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ORDINANCE NO. 256 (1963 Series) Am GKII-KNIANCE REGULATYNG MM USE 017 M-14D TPIA.I.&TIC UPON was STREMETS9 SIDEIRMIM MD OTHER FOLIC AND PRIMATE 'PLIAG-23 M HE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO; THE LTS31, PAMMG AND CONTROL OF VEMCLES THERM115 AND REPEALING SECTIONS 3200 THROW-H 3200.34 AND SEC` XONS 3300 TO OUGH 3300.13 OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO MICIPAL CODE BE IT ORDAINIED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follo-us: SECTION 1. That ARTICLE XII.V ENTITTIM TRAMC REGULATIONS, comsistLa- of 0 the following Chapters a-aid Sections, Is hereby added to the San Luis Obispo Mmicipal Code. aJMF El F C4 _95 7a - LT 71 -0�1 _S CHAPTER I DEFINITIMIS Section 3200 Definitions of Words and Phrases. The following words and phrases Mhen used in this ordinance shall, for the pur- pose of this ordinance, have the meanings respectively ascribed to them in this article. Section 3200.' Motor Veh L-le Pqd(� �Def*n�ftipgs to be�Used_ Whenever any words or phrases used herein are not defined,, but are defined in the Vehicle Code of the State of California and amendrients thereto, such definitions shall apply. Section 3200.2 Madu A light vehicle without a motor, having two wheels, handle bars ard a seat or seats, and propelled by the operator. Sec�,ion 3200.3 Central Traffic District. - All streets and portions of streets within the area described or amoaded by resolution adopted by the City Council. Section 3200.4 Coach. Any motor bus, motor coach, trackless trolley, or passenger r stage used as a co tan carrier of passengers. Section 3200.5 Council. The Council of the City of San Luis Obispo. Section 3200.6 Curb. The lateral boundary of the roadway whether such curb be marked by curbing con- struction, or not so marked; the word "curb" as herein used shall not include the line dividing the roadway of a street from parking strips in the center of a street& nor from the tracks or rights of way of public atility comanies. Section 3200.7 Divisional A raised island located In the roadway and separating opposing or conflicting stream of traffic, Sccticn 3200.8 Holidays. Within the meaning of this ordinance, holidays are the first day of januaTym the- twelfth-day of Februarv,.tha twenty-second day of February, the thirtieth day of,May, fourth day of July, the first Monday in,Sqptember, the ninth day of he e September, the velf day of October, the eleventh day of November, the Wenty-fifth day of December, and Thanksgiving Day. If the first day of January, twelfth day of February, twenty-second day of February$ thirtieth day of may, fourth day of July, ninth day of September, twelft day of October, eleventh day of November or twenty-fifth day of December falls on a Sundayo the Monday folloijing is a holiday, 2,SG Loa The space aadjacent to a curb reseriTed for tile CyClusive 'Jae of vehiicles durin,: zhe lo�gdiug or unto -ading of passengers or mmM: ials, Section 3200.10 Ogffyc-lal Time Ste-ndard. Ubenevez ceTtain hours \1 re rame, evein" they sholl mean st"adard -ima or --dcYli:11I.. d be Ott:" tiale as may �- use in this city Section 3200.11 Paz"k. To ntaad or leave S�: ateling �=Y vhothcr Occ�upied or notw tem"p.0-rarily for the Purpose 01, m.115 't-�-Ixile act=-Aly e-aL-aga�d .17M. loa&%-ng, Or Pamsengers or wlatezrinls" Sec-i-i-on 3230.112 R-C7,TI-m-aw" --I� ?Imat Portion of a straez Other m:'Umn, a roada"my oi,-% a side-Dmrk. Seci.:im -32000 13 A- mecLanical de -,Ace ins 'l. al-Reer. v"ithin 0". Upon Ohe curb OV oran iadjacent to z pa-l- king spacet, tE6-- the purpose of cmntrollinZ; the periof-l. of t4!2r. 09 such parking space by any %7ehiclea er 10,a,-�IiIIR 444MIno d�—� The space adj ace at to 0 curh 1:eseznvcd lair 41-.Zal exclutsil.ze us: f el-u-,rinr, thrl P - j ng _, 01- LMIOaA4-Lj- 4ad t _ -I il 'r.9 _ of passengra 32.00.15 Pedest-Im. Section 3200.16 Police Of ffeer'. Dve*z Y officer of zhe Police Del�)Z-rtmiomt of :his City or any ot7ftca-K- t-o ze.-- pAzLe traffic or to MaIke arFests 21-01T sect-14m, 3200.12 S ',- 0 D. Nlh,e-a wequi-redj, mieans complete cesGa,;..I�on 0--�-' mwer r.t. SC.CQ-ion 3203. 18 AtTLA.RK I'mP.MIL kraen prohib-i-e-ed mems any sto-Pying w stanad-ling 0i. a not ., encepiz when ne-Cessiary i:a v;qoid Conflict 7 bi.L O-zher Lraft-I-C or in- ca,.DUK'zce the elilfections Of a POU."ce officer or !4-r.fgic Coptrol dervice. Sectica 3200.19 Vehicle Cadea The Vehicle Code 09 the State of- Califwznla. CHUY)UMA, 2 190AMIFFIC ADMUMSIMATIM Sect 3201 Police AdministraU on. Mere is hereby established in the police depa.—IM-ent ol; this city a traffic di-Asion to be under the control of an officer of police assigned by amd diFectly responsible to the chief of police. �2m IL sha-11 be 'the dut- of 41he ena.."'fic suah aid cs K-4cy be re2da�--!d bu Other meaaers of the police department to enforce the street tragfl-c 01 city and all o1% the state vel-sicle laws applicable to street tmaffilc irl Millis City., 11-0 arrests traffic 'Viol'atim's, to inivestizate e-raffte accidents and to cooperate with the city traf fie enaft.,eer and other of kicbrs of the city i-r, the ism- 'r,s 11--'he traffic la-vis and in developing ways and racans to improve traffic stone lltions� tamd to carry out those duties specialty kaposed upon said division by this ordinance aj-,j i;1hc traffic 07--dirlailces of this ci`;Y. Section 320-1.2 Traffic AccMent Studies. Menever the a-ccidents at any particular location became nu=roLsl the divis;.on- shall --ooperate with Lhe city traffic e-agiucer LIA coal ucting stud "es 01 accidents and detetmining zairtediaj wiensure's. Section 3201.3 Tx -a4ftc AccideLit MJR-ge"a. 1he trafffic divislan sliall mafuntain o suftable system. of IML-ig t-s-ag-;Ei1c reports. Accident reports or cards refen.-ina to theL�-t shn,11- be Ziled by location. Such reports elmll be avallable for the use aad - y e A traffic engla-cer. Section 32101.4- ref fle Division Ito Submit App-tial T;fnaffic S The traffic d i-vision- shall- a-zintally prepare a traffic repart iAhich --haZI use f-Ucd With. the City Co "icil. Such reporl: shall cantain information on traffte ira-""-w:an:s :i!n tkkio city as fol law s: 1. 1 The -'a'amber Of ezaffic accide-e-atev the num7uer of ps'-,�-souns 1011ad-, e annibc--- of pergons injured,, and 9th r pertinent trafftc accident dan; 2. The ntuaber of --traffic accidents Lwyeatizated and Other PCV-A-aent d2a-ta on the safety activities of the police; 3® The plans and recommendat ions of the division. for ftt-ara tre.affjc activities. Section 3201.5 City Traffic Engineer. The office of city traffic engineer is hereby established. Vhe c4ty arzf9je engineer shall be the city eng'jaeer, the City Council shall auj. hori2e 1150 Of a seParatle officer, rind he shall exercise the Powers and duties as prOV4 * ded i-'a ordinance and in the traffic Ordinances of this citya, Vlh-e° Ithe City eng"4rl- eer is required or authorized to place or maintain official.- t�Gfftc so troi dVX-JLCa3 0--, Si >Glso he. MY c8US0 such deVices or si,—,nals to be paced or mainta-iZed UPOP. pwicr approval of the city cc'.Mcil. Section 3201.6 ion. It shall be the general dLty of the city traffic engineer to de-4lezzin.-- t:-,c -L. stallation and proper -im! uter-auce Of Magfic contzol. device-- maii signal-G, U �mg =d mai- to con-diact engineering annalyses of. ZTafftc accidents and 'Ito devio? rem-ed; a! i:Q ccrnduct eugineering alanad traffic invest im ti m. a 3 6 traffic co._qditions �-arl to CO- OR T3te With Other city ofgicials in the developwzt of "rays roans to vim rm;e trafftc co-nditicas, a-nd to corry- out the additio ol ae . powers and drtles imrpos--ed by ordiwan-ces of this city. Whem-ever, by the provisions egg this ordinence a pwuar is ' r 0 anted tO the city traffic enafteer or a duty Imposed va—yan him, the pcw-av array be exercised or the duty perforaread upon prior 0"Ereval of the City Council l, by him or by his deputt-y or by a pers,= aptho-sized Ln writltl- by him. Section 3201.7 Traffic C - M-:& There la hereby established an advisory traffic cwm-fttee to serve j,7iZ:b0,,jt cQ-"rgg)e,2,- sati-Ouo cow sisting of two members of the C40, Y Cotmcli and one c1a;lzen appalnted by the Council; ex-09ficio members Shall be the adrdnistrati-xe of4jC-.,!ry city engftcer,, cla--le-V of Police end the di:-:e-tor of v I am, g, or &tthorized representatirves. Section 3201.8 BW us9f of COmmlt tee. it shall b the duty of the traf fic co_*, -,iCtee to cv.1si er comy1&i-.t3 t1a e -d vjug to do with traffic matters and recommend to the legislative body of this city and to the city traffic engineer, the chief of police and other city Officials, . ways aad means for Improving traffic conditions and the administration and enforcemnt of traffic regulaltions, A report of all actions considered by the committee shall be submitted to the City Comcil. Section 3202 &ith!a Officers Of the Police Department and such offic,-.ro as are assipied by the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to direct all traffic by voice, hand, audible or oche r signal in ccaiformance with traffic laws., except that in the ev,,nt of as fire or other emergency ar to ey.pedite traffic or to safeguard pedestrians, officers of the Police Department or members Of the Fire Departmant may direct traffic as conditions may require, notwithstanding the provisions to the contrary contained in this ordi- q9111ce Or the Vehicle Cade. Section 3202.1 ic. NO person other than an officer of the Police Department or members of the F.-ire Department or a person authorized by the Chief of Police or a person authorized by law ahall direct or attempt to direct traE.E"ic by voice.. hand or other s,gnsl, ex ceps that persons may operate, when &-id as herein prcvLdeda any mechanical pushbutton "-p! erected by order of the city traffic snpineer. Oection 3;Z2 - 2 'RequiSed 0bnd1-_q2cq to Traf-glic Ord.:,.nar�,Sj It Is a misdemeanor for MY Person driving any vehicle or of conveyance up(n-x any street, or any pedestrian, to do any act forbidden, or I fail to perform any act required as applicable to any such person under this ordinance. Section 3202. 1 L a Every person riding a bicycle or riding or driving an animal upon a highway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this ordinanceo except those provisions which by their very nature can have no application. Section 3202A RhR&r-iLc—;ion or Interference wig Police or Authorized Officers. 90 person shall interfere vilth or obstruct in any way any police officer or other officer or employee of this city in their enforcement of the provisions of this ordi- nancea The removal, obliteration or concealment or any chalk mark or other distin- guiching mark used by any police officer or other employee or officer of this city in co=ection with the enforcement. of the parking regulations of this ordinance sh.-11,, if done for the purpose of evading the provisions of this ordinanceo constitute 'such interference or obstruction. Section 3202.5 The provisions of this ordinance shall apply to the operator of any vebicle Owned by or used In the service of the United States Government, this state, any county or city, and it shall be.unlawful for any said operator to violate any of the provisions of this ordinance except as otherwise permitted In this ordinance or by the Vehicle Code, a r "2' C mn -a t any pub�i Z-ny public lance, which public uWAty vehicle or private aubulance haes ag C-;�' rued ewer - K C.Isd ,jMcy vehicle, when any vehicle -mentioned in th-is section is c�,,e ei- Ohe manner specified by the Vehicle Code in reGpoasa to aa amergancy (b) The foregoing -e,.taoptions shall not, hmavezr.. relieve the operas or of any such veLicle from obligation to ererc•se doe cars ior Z:he safety of otlaers c-- the consequences of his willfu) disref-vard of the saiaty of others. (c) The 3rovisions of this ordinance 7egulattn- `hz p--xL0,,nr Sr s..n'!n- of !IS14"icle6 shall not apply to aay Vehicle OZ as C:Ity departmert or rpa�)1,1.4_' at r'e,cessarlly in use for construction or repair work or any vehicle Wv"a'ad OY Oca-ate.-i by the United State Poet OffWa D-a-partmerat- wurtle 1 :!,:or tha port.&tLon or delivery af United Si7-ataa wai2, or V. a h � C 2 Sectima 3.2-02.7_&ZRI_� of tq_CerZV_jn Frorert: (a) The operator of a veh; , cle or the pevson in.. char_3e of Ally animal ftavolve", any accident resulting in daiungo to any property labUcly owned or utilityv including but not III.Mited to cny fire hye�yant, parking telephone pole, electric light or power pole, or reculting in dawo-le to nol i ass; traffic control device or other property of a like asture located in or; along, aL,- tl- J shell within twenty-four (24) hours after such accf,dent make a writteEj red tart a; C,jC*:1 accident to the Police Department of this city (b) Every such report shall state the time when and the place w*aer, e took place, the name and address of the persbm cQjj_ag an-.I of the perscn in charge of such vehicle or animal, the license niunalber of. every such shall briefly describe the property daipage in such accident. (c) The operator bf any vehicle involved in au, accident shall no be aub sect tc the requirements or penalties of this section if and during the time i e ic incapable of making a report, but in such event he shall make a report az required ;vZ subdivision (p,) within 24 hours after regaining ability to make such repuvt. Section 1202-8 When Vehicles May Be' Removed Any regularly employed and salaried officer of the Police Departmeat of tl.,Iinn cit�-y -may remove or cause to be removed: (a) Any vehicle that has been parked or left standing upon a street or h .ghn,�n- for 120 or more consecutive hours. (b) Any vehicle which is parked or left -tending upon a street o highway betvea�� the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. when such Parking or standiag is prohibited b7 ordinance or resolution of this city and signs are posted Siving- notice of such moval. t7 - (c) Any vehicle which is parked or left standing upon a street or t�ighUra`y .she the use of such street or highway or a Portion thereof is necessary for the repair or construction of the street or highway or for the installation of 2ndergro�.Iza utilities or where the use of the street or highway or any portion therso is aut'no- rized for a purpose other than the normal flow of traffic or where ths usd of tile or highway or any portion thereof is necessary for the movement of eqni%pma at, azt-icles or structures of unusual size and the parking of such vehicle would prohibit: o:-- inter, fere with such use or movement; provided that signs giving notice that such vehicle may be removed are erected or placed at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the r emo,, -a I . GIRAPTER 4 TRAFFIC CORWIROL DEVICES Section 320 AUAL 7-r-Otall Traffic Co trot Do- 7g. cc s Upon, prior approvaj Of the pity CM-acil t faLlowing pvdars and duties "I'l-c-U" be e--1MTKc18ed by the city traffic =Zineer; The city traffic engineer 3hZ11 have the PMer and dui:y to place cn,_j "50 7 t"A-e -.q be [Ar-ned and Mzin't- n9,E"od ni I,S -Y.aI t---ii z2cl 61 -1 -e� ul,red to make effective the provisions of � his (b) �Jha navrer the Vehicle Code requires fcr LhG e:ffac:: v2uess of any provision '.hereof that traffic. control devices be installed to f -�7e a� ©i ice to the �:�.zb!,f.c of ixo application of slash law the city traffic e p�ix��n� to hereby aurexobi.zed to �n3�r�A3, 01` cause Lo be iustalled zlie necff saary e_VT_c:s ssubje4J" �o any Or cat forth in the law ap plicable, thc- reeo. c The Sit tr f is ei:__-0 .zr�er rya° a3 se lace _axad a }tiny entrain cry° ea4sse to place and mcintain such additional traffic control. devices are he rrasy deem necessar y of proper t-cy r 2; IAZe traffic or to guide 04, e"':Rrn but le sriall wake such determine tion on31: ur,on the basis of Krs�fxic ex�,ga.ru.Tc:;,_i�►g pr:inc ptea gad tra.ffif: investi.ga�i,ons and in accordance vi.t h such s�andaxok" Hmit:atf; o ns., and rzz? �s ar way be set forth Ln this ortsiunace or as may be d ter mi.asd by °dint a ce a, .' of the Council. Traffic Control SiQeaa R� gd ,nio- rgcment: Furoov,2o . No provision of the Vehicle Code or of thin oz-dinance for which signs ere requl' :sr shall be exnforcad against an alleged vai,oia�,or unleos appecpx fate legible signs are in puce giving notice of such provisions of the t;rofz %c laws. Section .'3203.2 Obedience to Traffic Control t1evices. The operator: of any vehicle or train shall obey the inat;rtictions of aay official traffic cmtrol deice placed in accordance Frith this ordinance unless otherwise directed by a police officer or older authorized person sub jact< to the exceptions granted the operator of an authorized emergency vehicle: uhen responding t o emergency calls„ Section 3203.3 Installation of Traffic . 6"M o . Upon prior approval of the City Council the follAmjin.g powers and duties shall be exercised by the city traffic engineer: (a) The city traffic engineer is hereby directed to install and maintain official traffic signals at these intersections and other places where traffic conditions are such 'as to require that the flow of traffic be alternately interrupted and released in order to prevents or relieve traffic congestion or to protect life or property from exceptional hazard. (b) The city traffic engineers shall ascertain and determine the locati where such signals are required by fityld investigation$ traffic counts and other traffic In- formation as may be pertinent and his determinations therefrom shall be made stn accord- ance with those traffic engineering and safety standards and in-struct;ions sets forth in the California Mainte ce -Favmal issued by the Division of Highways of the State Department of hnblic Workso {c} Whenever the city traffic engineer installs and maintains an official traffic signal at any innter seethe ke shall likewise erect and maintain at a=h Intersection sereet name sIgns visible to the principal flow of traffic unless such street name signs hwe previously been placed and are waintalaed at any said interseceLon. Section '20.4 lea. Upon prior approval. of the City Council, the city traffic engineer is an2horized to mare center lines and Lane limes upon the surface of the roadway to ndicafte the course to be trzaeled by vehicles and may place sigts temporarily designating, lanes to be used by traffic moving in a particalar direction, regardless of the center line of the high - way. Section 32 03.5 Drs dive keadwaq ��k�s',�s. Upton prior: appranial of the City Cecil, the city traffic engineer is authorized to place and maintain distincelve readusy marki.srsga -so described in the Vehicle Code on those streets or parts of streets *here the voles of traffic or the vent Lcaal or other curvature of the roadway readers it hazardous to drive on the left side of ouch mark- ing or signs and markings. Such marking or signs and markings shall ha*.ae the same effect as similar markings placed by the State Department of Public Works pursuant Co provLalons of the Vehicle Cade. ®6= :M, d200. MEMO= to Remys. tie lo-my -Q hincoman Tya2AAn Ac,�a�� Tic, ?p of prior approve! of Cho City councin, Cho city tyakfic CUSS= is en Famsm, Mucate or discontinue the aparaMan of any traMe Come! 510103 aut GpOWISnally required by the Vehicle Code cz this ardimance whanavao to 01CA1 j%zn,, Mina In my porticalm come Me Cho COMM= which warn anted or y'IyAwn 1 .a A.— SWIT0001 n* lougar exist or ob%rim Vs=Aon 00.7 orni2i psvic, mapo'.. of C;vTotioa. Qnl KIM MIMS 02 ths MY COn"MR, Ila city ZONAM nAnivaiw r 7:� 'n WIM to in 200C mW NO= to Myn ma 07ZIA2W �70 3203.6 of 10M, mtry1mv by WAS My, ohniz gnin cy! monn V ymvoen�, Wavzo, that •12 waclkoa OUR m! rny:7 zu C53 10017" nc 1 1. NY my p3rSom OLO Ins COMORAM wMA 02 01YAnzics P2 this city paylKnAl" themm, CHAPM 3 F- and ME i ; A WrIa—a-C. Igm prior appmvnh CA M City MQuil, On city IWOM 1 Gil:_ I %S pleca 001%era, buttons, CT 01can within cr Kjamno to A�-1 tho course to ha tonvaind by vchfalza zurnirg no 000 A 1 1,1 city mMe ansinanx io MUMMand ze Menso Und 00=0 W:% %=Mm Mcm MCA drivars 02 vehiclan u ly zcln�, Irsveled as so Kdicnted mmy nankeym to C" to othar tox= -f wadimuce. a tl'',kqrlzed m0mm, battens, ox othm indiustinns not u co 171010=10Z indicating kho coerce to ba Haveled by vChANSO QVII. jolvor Q n vehicle shall 810chey Cho dirmcHams OR such indim1mr, 3204. A fathoritv to Ham 1'•0scrieced Tum 61 Im Qna prisr cp2zoval C9 who City CQUnCH, the My :70TH ozho;ml: COOSSEnd M dozermlao choas lumanctions cc U10h drivem Ch V100R. n mQ14, AM, OY Mumn, and shall yinco progyr misas m ouch Anom=.Q z"Klm K a zurno m bn yvabibuce buraway nomin tours of rmy at IV" ZO SCMR SIM ba P&MY Qow any to ramsund zann each zonas are pama=a& COMmae to on-Turn Sims. rutkorized algae are erected indimius thm no zql_ m, vit 23 yawasulls, no Vie; imar of a 7ahicle "hall 61001sy ohs MeMazm j (a) No driver of a MICH shall make a Ught tum asnonot a IT a, my Maxsection which in eigm-posted giving notice 02 Srea ZOCQYU21,_ UM muMad In this section. 10) UM KHr WrOVS Of the City Cqnncil, tha city tunjoic p;yFins scol apyrapHate signs giving effect to this nectic, h,,, he "hial OE QUAt turna KOM a HOW signal Mop" Indleazion rzmLn ATAMSIS MCA the We and Warly flow of trnEfle. -7- Secti= 32 5 brae C& i Strcon and Allev_,. _ y jfr J Nhen-over any Ordivanxe v-;: resoixtion of this city ekea-lVat-cs eny one, CI: alle-y' the cjt�'I traf-f-ic '. siall pI ilc anO 1!"f8tntaiv siagns Ca i 4 ,lxig thereo" and no such reaulat.cii.s zh6ll be a f ive UnIC S r, 01.,ch 0 8-16 arc :!,'n 01%gas -Ludicatins diractiG.C.. C2 ILI-jful wcvcmna SEA! be 8�' intal'SZCIUon ';"harc raoveaient S-.� tTCMC Ir, ZL� 0- sdOOWL ,• &I:zc;A0_ is GIVIA21-10,M) 7 KFEC;XAL 2T023 Section 32OG e;xIineav to _Zva5 ; S". Cp rz•y Ord cx r74:5cluf:Ics c,_� As. ii cad obbrect- oz po%,t"�Ioa thercog as ?Z1 - ctrClai;., 0s nzi wMe'lA a.;" on-�C Or enti,r_ne:es ,'�,Taare!i:o� o7 a.Ly at wLsich ve'Y.--l-00 are 12eqWX_2I-' atopo cl.�:y alaaa sz :A8P, capincer sSanl �- -Ct� r?.-tr` r'a'tkop ,1no A stop cign olacli ' bs on each and nt-"ast innzzsct: M3 st'zeet Or Portiou no desialtand fZC3 w: 0'&n:Z!ncer' of- 0IT_*h-_3 _;- sectioas •keze a stop .1.0 roglircd ,lad aj: raj 17'04!e 0 Cr, OC-CjU" sX, desisuate& "a7axy ou'7?h 04.r;':u' shrll ;izi.6, snnnll bc- ,s r-, Uu,, the Vehicle CC32e, Secp,ion 320.6.1 StqE) nt Thi:quglj Street OE7 S(:07) Si_pa� nl2oc. of Ys (b) The prwistwo of tMs Cact ".ca slia-D. also Y ni7 0.--70 Or wc-se I!- (: 0 tha as SuCh '-xnrl az-s estn:)Ushod of the Council. (C) The PrOVIGions V_1 CUS sectf.on ohaU ue a�- 1;,IV LA � _ hi.0 L f 1:,Ii I f=00OLngs as establlia;l�d by KC301111Uon of the Gzrr-ar'50,, 'Me drs--ver of a vehlxle. on 8171'0.v� �'":u�'.7c`ca Or -3!" ;3 such Valn-Cle �%o extandins acz7oss Say Section 3207 RDTKILav 1M -'_� - -T - -, No operator of any vehielp. shall drive batveei�i the Vv, J . , -, procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles afe cnWcts0"3IY 30 d03L4_!;-" The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any otrent c-lef 117hich MzGh casston or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to Ele orders Of the ?OjA�a feet Section 320701 Rl_ii� :Ln 'Nio per3on chall attach himself uith his hcnds, or to ca�'-h C-I, 0' 0, his bands or by other means, to any moviat- 17CU(�Ie o-, train for the calving motive power therefro-m. -3- ;n 3207 6.2 Cqarmuercial `J'ehicl.ea iisina Frivete No person shall operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on or across anzy private driveway approach or sidevalk area or the driveway #self without the concert of the ctmer or occupant of the property, if a sign or markings are in place indient- ing that the use of such driveway is prohibited. For the purpose of this section a commercial vehicle shall mean a vehicle having a rated capacity in excess of one-half ton. Section 3207.3 Riding or Drivin. on Sidewalk, No person shall ride, drive, propel, or cause to be propelled any vehicle oT animal across or upon any sidewalk excepting aver permanently counatrilcted driveways and excepting when It is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided further, that said sidewalk area be substantially pro- tected by wooden plaraks two Inches thick, and written permission be proviously ob- tained from the S 5� , tr affjic en inaSr. Such wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours from 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Section 3207.4 Now Pavement and Markings.. No pe!raon shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or ecross emy newly made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a baxrier sign, cone- marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or mirking, or when any such device is in place indicat-1-a— that the street or any portion thereof is closed. Section 3207.5 Limited Access. No person shall drive a vehicle onto or from any li-mited access roadway except at such entrances and exits as are lawfully established. Section 3207.6 Restrictions on Use- of Frequays. No person shall drive or operate any bicycle. motor driven cycle, Or any veh,�cle ,which is not draw-n by a motor vehicle upon any street established as a freeway, as defined by .State law, nor shall any pedestrian calk across or along any ouch ecreet so designated and described except in space set aside for the use of pedestrin-as, ,sr O- vided'official signs are In place giving notice of sucIn zestrictions. Section.' 3207.9 Obedience to Barriers and Sites. No person, public utility or department in the city shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barriey or sirm law- fully placed on any atreet by any person, public utility or by any depaztwant of this city. Section. 3209.8 No Entrance Into Intersection That Would Obstruct Traffic. No operator of any vehicle shall enter an intersection or a marked cross-walk un-, less there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosavalk to accomodate the vehicle he is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic - control, signal indication to proceed. CHAPTNR 9 PEDESTRIANS REGUUTIMS Section 3208 Traffic er to Establish Marked Crosswalks, Upon prior apprcmal of the City Council the following peters and duties shall be exercised by the city traffic engineer% (a) The city traffic engineer shall establish, designate and maintain crosswalks at Intersections and other places by appropriate devices, marks or lines uv= the sur- face of the roadway as follows: �9_ Crosswalks shall be established and maintained at all intersections Toithim the central traffic district and at such intersections ou-tside such districts and at other places within or outside said district uhere the SLVM__tWrUJLr_U determines that there is particular hazard to pedestrians crossing the roadway subject to the limitation contained in (b) of this section. (b) Other than crosswalks at intersections, no crosswalk shall be eetablished in any block which is less than four hundred (400) feet, in length and such crosswalk shall be located as nearly as practicable at mid-block. (c) The cit traffic engineer may Place signs at or adjacent to an intersection in respect to any cros7sw—aM=directing 'that pedestrians shall not cross in the cross- walk so indicated. section 3208.1 When Pedestrians Mist Use Crosm-ialk-s. No pedestrian shall cross a roadway other than by a crosswalk in the central traffic district or in any business district. CHAPTER 10 STOPPINKS1.9 STkNUDING AND PARKING FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES OR IN CMATIV FLACES Section 3209 Application of Regular ions. (a) The provisions of this ordinance prohibiting the stopping, standing or Parking 0 of a vehicle shall apply at all times or at. thoae tines here in specified, except when it is nece3sary to stop a vehicle to avoid confll.ct with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a police .officer or officipl traffic 'control device. . (b) The prcvisions of this ordinance imposing a time limit on standing or p2rh- in& shall not relieve any person from the duty to obsezve other and rose restrictive provisions of the Vehicle Code or the ordinances of this city prohibiting or limiting the standing or parking of vehicles in specified places or at specified times. section 3209.1 §tqp r airs Prohib4ted. _pin or in Parku Fo person shall. sto-v, stand or park a vehicle within any parkway. Section 320 .2 Traffic,121&gSIE -Areas. to Stog in Zones and Ho Parking Upon prior approval - of the City Council, the city - traffic engixieeT is authorized to maintain, by appropriate signs or by paint upon the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas, and restricted parking areas, as defined and described in this ordinance. When said curb markings or signs are in place no operator of any vehicle shall step, stand or park such vehicle 2djacent to any such legible curb marking or sign In violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance. section 320903No parking Areas, No operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand, park, or leave standing such vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to vyoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer, of traffic sign or signal: (a) Within any divisional island unless authorized atLd clearly indicated with appropriate signs or markings, (b) On either side of any street between the projected property lines of any public walks public steps, street. or thorm-ghfare terminating at such street, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. -to- (c) Fc^`7. any area where the city raffic engineer detea,iai'nes e ai: c:u ?o upark,.nl- or stopping of a vehicle would constitute a �t afAc haward or _,ould ead,an3ae ? z.fe or pro - perty, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curb surface. (d) In any area established by resolution of the Council as a no parking area, when such area is indicated by appropriate signs or by red paint upon the curls sui ftce. (a) upon, along or across any railway track in such manner as to hinder, delay, or obstruct the movement of any car traveling upon such track. (f) In any area where the parking or stopping of any vrehicle would constitute a traffic hazard or would endanger life or property. (a) On any street or highway where the use of such street or hi ,bray, or a portion thereof is necessary for the cleaning, repair or construction of the street or h.Y gk:!oay or mhe installation of underground utilities or cohere the use of the street or highway or any portion thereof is authorized for a purpose other than the naormcl flrAi of traffic or where the use of the street or highway or any portion thereoi is necessary for the movement of equipment, articles or Structures of unusual size, a-ad the parking of such vehicle would prohibit or interfere with such use or movement; pKovided that s;Jgns giving notice of such no parking are erected or placed at least nianty — four (24 •) hoar s prior to the effective time of such no parking. (h) At any place within twenty (20) feet of a point on the comb im-mediately opposite the raid-block end of a safety zone, when such place is in di.cated by approp- riate .sigaa or by dcd paint upon the curb surface., (3) At €ny place wi.thi.a fifteen (15) feet og n at r -a prvh place is indicated by appropriate signs or by rcd pint upon the cwzb curg ce except that a bus may stop et a designated bums stop. (j) Within fifteen (15) feet of the approach to any traffic ai.gnat, boulevard stop S r' , or official electric flashing. Sccticn 3203.4 - =e of Stzcc *s for Stcrspe of Vehicle V ohi,bfted. No person who cwns or has possession, custody cf control of any vehicle shall park sv4h vehi.cle upon any street or alley for more than a consecutive perled of 1 ?0 hours® Section 3209.5 Parki far 0e�ssnstratirna. No operator of any vehicle shall perk said vehicle capon any street in this city for the principal purpose of advertising or displaying it for sale, Mess authorized by resolution of the Council. Section 3209.6 RePairfnst or Greasing Vehicles on Public Streets. No person shall construct or cause to be constructed, repair or couse to be repaared, grease or cause to be greased any vehicle or any part thereof uperr3 any public street in this City. Temporary emergency repairs may be made upon a public street:. Section. 3209.7 ' 3ashine or polishing Vehicles. No person shall gash or cause to be washed* polish or cause to be polished any vehicle or any part thereof upon any public street in this City, when a charge is made for such service. Section 3209.8 Parkina ®d ecent to Schools. (a) Upon prior approval of the City Comcil, she city traffic engineer is authorizes to erect signs indicating no parking upon that side: of any street adjacent to any school property when such parking vaoald, in his opinion, interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation, (b) When official signs are erected prohibiting parking upon that side of a street adjacent to any school property, no person shall park a vehicle in any such designated place. A JL)L" Section 320M Parki€ a Prohibited can Warrm; Streets* (a) Upon approval by the City Council, the city traffic ea gineer is authorized to pla$c:e signs or k-jugs indicating ng no parking upon any street when the Uidth of the roadway does not exceed 20 feete or upon one side of a street as indicated by such siv.s or markLngs when the width of they roadway does not exceed 30 feet. (b) When official signs or markings prohiibi tfxag parking Are ereate d upon narrcm, stre::ts as authorized here=in, no person stall park qvehicle upon any such street in violation of any such sign air Marking. Section 3209.10 Partdi�" on fir es. No person shall park or leave standing any vehicle unattended cm a hi&vmy Whan upcm any grade exceeding 3% without blocking the wheels of said veki.cl,e by t urging them against the curb or by other means. Sections 3209.11 UAlsawful Pc mg,a f'eddl�rs��e�a�e��s. (a) Except as other se py®vi.de d in this sectro ca no person shall stand or park any vehiicle, wagon or pushcart from which goods, wares, merchandise, a ftr, vegetables or food stuffs are sold: displayed, solicited or offered for sale or bartered or ex- changed& or any lLMch wagon or eating car or vehicle, on any portion of any street within this city a ucept thet such vehicles, wagons or pushcarts may stand or paWI: only at the request of a ben= fide purchaser for a period of tiros: not to exceed tea (10) m auut:es at any one place. ine provisions of this subsection shall not apply to non - profit organizations who have obtained prior approval of the City C eilo (b) No person shall park or stand on my street any lunch wagon, eat; ma cart or vehicle, or pushcort from which tamales, peanuts, popcorn, candy or other articles of food are sold or offered for sale. Section Eeer.P Ue< Paz (a) aenever ' the Chief of Police shall determine that an urgency traffic con- gestion its likely to result from the holding of public or private assemblages, 3 atherings or functicas. or for anther reasons, the Chief of Police shall have power and authority to order temporary signs to be erected or posted l udicot;ing that the overat;ion, parking or standinS of vehicles i5 prohibited on such streets and alleys as the Chief of Police shall direct daring the time such tecporary sigas are in place. Such 31g as shall remain in place only during the existence of such urgency md the Chief of Police shall cause such si 3no to be removed d pramaptl.y thereafter. (b) When signs authorized by the provisions of this section are in place giving notice tbareof, no person shah, operate, park or stmd any vehicle contrary to the directions .and provisions of such signs. Section 5209.13 Display o€ Mlarning. 0 i, when Come cial Vehicle Disabled. Every rotor truck bmving an unladen vei.gbt of 4,000 pounds or yea md every enact tractor irrespective of weight: when operated upon any street or hii&zay during darkne=ss shall be equipped with and carry at least tuo flares or two, red Lanterns or M warning lights or reflectors,, which reflectors shall be of a type approved by the Department of California Hi&way Patrol. € hen any vehicle above mentioned or any trailer or semi - trailer is disabled upon streets or highways outside of awy business or residence district within this city and ups which street or hip ay there is in- sufficient street lighting to reveal a vehicle at a distance of 200 feet daring dark - mess® a earning signal, of the character indicated above shall. be Immadiately placed at a distance of approximtely 100 feet in advance of, arm 100 feet to the rear of, such disabled vehicle by the dritve r thereof. The continuous flashing of at least: four approved class A - Type 1 turn signal lamps, at least two toward the front and at Least two hard the rear of the vehicle, shall be considered to meet the raquirements of this section until the devices mentioned above cm be placed in the required lo- cations. The warning signals herein mentioned shall be displaye=d continuously during darkness while such vehicle remains disabled upon such street or highway. -12- LAPTER 11 STOPPUMe" 'STANDIDIO OR PAMMM2 RESTRICTED OR pROHISITE9 ON CM7-.AM SMELS Section 3210 Twelve rdnuste Faxkip,.�. Green curb marking shall mean no standing cm .parking for a period of time longer than 12 minutes at any time between 9 :00 a.m. mW 6:00 p.m. on any day except SUP-days and holidays. When s athorized ssig s, parking meters or curb markings have been dezerm2med by the city traffic engineer to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof, no operator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or pa ek said vehicle adjacent to any such legible cArb marking or sign or parking meter in violation thereof. Section 3210.1 one Hoaar F_ a� rn� € hen authorized signs, paA °king motors or cuzb markings have been determined by the city traffic engineer to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof, no Oper- ator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle betwema the hours of 9 :00 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. of any .day except Sundays and holidays for a period sax time longer them one hour; -... - Section 3210" 2 Two Bazar pasarkftt - When authorised signs, parkiug meters or curb markings have been demei=Ea~d by the city traffic engineer to be necessary and are in place giving notice thereof9 no oper- ator of any vehicle shall stop, stand or park said vehicle betbeen the homes of 9:00 and 6 :00 p.m. of any day except Siaudaysn and holidays for a period of time- lon jar than two how s. Section 3210.3 parkin One1Q . Stree s. (a) S%bject to other and more restrictive limitFatioa s, a vehicle may be stopped or parked within 18 i$achas, of the .eft -hand curb facing in the direction of trsaffic mou nt upon any once - ,qay street unless signs are in place prohibiting such atoppine or standing. (b) In the event a hi ay includes two or more separate roadways aid d;raffic is restricted to one direction upon any such roaAway, no person sill std or per . a vehicle upon the left -hard side of such one-way roaftay unless signs are in place Per- mitting such standing or pare. (c) Upon prior approval of the City Camei.l, the city tnaf fic ensineex Is authorized to determine when standing or parking shall be prohibits ed upon tbhe leif; -hand side of any ono -way street or when standing or parli king may be permitted up 0-e left- hand side of any one -way roadway of a highway h0ving L-WO Or mOze separatsa r l-3ays and shell erect signs giving notice thereof. (d) The requirement of parallel parking imosed by We section shall not npp3y in the event may commercial vehicle is actually engaged in the process of loading or mlondiang freight or goods, in tihich case such vehicle may be backed up to the curb9 provided that such vehicle does not extend beyond the center Anne of the street and does not,block traffic thereby. section 3210.4 21eZonik � prszrhing. On any of the aLreatz or portions of streets established by resolution of the Council as diagonal parking zones, when signs or pavemaent markings are in piece indicat- ing such diagonal parking, it shall. be aanbsar ful for the operator of any vehicle to par said ,vehicle except: (a) At the angle to the curb indicated by signs or pavement markings allotting space to parked vehicles and entirely within the limits of said allotted specs; (b) Edith the front wheal nearest the curb within six (6) inches of sued curb,, The provisions of this section shall not apply when ssurh vehicla3 to actually en- gaged in the process of loading or unloading psasssa ngerss, freight or goods ;, in which event the provisions applicable in Section 1103 of this ordinance shall be complied with. ' m13- secticd 32E0pS Par - ine Space Harkinaso rym'mmr The city traffic engineer is authorized to Install and maintain parking space mark - ings to indicate parking spaces adjacent to ca rbi€ags where authorized parking Is per- mined. When such parking space markings are placed on the h.i &..;ay, subject to other and more restrictive limitationse no vehicle shall be stopped, left standing or parked other than within a single space unless the size or sF 4pe of such vehicle makes Cpl-lance iwossible, Section 320,6 so St a of al Zap o Upon prior appraaval of the City Cmmcila the city traffic engineer :shall desigaste established no stopping zones by placing and maintaining appropriate signs indiczting that: stopping of vehicles is prohibited ed and indicating the hours and day whoa. stn ping is pro- hibited. r. wing the hours and on the days desLgaated on the signs. it shall be unlawful for -the operator of any vehicle to stop said vehicle an any of they streets or parts of streets established by resolution of the Council as no sniping zones. Section 3210) All I t Par sx Vrohitbit:e& No persona shall stops stand or park a vehicle an any street; in the cent:rnt traffic district between the hours of 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 e.m. of any day or beta en the hours established by resolution of the City Cassell, provided that this se:ctim shall not apply to a vehicle: of any regularly licensed physician when actually edged in marring professional calls, and provided that said physician9s vehicle is plainly Marh.ed and identifiable. CHMIM 12 section 3211. r ya to E lish Loadl �Zoneso (a) Upon prior approval of the City cif,, the city traffic engineer is authorized to determine smd to mark le ding, panes and passenger loading zanies as folslm7a4 la At auy place in the central traffic district: or any business district. 2© Elsewhere In front of the entrance to any place of b ix",ess or in front: of any hall or place used for the purpose of public sawn ly® (b) lading zones saball be indicated by yellow paint argon the top of all curbs Within such zones. (c) Passenger losdit3 cis shall be indicated by white paint upon the ton_ of all curbs In said za sq Section 3211A Curb Maarasa nine to Indicate �a� 1r� and Pa abe�s�ba� � onss. (a) The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized, subject to the provisions and limitations of this ordinance, to place, and when required herein shall place, the following curb markings to indicate parking or standing regulatLons, and said curb markings shall have the meanings as herein set forth. 1. Red shall mean no stopping, standing or parking at any time except as permitted by the Vehicle Corte, and except that a bras may stop in a reek zone marked or signed as a buss zone. 2. Yellow. shall mean no stopping, s3ta€ading or parking at any time between 7:00 a.m. and 6000 p.m. of any day except Supdaysa and holidays for any purpose other than the loading or unloaai.ng of passengers or materials, Provided that the loading or unloading of passengers shall not consume more than these (3) minutes nor the loa=ding or unloading of materials more than thirty (30) minutes,. -14- 3. White shall mean no stopping, standing or pareting, for any puypo5a oLhai. than loading or unloading of passengers, or for the purpose of depositing mail in an adjacent mail box, which shall not exceed three (3) minutes and such restrictions shall apply between 7:00 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. of any day except Sundays and holidays and except as follows: A. When such z ona is in front of a hotel or in front of a mailbox the restrictions shall apply at all times. B. When such zone is is front of a theater the restrictions shall apply at all times except when such theater is closed. 4. When the city traffiLc en Beer as authorized unAer this ordinance has caused curb markings to be placed, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle adjacent to any such legible curb marking in violation of cny of the pro- visions of this ^ection. Section 3221.2 Effect of Permission to Load or Unload. (a) Permission herein granted to atop or stand a vehicle for purposes of loading or unloading of Materials shall apply only to commercial vehicles and shall not extend beyond the time necessary therefor; and in no event for more than thirty (30) minutes. (b) The Iceding or unloading of materials shall apply only to commercial deliveries, also the delivery or pickup of express and parcel post packages and Nni.ted States mail. {e) Permission herein granted to stop or gams AT Purposes of loading or unloading g passengers shall include the wing or unloading of personal baggage but shall not ex- tend beyond the time necessary therefor and in no event for maxe then three (3) minutes. (d) Within th total time limits above specified the provisions of this section shall be enforced so as to accommodate necessary and reasonable loading or unloading but without permitting abuse of the privi.leges hereby granted. Section 3211.3 Staxndin _ for Me Qg or adill Cpl . No person shall stops stand or park t vehicle in any yellow lozAA3 zone for any purpose other than loading or unloading passengers or material for ouch time as is permitted in Section 3211.2. Section 3211.4 3& din in Passenger Loadin No persona shall stop, .taxed or park a vehicle in any passenger loading zone for any purpose other than the loading or unloading of passengers for such time as is specified in Section 3211.2. Section 3211.5 Stand&gg in Aany Alley. No person shall stopo stand cc park ffa vehicle for any purpose other than the load - ing or unloading of persans, or materials in any alley. Section 3211.6. Coach hones to be Established. (a) Upon prior approval of the City Council, the city traffic englneer is author- ized to establish bus zones opposite curb space for the loading and unloading of buses and common carriers or passengers and to determine the location thereof. (b) Coach zones shall normally be established an the far side of an interseetiox_. 45- CL&iP ZER 13 RHSTR7CTED USE OF CERTAIN ST TS SecticM 3212 Certah ijehic.es Prohibited in Central Traffic District, (a) No persona shall operate any of the follot inS vehicles the central traffic district between the hours of 94.00 a.m. and 6 :00 p.m. of any days 1. Any freight vehicle more than eight and am -half (E 112) feet in vsidCh, with load, or any freight vehicle so loaded that any part of its load extends more than twenty (20) sheet to the front or rea,: of said vehie'le, 2. Any vehicle is encess of one ton capacity carrying building materlU that has not been loaded, or is a oie. to be unloaded, at some point within the central traffic district; 3. Any vehicle conseying refuse, rubbish, ga bage or dirt. (b) Provided that the _ .Ckief of Police may, by w"tten permit, authorize the operation of any such vehicle fc c the purpose of taking necessary emergency deliveries to or from points within the cemtral traffic distTict„ Section 3212.1 �:�i+st�rr�is �ehbcles�o No persons without prior permission of th* City Council2 shall operate or drive any vehicle used for advertising purposes or any advertising.vehicle equipped with a sound -amplifying or loud - speaking device upon any street or alley at aU- time within the central traffic district. Section 3212.2 rse -Drawn Vehicles. No person shall drive any animal -drawn vehicle into or within the central traffic district between the Lours of 4:30 p.m. and 6 :00 p.m. of any day except by special permit of the Chief of police. Section 3212.3 TEMA tea. (a) Whenever any resolution of this City designates and describes any street.. or portion thereof as a street, the use of which is permitted by any vehicle exceeding Fa maximum gross weight limit of three tons, upon prior approval of the City Council, the city traffic engineer is authorized to designate such street or streets by approp- riate signs as ' "Eruck Routes" for the m0vc___cnt og vehicles c�:cccding a maxim g --ors wai t licit of three tons. (b) WgLG*ff$ any such tri3Gt;. i0a%e ti?a,. &'Oaste:y ara cstab «mo..:.d and d+:.Sil&pa's'.et3 by appropriatc signs the operator of any vehicle exceeding s Timm gross eight 11mit: of three tow shall drive on such rotate or rues and raise other except that nothin.3 . in this section shall prohibit the operator of any vehicle exceeding a maxim= gross weight of . three tons coming from a "Truck Route" hay=ing ingress and egress by direct route to and from restricted streets when necessary for the purpose of Making picsmps or deliveries of goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or st eture located, on such restricted streets or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the Tactual and boson fide repairs altdratioa, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such restricted streets for which a building permit has previously been obtained therefor. (c) The provisions of this section shall not apply to (1) passenger b%wes under the jurisdiction of the Public utilities Commissiont or to (2) any vehicle owned by a public utility while necessarily in use in the eonstructioae installation or wepair of any public utility. (d) Those streets and parts of streets established by resolution of the Council are hereby declared to be truck routes for the nt of vehicles exceeding a mari- mom gross weight of three tons. M16- Section 3212.4 Com-marci;l Vehicles Prohibited From Usl-na d'ertaiu 'StraaL8. (a) Whenever any - solution of this city designates and describes any cat or le .7 r portion thereof as a street the use of which is prohibited by any coim.wrcial vehicle, the - traffic enmineer shall erect and maintain appropriate signs on those streets affected by such ordinance. (b) Those streets and parts of streets established by resolution of the Council are hereby declared to be streets, the use of which iz prohibited by any commercial vehicle. The.provisions of this sectioii shall not apply to passenger buses under the jurisdiction of the Public Utilities Commission. QMnFA 14 * PARKING 1,MTERS Section 3213. Parkins Meter Zones. Parking meter zones are Chose streets or portios*®s of streets estabfished by resolution of the Council as zones within which the parking of vehicles shall be coil- trolled, regulated and inspected with the aid of parking, meters. The city traf fic gagineer shall cause parking meters to be installed and main- tained all parking meter zones. Section 3213.1 Manner of Installation. Parking meters shall be installed upon the curb or sidewalk area imediataly adjacent to each parking space. Each meter shall be placed in such manner as to show or display by a sign or signal that the parking space adjacent thereto is or is not legally in use. Each parking meter shall be - set to display, after the operational procedure has been completed, a sip or signal indicat.i-n6v legal parkings for that pe--ried of time conforming to the limit of parking time for the zone in which :said parlzing meter is installed, and shall continue to operate from the time of the completion of the operational procedure until 01-ae eXpirati an of the time fixed as the parking linit oy a portion thereof for the part of the street upon which said meter is placed. Each said meter shall also be so arranged that upon the expiration of said legal parking time it will indicate by a mechanical operation -ad by proper signal that the lawful parking period has expired. Section 321302 Time of_92eration of Per me Meters. .The-provisions of thie*6rdiaance relating to the operation of parking meters shall be effective between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on every day encept Sundays and holidays. Section 3213.3 erational Procedure to be Volim-yed. Immediately after'oecupency of a parking meter space, the operator of a vehicle shall deposit a coin of the United States in said parking meter and if necessary tu-L-n- a crank 0 -:kfiob, or handle lea accordance with the ins face posted on the ace OL the park';*Lng iaeter. s a- '13 c-cLio 32 .31.6 LTnlawfu kleter Time Has 3xvired. I to Park After No .operator of any vehicle shall permit said vehicle to remain parked In any parking space during any time that the meter is showing a signal indicating that ouch space is illegally in use other than such time immediately after the original occupancy as is necessary to operate the mater to show legal parking. Section 3213.5 Unlawful to Extend Ttme Beyond Limit. No person shall follow the operational procedure or any part of the operational procedure for the purpose of increasing or extending the parking time of any vehicle beyond the legal parking time which has been established for the parking space adjacent to which said parkirg meter is placedo -17- Se @141on 3213.6 _ r =tir use of lyete;:. No person shall deposit or cause to be deposited In any parking meter any defaced or bent coin, or any slug, device or metallic snlssti,tute for a coins of the United States, or defa€eo Injure, tamper with, open or wilfully break, destroy or impair the usefulness of any parking meter. Section3213.7 Parking Peters and Farkipp liter standz��ds N�at_To Be used Fir Certain Pmoses. No person shall attach any unauthorised thing to or allow a bicycle, netasrack or ray other- artiele or thing to teas, against a parking meter or a parking meter standard. Section 3213.8 yule of EvIdencea The parking or standing of any motors vehicle in a parking space, at which space the parking meter displays the sign or sill indicating illegal parking, shall constitulge a prim facie preadmptiou that the vehicle has been parked or alloyed to stand L-a such space fora period 'longer than permitted by this ordinti ce. Section 3213.9 Use of rev De2nsite4 In parkitm DLeters. All Sys collected from parking meters in this City shall be placed In the general fund, and theca distributed for the following purposes (a) For the purchasing leasing, installing, repairing, maintaining, operating, rearing, regulating and policing of parking maters in this City and for the payment of ,say and all expenses relating of incidental thereto. (b) Par the purchasing., leasing, acquiring, improving, operating mad waintaiaing of off-street parking facilities in this City. (c) For the installation and maintenance of traffic control devices ate. signals. (d) For the painting and marking of streets and curbs required for the direction of traffic and parking of motor vehicles. (e) For the proper regulation,. conigiDl and inspection of parking and traffic upon the public streets. (f) To be pledged as security for thq. payment of principal of and interest on off-street parking revenue bonds isbued by this City, or array parking district organized within this City. Section 3213.10 Ao —1 ation of Otherzft&tcles . Wo section of this Article shall be construed as permitting any parking in vio- lation of any oboe= poev¢sfan of this ordinance. TRAINS Section 321A Railwav Gates. No person shall drive any vehicle through, around, or under any crossing gate or barrier at a railroad grade crossing while: each gate or barrier is closed or is being opened or closed. Section 3214.1 Trains Not to Bloch Crossinass. No person shall cause or permit any railway train or railway carts or similar: vehicla on rails to stop or strand or to be operated in such a manner as to prevent the use of any street for the purposes of travel for a period of time longer than ten (10) minutes, except that this provision shall not apply to railway trains, cars or similar vehicles on rails while blocking or obstructing a crossing because of an accident which requires the operator of the train, car or similar vehicle on rails to stop at or near the scene of the accident„ 18- CHAMR 16 SPECIAL SPEED ZMTES Section 3215 Zncreasg State Speed Limi t in Cartain Zones. It is hereby determined upon the basis of an engineering .end traffic investi- gation that the speed permitted by state law upon the following streets is less than C , is necessary for safe operation of vehicles thereon by reason of the designation and sign-posting of said streets as thr"gh high-ways and by reason of widely spaced inter- sections, and it is hereby declared that the prism facie speed limit shall be as hexeina&4r' set on those streets or parts of sweets herein desigAated when signs are erected giving notice thereof: Name of Street or Portion Affected m between Southerly city limits 6: a a 0 a0 Declared Prime Facie Speed Limit -TS—Mire-8 WE — hour — zud 33 and 40 ad-lea Per ho= rosr.. �i and It is hereby determined upon the basis of an eagiueering and traffic i-aveatigati.0-a. that the speed permitted by state law outside. of busllaeas and residence districts Go applicable upon the following streets is greater than is reasonable or safe under Lhe conditions found to axist upon such streeta, and it is hereby declared that the pzimm facie speed limit shall be as herein set forth on those streets or parts of streets herein designated when signs are erected giving notiee thereof: Name of Street or Portion Affected Declared FrIme Facie Speed Limit South Street from Beebee to Broad Street 40 W.1es Per Hour Laurel Lane from chnoon to Orcutt Road 40 'eliles per Hour Section 34JA. Decrease of State Law Speed Between Districts. Reference is hereby made to the following portions of streets wheFa the state speed law of 65 miles per hour is applicable for a distance of not axcaedlung 2000 feel' in length between districts, either business or residence, and it is hereby datcroined upon the basis of an engineering and traffic inveattgation that the speed permitted by state law upon the following described portions of said streets -ohich are not stal,le highways is greater than is reasonable or &bfe under the conditions found to eaxist Upoa, the described portions of such streets, and it is hereby declared that the prima facie speed limit shall be as herein set forth an those portions of streets herein designated when signs are erected giving notice thereof: . Portion of Street Affected Not Exceeding 2000 Feet Detween Districts Sectim 3215.2 Declared prim Facie Speed Limit Upon prior appr(rval of the City Cotmcil,, the city traffic engine(3r is . t 1U.hor- fted to regulste the tUdna Of traffic sismals so as to permit the movement of traffic In an orderly and safe mm=r at speeds slightly at variance from the speeds otherwise applicable within the district or at Intersectimw, and may erect appropricze sigw giving notice thereof. -1 Q_ 1 � SECTION 2. PMALTIES. Any person, violating y of the graLri�si',= of this ordinance --bell €�: &uilty of a misdemeanor in accordance with Section 1200 of the San Luis Obispo M iclpal Code. SECTION 3. CONSTITOTxOMITY. If any section, subgsecti.ono sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional,, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The Council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, atebsection, sentence, clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, snbsectimas, s,en- tences, clauses or phrases be .declared unconstitutional. SECTION 4. REFEALo Sections 3200 through 3200.35 and Section 3300 through 3300.13 of the San Luis Obispo Mmicipal Code are hereby repealed, and all ordinances or parts of ordi=nces in- confliet with or inconsistent with the prv%risions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repeal sh.211 not affect or prevent the prosecu-ion or punishment of any person for any act done or ecw toted in vLolation o any ordinance hereby repeated prior to the effective date of this ordLuances and provided that the repealing of said sections shall not affect or invalidate any resolutions adopted by the Council pursuant to said Sections, the Council hereby determining that such resolatioas shall continue in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, shall be publi.shad once In full, at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram- Trlbune, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, and the same shalt So into effect at the expiration of thirty days after its final passageo INTRODUCED MD PASSED TO PRINT this 4th day of larch, 1963 by the follcming roll call vote:. AYES: Miss Harwet HcNeil, Donald Q. Idillere Gerald W, ShipseY3 Clay P. Davidson NOES: Mope ABSENT: -R. L. Graves, Jr. ATTESTS M i[ 1 0200 (Y10-r FINALLY PASSED this Ist day of April a 1953. by the following roll call vote.- ATTES a AYES. Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Miss Margaret McNeil, Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey NOES. None ABSENT: None C ty erk