HomeMy WebLinkAbout0277Nt •� ORDINANCE NO. 277 _(New Serie ) A1J 0 l�NAN E WND NG SECTIONS 23 ,40, 5 *5, 59, 67, 75 82 93 9 "9' IN 11©: and 112 OF ORDINANCE N0. 76 ( HMV SERIES) ENTITLED "AN ORDIXA, C,E LI Ea3 SI `1% AND RE'G, - LAT 1 G 'a DOINNG OF CERTATPd ACTS AND 'FHE CARRYING QN' OF' CNRTAITW 'AA�ES, CA: ,LI tGS, BIISINES'S, �PRwQFEkSSI0N8: AND OCCUPATIONS WITHIN THE 'CORPORk E LIMITS ' THE CITY OF, SAN LUIS OBISPO ,; CAS° FORMA, AND PRESS +CRZ�BIN�G PEN1�L' ,5 FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" , AT3D: A S� --COWISMONS 59 59 , 1159 1169 117 , 118 , 119 , 2'. 0` ajid' 12'1 T'L";, SAIDx ; ©RED "I. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of 8-,,?m Lti ix ,s; Obispo a%s follows L _- SE'CTION , 1 . Section 23 of Ordinance No. 76 (bw, Serie,$) :, the, title of :which is set forth in the title of this "dr— a nance is here- by amended to read as follows:, Section 2'3 Every person, firm or'' corporation condu•cting,, or earryi ;g'on a j , rSeshop or engaging in the tailoring bus' ness,, shall pay, the qua erly fee prescribed, in Section 59 of this ordi- nance.,` as" amended herein; provided however, that if said person,.,, firm, or :'corporation shall be engaged solely in the work•of repair- ing or ,altering clothing, the license fee shall be 3:to,` per, quarter. SECTION 2. Section 4.0Aof Ordinance No . 76 (New Series) , .the title of,: ,which is, set forth in the title' of this ordinance is -here- m by aene..d'to read as follows: Section, 40, Every person, _ firm or, corporation engaged in the business of conducting a' creamery shall pay a license fee. oaf, . ,4;25.00 pex "quarter • SECTION 3.' Section 55 of Ordinance No.,. 76 (New Series) , the bf title swhich is set forth in the title o2" this ordinance, is_ he.re by dme,nded to read as follows: Seetlon 55. Every person, firm, or, ,e.orporati:gn ownin -g, op:erat ng or .c,onducti:ng., a laundry,; or, linen an'd towel supply service, withrin° the city, of: San iuis Obispo, California, `and which laundry, .or linen or towel supply s ®tyke., or .real property, wherein. -thee " con dyu °cued,' is upon the tax rolls of said city, shall pay:, e. 1 "incense fete. Of pe;r quarter. StCTI0N 4, Section 59 of Ordinance. No. 76 (NeK Siexies) titl -e of` ,Whi-e3h is set forth' in the. title. of this :o�rdivr�ajnce, is here by amtende4,d tpo read, as fo logs : See+A 59. Every person, firm or corporation who, at a fixed aad permanent place .of !.business, sells at retail any roods, warets,; merbh4kA'�l,se :, ,'eat, .food,- jewelry. , or. anything whatsoever, save as in this or'.ciinance 'othevise specifically provide=d, whether��on` coisso -ri or' Qr' e A- se shall pay 'to the city the following quarterly fie ,." tfi�Yere the >, average d sales ,are under the 'mount of ' fee of OR,56 . Where the average quarterly s,lers are X1000. "00 or more, but under 00,0, 00 ,; ..a fee of 04.00,',. Whe4re the average suarterl fir. sales are X20®®.,.00 o.r "more ;Y but um.- Aar 3O fee of fi .00 . 'When," a �Verage uaa�tekrly sale..s are 3000. )0 or more, but un- deF00�:00 a Rf;ee of 8.00. yF uWare `thek!anverage quartlerly sales are4D00.f30 or. mare, but under 6® ©0.00 ,,. a feie oP X12..00 ._ j= k i ,erek the.average quarterly: sales ar -e $6000;s 00 or more, but Under of16;OQ4.: k ' �ere" rtke •averaged quarterly: sratl�e ±s, are $10,,000.0.0 or more, but unc er•� 15,;0. ®0.00, .a :fee of Oct, ��.' it Where the average quarterly sales are $15,000.00 or more, but under $30,000.00, a fee of $25.00.,/ Where the average quarterly sales are $30,000.00 or more,,but under $150,000.00, the license fee shall be $2'5.00, plus a mill for each dollar" of sales in` excess of' $30,000.00. Where the average quarterly sales are $150,000.00 or more., the lieense,fee shall be the same as' provided in the last paragraph immediately proceeding this, plus "4 mill for each dollar,of sales in excess ` of $150,000.00. SECTION. 5. Zec�;t. �on '5,94- thll is hereby added to Ordinance No 7.6 (New Series,) , the' title of ch"`:s set forth in the title. of this ordinance; and `�which said section shall read as follows: Ever person, firm or cor oration: who a Section 59 y p , p , t a fixed and" permanent place of business, sells at wholesale any goods, , wares, merchandise, meat, food, jewelry, or anything whatsoever, ,save .in this ovdinasnce otherwise, specifically provided, whether on. commission or otherwise,-shall pay the following quarterly license �- fee* Where the average quarterly ,;sales are under 60 000.QO. -, a fee of15,.b0. �Q H% Wher`.e the average sakes 'a,re X60,000.00 or more, but uncle °r' `3®'Q� X000'.00;, a fe�e`of :15,0.0 plus mill f`or each. doll >ar r n *r 3 b sa�laes temeess of 60,'000.®0 Where, ^the avelrage gi4itzt,e�2�y Asalea are $$60000.00 or more, the license f`ee� s a12 b�e ° they;; s�am�ea`s,5, ��' " hr pr ©�i ded,' in the. last (paragraph. im e,,diately pdr�ocse'ding�th IS .pliis;;F 1 /B;Fz�aill for each dollar of sales in, AAwche0 Oob400; " y��SECTION 6. J' on 59a °its ,reby a^ddeci to OUrd;�inaziee, ,No. 76 (]go �Ser4ieIs) , the t' do 'of .wh -leh 'is =set forth in ,,the . titl - of this oral nail -ce; ' and whi,ah said, A.eetion shall read as follows s 'S >ectaion 591.. Every pers on, f irm, or corporation owning, , oper- ating,.`or donducting a food processing plant shall pay the quarterly lie:ense; fee pre eri -bed in Section 59 of this ordinance, 'as amended herein "', for all ;reta'il .stales; and •shall pay the quarterly ,lic,onse free, pre cr�'bLecd 'in S,e'cti;on 59I of this ordinance for all wholasale> sales: SECTION 7. Section' 67 of Ordinance No. 76 (New Serie,$) ;the, tit of which " ;,s� ?set forth in the title, of 'this `ordinance; is .here b'y amende:d to rE =ad as follows: K 0actaLon .67. Every e,r on, firm, or corporation engaged in the, bus:;ine `- 'of ub sh n rfws "" g er .shao'1 Lary a is se f, �f 2 .0 oj� Ayw ~2�i "bin OT GfTa6 ca Q a e u�rPlh� .: per quae a every�°i rso , , p ri o frig e i�ri e. job printing business 'shall pay a Iicense fae of, $5.00 ' p,er quarter, which ..shall ,be in addition of any other license. SEC,I,.N 8. Section 75 of Ordinance No. 76 (New.Sprles) the title ,o °f. , ;which is set forth in the title of thin ordinance, ids here- by !amende,a to read as follows:' Se:ctIon 75.. For the business of carrying on and conduotitg a permanen4tly established theat ,or motion, picture °show at ., (fixed place .o. business, in the city of ' San, Luis Obsp©; 'an .annual license. fee shalli,b,e paid as follows: Via) there the regular ,p:ri,ce' of, admiss�fon fo,r, an .adult „is 250 or less, exclusive of any governmental' admission tax,,; an annual. license fete of ,12,¢' fo.'r each theater ;chair bi said est:abli'is�hment. (b),y t1here..the regular price.<:of - admission fora an adult is more tbAn `25¢", egclusive any governmental a.dm s.sion tayx; an. annual 31'1oense fee' of 20¢ for each theater chair in 'said establishment. 'or every. carnival company, or aggregation of tent shows, or ,other amusement devices, under one management or control, a. license fee" of %.50. "00 . pe.r day shall be paid. '`or every show conducte:d� and carried on in a tent where any side show a° after" show is prese.',,e , or where there, are other amuse3rient devia,ao, games or sales of merchandise operated in connection with such tent show; a license fee of $5.040 per day shall be paid., For "other',theatr cal entertainments, shows or exhibitions; ex- cept a circus or menagerie, a license fee of ..$95'i,00 per day shall be paid. Nothing in,this section contained shall be construed to pre- vent exhibitions, or entertainments Wholly for the benefits of ehurehei "or 'schools 'or other charitable or private social enter- tainment-s4, for Fany ..,benevolent , religious or literary society of the city,`_ without a license therefor. SECTION 9. Section 82 of Ordinance No. 76 (New Series), -the title of Which is set forth in'the title of this oidinance, is here- by amended to read as follows: 2e,ctlon'82. Each mortuary, funeral parlor, or under - taking esta'bl'ishment, firm or business, shall pay a license' fee of $25.00 per quarter. SECTION 10. Section 85 of'Ordinance No, 76 (New Series), the title of.which is set forth in the title of this ordinance, is here- by amended to read as follows: Section 85. Every person, firm or corporation peddling or selling'on the- public streets, peanuts, candy, or pop -corn, shall pay a license fee of $5.00 -per quarter. SECTION 11. Section 93 of Ordinance No. 76 (New Series),the title of "which is set forth in the title of this ordinance, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section-9.3. 'Every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting or . operating 6- barber shop shall pay a quarterly license fee of" X5:00, and $1,00 in addition for each chair over one Is maintained and, operated in said shop. SECTION 12. " Section 99 of-Ordinance. No 76 (New Ser3;es} the title of `which is set "forth in the title of this ordi`n'ance, is here by amended to `read as folhaa: Section 99. Every person, firm or corporation a.ondueting,. operating,,, maintaining or managing a hospital or sanitarium for pro- fit shall, pay a license fes 'of $40.00 per quarter. SECTION 134 Section 109 of Ordinance No. 16 (New Series),. the title of -which is� set forth in the title of this ordinance, 1.8 hereby'amended to read as follows: Section 109. Every person or firm engaged in business as a surveyor,, civil mechanical, or electrical. engineer shall pay a ,license fee of 65.00 per quarter. SECTION 14. Section 110 of Ordinance No. 76 (New Series), the title of which is set forth in the title of this ordinance, is hereby amended to read as follows Section 110. Every person, firm or corporation engaged in conducting or operating a beauty parlor shall pay a liciz"'e fee of $5 o per quarter. SUCTION 15. Section 112 of Ordinance No 76 (New Series),. the title of which is set forth in the. title of this ordinance is h4re- by amended to read as follows: Section 112. Every person, firm or corporatlon conducting or ^.arrying or, a shoe repair shop, or an automobile painting.dhop; or a blacksmith shop, shall pay a license fee of $5400 per quarter. SYgTION 16 Section 115. is . hereby added, to Ordinance No,. 76 (IdewS 'eries), the t tle ©#' which` is set Forth in t`he title: of thiis ordinance, and which said section shall read as follows: Section' 115. Every person; firm or corporation engaged in the business, of acting as a public accountant or as a tax consultant within the city, of San Luis Obispo, .shall pay' a license fee of $5.00 per quarter. SECTION 17. Section 116 is hereby added to Ordinance No 76 (New Series)', the title of which is set forth in the title of this ordinance., and which said section shall read as follows: Section 116. Every person engaging in the business'.of a public stenographer shall pay a license fee of', $2.50 per quarter.'; QE1,1'TION 18.,, Section 117 is hereby added to Ordinance No, 76 (New Series)`, the title of which is set forth in the' title of t4sis ordinence,sand which 'said section shall read as follows;. Section 117. Every person or firm engaged in the business of boot -black or shoe shining parlor shall pay a license . fee of X2.50 per quarter. SECTION 19. Section 118 is hereby added to Ordinance'No. 76 (New B6.xie, I) j the tithe of which ' is set forth in the title of thds ordinance..,, and.,Which said section shall read as follows: Section 118. Every pers on�, f irn or corporation maintaining or operating a radio station in the City of San Luis Obispo, and which solicits or-' 'obtains. radio advertising within the corporate limits of` said city, shall. pay 'a license fee of $25.0Q,.per, .quarter, SE!CTIQN- 20. Section 119; is hereby added to' Ordinance,- No,. 76 (,1�ew Series:) ,. ,the title of - which is got forth in .the. title of this ordinance, and.+'which said section shall read 'as follows: Section 119. Every person, firm or corporation engaging, In the °business of operating postage stamp selling machines shall pay a license fee of $5'.00 per quarter, SECTION 21. Section 120 is hereby added to Ordinance No.. 766 (New Series), the title of :which is set forth in' the title, of this ordinance,; and which said section shall read as followsl: section 120. Any trade, occupation or business not specific- ally covered herein, conducted at a fixed place of business, in the C-itq of San Luis" Obispo:, ,hall pay a license 'fee of $5:00 per quarter. SECTION 22. Section 121 is. hereby added. to Ordinance No 76 (Nevi. Series) , the title of which is set forth in the title of this ordinance;.; and which said section shall read as Follows: Section 121. Any trade, occupation or business not specific ally .covered herein, and not conducted at a fixed pla of, o business in-. the City of 'San Luis Obispo .shall pay a license fee of $5+406 pe.r,` day, 'SECTION 23. This ordinance, together with the Ayes and Noes, shall, he published :for two days before-its final passage in the Telegram=- Tribune, a daily newspaper printed, published and circu- laced in said City, and the same shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its final passage. INTRODUCED AND 'PASSED TO PRINT this 25 day of November 19461 by the following vote: AYES: G.,W.Baker, F.L: Gist ,R.P.Hovj ell ,Ralph C.Kennedy, Kline Williams N9ES` None ABSEgT None or ATTEST: City Cle rk Finally passed this 29th day of November, 1946 upon the following roll ca]L1 vote: Ayes F.L.Gist, R.P.Howell, Ralph C.IKennedy, Kline Williams NOES: None ABSENT: G.N. Baker. C City Cler 5 Finally passed this 29th day of November, 1946 upon the following roll ca]L1 vote: Ayes F.L.Gist, R.P.Howell, Ralph C.IKennedy, Kline Williams NOES: None ABSENT: G.N. Baker. C City Cler