HomeMy WebLinkAbout0316NORDINANCE NO. 316 � (New Series) AN ORDINANCE, LEVYING A TAX FOR THE CURRENT FISCAL YEAR 1949 -1950 UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, AND FIXING THE RATE OF SUCH TAX. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby levied upon all taxable real and personal property within the City of San Lu;.s Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo; State of California, a tax for the fiscal year of said. City beginning on the lst day of July, 1949, and now current, of 1.47 on each One Hundred Dollars in value of said pro- perty, for the purposes herein specified and apportioned among the funds in the City Treasury, as follows: I 1. For the General Fund there is levied a tax of ..$50 on each One Hundred Dollars in value of said property. 2. For each of the following bond funds there is levied a tax on each One Hundred Dollars in value of said property to be used in paying the accruing interest and, maturing bonds of the various issues of bonds heretofore issued by the City of San Luis Obispo, which tax is in the amount, and is to be apportioned. among such funds in the City Treasury as follows: ✓ (a) For the City Farm Bond Fund, evidenced by bonds dated April 1, 1918, a tax of $ .002 ; 0(b) For the.Improvement Bond Fund of 1922, evidenced by bonds d.a.ted July 1, 1922, a tax of -$ .002 ; (c)� For the Improvement Bond Fund of 1925, evidenced by bonds dated June 1, 1925, a tax of .002 ; �(d) For the Sewer Extension Bond. Fund of 1927 evidenced by bonds dated October 1, 1927, a tax of .002 ; "/(De) For the Miller and Lux Laguana Property Bond Fund, evidenced. by bonds d.a.ted. October 1,' 1927 a tax of .002 ' wt�f) -For the Sewer Extension Bond Fund of 1929, evidenced by bonds dated July 1, 1929, a tax of $ .002 , (g) For the Bridge and Culvert Bond Fund. of 1929, evidenced by bonds dated July 1, 1929, a tax of $ .002 i C(H) For the Sewer Extension Bond Fund of 1931, evidenced <r by bonds dated. July 1, 1931, a tax of $ ; (i) For the Water Bond Fund of 1939, Series A, evidenced by bonds dated July 1, 1939, a tax of $_.�_002 ; E, V' (j) For the Water Bond. Fund of 1939, Series B, evidenced 0by bonds dated May 1, 1940, a tax of A .002 ; -1- iii 0 3. For the Library Fund there is levied. a tax of $ -15 on each one Hundred. Dollars in value of said property. 4. For the Improvement Fund of said. City there is levied a tax of on each One Hundred Dollars in value of said pro- perty. 5.' For the Park, Playground .and. Recreation Fund of said City there is levied a tax of $ .l'S on each One Hundred Dollars in value of said property. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, for two days.before its final passage, in the Telegram - Tribune, a daily newspaper printed published and circulated in said. City, and the same shall take effect and be in force from and, after its final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT this 22nd day of August, 19491 by the following vote: AYES: D.M.Carpenter,Wm.0.Ha11,Timothy I.O'Reillv.,Kline Williams, Frank V.Woods NOES: None ABSENT: None Ia yor ATTE CTCity C erk SIGNED and approved by me this day of , 1949. -2- i Finally passed this day of 119499 upon the following roll call ote: AYES: D.M.6 CaEl)&nt(Fr;Wm O.,*Ha1 v - imothy 1.0' Rei t 1v. Kl i ne i t Amy - Fr NOES: nfi�tSfi'B V.Woods ABSENT : "Note Mayor ATTEST: