HomeMy WebLinkAboutPC-1053-2022 (ARCH-0511-2021 -- 1166 Higuera St.)RESOLUTION NO. PC-1053-22
WHEREAS, the Architectural Review Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo
conducted a web based public hearing on January 24, 2022, recommending the Planning
Commission find the project consistent with the Community Design Guidelines, pursuant
to a proceeding instituted under ARCH-0511-2021, Paul Tompkins, applicant; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a
web based public hearing on February 23, 2022, pursuant to a proceeding instituted
under ARCH-0511-2021, Paul Tompkins, applicant; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo has duly
considered all evidence, including the testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and
evaluation and recommendations by staff, presented at said hearing; and
WHEREAS, notices of said public hearings were made at the time and in the
manner required by law; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City
of San Luis Obispo as follows:
SECTION 1. Findings. The Planning Commission hereby grants final approval to
the project (ARCH-0511-2021), based on the following findings:
1. The project is consistent with the City’s General Plan, applicable to development
in the General Retail area. The proposed project is consistent with Policy 3.8.4
(Commercial Revitalization), because the project would redevelop a vacant or
underutilized commercial property with uses complementary to existing
commercial and mixed-use development in the vicinity, and Policy 4.20.1 (Street
Level Activities) by providing for open gathering areas with restaurants and
specialty stores that contribute to pedestrian traffic.
2. As conditioned, the project is consistent with the Zoning Regulations for
development in the Commercial Retail (C-R) zone, since the proposed building
design complies with objective design criteria and performance standards for
commercial development that provides for uses that are consistent with the intent
of C-R zone.
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3. As conditioned, the project is consistent with the Community Design Guidelines for
commercial design because the architectural style is complementary to the
surrounding neighborhood and provides a variety of architectural treatments that
add visual interest and articulation to the building design that are compatible with
the design and scale of the existing structures in the surrounding neighborhood
(CDG, Chapter 3.1).
Parking Reduction Findings
4. As conditioned, the project qualifies for a 10 percent parking reduction by providing
additional bicycle parking beyond what is required for the development project in
accordance with Zoning Regulations §17.72.050(C)(3) (Reduction Rates). Parking
may be reduced by one vehicle parking space for each five bicycle spaces
provided in excess of requirements and the project provides 20 bicycle spaces in
excess of the base requirement (8 bicycle spaces) resulting in an additional four
vehicle parking space reduction.
5. A Parking Demand Study submitted in accordance with Zoning Regulations
§17.72.050(C) (Other Parking Reductions), identified the project’s peak parking
demand of 18 parking spaces in consideration of using a model split rate due to
the project’s walkable location in close proximity to public transit, employment
centers, shopping, restaurants, entertainment, public parking garages and
residential uses . As conditioned, the use will be adequately served by the
proposed onsite parking and parking demand generated by the project will not
exceed the capacity of or have a detrimental impact on the supply of on-street
parking in the surrounding area because in addition to the results of the parking
demand study and provision of excess bicycle parking, the applicant has also
provided a Trip Management and Reduction Plan that provides incentives for
customers and employees to use alternative methods of transportation, which will
reduce the demand for vehicle parking spaces.
6. As proposed and conditioned, the applicant will implement a proposed Trip
Management and Reduction Plan that is consistent with Zoning Regulations
§17.72.050(C)(4) (Vehicle Trip Reduction Plan), and special conditions existing
that qualify the project for a total parking reduction of 60 percent (inclusive of the
additional bicycle parking reduction) because the site is located proximate to
shopping, restaurants, entertainment, employment, and a transit stop, allowing for
alternative modes of transportation such as walking, biking, or taking public
transportation. The Trip Management and Reduction Plan promotes non-auto
travel by providing numerous incentives such as information bulletins, Back N’
Forth Club, customer discounts, Ride Share and carpool opportunities, and a bike
SECTION 2. Environmental Review. The project is categorically exempt from the
provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) because it consists of the
development of the project site consistent with policies and standards applicable to
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development within the commercial zones, on a site less than five acres in size, with no
value as habitat for endangered, rare, or threatened species, as described in State CEQA
Guidelines Section 15332 (Infill Development). The site is within City limits and is served
by City utilities and public services. Based on the project site’s existing topography and
location, and project size and design, approval of the project will not result in any
significant effects related to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality.
SECTION 3. Action. The project conditions of approval do not include mandatory
code requirements. Code compliance will be verified during the plan check process,
which may include additional requirements applicable to the project. The Planning
Commission hereby grants final approval to the project with incorporation of the following
Planning Division
1. Final project design and construction drawings submitted for a building permit shall
be in substantial compliance with the project plans approved by the Planning
Commission (ARCH-0511-2021). A separate, full-size sheet shall be included in
working drawings submitted for a building permit that lists all conditions and code
requirements of project approval listed as sheet number 2. Reference shall be made
in the margin of listed items as to where in plans requirements are addressed. Any
change to approved design, colors, materials, landscaping, or other conditions of
approval must be approved by the Director, and may be subject to review by the
Architectural Review Commission, as deemed appropriate.
2. Demolition of the existing building shall not commence until a permit has been issued
by the building official. The applicant shall comply with Municipal Code Chapter 15.04
Construction and Fire Prevention Regulations, Appendix Chapter A2 Demolition and
Moving of Buildings, including but not limited to, the following: for buildings that are
older than 50 years the applicant shall provide evidence that for a period of not less
than 90 days from date of permit application, the building was advertised in a local
newspaper on at least 3 separate occasions not less than 15 days apart, as available
to any interested person to be moved, and submit historic documentation for the
3. Plans submitted for a building permit shall call out the colors and materials of all
proposed building surfaces and other improvements. Colors and materials shall be
consistent with the color and material board submitted with the Development Review
4. Plans submitted for a building permit shall clearly depict the location of all required
electric vehicle (EV) ready and EV capable parking required for non-residential uses.
Sufficient detail shall be provided about the placement and design of EV equipment
and raceway for future supply, to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and the
Community Development Director.
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5. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall submit and implement a
Transportation Demand Management Program identifying the responsibility for
monitoring and reporting the progress of the Trip Management and Reduction Plan
to the satisfaction of the Community Development Director and the Transportation
Division. The Transportation Demand Management Program and incorporated Trip
Management and Reduction Plan shall be clear on the performance measures, how
they will be monitored/measured, and what actions will be taken if the number of
parking spaces is insufficient upon full occupancy and operation of the project. The
applicant, or approved designee, will be responsible for coordinating annual surveys,
reporting to the city, and providing current and up to date program information to
6. The property owner shall be responsible for maintaining and updating the current
parking calculation for the commercial component of the project upon the submittal
of Planning and Building permits for tenant changes or improvements, and/or each
business license, to ensure the site does not become under-parked.
7. All surface parking spaces must be available for common use and not exclusively
assigned to any individual use.
8. The locations of all lighting, including bollard style landscaping or path lighting, shall
be included in plans submitted for a building permit. All wall-mounted lighting fixtures
shall be clearly called out on building elevations included as part of working drawings.
All wall-mounted lighting shall complement building architecture. The lighting
schedule for the building shall include a graphic representation of the proposed
lighting fixtures and cut-sheets on the submitted building plans. The selected
fixture(s) shall be shielded to ensure that light is directed downward consistent with
the requirements of the City’s Night Sky Preservation standards contained in Chapter
§17.70.100 of the Zoning Regulations.
9. Mechanical and electrical equipment shall be located internally to the building. With
submittal of working drawings, the applicant shall include sectional views of the
building, which clearly show the sizes of any proposed condensers and other
mechanical equipment. If any condensers or other mechanical equipment is to be
placed on the roof, plans submitted for a building permit shall confirm that parapets
and other roof features will adequately screen them. A line-of-sight diagram may be
required to confirm that proposed screening will be adequate. This condition applies
to initial construction and later improvements.
10. The storage area for trash and recycling cans shall be screened from the public right-
of-way consistent with §17.70.200 of the Zoning Regulations. The subject property
shall be maintained in a clean and orderly manner at all times, free of excessive
leaves, branches, and other landscape material. The applicant shall be responsible
for the clean-up of any landscape material in the public right-of-way.
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11. The applicant shall submit a landscaping plan containing an irrigation system plan
with submittal of working drawings for a building permit. The legend for the
landscaping plan shall include the sizes and species of all groundcovers, shrubs, and
trees with corresponding symbols for each plant material showing their specific
locations on plans. The surfaces and finishes of hardscapes shall be included on the
landscaping plan.
12. Plans submitted for construction permits shall include elevation and detail drawings
of all walls and fences. Fences, walls, and hedges will comply with the development
standards described in the Zoning Regulations (§17.70.070 –Fences, Walls, and
13. The location of any required backflow preventer and double-check assembly shall be
shown on all site plans submitted for a building permit, including the landscaping plan.
Construction plans shall also include a scaled diagram of the equipment proposed.
Where possible, as determined by the Utilities Director, equipment shall be located
inside the building within 20 feet of the front property line. Where this is not possible,
as determined by the Utilities Director, the back-flow preventer and double-check
assembly shall be located in the street yard and screened using a combination of
paint color, landscaping and, if deemed appropriate by the Community Development
Director, a low wall. The size and configuration of such equipment shall be subject
to review and approval by the Utilities and Community Development Directors.
14. Any new proposed signage shall be reviewed by the Planning Division to ensure
appropriateness for the site and compliance with the Sign Regulations. Signage shall
coordinate with building architecture and the type of land use. The Director may refer
signage to the Architectural Review Commission for review if it seems excessive or
out of character with the project.
Housing Programs – Community Development Department
15. Prior to the issuance of building permits, the applicant shall pay the required
Inclusionary Housing In-lieu fee.
City Arborist – Public Works
16. Prior to building permit issuance, the applicant shall obtain a tree removal permit from
the Urban Forestry Division for the removal of the two street trees, and replanting of
9 new trees, including one new 60-inch and one new 48-inch box street trees, as
shown in the project plans, all other tree plantings shall be of a minimum size of 24-
inch box, subject to the satisfaction of the City Arborist and Public Works Director.
17. To the maximum extent feasible, tree removal associated with development at the
project site shall be scheduled to occur outside of the typical nesting bird season
(February to September), to avoid potential impacts to nesting birds in accordance
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with Government Code Section 3503 and 3505.5. If tree removal occurs between
February and September, the applicant shall retain a qualified biologist to conduct a
nesting bird survey no more than two weeks prior to disturbance to determine
presence/absence of nesting birds within the disturbance area. If active nests are
observed, tree removal shall be avoided until young birds have fledged and left the
nest. The nests shall be monitored weekly by a biologist with experience with nesting
birds. If any federally or state-listed bird species or California fully protected bird
species are observed nesting in or near the project area, the biologist and applicant
shall coordinate with the City Biologist and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and/or
California Department of Fish and Wildlife before any disturbances occur within 500
feet of the nest. Bird nests, eggs, or young covered by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act
and California Fish and Game Code shall not be moved or disturbed until the end of
the nesting season or until young fledge, nor will adult birds be killed, injured, or
harassed at any time. Pursuant to California Fish and Game Code Section 3503.5,
nests of raptors (owls, hawks, falcons, eagles) shall not be removed prior to
coordination with and approval from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Engineering Division – Public Works/Community Development
18. The building plan submittal shall include a complete site, survey, and topographic
plan showing all existing improvements and easements. The plan shall show the
most current information for the existing box culvert. The previous topo plan and
latest Alta Land Title Survey do not agree. The information should include the
location based on the Ground Penetrating Radar survey.
19. The project data, address, APN reference and property line delineations should be in
accordance with the recorded Lot Line Adjustment Agreement.
20. The building plan submittal shall show and label all existing property lines, public or
private easements, and existing survey monumentation for reference.
21. The plan shall show all existing and proposed frontage, street improvements, parking
meters, signing, and striping located along both the Higuera and Toro Street
frontages. The plan shall reflect the current protected bikeway improvements or
approved bikeway plans. Depending upon project timing, the project may need to
modify the bikeway improvements. If required, changes to the improvements will
require the approval of the Transportation Division of the Public Works Department.
22. The project is located within the Downtown Mission Style Sidewalk District. All new,
altered, or replaced curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall comply with the current City
Engineering Standards and district improvement details unless otherwise waived or
approved for deferral by the Public Works and Community Development
23. Based on the limits of required driveway approach abandonments, new approach,
tree removals, fire service/utility improvements, and sidewalk repairs, it appears that
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the plans submitted for a building permit may require that the entire Higuera Street
frontage may need to be upgraded from the existing Mission Style at 1144 Higuera
to the Toro Street intersection, subject to the satisfaction of the Public Works
24. Any sections of damaged or displaced curb, gutter, and sidewalk shall be repaired or
replaced to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department. The building plan
submittal shall clearly show the limits of all required or proposed frontage
improvements. Contact this office to schedule a site inspection to review and discuss
the limits based on the project scope.
25. The building permit submittal shall include some analysis and/or condition report for
the existing site retaining walls located along the Toro Street frontage and northerly
property line. Wall repairs, replacement, and/or recorded agreement might be
required to the satisfaction of the City Engineer based on the report summary.
26. The proposed replacement fence details shall be approved to the satisfaction of the
Planning and Building divisions. Wall/fence combinations may need to consider fall
protection and the guardrail provisions of the California Building Code.
27. The building plan submittal shall include a complete site utility plan showing all
existing and proposed public and private utilities and services for reference. The
plan shall show and note any abandonment or relocation of utilities. The plan shall
clarify whether a fire sprinkler upgrade is proposed or required for the existing
building to remain.
28. Unless otherwise waived or approved for deferral by the Community Development
Director, any new or upgraded electrical or tele-com wire services shall be provided
as underground. Likewise, the existing overhead service to the building to remain
shall be placed underground in conjunction with the upgrade.
29. The city may support the removal of the existing secondary overhead wiring and utility
pole located along the Higuera Street frontage if a relocation or upgrade is required
in support of the proposed project improvements or if the removal is desired by the
30. The building plan submittal shall show and note compliance with the Post
Construction Stormwater Regulations (PCR’s) as promulgated by the Central Coast
Waterboard. The submittal shall include the compliance checklist, a stormwater
control plan, an Operation and Maintenance Manual, and the recordation of a
maintenance agreement.
31. The site development plan shall show the existing on-site catch basins and piping for
reference along with the proposed disposition. Abandonments of the existing
system(s) shall be approved by the Engineering Division. If the basins will remain,
an upgrade to provide some level of water quality treatment may be required if the
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PCR designed campus system(s) will not be part of the treatment train.
32. The site development plan shall include a design for the interface between the
proposed parking lot and existing parking lot located at 1144 Higuera. A separate
permit will be required for any proposed or required modifications to the 1144 Higuera
parking lot and/or for the relocation of the existing long-term bike storage lockers
serving 1101 Monterey.
33. The proposed parking lot shall comply with the Parking and Driveway Standards.
Diamond tree planters located between and at the head of the parking spaces are
supported in-lieu of finger planters. The final number, size, spacing, and species of
parking lot trees shall be approved to the satisfaction of the Planning Division.
34. The city supports the proposed tree removals with the compensatory tree plantings
as shown and conditioned.
Transportation Division – Public Works
35. The project’s building plans and/or public improvement plans shall show how
proposed driveway modifications along project frontage affect roadway striping and
markings on Higuera Street at the time of building permit/public improvement plan
submittal. In association with the project, the applicant shall be responsible for
replacing/modifying any roadway and sidewalk elements affected by the proposed
sidewalk and driveway modifications per City Engineering Standards and to the
satisfaction of the City Transportation and Parking Divisions, including affected
pavement markings and street signs, protected bikeway medians, parking tees and
meter posts.
36. The project shall implement a Trip/Parking Demand Management Plan to reduce
single-occupant auto travel to the site, which at a minimum shall include the following
a. Post a bulletin board in a location highly visible to employees with information
on alternative transportation options, such as availability of carpool/vanpool
opportunities via SLO Rideshare, bicycle and transit maps/schedules, and
information on availability of SLO Transit Downtown Access Passes to on-site
b. Provide a welcome packet to new on-site business owners/tenants with
information on the SLO Rideshare Back N’ Forth Club, encouraging their
c. Provide a welcome packet to new employees of on-site businesses/tenants
including information on short-term and long-term bicycle parking, the SLO
Rideshare Back N’ Forth Club (and encouraging them to register at
www.iRideshare.org to plan alternative transportation to work), and information
on availability of SLO Transit Downtown Access Passes.
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d. Encourage business owners/tenants to provide a discount to guests who arrive
to the site via bus or bicycle.
e. Encourage use of a bike valet service for special events.
f. Encourage guests to visit the site by walking, bicycling, transit or carpool in
project advertising and public outreach, where practicable.
37. Proposed short-term and long-term bicycle parking shall comply with the bicycle
parking design policies included in the City’s Active Transportation Plan (See
Appendix C, Design Guidelines). Short-term bicycle parking shall include use of
Peak “hi-low” style bike racks, or City-approved equivalent. No more than 50% of
long-term bicycle parking shall be provided via vertical hanging racks. The long-term
bicycle parking room shall include an electrical outlet to allow employees to charge
electric bicycles.
Utilities Department
38. As commercial uses in the project include food preparation, plans submitted for a
building permit shall provide grease interceptor and FOG (fats, oils, and grease)
storage within solid waste enclosure(s) and provide an area inside to wash floor mats,
equipment, and trash cans. The wash area shall be drained to the sanitary sewer.
39. As greater than 1,000 square feet of landscaping is proposed, plans submitted for a
building permit shall provide dedicated landscape water meter consistent with the
City’s Municipal Code Section 13.04.130(F).
40. Plans submitted for a building permit shall demonstrate how the project’s proposed
landscaping complies with the City’s water efficient landscape ordinance, subject to
the satisfaction of the Utilities Director.
41. Consistent with the February 2, 2022, service letter from San Luis Garbage
Company, plans submitted for a building permit shall accommodate 4-yard bins
within the project’s proposed trash enclosure, subject to the satisfaction of the Utilities
42. The applicant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and/or its agents,
officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding against the City and/or
its agents, officers or employees to attack, set aside, void or annul, the approval by
the City of this project, and all actions relating thereto, including but not limited to
environmental review (“Indemnified Claims”). The City shall promptly notify the
applicant of any Indemnified Claim upon being presented with the Indemnified Claim
and the City shall fully cooperate in the defense against an Indemnified Claim.
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On motion by Commissioner Dandekar, seconded by Commissioner Kahn, and on
the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Dandekar, Francis, Kahn, Wulkan and Chair Jorgensen
NOES: None
REFRAIN: Commissioner Hopkins
ABSENT: Vice-Chair Nick Quincey
The foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 23rd day of February, 2022.
__ ___________________________
Tyler Corey, Secretary
Planning Commission