HomeMy WebLinkAbout0315NORDINANCE NO._315(New Series)
WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 47 entitled "Establishing a Base
of Vertical Distances and Fixing the Grades of Streets and Side-
walks in the City of Ban Luis Obispo ", passed and adopted by the
Board of Trustees of the City of San Luis Obispo on the lat. day of
December, 1890, a bench mark was established from which the base of
verticia.l distances in the City of San Luis Obispo could be readily
ascertained and determined, which bench mark consisted of a metal
bolt of brass in a cope stone of the stone steps in front of the San
Luis Obispo County Court House, as the same then existed.
AND titrHEREAS, by the provisions of said Ordinance No. 47,
the horizontal plane lying 82.92 feet vertically below the surface
of the upper end of said metal bolt was fixed, established and
declared to be the datum plane of the City of San Luis Obispo.
AND WHEREAS, the County Court House and the cope stone
referred to in said Ordinance have been torn down and removed, there-
by destroying said bench mark.
AND WHEREAS, a new County Court House has been constructed
and said bench mark has been re-established at the location herein,
after set forth, and at the same elevation as the bench mark described
in said Ordinance No. 47.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City
of San Luis Obispo as follows:
SECTION 1, For the purpose of establishing a permanent bench
mark from which the base of vertical distances in the City of San Luis
Obispo can be readily ascertained and determined, a brass cap, two and
one-half inches in diameter, with an x inscribed thereon, has been set
in the top face of a concrete pier near the base of and immediately
in front and to the west of the square pillar holding commemorative
and construction plaques, said square pillar being erected in the
- 1 ..
center of the steps leading to the Westerly entrance (also known as
the Osos Street entrance) of the County Court House of the County of
San Luis Obispo, in the City of San Luis Obispo, The upper surface
of said brass cap--is on a level with the top face of the concrete
pier in which it is inserted. The horizontal plane lying eighty -two
and 92/100 (82.92) fleet vertically below the upper surface of said
brass cap is hereby fixed., established and declared to be the datum
plane from which all vertical distances must be ascertained, desig
nated and measured in grading and determining elevations of street
crossings, pavements, sidewalks, gutters, sewers, bridges, structures
and all other works of the City of San Luis Obispo. In all ordinances,
resolutions, orders, enactments and contracts hereafter passed or made,
whenever an elevation or grade is named in feet, it shall be deemed to
mean so many feet vertically above said established base or datum plane.
SECTION 2. Ordinance No. 47, above referred to, in so far
as the same fixes and establishes the bench mark from which the base
of vertical distances in said city can be determined, and all ordin,�
antes and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are
hereby repealed.
SECTION 3. This ordinance, together with the ayes and noes
shall be published for two days in the Telegram- Tribune, a daily news-
paper printed, published and circulated in said city, and is declared
to be urgently required for the immediate preservation of the public
health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately
upon its final passage.
INTRODUCED AND PASSED to print this 8th- day of August, 1949
by the following vote:
AYES: D.M.Carpenter, Wm. 0. Hall, Timothy `I.0'Reilly,Kline William*,Frank_V.
- - --�--- Woods
NOES: None
City Clerk
- 2 --
Finally passed this 1_ day of August, 1949
upon the following roll call vote:
AYES: Wm. 0.H411 Kline Williams, Frank V. Woods
NOES: None
ABSENT: D. M. Carpenter, Timothy I. O'Reilly
FINALLY PASSED this lst day of August,
upon the following roll call vote:
AYES: Wm. 0. Hall, Timothy I. O'Reilly, y, K i ne Wi 1 1 i am -,, Frank j�,Wppfi C!
NOES: None
ABSENT: D.M.Carpenter
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