HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire Inspection ReportNotice of Fire & Safety Hazards Fire Department ti 2160 Santa Barbara Avenue, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-5240 805.781.7380 slocity.orq Case Number: PLOCC-114512-2014 Case Module: Permit Management Inspection Date: 10/23/2018 Inspection Status: In Violation Inspector: Julianna Hutchinson Inspection Type: Fire Business Inspection Job Address: 1433 Calle Joaquin Parcel Number: 053-151-026 San Luis Obispo, CA 93405 Contact Type Company Name Name Tenant Motel 6 Checklist Item Passed Comments A. General Inspection Comments Yes Continue to maintain smoke/CO detectors in each unit. A reinspection will be conducted in approximately 21 days. For any questions please contact this inspector at (805)431-2217 or by email atjhutchinson@slocity.org. E. Change Door Swing to direction of Egress if >49 Yes E. Provide Occupant Load Sign>49 Yes E. Provide/Repair Emergency Lights if >2 Exits Yes E. Provide/Repair Ilium Exit Signs w Back -Up Power Yes E. Remove Key -Lock or Special Knowledge Hardware Yes E. Remove Storage/Obstructions to Aisles/Exit Yes E. Repair/Replace Exit Door or Panic Hardware Yes E. Sign "This Door To Remain Unlocked.." Main Exit Yes EL. 30"X 78" Clearance around Electrical Panel No Maintain clear access to main electrical panel shut off. EL. Label Breakers, Shut -Off Mains/ Provide Blanks Yes EL. Provide Cover Plates No Provide a cover for exposed wiring in guest laundry room. EL. Remove/Provide Approved Ext. Cord/Multiplug Yes EL. Replace/Repair/Provide Permanent Wiring Yes EL. Sign For Electrical Room Door 1" Letters Yes F.A. Annual Test Record Required No Provide a copy of your most recent fire alarm test report. F.A. Clearance/Access to Components/Signage Yes F.A. Repair/Replace Yes F.E. Maintenance Due No Service extinguishers that have lost their charge. Water heater room extinguisher last serviced in 2017. F.E. Mount on Wall 3'-5' Above Floor Yes F.E. Provide # Type Yes F.E. Relocate Extinguisher/Provide Access Yes F.E. Six Year Service Due Yes F.L. Maintain Access Ways Yes F.L. Paint Fire Lanes Yes F.L. Provide X Clearance Around Hydrant Yes F.L. Provide Address/Unit Numbers Yes F.L. Provide Clearance/Signage Roof Access Yes F.L. Provide Key Box/Keys Yes F.L. Provide Signage Yes F.L. Test/Maintain Private Fire Hydrant Yes October 24, 2018 Page 1 of 2 INSPECTION (FIRE-04735-2017) Checklist Item Passed Comments F.S. Chain and Lock Valves Open Yes F.S. Provide 3' Clearance for Riser/Control Valves Yes F.S. Provide 5-Year Certification Yes F.S. Provide Caps/Clearance -Fire Dep. Connection Yes F.S. Provide Spare Heads/Wrench/Signage Yes F.S. Reduce Storage 18" Below Heads Yes F.S. Replace Escutcheons Yes F.S. Replace Painted/Corroded Head Yes H.S. Clean/Repair Yes H.S. Provide 6 Month Service Yes S.H. Clearance b/w Combustibles & Ignition Sources No Clean lint off of water heaters behind laundry room. S.H. Flammable Liquids Storage Cabinet if >10 gal Yes S.H. Metal Container -Self -Closing Lid for Oil Rags Yes S.H. Move Dumpster a Min of 5' from Walls/Eaves Yes S.H. No Storage 24" Below Ceiling if No Sprinklers Yes S.H. Non -Combustible Trash Cont. w/Lid if >40 gal Yes S.H. Protect/Perm. Mark Gas Meters -Unit Seared Yes S.H. Provide No Smoking Signs Yes S.H. Remove Combustible Storage Yes S.H. Remove Combustible Waste/Trash Yes S.H. Remove Cut/Uncut Weeds/Grass/Vegetation Yes S.H. Repair/Maintain Fire Rated Wall/Ceiling/Door Yes S.H. Secure Compressed Gas Cylinders Yes S.H. Seismic Strapping/Maint./Repair Waterheaters No Provide approved seismic strapping for water heaters. S.H. Store Water Polution Prevention Yes This is an Official Notice of Violation and order to comply. The conditions noted above are violations of City Fire and Building Codes that must be immediately corrected upon receipt of this notice. A reinspection of your business, if required will be conducted in approximately two weeks. A fee may be charged for each inspection if these violations are not corrected before the second inspection. Failure to comply may result in a misdemeanor citation and an appearance in court. Hutchinson, Julianna October 24, 2018 Page 2 of 2