HomeMy WebLinkAbout0350NORDINt�NCE 110. 3 50 (N ANT Ultlil: "INO 61- �"U`1'IWIS 4 IdM 5, AND I _'PE11LING SFUTIO..' v , OF O ZDII E� IyCE .110. 309 (11E's' ; aL ZIIIS) , ENTITLED t, s. uIRD.��41�r"XE OF THE 61 Y 01, ,SAN LUI1,)' OBIS-PO, C::.LI '0RI1IA I FL"'ING iU� T' ,." TO BE CIILRILTI ll FOI titi�TljlZ 1 ul.t1 I ?iT �D BY SAID CITY TO t;v 1 UL'ILR�; '',vlTilIH All C07,'j'JU:'i�I>? I ki Vl TP ILL 'I'IiE COP, - u_R TJ� LIMITS OF SAID CI'ILY; -PRO^J DING 1�_141D SY ..'CII'YI1JsG CO y°llITI0�.1S Ui1DEl� "tHIC))II ir�`I' . L....,L `13 : YUI�TIISIDE'D 13Y 3AID u:CTY '''O aLID t;t)fv JU. I _R'_ 1.ND li L, Tu , I�LC.T6I1j,TIOT'S ': ITIi Rj - SPLU T T.iEH.ETO; IHPOSIiJG PEi1i, .TIZS FOR T113E VIOLATION HEAEO F; :: !L ' n LIiZ O RDIi;nidC � '10 . 20 ; TEIJ ftiD UI,tllli .<<t; �•!�. 2U � J ID rtI EJnLIIlat ^_1'�v C,S I13 :Ls+,1tTJ.:1T1I „ 13: 1`l' btr the GOI)nCil of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SEC7:�iO1; 1. Section 4 of Ordinance no. 309 (Neva Series) , the title of which is set forth in t1le titiE: of this ordinance, is hereby awended to read as fjlloi s: Section 4. ATEII 1,W.L_' . (a) Ji'i'tl1i, .,: 11i CI` .: The Monthly rLtes to be char�.;ed and collected eE,ch .-ionth by the aVater Depart - _:ient for all clouses of service, frorl every 1)erson, ; chool, firm jr Corporation, trot especially exceDted herein, shall be at the meter rc;tes nere,:i.tt?. e;stiblished, to � "it: 11'_SIDE OF CITY For consuriptioa between 1000 _nd 3000 ctz. ft. at the rate of 20 cents per 100 cu. ft. .Yor consi:i<+aption b(Aween 3000 and 5000 cu. ft. at the rijte of 19 cents ?)er 100 cu. ft. For consu -._. -10 1 bet..;een 5000 ,.ind 10 -,000 cu. ft. at the rate of 17 c(:xits per 100 cu. ft. For co10SG ,pt-,ion bntlNeen 10,000 and 30,000 cu. 1't. at tie rate of 14 cants per /cc. ft. 1 +'or colisu?ption Above 30,000 cu. ft. at tie rate of 11 cents per 100 cu. ft. :,r b­ sp-cial u- jo,rr_ ct. rate U,) to 1000 cu. ft., i�2.00 per :ionth. OUT &1llE CITY For consurnlAion between 1000 and 3000 cu. ft. at the rate of 21 ca is per 100 (tu. ft. -1- For consumption between 3000 and 5000 cu. ft. at the rate of 20 cents per cu. ft. For consumption between 5000 and 10,000 cu. ft. at the rate of 18 cents per 100 cu. ft. For consumption between 10,000 and 30,000 cu. ft, at the rate of 16 cents per 100 cu. ft. For consumption above 30,000 cu. ft. at the rate of 12 cents per 100 cu. ft. or by special_ contract. 3sCTI0I3 2. Section 5 of Ordinance; 140. 309 (New Series), the title of which is set forthjin the title of this ordinance, is here- by amended to read a � follows: Section 5, f.I,Lf;TF.R ` 1 L, :J ,14IInLIN ..'AID CITY: (a) Meter I..inumwm Within City alp, E OF 11! ;T ER .�ONTII.LY :`MINI U -1 RATE 5 / T1 4r 2.00 If 2.40 lt' 3.6o 4.20 1 1/211 5.40 2" 6.40 3" 16.50 f, 24.00 86.00 (b) TY2eter Minis um Outside City ?ionthly �:.inimum t {ate With 1,.Ionthly Minimum Pate out Sewer Uonnectiono to City 1,7ith Sei-rer Connection to Size of ?,?eter Sanitary Sewer jysterri.. City sanitary Sewer 6ystem 5/8" 3.6o 4.80 3/4 4.20. 5.40 1''' 6.60 8.40 1 1/4" 7 -SO 9.60 1 1/2" 9.60 12.00 211 15.60 18.00 3" 30.00 36.00 4" 42.00 4E.00 6 8, ocs -2- (c) Each of the f oregoinC; monthl,! "meter rsinirnum charges" rill entitle the conouner to the quantity of Water such monthly chc,rge will purchase at the e-stabl_ shod ra'.e- set forth ii:t Section 4 above for all water ,ist, „d in �'.:.c�t_ of 1000 cubic feet. The mon- thly "met:.r c. �,rti °e:,” shall be charged for each billinf; ::icnth or xao'•iolt thereof regardless of -ter octur!a_ly cor,suaed. (d) Provided t1 _at any coilou::tier, , having a sinr;le unit system, water to which is fu'r,dished from the City :--rains thrUuF:.h tv, o or ..ore a.eters, for the convenience of this dep�-rtr;.: _t and o3nsurnej°, may for t`.e purpose of co i,- -uting tale �- 13nthly stnterr!ent be considered as a single account subject to the collection of meter mi_!!imum as prescribed. (e) Where ti°vo or _Wore si_ gle faLiily dl,,ellings owned by the sane person -:re situated oii the same lot or parcel of land and have only one frontage on the St,rle street or z'o ud, sF id d; ell ing ,may be fur- nished with water through one service connection and 7aater by permis- sion frori the Superintendent of the `eater Department. Under this plan there shall be charged and collected from the o%,,ner or person in responsible.: }!arF t1lerec)f, i?i adcl ition to the :.iniraum rate for 4,ater f'uriii6h,U'd i-I rough a sin ;le connection., the SULI of $1.�,)0 each e.c)nth for t�a0,1! and every E.i,n ;1e f i�-i.iI r awelli!!F r:ithin said City and X2.40 eEki .! uonth for each and every sint,le family d-t,elling outsiae said City not having a separate street frontage, which shall entitle the cu: toile to are aduitional 600 cubic feet of i ^rater for e ach aiid every prJ v i ded ta;Fit in case of vacancies there shall oe iio charge; after a .phut -off valve lia s Dee n, closed and sealed by the ,rater Depcart -lent. (f) Churches and cha, i it<:ble institutions shall be allowed a faini 1u,'71 quantity of 1000 cubic feet of t,,o te->r each !;Zonth, at no charge. Any quantity of .:crter used in e.,cess of 1000cubic feet shall be charted at the established rites -.bove ilentioned. (g) zn tr.e of exi stint; duplexes, that is to -)IT bu ld-in� s deti�=,ti,ned for or occupied �;l,clusively by !lot ^lore than two fa.nilies living; :independentlS7 if, each otl,,er and being furnished -with eater titrou�,;h a single connection r nd b18 inch !deter, there -3- shall be charged to the owner or responsible person in charge thereof the sure of 1"P3.50 each month for each duplex within said City and $6.00 each month for each duplex outside said Cit7, which shall en- title the customer to an additijno l 600 cubic feet of water for each dualcx above the establ Ahod deter miaimum. (h) In t�e case of an apartment house or apartment hotel, that is to :ay, a building or portion thereof used or designed as a residence for three or more faai lies living, in.depenaently of each other and doing their ot;n cooking in said building, and being, furnished eater 0rjuQ 3 Angle connection Pnd wetar, here shall be charged to the at e- or tie pers . n hgving the management and control of the s�.Lte , the surd o � 02.00 for the first occupancy and the sua of 1.20 for each ad6itional occupancy nhich chall F ntl ie the custo.ler to 1000 cubic feet of water for the first occupancy and QUO cubic feet of water for each additional occupancy. K) In the nose of en .-.Astink building constructed prior to the effective date of t ?is Urr_ inanue in vhich are located offices, stores, shops, or other busii3.6s6 establishraeats exclusive of rest - aurnnts, hotels and rooming houses where �nter is now furnished through a service connection without a netgr, the owner of such building or the person in charge of the vanagenent and contvol of the sane shall be charged the flat rate of 02.40 Pach month for each individual occupancy in said bui ldin , ( j) in the cL e of restaurants, LoLel s or rooming houses lo- cated in an e_°ikt•j ,. V buildiAl constructed prior tj the effective date of this Ordinance and where such occuDancies are now furnished water through ar, UnMatered connectioA shall be clorged as follows: Occupancy QITHIV CITY OUTSIDE CITY Charge pe_ Month C har_,e per honth Restauya_ Os W.00 5 0?27.00 Hotels and /or 82.40 p 0s YOM per $3.60 plus $1.35 per Mo0aing House, roo,i v,:_.::re bath facil- room there bath facil- ities are provided or ities are provided or ,� � ,�� $�U .20 pel� � oo... .:�.c �. oath �0 . �50 n:,r room where bath r� facilicies are noL provicnCfacilities are not provid- ed. ed. IM • (k) In the case of offices, stores,, shops, rooms or.other business establishments are furnished Water through a single service connection and meter, there; =shall be charged to the owner or person having management and control of the same the,established meter minimum charge for the first occupancy and the sum of §1.20 for each additional occupancy which shall entitle the customer r to 1000 cubic feet of water for the first occupancy and to 500 cubic feet of water for each occupancy in excess of one. (1) In the case ,,of motels `and%or, auto., courts wherein in- dividual units or cabins are pr- vided with kitchen facilities in addition to the -regular toilet and bathing facilities, served by a 'single service ,connection.`,. - there shall be charged to the owner or,person having the management and control of the same,din.ad dition to the prescribed monthly meter minimum charge, the,sum of $0':450 each month for each and every cabin or unit within said City and the sum of $0.75'each month for each and every cabin or unit outside of said City which will entitle the customer to an additional allowance of 200 cubic,fee.t of water for each additional minimum charge. (m) In the case of auto trailer camps served. by a single service connection and meter, there shall be charged to -the owner or` person having, management and control of the same, -in addition to the prescribed monthly,meter minimum charge, the sum of $0.50 each month for each and every trailer space within said City and the .sum of 00.75 each month for each and every trailer space out -' side. said City which will entitle the customer to_,an additional allowance of 400 cubic feet of water for each additional minimum charge. (n) In the case of circuses, carnivals and traveling shows requiring temporary-Mater service a flat rate of X9.00 for _each day shall be charged where connection is made.to a fire hydrant. (o) In the case of ,water furnished to a tank truck, the minimum charge shall be $0.90 per tank of not over 1000 gallons. MIC Provided that if the aaount of any bill shell not be an exact ulti.ule of five cents, such wills shall be reduced or increased to the next nearo,,t t;�.ulti ,ie of five camto. Ss_C TION 3. Section, 5 of OrcLinancse No. 309 (SetiN 'Series 1) , the title of which is set forth in the tit'lo of tb.i s ordinance., i.s hereby repeoled. 101111014 4. This Ordinc,nce top_( the r with the Ayes and Tdoes, shy 11 be ;,ubi -ished for two days before its final prl.ssape in the Tele ;ra,m- Tribune, a daily newspaper published and circulated in said ' City, and the sam& h x i1 kl.vke ef� ,,,ct . and be _n force thirty � P: days after its final passage. t'. IINTiWDUCI D AiID PA66, D TO PIMIT this 611-h day of August, 1941, a ,t t: e f.'ollotiJ ng vote: -, D.M.Carpenter Paul W.Davis Fred Lucksinger Timothv I.Q'R.ei.11" ` Frank .W,, ads r N,0LL� one is 3 v.E1V" None �r F T&I y r ATIST• City i%lerk X"O) . , r 't, . , -6-