HomeMy WebLinkAbout0372OR DI NCE NO. 372 (1967 Series) AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF PROPERTY TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR HIGHV%°IAY PURPOSES AND THE GRANTING OF A TEMPORARY EASEMENT OVER CITY PRO- PERTY ADJACENT THERETO O BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that: SECTION 1. That certain Right of Way Contract between the State of California, Department of Public Glorks, Division of Highways, and the City of San Luis Obispo, covering Parcels No. 1630 and 1630 -1 on the map attached to said Agreement entitled "Route 101 to MJ_einecke Avenue, " is hereby approved and the transfer of the property interests described therein and the execution of appropriate instruments of conveyance is hereby authorized, in consideration of the payment by the State of California to the City of San Luis Obispo of the sum of $10,861.00 for the interests so transferred. SECTION 2. The Mayor of the City of San Luis Obispo be and he is hereby authorized and directed to execute said r6dght of "Nay Contract, together with any and all documents in- volved in said transfer, including the grant of a temporary easement over City property adjacent to the parcel being acquired by the State of California for highway purposes. SECTION 3. This Ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, shall be published once in full, at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram- Tribune, a news- paper published and circulated in said City, and the same shall take effect at the expiration of thirty (30) days after its said final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT by the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo at a Regular Meeting held thereof on the 1st day of May, 1967, on motion of Council- man Gallagher, seconded by Councilman Miller, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Miller, Spring, and Mayor Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT: None 10W ATTEST: FINALLY PASSED this 15th day of May , 19 67 , by the following roll call vote: ATTEST: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Spring, Miller and Mayor Whelchel NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None •r ( EGG& ` /I MAYOR -------- - - - - -- ---------------------- - - - - -- -Cali ua 19 Grantor FORM R /W2 DIST. COUNTY RTE. P.'h. R/W E. A. 05 SW 001 . . '. 059509 RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACT — STATE HIGHWAY Document No -------- - '----------- - - - -in the form of a ---------- 0 —Pd_ - - ---- e -------------------------------- - - - - -- covering the property particularly described therein has been executed and delivered to--- _-..____________ ___ ___ __ __• ____Right of Way Agent for the State of California. In consideration of which, and the other considerations hereinafter set forth, it is mutually agreed as follows: 1. The parties have herein set forth the wk�y,p,le of their agreement. The performance of this agree- ment constitutes the entire consideration b id document and shall relieve the State of all further obligation or claims on this account, or�on account of the location, grade or construction of the proposed public improvement. N-11� -,. 2. The State shall: (A) Pay the undersigned grantor (s)"tle sum of $_ 1* 1 . _ _______for the property or interest conveyed by above document (s) when title to said property vests in the State free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, assessments, easements and leases (recorded and /or un- recorded) �j and taxes, except: a. Taxes for the fiscal ``year in which this escrow closes which shall be cleared and paid in the manner required �by_,Section 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, if unpaid at the close of escrow. b. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and reservations of record, or contained in the above referenced document. - c. Easements or rights o�way over said land for public or quasi - public utility or public street purposes, if any. 4. AAaaammt for p0 .i0 utjjL .jwjX $hcMM upon. or defile tt by the P of Tract So. 34 in the City of Son L- js MjW. FORM HR /W -2D ( RENTAL PRORATION) (B) Pay all escrow and recording fees incurred in this transaction, and, if title insurance is desired by the State, the premium charged therefor. Said escrow and recording charges shall not, however, include reconveyance fees, trustee's fees, or forwarding fees for any full reconveyance of deed of trust or full release of mortgage; nor shall said charges include federal documentary stamp tax. The State is hereby authorized to deduct from the payment shown in Paragraph 2(A) above an amount necessary to purchase federal documentary stamps in applicable amounts, and to affix same to the document referred to in Clause 2(A) above. (C) Have the authority to deduct and pay from the amount shown in Clause 2 (A) above, any amount necessary to satisfy any delinquent taxes due in any fiscal year except the fiscal year in which this escrow closes, together with penalties and interest thereon, and /or delinquent or nondelinquent assessments or bonds except those which title is to be taken subject to in accordance with the terms of this contract. 3. Any or all moneys payable under this contract, up to and including the total amount of unpaid principal and interest on note (s) secured by mortgage (s) or deed (s) of trust, if any, together with penalty (if any) for payment in full in advance of maturity, and all other amounts due and payable in accordance with the terms and conditions of said trust deed (s) or mortgage (s) shall, upon demand (s) be made payable to the mortgagee (s) or beneficiary (s) entitled thereunder; said mortgagee (s) or beneficiary (s) to furnish grantor with good and sufficient receipt showing said moneys credited against the indebtedness secured by said mortgage (s) or deed (s) of trust. 4. The grantor (s) shall retain possession of the property conveyed up to and including the date of recording of the deed conveying title to State upon compliance by the grantor (s) with the con- ditions of this contract. All rents collected by grantor (s) applicable to any period thereafter shall be paid to the State. Either party hereto collecting rents to which the other party is entitled shall forthwith pay such amount to the other as is necessary to comply with the provisions of this clause. 5. Grantor (s) warrant (s) that there are no oral or written leases on all or any portion of the property exceeding a period of one month, and the grantor (s) further agree (s) to hold the State harmless and reimburse the State for any and all of its losses and expenses occasioned by reason of any lease of said property held by any tenant of grantor (s) for a period exceeding one month. 6. The undersigned grantor (s) hereby agrees) and consents) to the dismissal of any eminent domain action in the Superior Court wherein the herein described land is included and also waive (s) any and all claims to any money that may now be on deposit in said action. E9T. 6980. 60896 -600 12 -66 10M Q OSP 7. The State shall at no expense to grantors and at -.ne time of construction, construct a. concrete sidewalk and curb, eight (8) feet in width, between Right of Engineer's Station 14+09 and Right of Engineer's Station 17 -55, Department of Public Works Survey between Route 101 and Meinecke Avenue in the City of San Luis Obispo. It is understood and agreed that upon completion of work of construction of the curb and sidewalk above mentioned, said improvements shall be considered as encroachments under permit upon the State highway and are to be maintained, repaired and operated as such by grantors in accordance with and subject to the ordinances of the City of San Luis Obispo, the laws of the State of California,, and the rules and regulations of the Division of Highways, Department of Public Works of said State. Permission is hereby granted the State or its authorized agent to enter upon grantors' land as shown in red hatching and identified as Parcel No. 1630 -1 for the purposes of constructing a. public highway, and accomplishing all necessary incidents thereto, over and across a portion of the property outlined in red and identified as Parcel 1630 on said map. Permission is also hereby granted the State or its authorized agent to enter upon the grantors' land adjacent to that property outlined in red and identified as Parcel No. 1630 on said map for the purpose of installing forms pertinent to and the constructing of the sidewalk described in Clause 7 of this contract. 9. All work done under this agreement shall conform to all applicable building, fire and sanitary laws, ordinances, and regulations relating to such work, and shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner. All structures, improvements or other facilities, when removed, and relocated, or reconstructed by the State, shall be left in as good condition as found. 10. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that payment in Clause 2A above includes but is not limited to payment for the chain link fence, the lawn, the shrubs and trees which are considered to be part of the realty and are being acquired by the State in this transaction. 11. It is understood and agreed by and between the parties hereto that included in the amount payable under Clause 2A herein is payment in full to compensate grantor for the expense in performing the following work: Relocate rustic.park sign. 12. Until such time as the State elects to take possession of any or all of the property acquired herein, the grantor shall have the use and enjoyment of its surface in the same manner as now used, except that in no event shall any advertising sign of any nature whatsoever be placed upon or allowed to remain on the property. Grantor agrees to keep the premises in a neat and clean condition. The grantor agrees that no improvements other than those already on said property, shall be placed thereon; and the planting of any crops, trees, or shrubs, or alterations, repairs, or additions to existing improve- ments which may hereafter be placed thereon are at grantor's risk and without expectation of damages in the event of removal by the State. 13. This transaction will be handled through an escrow with Title Insurance and Trust Company of San Luis Obispo, their No. 89921. 3. • rt , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement the day and year first above Written. Cy ---------------------------------------------- — ------------------------------- G� Grantor---- - Recommended for Approval: STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS B y-------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- -- DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS Right of Way Agent By By Supervising Right of Way Agent District Engineer No Obligation Other Than Those Set Forth Herein Will Be Recognized EST. 4437. 90988 -000 12 -04 10M SEXT ® OSP GRANT DEED (CORPORATION) SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE DISTRICT COUNTY ROUTE SECTION NUMBER 05 SLO 001 16.8/17. 1630,- Sta. 14 +20+ to Sta. 17 +80+ a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State does hereby GRANT to the STATE OF CALIFORNIA all that real property in the---------------- -- - - -. -------------------------------- - ---------------------- , County of -- San Luis - Obispo - - - - -- That part of the portion of Block 82 of the in the City of San Luis Obispo, County of San on the map filed in Book A, page 168 of Maps, and that portion of Lot 9 in Block 1 of Tract County as delineated on the map filed in Book of said County, described as follows: ---- ---------- State of California, described as: City of San Luis Obispo, Luis Obispo, as delineated records of said County; No. 34 in said City and 5, page 55 of Maps, records Beginning at the southerly corner of said Block 82; thence (1) along the southwesterly line of last said Block N. 34° 13' 45" W., 361.98 feet to the most southerly corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Thomas E. Baumberger, et ux., by deed recorded August 17, 1965 in Volume 1362, page 742 of Official Records, records of said County; thence (2) along the southerly line of said parcel of land N. 270 08' 15" E., 31.35 feet; thence (3) S. 32° 18' 10" E., 46.84 feet; thence (4) S. 57° 41' 50" W., FORM RW -7 (REV. 4.60) EST. 8846. 94954 1-61 20M ® -S%'0 7.00 feet; thence (5) S. 320 18' 10" E., 263.32 feet; thence (6) S. 34° 12' 43" E.,'67.26 feet to an intersection with the south- easterly line of said Block 82; thence (7) along said southeasterly line S. 550 46' 15" W., 10.07 feet to the point of beginning. AND ALSO a temporary easement for the purpose of constructing a bridge over and across a portion of said Block 82, described as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly terminus of course numbered (2) above; thence along the northeasterly prolongation of the north- westerly line of said portion of Block 82 described above; (a) N. 270 08' 15" E., 11.59 feet; thence (b) S. 320 18' 10" E., 62.74 feet; thence (c) S. 570 41' 50" W., 17.00 feet to an inter- section with course numbered (5) above; thence along said course (5), (d) N. 320 18' 10" W., 10.00 feet; thence (e) N. 57° 41' 50" E., 7.00 feet; thence (f) N. 320 18' 10" W., 46.84 feet to the point of beginning. Said temporary easement shall cease and terminate upon completion of construction of State highway 05 -SLO -001 PM 16.8/17.2, or in any event not later than September 1, 1969. Bearings and distances used herein are based on the California Coordinate System, Zone 5; multiply distances called by 1.0000521 to obtain ground level distances. The grantor further understands that the present intention of the grantee is to construct and maintain a public highway on the lands hereby conveyed in fee and the grantor, for itself, its'successors and assigns, hereby waives any claims for any and all damages to grantor's remaining property contiguous to the property hereby conveyed by reason of the location,- construction, landscaping or maintenance of said highway. IN tt"tTNESS WHEREOF, said corporation has caused its corporate name to be hereunto subscribed and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, this — ---- _ -------- — --------- day 19----- - - - - -- BY ` _— «_'_ ----------- - - - - -- C ity C l erk� � [CORPORATE SEAL] r f f STATE OF CALIFORNIA ss. - - - -- County of - - -- – — -- - -- On this----.------day of____ 1 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said __Counry, personally known to me to be known to me to be the------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------- Secretary---------------------- - - - - -- of the corporation described in and .that executed the within instrument, and also known to me to be the person________ who executed it on behalf of the corporation therein named, and -------- he-------- acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. (Seal) Name (Typed or Printed) Notary Public in and for Said County and State (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, GOVT. CODE, SECTION 27281) THis Is To CERTIFY, That the State of California, grantee herein, acting by and through the Department of Public Works, Division of Highways, hereby accepts for public purposes the real property, or interest therein, conveyed by the within deed and consents to the recordation thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this -------------------- day of ----- - ---------------------------- By Director of Public Works Attorney in Fact NOW,