HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC-1043-21 (ARCH-0165-2020, USE-0294-2019 and EID-0650-2020 -- 950 AND 990 Aero Dr.)RESOLUTION NO. PC-1043-21
USE-0294-2019, and EID-0650-2020; 950 AND 990 AERO DRIVE)
WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo
meeting was conducted via teleconference on May 3, 2021, recommending the Planning
Commission approve the design of the project based on consistency with the Community Design
Guidelines and Airport Area Specific Plan (AASP), pursuant to a proceeding instituted under
ARCH-0165-2020, Sunsmit, LLC, applicant; and
WHEREAS, the Tree Committee of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a meeting on
July 26, 2021 at the City’s Corporation Yard, 25 Prado Road, San Luis Obispo, California,
recommending the Planning Commission find the project consistent with the Tree Regulations
with recommended conditions, pursuant to a proceeding instituted under ARCH-0165-2020,
Sunsmit, LLC, applicant; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo meeting was
conducted via teleconference on July 28, 2021 at City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo,
California, pursuant to a proceeding instituted under ARCH-0165-2020, USE-0294-2019, and
EID-0650-2020, Sunsmit, LLC, applicant; and
WHEREAS, notices of said public hearing were made at the time and in the manner
required by law; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has duly considered all evidence, including the
testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and the evaluation and recommendations by staff,
presented at said hearing.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of
San Luis Obispo to approve the proposed project, consisting of entitlements ARCH-0165-2020,
USE-0294-2019, and EID-0650-2020. This resolution is based on the following findings:
SECTION 1. Findings. The Planning Commission hereby grants approval of the Airport
Hotel project and associated exceptions (ARCH-0165-2020, USE-0294-2019, and EID-0650-
2020) based on the following findings:
1. As conditioned, the project will not be detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of persons
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living or working at the site or in the vicinity because the project respects site constraints and
will be compatible with the scale and character of surrounding neighborhoods, which
primarily consist of business park, commercial, and airport-related uses.
2. The project conforms to the General Plan, Airport Area Specific Plan (AASP), Airport Land
Use Plan (ALUP), and meets Zoning Regulations requirements for the Business Park Zone.
3. As conditioned, the project is consistent with Airport Area Specific Plan land use policies and
the intended development pattern of the Business Park (BP) zone because the hotel will
support the adjacent San Luis Obispo Regional Airport by providing lodging and parking for
airport users in addition to other travelers to San Luis Obispo.
4. As conditioned, the project design is consistent with the City’s Community Design Guidelines
and Chapter 5 (Community Design) of the AASP through its placement of buildings, parking,
landscaping, and pedestrian access that are compatible with the design and scale of
neighboring structures, and by providing articulation, varied roof heights, and architecturally
articulated entry features facing Broad Street and Aero Drive.
Lot Frontage Side Parking
5. Granting an exception to strict compliance with lot frontage side parking limitations is
consistent with the intent of Airport Area Specific Plan standards because the project site is a
corner lot with primary access taken from Aero Drive, and the primary face of the building is
angular and generally faces Aero Drive, the access road to the airport. Due to the prior
realignment of Aero Drive, a majority of the project site does not directly front Aero Drive
and is separated by a vacant parcel. In addition, the project demonstrates compliance with
parking requirements, Code requirements for fire and emergency access to the building, and
the proposed 10-foot landscape buffer and tree plantings along Broad Street will provide some
screening of the parking area.
Loading Space Exception/Waiver Finding
6. The proposed project consists of a dual-branded hotel, with shared lobby, kitchen, laundry,
and office areas; therefore, only one loading space is necessary to serve operation of the dual-
brand hotel.
Sign Regulations Exceptions
7. There are unusual circumstances applying to the property which make strict adherence to
the Sign Regulations impractical or infeasible, including the location of the corner lot
roughly at the intersection of Broad Street and Aero Drive, the building’s primary entrance
on Aero Drive and secondary pedestrian/non-vehicular access on Broad Street, and
visibility of signage as seen from Broad Street and Aero Drive.
8. As conditioned, the exceptions granting six wall signs, where four signs is the standard in
the Business Park (B-P) zone and allowing for the placement of the wall signs at the third
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floor of the dual-branded hotel is consistent with the intent and purpose of the Sign
Regulations and the exceptions are not being granted where alternative options of allowed
signage could provide an adequate alternative for sufficient visibility to the public with
equal or superior design. Based on the orientation of the building, the proposed signage
would be visible from both travel lanes of Broad Street and Aero Drive to allow for
sufficient business identification and would not result in visual clutter onsite or in
comparison with the surroundings.
SECTION 2. Environmental Review. An Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration
(IS/MND) has been prepared in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act
(CEQA) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed project. The Planning
Commission adopts the IS/MND and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program, based on
incorporation of the following findings and mitigation measures, which will reduce potential
environmental impacts to less than significant.
CEQA Findings
1. An Initial Study (IS) was prepared in accordance with the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) in order to conduct a project-specific analysis, and a Mitigated
Negative Declaration (MND) is recommended for adoption (Attachment D). The IS/MND
identifies that the project would potentially affect the following environmental factors
unless mitigated: air quality, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils,
greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality,
land use and planning, transportation, tribal cultural resources, and utilities and service
systems. Mitigation measures have been identified to reduce these potential impacts to less
than significant.
2. A 30-day public review period extended from April 22, 2021 through May 24, 2021.
Comments were received from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Department
of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), San Luis Obispo Council of Governments
(SLOCOG), and the Air Pollution Control District (APCD). All comments have been
addressed in the revised IS/MND. The modifications to the IS/MND do not require
recirculation of the document because the amendments constitute minor modifications and
clarifications to an adequate MND and do not include significant new information that
would result in a new significant environmental impact or a substantial increase in the
severity of a significant environmental impact.
AQ-1 During all construction activities and use of diesel vehicles, the applicant shall implement
the following idling control techniques:
1. Idling Restrictions Near Sensitive Receptors for Both On- and Off-Road
a. Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1,000 feet of sensitive
receptors if feasible;
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b. Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors shall not be permitted;
c. Use of alternative fueled equipment shall be used whenever possible; and
d. Signs that specify the no idling requirements shall be posted and enforced
at the construction site.
2. California Diesel Idling Regulations. On-road diesel vehicles shall comply with
Section 2485 of Title 13 of the California Code of Regulations. This regulation
limits idling from diesel-fueled commercial motor vehicles with gross vehicular
weight ratings of more than 10,000 pounds and licensed for operation on highways.
It applies to California and non-California based vehicles. In general, the regulation
specifies that drivers of said vehicles:
a. Shall not idle the vehicle’s primary diesel engine for greater than 5 minutes
at any location, except as noted in Subsection (d) of the regulation; and,
b. Shall not operate a diesel-fueled auxiliary power system (APS) to power a
heater, air conditioner, or any ancillary equipment on that vehicle during
sleeping or resting in a sleeper berth for greater than 5.0 minutes at any
location when within 1,000 feet of a restricted area, except as noted in
Subsection (d) of the regulation.
Signs must be posted in the designated queuing areas and job sites to remind drivers
of the 5-minute idling limit. The specific requirements and exceptions in the
regulation can be reviewed at the following website:
AQ-2 During all construction and ground-disturbing activities, the applicant shall implement the
following particulate matter control measures and detail each measure on the project
grading and building plans:
1. Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible.
2. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne
dust from leaving the site and from exceeding San Luis Obispo County Air
Pollution Control District (SLOAPCD) limit of 20% opacity for no greater than 3
minutes in any 60-minute period. Increased watering frequency shall be required
whenever wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour (mph) and cessation of grading
activities during periods of winds over 25 mph. Reclaimed (non-potable) water is
to be used in all construction and dust-control work.
3. All dirt stockpile areas (if any) shall be sprayed daily and covered with tarps or
other dust barriers as needed.
4. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation
and landscape plans shall be implemented as soon as possible, following
completion of any soil-disturbing activities.
5. Exposed grounds that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than one month
after initial grading shall be sown with a fast germinating, non-invasive, grass seed
and watered until vegetation is established.
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6. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation shall be stabilized using
approved chemical binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by
7. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved shall be completed as soon as
possible. In addition, building pads shall be laid as soon as possible after grading
unless seeding or soil binders or soil binders are used.
8. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 mph on any unpaved
surface at the construction site.
9. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or shall
maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load
and top of trailer) in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114.
10. Install wheel washers where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets or
wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site. Sweep streets at the end of each
day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads.
11. Water sweepers shall be used with reclaimed water where feasible. Roads shall be
pre-wetted prior to sweeping when feasible.
12. All PM10 mitigation measures required shall be shown on grading and building
13. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive
dust emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to
minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below the SLOAPCD limit of
20% opacity for no greater than 3 minutes in any 60-minute period. Their duties
shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The
name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the SLOAPCD
Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork, or demolition.
14. All off-road construction equipment shall be Tier 3 or higher.
AQ-3 Prior to initiation of demolition/construction activities, the applicant shall retain a
registered geologist to conduct a geologic evaluation of the property including sampling
and testing for naturally occurring asbestos in full compliance with California Air
Resources Board (CARB) Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction,
Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations (CARB ATCM Section 93105) and
SLOAPCD requirements. This geologic evaluation shall be submitted to the City
Community Development Department upon completion. If the geologic evaluation
determines that the project would not have the potential to disturb naturally occurring
asbestos (NOA), the applicant must file an Asbestos ATCM exemption request with the
San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (SLOAPCD).
AQ-4 If naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) are determined to be present on-site, proposed
earthwork and construction activities shall be conducted in full compliance with the various
regulatory jurisdictions regarding NOA, including the California Air Resources Board
(CARB) Asbestos Air Toxics Control Measure (ATCM) for Construction, Grading,
Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations (CARB ATCM Section 93105) and
requirements stipulated in the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants
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(40 Code of Federal Regulations 61, Subpart M – Asbestos; NESHAP). These
requirements include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Written notification, within at least 10 business days of activities commencing, to
the San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District (SLOAPCD);
2. Preparation of an asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Consultant;
3. Implementation of applicable removal and disposal protocol and requirements for
identified NOA.
AQ-5 Asbestos Material in Demolition. Demolition activities can have potential negative air
quality impacts, including issues surrounding proper handling, demolition, and disposal of
asbestos-containing material (ACM). ACMs could be encountered during demolition or
remodeling of existing buildings. Asbestos can also be found in utility pipes/pipelines
(transite pipes or insulation on pipes). If utility pipelines are scheduled for removal or
relocation or a building(s) is proposed to be removed or renovated, various regulatory
requirements may apply, including the requirements stipulated in the National Emission
Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] 61, Subpart
M - asbestos NESHAP). These requirements include but are not limited to: (1) notification
to the APCD; (2) an asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Inspector; and (3)
applicable removal and disposal requirements of identified ACM. More information on
asbestos can be found at http://www.slocleanair.org/business/asbestos.php.
Monitoring Program: Measures AQ-1 through AQ-5 shall be incorporated into project
grading and building plans for review and approval by the City Community Development
Department. Compliance shall be verified by the City during regular inspections, in coordination
with the SLOAPCD, as necessary. The applicant shall submit the geologic evaluation detailed in
measure AQ-3 to the City Community Development Department upon completion.
BIO-1 The following measures shall be implemented prior to and during construction to avoid
potential direct mortality and loss of California red-legged frogs:
1. Prior to the initial site investigation and subsequent ground-disturbing activities, a
qualified biologist will instruct all project personnel in worker awareness training,
including recognition of California red-legged frogs and their habitat.
2. A qualified biologist will conduct preconstruction surveys within the project area
no earlier than 2 days before ground-disturbing activities.
3. No activities shall occur after October 15 or the onset of the rainy season, whichever
occurs first, until May 1, except for during periods greater than 72 hours without
precipitation. Activities can only resume after site inspection by a qualified
biologist. The rainy season is defined as a frontal system that results in depositing
0.25 inches or more of precipitation in one event.
4. Vehicles to and from the project site will be confined to existing roadways to
minimize disturbance of habitat.
5. Prior to movement of a backhoe in the project area, a qualified biologist will make
sure the route is clear of California red-legged frogs.
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6. If a California red-legged frog is encountered during excavations, or any project
activities, activities will cease until the frog is removed and relocated by a U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service-approved biologist. Any incidental take will be reported to the
USFWS immediately by telephone at (916) 414-6600.
BIO-2 The following measures shall be implemented prior to and during construction to avoid
impacts to hydrological resources located within and in the vicinity of the project site:
1. The limits of all work areas shall be clearly delineated in the field during
construction and personnel shall be informed of the need to avoid impacts to
jurisdictional aquatic features (i.e., waters and wetlands).
2. For short-term, temporary stabilization, an erosion and sedimentation control plan
shall be developed outlining Best Management Practices (BMPs) and implemented
to prevent erosion and sedimentation into the channel during construction.
Acceptable stabilization methods include the use of weed-free, natural fiber (i.e.,
non-monofilament) fiber rolls, jute or coir netting, and/or other industry standards.
BMPs shall be installed and maintained for the duration of the construction period.
3. The mapped limits of jurisdictional areas shall be clearly shown on all site plans
and flagged prior to the start of any construction activity within 50 feet of the limits
of the drainage.
4. All equipment and materials shall be stored a minimum of 35 feet from the edge of
the drainage at the end of each working day, and secondary containment shall be
used to prevent leaks and spills of potential contaminants from entering the
5. During construction, washing of concrete, paint, or equipment and refueling and
maintenance of equipment shall occur only in designated areas a minimum of 35
feet from all drainages and aquatic features. Sandbags and/or sorbent pads shall be
available to prevent any fluid releases from entering the drainage.
6. Construction equipment shall be inspected by the operator on a daily basis to ensure
that equipment is in good working order and no fuel or lubricant leaks are present.
7. Where feasible, the project shall incorporate low impact development (LID)
features, including bioswales and permeable pavers, into the overall site design to
retain runoff on site and avoid increased surface runoff into the drainage.
8. Where feasible, the project shall incorporate vegetated buffers, bioswales, and/or
rain gardens on the drainage side of the development.
9. The use of landscaping plants that are known or have potential to become invasive
shall be prohibited.
BIO-3 If any ground disturbance will occur during the nesting bird season (February 1–September
15), prior to any ground-disturbing activity, a preconstruction nesting bird survey shall be
conducted by a qualified biologist within 1 week prior to the start of activities. If nesting
birds are located on or near the project site, they shall be avoided until they have
successfully fledged, or the nest is no longer deemed active. A non-disturbance buffer of
50 feet will be implemented for non-listed, passerine species and a 250-foot buffer will be
implemented for raptor species. No construction activities will be permitted within
established nesting bird buffers until a qualified biologist has determined that the young
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have fledged or that proposed construction activities would not cause adverse impacts to
the nest, adults, eggs, or young. If special-status avian species are identified, no work shall
be conducted until an appropriate buffer is determined in consultation with the City and
the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and/or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Monitoring Program: The survey requirements of Mitigation Measures BIO-1 and BIO-3
shall be incorporated into the project grading and building plans for review and approval by the
City Community Development Department and verified through submittal of a preconstruction
nesting bird survey report to the City Community Development Department. The City Community
Development Department shall confirm that all BMPs included in BIO-2 to avoid impacts to
aquatic resources are incorporated into the grading plans prior to approval. Compliance shall be
verified by the City prior to the start of construction and during regular inspections, as necessary.
CR-1 Prior to construction activities, a City-qualified archaeologist shall conduct cultural
resource awareness training for all construction personnel including the following:
1. Review the types of archaeological artifacts that may be uncovered;
2. Provide examples of common archaeological artifacts to examine;
3. Review what makes an archaeological resource significant to archaeologists and
local Native Americans;
4. Describe procedures for notifying involved or interested parties in case of a new
5. Describe reporting requirements and responsibilities of construction personnel;
6. Review procedures that shall be used to record, evaluate, and mitigate new
discoveries; and
7. Describe procedures that would be followed in the case of discovery of disturbed
as well as intact human burials and burial-associated artifacts.
CR-2 If cultural resources are encountered during subsurface earthwork activities, all ground-
disturbing activities within a 25-foot radius of the find shall cease and the City shall be
notified immediately. Work shall not continue until a City-qualified archaeologist assesses
the find and determines the need for further study. If the find includes Native American-
affiliated materials, a local Native American tribal representative will be contacted to work
in conjunction with the City-approved archaeologist to determine the need for further
study. A standard inadvertent discovery clause shall be included in every grading and
construction contract to inform contractors of this requirement. Any previously
unidentified resources found during construction shall be recorded on appropriate
California Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) forms and evaluated for significance
in terms of California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) criteria by a qualified
If the resource is determined significant under CEQA, the qualified archaeologist shall
prepare and implement a research design and archaeological data recovery plan, in
conjunction with locally affiliated Native American representative(s) as necessary, that will
capture those categories of data for which the site is significant. The archaeologist shall
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also perform appropriate technical analysis, prepare a comprehensive report, and file it with
the Central Coast Information Center (CCIC), located at the University of California, Santa
Barbara, and provide for the permanent curation of the recovered materials.
CR-3 In the event that human remains are exposed during earth disturbing activities associated
with the project, an immediate halt work order shall be issued, and the City Community
Development Director and locally affiliated Native American representative(s) (as
necessary) shall be notified. California Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 requires
that no further disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie
adjacent human remains shall occur until the County Coroner has made the necessary
findings as to origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code (PRC) Section
5097.98. If the remains are determined to be of Native American descent, the coroner shall
notify the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. These requirements
shall be printed on all building and grading plans.
Monitoring Program: These conditions shall be noted on all grading and construction
plans. The City shall review and approve the City-qualified archaeologist consistent with the
Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines.
Implement Mitigation Measure BIO-2.
Monitoring Program: The City Community Development Department shall confirm that
all BMPs included in BIO-2 to avoid impacts to aquatic resources are incorporated into the grading
plans prior to approval. Compliance shall be verified by the City prior to the start of construction
and during regular inspections, as necessary.
Implement Mitigation Measures AQ-1, AQ-2, TR-1, and TR-2 in addition to the following
GHG-1 A Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GGRP) shall be prepared for the proposed
project and shall be submitted to the City for review and approval prior to issuance of
grading or building permits. The GGRP shall require annual impacts to be quantified over
the lift of the project to also account for reduction in project impacts due to future emission
reduction technology that is included in the California Emissions Estimator Model
(CalEEMod) and shall (reduce annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the
development by a minimum of 1,367.9 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalence
(MTCO2e) per year over the operational life of the proposed project. GHG emissions may
be reduced through the implementation of on-site mitigation measures, off-site mitigation
measures, or through the purchase of carbon offsets. It is recommended that the GGRP
incorporate GHG-reduction measures identified in the City of San Luis Obispo’s CEQA
GHG Emissions Analysis Compliance Checklist, Climate Action Plan Consistency
Checklist for New Development, as listed below. In the event that carbon offsets are
required, carbon offsets shall be purchased from a validated/verifiable source, such as the
California Climate Action Registry, and approved by City Planning staff prior to purchase.
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1. The project shall be provided electricity by 3CE.
2. The project shall incorporate a pedestrian and bicycle access network that connects
proposed on-site land uses to adjacent existing or planned pedestrian and bicycle
facilities contiguous with the project site.
3. The project shall be designed to minimize barriers to pedestrian access and
4. The project shall be designed to provide safe and convenient access to public transit
contiguous to the project site.
5. Transportation Demand Management (TDM) reduction measures should be
included to reduce vehicle miles traveled (VMT), which include but are not limited
a. Telecommuting;
b. Car sharing;
c. Shuttle service;
d. Carpools;
e. Vanpools;
f. Participation in the SLO Rideshare Back ‘N’ Forth Club;
g. Transit subsidies; and
h. Off-site sustainable transportation infrastructure improvements.
6. The project shall provide organic waste pick up and shall provide the appropriate
on-site enclosures consistent with the provisions of the City’s Development
Standards for Solid Waste Services.
Monitoring Program: Measure GHG-1 shall be incorporated into project grading and
building plans for review and approval by the City Community Development Department.
Compliance shall be verified by the City during regular inspections, in coordination with the
SLOAPCD, as necessary. The applicant shall submit the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan (GGRP)
to the City Community Development Department upon completion.
Implement Mitigation Measures AQ-3, AQ-4, AQ-5, and BIO-2.
Monitoring Program: Mitigation Measures AQ-3, AQ-4, AQ-5, and BIO-2 shall be
incorporated into project grading and building plans for review and approval by the City
Community Development Department. Compliance shall be verified by the City during regular
inspections, in coordination with the SLOAPCD, as necessary. The applicant shall submit the
geologic evaluation detailed in measure AQ-3 to the City Community Development Department
upon completion. The City Community Development Department shall confirm that all BMPs
included in BIO-2 to avoid impacts to aquatic resources are incorporated into the grading plans
prior to approval. Compliance shall be verified by the City prior to the start of construction and
during regular inspections, as necessary.
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Implement Mitigation Measure BIO-2.
Monitoring Program: The City Community Development Department shall confirm that
all BMPs included in Mitigation Measure BIO-2 to avoid impacts to aquatic resources are
incorporated into the grading plans prior to approval. Compliance shall be verified by the City
prior to the start of construction and during regular inspections, as necessary.
TR-1 Trip Reduction Coordinator. The project applicant shall identify a Trip Reduction
Coordinator to act as the contact person for the City of San Luis Obispo and SLO Regional
Rideshare. The Coordinator shall be responsible for:
1. Implementing an annual vehicle trip survey (can be administered through SLO
Regional Rideshare.)
2. Preparing an annual report, subject to the City’s review and approval, on the
program’s effectiveness and recommendations for revisions if needed to improve
the program’s effectiveness.
3. Providing quarterly information (electronically or hard copy) regarding area
transportation services and City and County transit passes.
4. Coordinating employee transportation board meetings.
5. Coordinator will be responsible for establishing the Back ‘N’ Forth Club (for
employees sponsored by Rideshare for the complex at a minimum of the Silver
TR-2 The project applicant shall submit a proposed Transportation Demand Management (TDM)
Plan and Monitoring Program for City review prior to issuance of building permits. City
approval of a Final TDM Plan and Monitoring Program is required prior to issuance of
occupancy permits. The applicant shall submit a TDM Performance Monitoring Report at
12 months and 24 months after first occupancy and agree to annual TDM compliance
inspections by the City Transportation Division. Transportation Demand Management
(TDM) measures shall be implemented to reduce the project’s trip generation by at least
3% and may include, but are not limited to, the measures identified in GHG-1 and the
following measures:
1. Shuttle Service. The hotel shall offer a shuttle service to the airport terminal and
downtown as requested by the guests. The hotel will also coordinate with local wine
tours to encourage guests interested in wine tasting to utilize communal travel
options rather than individual vehicles.
2. Community Transportation Board. A group of managers and employees,
including the Trip Reduction Coordinator who meets to discuss and implement new
ways to encourage employees and guests to participate in the community’s
alternative transportation programs.
3. Shared Automobile. On-site accommodations will be made available for a
communal short-term rental car to enable guests to utilize a shared vehicle for short
errands and other related needs. It is estimated that utilizing a car-sharing program
alone will offset up to 10 required parking spaces. One company that offers this
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service is Zipcar. Information on their services can be found on their website
(https://www.zipcar.com/) or similar.
4. Bicycle Repair Station. A convenient station equipped with all of the tools
necessary for employees to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance.
5. Long-term Bicycle Parking. The project shall provide adequate, secure long-term
bicycle parking for employees.
6. Showers and Locker Facilities. The hotel will include shower and locker facilities
for employees that bike to work.
7. Shared Bicycles for Guests. The hotel will own and maintain bicycles available
for guests to use to as an alternative to using vehicles.
8. SLO Rideshare Back ‘N’ Forth Club. The project shall participate in the SLO
Rideshare Back ‘N’ Forth Club.
9. Transit Passes. The project shall provide free or discounted transit passes to
10. Information Packets. Introductory packets, in either electronic or hardcopy form,
for new employees with information pertaining to the car-sharing program, bicycle
parking, bicycle repair station and a map showing the nearby bus stops.
11. Information Sharing. Management will distribute emails to keep the employees
informed of activities. These emails will include up-to-date facts on car sharing
availability, bicycle parking locations, alternative transportation programs and
transit schedules. These emails will also include maps showing walking and bicycle
routes to nearby retail, dining, and service locations. These emails will be
distributed to all residents.
Plan Requirements and Timing: The Applicant shall submit a proposed TDM Plan and
Monitoring Program for City review prior to issuance of building permits. City approval of
a Final TDM Plan and Monitoring Program is required prior to issuance of occupancy
permits. The applicant shall submit a TDM Performance Monitoring Report at 12 months
and 24 months after first occupancy and agree to annual TDM compliance inspections by the
City Transportation Division.
If the TDM Performance Monitoring Report shows that the targeted trip/VMT reduction has
not been achieved, the applicant is responsible for increasing the level of TDM actions to the
satisfaction of the City Transportation Division, which may include increasing information,
incentives or subsidies to encourage employees to use alternative modes of transportation, or
providing a direct fair share financial contribution to the City to be used towards programmed
off-site VMT-reducing capital projects. The final approved TDM program shall be
implemented in perpetuity as a condition of the use permit for this development, unless
otherwise approved by the City Transportation Division.
Monitoring Program (TR-1): City staff shall review and approve the final TDM Plan and
Monitoring Program. City staff shall work with the applicant to ensure that these strategies are
implemented. The City shall conduct annual site visits and/or outreach to the property owners to
ensure ongoing compliance.
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Implement Mitigation Measures CR-1 through CR-3.
Monitoring Program: These conditions shall be noted on all grading and construction
plans. The City shall review and approve the City-qualified archaeologist consistent with the
Archaeological Resource Preservation Program Guidelines.
Implement Mitigation Measures AQ-1 through AQ-5, BIO-1 through BIO-3, CR-1 through CR-3,
GHG-1, and TR-1 and TR-2.
Monitoring Program: Measures AQ-1 through AQ-5 shall be incorporated into project
grading and building plans for review and approval by the City Community Development
Department. Compliance shall be verified by the City during regular inspections, in coordination
with the SLOAPCD, as necessary. The applicant shall submit the geologic evaluation detailed in
Mitigation Measure AQ-3 to the City Community Development Department upon completion. The
survey requirements of Mitigation Measures BIO-1, BIO-2, and BIO-3 shall be incorporated into
the project grading and building plans for review and approval by the City Community
Development Department and verified through submittal of a preconstruction nesting bird survey
report to the City Community Development Department. The City Community Development
Department shall confirm that all BMPs included in BIO-2 to avoid impacts to aquatic resources
are incorporated into the grading plans prior to approval. Compliance shall be verified by the City
prior to the start of construction and during regular inspections, as necessary. These conditions
shall be noted on all grading and construction plans. The City shall review and approve the City-
qualified archaeologist consistent with the Archaeological Resource Preservation Program
Guidelines. Mitigation Measure GHG-1 shall be incorporated into project grading and building
plans for review and approval by the City Community Development Department. Compliance shall
be verified by the City during regular inspections, in coordination with the SLOAPCD, as
necessary. The applicant shall submit the GGRP to the City Community Development Department
upon completion. Compliance shall be verified by the City Community Development Department
prior to issuance of any construction permits. Contact information for the Trip Reduction
Coordinator identified in Mitigation Measure TR-1 shall be submitted to the City Community
Development Department. Compliance with TDM measures identified in TR-2 shall be verified
by the City prior to the start of construction and during regular inspections, as necessary.
SECTION 3. Action. The project conditions of approval do not include mandatory code
requirements. Code compliance will be verified during the plan check process, which may include
additional requirements applicable to the project. The Planning Commission (PC) hereby
recommends the City Council approve the project with incorporation of the following conditions:
Planning Division
1. Final project design and construction drawings submitted for a building permit shall be in
substantial compliance with the project plans approved by the Planning Commission (ARCH-
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0165-2020, USE-0294-2019, and EID-0650-2020). A separate, full- size sheet shall be
included in working drawings submitted for a building permit that lists all conditions and code
requirements of project approval listed as sheet number 2. Reference shall be made in the
margin of listed items as to where in plans requirements are addressed. Any change to
approved design, colors, materials, landscaping, or other conditions of approval must be
approved by the Director or Planning Commission, as deemed appropriate.
2. The project shall comply with all adopted mitigation measures included in the Mitigation and
Monitoring Plan for the Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (EID-0650-2020).
3. Plans submitted for a building permit shall show a pedestrian connection in the northern
corner of the project site near Broad Street. If feasible, based on further evaluation of site
topography and the agreement of the adjacent property owner, an additional non-vehicular
(pedestrian) access shall be provided from the project site to the property located at 855
Aerovista Lane.
4. Plans submitted for a building permit shall call out the colors and materials of all proposed
building surfaces and other improvements. Colors and materials shall be consistent with the
color and material board submitted with Architectural Review application. The applicant shall
note the use of smooth finish stucco on the building plans to the satisfaction of the Community
Development Director.
5. Plans submitted for a building permit shall show the replacement of corrugated metal material
with metal siding, subject to the approval of the Community Development Director.
6. Plans submitted for a building permit shall include recessed window details and all other
details including but not limited to awnings, and railings. Plans shall indicate the type of
materials for the window frames and mullions, their dimensions, and colors. Plans shall
include the materials and dimensions of all lintels, sills, surrounds, recesses, and other related
window features. Plans shall demonstrate the use of high -quality materials for all design
features that reflect the architectural style of the project and are compatible with the
neighborhood character, to the approval of the Community Development Director.
7. Plans submitted for a building permit shall clearly depict the location of all required short and
long-term bicycle parking for all intended uses, plans submitted for construction permits.
Short-term bicycle racks such as " Peak Racks" shall be installed in close proximity to, and
visible from, the main entry into the building (inverted " U" rack designs shall not be
permitted). Sufficient detail shall be provided about the placement and design of bike racks
and lockers to demonstrate compliance with relevant Engineering Standards and Community
Design Guidelines, to the satisfaction of the Public Works and Community Development
8. Plans submitted for building permit shall include a photometric plan, demonstrating
compliance with maximum light intensity standards not to exceed a maintained value of 10
foot-candles. The locations of all lighting, including bollard style landscaping or path lighting,
shall be included in plans submitted for a building permit. All wall -mounted lighting fixtures
shall be clearly called out on building elevations included as part of working drawings. All
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wall -mounted lighting shall complement building architecture. The lighting schedule for the
building shall include a graphic representation of the proposed lighting fixtures and cut -sheets
on the submitted building plans. The selected fixture(s) shall be shielded to ensure that light
is directed downward consistent with the requirements of the City' s Night Sky Preservation
standards contained in Chapter § 17. 70. 100 of the Zoning Regulations.
9. Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be located internally to the building. With submittal
of working drawings, the applicant shall include sectional views of the building, which clearly
show the sizes of any proposed condensers and other mechanical equipment. If any
condensers or other mechanical equipment is to be placed on the roof, plans submitted for a
building permit shall confirm that parapets and other roof features will adequately screen
them. A line -of -sight diagram may be required to confirm that proposed screening will be
adequate. This condition applies to initial construction and later improvements 11. The
storage area for trash and recycling cans shall be screened from the public right- of-way
consistent with § 17. 70.200 of the Zoning Regulations. The subject property shall be
maintained in a clean and orderly manner at all times; free of excessive leaves, branches, and
other landscape material. The applicant shall be responsible for the clean- up of any landscape
material in the public right-of-way.
10. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan containing an irrigation system plan with
submittal of working drawings for a building permit. The legend for the landscaping plan shall
include the sizes and species of all groundcovers, shrubs, and trees with corresponding
symbols for each plant material showing their specific locations on plans. The landscape plan
shall show compensatory tree plantings consistent with the proposed conceptual landscape
plan as recommended by the Tree Committee and approved by the Planning Commission.
The surfaces and finishes of hardscapes shall be included on the landscaping plan.
11. Plans submitted for construction permits shall include elevation and detail drawings of all
walls and fences. Fences, walls, and hedges will comply with the development standards
described in the Zoning Regulations (§ 17. 70. 070 —Fences, Walls, and Hedges).
12. The location of any required backflow preventer and double- check assembly shall be shown
on all site plans submitted for a building permit, including the landscaping plan. Construction
plans shall also include a scaled diagram of the equipment proposed. Where possible, as
determined by the Utilities Director, equipment shall be located inside the building within 20
feet of the front property line. Where this is not possible, as determined by the Utilities
Director, the back -flow preventer and double-check assembly shall be located in the street
yard and screened using a combination of paint color, landscaping and, if deemed appropriate
by the Community Development Director, a low wall. The size and configuration of such
equipment shall be subject to review and approval by the Utilities and Community
Development Directors.
13. Prior to building permit issuance, each affected parcel shall be made subject to an avigation
easement, in a form approved by the County of San Luis Obispo.
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14. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall submit an application and receive
approval of a lot merger.
15. Any signage shall be reviewed by the Planning Division to ensure appropriateness for the site
and compliance with the Sign Regulations and granted exceptions. Final signage shall
coordinate with building architecture. The Community Development Director may refer final
signage to the Architectural Review Commission if it seems excessive or out of character with
the project.
16. All amenities onsite shall be reserved for hotel guests, and shall operate as accessory uses to
the hotel.
Engineering Division – Public Works/Community Development
17. A lot merger or lot line adjustment shall be processed and recorded prior to building permit
18. The building plan submittal shall show and note all existing and proposed public and private
easements. The metes and bounds for the respective easements shall be shown and noted on
the plans. A copy of any easement agreements shall be provided with the submittal.
19. The applicant shall clarify whether any relocation of the existing airport monument signage
is proposed by the applicant or by the County to maintain sign visibility. The City may
consider an encroachment permit with the County for relocation into the unimproved section
of the former Aero Drive right-of-way.
20. Any required jurisdictional permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, CDFW, and RWQCB
shall be issued prior to City issuance of any permits that authorize ground disturbing activities
that could affect the jurisdictional areas. If required, the applicant shall provide a copy of any
jurisdictional permits to the City prior to building permit issuance. The plans and any
supporting City documents shall include reference to and any pertinent provisions of said
permits for reference.
21. A SWPPP will be required and a WDID number issued prior to any ground disturbing
activities, grading or construction permit issuance. The WDID number shall be referenced
on the cover sheet of the plans, grading plans, and/or erosion control plan sheets.
22. The grading, drainage, erosion control, and utility plans along with the supporting documents
shall show and note compliance with the adopted Building Code, City Engineering Standards,
Drainage Design Manual, and Post Construction Stormwater Regulations as promulgated by
the Central Coast Water Board.
23. The architectural site plan, grading, erosion control, utility, and landscape plans shall clearly
delineate the limits of the state and federal wetlands. The plans shall show any required
temporary construction fencing to delineate any minimum setbacks. The fencing shall be
installed and inspected/approved by the City prior to grading and building permit issuance.
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Said delineation fencing shall be maintained throughout the course of construction and shall
be replace with permanent delineation or removed prior to final inspection approvals.
24. The building plan submittal shall show all existing street and utility improvements for
reference. The plans shall include utilities and improvements located within the original Aero
Drive right-of-way and the relocated section of Aero. City improvement plans are available
upon request.
25. A separate encroachment permit will be required for any work or construction staging within
the Broad Street (former 227) and Aero Drive rights-of-way.
26. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter, or sidewalk shall be repaired or replaced
to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department.
27. The conditioned pedestrian walkways to/from Broad Street or the northerly Aerovista parcel
and Aero Drive walkway shall comply with City and ADA standards. The grading plans and
architectural site plan shall show and note compliance.
28. The pedestrian walkway paralleling the access driveway off of Aero Drive may need to be
located to the westerly side of the driveway to better accommodate future pedestrian
circulation within the airport campus and to avoid conflicts with any future use of the section
of Aero Drive to be abandoned. Final walkway alignment shall be approved to the satisfaction
of the Public Works Department.
29. A permit will be required from San Luis Obispo County Environmental Health for the
proposed water well abandonment. A separate plumbing permit is required from the City of
San Luis Obispo for the abandonment.
30. The applicant shall clarify whether the well abandonment or existing water line easement will
require separate approvals, quit-claim, or other action from the benefitted party/property.
31. The building plan submittal shall include a complete utility plan for reference. Utility
abandonments shall be completed per City Engineering Standards for any utilities/meters that
will not be used or will be relocated or upsized.
32. Recycled water shall be used for the landscape irrigation system per City and State Standards,
subject to the availability of recycled water and to the satisfaction of the Utilities Director.
The applicant shall contact the City Utilities Department to discuss the availability of recycled
water, pursuant to implementation of the Recycled Water Master Plan. Backflow prevention
shall be provided for both the domestic water supply and the fire service.
33. The final location of the proposed recycle (landscape irrigation) service/meter, domestic
service/meter, and fire service shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Planning Division,
Engineering, Utilities Department, and Fire Department. All services may need to be relocated
to the westerly side of the entry driveway.
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34. The required backflow devices should be located per City Engineering Standard and within
10 feet of the future Aero Drive right-of-way/back of sidewalk.
35. Depending upon the timing of a roadway dedication from the County of San Luis Obispo and
abandonment of the existing underlying Aero Drive right-of-way, a separate encroachment
agreement may need to be processed and approved by the City of San Luis Obispo for the
location of the backflow prevention devices, private utilities, private driveway, pedestrian
walkways, landscape improvements, or signage, etc. within the existing public right-of-way.
36. Backflow prevention devices shall be painted or screened to the satisfaction of the Planning
37. The City supports the extension of the site landscaping and irrigation system along the entry
driveway and within the extended parkway area located behind the back of sidewalk to the
west of the entry driveway.
38. Any proposed above grade utility infrastructure, backflow devices, landscape improvements,
etc. shall consider the line-of-site for vehicles leaving the site. The line-of-site analysis shall
be included with the building permit submittal and the resulting site lines shall be shown and
noted on the architectural, civil, and landscape plans for reference.
39. The building plans submittal shall show and note compliance with the Parking and Driveway
Standards. The parking lot plans shall include any required signage or striping and stop
controls needed for internal circulation and for circulation to and from Aero Drive.
40. The City supports the proposed tree removals with the compensatory trees shown on the
landscape plans. The tree regulations require the planting of street trees along the street
frontage as a condition of development and building permit issuance.
41. Unless otherwise waived or approved for deferral by the Public Works and Community
Development departments, street trees shall be planted along the new Aero Drive alignment
behind the back of sidewalk/future roadway dedication and within a designated “planting
area” in accordance with City Standards and the Tree Regulations.
Fire Department
42. Fire sprinkler floor control valves for each floor shall be co-located in the riser room. The Fire
Alarm control Panel shall also be located in the riser room.
43. Combination wet standpipes shall be located in each stair well.
44. All interior curbs shall be posted as “NO PARKING-FIRE LANE”.
Transportation Division
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45. Transportation Impact Fees: The applicant shall pay applicable transportation impact fees
prior to issuance of building permits, including participation in the Citywide Transportation
Impact Fee program and the County’s Highway 227 Transportation Impact Fee Program.
46. Broad/Aero Intersection Improvements: The applicant shall be responsible for design and
construction of a southbound right-turn lane at the intersection of Broad Street/Aero Drive.
Designs shall be prepared per City Engineering Standards and shall include relocation of street
signs, traffic signal equipment (signal poles, pull boxes, conduits, etc.), and other utilities as
required to accommodate the addition of the right-turn pocket. Designs shall include striping
modifications to align the southbound bike lane to the left of the new right-turn lane with the
addition of green bike lane markings within the bike lane and continuing through the
intersection consistent with City Engineering Standards and the City’s Active Transportation
Plan. The storage length of the turn pocket shall be confirmed by the City Transportation
Division. Public improvement plans shall be completed prior to issuance of building permits
and construction of the improvements shall be completed prior to issuance of occupancy
47. Broad/Aerovista Signage: Unless otherwise approved by the Transportation Division, the
applicant shall install signage at the eastbound approach to the Broad/Aerovista intersection
to convey left turn restrictions during the PM peak period. The signage shall specify the
timeframe (hours) when no left turns are permitted, subject to review and approval by the
Public Works Director.
48. Driveway Line of Sight: To maintain adequate line of sight at the Aero Drive site driveway,
improvement plans shall include installation of red curb paint 30 feet on either side of the
driveway, and landscaping plans shall specify low-lying vegetation (30” or less) or trees with
canopies that are maintained and do not fall below seven feet above the elevation of the
roadway within the applicable clear sight distance triangles.
49. Streetlighting: Unless otherwise approved by the Public Works Director, the project’s
frontage improvements shall include installation of streetlights per City Engineering
50. Pedestrian Crossings: On-site pedestrian crossings of driveway aisles shall be marked with
high-visibility “ladder-style” crosswalk markings.
51. Bicycle Parking: Short-term bicycle parking shall utilize “peak-style” bike racks or approved
equivalent to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department.
52. Traffic Signal Timing Optimization: Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall
provide a fee of $10,000 to fund a traffic engineering study to guide traffic signal timing
improvements at the following intersections:
a. Tank Farm/South Higuera
b. Tank Farm/Broad
c. Broad/Aero
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53. Fair Share Participation in Off-Site Transportation Improvements: The applicant shall provide
fair share payment towards the following future off-site transportation improvements through
participation in the Citywide Transportation Impact Fee Program:
a. Tank Farm/Santa Fe – Realign intersection and reconstruct as two-lane roundabout
b. Broad/Tank Farm – Convert the westbound right-turn lane to a through/shared
right-turn lane, add a second southbound left-turn lane, and northbound right-turn
lane. Incorporate pedestrian/bicycle crossing enhancements.
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Public Works/Arborist
54. Prior to issuance of building permits, the applicant shall submit a final landscape plan showing
24-inch box canopy and shade trees, 36-inch box perimeter and street trees along Broad Street,
and the use of engineered soil for the parking lot trees. The final mix of trees shall include a
minimum of 30% native tree species. Final size, location, and species of trees shall be subject
to the review and approval of the City Arborist, who may approve alternative tree box sizes
if necessary.
55. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and/or its agents, officers
and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City and/or its agents, officers
or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul, the approval by the City of this project, and
all actions relating thereto, including but not limited to environmental review (“Indemnified
Claims”). The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any Indemnified Claim upon being
presented with the Indemnified Claim and the City shall fully cooperate in the defense against
an Indemnified Claim.
On motion by Commissioner Kahn, seconded by Commissioner Hopkins, and on the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Hopkins, Shoresman, Dandekar, Kahn, Vice-Chair
Quincey, and Chair Jorgensen
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Wulkan
The foregoing resolution was adopted this 28th day of July 2021.
Tyler Corey, Secretary
Planning Commission