HomeMy WebLinkAbout004444 -A, Z�I - I-.,-,. - 52C, 3,0 Atfi) r- ""L`� I,) P-�ART 29 01, U�P 514a1 zcr� DIE', CRDAMM by tk') C.I,ty of ObIwV'rr Ssntiop- 52C04B (d) of tin Saga Leto OUSPO oi,i-L 12 � ayd is kzzeaby wn-ndgd tv read au fo3Ir,1;—n,,. Section 5200,3 Burn�g Refulao (d) Lrcc8gt, as here.1n . bone re-'stricted a-rid upon securing n psr,rdt thomfor fma the Chief of the Fire Depaemntv R-11 otlr,3r wnbustible rubbish way be burned up-on pri7ate pmal.�Ofs outside Fim Zara I of tha City-O if the aarw it burned, batizom, the h-,mrs of 7 and 13. e,,Pa,, of any daY except On ftndaYs W '&n Teirdy days- pro-vided,, however, that coinbust:Uble rubbish may ba .0 bumsd within Fiee Una I if the ow"a :18 bun-led iM an :In� =r- ator approvad by tkzz Ckdef of the Fim Departzant, swnum Pa That seztion 3120.4 of tko San Lula Obispo Mrp-'.cipal Cis sk,,--00. I ar& the awo is bereby amnded to mad as fo3lowo-. (ea) Section 13,04 , Paragraph as, is modifizd as follow.- (b) Section 150106 is hereby a&ad to Article 15 of said Fire Prevention Cam,, said section road ing aB foUam: Section 15,,106 Sale of Flammable Liquids in Class Contaimra. It shall be as mindemanor for my person,, firers or corporation to seU,, store. or transport f1momble Uquids as defined In Section 15.102 (1) in glass containers having a capacity of more than cam (1) qugrtol (c) Section 26.M (b) of Article 26 is awnded to read as fbUoves � 4 -2- (d) sactton 26 „05, is amandeld to reach Ssctimu 26,,05 Ac:curw l.atiorts of Combustible Rubbia h, 17agetationg find Building; Materials, Accural.ations of waste paper,, hay, grass, straw, - ve3da,, UtUr. co mbustible buUding materials including scrap liner, mofing Waterialsp etc,, or co :bustible waste or rubbish of any kind which constitutes as fire hazard shall not be psrnitted to remain with six (6) :feet of any buildini;, fence, or other valuable combustibles imtEerial. All dry grass., weeds, vines or other grmith which his within six (6) feet of any building,, fence car otter valuable combustible material., ror t hich is liable to be fired,, shall be turned under or cut down and mrwved by the owner or occupant of the property it is on., (e) section 26.24 is hereby added to Article 26 of said Fire Prevention Code, said section reading as follow” 17 Section 26,14 Approved Incinerstorso Ever., incinerator used for burn ng of combustible waste must be approved by the City Fire Department In accordance with the following minim= requirements a 1. It shall be constructed of non-combustible material; 2, It shall be of:adequate size to hold all matter proposed• to be bunted therein; a. It shall be enaios�d��, all sides and have a permanent non- combustible dpor`.and cleap-out opening., if so equipped; 4. It shall be provided, with a permanently attached or hinged spark arrester Qr screen., aaiO screen to be of fourteen (14) gauge woven,wire mesh. having openings no larger than one - half inch o (f) sectimn; 26,15., 26,,16, . 26.179. 2+x.18 and 26.19 are hereby added to Article 26 of said Fire Prevention Coda., said added sections reading as. follawv e Section 26.15 Stowage of Lumber, All lupft r stored on property within the City JAmits other than a licensed lumber yard shall be piled in a neat and orderly mannerp free from rubbish or ether waste material,.and in piles not to exceed six (6) feet in height. Section 26.16 Removal of Debris after a Firs. The owner or person having under his control or in his possession., upon any premise., in the City of sin Luis Obispo,, any hay9 straw , bales of cotton, paper or, any other substance or material which has been rendered unusable or unmprchantrble by reason of a fire on such pre— ni.ses shalls within forty eight (48) hours after written notice to do so has been served: by °`tile Chief of the `,ureau of Fir-6 Prevention., have the same removed. Section 26,17 containers for combustible Material. .All receptacles for excelsior, waste, paper,, rags or other substancs liable by spon"ous ignition or combustion or otherwise to cause fire, must be MIde ` of metal or• metal lined bins with a self- cloaing mtal lined c¢rrer, o j Section 26018 Closinn,' Demolishing and Repairing of Vacant Buildings. Whenever any unoccupied building or structure in the City of San Luis Obispo is riot properly secured or closed, the (thief of the Bureau Y Y �mis'4' to for.UR'Ith or CIOSB the so ��.S persoy,s from gaiming acc:Dss tha_n;tei pzrso)n ao notified as uitILIn moors,, comply with such ord3ra as may be ordered, Vrher.3ver tha Chief of the Fire Prevention Burequa .9baU Z-Mmf. ',&y brQiI(Ling or other structure which for want of repairs or by raa.3oyi of age or dilapidated condition or any other cause,, constitutes a fire hazard amd which is so sitwitod as to endanger other property, and whenever the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall find airy buildinf- or stricture or portion thereof, or w.y appurtenuica therato or fixture thereon,, or any chirmey., smoke stacks stove, oven, incimrator, furnace, or anythizig ccnnected with, or upon, or in any promises or buildinfy,, not specifically mentioned in this section which is dearied by him to be so defective or unsafe as to constitute a fire hazard or menace to the public., the Qhief of the Piry Prevention Bureau sha].1 ei•-e the owner or porson having control of the property notice in writing that removal,, alteration., corraction or repair is neck-asai-y to render the sww safe,, and the -person so notified shall., within the time specified by the Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau, comply with the terns of such notice. Section 26,,19 Hindrance to Firenen. It shall be a misdemeanor for any person to offer any hindrance to mW fireman in the performance of his duty at any -fire or enerf;encyo So ECTIC11 3. TIds or-dL-iance, together with the ayes and noes,, chall be published once in full., at least three days before its final passage., in the Talegram-Tribune,, a newspaper published and circulated in said City, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty days aMr Its final passage, IPTRODUMM AND PAS STS 'TO PRIA!T this 1 5th ;.jday of July 19 7s by the following votez. AYES: Nels Beck, Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, Fred H. Lucksinger NOES N6ne ABSMTTs J. Barry Smith Mayor 7- ATTEST: 4 Era-Nip itil 1111 Alp FmAmz FAssm this -5th day of August 1957, by the following AYES; Kenneth W. Jones, Richard G. Sleight, J. Barry Smith, Fred H. Lucksinger WOES; None ABSJWTc Nels Beck YO ATTEST: