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1-;E IT 01M AIM by the Council of the City of San Luis Qbi cpo as :fc;1lows
WiFaXAS ,, qn the ; rd day of Decembe3r,, 1.95'6., tine Cozencil of the City of S� 1;UiO
Obispo dial pass and adopt hesolu ion Vo,, 1 ,52 (1956 Series) giving notice. of the
proposal to annex certain itysinhabi.ted territory to the City of San Luis Mispoa sni,d
territoxy being hervi,n desi,;nateed as "Laguna Property ",, and said action being, 'fialden
b�. tlee Counci'L of ieaid City as t }ae ].c islative body of the City and said Resol tio,d
describing the bou dariee€e of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said City$- and
'6shERE.S9 said :iesolut:ion No. 152 (1956 tlariea) dial contain a notice of the day.9
hoer and place when and where the said Council of said City would keax protests made
by any person owning real property within the territory proposed to he annexed] the
time of said heipring hoing not -less than fifteen nor more than forty days from the
date of passa p of said. Resolution, and
W3 EFYI AS,, on the 21at day of January,, 19579 at the hour of 8 :00 90clock pert,,
in the Co,.ancil Chambers of the City Hall of the City of San Luis Wja spo,, County Of
San Luis Wispo,, State of Californi.a9 said time and place being the elay,, hour and
place fixers in said Resolution No. 152 (1956 Series) for hear'uig protests to the
said an3rexation9 the said Ccnincil of said City did hear and pass upon all protests
tvide to spid proposed annexation and did determine that no protests to sa�.d pcopused
annexation have been made by _A!29 owners of_oneahalf of. the value of the territory
proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll., nor by public
and private oymers of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed
as determined by said icr:l.slative body; and
WI-�: IMt said territory le contiguous to the City of San Luis i bispo,, and is
urilAbabi *.led territory In the County of San Luis Obispo;
NOW', THh;:F;F0TtK', the said Council of the City of Son Luis Obispo does herby
approve the annexation of said territory. hereinafter described,, to the City of San
Luis Qbispo and does hereby father ordain that the said territory be and is hereby
annexed to the City of San Luis Ubispo.
That said territory,, the annexation of which to the City of Saar 'Luis ObisD,; is
heroin aT)proved,, is al.i that territory situate in the County of San Luis Obispo,,
State of California., more particularly described as fol'! ows r
,rho territory herein xaf'erred to 18 situated In. the County of San LuiO
Cbi.apo;, State of Caal i.f ornia., is ca ntinguoW to the City~ of San Luis
€bi.spo and desci -lbed as follows:
Lot or subdivisions known and des:l grated "R" (conta.inine 21013 acres
of hand); Sit or subdivision itnRan and designated "S" (containing
22,17 acres of lmd); and lots or subdivision known and designated
°'DD'$ (containing 391x59 acres of land) according to the inAp of the
r'esubdivi.sjions of Lot 58s, 619 62, 630 611, and 65 of Jame T. StrattonQs
survey and reap of the subdivision of the ib.,nchos de los Osos and La
Laguna as surveyed and resubdivided by .R, R. Harris Survey in
January A, DQ,v 1875, said map being on file in the County 1 acorder °s
Office, County of San Luis Obispo., Hook As Page 161; less the north-,
easterly 1020 feet, of the southeasterly 480 feet of Spot "DD11,,
The exterior boundary of the territory herein referred to ie more
particularly described as follcW8 s
Comencing at the most easterly corner of Lot "DD" (said Comer on tha
map being; designated as "J "); thence South 460 308 West a distance
of 1020 feet to the point of beginning; tirsnce North 42 0 300 West
along a line parallel with the northeasterly line of said Iota a
distance of 480 feet; thence North 180 308 Last along a line parallel
to the southeasterly Line of Lot 14DD"y a distance of 1020 feet to
the northeasterly line of said lot; thence North 10 300 Vest along
U2e northeasterly ling; of lot "DD "Q a distance of 1236036 feet to tine
northwesterly line of said lot; thence South 520 1459 Vest along the
a4r nuesterly line of lot "DD ", a distance of 4218,72 feet to the
southwesterly line of said lot-j thence South 500 159 East Rl.ong
the southwesterly line of said lot "DD" a distance of 3147.814 feet
to an angle point.; thence South 370 4,50 East along the southwesterly
line of lot "DD11 a distance of 155010 feet to the most westerly
corner of lot "S "; thence South 37° 459 East along the southwesterly
boiuidary of lot "S" a distance of 1247.40 feet to the most Southerly
comer of lot "S" (said corner on the map 'being designated as I'll");
thence North 620 300 East along; the southeasterly line of lot "S"
(said southeasterly line being on the northerly line of French Street)
a distance of 9211,0 feet to an angle point in the northerly lie of
French Street (said angle point being at the point of intersection
of the northerly line of French Street with the line between lots
"S" and "R"); thence North 48o 308 East along, the southeasterly line
of lot nR" (said line being on the northwesterly line of French
Street) a distance of 847,44 feet to the intersection of the
northeasterly line of lot "R" (said intersection on the near designated
as "C "); thence North 480 309 East along the southeasterly line of
"DD" (said line being on the northtresterly lim of French Street)
a distance of 1085.4 feet, to the point of beginning.
This Ordinance,, together with the ayas and noe59 shale. be published once in \
full, at least three days before its final passage in the Telegram— Tribmee a
newppaper published and circulated in said City$ and the same shall go into Gffect
at the expiration of thirty days after its final passage"
INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT this 21st �r of J�amnuary $ 1957,v
by the following vote:
Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones,
Fred H. Lucksinger
' yo
Ci y
FINAI.lY PASSED this 4th day of Februa ry -� 1957, by the following
AySQ Nels Beck, Lowell E. Christie, Warren G. Edwards, Kenneth W. Jones,
Fred H. Lucksinger
'NUTS: None