HomeMy WebLinkAbout0062N'r ¢z ORDINANCE N0. ( New Ser ie.s ) 1 AN ORDINAANCE CALLING.-AN, ELECTION, CONSOEIDA= WITH THE GENERAL 2 CITY ELECTION AND SUFMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED VOTERS OF THE CITY .' 3 'OFF SAN LUIS '- OBISPO THE PROPOSITION OF INCURRING A DEBT AND BONDING 4 t SAID CITY. 5 i; Be it ordained by the Coune11 of the CLty of fan Luis Obispo 6 a as follows: l 7 Section 1. A.special ele.ctIon is hereby called,. and the 8 t propositions of incurring debts of- said city in the' amounts and � g for the purposes hereinafter set forth are submmitt.ed, and that at � 10 said; election will be submitted; to the qualified votexs of said 11 City. 12 Sect o n. the objet for'which said` indebtedness' ,is proposed" 13 to be incurred and the estimated cost of the prod' os:ed improvements 14 i, are as follows, to,wit: o a 15 (1) SEWER IMPROVEMENTS' the extens -i on and completion. of ' ,the 0� O�` °. 16 1' present sewer :syetam of the City of San 1u is Obispo by the con - Hoo T7 structio..n of _new- sewers .upon -the following... s�treets, to wit :. on Pl 18 North Broad Street' from Peach Str =eet,to Stenner .Creek; on Santa 19 Rosa Street from Fig Street to Stenner Creek; on Oso s Street from 20 . Peach Street to Sycamore• Street,,; on Hath9way Avenue from Toro Street] 21 to Thir_d`Street- on' pirst Street .fr6m Peach Street .to Johnson 22 Street; .on P.each'Street from Santa Rosa Street to,Osos Street; on 23 Mill Street from the Southern Pacific. right -of -way to Grove Street; i � 24 t= on Sycamore Street from Santa Rosa Street to Morro Street; on 25t Marsh Street. from Santa Rosa Street to Toro Street; on: Essex Street 26 Pram Pacific° Street to Buchon Street;an Broad Street from Branch 27 Street to Francis Street; on Francis_ Street from .goad Street to Y 28 ` Victor -ia- Street; on Christian Street from Broad Street to Victoria ,i 29 Street; on Alexander, Street from Broad Street to Victoria Street; 30 on Alphonso Street from Broad Stre -et' to : the .r ight6of -way of the Pacific Coast Railway Com ari That the_est mate& cost thereof 31 t Y p y ` i s 10 ,000.0.0. 32 r 3 � ! 1 (2), "ClTY"FARK" -BOND: for the acquisLtion.�and imrpovement of the "City Farm", described as being Lots sLx (6), seven (7)., 3 eight '(8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), eig1teen. (18) and 4 nineteen (19) of the San In is Obispo Suburban Tract, as per map 5 thereof filed w1th the County Recorder of the County of San Luis 6 Obispo, gtate of CaUforn.la, and containing forty -eight (48) acres 7' of l and. That tbie, estimate. , cost thereof is 921.,000.00. 8 Seeti.on 3. That the amount of the principal. of the indebted 9 tress to be incurred is 031,000.00, and the rate of interest to 10 be paid on said indebtedness Is per cent per annum, payable 11 semi: - annually. 12 . Section 4.' The manner of holding said election shall be 13 as follows:, 14' (1) As ;prawided. fare in t�iis� Ordinance. 0 15 1 (2) As provided by law for holding elections of the kind 0 T6 her,el'n called: . n said City. 17 The voting for an, d_ against said indebtedness shall be as T8 , f ollow's ; Tickets must-be of the ordinary election ticket paper and 1.9 sh size' and:.. shape as to contain all of the propositions, to of uc 20 be: su °bm tted at the election hereby called. The heading of such 21 tiAats must be General Election and Consolidated Bond Election; 22 City of San Luis Obispo. Each proposition set forth in Sect ion 23. , 24 2 hereof shAll be voted upon separately and must be printed on such tiek:ets .as follows: 25 (1) Mond for Serer Improvement s 10,000.00 26 Yes 27 No 28 Bond' 'f or "City Farm" - 021,000.00 Yes 3`0. NO 3T 2 Sa d wmords "Yes" acid "Not" shall be opposite each proposition 3 � ! 1 2 3 4, 5 6 7. 8 10 _, 13 19 20 21 I i' 22 23 24. 1 25 26 , 27 28 29 30. 31 12 13 14. ' o 15;'. B Sao 16' m.�. A :...' 0 17 ' a 18� 19 20 21 I i' 22 23 24. 1 25 26 , 27 28 29 30. 31