HomeMy WebLinkAboutO126connecttocitysewersystem,529” ORDINANCE NO .126 In Relation to the con- struction of house them comply w'd h- the proelanmd of thi sordinance. No e iterations in the. work-,,hall be allowed after a permit is issued ,ueleer a new plan re made and a new per -mit in iseuod therefor . See. O .TM Superintendent of Streetsshall keep din Iris office a book of blankpermit. Siti;rr blank petmite shall b enumbered, and shall be arranged for a de-.ecription of the proposed ;ewer conned .Lions, the date of ieeueeeo, the name of th ePerson toot hum ?saved, zed the argnatnre o fthe tit:.._ntetoieot of Street,it the tim eof filling out n permit a eacbor, copy of thecame ailed be taken ou a . similar bitchbeneath, and both original and copy shun hin ge the sane number . The original shal lbe torn out and delivered to the applicant ,and the copy retained in said book . Suchbook shad be suitably indexed .When a sewer eoenoction ie made, anentry thereof (Malt be mode in the CitySewer plat book iu pencil .See . 1. Such information as may be ob-tained from the aims in the office of th e.Superiatertdcut of Streets as entente th e!ouatiou of enetiote or other openings i nthe street sewers will always be given toappth:ante,' but at their risk as to the ac-etrauy of the same.See . S . In ease ahall be necessary t oecuneet a f-alt> pipe with the pub l ic newe rtrn•r no jn .totion it left 'u such sewer, theCelts c, lion shill only be made under tirospecial s'tporviaion and direction of theSa terinb :1M eat of Street,..Yeti• 9 . Al! honer, sewer ., mint be o fironatoe r pipe,four or fi ve inches in diem -eta, laid fair and trite re,iire, upon a beenuud suitable focndetio :e, and have a con-tinuous fall of not loss then oue .iqaarterInch to the foot, All joints untat be mad eof Portland cement owl water tight, andth - inside of e ach Joint must be properlydented one -,vita a suitable scraper befor ethe oaceeediug joint is put in place .^ Sri-. 10.All tuner sewers shall have a.i ce trap either%t-the curb line of the sidewal kor iru:ediately ius ;de the area well of th e- L•uitdiug .See.']1- Heuer Maine and cell pipee ,tnrough which sewerage to he carried,rib :;li be of cast ur wrought iron pipe, ac tits; than fear inches in .diameter, crud ,e from holes, and other defects en dr•cutely (cooed tc •,gulls,• suspended fro mdoor timbers by Strong iron. mergers, o rhill in trencher+ to -uniform grace, wherethey may ha readily irep te e et any time .They shall extend not c s than two fee tbeyond the pout wall or the 'budding, h osupplied vita ceseable c,e'tnrat eiher'onside or lead, of the foundation wall o fthe building, and he extende'l end carrie duudlnriniehed iu sire not tear . ".Eire two feetteepee the biebent.noint,if ;cbe roof.' See . 12, All changed-iu direction neat '-be made with curved tep eeseed connoc."°ne srovisions o .All work oote under the pro -wltn other .pipes must° be made with Y,t'Ill the of uts t h r s o27 'oft rha ll ordinance, andbrancheS, All joints in cant-iron pipe and 'all the coats thereof shaft be chargenttiu,~s moat be made with onl um and load :against tAoablpi'o ork peeet•ty w,orkr ; andvto a dpe rthd iforme dects n taion thei hy ¢-properly calked .to the owner of the property will -be pe rSec.23- Where Lee drain paws through formn ns n S2 7giormoafldiunderthefouustndatibeonEocarrwall pre oT v e a brick or th e t work ns provided er ormedn2pbng,it .ied thrsutn h ortheCty, i fethd t .,.th eownerCityby,ma y,approp trecovee rflitti cam i hefrom alitarcheditsriaacon,w t„y coatdrainsan7being displaced o er x broken by the esttlement and a judgment so recovered shall be a lien(.1 lr IV of such wall . When the louse drain fs plat-, against the nronertv__ _-ed outside ttre building lines, or where them ---mg 'wor-k connect..,;iA an open spate of not lees than three feet fus e sec .for27 .a any.person Shall _ after fart or Doingnin height tinder the building, Ruch dram a -oforod of E ton da y may be of irouecone pipe .- notified to s ae in Se to n 1'f th ord awr yt12~°with the sewer..m connections as in Section l of thtedinanset~,Sec.14rinle tEvart'ofn oLotlees t huadrai nanfoushallr have a provrdrtl, or for the same period shall fai l'ag `.'t,system ci the i `reelai inches ,, or refuse to comply with any .of the €pto -'f S in diameter, provided with nn approved Cit 01.situ LU1$grnlfng Presenting nu area of not less than g aseous of tltis,ou the. Street Super 'y it ihef perforation ao couetruct intendant, warn anrdered 'by thb Board,ofea'e esecnuce o,- Obis p o .ed ae to freely admit a supply of flit outer Trustees, shall cause each connections toF'be made and work to be done ,, providingpar and at the same time Offer protection to .the r materil and e%-b to ,dais as the City of ,Stu necessathe tiny from form n . ma~.tur bein intro-yTuts fJispo does urnm as follows ;The eard T r faced therein, Said fresh air inlet eball be -Pause of the owner oaf the property ytor,lab , w htheic hSoc. t. Every house nod building must , ou ,ested fo flit house ids -ofthe trap and ''ropers shall be chargeable against the - Di separately and iudependeutlt connected ' lean to cite outer air . ter i n ..can, et a point or ooerty, Before making 'such chndeetto fwith tin• pot na.maut nubile see-ern when not leas than eight feet from sup door or or B ets s hshall work .the Supert oo of h e Streit eon-ere are provided, Bgt Special er . -window . Ns trap or other ebstectiuss to streets shall prepare th ecificaterI a of .tli e mite mew be granted by the Board of Tea s-'rued to be done and the matexi r to .be toss to a sou t rtrireeiue where deemed b the hied fain n toil pi gh the be loconies .;used, including all necessary water closets ,y of the drain and wni pine will be allowed .them nets„ snry .Sec . 15 . Every elnk, bast., bethtub,water urinals, grnase-trapa, hopters amd the iike - See. 2 . Immediately tidier the completion eloeet, uric. al, slop hopper and each set of -There e'co eof tea'd lrfor wsuch ep hall b - .uf acy house toetnage sy'nem and its cost-wash trays end ever fiscue haring a waste flans Into sum i ten asy t the credit be ' uoetion with mire pubic sewer, all vaults aid pipe shall be furnished with a trap as plied faro the !.fry treasury ao the ere id be 'coaapcn:s shall be emptied and then tilled near ea practicable to the fsturefplaced.r_ wheh the sewer fund d the . person whose bid is .with earth .accepted ; if no bid la accepted it shall beIL ie ivtr;nded,.Such Crape shat' be protect- •ollected from the e ;See: If. No omen or petunia ehali pipe +. ed from aiFhena ;;c or air pessuce by epecfal ProP erty or owner b coed with any portion of dr .i:eage and .., yenta or of t pipes extending from the crown `the city as it of Streetsprovided . T nt sewerage, or extend or alter old or SOW of trap, of a vine not leas than the trap Sn U 'apocelleations to . o Board of Trulsteee ,work, until they have tiled at the effiee of they erve, run six direct as possible andthe Superintendent of Stre to upon binnke extend ed through the roof and-lcft open, or who shall ap nsper them if satisfactory , to be furnished.by the Coy, n plan of tho :i may be connected with thtr soil pipe not lass -`adv direct the nperi cups ant of Stceeta to work to he performed. Such plan shell:, 1,than three feet and slit inch . ahove the do ertise fit' bids and range . the- work to ed eonelet of a clear deeeripttonof such work 'floor lira .dons in a'The S ace therewith ae .specified :'. showing the connection acd location of the See . 16 . S a r drain, soil or waste pipe herein The Superintendent of Strent e different fentnree of the proposed work,cuts Shall be Moan;iron or wrought iron, shall thereupon advertise for sealed bid s from the outlet at the public street dower to, gain water leaders or uhimieoy tines efrall to furnish the °materfaln and do .the work , the termination of the same, but no work not be used oe 'vents.and shall into ty therciit that the he t'horge shall be commenced nutil the plan shall See .17 .When wash basins are placed in ' cha t pay into the city treasury .the charge tteve been approved by the Superintendent bod chambers or pass c losets vent pipes of therei specification, end shall also specify of Streets ..tame shall in no cast be connected wrath the .therein the time within vvhieh' rho wor k thee . 4 . Before a permit fe granted by the soil pipe or water closet: v nnlO. '1'hie sec• shall be mcompleted . Such edvS ertf of the uperintendunt of streets, the applicant -, taco covets all rooms ec . apt bath rooms:. shall be ade by potting in front of the flap pay to the City Clerk, the sum of one see . IS, Every pate, closet or fine of City Hall of this city five days before th e dollar es an inspection fee, the paymentof water closets on the same floor abalf be dal' on which bids will be opened, Eac h which shall be ,.citified to by the City Clerk,supplied with water from a tank or 'in- bid shall be accompenied by a certtfle f upon the plauaand epecifrations to be filed .tere, the water of which shall be used for .chock, payable to the Superintendent of All ftesee collected at :ail i.e paid by the no ether purpose, and there shall bo a flush- Sfreet for ten dollars for tshall -fo r City Clerk nto the City Trawl sry to the in s pipe of not less than one and um- the spe ecification, otherwis etime it shall not b e mead of the. war fund on or before the cast einduce in. dtant,'fCo .conamcrud, AC-the appointedart Friday of pitch aud every month .- -- Superintendent of Streets 'hall open andnd'Sec, 5 . Tee Sn riuh,ndent of Streets Sec.111 . No opening shall be provided In Oxamfno elf bide and accept :the lowest byPethe sower, awl, dean or waste pipe of any writing his ac tits thereo noa the back thereof ;-shall examiao a ii plans ,mu accompanying building for the purpose of surface drain- he shall also write the time withinepecificatioue, and It in accordance with .ngc which the work Snail be'Whe ncompleted, and b ethe prunalera of this u 7 uanco In rill in-See. 2e . No tteem exhaust shall be eon- slush retain such bid .the workdome his approval thereon and shall issuetdih dimiatig ddith thIfitin e., nese ,wt anyran comuncnone in accorance we apeccao ,a permu for the work, if any plan or w ith the pat hie _ sower.the Street 9nperintendeht shall givethe tep _.f . ion de tot conform to the pro-sec el . f grease trap shall be construet -vislovs of this of i imee the -uperintend-ed under the wink of eery hotel, eating of the fct endrthereupon stch person'mayyeart of streete Shall return them to the houseosta rani and public wash housedllt f thewn and, r r .procee to coecrom oerpartie p•::c ,tug them with a note ex-Suitable catch basins must be provided by property the amount of hie bid with costs ..1I iutug the Goer eticns necessary to make fruit or meat pacleere and lard rendering Should no bid be made or accepted th eestablishments. Suporiutcndeet of Streets shall report th eSec.d'.Orip or overflow pipes trim esteem- fast, to the stoned of Trustees,'who ma y:dens bath,urinal,wateeloaet or otherfixturea -order re-advertisement or order the Supe r .shall ba drxinetl by a special pipe of lead or :.intendent to procure the material an dwruir:; hat iren ti,some place in open eight,cant the work to be done . ' In this latte rand in uo case ahall any safe waste be con- event . the cost, including' the charge fro .u act d dincctly with the drain, soil or the sl citi . rtiona, shell be a charge i nast plot nvleas snih pipes are pro- favor of the city against the property an d(dded with en open tray, suitably trapped .,.its owee--•, and luny .be recovered by ap t_and .enti ;rted .propriate action, together with costs o f3ec i No ecbar or sub-soil drains shall sui tco noes to il with any drain eommunreating Sec . Its . Any person- violating any of thewith t i ie.a u,lie sewer except - by s ecfal oprovreions u this ordinance shall ha guilty permit of tbs Biter,! of Truoteee. Cellar or ;.Of n misdeit auor and upon convictio nettbifMaine may be constructed of suit . thereof shall b punished by a fine not ex -able era n.i or agrrcaltural drain tilee, laid .seeding one t a t deed (dollars or imprison -in trenches tend covered with well compact- meat in the try jail not exceeding thirt yed clay or earth . At the terminus or at any sites .h desirable place, such drain must b eemended with a tightly covered brick Hoc ;-i•29. Otdi ,ace No- fig, approve dbane'o, iurrr hue from which a pipe eon . - November ,, ,6:^ and Ordinance IQs .62nectiuu...resistant of Iwo to four inch stone approved September 1,1593 are hereby cc .ipes will he extended to the street or house I pealed .sewer, the :mid pipe connection to be trap . - See. 30 . Thu ordinance shall be publishe dpad at the basin tvuha suitable flap valve , once in the Tribune . a, daily newspaper,and also to ba ventilated into the vent pipe ., printed, published and circulated inthe city . of the building-of. San Luis Obispo and-shall be in full fmop ..See . 24 all. drain, aoil,lwaete .or vent pipes and effect from and after its passega .and apbefore being eneloaed or eoverrd up shall be proval .tested, under the direction of the Superin- 'Introduced December 15, 1902, and Pass =tendontof S treete, by having ell openings ed February 16,191as by the following vote ::stopped and then filled with water . The9uperiut~•ndsnt of Streets stroll inspect all ,1yos : Trustees E . Fieugler, J . Rice, e . server and drain worst before the some ie! Croaker,.i .E, Van ohniek. dfc.D .R. Ve Viable : enclosed or roveied up, and if found to I Noce : Noire . have ,been done in accordance with the Absent : None- provisions of this ordinance and the plans approved Feb . 16, 1903 . an dcertificaeilteotif.hat ona.eff filect, ed, he shall issue- a :President of the Mel). R V ENABLE ,E , •epcteto 13oard' o afor See. Cii 'Rig hereby made the duty of sand .' -- intendent of Streets to see that ,attest:GE : CCf .TRO Brustee s the Super ity Clodrthe pear t Section l . this ordinance Incaol]rsed Fried Dee. 1 1902'City ere strictly ly enforced, and t o to notify all per CEO . Vi. ROBINS ,eons be Written notice to make thenecessar ySuch City Clerk .miens and do the necessary work .Such notice may be given by personal sec .'--vice On the owner of the property, if foun dwithin raid city, or, if .he ..cannot be foun dwithin said oily, then by posting said notice•upon the property, and delivering a copy to-any parson Mittel in possession of such pro -perty. aid Superintendent shall 'fil eMonthly with the pity Clerk a report to the-Board of Trustees stating the names of thepersona who have thus been notified, th edate of service of the notice ; and a desorly-tion of the.'peemiees to be connected- H emust make a monthly report to the - Boar d- of the number rt applications received, th enumber approved and rejected, also statin gthe number of examinations made an dwhere and by .wham the provisions of thi sordioancs have been violated, and also t oreport such other'.mattera as may he re-gairedby the Board of Trueteee .He shall keepa cony of all notices served, antra record i nabook provided ,for the purpose, of the .\^_ date of service of the, notice ; the names ofa,,.,a a ,Oc c,-Ie,thin of the -14 u-~Y ty tv(~n~~.w,,..e~ .7/171) (°}-b