HomeMy WebLinkAbout0006NORDINANCE NO . ( NEW SERIES An Ordinance to Ditribute mid :s the Executive. and Administrative Powers, Authority and Duties. of the City Into. and Among the Several Departments, and to DeteTm.ine "the 'Powers a?id Duties to be erformea, and Assign Them to the Alpnropriate Departments,. Officers and Cormissione ers. Be it ordained by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as fol- lows Section 1. That the executive and administrative powers, authority and duties of the Cit.y., not otherwise provided for, are distributed among and assigned'to the several departments-, and the powers and duties to be performed are, - determined and assigned t,o.. the appropriate depart- ,menu . and .officers, as fo >llows, subject, however; to the general direc- tior and esupervision of the Council. The Council. Section 2. The Council has ,and shall have sole authority to make or aut7orize the making of all contracts, and no contract shall be binding or obligatory upon the City unless .either authorized or ratified by. or- dinance -or resolution adopted by the Council .or reduced to waiting and approved by the Council. The Council may authorize the execution of ..any contract, on behalf of the' City by the Mayor. The mayor. Section 3. The Mayor shall have and exercis.e''all the powers and per- form all-the duties 'provided and prescribed by law or by ordinance of the 'City to be exercised by him. He 'shall have .general supvrision and:over- siAt over, all departments and officers in the City. He shall sign on behalf of the City all written contracts: The Mayor shall have supervision of any official, board, cormission, or functionary hereafter assigned-to him, or'which is not by law or ordin- ahee distributed or assigned: to some other department. He shall have full power and it shall be his duty to enforce strict order in all meet - ngs of the Council, and, to this end, he may command the assistance of any peace officer of the City, who shall enforce all lawful .orderrs of ,Mayor. Finance and Revenue Section. 4. TYie CommComm isi3ioner of the Department of, Finance and Revenue shall have charge of and supervision over all accounts and. VIVV{e1-cs14-of ..the City °and, to� that extent-,. of, all officers, boards or departments re- qui `red to. keep or make accounts, records or. re.Q�pts . He may inspect all records or accounts. required ,to be kept; in any of the departments or of- fi,cas of the City,,-and shall cause proper accounts and records to be kept and proper reports to be made. The City Clerk, Treasurer and Col'lector', and their respective offices and departments, 'and all employees, deputies or assistants therein, are distributed and assigned to the Department of Finance and Revenue, and shall be under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner, of Finaree and.;Hevenue. Said Commissioner shall have supervision of any other of- finial,' commission or board which hereafter be assigned to his depart -- ment: by t'he Council. He shall. report to the Mayor who shall report to the City' - Council ' any failure to make reports or, to pay moneys due the City -with such recommendations in relation thereto.as.he may deem proper.. He shall prepare and submit to the Council the annual estimate of prob- able expenditures as provided in Section 50 of the Charter, -and shall I xercise such other powers and perform such other duties as the Council may ,by . ordinance or resolution prescribe . Public Health and Safety. Section -.5. The Commissioner of. Public -health .and Safety shall ,establish all `.necessary rules and regulations for•Fthe conduct and government of his department' and for the performance of .his duties, and for the regulation and conduct , of all employees of the City coming under his supervis.on,Vut such rules and regulations shall at all times be subject to -the approval of the:Council. The Chief of Police,Fire Chie`f,Health - Officer and Poundmaster and their respective offices or departments.,, and all employees, deputies and as- sistant s therein, are distributed and assigned to the Department of Pub- lid 'Health'and Safety, and shall.be under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Health and Safety. Said Commissioner shall have supervision of any other official, commission or board which may be hereafter assigned to his department by the-Council. He shall have supervision over and have charge of all. buildings, property and apparatus used in any of said departments and offices. He shall have charge of 'and supervision over the remoral and -disposal of garbage, .and shall, exercise such other pourers and. perform such other duties as the Council may by ordinance or resolution prescribe. Public Works Section E. The Commissioner of Public Works shall establish all neces- sary rules and regulations for the conduct and`goverrmient of his depart- ment and for .the performance .of his duties,, and for the regul-ation and conduct of all employees of the City. coming 4er his supervi ion, but such rules and reguI4tions shall, at all times -, be subject to the ap- proval of the Council. ' The City Engineer, Street Superintendent,: 1 'a� ®fr and their respective' offices or departments, and all employees, deputies or assistants there Ln,. are distributed _ and assigned to the Department of Public works, and shall be under. the Supervision of the Commissioner of Piblic works.- Said.Commissioner shall have supervision of any other official, eommissicn or board which hereafter ray be assigned to ibis department by the Coun- cil. He shall have charge, general superintendence and control of all building construction, including school buildings of the construction of any and.all public buildings and structures, under plans dulyi�4approv- ed by the Commissioner of the respective departments, including- all achool buildings, and.fire department buildings, and the repair, and maintenance of any and all buildings owned by the City; of affiy and :all public utilities owned or operated by the City,_orwhich may be owned or operated by the City, or which•may be hereafter so owned or operated.; of , all public streets, ways, avenues, a keys, ..places or boulevards, and . of, the lighting of the same ,.and of the manner of tther use; of all work done upon, over or under the same, including the moving;of buildings through the streets, the building ;of cellars or vaults under the streets or sidewalks; the laying down and construction of railroad tracks;- the erection of telephone, telegraph and electric light poles, the.laying of underground conduits, the construction off drains and sewers, and the laying of water, gas, steam or other pipes or tubes. He shall ^tY,e °cus tody -'and control of all tools, madhihery, appliances, wagons and otYier such property belonging to the City and - relating to his department, .and .&. shall exercise such other bowers and perfoir' such 'other duties as the Council may by ordinance or resolution prescuribe Public Supplies. Section '7. The Comissioner -of Public Supplies shall purchase all, supplies" on behalf of the City for all;.; departments,, o;bo :aids, eom- missions :. =and officials thereof. Said purchase shall first be duly author ized by the Council, except that the .Coumssion,er of Public Supplies may purenaze- upon requisition signed by the! Mayor or any other Conmesioner' necessary supplies not /exceeding the sum of one hundred ( 100) dollars 6 and in: ,case of emergency not exceeding': the sum of hundred. �aad� y" r4 dollars•, without such previous authorizaation, but all such purchases, must - be ratified by the Council°. Any Chief Official, or any Commission, . . board or officer desiring supplies for 'his department shall sign a re qul. z tion therefor which shall first be .presented to `the Commissioner ,I to which said office, commission or.board is assigned, or, in his ab- sence, to the Mayor or some other Commissioner, for his approval or dis, approval, ••before being presented to the Commissioner of Public Sup- plies, or to the Council. 'Said; Commnissioner shall have, supervision of any other official, com