HomeMy WebLinkAbout0038N1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 12- 13 14 15" 16. 17 18 WO, 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 281 0 R. D Il. lAll, v 0 51. 1'•r0 e r i9q, 7 An Or(linance Fi?._iri Rates s wl Y',lect-ricity th4 of t.be Cit-, of ."Dan Lui;i o California. r) C-1 Pr c r i b i ity of tl,!� "eru,-cq and Proxri-' d ing for ' ln.w)ect ion o.i U,,.,,,:, F,at,�rF, and Gas Furni.sl;elcl to gai-cf- Oity an C. to the Inha' itantR Vc Be it OrCained by th- ,o,,Lnci-' c)j' tjAe Jlt,r i)J 01)iSpo, as fo"'Llo-ir-,: r Section 1. Fir th,-., tl".}� lit c�'a"% of il ill 3, -i day 1915 t'-'L9 r.'aiT,MTl-. rat,�,, of 1914 of -une an'.' liriE or, the 30t) -)a- coyi'oensr--ttion ich a,-i- -p,�r,,on cnr per,-,ori�s (1 nni or a2q -)orp coll��Ct CI' 'r'-c4iArp' for firrnip'll ing oclation or -,or-! it ion a s or electr-icity to tIt C it,T. o- .1 San T,11 is 01 i 0 q -i t,.p inhr-Ibitanti o J, , I i., lv:�rHby fixed ;and ca., follOI7S: ub ir is ion 1 . A1't 1-icial G i q Pi is' i 9,L f or a 0 D cl i c f�-�t consit-,,-�d in For the f ir'-it P-�- t h s ,incd one T%orithl the rate, shall be One and 25/100 Dollars for each 0-".q ( 1,000 ) cub ic feat consuaRed Por gas- ifi one ii.,orith in Hxc-,qs of (�1000 ) cl?bic -Ceet undt. not in excess of fourteen tjiol.,.,sand 000 ) citbic ,(149 tl�e 1 1� rats shall be one anL W /100 1 t457) Dollars for each one thoits,,m,�- (1,000 ) cubic For P-a-9 ccjnsur',9' in c)n,- Tiont'ji. in pxce-,q. of fo, i.-r + e e r, tliollszand. ( 14,000 ) cubic f --et and riot in I ji , 1. thoiLs-and ( 2.4 cV.') ic f� -t 9 t1�19 rite R" :d -,)e On,� P.ri'fL 10/100, AD) Boll rrs for oj-,� �.h-msanl-, 11")i CL!bi(I f` et P'll 30 f- r t , t. . t e on,'. 0 1, .1) 0 1 la ch one ti,.o, �sarlC',- 1 ODO �"ubic J"�i4it r!-tte for fail 111 J w '.r inr, ai iy o ilt Ti s; - i) on. (��1.00) Dollar. 29 Sl-tbCl i-Ir ir-�t i oyl 17, —ItIl, -Po-1 r arty Pjjr,?.3-je: 30 11. 2'or f ir F� t 0 (10 0 (7,1.1.bicfeet f g,,:,-, consitried. DI cv':4� -r*.l.'qlt-'j 31 a,,-, \- be One an- 10 c 1 )/10 5 I)o .1.1 f o--.-le tl-lolloo rld- 11001�" 1 00, 32 11")i in in excel, jt� ,)Oo b Ol I i c ij.nd n( in 43 6 go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 -xce-ii of ty­int�r ;,,0 tOJ,) ) oubic' feat 9 the rate s1'-al-I be One a n !)o1_1• s for -iac-h or �, thol-igand (I 0�0) c1loic ss of tint.-1,r C o nq.u:,_: 9 U o ne ill th m t P, �a v­, \n r� for one' o _L rate J_ (20,000) ci.j.bic 9t, thp rate M, al.I�bp One o 11 ar for 'each one thou-_G. -d 1 , 0 cl.i,oic f o -ns d Thq'7 inimixm rate fcr Cas 9 _"Jl tz1ur,-L*n,c 1. r TI-ont h 91 --. a 1 one ( J.00 i o 11ar . Suba', ilr 4Ls ion 1 For El 'LeCtriCitt" fUrni-,-i for 8 11 io r�­, ila,;nce,-, , the rate -;I. alL 1 b? as folio s: 9 11 "or e1,-(,.tricitr for I z the first 210 kilovatt, hour-s in -t lo lon ni,:,nth, the rate shal.l 1)e 9 1/2 cents *,p,:=r Pzi'Lowatt. hnitr. For ele* - 11 ric c-tirrent in on,--� 7-lonth in ex1--!.SS of 20 kciloviatt boui€� V, 0 1�-,ilowatt, 11101irs, tatz r,,?te silall be ;Q 12 and not in ofA 13 cents kilo"vfatt hour For electric cl _jrrQ.Mt ii--, .-)ne month in 14 exceP.q of 140 kiiLopatt hoij.rs an G_ not in exceqc; of 74) ki'Low,,=At hours, fi 41 e4q./_� ` 7 15 li 16 17 18 19 20 21 221 231 241 25 264 27 28 29 30 31 32 t"(',�e r-Ae s1la-L! be an�-' onfi-lta-,Lf o,'nts p-�r kilowatt hoer. For el­.ctric. currtit consu­,e.� in in of 76 re ilowatt i,�,:itt hoi,­rs and not. in 9 S unc'z, (100) /v 1-i0l. i r s. t h 0, T l."te �l - 1 1 ") F� (4114)oeylt-, .)-r -K.Llo-v--tt holir. For electric current consumed in one month in exce.gs of one hv.nf,rp,( kilowatt ho-mxs an' not in excess of two hundred kilowatt hours the rate shall doe 6�i an(► one—half cent .9 -Ppr kiloviatt hour., For electric current coyisune�! in one month in ex- cess of Two Hundred 1Lilowatt hours and. not in excess of three M,40 hundreCi Kildwatt hours the rate shall be t per 11,1.ilovratt holir. For el­-�ctricit-v consumer-1 in one Y,,ionth in exces,-, i of three hundred kilowatt hours and t ,�ao in. excess of f4uo hun att hours the rate shall bpl��and one-half. (4 A - cents per, kilowatt hour. . F electricity tricity consumed in any one nionth C: r. I �_ -1 ce-is of hun-Irf!��Mx tt hours, the rate shal be r� in x 'CL Ki V cent E' per kilowatt hour. The rain imam rate for el�ctricity so during any one .-.i,,#onth shall be one (�4`1 .100 )'Dollar. g ., J_ ubd iv i .9 ion 3 For electrict-r furnished for illumination in )laces of ,misiness or for conn9rcial purposes the rates shall be as fo -Liows: - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ill 121 13 14 15 16 17 18 15 2C 21 Z 2% 24 21;: 2E 27 28 29 30 31 32f1 ron cents per Riloviatt hoizr�lfor a netered con-umptl-on equAv- alent to the first s-ixt� -Ict ic -Ier,�Of, D,ir --i ntht Y (60) 1101-Ir83 Or fT', t 1 .10 ,-)f the YAR-riTrillnl !d9nana.,;Filre f.,)r a metp-r9d consu-,, ,)• ion ecr,ilralf--mt to th- next one fifty OFO) ho,.lrf--,,or fraction t'l-ler,?0f, 1),'r )i,.onthlq .119p, o+-• tIrI-e T' ax Thr?,' centiq holir all excew en-rpy i1<.34'c! (-Iltritt; the month. 1")), P PO r 9 ubdi-it4io-ri For rate he as follo-inTs: r. For installations ilp to 25 inaliisiwe: -t,--ilow!-,T.t limir for a conF:uTTiption eniji-valent to the first 4-5 ftmiirs, or fraction th�reof, p--i Tic-mth's of tne 11 4�, per kilovi —ttt hovr for a petered consumption equiiralfi-int 211 to thq next 150 hours, or fraction thereof, per months' use of the 3 11 T-ax ir, -Lui u,: IYnand. 4 1 7)14¢ per kilowatt hoer for all excess energy iise'c, durinL the q 5 r -oath. 6 'r 7 8I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 a 17 z .� Pi 18 U US OV 20 21 22 23 24 . 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 For installations from 26 to 50 horse po-d,, r inclusive: 6A ?qNt Kilowatt hoi.ir for a net erect, consumption Pquii,ralent to. the .first 45 hours, or fraction thereof, per months' use of the max imur_i derfiand . 3� wYr kilowatt your for a i,,Ptered consunpt ion Ngailra-lent to the next 150 hours, or fraction the -hew", per months' use of the T--,ax iI' un ",',-nand. rl:onth. 1 112¢ per kilowatt hour for all excess Aner ,y used ditrinf tine For installations of pore than 5o horse ?)o"7. er: 6¢ per k Llowat•t hoar for a rriet?r,'CL conc;u lot ion equivalent ato t:to first 45 hours, or fra, -A!on thr�reof, per month Is use of the i r,.ax ir��r, -e ?`tang . a 1 1/2� pier kilotitratt hcnir for all excess energy itsed, the p The minirain rate for electricity% furnishes. for power - ,lasing any one nonth , shall be one doll: r (5 1.00 ) for each installeC" horse ��oer, x�xoKex1?vrxt3afxAi�xtx�ixstratc�r �iesxpratcl M N x • 9 _. Electricity furnished the City for Street lights: For electric current furnished the City for street lights, including the furnishing , care and maintainance of 6.6 series A.C. ,xxox enclosed arcs, the rate shall be �Ao�e per lame per month for y all night service. For electric current fuxnished the City for street light: including the furnishing, -care and maintainance of 100 watt incariweccent lam?os, the rate sr.all be ?,2 .50 ,der r onth for all night service. All ,Pa for _j.11 ?ZiL ser1Tice shall be of a t, pe and stlindard to 1 ?" �3'� }:irO�r 'JZ% the Uowicit. . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 13 14 z o 15 may° 16 ado m� F q 17 Z ' a 18 U U� 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 t� qry P �.S.,K.ill �V.'./'.1 l� t�.l Kt.,'t k/l A!!� /'.i..YA' \i /B.� %1FT�ACA� il. v�`.'C� i . Tf`_ x �41t9 J..� ~f��•. /'1 /' l't�-Il, JV�'M R sl � � x x xt= It xItIO k xmwml 4< x $ect..ion 4114 The ol'fioe of gas i1 si—)Pctor i Ite ,' cre hereby •Ci. He `S1'":` -.'1i �)y ai):)OJ.Itt- -' by tle City Collrlcil to holC4. t-),? office uZlr:L?l €` the of t v� uot).nc;il, a °.Ct iorl� . The minimim .i.1.1.1Url -inat i and h-'at in j ))Ovl*gr an-1 q�lali -; t'tr Of E;as In or to the City of San Mtifi (Y)is -I)o, C)r to the irthal)it ants tl;err!of, I)1' Lin = T)erson, f irlr or Corl)o;rat ion enr;%iL,e�L In tltr? '))jfii71's,, of condl14;t.Llli;, or Cilfitrib)1tITI €; €;c1s in ()r t0 said city Or to its Inhabitants,, are }(,- reby f'ixec. and e.stablished lat. a illia--An:-tt ink, -pow-r of eighte-n candle 1070 ?r, :iith a g rosy he it value of six huncirel-ll British Thermal Units J)-=r cu') is foot; i that ic, to say, of such it liminat in ; pow r that wren ."ith a `i -Lf- 1111 -molls flare in a burner ada-t ted to th-p c,eire t O r r.>Tr . the rt �' EreczltF�st illuminating efficiency of tl)e as, an(d ^,G715)1_.1nY; five cubic feet of such gzZS p) r. h(-))jr, it sha11 gjjr,� tin i1111r_ir��t.:ir I: Qqui- valr -nt to that :�Pfor;.deci ')s= r -; i ,_)teen standard sperm candle;; ��acYl con- of s })r�.rr; per hoL7r, and of ;ilc;li qualitir that the cor,t)Ilst, ion cif c >nr, cttb:Lc foo)D of such �; -A, in a calorirr tel ill .1.0),�rate sufficient beet to rai: - 600 )o LncLs avoir- du ois of w kt,r -)r one, :te.p',I''''e Fahrenheit in terripertitllre, ',Ten such :s is f,11t)1 ied to sr�ici c,t?roriretr�r ltncier a pr.es;�arP of, on- atlros-ohgre, villicl, is equal to 14.73 pounds, per ,quare inch or '0 inch��r> bt- th-� rbarometer, and when both Pgas and water arm 5,. �Yjlied to said calorimeter at a ter;xi(�r:.tur.e of 6o d,r EEre��s Fahrenheit; said .el.x)eratur? anc! nresmtre are hereby .fixes as the standard conc_itions tn�er ;,"hick all measurements of gas irolur�es shall bra Isa.'.P for the 11.ir-oose of the test, mentioned in this Ordinance, end such- gas shall ,i �e cOntinllcn.jslY a.rut u.ninter;rllpteCly C'Ielivered Imaer a Itniforr and t ell i.olrern �c� )i As5)jrP in each and evrary- service -)ipe t1irough .:which I aid gas is recPi`=ed for consuript ion by said city, or its inhabitants; UGh ,)I.eS4iire ovf rtr'd by said iii, in Pach and slICrt gerviO9 pipe hall not by les,s than that which is requir?Ci to ,l! ,tai11 a column of � 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 i 8 9 10 11 12 " 13 14 z 'c 4 c 16 H0 17 18 U a1 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 271 28 i 29 I 30' 31 32 v;at,'r two inches In heiOlit agalrliSt the pressure of the atmosphere,. Si ch gas Shull not cant lin ]:Ors' than twenty —five of sulphur in all forms, .in each 100 cubic feet tl- _ereof. . SAct ion 1'. It shall be the catty of an.- ��er.;or=, ,f.irr, or cor- p prat inn s,�i���l��a.It �, or clo L..*ore , inE tl as, in or to the City ` of Sfln Ml is Qi)iS�po or 1'.o it;4 lnhRbitc1T1tS t,,-) P, :a. [-'Lt. SaZcL ( 'as Insnector at any t ir- "m examine or inspect any or -ill of his or its plants, i)ijle lire or otl, °.r - . . nyre.nt - used in rlanicfactur ing, concalct ing , furni;;l,:inf, Svpolviri{; or distributing e.ac, and also to f>>rnif,l-; to src',lct Gam Inspector an.r i.nformt,-.tinn Or data 1'.e may requir? in r,'Eard to the k.ener:Ztine, storage anci distrib?tt ink; capacity of slich plant, pipe lines or ot1_er ecluipnent. Sect. ion. It, shall ,e the, autt, of said Inspector, itoon dpma: and )vjvTrent of fees as her'eit-?2.ftpr provic.ed, to test the accuracy of an..T p,- I, Keter iised, or to ,�� �Za4'c� for rt?aSl�]'1Ct�, �' S flmliSi:F'Ci t0 laic_ City or alit' inllabitrant tllereof. Any netar' that indicate, or r,q ist-r. s mor,� than two r,er centime gas than actually pass-�s tl r °o,r,,h the sane, vrit.l:in two c.a.r5 ai'ter. request 1,v the has inspector, be removes Y_.c" the 1„- rriori, f lri': or corpor'=ttl .i.cn •-_plivoring -as throli6h the sane, and in place thereof aI-!otl,er. ! eter t -steel and al�nro�T,�:t b�. tY1e Gay In:.lt�ctor Cihall be forthwith inst =,lLp L. After mall ins such test th,� Gas Inspector ShR11 dive a - y A k cert ific at-� in -writir:t,, srowinL., the resmlt thereof to the 1 > -rson, - fir? . or corporation at whos- rF'c711e ;t. t•1 a test is made. S,rcl: c -rt if i9ate - a shall s1ho -a t119 tii.e and pl.acp )f exar;i:ixtation, thf! MMber and I'_FtRe of the rret,�r exar--Anec., ant the ff rcent aF,,e and character of error, if l any, in the arr.angelr�-nt rtal',e t.h. ?reby. If such ?peter is in use,_ and the t�,t has tjeen made at the request of the j)erson , firm or corl)or a,t•ion receivinE Las FUMAISIleC> T,n�'T'eh.r, ana. SUCH - UtIST, 'iJIU11 BJifL)Vv i,ltai) suet: r. °t. -r tit��S correct, the person,firri or corjioration at r'cittAr�t the inspect ion wan made shall riot be entitled to tl"if', refund— Ii ink, of the amount so advanced, but if' the Gas Inspector shall f ind II tl_a t. 1 awr such ir:et -r wcas faster than prescribes by tl:l;: oi- din;: no. e, m M o Iwo a w 0 0 Z �ca a o m 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; 9I 10 11' i 12 13 i 14 15 the f, -e ancz any otl" er cost for r?ai_inEf. Stich t•- Est sxl{tl' `lF' cl ?cir�,r'Ci against the t)erson9 firm or . c;orporat ir_)n of ninE; or contra -1 .1 ink, the scMII , o v Clpl i` , "r ind the L,as T^eas)LreCL t i:er F'.1)y, e-inCa such erson, firs; or- corpor,'It ion si.:111_ pay 5wicr. chargo to t.l ,F G -Is Ins,)ec.tor on d - ?T 11;,, Sr_al:_, upon suclt �;ctIr'�l4 i t ':� ' 1: ?F' ?T LiC;F' , ! "fliI'1Ct t0 t.71F' {� I.' on or corporation )a- irl tJLe sar._P n �, f i. , �lt:� cic�)r«nc in c� �r >> t,1 erF�for Y 4 r �)rh'�r7.C)tLS1iT c:o1l��cte;� ��y l�im. Sect ion r. The tun it of rea,)lLr ,? for the cI "liirery an(f, sale, of f';an by - ret,'r 91tc111 �_)a? the c,ibic , 62.321 � foLt cunt tin iris �oun,is ctiroir C�UPO is frP iEht of distilled or rain water '� ". -Lgheu in Lair of t � < t elYifel' _ utt,_re of GO :�e.r''"s Falarenheit, scab, tJle t_).r.or•�et� ,e f,_ 3o incY s Soot•iort It shall be t,l_e Cuty o7 t•l.e t;as Ins,, - ict.or fro n" brae to t k:e to test anal. PXar:i -,ie the ill ITY'linat.ing ;)ol'?�?I', ilY'1t• lrt� `r�li -lP, I Crressure and duality of gas furnish;, In or t o iC city-, or to the inhabitants therQof, and to imJest,itn-,'at,' any co2'13)1airltr T,,a. -e to him I� the sump, Or. reLardinL s,iririce of gay; . FIe �i�cj. L C:e �z, a re�- 16 17 COr:: of tha rests it of such tests an(, r xar-linat i()n s, r,�coru .sina* be the prol)� rtv of ttli- city. Hp sl =all make at 1 east f itr,, s ; ll s 18I tc I 19 j tests of ill'M.tr'!Rt inE power and h e a t in F-, 1ralne e a r in" ° 1ch r,., -)nthv at 1 iffer-mt tit -,e anCi c:«, i es 20 ' r 21 jl SF'ct,.i;,n The Cray In��Potor sliall e:ltitl�'-t to cliarge and! 22 call -pct in adlrance for. t��st,in ar►ct e ra��,in in "MY ? Fit. " u.n,.Gr the )rov is ic,ns of this ordinance, the s)u!. of 50 c, !It, . 23 Sect ion ? a It SILL:1111)9 the duty Of amr oerson ,Olirm, or cor— � 24 - i. ' por ;-tion sup-olying to said city or to th,-� inhabitants tY(ereof, 25 to f?,rnish, annually to the Cou.n -il of S.iict citir of ,, to T,lti , �))isl)p k 26 - M ithin 30 daYs :after �i�'TCianC , ?a it -?rif ie� gt,at "r:�?nt in ':''r 1t, J_T ?;; , in 27 x such fora and = +,ti:,;. J,o)�th in ciet:aii sticri. �;tte�~ � ��:lc� t.'r .iit,:s as 28 + req,tiree l)y i()1�ItiOn Of this flil.nCll. 1LCh 29 `ittlt.'j 'Ylt i;all ��' `rerifiecC by the ��a � 30 l � ic� Mt O(LSec;:t'et, =.ry or nanagir . 31 agent of the Company s11.9plyint; such gas. 32 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 CQ M 15 z '� 0 0 w e w may° 16 a H0 17 w� QR � 18 U] 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 0 4 Sert ion 14 It shall 109 unluvifia.1 for any perf,oll, f'irr: or corpor;it. ion ,u )oly ine Eas to Slid c.itir or to its ina it.1.lts, to charL;e or colleit. rl.or-' t }loin eiL_,hty p) ?i' cent of t;lo rate now! f iXeC ).)y ordinance for gras fur'n.ifi 'e,", Or "s)1i)oli(�ci. ciuring ar, , r_ontli wherL' , or at lf, ,t, :f'i1r ' CL`airsi cimr iTl� f3n'� SLlC7i T':())lt,� , t }'t°? l.'r.',.�7 ?'':1 inr or be,,J, LIlL_, trap)",' of g!1( „h f;,at iR th,� i, in:LT'llu:. f .1Xed hir S -� (,t ion 7 Section if It ra211 -,:)„ ll.nla�ufill for anir )­v- ,()n9 f irr. or cof?:)oz' =p ion t• o supol” nr furnish bas to said (- JIr, or to it.s iTlha1,)itRTltfi Of `lrl?r :117,1ri1 ^tit in &, or f'.-� ..tln r)o' ;: + >r b"lO:y the Ttl)11T"ilirfl f ix, �c;. any e',ta1)lished bIr Section, Ylf�r�,af, or to ot'cer ri„ -) violate any oroiri.L ions of this ()rcanar) ce , aii, -- i2T1Ir per ,oT:, f iI'T i or c ^.or'i)Grclt iOlj vioD.AtinE. ant.- i))'oirif3:Lon�: . 1 ,ri,- his orc.i_-ianc°, sl".all be L,l)ilty of a ?': i-sfer:eanor 1 1 r }' r," u r s } c� r } , �lnct �._)�`•i? Go�l�r].,tlon n-P .of sYil1.1._r. �, lnllni,,�1ci�lf' •: }zr t. f1n- not, "XC?P.Cl in[, 1,. 300 or by :Ln nl' isonmen t, ill tjvle City Jail not 90 days, ox.'-)IT. ')ofh (sucl� fine -jn;. IT'lf)risonment Sect ion 11L This oraLnance is hereby c ec' ar4�d to be. urgent j anc- inT,e -' lately necessary to pr,?serirf' the oubliC peace, health and (s j -et-,r arl-, s'riall take e °fact a.n,' n fc)rcri fror a,lcL after lU;t J,al ?r,lgl4g 3- 'ctior 1$.. This OrCII- Lrtc1 ""lce toL,.etb, r With tlt� AIr"r, an(f. lrOE?s to print 9.r16, ill tY)e 'tl)ciiltr elp ,ramll,a ne,.,,!spanpr print ?C,_ anci and C;ircllhc7kt' c, in the Uity of San Lliis 0;)isT)o. Introduced tli i 3 tn. Clay of ,: 19 14 , anct )aR: ,eCI, to nr i nt anc irot,�d oll as fol_loy�rs: A Ire -, : t Noes: V - — Ab <,ent �� e, Q✓1,�.�rs,c 17 w or. Attl� t ; Finally passed this _ day of June, 1914 , by the following vote:- Ayes: Noes: - Absent :- Attest . City Clerk.