HomeMy WebLinkAbout0083NA ORDINANCE NO . � ( NEW Ste' IBS ) N 0RDINANO':E I71VYING TAIK 1101R THa CU.RR _','UNT F I SCIIIL Y]?R UPON ALL TAYti:1BT, PROPERTY ' iITHIN TIC CITY 0�+' SA d I,UIw OBIS11 ND TH.] SAN LUIS OBISPO SCHOOL DISTRICT, '-_ND 1'IXING SHE RATE 03' SUCH Tea LBVY . BE IT ORD�iIE { by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo, as follows: SECTION I. There is hereby levied upon all taxable real and personal property within the City of San Luis Obispo, a tax for the fiscal year of said City beginning on the 1st day of July, 1921, and now current, of p0 on each one hundred dollars in value of said property for the purposes herein specified, and apportioned among the funds in the City Treasury as follows: (a) For the General Fund therc'is levied a tax of i0 .0 on one l:undred dollars of said property. (b) For the "slater Bonxt Tax and Redempt ion Account" there is levied a tax of$_21L_ on each one hundred dollars of said property, to be used in paying the accrued interest and principal to be paid of a certain municipal-indebtedness of said City evidenced by its bonds,issued and dated the first day of December, 1899. (c) nor the Library fund there is levied a tax of on each one hundred dollars of said property. (d) For Improvement Bond Fund 1909 there is levied a tax of on each one hundred dollars of said proper- ty, to be used in paying the accrued interest and the maturing bonds of the issued made and dated July 1, 1909. (e) For Sewer Extension Bond Fund of 1917 there is levied a tax of L n.� on each one hundred dollars of said property, to be used in paying the accrued interest and maturing bonds of said issuee-'evidenced by the bonds of said City dated June 1st, 1917. • o, o 3S (f) For City Farm Bond Fund there is levied a tax of on each one hundred dollar8 of said property, to be used in paying the accruing interest and the maturing bonds of said issue evidenced by bonds of said City dated pril 1, 1918. (g) For Sewer Improvement Bond Fund of 1896, there. is levied a tax of 4 U. �) on each one hundred dollars of said pr o- perty, to be used'in Drying the accruing interest and maturing bonds of said. issue. S30TION 2. There is also hereby levied upon all taxable real and personal property within the San Luis Obispo School Dis- trict, including all taxable real and personal property within said City of San Luis Obispo, a tax of D U— on each one hundred a dollars of value of said property, for school purposes. 1 IT' 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. S3C TION 4. The City-C_lerk is hereby directed to publish this ordinance, together with the ayes and nom -•. for five days before its final passage, in the Idorning Tribune, a daily newspaper printed, published and circulated in the City of San Buis Obispo, and the same shall take effect from and after its final passage. INTRODUCED AND PASSM to print this 30th day of August, 1921, by .the following vote: AYES: NOLS. ABSMT: �_- 8IG1T.�D: This 30th clay. of A gust,lJ.921. ATTEST. 0ity 'dl — Hayor. . FINALLY 2ASSED this day of 1921, by the following vote: AYES: TdOEUS : ABSENT: RIV--Z CITY C V� K I�1AYOR .