HomeMy WebLinkAbout0319Nhereof, -, and shall be submitted-to the Planning Commission prior to the completion of final surveys of streets and lots and .before.the start.of any grading or construction.'work upon any proposed streets .and, before any final map: of said subdivision is made in form.suitable for recording. The,- Planning Commission shall determine whether a Tentative Map is in proper form and shall not receive.and consider such a.map as filed, until it,is. submitted in accordance with the requirements.herepf.. Three (3) prints or.copies of the Tentative -Map shall-be submitted to the.Planning Commission: , The. Tentative ;Y�ap shall be. accompanied by :reports, written statements and offers from the. subdivider or his agent indicating: a. Rvidence.of,'ownership of,,property.to be subdivided,. in the form of a preliminary report of a title in- suranc'e company, b.: 'The source, quality and available quantity of domestic :water supply and-.method of .providing an adequate water supply to' each lot . c. The proposed method, of sewage disposal., d. ' Types of: street 'improvements, utilities and other r improvements which the subdivider proposes,to.•install. e,. restrictions, -which the'subdivider proposes to apply f. :'k report from the-Health Officer of the City.of San ;Luis Obispo approving the water supply system and method ­.of selvap . disposal and, 1'ot sizes relative thereto. An, offer to dedicate all streets, .alleys, highways,. r ways, parks..and areas for publc.se. .The' :Plnnirig Co .r.i�sion, shall indicate the date of receipt `upon, all copies to:. the'Tentative Map and accompanying material and within thirty (30) k days thereafter shall approve or disapprove said map, unless by agreement with the subdivider or his agent' this time is; extended.: One copy-of- the Tentative, Map ''shall be. promptly. returned to the subdivider with the action of-the Planning Commission :endorsed thereon, together with - a memorandum indicating the conditions under., which the.map is, approved, if any, or the. reasons ,for its Z' disapproval; Said memorandum may also indicate the types and chargeter of improvements which the Planning Commission recommend for the streets., high - ways and ways offered for d6dication, as provided herein. SECTION 4. REQUI-RELV=S FOR TENTtMVE MA.P. The Tentative 14}ap shall be drawn at such a scale., as to shovr all details and. dimensions clearly. The Tentative Map shall show: a. The name ..of the .,Subdivision. b. Names and Addresses of (1) record owner,.(2) subdivider and (3) engineer or licensed surveryor. c. Essential facts -.as 'to adjoining properties, such as street widths, grades and names; easements lot'sizes building lines, sewer and meter lines;.utilities, etc -. d. A boundary survey showing all property; lines and essential topographic information regarding the land to be subdivided'especially areas subject to inunda- tion andthe location, width and direction of flow of all water 'courses :. A topographic map will be required when, in the judgment of the Planning Commission, such a map is needed: e, .kl1 proposed streets, with widths, approximate radii. - of, curves and. , grades . f -. All lots, with approximate dimensions. g. Proposed' easements and building lines with dimensions. h. Proposed parks and areas offered for dedication.: i:. Date, north point and scale. SECTION 5. PROCEDURE FOR aUBIAISSION OF FIMI L MP. Within one year after the return of the Tentativ6 Map to the subdivider, the sub divider shall cause the property to be surveyed in.aceordance with Sec4lon g regulations as set forth in _=` .herein and in accordance .with the Tentative Niap including any and all changes as approved by the Planning Commission. Within said year a final subdivision map . shall be prepared in accordance with said survey. In the event of failure to submit such final map within one year from the approval or conditional approval of thee. Tentative Map all.. proceedings shall terminate and before such final map thereafter be recorded, or any sales be made, a new Tentative Map - 3 - shall be submitted by the subdivider. To record a final map, the subdivider shall 'submitted the City. 1,ngsne6r,:the original tracing and one duplicate tracing and two (2) direct ` black line prints of the final map of the.subdivision, representing fully and accurately the completed survey of said subdivision. There .shall also be.included an original tracing and one duplicate tracing.of required certi- fications provided these certificates are not included: upon the sheet showing -the, property subdivided.:., Said final map shall.be completed in accordance with the law and these regulations "as''set forth in Section 6 hereof. (except irig signatures on certificates of the Planning Commission`:and the City Council: men); a lid ''for, the purpose of a permanent record shall b`e accompanied by; a. A guarantee.of title or letter by a reputable r ti tl' company doing.business in San Luis Obispo' County, except where the land is registered, ct mttnder the Torrens .System. A t'r.,ay.erse sheet giving. latitudes -and . departures' showing the mathematical closure of one in not less' than 20;000.'. c. Plan.s.and specifications of improvements to be instal -led . in accordance .with,. Section hereof, together with, the necessary bonds of Guar antes as provided in Section hereof .. d.1 copy of the restrictions to, be filed of record or. incorporated in contracts of sale and deeds at the time of subsequent - transfer of title. The City Engineer siiall.'examine and cheek the final map within a reasonable time not to` exceed fifteen (15) days.. r: • If' he is satisfied that the map is technically correct and complies .with the 'tentat1ive. map and is in accordance with the law and these regula tions;'he.:shall "so certify by signing . the certificate provided for this purpose. The final map ,shall then be filed for approval vdth the City Councilmen vaho shall approve said map not later than the second.regular meeting; thereafter 'if said map , conforms to all the requirements of the laws of the State of California and'of these regulations or any rulings made thereunder. Said City Council. shall, at that time; also accept or reject . any•or -all offers of - . - Every sheet comprising the map ,proper shall bear the title'(but•no subtitles), scale, North point and sheet; number. The Title sheet shall show in addition", the name.of the Engine.er,,the subdivider, the basis of bearings and the relationship of bearings to true meridian. c. Certificates--A certificate of the licensed surveyor or civil engineer, accompanied. by his seal, shall appear certifying to the accuracy of the final map and of all data shown.thereon. In addition, there shall be:, such other .certificates, as may be required by law,, including: 1. -Certificates of owner. or owners , c ons en ti ng to subdivision.. 2. Certificate of ,owner or owners offering to dedicate streets, alleys, ways and other lands. 3. City Clerk's certificate indicating' approval by the City_Councilmen of. the map and its acceptance of. dedication.. 4. Certificate •of City Engineer indicating that map is technically correct *, complies with Tentative dap and .is i-n; accordance vilth the law and these regulations. 5 -. Certificate of Planning. Commission indicating approval of subdivision design. 6. Certificate' of City Assessor showing that no liens or assessments stand'against'the property. 7. A certificate from..the City "Assessor giving an; _ estimate of taxes ,t which are a lien but not yet payable; and certificate of, the City Council, acknowledging bond for same. 8,0 The certificate of County Auditor showing that no liens or `assessments stand against the property: 9. Form for County Recorders certificate ieidicat:ing -that :the, map complies with all requirements of; the law and reference -to thc.filing data of 'said map. ,All of the aforementioned certificates shall, be in such form as may be required, by the Planning Commission. d:- Surveying data for Lots -- Sufficient data must be -shown to determine - readily the 'bearing and length of every lot line, block line: and boundary Line.. Linear > dimensions shall;` be ,expressed Ji n 'feet and decimals of a foot. dim- ensions 'of, lots shall be given as the net dimensions t:o the boundaries of adjoining streets. No ditto marks shall be used. Lots . containing one acre or more must t: show net acreage to nearest hundredth. length, radius and total: delta (or, radial bearings) of all .curves must be shown. -6- dedication and shall, as $. condition precedent .to the acceptance of. any street•s%or easements, require the subdivider to make or agree to make smch improvements as are required by Section hereof and such other and additional,improvements as said Board deems necessary for the health, welfare and safety of ' the public. When the -final map has been approved and all money and /or bonds for improvements,; if any, have -been negotiated or approved, the City Clerk shall transmit said map'to_ the County -Recorder for recordation. ;SECTION 6. FORM OF FINAL MAP. After the approval ofthe Tentative Map by .the Planning Commission, the subdivider shall,, cause` a final map to tte prepared. in accordance with the completed survey of the subdivision and- in full compliance with the law and this ordinance: a. Sizes and Materials- -The final subdivision map shall be clearly and legb14 drawn in black India ink upon: tracing cloth of good quality. ,All lines, letters, figures, certifications, acknowl- edgements and signatures shall be made in black. India ink. Typewriting or rubber stamps shall not be,used. The map shall be so Trade and shall be in such condition when filed that good, legible blue prints and negatives can be made therefrom. The size of the-sheets of tracing cloth shall be eighteen by twenty seven (18" x 2711) inches, - leaving a margin of two (211) inches at the left edge and -one (111) inch from the other three (3) edges.of the sheets. The tract number, title or other designa- tion, all drawings, affidavits, certificates, acknowledgments, endorsements, acceptances of dedication and notarial seals shall be within said marginal line. The scale;of the final map shall be one (111) inch equals one hundred (1001) feet except in the case of subdivisions with an average lot .size in excess of one acre in which case.the. scale may be reduced, but shall be large enough.to show clearly all the details of the subdivision. gach,.sheet must be numbered, the relation of one sheet to another clearl5r shown and the number of sheets used must be set forth in the title of said map. b.° Title- -The first sheet shall contain the title conspicuously placed. Below the title.shall be a subtitle consisting of a general description of all the property being subdivided, by reference to deedsrr to maps which have been recorded ,or to official United States ourveys.:References to tracts and sub - divisions shall be spelled out and wo 4ed identically with original records, with complete reference to proper book and page of said record. heaps" filed for the purpose of reverting subdivided land to acreage shall be so designated on the title sheet by an appropriate note containing. the words "N14P OF VACr1TION" followed by "REVERSION `i'0 ACRR-LGE." e... SurdeyIng - data.;' =or Strsets- -The map. shall show the center lines of all streets, the total width of each �stre.et,` the width of the,, portion. 'being dedicated, _,,.the, width. "of : ekistin.g dedication and. the widths each side of the center line, also the width of railroad .rights of way, :,flood control or drainage channels and r of any other easements appearing on• the .mapl' •f. , Record, of Easements' -. -The maps shall show the Thies of all easements, to which the._l.ots are sub ject. If the easement is not definitely.located of record., astate- _ ment of the easement must` appear on, the title sheet. Easements -for storm drains, sewers, and other purposes shall be 'denoted by.fine, dotted lines, except that limited easements adjacent to trunk highways_shallAbe, indicated by dotted. lines of the same width as .the lines' denoting street boundaries. Distances and bear.- icgs on the side lines of lots which are cut by an' easement must be arrowed , or so 'shown that the map' will indicate . c_learly the actual .lengtYis. of the lot lines. , The. width of the easement or the lengths, and bearings of the_ lines thereof and sufficient ties to, locate the easement definitely with respect to the subdivision 'must be• shown. ' The easement must'be clearly labeled and identified and, if already .of' record, the record- ing .data -must ,b hown thereon. If the easement is, being dedicated by the.map, it shall be properly set out in the owner's certificate of dedication. All note's or figures pertaining;. to the ease.tient shall be °considerably smaller and' lighter than those relating to the subdivision, itself, g• 1�cisting Monuments- =The map shall show clearly.what stakes; monuments _orother evidence was found on the. grouid to determine the boundaries of the tract. The . cor'ner's .of all adjoining subdivisions or portions there- of *s;hall be identified by lot , and block number, tract _ names and place of record, or by section, . township and range, or by other proper`designatien. h. Established- lines -- Wherever the County, Surveyor or a City ` Engineer has established the center line of. a street or alley, that data shall ,be shown on the final map, indi- eating all', monuments found and making .proper references to field books or map's and records .of surveys of said monuments.. If the "points were reset by ties, that. fact shall: be stated. The mapj:,,shall show all city boundaries`. erdssing.or adjoining,the'.subdivisi`on, clearly desvignated and tied'in: T: i.` Lot,and Block ,Numbers - -In tracts containing' more, than "sane, b'lock';:'''the= blocks shall be. lettered in alphabetical order., commencing with the letter !!" with no omissions or 'duplications`. Such letters shall be, conspicuous and ,. solid but, must not obliterate any d'imens'ions or courses. Circles shall be drawn around block "letters. ` If possible,, blocks should'.be shown entirely on ;one sheet. Lot numbers shall begin with the numeral 111" in each block, and shall continue consecutively with no omissions or- duplications. No prefix or suffix such as "1.A" "B2", or "B$" shall be used. Each lot shall,be shown entirely on one.sheet. j Building Mn.es -- Building lines shall be shown along. all streets, roads and highways. k.' Private Restrictions- Any restrictions shown.on the plat or references:.to them made, therein shall: be accompanied by-proper acknowledgment of owner. or owners and mortgagees accepting said restrictions. SECTION 7. PROCEDURE FOR FILING,AGREIMMS AND BONDS. COVERING STREET IMPROVK&NTS. Prior to the approval of any final subdivision map, the subdivider ,shall .agree to make all improvements required -by the pro- visions of Section q hereof and such other and additional improvements as "may be deemed necessary by the,City Council, and-shall-make, execute and!deliver a valid warranty, agreement or contract, secured by a satis- factory bond in such amount as may be required by the City.Council, not to,exeeed the estimated cost of improvements. Said agreement shall also contain a provision that actual work shall be' commenced not. later than. ninety (90). days after the date said sub - division map is recorded and'.that all work shall be .fully completed within a reasonable length.of time and in no case more than three years after the date of such recordation. Said agreement shall f urther contain a provision that for the sub - division.of .public lands or section property, for the restoration of lost section corners and. :for the retracement of section lines, the method to be followed :shall be in accord with the instructions set forth in the. "Manual, of .Instructions" for the Survey of public Lands of the United States, pub lished by the commissioner:.of the General. Land Office, Department of the Interior, rt;ashington, B -. 0. The procedure for filing and acceptance of agreements and, bonds guaranteeing the required improvements for the subdivision or tract shall be as follows: There shall b.e.`filed in the office of, the City Clerk with the final map of any. subdivision, Plans and Specifications. covering all of the aforementi.oned..improv.ements, . Attached• to the warranty, agreement and contract herenbefore pr.cv ded, and accompanying the 'same as an. integral part thereof and as security for the performance thereof, there . shall be submitted•to the City Cbuncit A good and:. sufficient bond, acceptable by the City Council signed kind -executed by the subdivider and owner• of the land as`-principal,; in an mount: not to exceed the estim- ated cost of said improvements,ich bond, together with said warranty., agreement and contract, shall by.the terms thereof, inure to and be in favor of the City of San Luis Obispo and shall be conditioned _foi.the' faithful perform- ance of said warranty, agreement and contract. In lieu of. any bond, a deposit maybe ,made,' either with the City of San Luis Obispo or a responsible escrow agent or trust company, subject . to the 'approval of the ,City ,Council, of money or negotiable bonds of 'the kind approved for securing deposits of Public Money. SECTION 8. SURVEYS AND h1OiWMNTS. The survey to be used in preparation of .the final map shall be made'in a manner satisfactory to the .City Engineer and all monuments shall'be subject to the - inspection and approval of the City Engineer before approval of the final map. Markers and monuments shall be set at the following locations; a. Along exterior boundaries at. all angle points and the beginning and ending of curves. b. At all lot and bl ock corners. c.. At the intersections of the center lines of all streets,, or; on offsets :properly tied iii to such intersection, at all.angle points and beginning and ending of curves at the intersection of the center lines of streets.with exterior boundaries. Monuments for exterior boundaries as enumerated in paragraph (a) shall consist of, riot less than. 1111 galvanized pipe, 30" ini length. Said pipe shall be set flush with surface of the' ground and encased in a cylinder of, .concrete not less than 811' in diameter and not less than 22" in depth, 'drive'n, f "lush.:,with the ground and upper portion filled with grout with engineer's or Surveyor's identification attached thereto. Monuments for street center lines enumerated in paragraph (c) shall .'consist' of not less than l" galvanized pipe, 30" . in length. Pipe - - f shall be. driven 1 ?" beneath surface of the pavement and encased in cylinder „ of •concrete : not. less than 8" in, diameter and a . depth of not less than 18" { which will.permit'the top of the pipe monument to project 2" above surface 3, of She condrete. The pipe shall be filled with grout and amarker shall be attached thereto showing the center point and the Engineer's or urveyor's.: eens.e number SECTION 9. SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS. In all subdivisions the following regulations shall apply, an'" no tentative or final 'subdivision map shall be approved by-the Planning Commission until. and Unless said., map or,maps indicate a.fLill compliance with the requirements of this ;section.. SECTION,10. BLOCKS. a. Acre °or large lot subdivisions-- Udhere -a parcel is first s subdivided into small farms or acre tracts , the blocks shall be of such size and shapes and be so divided as 'to, provide for the opening of primary and secondary highways and`:for the ultimate extension and opening of minor. streets and alleys at such intervals as will permit a subsequent division of any parcel into lots of normal Block Lengths -- Blocks shall not exceed one thousand (1000) feet between street lines except where topographic` condi= - t:ions require longer blocks or in acre subdi= visions where blbak lengths up to fifteen hundred (1500) feet may be approved. If pedestrian:ways are platted the minimum width shall be ten (10).feet.. c.,. Block Widths -- Blocks shall be of sufficient width to per mit the platting of two tiers of :lots of normal depth," an d in the- case of subdivisions remote from any existing subdivision, no block shall be less than two hundred (200) - 10 - feet wide nor more than three hundred fifty (350) feet wide, except where -the land is being laid out in acre tracts or except -where strict compliance with the above requirements would, in-the judgment of the Planning Commission, work m undue hardship upon the subdivider. SECTION 11.. STREETS AND HIGHYYAYS. a. Relation to :Master Plan- -The street and highway arrangement of every subdivision shall-be based upon the general plan of existing streets in the City of San Luis Obispo, with respect tot he placement and widths of major traffic streets and highways and such other streets, highways or ways as may be shown thereon. b. Relation to Topograph -- Topographic conditions shall deter- mine the general pattern of blocks, and natural contours shall control the placement and alignment of streets, high- ways and ways. . c. Relation of Adjoining and Adjacent Street System- -The arrangement of streets shall provide for the direct continuation of the center lines of the principal existing streets or highways in adjacent or adjoining subdivided areas. In general, such streets shall be of a width at least as great as the existing streets.' d. Street dames -- Streets that are extensions of or obviously in alignment-with existing named streets shall.bear the names of the'. existing streets. The names of new streets shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission and shall not duplicate existing street names, :except as provided.. above. e. Primary and Secondary Highway Widths- -The width of primary and secondary highways shall in.no - case be less than•one hundred (100) feet and eighty /W) feet respectively. f. Street and Local Road Widths - -The standard width for all streets and local roads shall be not less than sixty (60) feet, .but the requirement that a sixty (60) foot right -of- way be dedicated may be modified and a lesser width approved under ouch conditions as the Planning Commission may orescri'be, provided, however,'that no street or road shall be accepted having a width of less than forty (40) feet. Half streets on boundary lines may be approved when necessary to secure a proper subdivision of the tract and where abutting half streets exist, or when strict compliance with the above requirements would, in the judgment of the Planning Commission, work an' undue hard3hip on the subdivider. g. h. Street Grades -- Profiles shall be required of any and all streets . Curves - -The minimum radii of curves, measured on center lines s _hall be as follows Primary and secondary highways - 500 feet. Local roads and.'streets - 100 feet, except where topo- graphic or other conditions make the enforcement of this minimum impracticable. - 11 - i. Intersecti "ons- -The intersections of streets shall be at an` angle of ;ninety (90)- degrees, or as close to such an. angle as praeticeble, but in no case shall an intersection be -at an: angle '"less "than thirty (30) degrees. Where more than four; :(4): "streets intersect at a common point, the inter - sedtion'sha:1 be of sufficient size and be so designed as to provide adequately and safely for the maximum anticipated volume of traffic` entering from all streets. j. Dead.- end - Streets- -Where necessary to give access to or permit a satisfactory subdivision of adjoining land, streets shall run _through to the boundary of the-property and the. 'resulting dead -end streets may be approved.without a "turn- around, but in all` other cases" a turn - around having a " minimum.- radius of thirty y (30) feet, shall be .provided. , k. '''Reserve Strips -- Narrow "parcels or reserve strips controlling access to streets or highways from °`adjoining property will " not be,approved',' unless "the control or disposal of such ,;sand is placed under the-jurisdiction of tbe . City Council under conditions satisfactory'to said Board and,to the City ' Planning Commission: 1• Alleys - =�;n alley having a minimum width of .twenty (20) : feet �s required in the rear ofcommercial lots. In residential `.: blocks, the provisions for alleys is optional with the sub- _.., , - divider, but. where alleys are provided the minimum width shall be twelve (12) feet,.. a diagonal "cu "toff shall be made at all acute and right angle intersections of alleys ' `measuring not. less than five ("5) feet in. each direction from the .corner. me ,Easements - -Where alleys are not provided, easements not less than three (3 ") feet:in, width shall be provided on each side `' of.,rear: lot lines, and on. side lot lines where necessary es '41hen an easement on only one side of a lot is required it shall have a width of not less than six (6). feet" Easements shall b"6-direct and continuous ''from block to block. Easements of greater width �ri11 be required along .natural r.. water courses, conforming sub to the lines of such , channels:.. s SECTION 12. LOTS. a: Residential Lot Areas--The minimum:.lot area shall be-6,000 square feet, except where lack �of '.sewers necessitates dis- posal.'-of sewage by septic individual tang -, in which case the.-,minimum lot area shall be.as required by the - Health :. `Officer of the City of San Luis Obispo. b. Res de tidths --Residential lots ahall have a mini- mum: width .of fifty: 50) feet except, in those cases :where ., s ",trict" compliance with this .requirement.; in the judgment "of the Planning Commission, would work an undue hardship upon the subdivider. _ 12 - - c. Residential Lot Depths= -The minimum depths for residential = lots shall be one hundred (100.) feet', except in those cases Where. :strict compliance wit.h., this. requirement, - in ;the judg- meat of the''-Plannirig Commission, would work an .undue hardship uponi -the subdivider, d'. Residential,Dvaellings-- 1. Not more than one one'- family dwelling may b'e, erected . on a minimum size lot as provided in Sect-ion 13, paragraph a," hereof. 2:. Each lot - located in a district zoned as R -2 as defined in the zoning ordinance.shall require a minimum lot size of not Tess than 75' fronta ge and 'a minimum area of 7,500.square feet. - 3.. Each lot located in a district zoned -as R -3 as defined in ,'.the zoning ordinance shall require a minimum lot size of, not less than one hundred (100) feet „', frontage and a minimum area of ten thousand (10,000) -square few e. Business -Lot Dimen ions -=The minimum width of business lots ahalL b.e twenty 20 feet and the minimum. depth. shall be one hundred ; lbO) feet; provided, however, th�a.t all "'such business lots shall- be designated as "Business Hots” upon the sub--,' division map and their use .designated for commercia`1 purposes by proper .,deed restrictions or covenants.:, Double: Frontage ,Lots- = Double frontage lots having al: epth less than :" two'"hundr.ed "I 200) feet, will not--be ,approved: exceot where topographic conditions permit no other-form-of platting: g. Corner Radius -- Cornea lots to be used for residential purposes shall have radii of not less than fifteen (15i feet at the street corners. h. Building Lines- -The Planning. Commission shall require building lineo' in" accordance with the needs of, .each subdivision unless the Zoning Ordinance establishes set -back lines for the area being subdivided.' i. .7kLter Courses - -In` the event that the subdivision is traversed by any water course, channel, stream or creek, .the-:isubdivider -shall dedicate a right of way for storm drainage, purposes con- forming substantially with the line of such water course, channel, stream .or creek, or, at the option of- the subdivider, provide by dedication further and sufficient easements or con- struction, or both, to dispose of such surface and storm waters. j. Railroad and Prade Crossings -- 1. IP the question of railway crossings is involved, the plan of the subdivision will be _considered in its re- lation to the probability of :grade separation or other treatment ",,.e.nd may.`be. required to. conform to certain conditdons in'= anti cipation of such treatmerit. 2. Where the subdivision, adjoins a railroad right of ways, and. zoning plans or other conditions indicate that such property -will be used for industrial purposes -, 3 - highways in the same general directions as the railroad shall be as nearly parallel to such railroad right of way as is practicable, not less than one lot, depth- distant and at sufficient distance- therefrom to provide for future separa- tion of grades.` SECTION 13. PARKS, SCHOOLS, PLAYGROUND SITES, ETC. In subdividing property,.due. consideration shall be given by the subdivider to.the dedication or reservation of parkways and boulevards, and of suitable sites for schools, parks and playgrounds. SECTION .14 . STREET I PROVEMEN`PS UTILITY REc�UIREPJMTS .. The following minimum improvements.shall constitute a standard for all •subdiv,isiom Said improvements shall consist of ;•the installation of curbs and` gutters; s.treet�durfacing, water mains, sewer lines,:light,.gas and drainage facilities and such other construction as the Planning Comniiss ion. and. the City Council may: find ,:necessary, to constitute .a subdivision suitable for human habitation and/or commercial use. The minimum requirements for the above improvements shall -be as f ohlows a. Curbs, Gutters- Sidewalks -- Curbs., gutters and sidewalks shall conform to the standard specifications for this type of con- struction as adopted by the City of San.Luis Obispo. ,: b.• Street Surfacing -- Streets surfacing shall be either a plant mix type `,or a` road mix type,- whichever . is indicated by traffic .don ditions. Either, type shall be constructed on a ,thoroughly compacted, and consolidated base course having a minimum - pacted thickness of five ``(5) inches composeof se ected base material approved by the City Engineer. Either type of street: surfacing shall have 'a minimum compacted thickness of two (2 ) inches. Liquid asphalt of Grade SC -3 shall be used as the �. b'iturninous binder for both tubes of street surfacing. Speci- fieations covering the above requirements . of subgrade, base, roadmixed surfacing. and plant mixed surfacing shall be in accordance with the.,provisions and.requirements of Sections 14, 27: and2$ of the "Standard Specifications" dated January 1949 . as ..issued by ;the Department of Public .Works, Division: of High- ways ,'State: of California. A seal coat meeting.the requirements of a. Class "C - Fine" seal coat with 1/4 inch x No. 10 screenings ;. as outlined in Section 23-9f said "Standard Specifications" ahall be applied to all street surfacings. c. : °Water, Mains--Via ter mains shall be,at'1 "east four (4) inches in ..,.diameter and shall conform to Class 150 Federal Standard Specification cement lined cast iron pipe, or equal. Larger - than four (4) inch diameter pipe will be required..wh.ere indicated -by domestic consumption,'.commereial consumption and %or f ire protection. d. Sewer -Call collecting system- shall- consist of firs, grade vitrified clay pipe ',laid in a workmanlike namner in accordance with specifications furnished by the City Engineer. kll sewer lines shall' be, designed to barry` sewage within subdivision. Sewer :lines' shall be constructed ,with manholes not to exceed: 500 feet apart and with flush tanks at the end of the lines where. -low "grade percentage will require regular flushing, e: Light;and:::Gas Facilities - =Light 'and'. :g as facilities shall conform to th.e,,standards as established by the respective utilities supplying this service. rSZOTICN 15. FINAL MAP OF TRACT NOT DEFINE AS SUBDIVISION. In the -ease of ,• any final map covering any land not defined as a subdivision under the terms of. the Subdivision Map Act, a tentative map of such land shall first be filed', and such tentative and final maps shall conform to all the provisions of _said, act. and of. this :ordinance „relating to tentative and final maps; pro- vided however, that in the case of any such final map filed for the purpose of showing as acreage land previously subdivided into.numbered or lettered parcels no tentative.map need be filed, and if sufficient recorded data exists from 'which'an.accurate map can be compiled,.no survey nor certificate of any surveyor or' engineer shall be required except the certificate of the `%ounty Surveyor` certifying to the correctness of. the map. SECTION 16. RECORD OF•SURVEY MA.P. A record of survey map of any subdivision shall conform to all the requirements of a final map -as .set forth in the Subdivision Map Act and in this ordina.ce,.except insofar as the required certificates. thereon differ from the required certificates on a final map, as specified in said. act; provided, however, that no tract number or name, no lot lines, no numbers or othaer designations of any lots or blocks and no dedication data shall appear -on any;Jrecord of survey map. In' the 'ease of a record. of survey.'mayo covering any division of land specified in the-Subdivision Map Act: as not being included in the definition of a_ "subdivision," as set forth. therein; a tentative map of such divis- -ion of. land. shall first be filed with .. \ � � � _ fd ' a Finally passed this 3rd day of October, 1949 upon the following roll call vote: AYES: D. M. Carpenter, Wm. 0. Hall, Timothy I.O'ReilLZ L1ine Williams, Frank V. Woods NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: 2m��q — —7y Clerk P Ma or