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x; aRm.-kavan-m- nXGUL'am TO THE CON"s-mum.110140
_b 8 0 or%?
BE t";RDA:t_-HUtD Y CC-MOU Of 010, City of San Lulu Obispo a foil ,a-.
SE(I"EZON 1. That the foilgElinge PrOVISIMM Shall be added to Article i7ZI og-
the SsA Wis Obispo MWEeLPO",04 CtAie,, to read as folly s:
Section 7350. Rg
-Aan used In th'ta Ordinance "Sidewalk" jualudeo a pwck or part;
in the urea between Vie property line and the street L4 a,,A,90 1,ncy._ 4r
C'xx-b3:' r5katters" bulkheads� retaining l�6115 02 Othc?c works for the protection of any
Gldawalk or of any PC rX- OF Park strip or any of t above.
(b) Mis Constitutes a Sdpdrate and alteruative procedura for
Parfe,wMing and, Collecting the core of the uork specigied he-Zein. The pz-oeed�rcms
set forth In Walis ordil-iMcm nra in zddition to and the Umikatl"-s 19'*�Wsarl by thAs
ordSmt—nee do r%ot age ct th-0 pomxers co'nfelm.ed or proc : edur,-*s prescribed by Cb,-av_-ter or
CtnarL41 Law.
section 1350 1 Pei garmintithe
Muen the city Council prellmlwrnY determines by the tLQ
pubUe interp-sto c_onj,0Uj'*MC0 and necesafty require
or repair of eldc7saike with;Ln the City, . of SM Luis obispov it shall camse to be pub
a notice garter ally describing tha Jowt:Lan of the or
Sidewalks to be
OT repaired amd shall SPecify the day, boor aid place
When. the City ccunca 'unix h, eni amd pass upon objections or Protestst I if any. Vitith
zay be raised by sn-Y PTOPMTRW Mme-T or clahear interested persons. Said p, -,jeat
shall be by Prz;0 eucceasmc'a _�=zrtlans in a
n papa per of Vueral circulation publi-shed
lu tim MY of San Lmitq Obispoo. The
publication 3k,,
,all a
be t ecst "Mmalty (20)
daYs before the date of beariud.,
Copy of sald MaUce shn'Ll be posted within 3oo feet of eac is pazea
of XOal PzCP=MY liable to be _,Sressed for the cost of any of said wcoh. said
POSting eh-&U be coqp!1etP_& se jenst ton days before the date of hewing
Pr6cC-Cd1119 abuall be hiatid j.z_7,-jj;d for fe
I ilu're W P within 30-0 feet of any r.__*rCjj
of Said real Property If VU-8, sOctivin hao been substantially ca"_jqjje
Pr vjA
0 J., ed
that than pub l-i"410'a of notice set forth 5-n F'.-Tagraph (-,,) and the Postiage set forth
2 S-7-
iz parC82:aph (b) way be dlq—pemsed x.!71zh lypM-1, wrztMen co went of tile affected propexty
on;-,nars tfaierein said pvopp,�-.*'Zy M.-ners agree to khe day and hour for the heazing,
W Ou the day and hour ftn rIm
ed for the heaS, the City Couur..'ki sh'a'U
baor me- vacs upoa the Objecti-c-as or protests of grope icy nera ca- Other
(d) i"E the CIL-e-y Come-il by -o-10 less than a 415 vote of all the me,.Obevs
tknreof bY
A hvesolution ifinds determes that the pzbe con-venie n e e nd n c ssI
rzte con-Structmio
:ti econstructi') or rqg*air of tim sidUmuz
acelce, or any -part tbeNeof,, the Syeeir-1 Assesnwnt-,, Xnvastjez.ati-cn, Lim, oa-�4
lkjority Protect Act of 1931 shall not apply to tj,,,e p,4roceedings.
(e) If the City Council Mal=" the finding specifted in pnragvaph (d) he�evgf,
it shall order t1he Superintendent of Streets to notuy tTme owner or person In
POSSessiGM of the proyerey fro-atsing on tb-- 3idw4al?z to be rapa4 ad or rec
Ir GP-StTucted
ore frxontiqg, on that portion of street In uhlvch no sidewa ile. has been canot�-vzczed
tbAretogor� to construct or case to be canstraaW,, repair ()r cause to be repaza'ed,"
07 recOastr=t Or cause: tO be reconst-lucted a sidewalk in '&=nt of his pro n.eTty
(f) The 8uperinter-dent of Se eels shall gortN-lith Sive -notice to
reconstruce or vepair by denvering a t-n.*itten notice pevaoTtelly to said ev er or
pev..0011 1-2 POZOessiol., 0-7 by mailing as pestal card, postage prepaid,, to ezid person. in
Possession. gr Ouner at his last knorcm address as the same appears on the 1
eqzz=lized asseasm-ent roll of die City of San Luis 9Ksjv,,
(,P) The nezice shall pavziculavly specify what work is requixed to be
done., hou, it is to be dvpa and whst wateria! shall be vtsed in the ccustructica, ve-
con'struction or rey"'air and steal farther specify that 19 th..- constvuctian:�
or sera ir is not cc=--nce4 ruithin thirty days of notice is Given dizisently amd
without interruption p-irvaecated to completion., Om &q,-ax1ntendw-Z of Streets shall
c=--sa the constructim, reconstruction or re i.71, as the case may be, to be done Lnd
the cost of the same shall be a lien an the property. He've-varo up= Uripten
of = affected property omnevo the thirty day period =d notice thereof uay be valved
au3 the Super:',.'utendent of Streets may with dm dj)Jgence ca 010 Worla to be dcr.e
za-s-d the cost of the awa mede as lien upon or collected with emes against ,*,h-- pzopany.
(h) If the contest on, reccn-otruction or rapair�. are not cown.--ced anfl
prossemed to cwvletion with due diligence, as required by zhe aotice2 the s;j;perk-jj:en-
df"'at 09 Streets Ghall fo-'mMeith Cause the canx-evuctioal reconscruct-Itan cn fepaiz to
be doe either with City forces or by contract dv1y net pursuant to the Clay MUMM-r@
(L) 113' 0n the cow-letio-A of the cmazuctlo% . rec.on street l(M or repair
the Of Streets Shall prepare and file with the city cCnMc-_;i- a
re-Part: sye�ifyLng the 'Alch has been d the ecat thssreofj a description
®f the real Property is froat of whi Ch the work bas been done arks the assesmant
as-alnstl ea-ch lot or PaxCel of land. Any such rppoz,4 may Include wart dor"a in ftont
of cay number of parcels of Whether Cmtigueum to each other or net;®
(J) UPan tile Of tho- c0aGtrtWtLVzD recaustruction or repair
the Ss Of Stre'3ta - -rd City Merk aball =uac no-Ice of the c o h
ost f the
TeemstTectiOn Or TOPair to be Siven In the m=aer speelfied In this
exticle for the S"MANS Of ace';-Cc to c0nsUalcto, reCOnstruact or rapair, which notice
SM11 svacl% r the &T It IWL-T and place Uhan the lastslative body will hear and pass
L'PGn 8 MPOrt by the of Streets of r he egst thereof$ together 1% Vith
any obj""Qas Or PrOteGtsf, If Mys, uhich may be raised by any property wmer liable
tO be assessed 90r Gaid c and any other Interested persons,
(k) Upon the day and hw-zr fixed for the heawinaz' the City Council 8N.'all
befir a%d Wass tlp= the report Of the Superintendent of Streets:, ith r toget 0.
h W - y
objecr-ti ons Or PrOtests which MY be raised by aPY Of the Property cunere liable to
be aseensed and -my oth r im-Terested persons. "Ahereunon the City ftatell may makee
st3ch revisieng correction or Modifftca'rzica In aw- rea port; as it MWY deem ,gusto after
which., by motica Or Tesolutlan,, the re fit as submitted,,. or as revlsed, corrected
or modiftedo shail be �aRfi;-7m-& Me MY CO ell may adjourn the hezr g fvam
t-wm to ti m. The decisions of the City Camcil an all Prote.
'to dmd cbJec "Ins %&ich
may be made shall be ftn*l and conclusive,
Ae'v-& L�c - 7
C211eation of cost of Construction
(a) The cost ktay be assessed by the City ft mcil against the parcel. of
Prapairty frontAns Upon the OLaeu-81h cwt: -Met clod reconstructed or repaired, and
aw-h cost so assessed* if E-09; P21d within five &AYS after Its ccmf:Lr=- Uan by the
City cc=C112 shall conazIL11-te a special assesaMM& as-aln-st smela parcel- of Pro rya
ah*" be a 116n On thG PTGP-*rty for the zammt c�he-,Gof frm the time of Efto-edge:Lm
09 the notice of Ilene, 1,;hich lips shall cantimfia Imp
.il the assee n t 21 In S: e at
gm MJd 2. re
thereon is peidv or until itr j,3 dLac
barged of record.
(b) of Street:8 mad file fLle in the office of the stay
co der of the CM,
�n-ty of Szo Luis Obispo a Certificate substantially in the foljaw�
110a form:
Parsua---t to the authority vested in me by Ordinance lira.
of the City of San Luis Obispo, I did, an 6;he day of
19 cause khe sideu;alh, card, er '
b,,) gutt 0"r park. or
Parkillg strip, bulkhcldsa r etai-111=9 IMAIG Or Other v-.1ozks (as the
cast- itiay be) -in grvpt of she real pro7perty hereinafter de'scribedz
to b.-.,, zeco-Z-:a ;ructed or repaired, and the City C cjj
of said city did, on L-he ...— day of 19
Raeolution No. acc.'�ass t-he cost of such repair upan the
rent PrGDM Y dazcribed2 and the same has not been
D.nid no-4 any, par-i- th-e-T--eof, and the V-Sid city does hereby claim a
1.1-en on Said real PKUPaz:'(1-Y In the sum of dollars
0—,, y -may y 3 aad the Same Shall be a lien up
on said r-mal
vpl:onerzy unf_'iL tte, Said rJua, 1.4th I
nterest at t1w rate og 6 per
Cet7jt Per ¢`knnUM, fro"In J;jJC Said —.. day of 19
(insert date of conftrmation of assessment), has been paid in fall
and discharged of record.
The real PrOPOrkY hezeinbefore mentioned and upon which a lien is
claimed, Is that: certain Piece OZ parcel of land lying and being
Ir. the City of Sam Lluis Obispo, Cwun-ty of San Luis Obispos State
of Califo-xvnAa, and particularly described as follows, to wit:
(Descriptioa of property)
Dated this day of
superinterAeat of Streets
W From and after tae date of recording, the notice of all persons
_Va h.0 -tents thereof. The notice of lien MGY
sha%R be deemed to ha a notice of the con
Include Clair* cgninq't one ov MM-e sep2rate paree-Is of property, wh"thzu cmtisuour'
or not, together with the ammat due, respectively, from each such parcel.. The
Statute of Limitations shall %310t Tun a3c-,iUst th,1_1 right of the Cilty to ci%force the
lta-ym-"Ut of Lhe 11.,3n4 if awy such Lien is not paid,, the City may file and maintain
an Octle" to fGreC1030 such lien in the saw manner ind under the samm Fooceodure,
so far as applicable, as th2t under which delftivent bands are foreclosed under
MvWon 7 of the Streets Lind Highways Code of the State of Califoraic.
Section 7350.3e
t h
(a) As an mathod Of collection of the mm-at of the lien,
the City Council may, after coafirm-t-ion of the report of the Super Intendient of
Streetst, order the notice of lieu to be delivered to the Director of Finance tfho
shall enter the amount of the ass-esmont on the City assessment roll opposiee
the description of the particular property, and the r: Wit: 9WI be collected to-
sether with all other taxes thereon against the property.
(b) Thereafter the am amt of the lien shall be collected at the same Z!Emie
and 1 r the same er as ardimary City taxes are collected and shall be subject to
the Sam Penalties and Interest and to the sc-me pracedure wader foreclosure and sale
in =G of dalinwency as prm--ided for ordinary City taxese All Urns applicable
to the 1eVY, collection and enforcew-nt of City taxes are hereby made applicable
to each special assessamut taxes,
W) The My Go ell may, in its discretion:, provide the assessment shaU
be collec- to installmentjs = the tar. roll,, in which ich case the notice of lion shall
contain an apportion-inent of the principal smomt of the assessment into the number Of
yearly installments as ordered by the City Co=e1j. Such installments shall bear
Interest on the unpaid balance at a rate to be determined by the City C4,-&mcjj, not
to encead six (6) percent per =mum. Said interest shall begin to r4-u ca- the first
Of the nth follou-ing the comfirmation of the assesment by the City Council, in
the avemt such installments and accrued Interest are not paid z%ihen due, then the
full balance of such asseasm-ants and accrued interest shall become Immediately doe
and payable and shall thereafter be subject to the same penalties and interest and
to the sa= procedure under foreclosure and sale as In the case of delijquencles,
as provided for ordinary City taxes.
(d) The proceedings conducted under this Ordinance shall be subject to
all of the ctr ative clauses and powers of reassessment provided in the Improvement
Act of 1911 as said Act now exists or aabereafter emeaded,
SE(,'TZC,H 2. If any secticn, stibsection:1 senteneso clauve or phrase of this
Ordi=Mcc is f*R- any reason held to be unconstitutional or void, such decision shall
Mot af feet the Validity of the mining separable portions of this o-rdinance. TI-he
City CV-Mcil Of the City of Sam Luis Obispo hereby declares that it would have
adopted this ordi nance cad each sectiono sub"sectjo% sentence, clause or phrase
thereof irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, scab- sections, sen-
tences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstituti=aj or void.
SIECTION 3. is ardinance2 together with the ayes and no-as, sh-al.1 be published
071C2 ia fuXla at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram-Tribune,
a nc-uspapet published and circuated in said City, and the saw shal I I so into affect
at the expiration of thirty days after its final-passage.
IMMUCED AITO P "IS aD TO r-RW this :bM day of Aprisl® 1963 by the fol-IOULUS
roll call vote:
HOW -*
e a -k �
Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Miss Margaret McNeil,
Donald Q. Miller, Gerald W. Shipsey
rdy RON, 1 0 - . � . * ate,.. ,� _� � _ _
FINALLY PASSED this 27th day of May , 1953, by
the following roll call vote,*
AYES s Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Miss Margaret McNeil,
Donald Q. Miller, Clell W. Whelchel
NOES: None
AgSEWg None