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(ORDINANCE NO. 322 (New Series)
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis
Obispo as follows:
SECTION 1. That the public necessity requires that the
real property hereinafter described be acquired and purchased by
the City of San Luis Obispo from the State of California.
SECTION 2: The Commissioner of Supplies is hereby author-
ized to purchase said property for and on behalf of said City, for
the sum of $1,574.50 and a warrant drawn on the .Public Improvement &
Betterment... Fund of said City is hereby directed to be is-
sued in payment for said property.
SECTION 3. Said real property is described as follows:
That part of the portions of Blocks 147 and 149 of
J. Harford's Addition to the Cty of San Luis Obispo,
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, as said
- oortions are described in the deed from Henry L. Minetti,
trustee, to the State of California, dated October 14,
1947, recorded in Volume 464 of Official Records, at
page 435, records of said County, and of the portion of
Section 34, Township 30 South) Range 12 East, 14. D. B.
and 1J., County of San Luis Obispo, said radt ion being
described in the deed to Charles Bianchi, dated November
28, 1911, recorded in Book 90 of Deeds, at page 443, re-
cords of -said County, lying northeasterly of the follow-
ing described line:
Beginning at a Stone monument set for the southwest
corner of the City of San Luis Obispo, according to the
description set forth in the charter of said City, approved
February 23, 1511; thence, (1) N. 430 381 30" W., 367.27
feet; thence, (2) N. 480 26' E., 142.88 feet; thence (3)
N. 410 34, W., 30.00 feet to a point on the northwesterly
boundary of French Street as said. street is delineated on
the map of said J. Harford's Addition to the City of San
Luis Obispo, filed for record in Book A of Maps at page
123, records of said County; thence, (4) along a curve to
the right, from a tangent that bears S. 480 26' W., with
a radius of 50 feet, through an angle of 1370 34' 30",
for a distance of 120.06 feet, to a point distant S. 830
59' 30" E. , 80.00 feet from Engineer's Station 1+84.04
on the center line of the Department of Public `Norks I
survey for State Highway between Idiles Station and Marsh
Street i.n the City of San Luis Obispo, road V- SLO -2 -E,
SLO; thence, (5) parallel with and distant easterly 160.00
feet from the course numbered (2) in said deed from Henry
L. Idinetti, trustee, to the State of California, dated
October 14, 1947, N. 60 00' 30" E., 492.78 feet; thence,
(6) concentric with the course numbered (3) in the above
said deed, along a curve to the right, tangent to last
described course, with a radius of 4420 feet, through an
angle of 90 08' 30 ", for a distance of 785.00 feet; thence
(7) N. 150 09' E., 325.42 feet; thence, (8) N. 180 57' 45"
E., 300.67 feet; thence, (9) N. 170 49' E., 337.71 feet-,
thence, (10) N. 100 28' f,1., 54.28 feet; thence, (11) along
a curve to the right, from a tangent that bears N. 220 55'
57" E., with a radius of 1000 feet, through an angle of 230
00' 23", for a distance of 401.54 feet to the southerly
terminus of the course described as " S. 590 45' 40" W—,
321.13 feet" in the deed from Natale Mainini, et ux, to
the State of California, dated November 26, 1946, recorded
in Volume 433 of Official Records, at page 387, records of
said County.
Containing 8.95 acres of land, more or less, in addition
to any portion thereof now used or acknDwledged as public
SECTION 4, This ordinance, together with the Ayes and
Noes, shall be published for two days before its final passage in
the Telegram- Tribune, a daily newspaper printed, published and
circulated in said City, and the sa,rre shall take effect and be in
force. thirty days after its final passage.
INTRODUCED A1,1D PASTED TO PRI NT this Sf4l - day of
December, 1;49, by the following vote:
AYES: D.M.Carpenter, Wm.0.HA11,Timothy I.O'Reilly,Kline Williams,
FranR V. Woods
NOES: None
B SENT ; None
City Clerk
FINALLY PASSED this 1,9 day of December 1949
by thefollowint roll call vote:
AYES: D.M.Carpenter.Wm.O.Hall,T;mothv T_n►_Rail1;r Kline TA-Ii 134 ,..., 1a k
NOES• None
C'ty Clerk