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of mn G.Qr r0'" 95f 5 y �5x� {e �frnlrl3: (C�'1` jt�ry3Y '�`l' 1 � (re it j Pyh �*..�,1�f pr� ( [nd�`1O,��J{ WD13.�[ P�c IRFMIA €fit ' UM, Rrj?, =� y i,�rc��irf91e J CO V ��4 ING M12 :1)O4. IONS f+�'.,, .iDO 3. J0 .I.i.hh}5� ``ND �iS��L��St fi. OF F' .O�I014.0 ftND E- STABLISII:��a A "BUPWV M -Rll Pi's VE43VION' SAID PRMDDIa {PFIEGERS dH�t,'!a'"C1R laa.) D1 TING TIM. p0j,T,Y,.S kM i!I3` IT .S. BE JIT ORD TMED b7 the C€ UP-O 3, of the City of Sw L -wta Obispo: O' uld .® Ilk he -by act the CtnCi l Of �. Cit e' . L Obispo for the pi a Of pyescsib g '"z1 9uU b! ,3 901 I A8"bg c0 dIii �,_.S hK.. zr to 3.. ra- ark. property � � fj_ye or j0e..0r_0 that oe in coy ?.e OM SM •�1ss a; P venv'das Ceram riamj?.Te ied by National Beard of Firc paetic` y the 19:53 e&ition t1mrw ' end ths, mole thax of, MT c! a':.:X;!ace °hY the bricust, 19.54 wienamewts pct e=Wv s h pose ow. ae wee here&MZUT Mc'dfi by section 4, o:Z this er&_nanceb of Idii -Ch cote Wt less UAI heve been and ww a:ya filed in the off-, ce of the Clerk of tiv. 0.',t r of San Luis at le t,€. hg -rcin,, 9-r.4 fsor the dam on z .ch Wh s ordlu& -ae sh�A: I lzka eff arc t, the prov.sia-w-, t1jereof sell. be ocnta eIling, withLn the limits of -,IV, City of San I MAA abisp€ " S CT 101; 2. Bs blisB wY c. md Dutlas of B=-?au of 'Fixe F'r'ee d'v a ua. a. Me Fire Prevention Coda shall be enforced by ttho Btwe au of Ir°e Pro- es :L:rshc_1 and uhich shall be operated u ftr file supperwision of the ChjA9 of the In" Dkpu -tx* to ba 'I"be G-idef in chva go of the Burmu of re Pr vent . shall be tle c wr Of the M.I., Depast3L`tnts dopaemmt as 3.rgp0yfi3OrG as Mv4UU 9res ti7mi3 to timia be r4cess -.bra The Chic. oe the Fire Departanmt shalL recom*vrl to the Mty Aftlydotx'ata.� the WIP10YAOnt of tec Inspv.- re., who., uhan such aWbhosimbion Is rade., shS11 be SelactO through an a n. dj ation to deter+ mix' fitness for figs paaslt .on. Z c shM be opsa -fro mmg)ars a -- embers of tim fim dzpaevx, -ntg and made after a=miration shah! he for an indefialfs term -Ath 7%, vr_ only for cauven f0 Ss3rC`i ION 34 :DefMnit;.ow, n 14herever the io ustad in Ur a Fire P71'ev tion Co&., it shaU be heI4 to MM th$ CAY o* Ikm Luis Gbi3pe z, S ,Tjo.t g. Amn&m s Xt& in the Fire Prm =Ua a Code, The Fim Frwmntim Coda is amrt.&-d azad cb&mged in the foll.oving reapectaa r Section 13-04, paragraph a., is r; led as f'ai l Ow t Apprmad auto t3c sprinkler sptems shams. be installed in baw nts ham an ama e=aeding s,500 sqaare Zest, o n used for the hang or storags c cot -.w1me tibie gesods or wer cha ze.0 vw� -ept that Lx) pWxUc baai3.€lnp, , inst `bu,t- ional bu3.lAings and residmeo busl.33xir;s4 the sutom t c s=aw err equipments "'IM be reTAared in sur% pmtiom as are used for atomge purposes or as work shC® SCR`�t� t� �qf is y SIMOi<6ON �'o Vlod f °aWma, The M of B *8m of Fire Pr ! atic Ti have ps*rer to vWUy may of the psis yllaUm of the itre Prewution Coda t4m ap., pl.i.cati.on in tr�a .ting by the tear or lessee, or his duly aubborlmed ageraL, when there are Vrac°tlaO cUlficulties in the my of caxry'Ing out the strict l.ewtor of t?3a co&,p prov.&d that tiie splAt of the code shall, be observeds public safety aecuredo and subst ntial justice done. "be pa rtima?>am of such nzoeAALAID vahen granted or a.UmM and the decision of-t m. Chi of the Bureau of Fim Pr vaetlon thereon shell be eubered Capon the records of the departmmt and a s%md copy shall be f=idhed the appl i.csnt. SFC` ION 6. AppeM.s, 1-11.ewier the Chief of the Fire Departmnt shall d24- approve an Appli.c aticn or refuse to grWtt a li.oense or pa-vd;. applied for, or amen It is claimad that Qa provl ' ms of the wAe do not app%y or that :hr tme intent and sr =Ing of the mode have beer nLeconstrued or uronisly interpa: t& the applicant mq awl ;ft-Om the deeision of the Chief of the Fire Dqwaftmemt to\ the City Council W. -thin 30 days frm + -he date of the decision of the appeea, Bald appeal shall be in mwiting and deposited with the City Clerk. SCCTION 7. New Materiels,* Processes or ©dies wbich my Require Per- Alts. The City Administrator and fib. Chief of the Bureau of mire Prevention shy ant as a em-m&ttee to dotermim and specify, after gf,-ArC affected parmcass am opportunity to be hearda arq now mmterUU.0 processes or mccanpmcies, vUch shall require peraits, in addition to those now eYma Brat ed in said coded Ube Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall post amh list in a conspicuous place in his office, and distribute copies thereof to intorested. persons. SxrT.%MT S. Repeal Oe CM�J. `leting thud mm-wo AXI f -0 4- o ant3+. s O.`° Prts thereof Connie•,'Ung ur incomia'tent with the grasp o;s of Vhis ordi=%ea or of a �ie code hem-by adgptcd am hoxvby repealed, 9. V c °r. ho City Cc anvil hardby def. U- res Mhat almu d my sc-04.an, pararraphR snAtenea, or word of Vito ordinwice or of the code hereby adopted be doaared for any ree -gon to be :Lgvalid, it is tho : ntent of the C14,7 Gotmeil that itm d b-mm p 2zaed all othar portions o.r this ordir.,°iaoe e l %dent of Um of Lz .natlen hova;C u of any such as mV be do.clamd SMTIOYj lop Dote of Effect* Thee ordim e., ugetbar with the eyes age, noes,, uha. ba publiubed once in 2VUp at least three da 'belox a its final pav- -sarA, in the Tele •Trlbuae, a dally rwapapor prated, #rdbUaihed and ole€ o-lated sa'Ld My, and the sums shall t effect sad be in gorce frta +^...nd after its fival passaage® MIONDUCED M PA&SIED TG F,,MfT thAs 6 th day of Sept. by the .fo'4' *ving vote a AYES: 41s Beck,Lowell E. Christi e,Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred H.Lucksinger ME S. None ASENTt None FINALLY r1pS a 3 .this 26th dad of ..�.. S e. ... .� 1955,0 by t:rs, fol -.eta rou vAll value; AYESt Nels Beck,Lowell E. Christie, Warren G.Edwards, Kenneth W.Jones, Fred NOES* None H.Lucksinger ABSENTS None r svn YT % ��