HomeMy WebLinkAbout08874, ORDINANCE NO. 887 (1981 Series) AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ADOPTING NEW ZONING REGULATIONS WHEREAS, THE Planning Commission and-City Council have held public hearings to consider new zoning regulations in accordance with Section 65800 and following of the California Government Code; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has transmitted a report together with a record of their hearings; and WHEREAS, the City Council finds that the proposed regulations are in substantial compliance. with the general plan; and WHEREAS, an environmental impact report (EIR) for the proposed zoning regu- lations has been prepared and made available for public comment, the Planning Commission and City Council have considered the draft EIR along with comments and responses, and the council is hereby approving one of the alternatives which entails no significant adverse impacts as described in that EIR; and WHEREAS, the proposed zoning regulations will promote the public health, safety, and general welfare; BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. That the Zoning Regulations, the full text -of which is attached to and a part of this ordinance, be adopted. SECTION 2. After review and consideration, the Draft Environmental Impact Report, together with comments and responses, are certified as the Final Environmental Impact Report for the project. SECTION 3. A summary of this ordinance, approved by the City Attorney, together with the ayes and noes, shall be published at least three (3) days prior to its final passage in the Telegram - Tribune, a newspaper published and circulated in said city, and the same shall go into effect at the expiration of thirty (30) days after its said final passage. A copy of the full text of this ordinance shall be on file in the office of the City Clerk on and after the date following Ordinance No. 887 (19"-Series) Page 2 introduction and passage to print and shall be available to any interested member of the public. INTRODUCED AND PASSED TO PRINT by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo at a meeting thereof held on the 12th day of June, 1981, on the motion of Councilman Settle; seconded by Mayor Billig, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilman;Settle; Mayor Billig, Councilmembers Dovey and Dunin NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Bond r May r lanie Bil ig ATTEST: — Jl) G City Clerk Pamela Vog APPROVED: Cit dministrative Officer In City Attorney Community IV elopmen U irector ORDINANCE NO. 887 (1981 Series) FINALLY PASSED this 21st day of July , 1981., on motion of Councilman Settle , seconded by Councilman Dunin , and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Settle, Dunin, Dovey, and Mayor Billig NOES: Councilman Bond ABSENT: None r Melanie C. Billig ATTEST: Ci 'Clerk Pamela Voges $;S'" $S;; NING REGULATI NS AUGUST 1981 *{- L. 7T il I tr\//I J o 20.81 T THIS ZONING ORDINANCE hlAS ADOPTED BY CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION N0. BB7 (l9Bl Series) AND BECAME EFFECTiVE AUGUST 20, 198'l AMENDMENTS l t SECTION SECTION 92OI 9201.1 920L.2 920L.3 920L.4 9207.5 sEcrloN 9202 9202.L CONTENTS TOPlC GENEML PROVISIONS TiE le . Purpose. . EstablishmenE. of zones Zone map General Requirement. GENEML REGULATIONS Uses allowed in several zones. . Temporary uses Mineral extraclion Service Stations llbme 0ccupat ions Public utilities Signs. Cemeteries and mausoleums. Non-conforming uses. Non-conforming 1ots. . Non-conforming structures . Property development standards Dens it y . Yards. Coverage tleight Fences , wal ls, , and hedges . Parking space requiremenEs Parking and driveway design and except Fire protection. . Performance standards. . . Residential occupancy standards. ZONE DISTRICTS R-l (low-density residential) zone R-2 (medium-density residential) zone, R-3 (medium-high-density residencial) zone R-4 (high-density residential) zone. . C/OS (conservarion/open space) zone. 0 (office) zone. . PF (public facility) zone, C-N (neighborhood-corunercial ) zone C-R (retail-conrnercial) zone C-C (central-conrnercial ) zone. c-T (tourisc-commercial) zone. c-S ( servi ce-costrnercial ) zone . M (manufacturing) zone PD (planned development) zone. . SP (specific plan) zone. . H (historical & architectural preservation). S (special consideration) zone PAGE I I 2 2 J 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202, 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. .5.5 .6.6,6 .7.7.7 .8.B.9 .10 .10 .11 .15 .16 .16 .16 .20 .20 .2L ,) ,, 1.A. l.B. l.c l.D. 1.E. 1I. 1.G. 2 3 4 5 5.A. 5.8. 5.C. 5.D. qF 5.c. 5 .H. 6 7 9202 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. 9202. lons sEcrloN 9203 9203.1, 9203.2 9203.3 9203.4 9203.5 9203.6 9203.7 9203 .8 9203.9 9203.10 9203. l1 9203.L2 9203. l3 9203.L4 9203. l5 9203.16 9203.L7 .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 ,o .31 .32 .34 .36 .37 .39 .41 .4L .42 .43 SECTION SECTION 9204 9204.L 9204.2 9204.3 92Ot+.4 9204.5 9204.6 9204.7 9204.8 9204.9 9204.10 9204.r1 9202.L2 CONTENTS TOPIC ADMINISTMTION AND ENFORCEMENT General plan consistency Use permits. l{ome occupation permits. Variances.. Planned development. Int e rpret at ion Enforcement. Amendments . Appeals. Repeat applications. Fees Definit ions . PAGE "45 .45 .48 .48 "49 .51 .52 .52 .53 .54 .54 .55 LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES Table 1 Table 2 Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Mininun other yards (n-1, R-2 zones) Minirnr:m other yards (n-3, R-4, o, C-N zones ) 3O-inch maximum projections . 4-foot maximum projections SEreet yards on corner lots recorded before April 11, 1965. Street yards on corner lots with longer frontage along Ehe cross street. . Areas included in coverage calculations Deek coverage. Measuring building height. Barrier height at street corners Figure 4 - Figure 5 Figure 6 Figure 7 Figure 8 .t2 .12 .13 .13 U+ L4 15 .15 .16 .16 sEcTtoN 9201 GENERAL PROVISIONS ZONING REGULATIONS 9201.1-TlrLE 9201 .2_PURPOSE this chapter of the }tnicipal Code sha1l be knqm and cited as Ehe 'Zoning Regulations of the City of San T,r.ris Obispo.'l These regrlatiors are intended to guide the develop- sBnt of che ciry in sr orderly marner, based cn ttre adopted general p1an, to protecE ard erfrance the quality of rhe natural trd built ernzirornpnt, ad Eo prcmote the prblic health, safety, ard general wet- fare by reglrlating Ehe use of lard and buildings ad the locaticn ard basic form of structures. 1 ZONING REGULATIONS 9201 .3- ESTAB LISH M ENT OF ZONES 9201 .4-ZON E MAP For the purpose of these regulations, the follcnrirg zones are created: RESIM{TITil, ZONES R-i lo,rDensity Residential R-2 MediurrDensity Residential k3 lbdir.nrHigir-Density Residential R-/+ Iligfr-Densiry Residential (ircludes forner Fli zone) NCIFFESIIEX{TIAL ZO{ES C/OS Conservation/Open Space (fornerly NC) O Office (fornerly P0) Pf tublic Facility C-t{ lthigfrborhood-Ccrmercial C{ Centrat-Ccrurercial C-R Retail{qnrercial C-T Totrristtcnnercial C-S Senrice{cnnercial (FonrerlyC{1) M Irrdustrial O\tERuy zoMS S" Specific Plan H llistorical ad Architectural Preservation S Special Consideratiors PD Planned DevelogrenC A11 areas within cte cicy shall be designated within a zooe district. the Official Zone 144, *rich shall depict all duly adopted zone districts, is as rnrch a part of these regulations as if it vere fully cor tained in this docunent. the Official Zore ldap shal1 be rnaintained by d in the DeparEnent of Cqrr nr-rrity Develcprent, ard for cornreni,ence in npre easily identifying zcne bourdaries n,ay be divided into parts. 2 ZONING REGULATIONS 9201.5-G EN ERAL REQUIREM ENT Iarrl crr buildings may be used ard struclures may be erected or altered cnly in accordance with these regulations. J sEciloN 9202 GENERAL REGULATIONS ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.1 -USES ALLOWED IN SEVERAL ZONES Temporary Uses A. IEMPORARY USES. t. Purpose and intent. Ihit secticrn prorides for cerrain terPorary uses in additicn to those listed in the zcrre district reg:lations. It esE$lishes stardards ard Proce- dures to assure that sudr uses are ccmPatible with their zurrorndings ad the intent of these regula- Eiors. 2, Real-estate sales office in tract. A tenporary real-stale sales office may be es- tablished in a residencial develogrent for the ini- tial sale of property in that develcrprent' upon apr prwal of an dninistrative use permit. Such an of- fice may be locared '.zittrin a residence or a ccrmpn or Eenporary building. If a ternporary hlilding is used, iE shall be remcnred upon Eerminatim of rhe use. Sales offices sha11 nct be used for nnre than one year, excepE Lhat upcn wricten apprwal of rhe Director, chey may be ccntirnred up to cne dditional year. 3. l'!obi1e hcne as constructicr office. Upcn 4prwa1 of an adrinistratl\E use permlt a nrcbile hcne may be Lr.sed as a Eerporary office aE a constn-rcticn siEe for noc fltre than six nonths, or cepE Ehat upon wriften 4prwa1 of the Director the use may be continued for sirnrcnth periods, nct Eo o<ceed a total of 18 roonchs. Also, with ttre Direc- torls 4proza1, Etre anbile hare nry be occupied by a residenE guard or caretaker, prwided it is properly connected to ciry utilities or other safe nears of waste disposal is asstrred. 4. Ctrrisemas Eree sales. @isffative use permit, praises wittrin ncn-esidential zones may be used for Ehe te,rporary sale of Orristnras Erees, pro- vided: a. Sales shall not b corducted before Decesr ber I or after December 31; ad b. A1l trees, signs, ad tenporary strucEures shal1 be kert betrird a lffool setback frcm all streeE rightrcf",ray ad they shal1 be rsn:nred wittrin 10 daye after Ehe close of Ehe sale. carnivals festivals pranises within norrresidencial zcnes uny be used for parades, carnivals, fairs, or festivals, Prr vided: a. A pennit for gaLhering in a prblic place as may be required by Sections 4226 aod 4260 of the lfunicipal Code has been cbcained; b. A11 activities are corducted in conforrnance with the Performance Standards, Section 9202.6; ard c. Such uses shall noc be corducted for npre than seven consecutirre days. 6. I4obile hcne as residence at sr-te wrrtten 4prwa1 by the drief building of- ficial, a nrcbile hore, Erailer, or recreaEional ve- hicle nry be parked cn a 1ot ad occupied by Ehe lot q,sner v*rile he/stre is buildirg a dr^re1ling cn Ehe lot for hislher o'on occupancy. the npbile hcne or rre- hicle sha1l be connected to Et€ city sa.rcr s)€tsn or shall be self ccntained, with disposal ccntracEed for. Apprwal shal1 be for rener.rable sirmrnth irr Eerwals, not Eo erceed a total of 18 monrhs. 7, Constructicn activiEies Construction ard dsrptiEon, inc luding fabri- caticn of buildirg cqrpcnents ard other activities nornrally esociated with property developrent ad maintenance, may be corducted in any zone, provided they ce grrsued ecording to plars ad procedwes apprwed by ttte drief building official. 8. Educational conferences. Studert housirg ccnplexes normally occupied for part of the year may be used dtrring Eheir vacant periods for educational conferences prorided an ad- ministrative use permit is apprwed by the DirecEor. tte occupancy of sudr facilities durirg educational ccnferences sha1l not ecceed che rna<im:rn estSlished by any prior ciry 4prwal for residential occupancy. 9. Tsrporary parking lots. Parkirg lots vf,rich wili be used for cne year or less rnay be developed in ccnjurction with a torpo- rary use allo'ld by Ehese regr:lations. Sud;r EenPo- ary parking lots reed noc prwide lardscaping as r,u:ld ocherwie be required, but Ehey shall neet all other design stsdards (parking space dinensions, 5 5. Parades ar fairs at use F€rmlt, ZONING REGULATIONS 9202,1 USES ALLOWED IN SEVERAL ZONES Temporary Uses (cont.). Mineral Extraction. Service Stations (continued) Home Occupations 0292.1.A.9{onrinued) aisle widths, ard so cm). Teuporary lots shall have an all-lrcather, dust-free surface as required by the ciry engineer. 10. Other tsrporary uses. Other tarporary uses, includirg sales fron np- tels, ccnpatible with the surrourdings in vfrich they are proposed may be established if the Director ap- proves an *rinistrative we perrnit. lhe Director may refer che proposed use to Ehe Planning Ccrnris- sion for 4prwal uder a Planning Cqrmission use permit. B. MINERAL NCIRACTICN. @ons, ard soil nny be rqnared in ary zone, prwided a use pernit is 4prwed by the PlanrLing Ccmnission. In ddition to the rr quiranents \^tri& the Planning Ccurnissicn mry irnpce for the ativity itself, ttrere may be requirarnts Ehat Ehe site be restored or rehabiliEated in fur therance of the Frrpo€es of these regulations, (eraaing carried ort in ccnjuncticn with a construc- tion project need not cbtain use perrnit qproral but shall ccnply wich Ehe GYading Ordinance.) C. SRVICE STANCNS. Sewice stations re perrnitted as specified in Ehe zcne district regulations, subjecE Eo the fol- lcnring cqrditions: 1. Prgnises djoining residential zcnes shal1 be screened frcrq sudl zones by a si:rfoc-trigh visual barrier, subject to the finitations of Sec- tio:. 9202.5.E, Fences, Walls and Hedges. 2, StreeE frontage beEveen driveways shall have a lcll wall crr other lardscape barrier to prevent ve- hicles frcur being driven or parked cn Ehe sidewalk. 3. Bells crr other sourd sigrrals shall be turned off beCr,een 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. if the staEion is d- jacent Eo a residential zsre. 4, Rrry islards shal1 be located ar least fif- Eeen feet frcm any street rigfrtrcfrvry lire or set- back line, e(cept Ehat canEilevered roofs may octerd co a point at least firre feec frm sudr lines. 5. Repair rrork shal1 be done ad dismantled velricles sha1l be stored inside a building or area screened so that ic is nct visible frqn off the premises. (lrcm: Scandards. ) See also Section 9202.6, Performance D. ltrT'{E OCq]PATTCT{S. 1. Intent. - these prwisions ane intended Eo allcnr the corr duct of hae enterprises *ridr are incidental to and carpatible with zurrowrding residential uses. A hore occupaticn is gainful orployrent engaged in by the occupants of a drrclling. Ilme occupatiors shq-rld not require freqtent cusEfirEr €rcess or hanze cther draracteristics qhich r"rqlld reduce residents' enjoynent of their neig!- borhoods. 2. Perrnit required. The ccrduct of a hcne occupation requires the qprwal of a hare occupaticn perrrit by Ehe Director, vtro rry est$lish dditional ccrditions to further the intent of this section. 3. Ccneral requiraenEs. a. Activities shall be.conducted entirely with- in the droelling urit or an enclosed trcessory building, ard shall nct alter the 4pearance of such structures. (Iiorticultural activities nny be corducted ouEdoors.) b. there shal1 be no sales or display an Ehe prerrises. c. There shall be no signs cther Ehan ddress ard narne of residents. d. there shall be no dvertising -.irich idenli- fies the hae occupa.ti* by street address. e. l{o whicle larger Ehan a 3/4-ton truck nrqy be used in connecticn vrith a hqre occupation. f. the hcrre occupation shall not encroach m any required parking, yard or open space area 6 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.1 USES ALLOWED IN SEVERAL ZONES Home Occupations (continued). Public Utilities. (continued) Signs. (Secc ion 9202. 1.D.3-{ont inued ) C. Parkirg for vehicles used in connecticn with the hsre occupation shall be prwided in ddi- t.icn to paking required for Etre residence. h. Activities ccrducted and equipmnt or mate- rials used sha1l nct change the fire safeEy or occupancy classifications of the pranises, nor use utilities in anounts greater than normally provided for residential use. i. l,lo use shall create or c€rrse noise, dust, vibration, sml1, snnke, glare, or electrical inLerference, or other hazard or nuisance. j. No arployees cther than residencs of the dr^rcllirg shal1 be alloved. (Babysirters or dcmescic servanLs are nct ccrsidered enployees of a hsre occupation.) k. Ctients or custcrers she1l nct visit the hcrre occupaticn betr^reen the ho.rrs of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. l. If the trcne occupation is lo be ccniucted in rental property, the property G,inerts authori- zation for the pnoposed tlse sha1l be cbcained. 4. Prdribited uses. @ their cperacion or naEure uqy interfere rsith residerttial activities ard dimirr ish the ccrvenience irrterded for ccsrercial zcnes, ard therefore sha1l nct be perrritted as hcne occupat ions: a. Autmtive repair (body cr mctranical), up- holstery or painting. b. Barber or bear.rty shoP. g. Appliance, radio or Eelevision repair h. Print shop. E. PTIBLIC UTILITIES. 1. Dislribution facilities may be located in any zcne, prorided Ehat equitrnerf cn the gro:rd in residential zones shall be screened by walls, fences crr landscaping. 2, T?ansmission lines may be located in any zce, prorided the route is approved by the Planning Ccrmission. 3. Other tmnanned p:blic utility structures may be located itt *y zce, prwided an adninistrative use permit is 4prwed by the Director. F. Sre{s. --9igrs'may be located it',. my zcne subject Eo che lirnitatiorn of the Sign Regulatiorls. G. CffHIERIES A}ID MAUSOLEIIMS. Upon apprwd of a use permiE by Ehe Planning Cannission, ceneteries sd rnar:soletrns may be established in any zone. c Carpentry cr cabinet uralcing. d. vbldirg or nrachining. e. lbdical offices, clinics, laboratories f. O:ri1d care of nr:re Ehan six preschool childrsr or instn:ction for rnrre Ehan three school-age drildren or adults at cne tinB (nct ca:nting residents of the hcne). 7 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.2 NON.CON FORMING USES 9202.3 NON.CONFORMING LOTS A. INTNff A non-conforming use is cne qtrich ruas legally established cn th€ effeccirre date of applicable sec- tions of Ehese regulations but vfrich is nct ncnr an allcwed or conditionally allcrued use in Ehe zore in vhich it is located. the intent of these regula- tiors Eo prevenE Ehe ecpansicn of ncn-conforming uses, esLablish Ehe circr.rnstances urder *rich they rnay be continued, ard prwide for Eheir renrcval or change Eo a ccnforming use as socn as practical. B. REGI]IAIIONS. 1. Grange of ounership, tenancy, or managsrcnt of a non-conformirg use shall nct affect its legal, ncrrconforming status . 2. A ncrrconforming use may be cqrtirnred ad a non-conforming use may be changed to another non- conforming use prozided: a. A norrconfornrirg use r^hich ceases for a corr tirnro:s period of six nonths shall lose its non- ccnrforming status ard Ehe praaises cn r^hich the ncn-conforming use was located shall frcrn then on be trsed for ccnfonning uses; b. A non-conformirg use may be replaced with andher, prrwided that an dninistrative use perndt is apprwed by the Director. the Direc- Eor rrust find fhat Ehe new use has similar or less severe irnpacts cn its surrctrndings in terms of noise, *affic, parking &rnard, hours of op- eraticn, ard visual inccrnpatibility. lhe 4p1i- cant shall zubrnif qridence of ttre date T"hen the origin:l non-conforrnirg use was estabtished. 3. A lot occupied by a ncrrconforming use may be further developed by the additicn of ccnformirg uses ad structures, prwided an dninistrative use permit is apprwed by the Director. '(See Secticn 92V+.2.) A. INM{I A lot having less area, width, depth, or fronE- age thm required by Ehe SuMivision Regulatiors for the zcne in vhich it is locaced, but *rich vras lavr ful1y created prior to the effectirn date of regrlr tions requirirg such greacer trea or dinersion, shall be considered a non-conformirg 1ot. These regulations are interded to prwide for Ehe reason- able use of sudr ncn-onformirg lots, consisLent with other sEardards dopced Lo proEect the prblic health, safeEy, ard general welfare. B. RESIArIONS. l. Ancrrconforming lot may nct be irdividr:ally develcped if it has been held in ccnnrn cr,mership with any contig.rors property ac my tine since Nr vernber 18, 1977, ard ttre lot ard contigucus, ccnt- nonly cx,ared p'roperfy EogeLher reet the requiranenEs for a conformirg lot. Such a 1ct sha1l be consid- ered irdividually developable crrly after beirg rr suMivided in cmjuncEicn with contigrrous property, into cne or rrDre lots r^hich met city stardar.ds.(If sudr a non-confonnir€ lct is alredy developed, conforming uses ad sEructures located cn it may be rcdified or enlarged, subject to all the limiracions of these Zoning Regulations.) 2, A norrconforming lot vtrich does nct have the potentid for resuMivisicn in ccnjtrncticn with cdlr nonly omed, ccrrtigtrous pnoperty, as in (1) above, nray be individuallly developed - regardless of r.heEher or not it has been held in ccmnm ryith ccn- tiguor:s property - prwided: a. A11 stardards (density, coverage, parking, heiglrt, yards) of the zo'ne in vfrri& it is 1r cated ae ccrplied wiEh, eccept Ehat R-l sd C/OS lots mry be used for only one residence, and b. An adrninistrative use permit is apprwed by Ehe Director. 3. If neecing dl the zcne district stardarrds preclude ary developrent of Ele 1ot, the lct may be used cnly in ccnjunction r^dth djoining Froperty or used for urposes nct requirir€ sEructures (such as ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.3 (continued) NON.CONFORMING LOTS 9202.4- N O N -CO N FO RM I N G STRUCTU RES urcwered p"rking, gardens, or lardscapirg). the e><istence of a non-conforrnirg lct sha11 nd be che sole basis for granting a variance co diuensional zone standards p,trsuanl to Section 92M.4. A. NIffI. A structure vhich 1avrfu1ly otisted cn rhe effec- tire date of applicable secEions of these regulr tions, but *rich does nct ccnrply r^dth one or ncre of the properry develcprent standards for Ehe zone in r"trich it is located, is a norrconforrning struclure. this secticn is inEended to prod& for the correc- tion or rsrpval of s:ch structures as socn as prac- cical. B. REGUIAIONS 1. A nqr-conforming structure '"hich is danaged to €n e:<tent of one-tralf or ilrcre of its replacenent cost innediately pnior to such danage roay be re stored only if rnade Eo conform. 2. (hanges to interior partitions or cther nqr stnrctural imprwerents and repairs may be made to a ncn-conforming building Lo the e(tent of nct rore than cne+lalf its replacanent cosL c /er any five year period. 3. Strbject to the valuation lirnit in (2) abore, stnrctural elsrents may be mcdified wtrere ttre drief buifding official decermines such npdificaEion is innediately necessary to protect the health ard safety of the pblic or occupants of the ncrr conformirg sEructure or adjacent properties. 4. Replacenent cost shall be determined by Ehe ctrief buildirg official, wtrose decisicn may be 4- pealed to the City Ca,nci1. 5. Exceptions Eo this section may be granted by Lhe Director for historic structures desigSrated as such in ary list or plan elerrene dopted by the city. 9 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPM ENT STAN DARDS DENSITY. A. DNSITY 1. Determination of allcnEd develotrrnnt Density is the ra-unber of druellirg urits per net acre. In Ehe C/OS ard R-1 zones, e:rh dr"elling counts as ore mit. In che oEher zones, different- size dvellings have 'tnit values'r as follor,,a : Studio aparErent: 0.50 u'rit. One-bedroqn dr^rclling: 0.66 writ, Two-bedroqn dwelling: 1.00 unit. Ihree-bedroan dr'relling: 1.50 urits. Duelling with for:r or rrure bedroansl. Z.ffi rnits. The follovring procedtre shall be used to deter mire the m€r<inrm develcprenr allcryed on a given lot or lard area: a. Determine the anerage cross slope of the site, as prwided in the Grading Ordinance. the na<im-rn develogenr aflcr.Ed for each average cross-lope category is as folloqn: rigfrt-of-.ray dedicatd to the city. l{et area in- cludes the area occupied by allovred ncrrresiderr tial uses. c. l'fultiply the resulting area (in *role ard fractional acres) by Ehe npcinnm densiry allcred (in mits per acre) according to the teble in paragra$ a. above. d. the resulEing nurber (in dr,e1ling tnits, carried olt to Ehe nearest one-trundredth unit) will be the ma<im-rn residential developrenE po- tential. Any carbinaEicn of dwellirg types and runbers rnay be developed, so lorg as their cqrr bined unit values do not exceed Ehe na<imrn potent ial . 2. Density transfer a. Developrent potential nuy be Eransferred 'rrithin Ehe area covered by a planned developnenE (PD) zcne, in conformance with the requirarents of Section 9203.14. b. I,*rere a porEion of a lot is rdthin a zone or zcmes that a1lcnr residential use and the resE of the lot is in an C/OS zcne, ard the portion within the C/6 zone is not larp eno:gfi to al- lcnr cne dvrellirg, the fractional dr"el1ing tnit potential fron the C/6 zorie rnay be Eransferred to the cther portion of the lot, without plarr neddevelopnent rezoning. 3. Density averaging. liLrere portiors of a 1oE are r^rithin E$ro or fiDre different zones that allcnr different nuximm densi- ties, ad any portion is not of the size required for a lct in that zore, densily rrray be averaged wer Ehe r"hole loc, with each portion cqrtributing to the cnrerall araxfunrn develcprent potential in proporticn co its area ad nracimn allc,e€d densitv. 4, Density bonus for lcxr and moderate-inccme Eo California Gorerrrrent Code Section 65915, the city may negociate a densiEy bornrs or other benefits in o<change for p'rwision of afford- able hor:sing to households with lcnr or moderate in- ccrrp, Es defined in the GorerrnenE Code. % atterage cross-slope l"ladm-m Density (units per nec acre) F1 F3 RJl 7721824/+69L2 2468 L234 One dweliirg per lot legally created pnior to the effec- tive date of these regulr t ions . F2 o c-N c-T 0-15 76-20 2t-25 2G30 31+ N}IES: 1. lhere is no slope-elated &nsity reduction in the C/G, C-R, C-C ard F[' zones. 2. Slopes calculated to the nearest 0.5% sha1l be rounded upvard. b. Determine the net sea of the site. lbt area includes all Ehe area wiEhin the property lines of the develoFent site minus streeE 10 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPM ENT STANDARDS (continued) YARDS. B. YARDS 1. Definitions and purpose. A yard is ar area along; a property 1 ine rvithin wkrich no structures or parking spaces may be locat- ed, except as other.,rise prwided in Chese regglr tions. Yards are interded Eo telp &termine the patEern of building masses ard open areas w'ithin neigfrborhoods. they also prwide separation beE"reen ccnbust ible materials in neighboring buildings . Yards se firrther intended lo trelp prwide air cir culation, uiews, ard ocposure to sunligfrc for both natural illurnination ad use of solar enerEiy. these regulations prwide for troo types of yards: a. ttStreet yardtt mans a yard djacent Eo a sEreeE, or adopEed setback 1ine, to vfti& the property has acess. b. An 'tother yard[ is any yard cther than a street yard. 2. Measurenent of yards a. SEreet yards shall be neasured frsn the rightrcf-rvay line or dopted setback line to the nearest poirr of Ehe wall of aly building. b. Other yards shal1 be neasured fron Ehe prop- erty lire to the nearest poirt of Ehe wall of any building. c. the hei$rt of a building in relation Eo yard standards is rhe vertical distance frcm the gror-nrd Eo Ehe top of the roof, measured at a point r^hidr is a specific distance frcm Ehe pro- perty 1ine. d. Scne zcnes a1low an €verage yard dinensron. An "average" yaod will ccnply with rhese regrlr tions vhen the toEal aea of Ehe yard is eqr:al Eo Lhe area r.rithin a tniform yard of che stated dinension. 3. Yard standards. a. SrreeE yards sha11 ccnply with the follo,ring: Zore Minina-rn streeL yard R-1 R-2 R-3 R+ c/c o PF c-N c-c c-R c-T c-s M 20 feet 20 feet 15 feet 15 feet 20 feet 15 feet As prwided in zore of 10 feet As prwided in zone of As prwided in zcrre of l0 feet Average of l0 Averapp of 10 adjacenr lct* adjacent 1ct* djacent lot* feeE feet * If the zcne of djacent lot does nct hanre iEs cnn standard, no street yard is required. LoEs separated by streets or other rigfrtsrcf'*ray are nct considered adjacent. If npre than one zone is djacent, Ehe largest yard shall be required. b. Other yards shal1 ccmply with the follaring: Tsrp R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 c/6 0 TF' C{ C{ c-R C-T c-s M Minftnr-rn other vard As in As in As in As in As in As in 1ct* lct* lot* 1oE* loE* 1ot* As in Table 1 As in Table I As in Table 2 As in Table 2 20 feet As in Table 2 zone of adjacert As in Table 2 zq':e of adjacent zcne of adjacent zore of ad-jacent zcne of djacent zore ot adjacent *If the zone of djacent lot does not have iEs cr,n standard, no yard is required. lots sepa- rated by streeEs or cther rigfrts-of-r,ray are nct considered adjacent. If rnore Ehal one zone is adjacent, the largesl yard shall be required. 11 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5- PRO PERTY DEV ELOPM ENT STAN DARDS (cont i n ued) YARD STAN DARDS (continued). Table 1 Minimum Other Yards in R-1 and R-2 l1a<iram &rilding lleidot Minirurn Required Yard Table 2 Minimum Other Yards ln R-3, R-4n O and C-N Macimm Brrilding Heigt Minimsr Required Yard A poirt Ehis high cn the roof of a hrilding: ( feet) Ifust be af least this far frsn Ehe p,roperty line: ( feet ) (nrin. in R-l ad R-2) 5 10 19.5 11 11.5 t2 L2.5 13 13.5 14 14.5 r-5 Yards shall be roarded to the nearest 0.5 fooE. A poinr this high cn the roof of a building: ( feet) Ifust be at least this far frq-n che property line: ( feet ) (rrin" yard) 5 Yards shall be rcnrnded to the nearest 0.5 foct. t-12 13 t4-L5 7GL7 18-19 n 2r-22 2T24 25 (nrac. in R-1) 26 27a n 3&3r 32 33v 35 (max. in R-2) 5 5. 6 6" 7 7, I 8. 9 9. 10 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 9 1-13 14-15 15-17 18-20 2I-22 2T24 2y26 27-D 3C31 32-33 y-35 5 5 5 5 (ua<ttight) Buildirg heights shal1 be rarnded to the near est wtrole foct. &:ilding beigfrts shal1 be ronded to the near esc r.hole fooE.. L2 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY D EVELO PM ENT STAN DARDS (cont i n ued) WHAT MAY OCCUPY YARDS. (9202.5.B{ontinued) 4. l{hrat nray qgcupy ,vards. a. Utility stnrctures. Abc /E-groffi coryonenCs of rndergror.nd r-tili.ty systems may be located within street yards pro- vided Ehey are w'ithin utility easerents @- prwed by the city. b. Fences, walls, and hedges. Fences, walls, ard hedges may occupy yards to Ehe o<tent prwided in Section 9202.5.8. c. Sign". Signs inlonformance with the Sign Regulations may occuly yards to the ortent prwided in those regulat iors . d. Architectural feaEures The followirg ard similar archi tectural features nny e<[end into a required yard no nore than 30 inches: cornices, canopies, eaves, butEresses, bay windorm, chinneys, solar collectors, shading lowers, reflectors ard water heater e><clusions. (rigure 1) Fire escapes, tmcovered balconies, tncorered porches, or unenclosed outside stairvays ard lardings rnay octend into the required yard nd nnre than 4 feet or one-tralf Ehe required yard distance, r,hichever is less. (figure 2) e. Trash enclosures rrasfr-Eilffich harre been apprwed bv the Architectural Revior Ccnrnissicn may b located within a required streeE yard, prwided no oart of che enclosure is less chan 3 feet frcm cte rightrcf-way or dopted seeback line. f. Landscaping. Lsrdscape features nay occuPy yards. Ib(ds/er, vegetaticn ma'r be controlled by prodsiors of the California R-rbli.c Resources Ccde r,hich pre Eect instatrled sola collectors frcn shading by raegetation planted later. C. lJnenclosed, tandsn par!4l llgggx for Gingle dwellGg- v*rere tandecr parking is prwided pursuant to Ehe parking standards, one urenclosed space roay be located within the street yard. (lirllE: In no case rnqv an enclosed parking space be located less than 20 feet Frcn the streeE rigfrcrcf-,ray or setback line,) Figure 1 30" Maximum Projections MAXI MUM ALLOWI.D PROJTCTION'. FOUR FELT OR ONE.HALTOFTHI MINIMUM RTQUIRED YARD 0vHrcllEV[R rs LEss)Figure 2 4'Maximum Projections 13 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STAN DARDS (continued) EXCEPTIONS TO YARD REQUIREMENTS. e202.5.B--Cont inued) 5" Fxceptions to yard requirsrEnts. types of exceptions to the yard requirerenEs. First, those $fiid'r the property is entitled to because of physi- cal circtmstances. Secord, Ehose '^hich the city mry apprcve upon request ard subject to certain discreE ionary cri leria. corded before April 1, 1965, ttre street yard along the lot frontage h*ing the longer dinerr sicn shall be nct less than 10 feet, as shcrn in Figr:re 3. Parking spaces shall be set back at least 20 feet. Figure 3 (2) Street on corner lots wtrere each cotTrer has lts frcnEage along the cross street. In the R-1 ard R-2 zcnes, vhen each corner 1ct cn a cross street has its lc'nger frontage along the cross street, as in Figure 4, the street yard alorg the longest frontage shal1 be not less than l0 feet. Parking spaces shall be set back at least 20 feet. (3) Street yard arreraging (developed areas).---frere Lhese regulations require street yards and wtrere buildings hare been erecEed cn aE least me-tralf of Ehe lots in a block as of the effective daEe of these regulations, the minim:rn required streeE yard shal1 be the €verage of the street yards of the developed lots, bul in no case less than 10 feet nor inrre than lurld otherrrise be required. Upon qproral of a use permit, the Director may al1or street yards of nd less than 10 feet. Q) Variable srreet yards in subdivisions. In nerr residential suMivisions, Ehe entity apprwing the suMivision m4 rnay ryproze vari- able street yards, to be noted cn the qprwed nrap, prwided Etre average of the yards cn a block is d least 15 feec ard no yard is less than 10 feet. (3) Variable other yards in subdivision In netr residential subdivisions, the entity apprwing the zuMivision m4 may +prove o<cep- tiors to the other yard standards, w'ith the e:e ceptions Eo be noted cn Lhe map, prwided a sep- araticn of at teast 10 feet between buildings on adjacent lots will be maintained and an accept- able level of solr e:.posure wil1 be guaranteed by alternative yard requiranents or private ease$Ents. (4) Other yard variations in previously subdivided areas. IJpcn 4prwal of a tne permit, the Director may a1lo,r other yards Eo be reduced Eo zero, prwided Ehere ecisEs dequate recorded agree- nent mnning with the iard to nnintain at least 10 feet of separation beEvaeen buildings cn djr cent parcels. a. Excepticns property may be entitled to (1) sEreet on corner lots recorded b. Discretimary exceptions. before corner the R-1 ard R-2 zcnes, rr (1) Reduced street yards PL O/ I2A I 2"d- A J .20' PL Figure 4 L4 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PRO PERTY D EV ELO PM ENT STAN DAR DS (cont i n ued) YARD EXCEPTIONS (continued). COVERAG E. 0202.5. B. 5 . b. --{cnr inued ) (5) Otheraard building*eigfrt e<ceptions. Upon 4prwal of a use permit, the Director rnay allc'w occepEions to the stardards prwided in Tables I ard 2 of Subsecticn 3.b abore. Such o<ceptions nray be grantd in any of the following ard simila circrrnstances : (a) I^ihen the property that will be shaded by the excepted develcprent will not be developed or will not be deprived of reasoneble solar exposure, considerirg its topography and zoning. (b) tntren the e<ception is of a rninor nature, involving an insigrrificant portion of total anailable solar o(posure. (c) trhsr the properties at isstr ae r,rithin an area l*rere use of solar erprgy is prr erally infeasible becarse of lardform shading. (d) T,,lhen deqtraEe recorded agresrEnt rr.rnning with the lard erists to protect estab- lished or planned solar collectors. (e) When ctre property to be shaded is a sEreet . (tuytE: Yard requirerpnts nray also be mdified by variance, Section 924+.4; planned.dwelop- nent, Section9204.5; specific plan, Section 9203.L5 or special consideratim zcne, Section 9203.17. ) C. CO\IERAffi Corerage neans the area of a lot corered by structures, includirg accessory structures, ex- pressed as a percentage of the Eotal lot area. Any parl of a deck, balccny, or eave vf,ridt is less than 30 indres frcm che ground shal1 not be included in the deEerminaticn of cwerage. Por tions of such structures l,hich are nDre than 30 inches frcm the grourd shall be included in rhe determination of corerage cnly if they are rrDre thar 30 inches frcm a buildi.ng wall; othervrise Ehey shall not be included. (See tr'igr:res 5 & 6) AC,CESSORY 81D6.ffi DECK OVER 30,, HI OECK LE55 THAN CU HI6H AREA UNDER PATIO ROOF AND OVER 3O..FROM WALL 30" EXCLU5l0N I I-EO6E OF ROOF L___ _ UNDER ROOF AND OVER 3O,, FROM WALL Figure 5 Areas lncluded in Coverage Calculations NOT INCLUDED IN COVERAGE THAN 30' AB0VE 6R0UND) AREA INCLUDED IN COVERAoE (MoRE THAN 30il ABOVE OROUND) -;-1zzl POIN1 WHERE THE DECK EXCLEDS 30tr AbOVE OROUND LEVEL Figure 6 15 Deck Coverage ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (continued) HEIGHT. FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES. PARKING REQUIREMENTS. 0202.5.<qtcinued) D. ItrIGII The he of a building is the rrertical dis- Eance fron Ehe averagB level of Etre grarrd under the building to the Eotrrosr point of Ehe roof. 'lhe a/erage level of Ehe grourd is determined by suts Eracting Lhe elevation of Ehe lcnpst point of the part of Ehe 1ct correred by ttre building froa rhe elevaEion of the higiresC point of the part of the lct covered by the bui.lding, anJ dividirg by two. (See figure 7.) MA)(IMUM bUILDIN6 HEISHT MAXIMUM HEI6HT ATLOWED HI6HE5T POINT UNDER THE BUILDIN6 AVERAGE ELEVATIOI| UNDER bLD6. LOWEST POINT UNDER DUILDINg Figure 7 E. FENCES, I.iALtS Al{D HEmES. Fences, wal1s, or hedges may be placed within required yards, prorided: 1. the nracim:rn heiglrC io ary street yard shall be 3 feet; 2, The nradmm height in aty other yard shall be 6 feet; 3, 0n corner lots, the rnacim,,sn height within 35 feet of Etre intersecticn of o<tended curb lines sha1l be 3 feet, as shovn in Figure 8. 4" l,llrere fence crr walls ae located on retaining wal1s, the heigfiC of the retaining wall shal1 be considered as part of tte werall heigirt of Ehe fence or r^ra11" 5, lhe Director rnay granE occeptions to these stmdards by approzing an adninistrative use permit subject Eo a firding that no p:blic trrrpose '"urld be served by strict ccrpliance with these standards. Figure 8 Barrier Height at Street Corners NO BARRIERs OVER 3' I]IGH IN THIS AREA PROPeRTY LINE2 , 8I:EEWAIJ{ CURS F. PARKIIG SPACE FEQITIXEMENTS. l. Intent. ffi'section is interded Lo ensure prorision of adequate off-treet parking, considerirg the dsnands likely to result frqn various uses, carbinations of uses, ard settings. It is fhe city's intent, wtrere possible, to consolidate parking ard Eo rninimize the area devoted o<clusively to parkirg ard drives vf,ren typical demands rnay be sacisfied nore efficiently by shared facilities. 2. Mixed uses. \*rere core Ehan cne fype of use is located cn a lct crr within a project with ccnncn parkir€ areas, the parking requirarenl sha11 be detennined by dd- irg the requirorenEs for individual uses as prwided Measuring Building Height See also Subsection 9202,5,8, Sove for rela- tionship of yards ard buildirg heigfrt. Ccrnponents of solar energy sysEsns, chirrrep, screened mechanical equiprent, vents, antennae and steeples shall extend nct trDre Ehan l0 feet $ore the nraximm building heigfrt. Ccnmerci.al ad gwerrnental agency artennae may exceed che heigirt limits fcn the zcne in wtridr rhey are locaced if such an e<cepEion is apprwed by Ehe Director. Any cther e<ception Eo the t€ight lirnits re quires apprwal of a variance as prwided in Section 9204.4. (For heigfrt lirnits of signs, see the Sign Regrr latiors. ) L6 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5- PRO PERTY D EVELO PM ENT STAN DAR DS (conti n ued) PARKING REQUIREMENTS (continued). (9202. 5.F. 2-{cnc inued ) in Subsection 4 below, e<cept thac by apprwal of an adninistrative use penrdt Ehe direcccr may reduce the tocal parking space requirenent by up to 2014 t,hen the cinres of nracirorn packing d€rnard frqn var- ious urses will not coincide. 3. Joint use. For separate s or irdependently planned projects, the Director rnel, bY approrirg an adninis- trative trse permit, a,rthorize joint use of parkirg spaces wtren tre determine there is linited conflict in the cperating tines of lhe ccncerned r.rses ad wtrere the concerned parlies have adequate recorded agreerEnt gWerning tte joint parking. 4. Requirsents by type of use. these regula- ti"ons, fcn every structure erected or enlarged ad for any land or structure devoted Eo a ne$/ use re- quiring nnr€ spaces according to Ehe schedule belcnr, there sha1l be prwided Ehe indicated ninim-rn n-srber of off-treet parkir€ spaces. the rigirt to mcupy ad use any pranises shall be contingert cn maintainirg Ehe required Parkir€. lkren the calculation of required parking reults in a fractional rnnrber, it shall be rounded to the nelct highest vhole ruirber if the fraction is one-half or npre; otherw'ise it shal1 be rounded dorsn to the nert lcnest r.trole n-nber. Uses are listed in generally the sarc order they are listed in the zcnes. a. FESIDNTLAL USES. For residential uses, vhen parking sp€ces tre identified fcr the exclusive use of occupants of a desigrrated fuel1i.ng, required spaces may be arranged in tandcn (th* is, one space b&ird the cther) subject to qprwal of Ehe Ccrmnity Develognent Director. I{ousing occupied occlusively by persons 4& 62 crr older may prwide l/2 space per unit or cne space per four occupants of a group quarlers. for ead;r druelling, to be located with the dvelling. Drellings in all other zcnes: one space for eadr studio trnit; all other units - I 1/2 spaces for the first bedroqn plus 1/2 space for eadr additional bedroon in a unit, plus one space for each five urits in developnents of nnre than five trnits. l'{,obile llcnes: 1 I/2 spaces per urit, with cne sPac€ Eo located with eadr writ Caretakerts quarEers: One space each. (2)s houses dormitories ].es 1es: one space each occupants, or 1.spaces per bedrocn, r.hichever is greaEer. Convelescent hcrrps, residentiual care facilities: ore space for eadr three adult occupants; cne space for each 5 juvenile occupants. ConvenEs, nr:nasteries: one space for each 5 occupants. (3) Ttans (hotels rnocels): ftre sPace eadr rosn or grilp roqnsi irtended to be occupied as a suite, plus two spaces for eadr residenl managerts quarters. b. }ANUFACIURT\G One space for each 500 squ,are fuet of groes flocn area plts ore space for each 11500 square feec of qrtdoor manufacEurirg area plus crre space for each 300 square feet of accessory office area. c. TRAtlSPOR[trnO'i, @lfllJNICAmCN' IIILITIES Railroad terrninals and senric one space square feet of office ard waitirg rocm. hrs, nntor freighc terminals: one space for fice ard waiting rocn plus cne space for each 1000 sqr.rare feet of garage cr r.rardtouse area. uril business and adnrinistrative offices: one space for each area. squarc gross flmr Broadcast studios: one space for each 300 ( 1) D,rellings nelTTi-h1he R-1 and C/oS zcnes Ewo spaces L7 square feet gross flocr area. ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (continued) PARKING REQUIREMENTS (continued). 0202.5 .F .4. c--{onc inued ) Puuping and swicching stations, corporatim yards; ore space per 2,000 square feet, in ddilion to spaces for fleec rrehicles. Travel sd ticket offices: c,ne space per 300 square feet gross floor area. Packing, crating, freight forr,rarding: one space per 300 squElre feet office area plus cne space per 1,500 squa::e feet warehorrse or ortdoor freighr hadling area. d. I,fi{OLESAIE TMDE One spa.ce per 300 square feec office area plus one space per 11000 square feet indoor sales area plus cne space per 21000 square feeE outdoor sale area. e. REIAIL TRAIE Lmber and building materials, fue1 and ice, nursery and garden supplies: or€ space per 300 square feet office aea plus cne space per 500 square feet indmr sales area plus one space per 2,000 sqr:are feet r,raehouse or outdoor sales area. llardware, general merchandise, auto parfs, s, bicycles: one space per 300 squlre feet pposs floor area. Groc stores alized foods varl stores lnes stat 1es carEras g1 fts, ncrrre , lobacco: one space per square feet gross floor area. Furniture, furnishings, and appliances: one space per 500 square feet gross flmr sea, l'trotor vehicles boats aircraft trailers : orE spac€ per square office rea pltrs cne space per 500 square feet indoor parts saLes or sewice area plus cne space per 2,000 sqwlre feet q:tdoor sales area. Service stations (nrrtor fi:ei): one space for-- eaffiitenaatt booth plus &o spaces for each service bay plus cne space for forr fuel p.nps. Eating and drinking places: one space for each per 60 square feet of floor sea lo be occupied by custarers, rnf,richever is greater, plus cne space for each 30 square feet of dmce floor cr enEertainr€nE area. (For booth or bench seating, each two feeC of lengfh shal1 cor:rt as ore seat.) f . FTMNCE, INSURAT{G, AI{D REAL ESXATE SER\NCES (banl€ ad savings ad loans, crediE sewices, security ard ccrnrodity dealers, insurance agents ad carriers, real estate agents, appraisers, managers): one space per 300 squlre feet of gross floor area. C. PERSC)NAL SER\TICES laurriries and drfc leaning :one space per 300 squtre feet office area pltrs qp space per 500 sqtr,are feet cleaning plant; Self-service latrndry: cne space for each four rnachj.nes, counti.ng washers arl dryers. Barber shops, bezuty shops, f,rotographic serwices, apparel alteration and renEals: one space per 200 square feet gross flmr area Mortuaries: one space for each four pennanent 1y located seaEs or per 40 squrre feet assenbly area, r^trichever is geaEer. Ceseteries rnausoletrrs:one space per 500 squere feet br-ri ing aea plus cne space per 2,000 squae feet outdoor burial area. h. BI]SINESS SHITGS credit nraili torial square gro€s : cne sPace per floor area. Warehorsing and storage: orle space per 300 square ftet office aea plus one space per 1,000 squa:e feer groes flmr area. Testing laboratories: one space per 300 square feet gross floor area. Motor vehicle and Erailer rental: one space per 300 square feet office area ph:s one space per 2,000 square feet qrEdoor storage area Other equiprent renEal: one space per 300 square fieet office aea plus cne space per 500 square feet indoor display/storage area plus cne space per 11000 square fuet qrEdoor display/storage area. s b stores art forr permanently located seats or ore space 1B ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPM ENT STAN DARDS (continued) PARKING REQUIREM ENTS (continued). (9202. 5 .F. /+-{ont inued ) i. RMAIR SERYICES washirg stalls. Electrical lance one space per area. squ€lre gross Furniture refinish &d other cne space per square gross area. j. PTFESSICD{AL SER\IrGS I"bdical, dental, and paraprofegqiqq! ttg.llh serl/ices;Efnces; ilinics: one space per 2@ square feet gross floor area. Ilcspitals: ore space for eadr bed. Gficaf fr dental laboratories: one space per 300 square feet gross flmr area. Iegal sewices: one space per 300 square feet gross floc'r area. Engineering, architectural, planning services: ore space per 300 squixre feet gross floor area. Other research, data processing, accotnting, K. OCNIMCI CONSTRUCTTO{ Offices: one space per 300 sQtrare feeE gross floor area. Yards: one space per 21000 square feeE. 1. O\ER{}fr.IXAL SERVIGS Offices: one space per 300 squ€re feet gross floor aea. Assembly areas: one space per four fixed seats cn orE space per 40 squae feeE of seating area without fined seats. srd fire staticns;facilities cne sP€ce Per area. Auto repair and r.'elding senrices: one space per 500 squce feeL gross floor area. Self-ewice zuto wash: one space for eah two Postal sewices: one space per 300 square feet gross floc area for office, sorEing, cusccrEr senrice areas; qre space per 500 square feet bulk hardlirg area. m. EUjCAflCNAL SER\TICES lfursery schools and day care centers: one space per 3tD square fe-- c.*" floor area. Elerentary and jtnior hi$r schools: one space per 300 square feet of office, assenbly ard cqrrrDn facility gross floor area plus two spaces. fcr eadr classrocrn. Secondary schools: four spaces per classrocn plrc cre space for each 200 squar€ feet of office, assenbly, sd ccnnon facility area Colleges and adult vocational and recreational scilools. one ipaca pet 50 sqGie feer of classroqn flmr area. n. $CIAL, VOCAI[0{AL, FELIGIdJS, A{D GIjIURAL SER\/ICES fixed seaEs or one space per 40 squae feet of seating areas without fixed seats; Offices: crn space per 300 squae feeL of office area; Kitchens, storage spaces, etc.: no rr quirenents. Classrocnrs ad neeting rocrns other than primary assffbly areas: one space per 100 squ,are feet floor aea. Libraries, art galleries, rrrlseLlns: one sp€Ee per 500 square feet display/sEorage area plus assenbly space requirolent of one space per fotrr fixed seats or per 4O square feet of assenbly area wiEhor-t fixed seats. o. zuBLIC AS$4BLY Theaters, stadiums: one space Fr four fixed seats or one space per 40 squae feet of assenbly area wiEhout fixed seacs; booth or bendr seating, eadr tt.lo feet of length cortrtts as one space. Ar-rCitoriums, conventicn and ofiibiticn hal1s : le Churches, synago€lres, tffples, reading roqris, etc. ; business, professional, political, ya:th, and social organizaticns: Assanbly areas: one space per four couseling, and artists sewices: one space per 300 sqr:are .feet gross floor area. and b squ€rre gross t_9 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.5-PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (continued) PARKING REQUIREMENTS (continued). FIRE PROTECTION. ral (9202. 5 .F. 4-{cnt irnred ) p. RECREAITOI AID lt"lUSm{E}lI arusgrEnt miniature cctrrses ath one sPace per square Golf courses: four spaces per hole plus cne spac€ per drivirg renge Eee. Coin operated anuserents and pool halls: one space per 300 square feet gross flmr area. Ice md rol1er skating rinks: one space per 200 square feet actirre recreat icn area plus one space per forr seats in spectator/eating area. Bcrvling alleys: Er,qc spaces per lane plts cne spee per four seats in spectator/eaEing aea. Gyrnasitrns, athletic and health clubs, swirnring G. PARKIIG AtlD DRIVEI^IAY DESIAn AI{D EXGPTIOI{S. Parkirg ard driveway design ard requirorents for permits shall be as prrwided in che Parking Stardards adopted by City Council resoluticr. lhe Director ney grant o<cepEions to the sftrr- dards subject to appropriate conditiors ard upon firding that: a. the exception will not ccnstitute a granr of special privilege inconsistent with the drivooay or parking limitations upm cther properties in the vicinity. b. the occepcion will not dversely affecf Che health, safety, or general welfare of persors working or residing in the vicinity; ard c. Tte excepticn is reasonably necessary for the qplicant's ful1 enjoynent of uses pennit- Eed upcn his/her property. H. ETRE PRTIECflON. To ersure that all bn:ildings will be ccessible to fire-figfrting equigneft, my buildirg constructed after Ehe effecEive dace of these regulations shall ccrply with the follcxring: 1. l.Io b'uilding shal1 be rpre than 350 feet frcrn a standard ciry fire hydrant; 2" Every building shall be ccessible to Fire Deparfnert apparatus by way of access rodruap cap- able of supporting fire-figfrting spparatus, with an all'*leather drivirg surface, urobstnrcted panred width of not less than 16 feet, vertical clearance of nct less than 13 feet 6 inches, ard all corners and ctrnres having sr inside radius of 28 feet ard ar outside radirrs of 45 feet; 3. the ecess roadr"ray shall be prwided within 150 feet of all exterior walls of single-story buildings and single-fanily sd cwcfanily dvrellings nct exceeding Er.o stories in height, ard within 40 feet of al1 exterior rval1s of cther m-rlti-story buildings. f perurit. q. RESOKIS AID ffilP CA'IPS To be determined by use permi.t. r WIERIMRY AID AII}{AL REEDI}C AID CARE One space per 300 square feet office area plus one space per 500 square feeE kennel aea. 5. Uses not listed. ffitermine the parking rr quirenent for uses vfridr are nct listed. t{is/her determination shall be based cn similarity to listed uses, ard may be appealed to the Planning Ccnmission. pools: one space per 50 square feet of locker, shcnrer, ard exercise area, Carping ard picnic areas: to be determined by use 6. Bicycle and motorcycle spaces. ires 10 or rrDre spaces rccording to Subsection 4 abwe, shal1 prwide facilities for parkirg bicycle ard nptor cycles at Ehe rate of cne bicycle space ard one nntorcycle space for eadr Ewency car spaces. Projects r^trich prwide rDre bicycle sd/or nntorcycle spaces than required mqy reduce the required car spaces at the rate of cne car space for each five rnotorcycle cr bicycle spaces, up to a ten percent reduction. 20 ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.6- P ER FO R MAN C E STAN DAR DS A. ISISE. 1. I{o rrse shal1 be esEablished nor aly activity conducted dridr exceeds these standards for noise generation: }4AXIMM I\DISE IE\/il,S ALICI,.ED CI{ I}IE AF.EECIED PRCPERlY Zore of property receiving the noise D. AIR CCD{IAi"IIMNTS 1. Nc trse or etivity sha11 be ccrducted w'ith- or-t first obtainirg any required permi-t frcn che San luis Obispo County Air Pollution ConLrol District. 2. Uses shal1 be corducted to Prevent dust or other airborne nraterial fron crossing ProperEy lines. E. DISCIIARGES Tr0 I^IATER 0R PIIBLIC SEI^JER SYSffiM 1. Discharges to gound water or waEerways, rhether direcE or irdirecE, shall ccnform with the requiranents of the Regional l^later Q.rality Control Board ad the California Departnent of Fish ad G€me. 2. Discharges Eo the city se'rer systsl shall conforrn to ltrnicipal Code Section 7501. F. HFIIT.--m-*-tivity sha1l be ccrducted v*rich causes radiara heat or a strean of heated air resulEirg in a terperalure increase of npre Ehan 20 F. degrees at aly property lire or any prblic rigfrtrcf-vay. G. SOLID I,JASTE Solid wasEes sha1l be hard led sd stored so as to preverr nuisances ard fire hazards. Suitable containers shall be prwided to Prevent blowing or scattering of Erash by arinr,als. (See also I'trnicipal Code Section 5200. ) H. ffiNERAL AND SPECIAL C0I\DITIOi'IS. general require- nents ard shall nct be constn:ed Eo Prevent the Director, City Cor.rrcil, Plann:ing Carmission, or Architectural Reviel^r Ccnrnissicn frcm iruposing, as parr of project 4prwal, specific cqrditions vhich nray be morre restrictive, in order Lo reet the intent of these regr:latiors. c/c R-1 R-2 R-3 R+ 0 pr Idn 60 Lnax 65 (55) c-T 70 75 G5) c-Rc{ M8085 (lar is the weiglrted day/ilight averap sound level . lnar is the nracim-rn inststaneous noise 1eve1. A11 neasurerents ar:e in Decibels cn the A'+eighted respdrse scale. ldlrbers in parentheses are fcr the period 10 p.m. to 7 a.m.) 2. Soud pressure level shal1 be neasured w'ith a sotrnd level mefer, set Eo the Aroeiglrted response scale, ad reeting the standards of ttre ^Acrerican National Standards Institute. 3, l.loise frcm trafftportation sources'r arcrgency vehicles, terporary constn:cticn activities corduct- ed betr*een 7 a.m. ard 7 p.m. , and safety signals and warnirg devices shall be orcluded frcm these requirenents. B. VI3RANCN. Subject to the e(cepclons in Subsection A.3 abore; no activiEy sha11 be conducted *ridr czuses grotrrd vibrations perceptible at the property line C. IU]IMI}{ATTCN. @ttng * illminated device sha1l be cper ated so €6 Lo creale glare v*rid'r creaEes a hazard or rnrisance cn cther property. c-t{ c{ 2I ZONING REGULATIONS 9202.7- RESI DENTIAL OCCUPANCY STAN DARDS 1. Grorrp housin€ (sudr as a dormitory, rest hcne, boarding house or fraternity) ',hich is occupied by six or mcr€ individuals may be permicted upct appro/al of r^fiatever tpe of use permit is re- quired by Ehe zore district prwisions. 2. Use perrnits for grorp housing shall stiprlate a ma<furm occupancy. ltre occupancy lirnits shall reflect habitable space wichin buildings ard arrailable parkirg ard shal1 nct scceed Ehe folloring stardards based cn the general plan: zotE MNCIMM POPUI.ANO{ DNSITY (imsoc Pm" NET AcRE) R-l R-2, 0, c-l{, c-T R-3 RJr, C-R, C-C 2I E Q 55 22 sEciloN 9203 ONE DISTRICTS .tE ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 -LOW-DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-1) ZONE A. PURPOSE AI.ID APPLICANCD{. lhe R-1 zcne is interded pninari ly Eo pnwide Secticn 9202.5.C) 4. Ma<ftrr-rn coverage: 40 percent (See also housirg opportunities for people *ro wanl private cpen space associated with irdividrral druellings. this zone, to be applied to areas designated "lcnrdensity residential" cn the general plan m4, is inrended to presenie existing single-fanily neigfrboriroods, prwide for ccnpatible infill developnrerE in sudr areaEi, ard prescribe ttre orerall character of newly zubdivided low-density treas. B. ALIC4ED USS.---ffiT6ii-tire R-1 zcne may b wed for Ehe folloring: 1. One drvelling per 1ot; 2. Accessory buildings; 3. lbme occupa.tions (as prwided in Section 9202.r.D);4. Grazing, cultivared crops, grblic rd private gardens; (see also }tunicipal Code Section 4@+ ad 4120 at fol1or,ring, regarding dcnestic adnals). 5. Parks and plal'grouds; 6. Residential care facilities. C. CO}{DITICNALLY ALIII,IED USES - AIMINISIR TNE APPROVAL.-G'wittrin the R-l zcne may be used for Ehe follod.ng if the Directcr +proves an adninistrative use permit: More Ehsr cne dr,relling cn cne 1ot. (the 1ot rn:st be of sufficiert size Eo rpet densicy requirr nents . ) D. M{DITTCIdALLY ALtCI.lED USES . PIA}INI}re ffi"MISSICT.I AFPROVAL.--- within the R-l zcxte nay be used for the follcnrirg if the Plauring Canrnissim eproves a use permit: 1. Churches; 2. Elemntary ad seccrdary schools; nrrsery schools; schools fcr rhe handicpped; 3. l6bi1e hcme parks. E. PROPERTY DEVEX.0?MENI STA}{DARDS. per net are. See also Secticn 9202.5 .A) 2. Yards: See Section 9202.5.8. 3. ffir" heigfrt: ?3 f,eet; crp to 35 feet if Ehe Director apprc /es an administrat ive r-rse permit. 5. 9202.5 Parking requirsrEnts: F See SecEion (See also Secticn 9202.5.8 and Section 9202,5.D) 23 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.2-MEDIUM.DENSITY RES| DENTTAL (R.2) ZON E A. PURPOSE AI\D APPLICANCD{. lhe R-2 zcne is interded to pnwide housirg cp- porcwrities fcn people who wanl cqnpact residences close eo ccnrnrcial ard grblic senrices. lhis zcne will be 4pfied to areas designated 'toedir-urdensity residential'r cn the general plan map, ',hich rvill usually 1ie between zcnes of higher ard lcner resi- dential density or djacent to office or neiglrbor hood-ccrrrercial zones . B. ALLC^IM USES. Areas rsithin tte R-2 zone may be used for lhe follcnring: 1. D,ellings; 2, Ibne occupations (as prwided in Section 9202.D); 3. Parks ad playgrornds; 4. Residential care facilities. C. CCT{DINCNALLY ALI.g.IED USES - ADMIMSIRATTVE APPROVAL. -as rdthin the R-2 zcne nay be used for the follorirg if the Directcn appro\res an a&ninistrative use pennit: Ctrurches. D. CO{DITTO}IALLY ALI.OIM USES - PI.ANNII\E OO,fIISSIOIY APPRCIVAL. -- Gas within the R-2 zone may be used for ttre follcnrirg if the Planning Ccnm:issicn apprc'ves a use permit: 1. Rest tr:nes, cowalescent hospitals; 2. Elanentary ard secondary schools, nursery schools, schools for hardicapped; 3. Cowents, nrcnasteries; 4. I'bbile hcne parks. E. PROPERIY DEVEICIP},IEIVI STANDARDS l. I'Iodmrrn density: 12 drelling urirs per net acre (sffiffi-9202.5.A). 2. Yards: See Section 9202.5.8. 3. ffixo heigfrt: 35 feet (see also Section 9202.5.8 an 9202.5.il . 4. I'{a'<i$!m co/erage: 50 percent (see also Sectisr 9202.5.C). 5. Parking requirercnts:See Section 9202.5.F. 24 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.3-MEDIUM.HIGH.DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (R-3) ZONE A. PURPOS AI{D APPLICAflO}{ the R-3 zone is interded prirnarily to proride hotrsing opporcurities for srnaller horseholds desir- ing litrle private Qpen space ad Eo prwide various types of gra-p ho.rsing. It will be applied Eo areas designaced'lnediurhigh-density residentlal" cn Ehe general plan mq generally ccnnritted Eo this Eype of develognent ard close to ccnnercial ad public fa- cilities senrirg Lhe r*role cornr:nity. B. AltCI^lm USES. Areas within the R-3 zcl;te nay be used for Etre follcnring: 1. D,rcllings; 2. Itrrre occupations (as prorided in Section 9202.1.D); 3. Parks, playgrornds; 4, Residential care facilities; 5. CcrvenEs, mstasteries. C. M{DITTCD{AILY ALIff^IED USES - AIMIMSIRATT\E APPROVAL. -Eas wittrin the R-3 zone may be used for the follorirg if the Director appro\tee an adninistrative use permit: I . Ctnrrches; 2. Private lodges ad ch:bs; 3. Elanentary ard secondary schools, nursery schools, schools for hardicapped. D. CCNDITTCD{AILY AIJI.$.IED USES - PIAI{NI}G CCPI{ISSICN APPBOVAL. -;s r^'ithin Ehe R-3 zqrc may be used for the follcnrirg if the Planning Oarmissicn eproves a usie permit: 1. I?aternities, sororities, boarding touses; 2. Ccnrrralescent hospitals, rest hanres. E. PROPERIY DEVEXOET{E}II SIANDARDS. l. ItadrE-E l6 &.,e11 1r€urits per net acre (See .s.A. ) 2. Yards: See Sectiqr 9202,5.8, 3. ffir heigrt: 35 feet (See also Sections 9202.5.8. and 9202.5.D). 4. i\4a<irun coverage: 60 percent (See atso Secticnr 9202.5 .C) . 5. Parking requiraEnts: See Section 9202.5.F. 25 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.4-HIGH.DENSITY RESTDENTTAL (R.4) ZONE A. PURPOSE A}ID APPLICATTON. the R-4 zcne is intended to prwide housing cp- porttnities for smaller households desirirg little private cpen space ad to prwide various types of grorp horrsing" It is further inEenled to allo.r for ccncentrations of housing close Eo concenErations of eruploynern ard college enrollnent, in ceas largely ccmrdtted to higfr-density residential develogrenc. It will be qplied co areas designated 'higfr-density residential" cn Ehe general plan rnap. B. ALI.CNED USES. Areas within the R-4 zone may be used for the follcnring: 1. Dwellings; 2, Ilme occupations (as prwided in Section 9202.1.D); 3. Parks ad playgror-rrds; 4. Residential care facilities; 5. Ccnvents, monasteries. C. COI{DIfiOI{AILY AiI$IED USES . ATT"{IMSIRAITIM APPROVAL.--.ffi within the R-lr zcne may be used for the follcnring if the Director approves an adninistrr tive me permit: 1. (trurches; 2. Private lodps ad ch:bs; 3. Elarentary ard secondary schools, nursery schools, schools for hardicapped; 4. fust hcmes, ccrrvalescent hospitals; 5. Fraternities, sororities, boarding houses D. PROPERIY DEVEX.OPI',IENI SIANDARDS. 1. I"larimlrr density: 24 dr"elling urits per net €nre. (See also Sect ion 9202.5.A). 2. Yards: See Section 9202.5.8. 3. ffitnheigfrt: 35 feet (See also Sections 9202.5 .B ad 9202.5.D). 4. l'{a&tl.utr cc^rerage: 60 percent (See also Secticn 9202.5,C). 5. Parkine requirerents: See Section 9202.5.F, 26 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.5-CONSERVATION /OPEN SPACE (C/OS) ZON E A. PURPOSE AND APPLICANON. lhe C/OS zcne generally 11 be qplied Eo eeas vfridr are npst suitable fcrr open space uses beczuse of topggraSry, geolqy, vegeEation, soils, wildlife habiEat, scenic prcminence, agricultural vah.e, or flood hazard. fhe C/OS zcne is intended Eo prevent ecposure of urban develotrnert to unacceptable risks posed by naEural hazards ad to procect natural resources Frcn disnrptirre alterations. Tc these erds, il is further intended Eo p'revent the subdivision of such lands. It will be applied as a pennanent zcne to eeas designated I'consenraticn/agriculture" or ttpadt on the general plan nrap. It may also be r.r.sed as a 'holding zone" for areas designated for "interim agriculture" or rrban r.rse r^tlen develognent is ccrr tingert cn prerequisites identified in the general plan fext. B. ALL$Jm USES. Areas within the C/OS zcne may be u.sed for the follcrring: 1. Watershed, wildlife hebitat; 2. Grazing; 3. Crops, including rursery stock ard Rree farms (in the open); 4. Storage ard repair of equiprent used crn the prernises in ccnjunctiqr wirh an allcned or con- ditional allcned use. C. CCNDITIOI{ALLY ALTCI^]ED USES - ADMINISIMTTVE APPROVAL. -eas within tire C/6 zcne may be used for the follcnrirg if the Director eprc^/es sr adninistrative use permil: 1. &re dwelling for each parcel; 2. Ilcre occupations (as prwided in Section 9202.r.D.); 3. Incidental sale of itans produced cn the prernises. D. M\DITTCNALLY ALI.C[]M USES - PIAI{NI}re CO{VIISSICN APPROVAL....---ffi wittrin the c/os zcne $ay be used for Ehe follorirg if the Planning Ccnrnissicn approves a use permit: 1. Ccnnercial equestrian faci.lities; 2. Greenlrouses, hydroponic culture, fish hatch- eries ad fish farms, poultry sd livesrock raising (other than grazing); 3. Radio sd television transrnitting lo\,€rs. E. PROPERIY DEVEX,OPIIENI SXA}IDA8DS. irg per 5 or nn " *rcGlffi- in the zcne designation. 2. Minirnun parcel size: 5 or nnre acres, as notea inffi part of the zone designation (c/os+rO requires 40 acres). l'lininurn street yard: 20 feet . Minirnn other yards: 20 feet. l4aftrl.ln heigirt: 35 feet . I'la<irrlrn co\rerage: 20 percent. Parking: See Section 9202.5,F, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 27 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.6-0FF|CE (O) ZONE A. PURPOSE AND APPLICATTON. The O zone is interded Eo prrwide for offices ard related funcEiors close to medical facilities and the downEo^rn, convenient Eo pblic transportr ticn ard related gor/errrrerf ard business sewices. It is also interded to prwide for conEinuation ard develognent of residential uses rrtrere Ehey will be ccrnpatible with neighboring offices. 'lhis zcne will be applied to areas designated "office" cn the general plan nr4. B. ALI.CI,IM USES Areas within Ehe O zcne rnay b used for the follcnring: 1. D^rcl1ings cn a site occupied by residential uses onlyl 2, Caretakerts quarters; 3. Residential care facilities; 4. Ilcne occupation (as prwided in Section 9202.t.D); 5. UtiliEy business offices; 6. Travel ard ticket offices; 7, Broadcasc studios; 8. Offices prwiding finance, insurance, ad real estate services; 9. Business senrices such as dvertising, credit reporting, duplicatirg ard rnailing, blue printing, telefl'rone arsuering, ard so cn; 10. Detective ard proEectire sewices; 11. Professional services such as flrysician's ard dentist's offices, health paraprofessionals, legal services, engineedng, achitectural ad plarr ning services ani research, data processing, ac- couting, counseling, sd rtistic services; L2. Constnrcticn contractorrs offices; 13. lfursery schools; 14. l,Ie1 fare ard charitable sewices; 15. Grurches, synagogues, eEc. 15, Business, professional, social, youth, and political, organizations' offices ad neeting areas (privace clubs); 17. Parks ard playgrourds; 18. Veterinary (office only); 19. Bload banks. C. CONDITIONALLY ALI.CI,IED USES - AN4IMSIRAITVE APPRC|'/AL" ---Eas within the O zcne may be used for the fol* 1-nirg if che Directcrr €pproves an adninistrative use permit: 1. D,rcllings cn the sane site ',rith ncrr residential uses; 2. Telephone ecchanges; 3. I,€dical ard dental laboratories; 4. Drive-througfr financial senrices. D. COT{DITTOMTLY ALICIfiD USES - PIAI{Ni}re CO{'{ISSIOI{ APPROVAL. At"* within the O zcne nuy be used for the fol- 1*rirg if the Plarrring Ccnrnissicn +proves a use perrnit: l. Ar:tcnnbile parking not esociaEed with a principal use; 2. Banks ard sawings ard loans; 3. Testirg laboratories; 4. Photofinishing; 5. Hospitals; 6. Inbulance sewices; 7. GorerrnBnt offlces ard reetirg roonn; 8. Business, pnofessional, ad cther special- ized schools or training centers; 9. Recreation ad ccnrurrity centers. E. PROPERIY DEVH,OP}IENI SIANDARDS r.trl]-ts per net acre (so Sect 1Cn .5.8). 2. 3. 9202.5.8. €r'd 9202.5.D). 4. Macirnm coverage: Section 9202"5.C) 5. Parkir€ requirerpnts: 9202.5.F. Yards: See Section 9202.5.8. ffii height: 35 feet (See also Section 60 percent (See dso See Section 1Q ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.7-PUBLIC FACILITY (PF) ZONE A. PURPOSE AND APPLICAflO}{. the PF zcne is intended Eo prwide for the r*ride ranp of prblic uses likely to be located cn p:blic property. fublic uses ae Ehose ccnducted by gwerrnental or nonnrofit agencies. Iknever, this zone will also prrwide for ccrnplsrEntary private ad ccnnprcial uses vhich, within Ehe overall guidance of the pneral plan, prwide a p:b1ic benefit. The zcne is further intended Eo protect neigfr- boring private uses frcrn pocentially inccnpatible public uses. It will be applied to €reas designated "p:blic/sani-trrb1ic" ard "parlC' cn the general plan map. B. CONDIfiC}I{ALLY ALICI,JM USES - AIMINISIRATTIiE APPROVAL.-- ,Ereas within the PF zcne may be used for the follo,ring if the Director eprc /es an adurinistrdive use penait: 1. Caretalcerrs quarters for allorred uses; 2. fublic autqrpbile parkirg nct associated with a principal use; 3. Churches, Ernagogues, tenples; 4. Coverrrental offices ard neetirg rocns; 5. fublic schools of all tnes; 6. tublic parks ard playgrarnds. C. M{DITIOI{AIJ,Y AU5^IED USES - PIAI!NI}re CO4,IISSION APPROVAL. Areas r^rithin the PF zcne may be r:sed for ttre follcnring if the Planning Ccrmrissicn eproves a use pennit: 1. fus terminals, garaging, ard maintenance; 2. Utiliby company, prblic agency corporatic'n yards; 3. Water ad wastewater treatnEnE plants; 4. Lardfill ard incineratim sites; 5. Libraries, rnJseuns, galleries; 6. Zcrls; 7. EntertairnenE and sports asser$ly uses (theaters, staditrns, racetracks, zuditorirms); 8. Sports facilities cther than playrng fields; 9. Recreation sd ccmrur,iEy centers, gyrr nasiurs, health clubs, sr^rinming pools, archery and pistol ranges; 10. Caping ad picnic treas; 11 . Iiidrway ard rod maintenance yards; L2. Police ad fire stations ad training faci 1 it ies ; 13. I,€lfare ard d'raritable services; L4. Transrnitting, receivirg ard relay structures; 15. Iiospitals; 16. Audicoriuns, convention facilities D. PROPEKIY DEVEI.Oh{N\II SXANDARDS. l. Yards: See Seclicn 9202.5.8. 2. ffii heigfrt: 35 feet (See also Sections 9202.5.B gd 9202.5.D. 3. l.,ladmm co/erage: 60 percent (See also Secticn 9202.5.O. 4. Parking requirerEnts: See Section 92U.5.F. E. PIIBLIC SGTML Tts'lAI{T USES 1. hrrpose, scope . and duration. Tn order to al1ow nore ccrplete use of space in public schools arde anailable by declining enro11- nent, in conformance rriEh tte generd plan, certain cqnrercial ativities rnay be est$lished t€nporar ily. Notwithstandirg any other prwisiors of Ehese regulations to the ccntrary, the follovring provi- sions sha1l apply Eo sudr uses. These prwisiora concerning Fblic school tenant uses shall be zutcrnatically repealed at Ehe erd of three years frcrn cheir effecEive date, tnless the City Camcil, follorirg the usual procedure for lfunicipal Code anerdnents, &!s to srterd them be- ycrd that date. 2. Uses allcnred by public school tenant penrnE. Subject to Ehe stardards in Subseccion 5 below, the folloc,rir€ uses may be established within p:blic schools in the PF zcne if the Director Qproves a prblic school tenanr pennit. the procedures for such perrnits strall be as pnorided in Section 92M.3' Iiene Occupat ion Permits. a. fublic educacional prqlrans different fron Ehose normalty corducted at Ehe school, sudr as full-tire, dult pnograns aL an elernentary school; b. Private educational prograns' zuch as professional, vocational, or recreational classes; 29 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.7 -PUBLIC FACILITY (PF) ZONE (continued) c. Storage of firrnishings ad records; d. Tele$rcne anstrering or pagirg sewice; e. Scenographicr court reporting, Eyping, graphic desigr, editing, ard Eranslatirg senrices; f. Grild daycare. 3. Uses allo"ed with a&ninistrative approval. Subject to tle standards in Subsecticn 5 belcnr, the follcndng uses may be .established r^dthin grblic schools in the PF zsp if Ehe Director approves an a&ninistrative use perroit, as prwided in Section 92U+.2. a &nployee organization offices; b. C.orerrnent agency adninistratirre offices r^dth infreqrent visitation; c. Youth, adult, ard charitable sewice organi- zaEions; d. ftroCography studio or trt studio; e. Office for equiprcnt sales or repair, o<- cluding crrsite sales sr vetricle repair; f. Clothing repair or alteratim ard repair of snall 4pliffices, watches, musical insErr-uenls, ard similar itans. 4. Uses al1cnred with Planning Cormissicn approral . Subject Eo the sEandards in Subsection 5 below, Ehe follorir€ uses may be established within grblic schools in the PF zcne if the Planning cqrmission approves a use permit as frwided in Secticn 92M.2. a. lbavel or ticket €ency; b. Drplicating, mailing, ard direct distri- bution (private postal) sewices. 5. Standards. ryproral for all types of permics. I*rether these standards can reasonably be uet shall be cornidered *ren &ciding if a use perrnit should be 4prwed for a specific use in a specific location. a. Ttp use will be Eonporary; permit apprwal sha1l be for a urarimm period ',hich sha1l noc exterd beyord three years fron tbe date wtren Ehese prwisions concerning g:blic school tenant uses take effect. b, Parking as required by Section 92A2.5.F shall be prwided; c. there will be dequate space for the fi-nc- Eicn itself ard supportirg activities such as parking, in dditi.on to all ccher ativicies previously established at the school; d. the use will not require structural dranges to Ehe school building, unless there is wriLten guarantee Ehe hrilding \,ri11 be resEored for school use upcn terminaticn of the lease or permit; e. there will be rnininel custcrer, client, or delivery traffic; f. Clients or cusEcrmrs shall noE visir the teased space beEl,ean 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. or on Sundays; E. There will be rninirnal anployee etivity at nigfrt ard cn weekends; h. Activities sha11 be ccrducted entirely with- in ehe school buildirg ard sha11 nct alter the appearance of the building; i. lb v*ricle larger Ehan a 3/4-tm En:ck may be tsed by the cenant at the lease siEe; j. Activities corducted ard materials or equip nent used shall nct change the firrsafety or occup€ncy classificatiors of the pranises, nor use diiities in anrunts greater than normally provided for school use; k. I.Io me shall cause noise, dusE, vibration, offensirre snell, snnke, glare, or electrical interference, or cther hazard or rnrisance. the follor"ring standards shal1 be corditions of 30 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.9-N EIG H BORHOOD-COMMERCIAL (C-N) ZONE A. PT]RPOSE AND APPLICAITO}{. the C-N zcne rs 1nt erded Eo pnwide retail sales ard personal sewices prirnarily for ttre convenience of zurrornding residential seas. It will be applied to areEls desigrrated "neighborhood- cqrr nercial" cn Ehe general plan nup. B. ALI,CI^]ED USES. Areas within the C-N zone nuy be used for the follcnring: 1. h.iellings Sove the ga.rrd floor; 2. Ilcne occupations, pursu,art to Section 9202.L.D; 3. Hardrsare ard variety stores; 4. Groceries ard specialized food sales; 5. Eating and drinking escablistrrents; 6. Drug stores ard pharmacies; 7. Package liquor sales; 8. Branches of banks ard savings ard loans; 9. La.rdry and dry cleaning selFservice est$- listrrents ard pickr:p offices; 10. Personal sen'ices zuch as barber ad bea.rty shops, photograSric sewices, apparel repair ard al- Eeration, clothing ard costr-rre rental; 11. Parks ard playgrords. C. mIDITTCT.IATLY ALI.O^JID USES - ADMINIS'IRAITVE APPROVAL.--G'as within the C{ zcne may be used for the follcnrirg if the Director epro\res an adrninistrative use permit: 1. Drive-thro:gfr financial senrices; 2. D^rcllings cn the grqrrd floor; 3. Caretakerrs quarters ; 4. TYavel ard cicket offices; 5. Senrice Statiors; 6. Self-senrice auto lrsshes; 7, Repair senrices sudr as electrical appliances, locks ard keys, watches ard ja^relry, cutlery and hadtools, ard bicycles; 8. lfursery schoolsl 9. Ctrurches, synagogues, tenples; 10. Offices prwidirg iruurance, real estate, ard financial sewices; D. ONDITIOI{ALLY ALI',ID USES - PIANNI}{G COA{ISSION --..'G r^rithin the c-N zcne may be used for the follcnrirg if che Planning Ccnmissicn approves a use perurit: 1. Photofinishing; 2. Rental of equiprent (other Ehan cars, trucks, ard trailers); 3. Business, professional, social, yorth, ad political organizations' offices ard rreetirg rocms; 4. Miniature golf, coin operatd aluselrEncs, ard pool hal1s (up to 2,000 sq. ft. of floor aea per establishnent); 5. Recreation ad connniEy c€nters, healEh clubs, gynrrasius ard sr,rirrnirg pools; E. PROPERIY DEVfl,OPMENT STANDARDS. (see1. l4arfurrrn densiEy: 12 units per net acre also sec?iffil57F 2. Yards: See Section 9202,5.8. 3. ffita heigfrt: 35 feet (See also SecEiors 9202.5.8 ad 9202.5.D). 4. Mao<ftlnnt coverage:75 percent (See dso Secticn 9202.5.C). 5. 9202.5 Parkine reouirsrrents: - (r. See SecEion 31 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.9-RETAIL-COMM ERCIAL (C-R) ZON E A. PURPOSE A}ID APFII.ICATTON. lhe C-R zcne is interded Eo prwide for a wide range of retail sales, business, persanal, ard professional senrices, as luel1 as recrealion, enter- tairnent, transient lodging, ard permanent resi- dences. Uses in this zcne will generally be those sening ccnrn:nit5ride ad regional markets, as well as tourists ard trarrelers. It will be applied Co areas designated trretail-ccrmercialrf cn the general plan map. B. A],tCIrm USES. Areas within the C-R zcne may be used for the fol lcnring: 1. D,ellings $ore the gord floorl 2. Hotels ard motels; 3. Sale of food and kindred products mde cn the pranises;' 4. Sale of ryparel ard clothing accessories nrade cn the prernises; 5. Sale of ceranic ad glass items nrade cn Ehe pranises; 6. Sale of jer,rclry, musical instrurents, EolE, sporting goods, art materials, ard the like, made cn the pranisesl 7, Telephone exchanges ad business offices; 8. Utility cfirpany offices; 9. Broadcast studios; 10. Travel ard ticket offices; 11. Retail sales of hardware, janicorial ard buildirg maintenance supplies, general merchandise other Ehan deparEnent sEores ard disco-rrt sLores, tires, batteries ard auto parts, apparel ard clothing acessories, furniture, furnishings ard appliances, package liquor, bmks, magazines, sEationary, art zupplies, sporting goods, bicycles, Eoys, nursery ard gardm supplies, jer'lelry, hearing aides, glasses, carreras, F€ts, gifts, florists, nwelties, tobacco products ard other specialty itene; 12. Catalog sales; 13. Retail sales of groceries ad specialty focd itans; 14. Eating ard drinking establishnents; 15. Drug stores ard pharmacies; 16. Finance, irsurance, ard real estate serrices; 17, Self-sewice laurdries ard pick-up offices fcn laundry ard drfcleaning sewices; 18. Perscmal senrices such as barber ard bezuty shops, t'rotogra$ric sewices, ryparel repair ard alteration, clothing ad costure renEal, tatooing; 19. l4ortuaries; 20" Business sewices zuch as dvertising, credit reporting, duplicatirg ard rnailing, blur printing, telephone answering, building ad lard- scape mainEenance; 21. Testing laboratories; 22. Protective ard detectirre se,prices; 23. Photofinishing; 24. Repair of elecErical 4pliances, gursmichs, lock ard key shops, cut1ery ard handtool sharpening and repair, bicycle, watch, clock ard jer.velry repair; 25, Furniture refinishing ard uflrotstery; 26. Professional sewices sudr as physiciars and dentists, therapists, clinics, legal services, architects, engineers ard planners, research, data processing, acotnting, cmsulting, cotnseling, ard artistic senrices; 27. Ccntractorrs offices; 28. Postal sewices I29. Btsiness, professional, ard cther special- ized schools ard Eraining centers; 30. Churches, synagogl€s, Earples; 3l . Welfare ard chariEable sewices; 32. hrsiness, professional, social, fraternal, youth ard politicd organizati.ons' offices ard assenbly treas; 33. Libraries, museums, art galleries; Y. Parks ard playgrourds. C. MIDITTONALLY ALIII,/ED USES . AII,IINISIRATTVE APPRCIVAL" -reas within then C-R zcne may be Lrsed for the follcnrirg if the Directcrr approves an adninisErative use permit: 1. D,el1ings cn the grwrd floor; 2. Caretalcerts querters; 3. nooqing ard boarding houses; /+. Corvents, nnnasteries, con'.ralescent hones; 5. Printing ard g:blishing; 6. Autcnpbile p€rkir€ nct in conjurcticn l.rith a principal use; 7 . Departnent ard discowrt sEores; 8. Auto repair ard relaced services; 9. Self-service arto wesh; 10. Other v*ricles ard pcnrer equiprent repair; 11. Gorerrrrent offices sd assenbly areari; 12. lfursery schools ard day cae centers, elenencary ard secordary schools, schools for hardi- capped; 13. Entertainrent trd sports assenbly (theaters ard stadir-ms ) ; a? ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.9-RETAIL.COMM ERCIAL (C-R) ZONE (continued) (9203.9.c<ontinued) L4, .{uCj.toritros, cornrenlion sd e<tribition halls; 15. Miniature p1f ad pool hal1s; 16. IlorEicultural ard lardscape senrices. L7 . Retail sales of uDtor \rehicles. 18. Sewice stations; 19. Rental of antcmobiles, trucks, Erailers, ad oEher equignent. D. MNDITICNATLY ALI'dED USES - PIjIINI}G CO4'IISSION APPROVAL. - Ar"as within the C-R zme miry be used for the follorirg if the Plauring Cqrmissicn €PProves a use permit: 1. I,frrolesaling; 2. dn$'ulance senrices; 3. Tennis and handball corrts, ice ard roller skatirg rinks, bcfflirg alleys, recreaticn ard ccrm:nity centers, athletic ad health clubs, ginrrasitms, st^tinmirg pools, archery ard enclosed pistol r€nges, ad coirroperated anrsenents. E. PROPERIY DEVHOPI"IENI STANDARDS. 1. l,Ia(til-En density: 36 units per net ere (see also Secticn 9202.5,N, 2. Mintrn-rn street and other yards: See SecEion 9202.5.8. 3. l4admm height: 45 feet (See dso Sections 9202.5 .B and 9202.5.D. 4, Parking requiraents: See Section 9202.5.F. 33 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.10-cENTRAL-COM M ERCIAL (C.C) ZON E A. PURPOSE AI{D APPLIEAIIOI!. the C-C zcne is interded to orwide for a r,ride range of retail sales ard services rceting carmrnity-,ride and regional unrkeL dernards. It is inEended to be oplied r,rithin the central business district, in the aea dominated by pedesErian trade, r,irere tte historical paEtem of developnerrr iimits building form ard the arzailability of crrsite parlc ing. The zone is neanE to maintain the desirable characteristics of this area ad eccrnndate carr ful ly integrated new developrent, vhile recognizing that the ur.ses of structures within the district Eerd to change. B. ALI,G,IED USES. Areas rqithin the C-C zcne rftry be used for the folloring: 1. D,lellings $we the grard floorl 2. Hotels ard rnotels; 3. fu1e of food ard kirdred prodtrcts, apparel ard clothing accessories, gtass ard ceranics, jewelry, musical instrturents, toys, ant naterials, ard the like, ma& cn EtE pranisesl 4. Telephone a<charges ebove the grotrd fioor; 5. Utility cdrpany custqrer service offices; 6. Broadcast studios Sore the gro.rd fioor; 7. Tbwel ard ticket offices; 8. Retail sales of hardware, departrent stores, general nerchandie sales, variery stores, sales of groceries ard speci.alty foods, apparel ad clothing accessories, furniture, furnishings ard 4pliances, package liquor, books, magazines, stationary, art ard hobby supplies, sporlir€ gods, bicycles, toys, jetrelry, hearing aides, glasses, c€urEras, florists, pets, gifts, novelties, Eobacco ard oEher specialty items; 9. Drug stores ad flrarnracies;10. Eatirg ard drinkirg placesl 11. Banks, savings and loarn, credit sewices; L2. Title cq,npanies, parrrrbrokers, bail bords; 13. Al1 cther finmce, irsurance, ad real estate services aborc the grcurd floor; 14, Iaunrtry ad dry-cleaning pick-:p offices; 15. Personal senrices slch as barber ard bearty shops, phocographic senrices, apparel repair ard al- teration, clothing ard costwne rental; 16. Business sewices sudr as advertisirg, credit repofting ard collection, duplicating, mail- ing, tele$rore answering, buildirg maintenance ser- vices, detective ard protective sewices, t'rotr finishing, €bove the grarrd floor; 17 . Electrical appliarce repair services, Bm- suriths, locksaiths, cutlery ard hardtool sharpening and repair, r^ratch, c1ock, j*,"1ry ard bicycle repair; 18. Physicians, dentists ard paraprofessional health srrrices, legal senrices, architectural, plan- ning ad engineering sewices, researdr, dala processing, accornting, counseling, ard artists ser- vices, Sore the growrd floor; 19. Contractorrs office aborre Ehe gro.:nd floor; 20. Postal sewices; 21. Business, professional, fid cther special- ized schools ard trainirg cenEers, above the ground floor; 22. I.Ielfare ard draritable sewices; n. Business, professional, political, frater- na1, social, ad yarth organizations neeting rocns sd offices, abore the grourd floor; 24, Parks ard playgrourds. C. CCt{DIfiO}{AtLY AIIff,ED USES - ADMIMSIRATWE APPROVAL. -G within Ehe C{ zcne flury be used for ttre follcnrirg if the Directcr approves an adninistrative use permit: i. D^rc1lings cn the ground floor; 2. Caretakerts quarters; 3. Boarding houses; 4. Prinring ard p:blishing; 5. Sales of janitorial, pool supply, ard firr fighting equiprent; 6. Sales of arto parts ad accessories e<clud- irg sales of tires ard bacceries as a principal use. 7 , fules of rursery ard garden supplies; 8. All finance, irrsurance ard real estate ser- vices cther than banks, savings sd loans, title ccnrpanies, credit sewices, par^inbrokers, bail bonds, on the ground floor; 9. Btrsiness sewices zuch as dvertising, credit reportirg ard collection, duplicating, mail- ing, bleprinting, telephone answering, janitorial senrices, t'rotofinishing, detectire ard protective sewices, on Ehe ground fLoor; 10. Rencal of equigrern other Ehan cars, tnrcks ard Frailers; 11. Fuomiture refinishing ard ufl'rolstery; L2. Professional senrices zudr as physicians, dentists, lar^iyers, achitects, engineers, planners , accdntants, business consultants, artists ard writers, cn Ehe grotrrd floor; 34 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 0-CENTRAL-COMM ERCIAL (C-C) ZON E (continued) (gZO:.l0.C{ont inued) f3. Coverrnental offices ad neecing facilities; 14. Business, professional, ad cther special- ized schools ard trainirg centers, on the grqJrd floor; 15. Churches, synagogues, tanples ad related residential uses; 16. Libraries, mtseums, art galleries; L7. Entertainrert ard sports assenbly uses (theaters, eEc.); 18. Pm1 halls. D. CCT.IDITICNALLY ALICI'ED USES - PIjI{NI}re M4{ISSICI.I Areas within the C{ z.clrte rrg\l be used for the follorirg if the Planning Ccnnrissiqr appro\res a rrie permit: l. Ar-rtcnpbile parking nct associated with a principal use; 2. .&:tcrncbile rental (office cnly); 3. Auditorinrs, conventict ard edribition hal1s; 4. Recreation cenEers, gytrrasiuns, athletic ard healch clubs, st^rinmirg pools. E. PROPERTY DEVEXOTTVIENI SIAI.IMRDS. r acre (See also secfr-oniT-ffi 2. Minirnm street and other yards: See Section 92A2.5.8. 3. l{admm heigfrt: 50 feet; (See also Sections 9202.5.8 md 9202.5.D). e. Any ccrbination of the ebwe. the Ccnmrnity Developent DePartrent sha11 be notified of the erpiration or Eermination of any agreerErE securirg required parking. lte departnent shall schedule a prblic hearing before Ehe Planrdog Ccnrnissicn to consider revocaticn of the use auLhe rization r^trere rto alternative location for required p€rkir€ is prorided. 4. 5. quired l,lacixn-rn 100 percent. &re-tralf of Ehat re- space requirsrent may be rnet by: a. Prwiding the required spaces cn the site occupied by the use; b. Prwiding Ehe required spaces off-site, but within 500 feet of the proposed use, in a lct cnned or leased by the &veloper of the proposed use; c. Participating in a ccumnly held ard rnairr tained off-site parkirg lct wtrere other businesses inaintain ttreir required spaces; d. Participatirg in a ptrkir€ district '^trichprorides parking spaces thr@gh a fee or assess- IIErt progrern. ul 35 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 1 -TOURIST-COMMERIAL (C.T) ZON E A. PURPOSE AI{D APPLICAITOI{. the C-T zcne is interded primarily to prwide acccnnrcdatiors ad sewices for the travelirg p-rblic ard will be applied [o eeas designatedtttourist-ccnnercialt' m the general plan map. B. ALI,CI^IED USES. Areas within the C-T zone may be wed for Ehe follcnring: 1. Eating ard drinking establistuents; 2, llotels ard nntels; 3, Retail sales ad personal senrices €ccessory to a hotel or motel or restaurant; 4. Resident manager's/caretakerrs living quarters; 5. Entertairuent ard reeting facilities accessory to a hotel, motel crr restalrant. C. OOI{DITTOI{AILY A],ffiM USES - ADMINISTRATNE APPROVAL. -Eas within che C-T zcne may be used for the follarirg if che Directcrr apprc /es m adniniste Eirre use perrnit: 1. Assenbly facilities not esociated with a restalrart or lodgirg; 2. Itrcusel<eeping r-nics in hotels or rocels;3. Drellings; 4 . Service stat iorrs . D. CO\DITICNALLY ALI{[,lm USES - PI.AI{I{I}G OOT"fiSSION APPRCIVAL Areas wiChin the C-T zcne may be r:sed for the follcnrirg if the Plarming Ccsnissicn eproves a use perrnit: 1. Retail sales of food, liquor or specialcy itanrs; 2. Personal senrices sudr as barber ard bearty shops, travel agencies, laundry ard dry-cleaning pick-up points and self-service facilities; 3. Ccanercial recreation; 4. Auditoriuns, cowencion ad odribition halls. E. PROPffiIY DEVIX.0H"IENI SIA}DARDS l. I'ladmm densiEy: 12 units per neE €cre (see also Section 92A2"5.A) "2" Yards: See Section 9202.5.8. 3. ffil coverage: 75 percent (See also Section 9202"5.C). 4, l'lanirn.n heigfit: 45 feet (See also Sections 9202"5.8 ard 9202.5.D) 5. Parkine requiranents: See Section 9202.5.F. 35 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 2-SERVICE-COM M ERCIAL (C-S) ZON E A. zuRPOSE AI.ID APPLICATIOT{. the C-S zcne is intended Eo prwide for storage, Eransportaticn ard wtrolesalirg as well as certain retail sales ard business senrices virich uey be less appropriate in tte ciEy's other ccnuercial zones. It will be applied Eo treas designated ttsewice-ccnnercial/ligfrt irdustrial" m the general plan rnap, cypically *tose areas with nore prblic ec- posure alorg arterial streets than places resewed for nranrfacturing. B. AIJ.O,IED USES. Areas within the C-S zcne nuy be rced for the folloring: 1. Printing ard g:blishing; 2. TeleSrcre occhanges; 3. BroadcasE studiosl 4. Utility corporaticn yards; 5. Packing, crating, ard freigfrt foruarding; 6. I,itrolesaling; 7. Retail sales of lurber ad building nrateri- a1s, hardrvce, janitorial , building, ard pool rnain- tenance zupplies, tnoEor vehicles, tires, baEteries ard auEo accessories, boats, aircraft, Erailers ard nnbile hcnres, rursery ard garden supplies, fi-El ad i^o. 8. Iaurrdry ad drycleaning plants; 9, Water sofLenirg ard bottled water services; i0. Bwiness sewices such as dvertising, credit collecticn ard reporting, dr:plicating, rnail- ing a'd blteprinting, tele$rone asvoering, frote finishing, detectirrc and protective senrices, test- ing laboratoriesl 11. War*rousing, storage ad household pods nuving; 12. Rental of artcrmbile, rrailers, trucks ard other equignent; 13. Ar-to repair ad related senrices; L4. Self-senrice aLlto wash; 15. Repair of electrical 4pliances, gtnsmiths ard locksrniths, sharpenirg ard repair of cut.lery and h€rdtools, r,atch, c1ock, jarelry, ad bicycle repairl 16. Furniture refinishing sd upholslery; 17 . Miscellaneor-r.s velricle ard por"er equiprent repair; 18. Mail onder houses ad rrerding nrachine cperr tors; 19. l,{achine shops ard welding; 20. lbdical ard dencal laboratories; 2L. lsbulance sewice; 22. ContracEorts yards ard offices; 23. PosEal services; 24. Highway ard rod maincenance yards; 25, Agricultural uses e(cept aftra1 boarding, breeding, training ard grocnring; 26. Sewice stations . c. O{DITIOI{ALLY ALLO/D USES - AI}'{INISIRAITVE APPROVAL. -as wittrin the C-S zcne nay be used for the follo.'ing if the Directcrr apprc^/es an a&ninistrative use permit: 1. CareEakerrs qtrarters; 2. Iulsmfacturirg of food ard beverages, lextile products, qparel ad clothing rccessories, fi.rni- Eure ard fixtures, paper ard allied products, cer€m- ics ad glass blouing; fabricated netal prodtrcts, electrical, electronic, optical ard in:stn-urentation products, jorelry, rm:sica1 instrr-urents' toys, sport- irg goods, art naterials; 3. Railroad yards, terminals, sewicing facili- ties; 4. Bus ad notor freigfrt Eerrninals, garaging ard mainEenance; 5. Ar*cnrrbile parking nd in ccnjurction with a principal use; 6. Utility custcrer serwice offices; 7. Rrnpirg ad svritchirg sEations (gas and electricity) and ccntainer gas storage ard distribr tion; 8. Ttarsrnitting, receiving ard relay sEruc- Eures; 9. Tbavel ad tickeE offices; 10. Recail sales of groceries ard specialty foods; 11. Uses ctherwise allorcd, with driverrp or drive-Ehro4fr facilities ; 12. ReEail sales of furniture, furnishings ad appliances; 13. Eating ard drinking places; 14. Retail sales of sporcing goods and bicycles; 15. Personal sewices sr:ch as barber ard bezuty shops, apparel repair ard alEeraticn, cloLhing ard costure rental; 16. Engineering ad irdustrial design sewicesl 17. Data processing, business consulting, accourting sd etistic sewices; 18. Business, profesional ard oLher specialized schools ard training centers; 19. Business, fraternal, youth, social and political organizations' offices and neeting areas; 20. Anfual hospitals, boarding ard grocning; 2L. Mechsrical ca washing. J/ ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 2-SERVICE-COMM ERCIAL (C-S) ZON E (continued) e2$.12{cntinued) D. COIIDITTOIdAILY AIJ.CIiM USES - PI,ANNI}G OCI,I{ISSICT{ APPROVAL. Areas within the C-S zcne may be used for the follorirg if the Planning Ccrmrissicn eprc'\tes a use pennit: Fairgrounds, anrsenEnt parb, miniature golf, coinrcperated annrsenents, tennis ard handball corrts, ice ad rol1er skating rinks, bcwling alleys, gyurasiuns (athletic ard health clubs), sr,rinnring pools, achery sd enclosed pistol ranges. E. PROPERIY DEVH,OPMEX\N STANDARDS. l. Yards: See Section 920iI.5"8. 2. ffitn heigfrc: 35 feet (see also Sections 92A2.5.8 ad 9202.5.D). 3. Madrnm cc/erage: 75 percent (See also Secticn 9202,5 "O.4. Screening: Along property lines djacent to a zo.e other than C-S or M ard alorg street front- ages, outdoor sa1es, storage sd fabrication areas shall be screened with an opa$E barrier. the DirecEor nray, by r:.se permit qprrwal , defer this r+ quirarert if ttre subject use is adjacenr to vacan! lard. 5. Parking requirenents: See Section 9202.5.F. Off-street loading requirarents : Gross floor area of building N-nrber of spaces required 1,0@ to 9,999 none 10,000 to 29,999 1 30,000 to 99,00 2 100,000 ad rore 3 (See also Performance SEandards, Section 9202.6,) 3B ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 3-MAN U FACTU RING (M) ZON E A. PURPOSE A}iD APPLICATTOI{ the M zore is intended to prwide for assenbly ard farbricatior activities in additicn Lo Ehose perrnitted in Ehe C-S zcne, sd for lirnited sales ad service - prirnarily Ehose nct directly related to local ccnsuners. this zcne will be 4p1ied to seas designated "sewice-cnrnercial/1ight irdustrialtr on Ehe general plan rnap, usually those sewed by, br-t w'ith no frontage on, arterial streets. B. ALI-G^]m USES. Areas ruithin the M zcne may be wed for the fo1- lcnring: 1. 1,1^sn:facturing of food ard kirdred products, Lextiles, apparel, lunber ard r,rood products, furni- Eure and fixEures, paper ard allied products, print- ing ard p.rblishing, fabricated netal products, electronic, optical and instrurenEation prodtrts, jer'rclry, m,rsical instntents, toys, sportirg goods, art rnaterials, ad the like; 2. Rail, bus ard rnotorfreigfrt terrninals, yards ard servicing facilities ; 3. Utiliry corporaticn yards; 4. Recycli.ng centers ard disnrancling yards; 5. Cortainer gias storage ard distribution; 6. Broadcast studios; 7 , Gas ard electric prrpirg ard w,ritching stations I8. Packing, crating ad freigfrt forr,rarding; f. i,ftro1esa1e Erade; 10. Retail sales of hardware, h-urber ad hrild- irg materials, janitorial, buildirg naintenance, and pool zupplies; 11. l4ail crrder houses ard rrending nrachine cperr tors senricesl 12. Senrice stations; 13. Sales of rctor \rehicles, anto parts €rd ac- cessories, boats, trailers, aircraft, ard nnbile hcnes; L4. fules of rursery anC garden supplies, ftFl ard ice; 15. Lar-rrlry ad drpcleaning plants; 16. Business senrices sudt as duplicatirg and rnailing, blrcprinting, Eelephone arswering, janitorial service, testir€ laboratories, and photofinishing; 17. I,rlarehousirg, storage ard household pods norzing; 18. Rental of artcnpbiles, trailers, trucks, ad other equiprnnt I 19. Repair of noEor vehicles, agpliances, ad ocher equiprent; 20. Self-service anto wash; 2L. Furniture refinishing ard upholsEery; 22. I,lachine shops ad welding serwices; 23. Dental laboratories; 24. Contractorrs yards and offices; 25. Iligin'ray ard rod maintenance yards; 26. Agricultural uses; 27. Printirg ard pr-rblishing. C. CCNDITIOI\IALLY AilCI^m USES - AD{IMSIR{ITVE APPROVAL. Areas within the M zcne may be used for che fol- lcxoirg if the Director apprc /es an a&ninistrative use permit: 1. Caretakerts quarters; 2. Manufacturirg of chernicals ard al1ied products; 3. Auto parking not in ccrjunction with a prirr cipal use; 4. Tbansrnitting, receiving ad relay structures; 5. Eating ad drinking places; 6. Research, data processing, acco:nting, and artistic senrices; 7. Private postal sewices; 8. Mult schools related to allo'red uses; 9. I&charLical car rmshing; 10. larbulance senrices. D. OI{DITIoI{AILY ALI'IED USE - PLAI\NI}G @I{ISSI0{ AFPBCI/AL. --G within the M zcne rnary be used for the fol- lc"rirg if ttre Planning Ccnmissicn approves a use perurit: l. l,lsnrfacturing uses nct listed Sore; 2. Indocrr sporcs facilities su*t as tennis and hrdball courts, ice ad roller skacing rinks, bcr^rfing alleys, health ard athletic clubs, srdnming pools, ard achery ad pistol ranges. E. PROPERTY DEVEOPMnII STAilIDARDS. 1. Yards: See Section 9202,5.8. 2. ffirheigfrt: 35 feet (See also Section 9202.5.8 at 9202.5.D). 3. l'{adnun co/erage: 75 percent (See dso Secticn 9202.5.C). 4. Screening: Along property lines djacent to a zqe. other than C-S or l'1 ard alorg street Front- ages, o.rEdoor sales, storage, ad fabrication areas shall be screened wich an opaqr.e barrier. the Director may, by tse permit, defer this requirarent if Ete zubject use is adjacent to vaiant land. 39 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 3-MANUFACTURING (M) ZONE (continued) ( 9203 . 13 . E--ccnt inued ) 5. Parking reqr-riranents: See Section 9202.5.F. 0ff-treet loading requirerents l Gross flooc area of building It-unber of spaces required 1,000 Eo 9,999 none 10,000 to D,999 1 30,000 ro 99,000 2 100,000 ad npre 3 (See also Perforrnance Stardards, Section 9202.6.) lr0 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.14 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT (PD) ZON E 9203.15 SPECIFIC PLAN (sP) oVERLAY ZONE A. PURPOSE AT.ID APPLICMTON. @cne is interded !o erF corrage imaginative develognertr ard effectirre use of siles. It does this by allcn^dng rnrre variation in project desigr Ehan normal standards wcr:ld allow. Sudr variation frcm norrnal stadards should prrwide benefits to Ehe project occupants crr to the cqrr m-rrity as a *role *rich cq-rld nct be prwided urder ccnventional regulations. PD rezoning must occr-r sirnrltaneously with 4proral of a specific projecE. The PD zcne may be pplied Lo any parcel or contig uous parcels of at least cne cre, in cqrbination wittr any other zcp. B. ALIfiM USES. Any rr.se cr ccnbination of uses *rich cqrform with Ehe general plar may be established in che PD zcr|e. C. PROPERIY MVE.OPME}$ SXANDARDS. Residential densities mary exceed those allcwed in the trrderlying zcne by nct rDre Ehan ?5%. (tn order to eprove a developrent v*ridr exceeds the density ctherw'ise allornred, the Plaruring Ccmnission and City Corncil uusl urale certain findings as required by Section 92MS,D,2,) lkrder an apprwed develognent p1an, tct size and ccnfig.rration, yards, hei$ht, corvrerage ard parkirg may be specified for the project withort conformance to the stadards of the tnderlying zcne. For procedures ard performance criteria, see SecEion 9204.5. A. PURPOSE AT.ID APPLICATTOT{. the SP zcne is interded to trans late Ehe pro- visiors of an adopted specific plal into regrlations for the zubsequenl &veloprenl of 1ard. It will be applied to areas for r^tridr a specific plan has been adopted cir v*rere the general plan ca11s for a spe- cific plan prior to develogrent, generally within residential ecparsion areas. B. ALIII,/ED USES. --ffiGion of a specific plan, reas in the SP zotg rta\J be used in conformance with the pre visiors of the NC zsp. &rce a specific plan has been adopted, uses shall be as provided in the spr ci-fic plan. C. PROPERIY DEVEX.OR,IEIVI STANMRDS. prwided in the specific plan. Heigfrt, yards, coverage' ad parking shall be as provided in tte specific plan. If ttte specific plan does not ccntain explicit prrorisiors cn these itans, they shal1 be as prorided in the underlying zcne. Ocher develoFert features ecplicitly contained in the specific plan, sudr as landscaping, buildirg siting and form, ad circulation, shall be as pnr vided in tte specific plan. 4L ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.16 HISTORICAL AN D ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATTON (H) ZONE A. PURPOSE AND APPLICATTOI\. The H zcne will protect Ehe 4pearsoc€ of. p€rcels or are€Ei qhidr are ardriteclurally or historically irportant ad prodde design review for constn:cticn of new buildirgs or the o<terior nndification of e<isting principal buildings. The H zcne may be applied to areas with any of the follcnring characteristics ;1. The o<teriors of buildiry in Etre area s<- hibit their original acchitectural style; 2. Ttre property or area conEains structures v*rich re ccrm-rrity cchitectural lardnarks; 3. Ttre property or area was ttre site of a local, regional, state or national historic s/enc; 4, ?re property, area or structure w€ts pre. viotrsly cx^ned or acupied by scneone *ro had a sig- nificart role in Ehe history of the city, region, state or nation. B. AIJ.ffdED USES. Uses shall be as prwided in the urderlying zone C. PROPffiIY DEVEI'F!,IE}IT SXANDARDS. Property developert standards shall be as established by the urderlying zcne. D. ARCmTECIURAL REVIEI^I BEqTIXED. 1. IIew Ccnstruction. Architectural plars for the cqrstn-rcEion of principal buildings ard accessory structures such as sheds ad garages sha1l be apprwed by Ehe Architectural Review Ccnmission (AnC) hfore a b:ilding permit rnay be issued. 2. Significant Exterior l"bdificafions to Existing Principai &:ildings. a. Architectural plans for the e<terior rrDdifi- caticn of principal structures shall be re vier,ed by Ehe Ccmn-rrity DevelqrenE Director. Ttre follo'rir€ are ocanples of sudr modificr tions: (1) Ctranging the profile of the building; Q) Closing e<isting windcx.r or door open- ings or irutalling new cnes;(3) Addirg octerior roall space visible frcm a p:blic way; G) Replacing roof or exEerior wall material r,rith scnething ocher than the type originally used cn che building;(5) Replacing windcw or door franirg rnater- ials with scnething cther than the cype originally used cn rhe building;(6) Placing treating or cooling urits, ir cluding solc collectors, so as to be visible Frqn a prblic way;(7) Other dranges to Ehe ercterior of the principal building Ehat Ehe Director determines rnay change its schiteclural character. b. The Director, usirg criteria adopted by the City Cowrcil in cqrsultation with a historical persewaticn Eechnical ccnrniEtee, shall 4prcnre, conditionally approre, or deny the proposed rncdification. the Directorrs decisicn may be appealed to Ehe Architectural Review Ccnmission. 42 ZONING REGULATIONS 9203.1 7-SPECIAL CONSIDERATION (S) ZONE A. PURPOSE AT{D APPLICATTCbI. the S zcne has Ewo Frrposes 1. In ccrnbinatim wirh €ny zone, Lo require ap- prwal of a use permit by the Plaruring Cqrmission before any use mey be established. The use permit requirenent is intended to assure corpatibility of the use r^rith its surrcn-rndirgs or conformance with the pneral plan, or to &termine if a proposed &- velotrnent solves problans sudt as noise exposure, flood hazard, airport hazard, or slope irutability wtridr are particularly severe cn a given site. Such developnent review may also be used to p'rotect areas of scenic or ecolog;ical sensitivity, wildlife hebitat, or wildlard fire hazard lte ordinance adopting the S zore will specify the ccrsideratio'ns to be ddressed, ad the ordi- nsrce nlnber will be incorporated in Ehe official zone rne desigration. 2. In ccrcbination with any cther zcne, to re- quire a larger minim-En parcel size than required by the urderlying zqrc. In such cases it will be desigrrated cn tt€ zone msp as, for exanple, R-1-S-3, r,*rich irdicates a ninim-rn parcel size of three €cres. B. ALLCI^]ED USES. SubJect to apprwal of a use pendt by the Plar ning Ccnmissicm, any allcwed cr conditionally a1- lcned use in the uderlying zcl-:e trey be esEab- lished. C. PROPERIY DEVil,OWNVI SXA}IDARDS. As prorided in Secticn 9204.2, Ehe Planning Carr mission nuy eteblish ccrditions relating to inr pror/srcnts, buildirg locaticn, access, ard so on, qf,rich se rDre restrictive than prrwided in the ur- derlying zone, in order to fulfi1l ttre intent of Ehese regulations. D. PROCEDIIRE: SUBDfWSICNS. the P1 annlng or DirecEor may waive Ehe requirernenE for a use permit vdren property prr posed for developnent is zubject of a subdivision m4 4plicaticn. 43 sEcTloN 9204 ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.1 GENERAL PLAN CONSISTENCY 9204.2 USE PERMITS these regrlatiors shall be interpreLed ard applied in a rnanner consistenE with the general p1an. A. PURPOSE AND INIMff. It is interded that use permits 4 loq fle:<- ibiiity in prodding for, regulating, or preventing various uses, so Ehey will be ccmpatible with o<isE- ing * desired conditiors in their neigfrborhoods. Use per,nit apprwal is required for certain uses so that their detrinental effects can be reduced or avoided and potential ccnflicts in lard trse can be prwented. this is necessary beczuse of the wide variety of uses that re allo!€d within zore dis- tricts ard beczus of the variefy of existirg sites ard uses found in the ccrm:nity. B. APPLICAfiCD{ FOBM. Application shall be nrade to the Canrunity Develcrgrent Departrert in the form prescribed by Ehe Director, including, as nay be recessary, site plans, wrirten descriptiora of activities to be con- ducted, technical studies of site dtaracteristics, ard so cn. C. PROCMURES. 1. Adnrinistrative Use Perrnits. a. Before actirg cn my use permit apptication, the DirecEor sha11 hold a hearing at ,,hiih irr formaticn ard argrrencs nray be presented. Norice of the Eirre, date, place, and p:rpose of the hearing shall be given by postirg the property aod by prblishing an dvertiserenE in a newspaper qf,general circulaEicn at least firre days before the hearing. b. Decisiors of rhe Director shal1 be rendered in rvriting within 10 days of the hearing. they shall state che ccnditiors of 4prwal, if any, or Ehe r€asons for denial ., the Directorrs de- cisicn shal1 be final unless appealed. c. At his or her discretion, the Director nray refer an a&ninistratirre use pernit to Ehe Plar ning Ccmnission, p-rsuant Eo the requiranents in subsecEion 2 below, viren he/she detetmines Ehe application irnrolves a rnajor policy issr.:e or grblic contro/ersy Ehat wqrld be resolved nore suitably by the ccmnission. 2. Planning Ccnmissicn Use Permits. 45 Before ating cn any use permit application, ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.2-USE PERMITS Findings. Conditions. Criteria" (continued) Oompliance. r OzM. 2 . C . 2 .a{ont inued ) the PlanrLing Ccnmission shall hold a prblic hearing conducted accordirg to its by-lavn. t{c- Eice of che tine, date, place, ard p.rrpose of tte hearing shall be given by postirg the prop erty ad grblishing an dvertisenent in a ns"s- paper of general circulaticn at least 10 days before the hearing. b. Decisiora of the Planning Ccnmission shal1 be rendered in writing within 10 dale of Lhe hearing. they shall state the ccrditions of ap- prwal, if any, or rhe reasons for denial . The Planning Cqrmission's decision shall be final unless appealed. c. I,fren a use permit or variance is before the Planning Ccrmission, the ccnmission mery acE ro inpose dditional or rela*r any property develop- rert standards capable of beirg so altered trnder relevant sections of these regulations (See Sec- tiorrs 9202.5 nd 92M.2). Ttre intent of this prwision is to enable Ehe cqrmission to &al with various aspects of project desigr in a ccnr prdrensive lvay, without postponsrent of acCion cn a project for separate hearings. Use permit ard variance firdings srd prrocedures sha1l apply as prwided in relevant sectiocs of these regu- lations. Rrblic ndice for use permit ard variance applications, in order to fulfill ttre intent of this secLion, shal1 be zufficiently general so Etre prblic will be anare of ttn type of project proposed trd the Eypes of rtions the cqrmission may Eal€, witho* further notice, to appro\E or ccrditionally apprwe the project. Liker,rise, m appeal, the City Carncil may act Eo alter pnoperty developrent stardards by varisrce crr use pennit if a variance or use pernit applicarion is urder ccrsideration. D. FINDNreS. In order Eo granE a use permit, the Director or Plarrring Canrnission, or cn appeal, Ehe City Concil, rn:st fird Ehat the proposed use will nct be &tri- menEal to Ehe health, safety crr welfare of persons r^rorking or living at the site or r,,rithin the vicirrity. the Director, Plenning Cqrmissicn or City Cor-rrci.l nray deny the proposal or attach ccnditions as deemed necessary to secure the purposes of these regulations. E. CCT{DITTSIS OF APPROVAL. @e Director, Planning Ccnrnission, or City Council may include: 1. ldcdificaticn or liaritaticn to activities, including tims ard bypes of cperations; 2. Special yards or open spaces; 3. Fences, wal1s, or lardscape screens; 4. Provisicn an{ arrangarera of parkirg and vehicular ad pedestrian circulation; 5, On-site or off-siEe street, sidewalk, or utility inprwenents ard rnaintenance agreqrents; 6, Noise generacicn ard atEenuatior; 7. Dedication of rigfrt-of'vay or easerents or access riglrts; 8. Arrangarent of hrildings ard trse areas cn ctre sire; 9. Special hazard reduction rEasures, sr:ch as slope planting; 10. Minimm site aea; 11. OLher ccrditions virich may be found neces- sary to address urnrsual site ccnditions. F. CRTIERTA FOR APPrcVAL In deciding vfteEher a proposal is acepcd>le at a given locaticn, the Director, Plarning Canmission, and City Cotncil shall consider *rether the proposal co-r1d be established ard rnaintained without jeopardy Eo persons or properEy within or djacent Eo the proposed sice ard r,rifhoC danage Eo the resources of the site ad its srrrotndings. Appropriate criteria may be fo:rd in the follo,ring sourcesr wichor-C li"ritation: 1. Ceneral plan elenenEs (such as lard use, circulation, horsing, noise, seisrnic safety, p:blic safety, open space, ard consenration); 2. Specific plars ard special studies; 3. Stardards ard reccmrerdations of agerrcies canrenting cn ernrirornental doctrrents for the prr posal or for similar projects. G. MCI]IREMnII FOR A}ID CCMPLIA}IG l^fiffi USE PERMITS 1. For any given developnent. or proposed use, vihen nrcre Lhan one use perrait - includirg rore than one rype of use permit - is required by irdividual sectiors of these regr:latioru, only 6e use pennit application reed by filed trd acted upon. If both sr adrninistratirre use permit or perrnils ard Planning Ccnmission use permit or permits qu.rld simrltanr ously be required by separate sections, one Planning 46 ZONING REGULATIONS e204.2- usE *H$,lfllIS (conti n ued) (92A+ . 2. c. l{ont inued ) Comrission r.se perrnit shal1 be prrocessed to co/er all requiranents. 2, the nodification or ddition Lo a use r- quiring use-permit apprwal shall itself be subject to trse-permit epprc^/al . the ddiEion of an allovpd use to a prernises occupied by a conditimally al 1cnred use shall require use-penuit 4prwal of the type required for the existing use. The Director shall detennine *ren zudr an ddition or drange is of sudr a minor crr incidental nature that the intent of these regulations can be mt without fr.rther use perrnit control. 3. Any canditions est$lished purstr,ant Eo these regrlatiors shall be net before ttre use is estab- lished, orcept chat the Director, Planning Carmis- sion, or cn appeal, Ehe Ciry Ca:ncil, nry establish a schedule for certain ccrditions to be net after establistrrert of the use. Contimrance of Ehe use shall then be cortirgent cn ccmplying with the schedule fcr nraetirg deferred conditioru. 4. If a r:se pennir is not r*ilized r^rithin crre yea of the date of 4prwal, it shal1 beccne rull ard rrcid. Ilcnaner, the Director may grant renewals of wrused perurics for successirrc periods of nd nore than cne year each. Apprwals of zuch renewals shall be in writing ard for a specific period. Re- newals may be 4prwed w'ith new or nndified ccrdi- Liors upon a finding Ehat Ehe circtmstances under r^trich the use perrnit was originally apprwed harre substantially dranged. Renvrewal of a use pennit shall not require p:blic ndice or hearing, rrtless the renewal is subject to new or nndified cc'ndi- tions. 47 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.3 HOME OCCUPATION PERMITS 9204.4-VARIANCES To the e(tent they are applicable, the prwisions of Ehe preceedirg secticn cn use permits shal1 gwern hcne occupation pennits as required by Section 9202.1"D. llo,ever, the Director sha1l act cn applications for sudr perrnits upon zuhnission of all required infornaticn ard it shall nct be necessary Eo prwide prblic rntice or hold a hearing. A. nIIBII. Tre l'ariance procedure is interded co a1lov rninorr relacaticn by the Directon of certain star dards that r"u:ld ctherr,rise prevenE a property frcrn beirg used in the sare rnErnner as other, sirnilar property, v*rere Lhe intent of these regr:lations is nct ccnprorised by sudr minor relacaticn. B. SMPE. Yards, height limits, coverage, ad parking space requirsnents may be relaced. lib variance to use reg:lations or density standards may be granted. C. PROCEDUFE" 1. Application shal1 be in the form prescribed by the Director, shall state the precise natur.e of the gounds for the variance sougfrt, ard shall gBrr erally fo1lsr Etre form established fcn use permits. 2" tlotification requirenents sd rtions of the Directcr shal1 be as prwided for adninistratirre use permics in Section 9204.2.C.L, (See dso Section 92M"2.C.2.c.) D. FINDI]r,IGS. In crrder co +prove a variance, the Director, Planning Ccnrnissicn or City Council mst malrc eadr of the follovring findings: 1. That there ae circurnstances +plyrnC to the sice, sudr as size, shape, or topography, r,hidr do not eply generally to land in the vicinity with the sare zoningl 2. that the varience will not ccnstitute a grart of special privilege - m entitlenent incon- sistent with the limitations upon other prroperEie€ in the vicinicy with ttp sane zoning; 3. that the variance will not dversely affect che health, safety, or pneral wel fare of persors residing or i"orking cn the site or in rhe vicinity. 4B ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.5- PLAN N ED DEVELOPM ENT Preliminary Plan. Commission Action. Council Action. Findings. A. PRH,IMIMRY TEVH.OPIM{T PI.AI{. Application for planned develcnent shall be nrde to the Ccnrunity Developnent Departnent ard shall consist of a preli:ninary develogrenE plan, to include: 1. A legal description of the total site irr volved; 2. A statenent of the cbjectives to be achieved by tte planned developrent through Ehe parEicular approach to be used by Ehe applicant; 3. A schedule indicatirg Ehe app:oxirnate dates vilren constnrction of the develogrent or stages of the developrent are to be started ard ccnpleted; 4. A staEesent of the 4plicant's iritentions regarrdirg future sale c'r lease of all or porEiors of the planned developenf ; 5. A qr:antified description of the total nurber ard type of drvellirg urits, parcel sizes, co/era€p, rrcdified ad natural open space, grading, residerr tial densities, ard aree devoted Eo nc,n-residential uses; 6. ldentification of portions of the develop- mert vfridr r,iqrld otherwise require a variance, ard reasron for the deviation frqn norrnal stardards; 7. A site plan ard supportirg maps, dravn to a suitable scale ard clearly labeled, showing, if applicable: a. Existing site cmditions, including corr tours, vegetaEicn ard water courses; b. Proposed 1ot designs; c. Iocaticn ard flocr area of eristirg ard prr posed buildings or qrtlines of reas within ',f,ridr buildings may be located; d. location and size of all treas to be ccrr veyed or resenred 6 cqrrrcn open spaces or for public or setni-public rces; e. Existing ard proposed circulaticn syst<n of arterial, collector, ard loca1 streeEs; off- street parking, loading, ard energency access areas; points of ccess to prblic rigirtsrcf-way; proposed a,vnership of circulaticn rouEesl f. Existing and prooosed sidewalks erd paths; C. Existing ard proposed utiliCy systans, irr cluding sanitary se{/ier, storm drainage, $rater, electricity, gas, ard telephone; h. A general landscape plan; i. A general gradirg plan. 8. Informaticn cn lard aea adjacenl to the proposed develogrent, indicating inportant relatiorr ships becveen Ehe proposaal ard surro:ndirg lard uses, circulation systems, p:blic facilities, ard natural feaEures; 9. Any dditional information r^hich may be rr quired by the Director Eo evaluate the characEer and inpact of the planned develogrent, B. ACTTOI{S OF THE PIA}INI}G CCDI4ISSICT\. ection 92M.8.C, Ehe Planning Ccnmissicn sha11 hold a pub- lic hearing cn Ehe pplication, the Planning Carr missicn nny approve, approre subject to certain nrcd- ifications, or deny the 4plication. the decision of che Plauring Ccnmissi.cn shall be in the form of a reccrrrnrdation to the City Cotrrcil srd shal1 be rerr dered in writing, statir€ all modificatiors or con- ditions to be reflected in the final develogrent plan. C. ACrICNS OF TIIE CITY CdJMIL notrc€ as in Section 9204.8.C, the City Cowrcil shall hold a prblic hear ir€ cn the 4plicaticn ard Ehe reccanendatiors of the Planning Ccnmission. the cq,rrcil may eprc/e, eprorre zubject to certain urodifications, or deny the proposal. the decision of the cq-arcil shall be rendered in writing, stating all npdificaciors or cqrditions to be reflected in the final developrent plar. If it apprwes or conditionally appro/es the preliminary developrent p1an, the cor-ncil ,sha11 ry- proe tte rezonirg ard the Official Zone Mry shall be arended to irdicate 4prwal of the planned develotrrent. D. FEqJIXED Err{Dr}GS. 1. To 4prwe a planned developrent, the Planning Ccunissicn and Cicy Cor:ncil nrust fird Ehat it reels cne or rore of the following criteria: a. It prwides facilities or anenities suited to a particular occr:rpancy group (such as the elderly or fardlies with children) v*ridr wo.rld not be feasible urrder conventic,nal zcning. b. It Eransfers allovable develogrent, within a site, frcm aeas of greater ernrircrrrental sensi- tiviey or hazard to areas of less sensitiviey or hazard. c. It prwides nore affordable housing than world be possible with conventional develop rEnE, d. Features of the particular design achierre the intent of ccnvenLional slandards (privacy, usable open space, dequate parking, conpatibil- ity with neigirborhood character, ard so cn) as rcl1 as or better Ehan the stsdards thenr selves. 49 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.5-PLAN N ED DEVELOPM ENT Requirement. Final Plan. Phasing" Amendment._(continued)R'evocation" (9204. 5 .D. l{ont irnred) e. It incorporates ftatures *rich result rn ccnrsr-r'rption of less materials, enerry or waEer than conventional develotrnenE . 2. In crrder Eo grane a 'hernity bqrus" (as e<- plained in Sectiqr 9203.L4.O, the ccnmissicn and council mrst find that the proposed &veloprent sat- isfies at least three of the firre criEeria abore. the 4plicanr shall prwide a detailed statenenE ir dicatirg hcx,r the developrerrt satisfies the appre priate criteria Sove. the ntacim-rn density bcmrs is not zutcrnatic. In dererminirg the al1csab1e bornrs, the cqmission ard cq-rrcil shall assess the eftent to rrytli& these criceria are ret. E. FEqIIREMNI FoR DEViliPMAiT PLAI\I. lb lard divisicn may be undertaken ad no con- struction begur within an area zsred PD until a fi- nal develotrrert plan has been apprwed. F. ETML DEVil,OP}'ET.1T PIAI{. l. Within six npnths of ryprwal or cqditional apprwal of the prelirninary develogrent plan, the applicant shal1 file r^rith the Ccmn-niry Develotrrent Departnent a final developrent plan. At his dis- cretion sd for good cause, the Director rnay octerd fcr six rnnths the period for filing. 2. lhe final developrent plan shall include thoe itsos frqn subsection A above (Preliminary DeveloFent Plan) !ftich describe the proposal , irr cluding divisim of lard, type ard locaticn of all buildings ard irprwarents, an s fi, but it need nct include informatim or ocistirg, conditiors. 3. the Director shall review ad take rtion cn the final develogrert plan within 30 da of filirg. He shal1 eprove it upon finding that it is in sub- stantial carpliance with the prelirninary developrent plan as 4prwed or nndified by Ehe ccr-nci1. Upon apprwal of the final develogrent plan, Ehe Director shall dd the nnrber of Che planned develotrrent to che OfficiaL Zqe Map (for a<anple, PD (9999). Sub- sequently, all grading, construction, ad lardscap- irg shall corply wich ttre apprwed final develotrrEnt plan. 4. the final developlent pian nuy ccnsist of final suMivisicn maps, building constnrcEicn plans, grading plans, ad so m, that turarld normally be suhni-tted in the cotrse of develcprent, and need not be a separace subnittal. The Director shall deter mire the extenf to r^fridr any additional docurenta- tion of develogrent plans is required. G. PHA,ST}G. If the consErucEion of the plarured developrent is to occw in phases, Ehe open space ard cqrrrEn facilities shall be developed ard made available in proporticn to tte rnrnber of dwellirg writs occupied during any given stage. At no cirre during ccnstruc- tiqr of the project sha1l the densiry of developed lard e<ceed the orerall densiry esEablished in the final developrerE plan. H. AI"IENT}IENI OF EIML DEVEI.OFIqH\IT PI,AT{. Minor differences betr,rreen the apprwed develop renr plan ard consEn-rcticn plars may be a1lcrued by Ehe Director. Written reqests for aner*nents to a final de- veloprera plan nuy be apprwed by the Pianning Ccrr rnission after a prblic hearing, notice of vtrich has been given as prorided in Seccim 92G1.8.C. Arerd- nents shal1 be limited Eo dranges in the size ard positicn of buildings; tte ntmiber, area, or confi5 r.rration of lots; lardscape treatnent; $rasing, ad the like. &ren&rents rnay not include changes in proposed use, werall dersity, or overall configuraeicn of the lard trses and circulation features. Ctrarges Eo these aspects may be acccrplished only by re-4pli- cation ad suhnirtal of a new prreliminary develop nerA p1an. these procedures apply vheEher or not all or part of the developrent has been bui1t. I. FE\ICCArIOI{ OF PD ZOIII}G If a final develogrent plan is nct caried qrt in the cinre specified in the develogrent plan or within an apprwed ectensicn period, the Planning Csrmission ad City Cor-rrci1 rEry rsrnve the rPD" des- ignaticn accordirg to the usual procedure for citl- initiated rezoring. 50 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.6- INTER P RETATION A. AI{BIqIITY.---Tre D'ire'Eor shall interpret these regulatioru, subject to Ehe appeal procedures of Section 92M,9. I,fritcen req.Ests for interpretation shall be respcnded ro in writing within 10 day's ard shall be- ccrre part of the permanent files of Ehe Ccmn-nty Develotrrent Deparrrent . B. LI$M USES. The listed uses are principal r.ses, ard generally fo11cx^r ttE "standard Irdustrial Classification" systan. Accessory uses are allq"Ed with principal uses. Drive-in or drive-chro:gfr facilities tre rnt cmrsidered €rcessory. C. USES IWI LISTM. 1. these r.egulations ae intended to pemit simila uses within eadr zcne. the Directcrr, sts ject to the 4peal procedrres of Section 9204.9, shal1 determire wtreEher uses nct specifically listed in a zcne shal1 be deerEd allc,qred or caditionally allcned within thaC zone. 2. the procedures of this section shall nct be substituted fcr t?re anen&nert procedure as a rrEansi of dding ne\.r uses to allorred or corditional.ly a1lcnrcd uses in a zone. D. ZCD{E DISIRICI Bd}DARIES. l. Bcundaries betr"reen zcxrirg districts general- Iy'follow lot lines or their ectersions, fl-rysical features, or conto-r 1ines, as noted cn the Official Zcne i"Iq. Boturdaries djoining streeEs shall be assr.uned to follor ttte centerlines of streets if such tocation becanes an isstre in the use of private pre pefty, as wtrem a street is abandoned. Zones *rich rrcec at a streec cenEerline shall nd be considered ttadjacent.tt 2. lhe locaEion of bq-anlaries r"trich are nct readily determined by inspecticn of the Official Zcnre llap shall. be determined by Ehe Director. E. CObIFLICI I^IIIH PUBLIC PRO\IISICNS. Eo interfere with cr anrnrl anry other lanr or regulaticm. I'lhere Ehese regrlaEions inpose a resEriction different frcrn ary other lan or regulaticn, the rpre restric- tive shall ep1y. F. CoNFLICT l^nffi PRIVAIE PRO\ISIOI{S these regulatiors are nct intended to interfere r.rith or anrnrl any easgren!, cc^/erunt, or cther agreerent between private parties. trihere Ehese reg- ulations inpose a restriction different fron a pri- vate agreemenE, the prwisiors v*ridr are nnre restrictive or r,trich inpose higfrer stardards shall control. 51 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.7 -EN FORCEM ENT 9204.8-AM EN DM ENTS A. DEECdrICN OF AI.]:I}NRTW. The Director shall be responsible for enforcing Ehese regrrlations ard shall issre no perniE in corr flict with them. Any such Frmit issued shatl be void. B. YIOIArIOI{S l. General Rezulations ard Requirarents. The Director shall enforce these regulatiors in accordance with privisions of the lfuricipal Code ad any other procedures as may be adopted by resolution of the City Courcil. 2. Revocation of Use PermiEs, Variances and ttcme a. A tlse perrnit or variance shall be artcmati- ca1ly revoked if nct used within one yetr, un- less a longer period is specified in the p- prwal , or unless an o<tensicn is granted. b. A11 tpes of perrnits sd variances may be revoked by tte body v'tridr originally approved than, r-pon determining Ehat any of the conditiors harrc been viotated. Procedures for revocation shall be as pnescribed for isstrance of Ehe permit, including wricEen notice to Ehe permittee at leasE 10 calendar days before the hearing. A. SCOTE An arer*nent Eo these reg:lations *tich *tatges my property frcm ocre zcne to another shall be adop- ted as set forth in che following zubsections" Aary other anendrerf to thee regr.rlatiors mry be adopted as cther ordinances ad arerdrents to the l4-rricipal Code are adopced. B. IMTIATTON. An arerxtnent Eo lhese regulat ions nay be initi- ated by (1) a resoluticn of intenticn of the Plan- ning Ccnrnission, (2) a resoh-tion of intention of the City Corncil, or (3) an applicaticn by any other person or €ency in che form prescribed by ttre Director. C. PTAI{NI}G CCI,UISSICN ACTTON. 1. Before talcirg any acticn trl a ProPosed zone change, the Planning Cqrmission sha11 hold a ptrblic hearing. Ndice of ttte tine, date, place, ard pur pose of the hearing shall be given in each of the follo^ring walE at least 10 calenda days before the hearing: a. fublication in a ner'spaper of general circtr laticn within the city; b. Poseing each stree! froncage of Ehe Prqperty Eo be rezoned, or the nearesE streeE access if Ehe property does not $ut a dedicated sEreec; c. First-class mail to cx{nersi of the Property Eo be rezmed ad of properEy within a radius of 300 feet, as listed in the nFsE recent annual revision of the Courty Assessor's role.'2. lalrure Eo po€c or noLrly L,y ur.ur orratl not irnralidate any arendnrents duly dopted. 3. If the Plarning Ccnrnissim approves a re- zcning or denies a City Council-initiated r-ezcnirg, its acticn shall be a wriLten recqnrendaticn to the City Co:ncil, including ary firdings required for 4prwaI. 4. If the Planning Cqrmission denies a rezoning vfrid:r it or a private party has initiated, Ehe ac- tion shal1 be final wrless 4pealed. It sha1l be rendered in writi.rg ard shall state tt€ reasons for denial. D. CITY COU}rcIL ACTION Before taking any action on a recqrnEniation of Ehe Planning Ccnmission, the Cif,v Ccuncil shall hold a ilblic Lrearing for vtrich notice shall be given as prorided in subsection C. abwe. 52 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.8 AM EN DM ENTS (continued)9204.9-APPEALS (9204.8--{cnt inued) E. ANNFXATION AND PREZONII\re. Any area annexed to the city cornistent with the general plan until rezcrned after annecation. F. OIHER RE0IIREMH.ITS. Procedures for pnezcning ad doption of wgency interim reg:latiore shall be as prwided in tte California Gwerrnent Code. Requirarents for the scheduling of zonirg hearirgs in relaticn to general plan arendnents, reports fron the Planning Ccrnis- sicn to the Ciey Cotrncil upcn referral, and all ocher metters not 'prescribed in geater detail in Ehese reg.rlariors shal1 be as prwided in the Gorerrnent Code. A. SIA}IDI}G TO APPEAL. Any person may ppeal a decision of any official cr body, except that a&ninistrative decisiors rr quiring no discretionary judgarent, as prwided in Sectim 1401 of the }tunicipal Code, may nct be af pealed. B. TIME LIMITS. Appeals m.rst be filed within l0 calerdar days of ttre rendering of a decisicn vtridr is beirg appealed. If the tenEh day is a Saturday, Slrday, or holiday, the 4peal period shall o<terd to the next business day. C. COI]RSE OF APPEAIS. I. Decisiors of the Director sha11 be 4pealed to the Planning Ccnrnission. Sudr appeals shal1 be filed with the Director. 2. Decisions of the Plannirg Ccnnission shall be 4pealed Eo rhe CiEy Cqnncil. Sudr ppeals shall be filed with ttre City Clerk. D. CCNINN OF APPEAL. the 4pea1 shatl cqrcern a spec sha1l state the grornds for appeal. ific rtion sd E. HFARi}reS AND N]TICE. Action cn 4peals shall be considered aE the sarE tyFe of hearirg ard after the sare notice that is -required for the original decision. Once an appeal has been filed, it shall be scheduled for the earliesE azailable neeting, considering prblic notice requirernents, unless the appellant €rees to a later daEe. shall be prezoned or classified C/OS 53 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.10 REPEAT APPLICATIONS 9204.1 'l - FEES trlhren any applicaticn made pursuant to these reg:lr tions has been denied, no ren 4plication '"trich is substantially the sane shal1 be filed r^rithin cne year of the date of the previous denial urless Ehe Planning Ccnmissicn, fcrr good caLrse, sha1l grant permission to do so, or the City Cor.urcil or Planning Ccnmissicn shall initiate sudr applicatior. the Director sha1l determine r,hen sr 4plication is substantially Ehe s€rre as a previa:s applicatian, subject to the +peal procedures of Seccion 92U.9. The City Ccnmcil nay, by resoluticn, establish fees for applications sd procedr-res required by these regulaEiors, to the e:cent sudr fees have a reasorr able relationship lo the cosEs incurred in proces- sirg the 4plicatiors ard proddirg p-rblic notice. 54 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.12_DEFIN ITIONS Certain terus used in chese regr:lariors are defined as folloq,s: Accessory mans clearly zubordinate or inciderr tal €rd directly related to a permitted use or strucEure. Accessory me includes cEive or passive sola heatir€ systers ard congeneraEicn facilities. Bed ard Breakfast: See 'T{otel ." Block frcnt nears all the properties fronting on one side of a street, between intersect ing streets cr a street ard a railroad, waEeruay, o:l-de-sac, or rmsubdivided lard. Boarding horse rre€rns a btrilding or buildings, includiQ off-canpr:s domitories, occupied by six or nore individuals sd ltrere two or rrore separate roorci are rented orr leased ard ccmrrn eatir€ fcilities ae prwided, ancluding fracernities ad sororities. erilding rreans a1y structure rced or interded ror fiEiFirg crr supportirc my use crr occupancy Carnival - see ttfestival." Convalescent hospital rrnans a residential facil- ity fiich prorides limited nedical care, excluding acce nedical care. Corner lot,nE€ns a lot with frsntage cn two streeEs qhidl inLersect at m ang le of 135 degrees or 1ess. Den (or fanily roam, sewing rocn, loft, or stucif6f neans a rocm rrtridr is open cn at least one side, does nct contain a roardrobe, closeE or similar facility, ard vhidr is nct desigrred for sleeping. Director neans the director of the Ccmnnity nev@-rroeparfirent, or sqrcore designated by him Eo at cn his behalf. District - see ttzqle.tt D,elling nEans a h:ilding cn a pennanent fourda- tim:ffiIf-licvisiors for sleeping, cmking, and san- itation, and $rith permanent ccrrnections Eo Ltili- ties, prwidirg independenr living space (see Sec- tion 9202.5.A.1 for ecplanation of dr^e1lingttt'rlitstt). Educational Facilities Adult school business school or trade school IIEATEi A , recreat vocat school prwiding a ccnEinuor:s prograr of insEruction prinarily for adults, as a business. College rrEans a facility prrwiding a contimrous "c"dffipogran primarily for students 17 yearr of age or older. Elcntary School r€ans a facility proddirg a cqrtinuors progran of instn:ction for students gert- era1ly aged 5 througfr 12. Hi$r school rrEans a facility prwiding a contirr uors progran of instnrcticn for students generally aged 16 thro.rglr 18. Junior higfr school mans a facility proriding a contirnrom progrim of irntnrct icn for students gen- erally aged 13 througfr 15. lfursery school reaffi a facility for Ehe care aniffiffiIT;- of seven or IIDre children v*ro ae less Ehan six years of age. Fair - see ttsestiva1." Festival (or carnival or fair) IIEaItsi a te(porary prbtffi?Enrerci a1 gathering vftere entert airnent, food, crafts, gd the like ae offered for vierdrg cr sale. Gatherings cn prblic properry under the sponsorship or ccntrol of the city ae etcluded. Fraternity ho:se (or sororiry hqrse) IIEans a builEr@s occupied by six or upre co1- 1ep or university students ttro ane nembers of a social or edtrcational association ard/or vhere such an associalion holds gatherings. Grazing rears Ehe keepirg of hoofed animals *rere food grc'$,n ql the pranises is ttre principal focd of the livestock. Gross floor area ileans the total area enclosed witm;ircluding closets, stainvays, and utility ad nechanical rocrc, nreasured frqn Ehe e<- terior face of Ehe walls. 55 I{,cspital rrEEIns a facility housing ad prwiding a fuIl ranp of nedical care, includirg acute care, ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.12-D E Fl N ITIO NS (conti nued) for patienEs vho require zuch care an Ehe premises. Ilctel (or rnotel) flEans a buildirg or grarp of builZ@ prwiding acccmrpdations, with or without kitchens, primarily fcrr the crarrelirg public" i.odge - see '?rivate club." lot nreans: t a parcel of real property with a distinct designaticn delineated on an app:wed survey rnap, tract map, or parcel rn4 filed in the of- fice of Ehe Co.rnry Recorder ard abr-ttirg at least me p:blic sEreet, or b. A parcel of real property containirg at least the sea required for the zone district in r*rich ir is located, abuttirg at least one public sfreeC or cther €rcess qprwed by the City Cotrncil, ard held trnder separate crarership frcm djoining property. l4etel - see 'Ilotel.t' , Nrrsery school - see tEducational facilities.rt Office ueans a business establishmnt or agency t"tic6-ffi-ers personal , professional , business or goverrnental senrices or performrs adninistrative activiEies, including sales or repair cnly as an €E- cessory activiEy. ,Outdoor sales nreans the sale of items regularly stor,ffil@"a ortside a building, r*rere such itenrs are visible frqr a g:blic rigfrt-of-t^ray or neighboring property. O,zerlay zone rreans a zcxte applied in ccnSination other zorp di stricts in order to irupose addi- tional resLricEions or to allcw greater variety th€n is possible with Ehe underlying zcne. Setback line reans an offically dopted line de- tenniaffient of a futr:re street or other Erblic rightrcf-r.ay. Private club (or lodge) rrEansi a pranises &ccrr nnaaEif,Effi-Eit mmbers ard their guests only, for social, cultural, or educational ctivities, ad only incidentally used for gatherings of other Ehan Ehe clubrs rrEnbers . Rest hcne ne;rns a residential facility for six or tt6iffi-1y or infinn persofft, all of r,rhqn are anbulatory ard do nct require confinenenE or regular nursing or nedical care cn Ehe prernises. Residential care facility neans a prauses cn v*ridr a state-authoriz&, certified, or licensed facility prwides e.cqnrndatiora srd care or super visicn for nct urcre than six dependent ard neglected children or hardicapped drildren or dults, s prr vided in Secticn 1502 ad follcnring of che Cali- fornia Health ad Safety Code. School - see 'Educational facitities." Senzice Station nEans any business rrhere noEor fuel is offered for retail sa1e, vireEher or nct in ccnjtroction with any cther use(s). Sewice station includes Ehe sale ard installation of tires, batEer ies, ard a-rtcrnotirre accessories; lrrbrication; ard the testing, adjustnent, ard repa.ir of motor parts, brakes, tires, ard rcessories. Sewice station does nct include stear cleaning, nedranical car iuashing, tire recappirg, body or drassis repair or painting, or the sale, rental, or storage of rnotor vehicles, trailers, or other equipnent. Sorority - see rFraterrrity.tt Specific Plan nE€tns a plan for a designated area wittrin the city, based cn Ehe general p1an, br-t corr Eaining npre detailed regulations ani prq3rams as prwided in Section 6%50 ard.followirg of Ehe Cali- fornia Gwerrrent Code. Street rrEanri a E:blic rigfitrcfvay prwiding vehicula access to abtrtting property. Stn:cture rcans anything assenbled or corrstrr:6l,ffihe grotrnd, or atEached to anphing with a for-rrdation cn Ehe gro:nd. Scudio - see 'ben." Studio apartfiene maffi a ons-roqn dr,rell ing urit w'ith nct more Ehm 450 square feet of grms floor area, designed for occupancy by not npre than Ewo people. Use reans che activity for virich lard or build- ings-Fe designed, occupied, or maintained. 56 ZONING REGULATIONS 9204.12-DEFI N lTlO N S (continued) Zme (or district or zcne district) mansi alr area-Fthe city delineated qr the Official Zone 114, desigrated by nae or $braniation as prwided in lhee regrlations. (tWtf: OEher terms, particularly those relatirg to property developnent standards, ere defined in ttre sections cn stardards thanselves.) 57