ACRESLOT 846.40 ACRESLOT 11.49 ACRESLOT 51.25 ACRESLOT 45.11 ACRESLOT 30.09 ACRESLOT 103.60 ACRESLOT 931.62 ACRESLOT 23.82 ACRESLOT 133.49 ACRESLOT 110.68 ACRESLOT 122.32 ACRESLOT 60.59 ACRESLOT 73.91 ACRESPUBLIC ROAD APARCEL LINE DATASEGMENTL1L2L3L4L5L6L7LENGTH68.3260.5222.68176.45258.37144.23109.39DIRECTIONN29° 33' 53"WN6° 22' 59"EN31° 00' 54"WN77° 02' 07"EN11° 09' 36"EN67° 50' 55"EN67° 50' 55"EPARCEL CURVE DATASEGMENTC1C2C3C4C5C6C7LENGTH163.1321.9439.3922.4530.6766.559.47RADIUS260.0040.0062.0040.00172.0058.0030.00DELTA35°56'52"31°25'33"36°24'06"32°09'26"10°13'00"65°44'32"18°05'26"MOUNTAINBROOKCHURCHMOTEL 6MARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNTOYOTA SLOBEAR VALLEYCENTERSUNSET HONDAPERRY FORDCOAST BMWHOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSTJ MAXXMOUNTAINBROOKCHURCHMARTINELLILAWRENCE JIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPOCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPON49°13'31"E1863.51'N59°37 '23 "E732.16 'N59°37 '23 "E307.74 'N59°37 '23 "E112.33 'N28°54'32"W52.99'N43°17'17"E91.34'N20°53'43"W50.00'N2°15'09"E 177.34'Δ=6°29'42"R=600.00' L=68.02'Δ=7°50'32"R=600.00' L=82.12'N57°17'46"E19.06'N32°42'12"W813.63'N57°01 '52 "E505.12 'N57°01 '52 "E105.62 'N81°37'31"W220.71'N77°27'11"W207.56'N5°38'58"W523.23'N81°25'27"E478.62'N75°16'10"W87.71'N79°42'16"E199.67'N83°18'57"W193.04'N61°05'45"W75.03'N61°05'45"W72.85'N24°10'24"W283.50'N45°03'12"E138.82'N3 0 ° 1 2 ' 1 3 " E 11 3 . 8 9 'N61°57'20"E1347.58'N11°33'10"E364.69'N62°00'45"E322.83'N28°46'30"W1070.96'N57°10'46"E165.04' N21 ° 4 9 ' 5 2 " E 278. 6 4 ' N18° 5 3 ' 3 9 " E 240. 3 8 ' Δ = 4 3 ° 1 3'5 2" R=3 8 5.5 3 'L=29 0 . 8 9 'Δ=35°07'19"R=330.87' L=202.82'N21 ° 5 5 ' 2 0 " E 4 3 7 . 9 4 'PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT(AREA = 7.5± ac)N86°56'32"E85.56'Δ=30°17'54"R=422.00'L=223.16'N56°38 '38 "E43.73 'Δ=3°52'53"R=378.00' L=25.61'N66°29'16 "E200.01 'N62°14'07 "E54.93 'Δ=88°50'30"R=203.83'L=316.06'Δ=88°50'30"R=203.83' L=316.06'Δ=24°31'01"R=454.71' L=194.57'N4°24'22"W172.28'Δ=23°23'2 4 "R=440.53'L=17 9.84 ' N18° 5 9 ' 0 1 " E 432. 3 0 ' Δ = 3 8 °4 8'5 3" R =57 6.7 9' L = 390.75'N57°47 '55 "E74.30 ' Δ=65°44'58" R=333.99'L=38 3.2 7'EXISTING OPENSPACE EASEMENTΔ=62°18'42"R=65.50' L=71.24'N69°17'53"W129.42'S26°58'05"E521.24'N11°18' 3 0 " E 192.04'N53°12'34"W143.64'S64°46'26 "W125.17 'Δ=17°34'15"R=373.04' L=114.40'N15°3 2 ' 3 0 " E 470.0 9 'N74°27'30"W252.31'N3°45'27"E80.97'N72°42'13"W172.68'N17°17'47"E40.93'N72°42'13"W91.40'N21°10'43"W244.81'L1C1 L2C2 C3 C4C5 L3C6C7L4L5 L6L7Δ=0°04'29"R=42371.68'L=55.21'Δ=7°15'16"R=3702.38' L=468.77'N2 7 ° 0 6 ' 4 6 " E 16 8 . 0 8 'N3°53'14"W291.10'N35°36'26"W171.14'N22 ° 0 7 ' 3 2 " E 96.1 1 'N4°07'18"W98.81'N82°23'50"E108.69'N59°59'31"W87.99'5.11 ACRESLOT 31.25 ACRESLOT 446.40 ACRESLOT 11.49 ACRESLOT 5150' CONTOURN21°45'02"W140.95'N61°16'37"E29.62'N53°59'00"E52.45'N38°49'23"W182.35'PROPOSED OPEN SPACE31.62 ACRESLOT 2PROPOSED 30' WIDE BASIN ACCESSAND MAINTENANCE EASEMENTROAD 'A'ROAD 'B'ROAD 'B'ROAD 'A'AUTO PARKWAYLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADCA L L E J O A Q U I NWILDLIFE CORRIDORBUFFERN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C3_VTM.dwg, C3, Jul 02, 2020 3:30pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPSCALE: 1" = 150'75' 150'0300'NOTESPUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATETRANSFORMER AND VAULT LOCATIONS AS NECESSARY.PUBLIC LOTS INCLUDE: 6, 7, 9, 12 & 13.SEE C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EXISTINGEASEMENT INFORMATION.LOT 9 IS TO BE OFFERED TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR PARKPURPOSES.ROADS 'A' ,'B' & 'C' ARE TO BE OFFERED TO THE CITY OF SAN LUISOBISPO FOR PUBLIC ROADWAY & PUBLIC SEWER, WATER, STORMDRAIN, DRAINAGE & UTILITIES. (NOT IN FEE)PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN IN THE VTM ARE PRELIMINARY ANDMAY BE MODIFIED AS PART OF FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONPLANS.LEGENDSEE SHEET C4 FOR FROOM RANCH EASEMENT INFORMATIONC3VESTING TENTATIVE MAP - OVERALLPROPOSED RWTRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED EASEMENTEXISTING EASEMENT (SEE SHEET C2)EXISTING PROPERTY LINESEE SHEET C5 FOR VILLAGGIO EASEMENT INFORMATIONPROPOSEDPUBLIC PARKATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 276 5.33 ACRESLOT 85.11 ACRESLOT 30.09 ACRESLOT 103.60 ACRESLOT 93.82 ACRESLOT 133.49 ACRESLOT 110.68 ACRESLOT 122.32 ACRESLOT 60.59 ACRESLOT 73.91 ACRESPUBLIC ROAD AC-CC1A-AC1B-BC1H-HC1G-GC1J-JC1B-BC1HOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSTJ MAXXIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPON32°42'12"W813.63'N57°01 '52 " E505.12 'N57°01 '52 " E105.62 'N81°37'31"W220.71'N77°27'11"W207.56'N5°38'58"W523.23'N81°25'27"E478.62'N75°16'10"W87.71'N79°42'16"E199.67'N83°18'57"W193.04'N61°05'45"W75.03'N61°05'45"W72.85'N24°10'24"W283.50'N57°10 '46 "E165.04 'N69°49'16"W58.99'N69°49'16"W58.99'Δ=27°43'59"R=522.00' L=252.66'Δ=16°51'03"R=478.00'L=140.58'N82°26'45"E308.55'N82°26'45"E308.55'Δ=5°36'12"R=83.00' L=8.12'Δ=45°40'29"R=33.00' L=26.31'Δ=30°46'14"R=83.00' L=44.57'Δ=47°02'08"R=50.00' L=41.05'N57°05 '46 " E30.43 'Δ=21°16'48"R=284.00' L=105.48'Δ=8°51'04"R=240.00' L=37.08'Δ=30°01'24"R=228.00'L=119.47'N57°12 '14 " E134.32 'Δ=42°41'14"R=222.00'L=165.40'Δ=54°54'36"R=166.00'L=159.09'Δ=48°48'15"R=100.00' L=85.18'N62°14 '07 "E54.93 'Δ=40°39'21"R=277.83'L=197.14'44'114'44' CR E E K E S M T 44'44'74'Δ=43°31'53"R=17.69' L=13.44'Δ=38°59'37"R=63.99'L=43.55'N57°01 '52 " E44.00 'ABANDON INGRESS ANDEGRESS EASEMENT35' CREEK SETBACK,PUBLIC TRAIL, AND LINEARPARK EASEMENT35'44'PROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENT65'PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENTN77°06'32"W157.60'N86°56'32"E85.56'Δ=30°17'54"R=422.00'L=223.16'N56°38 '38 " E43.73 'Δ=3°52'53"R=378.00' L=25.61'N66°29'16 "E200.01 'N62°14 '07 "E54.93 'Δ=88°50'30"R=203.83'L=316.06'Δ=88°50'30"R=203.83' L=316.06'Δ=24°31'01"R=454.71' L=194.57'Δ=62°18'42"R=65.50' L=71.24'PROPOSED PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY OFFER OFDEDICATIONPROPOSED PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY OFFEROF DEDICATIONN44°35'04"W70.00'N15°35'28"W35.08'N45°10'10"E56.12'N44°49'50"W70.00'N45°10'10"E36.43'N45°10'10"E19.39'35'N58°01 '25 "E174.30 'N27°45'53"W96.55'N62°14 '07 "E40.06 'N62°14'07"E54.93'PROPOSED CREEKEASEMENT35' CREEK SETBACKPROPOSED DRAINAGEEASEMENT AND SETBACK(WIDTH VARIES)PROPOSED DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINEDL1C1 L2C2C3 L5 L6N86°56'32"E149.47'Δ=30°17'54"R=378.00'L=199.89'N56°38 '38 " E 4 3 .7 3 'Δ=44°30'40"R=65.00'L=50.50'Δ =195°06'41"R =5 7 .0 0'L=194.10'Δ=44°30'40"R=65.00'L=50.50'Δ=4°16'56"R=116.00' L=8.67'N58°31'47"W72.17'Δ=22°01'37"R=102.00' L=39.21'Δ=5°43'37"R=136.85' L=13.68'Δ=83°37'14"R=5.00' L=7.30'Δ=26°28'52"R=110.69' L=51.16'Δ=11°47'12"R=112.00' L=23.04'S75°04'07"W85.82'N5°38'58"W150.81'N33°20'33"W16.03'N28°46'19"W291.30'N82°23'50"E108.69'N59°59'31"W87.99'5.11 ACRESLOT 3PROPOSED 20'PAVED PUE &ACCESS EASEMENT24' EMERGENCY VEHICLEACCESS EASEMENTN58°31 '13 "E44.02 'PROPOSED EVA EASEMENTPROPOSED PUBLIC PARKPROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED CREEK DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINEDPROPOSED CREEK DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINEDPROPOSED DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINED10' DRAINAGESETBACK35' CREEKSETBACK, PUBLICTRAIL, & LINEARPARK EASEMENTPROPOSED CREEKDRAINAGE EASEMENT TOBE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED35' CREEK SETBACK35' CREEK SETBACK16' CELL TOWERACCESS EASEMENT24' EMERGENCY VEHICLEAND CELL TOWERACCESS EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTN76°16'27"E181.80'N57°53 '43 "E179.99 'EXISTING DRAINAGEEASEMENT PER DOCNO. 2003-076475EXISTING DRAINAGEEASEMENT PER DOCNO. 2003-076475PROPOSED 15' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED 15' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY OFFEROF DEDICATIONPROPOSED PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAY OFFER OFDEDICATIONPROPOPSEDPUBLIC ROAD 'A'PROPOPS EDPUBL IC ROAD 'A 'PROPOPSEDPUBLIC ROAD 'B'PROPOPSEDPUBLIC ROAD 'B'LOS OSOS VALLEY ROADAUTO PARKWAYPROPOSED 10' PRIVATEWATER LINE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' PRIVATEWATER LINE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' PRIVATEWATER LINE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' PRIVATEWATER LINE EASEMENTΔ=14°23'27"R=453.91'L=114.01'Δ=14°17'25"R=497.00'L=123.96'Δ=19°54'10"R=15.00' L=5.21'N88°03'31"E 12.50'N70°45'24"E 19.89'N68°17'09 "E 57 .09 'Δ=44°02'48"R=50.00' L=38.44'Δ=11°03'34"R=83.00' L=16.02'Δ=30°14'55"R=83.00' L=43.82'N44°50'02"W 25.56'N34°55'31"W 66.48'Δ=17°18'06"R=25.00' L=7.55'Δ=17°48'36"R=15.00' L=4.66'N29°33'53"W 38.07'Δ=23°52'33"R=15.00' L=6.25'Δ=17°18'06"R=25.00' L=7.55'N61°27'07"E 28.50'Δ=11°40'48"R=50.00' L=10.19'N49°46'19"E 18.49'Δ=32°07'17"R=83.00' L=46.53'N22°25'15"W 24.47'N27°24'07"W 93.82'Δ=17°18'06"R=25.00' L=7.55'N10°06'01"W 10.73'Δ=17°18'06"R=15.00' L=4.53'Δ=5°30'06"R=478.00' L=45.90'N32°54'14"W 48.80'Δ=17°18'06"R=15.00' L=4.53'N12°15'46"W 10.57'Δ=17°18'06"R=26.00' L=7.85'N29°33'53"W 22.86'N29°33'53"W 56.36'Δ=24°35'18"R=50.00' L=21.46'Δ=1°26'19"R=522.00' L=13.11'N32°54'14"W 48.85'N31°27'54"W 46.33'Δ=17°18'06"R=15.00' L=4.53'N48°46'01"W 10.73'Δ=17°18'06"R=25.00' L=7.55'N31°27'54"W 77.10'N40°03'42"W 22.47'Δ=30°46'14"R=83.00' L=44.57'10' DRAINAGE SETBACKPROPOSED BLANKETRECIPROCAL ACCESSEASEMENT FOR LOT 6 AND 7N:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C3_VTM.dwg, C4, Jul 02, 2020 3:31pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPNOTESC4VESTING TENTATIVE MAP - FROOMSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'LEGENDPROPOSED RWTRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED EASEMENTSEE SHEET C5EXISTING EASEMENT (SEE SHEET C2)EXISTING PROPERTY LINEPUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATETRANSFORMER AND VAULT LOCATIONS AS NECESSARY.PUBLIC LOTS INCLUDE: 6, 7, 9, 12 & 13.SEE C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EXISTINGEASEMENT INFORMATION.LOT 9 IS TO BE OFFERED TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FOR PARKPURPOSES.ROADS 'A', 'B' & 'C' ARE TO BE OFFERED TO THE CITY OF SAN LUISOBISPO FOR PUBLIC ROADWAY & PUBLIC SEWER, WATER, STORMDRAIN, DRAINAGE & UTILITIES. (NOT IN FEE)PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN IN THE VTM ARE PRELIMINARY ANDMAY BE MODIFIED AS PART OF FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONPLANS.ATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 277 5.33 ACRESLOT 81.49 ACRESLOT 51.25 ACRESLOT 45.11 ACRESLOT 331.62 ACRESLOT 22.32 ACRESLOT 60.59 ACRESLOT 7B-BC1J-JC1MOTEL 6MARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNTOYOTA SLOBEAR VALLEYCENTERMOUNTAINBROOKMARTINELLILAWRENCE JCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPON59°37'23"E732.16'N59°37'23"E307.74'N59°37'23"E112.33'N28°54'32"W52.99'N43°17'17"E91.34'N20°53'43"W50.00'N2°15'09"E177.34'Δ=6°29'42"R=600.00' L=68.02'Δ=7°50'32"R=600.00' L=82.12'N57°17'46"E19.06'N2 4 ° 1 0 ' 2 4 "W 2 8 3 . 5 0 'N45°03'12"E138.82'N30°12'13"E113.89'N62°14'07"E54.93'Δ=40°39'21"R=277.83'L=197.14'44'N21°49'52"E278.64'N18°53'39"E240.38'Δ=43°13'52"R=385.53'L=290.89'Δ=35°07'19"R=330.87' L=202.82'N21°55'20"E 437.94'ABANDON EXISTINGSTORMWATER ANDDRAINAGE EASEMENTAMEND AND EXPAND EXISTINGAGRICULTURAL PRESERVATION EASEMENTFOR WETLAND PROTECTION PURPOSES —EASEMENT TO BE REDEFINED PER THIS MAP(AREA = 7.1 ac)35' CREEK SETBACK,PUBLIC TRAIL, & LINEARPARK EASEMENTPROPOSED CREEK DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINED (VARIES)N77°06'32"W157.60'N86°56'32"E85.56'Δ=30°17'54"R=422.00'L=223.16'N56°38'38"E43.73'Δ=3°52'53"R=378.00' L=25.61'N66°29'16"E200.01'N62°14'07"E54.93'Δ=8 8 °50'3 0 " R=203.8 3' L =316 .0 6 'Δ=88°50'30"R=203.83' L=316.06'Δ=24°31'01"R=454.71' L=194.57'N4°24'22"W172.28 'Δ=23°23'24"R=440.53'L=179.84'N18°59'01"E432.30'Δ=38°48'53"R=576.79'L=390.75'N57°47'55"E74.30'Δ=65°44'58"R=333.99'L=383.27'REDEFINED OPEN SPACEAND WETLAND EASEMENT(AREA = 7.82 ac)PROPOSED PUE AND FIREACCESS EASEMENTN69°17'53"W129.42'S26°58'05"E521.24'N74°27'30"W252.31'N72°42'13"W172.68'N17°17'47"E40.93'N72°42'13"W91.40'N21°10'43"W244.81' L 1C1L2C2C3C4C5 L 3 C6 C7 L4L5L6L7PROPOSED PUBLICOFFER OF DEDICATIONΔ=0°04'29"R=42371.68'L=55.21'Δ=7°15'16"R=3702.38' L=468.77'N27°06'46"E168.08'N3°53'14"W291.10 ' N 3 5 ° 3 6 ' 2 6 " W 1 7 1 . 1 4 'N22°07'32"E96.11'N4°07'18"W98.81'N86°56'32"E149.47'Δ=30°17'54"R=378.00'L=199.89'N56°38'38"E43.73'5.11 ACRESLOT 31.25 ACRESLOT 41.49 ACRESLOT 5N58°31'13"E44.02'N21°45'02"W140.95'N61°16'37"E29.62'N53°59'00"E52.45'N38°49'23"W182.35'31.62 ACRESLOT 2PROPOSED PUE ANDFIRE ACCESS EASEMENTPROPOSED 20'PAVED PG&E ANDFIRE ACCESSEASEMENT3 5 ' 7 4 ' 3 5 '35' CREEK SETBACK, PUBLICTRAIL, & LINEAR PARK EASEMENTPROPOSED CREEKDRAINAGE EASEMENT TOBE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED35' CREEK SETBACK, PUBLIC TRAIL,& LINEAR PARK EASEMENTPROPOSED CREEKDRAINAGE EASEMENT TOBE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED35' CREEK SETBACK35' CREEK SETBACKPROPOSED CREEK DRAINAGEEASEMENT TO BE PRIVATELYMAINTAINED (VARIES)PROPOSED PUE ANDFIRE ACCESS EASEMENTN57°53'43"E179.99'LOT 1PROPOSED 15' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTROAD 'B'ROAD 'A'PROPOPSEDPUBLIC ROAD 'B'LOS OSOS VALLEY ROADCALLE JOAQUINLO S O SO S VA L L EY ROADPROPOSED 15' P.U.E. &STREET TREE EASEMENTPROPOSED 10' PRIVATEWATER LINE EASEMENTWILDLIFE CORRIDORBUFFERPARCEL LINE DATASEGMENTL1L2L3L4L5L6L7LENGTH68.3260.5222.68176.45258.37144.23109.39DIRECTIONN29° 33' 53"WN6° 22' 59"EN31° 00' 54"WN77° 02' 07"EN11° 09' 36"EN67° 50' 55"EN67° 50' 55"EPARCEL CURVE DATASEGMENTC1C2C3C4C5C6C7LENGTH163.1321.9439.3922.4530.6766.559.47RADIUS260.0040.0062.0040.00172.0058.0030.00DELTA35°56'52"31°25'33"36°24'06"32°09'26"10°13'00"65°44'32"18°05'26"N:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C3_VTM.dwg, C5, Jul 02, 2020 3:31pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC5VESTING TENTATIVE MAP - LOWER VILLAGGIOSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'LEGENDPROPOSED RWTRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED EASEMENTEXISTING EASEMENT (SEE SHEET C2)EXISTING PROPERTY LINESEE SHEET C4SEE SHEET C3SEE SHEET C3NOTESPUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT MAY BE ADJUSTED TO ACCOMMODATETRANSFORMER AND VAULT LOCATIONS AS NECESSARY.SEE C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EXISTINGEASEMENT INFORMATION.PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN IN THE VTM ARE PRELIMINARY ANDMAY BE MODIFIED AS PART OF FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONPLANS.ATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 278 SDSDSDGG GGGGWWWWWWJTJ T J T JTJ T J T J T J T J T OHOHOHOHOHOHLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADAUTO PARKWAYHOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSTJ MAXXIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS SSSSSS SSWWWWWWWWWWWWWJ T JTJTJTRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRW RWGGGSW W W WWRWSSSS RW RW RW RW JTWWWWWWWWWWW RW RW W WC-CC1B-BC1A-AC1B-BC1B-BC1SSMHRIM=119.678" INV(NE)=109.298" INV(S)=109.398" PVC L=372.6' S=0.50%8" PVC L=202 .6 ' S=2 .50%8" PVC L=85.6' S=0.50%8" PVC L=53.7' S=0.50%8" PVC L=74.6' S=0.50%8" PVC L=164.8' S=0.50%8" PVC L=120.2' S=2.90%8" PVC L=235.2' S=2.92%8" PVC L=239.3' S=0.50%8" PVC L=237.0' S=0.50%SSMHRIM=155.688" INV(E)=148.768" PVC L=177.6' S=2.90%8" PVC L=300.1' S=2.90%SSMHRIM=136.638" INV(E)=128.598" INV(W)=128.69SSMHRIM=125.778" INV(NW)=121.14SSMHRIM=128.488" INV(NE)=119.748" INV(SW)=119.848" INV(NW)=119.948" INV(SE)=119.94SSMHRIM=127.208" INV(SE)=121.16SSMHRIM=124.808" INV(NE)=117.608" INV(W)=117.71SSMHRIM=113.688" INV(SW)=112.49CONNECT TO EXSSMHRIM=145.518" INV(E)=137.518" INV(W)=137.618" PVC L=142.5' S=2.92%115115120125130 1351401 4 5 150155 160165 120120120125130130130135135140140145145150150170 SEE SHEET C12/C13 FORSTORMWATERINFORMATIONSEE SHEET C12/C13 FORSTORMWATERINFORMATIONCREEK BOTTOM ANDLOW-FLOW MEANDERINGCHANNEL — SEE SHEETC12/C13 FOR DETAILSPROPOSED RELOCATEDHISTORIC BUILDINGSPROPOSED RELOCATEDHISTORIC BUILDINGSPROPOSED STREET LIGHTDECORATIVE STREET LIGHTING PUBLIC STREET APRIVATE DOMESTIC WATERAND RECYCLED WATER10+0011+0012+0013+0014+0015+0016+0017+0018+0019+0020+0021+0022+0023+0024+0025+0026+0026+30N69°49'16"W 144.52'Δ=27°43'59" R=500.00' L=242.02'N82°26'45"E 308.55'Δ=19°30'53" R=475.00' L=161.78'N62°55'53"E 151.14'N57°05'46"E 144.79'Δ=31°27'19" R=203.50' L=111.72'Δ=31°20'51" R=350.00' L=191.49'N57°12'14"E 174.34'PROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEPUBLIC STREET APUBLIC STREET BPRIVATE ROAD B PUBLIC STREET BPROPOSED SEWER UNDER PROPOSED CREEK FLOWLINE (36" COVER MIN)UNDERGROUND EXISTINGOVERHEAD IMPROVEMENTSUNDERGROUND EXISTINGOVERHEAD IMPROVEMENTSCONNECT TO NEARESTUNDERGROUND UTILITY BOXPROPOSED 6" WATER METER AND 8" REDUCED PRESSURE BACKFLOW PROPOSED 4" RECYCLED WATER METER 3" PVC WATER SUPPLY LINE 3" PVC WATER SUPPLY LINE3" PVC WATER SUPPLY LINEN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C6_Utilities.dwg, C6, Jul 02, 2020 3:32pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC6UTILITY PLAN - FROOMSEE SHEET C7NOTESSEE C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EXISTINGEASEMENT INFORMATIONSEE C8 & C9 FOR STORM DRAIN INFORMATIONEXISTING UTILITY INFORMATION DRAWN FROM AVAILABLE PUBLICRECORD AND SURFACE INVESTIGATIONDRY UTILITIES INCLUDED: ELECTRICITY, PHONE, CABLE TV. GASPROPOSED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY.LOTS 3 & 13 TO BE PROVIDED GAS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES,ALL OTHER LOTS ASSUMED TO BE ELECTRIC.LEGENDWSS220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)PROPOSED 8" PVC WATER (PUBLIC UNO)EXISTING TREES/SCRUBPROPOSED 8" FUSED HDPE SEWER (PUBLIC UNO)SDPROPOSED 24" HDPE STORM DRAIN (PUBLIC UNO)RWPROPOSED 4" HDPE RECYCLED WATER (PUBLIC UNO)TRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTPROPOSED PUBLIC TRAILSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'ATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 279 SD48"CMP18"RCP18"RCP(2)30"CMPOHOHOHOHOHOHCALLE JOAQUINMARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNBEAR VALLEYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRWRWWWWWWWSWWWWWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWSSSSSSSSSSSWRWRWRWRWRWWWWWWWSSSS SSSSRWRWWWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWRWWWWWWWWWWWWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSJTJTWWWWWWWRWRWRWB-BC1D - D C 1 D-DC1D-D C1X-XC12 B-BC1E-E C1 F-F C1 F-FC1SSMHRIM=121.378" INV(N)=110.888" INV(S)=110.98SSMHRIM=120.078" INV(E)=114.558" INV(W)=114.65SSMHRIM=120.088" INV(N)=113.108" INV(S)=113.20SSMHRIM=119.008" INV(E)=111.998" INV(W)=112.09SSMHRIM=120.348" INV(N)=110.308" INV(W)=110.408" INV(S)=110.40SSMHRIM=119.678" INV(NE)=109.298" INV(S)=109.39SSMHRIM=113.948" INV(SW)=107.418" PVC L=372.6' S=0.50%8" PVC L=313.4' S=0.50%8" PVC L=90.7' S=0.50%8" PVC L=284.8' S=0.50%8" PVC L=135.3' S=0.50%8" PVC L=6.7' S=0.50%8" PVC L=237.0' S=0.50%SSMHRIM=125.778" INV(NW)=121.141301 4 0 1451 5 0 15 5 16 0 16 5 1 7 0 17 5 1 8 0 -10-1 0 -5-5 00 55 1010 1515 2020 2525 3030 3535 4040 4545 5050 5555 6060 6565 7070 7575 8080 8585 9090 9595 10010 0 10510 5 11011 0 11011011511 5 11512012012012 0120 125130130135140145150115120120130135CREEK BOTTOM ANDLOW-FLOW MEANDERINGCHANNEL — SEE SHEETC12/13 FOR DETAILSSEE SHEET C12/C13 FORSTORMWATER INFORMATIONDECORATIVE STREETLIGHTINGDECORATIVE STREETLIGHTINGEXISTING EDGE OFAC PAVINGEXISTING RIGHTOF WAYPROPOSED 6" WATERMETER AND 8" REDUCEDPRESSURE BACKFLOWPREVENTERPROPOSED 4" RECYCLEDWATER METEREXISTING 8"SEWER MAINEXISTING PUBLICWATER MAINPRIVATE ROAD DPRIVATE ROAD DPRIVATE ROAD FEMERGENCY VEHICLE TURNOUTPRIVATE ROAD E8" PVC L=177.7' S=0.50%8" PVC L=25.4' S=0.50%8" PVC L=34.1' S=0.50%8" PVC L=69.3' S=0.50%8" PVC L=160.9' S=2.83%8"PVCL=130.5'S=3.17%8"PVCL=429.9'S=0.50%8" PVC L=83.5' S=0.50%8" PVC L=79.1' S=1.00%8" PVC L=48.4' S=3.22%8" PVC L=67.6' S=1.82%8" PVC L=108.5' S=1.84%8" PVC L=39.3' S=1.70%8" PVC L=52.3' S=1.88%8"PVCL=175.7'S=0.50%8"PVCL=83.6'S=0.50%8" PVC L=133.6' S=3.22%8" PVC L=93.3' S=0.50%8" PVC L=71.7' S=0.50%8" PVC L=92.2' S=4.39%8" PVC L=160.8' S=3.78%8" PVC L=64.0' S=2.90%SSMHRIM=124.288" INV(NE)=116.828" INV(SW)=116.92SSMHRIM=128.288" INV(S)=121.288" INV(E)=121.188" INV(N)=121.28SSMHRIM=128.138" INV(N)=121.658" INV(S)=121.75SSMHRIM=128.208" INV(N)=121.948" INV(S)=122.04SSMHRIM=128.258" INV(N)=122.18SSMHRIM=133.058" INV(N)=126.058" INV(S)=125.95SSMHRIM=136.368" INV(N)=130.578" INV(S)=130.48SSMHRIM=137.758" INV(N)=131.168" INV(S)=131.06SSMHRIM=138.548" INV(S)=131.54SSMHRIM=133.188" INV(NE)=126.18SSMHRIM=128.968" INV(SW)=121.968" INV(NE)=121.86SSMHRIM=122.638" INV(NE)=115.538" INV(SW)=115.63SSMHRIM=120.928" INV(NW)=113.568" INV(NE)=113.468" INV(SW)=113.56SSMHRIM=122.358" INV(N)=115.358" INV(SE)=115.25SSMHRIM=123.758" INV(N)=116.758" INV(S)=116.65SSMHRIM=125.928" INV(N)=118.928" INV(S)=118.82SSMHRIM=126.768" INV(N)=119.768" INV(S)=119.66SSMHRIM=127.818" INV(S)=120.81SSMHRIM=119.088" INV(SW)=112.638" INV(E)=112.53PRIVATE DOMESTIC WATERAND RECYCLED WATERΔ=19°30'53" R=475.00' L=161.78'N62°55'53"E 151.14'EXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEPROPOSED CREEKREALIGNMENT. SEESHEET C11 FOR DETAIL.PROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILPUBLIC STREET BPRIVATE ROAD BPRIVATE ROAD DPROPOSED SEWERUNDER EX STORM DRAIN(12" COVER MIN)PROPOSED SEWER UNDERPROPOSED CREEKFLOWLINE (36" COVER MIN)UNDERGROUND EXISTINGOVERHEAD IMPROVEMENTSPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILCONNECT TO NEARESTUNDERGROUND UTILITY BOXPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILENDSEE SHEET C12/C13 FORSTORMWATER INFORMATIONSEE SHEET C12/C13 FORSTORMWATER INFORMATIONPROPOSED 6" WATERMETER AND 8" REDUCEDPRESSURE BACKFLOWPREVENTERPROPOSED 4" RECYCLEDWATER METER50' SETBACK TOPROPOSED SEWERFACILITIES TO EXISTINGWELL3" PVC WATER SUPPLY LINE3" PVC WATER SUPPLY LINEN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C6_Utilities.dwg, C7, Jul 02, 2020 3:32pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC7UTILITY PLAN - LOWER VILLAGGIOSEE SHEET C6LEGENDWSS220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)PROPOSED 8" PVC WATEREXISTING TREES/SCRUBPROPOSED 8" FUSED HDPE SEWERSDPROPOSED 24" HDPE STORM DRAINRWPROPOSED 4" HDPE RECYCLED WATERTRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED FIRE HYDRANTPROPOSED PUBLIC TRAILSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'NOTESPROPOSED UTILITIES ON THIS SHEET SHALL BE PRIVATESEE C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING STRUCTURES AND EXISTINGEASEMENT INFORMATIONSEE C8 & C9 FOR STORM DRAIN INFORMATIONEXISTING UTILITY INFORMATION DRAWN FROM AVAILABLE PUBLICRECORD AND SURFACE INVESTIGATIONDRY UTILITIES INCLUDED: ELECTRICITY, PHONE, CABLE TV. GASPROPOSED FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES ONLY.LOTS 3 & 13 TO BE PROVIDED GAS FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES,ALL OTHER LOTS ASSUMED TO BE ELECTRIC.ATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 280 SDSDSDBUMPBUMP SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDG GGGGGWWWWWWJTJ T J T JTJ T J T J T J T J T OHOHOHOHOHOHLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADAUTO PARKWAYHOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSTJ MAXXIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCC-CC1B-BC1A-AC1B-BC1B-BC1T-TC13U-UC13135140145150155 1201201 2 0 120125130135140145150155 160 165145150155160165170170170 175 180 185 190 195 2000.7%2.9%0.9%0.7%2.9%2.9%RELOCATED HISTORICBUILDING (HOUSE)RELOCATED HISTORICBUILDING (CREAMERY)RELOCATED HISTORIC BUILDING(ROUND-NOSED BARN)PROTECT EXISTINGCELL TOWEREXISTING FROOM CREEK FLOWLINEAND CREEK BEDSEE C13 FOR WATERQUALITY BASIN DETAILBUS TURNOUTINTERCEPT AND OUTLETEXISTING STORM DRAIN TOPROPOSED DETENTION BASININTERCEPT AND OUTLETEXISTING STORM DRAIN TOPROPOSED DETENTION BASINSEE C13 FOR WATERQUALITY BASIN DETAILPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYCONFLUENCE OF EXISTING ANDRE-ALIGNED FROOM CREEKPROPOSED CREEKRESTORATIONTIE-IN PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGMATCH L INE 127.69FS127.06FS126.52FS127.34FS118.4FL116.7FL117.6FL119.5FL120.4FL121.4FL122.4FL123.0FL124.7FL125.7FL126.9FL116.3FL115.9FL115.4FL114.7FL114.1FL113.8FLRELOCATED HISTORICBUILDING (GRANARY)ADJUST EXISTING WELLTO GRADEPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILPUBLIC STREET APUBLIC STREET CPRIVATE STREET BPRIVATE ROAD B PRIVATE STREET B112.7FL114.5FL113.5FL113.0FL113.8FL118.4FLENERGY DISSIPATOR ANDTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETENERGY DISSIPATOR ANDTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETENERGY DISSIPATOR ANDTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETSEE SHEET C11 FOR DETAILEDGRADING OF THIS AREACONNECT TOEXISTING FLOWLINE115.5FL123.4FLAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGEXISTING USACEWETLAND DELINEATIONAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGFUTURE PARKIMPROVEMENTS131.9TOP130.9TOP129.8TOP128.1TOP126.5TOP124.7TOP124.8TOP126.6TOP128.0TOP130.0TOP133.9TOP130.9TOP130.8TOP128.6TOP126.2TOP124.4TOP124.3TOP126.3TOP128.6TOP130.3TOP121.2TOP121.4TOP120.9TOP120.9TOP120.6TOP120.2TOP120.8TOP123.6TOP122.1TOP123.1TOP123.2TOP122.8TOP122.8TOP122.2TOP122.0TOP121.5TOP121.4TOP121.2TOP124.3TOP125.1TOP123.8TOP122.7TOP122.2TOP122.8TOP121.9FL120.5FL117.0FLN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C8_Grading.dwg, C8, Jul 02, 2020 3:33pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC8GRADING PLAN - FROOMSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'SEE SHEE T C9220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING TREESLEGENDSDPROPOSED STORM DRAINPROPOSED LOT LINETRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED RETAINING WALLPROPOSED STORMWATERTREATMENT AREASEE SHEET C12PROPOSED PUBLIC TRAILNOTESEARTHWORK SUMMARYRAW CUT:+222,000 cu ydRAW FILL:-317,000 cu ydSUBTOTAL-95,000 cu yd <IMPORT>SELECT IMPORT +50,000 cu ydTOTAL-45,000 cu yd <IMPORT>QUANTITY ESTIMATES ON THESE PLANS ARE TO BE USED FOR PERMITPURPOSES ONLY. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TOVERIFY ACTUAL QUANTITIES FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTION.THE RAW EARTHWORK QUANTITIES SHOWN HEREON REPRESENT THEESTIMATED VOLUMETRIC DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PROPOSED ROUGHGRADE AND THE LIMITED TOPOGRAPHIC EXISTING GRADES. THESEESTIMATES DO NOT MAKE CONSIDERATIONS FOR LOSSES OR BULKINGDUE TO: SHRINKAGE, SOIL AMENDMENTS, STABILIZATION, CONSTRUCTIONTECHNIQUE, FOOTING & TRENCHING SPOILS, ETC. THESE, IN ADDITION TOACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND THE FINAL RECOMMENDATIONS OF THESOILS ENGINEER MAY SIGNIFICANTLY EFFECT THE FINAL IMPORT/EXPORTQUANTITIES.PROPOSED LOVR RESTRIPINGPROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSEXISTING 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSPROPOSED LOVRRE-STRIPINGSEE SHEET C12/C13 FOR CREEK SECTIONS AND DETAILS.SEE SHEET C2 FOR DISPOSITION OF EXISTING SITE FEATURES.TOP OF ALL WELL CASINGS TO BE 1' ABOVE THE FINAL APPROVED100-YEAR BFERUNOFF FROM OFFSITE DRAINAGES WILL BE MANAGED ANDCONVEYED IN A NON - EROSIVE MANNERAPPROXIMATE LIMITS OF GRADINGATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 281 SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD48"CMP18"RCP18"RCP(2)30"CMPOHOHOHOHOHOHOHMARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNBEAR VALLEYSUNSET HONDAB-BC1D- D C1 D-D C1 B-B C1 E-E C1D-DC1F-F C1 F-FC1 0.3%TYP0.3%TYP0.3%TYPV-VC13W-WC12110 110110115 1201251301201 2 5 12 5 125130130 1301351401451501551101101151151151151151151201201201201251301 3 5 1 4 0 1 4 5 15 0 15 5 1 6 0 1 6 5 17 0 2.9%0.7%1.8%4.0%1.6%2.9%0.4%4.7%0.6%0.7%0.7%0.7%1.0%1.0%0.1%0.5%2.9%ANTICIPATEDSUBSURFACEPARKINGANTICIPATEDSUBSURFACEPARKINGANTICIPATEDSUBSURFACEPARKINGENERGY DISSIPATOR AND TREATEDSTORMWATER OUTLETMEANDING LOW-FLOW CHANNEL ANDLOCAL PONDINGMEANDING LOW-FLOW CHANNELAND LOCAL PONDINGEXISTING FROOM CREEKFLOWLINE AND CREEK BEDEXISTING FLOWLINE ANDCREEK BEDSEE C13 FOR WATERQUALITY BASIN DETAILSEE C13 FOR WATERQUALITY BASIN DETAILPROPOSED 28' WIDE x 8'HIGH NATURAL BOTTOMCONSPAN ARCH-CULVERTCROSSINGEXISTING EDGE OFPAVEMENTPROPOSED ULTIMATESTRIPING — SEE C1 FORTYPICAL LANECONFIGURATIONPROPOSEDRAISED MEDIANCONFLUENCE OF EXISTING ANDRE-ALIGNED FROOM CREEKPROPOSED 30' WIDE x 7' HIGHNATURAL BOTTOM CONSPANARCH-CULVERT CROSSING24' WIDE EMERGENCYVEHICLE ACCESS ROAD9.5%PROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARY125130135140145150155160165170175180185190195115115120125130135111.4FL111.0FL110.5FL110.0FL109.6FL109.3FL108.8FL108.3FL107.9FL107.3FL106.8FL115120MARRIOTT HOTELEX FF = 110±PROPOSED CREEKRESTORATIONREALIGNEDCREEK FLOWLINEMATCHLINE113.8FL112.0FL112.5FL111.7FLSEE SHEET C11 FOR DETAILEDGRADING OF THIS AREAEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEADJUST EXISTING WELL TO GRADEADJUST EXISTING WELL TO GRADEEXISTING FROOM CREEKFLOWLINE AND CREEK BEDPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILPROPOSEDPUBLIC TRAILSEE SHEET C11 FOR DETAILEDGRADING OF THIS AREAPRIVATE ROAD DPRIVATE ROAD DPRIVATE ROAD FPRIVATE ROAD EPUBLIC STREET CPRIVATE STREET BPRIVATE ROAD BPRIVATE ROAD D119.6TOP119.4TOP119.0TOP118.6TOP118.2TOP117.7TOP117.3TOP116.8TOP116.5TOP115.8TOP115.4TOP114.9TOP114.4TOP118.7FG119.6FG119.9FG119.9TOP112.7FL114.5FL113.5FL113.0FL113.8FL115.8FL116.5FL118.4FL120.5FLCONNECT TO EXISTINGFROOM CREEK CHANNEL122.3FL123.8FLCALLE JOAQUINENERGY DISSIPATOR AND TREATEDSTORMWATER OUTLETENERGY DISSIPATOR AND TREATEDSTORMWATER OUTLETROUTE LOVR DITCHDRAINAGE UNDERACCESS ROADSEE SHEET C11 FOR DETAILEDGRADING OF THIS AREAOFFSITE NUISANCE WATER TO BE MANAGEDTHROUGH THE CONSTRUCTION OF ROADSIDESWALES/DITCHES AS DEEMED NECESSARY BYPROJECT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER/DESIGNENGINEER AND REFLECTED IN THE PROJECTCONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.PROVIDE 12' WIDE ALL-WEATHERACCESS ROAD TO EXISTING WELL50' OFFSET FROM WELL TOPROPOSED SEWER FACILITIESEXISTING USACEWETLAND DELINEATIONEXISTING USACEWETLAND DELINEATIONAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGEXISTING USACE WETLANDDELINEATIONAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADING130.8TOP128.6TOP126.2TOP124.3TOP126.3TOP128.6TOP130.3TOP121.4TOP120.9TOP120.9TOP120.6TOP120.2TOP120.8TOP121.9FL120.5FLX-XC12EXISTING USACE WETLANDEXISTING TOP OFBANK6' MAXRETAINING WALLAPPROXIMATEEXISTING TOP OFBANKWILDLIFE CORRIDORBUFFERN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C8_Grading.dwg, C9, Jul 02, 2020 3:33pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC9GRADING PLAN - LOWER VILLAGGIOSEE SHEET C8LEGENDSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING TREESSDPROPOSED STORM DRAINPROPOSED LOT LINETRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED RETAINING WALLPROPOSED STORMWATERTREATMENT AREASEE SHEET C12PROPOSED PUBLIC TRAILPROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSEXISTING 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSAPPROXIMATE LIMITS OF GRADINGATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 282 SDSDSDSD48"CMP (2 )30 "CMP42"CMPCALLE JOAQUIN0.3%TYPY-YC13Z-ZC131 1 0 110110115 1200.4%4.7%MEANDING LOW-FLOW CHANNELAND LOCAL PONDINGEXISTING FLOWLINE ANDCREEK BEDSEE C13 FOR WATERQUALITY BASIN DETAILPROPOSED RETENTION BASIN(VOLUME = 22.7± ac-ft)EXISTING PROPERTY LINEEXISTING OPEN SPACEEASEMENT LINEEXISTING OPEN SPACEEASEMENTAPPROXIMATERIGHT OF WAYEXISTING FLOWLINECONFLUENCE OF EXISTING ANDRE-ALIGNED FROOM CREEKEXISTING CREEKFLOWLINEPROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT(AREA = 7.10 ac)PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT(AREA = 7.10 ac)WATER WELLACCESS ROADPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARY125130135140145150155160165107.9FL107.3FL106.8FLMOTEL 6EX. FF = 108±MARRIOTT HOTELEX FF = 110±105 1051101151 2 0 125130135140145150155160165170175180185190195200102.0FL (EXISTING)101.8FL (EXISTING)101.7FL (EXISTING)99.5FL (EXISTING)PROPOSED CREEKRESTORATIONREALIGNEDCREEK FLOWLINETIE-IN PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGTIE-IN PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD PLAINBOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGSEE SHEET C11 FOR DETAILEDGRADING OF THIS AREAEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINE95.54FL (EXISTING)104.5EG100.5CULVERT TOP114.9TOP114.4TOP97.0FG97.7FG96.5FG96.0FG95.5FG95.0FG95.0FG95.3FG106.0FG96.0FG96.5FG97.0FG106.0FG3:1 MAX(TYP)3:1 MAX(TYP)PROPOSED DRAINAGE EASEMENT(AREA = 7.10 ac)109.5 FGMATCH EX114.7 FGMATCH EX108.8 FGMATCH EX109.8 FGMATCH EX110.4 FGMATCH EX111.9 FGMATCH EX113.7 FGMATCH EX106.0 FGMATCH EX104.0 FGMATCH EX106.8 FGMATCH EXINLET/OUTLET TOPROPOSED BASINPROPOSED 30' WIDE BASIN ACCESS ANDMAINTENANCE EASEMENT103.5FL103.5±FL (EXISTING)106.0FGEXISTING USACEWETLAND DELINEATIONAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGEXISTING TOP OFBANKEXISTING TOP OFBANKPROPOSED TOP OFBANK100105110951001051 0 5 105110EXISTING TOP OFBANKPROPOSED TOP OFBANKPROPOSED TOE OFSLOPEN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C8_Grading.dwg, C10, Jul 02, 2020 3:33pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC10STORM DRAINAGE EASEMENTSCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'SEE SHEET C9LEGEND220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING TREESSDPROPOSED STORM DRAINPROPOSED LOT LINETRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED RETAINING WALLPROPOSED STORMWATERTREATMENT AREASEE SHEET C12PROPOSED PUBLIC TRAILPROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSEXISTING 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSAPPROXIMATE LIMITS OF GRADINGATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 283 SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSD OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH3:1MAX3:1MAX111112113114115 1171181181171161151141131151121121131141161171181191151141161171181191131121121131141151161171181191 1 9 1 1 8116113116110 115111112113114116117118115112113114LOS OSOS VALLEY ROADEXISTING FENCEEXISTING ROWROUTE LOVR DITCHDRAINAGE UNDERACCESS ROADPROPOSED FROOMCREEK FLOWLINE24' EMERGENCY VEHICLEACCESS ROADCONNECT TREATEDSTORMWATER OUTLET TOACCESS ROAD DRAINAGE PIPE112111110APPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGEXISTING USACEWETLAND DELINEATIONREMOVABLEBOLLARDSPROPOSEDVEGETATEDSWALEPROPOSEDTOP OF BANKPROPOSED TOPOF SLOPEPROPOSED 30' WIDE X 7' HIGHNATURAL BOTTOM CONSPANARCH CULVERT CROSSINGCREEK BUFFER AND PUBLIC TRAILPROPOSED TOP OF BANKFROOM CREEK CHANNELCONTINUATIONPROPOSED TOEOF SLOPESDSDSD1151201141161161161171181191211221101 1 5 1061061071 0 7 1081091 1 1 1121 1 3 1 1 4 11 8 119 115120 12 5 13 0 110110 115110110PROPOSEDDRAINAGEEASEMENTPROPOSED REALIGNEDTOP OF BANKPROPOSEDRE-ALIGNEDFLOWLINESTORMWATER TREATMENTBASIN. SEE DETAIL ONSHEET C13.EXISTING FROOM CREEKFLOWLINEOUTLET TREATEDSTORMWATERPROPOSED FROOMCREEK FLOWLINECONFLUENCE OF PROPOSEDFROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTAND EXISTING FROOM CREEKFLOWLINE AND CREEKBEDEXISTING FENCEEXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINECONFLUENCE OF EXISTINGAND RE-ALIGNED CREEKPROPOSEDFLOWLINEAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADING123124125 126PROPOSEDTOP OF BANKPROPOSED TOPOF BANKAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADINGMOUNTAINBROOKOPEN SPACE EASEMENTTRACT BOUNDARYEXISTING TOPOF BANKEXISTING TOPOF BANKEXISTING TOPOF BANK136135 134 133132131130129 129128127126125124123122122123124125126127128129130131131128127126125134133132136134133132131129130128129130131132130EXISTING FROOMCREEK FLOWLINECONFLUENCE OF EXISTING ANDRE-ALIGNED FROOM CREEKPROPOSED ACCESSROAD GATEPROPOSED PG&EACCESS ROADAPPROXIMATELIMITS OF GRADING130.8TOP130.3TOP121.9FLEXISTING TOPOF BANKEXISTING TOPOF BANKN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C8_Grading.dwg, C11, Jul 02, 2020 3:34pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC11GRADING DETAILSLEGEND220220PROPOSED CONTOUREXISTING CONTOURPROPOSED LOT LINETRACT BOUNDARYSCALE: 1" = 20'10' 20'040'SCALE: 1" = 20'BUPPER CONFLUENCE CREEK GRADINGSCALE: 1" = 20'AEVA ACCESS ROAD CROSSINGSCALE: 1" = 20'CDRAINAGE 1 - FROOM CREEK CONFLUENCEATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 284 SD SD SD GGWWJTJ T J T OHOHOHOHLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADAUTO PARKWAY CAL L E J O A Q U I N CAL L E J O A Q U I NMOUNTAINBROOKCHURCH MOTEL 6MARRIOTT HOTELROSEGARDENINNHAMPTONINNTOYOTA SLOBEAR VALLEYCENTERSUNSET HONDAPERRY FORDCOAST BMWHOME DEPOTWHOLEFOODSLOS OSOS VALLEY ROADTJ MAXXMOUNTAINBROOKCHURCHMARTINELLILAWRENCE JIRISH HILLSPLAZA WEST LLCA CA LLCCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPOCITY OF SANLUIS OBISPOV-V C13 T-TC13W-WC12U-UC13X-XC12Y-YC13Z-Z C13 125130135 140145110115120120120125130135115120110 1 1 5 1 2 0 1 2 5 115115120120120130135 14 0 145 150155 160120120120125125170135140145150155 1201201 2 0 12012512512512 5130 130130130135135140 140145145150150155155 160160 165165110 110 115115115115 115 115 120 12 0 120 120125130135140145150155160165170175180185190195200205 11011011011011 5 1 1 5 115120125 130 135 1 4 0 14 5 150155160165170175180185190195 200205210215220 225 230235240245250255260265270180185190195200205210215220225230235240245250255260265270275280285290295300305310 180185190195200205210215220225230235 145150155160165170170170175180185190195200 WATER QUALITYTREATMENT AREATREATED STORMWATEROUTLETTREATED STORMWATEROUTLETTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETTREATED STORMWATEROUTLETWATER QUALITYTREATMENT AREASTORMWATER BASINFOR STORM EVENTATTENUATION105 105 110115 120 125 13 0 1 3 5 1 4 0 1 4 5 1 5 0 1 5 5 1 6 0 16 5 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 MEANDERINGLOW-FLOW CHANNELAND LOCAL PONDINGPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARY10510095105100105 105 PROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYTIE PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGTIE PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGTIE PROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY INTO EXISTINGPROPOSED 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYEXISTING 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYEXISTING 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYEXISTING 100-YR FEMAFLOOD PLAIN BOUNDARYWATER QUALITYTREATMENT AREAWATER QUALITYTREATMENT AREA125120115115120120EXISTING FROOM CREEK FLOWLINEEXISTING FROOM CREEK FLOWLINE145 140135125125130 1201201551501451401350.9%TREATED STORMWATEROUTLETTREATED STORMWATEROUTLETUPSTREAMCREEK BANKEXISTINGCALLE JOAQUINSECTIONEXISTING WETLANDSECTION W-W (2-YEAR)NTS65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTELEV = 110.0±MEANDERING CHANNELBOTTOM ELEV = 110.0FLSLOPE 3:1 MAX35'SETBACKQ2 WSE = 112.4±LOW-FLOW THALWEGEXISTINGHOTEL PARKINGEXISTING WETLANDSECTION X-X (2-YEAR)65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTNTSUPSTREAMCREEK BANK(3:1 MAX)ELEV = 109.0±SLOPE 3:1 MAX35'SETBACKELEV = 109.6±MEANDERING CHANNELBOTTOM ELEV = 107.9 FLLOW-FLOW THALWEGQ2 WSE = 110.5±EXISTINGHOTEL PARKINGEXISTING WETLANDSECTION X-X (100-YEAR)65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTNTSUPSTREAMCREEK BANK(3:1 MAX)Q100 WSE = 108.6±ELEV = 109.0±SLOPE 3:1 MAX35'SETBACKELEV = 109.6±MEANDERING CHANNELBOTTOM ELEV = 107.9 FLLOW-FLOW THALWEGUPSTREAMCREEK BANKEXISTINGCALLE JOAQUINSECTIONEXISTING WETLANDSECTION W-W (100-YEAR)NTSQ100 WSE = 108.9±65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTELEV = 110.0±MEANDERING CHANNELBOTTOM ELEV = 110.0 FLSLOPE 3:1 MAX35'SETBACKLOW-FLOW THALWEGN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C12_Stormwater.dwg, C12, Jul 02, 2020 3:38pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC12STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN220220PROPOSED CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)EXISTING CONTOUR (5' INTERVAL)LEGENDSDPROPOSED STORM DRAINTRACT BOUNDARYPROPOSED STORMWATER TREATMENTAREA - SEE TYPICAL WATER QUALITYTREATMENT DETAIL ON SHEET C13NOTESSEE SHEET C8/C9/C10 FOR TRACT GRADING AND SPECIFIC STORMDRAIN INFRASTRUCTURESCALE: 1" = 150'75' 150'0300'PROPOSED STORMWATERRETENTION AREAPROPOSED 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSEXISTING 100-YR FEMA FLOOD ZONE A EXTENTSADDITIONAL OFFSITE IMPERVIOUS AREAATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 285 65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTQ100 WSE = 117.0±ELEV = 121.5±35'CREEK SETBACK35'CREEK SETBACKSECTION V-V (100-YEAR)NTSMEANDERINGLOW-FLOW CHANNELELEV = 113.5 FLSLOPE 3:1 MAXSLOPE 3:1 MAXELEV = 120.5±Q100 WSE = 119.5±ELEV = 122.5±FLOWLINEELEV = 115.5ELEV = 118.5± TCSECTION U-U (100-YEAR)NTSSLOPE 3:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXSTORMWATERTREATMENT BASINSECTION T-T (100-YEAR)NTS5' VEGETATEDSWALEELEV = 128.1±PROPOSED PARK ANDHISTORIC BUILDINGPARKINGELEV = 139.5± TCFLOWLINEELEV = 123.4±ELEV = 128.4±(ELEV = 126.5± TC)EXISTING HOME DEPOTREAR DELIVERIESQ100 WSE = 127.4±SLOPE 2:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXOUTLET SECTION Z-Z (2-YEAR)NTSEXISTING HOTEL PARKINGFS = 108.4±PROPOSED BASINVOLUME = 22.7 ac-ftBOT = 95.0±EXISTING CREEKFLOWLINEELEV = 101.7±1±OVERFLOW BANKELEV = 104.0±INFILTRATIONWELLSQ2 WSE = 102.8±108.9± EG30'±EXISTING HOTEL PARKINGFS = 109.3±7'±FLOWLINEELEV = 103.5±SECTION Y-Y (2-YEAR)40'±Q2 WSE = 107.7±NTSFLOWLINEELEV = 103.5±109.8± EG30'±EXISTING HOTEL PARKINGFS = 109.3±7'±FLOWLINEELEV = 103.5±SECTION Y-Y (100-YEAR)40'±Q100 WSE = 108.5±NTSFLOWLINEELEV = 103.5±109.8± EGOUTLET SECTION Z-Z (100-YEAR)NTSEXISTING HOTEL PARKINGFS = 108.4±PROPOSED BASINVOLUME = 22.7 ac-ftBOT = 95.0±EXISTING CREEKFLOWLINEELEV = 101.7±1±OVERFLOW BANKELEV = 106.0±INFILTRATIONWELLSQ100 WSE = 104.0±108.9± EG65'FROOM CREEK REALIGNMENTELEV = 121.5±35'CREEK SETBACK35'CREEK SETBACKSECTION V-V (2-YEAR)NTSMEANDERINGLOW-FLOW CHANNELELEV = 113.5 FLSLOPE 3:1 MAXSLOPE 3:1 MAXQ2 WSE = 116.5 ±ELEV = 120.5±Q2 WSE = 117.5±ELEV = 122.5±FLOWLINEELEV = 115.5ELEV = 118.5± TCSECTION U-U (2-YEAR)NTSSLOPE 3:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXSTORMWATERTREATMENT BASINSECTION T-T (2-YEAR)NTS5' VEGETATEDSWALEELEV = 128.1±PROPOSED PARK ANDHISTORIC BUILDINGPARKINGELEV = 139.5± TCFLOWLINEELEV = 123.4±ELEV = 128.4±(ELEV = 126.5± TC)EXISTING HOME DEPOTREAR DELIVERIESQ2 WSE = 125.4±SLOPE 2:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXSLOPE 3:1MAXN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C12_Stormwater.dwg, C13, Jul 02, 2020 3:39pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC13STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLANNOTESSEE C12 FOR SECTION LOCATIONS.24"VARIESCOBBLE OR SPLASHBLOCK WHERE STORMWATER ENTERS3" MULCHFLAT BOTTOMNO SLOPES3:1MAXGRAVEL STORAGEBIORETENTION SOIL MIXDEPTH VARIESOVERFLOW / OUTLET STRUCTURE4" RISER MINIMUMOUTLET TO ADJACENTCHANNELTYPICAL WATER QUALITY TREATMENTNTS(A) EXISTING CONDITIONIMPERVIOUS AREA: 0.5± ac(B) PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTSPAVING AREA: 4.54 acBUILDINGS: 0.00 acTOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 4.54 ac(C) PROPOSED TREATMENTWATER QUALITY AREA: 1.85 acBIORETENTION AREA: 3.10 acTIER 1- RUNOFF REDUCTION·ROOF DRAIN DISCONNECT·MINIMIZE IMPERVIOUS AREASTIER 2 - WATER QUALITY·ON-SITE RETENTION-BASED INFILTRATIONTIER 3 - RETAIN 95TH PERCENTILE STORM EVENT (1.4 INCHES)·BASINS WILL RETAIN AND INFILTRATE APPROXIMATE VOLUME12.8± ac-ftTIER 4 - PEAK MANAGEMENT·BASINS RESTRICT FLOW SUCH THAT POST-DEVELOPMENT PEAKFLOWS ARE LESS THAN PRE-DEVELOPMENT PEAK FLOWS FORTHE 2-, 5-, AND 10-YEAR STORM EVENTSREQUIRED STORMWATER MEASURESONSITE PROJECT STATISTICSOFFSITE PROJECT STORMWATER TREATMENT(A) ADDITIONAL IMPERVIOUS AREA:PAVING/SIDEWALK AREA: 0.70 AC(B) REQUIRED RETENTION VOLUME (PCR #2 & #3):PAVING/SIDEWALK AREA: 30492 SFI = 3049230492 = 1.0 C = 0.858I3-0.78I2+0.774I+.04 = 0.89(30492 SF) * 0.89 (COEFFICIENT) * (2.0"/12") FT = 4,523 CFREQUIRED STORAGE: 4,523 CF FOR PCR #2 AND #3 STORAGE PROVIDED: 4,551 CFATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 286 SDSDSD//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// //////SDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDSDOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH10'10.5 '10.5 '12'10.5 '11'8'PROPOSED CLASSIV BIKE PATH3'7'6'8'7'6'PROPOSEDPEDESTRIAN &BIKE REFUGESPROPOSED ROW15' PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT15' PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENT5' PARKWAYPROPOSED CLASSIV BIKE PATH5' PARKWAY AND TREATMENTPROPOSED PUBLIC PATHPROPOSED FROOMCREEK FLOWLINEROUTE LOVR DITCHDRAINAGE UNDEREMERGENCYACCESS ROAD24' EMERGENCYACCESS ROADR4 5 'R45'12'12'10.5'12'10.5'11'8'EXISTING ROWEXISTING ROWEXISTING ROWEXISTING ROWEXISTING ROWPROPOSED ROWEXISTING ROW15' PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTPROPOSEDRAISED MEDIANL = 1170 LF±PROPOSEDRAISED MEDIAN.L = 250 LF±R35'R25' R3 5 'R35'PROPOSED BUSTURNOUTLIMITS OFEXISTING PAVINGTIE-IN TOEXISTING MEDIANEXISTING LOVRSTRIPINGEXISTING OVERHEADUTILITIES TO BEUNDERGROUNDEDCOMMERCIALCOLLECTOR ALOS OSOS VALLEY ROADCALLE JOAQUINAUTO PARK WAYLIMITS OF EXISTING PAVINGCONNECT TO NEARESTUNDERGROUND UTILITY BOXCONNECT TO NEARESTUNDERGROUNDUTILITY BOXPROTECT EXISTINGCURB, GUTTER,AND SIDEWALKH-HC1G-GC1J-JC112'10.5 '10.5 '10.5 '6'10.5 '11'8'3'7'6'220' QUEUINGDISTANCE180' QUEUINGDISTANCELIMITS OF EXISTING PAVINGREMOVE EXISTING TREES ANDVEGETATION ALONG FRONTAGEREMOVE EXISTING TREES ANDVEGETATION ALONG FRONTAGEREMOVE EXISTING TREES ANDVEGETATION ALONG FRONTAGEPROPOSED FROOMCREEK FLOWLINE115' STACKINGDISTANCEENERGY DISSIPATOR ANDTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETENERGY DISSIPATOR ANDTREATED STORMWATER OUTLETENERGY DISSIPATORAND TREATEDSTORMWATER OUTLETEXISTING LOVRSTRIPINGEXISTINGCALLE JOAQUINSTRIPINGEXISTINGCALLE JOAQUINSTRIPINGEXISTINGAUTO PARKWAYSTRIPINGEXTEND EXISTINGSTORM DRAINOUTLET (TYP)EXISTING CURBAND GUTTERVEGETATEDSWALEPARKINGLANELANELANELANER.TURNL.TURNBIKEBUS LANELANELANEL.TURNLANETHRU + R .TURNPARKINGBIKE WALKBIKEWALK WALKWALKWALKR.TURNLANELANEL.TURNLANELANEPARKINGBIKEWALK BIKE5' PARKWAY AND TREATMENTWALKCONFORM TO EXISTINGIMPROVEMENTSPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10.5'TURN LANE32' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK5'PKWY6'SIDEWALK7'BIKE LANE3'10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TRAVEL LANE12'TURN LANE6'RAISEDMEDIANSLOPE 3:1 MAXSTORMWATERTREATMENT BASINLOT 1315'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION H-HLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - NORTH OF AUTO PARK10'PROPOSED LOVRDITCH BOTTOMPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10.5'TRAVEL LANE19' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK5'PKWY6'SIDEWALKVARIESRAISEDMEDIAN12'TRAVEL LANE7'BIKE LANE3'SLOPE 3:1 MAXSLOPE 3:1 MAXLOT 315'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION J-JLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUT TO CALLE JOAQUIN10'FROOM CREEKTHAWLEGFROOM CREEKCHANNEL BOTTOMFROOM CREEKTOP OF BANK PERPLANPROPOSED WIDENINGEXISTING ROAD10'BUS TURNOUT10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TRAVEL LANE10.5'TURNING LANE30' ±PROPOSED RW DEDICATION86' ±EXISTING ROW6'RAISEDMEDIAN10.5'TRAVEL LANE11'TRAVEL LANE2'8'PARKING LANE3'7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALK8'WAITING AREA7'BIKE LANE6'SIDEWALKSLOPE 3:1 MAXLOT 615'PUE & STREETTREE EASEMENTSECTION G-GLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUT10'FROOM CREEKTHAWLEGFROOM CREEKCHANNEL BOTTOMFROOM CREEK TOPOF BANK PER PLANEXISTING SECTION H-HLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - NORTH OF AUTO PARKEXISTING ROAD86' ±EXISTING ROW±8'PARKINGLANE±6'SIDEWALK±10.5'PAINTED MEDIAN±10'±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANEEXISTING AC DIKEEXISTING ROAD86' ±EXISTING ROW±8'PARKINGLANE±6'SIDEWALK±10.5'PAINTED MEDIANEXISTING SECTION J-JLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUT TO CALLE JOAQUIN±10'±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANEEXISTING SECTION G-GLOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD - BUS TURNOUTEXISTING AC DIKEEXISTING ROAD86' ±EXISTING ROW±8'PARKINGLANE±6'SIDEWALK±10.5'PAINTED MEDIAN±10'±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±10.5'TRAVEL LANE±5'BIKELANEN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C14_LOVR Widening.dwg, C14, Jul 02, 2020 3:37pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC14SCALE: 1" = 50'25' 50'0100'NOTESPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN IN THE VTM ARE PRELIMINARY ANDMAY BE MODIFIED AS PART OF FINAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTIONPLANS.ALL IMPROVEMENTS SHOWN SHALL CONFORM TO EXISTINGIMPROVEMENTS AND STRIPINGLOVR WIDENINGATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 287 SD SD SD GGWWJT J T J T OHOHOHOHWHistorical Buildings (2015)Chorro Creek Bog Thistle (2015)USACE Wetland - Waters of the US (2015)USACE Other Waters of the US (2015)CDFW Jurisdictional Boundary (2015)CDFW List 1B Rare Plants (2015)Central Coast Riparian Scrub (2015)Serpentine Rock Outcrop (2015)Coast Live Oak Woodland (2015)Eucalyptus Grove (2015)Sycamore Trees (2015)Serpentine Bunchgrass Grassland (2015)Proposed Setback Bog Thistle (50')Creek & Drainage SetbacksCreek Top of BankProposed Creek & Drainage CenterlineExisting Cellular Tower150' Elevation from Site SurveyTrunksTrunksTrace of Los Osos Fault with SetbacksAirport Safety Zone: S-2(Not Shown - Applies to Entire Site)N:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C15_Constraints Map.dwg, C15, Jul 02, 2020 3:35pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC15SITE CONSTRAINTS MAPLEGENDSCALE: 1" = 150'75' 150'0300'ATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 288 Primarily Moderate Water Use Primarily Low Water Use Primarily High Water UsePrimarily Moderate Water UsePrimarily Low Water UsePrimarily High Water UseN:\2014\1014012-Froom-Ranch-SP-Il-Villaggio\Engineering\TTM\Sheet-Files\C16_Landscape Map.dwg, C16, Jul 02, 2020 3:35pm, ngwalters JULY 3, 2020FROOM RANCHVESTING TENTATIVE MAPC16LANDSCAPE WATER USE MAPESTIMATED WATER USESCALE: 1" = 150'75' 150'0300'LEGENDATTACHMENT 2Item 2Packet Page 289 SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION William (Bill) Borgsmiller Michael Cripe Craig Piper Jeremy Klyde Roger Oxborrow Allen Settle Erich Schaefer NOTICE OF AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION ACTION ALUC 2020-0007 HEARING DATE: July 15, 2020 RECOMMENDATION TO: City of San Luis Obispo SUBJECT: A referral by the City of San Luis Obispo (City) for a determination of consistency or inconsistency with the Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP) for the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport (airport) for proposed amendments to the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance to implement the Froom Ranch Development Plan. The 110-acre property (APN: 067-241-030, -031) is located on the west side of Los Osos Valley Road and north of Calle Joaquin. The project is located in the San Luis Obispo County Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP) - Airport Safety Zone S-2 and outside of any airport noise contours. County File Number: SPEC 0143-2017 Project Manager: Shawna Scott Applicant: John Madonna On July 15, 2020, the Airport Land Use Commission determined the above referenced project Consistent with the San Luis Obispo Airport Land Use Plan, and referred it back to the City of San Luis Obispo - Shawna Scott, Project Manager, on the basis of the Findings / Conditions in the staff report. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me at (805) 781-5600 or dchavez@co.slo.ca.us Sincerely, Daniela Chavez, Secretary Airport Land Use Commission County of San Luis Obispo ▪ 976 Osos St., Rm 300 ▪ San Luis Obispo California 93408 ▪ (805) 781-5600 Email: planning@co.slo.ca.us ▪ Fax (805) 781-1242 ▪ Website: http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Planning ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 290 STAFF REPORT SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION DATE: JULY 15, 2020 TO: AIRPORT LAND USE COMMISSION (ALUC) FROM: BRIAN PEDROTTI, COUNTY PLANNING AND BUILDING REFERRING AGENCY: CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO APPLICANT: JOHN MADONNA CITY FILE NUMBER: SPEC 0143-2017 PROJECT MANAGER : SHAWNA SCOTT, SENIOR PLANNER SUBJECT: A MANDATORY REFERRAL BY THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO (CITY) FOR A DETERMINATION OF CONSISTENCY OR INCONSISTENCY WITH THE AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN (ALUP) FOR THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY REGIONAL AIRPORT (AIRPORT) FOR PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CITY’S GENERAL PLAN AND ZONING ORDINANCE TO IMPLEMENT THE FROOM RANCH DEVELOPMENT PLAN (AMENDMENTS). LOCATION: THE 110-ACRE PROPERTY (APN: 067-241-030, -031) IS LOCATED ON THE WEST SIDE OF LOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD AND NORTH OF CALLE JOAQUIN . THE PROJECT IS LOCATED IN THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY AIRPORT LAND USE PLAN (ALUP) - AIRPORT SAFETY ZONE S-2 AND OUTSIDE OF ANY AIRPORT NOISE CONTOURS. RECOMMENDATION : Staff recommends that the ALUC determine that the Amendments are consistent with the ALUP based on the findings and subject to the conditions of consistency set forth below. FINDINGS IN SUPPORT OF CONSISTENCY DETERMIN ATION: a) The Amendments are consistent with General Land Use Policies, G-1 through G-3 because: all information required for review of the Amendments was provided by the City; the Amendments (as conditioned) would not result in any incompatibilities to the continued economic vitality and efficient oper ation of the Airport with specific respect to safety, noise, overflight or obstacle clearance; b) The Amendments are consistent with the Specific Land Use Policies for Noise because the area affected by the Amendments is located outside of any CNEL airport noise contours; c) The Amendments are consistent with the Specific Land Use Policies for Safety because the Amendments would not result in a density greater than that specified in Table 7; the Amendments would not result in a greater building coverage than pe rmitted by Table 7; and the Amendments would not result in high intensity land uses or special land use functions as conditioned; d) The Amendments are consistent with the Specific Land Use Policies for Airspace Protection because the City’s Zoning Ordinance regulations limit the height of structures on the site to 60 feet to the highest architectural feature . Development on the project site will not exceed the elevations required for FAA Form 7460 notification and determina tion. The Amendments will not permit any structure, landscaping, glare, apparatus, or o ther ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 291 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 feature, whether temporary or permanent in nature to constitute an obstruction to air navigation or a hazard to air navigation, as conditioned; e) The Amendments are consistent with the Specific Land Use Policies for Overflight because the project has been conditioned to record avigation easements for each property developed within the project site prior to the issuance of any building permit or minor use permit; and all owners, potential purchasers, occupants (whether as owners or renters), and potential occupants (whether as owners or renters) will receive full and accurate disclosure concerning the noise, safety, or overflight impacts associated with Airport operations prior to entering any contractual obligation to purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise occupy any property or prope rties within the Airport Area; PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Proposal: Amendments to the City’s General Plan and Zoning Ordinance to implement the Froom Ranch Development Plan Setting: Rural area adjacent to urban commercial uses Existing Uses: Agriculture Site Area: Approximately 110 acres DISCUSSION: Detailed Area Plan (DAP) The Developer has proposed a Detailed Area Plan (DAP) in accordance with Section of the ALUP. The ALUP lists specific criteria that a DAP must meet, such as indicating that the densities for both residential and non-residential development allowed at each parc el are in conformance with Table 7 of the ALU P. Another requirement is that a DAP contain provisions sufficient to ensure that all development will conform to polices set forth in the ALUP. The City’s zoning ordinance , which will regulate the uses on the Project site, allows only uses that are consistent with the ALUP. ALUP 4.4 Specific Land Use Policies: Safety Policies The objective of the ALUP safety policies is to minimize the risk to the safety and property of persons on the ground associated with potential aircraft accidents and to enhance the chances for survival of the occupants involved in an accident which takes place beyond the immediate runway environmen t. These policies include a prohibition of structures within the RPZ, and ensure a project meets the density, building coverage, and special land use function requirements. Although it appears that a portion of the project site is located within the S-1b and S-1c Safety Zones according to the existing map in the ALUP, additional analysis presented by the Applicant and based on work previously utilized by the ALUC shows that the property is entirely within the S -2 safety area. This is described in more detail under Map Consistency Analysis section below. The DAP criteria require that the ALUP allowable densities for residential and non -residential uses be shown in the plan. Based on review of the ALUP Table 7 (Planning Requirements and density adjustments for Land Uses within the Aviation Safety Areas for the San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport): 1) the maximum building coverage (% of gross area) is 20 percent for Airport Safety Area S-2; 2) the maximum density of use (residential) is 6 units per acre; 3) the maximum density of use (non- residential) is 150 persons/acre for Airport Safety Area S -2; and 4) Special Function and High Intensity Land Uses are not allowed with in the Airport Safety Area S-2. Density and Building Coverage Calculations The proposed Specific Plan inc ludes a proposed site coverage of 21%; however, the ALU P limits the maximum building coverage in the S -2 to 20%. This has been included as a Condition of Consistency. The applicant’s requested non-residential density for the Project is based on 5 gross acres within the S-2 Airport Safety Area, and a requested residential density based on 105 acres within the S-2. Based on ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 292 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 ALUP Table 7, a maximum residential density of up to 6 units per acre is allowed and a maximum non- residential density of up to 150 persons per acre is allowed. The Froom Ranch Specific Plan proposes a residential density of up to 578 units , and non-residential density of up to 750 persons. Maximum Non-residential density (S2): 5 gross acres x 150 person per acre = 750 persons total Maximum Residential density (S2): 110 gross acres x 6 units per acre = 660 units total Based on the above information, the Project is consistent with the ALUP safety policies and density provisions. ALUP 4.3 Specific Land Use Policies: Noise The Specific Land Use Policies for Noise in the ALUP identify whether a project would permit or fail to sufficiently prohibit establishment of extreme ly noise-sensitive land uses within the 60 dB contour or the 55 dB contour except for infill, any moderately noise-sensitive land use within the 55 d B contour without mitigation, or any extremely or moderately noise-sensitive use adjacent to an area of demonstrated noise incompatibility. The Project site is outside of any established noise contour and is, therefore, consistent with the Specific Land Use Policies for noise. ALUP 4.5 Specific Land Use Policies: Airspace Protection The construction of tall s tructures, including buildings and construction cranes – in the vicinity of an airport can be hazardous to the navigat ion of airplanes. The FAA, through FAR Part 77, established a method of identifying surfaces that should be free from penetration by obstr uctions in order to maintain sufficient airspace around airports. FAR Part 77, in effect, identifies the maximum heigh t at which a structure would be considered an obstacle at any given point around an airport. The extent of the off - airport coverage needin g to be evaluated for tall structure impacts can extend miles from an airport facility. Any tall structure(s) proposed as future development within a project area shall be reviewed by the Air Traffic Division of the FAA to determine compliance with the pro visions of FAR Part 77. ALUP 4.6 Specific Land Use Policies: Overflight The Amendments are consistent with the overflight policies of the ALUP to ensure that potential and prospective Airport area land users are provided with sufficient information on the presence and activity of the Airport and associated noise and safety impacts in order for them to make an informed decision as to whether or not they wish to live and/or work in the Airport area. Avigation Easements and Natural Hazard Disclosure Reports are required for real estate transactions in the Airport Area. Individual projects will be required to provide avigation easements and full and accurate disclosure of airport operations. Map Consistency Analysis The Aviation Safety Area Map (Figure 3) in the ALUP is the original analog map. The Developer has utilized the analog map in its consistency analys is but has made corrections to show where the Project is actually located in relationship to the Aviation Safety Areas depicted in Figure 3 and to the true GIS bearing of Runway 11-29 contained in the Airport Master Plan. Thus, the project is not located within Safety Areas S-1C and S-1B, but rather within the S-2, and as shown on the proposed development plans and is consistent with both the analog ma p as well as the textual descriptions of the Airport Safety Areas, i.e. the consistency analysis does not favor the textual descriptions over the analog map (and the additional information/inferences reflected therein). Map Consistency – Froom Ranch Project ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 293 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Conditions of Consistency to be incorporated into any use permit(s) for development: 1. The residential density for the project site is limited to 630 dwelling units. 2. The non-residential density for the project site is limited to 750 persons. 3. The maximum building coverage for the project site is limited to 20%. 4. The construction plans for the proposed dwelling shall be submitted via FAA Form 7460-1 to the Air Traffic Division of the FAA regional office having jurisdiction over San Luis Obispo County at least 45 days before proposed construction or application for a building permit, to determine compliance with the provisions of FAR Part 77. All tall structures shall be re viewed by the Air Traffic Division of the FAA regional office having jurisdiction over San Luis O bispo County to determine compliance with the provisions of FAR Part 77. In addition, applicable construction activities must be reported via FAA Form 7460 -1 at least 45 days before proposed construction or application for a building permit. The Developer/Applicant shall also coordinate with the FAA on potential structural encroachments into the glidescope critical areas as shown on the draft Airport Layout Plan. 5. All extremely and moderately noise -sensitive land uses on the Project site shall include noise mitigation as required by the ALUP. 6. No structure, landscapin g, apparatus, or other feature, whether temporary or permanent in nature shall constitute an obs truction to air navigation or a hazard to air navigation, as defined by the ALUP. ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 294 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 7. Any use is prohibited that may entail characteristics which would potentially interfere with the takeoff, landing, or maneuvering of aircraft at the Airport, including: • creation of electrical interference with navigation signals or radio communication between the aircraft and airport; • lighting which is difficult to distinguish from airport lighting; • glare in the eyes of pilots using the Airport; • uses which attract birds and create bird strike hazards; • uses which produce visually significant quantities of smoke; and • uses which entail a risk of physical injury to operators or passeng ers of aircraft (e.g., exterior laser light demonstrations or shows). 8. Avigation easements shall be recorded for each property developed within the area included in the proposed local action prior to the issuance of any building permit or conditional use pe rmit. 9. All owners, potential purchasers, occupants (whether as owners or renters), and potential occupants (whether as owners or renters) will receive full and accurate disclosure concerning th e noise, safety, or overflight impacts associated with airport operations prior to entering any contractual obligation to purchase, lease, rent, or otherwise o ccupy any property or properties within the airport area. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 : Froom Ranch Application Attachment 2 : Aviation Safety Areas Attachment 3: Airport Noise Contours Attachment 4 : Airport Imaginary Surfaces Attachment 5: Aircraft Flight Paths ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 295 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Attachment 1 – Froom Ranch Application ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 296 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Attachment 2 – Aviation Safety Areas Pr oje ct Sit e Project Site ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 297 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Attachment 3 – Airport Noise Contours Project Site ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 298 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Attachment 4 – Airport Imaginary Surfaces Project Site ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 299 Froom Ranch Specific Plan ALUC July 15, 2020 Attachment 5 – Aircraft Flight Paths Project Site ATTACHMENT 3 Item 2 Packet Page 300 Minutes – Cultural Heritage Committee Meeting of July 27, 2020 Page 1 Minutes CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE Monday, July 27, 2020 Regular Meeting of the Cultural Heritage Committee CALL TO ORDER A Regular Meeting of the San Luis Obispo Cultural Heritage Committee was called to order on Monday, July 27, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. via teleconference, by Vice Chair Shannon Larrabee. ROLL CALL Present: Committee Members Damon Haydu, Glen Matteson, Eva Ulz, and Vice Chair Shannon Larrabee Absent: Three seats vacant Staff: Senior Planner Brian Leveille, Senior Planner Shawna Scott, Contract Planner Emily Creel, and City Clerk Teresa Purrington PUBLIC COMMENTS ON ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None --End of Public Comment-- CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES 1.Approve the minutes of the June 22, 2020 Cultural Heritage Committee meeting. ACTION: UPON MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTESON, SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER HAYDU, CARRIED 4-0-0, (WITH 3 SEATS VACANT) to approve the minutes of the June 22, 2020 Cultural Heritage Committee meeting as amended to show that Member Ulz was absent. ATTACHMENT 4 Item 2 Packet Page 301 Minutes – Cultural Heritage Committee Meeting of July 27, 2020 Page 2 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2. 12165 & 12193 Los Osos Valley Road. Review of the cultural resources components of the Froom Ranch Specific Plan project, including the relocation/reconstruction of four historic structures (main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary) to a proposed park onsite and the demolition of three contributing structures to the Froom Ranch Historic District (a shed, bunkhouse, and old barn). The Final EIR will be available for review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, which includes mitigation to address identified impacts that relate to these actions; Specific Plan Area 3; Project Address: 12165 and 12193 Los Osos Valley Road; Case #: SPEC-0143-2017, SBDV-0955-2017, GENP-0737-2019, EID-0738-2019; Specific Plan Area 3; JM Development Group, Inc., owner/applicant. Contract Planner Emily Creel presented the staff report and responded to Committee inquiries. Applicant representative, Victor Montgomery, provided a presentation and responded to Commissioner inquiries. Public Comment None --End of Public Comment-- ACTION: UPON MOTION BY COMMITTEE MEMBER HAYDU, SECONDED BY COMMITTEE MEMBER MATTESON, CARRIED 4-0-0 (WITH 3 SEATS VACANT) recommending the Planning Commission find the project consistent with the City’s General Plan policies for cultural resources, the Historic Preservation Ordinance, and Historic Preservation Guidelines. Also, that the Environmental Impact Report adequately addressed Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources. With a suggestion that staff look at the findings regarding if economic hardship could be grounds for demolition. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION Senior Planner Leveille provided an agenda forecast. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m. The next Regular Cultural Heritage Committee meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 24, 2020 at 5:30 p.m., via teleconference. APPROVED BY THE CULTURAL HERITAGE COMMITTEE: XX/XX/2020 ATTACHMENT 4 Item 2 Packet Page 302 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS 8.1 INTRODUCTION Comments received during the 45-day public comment period for the Draft EIR for the Froom Ranch Specific Plan (Project), starting on November 8, 2019 and ending December 23, 2019 included written comments from 4 state agencies, 4 local agencies, 8 organizations, and 10 individuals. A total of 20 oral testimonies were received from individuals during the City Advisory Committee and Planning Commission Hearings held on November 18, 2109, December 4, 2019, December 10, 2019, and December 11, 2019. In accordance with the State Guidelines for the Implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), this chapter provides a written response to each of these comments and describes any revisions to the EIR made in response to comments. These responses provide a reasoned analysis as to why no changes were made to the EIR, or where changes to the EIR in response to comments were incorporated. 8.2 FORMAT OF THE RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Comments received on the Draft EIR are organized by written comments, then oral testimonies. Each comment letter or e-mail, and testimony is assigned a unique identification with each comment individually numbered as well, in alphabetical order. Individual comments and issues within each comment letter or e-mail are numbered individually along the margins in Section 8.3. 8.3 INDEX OF COMMENTS RECEIVED Table 8-1 lists all agencies, organizations, and individuals that provided written and oral comments on the Draft EIR. As described above, each comment letter was assigned a unique nomenclature based on commenter name or organization, and each comment was assigned a number with a corresponding letter signifying which commenter/organization the comment letter is associated with, as detailed within the table. 8-1 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 303 Table 8-1. Index of Comments Received on the Draft EIR Comment Set/ Number of Comments Name of Commenter Date Received Response Location STATE AGENCIES S.1 1-6 California Department of Fish and Wildlife December 23, 2019 8-15 S.2 1-11 California Department of Transportation December 20, 2019 8-28 S.3 1-3 California Wildlife Foundation December 16, 2019 8-33 S.4 1-7 Department of Toxic Substances Control December 18, 2019 8-38 LOCAL AGENCIES L.1 1–5 Air Pollution Control District San Luis Obispo County December 23, 2019 8-50 L.2 1-4 County of San Luis Obispo Department of Agriculture/ Weights & Measures December 18, 2019 8-57 L.3 1-19 San Luis Obispo Council of Governments December 20, 2019 8-65 L.4 1-7 San Luis Obispo Local Agency Formation Commission December 16, 2019 8-72 ORGANIZATIONS O.1 1-12 California Native Plant Society (1) December 11, 2019 8-85 O.2 1-14 California Native Plant Society (2) December 23, 2019 8-103 O.3 1-5 Friends of Bob Jones Trail December 22, 2019 8-114 O.4 1-4 Healthy Communities Work Group December 20, 2019 8-118 O.5 1-4 Los Verdes Park 1 December 11, 2019 8-123 O.6 1-3 Preserve the SLO Life December 10, 2019 8-127 O.7 1-8 Preserve the SLO Life and Los Verdes Park Unit 1 Homeowners Association December 23, 2019 8-133 O.8 1-5 Sierra Club Santa Lucia Chapter December 23, 2019 8-143 INDIVIDUALS I.1 1-12 David Chipping December 22, 2019 8-152 I.2 1-5 Garrett Otto December 9, 2019 8-159 I.3 1-2 Jeff Whitener December 4, 2019 8-162 I.4 1-1 Judy Riener December 10, 2019 8-164 I.5 1-13 Kim Murry December 11, 2019 8-167 I.6 1-8 Lea Brooks December 24, 2019 8-176 I.7 1 Neil Havlik (1) November 18, 2019 8-176 I.8 1 Neil Havlik (2) December 2, 2019 8-181 I.9 1-5 Neil Havlik (3) December 4, 2019 8-183 APPLICANT A.1 1-171 RRM Design Group December 23, 2019 8-236 8-2 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 304 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Table 8-1. Index of Comments Received on the Draft EIR (Cont.) Comment Set/ Number of Comments Name of Commenter Date Received Response Location ORAL TESTIMONIES Cultural Heritage Commission Hearing Commissioner Ulz Commissioner Papp Commissioner Matteson Commission Haydu Commissioner Larrabee Commissioner Brajkovich November 18, 2019 8-280 Parks and Recreation Commission Hearing Parks and Recreation Commission December 4, 2019 8-284 Active Transportation Hearing Active Transportation Committee December 10, 2019 8-284 Planning Commission Hearing Public Comments Sherry Eisenlen, David Richards Public Comment Gary Havas Public Comments (Lisa Schott, Los Verdes) Public Comment (Bill Waycott, CNPS) Public Comment David Chipping Public Comment Neil Havlik Public Comment Brian Ackerman Commissioner McKenzie Commission McKenzie /Wulkan Commissioner Stevenson Commissioner Jorgensen Commissioner Wulkan Commissioner Kohn Commissioner Jorgensen/Stevenson December 11, 2019 8-287 8.4 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS The following pages contain copies of the comment letters. Presented first is a copy of the comment letter with vertical lines indicating the extent of specific numbered comments, and on the subsequent pages are the corresponding numbered responses to individual comments. 8-3 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 305 8.4.6 Oral Responses Cultural Heritage Commission Hearing – November 18, 2019 Public Commenter – Commissioner Ulz Comment OT.1-1 Commission Ulz requests clarification on whether historic resources are considered as a district, individual resources, or as a multi-component resource in the FRSP and EIR. Commission Ulz suggests multi-component resource consideration may be the most effective classification. Response Thank you for your comments regarding the FRSP and EIR. As described in EIR Section 3.5, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, the Project site contains the historic Froom Ranch Dairy Farm (P-40-040991), including seven existing contributing structures associated with the historic dairy and Froom family. Four structures (i.e., main residence, creamery, dairy barn, and granary) are considered significant historic resources as individual structures. These four structures together with the three other contributing structures (i.e., the old barn, shed/storage building, and bunkhouse) constitute an eligible historic district under the City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance and the CRHR. The landscape and layout of these seven buildings comprising the Froom Ranch Dairy complex is historically significant under CEQA. The Froom Ranch Dairy complex, as described in the EIR complies with applicable guidelines for historical resources, including the City’s Historic Preservation Program Guidelines, The City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance, and CRHR so the EIR’s analysis is consistent with existing City policy and regulations. Per City guidelines, it appears as the Froom Ranch Dairy complex may be classified as a historic district; however, the City has discretion of classification under the Project approval process. Comment OT.1-2 Commission Ulz recommends MM CR-8 require native plantings and seek consultation guidance from tribal representatives. The comment states monitoring is not a mitigation, so the EIR should more clearly state how the City is working with Native Americans. Response Based on the comment’s recommendation, the word “native” has been incorporated to describe the vegetation requirements in the MM CR-8 of the EIR. The Applicant as well as the City will continue to consult Native American tribal representation to protect sensitive resources throughout the ongoing process. Regarding consultation with local tribes on the proposed Project, please refer 8-280 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 306 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR to Section 3.5, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources. Presented therein is a detailed summary of the Native American consultation process conducted by the City for the proposed Project, as well as the results of the consultation process. Comment OT.1-3 Commissioner Ulz states MM CR-10 does not provide a HABS level, and photography alone is not sufficient to meet HABS guidelines. Commissioner Ulz recommends selecting an appropriate HABS level based on the significant of each resource to be documented and follow the NPS recommendations. Additionally, the comment states the HABs documentation should be treated as pertaining to the entire complex to shore functional relationships between buildings. Response As described in Section 3.5, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources, MM CR-10 requires a HABS Level II documentation to be completed by a qualified professional photographer. Further, all documentation components under MM CR-10 would be completed in accordance with applicable guidelines including the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation, which is consistent with photograph-based HABS. The Project would additionally be required to provide the National Park Service with original, archivally-sound negatives and prints of the HABS. Comment OT.1-4 Commission Ulz recommends the Project include documentary tools beyond HABS, including oral histories and/or LIDAR/photogrammetry via drones to generate 3D documentation. Response MM CR-10 is in alignment with applicable HABS documentation standards as defined under the Guidelines for Architectural and Engineering Documentation. Nevertheless, language has been incorporated to MM CR-10 to identify additional surveys such as oral histories, LIDAR surveys, and/or photogrammetry may be complete. Comment OT.1-5 Commissioner Ulz states under MM CR-11 pamphlets are an ancillary vehicle for distributing an interpretive message, whose primary form should be semi-permanent and presented onsite. The comment recommends focusing on the development of an interpretive plan for the Froom Ranch Dairy complex and/or traditional tribal uses that encompass a multi- disciplinary approach to interpretation, as well as installation of signage for mitigation. Additionally, the comment suggests the measure should be the interpretive plan, not simply the pamphlet. If digital content will be available, consider reconfiguration into a mobile-friendly form to accompany physical signage. 8-281 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 307 Response Based on the comment, language has been added to MM CR-11 to require the Applicant to document the potential historic district and its cultural and architectural heritage by additional means (e.g., signage, interpretive plan, mobile-friendly content), if deemed mandatory by the City. As discussed in MM CR-11, digital copies of the pamphlets would be available to ensure information is available permanently to the public and decision makers. Public Commenter – Commissioner Papp Comment OT.2-1 Commissioner Papp recommends clarification in the EIR of how the elevation changes at the quarry location. Response The FRSP is a programmatic analysis of potential impacts related to changes in land uses based on the City’s LUE requirement for adoption of a Specific Plan prior to development; therefore, the EIR does not need to include specific site elevation analysis. However, based on information provided by the property owner and Applicant, John Madonna, the quarry operation pre-dates the Madonna purchase of the property. The quarry operational elevations appear to have varied by approximately 50 feet over time since the Madonna purchase in 1976. It is estimated that, since that time, the maximum elevation was approximately 190 feet and the lowest elevation of the quarry was approximately 135 feet. Public Commenter – Commissioner Matteson Comment OT.3-1 Commissioner Matteson recommends overlaying site plans over satellite or aerial imagery to visually identify where buildings would be located in comparison to their existing location. Response As described in Comment Response OT.2-1, the FRSP would serve as a programmatic analysis of potential impacts related to changes in land uses. The current locations of the existing buildings are shown in Figure 2-2 of the EIR. Under Alternative 1, the buildings would be relocated to the west approximately 400 feet up the hill. They would be reconstructed above the 150-foot elevation in the area shown on Figure 2-2 as the quarry. A detailed park plan has not yet been developed and the EIR analysis is programmatic. Therefore, the proposed locations of the structures are intended to be approximate. 8-282 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 308 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Public Commenter- Commissioner Haydu Comment OT.4-1 Commissioner Haydu recommended having the third unrecorded site evaluated to the same level as the previous two sites through the preparation of a Phase 1. The comment states further evaluation may be necessary to provide a clear and accurate baseline to identify appropriate mitigation and confirm the site would be avoided. Response The unrecorded potential site comprising three mapped stone isolates was identified through EIR analysis and is addressed through MM CR-1 and MM CR-2, which would require 50-foot buffers to protect the potential site during construction. The location of the potential site outside the FRSP’s proposed development footprint makes this mitigation program feasible. However, Alternative 1, which is the Environmentally Superior Alternative, would avoid impacts to the potential unrecorded site by eliminating development above the 150-foot elevation line in the Upper Terrace of Villaggio. Under Alternative 1, no earthwork is proposed within 50 feet of the site. As such, additional work to record this site is not required to support the findings of the EIR. Public Commenter – Commissioner Papp Comment OT.5-1 Commission Papp requests discussion of the impacts of a modified Alternative 1 that proposes keeping the proposed public park at the Applicant’s preferred location. Commissioner Papp asks if this discussion should be included in the EIR. Response Impacts associated with the location of the proposed park in the Applicant’s preferred location is evaluated throughout the EIR as a component of the proposed Project. Additional evaluation of the relocation of the proposed park to the Applicant’s preferred location as a changed component of Alternative 1 (which the Applicant has publicly stated they intend to pursue) is not necessary to include in the Final EIR because impacts associated with its location have already been fully analyzed and disclosed in the document, both at the Applicant’s preferred location under the proposed Project and in the area above the 150-foot elevation under Alternative 1. Any variation of Alternative 1 that relocates the park to the Applicant’s preferred location is not required to be added to the EIR because both park locations have already been evaluated and disclosed in the document. 8-283 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 309 Parks and Recreation Commission Hearing – December 4, 2019 Public Commenter – Parks and Recreation Commission Comment OT.6-1 The Parks and Recreation Commission majority agreed Villaggio should be given some number of park acreage credits for providing the Froom Creek Trail. Response The analysis of Project demand for parks and recreational facilities presented in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation is based upon standard City methodology and General Plan policies, such as Policy 3.13.1, which requires that neighborhood and community park facilities be provided at a ratio of 10 acres of parkland per 1,000 persons in expansion areas, and Policy 3.15.3, which requires all residential annexation areas to provide neighborhood parks at a rate of five acres per 1,000 residents. The EIR analysis presented in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation acknowledges the credit provided by the Project’s proposed recreational facilities such as the Froom Creek Trail; however, provision of a trail does not satisfy City General Policies for provision of park area. The EIR, therefore, identifies the need for provision of additional park space up to the necessary amount required under existing City General Plan policies (refer to MM PS-1 and MM PS-2). However, the mitigation measures are developed in such a way that would allow the City discretion in the final amount of park area to be provided. If the City deems the recreational facilities proposed under the Project satisfy some portion of the requirements under the City General Plan, the City may require less additional park acreage be provided by the Applicant. Active Transportation Committee Hearing – December 11, 2019 Public Commenter – Active Transportation Committee Comment OT.7-1 The EIR struggles with a lack of well laid out maps showing proposed features. The Final EIR needs more maps, including one that shows Collector A. Response The EIR includes several figures depicting each of the proposed transportation improvements and roadways proposed under the Project. For a figure depicting preliminary design of the Commercial Collector A roadway, please refer to Figure 2-11. Comment OT.7-2 The Final EIR should include a reference to the Avila Ranch Development Plan for the proposed Buckley/Vachell intersection improvement requirement. 8-284 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 310 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Response The Final EIR Section 3.13, Transportation and Traffic includes expanded discussion regarding improvements anticipated to be constructed as part of the Avila Ranch development located to the east across U.S. 101 from the Project. Comment OT.7-3 Costco/Target/LOVR/Froom Ranch Way – There are no crosswalks proposed in all directions. Queue time is double that for cars, but the impact is not addressed in mitigation. Response The City does not have an adopted threshold of significance that requires all legs of a signalized intersection to include pedestrian crossings. The City evaluates potential impacts to pedestrian travel at intersection based on the Highway Capacity Manual Pedestrian LOS methodology. The methodology considers factors such as sidewalk width, length of pedestrian crossings and delays for pedestrians. Based on this methodology, the absence of a pedestrian crossing at a single leg of an intersection does not necessarily result in a LOS impact. No Project-related pedestrian LOS impacts were identified in the transportation impact study for the intersection of LOVR/Froom Ranch Way. That said, there are improvements already planned or proposed as part of the Project that will improve pedestrian crossing convenience and safety along the LOVR corridor. As part of the San Luis Ranch development, the LOVR/Froom Ranch Way intersection is to be reconstructed as a protected intersection, which includes addition of high-visibility crosswalk markings and pedestrian refuges to shorten pedestrian crossing distances. As part of the Project proposal and mitigation requirements, the LOVR/Auto Park Way intersection is to be signalized, with pedestrian refuge islands, high-visibility crosswalks, lead pedestrian crossing intervals, and signalized pedestrian crossings at each leg of the intersection. Comment OT.7-4 The location of the proposed bus stop is 0.5-mile away and will impact ridership. This is a big red flag about why transit is not closer, particularly to the Villaggio population. Response The proposed Project includes addition of a new bus turnout and SLO Transit stop at the southwest corner of the LOVR/Auto Park intersection, adjacent to the Project site. This stop will be within a five-minute walk for most residents of the FRSP Area. Further, the Villaggio development will be operating a free shuttle service for Villaggio residents and employees, offering and additional option for users to connect with other local transit services. 8-285 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 311 Comment OT.7-5 The Draft EIR is confusing regarding who is responsible to pay for transportation improvements. Are there enough parties to pay for completion of identified mitigation? Response The Final EIR transportation mitigation discussion has been refined to provide more clarity regarding timing and responsibility for mitigation improvements. Comment OT.7-6 The Healthy Communities Committee wants to see an increase in mode share. Is there an opportunity to increase (e.g., cycle tracks, walking easier than driving, more progressive mitigation measures)? Response The Project proposal and proposed mitigation measures include numerous physical improvements and transportation demand management programs that are intended to increase access and use of sustainable transportation options. These improvements include installation of protected bike lanes (“cycle tracks”), construction of a bicycle protected intersection at LOVR/Auto Park, more convenient access for pedestrians and bicyclists than for drivers between the Project site and adjacent land uses. As discussed in previous comments, the estimated Project trip generation by mode used in the Project Transportation Impact Study is conservative in nature and based on existing mode share trends within the City, not necessarily based on the mode share potential with effective implementation of new planned and proposed infrastructure and programs. Comment OT.7-7 Need additional clarity that shows the features of the mitigation measures regarding the bus stop and bike paths. The EIR needs additional maps. The EIR should clarify what is proposed regarding protected bike lanes and pedestrian crossings as a priority. Response The Final EIR includes additional graphics and description of the proposed new bus stop location and recommended multimodal transportation improvements. Comment OT.7-8 Move the definition of Class I bike path up before first mention of Class I bike path. Response The text in Section 3.13, Transportation and Traffic has been revised as requested by the commenter. 8-286 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 312 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Comment OT.7-9 The EIR should clarify whether wait times are for cars only. The EIR should also include wait times for pedestrians and bicyclists. Response Pedestrian LOS is the performance measure adopted by the City for evaluation of potential pedestrian impacts at intersections. Pedestrian LOS grades are based on a metric called “LOS Score”, which is calculated based on a combination of factors that affect the pedestrian environment, including intersection crossing delays, sidewalk width, presence of street trees or other physical buffers, and intersection crossing distance. Similarly, Bicycle LOS at intersections is calculated based on several factors, including delays at intersection crossings, volume and speed of adjacent vehicle traffic lanes, bicycle facility width and type (i.e. Class I, II, III or IV bikeway). Comment OT.7-10 The EIR should include a separate bike facility during construction. Response The most recent update to the City’s Standard Specifications and Engineering Standards includes additional construction traffic control requirements to maintain safe and efficient bicycle and pedestrian access through work zones. The updated requirements include a stipulation that precludes closure of bike lanes and sidewalks on higher-speed/volume streets unless no other option is feasible. For example, the updated standards require closure of adjacent vehicle travel lanes on multilane streets with speed limits of 35 mph or greater in order to retain bicycle lanes. Similarly, the updated standards require addition of physically-protected temporary pedestrian walkways when sidewalk closures are required for an extended period. Comment OT.7-11 The EIR is hard to read. There are concerns about fair-share versus actual implementation. Suggest creation of a fund with a formula that considers the Climate Action Plan and mode increases (developer pays money towards program/fund). Response See Comment Response OT.7-5. Planning Commission Hearing – December 12, 2019 Public Commenters – Sherry Eisenlen and David Richards Comment OT.8-1 Concern about the Villaggio park acreage calculations/requirements. It is an unfair burden on the Project and Project costs. Response 8-287 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 313 The analysis of Project demand for parks and recreational facilities presented in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation is based upon standard City methodology and General Plan policies, such as Policy 3.13.1 The Parks System which requires the City develop and maintain a park system at a rate of 10 acres per 1,000 residents, and Policy 3.15.3 Neighborhood Parks requiring all residential annexation areas provide neighborhood parks at a rate of five acres per 1,000 residents. The EIR analysis presented in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation acknowledges the credit provided by the Project’s proposed recreational facilities such as the Froom Creek Trail; however, provision of a trail does not satisfy City General Policies for provision of park area. The EIR therefore identifies the need for provision of additional park space up to the necessary amount required under existing City General Plan policies (refer to MM PS-1 and MM PS-2). However, the mitigation measures are developed in such a way that would allow the City discretion in the final amount of park area to be provided. If the City deems the recreational facilities proposed under the Project satisfy some portion of the requirements under the City General Plan, the City may require less additional park acreage be provided by the Applicant. Public Commenter –Gary Havas Comment OT.8-2 The City has established a goal for carbon neutrality by 2035. Not sure the EIR goes far enough to achieve this. The Project could be precedent setting for GHG reductions. Response The EIR analysis of Project impacts from GHG emissions in Section 3.3, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions acknowledges the City’s efforts in updating the Climate Action Plan and GHG inventory, as well as the City’s declaration to adopt a target for citywide carbon neutrality by the year 2035. Due to the significance of the City’s intent to achieve carbon neutrality and its exceedance of the GHG emissions targets established under current State law, the analysis of impacts from the Project’s stationary GHG emissions is based upon consistency with this stringent new target. To meet this target, the EIR identifies several mitigation measures requiring the Project implement a variety of strategies and measures to achieve net zero emissions for operational stationary-source emissions, and reduction of mobile-source emissions to the maximum extent feasible. The analysis presented in this EIR with regard to analysis of compliance with the City’s intent to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035 is highly stringent and unlike any other analysis that has been conducted within the City to date. 8-288 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 314 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Public Commenter –Lisa Schott, Los Verdes Comment OT.9-1 Los Verdes representative reiterates the concerns of traffic circulation, air quality, creek impacts, noise, flooding, and road improvements. The commenter wants to be certain all environmental impacts are mitigated in a way that will benefit the community and surrounding neighborhoods. The commenter provides the following traffic-related concerns: 1) LOVR is already greatly impacted and notes a recent fatality on LOVR, 2) the right turn-lane onto U.S. 101 is inadequate and causes traffic back up on LOVR, 3) Higuera is contested and too narrow, so mitigation is necessary, and 4) trucks are tearing up the roads. Additionally, the commenter states dust and dirt are not sufficiently mitigated and trees at San Luis Ranch were butchered. The City’s Climate Action Plan includes tree planting, but it will take many years to see benefits of the Climate Action Plan. Response The comment notes that recent approved development within the City has resulted in cumulative impacts to traffic, fugitive dust emissions, biological resources, changes in hydrology, noise, and safety. The City understands these issues and pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, fully evaluated the direct impacts of the Project individually, as well as the cumulative impacts of the Project and other development within the City. These impacts are evaluated in detail within each of the respective resource analysis sections of the EIR. Where significant direct or cumulatively significant impacts the Project are identified, the EIR identifies and requires all feasible mitigation to reduce impacts to the extent feasible. See Comment Response O.5-1 through O.5-4 for detailed discussion of traffic concerns for LOVR and Higuera Street. Public Commenter –Bill Waycott, CNPS Comment OT.10-1 The comment states that San Luis Obispo is a unique location, surrounded by a series of serpentine hills that are not found elsewhere in the world with a variety of very rare plant species. The representative emphasizes a need to consider the long-term implications of the Project as it is the last area in front of the Irish Hills that remains undeveloped. Additionally, the commenter states water flow is significant issue as well as wetlands/creek/steelhead impacts. Commenter urges consideration of whether the Project would be the right choice for future generations. Additionally, the creek leads to storm drains and flood control is a concern. Comment states CNPS supports Alternative 1 to the long-term responsibility of protecting the area. Response 8-289 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 315 The FRSP and EIR acknowledges San Luis Obispo and specifically the serpentine hills in the Irish Hills Preserve are unique and provide significant visual and biological value to the community and region at large. The EIR recognizes the proposed Project would be potentially inconsistent with the City’s hillside protection policies regarding the limitation to development to below the 150- foot elevation line in Section 3.9, Land Use and Planning. While the EIR identifies a potential inconsistency for the Project with this adopted policy, the EIR includes analysis of Alternative 1, which would be designed to be consistent with City policies for hillside development. As analyzed in Chapter 5.0, Alternatives, Alternative 1- Clustered Development Below the 150-foot Elevation would involve the consolidation of proposed development towards the lower elevation areas of the site below the 150-foot elevation line to ensure consistency with City hillside development policies. Due to Alternative 1’s consistency with these City policies, as well as redesign of the Project to address or reduce significant impacts associated with the Project, Alternative 1 is identified as the Environmentally Superior Alternative. Selection of Alternative 1 will reduce the long-term implications of development in the vicinity of the Irish Hills Natural Preserve while maintaining open space for future generations. CNPS support of Alternative 1 will be provided to City decision makers in the planning process. Please refer to additional responses to CNPS written comments (Comment Response O.1-2 and O.1-3 related to flooding and waterflow). Public Commenter – David Chipping Comment OT.11-1 The comment expresses concern regarding the Project hydrology report’s conclusions that hydrology impacts can be mitigated. The comment states historic flow of the Froom Creek did not turn within the Project site until it was diverted in the 1940s. The current flow is one-foot descent per every 100 feet. Froom Creek, LOVR ditch, and the Irish Hills will carry flow into the jurisdictional wetlands and the existing stormwater basin would be removed from the site, which may result in flash flooding. The comment states in Appendix H on page 156 details show during a 2-year storm event, current flows into the wetland, which are 253 cfs would increase to 518 cfs and over 1,000 cfs at high storm events. David Chipping states there is no analysis on where the water will go and does not include an assessment of the exit drainage onsite. Additionally, there is a new wall on the U.S. 101 on-ramp, which will block flows, and the Taco Temple may be impacted based on its location. Response Please refer to responses to comments I.1-3 through I.1-12. 8-290 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 316 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Public Commenter – Neil Havlik Comment OT.12-1 The comment expresses concern regarding unacceptable environmental impacts imposed on the community and the potential of a negative precedent by changing the 150- foot development limit. The commenter supports the Applicant’s intent to move forward with the Project under Alternative 1, which avoids development in the Upper Terrace; however, the commenter feels all areas should be preserved above 150 feet. Additionally, realignment of the Froom Creek is inconsistent with the Creek Setback Ordinance. The commenter addresses there is a potential legal issue with adjusting the boundaries of the existing conservation easement on the property and also asserts that it would set a negative precedent. Response Please refer to Comment Response OT.10-1. As described by the comment, Alternative 1 would consolidate all development below the 150-foot elevation line, except the public trailhead park. Regarding setbacks from the realigned Froom Creek, the Project’s potential consistency or inconsistency with policies or requirements of the City’s Creek Setback Ordinance are discussed in Section 3.9, Land Use and Planning. As discussed in Section 3.2, Agricultural Resources, the 2010 annexation and development of Prefumo Creek Commons project across LOVR from the Project site established an open space and agricultural conservation easement of a 7.1-acre portion of the Project site to meet LAFCO Policy 2.9.12, Agricultural Policies. The easement is managed by the City and the easement language specifies that it may be amended with written consent of Irish Hills Plaza, LLC, and the City. The existing onsite open space and agricultural easement would be amended through dedication of an equivalent continuous area of comparable soils and open space currently conserved under this easement, which meets the legal requirements of the agricultural easement established by the City. Please refer to Section 3.2, Agricultural Resources and Section 3.9, Land Use and Planning for a comprehensive analysis of the easement. Public Commenter –Brian Ackerman Comment OT.13-1 The comment requests consideration of a balance of environmental impacts and the needs of seniors as the facility will need to be dynamic to community needs. Response The comment does not pertain to the analysis of the FRSP or EIR; however, the Project includes features to serve seniors (e.g., health care facilities, Senior Shuttle Service) while maintaining Project consistency with environmental protection. The comment will be provided to City decision makers for consideration. 8-291 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 317 Public Commenter – Commissioner McKenzie Comment OT.14-1 The comment suggests adding a trail map to show how close the Project is to the open space trails. Response Figure 3.12-1 has been revised to include existing trails within the vicinity of the Project. Comment OT.14-2 The comment requests addition of a provision to delay LOVR vegetation removal to the greatest extent possible to screen construction activities. The comment states additional language is needed on robust riparian planting to achieve visual screening along Froom Creek. Response MM VIS-1 has been revised to include requirements to delay removal of vegetation associated with LOVR to the greatest extent feasible to screen construction activities. Additional language has also been added to require robust riparian planting to achieve visual screening along Froom Creek. Comment OT.14-3 The comment requests addition of reference to using muted, earth tone colors, and brown roofs to recede into the background, especially for development above 150 feet. Response The FRSP currently includes policies and programs requiring limitations on use of retaining walls, locating development behind natural landforms, and use of earth tone colors for main building walls and roofs to reduce visual intrusion, especially for development above the 150-foot elevation limit. See FRSP Program 3.5.2a. Comment OT.14-4 The comment asks if it is appropriate to require visual treatment of retaining walls above a certain height as well as fencing. Comment states white is very bright, so at what height should treatments use dark colors or muted earth tones. Response Please refer to response to Comment OT-14.3. Comment OT.14-5 The comment asks if there is a Class I impact to air quality and GHG emissions, is it appropriate to include requirements for solar or other measures to reduce emissions (e.g., solar on sun-facing roofs) and offset impacts. 8-292 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 318 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Response The EIR in Section 3.3, Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Emissions does identify significant and unavoidable impacts associated with GHG emissions. Please refer to discussion under Impact AQ- 3. To reduce impacts, the EIR identifies a variety of mitigation measures requiring the Project implement strategies to reduce GHG emissions, including installation of solar arrays and use of carbon-free energy supplies. Refer to Response to Comment OT.8-2, above. Comment OT.14-6 The comment suggests addition of a biological mitigation measures for worker environmental awareness training. Response As presented in Section 3.4, Biological Resources, MM BIO-11 requires that the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan outlined in MM BIO-1 include a worker environmental awareness program. Comment OT.14-7 The comment suggests addition of a biological mitigation measures for good housekeeping (e.g., to prevent nesting in construction equipment). Response As presented in Section 3.4, Biological Resources, MM BIO-1, which outlines the Biological Mitigation and Monitoring Plan, includes several construction-related BMPs to avoid or minimize impacts to biological resources. These BMPs commonly include typical good housekeeping. Comment OT.14-8 The comment recommends rethinking the use of “container” and instead refer to something more generic. Not all plants for landscaping and habitat restoration will come in “containers” (e.g., willow tubes) Response The biological mitigation measures referenced by the comment in Section 3.4, Biological Resources (MM BIO-3, MM BIO-5, and MM BIO-15) require restoration of habitat based on specific and objective performance criteria methods, including minimum success criteria of at least 70 percent survival of container plants and 70 percent relative cover by vegetation type. This success criteria would ensure the establishment and success of container plants, as well as other forms of plantings, such as willow tubes or seeding (vegetation cover). Comment OT.14-9 The comment requests the EIR identify how much of the realigned Froom Creek will be armored and to describe what riparian vegetation would look like in armored 8-293 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 319 sections. The comment further questions what quality of riparian vegetation can establish in armored sections. Response Please refer to EIR Appendix H, Chapter 3 of the PHHC (Froom Creek Restoration Program). Conceptual sections of the creek realignment are shown in PHHC Section 3.7 (Froom Creek Restoration Sections); this description notes that “boulders, cobbles, logs, and embedded tree roots will be placed in key locations along the Channel Bank and Channel Bottom to provide habitat areas.” In the area of the bridge crossing, a “Conspan” natural bottom culvert is proposed, and would be “enhanced with a railing and decorative concrete, and armored with boulders, cobble and vegetation.” Vegetation proposed on the channel banks include milkweed, needle spikerush, blue wildrye, California meadow barley, creeping wild rye, seep monkeyflower, and creeping snowberry. Channel bottom vegetation would include water paintain, umbrella sedge, rush, and bulrush. The Restoration Program will be further refined through compliance with mitigation measures, consultation and approval by the City’s Natural Resources Manager and state and federal resource agency review. Comment OT.14-10 The comment requests confirmation (in geology mitigation measures or in the Project Description) that no habitable structures are proposed within the fault setbacks. The comment recommends inclusion of a reference to City regulations prohibiting this. Response As described in Section 3.6, Geology and Soils, the Draft FRSP incorporates the recommendations of the Subsurface Fault Investigation (Appendix G) requiring that habitable structures (structures occupied more than 2,000 hours per year) are constructed outside the recommended fault setbacks (refer to FRSP Section 3.2.3, Fault Lines). Comment OT.14-11 The comment states that the Project site needs more than one way in and one way out. The comment supports any effort to include a full access to Calle Joaquin to increase evacuation alternatives. Response The comment aligns with the analysis presented within the EIR relating to impacts from emergency access. The comment will be provided to City decision makers for consideration. Please also refer to the Response to Comment L.1-8. 8-294 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 320 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Comment OT.14-11 The comment states that the Project would create need for one new fire fighter and one new police officer and that funding for these is a “soft” impact. The comment questions whether the impact should be Class I or discussed further, since the creation of those positions is outside of the Applicant’s control. Response Project impacts on public services, including law enforcement and emergency response services, are analyzed in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation. As discussed therein under Impact PS-1 and Impact PS-2, SLOPD and SLOFD currently anticipate adequate resources exist to serve the Project such that department service levels and response times would not be adversely affected and such that construction of a new facility would not be required to serve the Project. CEQA only requires an analysis of physical changes to the environment. Since no new facilities would be required, and therefore no physical change would occur, impacts of the Project on these services were determined to be less than significant. Comment OT.14-13 The comment states that the Project would be adding 300-400 new dogs and that the EIR should look into dog park area at the offsite retention basin, as retention basins are common areas for dog park uses. Response Neither the FRSP nor the Project Description presented in the EIR include consideration of the proposed retention basin as a dog park. This comment will be provided to City decision makers for consideration. Comment OT.14-14 The comment suggests the EIR include clarifying language in each mitigation measure referenced in the EIR (e.g., key descriptors) so the reader does not have to flip back and forth to figure out what mitigation measure is being reference. Response The key descriptors for each reference to mitigation is included in the MMRP to the EIR to improve readability. Please see Section 8.0, Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. Public Commenter – Commissioner McKenzie & Commissioner Wulkan Comment OT.15-1 The commenters disagree with the Class I visual impact discussion. If the discussion is retained, the EIR should include landscaping along sections visible from the trail (e.g., shrubs, trees, native plants) to soften impacts. 8-295 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 321 Response The comment’s disagreement with the findings of the EIR with regard to impacts to aesthetic and visual resources will be noted. Section 3.1, Aesthetic and Visual Resources includes MM VIS-1 which would require the Applicant install screening vegetation along the Project site boundaries visible from public views, including those of the trail. Public Commenter – Commissioner Stevenson Comment OT.16-1 The comment notes that the Project site is potentially a very significant cultural site. The Project should do full subsurface investigations of these sites. The comment questions whether MM CR-11 (develop interpretive project that documents cultural and architectural heritage) should be replicated for Chumash history. The development of more information as mitigation should be built into the Project (e.g., ethnobotanical garden, public art, interpretational signage informing public, incorporated into historic site, etc.). The Project should stress the Chumash use of the site. Response A summary of the Project site’s archaeological significance is provided in Section 3.5, Cultural and Tribal Cultural Resources. This summary is informed by existing literature, the various cultural resource reports conducted for the Project and presented in Appendix F, and consultation with tribal representatives. As described under Impact CR-1, based on review of these resources and consultation with Chumash tribal representatives, the Project site contains a number of known or potential archaeologically sensitive resources, as well as has the potential to contain unknown archaeological resources that may be disturbed during Project construction; however, the Project is not currently known to contain substantial archaeological resources or to contain an archaeological site that is so significant it would warrant mitigation requiring development of an interactive project documenting the cultural and archaeological heritage of the local Chumash tribes. Local tribes were consulted with regarding the Project and raised no concerns with the Project as designed (which avoid direct impacts to known sites) and with the implementation of identified mitigation. Mitigation is identified to reduce impacts to known and unknown resources consistent with the City’s Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines, CEQA, and requests or recommendations made by the tribal representatives during the consultation process. Comment OT.16-2 The comment questions whether the 174 units in Madonna Froom Ranch be considered for senior housing, including age restricted housing. Inclusion of this component could serve as a sub-alternative. 8-296 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 322 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Response While the Project does not propose inclusion of a senior housing component to the proposed 174 units in Madonna Froom development, the Project is not precluded from providing addition senior housing restrictions on these units. The comment will be noted and provided to City decision makers for consideration. Comment OT.16-3 The comment states that Caltrans stated they have no capacity within their right-of-way to handle water, so if not accommodated onsite, flooding could be an issue (flooding on the highway). Response The proposed Project does not impede or alter the functionality of the existing box culverts and does not intend to upgrade facilities at U.S. 101. The Preliminary Hydrology and Hydraulic Calculations (PHHC) present a condition that is improved from the existing condition that includes a substantial increase in flood storage immediately upstream of the double box culverts to provide peak flow management. The November 2010 report titled “LOVR/US 101 Interchange Improvement Project Revised Location Hydraulic Study” prepared by Wreco investigated the existing box culverts capacity and on page 9 of the Wreco report it is identified that the capacity of the culverts is overtopped during the 10-year event. Flow characteristics of the box culverts are identified on page 22 of the Wreco report ranging from a 10-year event at 547 cfs to a 100-year event at 1066 cfs. This information was the basis of the PHCC culvert analysis. The proposed Project improves the condition where the box culverts do not overtop until the 25-year event and provides storage to approximately 25-acre-feet upstream of the culverts far exceeding the existing condition. The City will coordinate with Caltrans and provide improvement plans and supporting documentation. Public Commenter – Commissioner Jorgensen Comment OT.17-1 The comment questions whether the EIR is the appropriate place to discuss things like cement roofs or other features in buildings that would help protect residents from wildfires. Response As described in Section 3.7.2, Regulatory Setting, the Project is subject to the requirements of the California Fire Code (CFC), which lists specific requirements for emergency water supply, access roads, roofing, construction techniques, hazards abatement, and inspection and safety to minimize risks to public health from building fires or wildfires. While not explicitly stated, the CFC may 8-297 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 323 require the Project utilize fire-resistant building materials such as cement or tile roofing to help protect residents from wildfires. Comment OT.17-2 The comment states the Project proposes 4-story buildings with elevators and senior/assisted living populations, and questions if there if power loss, perhaps the EIR should mitigate with requirements for backup power. Response The Project proposes development of a senior residential care facility and is subject to relevant sections of the California Health and Safety Code and California Code of Regulations. Applicable sections include California Health and Safety Code Section 1569.695 and CCR Title 22, Section 87212, both of which require the facility establish plans for emergency and disaster scenarios. The California Health and Safety Code Section 1569.695 requires that the Project plan for the senior residential care facility to be self-reliant for a period of not less than 72 hours. A summary of these existing regulations as they would apply to the Project has been provided in Section 3.7.2, Regulatory Setting. Public Commenter – Commissioner Wulkan Comment OT.18-1 The comment states that the study of impacts from noise generated by Irish Hills Plaza should not be deferred, and questions why the analysis could not be conducted now in the interest of full disclosure. Response A supplemental noise analysis has been provided by the Applicant and incorporated into the EIR (refer to Final EIR Section 3.10 Noise). The report concluded that existing CNEL levels of approximately 70 dBA may occur at the northern boundary of the Project site during a 24-hour scenario with a maximum amount of activity and noise from adjacent businesses such as Costco, Home Depot, TJ Maxx, and Whole Foods. These levels would decrease to 60 dBA approximately 150 feet into the Project site from its northern border with Irish Hills Plaza (refer to Final EIR, Appendix I). As an entitlement request for development of the Madonna Froom portion of the Specific Plan area has not been submitted, MM NO-4 remains to ensure that the specific elements of future development are taken into consideration with a Project-specific noise study. In addition to site planning, which will be considered at the entitlement review phase, mitigation would potentially include a planted earthen berm, sound wall, or similar noise attenuating feature along the site boundary with Irish Hills Plaza, as identified in the measure. 8-298 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 324 8.0 RESPONSE TO COMMENTS Froom Ranch Specific Plan Final EIR Comment OT.18-2 The comment states the EIR should explain the rationale for Villaggio being responsible for full parks acreage requirements and questions why the EIR analysis does not acknowledge credit for onsite facilities being provided. Response The EIR fully acknowledges that Villaggio would provide a variety of resident-only recreational facilities onsite to serve the needs of senior citizens; however, the proposed facilities are only considered adequate to serve up to 93 senior residents with special recreational needs. Based on the needs of residents of the Project, the range of amenities proposed for Villaggio, and the requirements for amount of park land needed per 1,000 residents outlined in General Plan PRE Policies 3.13.1 and 5.0.2. For detailed discussion of the need for additional park lands per the requirements of the City General Plan, please refer to discussion of Impact PS-4 in Section 3.12, Public Services and Recreation. Refer also to Response to Comment OT.8-1. Public Commenter – Commissioner Kohn Comment OT.19-1 The comment states that traffic on LOVR is bad and going to get worse. The mitigation measures identified in the EIR actually need to get built. The comment agrees with the mitigation measures and encourages the City/Applicant to complete them as quickly as possible. Response The comment does not directly pertain the analysis presented in the EIR. The comment will be provided to City decision makers for consideration. Comment OT.19-2 The comment agrees with a restricted turn at Buckley Road and Vachell Lane, but states that this restriction will worsen traffic on Hwy 227, as people use it as a short-cut. Response The extension of Buckley Road has been evaluated in detail as part of several recently approved planning documents, including the City’s General Plan Circulation Element and Avila Ranch Development Plan and EIR. Each of these plans included environmental review and analysis of potential traffic and circulation impacts to other roadways in conjunction with the roadway extension. The Avila Ranch Development Plan is required to construct this roadway extension, with fair-share financial contributions from the Project. The Buckley Road Extension to South Higuera allows for left-turn restrictions to be implemented at the South Higuera/Vachell 8-299 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 325 intersection, which has operated at deficient levels of service and has been identified on the City’s high collision rate network for several years. Comment OT.19-3 The comment agrees with requirement for traffic calming within the Project site, but requests the Applicant not utilize speed humps as they are bad on emergency vehicles. Response The City Transportation Division coordinates closely with the City Fire Department and other local emergency service providers prior to installation of traffic calming features in order to minimize potential negative impacts to emergency response. Over the years, the City has refined speed hump designs and dimensions to develop a standard that is supported by City Fire Department. Public Commenter – Commissioner Jorgensen & Commissioner Stevenson Comment OT.20-1 The comment states the transportation analysis is from 2016/2017. The comment expresses concern regarding the age of data (e.g., LOVR overpass was just constructed and it is immediately full to the brim) and notes that traffic is getting worse every day. The goal of LOS D may be optimistic. The comment further expresses concern regarding the traffic projections based on current conditions, not based on the Project itself. Response See Comment Response S.2-6 for detailed discussion of traffic data and adequacy of traffic projections. 8-300 ATTACHMENT 5 Item 2 Packet Page 326