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ORDMANCE NO. 1 .?.�—(1956 Seriesl AN ORDITIANCE REGULATING "TRAILER PARKS AND TRAILER COACREKS IN T11-1, CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO,, CALIFORMIA, AND PROVi"DING FOR PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Smart Luis Obispo as folloi-,Fs: SECTION 1, That the Municipal Cdde of the City of SFtri I Us ObIsNn:9 Article V, Chapter I be amended as CHAPTER 1. - TRATALER PA RIM & TRAILER COACMES 25 I^ A- SECTION 51W,O C MANW, U =:1 rc DE AND LLCM TIVE ACT. All, auto ana txzdt1sr Wks idtllAn the City of S= Luis Obispo vials conform to the %W-opal Code of the City pax" Sn Lida Gbispoo as am=Wp e=rdpv as herei r .9pecifiedv arA zhaD. conform to the State Trailer Park A4tv DivUicm 13s, Fart H&&Ub. and safety Code,, adopted and made a part of till fadinmear, eacoapt as ofiharAse wt ed hereixnA SECTION 53M.1 D-DUITIONS. (A) For the purpose of this ordimance,, certain words ard phmses are dafined as .fond, ;, and uerkzain provisions slhan be emstrued as bvvmin set forth'. mess it shall he apparent from the embeA that they have a different imaag. (B) Words used in the sangular include the pplu, . j and tlm rAiwal the singdar. Words Wised in the prowat ter." i.nc tdia tip a utum. (l) 1*n,* .er Co-a ",, as used In t1fo pa t►, - mwms wW aaap carp traller or ath= vehiclesi with or W.thout motive pomr, deslevwd and eva-ztructed to travel on the puh�c thoraughfams at the maxLmn anov►hie sIxed llidt and in accardanoe with the pmvisioas of the C&Uforni a, Moto Vehi Codes, a.aad designed for hum= hahi.tatAoaa.$ "'radar" also mav= 11trailer coach ", ( 2) "'Aube and trailw par" s as used in this part �, mw;n„z a�i a s or tract of Lwd where space is occupied or rented or held out f or rent to one or more users or owners of trailer coaches,, or ahere free parking is permitted omera or wars of trailer coaches for the ,�ina°pcaas of secur:Uig ti-air trade. Wherever the term "trailer park" is used in this orftmaca, U shall. mwn "auto and trailer park". (3) "Traj2er aite" or Itsit ess ns used in this part, z&aana Way porticn of an auto and trailer pa'k designed for tha use or occ.nWmcy of one trailer coach, i) "Agpvovedc1 p when used in conne&vlori with a _,1 tari &L, appliance or c*natr tio% meam meeb: ig the xr;*quiremwAs and approval of the Bui=iwg Dwpartment of the City of San Luis Obispo. -2 ( "Building"" as used in this part., means public toilets, plbllc baths, laundry rooms, or other structures and includes a compar ont; cozfta inix g a toilet or bat'n� or both, constructed for the ex:L -ilwsive use of an accupont of a trailer site. (ti) 'P quified petrolem gas" means petroleum hyd��oca.rbons or ni- xturas thereof in liquid or geseo s state, having a vapor pressure in excess of 26 p.s.i.. at a temperature of 100 degrees F. Whenever the syt *rjool Si% �? +FS i $ iiSL'Li, it shill mean ligi:a.f`3 ed �?CtrO� e?l�tl g� u (7) In an auto or trailer parks "nuisanceR includes any of the fol.lcz ra,: (a) Any public nuisance known at common lava or in equity Juiis- pr �xdex�e a (b) Matever is dangerous to humen life or is detrim- antal. to health, (c) Overcrowding of arq room or traLler icith occupants. (d) Insufficient ventilation or :11wi3 ?-anati.on of arr rom or trailer. (e) Inadequate or insanitary sewage or plumbing facilities. (f) Whatever renders air, food,, or drink mni o?esome3 or detri,v mental to the hea3. th of hump beings. (g) Whatever is detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property. SECTION 53.00.2 EN NT. It shall be the duty of the Building Department p�UI�U/a� to enforce all of the provisions of this - ,i pe -and for the purpose of securing enforcca axZt thereof the Building Inspectorg or any of hi.$ dti�ly autihori zf d repro.. spemotive are hereby empowered to enter private propertj to detesrritne if a trailer park exists and further empowered to enter upon the premises of an auto and trailer park now operating or which may hereafter be operated within the City of S.z Luis Obispo to inspect the same and all acemodations connected therewith. SECTION 5100.3 PERMIT TO LOCATE A TRAILER PARK. (A) Pia trailer park hereafter established shall be located within the City of .San Luls Obispo until the location thereof is approved by the Planning Commission of said City in the follo -wing manner: `I"he person desiring to locate and operate an auto and trailer park in said City of San Luis Obispo under the provisions of W.s Ordinance., shall file an application theref.:r with the Planning Comanission through Othe Bui3d.Uig Department of said City. Said application shall be accompanied by (l) A description of the graoadds Upon wt h, the auto and trailer par * is to be constructed.. a Plot plan shoving the trailer- sites and locatiorrz of any buildings, and a i;amral descriptiran of ise of adjacent lands. (2) Complete plans anti Specifications of the proposed construction. (3) A descr ptio-a of Via tka :er supp2,y j electrical soap Ayp ground drainages vnd method of sewage disposal-. (B) Said apaa311catA0S! is to LnClude a true legal ftaariptAan of the Property upan which its is proposed to locate such trailer pa-vic .,. and the appl.i.cat3-.Ob1 shall be accompanied with a fi.:lirag fee of fifte n dolUrs ($15.00) . (C.) Sad.d application is to be submitted Frith and nttaohed to a regular appli- cation for Use Permit in wAting on a form provided by the Building Depart.. 7r ant of avid 0ity.. and pr:scr -.bed by the PlIm inn ('o tssion. The P.1sra t UQm<zission shall act upon. said application and the ay lieatio n for Use PerMd t 2oCOM1ing to the provisions of So�tion 920().:1.1 ref �,he ��micipcc "� Cc e of the City df San Tads Obispo, SECTION 5200.4 EXPIIRASION Or' Bi3%m PPS, All per is as reqi&ired in this a finance fox- construction or reconstMetion of en auto and trsA er parr zhall autonetica 2y expire tfithin suety (60) days from the date ot` i. Jsu$ance thereof i a Bose cases where, the construction or reconstruction has riot been started wit1aim said period.; providedo however;, that Vie Building Department may extend the expiration ante of said permit for a reasonable time. ucnoiw 52oo -5 BUSINESS LIC-r-nIS& qpon the completion of `,,,V such trai.lez, Park, and prior to the use thereof, the owner or operator of such, trailer ppyk shall melee application vt the City Clericis office of 'UM City of San Luis Obispo for e business license to operate the trail -er park. The application to operate shall be in writing upon a foci provided by said Offl.ca,. It shall be filed va-91 the City Clerk no-t :leas than ten (10) daya,q nor more than tix -nty (20) days before trie trailer park is made reactr for use. The Building inspector shall thereupon make a f:Lnal :inspection of the -trailer park: refer -ed to in said application, and if it is ,found to be in conform: ay with the requiremants of this and all other orviimwicea of the C'ty of Sari L as s Cbi-r po and the lags of the State of Caali.forrdad said City Cleee, sh�c:�.l Iss a to the owner Qr operator 9,heraof a biwiness license, upon pa,,�ent of Fees accord:ing to the prev ions of Aaticls TJIr Chapter 1., of the San leis 04ispo T%nici,p . Cole .� wh oh business license 0MC1 st all times be posted at a conspicuous place or. s aid prami.sss� SECTION 5200.6 BUSINESS IZCENSE PEiNAIL. Rwh business license to o-pers ve a Itrad Isx- pefic shall e;qsire on dune 3'-) of aech year folla -Hine, the iss -Vance •t,nerWf Ss id b�u�sin�ss license may be rew ;od upon wAtter_ appl�tior, °co th Mcy 0 er`.s� CFpor� 1,coci?a` of an ra^plicatinn for renawal of a biwi.m a license by the City Cleric., file Ci ti 36-ing Inspector siaa1). ',,TJM au inspection of the tr3pler p ." referred to in said ra-4ml 4pplication. Is said trailer paa-k is fo -Lund to be :a urifh the requimments- of Wa and all other ordirse=es of the City of San lriais Obispo a A laws of the State of California$ t1he City Clerk shall reneqf said bas-i:iess licenses eceording to the provisiora of Article 4I, Chapter l" Salt Luis Obispo Himaicipal. Code. SnCTION 5200.7 F. XII1T�* TRAILER FADS: the owner or operator of an auto and trailer par1k in exdii s fence in the City of Son Luis Obispo upon the effective da Le shAi/ of thi;5 cz41n-3ncesYma'jm mi applIcation in writing for a business license to operate or maintain a trailer park accapanied bya (A) A legal description of the grounds upon T.4h1oh buildings ere ci.ttmtedp wd a plot palm showing aim and type of each trailer sites, and the Imtat on of all buildings. (i3) A description including location Fani site o.f the water supr.3j,, elect - ri.cal supply, grotuid drainage, and method of sewage disposal.. SE's TION 5 :200.8 SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF BUS IMMS LICENBE. tanetier it, is four that any trailer park wa not being conducted in conformity vi.th -the prcv.i.s? oias of this ordinance or the hate of the Stale of Cal.il arnia, the business License shall be subject to revocation or syspoision b4r trze City Coil in in fo °.I.awing manr:er,, to wit: (A) Upon failing to comply with any provision of this Ordinance, after receiving a notice in writing from the Building Deparftwnt setting North the violations, a novice shall basserved by the Building Inspector on the parson holding said license, ordering him to appear before the City Council, at a day and :hour therein specified, not less than fire (5) dwja after the service of said notice cu such pezz it hold€;,,, and requiring hire to sho'P.T cause at said tim and place why said license should not be revokafl or suspanded (D) The notice shat -I ba sent by registered Mai.le P05tare prepaid; return receipt rrquostw6y to the person or persms 04ming or operating said trailer park as such persons' nines and addresses appear on the last equalized assessment roll or as othenjise known to the Bulling Dap.irtm _nt. A copy of �i,d notice shall also be pasted conspicuously upon tb-- premicas of the trailer park a?3eged to be in violation o_f this or exry other ordinance of the Ci,•cy of Sao°± Luis Obispo or the laws of the State of California. The reps- sentati,m of the Building Department upon giving notice as aforesaid shall file an affidavit thereof with -the Clerk of said City certifying to the Uwe and the manner In which such notice was given. There shall also be filed therewith any receipt cards which may have been returned in acknowledg.rAent of the receipt df sash notices by registered mcii? . The faailu ---e of any w4ner or operator to receive notice shall not affect in any manner the validity of any proceedings taken 1wrcunder. At the tinle and place mentioned in said no-Ueex the person holda.ng said licer..se shall appear in person and way be represented lry eoua- els and introduce such evidence as he may desires and the wilding Repartment shall cortfrout said license holder with such ck argas that said Department, may have against him., and afters aid hearing the City Council_ mafa at its disoretlons revoke or suspend the license. Continued operation after notice of suspension or revocation shall be considered a violation of this ordi.nanoe o SECTION r'200.9 TIER Oi PEWILIT. A license to operate or rmintain a trailer park may be transferable upon the written rpplication of_ the new Wner or operator of the trailer park to the City Clerk. Within ten (10) days foa.lTw- ing the receipt of application for transfer, the Building Inspector ' shall i.nsPect the trailer parks and if found to be in compliance with this Ordinance, shall direct the City Clerk to issue a license to operate:. If found in violation of any part of this Ordinances the ot+aLer shall correct the violation within thirty (30) days after receiving urritten notice of the violation. SECTION 5200.10 GMERAL FMIUCTIONS. It $hell be unlawful for any person in an auto and trailer park to use or Cause or permit to be used for occupancy: (A) Any trailer coach fron which any tiro or wheel has been removed, or not gmintained in a serviceable condition, except for -the purpose of making ffe rep,ars or ra acing suah der in dead SUnvV ► (3) Any trsdler coach to which are attached MW rigid water, gas or semr pipes; prow d0d, llW VW., that Metal tubing not to a ed .' 3sbuz In eh inside d1amter mW be used for =i er and gasi9 (C) Argr try ler coach which is supported with rp1.MdmS or foundation to the grates provided bmmver,, that any stabilizing device may be used when spaced au intern of not less than seven (7) feet on either side of the tr&Uer coach. (D) my trailer coach. Wleh des not carry a cwt, yearly Ucense Issued by Lay Stij :;or forams state motor vehicle depart to (g) t l---r coach in M Msani tart' cmdition or whdah is strut=LUV unvom,W or does not proteat its. h bif antis against the eYemwft, (P) -4JW tr2110r coach to which thM is attached or -to which there is eoUb- LUbed less than six feet adjacent, tharete a$r ram or, lewotos; provided how6Tw,q that an approved am ng entire3,r `epW on two s1des my be sUouredn and except as otherAse provide4 here:1A, SIETION 5200.11 RLmTTNG PROHiBim. It Is WaaM 'u1 - for azW pmon owing or operating an auto and trailer park to react as 3,essw or hold out for rent any trailer coach in as auto and trailer parks SECTION 5200.,12 PARKING THAILLI COACHES. It Is unavh3 to park or use a tra32er for living or sleeping Purposes eX*ept when Wked within a licensed trailer park, except that the .Building Department shall issue a permit for one such trailer which may be kapt on land upon which the occupant is const=ting a dwelling for a pw1od not to a eed six '(6) eslondar mcmthe provided that such trailer is connected to the City sanitavy system. SECTI ON 5200.13 PARKING ON CITY STREETS. It 3s mUTIful to cmp overnight or to paark a trailer coach aver night urn azW pubUc street or anay9 including the r'ight-ofdv aym This provision shall not apply where a trailer coach Is parked for the purpose of making emergency repaLft. SECTION 5200.14 TRAILER SITE ARCS. (A) h tr&Usr site in an auto and tridler park shalll, not be less than 10000 square feet in area and not less than 25 feet in width., The corners of said area shall be clearly and distinctly r ked, Bach tra3ler site shall be numbered or otherwise ranked for ident�Pication purMQS, --- D) ATa t. ler coach, sheU be Located elesm than six (6) feet from ark► building . 7- or closer,thm six feet fr m another trailer coach, (C) each trailer coach and each building shall not be located closer th .four 00 feet from a last or property line acid not closer than tan (I0) feet from mW City street lie, (D) Two drive -ways of not less then twenty (20) feet in width shpl.1 be provided into a traaler park from a public thoroughfare for the purposes of Jtng mss and/or egress. Nach trailer site shah, front upon an interior driveway of not less than tuenty (20) feet in width, All driveways shall have dLe and unobstructed amse to a public thorouehfm. An driveways hall be paved w&; eui.tabU paving iraterial as approved by the IGity guilding Inspector, Fach trailer b i shall be paemd on each site with the hitch fronting; Unoird tbl,s driveway. (E) A n auto and .trailer arts shall mote��� F anti;+' tq aila:r° 'coach caImn there are no available trailer sites within the.pai*. ( ') At Least one off- street parkinr, space for motor vehicles !ham be prod for each site in an trailer parks, (G) All tmilers located loser than 15 feet to arc public $treat or ri gbt; of way shall be screeswd with a screening fence located along the building. set -knack line as presri..-ed in Section 9200.103, Municipal Coda Said screening fence shall be of a design approved by the Qty Building Inspector and slmll be not lee' s than 5 feet nor more than, b feet in height, SECTION 5200.15 TO ;T FACIITIYB. (A) There shaLl be not :Lass then two water closets in a separate compartment for each sex for the first irifteen (3,5) trai.le r altos or fractional park thereof. not provided with a prtvate tester closet on eacia site (l) For dependent trailerst' There shall. be one additional water. closet in a separate coikoartment for each sex for every ten (10) additional trailer sites or frictional part thereof, (E) All toilet facilities shall not be further than two hundred (200) feet from each trailer site for dependent trailers,, ,nor mere than f'iv© hundred (500) feet for independent trailers. (C) Each tgile$ shall be for the exclusive use of the occupants of the trailer sites in the auto and trailer park, (0) Every water closet compartment in any building, in art auto and trailer -a- p&Vk shall be at least thirty (30) indme in clear width., 4681 in depth and shall be equipped vith a self- closing dow and a locking, device (E) The public toilets shall be Mintei.ned readily accessible to all tjie tenants at all timee. v�,�e � (F) In ` Et�Q Ito and trainer park, water closet xome for rrsn siml.l ba distinct],y zurked, "For Men"; and water closet rooms for women shah be distinctly marked "For Womn "„ In additionp the location of hater closets shall, be plat airy indicated by sign . (a) The floor of every crater closet oompartment shall be constructed anti alaal.1 be ma.intaimd in a waterproof condition by the use of concretes or other approved waterproof materUa . The waterproof materials shall be applied upward on the interior vans of the water closet compartment, to a height of not Lose than twelve (12) inches abm the floor. SECTION 5200.16 PX�M4BI' G WITHIN TRAILER RAMM. All plurebing with a trailer park servicing all trailer coals shall meet the requirements of Title $a Article A. Chapter 9 of the California Adbinistrative Cede as set forth therein, The pami.tted use of toilet and bathing facilities within a trailer coach shall not reduce the requirements of public toilet and bath facilities required herein. SECTIox 52oo.17 B,ixHIPdG FACILITY, (A) In every auto and trailer park, shower baths or other bathing facili. les with hot and cold running water shall be installed for each sex in separate compartments for every ten (1©)s or fractional part of ten (10) trailer sites not provided with private bathing facilities on each site. Every compartment shall be provided with Via" eifwcl.osing door, or Otherw se equipped with a waterproofing draw curtain. ', 41 shower baths or other bathing facilities provided herein shall not be than five bnndre' d (500) feet from each trailer site. Bathing facilities shall be accessible at all times and shall be so arranged within the building that use of one shower does not prevent or ob4truct the use by other persona of other shower or toilet facilities, (B) The floor of every shower bath compartmBnt shall be constructed and shall be z+mai.ntl,ned in a waterproof condition by the use of concrete, or other approved waterproof material. The waterproof material, shall be _01V appUa a tarard on tbe. interior =IU z& thou eavwtwmt to a heitht of not losa thm eU feet above the flaM e SMT100e 5200.1.8 LUXMIN9. .x,U 'bui.lcUngs used for humm habitati cu shah amfonx to req u im is of the City Builftng Ooda and DIvisi.ora 13,0 Part 1a Heath said Safaty Code (:rfi, ,sa Homing Act). TION 50200.163. TOILLT AND SHOINt BUMING a. ester cl osOt MR.- partment om compartmiat ccataluing bathig facllftUs oball box (A) Kept elo=. (B) Kopt free fzora obnoxious odors,, flies.4 xoasquitos# �. or otlaar° ice . (C) Prov°i dod with one or more windove having; an agpegato area of not 183 than s (b) sq%=- a feet. Hwavers, if the room contAina :moara than am wat elm, e% baths or urizal.,p the total mow area shall be equivaifnt to tkpw. (3) square feet for each water closetm b th$ or urival., but need not domed once - fourth of the superfi. eial flow art ' of the . M ALL uin in all buildings ulthin a tfttUr put shsn be protecUd with .ply -tight sue. (E) Them ahaU be constructed In every trailer pa rk a laundry compartami, with not less than two laundry try with horb and cold vat -or, ( F ) `the Floors and at least twelve (12) inches of the r -16 above the floors shall be constructed of approved waterproof masonry compositions (0) Each laundry compartment sha11 have window area equal to at least one -eighth of the floor ate# but in no cue shall it be Iwo than nine (9) square feet. (H) In evm7 auto md trai,Ur park there shiLU be set aside a, space do n- Mac t to the iaunft fa {.ties for the octets of the trailer sites to dY Owams, Nech i cal clothes dryers =W be substituted when their use is provided with no cbm p., 1) The rs shall be not lass the two (2) lavatories for each sex WUUed In every room awtalrAng ,pAblic toilets in an auto sd uviUr park. M ALI w1ndcr%a in aU buildings wittrin a tre5.1er park wha l .. be so arranged that at least on half (:. /2) the area cf each window 8hall be opewble. SECTION 5200.19 WATER SEPP]LI=. (A) There sh~an be in ever7 auto and trailer park = adequate supply of r1mn mater fte. all the requi,remmts of the trailer marl's, The water shy? be obtAIMIAe fMM f=cets instal bid In each tftiler site, Yiater disteU utiou and pipe sizes sban be designed In accords Ott Nstlajuil Bureau of StarApards E48 79. Ewh tr ller shaen be eawidwed as five (5) firbuve to ts. (B) Wa.dippiM vessels or cups for eomm use exe portilmilble in its;* auto and trafler Wk, (C) DrInWstg fountains shams. be mAntai ned is a sanitary condition,, and ghat be of a gyps approved by the mf orement age p (D) Btd.ldirks conta nim ' private toilet and bath facilities for e=lusive vrva of the occupants cf emb trailer site shall be constracUd in accorda nco w- the cont�tructioa x'equire tts of p dblic utility bul d e, (E) Each t alor site whan be equipped with an apprc wA pressu ► relief of not over 325 powds capacity,, emd a check valve a ref appmved {design, SMT10V 5200,20 GARUGE DISPOSAL. (A) In every auto wd tra ter park metal garbage cam VM ti t-f fitting mere shall be provided with sufficient t4W capacity to pr vAl a five (5) gallons eapacity.for each trailer site within UP- per. (B) Ala, garbage# vaAeo and vubblzh in every auto and treAler park shall be ® remVed from the premises of :r w1thou t Cxeatin a nulawace, (C) fir -proof enusnv equipped l.th a 310giag coatsxete noor., a four i mh (40) drain, azd rw ming water shan be provided for the ,storage of garbage and trash containers, SECTION 5200.21 FARE MUNTEM14CRO (A) The area or tract of laftd upon which an auto and moiler parer is situated and each trier site shall boa (l) Well drained and graded to the elevation of the abutting streeU. (2) Landscaped or kept weed-free with all .tiviam aatd driveways lop+, in a dust free and mud free canditi on, (3) }dept Clem and free from the acct mutation of rte, gar e, ,rubbish or debris, (4) Dept: o1wr of an Uwadisrentia or objet fr*m the frMt of the trailer to the drive my. (B) The trdlOr site arad the spars directly beneath each trailer coach shall be kept clean and free from refuse9 rubbish o1b other jmpwj.imenL',;ia» _U_ 5IECITI N 5200,22 .. U P T `MUM GAMES* The locations installatic a, -am `rAftiagc fining, Mivtienawe std use of LPG Tanks and assocl ated uiX.,ont shall be in acco2tenft Idth the industria safety ordwv of the Califogjaia Stztc Division of ladmftia Wetly as affects UU. swaxom 5200.23 l a I S I S ®iS. &U auto emd traaUer peks. shall inst-aU. and provide an ale r.c-21 serviag =d distrIbutton e3rsUa as follo s (A) . h trailer site .shall., be pmvidad with an sppUwce receptacle (oirLlgt) rated at not less thm thirty (30) teams,* InstqUed an a selm. rate branch elrwiit of not sr�.aU than. No. 34 A.W.G. mss, and protected by a nm- ad jus .bU, t »ta U'&b1m tsar current Protective device raU4 at not mom than twenty (20) a ae: w. L . (m) Each &PPManee outlet, shall be l =aced so that nat morn .than t enty -five (25) .t'04 of fiexA ale type "S" Card need be used to emnect a trailer to amh a -ztlet. (C) An eUctrical equipftnt., Gera Wid devices shall be installod install iu des J';rw n/ rigid nom• condid't of an approved type and= . partkujw l&catim and us®g, a =apt an follows: (l,) l Vosed mine for metes l *A& am protected from s ids covbwt and m dmnicsl. iuJm7 and am ac=eibie on3LY to pex�o�s. (2) Xul.tiMaon V c&les of a type Uated or approvW for erect burial in the earth of ground prided that all such ca'blw located less then one foot below ground lava, shall be protected by suitebU lick Pipm; all splices ices and cmmetiow to such cables shall be made in bons or frittings appro d far that purpoes &Ud location. (11) FOr the puITase of detand ing the orAuctar size for service, fesdQ subfa de) ax-4 branch ei�°i itsp each trailer" sites shaall be computed as requiring, not Sews than fifteen (35) amperes at 120 Kraal's; provUed, homero that 120/240 volt single ptaase systme may be used for stow then one trailer sate. (E) All trmilers. located in an auto and tr&Uer park shall be gmmded with and. through a stuadard three-gang receptaelal such greruxWaag conauctor s hau be pemnent4r c=acted to a owtinuous tmater supp • systim ami of a ;tea not less than that required by the Califomia State Zlecti -.cal. Safety Orders, • cay�nn No trailer shall ba connected to an electrical rapplia a cutlet UrAew the eleeL,mlml Aring in or abiout wAd trailer is in good co nddtion and as a type ig ch conf oormew . to accepted standards of safety. (G) A � rk and materia2s used in any of the electrical inawlati ins pro- vided A-x in this section shall confom to the requixemmts set forth in the ct . ety Orders., Divisimi of industrial Safety., Departrrieat of Industrial Relations, State of California. and electrical ordinancas of said City,, three copse., of which are on file in the Office of the City Clerk. of said City. UCTION 5200A., MDRMS4 !'IAY ARSA. Each trailer yark herei.naftAr established shy be reed to provide a suitable fenced or enclosed children's playground area. Said playground area shall be upped in a manner approved by the Building IniT; for and shall be maintaiAed in to safe and u%mble. conditim at ate. Unas. Said pLiygrourA area: shall be 1,*000 square fact for the first tmnty - -fire (25) j. sers or fraction theredf, and 5W wquare feet for each additizaal tmYaty -f'ivu (25) tr&jUn or ftaction th sxeofo SMT100 5200525 CG S, « ftm pc can vho cis or opfamt-es mi auto and trailer park shall. Ueep a register in which shams, to entered; (A) The a:=e and addresa of each west Yho is tic owwr or operator of an autcTwbile., and the name and addrees of each member of his party for which acercnwdatims are afforded or for sddch space is rerAed and the identification Space of the trailer site • the gaaesi occupiers, (B) T a juaka2, Type and lice a nw1ber of the a.utam6bi.le aaad trailer,, and the State in. Which such vehicle or vehicles am registered and the year of regi.stratica. SECTION 5200.26 ARTIFICIAL LIGHT. T:n every auto ard trailer park there shaall be ins -led and lout bL=Ang from suet to surrise sufficient, art .cial light to adequately i.liumUmte ttee interior of every building containing public toilets and public sh. erss and to adequately il.Uminate he trailer park grounds. SM.P.& N 5200.27 HOGS W-M BIANARD iwIlMLS" (A) Dogs shah xlot be peraa LtW to rM at la".9e an any auto and trA l.er &. (B) po7ItWY aid. other zaaMra rd aniuml.e shall nest be permit# in any uj, to A . trailer park,,, e7 alitl.i. � �GVUOLlJ t! �.C�S4 � tj AIM MTNLMNCF, .Ji' 174,13.ti�sR P :$'_�_26 It a.v id��.l.iSTV�'&" Pu foz any person to operatep occupyA or asa;^intddz: or cayse to pe -mit to be operated;, occupied,, or maintaineds my. 2u-to and trailer park unless ,;here is a caretaker in the trailer ? 3TR aqA2_tmes. The cai etaki at` shall- -the par Jprovis ions of this ordinance goverx -O- M the opera tion.. 4 occ upanry and mairAenaance of auto and trailer Pc rks. SECEON 5200.29 VIOT.ATl:ONS.- It shaU. be the du'' ,.y of every person,$, f m, or corporation ovaing., leasing,, renting or ope nct:ing a trailer park b� the City of San Obispo to cmply with all the pxVA lions of this ordinance and Gac such persons firm or (,%oivoration violating a1w of tl7a provisions thereof or dis -, regarding any order of the enfor- c:oment age;Idies or °ia:dia�gs of t" vi tzt ��ovslci with respect tc) sald i.rai.l.ear p x&j, or contebuting in any way to 'tale AOI ti,tr, of this Ords., shall be deemed guilty of a mi,sdameanor and ur,)= conviction thereof rmy be punished as provided far. under Sections 1200 wid 1201 cif the Saga Lw.,9 Obiepo li'Iuriic'.ipal Code. SECT' Uid 52W.30 APPLI�A'.iIOU 7F ORDTNft.I IN �"�:I STUAM Ti AITZR PA �{ o- 11— .. NO p ° :c.sion of Vxis ordinance shall be construed tO require s Lrtact"a- F er��. ti.o . oar a s ,xnactural. change in or on an exl sting building �ah� x°� such i s riot re Tai �;d by Zara° W i.or to the effectiva date of this ordinance. SECTION 5200.31 nPEALING. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in con-, fl'imt vgitil this order me to the e :teat of such couf, L?ct+ and no furthers are hereby- repealed pmvid d tbBt nothing herein conta-.1ned shall be deemed tb 'repeal _ or amend any ordinance of said City requiring 41 pearmit or lieen -se or both to cover any busineser trade or occupation. This ardi.nance shall not validate ate; violation co,nitted or existing under Orc.i.nances in effect prior to Vie adoptions of this Ordinance. No wards phrase, sentencc or s ectio a of this Ordina noe shall be cc,ns tr ued to vai've or legalize aaT such viol atiOn. SEC IOW 5200.32 VJ1.11.01TY. if any sectionv subsection, sententee clause or phrase of this ordin=ce is for a4y reason held b ;- a court of competent Juri,s- did taoni to be i ravra7 i d9 such deci s i c:ra s2aa:U not effect the validity' of the n emain.- i.ng portions or this ordinance. The City CoLLrIcil hereby declares that it saculd have passed +hi.s ordinance and each sectionp subseationv sentence, clause and phrase.p hereof4 i.r.respecti.ve of •tl -Le fact that any one or -sore se.ctionas, stbsections,, sentencers., -olausesp or phrases be declared Lnwalido SEMCIII 5200,33 R-7ERENCE. This Ordirance shall be kn= anti cited as the Auto and Trailer Park 0--dina=e of the Ci•ty of Sara Luis Obispo. Reference to section nuiWbers herein are to the sections of -Fnis Ordinance. j ' l SECTION 2. This ordinance, together with the ayes and roes, shall be published once in Full o at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram-Tribunes a newspaper published and circulated in said City,, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty days after its final passage. INTRODUCTION AND PASSED TO PRINT this day of Apri 1 � 1 1956t by the following vote: AYES: Nels Beck, Lowell 8. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, .Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES: None ABSENT: None FINALLY PASSED this day Of Mme_,,,,,__.; 1956a by the following roll call vote: A'MS: Nels Beck, Lowell E: Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones, Fred H. Lucksinger TOES: None ABSENT: done ATTEST. �-4-t�Yle r