HomeMy WebLinkAbout0269NAYO -e.'- W ORDINANCE NO. 269 (New Series) AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH, AND THE EXA%:INATION, REGISTRATION, LICENSING AND BONDING OF PERSONS ENGAGEED IN THE BUSINESS OF`PLMMINH; REQUIRING A PE'RkTIT FOR THE INSTALLATION OR ALTERATION OF PLTZIBING AND DRAINAGE SYSTEIIS ; CREATING THE OFFICE OF PLTWIBING INSPECTOR AND A BOARD OF PLUMBER EXAMINERS, mn PRESCRIBING THEIR DUTIES; DEFINING CERTAIN TETIMIS; ESTABt LISHING1,1INI1= REGULATIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION, ALTERA!t TION OR REPAIR OF PLWBING AND DRAINAGE SYSTE11TS AND THE INSPECTION THEREOF; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR ITS VIOLATION AND REPEALING CONFLICTING ORDINANCES. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, as follows: SECTION 1. Standard Plumbing Code Adopted by Reference as Modified and Added to Herein. That certain document in book form, entitled "Standard Plumbing Code," drafted and sponsored by the Pacific Coast Plumbing Inspectors Association, three copies of which are now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of San Luis Obispo, is hereby enacted and adopted by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, as modified and added to hereinafter. SECTION 2. Filling in Certain Blanks. of " or the words "State of Whenever the words "City ", are set forth in said Standard Plumbing Code the same shall refer to the City of San Luis Obispo and the State of California, respectively. SECTION 3. Deletion of Kords "Department of Public Health" and "Health Officer ". Whenever the words "Department of Public Health" are set forth in said Standard Plumbing Code the same shall be deleted and the words "Department of Public Works" substituted in place there- of; provided that in Section 8 the words "Department of Public Health" shall be completely deleted with no substitution of any other words in its place. Tahenever the words "Health Officer" shall appear in said Code, the same shall be deleted and "City Council" substituted therefor. SECTION 4. License Fee. The following provisions are hereby substituted in the place and stead of the provisions of Section 4 of said Standard Plumbing Code, to wit: Section a. Before any Master Plumber's License,=.,;shall be issued the applicant therefor shall pay to the City of San Luis Obispo, $50.00 in advance for the first year or fraction thereof, and $15.00 in.. advance for-each annual renewal thereafter. SECTION 5. Expiration of` License. Section 5 of said Standard Plumbing Code shall read as follows: Section 5. All Master Plumber's Licenses shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year unless sooner revoked. SECTION 6. master Plumber's Bond. Amount. Period Bond Effective. The amount of bond required under the provisions of Section 8 of said Standard Plumbing Code is hereby fixed at $500.00. It is further provided hereby that said bond shall run from January 1st of the year of filing thereof, or such other date there- after from the filing; thereof, to the succeeding December 31st, and all renewals thereof shall run for.such period, so that said bond shall be coterminous with licenses issued hereunder. SECTION 7. Owners' Permits. Anew section is hereby added to said Standard Plumbing Code to be.numbered Section 10a therein pro -' viding as follows: Section 10a. Definition of Owner. The word "owner" as used hereinafter shall mean any bona fide owner of a building, whether used for dwelling or other, purposes. Owners' Permits, The Plumbing Inspector may issue to an owner, as defined hereinabove, upon application and.payment of fees as pre- scribed by Section 15 of said Standard Plumbing Code, a special owner's permit authorizing said owner to personally install, alter, change plumbing devices, in or about premises owned by him as'defined herein- above. Owners holding such special permits shall be bound by all the provisions of this ordinance concerning the installation, alteration or repair of plumbing,.,and if this or any other provision hereof shall be violated by the holder of such special owner's permit, such permit shall be subs ieet to .immediate cancellation, and the holder thereof shall be liable to the penalty hereinafter provided for violation of this code SECTION 8, Cost'of Permit. The following are fixed as the fees to be paid pursuant to Section 15 of said Standard Plumbing Code: Schedule of Fees for Permits For each plumbing fixture and waste discharging device, $1.00 for the first fixture and 50¢ each for all others. For each sewer connection, $2.50. SECTION 9. Plumbing Inspector and Assistants. Section 16 of said Standard Plumbing Code shall provide as follows: Section 16. To provide for the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance, the Office of Plumbing Inspector is hereby created. The City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo shall appoint the Plumbing Inspector and may appoint assistants to the Plumbing Inspector to assist him in the discharge of the duties of his office. The salary of said Plumbing Inspector and his assistants shall be estab- lished by resolution of the City Council The City Council may, at any time, consolidate and place in charge of any other official of the City the function and duties of Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 10. Deletion of.Part of Section 17 of Standard Plumbing Code. The words "having not less than five (5) years actual experience as journeyman or Master Plumbers" are hereby deleted from the pro- visions of Section 17 of the Standard Plumbing Code. SECTION 11. Board of Plumber Examiners. A new section is hereby substituted in the place and stead of Section 22 of the said Standard Plumbing Code to read as follows: Section 22. A Board of Plumber Examiners is hereby created to consist of the City Health Officer, the Plumber Inspector, 2 Licensed Master Plumbers and 1 Certified Journeyman Plumber, which said Plumber members shall be appointed by the City Council and shall hold office for the period of one year from V anuary 1 to the succeeding December 31st, unless sooner removed for malfeasance in office, neglect of duty or incapacity. SECTION 12. Board of Plumber Examiners Under City Council. Section 23 of said Standard Plumbing Code is hereby deleted and in place thereof is inserted the following: "The Board of Plumber Ex- aminers shall be under the jurisdiction of the City Council ". w 40 SECTION 13. Deleting Certain Words From Section 32. The words "or more than twenty -one years" are hereby deleted from subdivision 2 of Section 32. SECTION 14. Adding Additional Paragraph to Section 42 of Code Re Cleanouts for House Sewers. An additional paragraph is hereby added to Section 42 of said Code to provide as follows: At the end of every main house sewer a cleanout shall be in" stalled and to extend to the outside of building and brought to a point one (1) foot above ground level. SECTION 15. Deletion of Section 72 of Standard Plumbing Code. Section 72 of Standard Plumbing Code is hereby deleted from said Code. SECTION 16. Adding Subdivision (d) to Section 80 of Code Re Grease Traps. A new subdivision to be numbered (d) is hereby added to Section 80 of said Code to provide as follows: Section 80 (d). Sinks or other fixtures in restaurants, hotels, boarding houses, butcher shops, slaughter houses, packing houses, creameries, butter factories, bakeries, or other places where greasy waste is discharged, shall be connected to a grease trap of an approved type, the capacity of which shall be of such volume necessary.. Such grease trap shall be constructed so as to effectively separate grease and sediment and prevent same from entry into a drainage system. Grease traps shall be served with a waste pipe not smaller than two (2) inches in diameter. Grease traps shall be of sizesiiand types approved by the Plumbing Inspector, SECTION 17. Change in Section 108 of Standard Plumbing Code. Where the words "galvanized malleable iron fittings" are used in subdivisions (e) of Section 108 of Standard Plumbing Code, the word "galvanized" is deleted. SECTION 18. House Drain and House Sewer Materials. Subdivision (a) of Section 137 of said Code is hereby revised to read. as follows: Section 137 (a). The House Sewer, beginning three (3) feet outside the building line, shall be of cast iron pipe, or of vitrified clay of approved standards, or other material of approved standards suitable for )Xouse drains and, house sewers. 'w SECTION 19. Before entering upon his duties, the Plumbing In- spector shall furnish a bond with.a surety company as sole surety, payable to the City of San Luis Obispo, in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) conditioned that said Plumbing Inspector will well, truly, honestly, and faithfully perform the duties of his office; provided, however, that where the office of the Plumbing Inspector is consolidated and placed in charge of another official of the City who has given a bond as such official., no separate bond shall be re- quired of the Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 20. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 21. This ordinance, together with the Ayes and Noes, shall be published for two days before its final passage in the Telegram - Tribune, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City, and the same shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT this -18th day of Feb. , 19461 by the following vote: AYES G.W.Baker, R.P.Howe 11, Ralph C. Kennedy, Clyde T. OtNan NOES: F.L.Gist ABSENT: None ATTEST: city clerk Finally passed this 4th day of March, 1946 upon the following roll call vote: Ayes: G.W.Baker, R.P.Howell, Ralph C. Kennedy, Clyde T. OtNan Noes: F. L. Gist Absent: None EST: City Clerk