HomeMy WebLinkAbout0379ORDINANCE NO. 379 (1967 Series) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SAN LUIS OBISPO IVIUNICIPAL CCDE TO ADOPT THE SIGN ORDINANCE FOR SAID CITY BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. That Sections 8600 through 8600,15 of the San Luis Obispo Municipal Code shall be and are hereby amended to read as follows: (Begins on following page) ��9 SIGN ORDINANCE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO SECTION 8600. INTENT 8600.1 DEFINITIONS 8600.2 SIGN PERMITS 8600.3 CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNS 8600.4 MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS 8600.5 REMOVAL OF SIGNS 8600.6 NO PERMIT SIGNS 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS 8600.8 SIGNS PERMITTED BY DISTRICT 8600.9 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE R- l(Residential Low Density), R- 2(Residential Medium Density), R- 3(Restricted Multiple Family Residential), R- H(Residential High Density) and R- O(Residential /Office) DISTRICTS 8600.10 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE R- 4(General Multiple Family Residential and R -C( Residential /Commercial).DISTRICT 8600.11 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- N(Neighborhood Commercial) DISTRICT 8600.12 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- 2(Central Commercial) DISTRICT 8600.13 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- 3(Heavy Commercial), C- H(same as C -3) and M(Industrial) DISTRICTS 8600.14 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE M- R(Research /Manufacturing) DISTRICT 8600.15 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD SECTION 8600. INTENT Recognizing the primary importance of signs for identification and the importance of such signing to the commerce of the City of San Luis Obispo, it is the intent of this Ordinance to regulate signs to minimize the adverse effects that the erection and display of such signs might have on the safety and general welfare of citizens of the City. This Ordinance further recognizes that this City is situated in an area of considerable natural beauty and that this setting, coupled with the City's historical development, has been a source of pride to its citizens as well as an attraction to many visitors each gear. It is, therefore, the intent of this Ordinance to also encourage a character in keeping with the setting and the historic and cultural aspects of the City, by establishing standards and controlling the size, type and location of all new signs, and by establishing the provisions by which all existing signs that do not conform to the standards set forth herein, shall be brought into conformity. SECTION 8600.1 DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Chapter, certain terms are defined as follows: A. Department: The Planning and Building Department of the City of San Luis Obispo. B. Illuminated Sign: A sign in which a source of light is designed as an integral part. This definition shall include internally and externally lighted signs and reflectorized, glowing, or radiating signs. Direct: Neon tubing, exposed bulbs, internally illuminated and similar Indirect: Floodlighting from an undetachable light source, cutout letters backlighted and similar C. Free Standing Sign: A sign wholly supported by poles, piers, or other structural members which are set directly on or into the ground. Where a structure is designed primarily to support a sign, a canopy attached to the structure will not change the definition of the sign. D. Frontage: Lineal feet of developed portion of lot facing a street, or lineal feet of building facing a parking lot or mall in a shopping center. E. Non - Illuminated Sign: A sign which does not contain a source of light. This definition shall include signs which are lighted from a detached light source. i.e. floodlights, spotlights, etc. F. Painted Sign: A sign which is directly painted onto a wall facade, canopy or marquee. G. Roof Sign: A sign, any part of which is supported by the roof of a building. H. Sign: A representation by means of words, diagrams, symbols or models situated in a place visible to the general public and intended to publicize any activity, person, or thing. I. Shopping Center: Five (5) or more stores on a plot of ground with a minimum of 100,000 square feet, three hundred (300) feet of frontage, and integrated off- street parking which meets the parking requirements in a C -N zone. J. Temporary Sign: A sign made of fabric or other light material intended to be displayed for sixty (60) days or less. - 2 - SECTION 8600.2 SIGN PERMITS: Except as provided for in Section 8600.6, no sign shall be erected without a sign permit first being obtained from the Department. A. Procedure: Application for a sign permit shall be made upon forms furnished by the Department, accompanied, when required, by scale drawings adequate to show the location, design, and construction of the sign in accordance with Section 301 of the Uniform Building Code, 1. At the time of filing an application, a fee of 1/2 of one (1) percent of the cost of the sign ($1.00 minimum fee) shall be paid to the Department. 2. An electrical permit shall be required when electrical work is involved. 3. Sign permit shall become void if not used within twelve (12) months from the date of issue. SECTION 8600.3 CONSTRUCTION OF SIGNS: Signs shall be constructed in accordance with the following requirements as referred to in the Uniform Building Code adopted by the City of San Luis Obispo. A. The construction of signs and their supports shall be adequate to carry all vertical and horizontal loads designated by the Building Code. B. Electrical signs shall be subject to the provisions of the City and State Electrical Code and Underwriters' Laboratory Standards. C. Signs and supporting structures erected in Fire Zone I shall be constructed of incombustible materials with the following exceptions: 1. The faces of signs may be of approved plastics as defined in the Uniform Building Code. 2. Wood may be used as structural trim if it does not exceed ten (10) percent of the total area. 3. A sign of approved combustible material may be erected if it does not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area and is not closer than ten (10) feet to any other combustible material. D. Temporary signs weighing in excess of fifty (50) pounds must be approved by the Department as conforming to the safety requirements of the Building Code. - 3 - v SECTION 8600.4 MAINTENANCE OF SIGNS: It shall be the responsibility of the owner of a sign to maintain it in a safe and secure condition at all times and to repair it when necessary. SECTION 8600.5 REMOVAL OF SIGNS: When required, signs shall be removed in accord- ance with the following provisions: A. Non - Conforming Signs: Signs, billboards, or commercial advertising structures which do not conform to this Sign Ordinance but which lawfully existed and were maintained prior to the effective date of this Ordinance, shall be removed or made to conform after sixty (60) days written notice by the Department, in accordance with the following schedule: 1. Painted Signs - Five (S) years. 2. Non - Illuminated and Off -Site Signs - Seven (7) Years. 3. Illuminated Signs - Ten Years. The time periods in the above schedule shall commence upon the effective date of this Ordinance. The period for abatement of non - conforming, signs in areas annexed subsequent to the effective date of this Ordinance shall be the same as those set forth above, except that the period shall be measured from the date of annexation. B. Non - Current, Abandoned, or Unsafe Signs: 1. Any sign including its supporting structure, which no longer identifies the current occupant or products currently sold or which otherwise fails to serve its original purpose after a lapse of six months shall be deemed a public nuisance and shall be removed by the owner of the property upon thirty (30) days written notice by the Department. 2. Any sign that, in the opinion of the Department, is unsafe or insecure, shall be deemed a nuisance and shall be cor- rected or removed, together with any supporting structure, by the owner of the property upon which the sign is located within thirty (30) clays after notice in writing by the Dept, 3. After thirty (30) days, the Department may cause such sign, to be removed and the cost of such removal shall become a lien against the property. 4. The Department may cause any sign which is an immediate peril to persons or property to be removed or corrected summarily and apply the cost as a lien against the property. - 4 - SECTION 8600.6 NO PERMIT SIGNS: The following signs may be erected without a sign permit, in addition to signs otherwise permitted, provided they comply with the requirements of this Chapter: A. One (1) identification sign per dwelling unit, not exceeding one (1) square foot in area. B. Signs advertising the sale, rental, or lease of property on which they are located. Aggregate area is not to exceed one (1) square foot for each ten (10) feet of lot frontage, up to a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet. C. Signs denoting the architect, engineer, contractor or lending agency, when placed upon work under construction, not exceeding thirty -two (32) square feet in area for each firm. Such signs shall be removed upon occupancy of the building. D. Memorial signs or tablets, names of buildings and dates of erection, when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of bronze or other incombustible material, not to exceed twenty (20) square feet. E. Municipal signs, legal notices, traffic or railroad crossing signs, which may be on public property. F. Signs of public utility companies indicating danger, or giving service or safety information, which may be on public property. G. Painting or repainting of a sign or the changing of a painted or printed advertisement thereon. H. Signs located inside an open lobby or entrance to a building in an R -C, R -4, Co or M zone, and visible from the outside. I. Regulatory or directional signs on parking lots, not exceeding four (4) square feet each. J. An appurtenant sign or signs, up to fifty (50) square feet in area, which complies with the area and other requirements of this Chapter, may be painted directly on a building or may consist of cutout letters that do not project more than three (3) inches nor weigh more than two (2) pounds each, provided the Department is notified of the size and location in advance. K. Signs up to six (6) square feet in area which comply with the area and other requirements of this Chapter and which weigh' less than twenty -five (25) pounds, provided the Department is notified of the size and location in advance. - 5 - SECTION 8600.6 NO PERMIT SIGNS: (Continued) L. Temporary signs weighing less than fifty (50) pounds and which do not exceed one hundred (100) square feet in area or five (5) feet in its narrowest dimension. 1. Signs extending more than six (6) inches over public property must be: a. Approved by the Administrative Officer. b. Consist of cloth or similar fabric. c. Be perforated to reduce wind resistance. d. Have a vertical clearance of twenty (20) feet. SECTION 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS: Signs, billboards and advertising structures may be erected and maintained in the districts where such use is permitted after having secured approval of the location, size, and design of said sign, billboard, or advertising structure subject to the following conditions: A. Sign Area: The area of a sign shall include structural or decorative frames, but not supporting members and shall be calculated as follows: 1. Modular Signs: t9here a sign consists of letters on individual modules or boards, the areas of such modules will be calculated but not the spaces between. 2. Painted or Cutout Letters: Signs consisting of painted or cutout letters shall be calculated according to a geometric figure that contains a word or group of words. a. An applicant shall have the option to count individual letters separately, provided that the calculated area of the geometric figure which contains such letter shall be increased by fifty (50) percent. 3. Signs Consisting of Words, Symbols, Etc.: The area of signs consisting of words, symbols, etc., fixed to a wall or on top of a canopy or roof shall be determined by measuring the area contained in the geometric figure formed by said words or symbols, provided that detached words or symbols may be measured separately at the discretion of the Dept. SECTION 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS: (Continued) B. Roof Signs: 1. The maximum height of roof sign shall not exceed twenty (20) feet or the height of the building plus twenty -five (25) percent of the height of building measured from ground floor, whichever is greater. In no event shall a roof sign exceed the height permitted in the district. 2. The length of a roof sign shall not exceed one -half (1/2) the width of building parallel to the sign, or fifty (50) percent of the diagonal of the two sides of building for non - parallel signs. Signs placed diagonally on a building may have a length equal to fifty (50) percent of the diagonal. (Diagonal signs must have a minimum angle of thirty (30) degrees.) 3. All roof signs and supporting members shall be constructed of fireproof materials, in accordance with the standards of the Uniform Building Code. 4. Supporting members of a roof sign shall appear to be an integral and architectural part of the building, and any bracing, if required, shall be minimized. C. Signs Over Public Property: 1. Twenty -five (25) percent of allowable sign area may be used in a projecting sign. 2. The maximum projection of any sign shall not exceed two - thirds (2/3) the width of a public sidewalk. a. Between a height of eight (8) feet and twelve (12) feet above a sidewalk, a sign may project three (3) feet over a sidewalk area and have a maximum area of six (6) square feet. b. Between a height of twelve (12) feet and sixteen (16) feet, a sign may project one -half (1/2) the width of the sidewalk. c. Above sixteen (16) feet, a sign may project two - thirds (2/3) the width of the sidewalk. - 7 - SECTION 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS: (Continued) C. Signs Over Public Property: (Continued) 3. The top of a projecting sign shall not exceed the height of the face of the building by which it is supported. 4. Awnings and Marquee: a. Identification signs may be painted on the sides or face of an awning. b. Identification signs consisting of painted or cutout letters may be attached to the sides or face of a marquee. c. The area of any sign permitted by this paragraph shall be counted against the allowable sign area for the use to which it pertains. D, Rotating Signs: Rotating signs may be erected where specified in the Ordinance subject to the following limitations: 1. Maximum area - Fifty (SO) square feet per side. 2. Maximum revolutions permitted - Six (6) per minute. 3. Maximum distance from axis in any direction - Four (4) feet. 4. Area of rotating sign shall count double towards total permitted sign area. E. Illumination: No illuminated sign shall be permitted in R -1, R -2, R -3, or R -H Districts, except house identification or church bulletin boards and one (1) indirectly illuminated sign for an apartment, church, trailer court, or office building per street frontage. F. Obstructions: 1. Signs shall not obstruct, nor shall prevent free ingress or egress from Are escapes, doors, or windows required by the Building Code. No sign shall be attached to a standpipe, gutter, drain, or fire escape. 2. No sign regulated by this Ordinance shall be erected at any location where it will obstruct the view of or conflict with any authorized traffic sign, signal, or device, nor shall a sign obstruct the view of oncoming traffic. SECTION 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS: (Continued) G. Proximity to Power and Telephone Lines: No part of any sign shall be erected closer to any existing or proposed power or telephone line than the distances set forth in the following tables, provided that further restrictions adapted by the Public Utilities Commission shall be followed. MINIMUM CLEARANCE OF SIGNS FROM CONDUCTORS Conductor of any type Conductor carrying carrying less than more than 750 750 volts volts Vertical Clearance Above sign 3 feet* 8 feet ** Below sign 3 feet Prohibited Horizontal Clearance From conductors 3 feet 6 feet From poles 4 feet 6 feet Increase to eight (8) feet if man can walk on sign. ** Increase to twelve (12) feet if man can walk on sign. H. Flashing Signs: Flashing, scintillating and similar signs may be erected where specified in the Ordinance subject to approval by the Design Review Board of the design, color, degree of flashing, etc. 1. An application for a flashing sign shall be submitted to the Planning and Building Department, accompanied by colored drawings to scale adequate to show the operating details of the proposed sign. 2. The Design Review Board shall meet within ten (10) days of receipt of the application and may approve, deny, or conditionally approve the application. 3. Any person aggrieved by the decision of the Design Review Board may appeal in writing to the City Council, who shall consider such an appeal at their next regular meeting. I. Prohibited Signs: The following signs shall be prohibited except where specified by this Ordinance or by resolution or ordinance adopted by the City Council. SECTION 8600.7 GENERAL REGULATIONS: (Continued) I. Prohibited Signs: (Continued) 1. Signs within five hundred (500) feet of any existing or adopted freeway intended to be viewed primarily by persons traveling on such freeway, except when such sign is used exclusively to: a. Advertise the sale or lease of the property upon which it is located; or b. Designate the name of the owner or occupant of the premises upon which it is located, or to identify such premises. 2. Signs,upon any public property or any structure thereon, except as otherwise provided herein. 3. Signs erected without permission of the owner of the property or authorized agent. J. Exempt Signs: Signs required by law shall be exempt from the provisions of this Chapter. SECTION 8600.8 SIGNS PERMITTED BY DISTRICT: Provided that a sign permit is first obtained from the Department, signs may be erected in the districts designated on the Zoning Map of the City of San Luis Obispo in addition to those described in Section 8600.6. The total sign area permitted may be divided among two or more signs except where one sign is specifically stipulated. SECTION 8600.9 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE R- I(Residential Low Density), R- 2(Residential Medium Density R -3 (Restricted Multiple Family Residential) R -H Residential High Density and R- 0(Residential Office). A. Twenty -five (25) square feet of single faced sign area per frontage on the premises of a public, charitable, or religious institution. B. One (1) sign directing attention to a new subdivision. The sign shall not exceed one hundred (100) square feet nor shall it be located less than one hundred (100) feet from any occupied residence. If a new subdivision is accessible from more than one (1) major street, a second sign may be erected in accordance with the above provisions but not on the same street. Such signs shall be removed within one (1) year or completion of the subdivision or cessation of construction or upon sale of the last unit, whichever occurs first. - 10 - SECTION 8600.9 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE R -1_, R -2, R -3, R -H and R -0 DISTRICTS: (Cont.) C. For uses first permitted in the R -3 and R -H Districts, there shall be allowed twenty -five (25) square feet of single faced sign area. SECTION 8600.10 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE R- 4(General Multiple Family Residential) and -C( esz ential Commercia DISTRICTS: A. Sign Area Allowed: The total sign area allowed for uses first permitted in the R -4 and R -C Districts shall be determined as follows: 1. For lots which have frontages up to one hundred (100) feet, there may be ten (10) square feet of si.gn area plus two (2) square feet of si M area per foot of street frontage not to exceed two hundred (200) square feet. 2. For lots which have frontages in excess of one hundred (100) feet, there may be an additional one (1) square foot of sign area per foot of street frontage over one hundred (100) feet. 3. Lots which have a buildable depth exceeding two hundred fifty (250) feet, may have an additional twenty -five (25) percent of sign area based upon lot frontage. 4. The total sign area shall not exceed 300 square feet. B. Signs Permitted: 1. Signs permitted by Section 8600.9. 2. Signs placed on an exterior wall or facade of a building. 3. One (1) free standing sign per frontage subject to the following regulations: a. The area of a free standing sign sha11 not exceed two hundred sixty (260) square feet. b. The maximum height of a Free standing sign shall not exceed fifty (50) feet. 4. Roof signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7B. S. Rotating signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7D. - 11 - SECTION 8600.11 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- N(Neighborhood Commercial) DISTRICT: A. Sign Area Allowed: The total sign area allowed shall be determined as follows: 1. Non - residential Uses: There may be ten (10) square feet plus two (2) square feet of sign area per foot of frontage, not to exceed two hundred (200) square feet. 2. Shopping Centers: A shopping center may have one hundred (100) square feet of shopping center sign per street front- age. Individual uses may have signs on the building in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. B. Signs Permitted: The following type si ^ns shall be permitted: 1. Signs permitted by Section 3600.9. 2. Signs placed upon an exterior wall or facade of a building!. 3. Free standing signs subject to the following regulations: a. Non - residential uses which are not within a shopping center may have one (1) free standing sign per frontage not to exceed sixty (60) percent of the total sign area allowed. b. A shopping center may have one (1) free standing sign per frontage not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet. c. The height of a free standing., sign shall not exceed twenty -five (25) feet or one hundred fifty (150) pereeni of the building height; whichever is Freater; however, in no event shall it exceed thirty -five (35) feet. 4. Roof signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7B. SECTION 8600.12 SIGNS PER14ITTED IN THE C- 2(Central Commercial) DISTRICT: A. Sign Area Allowed: The total sign area allowed shall be determined as follows: 1. Non - Residential Uses: There may be ten (10) square feet plus two (2) square feet of sign area per foot of frontage not to exceed three hundred (300) square feet, except as provided in Paragraphs 2 and 3 hereof. - 12 - 0 SECTION 8600.12 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C -2 DISTRICT: (Continued) A. Sign Area Allowed: (Continued) 2. Shopping Centers: A shopping center may have one hundred (100) square feet of shopping center sign per street frontage. Individual uses may have signs on the building in accordance with Paragraph 1 above. 3. Multi -Story Buildings: For each floor above the second floor there may be allowed an additional twenty (20) percent of sign area above the original sign area allowed, not to exceed one hundred (100) percent. B. Sims Permitted: The following types of signs shall be permitted: 1. Signs permitted by Section 8600.9. 2. Signs placed upon an exterior wall or facade of a building,. 3. Free standing signs subject to the following regulations: a. Non - residential uses may have one (1) free standing sign per frontage not to exceed seventy -five (75) percent of the total sign area allowed or one hundred eighty (180) square feet, whichever is less, except that a shopping center with at least one hundred (100) feet of frontage on a freeway or freeway frontage road may have an additional sign facing the freeway not to exceed three hundred (300) square feet. b. The sign height shall not exceed twenty -five (25) feet or one hundred fifty (150) percent of the height of the building, whichever is greater. In no event shall the sign height exceed fifty (50) feet. Signs located within one thousand (1000) feet of a freeway may have a height of fifty (50) feet regardless of building height. 4. Roof signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7. - 13 - SECTION 8600.12 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C -2 DISTRICT: (Continued) B. Signs Permitted: (Continued) 4. Projecting signs subject to the following: a. The provisions of Subsection 8600.7C shall apply. b. Multi -story buildings may have one projecting sign per building frontage above the third floor. S. Rotating signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.9D, but not to exceed thirty -six (36) square feet in area. 6. Flashing signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7H. SECTION 8600.13 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- 3(Heavy Commercial), C- H(game as C -3) and M(Industrial) DISTRICTS: A. Sign Area Allowed: The total sign area allowed shall be determined as follows: 1. Non - residential Uses: There may be ten (10) square feet plus two (2) square feet of sign area per foot of frontage not to exceed four hundred (400) square feet. 2. Multi -story Building: The provisions of Subsection 8600.12A shall apply. B. Signs Permitted: The following types of signs shall be permitted: 1. Signs permitted by Section 8600.9, 2. Signs placed upon an exterior wall or facade of a building;. 3. Signs which do not pertain to the premises upon which they are located, subject to the following regulations: a. The sign area shall not exceed three hundred (300) square feet. b. Signs facing in the same direction shall not be closer than three hundred (300) feet nor closer to a street than any building within one hundred (100) feet of such sign. c. Signs shall be constructed in a manner which precludes viewing the rear of the sign. d. Signs shall be of single post type construction with a maximum height of thirty -five (3S) feet. - 14 - SECTION 8600.13 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE C- 3(Heavy Commercial), C- H(same as C -3), and M(Industrial) ST ICTS: (Continued) B. Signs Permitted: (Continued) 4. One free standing sign per frontage subject to the following; regulations: a. The sign area shall not exceed four hundred (400) square feet. b. The sign height shall not exceed the height permitted in the District. S. Roof sins subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.78. 6. Rotating signs subject to the provisions of Subsection 8600.7D. SECTION 8600.14 SIGNS PERMITTED IN THE M- R(Research /Manufacturing) DISTRICT: A. All signs shall be considered as a condition of the use permit the same as other conditions imposed in a Planned Development District, by the Planning Commission, except that signs which do not pertain to the premises upon which they are located shall be prohibited. SECTION 8600.15 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: A. There is hereby established a Design Review Board, to be appointed by the City Council, consisting of five (5) members who shall serve a four (4) year term. The first Design Review Board to be appointed under this Ordinance shall be Chosen as follows: Two (2) members for a four (4) year term and three (3) members for a two (2) year term. All such terms shall commence July 1, 1967. Thereafter, the Council shall appoint either two (2) or three (3) members each two (2) years respectively. B. The Design Review Board shall be charged with the duty of approving or disapproving all applications for flashing signs. The decision to either approve or deny shall be based on an evaluation of the esthetic compatibility of the sign with the character of the area in which it is to be located and the surrounding improvements. It shall also be the duty of the - 15 - SECTION 8600.15 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: (Continued) Design Review Board to ascertain that the proposed sign complies with all provisions of this Ordinance as well as its intent and purpose. C. The Design Review Board shall have such additional duties and responsibilities as the City Council may from time to time assign to it. - 16 - SECTION 2, This Ordinance, together with the ayes and noes, shall be published once in full, at least three days before its final passage, in the Telegram - Tribune, a news - paper published and circulated in said City, and the sane shall go into effect at the expir- ation of thirty (30) days after its said final passage, INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT at an Adjourned Regular Council Meeting on the 5th day of July, 1967, on motion of Councilman Spring, seconded by Council - man Gallagher, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Make, Gallagher, Miller, Spring, and Mayor Whelchel NOES: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: iry er_- -17- /1� ! MR, FINALLY PASSED this 7th day of August , 1967 by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Blake, Gallagher, Spring, Miller and Mayor Whelchel NOES: Councilmen None ABSENT: Councilmen None ATTEST: .%'�ITY CL'RK