HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-11388 approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration for the San Luis Creek Bank Repair ProjectR 11388 RESOLUTION NO. 11388 (2023 SERIES) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE SAN LUIS CREEK BANK REPAIR PROJECT WHEREAS, The San Luis Obispo Creek Bank Repair Project necessitates a Mitigated Negative Declaration Environmental Document; and WHEREAS, City staff has completed a public and agency review, held a public meeting and received no comments. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo adopts as follows: SECTION 1. Environmental Review. Based upon all evidence in the record before it, including an initial study, the City Council hereby adopts the Final Initial Study – Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS-MND) prepared and circulated for this project, and adopts all of the findings related to the Project: a) The San Luis Obispo Creek Bank Repair Project IS-MND was prepared and circulated for public review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the State CEQA Guidelines . It reflects the lead agency’s independent judgement and analysis, and it adequately addresses potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed Project; and b) There is no substantial evidence that the Project will have a significant effect on the environment as mitigated in accordance with the measures identified in the IS-MND; and c) All potentially significant environmental effects were analyzed adequately in the referenced IS-MND, subject to the following mitigation measures being incorporated into the Project and subject to the mitigation m onitoring program in the IS-MND, which is hereby adopted: Air Quality AQ-1 The SLOAPCD recognizes the public health risk reductions that can be realized by idle limitations for both on- and off-road equipment. The following idle restricting measures are required for the construction phase of projects: 1. Idling Restrictions Near Sensitive Receptors for Both On- and Off-Road Equipment. 1. Staging and queuing areas shall be located at the greatest distance feasible from sensitive receptor locations; DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 2 R 11388 2. Diesel idling while equipment is not in use is not permitted; 3. Use of alternative-fueled equipment is recommended whenever possible; and 4. Signs that specify the no-idling requirements must be posted and enforced at the construction site. 2. Idling Restrictions for On-Road Vehicles. Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations Title 13 limits diesel-fueled commercial motor vehicles that operate in the State of California with gross vehicular weight ratings of greater than 10,000 pounds and licensed for operation on highways. It applies to California- and non-California-based vehicles. In general, the regulation specifies that drivers of said vehicles: 1. Shall not idle the vehicle’s primary diesel engine while vehicle is not in use, except as noted in Subsection (d) of the regulation; and 2. Shall not operate a diesel-fueled auxiliary power system (APS) to power a heater, air conditioner, or any ancillary equipment on that vehicle during sleeping or resting in a sleeper berth for greater than 5.0 minutes at any location when within 100 feet of a restricted area, except as noted in Subsection (d) of the regulation. Signs must be posted in the designated queuing areas and job sites to remind drivers of the no-idling requirement. The specific requirements and exceptions in the regulation can be reviewed at the following web site: www.arb.ca.gov/msprog/truck-idling/2485.pdf. 3. Idling Restrictions for off-Road Equipment. Off-road diesel equipment shall comply with the no-idling requirement. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas and job sites to remind off -road equipment operators of the no-idling requirement. AQ-2 Throughout the construction phase of the project, the project applicant shall implement the following measures to minimize impacts to sensitive receptors and to significantly reduce fugitive dust emissions. These fugitive dust mitigation measures shall be shown on grading and building plans: 1. Reduce the amount of disturbed area where possible; 2. Use water trucks or sprinkler systems in sufficient quantities to prevent airborne dust from leaving the site. Increased watering frequency would be required whenever wind speeds exceed 15 miles per hour. Reclaimed (non -potable) water should be used whenever possible; DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 3 R 11388 3. All dirt stockpile areas should be sprayed daily or covered with tarps or other dust barriers, as needed; 4. Permanent dust control measures identified in the approved project revegetation and landscape plans should be implemented as soon as possible following completion of any soil-disturbing activities; 5. Exposed ground areas that are planned to be reworked at dates greater than 1 month after initial grading should be sown with a fast germinating, non- invasive grass seed and watered until vegetation is established; 6. All disturbed soil areas not subject to revegetation should be stabilized using approved chemical soil binders, jute netting, or other methods approved in advance by the SLOAPCD; 7. All roadways, driveways, sidewalks, etc. to be paved should be completed as soon as possible. In addition, building pads should be laid as soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are used; 8. Vehicle speed for all construction vehicles shall not exceed 15 miles per hour on any unpaved surface at the construction site; 9. All trucks hauling dirt, sand, soil, or other loose materials are to be covered or should maintain at least 2 feet of freeboard (minimum vertical distance between top of load and top of trailer) in accordance with California Vehicle Code Section 23114; 10. Install wheel washers or other devices to control tracking of mud and dirt onto adjacent roadways where vehicles enter and exit unpaved roads onto streets, or wash off trucks and equipment leaving the site; 11. Sweep streets at the end of each day if visible soil material is carried onto adjacent paved roads. Water sweepers with reclaimed water should be used where feasible. Roads shall be pre-wetted prior to sweeping when feasible; 12. The contractor or builder shall designate a person or persons to monitor the fugitive dust emissions and enhance the implementation of the measures as necessary to minimize dust complaints, reduce visible emissions below the SLOAPCD’s limit of 20% opacity for greater than 3 minutes in any 60 -minute period, and to prevent transport of dust off-site. Their duties shall include holidays and weekend periods when work may not be in progress. The name and telephone number of such persons shall be provided to the SLOAPCD Engineering and Compliance Division prior to the start of any grading, earthwork, or demolition. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 4 R 11388 AQ-3 Prior to initiation of ground-disturbing activities, the applicant shall retain a registered geologist to conduct a geologic evaluation of the property, including sampling and testing for naturally occurring asbestos (NOA) in full compliance with SLOAPCD requirements and the CARB ATCM for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations (17 CCR 93105). This geologic evaluation shall be submitted to the City Community Development Department upon completion. If the geologic evaluation determines that the project would not have the potential to disturb ACM, the applicant must file an Asbestos ATCM exemption request with the SLOAPCD. AQ-4 If ACM are determined to be present on-site, proposed earthwork, demolition, and construction activities shall be conducted in full compliance with the various regulatory jurisdictions regarding ACM, including the CARB ATCM for Construction, Grading, Quarrying, and Surface Mining Operations (17 CCR 93105) and requirements stipulated in the National Emission Standard for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP; 40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR] Section 61, Subpart M – Asbestos). These requirements include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Written notification, within at least 10 business days of activities commencing, to the SLOAPCD; 2. Preparation of an asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Consultant; and 3. Implementation of applicable removal and disposal protocol and requirements for identified ACM. AQ-5 All project-related earthwork and demolition of existing structures and/or infrastructure shall be conducted in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements, including the requirements stipulated in the NESHAP (40 CFR 61, Subpart M – asbestos). These requirements include, but are not limited to, notification to the SLOAPCD, an asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Inspector, and applicable removal and disposal requirements of identified asbestos containing materials. AQ-6 If during construction activities, paint is separated from existing infrastructure (e.g., chemically or physically), the paint waste shall be evaluated independently from the building material by a qualified hazardous materials inspector to determine proper management. All hazardous materials (e.g., lead based paint, etc.) shall be handled and disposed of in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations. If required, all lead work plans shall be submitted to SLOAPCD at least 10 days prior to the start of demolition. The City shall document proof that paint waste has been evaluated by a qualified hazardous waste materi als inspector and handled according to their recommendation to the City Community Development Department. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 5 R 11388 Biological Resources BR-1 The Habitat Mitigation and Revegetation Plan shall include an assemblage of native flowering plants in order to provide pollination opportunities for western bumble bee and other insect species. BR-2 Prior to construction, a biologist determined qualified by Caltrans and the CDFW shall survey the BSA for monarch butterfly roosts. If monarch butterfly roosts are observed, the biologist shall coordinate with Caltrans and the CDFW to establish an appropriate buffer zone to avoid direct impacts to roosts until roosting activity has ceased. Observations of monarch butterfly or other special-status species shall be documented on CNDDB forms and submitted to the CDFW upon project completion. BR-3 During preconstruction surveys and/or during construction, any Pyrgulopsis spp. observed by biologists shall be relocated to suitable aquatic habitat outside of the area of impact. BR-4 Prior to initiation of stream diversion/dewatering, a qualified biologist shall conduct a worker environmental training program, including a description of steelhead, steelhead critical habitat, its legal/protected status, proximity to the proje ct site, avoidance/minimization measures to be implemented during the project, and the implications of violating FESA and permit conditions. BR-5 In-stream work shall take place between June 15 and October 31 in any given year, when the surface water within San Luis Obispo Creek is likely to be at seasonal minimum. Deviations from this work window shall only be made with permission from the relevant regulatory agencies. During in-stream work, a qualified biologist that has experience in steelhead biology and ecology, aquatic habitats, biological monitoring (including diversion/dewatering), and capturing, handling, and relocating fish species shall be retained. During in-stream work, the biological monitor(s) shall continuously monitor placement and removal of any required stream diversions/dewatering and only the approved biologist shall capture stranded steelhead and other native fish species and relocate them to suitable habitat, as appropriate. The approved biologist(s) shall capture steelhead stranded as a result of diversion/dewatering and relocate steelhead to the nearest suitable in-stream habitat. The approved biologist(s) shall note the number of steelhead observed in the affected area, the number of steelhead relocated, and the date and time of the collection and relocation. BR-6 During in-stream work, if pumps are incorporated to assist in temporarily dewatering the site, intakes shall be completely screened with no larger than 3/32 -inch (2.38- millimeter) wire mesh to prevent steelhead and other sensitive aquatic species from entering the pump system. Pumps shall release the diverted water so that suspended sediment shall not reenter the stream. The form and function of pumps used during the dewatering activities shall be checked daily, at a minimum, by a qualified biological monitor to ensure a dry work environment and minimize adverse effects to aquatic species and habitats. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 6 R 11388 BR-7 Prior to and during construction activities, only USFWS -approved biologists shall participate in activities associated with the capture and handling of CRLFs. BR-8 Ground disturbance shall not begin until written approval is received from the USFWS that the biologist(s) is qualified to do conduct the work, unless the individual(s) has/have been approved previously and the USFWS has not revoked that approval. Caltrans shall request approval of the biologist(s) from the USFWS. BR-9 A USFWS-approved biologist shall survey the project area no more than 48 hours before the onset of work activities. If any life stage of the CRLF is found and these individuals are likely to be killed or injured by work activities, the approved biologist shall be allowed sufficient time to move them from the site before work activities begin. The USFWS-approved biologist shall relocate the CRLFs the shortest distance possible to a location that contains suitable habitat and shall not be affected by the activities associated with the project. The relocation site should be in the same drainage to the extent practicable. Caltrans shall coordinate with USFWS on the relocation site prior to the capture of any CRLFs. BR-10 Before any activities begin on a project, a USFWS-approved biologist shall conduct a training session for all construction personnel. At a minimum, the training shall include a description of the CRLF and its habitat, the specific measures that are being implemented to conserve the CRLF for the current project, and the boundaries within which the project may be accomplished. Brochures, books, and briefings may be used in the training se ssion, provided that a qualified person is on hand to answer any questions. BR-11 A USFWS-approved biologist shall be present at the work site until CRLFs have been relocated out of harm’s way, workers have been instructed, and disturbance of the habitat has been completed. After this time, the City shall designate a person to monitor on-site compliance with minimization measures. The USFWS-approved biologist shall ensure that this monitor receives the training outlined in the measure above and in the identification of CRLFs. If the monitor or the USFWS-approved biologist recommends that work be stopped because CRLFs would be affected in a manner not anticipated by the USFWS, Caltrans, and the City during the review of the proposed action, they shall notify the resident engineer (the engineer that is directly overseeing and in command of construction activities) immediately. The resident engineer shall either resolve the situation by eliminating the adverse effect immediately or require that actions that are causing these effects be halted. If work is stopped, the USFWS, Caltrans, and the City shall be notified as soon as is reasonably possible. BR-12 During project activities, trash that may attract predators shall be properly contained, removed from the work site, and disposed of regularly. Following construction, trash and construction debris shall be removed from work areas. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 7 R 11388 BR-13 All refueling, maintenance, and staging of equipment and vehicles shall occur at least 100 feet from riparian habitat or water bodies and in a location from where a spill would not drain directly toward aquatic habitat (e.g., on a slope that drains away from the water). The monitor shall ensure contamination of habitat does not occur during such operations. Prior to the onset of work, Caltrans and the City shall ensure that a plan is in place for prompt and effective response to any accidental spills. All workers shall be informed of the importance of preventing spills and of the appropriate measures to take should a spill occur. BR-14 Habitat contours shall be returned to their original configuration at the end of project activities. This measure shall be implemented in all areas disturbed by activities associated with the project, unless the USFWS, Caltrans, and the City determine that it is not feasible or modification or original contours would benefit the CRLF. BR-15 The number of access routes, size of staging areas, and total area of activity shall be limited to the minimum necessary to achieve the project. Environmenta lly Sensitive Areas (ESAs) shall be established to confine access routes and construction areas to the minimum area necessary to complete construction, and minimize the impact to CRLF habitat; this goal includes locating access routes and construction areas outside of wetlands and riparian areas to the maximum extent practicable. BR-16 Caltrans and the City shall attempt to schedule work for times of the year when impacts to CRLF would be minimal. For example, work that would affect large pools that may support breeding would be avoided, to the maximum extent practicable, during the breeding season (November through May). Isolated pools that are important to maintain CRLFs through the driest portions of the year would be avoided, to the maximum degree practicable, during the late summer and early fall. Habitat assessments, surveys, and technical assistance between the USFWS and Caltrans during project planning shall be used to assist in scheduling work activities to avoid sensitive habitats during key times of year. BR-17 To control sedimentation during and after project implementation, Caltrans and the City shall implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) outlined in any authorizations or permits issued under the authorities of the Clean Water Act that it receives for the specific project. If BMPs are ineffective, Caltrans shall attempt to remedy the situation immediately, in coordination with the USFWS. BR-18 If a work site is to be temporarily dewatered by pumping, intakes shall be completely screened with wire mesh not larger than 1/5 inch (5.08 millimeters) to prevent CRLFs from entering the pump system. Water shall be released downstream at an appropriate rate to maintain downstream flows during construction. Upon completion of construction activities, any diversions or barriers to flow shall be removed in a manner that would allow flow to resume with the least disturbance to the substrate. Alteration of the streambed shall be minimized to the maximum extent possible; any imported material shall be remov ed from the streambed upon completion of the project. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 8 R 11388 BR-19 Unless approved by the USFWS, water shall not be impounded in a manner that may attract CRLFs. BR-20 A USFWS-approved biologist shall permanently remove any individuals of exotic species, such as bullfrogs (Lithobates catesbeiana), crayfish, and centrarchid fishes, from the project area, to the maximum extent. The USFWS-approved biologist shall be responsible for ensuring their activities are in compliance with the California Fish and Game Code. BR-21 If Caltrans and the City demonstrate that disturbed areas have been restored to conditions that allow them to function as habitat for CRLF, these areas shall not be included in the amount of total habitat permanently disturbed. BR-22 To ensure that diseases are not conveyed between work sites by the USFWS - approved biologist, the fieldwork code of practice developed by the Declining Amphibian Task Force shall be followed at all times. BR-23 Project sites shall be revegetated with an assemblage of native riparian, wetland, and upland vegetation suitable for the area. Locally collected plant materials shall be used to the extent practicable. Invasive, exotic plants shall be controlled to the maximum extent practicable. This measure shall be implemented in all areas disturbed by activities with the project, unless the USFWS, Caltrans, and the City have determined that it is not feasible or practical. BR-24 Caltrans and the City shall not use herbicides as the primary method to control invasive, exotic plants. However, if Caltrans and the City determine the use of herbicides is the only feasible method for controlling invasive plants at a specific project site, the following additional measures shall be implemented to protect CRLF: 1. Caltrans and the City shall not use herbicides during the breeding season for CRLF. 2. Caltrans and the City shall conduct surveys for CRLF immediately prior to the start of herbicide use. If found, CRLF shall be relocated by a qualified biologist to suitable habitat far enough from the project area that no direct contact with herbicide would occur. 3. Cape ivy and other invasive plants shall be cut and hauled out by hand and painted with glyphosate-based products, such as Aquamaster® or Rodeo®. 4. Licensed and experienced Caltrans staff or a licensed and experienced contractor shall use a hand-held sprayer for foliar application of Aquamaster® or Rodeo® where large monoculture stands occur at an individual project site. 5. All precautions shall be taken to ensure that no herbicide is applied to native vegetation. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 9 R 11388 6. Foliar applications of herbicide shall not occur when wind speeds are in excess of 3 miles per hour. 7. No herbicides shall be applied within 24 hours of forecasted rain. 8. Application of herbicides shall be done by qualified Caltrans staff, City staff, or contractors to ensure that overspray is minimized, application is made in accordance with the label recommendations, and required and reasonable safety measures are implemented. A safe dye shall be added to the mixtur e to visually denote treated sites. Application of herbicides shall be consistent with the USEPA Office of Pesticide Programs Endangered Species Protection Program county bulletins. 9. All herbicides, fuels, lubricants, and equipment shall be stored, poured, or refilled at least 100 feet from riparian habitat or water bodies in a location where a spill would not drain directly toward aquatic habitat. Caltrans and the City shall ensure that a plan is in place for a prompt and effective response to accidental spills. All workers shall be informed of the importance of preventing spills and of the appropriate measures to take should a spill occur. BR-25 Upon completion of the project, Caltrans and the City shall ensure that a Project Completion Report is completed and provided to the USFWS Ventura Field Office. Caltrans and the City shall recommend modifications of the protective measures if alternative measures would facilitate compliance with the provisions of the consultation. In addition, Caltrans shall reinitiate formal consultation in the event any of the following thresholds are reached as a result of the projects conducted under the provisions of the consultation associated with the Programmatic Biological Opinion: Caltrans shall reinitiate consultation when, as a result of projects conducted under the provision of the consultation associated with the Programmatic Biological Opinion, any of the following occur: 1. 10 CRLF adults or juveniles have been killed or injured in any given year (for this and all other standards, an egg mass is considered to be a CRLF); 2. 50 CRLFs have been killed or injured in total; 3. 20 acres of critical habitat for the CRLF that include the primary constituent elements of aquatic breeding and non-breeding aquatic habitat and upland and dispersal habitat have been permanently lost in any given year; 4. 100 acres of critical habitat for the CRLF that include the primary constituent elements of aquatic breeding and non-breeding aquatic habitat and upland and dispersal habitat have been permanently lost in total; DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 10 R 11388 5. 100 acres of critical habitat for the CRLF that include the primary constituent elements of aquatic breeding and non-breeding aquatic habitat and upland and dispersal habitat have been temporarily disturbed in any given year; or 6. 500 acres of critical habitat for the CRLF that include the primary constituent elements of aquatic breeding and non-breeding aquatic habitat and upland and dispersal habitat have been temporarily disturbed in total. BR-26 Prior to construction, a biologist determined qualified by Caltrans and the CDFW shall survey the BSA and, if present, capture and relocate any Coast Range newts and southwestern pond turtles to adjacent suitable habitat upstream or downstream of the BSA. Observations of the se or other special-status species shall be documented on CNDDB forms and submitted to CDFW upon project completion. If these species or other CDFW Species of Special Concern aquatic species are observed during construction, they shall likewise be relocated to suitable upstream habitat by a qualified biologist. BR-27 If feasible and regulatory approvals allow, tree removal shall be scheduled to occur from October 1 to January 31, outside of the typical nesting bird season, to avoid potential impacts to nesting birds. If tree removal or other construction activities are proposed to occur within 100 feet of potential habitat during the nesting season (February 1 to September 1), a nesting bird survey shall be conducted by a biologist determined qualified by Caltrans no more than 3 days prior to construction. If an active nest is found, a qualified biologist shall determine an appropriate buffer and monitoring strategy based on the habits and needs of the species. The buffer area shall be avoided until a qualified biologist has determined that juveniles have fledged. BR-28 If least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and/or western yellow -billed cuckoo are observed within 100 feet of construction activities, a qualified biologist shall implement an exclusion zone and work shall be avoided within the exclusion zone until the least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and/or western yellow-billed cuckoo are located greater than 100 feet from project-related disturbance. If an active least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and/or western yellow-billed cuckoo nest is observed within 100 feet of the BSA, all project activities shall immediately cease and Caltrans shall contact the USFWS and CDFW within 48 hours. If required, Caltrans shall then initiate FESA Section 7 formal consultation with the USFWS and California Endangered Species Act (CESA) coordination for least Bell’s vireo, southwestern willow flycatcher, and/or western yellow-billed cuckoo and implement additional measures as necessary. BR-29 Prior to demolition of the existing bridge, birds shall be excluded from the existing bridge. Nesting bird exclusion methods may include installation of exclusion netting, removing/knocking down nests before they contain eggs, or other m ethods approved by the CDFW. Installation of exclusion netting shall occur outside of the typical nesting season (i.e., implement exclusion methods from September 2 to January 31). DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 11 R 11388 BR-30 Prior to demolition of the existing bridge, bats shall be passively excluded from the existing bridge with exclusion netting or other means. Installation of exclusion shall occur outside of the typical maternity roosting season (i.e., implement exclusion from September 2 to February 14). BR-31 If tree removal is required during the bat maternity roosting season (February 15 to September 1), a bat roost survey shall be conducted by a qualified biologist within 3 days prior to removal. If an active bat roost is found, Caltrans shall coordinate with the CDFW to determine an appropriate buffer based on the habits and needs of the species. Readily visible exclusion zones shall be established in areas where roosts must be avoided using ESA fencing. Work in the buffer area shall be avoided until a qualified biologist has determined that roosting activity has ceased. Active bat maternity roosts shall not be disturbed or destroyed at any time. BR-32 If it is determined that a substantial impact to pallid bat, western mastiff bat, or a maternity roost shall occur, then the City shall compensate for the impact through the development and implementation of a mitigation plan in coordination with the CDFW. BR-33 Prior to issuance of construction permits, the City shall prepare a Habitat Mitigation and Revegetation Plan to assist project planners in preparing agency permit applications associated with the permanent and temporary impacts to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB), and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) jurisdictions in San Luis Obispo Creek. The HMRP shall be prepared in compliance with the guidelines provided in the Final 2015 Regional Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Guidelines for South Pacific Division USACE (USACE 2015), the Checklist for Compensatory Mitigation Proposals (USACE 2008a), and the Final Rule for Compensatory Mitigation for Losses of Aquatic Resources. The HMRP shall identify the proposed 1:1 restoration ratio in-kind for temporary impacts, a 2:1 restoration or enhancement ratio in-kind for permanent impacts resulting in degradation of ecological conditions, and a 3:1 restoration or enhancement ratio in-kind for permanent impacts resulting in permanent loss. The final mitigation requirements shall be determined through the permitting process and a final Compensatory Mitigation Plan would need to be approved by the USACE, CDFW, and RWQCB. BR-34 Prior to construction, the City shall obtain a Section 404 Permit from the USACE, a Section 401 Water Quality Certification from the RWQCB, and a Section 1600 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the CDFW for project -related impacts that shall occur in areas under state and federal jurisdiction. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 12 R 11388 BR-35 Prior to construction, the City shall retain a qualified biological monitor(s) to monitor construction and ensure compliance with the avoidance and minimization efforts outlined within all project environmental documents. At a minimum, monitoring shall occur during initial ground disturbance activities and vegetation removal within the San Luis Obispo Creek corridor. Monitoring may be reduced to part time once initial disturbance and vegetation removal activities are complete. The duration of monitoring should be at least once per week throughout the remaining construction phases, unless specified otherwise by permitting agencies. BR-36 Prior to construction, all personnel shall participate in an environmental awareness training program conducted by a qualified biologist. The program shall include a description of the sensitive aquatic resources within the BSA and the boundaries within which the project may be accomplished. If appropriate, the biologist may train and designate a representative of the City or other designee to provide training to subcontractors or personnel that shall be on -site for short durations during the project. BR-37 Construction activities within jurisdictional areas shall be conducted during the dry season when stream flows will be at annual lows (June 15 and October 31) in any given year, or as otherwise directed by the regulatory a gencies. Deviations from this work window can be made with permission from the relevant regulatory agencies. BR-38 Prior to initiation of any construction activities, including vegetation clearing or grubbing, sturdy high-visibility fencing shall be installed to protect the jurisdictional areas adjacent to the designated work areas. This fencing shall be placed so that unnecessary adverse impacts to the adjacent habitats are avoided. No construction work (including storage of materials) shall occur outside of the specified project limits. The fencing shall remain in place during the entire construction period, be monitored periodically by a qualified biologist, and be maintained as needed by the contractor. BR-39 Prior to construction, a Storm Water Pollut ion Prevention Plan or Water Pollution Control Plan for the project shall be prepared. Provisions of this plan shall be implemented during and after construction as necessary to avoid and minimize erosion and stormwater pollution in and near the work area. BR-40 Prior to construction, the contractor shall prepare a Hazardous Materials Response Plan to allow for a prompt and effective response to any accidental spills. Workers shall be informed of the importance of preventing spills and of the appropriate measures to take should a spill occur. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 13 R 11388 BR-41 During construction, erosion control measures (e.g., silt fencing, fiber rolls, and barriers) shall remain available on-site and shall be utilized as necessary to prevent erosion and sedimentation in jurisdictional areas. No synthetic plastic mesh products shall be used for erosion control and use of these materials on-site is prohibited. Erosion control measures shall be checked to ensure that they are intact and functioning effectively and maintained on a dai ly basis throughout the duration of construction. The contractor shall also apply adequate dust control techniques, such as site watering, during construction to protect water quality. BR-42 During construction, the cleaning and refueling of equipment and vehicles shall occur only within a designated staging area and at least 100 feet (30 meters) from wetlands or other aquatic areas. At a minimum, equipment and vehicles shall be checked and maintained on a daily basis to ensure proper operatio n and avoid potential leaks or spills. BR-43 During construction, trash shall be contained, removed from the work site, and disposed of regularly. Following construction, trash and construction debris shall be removed from the work areas. Vegetation removed from the construction site shall be taken to a permitted landfill to prevent the spread of invasive species. If soil from weedy areas (such as areas with poison hemlock [Conium maculatum] or other invasive exotic plant species) must be removed to an off-site location, the top 6 inches (152 millimeters) containing the seed layer in areas with weedy species shall be disposed of at a permitted landfill. BR-44 During construction, no pets shall be allowed on the construction site. Cultural Resources CR-1 In the event that historical or archaeological remains are discovered during earth - disturbing activities associated with the project, an immediate halt work order shall be issued and the City Community Development Director and City Public Wo rks Director shall be notified. A qualified archaeologist shall conduct an assessment of the resources and formulate proper mitigation measures, if necessary. After the find has been appropriately mitigated, work in the area may resume. A Chumash representative shall monitor any mitigation excavation associated with Native American materials. CR-2 In the event that human remains are exposed during earth -disturbing activities associated with the project, an immediate halt work order shall be issued and the City Community Development Director and City Public Works Director shall be notified. State Health and Safety Code Section 7050.5 requires that no further disturbance of the site or any nearby area reasonably suspected to overlie adjacent human remains shall occur until the County Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin and disposition pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5097.98. If the remains are determined to be of Native American descent, the coroner shall notify the Native American Heritage Commission within 24 hours. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 14 R 11388 Hazards and Hazardous Materials HAZ-1 All project-related spills or leaks of hazardous materials shall be cleaned up immediately. Spill prevention and clean-up materials shall be located on-site at all times during construction. HAZ-2 Prior to issuance of construction permits, soil sampling shall be conducted in areas of the South Higuera Street right-of-way where soil disturbance or excavation is proposed for the presence of hazardous materials, including aerially de posited lead (ADL) and hydrocarbons. Soil sampling shall be conducted by a licensed geologist or other qualified professional as approved by the City. ADL sampling shall focus on unpaved areas and formerly unpaved areas within the right -of-way and shall be conducted in accordance with current Caltrans guidance documents. Analytes to be targeted should include gasoline -, diesel-, and oil-range hydrocarbons; volatile organic compounds; and fuel oxygenates. If contaminated soil is present, the appropriate abatement actions shall be implemented in accordance with applicable Caltrans Standard Special Provisions and other applicable standards. HAZ-3 A Soil Management Plan and Health and Safety Plan shall be developed for the project to ensure contaminated soils excavated during project construction are handled, stockpiled, and disposed of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. Special handling, treatment, or disposal of ADL in soils during construction activities shall be consistent with the DTSC and Caltrans Soil Management Agreement for Aerially Deposited Lead-Contaminated soils (effective July 1, 2016). HAZ-4 Prior to issuance of construction permits, yellow traffic striping and similar pavement parking materials shall be tested for presence of elevated levels of metals that would require removal and special disposal measures during construction per Caltrans Standard Special Provisions and other applicable standards. Transportation TR-1 At least 8 weeks prior to scheduled road closure, the City shall notify SLO Transit and local emergency service providers (including the SLOFD, SLOPD, and San Luis Ambulance Services) of road closures along Prado Road. The notice shall include dates and estimated duration of the closure, identify alternative access routes to properties made inaccessible by the closure (as applicable), and contact information available if there are issues or complaints. Complaints shall be directed to the City Public Works Department. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 15 R 11388 TR-2 Construction Traffic Management Plan. Prior to the issuance of construction permits, the construction contractor shall meet with the City Public Works Department to determine traffic management strategies to reduce, to the maximum extent feasible, traffic congestion, impacts to bicyclists and pedestrians, impacts to public transit services, and impacts to emergency service providers during construction of the project. The construction contractor shall develop a construction management plan for review and approval by the Public Works Department. The plan shall include, at minimum, the following items and requirements: • A set of comprehensive traffic control measures, including scheduling of major truck trips and deliveries to avoid peak traffic and pedestrian hours, detour signs if required, lane closure procedures, sidewalk closure procedures, signs, designated construction access routes, and temporary traffic control measures for automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. • Notification procedures for adjacent property owners and public safety personnel regarding when major deliveries, detours, and lane closures will occur. • Location of construction staging areas for materials, equipment, and vehicles. • Identification of haul routes for movement of construction vehicles that would minimize impacts on vehicular and pedestrian traffic, circulation and safety. • Temporary construction fencing to contain debris and material and to secure the site. • Provisions for removal of trash generated by project construction activity. • A process for responding to and tracking complaints pertaining to construction activity. Complaints shall be directed to the City Public Works Department. • Provisions for monitoring surface streets used for haul and truck routes so that any damage and debris attributable to construction-related trips can be identified and corrected, including regular street sweeping within the project vicinity. • Location and signage of bicycle and pedestrian detours. Safe access for pedestrians and bicyclists shall be maintained to the greatest extent possible throughout the duration of construction activities. • In the event the Prado Road Bridge Replacement Project is under construction at the same time as the US 101/Prado Road Interchange Project during any portion of the construction schedule, at least one connection from US 101 to the City street network shall be maintained at all times (e.g., via the Prado Road/South Higuera intersection or Elks Lane/South Higuera intersection). The Construction Traffic Management Plan shall include measures that identify the necessary steps that would be taken by the construction contractor and the City to ensure this connection is maintained. DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 16 R 11388 The plan shall also incorporate, at minimum and to the extent feasible, the following recommendations of the Construction Traffic Analysis (CCTC 2021) prepared for the project: • Signal timing modification and/or optimization at surrounding intersections; • Restriping at surrounding intersections to improve traffic flow; and • Installation of temporary signalization at the Higuera Street/Elks Lane intersection prior to the closure of the Prado Road Bridge. It is anticipated that the recommendations of the Construction Traffic Management Plan for temporary signing, striping, and signalization of the South Higuera intersection, and other construction traffic control measures would be incorporated into the project Plan, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E) and developed in the context of the City Municipal Code Construction and Fire Prevention Regulations and the City of San Luis Obispo 2013 Construction & Fire Codes, which address other issues such as hours of construction onsite, limitations on noise and dust emissions, and other applicable items. Tribal Cultural Resources TCR-1 A qualified archaeologist and Native American monitor shall be present during all project related construction activities that result in disturbance of native soil that may contain tribal cultural resources. Monitoring activities shall be conducted in accordance with a Monitoring Plan as approved by the City Community Development Department. The plan shall include provisions such as: 1. List of personnel involved in the monitoring activities including a Native American monitor; 2. Description of how the monitoring shall occur; 3. Description of monitoring frequency; 4. Description of circumstances that would result in the “work diversion,” in the case of discovery, at the project site; 5. Description of procedures for diverting work on the site and notification procedures; DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 Resolution No. 11388 (2023 Series) Page 17 R 11388 6. Description of monitoring reporting procedures; and 7. Description of the procedures for reburial of artifacts and/or human remains within identified areas on the project site or other suitable location. Upon motion of Mayor Stewart, seconded by Council Member Vice Mayor Marx, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Member Francis, Pease, Shoresman, Vice Mayor Marx, and Mayor Stewart NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 7th day of February 2023. ___________________________ Mayor Erica A. Stewart ATTEST: ______________________ Teresa Purrington City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ______________________ J. Christine Dietrick City Attorney IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, on ______________________. ___________________________ Teresa Purrington City Clerk DocuSign Envelope ID: FC1F5967-98BA-499B-9B2D-5ED5B8B43641 2/11/2023 | 9:59 AM PST