HomeMy WebLinkAbout0024N.0 - Ordlnana& Xb. An Ordinance- Changiftg- the, Official. Curb Grades on Portiona of Mill, Palm", Toro, Osoa,, Crardsn Bro-aA and; X.ipomo street& in the City of San LuiG) Qbisp-o�. 23e it ord'ained by,the, Council of the: City of San Luis. Obispo as, fol- lows;'. 0,0 attax4l Wh 0 ivaaatjw Council of the City of San Luis obiGpo.- d:,id. on; the, i4th day- of''Oatoba-r-1, IQ121 by Repolution 6f, Intention , No., 13 N-Tbw Series.) &.eclaro, it z. intention, to change the, official. curb gro4ee on Par- bona, of the-- a-bovot named' otreets particularly- &ezzribwl and. met: forlh-.. ins aai& rezolutiom of intention and'. Whereas.,. the uXjoteiszid: resolution, dlireot4dl. the 0,jork of thc Councill to publialn andt post for two ftya aa-iA resolution of intontion,,. ancl Where-aas said. resolution o'f* in' tint was pulblished• and*. posted -wd: TI . A ft-r, tw-o-• , d:,ayv de accvibi)ag, the prop *o sod' changes. 0 f , grade and DhereaEt, . hal pro tevt& were- fils-d agailhat . said, proposed' changat of graide nwm, theref-orw it., is, hereby ordered, that the, gradea an Mill Street, betwerazz Morro.: and? :ohnaon Stroatai on Palm St Tree t a betwo.-an, Santa Ro-aa and.,. Essax Streets.., on Toro Strett betwaen, the.. atre*ts herein after.• do- sigmated, on Oaozi Street between th . e� 0.trevt& Uereinafter d.eafgnated,, on,: Garden, Street, betweeir Pismo and'. Avdhdn� Streatg.q. on Bvodflo, Street, be- tviv-en. MU-chon and. relay Streets and. on Xi•omo Street betwacn! the atreet-S., hereinafter,- &.ealgnatacl are hOTeby changed, to: and. eatabliBhed at. the fob lowing- elevations above. they official datum plans, of the-- City of, 3=—, Lui's Obiiapro, to wit: F in. sa:Ld citly-1, an& they following- Board. of'MIect-1-ax Ls: &PP-QiJXt*(E for said Pracihat Nat. 3.. Mspecto-r- Judges This, o.rdliAance. .9hall be, Published'. fir two, days to-fore it v, f:bxa3L passage ix the, =mat .7 a daily newspaper, print.e&.,. publigh6d. and- c-ircuktod in. said ciltyr axi ah&U be, published. after its final_ pas.wag# aatd.. approval oxce a days fox, s4vex, &AF8 IN the, Jf a daily newspaper•,. primte&j. published. a circulated at. least, six &Avs a Weelt in Said. city. At- jxtz-aducod. axd, p",sedj. t-ib p-rdjtt-. this � c I day ef, Jaxuary,,, 19 .3,• by thw-- f011Owixg VO-t* I Ay" ch Na-es, Absext, F-imally, pam'sok- this day- of' Januarrj. 191 3,. 1, by than f 03X*w- Lxg. ro -"'v: Abvext : Approvecl this du• , of* JamuarTq, 191-31, Att*att: blayoz of said City. City GI&rk. A socti-ant 5. aadA. sle,atiox is hereby called fo.r and, shall- be he'ItAO-Im the, 21st day. of' T&nuax7',, 19131 and'. noti'a* thereof' is hereby glvvx. Swatioin. 6. 71'e-r- the- Purpose of said. eleatlom said. C,,!,ty- is dirvid,ed ix. three prozoinnet-8 &V f01l0Wv,:- a-21 that portion of the, City- of San Win Obispo Cojnprj.6:Uag genera7i eltatiox. pr-wainats Y0.8. am, ostabliahe& by th-G,.Bo,,ard of Supervisors of the County of S?A Dai& Obispa, !a aaid',- fttr fw' the h0ldimg of the lastr. Im-oa,edixg general &t-ate electi,.on- Lhall be aomsolida-t*d axed,. kltomm. as, a-dL comprIso, PreaIxet Pa., 1. All that. partilan of - the City- Of Sam Lu-im, Obispo--. compr4la-In-g-, awxorml- gleatiox, PI-eck(hats Ra-ve. by said Boards of, Supervisiars: in said. City for, the, hori-dIng, of, the last preeading geno-ral. a-tat#, 816,C11OR shall be, consolidatedi ax( i kxov.x as and comp ,rise, Prvalwat. No.. 2., All: that, p artio-A Of , th a 0 1 ty o f' San Lute 0,bisgat camp rimIng* general- #le,C,tLIOAPr*CI38U NOS— , I av-kz�- -- a av eatubliahed-, by mata,. Board. of Suparrisors said' ftty- for- the, hold- ing, of the last preovding gvnera.1 &tat& elwatijam shall, b-e, aaxaelldla-t- sA and knowni as; an& comprise, Pre-asmat No).. 3-- S*ct-i-ox 7 It pja,ag-, mom, f mr Precimat. at, In. said. City-,, an the following Bo&rd of Zlj*ct:L(FA is apgointed. for said, Pr-acinat, Nb:, 1. 1 to -Wtt,:: Jjn-zpe-,c,to:r CL Clerk- The, voting; plaaw, for Prea mat. Xb., 2. is ax & the, fo 11, owixg Boar&, of- E-64c ti-OX 18 appoixted f aaii& Prvci�at ITO-o. Z. to- wit:* XuF3gs, C.11 *Irk The. vati-ag- Place fo-r Precinct. N-0--- 3. to. O'eatiox, 3,. The, amount, of the, principal of - the indebtedness. ta, be, incurred is. and. the, rate of int&r*vt to be, paid, on said ind-Obtedness: is _ "-9- per- cent.... per. aamum,,. payablv som:L- U annual�y. Ste t±an 4.. The mann#r� of ' ho ldlng.- slid el-tatilorit. shall be as follows .* - as prov1.&ed:, far ih. this,; ordiramew.; (!"2) as; provtda& by law for hol&- txg o1wetibims of, then kit& herolm caall*d ix� sal& City.. The, votiag., fo)r and against z.Qid' itd.obtedness shall, be. as. follows.:: tickets, must-, be of the ord.1nary- eleatilorm. ticket. paper, and. of such size, an& shape to) Cox- tain all of the. propositions to,-. be, submitted. at the, ela-ct-i-Cur har-eloy--- called... The! headiing- of* such tIckets must be "loud. Eloc�tioaj, City o. f, San Lula:-, Obispo:, "'. Each propoai:�;o-n! mat forth. in. Sactian 2 h-ertol, shaU be voted_ on aeparately, axed:: mixe.t be priAted an, such tvicks:ts, aa, ftl1ow&3:: Ye t 1-.Zozd1ng. for_- Sower Inpro7,ements. 2. BandIng- for, Bridge Improroments. 3.. Banding- fio:r Stotm Sews-ra.. 4,.. Bo.ndine- fax, Stroet-, Ibprorements. 5. Bon&'iiij- for Fire Apparatus. 6-3Q', QUO 4:CO 01 . 1 A'7MU,,.00, 0 5 s 5001. CO 02 ?,5MsQ0) $6.1.000oo 1101 Yes Na.� Yea No, Yes; No ye's Ntv- UL& words "Yas", &aU shall be, opposite. each proposItion. In &CP- ara.te and. op-p-azlt.v said, words "'Yeas, ", axia. #NO there shall be a v"iAg Ek,ch- vattv- shall indd .cat e his wish to vote, in. favor. cy-f a prop-oal.tlax by stanpixe or., causlaZ: to be' l stamped. a cm.e.v, (x) In. the, vot.img square Opposi:bv, the word! and, shall indicate: his; wish- to ro-t-r agaix-8,t-, then propotitlox by. stamping­ or causiAg- to be stampec! a. cross (x), in. tivo> votive square oppowLtw, thee wo.rd. 111T W".. The- folliuwilxgg shall be. printed at-. the top of the, fac7o, of, the. tIckot..:- "Thstruttlona to Voters.. To vote- ice; favar of a proposlit-lon. ,:tamp, d% cross (4, In, the, rotang- square app-oait* tho! Tiro rd, "Yea",. Tm, vot,* agadmat, a proportit:Lax, stamp., a, cross, ((x)" In the: voting square, opp,aslit.e they word.. 1111701.. All, marks oxen t:. the- crass (,x)' are! forbiciclex.. All diatlrigut+zh�- ing marks, or erasurva are, forb-idden and:. make, th& balliat. void. ITf, you wrongly stamp 5. tear or diefaae, this, ballmt re-turij, to inspwctoz of the ele'C'ticir. and obtairL, Qnathor,:.O On Funalton. Avenue:*. from Lawton; A' "Wnue, to Broad, stre-et. ft, Lawton Avenue :: f_jam Fqujj3to= Avenue to,, Woodbridge, Street. Oh Story Strerwt:: frm F=s.toA; Arrenus• to: WoodbTi&Ze- Street... On Victex:L& Street: from Fran: -- I cle Street. to Christla, street-,,, from ChristlN. Street, to Aiexand.oz StLlroft. W�h GA Woodk_-rid:..gv Street;.: 1%-oifi. Droad atratt. tai Laxtann Avenue,. from Lwrton A-7--enue to_ Story- Stro*tj. from St OW. atzaa-U, to: Ward, fro u, Ward. Street. to Ijuttan Streets:,. from JjuttGnI street to XimnLr Street,, tram KiRg• Vtreet to Harrtis Street,. from iu tv Street to iiric.e• stroot.j. from Price- Street to westerly, lixel of su=_-yajd✓#, Add.,:LtIox. Line from the iinterse,atibm of* Woo4--bridgw, Strooti-, with! the. wexto,rly lime= of the Sum side: Addition: to the, east end' of Short Street. In Harfitreltol: Aldttloz. Qi Sho rt , SIL-Ir. sot:-. from the, cast-, line, of, Harfo,rd I,& AddItion to Bowbo* Street. Line, through- Loft. 2,r Block.. 155 /of,,,- lfaxfor&sAd.&i:tiom to) Ilizu#rau Straot, That., th-e east imaited' cost thOrsa-f is 4301,000)-GO I vtructton� and completl-um B=, CrZ- =PR,'W/V TS 14, v-rQctA-JG* can at permanant, bridg-as .: the, following. placer in said;,. City: - at thei Sam Luis Creek- arasaina atI . ITIVromo and: at Morro; str V eta r at, the- tnttorsec�--- tiam. of, Santa- liasa and Leff' Gtre*ts; ore: Ruth-,. Street- between. Upham Street. arid' the- right, of_ war of the, Southern Pac-ifIc Railroal; at the c-razzing af* Pain- and. Grove Stre*t-S.- m, Sandt-r-co,ck Streit betweem, Huttarti and. King, Streeter. ax&_ am oraadh! Stra-et between, Flutter M &aid,. Kinz Stre*ts. That, the= tstimated. cast afF said.. b.rifte, inprarementa Is, SEVMS,,:- the oractio-Mi,. construction an& e.ompl&tian of." &tmrm 84we-re, as, folloxv:: an, 05.0,8, Street. from Plamo Strelet, to: the sam.. Lulls: ObIsp-o Greek-;t, GM High, street-, from Baolxee� Street to S&IA GrOtlt- OIL, M&rShl B^4r� Street ft= D6W4W&&' Street-, to I§ijp�omo, Street.-,,. and an N:bpemo Street frOln Broad—. Street to the- Sax, Luis; Obiepa: Crewk,:% That the theraaf* is, 0.51-50,U.00; STIIZ@Tr- IMpROMMM.: they grading", Pav=IS-1. macaAmmizing anci our- faclx.6 the, public; &treo�ta+ avenues; and, highways, of the, said City a f, San: Luis Obispo-. That the estimated. C,0&t thereaf i& $2*2j. 0 _O,' FURE"APPARATUR-.: thel aequisItIoll, and purchase, of a modern fire., e-ngj.n*,. trucy and. fire, apparatus; for, the, fire: department, of' the era: d. Ct-ty- of SLn, Lui-s Obispo-. That the estimated cost thereof i& 6-10004G) 0 t.o� Mill street,,. from Mill Streatl ta; ra. m Str-eet. On: Ida. Street. :: tv from Mill Street. to Paltm Street. On Hathway Avenue: from they noutiL- easterliy end ". of pre_s,ent sewer-m on Fig Stree•t,. and. Fig Street. p,radmie.- ed east.e.rly,. to Murray Street-.,. from northeasterly end a:f' pre 'sent: V s,ewe,r on_ Fib;' Street ('and-i Fig Street. produced easterly) to Sycamore Strut... On: Toro,-: Street-1: from Sycamore-- Street. to Peach, Street.. On; Santa; %aa.s: Stre:eti.: from Stennvr° Vreak: stone: bridge to Stenne-r street..,. from S'tenne -r- Street, to- Mantalbsn Street.,. from Momts:.�lban Street__ to-, 0live Stre'et,r. from, Olive Street. to) F.ig- Street',. from Pig, Street to Sycamore- street:,. from Sycazmorw Street t6 rsaeh street;.. Qn; Osos: Street:,: from Sy.earrlore, Streat, to Peachl Street., from Yeach St:cewtl to Mill Stre-et.,, from Mill Street to 3t-reet.. O% Marra.,. Street:: from sycamore Street, 1.6 reach; Street.,. from Peach-, street. to. Mill Stree #.. On- Chorro Street. :: from Stenmer, Creek to- Sycamoze, Strout.,. f.rorti Peach Stre.e:t,. to Mull. Street:,, from bill. Street ta:, Palm Std.. On North, Broad'. Street.::- from Stenner Creek: ta, Sycamore, Stre >wt:.,: from, Syc.ariora: Street toy Peach. Street.;,. from Mill Street. to Palm Street. Olt All:.eF from. vicar westorly end. af, Marray Stre -et to the, interawetlan, o:f Santa- Rata. and: Stann.er- Streets.. On. Gardd.em Street: from Bu -chax Street, to Pismo Street... On, Tohnaan. street, :: from Counter Iiospit.al. :lot. to. sprijag Street.,. from Spring :Street.. to Upham Stre-et,,, from, Upham sk to Lizai e, Strut,,, from L:izzLe, Street_. to Break Street;.. On, Bre-cle Street from .Tohaimani Street, to- Fairview Street ,.. On 11na westerly from the- ntermectibn of, Bruck and Fairview Street & to the4south, e-nd,. of Osgood} Street,.. Ch Osgood: and'. Toro Streets from the southI end. of Oz.good Street", to the, intersaation. of, Islay and.. T_®r% Streets. On Broad. Stre.-&t,. from Frs:nci&,, Street. to, Christ q_.,Str•eet:,.. from Chrizti4�{3tre.at to: Alexander. Street:,. from Alexander, Street, to.: Alphanae Strwtt,.. from Alphans;e Street- tz, South.. Street,. Ox. Franaile. Street:- from Broad'. Strti'I- to 11'ictariia. Street.. On; Christi�:IStreet..:: from Broad. Street to Vilctoxias#, On: Alexander, Street:: - from Broad. street to Victoria. Street.. On Alphoza:a Straet , froxrt Broa& Street, to, p-&-c fta. C:ba.st Rg11-way Rlght±, o.f._' t'Vsy,.