HomeMy WebLinkAbout0367R + ORDINANCE NO. 367 (1967 Series) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND APPROVING THE LEASE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE MISSION PLAZA AREA TO THE SAN LUIS OBISPO ART ASSOCIATION B E I T O R DA I N E D by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. That the City of San Luis Obispo intends to lease that certain property located in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, described on Exhibit "A" hereto, to the San Luis Obispo Art Association, a Non -Profit Corporation, for a term of twenty -five (25) years, commencing on or about March 1, 1967, for the purposes of permitting the Lessee to promote, develop and exhibit arts and crafts on a non -profit basis and as set forth in the Lessee's Charter and By -Laws, subject to the terms and conditions of that certain "Lease, " approved by the City Council and on file in the City Clerk's Office, and which is available for inspection by any and all interested parties. SECTION 2. That the terms and conditions of the proposed Lease between the City of San Luis Obispo and the San Luis Obispo Art Association are hereby approved and on or after the effective date of this Ordinance, the Mayor of the City of San Luis Obispo is authorized to execute said Lease on behalf of said City. SECTION 3. This Ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, shall be published once in full, at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram - Tribune, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty (30) days after its said final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT at a Regular Meeting of the San Luis Obispo City Council held on February 20, 1967, on motion of Councilman Blake, seconded by Councilman Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Miller, Spring, and Mayor Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: VJ // mum _�i 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29' 30 31 32 990 PALM STREET 3AN LU15 OBISPO, CAL. LIBERTY 3 -8666 L... A S,. I HIS LEASE, executed in doplic to at Z40 Luis Gibispo, Californsaii ou 1967 between the CITY OF SAN LM WIWO, iv udcW Corpocatiou, :mid the SAN 1 UI$ C; AI T A lA' Y4N0 a -Probt Corp times her tdwilfw wed the Lea;or and Lessee respectively, eta regard to nuWber or g s IT "W . MtFIT et +RB,"N 'M ids. " `« T LR,�'l' f��; FO g�y C� iVk' w L.S.R � 18.1. r %1 ` °Te+ 4t-Weby ees to i.ee+s 4 140060e Wren n i:e-or, on the tern a aWcancdtians hCrainafter zet fart, those aevair. premises .°: 1 a in *0 City of ► Lases i o, cotinty of San Luis to ad ° , I' t. crZO in Bit ` A" attached hereto and Inade a plxn ' r f. 2. 'T .J,� -:,. 1 e W of the �Athio K e� �t J1 a: for tvie r -ii (2 4) years, commsenc on �?ar a I, M, or t :O rate thO reed to Lessor og t4e UW described On Wait ;V' here f.L! ecTeftd, fr -toom dxt^ bi titer, With an opdon to renew Upon the SaL?e tee a—a ato cozatifts as h rcifa Mted, for an addidc l +wed five (25) yCar period; mid o io. to be a cis Tl''t w 51vi 'written notice of such itrtention to LessDr at leal st (0.0) da'Y8 WWII ene, of th.1s Lea Se. 3. iii Tho totem cxmideration to bo, rajd rr &,n Lt�F)s to the m,essor is One I UOT 41 •M pGr, ;Year, �Wyzblc in adr t-,W ii em y Cues no, or iw-rea r assessed, -%rd the tic�jj and rz alute a of, the im rove mcnts as her aer set f011b. in adeJUM, fJV'eIWr CeRit ( t4 the Anw- W gross recokma on the sate of works of art is to be tid to Lessor ante on ja ry lot of each qtr, cmismencft 4. USE. The prmims are leased to the Leper for the purpoves of the VOmotion# +devm1opmw, avd F i nn of arts and crtAfts on a A00 Ifr0fit ba W ar, prescribed by the State of C".alu r. Ud as set fork its l CS e' eUrter and -laws: There sball Le no t4le of art � a on Che r i �1 p bor 1, 1957, or six (6) m0who aver the beginWAg of this Lis -b 4 0h(Wer 14 n, 00Mrs, lyes� a%ball not U60 , or'M ft 1(" or aRy oert ther *,'e, t,,g be used For any purer or parPo s OthOl than ft Rrpose Or r O s fox rr .ch the eald premises are hereby lftwd provided, T o t s , this restriciji "U be consMed so as to authgrize the rosent to aate Of two it-IdIding to rewar, qnw that to. r'ortheri.n€ire, Lessee *31'1.,:.l'I . 11 A 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 .�wwwrlrrrr� 990 PALM STREET 3AN LUIS OBISPO, CAL. LIBERTY 3 -8666 be t.�ft��+j��d tryo�+re tin, far Us y � ri use any o Paid by �n tomato d 0414 period. S. LESSEE 10 a�� AI NON -PA:R 24 J+�4 yv Wlw� ii1ONr +so".� Asa cM'►1<iiitiol+ to aAy 40 is purMM tO this Lestee, mot oxtaMieh and malwato its quaUttcatims so a - profit or844tUt ott under Wife State Frattchioe Tax laws. 6. IM2 NTS. Subject to the Wor approval of the City l saing Mpartmem and Gomm1001m, Loofte shall remote die bolding presently located an ft lea d premises, provide aar rsecesnry Off -sttre par" aW landscape the rename. Los 4411 eommetw* said Impr+ m id" +cue (1) year from dw ommencemea 4M of thin Lose. Lessee sly u*izm1A all linpmemew an the prey MW the adjotubg curb, Sutter, 4W stdew4ko. `. OLMES'e "606 SbAll pe for 4 ter, Vs, t, 14fto pomgoro tolephow service, end all other serves sappll*d to the said premises. S. AMEDOW� BI S. Less d" to vacate or, ab"ol t% pro mine at any =* dating the term; and if Lessee shall abate, vacate, or varr"Hior Said promisee, or be disposseased by process of law, or otherwim, any persawl property berg to Lessee 40 left an the premises oball be doeumd, to be Wx►adowd, at ft optUa of lessor. to use or occupy the premises it period of three (3) mt hs :shall be wed an ebaudorarrn+t , upon prior wxittt notice frotn the Lessor to cum said assts wftW an. a4ftioml thirty (30) day pe4od, 9. Nt lat- L1AMLrrY V 0WM Z0p. M GR S. This Lease to made upon the eapMe+s m4tift tit L+e"or is to Wftft fVom all tiaWilty and alaim for damages . reason of any t" to star perms 0,V perms, inclu g : Low*0 or prqpem of any find what#00vor to Whomsoever beloogiag. ittltdbg Lessee, from any rAUSO or Mulls wimtsoe%W WhOe ie, Upon. or in M' way ctbaueeted with dw mid detnlmd prMfte$ Or tht said s tdev a'lhs adj4ceaftreto, dares the term of fts Lease or any extwoa hereaf or "yoccupany hereunder, Lessee hereby coveaantbg and agrees to indemnify and move b4mdtga Less Bras all li 91ty, loss. ;t # and oUIptionis on accom of or ax * on of any such iejurios or losses hoomver ocaurrq$. 10. LI .ABiL Y JMi . ?- Les4ew fwther agms to take out *W )map in force durloff the'life hem at Lei's expemet Public Isawity i re to protea ajoluot d+`�1�� to t' polic � the a of or resulting a sccidm occurring in O ab . said prewl"s, the 114141 i wader such Iym"ce to ax it" ftgo Two -nw 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31. 32 890 PALM STREET 5AN LUIS ..z o. CAL. LIBERTY 8 -8666 Ueam " Art #7 540clauOn, tb" $100,OW.00 fbr 411y w f+4040 or s ,OW.QD for aq am Acculm, or $ .0W- vp ��' dem* • 'who t*s wall em ems# of BO�Yyi�W 4df.'Art ,dto JAS' ced wft il�e so, 4W Less" t4 to a Ti� 1✓4Y - pum c"e ttft **"do, " Lest' ate$. vVia au of dw re Uem s of OU MO . and PedMl authm**m sow tu force or which may hftfthft be in �. is « AV MY jW O'V L#e " pomit Loom gad Us awe to b 9WA Upon 6414 pte m" At au rftscome tb s for ft Purpose of jusofttios same. I$. 'T ? the da t+ t and promists &rft the a W .tom, ftm *" ca-4 , Less" "a Ott "pair i,( Y•:: .e.:. q 1.::. V : xa: : ,dM . A p,' =Mr, r .i s; »' #•. or LOSW may &=Ondar au TWO UVOV &N LOASO WW LeWr dWU tbextby have 6 ?t # ;.' A ".- d - 4- TIF .'�Rr Yv .. >!i tdd :.%lt A -.PF t'' A :�. ►" ..A sptic the ve*cemeut eon of the mule, which Wumme pdicy dau lows' mme IA%w and Lessee as boWflclary. In ft Oma of Oast ru cdoa by any tAus 'r tevered by the ftmnacei LSO "e WOU U60 dw pads to voko Ow repair so ft3*Sftpb 13 heared.. TO Ll . 1ev s or eve tie r 4t "y Uwe aftr do Brat five (5) gears of WO L" Set ups six (0 MOOAOO (' ♦:% A .;#` k g•;. XY ir•_ 'A' 3xA y.,. P'77Ti Y + 9 - ij. aU impxovem ts. as feuds: A DuAftV 4W 1' OUVOt. atxd 904ft - e*y- ve 04 ire • AU athu impr .. e'en (10 said vans 04 be based upon rVI&Ce 06A toot at the tme of tomWob , lees :t# t .i,} .4 A!# !,4 :=K'T h' g' F P.-� R.; OR :�Y f :!�'. i• ✓',. y,11 P k4..:' Y?: YE' A - t : k F P -' fi 4 F t Y9 _pY x -. vi {:. A ♦ A -t -� ! Re - #'k A t.A: ¢. ",1 .: Y' # i +:f R i d -i �:' i � Y8i' NO 'i z" _ _ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3? .I 990 PALM STREET ;AN LUIS O61SP0, CAL. LIBERTY 3 -8666 PASS fry' .,,.,. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12, 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 291 301 31 321 990 PALM STREET 3AN LUIS OBISPO, CAL. LIBERTY 8 -8666 the patties ham. I N W 1r IN ZZ S C' V 121 E fl, E 0 F, Lu6aor k ?, v we havo, a t md tW ,,mse on the date first aLvn vAmcm. L OPS Cam" r? 5AN UYIS OBISPO, a N-w0 i. COTPOW104 1A HST LEMS. n SAN W t V�� A.snT AS5 IA'n( , a Non-Prof It ctia se Five - - M i.! J. 6 1 A4 OIV;rERE Y 7- S;r a,lons• tne,, southwesteXI jjnd:� r-nence South 3V 53' y , 'a , aid Alock :feet ' a`diatance:,of 2 t, ' to a PQ.int�;. thence 51.00 feet;- the�c"'Ip 45.0o: feet,:c 36 53..... 9, a distance of -XO a Point;:' theiice :V :53* 07' E, a di point; thehc&:N:'36* 53' W, stance of b0,83 feet' to a line of.sa I id I Block 10; pa:. Istance of 1001:'feet to thei northwesterly thenco s 53* 01- the poi W, a dist'ance'of 85.83 feet nt-'o.,f :begirinin to Containins' 0. 171 2 acrea, mere or. less.' PARCEL 2 SP C Ounty 0 n� Luis Obi�po, acco 'b' I o ' f S4 That, POr 19RO Block' 10, in 'h t, 0:,CitT.Of SA 'L O tding- td: the f Oficial'ma'p in thc',oi ,o f theNOLUIty &co r a6r, Coqnt Y of San tuls'ObIsKt 'Cafifornia mono r I culari Y described as foil CAV 8: Beginning at- the-' Westerly cor her. of said Block IW;' 'the' South 360 53' East 55 p n c e feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence. North: 530 07' East 25 feet; thence South 36' 53' East 39.5 feet; thence South 531 0' West 2 301,53' West. 39.5 feet to the:TrUC Point of 5 feet; thence North Bogim i ing. -oOo- , 7 -20 -66 -R- SS' Q) a Q o r n �l� MONTEREY ST 1 9 I I t � iv S3•- a7:E� I I i ly EXHIBIT LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Block 10 in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the westerly corner of said Block 10; thence South 360 53' East 55 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 53° 07' East 25 feet; thence South 360 53' East 39.5 feet; thence South 530 07' West 25 feet; thence North 36° 53' West 39.5 feet to the True Point of Beginning. . -000- FINALLY PASSED this 6th day of March 19 67, by the following roll call vote: ATTEST: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Spring, Miller and Mayor Whelchel NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None it �% i In The Superior Court of The State of California In and for the County of San Luis Obispo AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Ord. No-367 1 ie o---- ------- ----- --- - - - - -- In The Matter Of An__ 0rdinanc_e___kutharizing And Approving The Lease Of Certain Property.-In__The._Mission Plaza Area -------------- - - - - -- - - -- STATE OF CALIFORNIA, To The San Luis Obispo Art Association. ss. County of San Luis Obispo I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of eighteen and not Matter interested in the above- entitled ----- _------------------------------------------ ________ ____ ______ ________ _______ ___ ___ I am now, and at all times embraced in the publication herein mentioned was, the principal clerk of the printers and publishers of the SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY TELEGRAM- TRIBUNE, a newspaper of general cir- culation, printed and published daily, Sundays excepted, at the City of San Luis Obispo in the above named county and Ordinance No.367(1967 Series) state; that --- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -------------- - - - - -- of which the annexed clipping is a true printed copy, was published in the above -named newspaper and not in any supplement thereof —on the following dates, to- wit--------- - -- - -- -------- - - - - -- -March __ 2_,1967 ------------------------------------ - - - - -- that said newspaper was duly and regularly ascertained and established a newspaper of general circulation by Decree entered in the Superior Court of San Luis Obispo County, State of California,. on June 9, 1952, under the provisions of Chapter 1, Division 7, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State of CerUfornia. I cer if or goin s t Le i W J -: Date .......... I . �r under penalty of perjury that the fore - ecf. , ... ,` ---------------------------------------------- (Signature of Principal Clerk) Mach 2 --------------- ------ 19 - - - -67 a Q rt O C tr Q• O O a d' CD R ti 'C ni n� a Q rt O C tr Q• O O n O c z r a O O N a Z .r o r' C W N O R ti n O c z r a O O N a Z .r o r' C W N O AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING cil of the City of San Luis Obispo scribed on Exhibit "A" hereto fo as set o 1ND APPROVING THE LEASE as follows: the San Luls pbispo Art Associatio C e and B )F CERTAIN PROPERTY IN THE SECTION 1. That the City of San a Non- Profitbrporation, fo,r alt e ems and co of twenty-five (25) years comma Lea_se," app AISSION PLAZA AREA TO THE Luis Obispo intends to lease that ing on or about Maro��hh'�%1 196• o I and on ,f, ON LUIS OBISPO ART ASSOCIA- certain property .located in the City the purposes of�per'mftting fh fice, and C is of San Luis Obispo, County of San see to promote ,develop anile spection'by BE IT ORDAINED by the Coun- Luis Obispo, State of California, de- arts 'and crafts on a no profs arties., n�+CNTEREY •C 'VG S S`1 � C7 Y1. SS • .A 4, PARCEL It That portion of Block 10 of the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo ac- cording to the official map in the office of the County !Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo, Cali- fornia, more particularly de- scribed as follows; Beginning at the most wester - Iy corner of said Block 10; thence south 36. 53' E along the southwesterly line of ,said Block, 55 feet to a point; thence N 531 07' E, a distance of 25.00 feet; thence :S • 36° 53' E, a distance of 45.00, feet to a point; thence N 53° 07. E, a distance of 60.83 feet to `a .point; thence N 36• 53' W, a distance of 100 feet to the northwesterly line of said 9 1 4 h r /V S9• -07E � i 4E I C IT V �Jr, -jl- Lu PXHIBIT_ Block 10; thence S 53° 07' W, a distance of 85.83 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.1712 acres more or less. PARCEL 2: That portion of Block 10 in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San Luis Obispo, ac. cording to the official map in the office of the County Record- er, County of, San Luis Obispo, California, more particularly de- scribed as follows: Beginning at the westerly cor. ner of said Block 10; thence South 361 53' East 55 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 531 07' East 25 feet; thence South 36° 53' East 39.5 feet; thence South 53 07', West :25 er $1. Kelly Moore ment Center,. ienerM saleo: MiX� `book's, re66rdsl ,sl -, dishes. ,Lawn painted `plates',, nurses' uniform, ; &.Sunday, March 657 11th Si,,;FBayv 1me is getting she left to save 'from NEW "MEN'S•BELTS $1 JOE'S PLACE REFRIGERATOR $35 MOTEL MAID CALL 773.2725 Y; and white. Formica top table, �roFme eiegs; 4 chairs: Seats 6. ood condlt�on. $20. 543 -0625. Motet Maid, part -time. No phone calls. How ie's Motel, 652 Morro St. Woman to live in with elderly sin - gle lady. Nice home, close-in. No heavy work. Call 238.2287. a II C�OESBPL'.ACEC $50 CASH church club, or org niza- 7n, se mg {,,.Watkins': �amous'va- MOTEL MAID - SLO experience only: Steady work. 544.0973, TWO LADIES I'ja or pgppe - Cwaflr 544.0201 or ply 879'Mo ro 0 Earn extra income, work from home. Steady -,part-time, hours of METAL OFFICE JOE'S PLAC own choice $1;.95, per hour aver- age earnings -Call 544.0201 2 to 6 only aternif dresses,'$''10.•Automatic m e mera'$4QBoy's bicycle, 0. elcar top. carrier, $16. eall'8 a.m. to noon. c r 25. Help Wanted Mate and female , ATTENTION Male or female,vwe need help! Easy work, good pk. Permanent. Cali O PHO((�0 COMBO $25 JOB ST PLACE . .59th black -coat, like new. S, ,w -. 1R -0n `773.9774- 544 -2783 9;20 '�:.rn. to 6:15 p.m. daily. , lou": REFRIGERATOR $35 a 21i. Siti'aflanS Wanted E obl JOE,%^ACE ze 18 Saturday I &' to'SS Rthe Ye ''0 8 cu ft. uprightreezer.. Male Certified Psychiatric 7echni- o Robtes Good condit +on. Call:' 489.7620. clan. Will do practical nursing. nears,. MidWil6ter o 1 $449:95. In the' crate or Call 466 -0252 before 4 p.m. fed. Bill's TV, 1515 Ocean LAWN MOWER $7.50 Sun, a JOE'S PLACE 27. Services Offered t ove�$a1 16 Mas►et71 Radios TY Licensed day care 543 -7104. Large, w vill leave ` '- r "f " ,Do�yyeiu need' cash? Look for McMa- playroom and fenced ard- p y y I soft 1. hens ad 'n today's paper. They'lf Child care. Happy surroundings shampoo Improve "tell you hov to gets some cash. fvlc� Mrahani, 855 M0'arsh, SLO. Licensed. 2 or over. 543. 2716. Housework. $1.50 per hour. toaster. GO 'h T AND CASE. 43 49E 2 Call 544.2207 verware_ linens mower, hand. IOPPINI'S TRACTOR & ATV Good picture.. $1 ntique buttons q i e ea dl Motel. ze 18 Saturday I &' to'SS V' clearance. Save $110 'Park. ooii Park models.'295 sq: in. scree "' is guarantee, largest col een you can buy. Yours -t, Only 4 days nears,. MidWil6ter o 1 $449:95. In the' crate or •3 .pairs offrirs fed. Bill's TV, 1515 Ocean innerspr ate; $3. C Pond lout ER I some 1966 wring Ref rigerato yi $40; ' Left! to.- , Being sold at $30 to $60 Di g era. $I (Less'trade for your o refrigerator) mat- ch and IDLER'S dress- 1121 Broad St. Easy Termsll > FAMILY OWNED & 'OP ,vriters ,scopes Gibson 16- cu. -ft. frost -free r Rifles -tor- freezer, 1 year' old, $ plifiers '543.3116. ' imeras Dear Mary:. Please hurry ba AN look. In today's paper 432314 MahaWs ad,, and, see how PAINTING -Start at $18 per roam. 5, SAVE MONEY. 543.1639 even' Licensed day care 2.12: Reliable'' On conscientious care. 543.1224. n, 2 Carpenter, first - class. All kinds. ored Remodeling a specialty. 544.4036 - for un- Yard clean -up and trash hauling. St., 543.5800 any time; 544.1957 eve- nings, 544.4772, scount PAIRING ESTIMATES. 543.2079. Id' Carpentry, remodeling, additions & cabinets. 544.2161. t HI -FI REPAIRS MORRISON ELECTRONICS 543;`1711 1337 Monterey Street 544.0131 All types fencing built & repaired. ERATED Roofing, plumbing & electrical in- stallation & repairs: Any odd jobs. ef`r''igera• Free estimates. 21 years local. 225: %Call 543.0676 mornings, eves, weekends. t -. c k ` ;We'll 2$. financial for- '<Mc- we ca t MONEY TO LEND I"ir' work $1,000 t0 $100,000 r Ist or 2nd Trust Deeds e Loans on your property 103 - „. fififi Paid for or not. j We buy existing trust deeds for cash. M, 3 Pnlin- TrllrhAn RaaI+\l 1- bedroom, partially furnished, $ Adults. Perkins Lane: 543.0978. This is a'nice furnished single.apa ment, really an individual lit home. Want permanent tenant w good references. See C. A. Mail 1108 Garden St., SLO. Phc 543.2240 or 543 -9033. Just completed: 2- bedroom, all -el, tric, semi-furnished. 543 -5319. R a ane Cali oom 54 i Fes wr a V P.M. ELDORAADDO. P RTMENTS Unfurnished 2- bedroom. Available now. One - bedroom. Available, April Carpets, drapes; ail- electric; be,, tiful pool, heated year round. 555 Westmont Dr. 543 -2i BEAUTIFUL VIEW: 1 - bedroc apartment, furnished or unfi nished duplex, 534 Kern Av Morro Bay. Call 543.0697, 772 -461 2- bedroom unfurnished apartment $60. Grover City. 489.5297. Kitchen units, newly ddcorati Utilities paid. $50. Castle Mot Phone 543.9850. 2- bedroom, furnished $105,. Water garbage paid. Call 544-2847. Furnished 3-r6 vapartme'nt .j utilities paid.No pets $75 '' -:I Walnut, 544-13 Partially turnisi-red: apartment; -se able for b or 2 male college si dents,. -V5, utilities include 543 -8909. Nearly new 2- bedroom triplex, i furnished, water paid, $11 543 -3594 after 5. Nice 1 - bedroom apartment, ve close -in; off-street parking; wal and garbage paid. $90 month. C 544 -0659. Nice studio for two; new furnitui utilities paid; quiet; carport. $11 Call after 2 p.m., 543 -3653, 544 -I1. Small furnished apartment,, $50 F month, including utilities. 5 mil south on Highway 101. 543.0679 Near Poly: Cozy 3 -room duplex; i frigerator, range. Couple, no pe •1370 Stafford. 543.4176. 1- bedroom unfurnished apartmer carpet, range & refrigerator; H ter & garbage paid. Adults on 637 Toro. 543.9451. 500 FOOTHILL APARTMENTS I- bedroom; stove, refrigerator, c: pets, drapes; water & garba paid. See manager, 510 " Footh Apt C -1. Phone 543 -8788. MORRO SANDS' Two - bedroom garden apartmr with view of harbor and close golf course. Features Include bui in range, oven, dishwasher, fii place, carpet and drapes. Fenc patio, garage and storage roo $115 to $125 per month, Includi water and garbage. Call Whale 772.7788. If no answer, call 772.31 or 489.4738 collect. HOWIE'S MOTEL Furnished 1 &.2- bedroom kitchenel apartments. Low daily, weekly monthly fates. 652 Morro. Clean- eloseAn 1- 6edroom. apartrtie IOPPINI'S TRACTOR & ROTOTILLING . And mowing. Small & large jobs. Free estimates. 543 -7065 or 543 7024. r C HEARING AID REPAIRS. Roberts terey St. PAINTING PAPERHANGING RE. 1- bedroom, partially furnished, $ Adults. Perkins Lane: 543.0978. This is a'nice furnished single.apa ment, really an individual lit home. Want permanent tenant w good references. See C. A. Mail 1108 Garden St., SLO. Phc 543.2240 or 543 -9033. Just completed: 2- bedroom, all -el, tric, semi-furnished. 543 -5319. R a ane Cali oom 54 i Fes wr a V P.M. ELDORAADDO. P RTMENTS Unfurnished 2- bedroom. Available now. One - bedroom. Available, April Carpets, drapes; ail- electric; be,, tiful pool, heated year round. 555 Westmont Dr. 543 -2i BEAUTIFUL VIEW: 1 - bedroc apartment, furnished or unfi nished duplex, 534 Kern Av Morro Bay. Call 543.0697, 772 -461 2- bedroom unfurnished apartment $60. Grover City. 489.5297. Kitchen units, newly ddcorati Utilities paid. $50. Castle Mot Phone 543.9850. 2- bedroom, furnished $105,. Water garbage paid. Call 544-2847. Furnished 3-r6 vapartme'nt .j utilities paid.No pets $75 '' -:I Walnut, 544-13 Partially turnisi-red: apartment; -se able for b or 2 male college si dents,. -V5, utilities include 543 -8909. Nearly new 2- bedroom triplex, i furnished, water paid, $11 543 -3594 after 5. Nice 1 - bedroom apartment, ve close -in; off-street parking; wal and garbage paid. $90 month. C 544 -0659. Nice studio for two; new furnitui utilities paid; quiet; carport. $11 Call after 2 p.m., 543 -3653, 544 -I1. Small furnished apartment,, $50 F month, including utilities. 5 mil south on Highway 101. 543.0679 Near Poly: Cozy 3 -room duplex; i frigerator, range. Couple, no pe •1370 Stafford. 543.4176. 1- bedroom unfurnished apartmer carpet, range & refrigerator; H ter & garbage paid. Adults on 637 Toro. 543.9451. 500 FOOTHILL APARTMENTS I- bedroom; stove, refrigerator, c: pets, drapes; water & garba paid. See manager, 510 " Footh Apt C -1. Phone 543 -8788. MORRO SANDS' Two - bedroom garden apartmr with view of harbor and close golf course. Features Include bui in range, oven, dishwasher, fii place, carpet and drapes. Fenc patio, garage and storage roo $115 to $125 per month, Includi water and garbage. Call Whale 772.7788. If no answer, call 772.31 or 489.4738 collect. HOWIE'S MOTEL Furnished 1 &.2- bedroom kitchenel apartments. Low daily, weekly monthly fates. 652 Morro. Clean- eloseAn 1- 6edroom. apartrtie