HomeMy WebLinkAboutSLOUNIFLOW_FS1 Admin iRC3926i Color_0147_155It5 TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 I# t.it+\t$y,{_4,S.W.4 -l.!\r*.S.iiilirt']i$hii,I TANK 4 R2 )(A})dastem(s) a tho tc Prolection nser Me er3 REOUIREMENTS ev 60ccurrent 0ispenser meters lnspecte d by department of weights and measures {proper ent) (ccR 264ers annu ccRenser meters calib 6.2 and su do not show3 I signs that a r en ser an els, ase maY have occured. and suctron rR.ip in q Si!liE-V.(4€sql $$Xi$lX.\"l$!t1l$l i.Elt:Ifr.IsaFFs fSB6'+SgrFRaES')g I 2 I1 2. er fo ccmed 2R bJlsnrt0flnm0f00usU al moni of suction roduct ual lnvento R e co ncilia 0n al lnvent econciliation each mon 2643(d k-.*0ntistieal 2. UST qu an tr I ed on liquid elevation measurement ements cR 2643.1, measurements nventorY Recon reconcili a tion rl m0n I 2Jreq-lent or ? or more inconclusive inventories reported (ccR 2646.r (d)) 3. Tank tightness test lor inconclusive results (CCR 2646.1(h)). anual Tank Gau CR2al tan1 erf ormedtesttn te rit -tlanual tank sauqing performed weekly (2,000 Gal. or Less) (CCR 2645(d)). 3. Tank taken out of service 48'72 hours, an 0urs 0re gauglngateast be'::ns (CC R 2645{a)). exceed the weekly or m0nthly limits in 2 consecutive tests and a tank integrity test has been performed within 72 hours (CCR 2645(d)(3)). tank gauging measuremenls4. Manu ank Gau tn automatic lank auqln0 resu Its submitted (CCR 2643(b)(l Aulom atic 1. Mon -I Tank Closure t. TST ryst.r contained and monitored pursuant to Article 3 and 4 until actual c0m letion closure (CCR 267 FACILITY W LKTHROUGH e)) lnterstitialMonitori *-1. lnterstitial monitorinq checklist comp leted .Cat}odic Protection alr (CCR 2635{a)(21. lm ed currenl s stem installed and o t and current 0is enser lvleters D epartment of V/er ersand Measures inspection cR 2636(f)il1,264lserf ormedonlinuous monitorin of cR 2646(i)). 6.r r)resent (CCR 2636econdacontainment of ls U c onrtonn of formed in ccR 2636()(l)).ts 25292menr inslalled (H&sc 25291tomatic line leak detection (4)(C),25292{e)(l ccR 2636(f)(2), UFC 7902.6.12 ffi :iiii'iiji:ililill:il::ii=ijlli'i IletedIc0 G Leak detection checklist lor ndwaler monitorin eiedvrells checklist coml. l\10 a trsrades and BU Approved UST s'1slem upgrades and/or repairs made (H&SC 2529 2. I (c) 252S8, CCR 2660.266 2. lnterior lini of the tank laced no more than once CCR 2661(c)) ed (CCR 26661{d))3. llo rbperl 4. i\letal piping, fitlings, and tank littings that have re leased product have been re laced (CCR 2661(e)). 5. Vapor or ground'later nronitoring system installed lo coniinuously monitcr t:n!s r:raired by linin if no seccndar containnert exists {CCR 266I()) 29 :l ) TANK 1 TANK 2 TANK 3 TANK 4REOUIREMENTS - Unorades and Repairs (cont.l .\ Secondary conlainment provided {CCR 2662(b}, UFC 7902.6.1 l, 800 I .4.5.r.21. Y.EElillpreventr-on\ urc 7902.6.s.3). equipment installed (H&SC 25291(c), CCR 2665,2635(bl, \Spill containment provided (H &SC 2529 I ( cl, 25292id]r, 25292.21a1, CCR 2665, 2635ft), UFC 7901.8.1, 7902.6.5.2). \ Audible and visual ala tcn zosz(.)(2t(Bt, u rili ars connected to the continuous monitoring system FC 7901. ). JllAutomatic pump shut-off capability (C CH 2 63 6(s)(3)(41). aLFlFFinrs are llFid tisht (uFC 7e0l.l r.81. QEmergency shear valves provided at dispenser base (UFC 79.904(eX2) :qgt urc cooEsl. . Tank Closure 1. UST orooerly closed (H&SC 25298(c), CCR267g'72, UFC 7902.1.7.2,8001.1l). - Other 30 Ffl W -f-lfin:Tl::: Ii t::,.ri l:i}l:iii1,]i li::,, 'l l: DIRECT INQUIRIES TO: {:: 11. 1.. 1... l::, {;. 1:11:: ;:19 f' :' fdl::.::i I I .lijii ilil,ll;f{fil'l I l.t.. .i1..}0 lt\ R R {:l t:} {.* .r .1. 4 1,'i:i )o::i:?{i,, {r{,J I'lItl:,ll"l;:]r'l fl I'11,. pli llii,i :i..i 2H ,p /-o Dear Business Owner: Chapter 6.7, Division 20 of the Health & Safety Code, requires local government agencies toissue permits for underground storage tanks which con-tain hazardous substancls. This is pilO Uyyou yearly to the City Fire Department. Additionally, the fees paid to local governments must include a surcharge to cover the costs of the State Water Resources Control goard in carrying outprovisions of the Underground Storage Tank Program. This surcharge fee is due every 5 yds. The State Surcharge Fee is $56.00 per tank. Local government agencies are authori zed toretain 6% of the Surcharge Fee to cover administrative costi incurred. pllease remit the amount of $56.00 ($56.00 x 1) made payable to City of San Luis obispo and return to this department within30 days. Be advised that this surcharge will not be due again until June, 2000. please call if you havequestions. Sincerely, Meyer Hazardous Materials Coordinator SM:cb B +m'X#.tglSHi'&',i:8","? i,i.I&tji?r3.jTjy9?,'3" disabred in al or its services, prosrams and activiries @ ,ilililffiillilll United Parcel Service 3601 Sacramento San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 SM:cb Re: State Underground Storage Tank Surcharge Fees Dear Business Owner: Chapter 6'7, Division20 of the Health_& Safety Code, requires local government agencies toissue permits for underground storage tanks which coniain hazardous substances. This is paid byyou yearly to the City Fire Department.^ Additionally, the fees paid to locJ governments mustinclude a surcharge to cover the costs of the State waier Resources control Board in carrying outprovisions of the underground Storage Tank Program. This surch-g" r." i, due every 5 years. The state Surcharge Fee is $56.00 per tank. Local government agencies are authori zel toretain 6vo of the surcharge Fee to cover administrative costi incurred. p'lease remit the amount of$56'00 ($56'00 x 1) made payable to city of San Luis obispo and return to this department within30 days. Be advised that this surcharge will not be due again until June, 2000. please call if you havequestions. Sincerely, c FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Street . San Luis Obispo, CA 99401 . gOS/781-7380 June 15, 1995 pencer Meyer ,,] , 1) ffyoFsan luls oBtspo Hazardous Materials Coordinator E +Jl3.?'X#,.?gl,5X:'ffi:8,j] ifJ#:i?r3rjTJy.9?,,i.. disabred in ar or its services, prosrams and activities @ I \ r-i.I'l Gtyo[sanluls oBtspo FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Street . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 . 805/781-7380 June 15, 1995 Keith Hughes United Parcel Service 3601 Sacramento San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Re: Fire Department Permit Dear Mr. Hughes: In February of this year we billed you for your hazardous materials and inadvertently forgot to include the billing for the underground tank. In researching the underground tank files I discovered this error and, unfortunately, must ask you to remit an additional $270.00. Enclosed is a corrected billing of which $427.55 has been paid. Please return a check made payable to the City of San Luis Obispo and send to my attention. Sorry for this inconvenience; all the records have now been corrected Sincerely, Carrie Bassford Fire Prevention Secretary Enclosure cb B +j3.?H#ffi,,:Hf fr',:3","? u."J#,ji?rfrj?1Y9?r'3" disabred in arror its services' prosrams and activities' @ Previous violations: Crit Locat:GAS s-4 BY oFFrcE. ELEC Preplan:haz:ROOF ACCESS 2ND FLOOR Notes :F.L./HAZMAT PERMTTS Permit mon: 3Pernit amt: 697.Ss Permexdate: 03-01-96 .v*i u TNSTDE WAREHOUSE S-1. LADDER. L-L2OOO G UG TANK 7 L.25 270.oo 356 / 30 \ -aoet : 3102 Grid-lrress : 3601StTeet :SACRAMENToApt/unit : : Kl_8 67Assignment:3C Inspector :Business :U.p.S.Bus phone :544-7L84Bus type :X Man hours t 1:O Frequency i2Resp party:KEITH HUGHES !"=p phone : 8o5 / 544-7 LB4Emer phonet Prop owner:U.p.S. PO address: 3601 SACRAMENTO PO city/st:Slo cAPO zip :93401Lock box : N^ Location: Clear dat,e: O5-25-95 Hood test :Sprink test: -^ Location: Alarm Iocation:LOCAL PULL BOXNo halon No basement pipes No stand pipes No vent systemRemote : NFire Flow :Const type:2-NStories i2Area bldg z 21500Occ area z 21500Occ load :250 Occ class zB2Permits :ART 4-L8,22Violations: l_0. 301A; BO. 104 Previous violations: L 2 3 4 ) ) ) ) lIgIIl{ANDLE/usE FLAMMABLE LrQUrDsSToRE/HANDLE/USE HAZMATSU.G. STORAGE TANK PER ORD 999HAZMAT TNVENTORY/BUSTNESS PLAN_ORD LO75 Pernit inf: :II.E fr$PY ,ilillililillilli Gtyo[san luls oBtspo FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Slreet . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 . 805/781-7380 August 15,1994 UPS 3601 Sacramento San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Re: Hazardous Materials Management Program Dear UPS: In response to State-mandated regulations governing the storage and use of hazardous materials, as well is the City's concern over potential hazards and liabilities associated with hazardous materials, San Luis Obispo adopted City Ordinance 1075 (1986 series), Business Plans/Chemical Inventory Statements. ftris Ordinance gave the City authority to set up and maintain a Hazardous Materials MaLnagement Program, as outlined by the State's Hazardous Materials Release Response Plans and Inventory Laws (Chapter 6.95, Division 20 of the California Health & Safety Code). The City Fire Department is the administering agency for the Haz Mat Management Program. Its purposais to provide information to emergency-response personnel, as well as the public, on i.qu"rt, regarding storage/handling/use of hazardous materials by businesses within our community. Thbse businesses who have already submitted the required Business Plans and Chemical Inventory Statements are aware a Business Plan or Business Plan Update Form must be submitted by Ianuary lst of each year. It appears your business requires a Business Plan. Attached is a simple Business Plan form for you to complete and return by September 15, 1994. Permit fees are based on amounts shown on the enclosed Fire Department Business Plan fee schedule. Hereafter if there are any substantial changes in your operations or hazardous materials inventories, you are required to notify this office, in writing, within 30 days of such changes and modify your Business Plan or Chemical Inventory statements as necessary. This is in addition to the Business Plan Update Form that is due by January lst of every Year. please call me if you have questions or have problems filling out these forms. I wiil be happy to help you. Sincerely, Meyer Hazardous Materials Coordinator SM:cb Enclosures B +m'HJJ*Tl5H53J,l;?"d? r.'"J#li?rSrjTJlgr?i3." disabred in arr or its services' prosrams and activities' @ r MEMORANDUM TO: File FROM: Spencer Meyer, Hazardous Materials Coordinato t *- DATE: March 10, 1994 SU&JECT: 3601 Sacramento Drive .The site investigation has been progressing satisfactory and is under the direction of RWQCB - CCR. One outstanding item remains with reference to the primary site investigation - the investigation of soil under the waste oil tank slab. I spoke with Bob Wilson (SEACOR) this date and he assured me that it is UPS's intention to have the area in question tested. I have spoke with Greg Vagelpol, Bob Willson and Steve Little regarding this outstanding matter. t,} STATE ot cAtlFoRNlA PETE wll-soN' Governor CALIFORNIA REGIONAL WATER QUALITY CONTROT BOARD - CENTRAL COAST REGION 8I HIGUERA STREET, SUITE 2OO sAN turs oBrsPo. cA 93401-5127 (805) 549-3147 December 7, 1-993 Mr. Ray Shaw United Parce1 Service 252OL Paseo de Alicia l,aguna HilLs, CA 92653 oFc 0 s p93 Dear Mr. Shaw UGT; IINITED PARCEL SERVICE, 3601 SACRjMENIO DRM, SAN LUfS OBfSPO; REQUEST FOR WORKPIJ.FN TO DELfNEATE GROI'NDITIATER SONTAMINATION We received a letter from t,he City of San Luis Obispo Fire Department dated October 13, 1993 informing us of t.he removal- of four underground storage tanks from the above referenced site. Information contained in the letter indicates ground water beneath the site has been impact,ed by petroleum hydrocarbons and possibly other contaminants. We understand United Parcel Service (UPS) has retained SEACOR Consultants to final-ize a technical report to address the vertical and lat.eral extent of contamination at t,he site. We have determined additional investigative work is required as described in the following t.asks: Define the vertical and lateral extent of ground water degradation. A minimum of three monitoring welLs sha1l be insta]Ied in order to determine Lhe ground water gradient and give indication of t,he exLent of ground water contamination. The extenL of the ground water investigation is based on benzene being detected at a concenLration less than l- microgram per Liter PLEASE NOTE: Wells must be construct,ed under the supervision of a regi-stered geologist. MoniLoring well construction must meeL or exceed the standards contained in the Department of Water Resources Bul-1etin 74-BL and 74-90 and with the reporting provisions of Section L3750 and L3755 of the Californi-a Water Code. All wel}s within L/4 mile of the sit,e should be identified, and those which could be affected by the discharge must be tested for EPA Method 8240 constituents. The enclosed Memo from the San Luis Obispo County Health Department lists wel1s which may be af f ected by t.he discharges. HAZ MAT FILE t 2 1 Mr. Ray Shaw -2-December 7, L993 The requested report must be submitted t,o this office by January 10, Lgr4. When submitting the report, proof must be provided that aLl sampling and analyses were conducted based on a reasonable quality-assurance/qualit.y control program (QA/QC) . P1ease note, all work and reports requiring engineering or geologic evaluations/Judgements must be performed under the direction of, and signed and stamped by, an appropriately registered professional (e.g., Registered Civil Engineer or Registered Geologist) . The registered professional must be fu1ly competent and proficient, to do the work performed. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please direct quesCions to Richard ALeshire at (805) 542-4631 or Bob Balciridge (805/542-4620) of this Board's st.aff between B-10 a.m. or 1-5 p.m. weekdays. Sincerely, K WILLIAIyI R. LEONARD Executive Officer RBA: sg cc: Spencer MeYer City of San Luis Obispo Fire Department 748 Pismo Street San Luj-s Obispo, CA 93401- ENCL,OSURE: NOVEMBER l-2, L993 SI-.,O CO. HEALTH DEPT. MEMORANDUM rbaDl-l-.ups.sIo TO: FROI{: DATE: SUBiIECT: SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT I DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2156 Sierra Way o P.O. Box 1489 o San Luis Obispo, California 93400 IELEPHONE (80s) 781-5W o FAX (805)78r42 MEMORANDUM REGTONAT, WATER QUALTBy CONIEROIJ BOaRD RrcH AT.ESHTRE / r, / BRADFORD P. SEEK, R.E.ll.s./fJ NOVEMBER 10, 1993 UNITED PARCEIJ UNDERGROUND STORAGE CONTAI'TINATION It is requested. that the adjacent public water systems and UPS wells be lanples for contaninants assocj.ated with fuel and waste oil leaking tanks. As you know frorn our May 7 , IggZ memor, contaminant,s that already exiSt in the UpS well may be associated with the on-site leakage. ADJACENT WATER SYSTEMS NO. OF WELL(SI Plumbers and Steamfitt,ers one domestic one domestic andParsons one irrigation Coleman one dornestic iio Industrial Way one doinestic The Department has copies of' well logs for- _aII of the above systems. If you need any assist,ance please call. cc: Spencer MeYersr SLO Fire DePt. Brad.RWQCB UPS Groundwater Contamination nj \11/e3 ,,q sArx ilrrr6 cfisPo i'N0\'l99J ltt CAIJINflNIA tI^rte ,$ I'.,,, j: A DEPARTMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HEALTH AGENCY Cttt/san lusoBtspo Fire Deportment - 748 plsmo st.. son Lu is obispo ,co. 93401 . 54g _73 go IDeIDrrrit ADDRESS. 3601 Sacrmnto Drive - Ups ATE I Septenber 2, 1993 Petro Builders STORE, USE OR HANDLE MATER IALS, OR TO CO HAS PERMISSION TO MAINTAIN EOU I PMENT AS D ESCR IB ED BELOW: NDUCT PROCESSES, OR TO INST ALL Evacuatlon/rsnval of 1-10 ,000 gal gasol lne and 1 -550 raste o i I tank Ber UnifornFire Code Artlcle 79.nsta I ga on gaso ne 5 vedfron the Ctty and properly dlsposed ALL REAUIREMENTS SHALL BTHIS PERMIT IS NON TRANS SHALL NOT BE REMOVED - B E PER THE UNIFORM FIRFERABLE. IT SHALL BEY ORDER OF THE FIRE C E H COD E AND I TS STAND ARD . POSTED IN PUBLIC VIEW AND I EF. Decenber 1, 1993 AMouNT oF pERMrr: $ 315'00 EXPIRATION DATE I. D. NO. BY:a.'.(:-i t:, Spertcer lleyer, Fire P lon ialist Fire De ar tment C.Tank Removal Contractor:'7c-rea T{t,-,,-neaS Calif. License No.-8aif-3 Addres p, 10u70 'rercpnone:3w 14b zt6 Proposed Starting Da +3 roposed Completion Dat q3 Insur D.Chemical Composition of Materials Stored: Tank ** Chemical (common name) Dates Stored Size Previously r : , StoredChemical &ss^l I r-\e to to to to la E. -t-e.s440 Final Destination of Tank : fl4\CrnxVarardC.&tt ler> 1oJ*fu\*,^_ gess 43.T _xgJ?,_ Address Telephone List previous owners and operators of the tank(s), if applicable: DATE OWNER/OPERATOR F. ti=P-S ty Fire Dr itment Permit No smo Street Application Date No. of Tanks toSan Luis ?65 Obispo, 181 1 cA 934013*6 be Remove APPLICATION FOR PERMIT'FOR TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT CLoSURE/REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Tvoe of Anolication (Fiil out one Application per Facility) [ ] Temporary crosure I I permanent closure ft1 Removal A. Facility Na Ad Conta ct Person: fv\ r (6 Bos.F Telephonc: (days) 5&t{ r?t d_\o\-( (nights Owner: [t$ r Te r: Fs\ejGL- 5 ear'rce Telephon tK -77 Addrcss I A4. ,P &?r z- Opera urcd Tel ephon 27 Addre t5 "tl./4/6 L Datc Tank Installed: -volume of Tank (Gailons) / o /< -{- 5 s 6 B. Water to Facility provided Depth to Groundwat asis of Determination: C. Tank Removal Cont Calif.License No._8ai l.3 Addr ess:d4l- iOlrol ?nrrrrrz &vc- S?r,^rpl p: qOG70 Tercpnone:Zto 14b zz6 Proposed Starting Dat 3 ed Completion Date q5 Insurer D. Chemical Composition of Materials Stored: Tank + Chemical (common name) Dates Stored Size Previously Io Szrl t r-\6 fo -r.Q.s13p-to frl to E. Final Destination of Tank: {k\e{t ofVn.,- ?o5 43_7 JgJz_Address Telephone F List previous owners and operators of the tank(s), if applicable: DATE OWNER/OPERATOR Attach a plot plan showing:t ltr,.NLocation of all rank(s) Lcak dctcction systcm :, . em:q', -.:_.. j' ! ,:- -.- road ' ;: . equipmcnt to be removed Ovcrfill protection syst Sca le . Propcrty linc Ncarest intersection or Equipmcnt summary Fxisting equipment and I{-Typq qf Primary Conrainment: [ ] Concrctc [] Fibergtass fi Stcct [ ] Othcr [ ] Stecl I J Fiberglass Coatcd Stccl- [ ] Othcr Piping/Matcrials of Construction: IJStccl }(fibcrglass Typc of Sccondary Containmcnt: [ ] Concrctc [ ] Fibcrglass [ ] Fibcrglass Coatcd Stcct [ ] Othcr I. Was any part of thc system cathodically protcctcd?A, If ycs, rvhich parr(sf J. Dcscribc lcak dcrcction systcm uscd, if any: lrxe t<4k_ Oafe.for-s K- Dcscribc ovcrf ill protcction systcm uscd:hP (^) -1 THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY AND TO THE BEST OF MYKNOIVLEDCE IS TRUE AND CORRECT. Signat Titl -ZL FIRE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Describe Method for Retrieving Sa Sanples Will Bc Analyzed F Laboratory That lYill Perform Anal Add Telc phone: t6 l/c h'-S C,s A ,.,lr,yoFsan luls oBl spo FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Street . San Luls Obispo, CA 93401 . 805/549-7390 November 1991 qr(CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FEE SCHEDULE In accordance with City Ordinance 999 (1983 series) - Underground Storage Tank Regulations, the following permits are required from this department prior to conducting operations: r$Pt Initial Inspection/Administration Fee Annual Permit Renewal $17s.00 t t t I 1 1 1 Additional Tank Fee Owner/Operator Transfer Fee Plan-Check Fee $10.00 $15.00 $40.00 $20.00 (per visit)t{1,a New Installation Permit PIan submittal required for permit, also a minimum of three (3) site visits per tank is required. t {r,Tank Removal Permit Plan submittal required for permit, also a minimum of two (2) site visits per tank are required. $20.00 (per visit) I1 Phase II Vapor Recovery Modification $40.00 tl Excavation Above or Near Flammable Liquids Pipeline $45.00 t1 Monitoring Well-Drilling Permit Plan submittal required. C-ontact County Health Department $56.00 (per tank) $20.00 (per hour) tl State Surcharge Permit Fee tl Additional Site Inspection Fee Questions regarding permit applications or other pertinent information may be directed to the Hazardous Materials Coordinator at (805) 787-7380, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ' 1".: _ ,,'::ra'i4rtli t AUr=--=6-9=15:1r+ gl-|] FIRE,, t . . - ' r --. " :..ii :"-"-::,r,r.-'l:,3:!ir1f-il.i. :I6rffi:t.i{it$55ffi,X.1- F. E5THIJ SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL Ti}{DERGROI'ND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS STORA GE TANK $ *ou,t New Tank I J Operate New Tank [ ] Modify Existing Tank [ ] Transfer of Ownership In or on the premises trt - - OWhIER: Company Contact: Mailing (Yre). "?YA.Gt( -,,ry 9t4oe- OPERATOR:**-'A;;any: Lt.,dca ?.rrcc\ 3e-rdra.- . contact: MailingAdrlress;3(41 5ac-ra-rnexto- 5'n*. Lu.,s QbisPa-Telephone:(€r4) 5<{{ '117? CONSTRUCTION:(Complete only if aPpiication to construct or ruodifY tank) Company:%"reMailing Address: State Contractor License No.:2ellq Construction Start Date: ATTACH A PLOT PLAN SHOIVING: (For new construction and modification only) Location of all tanks and piping and Leak Detection System their secondary containment Overfill Protection Systom - Scale North Arrow , Property Line Nearest Intersection or Road If this is an application to transfer ownership or operation of tank, complete the following: Previous Owner: Contact: - . -.. Address: . _ Telephone: Previous Operator:Contact: () 1) Start Up Date: - . .,. .-,Date Installed: NTIMBER OF TANKS BEING INST BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTION/MODIIIC,\TION: (for existing tanks) .1 r\tFr.\ D t^)F LV PROPOSED USE OF TANK(s) MATERIAL(s) TO BE STORED IN TANK(s): (l (r\ VOLIIME OF TANK(s) IN GALLONS: ucr3/7-13-89 ILv<U.L. ftUMBER(s) Arrr.les C2r.\ StTe lc .,.., -ii, ArJG-=6-93 THU 1 . .-;\1 5 I SI.-tf FIRE F. B6 i MAI\TFACTLIRER OF TANK(s)V'o r {o4 IF TANK(s) USED PREVIOUSLY: PastUseof Tank(s): - "' - ' Materials(s) Stored in Tank(s): ., - TYPE OF CONTAINMENTT [ ] Stenl [ ] Fiberglass Coated Steel Id riu"rgt"s, TYPE OF SECONDARY CONTAINMENT: [ ] Steel [ ] Fiberglass Coated Steel TYPE OT PIPING MATERIAL: []Steel \Fiberglass []Other Describo the leak detection system you plan to use for tank pressure [ ] Other [ ] OtherT$.,riu"rgtu* f5 I N lm.lF Ler,, v n P(+t*fiL!sNA Describe the overfill protection system you plan to What is the approximate depth of groundwater?I L r.r k;l lr\ rl( Basis of determination: Attach a certification from the manufacturer, or his authorized representative, of the tank and piping materials as to the capability of the tar* and piping material with the proposed stored materials. (This applies only to Non-Motor Fuel Products). n1 '?'7* zLr( (24 llour Ernergency Telephone)of Applicant) -Plan Approved -Plan Disapproved FOR OFFICE USE OhILY Date of Construction Completion Authoriziag Agent Signature ucr3/7-13-89 Date -l ,-'.\ SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 2156 Siena Way O P.O. Box 1489 o San Luis Obispo, California 93406 TELEPHONE (80s) 781-s54r'. o FAX (8os) 78t42rr MEMORANDUM TO: FROI,I: DATE: SUBiIECT: REGIONAL WATER gUALrTy eoNTROL BOARD RICU ALESHTRE BRADTORD P . SEEK, R. E. H. S ./4 NOVEI,IBER 10, 1993 UNITED PARCEL UNDERGROUND STORAGE CONTAII{INATION It_ is requested that the adjacent public water systems and UpSwelIs be samples for contaminants associated with tuel and wasteoi1 leaking tanks. As. you know frorn our May 7 , L9g2 memo, contaminants that alreadyexist in the UPS well may be associated with the on-site feakagel ADJACENT WATER SYSTEMS NO. OF WELL(S) Plumbers and Stearnfitters Parsons Coleman 87O Industrial Way One One one One One domestic domestic andirrigration domestic domestic The Department has copies of well rogs for arl of the abovesystems. If you need any assistance please ca1l. cc: Spencer Meyers, SLO Fire Dept. BTad.RWQCB UPS Groundwater Contamination mj \11/e3 A DEPARTMENT OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY HEALTH AGENCY l:yJ t L: 13Hl,l FREN TRIHNGLE ENUIROHI,IENTHL "-) . -i. r. .rl:,'- ::.-: ..jr::j:1ij.i,.,j;r:l., 1885543495s F.a1TO eY }IUMEF.fi OF FAGES: T{lr DOlt XRTAI|GI,8 HTVrnOID,ETITAf,, rHC- DAVID D['XB tlB$$ACB 5 r*crJrrDr'c corffi s[rEBT rIL[ COPY FAX fr (eo5) g4s-4gs6 ftOl/ 1 CI 1993TTTTATTGI'E ETfiTIFIO}UIftII{ITAIJ xlilG - FACSN.III,E TRAIISUITTAf, rcfl{ DATEr / Il/LA/gg 3 ffi;[313i 3f3:3333 ffik*ffiutP-i*, F., ,t NOLJ 1R to- rD. {h lEl,-',,*.arrqlgi-.-.Frrv'{ '+*, bffi gr-=oz' )s18t a4o-7@2@ EFT 4 @Ea g I_J FT IIT A '!T EFI ET.T'E !=Yg PrecLEicln Underground Storage Tank SYstem Leak TEEI W(]".SF = [I a-Z-@-€- Cllent: UHITED PARCEL 5ERVICE 8155 VATI NUYS BLVD. PANBRAI{A CITY' CA 9L4O2 Ite r U. P. S. 3601 SACRAHENTO DRIVE sAN LUIS OBrsPo, cA Date: 11-9-93 Countyr SAN LUIS OBISPO Tank Product -i - _ _-:::::i:li:l- - - - UNLEADED Tank/LLnes Product Line LeakTank capaelty Rate/Result Rate/Reeult Detestor L2@@@ -o. o38lPAsS -o. oo4lPASs PASSI 2 3 4 5 6 S{gnature: Date://- P-Fj COMMENtSI THE TANK ULLAEE IIAS TESTED USII'IG THE TEI ULLAGE SYSTEI'I' THE ULLAGE TESTED PASS }IITH A RATE OF @' O@ CPH. Tesh. Ll-eense #; Teehnician Hame: LO72 J. RICH Thle preeieion tank testirrg sY Locel, State snd Federsl NFPA exceede the crLterl.s requlre dby 2&b f,or preeLeLon teeting eyetene' and EPA UST TechnLssl Standarde Psrtetem #329 NOU LA '93 lE:13 E 1E E4EI ESPS FIlGE . EIAE F t- F c F I \t t' Loc -1 6t (D frt t9 A to Ljmfiffiil]$E ! $r 7oc E ffl TJ P tl] u, ral5tl- r' l I l\l tr tt$i 3 m m As Dn rrJ n T D 5) : S5rl I$IIfnntItfiEtlltruLlg *0ilrtllflt-0I I tt'lt i I-Is-J.:':,J J. J. : t4Hl'l FHUII I H I HNLILE ENU I ituNfrltN I HL IU 1E855434955 P.E4 f FUL . 999 NOU,, lE tgg letEa .T.*r syffiTgt*t 4ffirfrffs AtrlALIfSIS EJ.=|HHT 14tr1{+ t{ t-:raEtFl l' IANH INFtrRf'IATION;' Product ! UNLHADHP Snpscltv r 126Hf, "R0DUCT INFORI{ATIONtDlenlter ( lrt. l Prodlrct Levcl ( ln ' ) Speeific SravitY Coef* Hf ExPenaion Wster on Tank (in') $tarttnq TemP' (F) Rcnolutlen (G*l lons) Hend Fn6enure (F6I ) Dclte Temp' (F/Hr. ) ;OHFTJTHF ANALYSI$ RF*qULT$ T LFVHI Rete (EFH) = TemF. Hete (8Pl"f) = Ftntl Hctn (GFH) - Datet 11/gql?S Tirne t 09:Afit.T7 7. x 6?'L .cry I 6O" ebove tenk bottem.; 6,75fit tt,Eag667S; fil'r above tenk trettpm,: 61,4"1?z fr,6O65418r 1,6 et tanl" bottemr fi.63?0 6, L77 6, ?[5 -0.ESB T E fl F -6 I I J x I t I ds stl Tlm**mlnuTFF rtil Hr gnt i.ri hr' Frr tsilt rrrtr r!r?r rrry lr'lt llr{ nN nrrr eq r{{l lnt rhl .rL. r.,r wa v{ .xtl ..,rt .ru vlr lrrla ,l{l llll lstr il.rl frrl, .s lrlt t}ri t.-r tr,r I fi str ts0 NOU lB rgB 1E:58 PAGE , BE4 Tr ian le Env ironnsn taI,InE. t7",tlegt Verdugo Av€. I Fur ba$tr cA gl$Oa SITE t T- P. S DAIE ,,J) tJg*- '{/o * / t**frl-,,e@t f4trtft4 t ,iv rx (A',: huts 88try4r. o(L PRODUCT ETART TI}IE /READIN6 A@tQbltlL END TIHE /READING AQ tQA/$L TEST PHES5URE (perl VOLU!1E RATE ( 6PlI ) RE5ULT FAgS/ FATL ll tttptArt /0!lo:Fo ffi -+'3 i ooq t%.s I certS,fy that the abov+ Ilne tests vere eonducted on thlE date Lc*orgt"g t6 the equlpment raaaufacturFr'8 ptoceduree and llrntrtation" .n? the reeulte aE tieted are to my knovledge true and E€rr?gt. Signaturel arr'-*. ?o:/fl*e Te€h, r l'tf r'd Cert. # , .,, =_- HOTE t The teet data eplrectlon titne perJ'ad must be ft'f,tetn mlnutes' The teet p*ss/fatl j,s deterntned usinE a thresheld of, L9o tnl per trour (o,o5 GPii, rate at Lg'?-% vorking Pl.eEsufe er $o psl" thlch &rer tE }eee. The GPH rate i's calculated as: tilI/ Q-OO1O6' copyrtght (c) Triangle Envifonm€ntal, Inc. I llarch, 1E9?. l'lRL TOTHL F.ES LA-I7-L-J13 IL'ZTFT4 FETI,1 PETEE EUILDERS il.'lrj Trl LEAS=434-J55 P.BL PETRO BUILDEHS, INC TEL:310)946-22s5 - FAX: (310) 946'53 CONTRACf,TIF III FUEL SYSTEilA FUEL FACLME9 AilD Ewlfi ollllE$rAL coHSTRUefl OH TELECOPIER MESSAGE DATE: /o/r/rs lj TO FAX #sD5)q)-{ Pr F SE nFI WTR rHF' FQtr I OWING IVIffSSAGE r(}r NAME:FS COMPANY: FROM:Pplro Hrrildprs- Tnc- NAMEI NUMBER OF PAGES CLUDING COYER PAGE. r[' TR A NSM[$firON rNf OMpr fr'Tf,'- pr AA$L-CAI r 310/946,^"S5 COMMENTST i iii, : ,x i.. ;, ,t..; '";'i ' ', 1,- .i..' 10S09 Painter Ave., $anta Fe Springs, CA 90670 License No. t41905 Classilications A, B, C6l ' D40. & HA -(\i r I .. I t tdY. *;:strt'4qS* lrr . ,{li''r ?lL " aa ' '{r .j, " Ar'ffi \.t\ f: \ $n" f -5-# -rs .F'*-M .ta .{i:' [* 1.t ,;uT.tr r i' t-{ ---\I I Ir"rlr'l|'l rlr 'r"l "l -rtrrri rrrll'll' lll'l'l'''ll' a-avfi,r a-lflflofl dt{v -r-rv't 3tSGfrs {unilul,,,t u0puilulsl4 5 t{ l\l v-f a €rrt rt{}rs {n dw d-]t {t !j F1t lC 3 d r\I r'0 5ltr\/-r src t Er r J ,/") e )'', 1o J t:. t +\'i * 7t 'A cctr.t'lhc':;r4nT.Tr I 3i.JI Ee4fl-ilnfl t:l4I3J' tJt:t4j l,lEET,zLL t:EF'tr-6tr-81tr 1,8-1.9-1993 LT'26F111 FEI:II"I PETEI:I EIJILIEPS IT.IC the Tank lnstallahofl Che*list'found insertEd ln this manual, installafion proceods. Retaln - authoriation acow of tlu checklist, along deviatlon letters,cefiflcation etc, and any otfiEr proiest files. Consult your Xenes rePr* or distributor for a supply ol additional checklist lorms, with allapplicablE regulatlons artd standards, such as , national, $tate and local congtruction, health, safety and envimnmental codes . National FirE Pmtastion Associatlon standards (e,9. NFPA 30' 30A & 31) . industry $tandard practlces (o'g' PEI/RP100, API RP16'15 & EPA "Doing lt Right") county and city or building depart' must be perhrned 0SHA regulatlons. 'Xenes requlttment will never take precEdEnce over a require' or regulation. lnlocatcode cases, any precedenc€ over anY Provi' ol ths Xerxes manual, lation Manual: DANGEH: indicates immediate haards whictr, it not avoided, will lause death, serious personal iniury or significant pmpErty darnagg' WABNIIIG: indicates hazards which, if not avoided, could cause deattt-, senou+personal iniury or sigrrifl cant pmperty damage' CAUTI0N; indlcates hauards whidr, if not amided, may cause personal iniury or pruperty damags, Worttng in excarations is dangerous and is.rEgulated by both . leUerat ina stato salety codes. Carnless astlvlty or operation oi equipment can cause severe personal iniuryordEath. Although the corrosion'resistant Xsrxg$ tanks arc rugged, care must be talcn that they are not dropped or damaged duriru dellvery, unloading and handling on the iob site' WARNINB The tanks are heaw arrd havE a largE surhce area. The tarrks will rollon sloped surlaces and can be blown about by the wind, Uncontrolled mwement of the tanks can 6ause death' serious personal iniury and property damage. Before the tanks are unloaded or rElocated 0n the iob sit6: . be sure that all equipment used to lift the tanks is ratFd l0 handle the load (Hefur to the installatiorr supplement'Tanlt Handllnq Data" fortank weight), . preparuihe unloading and/or storage site hy temoving all rocks and debris, . anange for sandbags 0r tires t0 he used as chocle. Use the lifting lug(s) when hoisting tha tank. Do not wrap chairt or cahle around ttre tank, Tanks larger than 12,000 gallons have multiple lifting lugs. Use all of the lugs to move the tank' (See Fig' 1"1), Use guyropes t0 guide the tank whgn nesdsd. Do not more the tank by rolltng. llJ rdvS>4)4'J>3 f . t5.j 36" HIN. tt I { must tanl installation Throughout this text, these delinitions will apply: on a manway or on the tank shell, containment vesgel, wherE the contgnts ara normally stored: a fitting, located on thellting:tank shell. which opens the secondary containment vessel. which is the normal locatlon on the tank, additional tarminology, see Figure 0-1. RGURE O'1 authorize any variation to, or deviatlon from, these lhis authoriation must be made in wrltlng, prior t0 1. PFEPIIRATION FOH INSTALLAIION SAFETY L lF? lri6 klrH Flrt l8 rcE Flli,rv6 IOII FIITIilN irJ tti0uuf,Tl0N Department at 612-887-1 890. IFJ-L1-I1-J3 Itt ?7n11 FHUtl , PE lf?li EU I LUtHs 1l'lr,IU LEUJJ-J4J+1J>r.VJ4 ljVtrenwer fie tanks are $ored at the site. ctto* them in place to prwent mtting. (See Figure 14)' TiE them down if high winds are upoctod, Afrsr delivery and befrG pr*installafion testing, visually inspect he entiru ehlerior $urface ol the tank for signs of damage (holes' cracks or deep scnpes). Verify that all of the safe-delivery prwisions ollhe Xerxe! "Damag+ fterbeilvery" program have been followed. Sign the drivers ralease lorm. WARtllllG: Wtren the tank is under presure, fie marnltays and/or ;iii;,ilffiA diitoose oi t'e unk matt ruptu n-urd rtsu lt in dsdr' ilii"; peffid inilry, or pmperty d'anaga' Bafore heginnim thg tesrnofrv * oeooie frr trs ust sih h rarmin in a sab lMlm. n-iwnlshnf NDTIETAI'IKDUFINGfi ETE$LAwidsdended exposure to the manways, f'rfings and ends of fte tank dudng the test. WAfil{lllG: The muimum test prgssure is 5 P$lG (3 P$lG when testins atwelve-fuottank), The pressure gauge must be posiflmed so thit ilre pressurg raadings can be cleafly read at alltimss. All Xenes tanks are teied prior to shipment but it is required that all tanks be testsd prior to installation in orderto verity the absenct of shippltu and handllng damage, ln the unlilaly event 0f a leak, it is mo$ liksly t0 darulopat a manwny or a iitting. Afier inEtallation and before bacHilling to grade, the test must be rgp€ated l0 vEriry firat no damage has occuned durlng instellation. Heferto tho anompriats s€ctitrt b0l0w forthe instructions for testing a sinqle ,uldil tant<, a double wall tank with a dry irrtErstitlal rpace or a double wall tank with a liquid-lilled interstitial space. lf damaoe is detectod, D0 t{Of ATTEMPT REPAIRS. Contact the UST Co6rdinator at the Xenes plant nearest you or ttre Tectrnical .$ervico Departmsnt at Xoned corporate otfice. Telephone nurnbers are found on the lasl page of this manual, 'Construct a test menifold as shown in Figure 21. fte air supply gauge must have a muimum full'scale reading of 15 PSI with 'll4 .or 1/10 lh. lncrernerG. WABtllifi: The p€ssure relief device or regulated air source must rbe rated at a muimum of 6 PSI (4 P$l lor 12-foot tanks) to reduct ttre risk of overprcssutizing the tank. The tester is responsible br verlfying that ail ot the test equipment is in good working condition and properly configured. FIGURE 1.2 1. Open ons sarvice fittrng, Check to s€e that all rumaining gervice littings are properly doped, plugged and tighhnad,r 2. lnstallthe test manilold in tho open ssrvice fitting, Connocl the pressure sourcs t0 thE test manifold. ($ee Figure 2'2), 3. Pressurizo the tank to 5 pSlG {3 PSIG when testing a 12'f00t tank), Add or remove air as necessary and allow fie pressure to stabilize, 4. Close the wlvo on the test manifold. Disconnect thE air supply line, 5. Monitorthe pressurc for one hour. Soap tfie errtire €)corior 0t the tank and watch for active air bubbles whlch indlcarc a leak, 6. When the test is complete, carefully release the air pressure from the tank by opening tre air supply valve. The air supply line should already have beeir disconnected. Remwe the test manlfuld. co/irFEssoR PRESSUR€ RELIEP OdVI IR SUPPLY VALYE IR gUPPLY 6AU6E ICf'FI?IING 2. PNHNSTALLATION TESTINfi MAX 5 P5i6 2a- SINGLEWALLMNKTTST COMPRESSOR AIR SUFPLY VALVE FREssURE RELI AJR SUPPLY 6AUGE sERVICE FIITING TESTftIAIIIFTIUI OEV I CE FIGURE 2'1 FIGURE 2.2 SPACErNltflsTlTl/\LITHDIlYWTANKWALLNOUBLE'/.h TA-L9-I99= 1.1.I2EAN 7F,DI1 PETft.II EIJILDEF.E II.IC it hsadqu|ItoE. Z. 0pen the monitorftting not conrcgted tofie hose hardwart' 3. Pnssurize the primary tank to S PSlfi add-or rcmom air as ffiffii';nd aiidtuF ilssttni to stautllzo' oloss fre raatr,e on I ttre test manitold suPPlY line' 4, Monitor the pressure lor one hour. $oap tsst all.service littings ildffi;di:'ffitln tdrictive airbubblei whidr indicate a lult' LEFJ1J434-J55 ?.tl-r IIE R€LIEF OFVTCE coflPhes5of, Outcr 0lsdoilr'lgcl Ir srJpplv vALvg r5Sgfi8l Ifi SIJPPLY OAU6E fioNlroR ItlT IcE Fttttl{G TD E ,lfr-dEffW--B-frl,fftr ln ofder to H the tanh fns tuee/valw asgembv mu$t be conn0dtd fiotn a mmlbr flfin0 to a FNrYics llltlns. i; ir... and tlghtenod. 2. Close the ralve on tha hose/lalve assembly' lnstall fie test fianifotO inthe open Service fitting, Connect the prsssure s'urce b the tost msntfold , (See Figure 2"3 HV)' !. Preeuurize he primary (lnterna[ tank to 5 P$lG' Add 0r-dri*llii il ilir6isaii ini at torv ine p ressure r0 srab i lize. close thg valve on Se test manifold. 4. MonilortttE pEtEuIE hr onehour' Sgqp. aJl {ittings and man' ilayilrd $ittd'' tractivE air bubbles which indlcate a leak' HGUNE 2.3 OU sEcot{ DAFY (gxrEnlwl TAtl K IEST 1. Mainlairt the pressure ln fre primary tank. 2^ Pluo the monitorfitting which was prwiously open' $ee Step 2 ( 0ui d< "Discon ne ct Asse mbly Prim ary Tan k Test)' 3. Free the hose from the ssrvice fting ry clltting the rrylon tle' 4. lnsert the hose lnb the quidt disconne$ check valve (found at dieiiiioiir,r iiivice imingl. rhis willallow airto trarrsterlrgm the primary to secondarY tanlt 5. Prcssurize t0 5 PSIG. Add or remove airJh the supply Elv.g as ( needed and allow the prcssurE t0 stabilize' Close the veh/o 0n ffie ! test mantfotd, Disconnnd tne air supply line. 6. Monttor the pressuro for one hour: $oflp tho ontirg €xHrior 0f ttre i-inr anO waich lor active air hubbles whtci lndicate a leak' Wherr the test is compleE, carefully release the alr pre&ure trom inJianr, iv-optning ilro supplv ralve' The ah supply.line alruady . ;irouiJ #itilEn iisconniitid. when ths air llow lrom the suppv valve stops, rcmove the test manibld' ril MAHY 0 l{TERtlAt} TAI{K TEST lloTE: tGep the tank vsrtlEal (ttB rts0ru0lr $ bp) during the DEln8ldllaii0fl bBttng ot ttrg brine m|y draln lllli the dseiloiL 1. OpEn one service flttlng andtrefittirq on ihe re€ervoir' Ched( tor tiriuiO in the reservolr - it should b0 about hail full' 0o not ;#r"td monitorfrttings - brlne wlllbe lost. CltEd<b see thatall r6'iii-ning ieiirce inohonnor fifiings are proparly doped, plugged and tightened. 2. Visually check the interior ol tlre tank tor liquid - thare ghould -not Ui aty, lnstallthe tost manituld in the oFan seryce {tting' - ..-Ci'niic tiie preisure sourco to the test manllold. (soe Figure ?'4)' 3. Pressurize tre primary (intemaq tanlt b 5 PSIG.ldd or-'dmouiili ts necissary'anil all$,'/ fie prys'rq t0 $abllize' Closs trf ratve on ttre test mdhihH, Dlscurnost he air uppfy llne, 4. Moflitor hB prcsure lor one ho.ur' Soap all {$ngs and man' *-Hnd wildfftr acllve eir bubbles whidr tndicat[ a leak Chsd( fie reseruoir lor bubbles in ttre monltorfluid, E. Helsase ths ptessure lrDm fiB plimary tank' FIGURE E.3 HV SEt0llllAHY ( EXTEHIIAL) rAtll( TEST GtlUTl0N: Do not pnssurize the secondarytank (inter$titial spacE) Oiredtorths primary tanK may rupturc and cause tank failure' Ondi'f,rivatue-on tre nose/vatv'e as'semuty l'1as been opened, do noiifdse tt unfll allbsting is complete and allte$t pressure has bmn rstrud, 'lr Malntain tlre prcssure on the primary tank, Plug ths monitor ttfno urtri* wu Droviously open' Stowty open tre valvE on the rrdieiwt're aseniuty and dreisurhe fie secondary (external)tank td b'psle. Add or remove air as needad and allow he prEssurs t0 ilaUttize. Clote tre vatve on tlm test manitold. Dismnnect the air rypply line. t. Monibrtre orcssure lor one hour. Soap the entire exterlor of ttr6 tani anO waltdr tor aaivs air bubbles whi$ indicate e l6ak' When tlre tes,t ls complete, carelully release the air pressum fmm ih iani uy opening ha atisupply latue. The air suppty line should iiriaOy frdve'neen -Clisconnecttd.- Remove the test manibld' Wft h-mrb6$tFprf mlryUnt{om,.1''bst1msmustnottrgomrmred, u 0l llrvlcl flW - hW tts rtt1lon ds ln pho' PRE5SURE RETIEF OEV'CE cofrPRESS0R 8056/v^rvE ASgErlEt IN SUPPLY YATYE fiaNlF0L0 vAt AJR SUFPLY 6AU6E n0r'll10F FITT I ICE F,TTI}IG ?c. D0UBLF WALL TANK WI-[H ilnuill'Fll Lr-ll INTIN$TITIAI SPAOT f f, tilAFf fl lltEnilAt) tiltll( TEST i. Conrrocin ffi minilold to an auallable serviq ttting' clnck 'b sse trd att rsmsiniN servlce fittings are propedy doped' Fluggd and tghbned. sEc0l{ oAF{ (EnER ML)'TAN K TEST CAuiiblla Oo'ilot pres$urizs the secorrdary tank (inter$titial space) ortlte primary tank may rupture and cause tank frilutt. Check tire extrlor of the tank Jor monitoring liquld * if liquid is fiund, wipe the tank dry and verity ttrat lhe liquid does not 6appear,'Lift thg tank ti check thti bofiom' D0 not r0ll the tank Ohn6en: Do not stand undertho fank whilE it is being lifted. When fie test Is c0mplee, Em0vB the test ffianrtold' ViEually drec* the interior ol the tanlt for liquid. Replaca the protectivs cnvers in thE servim lltiing and the reservoir iitting. Xenes tartks must bB installed using either pffi grewl or crushed $tortE which meets the lollowing spectfications. 0EllEM[: Ihe material is washed and free llowing and conforms t0 the $pecificstion ol ASTM C'33 para. 9.1, sizes 6 through 8' No ftors than 570 (byweight) of the mabrial may pass through a #8 Sjeve, lt is recommended that the supplier certity fiat the material conlorrns to A$TM C-33 and arry other applicahle sfracifications' {For additlonal lnlormation, referto the Xenes.pamphtet Fbergkss lan R Bacffiill Guidelines.) Tlre installino contrastor must tata all prcctutons t€ceseary t0 orotect emoiwees wodring in or near a tank excavation. Thesa brecautioni shoutd include, but are not limited t0: - Locatiorr and protsctiofl of any utility installatlons near ihe excava$on b8l0m opening fie oxcmafloni ' Means ol sscuring ttp Yvells of the excatation; ' Mgans of prwenillq utposure'of employees t0 harardous fumes from thg mavetim; 'profrction of employeeslrom haards associated with watsr accumulatlot ln ttt gNcavafion: . gardcadsi, stc. t0 prweilt unauthorized vehicle or pedestrian traflio; . lnipestion of treexca\alion and surrounding area at least daily' fur addtdbnii lnturmatiort $ a$arntion, trenching and shoring satEty practices, consult 0SHAs Construction lndu$try $tandards Part 1926, Subpart P tha minimum dopfi 0f tho sxcavatiott is normally det€rmified W the orgsence or absencs of gmundwater and tho pttscnce 0r absince ol traffic at tra site. ThesE dlmensions are critical t0 the successful lnstallation of atailk and arE oiten regulated W c0de. |N-L-J-L933 LTI?-Jfr\l FEI:II"I FETRI] BUiLDEES II.]' RGURE24 Ttl tEE13434.j5.5 P.FJE i.r. Referto: . ftderal, $ate and local codes . NFPA30 & API 16'15 . the {igures below. IIIIE Numberc in bradsE il relerto 12'tarlb. Tanks subiected t0 rafic loads must have a coverdepth of at least 18 t36l inihes of bad<llll plus I inches of asphalt' An accoptable altemaWe is a minimum'of 18 [36] in$es sf backlitl plus 6 ifldes of minbrced concrcte, PH GRAVEL CHUSHED SITONE PEA GHAVEL: Mix of rourrded particles * sizes between 1/8" dnd 3/4", CRUSHED STUNH Mlx ot angular particles - sizes between ti8" And 1n", lilIB ll mrtedalwhlcn m06N lhts0 spsdllnatlons is not avatlabld' cq1t861tlE )brxcs lMrnlcrl Scrvlor hpartmsnl hr inlormatiur on approvd altemate truterlsls and instrllaum lnstrucitrrs. Using ofiorfisn ipprund bcddlng and badt' 0l mr$rtrls witnut Xoncd prior wTttt0fl sppnval vdll wkl tlu lank wrmfly and lnry rttult in tsnk hilun. lfitE: ftufilboB h bradm (l EfrrbUtank, 4. EXCAVATION PABAMFTEBS 3. EAIKFILLAND HEDOING RELIEF OgYICE i,le suPPLY VALVE F I IIINC FROfi AIR SUPPLY Sahvtce Fl TFIFFIC 0tv cofvol t lol'lg l I /8"I3/ 4' I /8"I t /2" Em 8'l wf cdo, tl0l{9 ?l^filc iill ti ":l .i" q:It r' ,,1' . , ,i irl li'l I l' r " Ilti Illlr 'llrt :'ll! l' I irf lft :!rr 'l,il i I frti :''tl i I ill|l ;"1' lll'.ll rl Tenks subiecM b frdfic loads and high water must ha/a a minirnum'ot S0 ts8l lndtss of brd<llll and eiher I infies of asphalt or 6 ildtes 0l rdnfurced concltb. L'J-L1_1,-J13 T I I 3EFI1 FEI]I..l FETEI] EIJILDEF.F. II.IC MIIE: Numbets in nraPlcts I J reler to 12' tanks. Tr:l LBF)55434?55 F.Fi? l :,:l.i.,r ll0lE: Numbers in bracl€B { J ml6rt0 12'tanks, in high water areas not subiected t0 traffic loads"must have a 0l 36 l48l infies ot bacHillcovering the areas abovg 1Z inchss beyofid in s{tdiructiflis. , ililE:Mudmum buml d€pttr is T leet ot covdr over top otunk$' lf,TE: Unrttrdd manY*tlV rl6sr (il Frcsent) mu$t nol transmit load trom the stab h th tank. lfure must bo t mlnlmuri 6 inch space bBfwFEn tfie bottom ot the ilsBr r' Nttd tllg top ol tlte trnk. $TAgtE $0lL coilDlnoil$ frirre"sn]ii,,ii not requireo to maintain e vqrtica! wallironl top i;'ii,tdt?fiJexiavation, end the sollis stable, the minimum il.Iildt*e# ni siowvitl 0r endcap 0l the tank and side 0l iiiiuaiion.gust be 18 lnches (24 indres tor 1?'tsnks)' ll more itffiffih.k ilti-ue instatreo in tlre sanu hole. there nust b0 at least 18 inches between the tanks. uil$aBLE $0lL c0ilDffloils lf til;rliha;Htthan z50lbs.lsq. ft' cohesion as calpulatedlrom in uncontineO oompressiorr test 0r in soilsiavlng an uftimale ;;#ililAtv of 'less than 3500 lbs.lsq. tt'i0r wtpre soil will n0t ffii;ffiGtl]'rd wari tne exca\ntion must allow a minimum s;ffi tqili ili,[ iltl,iii*dtei ot tne tant letween ti're skle and ifioiijliinitank ano the excarnrion wail.The sp8cing befween adiecent tanl$, 1S tnches remains the same' WARi{|NG: ll the soll is extrem€ly soft or inherently unstable' ;.olilat. quicksand, very sott oi expansive clay' etc" Xerxes #ililH[nirnt--tnb tlrir, owner se'et<the advice ot a local foundation prolessionat enginoer, FILTER FABRIC iilffit ffi;, or his technical rcpresentarive is,responsible for i.trffiino wnether llltei frbric oi an ahemate fihering technique i."o"n#i;iltuia soeciti Jinstallation. Fitter fabric allows the llfllt'g,l'rmtu"';rullll:ffi qHffi 'ilfl fr iilgB:lftiil' invetope whlch supPorts the tank' - Folyethylene film is nol considered an eflective materialt0 prevent ;iiitilffioi pta gravel ano n-aiive soitl it mey tear or desrade while in service. Xenes recornmends that liiter fabric be used when the tank mny be lnstalled in: . areas witn lrgqrmntly changing ground water coflditions 0r areas subiect to lidal lluctuatiffls' 'un;iure ioirs zucrr asibg'swamp' landfillor mud' . waiei conditions wtth silty soil' I nilxsFAclt{o ISIE: Ttrcse rre minlmum spaclngs and nust be incroased as needed t0 Itfri*ffid,ietdmsn 0t fiilor"ilabr' Reler t0 Eection 7 on lsnk anchorinq ffiils;ififi;ffi.ilni'cril.aril to attow the dendmen t0 b0 set outsidc 0l the : til* shsdfiil, ( Dl7 c0fl0I?1ofl! lr0 TFAFF'C ': i:l !-;,,,, ii'l' Iiil llllir irrr; l;lll, 11t :l t: '1r lllill illl iil;;lllllj:iltl llirl lllllli iilllt va7 ccirolTloNS 'AAFF'C ri0 t/? lrr{{ 0,r.r/f lrl/f 0lr tI]tiflll llitr; l ltil '\'i.: .:l ' ,,,i : "li.i; i :r-i,'..' i'ii:..1 I fr, ,i;.:, j ii" , ' ;it.., .!i i lr.i: : ' :: tl'. ,:,il: ; ir' ,)::1:. .;1 1. ''1 , l,; ' .fi:.i r..: ,.,' t:\., '' iri.. ' ri ..,.i ;'1 ilr".'I 'l;' ., 'j : :.\: 'ri ."L'. Li:' ,'.:, I 't' ;.rt' .t. ,: ... ll,.:, : lpor turttnr inlormaton ffircerning hbric specifications and instaF ; i#d;ili,0riil#, conurp fi' n[Bi fibric supplie/s in$allatiort lguldss or instrusflms. ;To iflstall f,lter hbric, typically filhrfabfic rnanutacturers rec0m' i *irj ilat ril ifiaiiiti iin0 ti,., s(caveri0n sides arrd bottom wittr ili; hdil 0.r Brtip ioiointng panels W at leasl tlvelve inches' : piidi bidrni iiitiriaj on ttrir panels amund ttte eds8 0f the hols idild#flEm in piaci. , ln wethole c0nttitions, use bacldll matsriath sink and hold the hbric in PlacB on tlu hole bofiom' or surrounding ProPBrty. Preoare a smooth, lgvel bed, 12' thlck, ol approved bacldill ' mi6iiit. nacsine tantr 0r tanl$ onto ttre bed. Do not set Xenes i tlnll O]rectty onto a concrete slab or on timbers' cradles or , directty onto the hole bottom' : Levelino: As tre tank is being placsd, set the tank pltch as shown il id fiE ptans, Xenes dois not require that a tank be pihhed' Aii ;itfili iotermined b1l the tank swne/s specification. lf a double waiitinr is pitched. the'nronitor should be at the low end' Use the ' tels otttre iibs to eslabtish longltudlnal lwel. Establish lateral levet d;Oicing thilevet across the tbp of a fitting, a manway or e collar' , When ths tank is placod, take fie first diameter readirtg iDEllec'tion I readlng 'A' on the chec,klist). See Section 13 for in$tuctons on i taking deflection readlngs. ll the tank is to be ancfrored, in$all the anchoring hardware at thls , time (SEe $estion 7), , BACt(FtLLillff Use only apprwed bacltllll material ($ee Section 3). D0 not mix ;pitwdd m'aterialwith sand or native soil' D0 not use nativs soil . ai'uactCitt metsrial, AtlExcavated native sollmust be replaced wi$t aoorwed materlal. Placo one 12" lift of matorial wenly around the . tinn from ne hole side or fie top of an adjacent tank' work the i mabrial W hand comptetely beneath the tank bory and tlomes t0 orovide fuil sunport. Use a-pr00e long enough to reach beneath tlrc iant anl pushihe backfill ln plaoe. f,epeat tlris step witlt a second , i-i" tilt, Afur the second tift of material has been plecrd and probed, the bacldlll can be brought t0 the top of the tank witftout lurther ' hand work.j crur0il: Do not strila thg tank wlth the tamping bar. The tank may be damaged and requlre repair. When fre tank is bad<filled to thg tank top: . talc an inErmadiab diametgr reading as an ln'pruc$s ch€d(. . rapeat he 5 PSI airte$ as ouulned ln Saction 2' soaping all oxpossd arsas of tha tanlt anrl all fttings. SUMMAHT 1. Prepare the tanlt hed. ?, Setand level thstanks' 3. Measure the tankdiameFr. 4. lnstall holddwvn hardware. 5. Place and prohe the first two lifts ot bad<till material' 0. Add bad<fillto tire hp of the tank' ?. Mcastrre he tank diameter and repeat ths air test' After the air test and measursment of tank deflec{iffl. are succsss- iuiiv comnf eted, it is recommsnded tfiat the tank be ballasted until broinilnstattation and flnat backfilling h grado is completed. When fiiiffirielin-t make sure that the tank isidBquately vented' The vint must be tar0e enough to allow the dlsplaced air to escape' iSIE: 0o not ballasttlil tank until tho bs*flll ls a|gn wittl the hp ol hstailk' WARNIi{G: lt product is used as ballast, exerclse specialcare in hinoting. $aleguard against spafl<s, firu or productspills. lmproper ninotinq of prdduct cdn causs alirs orexploslon, and dsath, swere iersofial iniury or property damagB, CAtlTl0tft Never allow an Bmpty tank to remaln in a wst hole' or a Oiv fron tfrat mav bEcome wet untess anchoring and tracHilling ieve neen compieted, Failure to anchor artd bacltllll may damage the tank or sunounding Propeft1l. I{IIE Deflectron r$ding$ h be taksn ln sequenct siffiilal t0 etops describod ln $?ctigfl 5. Pump the water from the hole to maintain minimum water level, Add i minimum ot 12 lnches of well'placed bad<flll material to the holr, and levelthe bgd to assure unilor:m hottom support hr the tank, Position tha tenk in the hole' Partiallv ballast tank until it ssttles ftrmly on the prepared bed. gittastievet in a tank must rlovor flceed water lgvel ln hota during instailation. Use only enough ballast to sinkthE tanlt untll bad<fill material is evsn with the top of the tanlr WAHt{lt{E: lf product is used as bellast, exerclse speclalcare in handling, Salgguard against sparks,lire or produc{ spllls' lmproper handlini of product ca-n cause a lire or exploslon, and death, severe personel iniury or property damage, After lweling tanks, the anchoring procedures in $estion 7 must be followed. Bacidill must be added wenly atter anchoring, and romaining dry hole backlilting procedures should be follnrued r$ Btsbd ln Section 5, HIIE: Carer depth must nBet minimum dspth tPocifiod in Ssc{fi 7 otfie*d insullalion instructions, llolt: lt ig rffDmrnendd that th6 tank b€ c0mplat6ly bsllasted oms brddill ls sven with the bp ot ths tank, i 5 DHY HOLE INSIALLATICIN fi. WET HOLE INSTALLATION 0CT 1g '33 l@t23 E I A -.J 4E 5i.i .-JVt P AriE , ZflA 1,n-L-J-!-j-j3 IIt3afll1 FEEIl PETET-j BIJILDEF-.j Il4t: bs anfiorgd in installatiorts ln which watEr may enter sunoundinoFallune to ancfior may damage the lank or between tanks mu$ be equalh twice tp width ol a single.... , ffi,imtt. d; oealman nall h used between ttvo tanls il it is oouliei n wUur. prsvide a iepanate anc'lur point lor eadt holddown slrap, AIIGH(IR SLAS: l\r";il;-rhb is a rEinforced concrstc base' Th€ totlLlength.of fie staO iiti;' qreatr fian the werall lengtfr ot he tank' The minimum iiio i-nicr<nisilJr. rne wldttr ulflre itab depands 0n tha tank alamet iiRefr rto raore r-1 for spocilic dimsnsims' Reftr t0 Table i'-z ino nourc 7-2 brandror point dinlenslons' Provide a soparata *dioipoim tor eaCtr notolo,in strap, Whenlsin-9..a concrste base iiau, abw sumcient oepth in ttre excavailon for 12''ot bedding malerlal belcrw the tank. TI 1E415434114 P.a',J ffi ha AIIEHOH: ii lriiitirceo concr€te beam with a total length 12 wldttr and fiidmosE dopend 0n the tank dlameter.fu{ef to 7-1 hr specilic dimensions, 71 FIGURE?;I he deadmen in the ucnvation parallel to the tank and oubide tank "shadoil'(seoFi0ureT-1), ln two deadmen. The multiple tank irlstallatlons, TABIJT.Z I '':, FIGUHE7,2 $LABwmll (FI.) : TAil[ DIA., {n) OEADMAH DIiIENSIOHS {wrD}(rl.) 5'6"x6"4 8'12" x 12"0 10'U" x 12"o 12',18" x 1?"10 14',36" x 8"12 / ANIIHOI]ING TANKS Dlill "E' illil. MAX. DIM u0"DlM "C"TNNX OIA.DtM "A"DIM "8" 30"8'- 4r/4',12"L14'24',18" 48"12'- 1"13"42"23"E 35" 52"59"15'- 1"15"43"31',I 7$"18'- Bc/r"Bg,15"10'45" 87"93"23"6V'"58"50"t4il12' \ ,{ JNG 'YPICAL AhTHOR CdNFI6URATI6/ A rilol{ 57BAp CL'F TAiJI( top IANH SHAool" X I{IDTH I{IDTH (sEE TAELE 7-I.) tankwlllrequln minirnum spacing LE-TTJ-L-J-J3 1.I':33fl11 FHII:1 PETftJ EUILIEE5 II.IC Ttl 18k155434t55 P .In HI'tIDff{TI$NAftT *ance mp ffap€'must be used when a tank is h h andmred. trlre tocaflcn of trolddown $raps br eadt tank is marled on the tinf ry tte arruw 0O symbol. Comple{e data lor holttdown dtrapEaru given in figwe7'Zand Table 7-2. GfrUIl0l* Placa tra straps mV in fie locadons deslgnated by the anow symbol (X). To wenly disfibute buoyancy loads, tighbn all holddown straps rintlormh urrtil fiey are snus o\,erthe ribs bd cause n0 detlection dl ttr tanl( Male an intormsdiate measurement ol the tank dlame' $rAFItf, fre atrapt haw bsen installed and tightEned. |iAFDWAHE Ailn Ar{G}l0Hrts P0lllT$: Andrortm hardware and artdror poinB must he sleed according bTable i:3. The installing contnactor ie rusponsible for providing hadware and andror pointE of suflicient strength. The particular configuration of hardware will be dEtemired by fie owner or the Ownert rcprcsentailve. Locate the andror point as showfl in Tpble 7-2. Hehr h dlmsnsion "E '. Align all anchor poinb with the rharled (X) location oil the tanks, withirt atolerance 0t t 1"- For Epecific informalion on hadrrrare, cable, cable clamps and their 0s6, c0nsult the manufaciurErs 0t these items. WfiBl{ltfr: Do not use air pressure t0 test tanl6 fiat cmtain flammable or combustible liguids orupors.lhe fuel/air mixturs may explode and cause deafi, swere peftloflal iniury or property dalirage, Tanks thal will be ballasted with a llammable product should he air tested betore ballasting. WARlllllG: lf product is used as ballast exercise special care in handling. Saleguard against sparks, fire or product spills. lmprop?r handling of product can causs a fire or explosion, and may result in death, severe personal iniury or property damage. INTEHIYIED IATE UEFTESTIIII{ MEASUREilIEIIT Alter bacHill is brought to the top of the tank, maks an intermediate measurement of vertlcat dEflectlon accordlng to the instructions in Sectioffi. TE$T After the tank has been measured and vertlcal deflection iE deter' mined to be within the llmils specified by Xerxes, the tank must be tested t0 snsure that no damage occurrsd during installation.Ihe procedure in $ec{ion 2 Pre-installation Testing should be bllowed, soaping all exposed areas ol tho tank and all fittings. Because most of the taflk exterior is n0 longer visible, the tank must be tested by checking tho gauge at the test manllold for any drop in pressure. Carefully relieve the pressule in the tank and remove the hose/wlve assembly lrum dry Double Wall tanks. 7-g WAHt{ll{G: Do not use air pressum to te$ tanks fiat contein llammable or combustible liquids onapors. The fuel/air mlxture may explode and cause death, severe personal iniury, orpmperty damage, Tanks that will be ballasted with a flammable pr0duct should be airtestsd betore ballasting. F WAflt{lNG; lf pruduct is used as ballast, exercise special care in handling. Safeguard against sparks, fire or product $pillg, lmproper handling of pnduct can cause a lirs or explosion, end may result in death, severe persffial injury or proper$ damage, The tank may be ballasted aiter the ba*fill is even with the top of the tank and post-in$allation te$ing has basn succsssfully completed. Only undar wet-hola condltions as dascribed in $ection 6, should ballast ba addod beforc the backflll ls arcn witlt the top of the tank. When tilling the tank, make surc the tank ls properly vented, The vent must be large enough to allol the displaced air to escepe- All sqos0d nEtal fi tp hdddom sfesB. ilmbuddF atld/ot $naded nd be maled or grlvtnH b pmmt conmron. Wtnn bstuttlm wln cabb, w i mlnlmum ol hno darnns m sadt hlnt, 8. POSTIN$TALLATION TESTING 9. BALLA$TING 3,0m & Eelsw 4,000' 6,000 9,000. GRETTEB TAI{K CAPASirfY WIRE ROPE OIA" (S x 19 lP$) 3/8"1t2"1t2" 314', 1" TUHI'IBUCKLE t)IA. JAWEYE HOOK 1tz', 1t?" 5t8" 314 25,000i ANCH0R HATTNG (LBS.)9,000 ?1,000 o A ust snao*ype or ildFbnt ctfirN r$ sppmprhts. 1{I. PIPING AND VENTINI'11. SUMPS/BOTTOM FITTINGS A[ inremal piping must bs *,lt*rllf'(6" tor 1? diarne' fiom fiBtanl(bottom. CAlfTl0t{:Allsingle walland double walltanlts must be vented t0 atmospheric preEsure. ftfer to Figure $1 and Table 9'1 t0 deErmine the correct dimen' ' sions to size intemal pumpg and piping. When the tank's interslitial space is filled with a liquid, the space must be vonted. lt is suflicientto drilla 1/4"'diametir hole in the sida or cap of ttp monitor system riser pipe, When he ground- v\nter lev6l will be high enough t0 entar a drilled vent hole, ingtall a soparate vem ilne trom the riser glpe to abwe grade lwel. . When tln interEbtiat space is dry, it iE not necessery t0 vent the space to atmosphore, It is the installe/s resp0nsibility to select a thread sealant that is .' $mpatible wlth the pmduct being stored, Some sealants cannot bd used with some producE, lt necessary, remwe, clean and rddope all plugs. llfietank hffi a sump ora bottomftting' ble Edracarctstfia tenk does not rest on it prior h inetallalion' Durino installation. prwide a clear area in tlm bedding mderial, go that thjr tank rests on the bedding and the sump 0r htiom fittittg is claar After sstting the tanh flll an:d temp fie resulllng wid I hand belore continuing the ba*lilling, @ 1 All piping mu$t coniorm to allapplicable codes and standards. See INTBODUfiION, WABlllllG: When pressure testing tfe piping, the tank must be lsolated lr0m the piping sy$tem. Ths test pressures lor piping msy causs he tanlr to exploth and causo death, severe personal lnjury or pmperty dffiage, Hmil|iWhin 0xtildino rlrurlt$tne or\apor rwwry plplngblho suflacs, be .hlft tlrt Ut stsiede ftin0$ $s dlttBr$rt tmm rny llll llnin$ and wltl not a${pl Ftir$ffdfillhoffi When the tenk hes beon set, tested and backfilled, and all piping and venting has been completod, the balance sf flrc haclfill mabilal may be added, When the tank has been baclrfilled to subgrade, talc the final diameter reading (Deflection reading "B" ofl the chscltlisl). The samaffierial as speclfied in $ection 3 must be used to comptetely {ill excavation, The backfill must be free 0t debrls' Any ulocts or-bricks used as $pport meteriel during piping must be removed prior to completion of baddlling. Safety measwes, such as placing barricadEs until installation is complete, should be used around the excavation site. Be sure that the inEtallation meets all o{ the requirements of mlrrimum cover as specified in Section 4, Be sure thatthe checklist is properly completed. OIPSTISK PREPARITIOII Drive a small-headed. norr'sparking (e.9, brags) nail into a wooden dipstick at the 1" mark. FIH$T OIAMETER HEAOII{G l. Place the dipstick into a service fitting. Z. Measure and record the distance from the tank botlom to the top ot the fitting. 3. Pull the dipstick up until the nail catches on the inside top of the tdnk. 4. Measure the distance from the tank top {insids) t0 fie top of the fitting, Subtract 1" from this measurement and record the distance. S. Subtrad the second distance tmm the first and record this value as reading'l{'0n fiE tn$allatlon Checkllst, $EGOND I}IAMETER READIIIG 1. Place the dipstick into a service litting with a riser instelled to subgrade. ?, Measure and record the distance frsm the taflk bott0m to tlrc top of th€ standpipo. 3. Pullthe dipstick up urrtilthe nail catches 0n the inside top 0f the tank 4. Measure the distencs lrom he tank top (iflsidslt0 thi top 0f the standpipe. Subtract 1" lrom this measurement and record the distance, 5. Subtract the second distance lrom the flrst and record thls value as reading "B" m the lnstallatim Cheddist. ', i,l F8Ell0 0fllElt$or trrG D€rr,t SIIIcLE TALL E DOI.|8LE IILL 5CrLF, r/r6 !I UlnErgl0r{ Lldt oFtAlL DOUETE 9ALL I SCALE, l/lE S|NGLE {ALL p9g4g rrtl il oougtH LtLl !FIIIEO OU'EA HILL SIIOOIH OU'EF HALL NOTE.I - aLL FlTrlilc 0tt{EN5l0l{5 aRE l'lEA3unE0 FF0fl rHE roP 0F AgdivlcE FlTllHG t6 tH€ ,trg,og gollfti 0f THE lal# ANo tNctuoE c,tucE PL4rE cLErPArlcE.t - ,tliEF,ofl otrHsIER! D0 il01 lr{61{/l}E oAUGE PLA.TE CLE,IRANCE. I FIGURE 9.1 '..ii ':..,i1.,1 TABT"E 9.1 ( i 1?. BACKFILLINfiTO GfiADE 13^ DEFLEffION MEA$UFFMENT lur :014. ll{TEHloR 0lMEll$l0N$ (lt{) ',A""8""D'ilEil ,F'"G uH"ul" 4'49,50 54.50 48.00 51.50 56,62S 4E.00 6'73.00 7E,00 n.35 72,75 I t,ta 70.6?5 7$r25 80.25 71,36 B'93,00 s8.m 9t183 82.75 s7,75 90.625 s5,375 100,50 91J88 10'th.m 126.W 119J6 120,75 125.75 118.50 123.50 t28,62$119rS ; 12'13E.?5 14i1.25 t36.625 L':rcT 1g ' gll I !f : 3r.l R IIi IdE 5:IF5 FfiGE. E I I cALf uLATl0l{ AllD ffi mpAft lsol{ 1. $ubtriact reading "8" from reading '4" 2. ComparE thls value to the table 0l Muimum Allowable Deilections shown on the lnstallati0n Checkli$' S. Vertical deflec{ion in excess otthese values indicates improper iflstallatton and voids the tank warranty. excavation forfie neryv tank, leaving as mu$ bad<lill as possibla around existing tanks, lt ma7 be necmsaryto installehoring to mite sure traiexisting tank's do not morc and tffi suffrciEnt bad<" fill remains. The nnv tanlt must ba in$alled by foll0wing the procedures in ftis guide. temember to leave a minimum 0t 18 inches between tanks. The bacHill mateilal must be the same a$ that specilied in $ec{on 3. sHctEtluALLnilKs iingte watltank installations may require release detection monitor- iirg, whhh can lnclude inventory control, automatic tank gauging, va"por monitoring or ground waier monitoring' Check with federal, state, and local ofliciats for requirements in your arca. OOUBLEWALLTAilK$ Xerxes' double wall tank has arr interstitial space for the contaiflr ment 0f lffilGd product from the primary tank. The tank' as supplled, will have a minimum of one litting that provides access into tne spacs between thg primary (internal).and secondary (external) tank shell walls. lf a double wall tank is sloped' the monitor should be at the lcnrv end. WIITIA Df,Y IIITEF$TITIAL SPACE The monitoring system and method is the responsibili$ of the tank owrrer arrd/or operator, A safe electronic or mgchanical system should he used'lo detoct either incoming water or product, The monitor Ey$Em should detect leakage near the hofi0m ol the tank' Monitorini can be done thruugh the access litting prwided' lf the tank is sloped during installation the lowe$ elevalion must be the monitoring end. TRU-CHEI( * HYOHOSTATIC MOT{ITONNG SY$TEM lrr a liquid filled monitoring sy$em, the ifiter$ltla] space is tilled with liquid at the point ol marrufacture (except 25,000 and 30,000- gallon ianks). The system pmvides continuous leak.protection and it enables the ownel t0 conduct a tank tightness test' lt also provides the ability to use an electronic monitoring system, Anaheim California, 714/630-0012 FM:n4l63?.7133 Avon. 0hio, A61327-6051 FM:2161327-60fl Hagerstown, Maryland, 301 /223-6933 FM:301/223.6836 Lakeland, Florida, 813/665'1471 FM:8131665-1695 North Hidgeville, 0hio, ?16/327"6051 FM:216/327-S071 i Seguin, FAXr Te"ras, 512/372-0090 512/372-03f1 Additlonel Xenes tanks can be installed at existing locations il properloundation support exists. Tho method of installation is the iesilonsibility oi the owhor. lt is raquired, however'lhat one otthe folloring methods be used, the prelerred mEtttod is t0 installe new tank in a separate hole at least 3 teet from the original hole. Caution must be $crcised in keeping unusual sufface loads otf existing tanks. The natural banier of undistufted soilbetween tanks must be maintained. Tipton, lowa, 319/886-0172 FM:319i886-2042 14. MONITOHING MANUTA TUHING PL/TNTS 15. ADTIING TANKS ATFJI$IING LOCATIONS ';iiliilii!illilrl ri::il .,:i -1lr'i: i:liil rlli:: llJi! ill' ,li':l'llliir''"rill!li,rt:' 'll:ill .-lrilll-'lll!illtlr,,_.illll'illlll lllrrlr i'rll rrtil ,:llllrril'l rl::li i:rl litit: .,il,......,,r.._.rtr,.. li."i lr ri lllll illl i ,1r:r ' i llll,rtir n lil 1.1:,1n [ .]l: lf ttris method is not practical, additional tanks may be burled in tre sano tnstallation hole. After emptying existing tanks to less than one-quafier capacity, remove the surfrce pad, Enlarge the TL-ITI]L F. 1E -to[san trlJ t ct FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Street . San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 . 805/781-7380 october 13, 1993 William Leonard Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Coast Region 81 Higuera Street, Suite 200 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-5414 Attention: Mr. Richard Aleshire Subject:Release of Hazardous Hydrocarbons Discovered, With Groundwater Involvement United Parcel Service (UPS) 3601 Sacramento Drive San Luis Obispo, CA, 93401 Dear Mr. Aleshire: On October 1,3, 1993, our departrnent observed the removal of two (twelve year old) underground storage tanks from the above referenced facility. Both tanks contained petroleum products; one was a gasoline dispensing tank (10K gal.), the other was a waste oil tank (550 gal.). The gasoline tank was in continuous use until its removall the waste oil tank was taken out of service approximately three months ago (according to UPS). Field Observations: The steel (10K gal;) tank integrity did not appear to have been compromised, although a majority of the protective coating had been stripped off by free product. The steel (550 gal.) tank integrity had been compromised by multiple holes on the bottom (both ends). Waste oil tank was heavily oxidized with very little protective coating remaining. No cathodic protection noted for either tank. Both tanks were located on full retention slabs, with the (10K gal.) slab at or below the current ground-water level of 13 feet. Extensive petroleum/hydrocarbon contamination noted at the (10K) tank site. The 02 meter was off the scale (referencing [fill] soil samples), with the free flowing water samples (taken after groundwater/product removed) indicating benzene levels at 75-78 BpI[ per SEACOR Environmental Engineering. The horizonal contamination at the (550 gal.) [above the retention slab] appeared minimal. The possible contamination below this slab (which is above the present groundwater level) has not been determined. B The City of San Luis Obispo is committed to include the disabled in all of its services, programs and activities. Telecommunications Device lor the Deaf (805) 781-7410 @ It should be noted that although this area has just recently been annexed into the City, all properties (formerly in the County) still utilize ground-well systems. Project Contacts: United Parcel Service (Owner): Mike Bost (818) 778- 2615 (Regional Director) Ray Shaw (714) 583-2044 (Project Facilitator) Gary Hutchings (805) 544-7184 (Local Director) Contractor: Petro Builders, Inc. Jon King (301) 946-2285 10609 Painter Avenue Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670 Environ mental Engi neering: SEACOR Greg Vagelpohl or Bob Wilson (805) 546-0455 3485 Sacramento Drive Suite A San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Should you have any questions regarding this site please feel free to contact me at 781-7383. Sincerely, Coordinator ',{ i( Ll{ oro Ir1 C\tlft @do @ U Sloto of ColifornieEnvironmcntql Protfrtion Ag.ncy Form Approwd OMB No. 205O-OO39 (Expiro 9-3O9 PldF prinl or lyp., Form dotigred for vu on cll|€ UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE IAANIFEST h) typcwtilcr, l. Gcncroto/r US EPA lD No. Sce lnrlruclion3 on b, ' gf poge 6. A4onifcsl Docunr:nl No, Dcporimcnt ol Toxic Sub*mq Cor Sd.mnto, Cqlifomiq lnlormalio in lhc shodod qrc: is rct rcquircd by Fodcrol low, 7 15. Spxiol Hondling lnstructions ond Additionol lnformotion Emergency response: (31 0I 946-A433 Guide #27 - Wear appropriate protective clottr:ing 1 I I '{ ll j ) l ,} ;r I -1 d, u.lFzutU uJv,zo CL an uJ.u zIF z UJ ! J U J J .Ltn e,o Uzu.loe u.J =llJ l!o II.Jv, U z I 6. GENERATON'S CERTIFICATION: pocked, morked, ond lobeled, ond method thot is 19. Dscrcponcy lndicoiion Spocc I hereby declore thot the contenls of lhe consignmeni ore fully ond occurotely described obove by proper shipping nome qnd ore clossified, ore in oll respecls in proper condilion for lronsport by highwoy occording to opplicoble federol, stota ond internotionol lows. ll I om o lorg€ quontity generotor. I certify thct I hove o progrom in ploce lo reduce xonomicolly prociicoble ond thot I hove solected the procticoble method of treotment, lhreol to humon heohh ond lhe environment; OR, il I om o smoll quontity gonerotor, I the volume ond toxicity of woste generoted to the degree I hove detormined lo be sloroge, or disposol currently ovoiloble to me which minimizes the pre*nl ond future hove mode o good foith effort to minimize my wost6 generolion ond selea the best Doy ^n t o{ .i' Monlh Doy Yeor Month Doy Yeor Drsc 8022A (r2191) EPA 8700-22 DO NOT WRITE BETOW THIS LINE. While:T:;DF SENDS THIS COPY TO DTSC WITHIN 30 D,AYS. P.O. Box 3000, Socromenlo, CA 95812 2. Pagc 1 of Site: U.p.S. 3601 Sacrarento Dr. San Luis Obispo, CA. 0 U. 81 Panorafia 4. C*mrotor'r Ctaprolo/t Nomc qnd Moiling Addrdr 81. Ste P.S. 55 Vart 5. fronsportcr I Compony Nomc Waste E:vironmental Services 6. US EPA lD Numbar 6 8andtion 7. Troniporter 2 Compony Nomo 8. US EPA lD Number 9. Dcignotad Focility Nome ond Sitc Addrsss Delt{enno Kerdoon 10. US EPA lD Nunbar 2 2000 N. Alameda St. cA 90222 I I . US DOT Dcscriprion (including Propcr Shipping Nomc, Hozord Closs, ond lD Number)13. Totol I4. Unit -- (Rilgg qater _\^iith traces of fuel & oil)Non RCRA ltrazardous Waste Liquid o. 0 1 T b. G E N E R A T o R Prinred/Typed Nome Signoturo Oll Nome Signoture t R A N 3 Po RIIt Prinlsd/Typed Nome Signoture F Ac II I T Y Printed/Typed Nome Signoture Tor Gtyo[san Lulsontspo Fire Dep ortment .74g Plsmo St..Son Luis Obispo,Co'934O1 '549-7380 IDerPnrtt . .ADDRESS:3601 Sacramento Drive - UPS ATE:September ?, 1993 I lders HAS PERMISSION TO MAINTAIN, :STORE, ,USE OR HANDLE MATERIALS, OR TO CONDUCT PROCESSES, OR TO INSTALL EOUIPMENT AS DESCRIBED BELOW: Evacuati al of 1-10,000 al sollne and 1-550 laste oil tank Per Unlforn Flre Cnde Art lcle 79. Install 1-12.000 qallon qasollne tank.tanks to be remov ed the Cl and I dls sed of. ALL EOUIREMENTS SHALL BE PER THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE AND ITS STANDARD. THIS PERIqIT IS NON-TRANSFERABLE. IT SHALL BE POSTED sHALL:ttot gg REMovED - BY oRDER oF THE FIRE cHIEF. LIC VIEW AND AMOUNT OF PERMIT: $315.00 , Decenber 1, 1993 P I RAT I.ON D ATE BY: l{eyer, Flre lon laltst r"l i:r::.,l:,;.-' .' !?{, li'.-j I F. :i tii'* F,;ii' S'r' ,':rt: .. F' . .1'i.h li 'rt:'T. J AjJG'-\a6-e5 .4.$ $ ** New Tank I J Oporato New Tank THIJ 1 1.+ SLl] FIRE SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY APPLICATION FOR PER.MIT TO INSTALL I]I\IDERGROI,'ND HAZARDOUS MATERIAI"S STORAGE TANK T P - a5 4/ OWIIER: Company: Mailing OPERATOR: t I Modiry Etisting Tanic [ ] Transfer of Ownership In or on tho premiscs et Contact: iYrsr) 1'l< at.r ( rA1 Company: Mailing 1t CONSTRUCTION:(Complete only if application to conslruct or modify tank) Company:k Mailing Address:Teiephone:Atc ) Qclt' 7298 State Contractor License No.: 24tQo3 Consrruction Slan ATTACII A PLOT PLAN SHOIVING: (For new construction and rnodification oniy) Location of ail tanks and piping and Leak Detertion System their secondary conuinment - Overtill Protection Sysem - Scaie Nortb Anow Properr,v Line Nearest Intersection or Road Equipmeru gummnry New and Existing Equipment If this is an application to transfer ownership or operation of tank. complete the foilowing: Previous Owaer: Contacc Address: Previous Operaton Contacc Address: Stan Up (for existing tanks) NUMBER OF T$il$ BEING INSTALLED 1 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONSTRUCTIONIMODIFICATION: TN<TIALI ^I€LS D (A F V () r\ PROPOSED USE OF T \ MATERIAL(s) TO BE STORED IN TA,r\K(s): (l r lr N lrnoan (n VOLITME OF TANK(s) IN GALLONS:U.L. I\ruMBER(s): uGT3/7-13-89 lLl(., Amr.Je3 c2rr 3t-Te -. 6-9= THU 15 5 .SLO FIRE P - 66 MANUTACflTRER Or TANK(s)Vo n{24 IF TANK(g) USED PREVIOUSLY: Past Use of Tsnlc(s): - Materials(s) Stored in Tank(s): TYPE OF CONTAINITIENT: [] steet [l Fiberglasscoatedsreel }driu"rgt"ss [] other TYPE OF SECOI{DARY CONTAINMENT: [ ] Steei [ ] Fiberglass Coated Steel Tf.riu"rgi*,[ ] Other TYPE OF PIPING MATERIAL: llsteet }(Fiberglass []Other Describo the leak detection syslem you plan to use for tank pressure Describe the over6ll protection sysrem you plan ,o ."" 6 P {,..)- a fi [l RO f , ("6 36 1 Wbar is the approximate depth of groundwater?{\rr A ir\rt{ Basis of deterrnination: Attach a certification from the manufacturef, or his authorized representative, of the tank and piping materials as to the capabitity of tha tank and piping marerial with rbe proposed stored materials. (This applies only to Non-Motor Fuel Products). trl 11* 7Lt (24 llour EmergencY TeiePhone)of Applicanll -Plan APProved Plan DisaPProved FOR OTT,ICE USE OFTLY Date of Constnrction ComPletion Authorizirog Agstt Si gnarure ucr3/7-13-89 Datc Sair f,riis Obispo City Fire Departmentt/' 748 Pismo Street San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Permit Application Date_ No. of Tanks to be Remove 1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT FOR TEMPORARY OR PERIVfANENT CLoSURE/REMOVAL OF UNDERGROUND IIAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES STORAGE FACILITY Tvpe of Aoplication (Fill Out One Application per Facility) [ ] Temporary Closure t I permanent Closure ft1 Removal A. Facility Name: Ir-,.-, i{ed Rcro \ Sac r/rr r* Addr tact P T Telephonc: (days) t t{ r rrf R\ot( (nights Owner:It *i rrrn ?^Oa(J Se-Lll( 6 elephon -7 -l 2tC-(o Add BI *?r Operator: LLN ffeO Taazzt- SEZvTE Telephon e.*2 7* zt-t s B. Addre */46 L Date Tank Installed: _volume of Tank (Gallons) i o /< a 5 i 6 Water to Facility Provided byt Depth to Groundwate asis of Determination: C. Tank Removal Cont License No.-8ai rJ Add ercpnone:3lo 14b ZZ6 Proposed Starting o^t", *Pt 1-tr 4 3 eroposed Comptetion Date:q3 Insur D.Chemical Composition of Materials Stored: Tank + Chemical (common name)Dates Storcd Size Prcviously toI 4 Ataqr^l ,e _d z"1oto to to Finar Destination of Tank, rniC-o-/llruJg -ff;.irca"4*fl1*,,- *sS 9.\-7 S5J1- Address - Telephone List previous owne_rs _and opcrators. of the- tank(s), if applicable: DATE OWNER/OPERATOR F trP( G. Atractr a plor plan showing: Location of all tank(s) and piping and thcir sccondary containmcntLcak dctcction systcm. , Ovcrfill protcction systcm i':'' : ''_ : ,_ l:"Scalc ': ,.:. cY' i. .. : - North Arrow Propcrty linc t '- ' i'"-'. Ncarcst intcrscction or road Equipmcnt summary Existing cquipmcnt and cquipmcnt to be rcmovcd I{- Typc of primary Containmcnt- []Concrctc []Fibcrglass fiStcct Piping/Matcrials of Construction: [ ] Stccl ${ Fibcrgrass I J Othcr Typc of Sccondary Containmcnr: []Concrctc []Fibcrglass []Stccl I. Was any part of thc sysrcm cathodically protcctcd? If ycs. rvhich part(s)? I J Fibcrgtass Coatcd Stecl [ ] Othcr [ ] Fibcrgtass Coatcd Stccl [ ] Othcr I Dcscribc lcak dctcction systcm uscd, if "ny, K Dcscribc ovcrfill protcction systcrn uscd: (rpu.: -1 I*3'fr"#gtrtti#:RX?TIi3.Y:ot* PENALTY oF pERruR-y AND ro rHE BEsr oF My Signa tl 9- FIRE DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Dcscribc Mcthod for Rctricving Samp Samplcs Will Bc Analyzcd F Laboratory That lViil pcrform Anal T clcphonc: '-- - SfAIE OFCAI.JFRNIA STAIE WAIER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION. FORM B COMPLETE A SEPARATE FOFM FOR EACH TANK SYSTEII MARK ONLY ONE ITEM l-_l r tsw eenur n 3 RENEwAL pEFMtT l-l s cserucE oF tNFoRMAnoN n z TNTER|M p€RMtT F 4 AMENDED pERMtT n a rEuponARy rANK cLosuRE 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSED ON SIIE 8 TANK REMOVED DBA OR FACILIW NAME WHERE TANK IS INSTALLED: l. TANK DESCRIPTION coMpLErEALLrrEMs- spEcrFyrFUNKNowN A. OWNER'S TANK I. O. 'L B. MANUFACTURED BY: u c. oArE TNSTALLED(Mo/DAYryEAR) t A/ tr O. TANK CAPACITY IN GALLONS:Se; II.TANKCONTEMTS rFA.rsMARKED.coMpLErErrEMc. A.l--l r noron vEHtcLE FUEL [_l z pErnolguu i--l g cuEurcAL PRoDucr d+ ort l--l eo eupw l_l gs uNKNowN B. .z 1 PROOUCT 2 WASTE i--- 1A REGULARI I UNLEADED l--l 1b PREMIUM UNLEAOEO 2 LEAOED 3 OIESEL 4 GASAHOL 5 JET FUEL ee oTHER (OESCR 6 AVIATION GAS 7 METHANOL ITEM D. BELOW) T IBE IN c.A.s.tO. IF(A.1)ISNOTMARKED, ENTER NAME OFSUSSTANCE STORED (P*+Te O t L III. TANK CONSTRUCTION MARK ONE ITEM ONLY IN BOXES A, B. ANO C, ANO ALL THAT APPLIES IN BOX D ANO E A. TYPE OF SYSTEM In 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 4 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTEDTANK) l--l gs ur'rruowr.t 99 OTHER2 SINGLE WALL 1 OOUBLE WALL B. TANK MATERIAL (Pdmary Tank) l-l s sraencLAss l--l 4 srEELcLAo wFtBERGLAss REINFoRcEDeLASTTcI SARE STEEL l--l s corucnere 7 ALIJMINUM l--l 10 cALVANtzED srEEL [-l gs uNKNowNl--l s snoNzE 2 STAINLESS STEEL 6 POLWINYL CHLORIOE 8 IOOP/" METHANOL COMPATIBLEWFRP 99 OTHER I -l r Russen urNeo l-l z nuxvo lrruwc l- s cuqss ur.urue ffiuutneo IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH lOO% METHANOL ? l--l 4 pHENoLtc LINING 99 OTHER ..{ C.INTERIOR LINING 3 EPOXY LINING 95 UNKNOWN D. CORROSION PROTECTION l-l r pouverxyLENE wRAp l-.l z coarnro l--l s vrr.lvu wnlp l--l + rreenoLAss REtNFoRcED plAslc l-l ss uNxt'lowN T--l ee orHERr__ll--l s caruoorcPRorEcloN E. SPILL AND OVERFILL SPILL CONTAINMENT INSTALLED (YEAR) - OVERFILL PREVENTION EOUIPMENT INSTALLEO (YEAR) - lV. PIPING INF0RMATION ctRcLE A rFABovEcnouNooR u TFUNDERGRouND,BoTHTFAppLTcABLE AA. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION A U 2 PRESSURE GRAVITY A U 99 OTHER A U 2 OOUBLEWALL A U 3 LINEDTRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN1 SINGLE WALLB. CONSTRUCTION A A U 99 OTHER C. MATERIAL AND c0RRost0N PROTECTION A U 1 EARESTEEL A [ 5 ALUMINUM 1@n oor-uoHrzED srEEL A U 2 STATNLESSSTEEL A U 3 POLW|NYLCHLORIOE(PVC)A U AU 6CONCFETE AU TSTEELWCOATING AU A U 10 CATHOo|CPROTECT|ON a u s5 uNKNowN A U 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 8 1OO'" METHANOL COMPATISLEWFRP 99 oTHER D. LEAK DETECTION .I AUTOMATIC LINE LEAK DETECTOR LINE TrcHTNEss TESTING I 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DETECTION i--l r vrsual cuecr n a rNvENToRy Rgcor.rcrr-rlrroru l--l "Kfe mrux TESTNG l-l z rnrensrrALMoNrroRrNc l--l + rurol,lalcrANKGAUctNe [--l s cRouNDwArERMoNlroRtNG l--.] gs ururruown l-l ge orHen 3 VAOOZE MONITORING 91 NONE VI. TANK E INFORMAT1ON THIS FORM HAS EEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALW OF PENJURY, AND THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT 2. ESTIMATED OUANTITY OF SUBSTANCE REMAINING GALLONS OATE LAST USED vEs [-l NO3. WAS TANK FILLED WITH INERT MATERIAL ? (PRll{TEO ll StGNATURO S NAME DATE FACILITY f TANK # STATE I.D.# COUNTY # JURISDICTION # PERMIT APPROVEO BY/OATE PERMIT EXPIRATION OATE LOCAL AGENCY USE Y STATE UMBER IS COMPOSED OFTHE FOUR BELOW FORM B (7.9I' THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY A PERMII APPUCANON. FORM A, UNLESS A CURREI{I FoRM A HAs BEEN FILED. rcn06r&Rl ffis' .l ! .!tF,STATE OFCAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION. FORM A COMPLETE THIS FORM FOR EACH FAqLTTY/SM MARK ONLY ONE ITEM 1 NEW PERMIT 2 INTERIM PERMIT l--.l a neNewAL psnurt l--l + lueloeD PERMTT 5 CHANGE OF INFORMATION 7 PERMANENTLY CLOSEO SITE 6 TEMPORARY SITE CLOSURE I. FACILITY/SITE INFORMAT1ON & ADDRESS.MUST BE EMERGENCY CONTAGT PERSON (PRIMARY)EMERGENCY CONTACT PEFSON (SECONDARY) . oplionat I I f\llT6n Paer*,- s€Lv\GOBA OR FACILITY NAME Mtl{--a, Ba..f NAME OF OPERATOR ?f ^A t Snrr Ail\trNTG AOOFESS NEAREST CROSS STREfi PARCEL r (OFrloNAtl 3s,*r Lutr< dR\5R3 CITY NAME STATE CA zlP cooE 934 <r, gTIE PHONE # WITH AREA CODE,(qzrs) <tlt) z t#l w/ BOX TO INOICATE d.or.ronon !--: rHDrvrourL l-- PAFTNERSHTP T-] tocAL.AGENcy l--..] courtry.rcENcy E srATE.AGENcy T-'l FEDERAL.AGENCY DISTRICTS TPEOFBUSINESS [l 1 GASSTATTON i-- 2 OTSTRTBUTOR [--l 3 FARM T--l 4 PROGESSOR FIL s orxen OF TANKS AT SITEE OR TRUST LANOS V/ IF INOIAN RESERVATION E. P. A. l. D. i (optiona\ DAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHONE< frASf lv\ t (,e g tf 11e( 2 t"t {# WITH AREA COOE OAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) ounNE i ulTu AoEA a^nE (LAST, FrRST)N II. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION.BE COMPLFTED NAME CARE OF YrS S V;tx Al,crrs BIvA *1oaMAILING OR STREET AOORESS X.orro*onon T-l rNDrvrouAt f--l PARTNERSHTP [:-] r-oclt.rcElrcv l--l couMrY.AGENcY f- STATE.AGENCY T-.] FEDEML-AGEilCY 'e t4ztP z t cooE III. TANK OWNER INFORMATIO N.MUST BE COMPL IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION ST0RAGE FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER - Call (916) 323.9555 if questions arise. TY (TK) HO ol? Fi -) v. PETRoLEUM UST F|NANCTAL RESPONS|BtLITY . (MUST BE CoMpLEIED) - tDENT|Fy THE METHOD(S) USED NAME OF OWNER T )o*"-&rttvr CARE OF AODRESS INFORMAI.IC}Nlvttlle bsf i- rNorvrouAl T-- PARTNERSHTP [-i locll.rcelrcv T-'l cou[ry.AcEt'lcy T-l STATE.AGENCY I--l FEDERAL.AGErcY MAILING OR STREET RESS bor oo o 4o ztP AREA COOE* I I 4 4 i-: I sELF.[,rsuRED F s tEnEnopcREDrt [-l z cunRrmreg l-1. 6 ExEMmoN / borbindicab T-l 1 SURETY EoNo 9O OTHER INSURANCE VI. LEGAL NOTIFICATION AND BILLING ADDRESS notilication and billing will be senl to the tank owner unless box I or ll is checked. THls FONM HAS SEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PENJURY, ANDTOTHE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT CHECK ONE BOX INOICATING WHICH AEOVE AODRESS SHOULD BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS ANO BILLING:il.L lln NAME (PRINTED & SIGNA Kr APPLICANTS TITLE Qo^,,Er i2 Y- Z"q3DATE MONTII/DAYTYEAR LOCAL AGENCY US LY couNw s JURISDICTION S FACILITY # LOCATION COOE . OPTIONAL |cENsus rRAcr, - oPnoNAL SUPVISOR. OISTRICT COOE . OPTIONAL RM B, uNLEss THrs rs A CHANGE 0F srE NFoRMATtoN p#ill*,THrs FoRM MUST BE AccoMpANrED By AT LEAST (1) 0R MoRE pERMtT AppLlcATloN. F0 FORM A (5.9r) gfAlEoFcr.rFRNA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONIROL BOARD UNDEHGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION. FORM B COMPLEIE A SEPARATE FORM FOR EACH TANK SYSIEI'I MARK ONLY ONE TTEM H ' NEW PERM]T 2 INTERIM PERMIT 3 RENEWAL PERMIT 4 AI'ENOED PERMIT n s cnaHcE oF TNFoRMATToN n z P€RMANENTLY cLosED oNsrTE n I rEMponARy TANK cLosuRE I I TAilK REMoVED DBA OR FACILITY NAME WHEFE TANK IS INSTALLED: l. TANK DESCRIPTION coMpLErEALLlrEMs- sPEcrFYrFUNKNowv g. MANUFACTURED BY:{e.rt €<A. OWNER'S TANK I. D. ' t -11 O. TANK CAPACITY IN GALONS:tzLc. DATE INSTALLED(MqoAY//EAR) C II.TANKCONTENTS tFA-lIsMARKED.coMPLErEtrEMc. A.R'-fn 1 MOTOR VEHICLE FUEL 2 PETROLEUM .r OIL l-l eo eupw i-.-- g cueurcALPnooucr 95 UNKNOWN B. r\d-TE 1 PROOUCT 2 WASTE c.f\n IaREGULARL.IJ UNLEADED I_] 1b PREMIUML_J UNLEAoEDn e Leroeo 3 OIESEL 4 GASATIOL 5 JETFUEL 8 AVIATION GAS l-l z uerxalol ee oTHER (OESCR|SE tN trEM O. BELOW) O. IF(A.1)ISNOTMARKEO, ENTER NAME OFSUSSTANCE STORED c.as.J: lll. TANK CONSTRUCION MARKoNErrEMoNLyrNBoxEsAB,ANDc,ANoALLrHArAppLrEsrNBoxD A. TYPE OF SYSTEM 1 OOUBLE WALL 2 SINGLE WALL ntl 3 SINGLE WALL WITH EXTERIOR LINER 4 SECONOARY CONTAINMENT (VAULTEDTANN 95 UNKNOWNT99 oTHER B. TANK MATERIAL (PrimaryTankl l--l e porwnrYl cHLoRroE l-l ro cALvANTzED srEEL Tl es uNKNowN n se on'{En 2 STAINLESS STEEL 4 STEEL CLAO w/ FIBERGLASS REINFORCED PLASTICl--l r aAne srEeL [-l s enoNzE l--l s corucnere l-l e roov" METHANoL coMpATlgLEwFRp 3 FISERGUSS 7 ALUMINUM l-l z rxvo r-rrurrue F. uHutteo l--l l pHeNourc LTNTNG l-l ge orsenn IS LINING MATERIAL COMPATIBLE WITH IOO7. METHANOL ? 3 EPOTY LINING C.INTERIOR UNING 1 RUBBER LINED 5 GLASTi LINING UNKNOWN NO_ D. CoRRoSION PROTECTION n r polvEnryLENE wRAp l_l z collruo l-l s carxoorc pnorEcroN l-l sr Not{e l--l g vrrlvu wRAP l--l ss ur.rKNowH 4 FIBERGLAI|S REINFORCED PLASTIC 99 OTHER lV. PIPING INFOHMATION crRcLE A rFABovEGRouNooR u rFUNoERGRouND,BorHrFAppLrcAsLE AA. SYSTEMTYPE A U 1 SUCTION E PRESSURE A U 3 GRAVITY A U 39 OTHER B. CONSTRUCTION A U 1 SINGLE WALL 2 OOUBLE WALL A U 3 LINEO TRENCH A U 95 UNKNOWN A U 9E OTHER C. MATERIAL AND coFRost0N PROTECNON A U 1 SARESTEEL A U 5 ALUMINUM A U 9 C{LVANIEDSTEEL A U 2 STATNLESSSTEEL A U 3 POLWTNYLCHLOFTOE(PVC) AU 6CONCR€TE AU TSTEELWCOATING a u 10 CATHOOTCPROTECTTON A u 95 UNKNOWN 4 FIBERGLASS PIPE 8 1007. METHANOL COMPATIBLEWFRP 99 OTHER AU AU D. LEAK DETECTION r AUTOMATICLTN€LEAKOETECTOR n 2 LTNETTGHTNESSTESTTNG 99 OTHER V. TANK LEAK DEIECflON 2 INVENTORY RECONCILIATION 7 II{TERSTMAL MONITORING Ftr 4 AUToMATTcTANKGAUGTNG l_l s enouruowATERMoNtroRtNG [-l gr r.ror,re 3 VAPOR MONITORINGl---l r vrsuru csecx 95 UNKNOWN6 TANK TESTING 99 OTHER VI. TANK CLOSURE INFORMATION 1. ESTTMATED OATE LAST USEo (MCI/OAY/YR)A ESTIMATED OUANTITY OFSUBSTANCEREMAINING GALLONS 3. WAS TANK FIIIED WITH INERT MATERIAL ?YES NO THIS FORM HAS EEEN COMPLETED UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE EEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS TRUE AND CORRECT LOCAL AGENCY USE ONL THE STATE I.D. NUMBER IS COMPOSED OFTHE FOUR NUMBERS BELOW APPLICANTS NAM€ (PFINTEO E SIGI.IATUNE)()< rn^ac JK^N€* -zt_ _q 3 DATE COUNW # JURISDICTION f FACILITY #TANK # STATE I.D.# PERMIT NUMgER PERMIT APPROVED BY/DATE PERMIT EXPIRATION OATE FSRM B (seor THIS K,Ril il,Sr BE AC@tlPAl{lED BY A PERMTI APPUCATION. FORM A UNLESS A CURRENI FORM A HAS EEEN FILED. F0tu6a&R4 TAIE OFCAUFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PERMIT APPLICATION . FORM A M EACH FACILFY/SITE MARK ONLY ONE ITEM I NEW PERMIT 2 INTERIM PERMITE [_l s ReN€wAL penurr l-l o csaruca oF TNFoRMAToN l-l z penueruENrLy cLosED slrE l_l l luENoeo pERMrr l-l e reuponARy srrE cLosuRE t. FACTL|TY/S|TE TNFoRMATION & ADDRESS. (MUST BE EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (PRIMARY)EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON (SEC0NDARY). optionat NAME OF ^"?TC t 9w*r,tasro PARCEL, (OPTONAL}NEAREST CROSS STREET 4 *r- Lur-tq AR\<PO CITY NAME STATE CA ZIP CODE 1>4 5t" SITE PHONE ' WITH AREA COOE?A* <44 7/d,/ Bcx TO INOICATE H coRPoRAnoN f--j tNDtvtDuAL T-l PARTNERSHTP --l LocAL.AGENcy l--'l courrv.lcglrcy n srATE.AGENcy T'l FEDERAL.AcEncv DISTRICTS rYPE oF tsusrNEss [-l 1 cAs sTAnoN --'l 2 otsTRtBUToR [-r 3 FARM l---.l 4 PRocEssoR E 5 OTHER tf OR TRUST LANDS v/ lF INDIAN RESERVATION # OF TANKS AT SITE I E. P. A. l, O. i (opilmal) NAME (LAST, FIRST)WITH AREA CODE 2bt N , WITH AFEA COOEBasr rv\rV-Q t t% 71tr ?Jet S OAYS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) PHNNtr ' WITH ANtrA CODtr NIGHTS: NAME (LAST, FIRST) tr!.lnNtr n wTu latra ^nntr II. PROPERTY OWNER INFOHMATION.BE COMP NAME Lt PS CARE OF AOORESS INFORMAMrLa lQol-If,R3T qEg"i7illi^'RJ *,n R i'rat +140 v' DoI brndicalo Dfr^.orro*oloruR f-- rNotvrouAL T--l PARTNEFSHTP [---1 r.oclt.rcEHcY f--.] couMrY.AGENcy T-.l STATE.AGENCY f-l F€DERAL.AGENcY ZIP CODE Q r4e:zCITY * PHONE # WITH AREA COOE8ts 171( Zb tS III. TANK OWNER INFORMATION.UST E IV. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION UST E FEE ACCOUNT NUMBER . Call (916) 323-9555 if questions arise TY (TK) HO v. PETROLEUM UST FINANCIAL RESPONSTBTLTTY - (MUST BE CoMPLETED)- tDENTIFy THE MFTHOD(S) USED (^p9NAME OF OWNER CARE OF I MAILING OR AOO + soo i--l rNorvrouAL fr- PARTNERSHTP i--l strtE.reacv f-I FOERAL.AGEI.0Yl--l conpoRrroH f- couMrY.AGENcy t0 LOCAL.AGENCY CTTLNAI.E I( y'npOfn r.aa 1 , *-..1 I STATEl(t*4ozztP PHONE ' WITH AREA COOEfuq z7g zl"tf 4 4 11 i T 1 I f--r r sEF.rNsuREDlr- s unEnorcnEDrt 2 GUARANTEE 6 EXEMPTION "/ bor nindicate i--l I SUBETY soND 99 OTHER INSURANCE Vl. LEGAL NOT|F|CATION AND BILLING ADDRESS Lesalnotification and will be senl to lhe tank owner unless box I or ll is checked. fHi,s FQNM HAS EEEN COMPLETED UNDEN PENALTY OF PERJURY, AND TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE, IS THIJE AND CORRECT CHECK ONE BOX INOICATING WHICH ABOVE AOORESS SHOULO BE USED FOR LEGAL NOTIFICATIONS ANO gILLING:rrr.l-lt.[. Lt NAME (PRINTED A SIGNATURE) tT e€t>-zG-1 7 COUNTY f JURISDICTION f FACILITY f LOCATION ,COOE . OPTIOML LOCAL AGENCY THrs FoRM MUST BE AccoMpANlED By AT LEAST (t) 0R MoRE PERMIT AppLlcATloN. FoRM B, FORM A (s.91) UNLESS THIS IS A CHANGE OF SITE INFORMATION ONLY, ronoodr.s p Vp >*aA.M. -- P.M, iENT INED CALL AGAIN IN YOU FORM NO.84018 ?--24 UPS {Vrt /) 4ae t / /--(-a*d u,PS Cl"f#ldP*.r' U(7 ,a.r'U REOROER 6 Date Time WHTLE Yc|U WEFIE CIIJT TELEPHONED PLEASE CALL CALLEDTO SEE YOU WILLCALLAGAIN WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUF CALL Area Code ExtensionNumber Message 3lts - 1?e Phone Lzrcof M rl To ru -l r] AMr] PM D s/.7 I /alf hHa 7**7^ A T"T AL Lv rMp T< sdrl t e ? A; 0tyoFsan luls oBtspo FIRE DEPARTMENT 748 Pismo Street . San Luis Oblspo, CA 93401 o 805/549-7380 November 1991 CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK FEE SCHEDULE In accordance with City Ordinance 999 (1983 series) - Underground Storage Tank Regulations, the following permits are required from this department prior to conducting operations: t1 Initial $17s.00 Ann ual Permit Renewal v t I I t I l l Additional Tank Fee Plan-Check Fee New Installation Permit Plan submittal required for permit, also a minimum of three (3) site visits per tank is required. Tank Removal Permit PIan submittal required for permit, also a minimum of two (2) site visits per tank are required. Phase II Vapor Recovery Modification Excavation Above or Near Flammable Liquids Pipeline Monitoring Well-Drilling Permit Plan submittal required. $20.00 (per visit) $20.00 (per visit) f /O U $40.00 $45.00 Contact County Health Department $56.00 (per tank) $20.00 (per hour) a ( $10.00 $1s.00 $40.00 3 0 ?, eFeeOwner/Operator Transfer d' /.12 #.GO cA zt{ tl tl t1 State Surcharge Permit Fee Additional Site Inspection Fee Questions regarding permit applications or other pertinent information may be directed to the Hazardous Materials Coordinator at (805) 78L-7380, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. I] tl v7464 6Lo