HomeMy WebLinkAboutResponsive - Briggs Pt.18From:City_clerks on behalf of Butler, Rosalia
Subject:[City_clerks] BLM/Police Reform Resolution
Date:Monday, July 6, 2020 2:45:54 PM
Good morning City Clerks,
I have a Councilmember who is interested in wanting to adopt a resolution memorializing the BLM
movement and the need for police reform. Have your councilmembers adopted this type of
resolution and if so, would you mind sharing the resolution/staff report? Thank you in advance for
your time.
Rosalia A. Butler, MMC
City Clerk
City of Pomona
505 S. Garey Avenue
Pomona, CA 91769
Phone: (909) 620-2341
Fax: (909) 620-3710
From:Dan Dow
To:Cantrell, Deanna
Subject:Note from DA Dan Dow
Date:Monday, July 27, 2020 1:45:39 PM
Thank you for your note to me. I value your input. Please know that it is premature for my office to
make any determination on the case that is currently being investigated by the San Luis Obispo
Police Department and the arrest of Ms. Tianna Arata. Once the Police Department has concluded
their investigation, they will likely refer the entire case to my office for review. Only at that time will
my office be able to conduct our independent evaluation of the evidence and make a factual
determination of whether it is appropriate to bring criminal charges in Court.
It would be inappropriate and counterproductive for this office to provide an opinion at this time
based on social media posts or media reports that may or may not be borne out by the evidence
facts) gathered in the pending investigation. Again, thank you for reaching out to express your
concerns in a cordial fashion.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Dow
District Attorney
County of San Luis Obispo
1035 Palm Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
805) 781-5800 main
805) 781-4307 fax
Bringing justice and safety to our community by aggressively and fairly prosecuting crime and
protecting the rights of crime victims.
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From:Pease, Andy
To:Ron Yukelson
Subject:RE: Protests and Demonstrations
Date:Wednesday, July 29, 2020 10:25:00 AM
Ron –
Let’s say Linnaea’s at 9:30 on Tuesday.
From: Ron Yukelson <ryukelson@aol.com>
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 9:31 PM
To: Pease, Andy <apease@slocity.org>
Subject: Re: Protests and Demonstrations
I had a really cordial and productive talk with Heidi today. I’m confident she heard my/our issues
and I certainly better understand better where she is coming from.
I could meet next Tuesday about 9:15 or 9:30? Black Horse or Linnea’s has some outdoor seating or
pick a place most convenient for you.
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 28, 2020, at 8:41 AM, Pease, Andy <apease@slocity.org> wrote:
Ron –
Great. Next week Tuesday morning is open or Thursday any time. Coffee downtown?
From: Ron Yukelson <ryukelson@aol.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 8:52 PM
To: Pease, Andy <apease@slocity.org>
Subject: Re: Protests and Demonstrations
Hi Andy,
As always, thank you for your thoughtful response. I’d be pleased to talk, or meet,
anytime it’s convenient.
I hope you had time to enjoy your weekend.
Sent from my iPad
On Jul 25, 2020, at 8:14 PM, Pease, Andy <apease@slocity.org> wrote:
Ron –
Thank you for your comments. There’s a lot to unpack here. I hear your
frustration as well as your commitment to a just and inclusive San Luis
Obispo. I don’t know if you saw my Facebook post from Wednesday night,
but I pasted it below in case. I know it doesn’t address all of the concerns;
as we move forward, I’ll continue to listen and advocate and consider
feedback from the community I serve. If you’d like to set up a phone call
or meet for coffee, I’d certainly appreciate the discussion. Let me know.
We have a big tent here in SLO. Under that tent, all of us want a bright
future that is fair and provides opportunity for everyone, without racism
and without discrimination. This tent is big enough for us to see and hear
each other and figure out how to get to that better future together. There
is room for protestors, and room for people who want to work in other
ways. There is room for anger and sadness and fear and joy. If we divide
ourselves within the tent or label each into one camp or another, we will
lose the power of community.
We must also recognize that even in our big tent, with our vision of justice
and inclusion, prejudice is deeply embedded. Immediately after the
Tuesday protest, a narrative came through that blamed protestors for not
being ‘peaceful’. Throughout the day, however, more information came in
about non-protestors in cars who drove aggressively and dangerously,
evoking a response from protestors.
Yes, going on a freeway is dangerous, and being in a car surrounded by
marchers may have been scary, but the person in the car does not get to
drive into people.
As more perspectives are shared, from all corners of the tent, let us be
open minded and patient. We need each other and must not lose sight of
our shared hopes for the future.
Andy Pease
Council Member
Office of the City Council
990 Palm, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-3249
E apease@slocity.org
From: ryukelson@aol.com <ryukelson@aol.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2020 4:46 PM
To: Harmon, Heidi <hharmon@slocity.org>; Christianson, Carlyn
cchristi@slocity.org>; Pease, Andy <apease@slocity.org>; Gomez, Aaron
agomez@slocity.org>; Stewart, Erica A <estewart@slocity.org>; Johnson,
Derek <djohnson@slocity.org>; Cantrell, Deanna <DCantrel@slocity.org>
Subject: Protests and Demonstrations
Dear City Council and City Leadership:
When is enough, enough? My family, friends and neighbors have silently
asked that very question for many weeks as we've seen the streets of San
Luis Obispo taken over, with City complicity, as we have silently suffered as
the collateral damage of such actions. Speaking only for myself, but also the
sentiment that has already been expressed to me a dozen times today, I
hope yesterday's protest and demonstration was the tipping point at which
point we can take back our City for the majority.
There continues to be no bigger supporter of Black Lives Matter, our local
Race Matters, and I consider myself a white ally to the injustice and systemic
racism that is epidemic in our country. The past few months have certainly
enlightened this old white guy who has been a minority himself and who
graduated from, what at the time was, the most racially integrated high school
in the Los Angeles Unified School System. I thought I was sensitive to overt
racism but it took recent police killings for me to be horrified at not recognizing
sooner what has been swirling around me as I've lived my life of white
privilege. These recent events have led me to introspectively update my own
views, participate in these causes and see them through a more broad lens.
But, I am at my own tipping point of activism when these protests and
demonstrations affect my personal quality of life. I support the cause and the
constitutional right for people to express their views and demonstrate, but I
can no longer support the anarchy that has befallen our city. At the same
time, I hold our leadership responsible for its complicity in allowing the
situation to reach a stage where people like me feel imperiled. Living a block
from Mitchell Park my neighborhood is continually overrun with impromptu
large gatherings and in some cases blocked streets making my family to feel
unsafe in our own home. As an example, yesterday, with no warning, we
were in our backyard when we started hearing amplified voices. The
language and vitriol were unseemly forcing us to hunker down rather than
going for our planned neighborhood walk.
Where is the fairness for citizens like me who get stuck in my car on Santa
Rosa Street because protesters are allowed to overrun our streets? And,
what would happen if I was on the 101 when a group decided to shut it down
and I'm stuck for more than an hour? Where's the fairness when I consistently
obey the law and others are allowed to not do so with impunity? What about
my constitutional right to the quiet enjoyment of my home, my neighborhood
and even Downtown? Why am I forced accept non-permitted demonstrations
that are being allowed to permeate our neighborhoods? What about the rights
of our struggling Downtown business owners who have had their streets
blocked and boarded up? I urge you to speak to your constituents...we are at
a point of protest and demonstration fatigue!
I too don't want to live in a community where tear gas becomes necessary.
But I insist on living in a city where when the police ask, then tell you, to do
something that you do it. Nor do I want to live in a City where we feel
compelled to remove a statue at the Mission because a lawless group might
deface it. I do want to live in a City where there are consequences if a group
takes it upon themselves to do so illegally.
Bravo to Chief Cantrell and her brave officers yesterday for re-introducing
accountability and consequences to these actions. These two elements have
been severely lacking in our City for the past few months.
Ron Yukelson
From:Amie Meyer
To:PAUL ROLLERI; Jgeissberger@albanyca.org; tvu@alhambrapd.org; chiefcullins@cityofalturas.us;
Oscar.ortiz@countyofnapa.org; Jcisneros@anaheim.net; mjohnson@ci.anderson.ca.us;
Scottellis@angelscamp.gov; tbrooks@ci.antioch.ca.us; Bguthrie@arcadiaca.gov; bahearn@arcatapd.org;
Bpryor@arroyogrande.org; skimble@arvin.org; Jhaley@atascadero.org; smcculley@ci.atherton.ca.us;
msalvador@atwater.org; rkinnan@auburn.ca.gov; rstivers@avenalpd.com; mbertelsen@azusaca.gov;
gterry@bakersfieldpd.us; smclean@baldwinpark.com; mhamner@banningca.gov; aramirez@barstowca.org;
tmelanson@bvcsd.org; sthuilliez@beaumontpd.org; SFairfield@bgpd.org; Cislas@cityofbell.org;
Tonyp@belmont.gov; Jwu@cityofbelvedere.org; Eupson@ci.benicia.ca.us; agreenwood@cityofberkeley.info;
drivetti@beverlyhills.org; tstec@bishoppd.org; Jcoe@cityofblythe.ca.gov; ssheppeard@brawley-ca.gov;
Johnb@cityofbrea.net; Thansen@brentwoodca.gov; lisamacias@ci.brisbane.ca.us;
Mconnolly@pd.broadmoor.ca.us; csianez@bppd.com; slachasse@burbankca.gov;
matteucci@burlingamepolice.org; ggerardo@calexico.ca.gov; jwalker@californiacitypd.org;
A_mara@calipatria.com; mcelaya@ci.calistoga.ca.us; GBerg@campbellca.gov; tmcmanus@ci.capitola.ca.us;
neil.Gallucci@carlsbadca.gov; ptomasi@ci.carmel.ca.us; gcrum@cathedralcity.gov;
mnorton@centralmarinpolice.org; Chiefofpolice@ci.ceres.ca.us; MIchael.Obrien@ChicoCA.gov;
Wsimmons@chinopd.org; Driviere@cityofchowchilla.org; RKennedy@chulavistapd.org;
Rlawrence@californiapolicechiefs.org; svanderveen@ci.claremont.ca.us; elise.warren@claytonpd.com;
awhite@clearlakepd.org; jferguson@ci.cloverdale.ca.us; CurtF@CityofClovis.com; dblevins@coalinga.com;
kirk.stratton@colma.ca.gov; Mhadden@coltonca.gov; Jfitch@colusapd.org; mark.bustillos@cityofconcord.org;
reuben.shortnacy@corcoranpd.com; Jeremiah Fears; George.johnstone@coronaca.gov; ckaye@coronado.ca.us;
Bglass@costamesaca.gov; mparish@cotaticity.org; jcurley@covinaca.gov; Chief Griffin;
Scott.bixby@culvercity.org; ChiefofPolice@cypressCA.org; Phensley@dalycity.org; ashields@danville.ca.gov;
Dpytel@DavisPD.org; jhoyne@delreyoaks.org; Rnevarez@cityofdelano.org; jhenson@dhspd.com;
dpopovich@dinuba.ca.gov; rthompson@dixonpolice.org; rmceachin@dospalospd.org; dmilligan@downeyca.org;
Amie Meyer; apardini@cityofepa.org; MMoulton@CityofElCajon.us; bjohnson@ecpd.org; pkeith@ci.el-
cerrito.ca.us; dreynoso@elmontepd.org; bwhalen@elsegundo.org; talbright@elkgrovepd.org;
Jtejada@emeryville.org; MBorges@cityofescalon.org; evarso@escondido.org; Jshort@sisqtel.net;
swatson@ci.eureka.ca.gov; Jhall@exeterpd.com; Chief@fairfaxpd.org; wtibbet@fairfield.ca.gov;
mkrstic@farmersvillepd.com; policechief@ci.ferndale.ca.us; salvador.raygoza@fcle.org; Rhillman@folsom.ca.us;
bgreen@fontana.org; Jnaulty@fortbragg.com; mdowney@ci.fortuna.ca.us; Tavelar@fostercity.org;
matt.sheppard@fountainvalley.org; ralcaraz@ci.fowler.ca.us; kpetersen@fremont.gov; Andrew.hall@fresno.gov;
rdunn@fullertonpd.org; TSockman@galtpd.com; tomd@garden-grove.org; Msaffell@gardenapd.org;
Scot.smithe@ci.gilroy.ca.us; cpovilaitis@glendaleca.gov; megan@glendorapd.org; kwise@ci.gonzales.ca.us;
Agammelgard@gvpd.net; jhunt@ci.greenfield.ca.us; abyers@gridley.ca.us; jpeters@gbpd.org;
Mcash@ci.guadalupe.ca.us; rchavez@gustinepolice.com; psever@cityofhanfordca.com; mishii@hawthorneca.gov;
toney.chaplin@hayward-ca.gov; Kburke@ci.healdsburg.ca.us; epust@cityofhemet.org;
wimboden@ci.hercules.ca.us; plebaron@hermosabeach.gov; ddavis@hillsborough.net;
Creynoso@police.hollister.ca.us; Rhandy@hbpd.org; Clozano@hppolice.org; George.turegano@fcle.org;
barra@cityofimperial.org; mwashburn@indiopd.org; mfronterotta@cityofinglewood.org; tbusby@ione-ca.com;
ravels@cityofmontclair.org; bkeller@cityofmontebello.com; Kgordon@montereypark.ca.gov;
hober@monterey.org; king@moraga.ca.us; shane.palsgrove@morganhill.ca.gov; jcox@morrobayca.gov;
pcross@MtShastaCA.gov; max.bosel@mountainview.gov; shadden@murrietaca.gov; rplummer@cityofnapa.org;
jtellez@nationalcityca.gov; Chad.ellis@nevadacityca.gov; gina.anderson@newark.org;
rrichardson@cityofnewman.com; JLewis@nbpd.org; NBPDchief@nbpd.org; mmccaffrey@novato.org;
SHeller@ci.oakdale.ca.us; smanheimer@oaklandnet.com; Christensen@ci.oakley.ca.us;
fmccoy@oceansideca.org; dwilliams@ontariopolice.org; marty.rivera@oc-pd.com; TKisela@orangepd.org;
rjvlach@cityoforland.com; scott.whitney@oxnardpd.org; cmadalone@cityofpacificgrove.org;
SteidleD@pacificapolice.org; Bryan.reyes@palmspringsca.gov; Robert.jonsen@cityofpaloalto.org;
ddreiling@pvestates.org; Chief Eric Reinbold; Jose.Garza@fcle.org; jeperez@cityofpasadena.net; Ty Lewis;
KSavano@cityofpetaluma.org; jbowers@piedmont.ca.gov; Ngang@ci.pinole.ca.us; JMiller@pismobeach.org;
Baddington@ci.pittsburg.ca.us; Dlenyi@placentia.org; Jwren@cityofplacerville.org; bhill@pleasanthillca.org;
dswing@cityofpleasantonca.gov; MIchael_ellis@ci.pomona.ca.us; asalinas@cityofporthueneme.org;
Ekroutil@ci.portervile.ca.us; Chief@ranchocordovapd.com; ksanders@rbpd.org; Chiefofpolice@reddingpolice.org;
ccatren@redlandspolice.org; keith.kauffman@redondo.org; dmulholland@redwoodcity.org;
joe.garza@reedley.ca.gov; mkling@rialtopd.com; Bfrench@richmondpd.net; jmclaughlin@ridgecrest-ca.gov;
connerj@cityofriodell.ca.gov; Jharris@RioVistaPD.com; eormonde@cityofripon.org; Lgonzalez@riversideca.gov;
Chad.Butler@rocklin.ca.us; tmattos@rpcity.org; jmaccoun@roseville.ca.us; emasterson@townofross.org;
Dhahn@pd.cityofsacramento.org; Chartley@cityofsthelena.org; adelef@ci.salinas.ca.us; mcbride_er@sbcity.org;
rjohansen@sanbruno.ca.gov; Dnisleit@pd.sandiego.gov; COP@SFCity.org; william.scott@sfgov.org;
Chief@sgpd.com; edgardo.garcia@sanjoseca.gov; JTudor@sanleandro.org; Cantrell, Deanna;
Jincontro@smpd.us; ebarberini@cityofsanmateo.org; ronr@sanpabloca.gov; diana.bishop@srpd.org;
cstevens@sanramon.ca.gov; bferrante@sandCityPD.org; gerald.galvin@fcle.org; dvalentin@santa-ana.org;
LLuhnow@sbpd.com; pnikolai@santaclaraca.gov; amills@cityofsantacruz.com; phansen@cityofSantaMaria.org;
cynthia.renaud@smgov.net; icordero@spcity.org; RNavarro@srcity.org; JRohrbacher@sausalito.gov;
swalpole@scottsvalley.org; PGonshak@sealbeachca.gov; apridgen@ci.seaside.ca.us; gdevore@sebpd.com;
Joeg@cityofselma.com; KZimmermann@shafter.com; rarmalin@cityofsierramadre.com;
Cnunley@signalhillpd.org; Dlivingstone@simivalley.org; damon.wasson@cityofsoledad.com;
tvanderwiel@sonorapd.com; rdavis@sogate.org; slaney@cityofslt.us; jortiz@southpasadenaca.gov;
Jeff.azzopardi@ssf.net; eric.jones@stocktonCA.gov; aroth@suisun.com; pngo@sunnyvale.ca.gov;
Kjones@cityofsusanville.org; Joconnell@CityofSutterCreek.org; DMcminn@cityoftaft.org;
Mcronin@townoftiburon.org; eberg@torranceCA.gov; sekou.millington@tracypd.com;
rleftwich@townoftruckee.com; whensley@tulare.ca.gov; tross@tulepd.com; NAmirfar@turlock.ca.us;
sgreenberg@tustinca.org; jwyatt@cityofukiah.com; Jaredr@unioncity.org; Dgoodman@uplandpd.org;
John.carli@cityofvacaville.com; shawny.williams@CityofVallejo.net; dschindler@venturapd.org;
amiranda@covpd.org; Jason.salazar@visalia.city; chaplin@walnutcreekpd.com;
David.honda@cityofwatsonville.org; Justin Mayberry; richard.bell@wcpd.org;
Robertst@cityofWestSacramento.org; mlauderback@westminster-ca.gov; pmonita@cityofwestmorland.net;
Dsylvester@wheatland.ca.gov; abar@cityofwhittier.org; Jsaso@willimspd.net; wpd@cityofwillits.org;
John.Miller@winterspolice.org; mmarquez@woodlakepd.com; derrek.kaff@cityofwoodland.org;
dgamache@yrekapd.org; Rlandon@yubacity.net; Khonea@buttecounty.net
Cc:Brad Meyer; Elizabeth Norton
Subject:Use Of Force Update
Date:Thursday, July 16, 2020 10:55:23 PM
Attachments:Use Of Force Update.pdf
In the wake of the George Floyd shooting, public outcry to "defund the police" has caught the
attention of the nation. This presents police agencies with an opportunity to address issues
raised by the protesters for the good of the agency as well as the public at large.
Police Service Dogs are an invaluable tool, assisting their handlers and agencies in many ways,
including apprehension in dangerous situations. When a police K9 is deployed for
apprehension, a dangerous suspect is taken off the streets, away from other civilians, and
eliminating the need for lethal force. K9s are the only available use of force that can be
recalled once deployed and cannot be turned against the police if captured. Policies for the
use of K9s are now under review. Attached is a memo regarding the use of K9s in policing and
the standard in the law as to how and when K9s should be deployed. It is our mission at
Meyer's Police K9 Training and Meyer's K9 Law to teach handlers correct and responsible
handling of K9s such that police agencies will continue to use K9s appropriately and
If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Elizabeth Norton
Meyer's Police K-9 Training, LLC
PO Box 6277
Chico, CA 95927
530) 720-6132
Thank you,
Amie Meyer
Meyer's Police K-9 Training, LLC
PO Box 6277
Chico, CA 95927
530) 260-3933