HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-21-2015 ARC Item 1 - 323 Grand Avenue ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT SUBJECT: Review of plans for four new single-family residences and associated site improvements. PROJECT ADDRESS: 323/353 Grand Avenue BY: Marcus Carloni, Associate Planner Phone Number: (805) 781-7176 e-mail: mcarloni@slocity.org FILE NUMBER: ARC 25-13 FROM: Phil Dunsmore, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION Continue the project with direction to the applicant on revisions, based on findings, and subject to conditions. SITE DATA Applicant Ryan Petetit, John Belsher, PB Companies Representative Steve Rigor, Arris Studio Architects Zoning R-1 (Low-Density Residential) General Plan Low Density Site Area 0.53 Acres (23,132 square feet) Environmental Status Negative Declaration adopted by Planning Commission (ER 25-13) on August 14, 2013. SUMMARY The project includes development of four single-family residences on a project site recently (August 14, 2013) approved by the Planning Commission for a four-lot subdivision with exceptions to lot area and dimensions (approved with area and dimensions similar to those allowed in the R-2 zone; close to 5,000 square feet). Staff finds the overall design and detailing of the proposed residences to incorporate architectural characteristics that are found in the existing neighborhood and are consistent with the Community Design Guidelines. However, staff has noted conflicts with the Community Design Guidelines with regard to the size/scale of the four proposed in-fill residences as they relate to the existing neighborhood fronting Grand Avenue and has recommended modifications to the project for consistency with the Community Design Guidelines (section 4.2 below). Additionally, staff has noted insufficient site circulation and recommends modifications to the site plan for consistency with the Parking and Driveway Standards (section 4.1 below). Meeting Date: January 21, 2014 Item Number: 1 ARC1 - 1 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 2 2.0 COMMISSION’S PURVIEW The ARC’s role is to review the project in terms of its consistency with the Community Design Guidelines and applicable City standards. 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 3.1 Site Information/Setting The project site encompasses two parcels; 323 Grand Avenue (12,032.63 square feet) and 353 Grand Avenue (11,099.33 square feet). The project site is located on the west side of Grand Avenue between McCollum and Fredericks Streets. The two parcels are in the Low-Density Residential (R-1) zone and are encompassed by R-1 zoning with single-family residences (Attachment 1, Vicinity Map). The project site is gently sloping (approximately 4% average cross slope) and is developed with two single-family residences (to be demolished); one per parcel. Each parcel has a driveway providing access from Grand Avenue and minimal other improvements. Attachment 2, Project Plans, Sheet A0.2 illustrates the sites existing conditions (structures, trees, hardscape). Site Size ~23,000 square feet Present Use & Development Two R-1 parcels with one single-family residence each Topography Flat: ~4 percent cross slope Access Grand Avenue Surrounding Use/Zoning North: Single-Family Residence (R-1 zone) South: Single-Family Residence (R-1 zone) East: Grand Avenue + Single Family Residences (R-1 zone) West: Single Family Residences (R-1-Planned Development zone) 3.2 Project Description The proposed project includes the following significant features (Attachment 2, Project Plans): 1. 4-parcel flag lot subdivision (recently approved, see section 3.3 below) 2. Construction of four detached single-family residences (two story homes): a. Lot 1: 2,258 square foot1 4-bedroom, 3-bath residence b. Lot 2: 2,866 square foot1 4-bedroom, 4-bath residence c. Lot 3: 2,650 square foot1 4-bedroom, 4-bath residence d. Lot 4: 2,425 square foot1 4-bedroom, 3-bath residence 3. Common access driveway (porous pavers) providing access to lots 2, 3, and 4 with guest parking spaces. 4. Tree removals. No removal of heritage trees (Attachment 5, Existing Site Plan, indicates tree types and sizes). The City Arborist supports tree removals that are within the 1 The square footage calculation does not include garages (502 square foot average size) or porch/decks (294 square foot average size). ARC1 - 2 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 3 footprint of the proposed residences. Trees outside of the footprints and access way need to be maintained to the maximum extent feasible or approved for removal by the Tree Committee. 5. Craftsman architectural style: a. Horizontal siding (4 or 6-inch siding) with decorative wainscoting (8-inch siding) and board and batten gable accenting with wood outlookers. b. Covered porches with tapered columns and brick bases. 3.3 Project Statistics Item Proposed 1 Ordinance Standard 2 Street Yard Setback 20 feet 20 feet Other Yard Setback (sides and rear) Compliant Varied Max. Height of Structure(s) 25 feet 25 feet Building Coverage (footprints) 35.9% to 39.2% 40% Parking Spaces Lot 1 2 (plus guest spaces) 2 Parking Spaces Lots 2, 3, 4 3 3 (due to access from flag lot) Notes: 1. Applicant’s project plans 2. City Zoning Regulations 3.3 Background On August 14, 2013 the Planning Commission (PC) approved a subdivision of the project site allowing four parcels to be created from two existing parcels (the map has not yet been recorded). The subdivision included exceptions from the Subdivision Regulations due to substandard lot depths (mean lot depth reduction of 18 feet) and substandard lot areas (mean lot area reduction of 762 square feet per lot). The Planning Commission expressed concern with the intensity of development that would be allowed with the creation of four parcels where three parcels would otherwise be allowed and discussed the possibility of applying R-2 density standards to these lots, which would result in a maximum of four 3-bedroom homes. The project was represented to the Planning Commission with smaller structure footprints and additional parking spaces (compare Attachment 3, Parking Layout Reviewed by Planning Commission to Attachment 2, Project Plans, Sheet A-0.1). Ultimately, the Planning Commission decided not to condition specific home sizes or number of bedrooms per home since the project still needed review by the ARC. The Planning Commission did add a condition that no Secondary Dwellings Units be utilized in the project (since Secondary Dwelling Units are not allowed on substandard parcels). Table 1.0 Approved vs. Required Lot Dimensions Table Min. Lot Area (sq. ft.) Min. Width (feet) Min. Depth (feet) Min. Street Frontage (feet) Requirement (R-1 zone) 6,000 50 90 20 Proposed Lot 1 5,166 69 74 69 Proposed Lot 2 5,553 75 69 20 Proposed Lot 3 5,202 (7,382 gross) 73 79 20 Proposed Lot 4 5,031 78 65 20 *Bold font indicates compliant with standards ARC1 - 3 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 4 Additionally, the Planning Commission recommended the ARC consider one driveway accessing all parcels on the project site which would result in elimination of backing out onto Grand Avenue (from lot 1). The project plans (Attachment 2) include one common access driveway serving three of the residences and a separate driveway serving lot 1 (as was shown on plans reviewed by the PC). 4.0 PROJECT ANALYSIS 4.1 Site Plan: The applicant’s preliminary grading plan (reviewed by the Planning Commission) included approximate building footprints and a parking layout (Attachment 3, Parking Layout). With further development of the home designs/site plan, some of these parking spaces have been eliminated including a parking space now shown as a loading area and driveway of insufficient length to accommodate a parked car (16’-8’ driveway length shown on lot 2). The current parking layout constrains on-site vehicle circulation (vehicles exiting from the guest spaces between lots 2 and 3, in particular) to the point where parking is awkward and potentially unsafe (it is possible that residents will back out onto Grand Avenue instead of using the loading zones to turn around). The applicant provided a vehicle circulation plan (Attachment 2, Project Plans, Sheet A0.3), however, the plan does not indicate adequate vehicle circulation from all guest parking spaces (the easternmost guest space on lot 1, the driveway spaces on lot 2, the guest space on lot 3, and the guest space on lot 4). For sufficient on-site vehicle circulation, staff recommends the ARC provide the following direction to the applicant: 1. Provide a vehicle circulation plan that provides adequate and safe vehicle circulation for compliance with the Parking and Driveway Standards. a. Increase the common access way width to allow adequate backup space for vehicles using all parking spaces (24-feet minimum). b. Increase the driveway depth for lot 2 in order to allow vehicles to park in the driveway without overlapping the common access way (18-feet, 5-inches minimum). c. Provide adequate circulation for the guest space on lot 3 (allowing a vehicle to exit the site in a forward motion with no more than two maneuvers). d. Reduce the depth of the guest spaces on lots 2 and 3 to discourage tandem parking that will overlap into the common access way. 4.1.1 Lot 1 Driveway: As discussed in section 1.0 above, the Planning Commission recommended the ARC consider one driveway accessing all parcels on the project site. The project plans (Attachment 2) still include two driveways (one common access drive and a second driveway accessing lot 1). The Engineering Division can support the dual driveway design as compliant with Parking and Driveway standards. 4.2 Building Designs: Staff supports the overall design and detailing of the four residences. The use of materials and detailing is consistent throughout all elevations providing four-sided architecture and incorporating architectural characteristics (muted-tone color scheme, covered entries, horizontal siding, composite roofing, brick accents) for compatibility with existing ARC1 - 4 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 5 houses in the neighborhood2. However, the scale and massing of the project conflict with the recommendations of the Community Design Guidelines. The project is classified as “infill development” in the Community Design Guidelines (Chapter 5.3), one of the goals of which is “to provide for infill projects of high architectural quality that are compatible with existing development…and continue existing neighborhood patterns.” Staff has compiled data on properties within 300 feet of the subject location (Attachment 4, Neighborhood Study & Map) in order to understand the proposed projects compatibility with the existing neighborhood. The data is based on a comparison of living space (square footage) to lot size which is expressed as a percentage. Attachment 4 (Neighborhood Study & Map) concludes with the following information shown in the below table: Table 4.2 Neighborhood Study Conclusion Average living space to lot size ratio Average Home Size Average Lot Size All residences within 300-feet 24% 1,774 sq.ft. 7,827 sq.ft. Leroy Court Planned Unit Development only 42% 2,333 sq.ft. 5,697 sq.ft. All residences excluding Leroy Court PUD 21% 1,680 sq.ft. 8,229 sq.ft. Proposed Project 49% 2,550 sq.ft. 5,238 sq.ft. Lot 1 44% 2,258 sq.ft. 5,166 sq.ft. Lot 2 52% 2,866 sq.ft. 5,553 sq.ft. Lot 3 51% 2,650 sq.ft. 5,202 sq.ft. Lot 4 48% 2,425 sq.ft. 5,031 sq.ft. The proposed project’s average home sizes are considerably larger than the average size of residences within 300 feet of the project site, which is significant given the fact that the project site’s recently approved four parcels are sub-standard3 and are also below the average lot size for the neighborhood (i.e. larger homes on smaller lots). For comparison, if these homes were located on lots in a higher density zone such as R-2 (Medium-Density Residential), a maximum of four 3-bedroom residences could be constructed because density standards in higher density zones are calculated based on lot sizes. In this instance, the design of larger homes on smaller lots results in taller, “blockier,” buildings because the structures footprint needs to be smaller (in order to meet the 40% coverage4 limitation) which results in more of a two-story stacked structure as opposed to some of the further articulated neighboring structures which have larger base footprints due to their conforming lot sizes. Although the home sizes and designed articulation are somewhat similar to those of the Leroy Court Planned Unit Development (directly west of the project site), the proposal to construct larger homes on smaller lots presents a compatibility concern with the existing residences fronting Grand Avenue, a significant corridor. The Community Design Guidelines state “when 2 Community Design Guidelines Chapter 5.3.B: Building Design. An infill residential structure should incorporate the traditional architectural characteristics of existing houses in the neighborhood, including window and door spacing, exterior materials, roof style and pitch, ornamentation and other details. 3 Minimum lot size in the R-1 zone is 6,000 square feet 4 Zoning Regulations Chapter 17.00 Coverage: Coverage. The area of a structure on or above the ground including upper level projections and living areas, as well as covered or uncovered decks, balconies, porches and similar architectural features expressed as a percentage of the total lot area. Uncovered decks, balconies, and porches which are 30 inches or less from the ground shall not be included in the determination of coverage…” ARC1 - 5 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 6 new homes are developed adjacent to older ones, the height and bulk of the new construction can have a negative impact on adjacent, smaller scale buildings”…therefore, “infill residential development should be compatible in scale, siting, detailing, and overall character with adjacent buildings and those in the immediate neighborhood.” For consistency with the Community Design Guidelines, staff has added directional items for the ARC to consider reducing the overall square footage and massing of the proposed residences. Staff recommends the ARC provide the following direction to the applicant: 1. Lots 1 and 4: Reduce the overall square footage of the proposed residences (to approximately 2,000 square feet) for compatibility with the scale of existing adjacent residences fronting Grand Avenue and for lowered development intensity on these sub- 6,000 square foot parcels. 2. Lots 2 and 3: Reduce the overall square footage of the proposed residences (to approximately 2,400 square feet) for compatibility with the scale of the existing adjacent Leroy Court Planned Unit Development and for lowered development intensity on these sub-6,000 square foot parcels. 3. The reduction in square footage/scale of the proposed residences should include the elimination of accessory rooms (e.g. the “media rooms” shown on lots 1, 3, and 4 and the “den” shown on lot 2) while maintaining similar building footprints and providing reduced size upper floor areas. 5.0 OTHER DEPARTMENT COMMENTS The requirements of the other City departments are reflected in the directional items provided below. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES & RECOMMENDATION 6.1. Approve the project based on findings of consistency with the Community Design Guidelines. 6.2. Deny the project based on findings of inconsistency with the Community Design Guidelines. 6.3 Continue the project to a date uncertain with the following directional items: Planning Division 1. Provide a vehicle circulation plan that provides adequate and safe vehicle circulation for compliance with the Parking and Driveway Standards. a. Increase the common access way width to allow adequate backup space for vehicles using all parking spaces (24-feet minimum). b. Increase the driveway depth for lot 2 in order to allow vehicles to park in the driveway without overlapping the common access way (18-feet, 5-inches minimum). c. Provide adequate circulation for the guest space on lot 3 (allowing a vehicle to exit the site in a forward motion with no more than two maneuvers). d. Reduce the depth of the guest spaces on lots 2 and 3 to discourage tandem parking that will overlap into the common access way. ARC1 - 6 ARC 25-13 (323/353 Grand Avenue) Page 7 2. Lots 1 and 4: Reduce the overall square footage of the proposed residences (to approximately 2,000 square feet) for compatibility with the scale of existing adjacent residences fronting Grand Avenue and for lowered development intensity on these sub- 6,000 square foot parcels. 3. Lots 2 and 3: Reduce the overall square footage of the proposed residences (to approximately 2,400 square feet) for compatibility with the scale of the existing adjacent Leroy Court Planned Unit Development and for lowered development intensity on these sub-6,000 square foot parcels. 4. The reduction in square footage/scale of the proposed residences should include the elimination of accessory rooms (e.g. the “media rooms” shown on lots 1, 3, and 4 and the “den” shown on lot 2) while maintaining similar building footprints and providing reduced size upper floor areas. Fire Department 5. Provide a monument sign positioned to be clearly visible from Grand avenue and showing the address of each building. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Vicinity Map 2. Project Plans 3. Parking Layout Reviewed by Planning Commission (August 14, 2013) 4. Neighborhood Study and Map 5. Existing Site Plan Included in Commission member portfolio: project plans Available at ARC hearing: color/materials board ARC1 - 7 PF R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1-PD R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 R-1 GR A N D GR A V E S McCOLLUM HAYS HOPE LOOMIS FREDERICKS VICINITY MAP File No. 25-13323 & 353 Grand ¯ ARC1 - 8 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 9 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 10 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 11 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 12 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 13 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 14 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 15 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 16 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 17 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 18 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 19 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 20 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 21 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 22 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 23 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 24 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 25 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 26 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 27 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 28 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 29 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 30 Attachment 2 ARC1 - 31 ෘ Attachment 2 ARC1 - 32 Fl a g L o t S u b d i v i s i o n c r e a t i n g 4 l o t s f r o m t w o e x i s t i n g l a r g e l o t s 10 Pr o j e c t D e s c r i p t i o n Attachment 3 ARC1 - 33 Source: City of SLO Neighborhood Study 39 38 52 40 30 2927 5453 49 48 475150 5 6 7 43 46 45 15 16 17 37 36 23 32 33 34 35 24 312526 28 1 2 3 4 18 21 2220 19 14118 9 12 1310 42 4441 Source: Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS,AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User Community 0 250 500125 Feet Public School Subject Site Comparison Parcels Gr a n d A v e n u e Figure 1 McCollum Street Hope Street Fredericks Street AR C 1 - 34 Attachment 4 Proposed Project Lot Size House Size % (house size/lot size) Lot 1 5166 2258 44% Lot 2 5553 2866 52% Lot 3 5202 2650 51% Lot 4 5031 2425 48% Map REF # Lot Size House Size % (house size/lot size) Address 1 6670 2826 42% 1724 McCollum Street 2 6560 2806 43% 1744 McCollum Street 3 6560 2826 43% 1764 McCollum Street 4 6850 2807 41% 1784 McCollum Street 5 10243 1971 19% 1661 McCollum Street 6 10160 2088 21% 1677 McCollum Street 7 14460 2992 21% 1693 McCollum Street 8 6500 2538 PUD 39% 301 Leroy Court 9 5070 2438 PUD 48% 317 Leroy Court 10 5060 2022 PUD 40% 321 Leroy Court 11 7810 2438 PUD 31% 302 Leroy Court 12 5040 2438 PUD 48% 316 Leroy Court 13 5010 2022 PUD 40% 328 Leroy Court 14 9950 2886 29% 311 Grand Avenue 15 10220 1276 12% 1660 Fredericks Street 16 10910 1568 14% 1676 Fredericks Street 17 14360 not found 1692 Fredericks Street 18 9670 2369 24% 1706 Fredericks Street 19 4200 0 PUD 347 Leroy Court 20 5390 2438 PUD 45% 1720 Fredericks Street 21 10490 800 8% 1740 Fredericks Street 22 6970 934 13% 1760 Fredericks Street 23 8420 2134 25% 395 Grand Avenue 24 8990 2256 25% 1661 Fredericks Street 25 8910 1084 12% 1739 Fredericks Street 26 11760 1424 12% 433 Grand Avenue 27 8510 1440 17% 436 Grand Avenue 28 15070 1484 10% 470 Grand Avenue 29 10490 1728 16% 1866 Loomis Street 30 7510 736 10% 476 Grand Avenue 31 5990 1110 19% 430 Grand Avenue 32 6020 1312 22% 410 Grand Avenue ARC1 - 35 Attachment 4 33 6010 not found 1843 Hope Street 34 6010 1326 22% 1861 Hope Street 35 6010 1056 18% 1881 Hope Street 36 10110 1490 15% 1890 Hope Street 37 6130 not found 1840 Hope Street 38 13750 2318 17% 1820 Hope Street 39 5810 1712 29% 1810 Hope Street 40 6280 1520 24% 346 Grand Avenue 41 6030 2380 39% 320 Grand Avenue 42 6920 2380 34% 1825 McCollum Street 43 8310 1645 20% 1861 McCollum Street 44 5990 1726 29% 1865 McCollum Street 45 9280 1570 17% 357 Graves Avenue 46 8130 1089 13% 1889 McCollum Street 47 6760 880 13% 1874 McCollum Street 48 6760 1364 20% 1860 McCollum Street 49 6750 1224 18% 1844 McCollum Street 50 5020 880 18% 292 Grand Avenue 51 5000 884 18% 254 Grand Avenue 52 4990 1048 21% 250 Grand Avenue 53 6000 not found 236 Grand Avenue 54 6760 1224 18% 1841 Hays Street ARC1 - 36 Attachment 5 ARC1 - 37