HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-96 Mountain View Recorded 02/28/1927W M InConsideration of------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ---------------••-----------••---------------•------------------- ---------------•---------- •-- •--------- •--- - - - - -- Ten and no/100 ( �G10. 00- - ------------------------ •------- •-------------- . - - - -- Dollars CHRIS ANHOLM and JOHi�_NNE K \�P!NHOLM, his wife, of the County - -- - - - -•-------•--------•------------------------------------ - - - - -- of San Luis Obispo, State of California, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - - - - -- Do ...... Hereby Grant to_G_1TX-- S?F--- �y.0 --- 1<TII __Q>31 P- 4- ,--- a._Murti.Gipal-- DQx_izQx: tis�xi,. all that Real Property situated in the .............. C i t----------------------------------------------- f O Obispo, po.:.. ..............__....._...___._. County of ...........San p Luis - -- Obispo ,. -.-------------------------- State of California, described as follows: That art of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Twenty -seven (27) in-Township Thirty (30) South, Range Twelve (12) East, Mount Diablo Meridian, described as follows: Be- ginning at an iron pipe in the Southwesterly line of North Broad Street in the City of San Luis Obispo, from which the stake marked "A.No.2" as the same is laid down and delineated on the map of the Venable Tract in the City of San Luis Obispo, filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San L-ais Obispo, November 11th, 1918, at page 13C in Volume 2 Licensed Surveyors Maps, bears North 3411 West, 600.2 feet distant; and being the Northeasterly corner of the lot conveyed by the parties of the First part to Merl E. Austin and Cecile E. Austin, his wife, by deed dated June 25th, 1925, and recorded in the office of said County Recorder in Book 5 of Official Records, at page 205, and running thence North 34-11 West, along said Southwesterly line of North Broad Street, fifty (50) feet to the Southeasterly corner of the lot conveyed by the parties of the first part to R. R. Long and Hazel V. Long, his wife, by deed dated November 27th, 1923, and recorded in said County Re- corder's office in Book 169 of Deeds, at page 248; thence leaving said Street and running South 55 3/40 West along the Southerly line of said Lot, and the continuation thereof three hundred fifty (350) feet; thence at right angles ^South 341;1 :East, fifty (50) feet; thence at right ang �es�North 553/4 °/East.:three� hundred fifty (350) feet to the Southviesterly�lTifl" Tbf,,'.Nor LBroadi' S_trieet and point of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the City of San Luis Obispo, for street purposes only, and to be known as and called Mountain View-Street. WITNESS --------- off --- hand_s this -------- ----- - - - -•- •3rd---- ---- ------ -- --- -- ---day of ------- De0emb_er - - - -- 192..6.... .......... ..... -- ----- -- -- --- -- ---------- - - - - -- s6 r� State of California, ` as. County of.....San//.Luis - Obis Qo� On this .......... ...............day of ----- December .in the year one thousand nine hundred .. - - - - -- - - . and tlrentY -six before me, --------------- . ..... ^l ,. a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ...... ..........- ...... -------------------- - - - -__ Chris - Pnholm and Johanne K. - xnholm, his vjife_: _______________ known to me to be the person ---- s .... described in and whose name- 5. ........ x's--- --- ------ - -- subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged that ...._ the..Y. ... executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. --yy�. Notary Public In and for said County and State. d ryAry O. m I i �• : Ct ; N. iCo :Ft U yy O i� O itz i� E V� h C ^: COD r SID r r. � rrte. ay nm d ryAry O. m I i �• : Ct ; N. iCo :Ft U yy O i� O itz i� E I �I 1 �yy t+ V n O Ili d r n A m n 7 O 'O 6 z I I h ti y r SID CO D y N pD N ... b NN Pl V w O .a A O ay nm o'�o ... PO mZ iD an mD y�ND OCn£O y��O Vm zD �7D ooN __ �Z0 01Za' mzD wn »Oo — m� �O <M 5M 5M .Ocm NZ ° _ ym mO �C mOff�m�inr zmD'"4i Z. D..Z Oy .m n m —y �00 = np'poyoO2yc -oi ND »O-4Cz ND=a V-1 »m Oy jZ °vim :d .• i "° _ C _ iJ '� �C �'o p h �. w cDMDcmzczs=o zIM,C3M001 ('m'mOmOyDyOcmr"' n 3> mD my O.. m E m an .. -� .. » �p v —z� �_fn co C-0 On A Q. a o I �I 1 �yy t+ V n O Ili d r n A m n 7 O 'O 6 z I I I �I 1 �yy t+ V n O Ili d r n A m n 7 O 'O 6 z I f� f RESOLUTION No. 218 (New Series) A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING A DEED FROM CHRIS ANHOLM AldD JOHAX17Y K..ANHOLM. EXIT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis. Obispo that that certain deed dated December 3, 1926, made and executed by Chris Anholm and Johannes K. Anholm, and conveying to the City of San Luis Obispo a part of the. Northeast quarter, of the. Southeast quarter of Section 27, Township 30 S., Range 12. E. , M. D. M., for street purposes onlytand- td? %ber :known as and called Mountain View Stree -t, be., and the same is hereby accepted by the.City of San Luis Obispo. The-City Clerk is hereby directed to cause said deed to be. recorded in the office of the-County Recorder of the County of San Luis Obispo. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day aok:Rebr.'davy, 19 7. by the following vote.: AYES: C.,. Carpenter, JohnChapek, H.E.Co4,Chas Forbes, L.F.Sinsheimer NCES': None. ABSENT: None ATTEST: I hereby certify.that the foregoing is: a full, true and correct copy of Resolution No. 218 (New Series) of the..City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo. - City CleYke 0 a ; 6 i i , , 3 m � a y, s C � d K , s, s o, ' m , i D < • ITI m m o n ' O y rn o N A ' n m O r r i o (q C' o , o rz-, _ z -n N c 0 • p • 0 n CCi c+ • H. w • O • C} Fj Ls • w • • f0 • u • • m `i • O • �j • (L • to • a+ • ' I-A • m Fj H • <-a' a . pi ! r • CAl • cF Cy w m 0 o Pi H • • p � O tD • W • LV 07 O • • r J • • • y • Cl • W 0