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City of San Luis Obispo, Agenda, Architectural Review Commission ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION AGENDA Council Hearing Room City Hall - 990 Palm Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 August 18, 2014 Monday 5:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commrs. Patricia Andreen, Ken Curtis, Suzan Ehdaie, Amy Nemcik, Allen Root, Vice-Chair Greg Wynn, and Chairperson Michelle McCovey-Good ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. MINUTES: Minutes of August 4, 2014. Approve or amend. PUBLIC COMMENT: At this time, people may address the Commission about items not on the agenda. Persons wishing to speak should come forward and state their name and city of residence. Comments are limited to five minutes per person. Items raised at this time are generally referred to the staff and, if action by the Commission is necessary, may be scheduled for a future meeting. PUBLIC HEARINGS: NOTE: Any court challenge to the action taken on public hearing items on this agenda may be limited to considering only those issues raised at the public hearing, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of San Luis Obispo at, or prior to, the public hearing. If you wish to speak, please give your name and address for the record. Any decision of the Architectural Review Commission is final unless appealed to the City Council within 10 days of the action. Any person aggrieved by a decision of the Commission may file an appeal with the City Clerk. Appeal forms are available in the Community Development Department, City Clerk’s office, or on the City’s website (www.slocity.org). The fee for filing an appeal is $273 and must accompany the appeal documentation. 1. 3720 Broad Street. ARC 106-14; Review of a new facility for McCarthy Steel wholesale and warehousing; C-S-S zone; McCarthy Steel (Bill Hand), applicant. (Rachel Cohen) 2. 600 Tank Farm Road. ARC 121-12; Review of a new 77,370-square foot headquarters for Digital West; BP-SP zone; Tim Williams, applicant. (Pam Ricci) COMMENT & DISCUSSION 3. Staff a. Agenda Forecast Architectural Review Commission Page 2 The City of San Luis Obispo is committed to include the disabled in all of its services, programs and activities. Please contact the City Clerk or staff liaison prior to the meeting if you require assistance. 4. Commission ADJOURNMENT Presenting Planners: Rachel Cohen and Pam Ricci ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT SUBJECT: Review of a new facility for McCarthy Steel wholesale and warehousing with a categorical exemption from environmental review. PROJECT ADDRESS: 3720 Broad Street BY: Rachel Cohen, Contract Planner Phone Number: (805) 781-7574 e-mail: rcohen@slocity.org FILE NUMBER: ARC 106-14 FROM: Pam Ricci, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION Adopt the Draft Resolution (Attachment 1) which approves the project, based on findings, and subject to conditions. SITE DATA Applicant Bill Hand, McCarthy Steel Representative Greg Crabtree, Jim Duffy Architecture Zoning C-S-S (Service Commercial with Special Considerations Overlay) General Plan Services and Manufacturing Site Area 1.36 Acres (59,219 square feet) Environmental Status Categorically Exempt from environmental review under Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the CEQA Guidelines. SUMMARY The proposed project includes the construction of a new facility for McCarthy Steel wholesale and warehouse. The new structure on the site will incorporate the steel frame from the existing structure on South Street with a revised interior floor plan and will feature agrarian styled exterior architecture. The proposed project design complements the existing service commercial structures in the neighborhood and respects the scale of neighboring development. Staff determined that the project warranted review by the ARC since the project includes dismantling and moving a structure from one location to another within the City and because of its prominent location on south Broad Street. The applicant is seeking final approval of the current project plans from the ARC. Meeting Date: August 18, 2014 Item Number: 1 RC ARC1 - 1 ARC 106-14 (3720 Broad) Page 2 1.0 COMMISSION’S PURVIEW The ARC’s role is to review the project in terms of its consistency with the Community Design Guidelines and applicable City standards. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 3.1 Site Information/Setting The project site consists of one undeveloped lot on the east side of Broad Street, approximately 0.25 miles north of Tank Farm Road. 3720 Broad was originally a part of 3710 Broad Street, which was subdivided on March 15, 2013 (MS 16-13). The site is located in the Service Commercial zone with Special Considerations overlay (C-S-S) and within the Airport Land Use Plan (ALUP) (Attachment 2, Vicinity Map). On August 1, 2014, the Hearing Officer approved a use permit to allow a wholesale and distribution business at the subject location (requirement of the special considerations overlay), as well as approved a temporary use permit for a temporary retail office and storage yard and a construction office to be located at 3680 Broad Street. Site specific details are noted below: Site Dimensions (approx.) Area: 59,219 sq ft (1.36 acres) Width: 140 feet Depth: varies between 416.18 and 429.33 feet Current Use Vacant, improved with an access road into the property Topography Elevation: Min. 175 feet; Max. 180 ft. Slope: Nearly flat, 5% or less Natural Features: none Access From Broad Street, via shared driveway Surrounding Use / Zoning North, South & East: C-S-S (Service Commercial Uses); Derrels’s Mini Storage, The Gas Company, Woodtech Cabinet Specialists Inc., and Central Elevator Services) West: PF (Sports Fields) & C/OS (Open Space); Damon Garcia Sports Fields 3.2 Project Description The project proposes to develop a vacant site with a structure designed to reflect the agrarian and industrial elements of the neighborhood and echo the familiar form of the landmark McCarthy Steel building. The new building and associated site work will include the following (Attachment 3, Project Plans): 1. A new, 9,840 square foot warehouse, that re-uses the steel framing of the original warehouse structure, that includes: a. 816 square feet of office and conference rooms, and b. 8,305 square feet of indoor sales/storage space. 2. 9,400 square feet of fenced outdoor sales/storage space at the rear of the building. 3. Materials include: a. Painted, vertically ribbed, metal wall panels b. Painted standing seam metal roof, ARC1 - 2 ARC 106-14 (3720 Broad) Page 3 c. Aluminum storefront windows, and d. A concrete wall base. 4. 16 parking spaces, 3 short-term bicycle parking spaces and 3 long-term bike spaces. 5. Landscaping (Attachment 3, Project Plans, Sheet L-1.0) 3.3 Project Statistics Item Proposed 1 Ordinance Standard 2 Street Yard ~163 feet 15 feet Other Yard 23 feet 0 feet Max. Height of Structure(s) 25 feet 35 feet Building Coverage (footprint) .17 FAR 1.5 FAR Parking Spaces 16 16 Notes: 1. Applicant’s project plans submitted 7/11/2014 2. City Zoning Regulations 4.0 PROJECT ANALYSIS 4.1 Site Plan: The proposed building will be placed approximately in the center of the subject property, with wide landscaped buffers (Attachment 3, Project Plans, Sheet A1). In addition to the building and landscaping, the site contains a parking area, outdoor sales and storage area, and a trash enclosure. The front portion of the site will be hydro-seeded and retained for future development along the street frontage. Staff Analysis: Consistent with the Community Design Guidelines and Zoning Regulations, the proposed structure fits within site constraints, utilizes landscaping to buffer the parking lot from the new structure and provides sufficient parking for the use.1 The location of the trash enclosure does not interfere with onsite parking or circulation, however staff is recommending the applicant continue the use of landscaping up to and in front on the proposed trash enclosure (as shown below in Figure 4.1.1) in order screen and enhance its appearance 2 (Condition of approval #10). 1 Community Design Guidelines Chapter 3.3.A (2): Buildings should be located in “open space islands,” which may be formally landscaped or set in a natural open space environment. The main entrance of the building should not directly abut the paved area. A minimum five- to seven-foot landscape strip should be provided between parking areas and portions of the buildings where parking is provided. 2 Community Design Guidelines Chapter 6.1.E: Trash/recycling enclosures & service areas. Refuse containers, service areas, loading docks, and similar facilities should be located out of view from the general public, and so that their use does not interfere with on-site parking or circulation areas, and adjacent uses, especially residential uses… utilize surrounding landscaping to further screen and enhance its appearance. Screening techniques such as trailing vines on walls, berming alongside and rear walls, and overhead trellises are all encouraged. ARC1 - 3 ARC 106-14 (3720 Broad) Page 4 Figure 4.1.1: The McCarthy Steel proposed site plan. The red highlighted area is not currently landscaped per the plans. 4.2 Outdoor Wholesale & Storage Area: The outdoor sales area will be encompassed by a 6- foot tall chain link fence (Attachment 3, Project Plans, Sheets A1 and L-1.0). The fence is proposed to be open (no privacy slats) with a 23-foot landscaped buffer along the northern section. Staff Analysis: According to Section 17.16.090 of the zoning regulations, “Screening shall be required for all outdoor sales and storage. Such screening shall consist of a solid fence, wall or mature hedge or other screen planting at least six feet high.” The transparent nature of the chain link fence is not sufficient to adequately screen the outdoor storage and sales area. The Community Design Guidelines state chain link fencing with slating is considered an acceptable screening material in areas not visible from a public street.3 To improve the aesthetics of the fence and provide sufficient screening, staff recommends that the ARC direct the applicant to use black, vinyl coated chain link fencing with composite or metal privacy slats (Condition of approval #11). 4.3 Building Design: As stated in section 3.2 above, the proposed structure will be an agrarian/industrial design that echoes the landmark McCarthy Steel building. The structure will be finished with painted, vertically ribbed, metal wall panels, a painted standing seam metal roof, include aluminum storefront windows, and a concrete wall base (Attachment 3, Project Plans, Sheet A3). The proposed project incorporates architectural interest with a variety of materials, colors, metal awnings, the inclusion of storefront windows, and an attractive front entrance composed of exposed steel beams. The metal structure is further enhanced and softened by the proposed landscaping along the building and site perimeter. Staff Analysis: The proposed design is consistent with the Community Design Guidelines and provides an architectural style that consists of clean, simple lines, uses appropriate, durable 3 Community Design Guidelines Chapter 3.3. G (2). ARC1 - 4 ARC 106-14 (3720 Broad) Page 5 materials and, as mentioned above, is well landscaped.4 The proposed design is also compatible with the design and scale of neighboring structures on Broad Street, which largely consist of industrial, one story rectangular structures. The use of materials and detailing is consistent throughout all elevations providing four-sided architecture and incorporating architectural characteristics (complementary color scheme, attractive entry, variety of materials, etc.) for compatibility with the existing structures in the service commercial neighborhood. Staff is supportive of the design for the new wholesale and warehouse structure with one exception; the horizontal, corrugated siding on the north elevation of the structure appears tacked on and out of scale with the side of the building and its location below the windows (see figure 4.3.1 below). Staff recommends the horizontal siding be removed from the north side of the building (Condition of approval #4). Figure 4.3.1: The dashed-lined boxes highlight the horizontal, corrugated siding located on the north side of the proposed McCarthy Steel wholesale and warehouse structure. 4.4 Temporary Outdoor Wholesale & Storage Area (3680 Broad Street): On August 1, 2014, the applicant received approval for a temporary business facility and construction office that included a 9,900 square foot temporary fenced storage yard located at 3680 Broad Street. 3680 Broad Street is a neighboring, vacant parcel located north of the project site and is owned by the applicant. The applicant proposes to fence in the temporary storage yard using six foot, chain link fencing with privacy slats. The Hearing Officer of the Administrative Hearing referred the design of the temporary fencing to the ARC. Staff Analysis: Staff finds that since the proposed chain link fence is temporary in nature and will be removed after the completion of the new facility (approximately six months) that no changes are required in the design of the fencing. 4 Community Design Guidelines Chapter 3.3. B (1): Architectural style. The architectural style of buildings in the business park/industrial category should incorporate clean simple lines. Buildings should project an image of high quality through the use of appropriate durable materials and well-landscaped settings. Community Design Guidelines Chapter 3.3. I (2): Metal buildings should employ a variety of building forms, shapes colors, materials and other architectural treatments to add visual interest and variety to the building. Architectural treatments should emphasize the primary entrance to the building. ARC1 - 5 ARC 106-14 (3720 Broad) Page 6 4.5 Street Trees: As part of the August 1, 2014 use permit approval (for the establishment of permanent wholesale and distribution business at 3720 Broad Street and a temporary use at 3680 Broad Street) the Public Works Department required ARC direction on the variety of the street trees to be planted along the respective sites. Per the City of San Luis Obispo’s 2014 Engineering Standards, a particular palette of street trees has been selected for Broad Street (Attachment 4, 2014 Engineering Standards: Street Trees). According to a previous building plan submittal for the installation of utilities and a driveway approach for 3710 Broad Street (Steamfitters), only Monterey Cypress trees are proposed be planted along 3680 and 3720 Broad Street; the mix of trees is not proposed to change with the new project. Staff Analysis: Staff recommends a variety of tree types from the list of pre-selected street trees for Broad Street be planted that complement other tree plantings at neighboring sites and are compatible with 3680 and 3720 Broad Street. Street tree species shall be approved by the Community Development Director, with support from the City Arborist, prior to building permit approval (Condition # 25). 5.0 OTHER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The requirements of the other departments are reflected in the attached draft resolution as conditions of approval/code requirements. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION 6.1. Continue the project with direction to the applicant and staff on pertinent issues. 6.2. Deny the project based on findings of inconsistency with the Community Design Guidelines. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolution 2. Vicinity Map 3. Reduced Project Plans 4. 2014 Engineering Standards: Street Trees Included in Commission member portfolio: project plans Available at ARC hearing: color/materials board ARC1 - 6 ATTACHMENT 1 RESOLUTION NO. ARC- -14 A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION APPROVING A NEW WHOLESALE AND WAREHOUSING STRUCTURE FOR MCCARTHY STEEL INCLUDING ADOPTION OF A CATEGORICAL EXEMPTION FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW, AS REPRESENTED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND ATTACHMENTS DATED JULY 18, 2014 3720 BROAD STREET (ARC 106-14) WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a public hearing in the Council Hearing Room of City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on July 18, 2014, pursuant to a proceeding instituted under ARC 106-14, Bill Hand, McCarthy Steel, applicant; and WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and evaluation and recommendations by staff, presented at said hearing. WHEREAS, notices of said public hearing were made at the time and in the manner required by law; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The Architectural Review Commission hereby grants final approval to the project (ARC 106-14), based on the following findings: 1. The project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of persons living or working at the site or in the vicinity because the project will be compatible with site constraints and the scale and character of the neighborhood. 2. As conditioned, the project design maintains consistency with the City’s Community Design Guidelines by providing architectural interest and style (CDG 3.3.I(2) & 3.3.B(1)) and complements the design and scale of the existing neighborhood. 3. The project is consistent with the General Plan because it promotes policies related to appropriate uses and compatibility between the wide range of uses (LUE 3.6.2). 4. The proposed temporary fencing is compatible with the surroundings, provides required screening of the temporary wholesale and storage area and will only be allowed for a limited time. 5. The project is categorically exempt under Section 15332 (In-Fill Development Projects) of the CEQA Guidelines because the project is within City limits, consistent with applicable ARC1 - 7 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 2 City policy, surrounded by urban uses, and on a project site less than 5 acres in size served by required utilities and public services. SECTION 2. Action. The Architectural Review Commission (ARC) hereby grants final approval to the project with incorporation of the following conditions: Planning 1. Final project design and construction drawings submitted for a building permit shall be in substantial compliance with the project plans approved by the ARC. A separate, full-size sheet shall be included in working drawings submitted for a building permit that lists all conditions and code requirements of project approval listed as sheet number 2. Reference shall be made in the margin of listed items as to where in plans requirements are addressed. Any change to approved design, colors, materials, landscaping, or other conditions of approval must be approved by the Director or Architectural Review Commission, as deemed appropriate. 2. Plans submitted for a building permit shall call out the colors and materials of all proposed building surfaces and other improvements on elevation drawings as approved by the ARC for the proposed structure. 3. The project shall substantially comply with conditions established under Use Permit A 106- 14. 4. The applicant shall remove the horizontal, corrugated siding from the north side of the structure. 5. Plans shall clearly show the details of all windows and storefronts to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 6. Any new proposed signage shall be reviewed by the Planning Division to ensure appropriateness for the site and compliance with the Sign Regulations. Signage shall coordinate with building architecture and the type of land use. No channel letters with plex faces or metal cabinet signs are allowed. The Director may refer signage to the ARC if it seems excessive or out of character with the project. 7. If proposed, parking lot poles and fixtures shall be shown on building permit plans and not exceed 21 feet in height measured from the parking lot surface to the bottom of the fixture. The selected fixture(s) shall be shielded to insure that light is directed downward consistent with the requirements of the City’s Night Sky Preservation standards contained in Chapter 17.23 of the Zoning Regulations. Cut-sheets of fixture details shall be submitted with working drawings to confirm compliance with City standards. 8. The locations of all lighting, including bollard style landscaping or path lighting, shall be included in plans submitted for a building permit. All wall-mounted lighting fixtures shall ARC1 - 8 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 3 be clearly called out on building elevations included as part of working drawings. All wall- mounted lighting shall complement building architecture. The lighting schedule for the building shall include a graphic representation of the proposed lighting fixtures and cut- sheets on the submitted building plans. The selected fixture(s) shall be shielded to insure that light is directed downward consistent with the requirements of the City’s Night Sky Preservation standards contained in Chapter 17.23 of the Zoning Regulations. 9. Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be located internally to the building. With submittal of working drawings, the applicant shall include sectional views of the building, which clearly show the sizes of any proposed condensers and other mechanical equipment. If any condensers or other mechanical equipment is to be placed on the roof, plans submitted for a building permit shall confirm that parapets and other roof features will adequately screen them. A line-of-sight diagram shall be included to confirm that proposed screening will be adequate. This condition applies to initial construction and later improvements. 10. A final landscaping plan, including irrigation details and plans, shall be submitted to the Community Development Department along with working drawings. The legend for the landscaping plan shall include the sizes and species of all groundcovers, shrubs, and trees with corresponding symbols for each plant material showing their specific locations on plans. The plan shall include landscaping along the north and west sides of the trash enclosure. Landscaping in this area shall have a minimum height of three feet to effectively screen the trash enclosure. 11. Plans submitted for a building permit shall call out a chain link fence composed of black, vinyl chain link with composite or metal privacy slats and have a maximum height of six feet. 12. The location of any required backflow preventer and double-check assembly shall be shown on all site plans submitted for a building permit, including the landscaping plan. Construction plans shall also include a scaled diagram of the equipment proposed. Where possible, as determined by the Utilities Director, equipment shall be located inside the building within 20 feet of the front property line. Where this is not possible, as determined by the Utilities Director, the back flow preventer and double-check assembly shall be located in the street yard and screened using a combination of paint color, landscaping and, if deemed appropriate by the Community Development Director, a low wall. The size and configuration of such equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the Utilities and Community Development Directors. Transportation 13. Dimensioned locations and details of the short and long-term bicycle parking shall be provided on the project’s construction plans including rack design, location, clearances and circulation needs for users in compliance with manufacturers’ standards. Each parking space shall include a 2x6 ft. footprint unless noted otherwise by the manufacturer. ARC1 - 9 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 4 a. Approved short-term bicycle rack designs include the inverted “U” or “Peak Racks”. “Ribbon” type racks are not approved for use in the City. b. Long-term bicycle parking may consist of lockers installed either within or outside the building. As an alternative, a lockable room within the building that is labeled and reserved for bicycle storage may substitute for bicycle lockers. Provide details and specifications for bicycle lockers/rooms to the satisfaction of the Planning Division. Utilities 14. The irrigation system shall be designed and operated as described consistent with recycled water standards in the City’s Procedures for Recycled Water Use. Irrigation plans shall include standard irrigation details and notes consistent with City standards. Three sets of irrigation plans shall be submitted to the Building Department for review during the City’s building permit review process. The applicant may contact the City’s Utilities Project Manager at 781-7239 for more information. Public Works 15. Traffic Impact Fees conditioned for the temporary sales/office trailer as a condition of the building permit may be paid to the permanent site or could be paid to the temporary site. Credits will not be transferred between parcels within the subdivision. 16. The building plan submittal shall include a complete grading and drainage plan, drainage report, and Post Construction Stormwater Regulation (PCSR) compliance summary. The project shall comply with the Waterway Management Plan Drainage Design Manual, PCSR as promulgated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and City Engineering Standards. 17. Water quality treatment systems, the treatment train, and maintenance BMP’s shall be accompanied by an Operation and Maintenance Manual. A private stormwater conveyance system (PSCS) agreement shall be recorded in a format provided by the City of San Luis Obispo prior to building permit issuance. 18. The drainage report shall include a summary of the bulleted items found in Section 2.3.1 of the Drainage Design Manual. A comprehensive hydrologic and hydraulic analysis may not be required if the proposed improvements can be shown to be insignificant in accordance with Section 3.0 of the manual. 19. EPA Requirement: General Construction Activity Storm Water Permits are required for all storm water discharges associated with a construction activity where clearing, grading or excavations result in land disturbance of one or more acres. Storm water discharges of less than one acre, but which is part of a larger common plan of development or sale, also ARC1 - 10 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 5 requires a permit. Permits are required until the construction is complete. To be covered by a General Construction Activity Permit, the owner(s) of land where construction activity occurs must submit a completed "Notice of Intent" (NOI) form, with the appropriate fee, to the State Regional Water Quality Control Board. An application is required to the State Board under their recently adopted Stormwater Multi-Application, Reporting, and Tracking System (SMARTS). This project shall be included with the temporary site as a “Common Plan of Development”. 20. The building plan submittal shall include a copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for reference. Incorporate any erosion control measures into the building plans as required by the Board, identified in the SWPPP, and in accordance with Section 10 of the city’s Waterways Management Plan. Include reference to the WDID number on the grading and erosion control plans for reference. 21. The building plan submittal shall clarify how the unimproved DG areas will be maintained and how the migration of materials will be permanently controlled for water quality, dust control, and transmittal to private access ways, accessible paths, and the public right-of- way. Show and note all permanent BMP’s on the plans and include the project Operations and Maintenance Manual. 22. The building permit plan submittal shall include all required parking lot improvements, dimensions, space dimensions, maneuverability, materials, space and aisle slopes, drainage, pavement marking, signage, and striping in accordance with the Parking and Driveway Standards and disabled access requirements of the CBC. 23. The respective refuse storage area and on-site conveyance shall consider convenience, aesthetics, safety, and functionality. The solid waste containment area shall comply with City Engineering Standards, parking and driveway standards, Building Codes, and design guidelines. A concrete pad shall be provided across the apron or in the drive aisle to support the front wheels of the trash truck. Drainage from the trash enclosure area shall be directed to treatment BMP’s in accordance with the pertinent standards. 24. The PCSR compliance approach may be limited to this development project or could include analysis and sizing for the temporary use. Otherwise, the temporary use will be required to show compliance separately as a condition of the building permit. The current RWQCB Regulations do not include any specific exemptions for temporary uses. 25. A variety of tree types from the list of pre-selected street trees for Broad Street shall be planted that complement other tree plantings at neighboring sites and are compatible with 3680 and 3720 Broad Street. Street tree species shall be approved by the Community Development Director, with support from the City Arborist, prior to building permit approval. 26. Street trees are generally required at the rate of one 15-gallon tree for each 35’ feet of frontage as a condition of the building permit(s). Street trees species and planting details ARC1 - 11 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 6 shall be in accordance with City Engineering Standard #8010, #8020, & #8220 for both the temporary and permanent development sites. The respective landscape plans shall include both the planting and irrigation plan. The trees on the temporary site could be hand watered, provided with a tap off the domestic service, or could provide the permanent landscape water meter from the recycled water service. The City Arborist shall review and approve any existing plantings or previously approved plantings to determine whether they qualify in part or in total for the street tree requirement. Building 27. Verify plans clearly specify the applicable codes for this project. Current adopted codes are the 2013 CA Building Codes and the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code. 28. Verify plans clearly specify the type of construction for the proposed building per Chapter 6 CBC. 29. Verify plans clearly specify the “occupancy” for the proposed building and the occupant load as required by Chapters 5 & 10 CBC. 30. Verify any exterior wall required fire rating is clearly shown on plans due to location within proximity to property line. 31. Clearly note on plans if project is to be “separated uses” or “non-separated uses”, plans show a total building area of 9,640, please note that accessory uses are permitted provided they do not add up to more than 10% of the major occupancy. Chapter 5 CBC. 32. A trash enclosure is shown on the plans, please verify when plans are submitted for plan review the enclosure is accessible. 33. Plans show what is identified as a “5’ ADA Path to public way”. Please verify identification is changed to “Accessible path of travel, or accessible route of travel as we do not review for ADA compliance. Verify all required detectable warnings are provided as needed along the path. 34. Clearly show an accessible path of travel from the proposed accessible parking space to the building entrance. 35. Other building specific comments will be provided as plans are submitted for plan check for building permit. Code Requirements The following code requirements are included for information purposes only. They serve to give the applicant a general idea of other City requirements that will apply to the project. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list as other requirements may be identified during the plan check ARC1 - 12 Resolution No. ARC- -14 ATTACHMENT 1 3720 Broad Street, ARC 106-14 Page 7 process. Fire 1. Address Numbers: Approved address numbers shall be placed on all new buildings in such a position to be plainly visible and legible from the street fronting the property. Numbers shall be a minimum of 5" high x 1/2" stroke and be on a contrasting background. 2. Fire Department Access to Equipment: Rooms or areas containing controls for air- handling systems, automatic fire-protection systems, or other diction, suppression or control elements shall be identified for use by the fire department and shall be located in the same area. A sign shall be provided on the door to the room or area stating “Fire Sprinkler Riser” and “Fire Alarm Control Panel”. Fire sprinkler risers shall be located in a room with exterior door access. Show Riser room on floor plans. 3. Knox Box: A Knox Box shall be provided on the outside of the Fire Sprinkler Riser Room with a key to the room. 4. Fire Protection Systems and Equipment: Fire protection systems shall be installed in accordance with the CFC and the California Building Code. An approved NFPA 13 system will be required for this project. Shop Drawings and Specifications shall be submitted for review and approval prior to installation. Fire Main and all associated control valves shall be installed per NFPA 24 Standards and City Engineering standards. The Fire Department Connection shall be located along a fire apparatus access. 5. Provide Structural Calculations at Building Plan Submittal that existing building can support the added load of the fire sprinkler piping and water weight. Building will need to comply with the City’s current adopted edition of the building and fire codes. 6. Fire Safety During Construction: Buildings undergoing construction, alteration or demolition shall be in accordance with Chapter 14 of the CFC. On motion by Commissioner ___________, seconded by Commissioner _____________, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: REFRAIN: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 18th day of August, 2014. _____________________________ Pam Ricci, Secretary Architectural Review Commission ARC1 - 13 C-S-S PF C-C M-S BP-SP PF C/OS C/OS-SP R-1-SP C-R-H-SP C/OS C/OS-SP C-S PF BROADINDUSTRI AL VICINITY MAP File No. 106-143720 BROAD ST ¯ ARC1 - 14 ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 15 ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 16 ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 17 ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 18 ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 19 N66°39'05"E 743.75'R4BROAD STREET H W Y 2 2 7 )EXISTING PEPPERTREE (OFF-SITE)EXISTING PINE TREESTO REMAIN IN PLACEMUH SPPSAL POZ(2) SLOT BIKERACK ON CONC.PAVERSCAR TESLOB LAXARB MARCOT DAMFRE KENPIN CANCAR PANAGO BURFRA VELLEP DARCOT DAMGRE REDCOT DAMROS BANPAR TRIMUH SPPPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPARKING LOTOUTDOOR STORAGE YARD(DECOMPOSED GRANITE)SAL POZSAL POZNON-IRRIGATEDHYDROSEED MIXTO BE APPLIED IN FALLEXIST. FENCEEXIST. FENCE & RETAINING WALLPROPOSED PLANT LEGENDSYMBOL BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEQT.SIZE SPACING WUCOLS / NOTESARB MAR Arbutus 'Marina'Marina Strawberry Tree2 36" Box Per Plan MOD / Multi-TrunkFRA VEL Fraxinus velutina 'Rio Grande'Fan-Tex Ash324" Box,15 GalPer PlanMOD / Standard TrunkAvail. at Bothing Tree LandPIN CANPinus canariensisCanary Island Pine324" BoxPer PlanLOW / Multi-TrunkSHRUBS & PERENNIALSSYMBOL BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEQT.SIZE SPACING WUCLOS / NOTESAGO BURAgonis flexuosa 'Burgundy'Burgundy Willow Myrtle4 15 Gal. Per Plan MOD / Available from Native SonsFRE KENFremontodendron 'Ken Taylor'Flannel Bush15 5 Gal. 6'-0" OC LOW /GRE RED Grevillea 'Red Hooks'NCN8 5 Gal. 8'-0" OC MOD /LEP DARLeptospermum 'Dark Shadows'NCN7 5 Gal. 7'-0" OC MOD /LOB LAX Lobelia laxifloraNCN12 1 Gal. 4'-0" OC MOD /MUL SPPMulhenbergia capilaris 'White Cloud' - OR -Muhlenbergia rigensWhite Awn Muhly - OR -Deer Grass56 1 Gal. 5'-0" OC LOW /SAL POZ Salvia 'Pozo Blue'Sage28 1 Gal. 5'-0" OC LOW /GROUNDCOVERSYMBOL BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEQT.SIZE SPACING WUCOLS / NOTESCAR PAN Carex testaceaOrange SedgeTBD4" Pots2'-6" OC LOW - MOD /COT DAM Cotoneaster damerii 'Lowfast'BearberryTBD 1 Gal 6'-0" OC MOD /GRE AUS Grevillea 'Austraflora Fanfare'NCNTBD 1 Gal 4'-0" OC MOD / Alternate to COT DAMVINESSYMBOL BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEQT.SIZE SPACING WUCOLS / NOTESPAR TRIParthenocissus tricuspidataBoston Ivy3 1 Gal 30'-0" OCMOD / TRAIN ON (EX) WALLROS BANRosa banksiae 'Lutea'Yellow Lady Bank's Rose11 5 Gal. 30'-0" OCMOD / TRAIN ON (EX) FENCEBIO-SWALE PLANTINGSSYMBOL BOTANICAL NAMECOMMON NAMEQT.SIZE SPACING WUCOLS / NOTESCAR PANCarex pansaCalifornia Meadow SedgeTBD 2" Pots 12" OC LOW - MOD /JUN CARJuncus 'Carmens Japan'Carmens Japan RushTBD 1 Gal 5'-0" OC LOW - MOD /REVISIONBYOWNER APPROVALDATESTAMPDATEREVIEWEDDRAWNSHEET TITLEPROJECT TEAMPROJECT NUMBERSHEET NUMBERPRINCIPAL IN CHARGECITY SUBMITTAL6-13-14.CHRIS MANNINGCM / XX.CMMcCARTHY STEEL 3720 BROAD STREET 7 - 2 -12SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401SITE PLAN1SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0"NOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONPROPOSED PLANTING PLANScale: 116"=1'-0"PROPOSED PLANTING AND IRRIGATION DESIGN STANDARDS :•ALL PLANTER AREAS (WITH EXCEPTION TO THE BIO-SWALE, SHALL INCLUDE 3" LAYER OF MULCH.•SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE KEPT A MIN. OF 24" CLEAR OF NON-PERMEABLE SURFACES, UNLESS THE SURFACE DRAINSINTO PLANTER INTENDED TO BE IRRIGATED.•ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL TREES, SO AS TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO PAVING FROM SURFACE ROOTS.•IRRIGATION PLANS SHALL INCLUDE 'SMART' CONTROLLER, UTILIZING A WEATHER SENSOR & RAIN GAUGE.ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 20 N66°39'05"E 743.75'R4BROAD STREET HWY 227)PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINEPARKING LOT OUTDOOR STORAGE YARD (DECOMPOSED GRANITE) HYDROZONE #4 1,900 SF HYDROZONE #5 1,100 SF HYDROZONE #1 4,350 SF HYDROZONE #2 3,000 SF HYDROZONE #3 2,945 SF REVISION BY OWNER APPROVAL DATE STAMP DATE REVIEWED DRAWN SHEET TITLE PROJECT TEAM PROJECT NUMBER SHEET NUMBER PRINCIPAL IN CHARGE CITY SUBMITTAL 6-13-14 . CHRIS MANNING CM / XX . CM McCARTHY STEEL3720 BROAD STREET7 - 2 -12 SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401SITE PLAN1 SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" NOT FO R C O N S T R U C T I O N HYDROZONE PLAN Scale: 132"=1'-0" PROPOSED PLANTING AND IRRIGATION DESIGN STANDARDS : •ALL PLANTER AREAS (WITH EXCEPTION TO THE BIO-SWALE, SHALL INCLUDE 3" LAYER OF MULCH. •SPRAY HEADS SHALL BE KEPT A MIN. OF 24" CLEAR OF NON-PERMEABLE SURFACES, UNLESS THE SURFACE DRAINS INTO PLANTER INTENDED TO BE IRRIGATED. •ROOT BARRIERS SHALL BE INSTALLED ON ALL TREES, SO AS TO PREVENT DAMAGE TO PAVING FROM SURFACE ROOTS. •IRRIGATION PLANS SHALL INCLUDE 'SMART' CONTROLLER, UTILIZING A WEATHER SENSOR & RAIN GAUGE. MAWA & ETWU CALCULATIONS ATTACHMENT 3ARC1 - 21 Revise List Revise List New Border February 2014 STREET TREES MAJOR STREETS 8020 RMH WAP 4-95 BL BL 11-06 JDL WAP 1-98 Note: Percentages refer to mixture of tree types in project area DOWNTOWN DISTRICT % Ficus microcarpa 40 Quercus agrifolia 20 Platanus acerifolia ‘Bloodgood’ 30 Olea europaea – grafted fruitless 10 Downtown Accent Trees Jacaranda mimosifolia Robinia ambigua “Purple Robe” Magnolia grandiflora ‘Saint Mary’s’ Eucalyptus ficifolia Pyrus calleryana ‘Arisocrat’ Calodendrum capense BROAD STREET % Monterey St. to Pacific St. Tristaniopsis laurina 60 Pyrus calleryana “Aristocrat” 40 Pacific St. to High St. Platanus acerifolia 40 Pistacia chinensis 40 Ginkgo biloba 20 High St. to City Limits Platanus acerifolia 30 Quercus palustris 20 Pistacia chinensis* 20 “Red oak” 15 Tristaniopsis laurina 15 *Subsitute south of Orcutt: “Monterey cypress” 20 At creek crossings Platanus racemosa 100 CALIFORNIA BLVD. % Cal Poly to Mill St. Liguidambar styraciflua 25 Red oak 25 Camphor 30 Agonis flexuosa 20 Mill St. to San Luis Dr. Pyrus calleryana “Aristocrat” 40 Agonis flexmosa 30 Metrosideros excelsus 30 San Luis Dr. to Johnson Ave. Quercus agrifolia 60 Agonis flexuosa 40 At creek crossings Platanus racemosa 100 FOOTHILL BLVD. % Magnolia “Majestic Beauty” 60 Pyrus calleryana “Aristocrat” 10 Platanus acerifolia 30 At creek crossings Platanus racemosa 100 GRAND AVENUE % Magnolia “Majestic Beauty” 50 Platunus acerifola 50 HIGUERA STREET % California Blvd. to Downtown District Ficus microcarpa 100 Downtown District to Madonna Rd. Use Downtown District Madonna Rd. to City Limit Pinus canariensis 30 “Monterey cypress” 30 Hymenosporum flavum 20 Red Oak 20 JOHNSON AVENUE % Hwy. 101 to SPRR underpass Magnolia “Majestic Beauty” 20 Pyrus calleryana “Aristocrat” 20 Pistacia chinensis 20 Pin oak 20 Hymenosporum flavum 20 SPRR underpass to Laurel Lane Quercus agrifolia 20 Pistacia chinensis 20 Chinese Elm 20 Hymenosporum flavum 20 Red Oak 20 Laurel Lane to Orcutt Rd. Maytenus boaria 20 Red oak 20 Chinese Elm 20 Jacaranda 20 Hymenosporum flavum 20 LAUREL LANE % Platanus acerifolia 50 Quercus suber 20 Jacaranda 15 Gingko biloba 15 LOS OSOS VALLEY ROAD % Tristaniopsis laurina 20 Monterey cypress 20 European beech 20 Quercus agrifolia 20 Pinus caneriensis 20 MADONNA ROAD % Pinus canariensis 25 Pistacia chinensis 25 Quercus agrifolia 25 Red Oak 25 MARSH STREET % Use Downtown District MARGARITA AVENUE % Platanus acerifolia 33 Sweetshade 33 Pin oak 34 MONTEREY STREET % Use Downtown District ORCUTT ROAD % Pistachia chinensis 60 Crataegus phaenopyrum 20 Quercus agrifolia 20 At creek crossings Platanus racemosa 100 PRADO ROAD % Platanus acerifolia 34 Pinus canariensis 33 Pin oak 33 SANTA ROSA STREET % Highland St. to Murray St. Quercus agrifolia 80 Pistacia chinensis 20 Murray St. to Marsh St. Pistacia shinensis 20 Pyrus calleryana “Aristocrat” 20 Ficus microcarpa 20 Tristaniopsis laurina 10 Pistacia chinensis 20 Jacaranda mimosa 10 At Creek intersections Platanus racemosa 100 SOUTH STREET % Tristaniopsis laurina 20 Jacaranda mimosifolia 20 Gingko biloba 20 Platanus acerifolia 20 Pin oak 20 TANK FARM ROAD % East of Broad St. Platanus acerifolia 50 Tristaniopsis laurina 20 Eucalyptus torquata 30 West of Broad St. Platanus acerifolia 25 Cinnamomum camphora 25 Quercus agrifolia 25 Red oak 25 ATTACHMENT 4 ARC1 - 22 ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT SUBJECT: Final review of plans to construct a 77,370 square foot, two-story building with surface parking to house a data storage center and office lease space on a 5.28 acre site located north of Tank Farm Road west of the intersection with Broad Street. PROJECT ADDRESS: 600 Tank Farm Road BY: David Moran, Di Leo & Moran FILE NUMBER: ARC 43-11 FROM: Pam Ricci Senior Planner Phone Number: 781-7168 E-mail: pricci@slocity.org RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Draft Resolution (Attachment 1), which grants final approval to the project, based on findings, and subject to conditions. SITE DATA Applicant Digital West, Inc. Representative Wallace Group Zoning BP-SP (Business Park Specific Plan) General Plan Business Park Site Area 5.28 acres Application Complete Environmental Status April 1, 2014 A Mitigated Negative Declaration was approved by the Hearing Officer On August 1, 2014. SUMMARY Digital West, Inc., a local technology business, is proposing a new headquarters for their digital data storage business. The new building will provide the additional space and facilities the company needs to accommodate its continuing growth while providing 8,000 square feet of additional office lease space. The applicant is seeking final approval from the ARC. The following analysis finds that the plans are generally consistent with the policies, goals, guidelines and standards of the Airport Area Specific Plan and identifies issues to be considered by the ARC for final approval. On August 1, 2014, the Director adopted a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approved an administrative use permit which authorizes different aspects of the project which are discussed in this report (Attachment 4). Meeting Date: August 18, 2014 Item Number: 2 ARC2 - 1 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 2 1.0 COMMISSION’S PURVIEW The project is a new development. The ARC’s role is to review the project in terms of its consistency with the Community Design Guidelines (CDG) and Chapter 5 of the Airport Area Specific Plan (AASP). Because the design guidelines of the AASP are more germane to this project, relevant excerpts from the AASP are included in the analysis where pertinent. 2.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 2.1 Site Information/Setting Site Size 5.28 acres Present Use & Development Existing development on the project site is limited to small abandoned structures in states of disrepair. Topography The topography of the site has been greatly modified by historic rock-mining activities, vehicle parking, and materials storage, and currently consists of two generally level disturbed terraces. Access Primary access would be provided temporarily by an existing driveway that extends north from Tank Farm Road through the mobile home park adjacent to the southeast. This primary access would serve the project until such time as Santa Fe Road is extended to the north on the Chevron property to the west. Surrounding Use/Zoning North: Damon Garcia Sports Complex, PF South: Largely vacant with a small gravel business; BP-SP East: Mobile home park, R-2-SP West: Vacant Chevron tank farm property with development plan currently being prepared; C/OS-SP Existing site development includes a small paved area along with remnants of two abandoned structures. The western portion of the site consists of hard bedrock that was previously quarried for gravel; topography of the site has been significantly modified by past grading and mining. Acacia Creek extend along the eastern boundary of the project site and supports both native and non-native vegetation. 2.2 Project Description Digital West, Inc. is seeking final approval for the phased development of a data storage center and associated office and utility space. Completion of all three phases would result in 77,370 square feet (sf) of building floor space and 17,258 sf of auxiliary structures (utility yard, repair shop and cable storage). The proposed 45-foot tall structure would house co-location equipment (server racks/data storage center), offices, and mechanical equipment. Information provided by the applicant indicates Digital West (the primary occupant of the project) will have between 23 and 35 persons on site at any given time, including customers and employees. ARC2 - 2 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 3 The utility yard provided at the rear of the main office building will contain backup generators and transformers necessary to provide emergency power in the case of an outage, galvanized steel water tanks are provided to store irrigation and emergency water for the rooftop cooling towers. The project incorporates a number of desirable features recommended by the AASP: • The plans show the southerly extension of the bike path that currently terminates in the adjacent Damon Garcia Sports Complex. The bike path would be extended to the south through the project site along Acacia Creek providing pedestrian and bike connections to areas north and south of the project site. The site plan shows an extensive system of sidewalks connecting the project to the future extension of Santa Fe Road and to the bike path. • To further encourage the use of alternate forms of transportation, the plans show preferred parking spaces for low-emission vehicles and secure bike lockers located in the main entry plaza. Showers and lockers have been provided for employees. Other amenities include an enclosed outdoor lunch area at the southeast corner of the office building. • Low Impact Development (LID) storm drainage features have been incorporated into the project. • Data storage equipment generates a considerable amount of heat which will be used to heat the buildings in the winter; roof-mounted cooling towers will help cool the buildings in the warmer months. The office building roof top has been designed to accommodate roof-mounted solar photovoltaic panels which would help offset a portion of the project’s electricity use. Project Phasing The project will be constructed in phases as demand dictates. Phase 1: The first phase is proposed for construction in 2014, and would consist of 38,698 sf of structural development. Access improvements, drainage/LID improvements, parking areas, landscaping, and the bike path/public art would all be constructed during Phase 1. The first floor of Phase 1 would include an 8,000 square foot office shell to be made available to a suitable tenant. The first-floor lobby would be shared by the first floor future office tenant and second floor Digital West offices. A Digital West network operation center (NOC) would be constructed on the first floor near the lobby. The NOC would operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A caged storage area would be designed for customers to store their own equipment, and would include spaces individualized for customer use and access. The second floor would consist of a lobby, NOC, office space including Digital West’s individual offices, conference rooms, open labs, and server racks. The racks would be accessible to Digital West employees and customers, through secured entrances. ARC2 - 3 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 4 A 613 sf, one-story, detached framed workshop is proposed to store equipment used in hauling cable, tools for locating cable and conduit, extra conduits, fiber markers, barricades, pylons, and a work truck. A 14,545 sf utility yard is proposed, which would house spools of cable, generators, equipment, and a satellite dish. A 12-foot high concrete masonry screening wall and access gate would be installed at the outer perimeter of the utility yard. Six screened direct evaporative cooling units would be installed on the roof of the building. Two emergency generators would be installed within a noise barrier enclosure. Phase 2: The second phase would be constructed based on customer demand, and would total 19,305 sf. This phase would consist of rows of server racks on the first and second floors, which would be accessible to Digital West, and customers, through secured entrances. A break room and restroom and showers would be constructed for use by customers on the first floor. Six screened direct evaporative cooling units would be installed on the roof of the building. Two emergency generators would be installed within a noise barrier enclosure and connected to one of the Phase 1 generators. A 2,100-sf cable yard would be located northwest of the Phase 1 utility yard, and would house spools of cable. Phase 3: The third phase of development would be constructed based on customer demand, and would consist of 19,367 sf. This phase would consist of rows of server racks on the first and second floors, which would be accessible to Digital West and customers. Six screened direct evaporative cooling units would be installed on the roof of the building. Two emergency generators would be installed within a noise barrier enclosure and connected to one of the Phase 1 generators. The cable yard would be displaced by Phase 3 development, and relocated off-site. 2.3 Project Statistics Statistics Item Proposed 1 Ordinance Standard 2 Street Yard 180 feet3 16 feet Max. Height of Structure(s) 45 feet 45 feet Building Coverage (footprint) 20% (45,738 sq. ft.) 80% Parking Spaces 474 62 Landscaping 33% (76,666 sq. ft.) 20% Grading Cut: 31, 540 cubic yards (cy) Fill: 29,901 cy Stockpiled: 23,930 cy Notes: 1. Applicant’s project plans submitted [include date] 2. City Zoning Regulations 3. Distance from a cul-de-sac extended eastward from the future northerly extension of Santa Fe Road. 4. Approved per AUP 121-12. See discussion below. ARC2 - 4 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 5 3.0 PROJECT ANALYSIS The project went through the pre-application process to get early feedback from the various City departments; plans have been well-received by City staff with relatively few issues raised. The applicants have provided a number of detailed technical studies in support of the application to address a range of issues, including cultural resources, noise, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, a health risk assessment relating to diesel particulate matter, the potential for the presence of naturally occurring asbestos, water quality, biology and geology. The findings and recommendations of these studies were used to inform the design of the project and were incorporated as mitigation measures into the Mitigated Negative Declaration approved by the Director on August 1st, 2014. The site is located within the boundaries of the Airport Area Specific Plan (AASP) which includes Chapter 5 on Community Design. Chapter 5 sets forth goals, guidelines and standards that incorporate many of the design principles recommended for commercial development contained in the City’s Community Design Guidelines (CDG). Because the applicant is seeking final approval, what follows is a detailed assessment of project consistency with relevant provisions of the design guidelines and standards contained in the AASP. Selected excerpts from this chapter on site planning and building design are included in Attachment 3. The AASP, including the Chapter 5 in its entirety, is available on the City’s website at the following path; slocity.org>community development>documents online>documents and codes>airport area specific plan. 3.1 Site Plan Building Location, Arrangement of Development Features Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards Goal 5.1 of the AASP calls for establishing “A continuous, well-defined streetscape edge that unifies and enhances the character of the development areas and that supports pedestrian activity through its site planning and design.” Guidelines for Goal 5.1 encourage buildings to be located directly on the landscaped setback adjacent to the street right of way with parking located behind or along the sides of the buildings. The main entrance should be oriented toward the primary street serving the project. Standards for Goal 5.1 require principal buildings to be oriented parallel to the street, with no more than one double-loaded parking bay allowed between the street and the front of the building. Goal 5.2: calls for new development to be fully integrated within a comprehensive open space framework. Guidelines for goal 5.2 recommend allowing for public access to the open space from developments that do not share adjacency or direct access. The siting of buildings and other elements should take into consideration the established development pattern, with the siting of potentially incompatible uses or design elements away from sensitive areas on adjacent ARC2 - 5 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 6 sites. Staff Analysis: The project site consists of an irregularly-shaped parcel which does not currently front on a public street (See Attachment 2, Sheet AC0.0). The developable portion lies between a bedrock/quarry area on the west and Acacia Creek on the east. Given these constraints, the site plan does a good job of achieving the intent of these guidelines and standards. The location and orientation of the buildings anticipates the future extension of Santa Fe Road on the adjacent Chevron property with a cul-de-sac branching to the east to provide the primary vehicular access (See Attachment 2, Sheet C1.0). The footprint of the main office building and entry lobby is designed to create a plaza that faces the future cul-de-sac. Note that two double-loaded parking bays are located at the front of the building. Standard 5.1.2 states: “No more than one double-loaded parking bay will be allowed between the street and the front of the building”. However, both parking bays will be served by a single continuous drive and will be set back a considerable distance from the street. Both bays will be screened from the street by landscaping and topography and both will be oriented at an angle to the street which will reduce their apparent visibility. Given the shape of the lot and the main access being provided from a cul-de-sac, the site plan achieves the goal of establishing a “well defined streetscape edge”. The project meets the objectives of Goal 5.2 by providing connections to open space and parks in the area. Plans show the extension of the bike path south from the Damon Garcia Sports Complex through the project site along Acacia Creek. An extensive system of sidewalks is shown for the project connecting the main office and outdoor use areas with the bike path and with the future extension of Santa Fe Road. Pedestrian Activity Areas and Outdoor Use Areas Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards Goal 5.3 seeks to provide “Attractive and comfortable outdoor pedestrian use areas near or adjacent to buildings.” Guidelines for Goal 5.3 encourage the provision of outdoor plazas seating areas with attractive paving, planting and furniture. Outdoor use areas should be located away from, or at least screened or buffered from parking lots, driveways. Table 5.2 of the AASP provides standards for walkways and amenities in new development. For the Business Park land use designation, Table 5.2 encourages the placement of outdoor amenities for workers and requires that pedestrian paths separate from roadways to be extended throughout the site. Goal 5.6 is aimed at ensuring loading, storage and service areas are properly screened from ARC2 - 6 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 7 view. Guidelines for goal 5.6 encourage screening enclosures to be integrated with buildings, constructed of durable materials, and provided with ample foundation planting. Table 5.3 of the AASP provides standards for the size and placement of outdoor use areas. For the Business Park land use category, Table 5.3 requires that outdoor use areas to be located behind buildings and not visible from off site. Staff Analysis: The footprint of the entrance lobby is designed to create an entry plaza at the southwest corner that faces the future cul-de-sac. The entry plaza is screened with landscaping and provides pedestrian connections to the future street. The plans also show an enclosed outdoor lunch area at the southeast corner of the office building and connected to the main entry plaza by a sidewalk. The lunch area is screened from the parking lot by substantial landscaping but should afford pleasant views toward the airport and the Edna Valley to the south. The plans show seating and tables. Overall, the project appears to satisfy the requirements of Goal 5.3 and Table 5.2 of the AASP. The site plan (See Attachment 2, Sheet AC0.1 of the project plans) shows a utility yard at the rear of the main office building which will extend along the east side of the warehouse/storage buildings adjacent to the perimeter drive. The storage area will contain cable, backup generators and transformers necessary to provide emergency power in the case of an outage; galvanized steel water tanks are provided to store irrigation and emergency water for the rooftop cooling towers. The utility yard will be enclosed by a 12 foot high concrete masonry unit (CMU) wall. All of the transformers, generators and water tanks are less than 12 feet high and should not be visible from off site. However, the satellite dish will extend about 12 feet above the height of Figure 1. Entry Features/Future Access ARC2 - 7 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 8 the wall and may be partially visible from the mobile home park to the east and southeast. The visibility of the dish will be partly mitigated by the lower elevation to the east and by the screening afforded by vegetation along Acacia Creek. Trash enclosures are located on the east side of the site just outside the utility yard. Plans show the trash enclosure to be constructed of concrete masonry block with a stucco finish and enclosed by metal gates. The trash enclosures will be screened from view and should not be visible from off site. Overall, the project appears to satisfy the objectives of Goals 5.3 and 5.6, and Table 5.6. Protection of Views Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards In recognition of the highly scenic qualities of the airport area, the AASP provides goals and standards for the protection of views from new development and views from roadways serving the area. Goal 5.7: seeks to maintain “Unobstructed public views of key scenic features from major planning area roadways.” Guidelines for Goal 5.7 encourage the protection of views of natural features such as creeks from creek crossings and where open space adjoins roadways. The guidelines also recommend the siting of buildings to take advantage of views afforded by a development site. Table 5.4 of the AASP sets forth levels of protection for views from the various roadways in the Airport Area. For Tank Farm Road, Table 5.4 states that views of the Davenport Hills to the south and the South Street Hills to the north should be preserved. The recommended level of protection calls for the following: “Building volume and mature trees allow view of at least 60% of the scenic resources visible before development, as seen from 1.5 meters (5 feet) above the opposite side of the roadway looking perpendicular to the road.” Table 5.4 goes on to say that “Views of these features will be preserved mainly looking in the direction of the road rather than perpendicular to it.” Staff Analysis: Views from the project site to the south toward the airport and the Edna Valley will be expansive, especially from the second floor of the office building. With regard to the protection of views of the Davenport and South Street Hills when viewed from area roadways, the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared for the project determined that the project would be visible for approximately one mile from the east-bound lane of Tank Farm Road and that development of the project would block portions of the views of the South Street Hills as seen from Tank Farm Road as drivers and cyclists pass directly in front of the development. However, the MND determined that the existing view is partially obscured by existing mature vegetation along the Acacia Creek corridor, including eucalyptus trees. The MND concluded that the view blockage would be limited and over 60 percent of views toward the South Street ARC2 - 8 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 9 Hills currently visible from Tank Farm Road would be unaffected by the development, in compliance with the standards set forth in Table 5.4. 3.2 On-Site and Off-Site Circulation Primary access will be provided by an existing driveway that extends north from Tank Farm Road through the mobile home park adjacent to the southeast (See Attachment 2, Sheet AC0.1). This access would serve the project on a temporary basis until such time as Santa Fe Road is extended to the north on the Chevron property to the west, and a cul-de-sac is extended to the project site. As discussed above under Section 3.1, the site plan anticipates the eventual primary access being provided by this future cul-de-sac. Secondary access will be provided to Tank Farm Road by an existing unpaved road (via a recorded easement) through the adjacent property to the south. This easement would provide vehicular secondary access, access for emergency vehicles, and temporary access for construction activities. Circulation on the project site consists of a circular drive around the perimeter of the site to provide for deliveries and fire protection. The site plan also incorporates Low Impact Development (LID) storm drainage features, including permeable paving materials. Staff Analysis: Existing and proposed project access and on-site circulation plans were reviewed by City staff and were considered in the MND. The proposed primary and secondary access drives, and the perimeter drive, meet fire department standards for width, slope and vertical clearance. The proposed site plan which anticipates access to a future cul-de-sac extending from Santa Fe Road was determined to be an appropriate design. 3.3 Parking Required Number of Parking Spaces Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards Table 4.8 of the AASP sets forth the parking requirements for the Business Park zone in the Airport Area. Parking is required at a rate of 1 space per 500 square feet for the office portion of a project and 1 space per 1,500 square feet for the warehousing component. Applying these standards, the total parking requirement for the project would be 62 spaces. In addition, the City’s parking standards require parking for bicycles (short term, and secure long term enclosures) at a rate of 15% of the total required auto spaces. Parking for motorcycles is required at a rate of one space for each 20 car space. Sections 5.4.5, 5.4.6 and 5.4.7, respectively, of the AASP allow the Director to approve a ARC2 - 9 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 10 reduction in the required number of parking spaces when a project incorporates the following features: • Development within one-quarter mile of a regularly scheduled transit stop (10% reduction); • Development that incorporates showers and changing rooms in addition to the secured sheltered bicycle parking facilities already required by City code (5%). • Development of parking areas that increase storm water infiltration (5%). The project incorporates all of these features; accordingly, on August 1, 2014 the Director granted a 20% parking reduction as part of AUP 121-12. In addition, Section 17.16.060 (G.) of the City’s Zoning Ordinance allows projects that provide five more motorcycle and/or five more bicycle spaces than required by Code to reduce the required car spaces at the rate of one car space for each five motorcycle and/or bicycle spaces, up to a 10% total reduction. The plans show five additional secure bike parking spaces and five additional motorcycle spaces than required by code. Therefore, this reduces the required parking for automobiles from 49 to 47 spaces. Table 1 provides a summary of the number of required parking spaces for cars, bicycles and motorcycles. Table 1 -- Parking Summary Use Square Feet (Total for All Phases) Parking Standard Total Required Total Provided Office 17,332 1:500 35 -- Warehousing/Storage 40,257 1:1,500 27 Mechanical/Electrical Equipment and Other Areas 19,781 N/A 01 Total: 77,370 -- 62 20% Reduction Allowed By Incorporating Elements Recommended By the AASP 62 X .80 = 49 -- Bicycles 15% of Total Required Auto Spaces 49 X .15 = 7 121 Motorcycles 1 per 20 Auto Spaces 49 / 20 = 2 71 2 space reduction for 5 additional bike spaces and 5 additional motorcycle spaces 49 X 0.9 = 47 Auto Spaces 47 Auto Spaces 1. By providing five more bicycle and/or motorcycle spaces than required by Code, the total number of car spaces may be reduced be one automobile space, up to a 10% reduction. 2. Approved By AUP 121-12. ARC2 - 10 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 11 As shown in Table 1, project plans show the provision of parking for 47 cars (including three accessible spaces and three preferred parking for low emitting or fuel efficient vehicles), 12 bicycle spaces, and 7 motorcycle spaces. All parking and access features will be constructed in the first phase of development. Parking Design and Location Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards Goal 5.4 seeks to ensure that new development provides safe and efficient vehicular parking areas that are designed to be in scale with, and visually subordinate to, the development and landscape setting. Guidelines for parking design recommend dividing the parking areas into multiple smaller lots, the use of pervious surfaces to reduce runoff and heat buildup, and a robust use of landscaping to provide screening and visual relief from the expanse of paving. Standards for goal 5.4 require parking to be located at the rear or side of buildings, with the use of shade trees to shade at 50% of the lot surface within ten years. Staff Analysis Parking is provided in two double loaded bays between the building entrance and the future cul- de-sac (Attachment 2, Sheet AC1.0). Although the design of the parking area is consistent with City standards, the location of the parking bays is not in strict compliance with Standard 5.4.1 which requires parking to be placed at the rear or side of buildings. As discussed above under Section 3.1, both parking bays will be set back a considerable distance from the street (a minimum of 70 feet). Both bays will be screened from the street by landscaping and topography and will be oriented at an angle to the street which will reduce their apparent visibility. Given that the main access will be provided from the end of a cul-de-sac located at least 70 feet to the south west, the goals and standards of the AASP aimed at minimizing the prominence and visibility of required parking areas is being achieved. With regard to shading and screening, the parking areas incorporate ample landscape areas with trees for shade, shrubs for screening and groundcover. Standard 5.4.4 states that “Parking lots shall be planted with shade trees in a pattern and number that can reasonably be expected to shade at least 50% of the lot surface within ten (10) years of planting, providing a nearly continuous canopy at maturity”. The landscape plans show two types of shade trees in the parking areas: • Sunburst common honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos inermis). The plans show 24 inch box specimens in the planters that extend into the parking lot. These trees provide a considerable canopy at full growth (40 feet), they grow rapidly and are well suited as shade trees in an urban environment. • Chinese pistach (Pistacia chinensis). The plans show 24 inch box trees provided along the perimeter of the parking lot. These trees also grow fairly tall (up to 30 - 60 feet) and are another good shade tree. They grow at a moderate pace and their autumn foliage ARC2 - 11 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 12 provides a spectacular display. Together, this combination of trees should provide ample shade within the time frame prescribed by Standard 5.4.4. 3.4 Bicycle Path Project plans show the extension of a bicycle path southward from the Damon Garcia Sports Complex along the east side of the project site generally parallel with Acacia Creek (see Figure 2 below). The proposed bicycle path has been located to connect with the existing path to the north, and to provide separation between the path and the commercial use. Figure 2. Bicycle Path Chapter 17.16.025 (E)(2)(b.) of the Zoning Ordinance (Creek Setbacks) requires a 35-foot setback from Acacia Creek for new development including bike paths. However, an approximately 300 foot section of the bike path would be within 15 feet of the top of bank and well within the 35 foot setback area. Discretionary exceptions to the required setback are ARC2 - 12 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 13 allowed for pedestrian and bicycle paths when certain findings can be made that the bike path location will minimize impacts to scenic resources, water quality and riparian habitat while allowing reasonable use of the site. In this case, the project site consists of an irregularly-shaped parcel; the developable portion lies between a bedrock/quarry area on the west and Acacia Creek on the east. According to the biological assessment prepared for the project site, the area where the bike path is proposed has been disturbed by past activities and retains little riparian or other biological resources. In addition, the setback is generally met along the remainder of the path alignment. Given the constraints associated with the site, the Director approved a reduced setback for a portion of the bike path as part of AUP 121-12. Condition No. 22 includes guidance on the construction of the bicycle path. The path would be developed along the creek and then terminate at two possible points adjacent to the primary access driveway. From its termination point, the bicycle path would be extended in the future by others to connect to a continuation of bike path improvements in the area. 3.5 Building Design Architectural Character, Scale and Massing Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards The AASP does not recommend a particular architectural style or character. Rather, the plan favors building design that emphasizes function, variety and quality while maintaining a connection to the area’s rural agricultural heritage. Goal 5.9 of the AASP encourages buildings whose architectural character will contribute to the establishment of the Airport Area as an attractive, high quality business center. To that end, guidelines for Goal 5.9 recommend simple building forms responsive to the context of the airport area and the City as a whole. Sustainable building practices are encouraged. Building scale and massing that adds visual interest, maintains human scale and expresses visual function are also encouraged (Goal 5.10). To achieve this goal, standards 5.10.1 and 5.10.2 require building facades visible from a street to contain elements to break up the expanse of long walls Standard 5.10.1 of the AASP states that “Building facades visible from streets shall vary in modules of 20 meters (66 feet) or less. On any building façade, continuous wall planes longer than 30 meters (100 feet) should be avoided. Where interior functions require longer continuous spaces, exterior walls should have architectural features such as columns or pilasters at least every 20 meters. Such architectural features shall have a depth of at least 3 percent of the length of the façade, and shall extend at least 20 percent of the length of the façade.” ARC2 - 13 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 14 The buildings will be constructed in three phases with the main entrance/lobby, offices and the first data storage building in the first phase and the remaining storage buildings in later phases as demand dictates (Attachment 2, Sheet AC1.0). The project will be minimally visible from off site because of screening afforded by the topography of surrounding properties, the existing vegetation along Acacia Creek, and the distance from the project site to the nearest street. The buildings will be 750 feet north of Tank Farm Road and about 120 feet from the future cul-de- sac extended from Santa Fe Road. Landscaping and grading associated with the project (discussed below) will further reduce the visibility of the project from off site. Plans show a two-story entrance lobby at the southwest corner facing the parking area. The entrance lobby will be recessed from the office building and the first storage building to create an entry plaza which will include paving and extensive landscaping. The entrance plaza will provide an inviting transition between the parking lot and the building entrance. Exterior materials will consist of a metal seam wall panel system and a flat metal seam roof. The entrance will be located at the southwest corner and will be covered by a metal trellis. Vertical and horizontal joints in the metal wall system provide visual relief from the expanse of wall; the entry contains no additional windows or other openings. The office building will be attached to the east side of the entrance lobby and will wrap around the southeast corner of the first storage building. The two-story structure will be constructed of concrete tilt-up panels with a fluted finish. The ground floor of the south elevation will contain anodized aluminum window systems spaced evenly across the building face; the vertical seams of the concrete tilt-up walls help divide the space visually into individual bays with the window systems spaced evenly between the seams. A continuous row of windows will extend across the upper portion of the building above the concrete panels. Metal seam panels will extend across the exterior of the wall above the second story windows. Figure 3. South Elevation Figure 4. East Elevation ARC2 - 14 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 15 The office building will be constructed with a “sawtooth” roof, similar to a clerestory but without windows. The two pitched segments will have corrugated metal siding to match the entrance lobby and will be designed to accommodate the future installation of photo-voltaic solar panels. The facade wraps around the east elevation of the building; the rear third of the building will have a flat roof and two sets of vertical windows on each floor. The warehouse/data storage buildings will consist of two-story concrete tilt-up panels painted a muted olive color (see colors and materials, discussed below). Perforated metal screening panels will be mounted on the upper third of each wall and extend vertically above the roof line around the entire building. The perforated panels are designed to screen the roof-mounted cooling towers while allowing sufficient airflow to remove the heat from the building. The panels will be interrupted by open slots and configured in an irregular pattern to provide variety and visual interest. On the west elevation, the three exit stair wells will extend out from each building face about 10 feet; each will have an exterior finish of concrete fluted rib panels matching the exterior of the lobby/main entrance. Staff Analysis The guidelines and standards of the AASP anticipate the design challenges presented by buildings associated with business park development and are aimed at striking a balance between functionality and aesthetic quality. This project is designed for a specific type of use that requires a spacious floor plan which in turn requires tall and lengthy walls. Although the project will be minimally visible from a public street, the building incorporates design elements for the office and warehouse/storage buildings that are consistent with standard 5.10.1. The wall planes of the south and east elevations of the office building are divided into modules of about 30 feet by the vertical seams of the fluted rib concrete panels and by the rhythm of windows which help break up the expanse. The exterior walls of the warehouse/data storage buildings are divided into modules about 20 feet apart by the vertical seams in the tilt up wall panels. The long expanse will be further broken up by the perforated metal screening elements that extend above the roof line and down the sides of the building. The stair well exits along the west elevation the will extend 10 feet out from the building face and will help break up the expanse of walls; the exterior of the stair wells will have the same concrete fluted rib finish as the office building. Figure 5. West Elevation ARC2 - 15 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 16 The east elevation will be partly visible above the masonry wall that encloses to outdoor storage area; the perforated metal panels will be placed along the entire perimeter of the buildings and will be visible above the 12 foot masonry screen wall that will enclose the storage area. Foundation planting and trees will be provided on the north side of the building visible from the adjacent Sports Complex. Taken collectively, these features will help break down the mass of the buildings when viewed from surrounding properties and streets. Architectural Detailing Relevant Goals, Guidelines and Standards Goal 5.12 of the AASP favors building design that incorporates “Architectural detailing that gives buildings human scale, visual interest and distinctiveness through the use of high quality finishes and materials that are harmoniously combined to unify individual buildings and to ensure a consistent level of design quality.” Goal 5.14 emphasizes the use of unifying elements: “A unified identity through use of a harmonious, but varied, palette of materials and colors that are coordinated with landscape elements and signage.” Staff Analysis The colors and materials submitted with the project will complement the building design while providing visual interest and texture. The color palette consists of muted earth tones and a warm red for the entrance lobby. The choice of colors and materials will help unify the different building elements in the following ways: • The exterior color applied to the lobby/entrance area will be repeated on the sides of the “sawtooth” roof elements of the office building as well as the metal gates and roll up doors on the west elevation. • The fluted rib concrete exterior panels applied to the first floor of the main office building will also be applied to the exterior of the stair well exits along the west elevation. Perforated metal screening panels will be applied around the entire roof line of the warehouse buildings. The second story window system for the office building will wrap around the entire south and east elevations. • All of the warehouse building walls will be painted with a muted olive color. Overall, the building design, colors and materials will result in an attractive project consistent with the goals and standards of the AASP and Community Design guidelines. 3.6 Landscaping The landscaping plan (Attachment 2, Sheet L1 of the project plans) shows extensive planting throughout the site. The parking and driveway areas contain plants with a variety of height and ARC2 - 16 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 17 massing to provide screening and texture. Planters are located to frame the entry plaza and to screen the secure bike parking lockers. The trees chosen for the parking area will provide a suitable and attractive shade canopy (discussed above under Parking). Native plants are provided throughout the site, including coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), toyon (Heteromeles arbutifolia) and manzanita (Arctostaphylos). A substantial number of native oaks are provided at the project entrance and between the buildings and the parking areas. Foundation plantings are provided around the base of the buildings to soften the transition from the hardscape. A grass/wildflower mix is shown extending up the slope of the old quarry on the west side of the site. Staff Analysis The landscaping plan appears well conceived for the site and consistent with the goals, guidelines and standards of the AASP. Foundation planting provided around the base of the buildings will help integrate the buildings with the site and soften the transition between the paved areas and the buildings. Trees are located and sized to help reduce the mass and scale of the buildings and to help screen elements of the project, such as the emergency water tanks. The plant palette employs a significant percentage of native varieties that are drought tolerant and attractive. As discussed in the project description, the project incorporates low impact design for runoff which includes a “bio swale” along the east side of the project site between the access drive and Acacia Creek. The combination of vegetation and soil in the swale will treat the surface runoff by filtering out contaminants being conveyed in the water. Accordingly, the hydroseed mix shown in the bio swale was chosen in part for its capacity to protect water quality. In addition, the trees chosen for the bio swale (London plane tree, river she oak, will help reinforce the riparian character along the creek. One minor concern is the area between the outdoor lunch space and the parking area on the south side of the building. Standards of the AASP require that these areas be screened from adjoining parking areas. In this case, additional screening could be provided by adding a low screen wall or additional dense planting (or both). Table 5.5 of the AASP provides design standards for landscaped area in the Business Park zone. The project satisfies all of the relevant standards. Landscaping extends continuously throughout the site. The outdoor storage area is located adjacent to the buildings and the enclosure (a concrete masonry wall) extends from the adjacent building. Overall the landscaping should complement and significantly enhance the project site and the setting. ARC2 - 17 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 18 3.7 Signs The Sign Regulations do not list specific standards for the Business Park zone, but the standards for the C-S zone have been determined to be the most appropriate to apply to BP development projects. C-S zone standards allow for two signs and a total of 200 square feet per tenant space. The City’s sign regulations limit monument signs to a single sign per premises, per street frontage with a maximum area of 24 square feet and a maximum height of 6 feet. Project plans include a sign program consisting of a single monument sign located in the landscape planter facing the future entrance from Santa Fe Road, and two, 1.5 square foot address signs located along the temporary entrance from Tank Farm Road (Attachment 2, Sheet A9.3 of the project plans). The monument sign accommodates the names of the two tenants (Digital West and a future tenant of the 8,000 square foot lease space) as well as the project address. The sign has a total area of 24 square feet and a height of 4.5 feet which are within the standards for monument signs. No signs are shown on the buildings. The monument sign will either be an aluminum cabinet with a painted and brushed aluminum exterior, or a poured in place concrete monument. The sign will be labeled with acrylic letters and numbers and externally illuminated. The design and materials of the monument sign will complement the colors and materials used for the buildings. The signs are consistent with goal 5.18 of the AASP which aims for “A consistent, high quality system of signs that allows for creativity in design and commercial identification, while avoiding extremes of size, number, color, height, and shape.” ARC2 - 18 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 19 3.8 Other Site Improvements: a. Lighting: The plans show exterior lighting throughout the project site (See Sheets 1 and 2 of the project plans). All lighting will be energy efficient LED fixtures. Parking areas will be illuminated by 20 foot tall, pole mounted LED luminaires that are designed to produce uniform light coverage over a large area. The luminaires are hooded to minimize offsite glare. Walkways will have 42” tall cast aluminum light bollards. Wall lighting will include a variety of decorative luminaires for safety and security. The lighting fixtures should complement the colors and materials of the project while ensuring adequate lighting for safety and security, consistent with Goal 5.19 of the AASP which calls for “A low level of ambient lighting that protects the rural ambience, while being consistent with public safety needs.” b. Trash Enclosure: The trash enclosure will be located along the perimeter drive at the southeast corner of the main office building outside the enclosed outdoor storage area. The enclosure will be constructed of concrete masonry unit blocks with a plaster finish painted to match the warehouse/storage buildings. The enclosure provides adequate screening while complementing the colors and materials used on the buildings, consistent with Goal 5.6 of the AASP: “All loading, service, storage areas, trash and recycling collection areas, and all utilities are properly screened from view of streets, primary entry drives, buildings, and recreation and open space areas.” c. Drainage: The project is subject to the City’s Storm Water Management Program, which was required under the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Phase II Storm Water Regulations. Under the City Program, Best Management Practices (BMPs) and Pollution Prevention Methods (PPMs) are required to be incorporated into grading and construction plans to protect water quality by minimizing or controlling the amount of pollutants and runoff exiting the site, and by eliminating the use of polluting materials and/or avoiding exposure of potential pollutants to rainwater and other runoff. As discussed previously, Low Impact Development (LID) storm drainage features will be incorporated into the project, including a series of bio-pond, bio-swale, and sub-surface perforated trench drains, which will flow laterally to Acacia Creek. In addition to LID features, the project includes BMPs consistent with Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board regulations (effective March 2014). Overall the project complies with Goal 5.20 of the AASP which encourages the use of drainage systems that employ Best Management Practices, consistent with City-wide drainage standards, and are designed to be an integral part of the natural landscape. d. Grading: The project would result in the disturbance of 481,747 sf (11.06 acres) including 31,540 cubic yards (cy) of cut and 29,901 cy of fill. Grading estimates include site preparation for all development including access and utilities. Approximately ARC2 - 19 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 20 177,132 sf (4.06 acres) and 23,930 cy of fill would be stockpiled and/or used as engineered fill on the adjacent parcel to the south. The material would be graded and hydroseeded to mimic natural conditions. 4.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The applicants have provided a number of detailed technical studies in support of the application to address potential environmental impacts associated with cultural resources, noise, air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, a health risk assessment relating to diesel particulate matter, the potential for the presence of naturally occurring asbestos, water quality, biology and geology. The findings and recommendations of these studies were used to inform the design of the project. Following peer review, these studies were also incorporated into a mitigated negative declaration (MND) which was adopted for this project on August 1, 2014 with AUP 121-12. The MND identifies potentially significant impacts relating to air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, hazards and hazardous materials, and transportation and traffic and recommends mitigation measures to reduce these impacts to a less than significant level. The Adopted MND is available for review by a link on the website attached to the 8-18-14 ARC agenda. The AASP identifies future circulation improvements in the area, including the extensions of Prado Road, Buckley Road, and Santa Fe Road and the widening of Tank Farm Road. The project accommodates the future extension of Santa Fe Road north of Tank Farm Road, and does not include any features that would conflict with road widening along Tank Farm Road. The MND incorporates the recommendations of City staff and includes mitigation measures to address project impacts to surrounding streets and intersections. 5.0 PUBLIC COMMENT The City has received no oral or written public communications on this project to date. 6.0 OTHER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The recommendations of other City departments have been incorporated into this report as well as the findings and conditions. 7.0 ALTERNATIVES 7.1. Continue the project with direction to the applicant and staff on pertinent issues. 7.2. Deny the project based on findings of inconsistency with the Airport Area Specific Plan and/or the Community Design Guidelines. ARC2 - 20 File #ARC 121-12; 600 Tank Farm Road, Digital West, August 18, 2014 Page 21 8.0 ATTACHMENTS Attachment 1 – Draft Resolution Attachment 2 – Vicinity Maps & Project Plans Attachment 3 – Relevant Sections of the AASP Attachment 4 – Administrative Use Permit A 121-12/MND approval letter ARC2 - 21 RESOLUTION NO. ####-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION GRANTING FINAL DESIGN APPROVAL TO THE DIGITAL WEST PROJECT CONSISTING OF A 77,370 SQUARE-FOOT HEADQUARTERS FOR A DIGITAL STORAGE BUSINESS INCLUDING 8,000 SQUARE FEET OF TENANT LEASE SPACE FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 600 TANK FARM ROAD (ARC 121-12) WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a public hearing in the Council Hearing Room of City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on August 18, 2014, for final review of Planning Application ARC 121-12 consisting of office space and warehousing/storage space, surface parking and landscaping for Digital West, Inc.; and WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was made at the time and in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and evaluation and recommendations by staff at said hearings. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. 1. As conditioned, the project’s design is appropriate and will be compatible with surrounding development. 2. The proposed use conforms to the General Plan, Airport Area Specific Plan, and meets Zoning Regulations requirements with the approval of Administrative Use Permit A 121-12. 3. The project design maintains consistency with the City’s Community Design Guidelines and Chapter 5, Community Design, of the Airport Area Specific Plan with buildings whose architectural character will contribute to the establishment of the Airport Area as an attractive, high quality business center. 4. A Mitigated Negative Declaration incorporating a mitigation monitoring and reporting program has been prepared and adopted for the project in accordance with Section 15071 of the CEQA Guidelines. Based on the evidence provided in the Mitigated Negative Declaration, the Architectural Review concludes that adverse impacts are mitigated to the maximum extent feasible. Consequently, no additional environmental review is required. Attachment 1 ARC2 - 22 Resolution No. ##### Page 2 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 SECTION 2. Action. The Architectural Review Commission hereby grants final approval to the Digital West project (ARC 121-12), with incorporation of the following conditions: Conditions: 1. The project is subject to all of the pertinent conditions, code requirements and mitigation measures approved through Administrative Use Permit A 121-12 and the adopted Mitigated Negative Declaration ER 121-12. 2. Final project design and construction drawings shall be in substantial compliance with the project plans as amended and approved by the ARC. A separate, full-size sheet shall be included in working drawings submitted for a building permit that lists all conditions and mitigation measures of project approval (both ARC and Administrative Use Permit A 121- 12) as Sheet No. 2. Reference should be made in the margin of listed items as to where in plans requirements are addressed. Any change to approved design, colors, materials, landscaping, or other conditions of approval must be approved by the Director or Architectural Review Commission, as deemed appropriate. 3. The color board for the project buildings presented at the meeting was supported by the Architectural Review Commission. Any modifications to the approved palette shall be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of a building permit. Building colors shall be shown on the building elevations approved as part of working drawings. 4. All stucco and plastered surfaces shall have a smooth hand-finished appearance to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and not be a sprayed-on type of application. A sample of the finish shall be submitted prior to issuance of a building permit. 5. Plans shall clearly show the details of all windows and storefronts to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director. 6. Project signage shall coordinate with building architecture as conceptually depicted in submitted project plans. No individual channel letters with plex faces or metal cabinet signs are allowed. A separate sign permit is required for project signs prior to installation. The Director may refer signage to the ARC if it seems excessive or out of character with the project. 7. Parking lot poles and fixtures shall be shown on building permit plans and not exceed 21 feet in height measured from the parking lot surface to the bottom of the fixture. The selected fixture(s) shall be shielded to insure that light is directed downward consistent with the requirements of the City’s Night Sky Preservation standards contained in Chapter 17.23 of the Zoning Regulations. Cut-sheets of fixture details shall be submitted with working drawings to confirm compliance with City standards. 8. The locations of all wall-mounted lighting fixtures shall be clearly called out on building elevations included as part of working drawings. All wall-mounted lighting shall Attachment 1 ARC2 - 23 Resolution No. ##### Page 3 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 complement building architecture. The lighting schedule for the building shall include a graphic representation of the proposed lighting fixtures, and cut-sheets shall be separately submitted for the project file of the proposed lighting fixtures. The selected fixture(s) shall be shielded to insure that light is directed downward consistent with the requirements of the City’s Night Sky Preservation standards contained in Chapter 17.23 of the Zoning Regulations. Details of all exterior light fixtures, including any service area lights, need to be included as part of plans. A note shall be included on plans that “Lenses of exterior wall-mounted lights may be modified or shielding devices added after installation if the Community Development Director determines that they emit excessive glare.” 9. Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be located internally to the building. With submittal of working drawings, the applicant shall include sectional views of the building, which clearly show the sizes of proposed mechanical equipment to be placed on the roof to confirm that parapets and other roof features will adequately screen them. A line-of-sight diagram shall be included to confirm that proposed screening will be adequate. This condition applies to initial construction and later improvements. 10. Final design details for the proposed trash and recycling enclosures shall be included in working drawings for a building permit and shall be to the review and approval of the Community Development and Utilities Departments. The ultimate design shall be consistent with the Solid Waste Guidelines and coordinate with the exterior design of the buildings. 11. A final landscaping plan, including irrigation details and plans, shall be submitted to the Community Development Department along with working drawings. The legend for the landscaping plan shall include the sizes and species of all groundcovers, shrubs, and trees with corresponding symbols for each plant material showing their specific locations on plans. 12. The location of any required backflow preventer and double-check assembly shall be shown on all site plans submitted for a building permit, including the landscaping plan. Construction plans shall also include a scaled diagram of the equipment proposed. Where possible, as determined by the Utilities Director, equipment shall be located inside the building within 20 feet of the front property line. Where this is not possible, as determined by the Utilities Director, the back flow preventer and double-check assembly shall be located in the street yard and screened using a combination of paint color, landscaping and, if deemed appropriate by the Community Development Director, a low wall. The size and configuration of such equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the Utilities and Community Development Directors. 13. The applicant shall provide for the professional, perpetual maintenance of all common area including private driveways, drainage, parking lot areas, walls and fences, lighting, and landscaping in a first class condition. 14. The overall site shall be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. All plant materials shall be maintained and replaced as necessary. Attachment 1 ARC2 - 24 Resolution No. ##### Page 4 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 15. With plans submitted for a building permit, provide fire-resistance rating for exterior walls requirements based on CBC Table 602 and maximum area of openings based on Fire Separation Distance of Parking Structure to Property Line in conformance with Table 705.8. 16. If the applicant opts to include public art in the project, the specific art proposals for the project shall return to the ARC for review at a later date once developed by artists and approved by an art jury as overseen by the SLO Arts Council. Fire 17. Access shall be in accordance with Chapter 5 and Appendix D of the California Fire Code (CFC). All access roads shall be posted “NO PARKING-FIRE LANE”. The “temporary” gravel access road shall be engineered to support 60,000 lbs. in all weather. Provide a monument sign on Tank Farm with the Address numbers clearly visible on each side. 18. The three on-site fire hydrants shall be capable of delivering a needed fire flow of at least 3625 gallons per minute. 19. Rooms or areas containing controls for air-handling systems, automatic fire-protection systems, or other diction, suppression or control elements shall be identified for use by the fire department and shall be located in the same area. A sign shall be provided on the door to the room or area stating “Fire Sprinkler Riser” and “Fire Alarm Control Panel”. Fire sprinkler risers shall be located in a room with exterior door access. Show Riser room on floor plans. 20. Fire protection systems shall be installed in accordance with the CFC and the California Building Code. An approved NFPA 13 system will be required for this project. Shop Drawings and Specifications shall be submitted for review and approval prior to installation. Fire main and all associated control valves shall be installed per NFPA 24 Standards and City Engineering standards. The C-900 plastic underground fire main pipe shall have a minimum pressure class of 200, not 150. Transportation 21. Long and short-term bicycle parking shall be provided on-site in accordance with Table 6.5 of the Zoning Regulations. Bicycle parking shall be installed at highly visible locations that are as close to the main entrance of the destination as possible and located at least as conveniently as the most convenient automobile parking space. Dimensioned locations and details of the short and long-term bicycle parking shall be provided on the project’s construction plans including rack design, location, clearances and circulation for users in compliance with manufacturers’ standards. A minimum four foot wide path of travel shall be provided to all bicycle parking spaces. 22. The project shall construct an extension of the bicycle path from Damon Garcia Sports Field and follow along the easterly property line to the project’s southern property boundary. The Attachment 1 ARC2 - 25 Resolution No. ##### Page 5 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 portion of the onsite bicycle path will dead-end with a turnaround at two possible locations, option A near the existing driveway entrance or option B near parking space 33. The bicycle path will be located in a manner to not interfere with the drainage basins configuration and capacity as proposed. The turnaround will be placed in a location suitable for the future bicycle path connection from the adjacent property owner(s). The path and any easements shall be completed prior to final inspection approvals unless otherwise approved for deferral by the City. If deferred, the applicant shall submit a surety to complete bicycle path construction in a format approved by the City. 23. The bicycle path shall be constructed per City Engineering Standards and recommendations from the soils engineer. The final plans shall include all pertinent signing, striping, and access controls. The path width and lighting shall be in accordance with the approved bike plan and City Engineering Standards unless alternate details are specifically approved. 24. Traffic impact fees shall be paid for this development prior to building permit issuance. Credit for removal of the existing buildings will be applied based on the use and/or areas of the existing development. Public Works 25. The architectural site plan, grading/drainage plan, and final landscape plans shall agree. Any final direction from the ARC shall be incorporated into the respective plan sheets. 26. A separate grading and utility permit shall be processed through the Building Division for the proposed improvements located within the easement across the Safreno property to the south (APN 053-421-006). 27. The building plan submittal shall clarify how the unimproved temporary access road or other gravel areas will be maintained and how the migration of materials will be permanently controlled for water quality, dust control, and transmittal to private access ways, accessible paths, and/or the public right-of-way. Show and note all permanent BMP’s on the plans and include in the project Operations and Maintenance Manual. 28. The owner shall process a covenant agreement to design and construct improvements required to connect the parking lot/drive aisle to the proposed new public “Road A” connection/cul-de-sac from the northerly extension of Santa Fe as shown on the tentative plans for the Chevron development project. The required “Covenant to Install Improvements” agreement shall be in a format approved by the City of San Luis Obispo and shall be recorded prior to building permit issuance. 29. The owner shall process any necessary building plans and/or public improvement plans and any corresponding permits to complete the work required to make the connection to the future public street/cul-de-sac. 30. The required temporary or permanent public improvements along Tank Farm Road for street and/or utility improvements shall be approved prior to building permit issuance. A separate Attachment 1 ARC2 - 26 Resolution No. ##### Page 6 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 improvement plan review and inspection fee may be required based on the fee resolution in effect at the time of improvement plan submittal. Record drawings shall be provided at the completion of the project. Temporary improvements may need to be removed at the completion of the project or in the future. A separate agreement and restoration surety may be required to restore the public right-of-way. 31. The building plan submittal shall include a final drainage report and final plan details. The plan and report shall clarify the proposed water quantity and water quality improvements related to this project. The report and plan shall show and note compliance with the Waterway Management Plan Drainage Design Manual, City Engineering Standard 1010.B, Tier 3 Interim Low-Impact Development Standards, the drainage provisions in Section 5 of the AASP, and compliance with the Post Construction Stormwater Regulations as promulgated by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Additional passive drainage systems such as porous paving, vegetated swales and flush curbs/landscape depressions should be used where practical in-lieu of conventional collection and hard piped drainage improvements. 32. The building plan submittal and final drainage report shall show and note compliance with the Floodplain Management Regulations. An elevation certificate or Letter of Map Change will be required at the completion of construction. It is recommended that the owner process a Letter of Map Revision to remove the structure or a portion of the site (to cover all construction phases) to eliminate the need for flood insurance in the future. 33. The final details of the proposed basin/infiltrator shall include the review and recommendations from the project soils engineer. The final design shall incorporate recommendations from the engineer of record regarding sizing, access, maintenance, and cleaning. An O & M manual shall be provided in conjunction with the final approval of the system. A Private Stormwater Conveyance Agreement shall be recorded in a format provided by the City prior to final inspection approvals. 34. EPA Requirement: General Construction Activity Storm Water Permits are required for all storm water discharges associated with a construction activity where clearing, grading or excavations result in land disturbance of one or more acres. Storm water discharges of less than one acre, but which is part of a larger common plan of development or sale, also requires a permit. Permits are required until the construction is complete. To be covered by a General Construction Activity Permit, the owner(s) of land where construction activity occurs must submit a completed "Notice of Intent" (NOI) form, with the appropriate fee, to the State Regional Water Quality Control Board. An application is required to the State Board under their recently adopted Stormwater Multi-Application, Reporting, and Tracking System (SMARTS). 35. The building plan submittal shall include a copy of the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for reference. The building plan submittal shall include a complete erosion control plan in accordance with the SWPPP, Section 10 of the Waterway Management Plan, and City Engineering Standards. Attachment 1 ARC2 - 27 Resolution No. ##### Page 7 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 36. Include reference to the WDID number on the grading and erosion control plans for reference. 37. The final parking lot plans shall show and note compliance with the parking and driveway standards. The plan shall include all signing, striping, and directional signs in accordance with the Standards and to the satisfaction of the City. 38. The building plan submittal shall include any pertinent exhibits and/or record information from the project architect or engineer of record to document the accessible path-of-travel from the public right-of-way. A separate public improvement plan submittal shall be provided to show the scope of work within the City owned Damon Garcia Sports field complex. A separate permit will be required along with the appropriate liability insurance. Any work within the city owned parcel where the ownership and maintenance responsibility will rest with the City of San Luis Obispo will be required to be constructed at prevailing wage unless otherwise waived by the City Engineer and City Attorney. 39. The architect of record or contractor shall provide a specific schedule and construction staging plan for any proposed construction or construction staging within the park to the approval of the City of San Luis Obispo. 40. All required common driveway access, and utility easements and/or agreements shall be recorded prior to building permit issuance. Utilities 41. As the project proposes to use well water for cooling, the project shall be permitted under the City’s Industrial Waste/Pre Treatment program. Applicant shall coordinate with the City’s Environmental Programs Manager Aaron Floyd to determine the classification during the Building Permit review process. Lab analysis on s constituents (TPH, etc.) of the proposed well water usage shall be provided as part of this permit process. 42. As the project proposes to use well water for cooling, a well meter shall be included consistent with City standards. 43. The building permit submittal shall delineate the location of the property’s existing and proposed water meter(s), water services, and sewer laterals to the points of connection at the City water and sewer mains. 44. The project site is within the City’s Water Reuse Master Plan area, however the City’s recycled water distribution system may not be extended to the project’s Tank Farm Road frontage for a few years. Applicant shall design to the standards described in the City’s Procedures for Recycled Water Use so that recycled water may be used for irrigation of the site’s landscape when it is available in the future. Attachment 1 ARC2 - 28 Resolution No. ##### Page 8 600 Tank Farm Road, ARC 43-11 On motion by Commissioner ___________, seconded by Commissioner _____________, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: REFRAIN: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 18th day of August, 2014. _____________________________ Pam Ricci, Secretary Architectural Review Commission Attachment 1 ARC2 - 29 MAIN BUILDING + AUXILIARY STRUCTURES77,983SQ. FT.FOOTPRINT OF BUILDING + AUXILIARY STRUCTURES45,738SQ. FT.FLOOR AREA RATIO77,983SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=34%BUILT STRUCTURES LOT COVERAGE45,738SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=20%HARDSCAPE COVERAGE-pavement and sidewalk (includg bike path, chiller and cable yards)65,776SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=29%HARDSCAPE COVERAGE-pervious10,890SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=5%MAX. COVERAGE BY BUILDINGS AND HARDSCAPE111,514SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=48% (80% MAX.)LANDSCAPE COVERAGE76,666SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=33%UNDISTURBED AREA30,492SQ. FT./229,997SQ. FT.=13%EMPLOYEE AND CUSTOMER CONCENTRATIONS (AVIATION SAFTEY AREA, TABLE 4.6, S-1c)EMPLOYEES: MAXIMUM 120/ACRE ALLOWED OR 634 ALLOWED PROJECT STATISTICS-COVERAGESFLOORFIRST SPACES- FLOORFIRST SQ FTGS FACTORLOAD OCCUP. OCCUPANTSFLOOR SECOND SPACES- FLOORSECOND SQ FTGS FACTORLOAD OCCUP. OCCUPANTSPHASE 1LOBBY7471007.47LOBBY2991002.99NOC5671005.67NOC7131007.13OFFICE-SHELL7,74510077.45OFFICE6,75210067.52COLO EQUIP7,15850014.32COLO EQUIP6,73650013.47R.R./STAIR/ELEV./FIRE786--STAIR693--MECH/ELECT.3,35230011.17ELECTRICAL2,0593006.86R.R./JAN./TELEPHONE1,0913003.64TOTALS20,355104.9118,34394.75SECOND FLOORS1-GRAND TOTALS-FIRST & 38,698SQ FT199.65OCCUPANTSPHASE 2COLO EQUIP.6,34550012.69COLO EQUIP.6,55950013.12BREAK ROOM2821002.82BREAK ROOM01000.00RESTROOM2271002.27RESTROOM01000.00STAIR77--STAIR262--ELECTRICAL3,43030011.43MECHANICAL2,1233007.08TOTALS10,36129.218,94420.192-GRAND TOTALS-FIRST & SECOND FLOORS19,305SQ FT49.41OCCUPANTSPHASE 3COLO EQUIP.6,87950013.76COLO EQUIP.6,58050013.16STAIR77--STAIR262--MECH/ELECT.3,43730011.46MECHANICAL2,1323007.11TOTALS10,39325.218,97420.273-GRAND TOTALS-FIRST & SECOND FLOORS19,367SQ FT45.48OCCUPANTSFIRST AND SECOND FLOOR-THREE PHASES COMBINEDAUXILIARY STRUCTURES/SPACESPH 1SHOP-1 STORY6133002CABLE YARD-PHASE 22,100--UTILITY YARD14,545----PROJECT STATISTICS-SQ. FTGS., OCCUPANCYPHASE 1FIRST FLOORAREA (SQFT)LOAD FACTORLOAD CALC.WATER CLOSETSURINALSLAVATORIESDRINKING FOUNTAINSMaleFemaleUnisexMaleMaleFemaleUnisexOFFICE-SHELL7,74520038.73TOTAL REQUIRED20M20W231110SECOND FLOOR OFFICE W/FIRST & SECOND FLR NOCAREA (SQFT)LOAD FACTORLOAD CALC.NOC1,2892006.45OFFICE6,75220033.76TOTAL20M 20W231111FIRST & SECOND FLR COLO EQUIP.AREA (SQFT)LOAD FACTORLOAD CALC.COLO EQUIP.13,8945,0003TOTAL*see noteTOTAL PROVIDED26146611*PER CPC 2010 412.3 EXCEPTION 2 - OCCUPANCY IS LESS THAN 10 THEREFORE PROVIDING 1 UNISEX RESTROOM ON 1ST FLR. THESE TOTALS MEET THE REQMTS OF PHASE 1. ACCESSIBILITY TO THIS RESTROOM DOES NOT EXCEED 1 VERTICAL STORY CPC 2010 412.2.1. PHASE 2FIRST & SECOND FLOOR AREA (SQFT)LOAD FACTORLOAD CALC.WATER CLOSETSURINALSLAVATORIESDRINKING FOUNTAINSMaleFemaleUnisexMaleMaleFemaleUnisexCOLO EQUIP.12,9045,0003TOTAL REQUIRED*see noteTOTAL PROVIDED22*PER CPC 2010 412.3 EXCEPTION 2 - OCCUPANCY IS LESS THAN 10, PROVIDING 2 UNISEX RESTROOMS ON 1ST FLR. THESE TOTALS MEET THE REQMTS OF PHASE 2 AND FUTURE PHASE 3. ACCESSIBILITY TO THIS RESTROOM DOES NOT EXCEED 1 VERTICAL STORY CPC 2010 412.2.1. THESE UNISEX RESTROOMS MEET THE PLUMBING REQIREMENTS FOR BOTH PHASE 2 AND 3PHASE 3FIRST & SECOND FLOORAREA (SQFT)LOAD FACTORLOAD CALC.WATER CLOSETSURINALSLAVATORIESDRINKING FOUNTAINSMaleFemaleUnisexMaleMaleFemaleUnisexCOLO EQUIP.13,4595,0003TOTAL REQUIRED*see noteTOTAL PROVIDED(SEE PH. 2 TOTALS)PLUMBING TOTALS INCLUDED IN PHASE 2 RESTROOMS (OCCUPANT LOAD=6 THEREFORE *see note)*PER CPC 2010 412.3 EXCEPTION 2 - OCCUPANCY LESS THAN 10 THEREFORE PROVIDING 2 UNISEX RESTROOMS ON 1ST FLOOR IN PHASE 2.NOTE: ALL RESTROOMS ARE ACCESSIBLE.GENERAL NOTESDATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALST1.0TITLE SHEETSYMBOL LEGENDSHEET NUMBERSECTION CUT REFERENCE INDICATES DIRECTION OF VIEWAA7.0EXIT SIGNREFER TO LIFE SAFETLY PLANS AND / OR'E' SHEETS FOR LOCATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS.AA7.0SHEET NUMBERINTERIOR ELEVATION REFERENCE NUMBERINDICATES DIRECTION OF VIEWEXITDOOR ID - REFER TO SHEET A3.0#WINDOW ID - REFER TO SHEET A3.1A17KEYNOTEPROJECT SITEsource: City of San Luis ObispoVICINITY MAPOffices and Data CenterDIGITAL WESTSHEET INDEXTOTAL: 34 SHEETSSITE SUMMARYPROJECT DATAARCHITECTSTUDIO2G ARCHITECTS, LLPARCHITECT: LAURA GOUGH, AIA355 PACIFIC STREET, SUITE A SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P:805.594.0771F:805.540.5137OWNER / CLIENTDIGITAL WESTCONTACT: TIM WILLIAMS3620 Sacramento Dr. Ste: 102SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P:805.781.9378PROJECT TEAMDEFERRED SUBMITTALSNOTE : SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS FOR DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OF RECORD WHO SHALL REVIEW THEM AND FORWARD THEM TO THE BUILDING OFFICIAL WITH A NOTATION INDICATING THAT THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN REVIEWED AND THAT THEY HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE IN GENERAL CONFORMANCE WITH THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. THE DEFERRED SUBMITTAL ITEMS SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED UNTIL THEIR DESIGN AND SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS HAVE BEEN APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL.ADDRESS: ZONE:APN:SITE SIZE:BUSINESS PARK-SP PART OF AIRPORT AREA SPECIFIC PLAN053-421-0025.28 ACRES (229,997 SQ FT)600 TANK FARM ROADSAN LUIS OBISPO CA 93401USE / OCCUPANCY:BAPPLICATION NUMBER:ARC/ER/U/ARCPA 43-11CONSTRUCTION TYPE:TYPE VB - SPRINKLEREDABBREVIATIONSN(N)NEWN.G.NATURAL GRADE N.I.C.NOT IN CONTRACTNTSNOT TO SCALEOO/BOARDO.C.ON CENTERO.D.OUTSIDE DIAMETEROPNG.OPENINGORIG.ORIGINALOZ.OUNCEPPERP.PERPENDICULARPL.PLATEP. LAM.PLASTIC LAMINATEPLY. WD.PLYWOODPR.PAIRPROJ.PROJECTP.S.F.POUNDS PER SQUARE FOOTP.S.I.POUNDS PER SQUARE INCHPVMT.PAVEMENTP.T.D.F.PRESSURE TREATED DOUG FIRQQT.QUARTQTY.QUANTITYRR.RISERRAD.RADIUSRD.ROADREF. REFRIGERATORREINF.REINFORMENTREQ.REQUIREDRM.ROOMR.O.ROUGH OPENINGR.T.S.REFER TO STRUCTURALSSCHED.SCHEDULES.C.SOLID CORESECT.SECTIONSHWR.SHOWERSHT.SHEETSIMM.SIMILARSPEC(S). SPECIFICATION(S)SQ.SQUARESQ. FT.SQUARE FEETS.S.STAINLESS STEELST.STREETSTD.STANDARDSTL.STEELSTOR.STORAGESTRUCT.STRUCTURESYM.SYMBOLTT.TREADT.O.CTOP OF CONCRETE/CURBTO.C.B.TOP OF CATCH BASINTEL.TELEPHONETEMO.TEMPERATURET>ONGUE AND GROOVETHK.THICKTOIL.TOILETT.O.P.TOP OF PAVEMENTT.O.S.TOP OF SLABT.O.W.TOP OF WALLTVTELEVISIONTYP.TYPICALUUNFIN.UNFINISHEDU.N.O.UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISEUR.URINALVV.VENTV.C.T.VINYL COMPOSITION TILEVENT.VENTILATE, VENTILATINGVERT.VERTICALV.T.R.VENT THRU ROOFWW.C.WATER CLOSETWD.WOODW.H.WATER HEATERW.I.WROUGHT IRONWOM.WOMENW.P.WATERPROOFINGWSCT.WAINSCOTW/WITHW/OWITHOUTACRONYMSA.N.S.I.AMERICAN NATIONALSTANDARDS INSTITUTEA.S.T.M.AMERICAN SOCIETY FORTESTING AND MATERIALSC.B.C.CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODEI.C.B.O.INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEOF BUILDING OFFICIALSN.F.P.A.NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTIONASSOCATIONO.S.H.P.D.OCCUPATIONAL SAFETYAND HEALTH ACTU.F.C.UNIFORM FIRE CODEW.I.C.WOODWORK INSTITUTEOF CALIFORNIAAA/CAIR CONDITIONINGA.F.F.ABOVE FINISH FLOORALT.ALTERNATEAMT.AMOUNTAPPROX.APPROXIMATEAVG.AVERAGEBBD.BOARDBTWN.BETWEENBLDG.BUILDINGBLK. / BLKG.BLOCK / BLOCKINGCC.F.M.CUBIC FEET PER MINUTECHG.CHANGEC.I.CAST IRONCLR.CLEAR/CLEARANCECLG.CEILINGCENTERLINEC.M.U.CONCRETE MASONRY UNITCOL.COLUMNCONC.CONCRETECONSTRCONSTRUCTIONC.O.T.G.CLEAN OUT TO GRADECTR.CENTERCU. FT.CUBIC FOOTCU. IN.CUBIC INCHCU. YD.CUBIC YARDDDBL.DOUBLEDEG.DEGREEDEPT.DEPARTMENTDIAG.DIAGONALDIA.DIAMETERDIM.DIMENSIONDIV.DIVISIOND.S.DOWNSPOUTDW.DUMBWAITER / DOWNSPOUTE(E)EXISTINGEA.EACHELEC.ELECTRICELEV.ELEVATION / ELEVATORENCL.ENCLOSUREEQ.EQUALEQUIP.EQUIPMENTEXIST.EXISTINGEXT.EXTERIORFF.DFLOOR DRAINF.GFINISH GRADEF.H.FIRE HYDRANTFIN.FINISHFLR.FLOORFLUOR.FLUORESCENTF.O.C.FACE OF CONCRETEF.O.F.FACE OF FINISHF.O.M.FACE OF MASONRYF.O.S.FACE OF STUDFS.FINISH SURFACEFT.FOOTFTG.FOOTINGGGA.GAUGEGAL.GALLONGALV.GALVANIZEDGYP.GYPSUMHH.B.HOSE BIBBHDR.HEADERHRDW.HARDWAREHORIZ.HORIZONTALHP.HORSE POWERHT.HEIGHTII.D.INSIDE DIAMETERIN.INCHINFO.INFORMATIONINSUL.INSULATIONINT.INTERIORJJAN.JANITORJCT.JUNCTIONJT.JOINTKKIT.KITCHENLLAV.LAVATORYLB,POUNDL.F.LINEAL FOOTLIN.LINEARLT.LIGHTLT.WT.LIGHT WEIGHTMMAX.MAXIMUMM.B.MACHINE BOLTM.C.MEDICINE CABINETMECH.MECHANICALMED.MEDIUMMEZZ,MEZZANINEMFR. / MFGR.MANUFACTURERMIN.MINIMUMMISC.MISCELLANEOUSMTL.METALAGENCIES AND UTILITIES - SAN LUIS OBISPOPHONE:AT&T: WWW.ATT.COMGAS: SOCALGAS877-238-0092WWW.SOCALGAS.COMEMERGENCY: 1-800-427-2200CABLE/COMMUNICATIONS:DIGITALWEST1-888-781-9378ELECTRICITY: PG & E406 HIGUERA STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805.546.5210EMERGENCY: 1-800-743-5000BUILDING INFORMATION805.781.7180PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT.805.781.7172CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPOCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT990 PALM STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401DEPT OF PUBLIC WORKS805.781.7210POLICE DEPARTMENT1042 WALNUT STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401805.781.7317FIRE DEPARTMENT2160 SANTA BARBARA STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401SEWER/WATER UTILITIES DEPT.879 MORRO STREETSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401WATER: 805.781.7133SEWER: 805.781.7220CIVIL ENGINEERWALLACE GROUPCONTACT: BRAD BRECHWALD612 CLARION COURTSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P: 805.544.4011PLANNERWALLACE GROUPCONTACT: JEREMY FREUND612 CLARION COURTSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P: 805.544.4011ELECTRICAL ENGINEERTHOMA ENGINEERINGCONTACT: JIMMY DEAN/GARRETT OTTO3562 EMPLEO SUITE E - POX BOX 1167SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93406P:805.543.3850MECHANICAL & PLUMBING ENGINEER3C ENGINEERINGCONTACT: KELLY ROBINSON, JASON HAENDLER, BRIAN STARRETT1065 HIGUERA STREET, SUITE 202SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P: 805.540.3363 LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTWALLACE GROUPCONTACT: ANN SEVER612 CLARION COURTSAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401P: 805.544.4011PROJECT DESCRIPTIONA NEW TWO -STORY DATA CENTER HOUSING COLOCATION EQUIPMENT, AUXILIARY SPACES AND OFFICE SPACES THE PROJECT WILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THREE PHASES: FIRST PHASE WILL CONSIST OF AN OFFICE ON THE SECOND FLOOR, A SHELL OFFICE ON THE FIRST FLOOR, COLOCATION EQUIPMENT ON THE FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR AND SUPPORTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS. SECOND PHASE WILL CONSIST OF COLOCATION EQUIPMENT ON THE FIRST AND SECOND FLOOR, SUPPORTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS AND A SMALL BREAKROOM AND RESTROOMS FOR CUSTOMERSTHIRD PHASE WILL CONSIST OF COLOCATION EQUIPMENT ON THE FIRST AND SECOND FLOORS, ALONG WITH SUPPORTING MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENTIN ADDITION TO THE DATA CENTER THERE WILL BE A 600 SQ.FT. SHOP FOR THE METRO FIBER DIVISION (AREA FOR MAINTENANCE, VEHICLE STORAGE AND SMALL OFFICE SPACE) AND A STORAGE YARD CONTAINING FIBER OPTIC CABLING. BOTH TO BE FIRST PHASE.TEMPORARY BUT PRIMARY ACCESS TO THE PROJECT SITE WILL BE BY AN EXISTING DRIVEWAY EASEMENT AND BRIDGE ( ALONG THE EAST SIDE OF PROPERTY) WITH THE INTENT THAT THE PERMANENT ACCESS WILL BE PROVIDED ONCE THE SANTA-FE EXTENSION IS CONSTRUCTED.SECONDARY ACCESS AND UTILITIES WILL BE PROVIDED THROUGH THE ADJACENT FRONT PARCEL BY AN EASEMENTALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH CURRENT COUNTY, CITY AND STATE WATER CONSERVATION REGULATIONSDUST AND EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO.ANY WORK LOCATED WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY OR WITHIN THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY UTILITIES AND PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE MOST CURRENT EDITION OF THE ENGINEERING STANDARDS AND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.CODES: ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO THE FOLLOWING CODES: 2010 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE (2009 IBC) 2010 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE (2008 NEC) 2010 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE (2009 UMC) 2010 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE (2009 UPC) 2010 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE 2010 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (2009 IFC) 2010 GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE STANDARDS IN THESE PLANS ARE COMPLETED ACCORDING TO THE CODES. OTHER CODES AND ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE AGENCIES HAVING JURISDICTION OVER THIS PROJECT SHALL BE META PAD CERTIFICATION IS REQUIRED: A SOIL OR CIVIL ENGINEER SHALL DETERMINE IF GRADING PERFORMED IS IN SUBSTANTIAL CONFORMANCE WITH APPROVED PLANS AND IS SUITABLE TO SUPPORT THE INTENDED STRUCTURE MAXIMUM BUILDING TYPE:45'0", NOT TO EXCEED 3 STORIESPARKING CALCULATIONSFLOORSPACES-FIRST FLOORFIRST SQ FTGS FLOORSECOND SPACES- FLOORSECOND SQ FTGS RATE (2)PARKING CALCPARKING REDUCTION20% (1) TOTALNEW PKG PHASE 1LOBBY747LOBBY2995002.09NOC567NOC7135002.56OFFICE-SHELL7,745OFFICE6,75250028.99COLO EQUIP7,158COLO EQUIP.6,7361,5009.26R.R./STAIR/ELEV./FIRE786STAIR693MECH./ELECT.3,352ELECTRICAL2,059RR/JAN./TELEPH.1,091TOTALS20,35518,34342.91-8.5834.33PHASE 2COLO EQUIPMENT6,345COLO EQUIP.6,5591,5008.60BREAK ROOM282BREAK ROOM05000.56RESTROOM227RESTROOM05000.45STAIR77STAIR262MECH./ELECT.3,430ELECTRICAL2,123TOTALS10,3618,9449.62-1.927.70PHASE 3COLO EQUIPMENT6,879COLO EQUIP.6,5801,5008.97STAIR77STAIR262MECH./ELECT.3,437ELECTRICAL2,132TOTALS10,3938,9748.97-1.797.18GRAND TOTALS41,10936,26149.2015% BICYCLE REQUIRED49.207.38LONG TERM:5.90ADD 5 MORE BICYCLE SPACES TO REDUCE PARKING BY 148.2012.38LONG TERM:9.90MOTORCYCLE 1/2048.202.41ADD 5 MORE MOTORCYCLE SPACES TO REDUCE PKG BY 147.207.41TOTAL PARKING WITH REDUCTIONS47.20(1) FROM AIRPORT SPECIFIC PLAN REQUESTING 20% REDUCTION PER SECTIONS 5.4.5, 5.4.6 & 5.4.7 (2) FROM AIRPORT SPECIFIC PLAN, TABLE 4.8, PROPOSING MIN. PARKING RATE OF BUSINESS (500) & WAREHOUSING (1500)PLUMBING FIXTURE CALCULATIONSNOTE: 5% OF THE TOTAL PARKING SPACES SHALL BE PREFERRED PARKING FOR LOW-EMITTING AND FUEL-EFFICIENT VEHICLEST1.0TITLE SHEETAC0.0OVERALL SITE DEMOLITION PLANAC1.1SITE PLAN-PHASE 1AC1.2SITE PLAN-PHASE 2AC1.3SITE PLAN-PHASE 3A0.0OVERALL FLOOR PLAN-FIRST FLOORA0.1OVERALL FLOOR PLAN-SECOND FLOORA1.0PHASE 1-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANA1.1PHASE 1-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANA1.2PHASE 2-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANA1.3PHASE 2-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANA9.0OVERALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA1.4PHASE 3-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANA1.5PHASE 3-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANC2.0GRADING PLANC2.2CROSS SECTIONSC3.0UTILITY PLANL1.0PLANTING PLANL1.1HYDROZONE PLANA7.0SECTIONSA9.1EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA9.2EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA9.3EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS-COLORS AND SIGNAGE1SITE LIGHTING2SITE LIGHTINGSHOP SHOP FLOOR PLAN AND EXTERIORSSW1.0STORMWATER QUALITY PLANL2.0SCHEMATIC IRRIGATION PLANC1.0REGIONAL AREA PLANAC0.1OVERALL SITE PLANAC1.0SITE PLAN-ALL PHASESGARBAGE/RECYCLING: SAN LUIS GARBAGE CO.2925 MCMILLAN AVE. STE:202SAN LUIS OBISPO, CA 93401 805 543.0875AC1.4ARCHITECTURAL SITE SECTIONSA8.0ROOF PLANC2.1STOCK PILE PLANAttachment 2ARC2 - 30 ////////////////////////// ////////////////XXXXXXXXX// /////////////422318>>>>>>>>FD 3BC SURV MON14151.57////////////////////////////////////////XXXXXXXXX// /////////////S/////GUY0050100(IN FEET)25GRAPHIC SCALE1 IN = 50 FTScale: 1'= 50'REGIONAL AREA PLAN1ADATEISSUEJOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGS120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12FILE NAME: 1128.01PGPN.DWGC 1.0 of 34 Sheets24.00'8.91'13.23'CONNECT WITHACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIANPATHWAY TO THEEXISTING PARK PATHS ATDAMON-GARCIA PARK(ACCESS TO BROADSTREET)CITY LIMITSAPPROX. LOCATION OFFUTURE PUBLIC ACCESSAND UTILITYRIGHT-OF-WAYEXISTINGPARKING AREAwww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCESSheet List TableSheet Number Sheet TitleCIVILC 1.0REGIONAL AREA PLANC 2.0GRADING PLANC 2.1STOCK PILE PLANC 2.2CROSS SECTIONSC 3.0UTILITY PLANLANDSCAPEL 1.0PLANTING PLANL 1.1HYDROZONE PLANL 2.0SCHEMATIC IRRIGATION PLANSTORM WATER QUALITY PLANSW 1.0 STORM WATERAttachment 2ARC2 - 31 PGE PGE PGE PGE PGE PGE SDSDSD/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / / / / / / / / / /XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X XXX/////////////// / / /// / / / ////42231812" EUC 12" TREE XX X S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 53°31'11" W 109.58'N 36°22'27" W 149.92'N 19°37'14" W 124.23'>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>168.00 T C 167.50 F L 167.69 T C 167.19 F L 167.0 6 T C 166.5 6 F L 167.15 T C 166.65 F L 167.48 T C 166.9 8 F L 167.00 T C 166.50 F L167.57 TC167.07 FL166.65 T C 166.15 F L167.74 TC167.24 FL167.72 TC167.22 FL165.14 TC164.64 FL165.05 TC164.55 FL157.21 TC156.71 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL166.02 TC165.52 FL165.55 TC165.05 FL166.19 TC165.69 FL166.56 TC166.06 FL166.35 TC165.85 FL166.52 TC166.02 FL167.07 TC166.57 FL166.92 TC166.42 FL166.64 TC166.14 FL166.70 TC166.20 FL167.85 TC167.35 FL167.86 TC167.36 FL168.33 TC167.83 FL167.63 TC167.13 FL168.55 TC168.05 FL167.36 TC166.86 FL168.09 TC167.59 FL166.76 TC166.26 FL167.64 TC167.14 FL166.99 TC166.49 FL167.03 TC166.53 FL167.11 TC166.61 FL166.87 TC166.37 FL166.82 TC166.32 FL168.50 TC168.00 FL167.61 TC167.11 FL167.77 TC167.27 FL168.97 TC168.47 FL166.54 TC166.04 FL167.07 TC166.57 FL167.33 TC166.83 FL167.55 TC167.05 FL168.00 TC167.50 FL167.91 TC167.41 FL168.27 TC167.77 FL167.74 TC167.24 FL168.06 TC167.56 FL167.53 TC167.03 FL166.65 TC166.15 FL167.21 TC166.71 FL166.60 T C 166.10 F L 165.3 8 T C 164.88 F L168.44 TC167.94 FL5.32%1.75%1.75%1.50%3.60%0.25%0.25%0.25%0.21%0.29%0.25%0.25%3.09%3.09%3.31%3.43%3.33%2.77%3.99%3.99%4.51%4.51%1.10%2.57%2.00%2.26%1:13.10%166.70 TC166.20 FL166.39 TC165.89 FL166.53 TC166.03 FL166.71 TC166.21 FL167.84 TC167.34 FL167.41 TC166.91 FL167.39 TC166.89 FL168.00 TC167.50 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL157.09 TC156.59 FL164.58 TC164.08 FL1.95%1.30%1.47%167.90 T C 167.40 F L 168.24 T C 167.74 F L 0.25%5.59%2:15:12:12:15:15:12:1FG: 167.83FG: 167.83FG: 167.36FG: 167.41FG: 167.83FG: 159.40FG: 160.85FG: 161.18FG: 161.67166.61 TC166.11 FL1:18:11.50%1.86%1.60%168.55 T C 168.05 F L 168.51 T C 168.01 F L FG: 168.46FG: 168.324.40%1.09%167.31 TC166.81 FL3.04%168.50 TC168.00 FL3.43%2:1???2:10.50%3.39%2.50%2.59%2.00%151.05151.01/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / / / / / / / / / /XX X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X X X X X X XXX/////////////// / / /// / / / ////PP 30601 IN = 30 FT1500(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALEC C 2.2C C 2.2 Scale: 1'= 30'PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN (ON SITE)1102AB C 2.2B C 2.2 AC 2.2AC 2.2FILE NAME: 1128.01PGPN.DWGGRADING PLANC 2.0 of 34 Sheets103131131101111112112111111131131121123122122121122123121121191301302302303302104REFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION1SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS100GENERAL101PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (HMA)102TEMPORARY SITE ALL-WEATHER ACCESS (GRAVEL). DESIGN TO 30 TONVEHICLE CAPACITY.103FUTURE PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (TO FUTURE SANTA FE ROAD, BUILT BYOTHERS)104CONNECT WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY TO THE EXISTINGPARK PATHS AND SIDEWALKS TO BROAD STREET110SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND RAMPS111CONCRETE ACCESSABLE SIDEWALK.112CONC. HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD.120CURB AND GUTTER1216" CONCRETE CURB WITH 18" GUTTER PER STD.1226" HIGH PCC STAND ALONE CURB.1233' CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER130PAVEMENT131HOT MIX ASPHALTIC (HMA) PAVEMENT OVER CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEPER APPROPRIATE T.I. DESIGN.190DEMOLITION191REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT2SEWERS AND SANITATION200GENERAL FACILITIES201PVC SDR 35 SEWER PIPE20248" SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY STD.203CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN3STORM DRAIN FACILITIES300GENERAL FACILITIES301DRAINAGE BASIN302BIO-SWALE AND BIO-RETENTION POND303BASIN BLEEDER DRAIN PIPES TO CREEK7WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES700GENERAL FACILITIES701PVC C900 (CL. 150) WATER PIPE702FIRE SPRINKLER CONNECTION703FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY STD.704CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN7052" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE706DEDICATED FIRE SUPPLY WATER MAINCITY LIMITSEXISTING EUCALYPTUSTREESEXISTINGPARKING AREAScale: Horiz. 1'= 10', Vert. 1"= 5'CROSS SECTIOND10.00'10.00'2.00'20.00'TEMPORARYALL-WEATHER ROAD2.00'DATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12www.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®D C 2.0 D C 2.0 SHOPBUILDING112112OUTDOORTABLE ANDBENCHESACCESS12' CMU SOUND WALLSATELLITEDISKEXISTINGFEMA FLOODZONE LINEEXISTINGFEMA FLOODZONE LINEEXISTINGFEMA FLOODZONE LINEEXISTING TOP of BANKAttachment 2ARC2 - 32 SSSSSSSSSSSSSSO/H/ / / / / / /////////XXXXXX//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / / / / / / / / / /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/////////////// / //// / / / ////S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 53°31'11" W 109.58'N 36°22'27" W 149.92'N 19°37'14" W 124.23'1.50%10:110:14:1FG: 152.73FG: 152.70FG: 153.40FG: 164.11FG: 153.66FG: 157.02FG: 159.93FG: 162.6110:110:1FG: 163.58FG: 162.31FG: 157.00FG: 155.81FG: 155.82FG: 152.93FG: 153.934:11.50%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>168.0 0 T C 167.50 F L 167.48 T C 166.98 F L 167.0 0 T C 166.5 0 F L 165.14 TC164.64 FL165.05 TC164.55 FL157.21 TC156.71 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL166.02 TC165.52 FL165.55 TC165.05 FL166.19 TC165.69 FL166.56 TC166.06 FL166.35 TC165.85 FL167.07 TC167.36 TC166.86 FL168.09 TC168.50 TC168.00 FL167.61 TC167.11 FL167.77 TC167.27 FL168.97 TC168.47 FL165.38 T C 164.8 8 F L3.33%2.77%3.99%3.99%1.10%166.70 TC166.20 FL166.39 TC165.89 FL166.53 TC166.03 FL166.71 TC166.21 FL167.84 TC167.34 FL167.41 TC166.91 FL167.39 TC166.89 FL168.00 TC167.50 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL157.09 TC156.59 FL164.58 TC164.08 FL1.95% 167.90 T C 167.40 F L 0.25%5.59%5:15:1FG: 159.40FG: 160.85FG: 161.18166.61 TC166.11 FL168.50 TC168.00 FL3.43%2:1???2:10.50%3.39%2.50%2.00%24IN EUC36IN EUC MULTI36IN EUC MULTI48IN EUC MULTI151.05151.0148IN EUC MULTI36IN EUC48IN EUC MULTI50IN EUC MULTI/ / / / / / /////////XXXXXX/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/////////////// / //// / / / ////PP PP S149.70////////////////////////PP PPTR 36TR36TR30TR30TR30TR30TR36TR48TR26TR48TR30TR24TR20TR16TR 18TR40PP GUYPP30601 IN = 30 FT1500(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALEScale: 1'= 30'PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN (TEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD/STOCK PILE)1102DATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12FILE NAME: 1128.01PGPN.DWGSTOCK PILE PLANC 2.1 of 34 Sheets101131REFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION1SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS100GENERAL101PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (HMA)102TEMPORARY SITE ALL-WEATHER ACCESS (GRAVEL). DESIGN TO 30 TONVEHICLE CAPACITY.103FUTURE PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (TO FUTURE SANTA FE ROAD, BUILT BYOTHERS)104CONNECT WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY TO THE EXISTINGPARK PATHS AND SIDEWALKS TO BROAD STREET110SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND RAMPS111CONCRETE ACCESSABLE SIDEWALK.112CONC. HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD.120CURB AND GUTTER1216" CONCRETE CURB WITH 18" GUTTER PER STD.1226" HIGH PCC STAND ALONE CURB.1233' CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER130PAVEMENT131HOT MIX ASPHALTIC (HMA) PAVEMENT OVER CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEPER APPROPRIATE T.I. DESIGN.190DEMOLITION191REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT2SEWERS AND SANITATION200GENERAL FACILITIES201PVC SDR 35 SEWER PIPE20248" SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY STD.203CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN3STORM DRAIN FACILITIES300GENERAL FACILITIES301DRAINAGE BASIN302BIO-SWALE AND BIO-RETENTION POND303BASIN BLEEDER DRAIN PIPES TO CREEK7WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES700GENERAL FACILITIES701PVC C900 (CL. 150) WATER PIPE702FIRE SPRINKLER CONNECTION703FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY STD.704CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN7052" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE706DEDICATED FIRE SUPPLY WATER MAINCITY LIMITSTANK FARM ROADEXISTINGEUCALYPTUSTREESwww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®EXISTING ROCKPARKING AREAA C 2.1 A C 2.1Scale: Horiz. 1'= 10', Vert. 1"= 5'CROSS SECTIONA10.00'10.00'2.00'20.00'20.00'2.00'CITY LIMITSTEMPORARY ACCESS ROAD103191TEMPORARYALL-WEATHER ROADEXISTINGFEMA FLOODZONE LINEAPN 053-421-006Santa Fe Technology, LLCEXISTING PEPPER TREE(OFF-SITE)EXISTING PEPPERTREES (TO BEREMOVED).CANOPY AS SHOWN.Attachment 2ARC2 - 33 ELEVATIONELEVATIONSTATION1401501601701801902001401501601701801902000+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+40 4+60 4+80 5+00 5+20 5+40 5+60 5+80 6+00ELEVATIONELEVATIONSTATION1401501601701801902001401501601701801902000+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+404+50ELEVATIONELEVATION1501601701801902002102201501601701801902002102200+00 0+20 0+40 0+60 0+80 1+00 1+20 1+40 1+60 1+80 2+00 2+20 2+40 2+60 2+80 3+00 3+20 3+40 3+60 3+80 4+00 4+20 4+404+50PLPLPLPLPLPL5.00'2.00'5.00'5.00'5.00'5.00'5.00'0(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE40801 IN = 40 FT20ADATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12FILE NAME: 1128.01PGPN.DWGCROSS SECTIONSC 2.2 of 34 Sheets2.00'5.00'2.00'5.00'FINISHEDGRADEEXISTINGGRADEAPPROXIMATELOCATION OF ROCKLAYER36" DEEP OVEREXCAVATION, BACKFILLWITH NON-EXPANSIVEIMPORT2.00'5.00'2.00'5.00'2.00'5.00'APPROXIMATELOCATION OF ROCKLAYER36" DEEP OVEREXCAVATION, BACKFILLWITH NON-EXPANSIVEIMPORTFINISHED FLOOR 169.00FINISHEDGRADEEXISTINGGRADEFINISHEDGRADEEXISTINGGRADEScale: Horiz. 1'= 40', Vert. 1"= 20'CROSS SECTIONCScale: Horiz. 1'= 40', Vert. 1"= 20'CROSS SECTIONBScale: Horiz. 1'= 40', Vert. 1"= 20'CROSS SECTIONA123APPROXIMATELOCATION OFROCK LAYERFINISHED FLOOR 169.00FINISHED FLOOR 169.00131122122131121122131121REFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION1SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS100GENERAL101PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (HMA)102TEMPORARY SITE ALL-WEATHER ACCESS (GRAVEL). DESIGN TO 30 TONVEHICLE CAPACITY.103FUTURE PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (TO FUTURE SANTA FE ROAD, BUILT BYOTHERS)104CONNECT WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY TO THE EXISTINGPARK PATHS AND SIDEWALKS TO BROAD STREET110SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND RAMPS111CONCRETE ACCESSABLE SIDEWALK.112CONC. HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD.120CURB AND GUTTER1216" CONCRETE CURB WITH 18" GUTTER PER STD.1226" HIGH PCC STAND ALONE CURB.1233' CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER130PAVEMENT131HOT MIX ASPHALTIC (HMA) PAVEMENT OVER CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEPER APPROPRIATE T.I. DESIGN.190DEMOLITION191REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT2SEWERS AND SANITATION200GENERAL FACILITIES201PVC SDR 35 SEWER PIPE20248" SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY STD.203CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN3STORM DRAIN FACILITIES300GENERAL FACILITIES301DRAINAGE BASIN302BIO-SWALE AND BIO-RETENTION POND303BASIN BLEEDER DRAIN PIPES TO CREEK7WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES700GENERAL FACILITIES701PVC C900 (CL. 150) WATER PIPE702FIRE SPRINKLER CONNECTION703FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY STD.704CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN7052" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE706DEDICATED FIRE SUPPLY WATER MAINwww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®2.00'5.00'UNIOCAL(CHEVRON)FLOWERMOUNDSTORAGEFACILITYSTORAGEFACILITYUNIOCAL(CHEVRON)FLOWERMOUNDSANTA FETECNOLOGY, LLC122131121BIKEPATHDAMON-GARCIAPARKAttachment 2ARC2 - 34 GAS GASSSSSSSSSSSO/HSSSS O/HPGE PGE PGE PGE PGE PGE PGE SDSDSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWLWLWLWLWLWLWLWL WLWLWLWLWLWLWLWLWL WLSSWL WL WL WL WL WL WLWLWLWLWLWLWLWLWLWLSSWLWLWLWLWLWLWLWLXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX42231812" EUC 12" TREE X //////>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FD 3BC SURV MON14151.57151.05151.01///////////////////////////XXX/////////////////////////////////////////////////////// / / / / / / / /XXXXXXXXXXXXX X X X///////// /// / ///PP PP S149.70///////////////PP PP PP GUYPP0050100(IN FEET)25GRAPHIC SCALE1 IN = 50 FTScale: 1'= 50'UTILITY PLAN1ADATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12FILE NAME: 1128.01PGPN.DWGUTILITY PLANC 3.0 of 34 SheetsEXISTING SEWER MAIN EXISTI N G W A T E R M A I N REFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION1SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS100GENERAL101PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (HMA)102TEMPORARY SITE ALL-WEATHER ACCESS (GRAVEL). DESIGN TO 30 TONVEHICLE CAPACITY.103FUTURE PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (TO FUTURE SANTA FE ROAD, BUILT BYOTHERS)104CONNECT WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY TO THE EXISTINGPARK PATHS AND SIDEWALKS TO BROAD STREET110SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND RAMPS111CONCRETE ACCESSABLE SIDEWALK.112CONC. HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD.120CURB AND GUTTER1216" CONCRETE CURB WITH 18" GUTTER PER STD.1226" HIGH PCC STAND ALONE CURB.1233' CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER130PAVEMENT131HOT MIX ASPHALTIC (HMA) PAVEMENT OVER CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEPER APPROPRIATE T.I. DESIGN.190DEMOLITION191REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT2SEWERS AND SANITATION200GENERAL FACILITIES201PVC SDR 35 SEWER PIPE20248" SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY STD.203CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN3STORM DRAIN FACILITIES300GENERAL FACILITIES301DRAINAGE BASIN302BIO-SWALE AND BIO-RETENTION POND303BASIN BLEEDER DRAIN PIPES TO CREEK7WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES700GENERAL FACILITIES701PVC C900 (CL. 150) WATER PIPE702FIRE SPRINKLER CONNECTION703FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY STD.704CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN7052" DOMESTIC WATER SERVICE706DEDICATED FIRE SUPPLY WATER MAIN303701703702701703703703202201202202201201701701704203202302DOUBLE CHECKVALVEASSEMBLYEXISTING WELL TO BE PROTECT WITHNEW CONCRETE VAULT (TRAFFICRATED LID), TO BE USE FOR ON-SITEIRRIGATION WATER.PROPOSED CITYWATER MAIN ATFUTURE SANTA FEROAD LOCATIONwww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®703DOMESTICWATER METER20.00'50.00'20.00'PRIVATE UTILITYEASEMENT20.00'PRIVATE UTILITYEASEMENTACCESS EASEMENT20.00'705705705705706706706706Attachment 2ARC2 - 35 PP>>>>>>>>TREESBOTANICAL NAME / COMMON NAMECONTQTYAgonis flexuosa `Afterdark` / Black Peppermint Tree15 gal11Casuarina cunninghamiana / River She-Oak15 gal37Gleditsia triacanthos inermis `Sunburst` / Sunburst Common Honeylocust 24"box12Melaleuca quinquenervia / Cajeput Tree Multi-Trunk15 gal6Pistacia chinensis / Chinese Pistache24"box31Platanus x acerifolia `Bloodgood` / London Plane Tree15 gal13Quercus agrifolia / Coast Live Oak Multi-Trunk15 gal14PLANT SCHEDULEUPRIGHT SHRUBS164Calamagrostis x acutiflora `Karl Foerster` / Feather Reed GrassDasylirion wheeleri / Grey Desert SpoonDietes bicolor / Fortnight LilyMuhlenbergia pubescens / Soft Blue Mexican MuhlyPhormium tenax `Tom Thumb` / Dwarf Green FlaxLARGE SHRUBS51Carpenteria californica / Bush AnemoneDodonaea viscosa `Purpurea` / Purple Leafed Hopseed BushHeteromeles arbutifolia / ToyonLavatera bicolor / Tree MallowLeptospermum laevigatum / Tea Tree Multi-TrunkLeucadendron x `Safari Sunset` / ConebushRibes viburnifolium Catalina Perfume / Evergreen CurrantWestringia fruticosa `Wynabbie Gem` / Wynabbie Gem Coast RosemaryVINES1Ficus pumila / Creeping FigParthenocissus tricuspidata / Japanese CreeperLOW SHRUBS46,634 sfArctostaphylos x `Emerald Carpet` / Emerald Carpet ManzanitaArctostaphylos x `Pacific Mist` / Pacific Mist ManzanitaCorrea x `Ivory Bells` / Ivory Bells Australian FuchsiaLavandula angustifolia `Munstead` / Munstead English LavenderLavandula stoechas / Spanish LavenderMyoporum parvifolium `Prostratum` / MyoporumMyoporum x `Pacificum` / MyoprorumStachys byzantina / Lamb`s EarBIOSWALE HYDROSEED MIX8,202 sfCarex divulsa / Berkeley SedgeCarex pansa / Sanddune SedgeFestuca rubra / Red FescueGRASS/ WILDFLOWER MEADOW20,662 sfArtemisia californica / California SagebrushEriogonum fasciculatum / Common BuckwheatEschscholzia californica / California PoppyLotus scoparius / California Deer WeedNassella pulchra / Purple Needle GrassSalvia apiana / White SageVulpia microstachys / Small FescueOVERFLOW CHANNEL GRASS946 sfFestuca rubra / Red Fescue30601 IN = 30 FT1500(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALEScale: 1'= 30'PRELIMINARY PLANTING PLAN1FILE NAME: 1128.01LA-PP.DWGPLANTING PLANL 1.0 of 34 Sheetswww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®DATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 5081DateRenewal DateSignatureAttachment 2ARC2 - 36 PPZONING SCHEDULE30601 IN = 30 FT1500(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALEScale: 1'= 30'HYDROZONE PLAN1FILE NAME: 1128.01LA-HZ.DWGHYDROZONE PLANL 1.1 of 34 Sheetswww.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®DATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 5081DateRenewal DateSignatureAttachment 2ARC2 - 37 PPCCLIRRIGATION SCHEDULE30601 IN = 30 FT1500(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALEScale: 1'= 50'PRELIMINARY IRRIGATION PLAN1101102REFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION100GENERAL101NO IRRIGATION WILL BE PROVIDED TO VERY LOW WATER USEHYDROZONES102TREES WILL BE WATERED BY SEPARATE VALVES WITH DEEP ROOT TREEBUBBLERS (NOT SHOWN)103IRRIGATION SYSTEM WILL BE DESIGNED FOR NON-POTABLE WELL WATERWITH APPROPRIATE EQUIPMENT AND MARKINGS, INCLUDING PURPLE PIPEAND SCRUBBER VALVES104IRRIGATION STORAGE TANK - PUMP AND STORAGE TANK WILL BEDESIGNED FOR THIS PROJECTFILE NAME: 1128.01LA-IP.DWGIRRIGATION PLANL 2.0 of 34 SheetsSCHEMATIC101www.wallacegroup.usACCESS DRIVE101102102102102102102102WELL103TANK104DATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARMSAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW14FEB14REVIEWSUBMITTAL28FEB14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 5081DateRenewal DateSignaturePLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®Attachment 2ARC2 - 38 XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXPPPP///1811088147.391211107146.72PPGUY1.50%10:110:14:1 FG: 152.73F G : 1 5 2 . 7 0 F G : 1 5 3 . 4 0 FG: 164.11FG: 153.66F G : 1 5 5 . 6 5 F G : 1 5 7 . 0 2 FG: 159.93F G : 1 6 2 . 6 114:110:1 FG: 163.58FG: 162.31FG: 157.00F G : 1 5 5 . 8 1FG: 155.82F G : 1 5 2 . 9 3 FG: 153.934:11.50%168.00 TC167.50 FL167.69 TC167.19 FL167.06 TC166.56 FL167.15 TC166.65 FL167.48 TC166.98 FL167.00 TC166.50 FL167.57 TC167.07 FL166.65 TC166.15 FL167.74 TC167.24 FL167.72 TC167.22 FL165.14 TC164.64 FL165.05 TC164.55 FL157.21 TC156.71 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL166.02 TC165.52 FL165.55 TC165.05 FL166.19 TC165.69 FL166.56 TC166.06 FL166.35 TC165.85 FL166.52 TC166.02 FL166.60 TC166.10 FL167.07 TC166.57 FL16 6 . 9 2 T C 16 6 . 4 2 F L 16 6 . 6 4 T C 16 6 . 1 4 F L 1 6 7 . 8 5 TC 1 6 7 . 35 FL 1 6 7 . 8 6 T C 1 6 7 . 3 6 F L 16 8 . 3 3 T C 16 7 . 8 3 F L 16 7 . 6 3 T C 16 7 . 1 3 F L168.55 TC168.05 FL167.36 TC166.86 FL168.09 TC167.59 FL16 6 . 8 0 T C 16 6 . 3 0 F L 167 .6 4 TC16 7 .1 4 F L 16 6 . 9 9 T C 16 6 . 4 9 F L 1 6 7 . 0 3 T C 1 6 6 . 5 3 F L 17 6 . 7 2 T C 1 7 6 . 2 2 F L 17 8 . 7 2 T C 17 8 . 2 2 F L 16 6 . 8 8 T C 1 6 6 . 3 8 F L 16 6 . 9 6 T C 1 6 6 . 4 6 F L 171.05 TC170.55 FL16 8 . 5 0 T C 16 8 . 0 0 F L 1 6 7 . 6 1 T C 1 6 7 . 1 1 F L 16 7 . 7 7 T C 1 6 7 . 2 7 F L 1 6 9 . 1 4 T C 16 8 . 6 4 F L 16 6 . 5 4 T C 16 6 . 0 4 F L 1 6 7 . 0 7 TC 1 6 6 . 57 FL 1 6 7 . 3 3 TC16 6 . 8 3 F L 1 6 7 . 5 5 TC 16 7 . 05 FL 1 6 8 . 0 0 TC16 7 . 5 0 F L 167 . 91 TC 1 6 7 . 41 FL 1 6 8 . 2 7 T C 1 6 7 . 7 7 F L 1 6 7 . 7 4 T C 16 7 . 2 4 F L 1 6 8 . 0 6 T C 1 6 7 . 5 6 F L 1 6 7 . 5 3 T C 1 6 7 . 0 3 F L166.95 TC166.45 FL166.65 TC166.15 FL167.21 TC166.71 FL166.60 TC166.10 FL165.38 TC164.88 FL168.44 TC167.94 FL5.51%2.07% 2.07% 1.50% 3.60%0.23%0.23%0.25%0.21%0.29%0.25%0.25%3.09% 3.09% 3.31% 3.43%3.33%2.77%3.99%3.99%4.51%4.51%1. 1 0 % 2.57%1.99%2.26% 3.10%166.70 TC166.20 FL166.39 TC165.89 FL166.53 TC166.03 FL166.71 TC166.21 FL16 7 . 8 4 T C 16 7 . 3 4 F L 16 7 . 4 1 T C 16 6 . 9 1 F L167.39 TC166.89 FL168.00 TC167.50 FL156.00 TC155.50 FL157.09 TC156.59 FL164.58 TC164.08 FL1.95%1.24% 1.47%167.90 TC167.40 FL168.24 TC167.74 FL0.2 5 % 5 . 5 9%2:15:1 2:1 2:1 5:1 5:1 30:1 FG: 1 6 7 . 8 3 FG: 1 6 7 . 3 2FG: 1 6 7 . 3 6FG: 1 6 7 . 4 1 FG: 1 6 7 . 7 2 0.00%FG: 1 5 9 .40 FG : 1 60 . 85 FG : 1 61 . 18 FG: 1 6 1 .6 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FEMA 100 Year Flood Limits - Zone AS 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 1 2 8 . 0 9 ' N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 . 5 8 ' N 3 6 ° 2 2 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 . 9 2 'N 19 °37 '14 " W 124 .23 '166.70 TC166.20 FL0(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE(IN FEET)GRAPHIC SCALE40801 IN = 40 FT20Scale: 1'= 30'PRELIMINARY STORMWATER QUALITY PLAN1302ADATEISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER20AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW28Feb14ARC & AUPRE-SUBMITTALNo. 55205Exp. 06-30-12FILE NAME: 1128.01SWQP.DWGSTORM WATERSW 1.0 of 34 SheetsREFERENCE NOTES:DESCRIPTION1SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS100GENERAL101PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (HMA)102TEMPORARY SITE ACCESS (GRAVEL)103FUTURE PRIMARY SITE ACCESS (TO FUTURE SANTA FE ROAD, BUILT BYOTHERS)104CONNECT WITH ACCESSIBLE PEDESTRIAN PATHWAY TO THE EXISTINGPARK PATHS AND SIDEWALKS TO BROAD STREET110SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS AND RAMPS111CONCRETE ACCESSABLE SIDEWALK.112CONC. HANDICAP RAMP PER CALTRANS STD.120CURB AND GUTTER1216" CONCRETE CURB WITH 18" GUTTER PER STD.1226" HIGH PCC STAND ALONE CURB.1233' CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER130PAVEMENT131HOT MIX ASPHALTIC (HMA) PAVEMENT OVER CLASS II AGGREGATE BASEPER APPROPRIATE T.I. DESIGN.190DEMOLITION191REMOVE EXISTING STRUCTURES, UTILITIES AND PAVEMENT2SEWERS AND SANITATION200GENERAL FACILITIES201PVC SDR 35 SEWER PIPE20248" SEWER MANHOLE PER CITY STD.203CONNECT TO THE EXISTING SEWER MAIN3STORM DRAIN FACILITIES300GENERAL FACILITIES301DRAINAGE BASIN302BIO-SWALE AND BIO-RETENTION POND303BASIN BLEEDER DRAIN PIPES TO CREEK7WATER DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES700GENERAL FACILITIES701PVC C900 (CL. 150) WATER PIPE702FIRE SPRINKLER CONNECTION703FIRE HYDRANT PER CITY STD.704CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN302302301303302QUALITY PLAN www.wallacegroup.usPLANNINGCONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENTLANDSCAPE ARCHITECTUREMECHANICAL ENGINEERINGPUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATIONSURVEYING / GIS SOLUTIONSWATER RESOURCES®STOCKPILE AREA GRADING TO MIMIC NATURALEXISTING CONDITION WITH NO CHANGE TORUNOFF VALUES FROM HISTORIC CONDITION,DISTURBED AREA TO BE HYDROSEEDEDAttachment 2ARC2 - 39 32 GB EC153.06EC ANG153.79153.54EC ANG154.53392EC FLEC 90154.84155.41 156.21 166 403154.63404153.59 154.69 154.29416417 SET 60DNAIL ShedExistingConcreteExisting BuildingFinish Floor 163.5'ShedOldBlacktopFD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Ptn Lot 5767/RS/93,1009/OR/465Ptn Lot 572/RS/55Existing Paved DrivewayPer 1999-06057220 FOOT WIDE ACCESS EASEMENT FOR ROAD WAY, PUBLIC UTILITIES AND INCIDENTALPURPOSES TO BE USED IN COMMONFD 3BC SURV MON 14151.57FD 3BC SURV MON 15151.54 FD BC 0.34W 16213.41 Cogo 17213.41 FD .75IP OPEN 19151.39 SET 5RBR WG CAP 26 CKPT27 28161.03 FD3BCRHJLS2019 30155.97CKPT121N.48S 31156.08 FD .5IPLS2397154.85 SET 60DNAIL 34154.44 SET 60DNAIL 162156.68 165 5+85.000 R 10.0 24IN EUC 36IN EUC MULTI 36IN EUC MULTI 48IN EUC MULTI 375386 EC FLE CE C 413 48IN EUC MULTI 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160155 TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTIOVERALL SITE / DEMOLITION PLAN1" = 50 ft0203040405010607HIDDEN HILLS MOBILE LODGELAZY ACRES RV STORAGEVACANT LOTTANK FARM RD.TANK FARM RD.DAMON GARCIA FIELDS PROJECT SITEVACANT LOT080910111220'-0"ACACIA CREEK20'-0"13DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSOVERALL SITE DEMOLITION PLANAC0 .0SITE KEYNOTES1. CONCRETE TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING DRIVEWAY TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING SHED TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING BLACKTOP TO BE DEMOLISHEDEXISTING PAVED DRIVEWAY TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY ACCESS.EXISTING CULVERT TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY ACCESSPROPOSED NEW UTILITY EASEMENT ON ADJACENT PROPERTY. REFER TO AC1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPROPOSED NEW UTILITY EASEMENT ON PROJECT SITE. REFER TO AC1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONINDICATES 100 YEAR FLOOD LIMITSCHAIN LINK FENCE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING BARB WIRE FENCE TO BE REMOVEDEXISTING WELL TO BE USED FOR PROJECT IRRIGATIONAttachment 2ARC2 - 40 FD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Ptn Lot 5767/RS/93,1009/OR/465Ptn Lot 572/RS/55Per 1999-060572 24IN EUC 36IN EUC MULTI 36IN EUC MULTI 48IN EUC MULTI 48IN EUC MULTI 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160155 TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTI RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackUP TO 2NDFLOORRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRYTOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIES UPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIES UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIES UPUP TO 2NDFLOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackUP TO 2NDFLOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRYTOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESGENGENT#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)T#AT#B(3750kVA) (3750 kVA )GENGENNEW EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSNEW BIKE PATH12-PP13-PP14-PP 15 16 1718 19 2223 24 25 27 28 2930 31 26 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 8 9 3 MC 32 33 3435 45 2 MC 10 BIKE4 5 6 10 11 20 213637 46 47S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 .58 ' N 3 6 ° 2 2 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 .9 2 'N 1 9°3 7'1 4 " W 124 .23 ' 1 2 3 2 MC T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)E-HVU-HVGENGENGENMSOVERALL SITE PLAN1" = 50 ftHIDDEN HILLS MOBILE LODGELAZY ACRES RV STORAGEVACANT LOTTANK FARM RD.TANK FARM RD.DAMON GARCIA FIELDS PROPOSED PROJECTREFER TO AC1.0 FORADDITIONAL INFORMATIONVACANT LOT20'-0"0102030405060707070808ACACIA CREEKACACIA CREEKACACIA CREEK60'-0"09101111A AC1.4 BAC1.460'-11"45'-3"12'-0"DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSOVERALL SITE PLANAC0 .1SITE KEYNOTES1. PAVED DRIVEWAY TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY ACCESSEXISTING CULVERT TO BE USED FOR TEMPORARY ACCESSPROPOSED NEW UTILITY EASEMENT ON ADJACENT PROPERTY. REFER TO AC1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONPROPOSED NEW UTILITY EASEMENT ON PROJECT SITE (ELECTRICAL). REFER TO AC1.0 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONINDICATES 100 YR. FLOOD LIMITSNEW SECONDARY ACCESS TO SITE THROUGH ADJACENT PROPERTY. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONINDICATES PROPERTY LINEAPPROXIMATE LOCATION OF THE TWO CLOSEST FIRE HYDRANTSMONUMENT SIGN WITH ADDRESS. REFER TO 4/A9.3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONFUTURE MONUMENT SIGN LOCATION. REFER TO 4/A9.3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION POST AND PANEL ADDRESS SIGN-TYP. 2 LOCATIONS. REFER TO 5/A9.3 FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLEGEND - REFERENCED SECTIONxxxSITE SECTION CUTSHEET #FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL NOTES1.FIRE DEPARMENT ACCESS: ACCESS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CHAPTER 5 AND APPENDIX D OF THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE (CFC). ACCESS ROADS SHALL HAVE AN UNOBSTRUCTED WIDTH OF NOT LESS THAN 20 FEET AND AN UNOBSRUCTED VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 13'6". ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED TO SUPPORT THE IMPOSED LOADS OF A 60,000 POUND FIRE APPARATUS AND SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A SURFACE SO AS TO PROVIDE ALL-WEATHER DRIVING CAPABILITIES. FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICULAR ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO WITHIN 300 FEET OF ALL EXTERIOR BUILDING POINTS FOR STRUCTURES THAT ARE PROVIDED WITH FIRE SPRINKLERS. ALL ACCESS ROADS SHALL BE POSTED "NO PARKING-FIRE LANE". THE "TEMPORARY" GRAVEL ACCESS ROAD SHALL BE ENGINEERED TO SUPPORT 60,000 POUNDS IN ALL WEATHER.2.ADDRESS NUMBERS: APPROVED ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE PLACED ON ALL NEW BUILDINGS IN SUCH A POSITION TO BE PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBILE FROM THE STREET FRONTING THE PROPERTY. NUMBERS SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 5" HIGH X 1/2" STROKE AND BE ON A CONTRASTING BACKGROUND. PROVIDE A SIGN ON TANK FARM ROAD WITH ADDRESS NUMBERS CLEARLY VISIBLE ON EACH SIDE. (REFER TO DETAIL 5/A9.3 FOR POST AND PANEL ADRESS SIGN)3.WATER SUPPLIES: WATER SUPPLIES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 508 OF THE CFC. AN APPROVED WATER SUPPLY CAPABLE OF PROVIDING THE REQUIRED FIRE FLOW FOR FIRE PROTECTION IS REQUIRED. THE FIRE FLOW SHALL BE DETERMINED USING APPENDIX B OF THE CFC. THE 3 ON-SITE FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE CAPABLE OF DELIVERING A NEEDED FIRE FLOW OF AT LEAST 3625 GPM.4.FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT: ROOMS OR AREAS CONTAINING CONTROLS FOR AIR-HANDLING SYSTEMS, AUTOMATIC FIRE-PROTECTION SYSTTEMS, OR OTHER DICTION, SUPPRESSION OR CONTROL ELEMENTS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED FOR USE BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT AND SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE SAME AREA. A SIGN SHALL BE PROVIDED O THE DOOR TO THE ROOM OR AREA STATING "FIRE SPRINKLER RISER" AND "FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL". FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS SHALL BE LOCATED IN A ROOM WITH EXTERIOR DOOR ACCESS. SEE SHT. AC1.0, NOTE #35 FOR LOCATION OF FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM.4.KNOX BOX: A KNOX BOX SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM WITH A KEY TO THE ROOM.6.FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS AND EQUIPMENT: FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CFC AND THE CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE. AN APPROVED NFPA 13 SYSTEM WILL BE REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT. SHOP DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. FIRE MAIN AND ALL ASSOCIATED CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED PER NFPA 24 STANDARDS AND CITY ENGINEERING STANDARDS. THE C-900 PLASTIC UNDERGROUND FIRE MAIN PIPE SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM PRESSURE CLASS OF 200, NOT 150.Attachment 2ARC2 - 41 363'-7 1/4"FD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Per 1999-060572 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTI Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM2-101WORK STATION WORKS T A T I O N 2-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100280 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 56 racks80% 5kW= 224 racksWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 UP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL2-103VendingVendingBREAKROOM FOR CUSTOMERS2-104UNISEX2-105UNISEX2-106JANITOR2-107Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESSTAIRWELL101LOBBY100FIRE104SECURED ENTRY107ELEVATOR108ELEVATOR ROOM109SHELL SPACE1108'10"x4'0"ELECTRICAL ROOM1-101WORK STATION WORK S T A T I O N 1-102 WORK STATION COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100DWRWORK ST ATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER10320'10"X25'9"UPFUTURE WOMEN'S RESTROOM112FUTURE MEN'S RESTROOM111STAIRWELL113work stationRECEPTION/SECURITY102UNISEX1068'10"x6'10"MECHANCIAL105UP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL1-103CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM3-101WORK STATION WORK S T A T I O N 3-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackUP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL3-103CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESGENGENT#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)GENGENNEW EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSNEW BIKE PATH12-PP 13-PP 14-PP 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 8 9 3 MC 32 33 3435 45 2 MC 10 BIKE4 5 6 10 11 20 21 3637 46 47S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 . 5 8 'N 36°22 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 . 9 2 ' 1 2 3 2 MC T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)E-HVU-HVGENGENGENMSSITE PLAN-ALL PHASES1" = 20 ftPHASE 1SEE PG. AC1.1DRIVEWAYSATTELITE DISHPARKINGSTORMWATERRETAINAGE AREAREFER TO CIVILDRAWINGSVACANT LOTVACANT LOT ACACIA CREEKDAMON GARCIA SPORTS FIELDS 10'-0" TO TAN K FA RM RD CONNECT TO DAMON GARCIA B IKE PA THBIKE PATH TO ENDNEAR DRIVEWAY ACCESS35'-0" SETBACK FM. T.O.B.8'-0"TYP.TRASHPARKINGPARKINGFENCE/SCREENINGENTRY25'-0"PHASE 2SEE PG. AC1.2PHASE 3SEE PG. AC1.330'-0" ROOM FOR CRANE OUTRIGGER EXITEXITEXITEXITACCESS GATESSHOPSEE PG.AC1.1010203060708091011121314156'-6"18'-0" TYP.9'- 0 " T Y P .4'-0"6'-6"6'-6"17181920212223TO FUTURESANTA FE EXTENSION246'-6"25PROPOSED EASEMENT FOR WATER,GAS, SEWER, FIRE AND RECYCLED WATERTO ADJACENT SITEPROPOSED EASEMENTFOR POWER TO ADJACENT SITE2626278'-0"5'-0"13-6041624'-0"28UTILITY YARDGENERATORS/TRANSFORMERS29X 162.80 LOWEST NATURAL GRADEX 172.50 HIGHEST NATURAL GRADEX 167.65 AVERAGE NATURAL GRADE3131LU N C H AR E A 32073334353620200507173503373839176'-0 1/4"F3-A24'-0"A AC1.4 BAC1.4EXIT161645'-6"DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSITE PLAN- ALL PHASESAC1 .0SITE PLAN KEYNOTES1. 9'0"X18'0" PARKING STALL-TYP. U.N.O.9'0" X 18'0" PREFERRED PARKING STALL FOR LOW-EMISSION/FEUL EFFICIENT CARS. TYP. 3 (5% OF TOTAL PARKING SPACES)9'0"X18'0" ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL WITH 5'0" WIDE ACCESS AISLE-TYP. 29'0"X18'0" VAN ACCESSIBLE PARKING STALL WITH 8'0" WIDE ACCESS AISLE-TYP. 14'0"X8'0" MOTORCYCLE PARKING-TYP. 7PERMANENT BIKE LOCKERS- TWO PER LOCKER-TYP. 10 LOCKERSCONCRETE SIDEWALK-TYP. U.N.O.TRASH/RECYCLE ENCLOSURE. CMU BLOCK WITH METAL GATES23'9" HIGH SATELLITE DISH ON CONCRETE SLABGENERATOR (10'0"X28'10"X12'0")-TYP. 7 PHASED PER PLAN. TWO REQUIRED PER PHASE WITH ONE ADDITIONAL FOR REDUNDANCY. ENCLOSED IN NOISE BARRIER ENCLOSURE (52dB AT 23'0")ELECTRICAL MAIN SERVICECMU FENCE/SCREENING. 8"X8"X16"; 12'0" HIGHCORRUGATED METAL ACCESS GATESCORRUGATED METAL ACCESS/EXIT DOORTRANSFORMERS-TYP.PLANTER AREAS. REFER TO LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONINDICATES LINE OF 100 YEAR FLOODLINE12'0" PG&E EASEMENTFLUSH CONCRETE CURBACCESS PATH ACROSS DRIVEWAY-TYP.CONCRETE MASONRY SHOP/BUILDINGEXISTING WELL ON SITE TO BE USED. PREPARE FOR INSTALLATION OF DRIVEWAY OVEREXISTING POWER POLE LOCATIONEASEMENT-SECONDARY ACCESS TO SITE. FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE AND UTILITIESTOP OF BANK: CREEK ±45'0" - 50'0" WIDEACCESSIBLE PARKING ENTRANCE SIGNACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE SIGNAGE'PEAK' BIKE RACK-4 BIKE RACKINDICATES AREA FOR PERVIOUS PAVING. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONN/APROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT LOCATION. REFER TO CIVIL SHEETS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION66" DIAMETER CONCRETE PICNIC TABLESFIRE RISER ROOM. PROVIDE FIRE DEPARTMENT ACCESS TO EQUIPMENT.REQUEST FOR MODIFICATION TO CODE TO ALLOW FOR 60'-0" INTO PUBLIC WAY, PAST PROPERTY LINE AND INTO DAMON GARCIA FILEDS PER CBC 2010 507.4. (UNLIMITED AREA BUILDINGS) AND PER 1002 DEFINITION OF A PUBLIC WAYHEAVY DASHED LINE INDICATES PROPOSED ACCESSIBLE PATH OF TRAVEL FROM PUBLIC WAY, THROUGH DAMON GARCIA PARK AND TO THE SITE AND ENTRY DOORS. REFER TO CIVIL PLANS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONA KNOX BOX SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM WITH A KEY TO THE ROOM(1) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANK (10'4"ØX 12' H) AND (1) 5000 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL TANK (8'6"X12'H) FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 1(2) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 2 (10'4" Ø X 12'0" H)(2) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 3 (10'4" Ø X 12'0" H)Attachment 2ARC2 - 42 CONNEC T TO DAMON GARC IA B I K E PA TH FD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Per 1999-060572 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTI NEW EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSNEW BIKE PATH12-PP 13-PP 14-PP 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 8 9 3 MC 32 33 3435 45 2 MC 10 BIKE4 5 6 10 11 20 21 3637 46 47S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 . 5 8 'N 36°22 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 . 9 2 ' 1 2 3 2 MC T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)E-HVU-HVGENGENGENMSDRIVEWAYVACANT LOTACACIA CREEKDAMON GARCIA SPORTS FIELDSTRASHSITE PLAN-PHASE 11" = 20 ftPHASE 1-BUILDING FOOTPRINTSHOPSATTELITE DISHEXITSTORMWATERRETAINAGE AREAREFER TO CIVILDRAWINGSPHASE1-GENERATORSPHASE 1-UTILITY YARDVACANT LOTTO TAN K FA RM RD EXITDRIVEWAYEXITFUTUREPHASE 2 AND 30203EXISTING HILL.MINIMAL WORK TO BE DONEPHASE 101REFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATION04TO FUTURESANTA FE EXTENSIONREFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATIONTHIS AREA0506070809LU N C H AR E A ROLLUP DOORENTRY101112SITE PLAN KEYNOTES1. PAD DURING PHASE 1TEMPORARY FENCE/SCREENING. ENGINEERED MODULAR PANEL SYSTEM-12'0" HIGH. SYSTEM TO BE REUSED IN PHASE II. COLOR TO MATCH WALLTEMPORARY LOCATION OF CABLE YARD. TO BE MOVED IN PHASE 2CONCRETE MASONRY SHOP/BUILDINGCMU FENCE/SCREENING. 8"X8"X16"; 12'0" HIGHCORRUGATED METAL ACCESS/EXIT DOORCORRUGATED METAL ACCESS GATES23'9" HIGH SATELLITE DISH ON CONCRETE SLAB-PHASE 1PHASE 1 GENERATORSPHASE 1 TRANSFORMERSPHASE 1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT(1) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANK (10'4"ØX 12' H) AND (1) 5000 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL TANK (8'6"X12'H) FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 1DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSITE PLAN-PHASE 1AC1 .1Attachment 2ARC2 - 43 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSITE PLAN- PHASE 2AC1 .2SITE PLAN KEYNOTES1. PAD DURING PHASE 2TEMPORARY FENCE/SCREENING-ENGINEERED MODULAR PANEL SYSTEM, 12'0" HIGH REUSED FROM PHASE 1CMU FENCE/SCREENING. 8"X8"X16"; 12'0" HIGHRELOCATED LOCATION OF CABLE YARD, ENCLOSED IN UTILITY YARD. IN PHASE 3, CABLE YARD WILL BE RELOCATED OFF-SITEPHASE 1 GENERATORSPHASE 2 GENERATORSPHASE 2 TRANSFORMERSPHASE 1 TRANSFORMERS(1) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANK (10'4"ØX 12' H) AND (1) 5000 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL TANK (8'6"X12'H) FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 1PHASE 1 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT(2) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 2 (10'4" Ø X 12'0" H)FD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Per 1999-060572 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTI T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)GENGENNEW EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSNEW BIKE PATH12-PP 13-PP 14-PP 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 8 9 3 MC 32 33 3435 45 2 MC 10 BIKE4 5 6 10 11 20 21 3637 46 47S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 . 5 8 'N 36°22 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 . 9 2 ' 1 2 3 2 MC T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)E-HVU-HVGENGENGENMSVACANT LOTACACIA CREEKDAMON GARCIA SPORTS FIELDSTRASHSITE PLAN-PHASE 21" = 20 ftSTORMWATERRETAINAGE AREAREFER TO CIVILDRAWINGSPHASE 2-UTILITY YARDVACANT LOTTO TAN K FA RM RD DRIVEWAYFUTUREPHASE 3REFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATIONREFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATION01020304DRIVEWAYSHOPREFER TO AC1.10506PHASE 2-BUILDING FOOTPRINTREFER TO AC1.1TO FUTURESANTA FE EXTENSIONEXITEXITROLLUP DOORREFER TO AC1.0EXITENTRYEXITCONNEC T TO DAMON GARC IA B I K E PA TH 0708091011Attachment 2ARC2 - 44 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSITE PLAN- PHASE 3AC1 .3FD 3" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 67/RS/93FD 2" Brass Cap"LS 2019"Per 60/RS/9Ptn Lot 5760/RS/9,1009/OR/474Per 1999-060572 36IN EUC 48IN EUC MULTI 210205200195190185180175175 170165160TOP OF BANK50IN EUC MULTI Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM2-101WORK STATION WORKS T A T I O N 2-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100280 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 56 racks80% 5kW= 224 racksWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 UP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL2-103VendingVendingBREAKROOM FOR CUSTOMERS2-104UNISEX2-105UNISEX2-106JANITOR2-107Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESSTAIRWELL101LOBBY100FIRE104SECURED ENTRY107ELEVATOR108ELEVATOR ROOM109SHELL SPACE1108'10"x4'0"ELECTRICAL ROOM1-101WORK STATION WORKS T A T I O N 1-102 WORK STATION COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100DWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER10320'10"X25'9"UPFUTURE WOMEN'S RESTROOM112FUTURE MEN'S RESTROOM111STAIRWELL113work stationRECEPTION/SECURITY102UNISEX1068'10"x6'10"MECHANCIAL105UP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL1-103CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM3-101WORK STATION WORKS T A T I O N 3-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackUP TO 2NDFLOORSTAIRWELL3-103CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESGENGENT#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)GENGENNEW EASEMENT FOR ELECTRICAL ACCESSNEW BIKE PATH12-PP 13-PP 14-PP 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 26 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 7 8 9 3 MC 32 33 3435 45 2 MC 10 BIKE4 5 6 10 11 20 21 3637 46 47S 8°53'55" W 445.80'S 4°18'05" E 358.64'S 88°41'48" E 374.77'N 1°19'36" E 526.53'S 79°48'03" W 128.09'N 5 3 ° 3 1 ' 1 1 " W 1 0 9 . 5 8 'N 36°22 ' 2 7 " W 1 4 9 . 9 2 ' 1 2 3 2 MC T#AT#B(3750kVA)(3750kVA)E-HVU-HVGENGENGENMSDRIVEWAYVACANT LOTACACIA CREEKDAMON GARCIA SPORTS FIELDSTRASHSITE PLAN-PHASE 31" = 20 ftPHASE 3-UTILITY YARDVACANT LOTTO TAN K FA RM RD DRIVEWAYEXITSTORMWATERRETAINAGE AREAREFER TO CIVILDRAWINGSTO FUTURESANTA FE EXTENSIONREFER TO AC1.1REFER TO AC1.2PHASE 3-BUILDING FOOTPRINTSHOPREFER TO AC1.1REFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATIONREFER TO AC1.0 FORPARKING INFORMATION010203REFER TO AC1.0EXITEXITROLLUP DOOREXITENTRYEXITCONNEC T TO DAMON GARC IA B I K E PA TH 02040506070809SITE PLAN KEYNOTES1. 1 GENERATORSPHASE 2 GENERATORSPHASE 3 GENERATORSPHASE 1 TRANSFORMERSPHASE 2 TRANSFORMERSPHASE 3 TRANSFORMERS(1) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANK (10'4"ØX 12' H) AND (1) 5000 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL TANK (8'6"X12'H) FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 1(2) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 2 (10'4" Ø X 12'0" H)(2) 7500 GALLON GALVANIZED STEEL WATER TANKS FOR IRRIGATION AND EMERGENCY WATER, PHASE 3 (10'4" Ø X 12'0" H)Attachment 2ARC2 - 45 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSARCHITECTUREAL SITE SECTIONSAC1 .4SITE SECTION KEYNOTES1. TO A7.0 FOR MORE INFORMATION MECHANICAL UNITS ON ROOF-TYP. ALL PHASESMETAL PERFORATED PANELS SUPPORTED ON EXTERIOR OF WALL. PANELS TO PROVIDE SCREENINGELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN UTILITY YARDCONCRETE MASONRY WALL PER PLANLINE INDICATES EXISTING NATURAL GRADELINE INDICATES PROPOSED GRADECREEK BEYONDSTORMWATERDRAINAGE RETENTIONBASINDRIVEWAYBIKE PATHUTILITY YARDDRIVEWAY14'-0" 183.37 F.F. COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-200COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100167.58 AVE. N.G 212.58 MAX. BLDG. HT. 169.00 F.F. ±2'-10"±9'-0"12'-0"2'-4 1/2"ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT3-101ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT3-201SUPPLYSUPPLY40'-6"45'-0"±4'-10"LINE OF SIGHTLINE OF SIGHTSITE SECTION B1" = 20 ft01020304050607DRIVEWAYCOLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100212.58 MAX. BLDG. HT. ±2'-10"±4'-10"2'-4 1/2"2'-4 1/2"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-200COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100±2'-10"±4'-10"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-200±4'-10" 14'-0"12'-0"169.00 F.F. 167.58AVE. N.G183.37 F.F. 212.58 MAX . BLDG. HT. 169.00 F.F. 12'-0"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100±2'-10"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-200NOC103RECEPTION/SECURITY102MECH105NOC202NOC SUPERVISOR203167.58 AVE. N.G RETURNRETURNRETURNRETURNRETURNRETURN45'-0" MAX.33'-9"14'-0"183.37 F.F. zr LINE OF S IGHT DRIVEWAYSITE SECTION A1" = 20 ft0102030706Attachment 2ARC2 - 46 DIGITAL WEST SITE LIGHTINGSAN LUIS OBISPO, CADesignerDate3/7/2013ScaleNot to ScaleDrawing No.Summary1 of 28657_A2_thDSX1_LED_2_30B700_50K_FT_MVOLTDSXW1_LED_20C_1000_50K_TFTM_MVOLTStatisticsDescriptionSymbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Avg/MaxEMERGENCY STAIRWELLEXIT *TYPICAL3.1 fc 4.7 fc 1.5 fc 3.1:1 2.1:1 0.7:1MAIN ENTRY3.1 fc 5.7 fc 1.0 fc 5.7:1 3.1:1 0.5:1MAINTENANCE YARD1.2 fc 2.7 fc 0.3 fc 9.0:1 4.0:1 0.4:1SITE/PARKING LOT2.2 fc 4.5 fc 0.1 fc 45.0:1 22.0:1 0.5:1WALKWAY -BOLLARDS5.5 fc 11.7 fc 1.4 fc 8.4:1 3.9:1 0.5:1WALKWAY PERIMETEROF BLDG2.5 fc 29.2 fc 0.5 fc 58.4:1 5.0:1 0.1:1Luminaire LocationsNo. Label X Y ZLocationMH Orientation Tilt3 S3 128.97 215.08 20.00 20.00 179.09 0.004 S3 134.12 150.75 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.006 S4 36.11 -30.16 20.00 20.00 22.71 0.007 S4 122.87 -61.60 20.00 20.00 22.71 0.008 S4 25.12 129.75 20.00 20.00 127.95 0.009 S4 -25.11 61.82 20.00 20.00 122.20 0.0012 S1 95.45 108.23 3.50 3.50 301.87 0.0013 S1 83.29 91.54 3.50 3.50 306.38 0.0014 S1 69.82 73.54 3.50 3.50 306.57 0.0015 S1 58.27 57.12 3.50 3.50 306.57 0.0016 S1 56.82 42.35 3.50 3.50 268.99 0.0017 S1 58.57 21.55 3.50 3.50 266.82 0.0018 S1 161.05 127.75 3.50 3.50 19.98 0.0020 S1 108.23 119.35 3.50 3.50 359.74 0.0022 S1 117.54 135.91 3.50 3.50 289.63 0.0011 S2 330.39 -82.37 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.0012 S2 512.82 14.38 20.00 20.00 270.00 0.0013 S2 456.66 120.84 20.00 20.00 196.86 0.0014 S2 335.69 156.89 20.00 20.00 195.73 0.0015 S2 221.99 190.64 20.00 20.00 196.08 0.0016 S2 -77.23 -6.00 20.00 20.00 151.63 0.0017 S2 46.47 219.87 20.00 20.00 245.14 0.0018 S2 454.42 -82.10 20.00 20.00 352.27 0.0010 S4 223.74 -82.22 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.004SD1122.77115.019.509.50 0.00 0.007SD1124.74121.019.509.50 0.00 0.008SD1126.79127.009.509.50 0.00 0.009SD1120.65109.009.509.50 0.00 0.0010 SD1 128.99 133.05 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0011 SD1 135.08 130.91 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0012 SD1 141.12 128.82 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0013 SD1 146.98 126.90 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.009WM2225.0339.2220.0020.00197.960.0027 WM1 147.50 -8.70 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0036 WM1 138.68 -5.59 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0037 WM1 74.96 17.28 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0038 WM1 85.84 13.31 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0039 WM1 96.90 9.25 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0040 WM1 107.39 5.56 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0041 WM1 118.07 1.87 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0042 WM1 127.50 -1.57 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0043 WM1 76.32 26.23 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0044 WM1 81.40 40.63 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0045 WM1 85.28 51.42 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0046 WM1 89.44 63.27 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0047 WM1 93.46 74.42 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0048 WM1 97.84 86.48 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0049 WM1 102.07 98.83 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0050 WM1 106.65 99.60 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.00Luminaire ScheduleSymbol Label Quantity Manufacturer Catalog Number DescriptionLampNumberLampsFilenameLumensPerLampLight LossFactorWattageS19BEGA-US 8659LEDCAST ALUMINUM HOUSING,FORMED SEMI-SPECULARALUMINUM REFLECTORS, CLEARPATTERNED GLASSENCLOSURE.18659LED.IES729.14750.95 16S28LithoniaLightingDSX1 LED 230B700/50K SR2MVOLTDSX1 WITH 2 LIGHT ENGINES,700mA DRIVER, 5000K LEDs,TYPE 2 OPTICSONE 143.3-WATT LED,AIMED DOWN POS.1DSX1_LED_2_30B700_50K_SR2_MVOLT.ies12311.71 0.95 143.3S32LithoniaLightingDSX1 LED 230B700/50K SR3MVOLTDSX1 WITH 2 LIGHT ENGINES,700mA DRIVER, 5000K LEDs,TYPE 3 OPTICSONE 143.2-WATT LED,AIMED DOWN POS.1DSX1_LED_2_30B700_50K_SR3_MVOLT.ies12461.45 0.95 143.2S45LithoniaLightingDSX1 LED 230B700/50K FT MVOLTDSX1 WITH 2 LIGHT ENGINES,700mA DRIVERS, 5000K LEDS,TYPE FT OPTICSONE 142.8-WATT LED,AIMED DOWN POS.1DSX1_LED_2_30B700_50K_FT_MVOLT.ies12530.76 0.95 142.8SD18BEGA-US 6402LEDCAST ALUMINUM HOUSING,SPUN SPECULAR PATTERNEDALUMINUM REFLECTOR, CLEARGLASS ENCLOSURE.ONE WHITE LED1 6402LED.IES 206.6569 0.95 8.6WM117 BEGA-US 6516LED MOD-DOWNONLY6-1/2"L. X 4-3/8"W. X 19-3/4"H. 26W LED DOWN ONLY -WALL LUMINAIRE ONE LEDMODULE WITH ONE 3000K LEDARRAY ON BOTH ENDS OFFIXTURE CLEAR TEMPEREDGLASS LENS WITH ANODIZEDALUMINUM REFLECTOR16516LED(1).IES901.3351 0.95 28.23WM25LithoniaLightingDSXW1 LED 20C 100050K TFTM MVOLTDSXW1 LED WITH 2 LIGHTENGINES, 20 LED's, 1000mADRIVER, 5000K LED, TYPEFORWARD THROW MEDIUMOPTICLED1 DSXW1_LED_20C_1000_50K_TFTM_MVOLT.ies6168.441 0.95 75WM34BEGA-US 2380 LEDCAST ALUMINUM HOUSING,FROSTED GLASS ENCLOSURE.TEN WHITE LEDS1 2380LED.IES 465.3376 0.95 14.3TYPE S2, S3 AND S4TYPE S1TYPE WM2TYPE WM1TYPE WM3TYPE SD1Attachment 2ARC2 - 47 DIGITAL WEST SITE LIGHTINGSAN LUIS OBISPO, CADesignerDate3/7/2013ScaleNot to ScaleDrawing No.Summary2 of 2StatisticsDescriptionSymbol Avg Max Min Max/Min Avg/Min Avg/MaxEMERGENCY STAIRWELLEXIT *TYPICAL3.1 fc 4.7 fc 1.5 fc 3.1:1 2.1:1 0.7:1MAIN ENTRY3.1 fc 5.7 fc 1.0 fc 5.7:1 3.1:1 0.5:1MAINTENANCE YARD1.2 fc 2.7 fc 0.3 fc 9.0:1 4.0:1 0.4:1SITE/PARKING LOT2.2 fc 4.5 fc 0.1 fc 45.0:1 22.0:1 0.5:1WALKWAY -BOLLARDS5.5 fc 11.7 fc 1.4 fc 8.4:1 3.9:1 0.5:1WALKWAY PERIMETEROF BLDG2.5 fc 29.2 fc 0.5 fc 58.4:1 5.0:1 0.1:1Luminaire LocationsNo. Label X Y ZLocationMH Orientation Tilt3S3128.97215.0820.0020.00179.090.004S3134.12150.7520.0020.000.00 0.006S436.11-30.1620.0020.0022.710.007S4122.87-61.6020.0020.0022.710.008S425.12129.7520.0020.00127.950.009 S4 -25.11 61.82 20.00 20.00 122.20 0.0012 S1 95.45 108.23 3.50 3.50 301.87 0.0013 S1 83.29 91.54 3.50 3.50 306.38 0.0014 S1 69.82 73.54 3.50 3.50 306.57 0.0015 S1 58.27 57.12 3.50 3.50 306.57 0.0016 S1 56.82 42.35 3.50 3.50 268.99 0.0017 S1 58.57 21.55 3.50 3.50 266.82 0.0018 S1 161.05 127.75 3.50 3.50 19.98 0.0020 S1 108.23 119.35 3.50 3.50 359.74 0.0022 S1 117.54 135.91 3.50 3.50 289.63 0.0011 S2 330.39 -82.37 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.0012 S2 512.82 14.38 20.00 20.00 270.00 0.0013 S2 456.66 120.84 20.00 20.00 196.86 0.0014 S2 335.69 156.89 20.00 20.00 195.73 0.0015 S2 221.99 190.64 20.00 20.00 196.08 0.0016 S2 -77.23 -6.00 20.00 20.00 151.63 0.0017 S2 46.47 219.87 20.00 20.00 245.14 0.0018 S2 454.42 -82.10 20.00 20.00 352.27 0.0010 S4 223.74 -82.22 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.004SD1122.77115.019.509.50 0.00 0.007SD1124.74121.019.509.50 0.00 0.008SD1126.79127.009.509.50 0.00 0.009SD1120.65109.009.509.50 0.00 0.0010 SD1 128.99 133.05 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0011 SD1 135.08 130.91 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0012 SD1 141.12 128.82 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.0013 SD1 146.98 126.90 9.50 9.50 0.00 0.009WM2225.0339.2220.0020.00197.960.0027 WM1 147.50 -8.70 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0036 WM1 138.68 -5.59 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0037 WM1 74.96 17.28 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0038 WM1 85.84 13.31 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0039 WM1 96.90 9.25 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0040 WM1 107.39 5.56 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0041 WM1 118.07 1.87 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0042 WM1 127.50 -1.57 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0043 WM1 76.32 26.23 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0044 WM1 81.40 40.63 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0045 WM1 85.28 51.42 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0046 WM1 89.44 63.27 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0047 WM1 93.46 74.42 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0048 WM1 97.84 86.48 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0049 WM1 102.07 98.83 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0050 WM1 106.65 99.60 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0051 WM1 115.61 96.43 6.50 6.50 108.64 0.0010 WM2 363.47 -10.95 20.00 20.00 203.33 0.0011 WM2 180.60 18.82 20.00 20.00 108.53 0.0012 WM2 293.79 14.65 20.00 20.00 199.82 0.0013 WM2 427.95 -34.07 20.00 20.00 203.33 0.0012 WM3 295.13 134.12 7.50 7.50 105.06 0.0014 WM3 386.46 101.00 7.50 7.50 112.70 0.0015 WM3 478.13 68.50 7.50 7.50 99.00 0.0016 WM3 501.64 117.76 7.50 7.50 196.21 0.529.20.20.3 ViewScale - 1" = 30'Attachment 2ARC2 - 48 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM3-101WORK STATION WORKSTATION 3-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXIT WORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXIT EXITEXIT EXIT UP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL3-103EXITROLL UP DOORCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRYTOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIES UPS-1-1BATTERIES UPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIES UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 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RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackROLL UP DOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIES UPS- 1-1BATTERIESUPS- 2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIES UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXITEXITEXITSTAIRWELL101LOBBY100FIRE104SECURED ENTRY107ELEVATOR108ELEVATOR ROOM109SHELL SPACE1108'10"x4'0"ELEVATORELECTRICAL ROOM1-101EXIT WORK STATION WORKSTATION 1-102 WORK STATION EXIT COLO EQUIPMENT/OPEN CAGES200 RACKS TOTAL100% 5kWCOLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100DWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRSCREENNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER10320'10"X25'9"UPFUTURE WOMEN'S RESTROOM112SHOWERS/CHANGING FUTURE MEN'S RESTROOM111SHOWERS/CHANGING EXITSTAIRWELL113EXITwork stationRECEPTION/SECURITY102EXIT UNISEX1068'10"x6'10"MECHANCIAL105UP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL1-103EXITROLL UP DOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRYTOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIES UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXIT EXIT 3-13-12-12-22-32-42-52-62-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-62-E2-F2-G3-13-23-33-43-53-63-13-33-43-63-A3-D3-E3-F3-GCA7.0CA7.0 BA7.0CDEF1234124571-11-21-31-41-51-61-A1-B1-C1-D1-11-21-31-41-51-61-E1-F1-G6BA7.0BA7.0AA7.0AA7.0CA7.0CA7.03-C3-B3-23-5BA5104'-2" 21'-2"14'-3 1/2"18'-8"12'-8 1/2"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"18'-8"18'-8"10'-7"18'-0"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"168'-8"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"18'-0"14'-2"22'-4"16'-0"6'-4"12'-10"176'-0 1/4" 15'-4 1/4"24'-4"24'-8"22'-0"36'-4"52'-8 3/4"7 1/4"12'-10"99'-4"22'-4"22'-4"22'-4"19'-6"OVERALL FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"PHASE 1-SEE SHEET A1.0PHASE 2-SEE SHEET A1.2PHASE 3-SEE SHEET A1.4OVERALL FIRST FLOOR- FLOOR PLANA0.0Attachment 2ARC2 - 49 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 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DOORUPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2BRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 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RESTROOM227SHOWERS/CHANGING Vending VendingREF.FR.WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILE SHAFTTEAM CONFERENCING DWRFILEDWRDWR 16'1"x24'0"11'4"x14'-0"21'8"x27'11"21'10"x14'7"11'0"x10'6"18'7"x21'9"12'1"x9'4"DWRWORK S T AT I O N DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STA TIONDWRWORK S T AT I O N DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK ST ATI O N DWRWORK STA TIONDWRWORK STA TIONDWRWORK ST ATI O N 27'5"x21'0" R work station WORK STATION DWRDWRFILE mailsystemscale cutter WORK STA TION copier 16'5"x6 '11" FILES scanner WORK STAT I O N DWRDWRFILEWORK STATIONDWR DWR FILE FILESDWRWORK S T AT I O NDWRWORK STA TION 11'7"X 14'6" Rack Rack11'0"x21'0"DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK ST ATION DWR WORK STATION DWR WORK STATION DWR CAB.WORK STA TION DWR WORK STATION DWR WORK STATION 16'1"x24'0"11'4"x15'-0"WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILE FILES RECEPTION206ASSIST. OFFICE208CEO OFFICE209CONFERENCE ROOM 1207MGR. OFFICE210MGR. OFFICE213SALES211CORP. SERVICES212HALL214SCREENHALL219OPERATIONS215MGR. OFFICE216RACK AREA27'3"x21'0"METROFIBER217SUPVR. OFFICE218COPY/SUPPLIES220BREAKROOM221SMALL CONFERENCE223JAN.224Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackWORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 1-202 EXITEXITWORK STATION ELECTRICAL ROOM1-201COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-200306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXITSTAIRWELL222HALL225WORK STATION DWR DWRFILE FILES9'6"X10 '0"EXTRA OFFICE228TELEPHONE/ELECT. ROOM229EXITEXIT WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILEDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STA TIONDWR DWRSCREEN8'10"x14'0" EXIT LOBBY201NOC SUPERVISOR203SECURED ENTRY204SHAFTNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER20220'10"X25'9"STAIRWELL200OPENTO BELOWFILESFILES SHAFTELEVATOR205SHAFTDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL1-203UP TO ROOF ROLL UP DOORSHAFT UPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2B3-13-12-12-22-32-42-52-62-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-62-E2-F2-G3-13-23-33-43-53-63-13-33-43-63-A3-D3-E3-F3-GCA7.0CA7.0 BA7.0CDEF1234124571-11-21-31-41-51-61-A1-B1-C1-D1-11-21-31-41-51-61-E1-F1-G6BA7.0BA7.0AA7.0AA7.0CA7.0CA7.03-C3-B3-23-5BA5104'-2" 21'-2"14'-3 1/2"18'-8"12'-8 1/2"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"18'-8"18'-8"10'-7"18'-0"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"168'-8"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"18'-0"14'-2"22'-4"16'-0"6'-4"12'-10"176'-0 1/4" 15'-4 1/4"24'-4"24'-8"22'-0"36'-4"52'-8 3/4"7 1/4"12'-10"99'-4"22'-4"22'-4"22'-4"19'-6"OVERALL SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"PHASE 1-SEE SHEET A1.1PHASE 2-SEE SHEET A1.3PHASE 3-SEE SHEET A1.5OVERALL SECOND FLOOR- FLOOR PLANA0.1Attachment 2ARC2 - 50 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSPHASE 1-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 3/32" = 1'-0"Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM2-101EXITEXITWORK STATION WORKSTATION 2-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100280 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 56 racks80% 5kW= 224 racksEXITWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 EXITVendingVendingBREAKROOM FOR CUSTOMERS2-104UNISEX2-105UNISEX2-106JANITOR2-107RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIES UPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESEXITEXIT STAIRWELL101LOBBY100FIRE104SECURED ENTRY107ELEVATOR108ELEVATOR ROOM109SHELL SPACE1108'10"x4'0"ELEVATORELECTRICAL ROOM1-101EXIT WORK STATION WORKSTATION 1-102 WORK STATION EXITCOLO EQUIPMENT/OPEN CAGES200 RACKS TOTAL100% 5kWCOLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100DWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRSCREENNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER10320'10"X25'9"UPFUTURE WOMEN'S RESTROOM112SHOWERS/CHANGINGFUTURE MEN'S RESTROOM111SHOWERS/CHANGINGEXITSTAIRWELL113EXITwork stationRECEPTION/SECURITY102EXIT UNISEX1068'10"x6'10"MECHANCIAL105UP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL1-103EXITROLL UP DOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXITEXIT 2-12-22-32-42-52-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-E2-F2-GCDEF1234124571-11-21-31-41-51-61-A1-B1-C1-D1-11-21-31-41-51-61-E1-F1-G6BA7.0AA7.0AA7.0CA7.0CA7.0BA5168'-8"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"18'-0"14'-2"22'-4"16'-0"6'-4"12'-10"176'-0 1/4" 15'-4 1/4"24'-4"24'-8"22'-0"36'-4"52'-8 3/4"7 1/4"12'-10"99'-4"22'-4"22'-4"22'-4"19'-6"0102030405060708091011111213141516171817181919202122PHASE 1- FIRST FLOOR- FLOOR PLANA1.0FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. DESKSCREEN ON WALL FOR NETWORK OPERATIONSGLASS ENTRYDRINKING FOUNTAINELEVATORLAVATORY PER PLANACCESSIBLE TOILET WITH GRAB BARSTOILET PER PLAN-TYP.TOILET PARTITION-TYP.SINK IN SOLID SURFACE COUNTERINDICATES MECHANICAL CHASE FROM ABOVEURINAL PER PLAN-TYP.CHAIN LINK TYPE CAGES. USED TO HOUSE CUSTOMER EQUIPMENT-TYP.ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT-TYP.INDICATES EXHAUST AIR DUCTS IN PLENUM ABOVE-TYP.AIR SUPPLY CHASECONCRETE TILT-UP WALL CONSTRUCTION-TYP.STEEL STUD WALL-TYP.STEEL COLUMN TYP.SUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.FIRE RISER ROOM: A SIGN SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE DOOR TO THE ROOM OR AREA STATING " FIRE SPRINKLER RISER" AND "FIRE ALARM CONTROL PANEL"A KNOX BOX SHALL BE PROVIDED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM WITH A KEY TO THE ROOMAttachment 2ARC2 - 51 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSA1.1PHASE 1- SECOND FLOOR- FLOOR PLANPHASE 1-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 3/32" = 1'-0"Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXIT WORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 2-202 EXIT EXITWORK STATIONWORK STATION ELECTRICAL ROOM2-101COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-200306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksUPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2BWOMEN'S RESTROOM226SHOWERS/CHANGINGMEN'S RESTROOM227SHOWERS/CHANGINGVending VendingREF.FR.WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILESHAFTTEAM CONFERENCINGDWRFILEDWRDWR 16'1"x24'0"11'4"x14'-0"21'8"x27'11"21'10"x14'7"11'0"x10'6"18'7"x21'9"12'1"x9'4"DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STATION DWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STATION DWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATION DWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATION 27'5"x21'0"R work station WOR K STAT I O N DWRDWRFILE mailsystemscale cutter WORK STA TION copier 16'5"x6'11"FILES scanner WORK STAT I O N DWRDWRFILEWORK STATIONDWR DWR FILE FILESDWRWORK STATIONDWRWORK STATION11'7"X 14'6"Rack Rack11'0"x21'0"DWRWORK STA TION DWRWORK STATION DWR WORK STATION DWR WORK STATION DWR CAB.WORK STA TION DWR WORK STATION DWR WORK STATION 16'1"x24'0"11'4"x15'-0"WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILE FILES RECEPTION206ASSIST. OFFICE208CEO OFFICE209CONFERENCE ROOM 1207MGR. OFFICE210MGR. OFFICE213SALES211CORP. SERVICES212HALL214SCREENHALL219OPERATIONS215MGR. OFFICE216RACK AREA27'3"x21'0"METROFIBER217SUPVR. OFFICE218COPY/SUPPLIES220BREAKROOM221SMALL CONFERENCE223JAN.224Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackWORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 1-202 EXITEXITWORK STATION ELECTRICAL ROOM1-201COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-200306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXITSTAIRWELL222HALL225WORK STATIONDWR DWRFILE FILES9'6"X10'0"EXTRA OFFICE228TELEPHONE/ELECT. ROOM229EXITEXIT WORK STATIONDWRDWRFILE DWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRDWRWORK STATIONDWRDWRDWRWORK STATIONDWR DWRSCREEN8'10"x14'0"EXIT LOBBY201NOC SUPERVISOR203SECURED ENTRY204SHAFTNETWORK OPERATIONS CENTER20220'10"X25'9"STAIRWELL200OPENTO BELOWFILESFILES SHAFTELEVATOR205SHAFTDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL1-203UP TO ROOF ROLL UP DOORSHAFT UPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2B2-12-22-32-42-52-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-E2-F2-GCDEF1234124571-11-21-31-41-51-61-A1-B1-C1-D1-11-21-31-41-51-61-E1-F1-G6BA7.0AA7.0AA7.0CA7.0CA7.0BA5168'-8"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"18'-0"14'-2"22'-4"16'-0"6'-4"12'-10"176'-0 1/4" 15'-4 1/4"24'-4"24'-8"22'-0"36'-4"52'-8 3/4"7 1/4"12'-10"99'-4"22'-4"22'-4"22'-4"19'-6"0102030405060708091010101112131415161718192021222324161925FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. DESKSCREEN ON WALL FOR NETWORK OPERATIONSGLASS ENTRYELEVATORACCESSIBLE TOILET WITH GRAB BARS-TYP.TOILET PER PLAN-TYP.TOILET PARTITION-TYP.SINK IN SOLID SURFACE COUNTERURINAL PER PLAN-TYP.MECHANICAL CHASE TO 1ST FLOORPULL DOWN SCREEN ON WALLBREAKROOM COUNTER WITH SINKUPPER AND LOWER CABINETRY14. MACHINES-TYP. 2SHOWERS-TYP. 4CHANGING AREAELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT-TYP.42" HIGH GUARDRAILAIR SUPPLY CHASEWORKSTATION FOR CUSTOMERSSERVER RACKS-TYP.INDICATES HOT AISLE. HOT AIR FROM SERVER RACKS TO EXHAUST INTO AISLE AND VENT UP TO CEILING PLENUMMOP SINKCHASE FOR EXHAUST FROM FIRST FLOORSUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.Attachment 2ARC2 - 52 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSWORK STATION WORKSTATION 3-102EXIT WORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXITEXIT BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM2-101EXITEXITWORK STATION WORKSTATION 2-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100280 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 56 racks80% 5kW= 224 racksEXITWORK STATION EXITRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack14 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack18 EXITUP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL2-103EXIT EXITEXITVendingVendingBREAKROOM FOR CUSTOMERS2-104UNISEX2-105UNISEX2-106JANITOR2-107Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackROLL UP DOOR CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXITEXITUP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL1-103EXITROLL UP DOOR UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXIT3-13-12-12-22-32-42-52-62-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-62-E2-F2-G3-13-23-11-51-61-51-63-218'-0"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"PHASE 2-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"010203040506070809100111PHASE 2- FIRST FLOOR- FLOOR PLANA1.2FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. PER PLANACCESSIBLE TOILET WITH GRAB BARS-TYP.ACCESSIBLE SHOWERVENDING MACHINES-TYP. 2WALL MOUNTED FLAT SCREENELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT-TYP.AIR SUPPLY CHASEWORKSTATION FOR CUSTOMERSSERVER RACKS-TYP.INDICATES HOT AISLE. HOT AIR FROM SERVER RACKS TO EXHAUST INTO AISLE AND VENT UP TO CEILING PLENUMSUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.Attachment 2ARC2 - 53 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSA1.3PHASE 1- SECOND FLOOR- FLOOR PLAN Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXIT WORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 3-202 EXIT EXITWORK STATIONWORK STATION UPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1ARack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXIT WORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 2-202 EXIT EXITEXITWORK STATIONWORK STATION ELECTRICAL ROOM2-101COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-200306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXITDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL2-203UP TO ROOF ROLL UP DOOR UPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2BRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXITEXITDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL1-203UP TO ROOF ROLL UP DOOR UPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2B3-13-12-12-22-32-42-52-62-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-62-E2-F2-G3-13-23-11-51-61-51-63-218'-0"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"21'-6"18'-0"PHASE 2-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"0102030405060703FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. EQUIPMENT-TYP.SUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.AIR SUPPLY CHASEWORKSTATION FOR CUSTOMERSSERVER RACKS-TYP.INDICATES HOT AISLE. HOT AIR FROM SERVER RACKS TO EXHAUST INTO AISLE AND VENT UP TO CEILING PLENUMCHASE FOR EXHAUST FROM FIRST FLOOR-TYP.Attachment 2ARC2 - 54 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSA1.4PHASE 3- FIRST FLOOR- FLOOR PLAN Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackELECTRICAL ROOM3-101WORK STATION WORKSTATION 3-102 COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXITWORK STATION Rack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXITEXITEXIT EXITUP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL3-103EXITROLL UP DOORCONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY CONDUITENTRY TOP TOP TOP TOP DP#ADP#BMBP1-1MBP2-1BATTERIESUPS-1-1BATTERIESUPS-2-1UPS-DP1-1AUPS-DP1-1BUPS-DP1-2AUPS-DP1-2BMBP1-2MBP2-2BATTERIESUPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXITEXITUP TO 2NDFLOOR STAIRWELL2-103EXIT EXITEXITRack 54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackROLL UP DOORBATTERIES UPS-1-2UPS-2-2BATTERIESEXIT 3-13-23-33-43-53-63-13-33-43-63-A3-D3-E3-F3-GC A7.0 C A7.0 BA7.03-C3-B3-23-5104'-2" 21'-2"14'-3 1/2"18'-8"12'-8 1/2"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"18'-8"18'-8"10'-7"PHASE 3-FIRST FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"010203030204050607FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. EQUIPMENT-TYP.SUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.AIR SUPPLY CHASEWORKSTATION FOR CUSTOMERSSERVER RACKS-TYP.INDICATES HOT AISLE. HOT AIR FROM SERVER RACKS TO EXHAUST INTO AISLE AND VENT UP TO CEILING PLENUMINDICATES MECHANICAL CHASE FROM ABOVEAttachment 2ARC2 - 55 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSA1.5PHASE 3- SECOND FLOOR- FLOOR PLAN FLOOR PLAN KEYNOTES1. EQUIPMENT-TYP.SUPPLY VENTS IN WALL-TYP.AIR SUPPLY CHASEWORKSTATION FOR CUSTOMERSCHASE FOR EXHAUST FROM FIRST FLOOR-TYP.SERVER RACKS-TYP.INDICATES HOT AISLE. HOT AIR FROM SERVER RACKS TO EXHAUST INTO AISLE AND VENT UP TO CEILING PLENUMRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXIT WORK STATION CUSTOMER WORKSTATION 3-202 EXIT EXITEXITWORK STATIONWORK STATION ELECTRICAL ROOM3-201COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-200306 RACKS TOTAL (300 prior)20% 10kW= 61 racks80% 5kW= 245 racksEXITDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL3-203UP TO ROOFROLL UP DOORUPS-DP2-1AUPS-T2-1AUPS-DP2-1BUPS-T2-1BUPS-DP2-2AUPS-T2-2AUPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2BUPS-T1-1AUPS-T1-1BUPS-T1-2AUPS-T1-2BRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRack54 RackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackRackEXITEXITDN TOFIRST FLOOR STAIRWELL2-203UP TO ROOF ROLL UP DOOR UPS-DP2-2BUPS-T2-2B3-13-23-33-43-53-63-13-33-43-63-A3-D3-E3-F3-GCA7.0CA7.0 BA7.03-C3-B3-23-5104'-2" 21'-2"14'-3 1/2"18'-8"12'-8 1/2"97'-0"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"21'-6"18'-0"18'-8"18'-8"10'-7"PHASE 3-SECOND FLOOR-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"010203030204050607Attachment 2ARC2 - 56 CONFERENCE ROOM 1207169.00 F.F. TOP OF PARAPET 33'-9"SHELL SPACE110CORP. SERVICES212HALL21412'-0"183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 12'-0"UTILITY YARDLUNCH AREA183.37 F.F. 12'-0"WOMENS RESTROOMS226HALL225SMALL CONFERENCE223FUTURE RESTROOMS11215'-0"167.58 AVE. N.G. SECTION A1/8" = 1'-0"1230102030405162.30 LOWEST N.G.08DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSECTIONSA7 .0SECTION KEY NOTES1. SEAM METAL ROOFOPEN WEB TRUSS ROOF FRAMING SYSTEMFLOOR FRAMING PER PLANCONCRETE TILT UP WALL PER PLANCONCRETE SLAB ON GRADEN/AMETAL CANOPY PER PLANINDICATES LINE OF NATURAL GRADEMECHANICAL EVAPORATIVE UNITS ON ROOFINDICATES 'COOL AISLE'. SUPPLY AIR TO CIRCULATE THROUGH 'COOL' AISLEINDICATES 'HOT AISLE'. HOT AIR FROM SERVERS TO EXHAUST TO AIR PLENUMMETAL SCREENING SYSTEM PER EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS-TYP.SERVER RACKS-TYP.ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IN UTILITY YARD-TYP.HEIGHT CALCULATIONHIGHEST NATURAL GRADE + LOWEST NATURAL GRADE2=172.85' + 162.30'2=167.58'167.58 + 45'0" MAX. HT. NOT TO EXCEED 3 STORIES = 212.58'PROPOSED HEIGHT: 212.58' TO TOP OF METAL SCREENING PANELS.MECHANICAL UNITS SIT ± 10" BELOW MAX. HT./SCREENING PANELS.COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100212.58 MAX. BLDG. HT. ±2'-10"±4'-10" 2'-4 1/2"2'-4 1/2"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-200COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-100±2'-10"±4'-10"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT2-200169.00 F.F.12'-0"COLOCATION EQUIPMENTCOLOCATION EQUIPMENT167.58 AVE. N.GRETURN RETURNRETURN RETURNRETURN45'-0" MAX. 33'-9" 14'-0"183.37 F.F. MATCHLINE AB MATCHLINE AB SECTION B-PARTIAL SECTION CONT.1/8" = 1'-0"0305040910111213±4'-10" 14'-0"12'-0"169.00 F.F. 167.58AVE. N.G183.37 F.F. 212.58 MAX. BLDG. HT. COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-100±2'-10"COLOCATION EQUIPMENT1-200NOC103RECEPTION/SECURITY102MECH105NOC202NOC SUPERVISOR203RETURNSECTION B-PARTIAL SECTION1/8" = 1'-0"MATCHLINE AB MATCHLINE AB0305040910110714'-0" 183.37 F.F. COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-200COLOCATION EQUIPMENT3-100167.58 AVE. N.G 212.58 MAX. BLDG. HT. 169.00 F.F. ±2'-10"±9'-0" 12'-0"2'-4 1/2"ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT3-101ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT3-201SUPPLYSUPPLY40'-6" 45'-0" ±4'-10"SECTION C1/8" = 1'-0"0409121314Attachment 2ARC2 - 57 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALS3-13-12-12-22-32-42-52-62-A2-B2-C2-D2-12-22-32-42-52-62-E2-F2-G3-13-23-33-43-53-63-13-33-43-63-A3-D3-E3-F3-GCA7.0CA7.0 BA7.0CDEF1234124571-11-21-31-41-51-61-A1-B1-C1-D1-11-21-31-41-51-61-E1-F1-G6BA7.0BA7.0AA7.0AA7.0CA7.0CA7.03-C3-B3-23-5BA5Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284TLOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284TLOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 DN TOSECOND FLOOR STAIRWELL3-303Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284TLOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284TLOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 DN TOSECOND FLOOR STAIRWELL2-303Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T Fansize: 330Frame: 284T LOAD Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T Fansize: 330Frame: 256T 13 58.558.558.5 DN TOSECOND FLOOR STAIRWELL1-303EXITPRELIMINARY ROOF PLANScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"010202030405060707080910111205ROOF PLANA8 .0ROOF PLAN KEYNOTES1. UNITS-EVAPORATIVE COOLING UNITS ON ROOF (AIR/WATER UNITS)- ±23'0"X43'0"X11'4" TYP. 18INDICATES CHASE AT ROOF FOR EXHAUST AIR-TYP.ACCESS STAIR TO ROOF-TYP. 3CONCRETE TILT-UP WALL-TYP.STANDING SEAM METAL ROOF: DESIGN SPAN HP, 24 GA. 16" WIDTH, CONCEALED FASTENED BY AEP SPAN OR EQUALLOCATION OF FUTURE SOLAR PANELSTPO, SINGLE PLY ROOFING, FULLY ADHERED. COLOR: WHITE-TYP.METAL SCREENING PANELS INSTALLED ON FACE OF TILT-UP WALL TO SCREEN MECHANICAL UNITS-TYP. REFER TO EXTERIORS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONROOF DOWNSPOUT WITH OVERFLOW-TYP.CRICKET FRAMING-TYP.BUILT-IN GUTTER AT EAVE-TYP. THIS AREASOLATUBE SUN TUNNEL SKYLIGHTSAttachment 2ARC2 - 58 45'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 167.58 AVE. N.G.33'-9" 12'-0"14'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 12'-0"15'-0"EAST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"167.58 AVE. GRADE169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. NORTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"NOTE: FACADE OF NORTH ELEVATION IS DUPLICATED AT EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. PANELS TO BE REUSED AT EACH PHASENOTE: ROLL UP DOORS WILL BE LOCATED, THIS ELEVATION, FOR PHASE 1 AND 2. A PORTION OF THE SCREENING IN THIS AREA TO BE REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE SECOND FLOOR DOOR169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 167.58 AVE. N.G. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 6 0 0WEST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"OVERALL ELEVATIONSScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"6 0 06 0 06 0 0183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 212.58 MAX. HT. TOP OF SCREENING 169.00 F.F. 167.58 F.F. 45'-0" 12'-0"14'-0" 33'-9"SOUTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSOVERALL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA9.0HEIGHT CALCULATIONHIGHEST NATURAL GRADE + LOWEST NATURAL GRADE2=172.85' + 162.30'2=167.58'167.58 + 45'0" MAX. HT. NOT TO EXCEED 3 STORIES = 212.58'PROPOSED HEIGHT: 212.58' TO TOP OF METAL SCREENING PANELS.MECHANICAL UNITS SIT ± 10" BELOW MAX. HT./SCREENING PANELS.Attachment 2ARC2 - 59 6 0 06 0 06 0 0183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 212.58 MAX. HT. TOP OF SCREENING 169.00 F.F. 167.58 F.F. 45'-0" 12'-0"14'-0" 33'-9"SOUTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 112'-0" 38'-3" 13'-0"01020304050607169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 12'-0"15'-0"EAST ELEVATION-PARTIALScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 2MATCHLINE AB-EAST ELEVATIONPHASE 11231230809101112131602171845'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 167.58 AVE. N.G. 33'-9" 12'-0"14'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. EAST ELEVATION-PARTIAL CONT.Scale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 2PHASE 1PHASE 3MATCHLINE AB-EAST ELEVATION 131415EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTES1. SEAM METAL ROOF PER ROOF PLANPROFILE SERIES, CS-660 CONCEALED FASTENER PROFILE BY CENTRIA. PROVIDE MICROSEAM CORNERS. PANELS TO HAVE VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL JOINTS AS SHOWNCONCRETE TILT-UP FLUTED RIB FINISHTHERMALLY BROKEN, ALUMINUM WINDOWS. CLEAR ANODIZED FINISH-TYP.FUTURE SOLAR PANEL LOCATIONCONCRETE TILT-UP. PRIME AND PAINTMETAL CANOPY, PRIME AND PAINTSATELLITE DISH PER SITE PLANOPEN SLOT AT PANEL-3'0"X10'0"PERFORATED SCREENING, 36" WIDTH, CENTRIA BR5-36 ECOSCREEN PERFORATED SCREENWALL, EXPOSED FASTENERS, FINISHED EDGE. 40%, 3/8" DIA. HOLES X 9/16" STAGGERED. COLOR: SILVERSMITHOPEN SLOTS AT PANELS-8" WIDECONCRETE MASONRY-RUNNING BONDCORRUGATED METAL DOOR/GATEMETAL ROLL UP DOORINDICATES MECHANICAL UNITS BEYOND SCREENING-TYP.TRASH ENCLOSURE-CMU CONSTRUCTION-EXTERIOR PLASTER FINISH WITH CORRUGATED METAL GATESPROFILE SERIES, CS-610 CONCEALED FASTENER PROFILE BY CENTRIA. PROVIDE MICROSEAM CORNERSPANEL SUPPORT BEYONDDATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA9 .1Attachment 2ARC2 - 60 167.58 AVE. GRADE 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. NORTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 3PHASE 1NOTE: FACADE OF NORTH ELEVATION IS DUPLICATED AT EACH CONSTRUCTION PHASE. PANELS TO BE REUSED FOR EACH PHASENOTE: ROLL UP DOORS WILL BE LOCATED, THIS ELEVATION ,FOR PHASE 1 AND 2(DOORS TO BE LOCATED ON THE EAST ELEVATION FOR PHASE 3) A PORTION OF THE SCREENING IN THIS AREA TO BE REMOVED TO ACCOMMODATE SECOND FLOOR DOORS AT PHASE 1 AND 2101112169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 6 0 0WEST ELEVATION-PARTIALScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 1PHASE 2MATCHLINE AB-WEST ELEVATION 1230201030405060708169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 167.58 AVE. N.G. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. WEST ELEVATION-PARTIAL CONTINUEDScale: 1/8" = 1'-0"PHASE 3PHASE 1PHASE 2MATCHLINE AB-WEST ELEVATION 09EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTES1. TILT-UP FLUTED RIB FINISHCONCRETE TILT-UP. PRIME AND PAINTCORRUGATED METAL PANELS, HIDDEN FASTENERSMETAL CANOPY, PRIME AND PAINTTHERMALLY BROKEN, ALUMINUM WINDOWS. CLEAR ANODIZED FINISH-TYP.PERFORATED SCREENING, 36" WIDTH, CENTRIA BR5-36 ECOSCREEN PERFORATED SCREENWALL, EXPOSED FASTENERS, FINISHED EDGE. 40%, 3/8" DIA. HOLES X 9/16" STAGGERED. COLOR: SILVERSMITHOPEN SLOT AT PANEL-3'0"X10'0"OPEN SLOTS AT PANELS-8" WIDEINDICATES MECHANICAL UNITS BEYOND SCREENING-TYP.SATELLITE DISH PER SITE PLANEMERGENCY WATER STORAGE TANKS-TYP. 4. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONCONCRETE MASONRY-RUNNING BONDDATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA9 .2Attachment 2ARC2 - 61 DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSEXTERIOR ELEVATIONS-COLORS AND SIGNAGEA9.345'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 167.58 AVE. N.G.33'-9" 12'-0"14'-0"169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 12'-0"15'-0"EAST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"060402010910110512120319EXTERIOR COLORBOARD KEYNOTES1. CONCRETE FLUTED RIB FORMLINER PAINTED WITH BENJAMIN MOORE 1537 RIVER GORGE GRAYANODIZED ALUMINUM, THERMALLY BROKEN WINDOWSCONCRETE TILT-UP PAINTED WITH BEN. MOORE HC-15 HENDERSON BUFFPROFILE SERIES, CS-660, 156 COLONIAL RED, CONCEALED FASTENER BY CENTRIA. PROVIDE MICORSEAM CORNERS. PANELS TO HAVE VERT. AND HORIZ. JOINTS AS SHOWNPROFILE SERIES, CS610, 999 ASPEN GOLD, CONCEALED FASTENER BY CENTRIA. PROVIDE MICROSEAM CORNERSSTANDING SEAM METAL ROOF BY CENTRIA. COLOR: 181 SLATE GRAYN/AN/ASTUCCO FINISH AT TRASH ENCLOSURE. COLOR: BEN. MOORE HC-15 HENDERSON BUFFCONCRETE MASONRY UNITS, COLOR: #60-101. MFR: AIR VOL BLOCKSHADING DEVICE; BEN. MOORE 1537 RIVER GORGE GRAYCORRUGATED METAL GATES AND DOORS-TYP. COLOR TO MATCH CENTRIA 156 COLONIAL REDN/AN/AMONUMENT SIGN WITH ADDRESS. REFER TO SIGN DETAIL 4, THIS SHEET, FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION10"-11" HIGH METAL NUMBERS, PAINTED LIGHT GRAY OR WHITEFASCIA AND SOFFIT PAINTED WITH BEN. MOORE 1477 DEEP CREEKSTEEL TRELLIS PAINTED WITH BEN. MOORE 1477 DEEP CREEKPERFORATED SCREENING, 36" WIDTH, CENTRIA BR5-36 ECOSCREEN PERFORATED SCREENWALL, EXPOSED FASTENERS, FINISHED EDGE. 40%, 3/8" DIA. HOLES X 9/16" STAGGERED. COLOR: SILVERSMITHGALVANIZED STEEL WATER STORAGE TANKS (INTERIOR: NSF EPOXY COATED)169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 167.58 AVE. N.G. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. 6 0 0WEST ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"060105040301171819167.58 AVE. GRADE169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. NORTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"20106 0 06 0 06 0 0183.37 F.F. 169.00 F.F. 183.37 F.F. TOP OF ROOF 212.58 MAX. HT. TOP OF SCREENING 169.00 F.F. 167.58 F.F. 45'-0" 12'-0"14'-0" 33'-9"15'-0"SOUTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/16" = 1'-0"020103040102050615166 0 06 0 04'-0"5'-0"±2'-9" 7" 7"1'-0"8'-0"6"7'-0"1'-1"MONUMENT SIGNScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"4TENANT PANEL: MDO OR SIM.PANEL, PAINTED BLACK WITH 3/8" THICKPAINTED ACRYLIC NUMBERS INWHITE (FONT TO MATCHTENANT LOGO). LOGO TO MATCH TENANT LOGOALUMINUM CABINET: PAINTED AND BRUSHED ALUMINUMALTERNATIVE: POURED IN PLACE CONCRETE-PAINTEDDUNN EDWARDS DE6369LEGENDARY GRAYBRUSHED ALUMINUMFINISHACRYLIC NUMBERSPAINTED WHITECONCRETE BASELIGHTING PROVIDED AT CABINETTO HIGHLIGHT ADDRESS NUMBERS6 0 06 0 03'-0"2'-6"6"POST AND PANEL SIGNScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"5PANEL: MDO OR SIM.PANEL WITH 3/8" THICKPAINTED ACRYLIC NUMBERS INCONTRASTING COLOR TO PANELPAINT COLOR: DUNN EDWARDSDE6369 LEGENDARY GRAYSTEEL POSTS: 3" SQUAREPRIME AND PAINTDUNN EDWARDSDE6369 LEGENDARY GRAYAttachment 2ARC2 - 62 SHOP KEYNOTES1. UNISEX RESTROOMBUILT IN UPPER AND LOWER CABINETRYCONCRETE MASONRY WALL-TYP.CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS, BURNISHED #60B407C (GRAY) STACKED BONDROLL UP DOOR-PAINTSTEEL DOOR-PAINTMETAL FINISH TO MATCH DATA CENTERMETAL ROOFING TO MATCH DATA CENTERALUMINUM WINDOW SYSTEMGARAGE/SHOPSTORAGE STORAGE UNISEXWORK BENCH30'-8"20'-0"010203SHOP BUILDING-FLOOR PLANScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"DATE ISSUEJOB NUMBER© 2011 Studio2G Architects, LLPSHEET NUMBER08-31-1520AUG12CONCEPTUALDRAWINGSDIGITAL WEST 600 TANK FARM SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA120315OCT12PRE-APPLICATIONREVIEW30MAY13ARC AND AUPSUBMITTALS26NOV13UPDATED BASESHEETS27JAN14PRELIM BID SET28 FEB14ARC AND AUPRESUBMITTALSSHOP BUILDING FLOOR PLAN AND EXTERIOR ELEVATIONSA-SHOPSHOP BUILDING-EAST ELEVATIONScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"8'-0" 11'-0"1230405060807SHOP BUILDING-NORTH ELEVATIONScale: 1/4" = 1'-0"11'-0" 15'-9"07040908Attachment 2ARC2 - 63 Airport Area Plan Excerpts Page 1 Attachment 3 ARC2 - 64 Airport Area Plan Excerpts Page 2 Attachment 3 ARC2 - 65 Airport Area Plan Excerpts Page 3 Attachment 3 ARC2 - 66 Airport Area Plan Excerpts Page 4 Attachment 3 ARC2 - 67 Airport Area Plan Excerpts Page 5 Attachment 3 ARC2 - 68 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 69 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 70 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 71 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 72 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 73 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 74 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 75 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 76 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 77 Attachment 4 ARC2 - 78 DRAFT SAN LUIS OBISPO ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION MINUTES August 4, 2014 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Patricia Andreen, Ken Curtis, Suzan Ehdaie, Amy Nemcik, Allen Root, Vice-Chair Greg Wynn, and Chairperson Michelle McCovey-Good Absent: None Staff: Senior Planner Pam Ricci, Assistant Planner Walter Oetzell, Supervising Civil Engineer Hal Hannula, Parks and Recreation Public Art Manager Melissa Mudgett, and Recording Secretary Diane Clement ACCEPTANCE OF THE AGENDA: The agenda was accepted as amended. The Consent Item for 163 Suburban Road was the first item considered. MINUTES: The minutes of July 21, 2014, were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS: There were no comments made from the public. CONSENT ITEM: 1. 163 Suburban Road. ARC 39-14; Adopt a resolution approving two industrial buildings for a brewery and for manufacturing and storage uses, each with a caretaker residence; M-SP zone; Earthwood Lane Properties, LLC, applicant. (Walter Oetzell) Assistant Planner Oetzell presented the staff report, recommending adoption of the Draft Resolution approving the construction of two new industrial buildings with caretaker dwellings. On motion by Commr. Curtis, seconded by Commr. Andreen, to adopt the Resolution as presented with one amendment: delete the last sentence in Section 2, Public Works, Condition #8: “The accessible path between buildings shall not rely on the accessible parking space loading zone.” Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 2 AYES: Commrs. Curtis, Andreen, Ehdaie, McCovey-Good, Nemcik, Root, and Wynn NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. INFORMATIONAL UPDATE: 1. Staff update on proposed modification to planned public art at the Portola Fountain located at Higuera and Marsh Street intersection. (Melissa Mudgett) Commr. Root recused himself for this item. Commr Wynn stated that the base looks different and asked if it is a different metal. Public Art Manager Mudgett stated it is a less reflective finish than the original piece. Commr. Wynn requested that the material and finish be clarified by the artist. The Commissioners agreed with the staff’s conclusion that the previous findings made by the ARC with the earlier review of the project were not affected by the changes, and that the project would not require further review by the ARC. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2207 San Luis Drive. ARCMI 77-14; Review of a new single-family residence on a sensitive site; R-1-S zone; Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Anelli, applicants. (Walter Oetzell) Assistant Planner Oetzell presented the staff report, recommending continued consideration of the application to a future date with direction on potential design changes that would make the project more consistent with the City’s Community Design Guidelines. Applicant Mark Anelli, stated that a precedent has been set for two-story, flat-roofed contemporary homes in this neighborhood. He noted that a home will be built on the west side of his home so his house will not block the view of the hillside in the future. He described a diagonal wire line trellis system that will cover one large wall which will be seen only from the very end of the cul-de-sac. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments from the public. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 3 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Andreen compared the west elevation of the house with the Mission wall facing Chorro and decided that there is a peacefulness to having one unarticulated element when the design is dramatic. She commended the design and stated that it is compatible with the new Spanish style home in this neighborhood. Commr. Wynn stated that the wall on the “west side” of the residence is a bit massive, but that the design fits the envelope, has good order and symmetry, and will not block the view of the steep hillside. He added that the one wall of concern will be covered with plants and the other wall will have another home adjacent to it. He suggested that the proposed green screen on the east wall is fine but should be more “orthogonal”, consistent with the rest of the elements of the house. He noted that the Commission needs a better understanding of the locations of specific colors and textures and where they terminate. Commr. Nemcik stated that more variation in the gray colors would bring the mass down. Commr. Root stated that he sees an opportunity to create an asymmetric square to the left of the doors on the largest field of the house. He agreed that the green screen should be horizontal and vertical, not diamond shapes. Commr. McCovey-Good suggested adding to the resolution a requirement that there be more variation in the grays to help reduce the massing. Commr. Wynn agreed that a decrease in massing could occur by modifying the color palette and that this could be handled at the staff level. Senior Planner Ricci suggested a new Condition 1 stating that the applicant shall submit revised elevations with specific callouts on the colors and where they terminate their edges. She added that the other Conditions would remain in the resolution. There were no further comments made from the Commission. On a motion by Commr. Nemcik, seconded by Commr. Ehdaie, to approve the resolution with the following new Condition #1: “The applicant shall submit revised elevations showing colors and materials, and their logical termination points to the approval of the Community Development Director. An updated colors and material board shall also be submitted with consideration for a more varied color palette.” AYES: Commrs. Nemcik, Ehdaie, Andreen, Curtis, McCovey-Good, Root, and Wynn NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 4 The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. 2. 1327 Osos Street. ARC 96-13; Review of plans for a mixed-use project with nine (9) condominium units and 8,000-square feet of office space in the Old Town Historic District, including a request for an approximately 30% parking reduction through a shared parking reduction and automobile trip reduction program; R-3-H zone; Mission Medical, LLC, applicant. (Pam Ricci) Senior Planner Ricci presented the staff report, recommending continuation of the project with direction to the applicant and staff on pertinent issues. She noted that letters were received from Allan Cooper who stated he is supportive of the staff position, and from Joseph Abrams, a member of Save Our Downtown, who recommended denial of the project. She stated that letters were submitted at this meeting from Stewart Jenkins and Diane Jenkins who included paper copies of her PowerPoint presentation. Carol Florence, Principal Planner, Oasis Associations, pointed out that the scale model has been expanded to include the immediate neighbors. Jonathan Watts, Architect, Cunningham Group, stated that the project is pedestrian- oriented, has more bike parking than required, and is focused on the future. He stated that the shared parking, which will have no assigned spaces, will allow others to park when the residents are away during the day. Principal Planner Florence stated that the applicant will work with SLO Regional Rideshare to satisfy concerns about parking, and showers, a car pool space and bicycles will be provided. Architect Watts stated that the roof decks are important living spaces and that second floors always overlook ground floors, even in single-family home neighborhoods. He added that the decks are not enormous and have not used the entire roof. He stated that contrast is needed to avoid demeaning the church by mimicking its design but it is important to maintain the rhythm of the street. He noted that the roof height is consistent with the height of the church and that the width of the building features and spaces fronting the street match the elements of the church, thereby keeping the rhythm. He added that the gable in Condition 4 is not in keeping with updated Craftsman style and the solid wall next to the door adds privacy for that residence. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Diane Jenkins, SLO, neighbor to the project, stated that Morro Street is known as Bicycle Boulevard. She pointed out that most of the buildings on the applicant’s presentation board are not in Old Town, which is a quaint area that harkens back to simpler times with its many Victorian homes, and where even the nonconforming structures, except one apartment building on Morro Street, are similar in design. She stated that this project is a wrong fit for this neighborhood but that she loves infill and supported the 2009 design because it was more alive and did not feel as big. She Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 5 added that the Morro Street entrance for this design is just a stairwell and most of the living is on top of the roof, isolated from the neighborhood. She stated that when you get to Old Town, you expect to see an old town. Stewart Jenkins, SLO, stated that he wished the applicant had started with contacting neighbors to discuss a plan that would fit the neighborhood. He also pointed out that many of the homes pictured on the applicant’s board are not in Old Town. He referred to Thomas Jefferson who made buildings look large inside but small outside. He added that the 2009 project design provided for human activity on the ground level and noted that when you walk around Old Town, there are some residences with living units over garages but they are all at the back of the properties, which gives a feel of community to the neighborhood that this plan does not do. He described the Rio Bravo Apartments as having an old, classical rhythm, and the church as being like a Mozart symphony, but stated that this project design is a thrust plate of cliffs and a dead zone of parking which does not match Morro Street or Osos Street and does not have a classical rhythm. He supported denial of the project and sending it back to the drawing board. Pete Peterson, SLO, stated that lack of parking has always been a problem which results in parking in driveways and on the street. He added that for the building next door, this project will make a bad parking problem worse. He noted that the 30% reduction is enough and losing eight more spaces is bad. He stated that the design for the Osos Street side is untenable. He noted that, on the Morro Street side, umbrellas, etc., placed on the fourth-story decks will push the height up to forty feet or more. He suggested that the design would be somewhat better if stepped back and if the siding from one street wrapped to the other street. Senior Planner Ricci noted that the reduction of eight parking spaces is not in addition to the 30% reduction. James Lopes, SLO, Save Our Downtown, pointed out that the Cultural Heritage Committee concluded that the current design does not meet the Guidelines. He agreed with the CHC recommendation to deny the project but noted that it is preferable if the Commission can work with the applicant on a redesign, especially on the Osos Street frontage. He stated he would like the office building to have more building frontage rather than parking frontage. He suggested that the garage entrance be reduced by half and made one way since there is another entrance. He also suggested moving the transformer. He stated that, overall the design is boxy, out of character with its historic context, and out of scale with the apartment building and the eave lines on the church. He added that it is a stretch to say it is consistent with the roof line of the church’s main sanctuary. He opposed the contemporary design and noted that in urban design, you normally look at multiple buildings in the neighborhood, not just one (in this case, the church) and that the design should be contextually referenced with any use of modern style being light and not like the box shape, which stands out as overwhelming, especially to the apartment building and the street. He stated he is willing to see a continuance and, if there is an eight space parking deficiency, then the office building should be reduced by 2400 square feet. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 6 David Drake, SLO, stated that the City will have many more buildings of contemporary design if this is approved. He added that the massing is about getting money out of the building. He agreed that the design is not musical but is a disruption on both streets. He suggested that the Osos Street ground level be more approachable and that there be less verticality on Morro. He supported denying the project. Rachael Drake, SLO, stated that she does not see any changes to the Osos side design as discussed at the Cultural Heritage Committee meeting. She noted that the original design was more in the context of the neighborhood, and that the orange pop out looks like a VCR. She added that the church totally vanishes. Brian Starr, SLO, stated that the Guidelines caution against mimicry. He noted he prefers a design in contrast to the church, allowing it to remain iconic. He supported the design and added that it is consistent with what is nearby but different in style. Marianne Bernstein, SLO, supported not mimicking the church and stated she is excited about the project and the colors which will bring vibrancy to the downtown. She added that she is disappointed that the red was removed from the color palette. Alice Davis, SLO, stated that the orange box, which looks like a cage, will become the focal point and detract from the church’s beauty. She noted that streets are not just made of structural things, but that buildings have personality and evoke feelings. She added that the many details of the church are very calming and not busy. She described the new Morro Street entrance as looking very uptown and classy but noted that the color of the awning does not fit with all the other colors on buildings and awnings and that together form a beautiful string of pearls. There were no further comments from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Curtis noted that there were several comments from the public about parking. He asked if the Commission has any discretion on parking. Senior Planner Ricci stated that the ARC is charged with acting on requested parking reductions. She noted that the Planning Commission did not act on parking because they thought the design might change further and was best handled by the ARC at final design review. In response to a comment by Commr. Wynn, the architect stated that this will be an office building, not a medical building, and that the applicant is willing to restrict the use. Commr. Curtis stated that it makes more sense to have two spaces set aside for car pool drivers rather than allocate a space to accommodate a shared on-site auto. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 7 Commr. Root noted that in the not too distance future, fewer people will own vehicles and there is a need to encourage shared vehicles in project design. Commr. McCovey-Good concurred with Commr. Root’s statement. Commr. Wynn noted that the overall massing has changed from the original 2008-09 design which had roughly 2½ stories of living space over underground parking. He added that the half-story living space is now open deck living space over the top of three full stories which is a detriment to the scale of the project. He noted that important buildings have usually been sited on corners, not mid-block, and they are bigger with a significant presence to them. He added that the main floor of the church was lifted up to emphasize its importance. He noted that this building, equally tall, starts at grade level. He added that the Railroad Square project works contextually and is consistent with the Guidelines which he does not see with this project because it is so disparate in style, with organizing lines of rhythm hard to find. He stated that ultimately this project comes down to the idea of life on the street mentioned by several public speakers which seems to be lost here. He added that he did not want to repeat the mistake of letting Apple close off a portion of a block on Morro which created a dead zone. Commr. Ehdaie stated that this is a great design on a difficult parcel and that, in terms of massing and architectural style, it is fine not to have the same pattern as the church. She added that she feels the design can be improved and that she cares about the living space, especially on Morro Street because it is a cozy, friendly street. She stated that underground parking would help with vibrancy and friendliness. She noted that it is very important to use high quality materials on the awnings so the color does not fade and become an eyesore, and the same is true for all the detailing, including light fixtures. Commr. Curtis stated that it is unfortunate that the underground parking was eliminated as it would help reduce overall massing, and improve life at the street level and compatibility with neighbors. He noted that the residential design has improved, especially on Morro Street, but some refinement is still needed. He stated that he agrees the roof decks add to the appearance of bulk and mass and they need to be pulled back a bit which would also reduce intrusion into the privacy of surrounding lots. He agreed that it is better to differentiate general architectural style from an historic structure so as not to detract from it. He stated that he likes the façade facing the church because it is more austere and focuses attention on the detailed nuances of the church. He agreed that the orange box on Osos Street is too dominating and stated he does not see any value in having the breezeway which, if eliminated on the upper level, would make the design a little more compatible. He supported the ground level office use and the window pattern because it adds to the rhythm that is consistent with the church. He stated that he does not see any advantage to having the higher portions, mainly being parapet, on Osos at the corner toward the church. He stated that some simplification would be advantageous. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 8 Commr. Andreen stated that she is comfortable with the statements made by Commr. Curtis and that she likes the design more and more as she understands it better, but she does not see justification for the orange box. She suggested a more vertical element in that area which would be more harmonious and in balance with the church. She noted that she understands why Diane and Stew Jenkins are upset but she hopes that may change in time. She stated that this project will move the City toward the future of car sharing and use of bikes. She applauded the architects for an excellent design and stated she liked what Commr. Wynn said. Commr. Root suggested extending the roof overhangs on Morro Street and stated that he likes the idea of the fenced yard and changing the decks to have more respect for neighbors. He stated he is wrestling with the Osos side and observed that the church is not symmetrical but the elements of each mass are symmetrical and rhythmic, which is also true of this project but maybe has not been played up enough. He added that he likes the tall windows with the steel surround and Commr. Curtis’s idea of moving the massing of the third level inward to create more symmetry. He stated that he is not so concerned with the massing but that harmony and rhythm are important. He suggested playing up the entry on Morro Street by recessing it a little. Senior Planner Ricci stated that the recommendation would be to continue to a date uncertain with the following noted: 1) parking has general support as presented in Condition 24 with a 10% shared reduction and a trip reduction plan which justifies having eight fewer parking spaces; 2) in Condition 4 remove a and b but keep c and d; 3) provide larger roof overhangs and create a different entry statement by recessing the door and/or providing a yard space; 4) simplify the Osos Street elevation, playing up some elements and remove the orange box. Commr. Wynn stated that there could be an alternative that reduces the square footage. Commr. Ehdaie suggested consideration for underground parking but the other Commissioners noted that it is too expensive and is what stopped the previous project. Commr. Root suggested adding to Condition 4.d to “further reduce size or alter location and take into consideration privacy.” Commr. Wynn stated that it is critical to consider life on the street and that it is of concern, having the parking and transformer so prominent. He added that the first level does not have the sense he is used to seeing in the City. Commr. Ehdaie stated that she has seen projects with the garages on the first level on Marsh Street and in the Railroad District, and she approves of the design and does not think there is any alternative. Commr. Curtis summarized his suggestions by noting that some transition is needed by the building on Osos, that the brown element should be moved more toward the church, Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 9 the breezeway should be eliminated on the upper floor, something should be changed about transitioning from two to three stories, and the orange box is a problem. He suggested simplifying the elevation on Osos Street. He added that it is not a large building so it is best not to have too much variation. Commr. Wynn noted that the affordable unit is half the size of other units and separated from everything else. He asked the architects to consider adding a little more to that unit and think more about a sense of inclusion. Commr. Curtis added that the outdoor space for that unit should be a little more usable. Senior Planner Ricci suggested stating “provide more parity with the design of the affordable unit.” Commr. Wynn commended the architects on the model but noted that this project is missing respect for the pedestrian level which the church shows with its setback. He added that even the apartment building on the corner shows this respect but that this project has been pushed to the maximum without that respect. He stated that it worries him that the project was denied by the CHC. He stated that he knows he is on the opposite side of saying that this massing is appropriate for continuing and he wants to reduce the overall mass so it would not be necessary to reduce parking. Commr. Ehdaie stated that she sees the concern about the massing, but noted that this project is close to Mitchell Park and the residents can use open spaces nearby. She added that maximizing the envelope provides more housing and retail for the City. Commr. Wynn stated he agrees about the residents using open spaces nearby but is concerned about those walking by. Senior Planner Ricci suggested this statement: “Building elevations shall be fully dimensioned and show compliance with side yard setback requirements.” On motion by Commr. Wynn, seconded by Commr. Ehdaie to continue this meeting past 9:00 p.m. AYES: Commrs. Wynn, Ehdaie, Andreen, Curtis, McCovey-Good, Nemcik, and Root NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. There were no further comments made from the Commission. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 10 On a motion by Commr. Curtis, seconded by Commr. Root to continue the project to a date uncertain with the following directional items: 1. Parking as provided in the project was generally supported by the ARC. The ARC agreed to the condition that the applicant shall submit a revised Transportation Demand Management Plan to the approval of the Public Works and Community Development Directors that includes supportable programs that will reduce vehicle trips to the site. 2. Modify the Morro Street elevation of the project as follows: a. Further refine the design of the roof decks to create a more seamless transition from gable forms; and b. Look at alternative locations for, or further reduce the sizes of, the roof decks to take into consideration privacy and overlook to adjacent neighbors. c. Provide larger roof overhangs to the gable end; and d. Explore the idea of creating a yard area and more of a recess for the entry. 3. Modify the Osos Street elevations of the project as follows: a. Simplify the design; b. Play up the building entry; c. Look at more offsets of the third floor on the apartment side to better transition the building mass; d. Consider the elimination of the wood box on the left-hand side; and e. Provide less of a visual gap in the third floor level. 4. Building elevations shall be fully dimensioned and show compliance with side yard setback requirements. 5. Provide more parity for the affordable housing unit in terms of its design and associated amenities. 6. Look at ways to reduce the visual prominence of the PG&E transformer in the Osos street yard. AYES: Commrs. Curtis, Root, Andreen, Ehdaie, McCovey-Good, Nemcik, and Wynn NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 3. Staff: a. Agenda Forecast by Senior Planner Ricici: • August 18, 2014: Relocation of business at 313 South Street to a site on Broad Street, Digital W est, and review of standard conditions. • September 8, 2014: Appeal filed on Johnson Avenue project by Robert Mueller, conceptual review on Wells Fargo building across from CVS; proposal on Caudill for four residential and four work/live units. Draft ARC Minutes August 4, 2014 Page 11 • September 15, 2014: proposal to further develop Miner’s south parking lot; hotel next to Pappy McGregor’s; revised design of 460 Marsh Street; and nine units on Rockview. 4. Commission: a. Commr. Wynn will be absent from the August 18, 2014, meeting. b. Commrs. Curtis and Nemcik absent from all September meetings. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted by, Diane Clement Recording Secretary