HomeMy WebLinkAbout0354N♦ Y LL/ ORDINANCE NO. 354 (NEW SERIES) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 319 (NEW SERIES) , ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR THE SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, AND FOR THE PREPARATION AND PRESENTATION OF SUBDIVISION MAPS THEREOF, AND OF RECORD OF SURVEY MAPS." AND DECLARING THIS ORDINANCE: TO BE AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Section 12 of Ordinance No. 319 (New Series), the title of which is set forth in the title of this ordinance, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 12. LOTS. a. Residential Lot Areas: The minimum lot area shall be 6000 square feet, except where lack of sewers necessitates dis- posal of sewage by septic individual tank, in which case the minimum lot area shall be as required by the Health Officer of the City of San Luis Obispo. b. Residential Lot Widths: Residential lots shall have a minimum width of fifty (50) feet except in those cases where strict compliance with this requirement in the judgment of the Planning Commission, would work an undue hardship upon the subdivider. c. Residential Lot Depths: The minimum depths for residential lots shall be one hundred (100) feet, except in those cases where strict compliance with this requirement, in the judgment of the Planning Commission, would work an undue hardship upon the subdivider. d. Residential Dwellings: 1. Not more than one one - family dwelling may be erected on a minimum size lot as provided in Section 12, paragraph a, hereof. -1- 2. Each lot located in a district zoned as R -2, as defined in the zoning ordinance, shall require a minimum lot size of not less than seventy -five (75) feet frontage and a min- imum area of seventy -five hundred (7500) square feet. 3. Each lot located in a district zoned as R -3, as defined in the zoning ordinance, shall require a minimum lot size of not less than seventy (70) feet frontage at the setback line and a minimum of eighty -five hundred (8500) square feet. For each unit over four erected on such lot, an additional one thou- sand (1000 ) square feet shall be added to the size of the lot. If there are four units or less, the building area shall cover not more than forty -five percent (45%) of an interior lot nor more than fifty percent (50?) of a corner lot. If over four units are erected, the building area shall contain not more than forty -five percent (457) -/of the first eighty -five hundred (8500) square feet plus not more than seventy -five percent (750) of the area over eighty-five hundred (8500 ) square feet. Both interior and corner lots shall have a building setback of fifteen (15) feet in front with corner lots having a setback of ten (10) feet on the side. The lot line setback of one (1) and two (2) story build- ings shall be six (b) feet on each side. There shall be one garage containing two hundred (200) square feet or more for each living unit with an additional forty (40) square feet for each garage containing'a laundry. e. Business Lot Dimensions: The minimum width of business lots shall be twenty (20) feet and the minimum depth shall be one hundred (100) feet; provided, however, that all such business lots shall be designated as "Business Lots" upon the subdivision map and their use designated for commercial purposes by proper deed restrictions or covenants. -2- f. Double Frontage Lots: Double frontage lots having a depth less than two hundred (200) feet, will not be approved except where topographic conditions permit no other form of platting. g. Corner Radius: Corner lots to be used for residential purposes shall have radii of not less than fifteen (15) feet at the street corners. h. Building Lines: The Planning Commission shall require building lines in accordance with the needs of each subdivision unless the Zoning Ordinance establishes setback lines for the area being subdivided, subject to paragraph d -3 above. i. water Courses: In the event that the subdivision is traversed by any water course, channel, stream or creek, the sub- divider shall dedicate a right of way for storm drainage purposes conforming substantially with the line of such water course, channel, stream or creek, or, at the option of the subdivider, provide by dedication further and sufficient easements or con- struction, or both, to dispose of such surface and storm waters. j. Railroad and Grade Crossings: 1. If the question of railway crossings is involved, the plan of the subdivision will be considered in its relation to the probability of grade separation or other treatment, and may be required to conform to certain conditions in anticipation of such treatment. 2. Where the subdivision adjoins a railroad right of way, and zoning plans or other conditions indicate that such property will be used for industrial purposes, highways in the same general directions as the railroad shall be as nearly parallel to such railroad right of way as is practicable, not less than one lot depth distant and at sufficient distance therefrom to provide for future separation of grades. -3- SECTION 2. This ordinance, together with the Ayes and Noes, shall be published for two days in the Telegram- Tribune, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in said City, and is declared to be urgently required for the immediate pres- ervation of the public health and safety, and shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT this lst day of November, 1951, by the following vote: AYES: D.M.Carpenter,Paul W.Davis,Fred Lucksing;er,Timothy I. 0 "Reilly, Frank V.Woods NOES: None ABSENT: None Tv ayor AT City Clerk -4- FINALLY PASSED this 5th day of November 1951 upon the following roll call vote: AYES: D.M.Carpenter, Paul mW.Davis,Fred Lucksinger, Timothy I.O'Reilly, Frank V. Woods NOES: None ABSENT : None Ma Attest; ./ity 81erk