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A -,tG1.1J c, J !"orc"-v oo •p"Al -t*, flity
C'f Clew I
vM,c-ll o�i4i7l- Tcriato"i ot.
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00 r,lon !o:!j,
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c' 'e7; e, and ir-
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it. Al
or rold oy, to, tl'i��'.'L'o d -ficIr 1-2 071 any
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or rold oy, to, tl'i��'.'L'o d -ficIr 1-2 071 any
L I AYll
road;, street, sidewalk,, alloy or public place in caid City.
Section B. Within twenty four hours aftercimpounding any
anImal under the provioions of thio ordinance, the poundkeepe-T lkhall
post a notioe thereof in front of the City hall and in front of the
public pound in said City* Such notices shall bear the date &tk4 , -�u�,
on which they are posted, contain_a general description of the
XrkS Vor brandSA d-
_bG an
animal impFundod "'I'thAV*�M'
state the place of its seizure,, that it 'SAthe public pound of the Ci-V
of San Luis Obispo where it will be delivered to the owner thereof
upon the paymentof the accrued fees and costs proscribed by laws
and that J9 .not 'redefted within five days it will be sold by the
pounakeeper at the 'Zime and place therein designated as required
by the provisions hereof.
section6. The owner of any animal impounded under the
prov3.0iono of this ordinance ordinanee maS4 at any time prior to the sale
or other disposition thereof redeem ouch . animal by payin,'Y to the
poundkeeper the amount of the accruea fees and costs hovein preSOTibed.
Section 7. The pound keeper shall ratfain, such animal
if not redeemed as herein provided, for a period of five days after
posting notices of its impoundinjg., ana thareafter at the time and
place stated . in such notice,, he shall: sell suoh, animals at public
auction to the highest bidder .nor cash, in lawful money of the
United States. The proceeds of the ualo of any animal or animal$
shall be pai" into the City Treasurer to the credit of the .moral
fun(,,',. immediately upon recein.1; o2 the swiie by the poundkeeper# provided
that the owner or ovMers of such impounded animals ao sold as
aforesaid, may redeem such animal or .animals at any time within
six month after such sales by producing satisfactory -,roof of hii or
her rizht thoreto and by paying to the pttrehaoer the a-mount og the
purchase 20-ney nth five percent added thoretoo together with the
n0oasuary expense incurred by aaid purchaser in keepi� such
animal or animals.
366ti4ft S. Many animal *zpounded under tho previsions
of this ordinatee be not redesaed and when offered for sale no bid
is rooGiVO4 111-larefor, such animal -zhqll be killed ana ita oaroas
burTied under tho inetruction of 'he poundkeeper.
Sectioil 9. Thd pounaeopor shall cauna all anin:,Aw to
be provided --!,,ith suitable food anek water whilo confined in the
public pouOd.
Beotion 10. T charges upon every animal ite.pounded
shall be as Zollows; For every OZO bull, Cori, borae$ Jacks mule and
mare tWo, dollaro pound fees and seventy five cents per (;ay for
keepIng; ona dollar additional if advertised. Por every
colt, ahoop, calf, oat or bog one dollar pound goes ana fifty
vents per day for keopi and t�,,.renty five cents ad
na ditionAlf
advertised.* provided that in 4-ho event ton - animals belort,3ing to one
person Or firm are impounded. at one time, then tho chargo for all
above that nuiAbcar shall be ono half o-' that specified above.
ItOn The owner or person enti.tlaa to the control of
Any animal or anim.-;tlj iqpounded may at any ti is before the sale or
disposition. thereof redoem, the sane 10Y, paVins '%-,0 the pouhdkeepar
all proper loos and charges thoreon made by virtue of any o- the
pxovL3ions of, this or(linano6.
Section 12. An)r animal founC'L tresapassing, upon any
private enclooure$ in the COTP►ratO liMits of the My oZ f3a:,,i Data
Obispo may ire taken up by the party ownin such "encl
0 rAI rok or by
his Gent, to tha poundkesper lyho shall retain the.
same subjost to reasonable demands for damages in addition to\the
fees prescribed in thin ordinance.
Section 1"). Upon makinz any sale under the pwoviziono of
thia ordinance:, the poundkeeper shall give tho purchaser a cortificate
of sale containina a 403cription of the property sold an(I the
amount paid i ana that the same is wabJeot to redem-otIon within six
And sluill L;ako anentry in a regioter to be Icept for the purpose.,
a description
of the animal
animals sold, the
amount paid for the
property cold
p 11,"be naw.e of
purch-azero with
a ztateiaient of the
oosta and charges against the animal 4old and lie shall number the
entries of each animal on waia regiator. If at any time within *is
monthz after any sale of aZiMalo Under this ordinance an-y poroon
Shall prove that 110 or she wao-,the ornor of the anizal oold.. the
Coungil aha-ll'allo r a claL2 in favor of such person, ployablo. out of
tho 'ganoral funds ox . tho amao=t paid into tho City Treasury on..
account of aal,4 n"al A but ii he or she fails to call for the money
..ithin axe ..1aOnt4u it shall vest iji. the City.
I Soction ll. The poundkemper Shall keep -a record in a book
provided for that purpose of all anLials reeeived In t1l*Le public
Pound; VU 014 Ohall at all timea bie open for public inspection.
S%xch r000rd N.1,hall contain a Con oral description o:E such anin-al d
Ito mark and brw,ldsj, if any,* The data it 15 Impounaaaand they dxat e
it is redeemed, 001L or killea. If redeerne4st1ho name of the owner;
d if ol6., tho name of
LA - the purchaser and anount of the purchawe
fin e
price must appear thereon together - _ -jiti-i the amcunt of all foes
received by sai d pounUlweper. He rahall, also file with the City Clerk
on the first Monday in oach month wi itemized., detailed and verified
statement o� all fees recoived 1-.)y ba.,i't ao poundkeopor during the
pTeoeedin caliender m.onth,
Sactlon 15. Any petoon who oball interfeeT with the pound-
keeper in the performance of -Ohe duties Imposed by thi3 ordinance., an',-" any
P6TSOn who shall remoove or attempt to remo4vo from tho public .pound
of the City of 1id a-i Laiz Obimpo any of %,he animals herein mentioned in-
pounded thor ain - 'Uthout the pe.-Inission of the poundkaopor3 And any
person who shall herd or pasture# or cause to bo h,-,.,r4od or pao-tureds
Or tether or cauue lw be tet�2-"zod ' 0 for the PutrOzO OR aratzina in or
up any roaa, street, sideWalk# allOY orvublia i
place in 44-)he City
of San Luio Obi 0'-')Op any of tho. anlmaI4 herein mentioned oha I
.1 be
guilty of a.misaeMe0,noTI and upon conviotion t-horeof shall be
punished by .a fine of not exceeding one hun4red doll erg (0100.00)
or by iMpriz,o=ent in the County Jail not exooeding threo months or
by both ouoh :Cine and, j1V
, � rls-'Onraent.
Section 16. All Ordinanceo and par-,�5 of ordink-'naes
in 00r.flict With I-b-i3 Ordinance are hare' -y repealad,
80#lon 17. The poundkooper -qi thin five days after his
a pointment . and, bofore antering upon hi z duties., ahall execute
a bond to the 0i 'Y Of ;,,,in Ludy Obis in tho Sum,
of fivo hundxed
(400-CO) for tho faithful rer-f0broo4ce of, Irls duty an
poundkee-per, 0ith0T Witil ^ Sure'
ty CorArany or -,ljth t? yo or more
Ifatural per ;zion a as zureties to tho Satisfaotion or the
I -1yo r 40 J.
said Cit�jj. 'Which bond when approved by the � ,A43Lyor
'ohall be filed with
the city C1041-0
Thy. e OTdinataa
together -Ylt-li the Ayes fi ljoaa
shall be publi4betj in the QU&A, I j D a dai3.-,,- newspaper
PTiatOd ana publiallbd in sai6 citY 0:2 San DAJ-- -v obiopo, for two days
before il to w paztz,-,
an,,,. 3 b
A"3- tie Of4" Ot thIrty, dayu fron and
titter itc final
Introduca(,j t
day of A11L,,Uots ana voted
On =1 PWSOed to print ,.13 follower ; -
Ayes: -
Oa x4t,,A
Absent:- .
Signed tub ./- `2� n 1911.
!/ deny' o �" .At�,�'ut3 �,
ayoxo ixe Myo azz -771 HOv
At,teat :-*-.
City Clam, -�
Pinally paused the 4ay of ' , 1911 the
following vote:-