HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/7/2023 Item 6a, Engle From:Scott Engle < To:E-mail Council Website Subject:SLO Parking Fees and Traffic planning. This message is from an External Source. Use cau?on when deciding to open a?achments, click links, or respond. ________________________________ Dear Members of the SLO City Council, Having been a resident of SLO since 1999 and a member of this community since 1974, I am compelled to share my perspec?ve on certain decisions that have significantly impacted our city’s infrastructure. I vividly recall the installa?on of parking meters along Broad Street in the 1970s during the road expansion to four lanes. The promise of improved parking for local businesses during the construc?on phase gave way to last-minute removal of these meters, causing considerable public uproar. The ra?onale cited by the SLO Council at the ?me was to maintain proper traffic flow on this main arterial road. While I disagreed with this decision, I now recognize its wisdom in terms of accommoda?ng the city’s growth. In the present day, our community has seen substan?al popula?on and tourism growth compared to 1974. The recent changes to Marsh, Higuera, and Johnson Avenue, including reducing them to two lanes, have presented challenges. Traffic conges?on and safety issues have become evident, such as the difficulty of opening car doors without impeding traffic. It is clear that rever?ng to two lanes on these major thoroughfares is not in the best interest of our bustling city. We must reconsider our priori?es and restore “Proper Traffic Flow.” To address this situa?on effec?vely, I implore the council to revisit the changes made to Marsh, Higuera, and Johnson Avenue. Ensuring the op?mal flow of traffic is paramount, par?cularly in light of our increasing popula?on and tourism. We must priori?ze though?ul planning and management within our city departments. Addi?onally, the decision to raise parking fees has not been well-received by the community. It is discouraging to observe that these increased fees are making our downtown less appealing and the new kiosk system less user-friendly. I urge you to provide transparency regarding the data and ra?onale behind these changes, as the majority of people I know, who live and work here, rely on cars due to economic constraints. Deterring people from visi?ng downtown may have a detrimental impact on local businesses and the overall vitality of our city. In conclusion, I propose a straigh?orward solu?on: revisi?ng and rec?fying the recent changes made to our streets will likely increase downtown foot traffic, resul?ng in higher tax revenues that can offset the increased parking fees. It is essen?al to acknowledge any missteps made in the past and work toward a safer, more accessible city for all. If the inten?on is to discourage visitors and impose higher parking fees, I suggest that this be communicated openly to the public and business owners so they can make informed decisions. Thank you for your a?en?on to these concerns, and I hope that we can collec?vely work towards a be?er future for our city. Sincerely, 1 Sco? Engle 1236 Higuera Street San Luis Obispo, Ca. 93401. (805) 592-2187. sco?@engleinsurance.com 2