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BE VT ORDAUMID). by � he Comril of the O of Sm Luis Obispo as gollovs:
SEC"1103 p That the San Luis Obispo Famicipsal Code shall be maended by adding
Clm-p�ev 2652 entitled QV.T7EaW PROCEDUU, as follvas':
�ec�toA.� 40. votice to Apoeara
Tf =y person. is arrested for the violation of &-.y ordinance of the City
of San Yams Obispo as ast forth L4 the San Obispo Municipal Code,, aM such
person is not immediatel tahen before a as Jr. maia fatly se�, rt
the o, �h
In the Penal Code of the State of California, the arrestill'", officer. sT . I •eG
pare, in duplicate, a vrritten notice to . apipear In court" contalai%r tha n,:r,*,a -ad
addreas of I such Person, the offense charg d arch the time and place t;hera and
vhen such person shall appear in court.
(a) Time.
The time specified in the notice to appear shall be not less ehaa
flve-(S) days after Such arrest.
(b) Place.
The place specified in Vne notice to appear shall be efthar the
court of the m-agistrate before vdiva the person votxjd.ba tdIx-n If the
re.quirement, of takIng an arrested per mi before *a *ma gictzato =za COM�
plied withv or an of gicer =Zhor'zed by such court to rece-ftre a de=. - sit
of bail
W. Weiner Promise.
'the officar shall deliver one. cop; of the notice to appeox, to the
arrested person am' the arrested par2on., * ft, order, to Dec'uram na Tel-w.,re..,
must give Us vvitter. promise so to in court J.),v sim me
-,_ 1! � tho
dwplicate notlixe.. which shall ba retafted by the officer. t1he
ars!estkag officer shall forthi-Ath releoze the person arrest V-d EM—Ul Ca Otodyt
r4ction 12518 The officer shall, as soon as Practicable., file a dvP11. t: C 141- a
notice with the magistrate specified in s=h notice. . Tze aef umim
At ay, - � prior
to the date upon tshich L—. pro sea to aprzar In couxt., de -eosit with. the masist-r4ate
e-he amount of bawl eat by such mar-iGtrate. Tharv-&fteer:1 .cat the
iG Called for Orral&p=int before the ruagistratej U the deg-eadant dcas zjo-i; appea,..,*;
either in person or by counsel:, the Masliatrate Mny Camel are the b,-Al forf. itai et
4. — --e
May at his discretion order that no fureiler -Cxroceedirags shall be hid in cnar-h case.
Upon the maDdEng of such order that no furthtir proceadinss be ha-631, all sum-4s
as bail shall gorthwith be paid Into the City Treasuzyg
Section 1252. A warrant. aD-all no issune an such Charge for Vhe z_vrest. 041-`
t o use '0
z0 visions of this ardin-ance Las gi-ven rixte. a
prom-ise to -appear in court unless and tmtll lie has violated such oT 1, -s
failed to deposit bail, to appe,7fi, far 0-y T131
t .
j or to
com.-ply vi the terms anid yrwjisioas of the jur,1051cnt as rcqui=ed by lcw,
section IM. Every person wilfaly vioiswing his vmzitteia pr¢ sM to
Or-Pear is &W-ItY Of a misdemem-or resenvoiler-a of the disposition of, Una, e__,arpa
upon which he was origlnal2y arrested and shall Lve punishable ill
Section 1200 of the San L Obispo Mwilelpal -Code,,
.2 G P,
Uhe-a C pel stn sigms a wrluteu promlze to zzga,--,.=. a- -z:Ihe
time md pla-r;a spac!Sied is the meitten pzomise. to npPear &-ld has not-
ball as provided in Saction 1251 of this OrcUD-Onea, Ohl smagistrate sh'all issue
and havc del-I.VaT-ed '-foren-emmUon 0*- 'war:---ant Xf rhIs arrst wltlhiu t tmcm�Ay (20)
0 „ A. e
days after his Cailure to app o” as promi-eed, *X:f a pers= I promizes to appear
before an o eer authozIL--ed to accept bail other- than a maalse'rate and Cmlls
to do so ca or before the date -ohich he joraigsed to appe=2 then within ve-xaty'
(20) days 89ter ' the delivery of such witten pxomise to appear by the office-
to a maZistvate 1mving jul;-isdictiou aver the Of-Sense, secla m-agistrave Ifloll
Issue m-nd have delftered for executlan a warrant for his' arzq5z:. Milen Such
parson violates his prwalse to qppezr bel-Emen an Officer Wuhorized to r acokve
bail 'on-er. thm a magistrate, the oficar shah imedlately de ve to the
magistrate haling jurisdiction over Mae offense Charged the IV-rltten !w w; a to
appn ar md if any,, filed by the azrastving Offic—zra
Section MS. The proviziond of Cuts Ordinance Imme been. enacted yu r -
culmant, to the provisions of Sections 853.1. 853,20 85303 znd 833A of ene remA
Code of the,'Stata of Call-ftzmia.
SEU."TION 2, Vhls-ordlnanea, Zdaethear w-Wh the ayes and naeoD sim"Ll be gmbtishad
once In full, a least three days before its final pasaage., in the
a 1MV-paper wad- eircull-mcmd in wid City., and the semm shall so into e5H
at the expiration of th-Irty, days., after its final. passage.
IYODBUCE-D Alm PASSED TO MUNT this 601-A day o:9 Nqy� 1-953 by thm falliyutlm- r 11
=11 Vote:
AYES.; Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Miss Margaret McNeil,
Donald Q. Miller, Clell W. Whelchel
AB-c',M,T,, *, None
FINALLY PASSED this 27th day of May , 1963, by
the following roll call vote
AYES, Clay P. Davidson, R. L. Graves, Jr., Miss Margaret McNeil,
Donald Q. Miller, Clell W. Whelchel
MCES: None
ABS None
=� MV-4 I FA elw_ 1 4, WE'
Ir "(F