HomeMy WebLinkAbout0376ORDINANCE NO. 376 (1967 Series) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN .UIS OBISPO, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 11th DAY OF JULY, 1967, PERTAINING TO THE ANNEXATION OF THE TERRITORY DES - CRIBEDAS "EDNA ROAD NO. 1 ANNEXATION" TOTHE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO WHEREAS, by esolution No. 1666 (1967 Series), the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo declared its intention to call a Special Election in certain inhabited terri- tory contiguous to said City proposed to be annexed to the City, for the purpose of sub- mitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not the territory shall be annexed to the City; and WHEREAS, a copy of Said resolution was published as required by law; and VIHEREAS, at a time not later than the hour set by said Resolution for hearing objections to the proposed election, protests were not made by the owners or by public and private owners equal to one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed; and WHEREAS, all proceedings have been had in accordance with said Resolution and the Annexation Act of 1913, including adoption of Resolution No. 1688 (1967 Series), finding that no majority protest had been made to the proposed "Edna Road No. 1 Annexation" Special Election, reference thereto hereby being made for further particulars; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispc as follows: 1. A Special Election is hereby called to be held on the 11th day of July, 1967, in the territory hereinafter described and proposed to be annexed to the City of San Luis Obispo, for the purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory the question whether or not such territory shall be annexed to, incorporated in, and made a part of said City of San Luis Obispo, and whether or not the property in said territory shall, after such annexation, be subject to taxation, equally with the property within the City of San Luis Obispo to pay the entire bonded indebtedness of the City of San Luis Obispo out- standing or authorized at the date of the first publication of the Notice of Election for the acquisition, construction or completion of municipal improvements. Said territory is located in the County of San Luis Obispo, State of California, and is described as follows: Ordinance Number 376 (1017 Series) Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 101 of the Suburban Tract, according to the map of the Suburban Tract recorded February 7, 1906 in Book No. 1, Records of Surveys, at page 92 in the Office of the County Recorder, County of San Luis Obispo, California, said corner being the point of intersection of the Northerly line of said Lot 101 and the Easterly line of State Highway 227 (Edna Road), said corner also being a corner in the present City limit line; thence South 241 50' East along the easterly line of State Highway 227 and said City Limit Line to its intersection with the Easterly pro- longation of the Northerly line of Tank Farm Road (Co. Road No. 23010, Old No. 169); thence South 651 10' West along said Northerly line to the Westerly line of State High- way 227; thence continuing South 651 10' West along said Northerly line a distance of 726 feet to a point, said point being the most Southerly corner of Lot 82 of the Suburban Tract; thence North 240 50' West along the Westerly line of Lots 82, 832 84, and 85 of the Suburban Tract, a distance of 1201.20 feet to a point, said point being at the corner common to Lots 57, 85, and 86 of the Suburban Tract; thence West from said corner along the Northerly line of Lot 57, a distance of 628.98 feet to a point, said point being at the corner common to Lots 56, 57, and 86 of the Suburban Tract; thence North along the Westerly line of Lots 86 and 87 to a point, said point being a corner in the City Limit Line; thence continuing North along the Westerly line of Lot 87 a distance of 247.9 feet to a point on the South line of Rockview Place (formerly known as County Road No. 271); thence Easterly along the South line of said County Road following an arc to the left with a radius of 520 feet, a distance of 183.03 feet to a point; thence North 89° 531 East, a distance of 255.96 feet to a point on the Westerly line of State Highway No. 227 (known also as Edna Road and South Broad Street); thence North- westerly along the Westerly line of said State Highway No. 227 to a point on the South- westerly prolongation of the center line of Mutsuhito 'Avenue; thence Northeasterly along the said prolongation of the center line of Mutsuhito Avenue and continuing Northeasterly along the said center line to an angle in the present City Limit Line at the P.C.R.R. Right of Way (Abandoned); thence Northerly along the present City Limit, Line to a point on said City Limit Line at which point the present City Limit Line bears East to the Easterly line of the Southern Pacific Company's Right of Way; thence Easterly along last mentioned City Limit Line to the Easterly line of the South- ern Pacific Company's Right of Way; thence Southeasterly along the Easterly line of the S. P.R. R. Company Right of Way to a point on the Northerly line of Orcutt Road (County Road No. 341) (New No. 13006); thence Westerly along the prolongation of the Northerly line of Orcutt Road to the Westerly line of the S. P. R. R. Right of Way; thence Southeasterly along said Westerly line of the S. P.R. R. Right of Way to the Southerly line of Orcutt Road; thence South 89° 34' West along the Southerly line of Orcutt Road, a distance of 776.82 feet to a point, said point being the Northwest cor- ner of Lot 117 of said Suburban Tract; thence South along the line common to Lots 116 and 117 of the Suburban Tract to a point on the Easterly line of the P.C.R.R. Right of Way (Abandoned); thence Southeasterly along the Easterly line of the P.C.R.R. Right of Way to its intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 114 of the Suburban Tract; thence South 54° 20' West to the Westerly line of the P. C. R. R. Right of Way (Abandoned): thence South 470 25' East along the Westerly line of the P.C.R.R. (Abandoned) to its intersection with the Northerly line of Lot 96 of the Suburban Tract; thence North 650 10' East to the Easterly line of the P.C.R.R. Right of Way (Abandoned); thence South- easterly along the Easterly line of the P.C. R.R. Right of Way (Abandoned) to the Southerly line of County Road No. 169 (New No. 33009); thence South 650 10' West, a distance of 700.26 feet to the Northwesterly corner of Lot 97 of the Suburban Tract; thence South 240 50' East a distance of 990 feet to a point on the Northwesterly line of Lot 101 of the Suburban Tract; thence South 650 10' West along said line, a distance of 792 feet to the Point of Beginning. 2. Ordinance No. 376 (1967 Series) 2. The polls at said election shall be opened at 7 o'clock a. m. of the day herein fixed for the holding of said election and shall be kept open until 7 o'clock p. m. of the same day when the polls shall be closed, 3, Upon the ballots to be used at said election there shall be printed the words: SHALL "EDNA ROAD NO. 1 ANNE' :ATION" BE ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, AND THE PROPERTY IN SUCH TERRITORY BE, AFTER SUCH ANNEXATION, SUBJECT TO TAXATION EQUALLY WITH THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, TO PAY THE ENTIRE BONDED INDEBTEDNESS OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO OUTSTANDING OR AUTHORIZED AT THE DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLI- CATION OF THE NOTICE OF ELECTION, FOR THE ACQUISITION, CONST,:UCTION OR COMPLETION OF MUNICIPAL IMPROVEMENTS? Opposite these words there shall be printed the words "Yes" and "No ", and to the right of each of these last two words there shall be a voting square. If an elector shall stamp a cross ( +) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" the vote of such elector shall be counted in favor of the annexation of said territory to the City of San Luis Obispo; and if an elector shall stamp a cross (;) in the voting square after the printed word "No" the vote of such elector shall be counted against such annexation. In all particulars not herein recited, said election shall be held in conformity, as near as may be, with the laws of the State of California. concerning general elections and with said Annexation Act of 1913. 4. (a) For the purpose of said election, there hereby is established in the terri- tory described herein one- (1) voting precinct, which shall include all of said territory. The following is the polling place of said election precinct and the following named persons hereby are named officers of election and shall constitute the Board of Election for such election precinct: Polling Place: Dixon Plumbing Shop Orcutt Road, San Luis Obispo Inspector (1): Mrs. Miriam C. Dorman Judges (2): Mrs. Rose Bazi1 Mrs. Clarence Anderson (b) For their services in connection with said election, said inspector shall receive Eighteen Dollars ($18.00) and said judges Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) each, and the person in possession of the polling place named herein shall receive for the use of such premises in connection with said election the sum of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) 3. Ordinance No. 376 (i967 Series) LM 5. The City Clerk shall publish a notice of said special election as required by the Annexation Act of 1913, at least once a week for the four (4) weeks prior to the date of the election on July 11, 1967, in the Arroyo Grande Herald recorder, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published outside of the City of San Luis Obispo, but in the County of San Luis Obispo, California. 6. This Ordinance shall take effect upon its publication. 7. This Ordinance shall be published in the Telegram- Tribune, a newspaper published and circulated in said City. PA S S E D A N D A D O P T E D this 15th day of May, 1967, on motion of Councilman Miller , seconded by Councilman Gallagher , and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Spring, Miller, and Mayor Whelchel NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None ATTEST: _,,_; 10 -r-I 1"' 4. Y. .