HomeMy WebLinkAboutPLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2007PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2007 SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 10, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OATH OF OFFICE: Swearing in of new Commissioners, Amanda Brodie and Diana Gould -Wells ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Charles Stevenson, John Ashbaugh, Jason McCoy, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Vice -Chair Carlyn Christianson and Chairperson Andrea Miller Absent: None Staff: Deputy Directors Doug Davidson and Kim Murry, Associate Planners Phil Dunsmore and Michael Codron, Community Development Director John Mandeville, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1374 and 1386 Pismo Street. AP/MS 137-06: Appeal of the Hearing Officer's approval of a tentative parcel map creating a 4 lot common interest subdivision. R-2 zone; Howard Nicholson, applicant; Evelyn Talmage, appellant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore, presented the staff report, recommending the Commission deny the appeal and uphold the Hearing Officer's determination to approve the minor subdivision, based on findings, and subject to conditions. Marlie Schmidt spoke on behalf of Evelyn Talmage, appellant, and noted that Ms. Talmage's concerns were expressed in a letter submitted to the Commission earlier in the week. Ernie Kim, applicant's representative, described the changes and improvements made to the design of the project. Howard Nicholson, applicant, discussed the oak tree that is in decline and is in the middle of lot 4. He also discussed other neighborhood concerns. Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2007 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Marlie Schmidt, 1336 Pismo Street, expressed concerns with parking, traffic safety, and project design. Peter Sterios, 1346 Pismo Street, discussed the impact that would occur by more housing on this street and felt that a better designed project might be -more appropriate. Jean Kenny, 1771 Johnson Avenue and prior owner of this lot, was happy to see a financially feasible project being considered. Derek Schmidt, 1334 Pismo Street, also expressed concerns with parking. Andy Carlin, 1325 Pismo Street, voiced concerns with parking and traffic but spoke in support of the project and the neighborhood improvements. Steve Delmartini, SLO, supported this project and infill housing. Robert Mueller, 1314 Pismo Street, felt the main concern should be the design for the end of the street. Christine Carlin, 1325 Pismo Street, had concerns regarding red curbs that would be needed where there is currently street parking. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Discussion focused on parking issues and the improvements proposed at the end of Pismo Street, which terminates at the railroad in this location. Commr. McCoy addressed the concerns of the appellant and supported denial of the appeal. Commr. Stevenson had concerns with the size of the buildings, street end design, and parking. Commr. Ashbaugh suggested a change to condition 8 without removing street parking if feasible. Commr. Christianson agreed that comments and approvals or denials should be based on the project meeting City codes and requirements. On motion by Commr. McCoy to deny the appeal of the Hearing Officer's approval with one change to condition 8 adding language but without eliminating any street parking Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2007 Page 3 AYES: Commrs. Miller, Brodie, McCoy, Ashbaugh, Gould -Wells and Christianson NOES: Commr. Stevenson RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 6 :1 vote. 2. Downtown Core Area. GPA and ER 50-06; Discussion of recommended General Plan amendments to revise policies and programs relating to Downtown building height, intensity limits and floor area ratio in the downtown core, and environmental review; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Continued from December 13, 2006) Associate Planner Michael Codron, presented the staff report, recommending the Commission review the General Plan amendments to revise policies and programs relating to building height, intensity limits and floor area ratio in the downtown core, and environmental review and therefore recommending that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan amendments and adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the project. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Patricia Wilmore, Chamber of Commerce, spoke in support of the 60 foot height limit. Sandy Barron, 957 LaVille, SLO, would like to see the City go on a case-by-case approval instead of carte blanche. Leslie Halls, 1359 Oceanaire, SLO, spoke in support of less height limitations in the downtown core: Steve Barasch, 225 Prado Road, Suite H, would like to see more density options available for building residential units. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Planning Commission continued their discussion of downtown building heights and intensity limits and recommended approval of the proposed General Plan Amendments and Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. The Commission re- opened the hearing for public testimony and heard from four additional speakers who were not present at the December 13th meeting. The Commission's discussion focused on the features that would be required of projects that are allowed to build taller than the current height limit of 50 feet. The Commission updated/added language to Building Height LU 4.16.4 Building Intensity LU 3.1.6 Environmental Review Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2007 Page 4 Commr. Ashbaugh requested added language to bullet #5 -High residential density i.e.: above 24 units per acre achieved by a concentration of smaller units. This was agreed upon by the other Commissioners. Other changes: bullet #7 —or at an acceptable mid - block location. Bullet #10 - adding for Historic Preservation. On a motion by Commr. Christianson to recommend that the City Council approve the proposed General Plan amendments and adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for the project. Seconded by Commr. McCoy. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Christianson, Miller, McCoy, Stevenson, Gould -Wells NOES: Commr. Ashbaugh RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 6:1 vote. 3. 2710, .2716, and 2720 Augusta Street. TR and ER 104-06; Consideration of a tentative tract map to resubdivide a three parcel deep lot subdivision into five lots, with exceptions to the Subdivision Regulations for depth -to -width standards, and environmental review; R-1 zone; John Ferguson, applicant. (Jaime Hill) Associate Planner Michael Codron presented the staff report recommending the i Commission adopt a resolution recommending to the City Council approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and tentative tract map including exceptions. John Ferguson, applicant, spoke in support of the project. Jeremy Fissell, co -applicant, 2720 Augusta, also spoke in support of the project. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Several members of the public spoke, primarily in support of the project. Concerns were raised regarding privacy, pedestrian safety on the common access driveway, and the potential for future access at the back of the site to an adjacent lot that may be subdivided. Ed Mayo, 2686 Augusta, was concerned with future problems that could develop. Thomas Ronay, 1342 San Marcos, had concerns with traffic and parking. George Shamness, 2662 Augusta, expressed concerns with future development and removal of existing fencing. Allan Hutkin, 1354 San Marcos, expressed concerns with pedestrian safety and emergency vehicle access. There were no further comments from the public. Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2007 Page 5 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Discussion focused on the improvements proposed as part of the project, which include conversion of a non -conforming duplex on the site to a single-family home, additional landscaping, a fire -truck turnaround, a garbage collection .area and three new residences. Commr. McCoy discussed the possibility of an easement for the last lot on San Marcos and recommended banding a portion on the edge of the driveway to designate a walkway instead of requesting the buildings be set back further. Commr. Stevenson expressed concerns with the site layout but supported the project, noting that if the buildings were set back further, a walkway could be provided. Commr. Christianson supported the project and Commr. McCoy's suggestion of banding a portion of the driveway. On motion by Commr. Stevenson to adopt a resolution recommending approval of the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and tentative tract map to the Citv Council, adding a condition to add a 4 -foot band of stamped concrete to the edge of the driveway for a pedestrian walkway. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Miller, McCoy, Stevenson, and Gould -Wells NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7:0 vote. 4. 1043 Ella Street. TR and ER 21-06; Consideration of a tentative Tract Map creating 16 airspace residential condominiums and environmental review; R-2 zone; Brian Rolph, applicant. (Brian Leveille) Associate Planner Michael Codron presented the staff report recommending the Commission adopt the resolution approving the tentative tract map based on findings and subject to conditions and code requirements. Brian Rolph, applicant, explained the constraints of the sloped lot and parking concerns. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The City Council approved the condominium conversion for the apartments in 2006. As part of that process, the applicant was required to proceed through the subdivision process. Before making their recommendation, the Commission discussed the potential Planning Commission Minutes January 10, 2007 Page 6 for covered parking, disabled access, and the improvements associated with the public path to Terrace Hill. Commr. Stevenson supported the project with the improved appearance for the neighborhood. On motion by Commr. Stevenson to adopt a resolution approving the tentative tract map based on -findings and subject to conditions and code requirements. Seconded by Commr. Christianson. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Miller, McCoy, Stevenson, and Gould -Wells NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7:0 vote. 5. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave the forecast of upcoming items and projects 6 Commission ADJOURMENT: There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday January 24, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by Planning Commission on January 24, 2007. 9 S" Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES January 24, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Charles Stevenson, John Ashbaugh, Vice -Chair Carlyn Christianson Chairperson Andrea Miller Absent: Commr. Jason McCoy Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of January 10, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of January 10, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: None COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 1. Staff A. Parliamentary Rules Refresher (Christine Dietrick) Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick outlined the City's rules for the conduct at meetings in order to: 1) establish a framework for the orderly conduct of meetings; 2) allow for the public to understand what is going on and allow for participation; and 3) enforce the will of the majority while protecting the rights of the minority. She outlined concepts for running a good meeting noting that rules should: 1) provide a framework for orderly conduct of meeting; 2) be clear and understandable; and 3) include the public. The Chairperson runs the meeting and is judicious about discussing and �. debating issues. Chairperson should normally speak last in discussion stage and should not make a motion or second unless clear no other member will. Other information reviewed included: 1) basic format for discussion of an item and motions; 2) interruptions [not allowed unless: Point of privilege- can't hear, etc.]; 3) point of order, 4) Planning Commission Minutes January 24, 2007 - Page 2 reconsideration of an item at the request of someone who voted with minority; and 5) withdrawing a motion. Ms. Dietrick reviewed the City's Parliamentary Procedures and how it relates to the public, including the need for the Chairperson to keep the public informed of what the Commission is doing. B. Development Review Process Upgrade (Doug Davidson) Deputy Director Doug Davidson explained that his presentation is divided into two parts. The first part was identified on a PowerPoint presentation that included: 1) excellent customer service including clear communications and timeliness; 2) the Development Review permit processes; 3) planning approvals and checking for completeness; and 4) CEQA review. The second part was described as a project plan to improve the development review process. It started in July of 2006 with team meetings, including members from all City departments involved in development review. A project plan was developed and is currently being implemented in phases. The project plan has a purpose statement, tasks, and schedule Commission Comments: Commr. Stevenson expressed the need for decision making at the lowest possible practical level and appreciates the department's inclusion of shared understanding in their project review. Commr. Brodie suggested a pre -checklist to further enable the applicants to be more complete in their presentations to the Community Development Department. C. Agenda Forecast Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming items and projects, noting that no projects were ready for review at the February 14th meeting. It was the consensus of the Commission to cancel that meeting and adjourn this meeting to the February 28, 2007 meeting date. 2. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on March 28, 2007 (:D�iane Stuart, C. �I T Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 28, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Amanda Brodie, Diane Gould -Wells, Charles Stevenson, John Ashbaugh, Jason McCoy, Vice -Chair Carlyn Christianson Absent: Chairperson Andrea Miller Staff: Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik, Principal Transportation Planner Peggy Mandeville, Deputy Community Development Director Kim Murry, Assistant Planner Michael Codron, Community Development Director John Mandeville, Economic Development Manager Claire Clark, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of January 24, 2007. Approve or amend.. The minutes of January 24, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 3000 Calle Malva. GPC 29-07; General Plan Conformity Report for a conservation easement covering 71 acres of open space land on a 98 acre parcel; C/OS-100 zone, City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Neil Havlik) Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik presented the staff report recommending the Commission determine and report to the City Council that the proposed property acquisition consistent with City's General plan. PUBLIC COMMENTS: ��,' There were no comments made from the public. Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 2007 Page 2 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh asked if the property is currently used for cattle grazing, and if cattle grazing would continue with the proposed easement. On motion by Commr. Stevenson to find and report to the City Council that the acquisition both in fee and easement is in conformity with the City's General Plan. Seconded by Commr. McCoy.. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, McCoy, Stevenson, Gould -Wells NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Miller The motion passed on 6:0 vote. 2. Open Space. GPC 30-07; General Plan Conformity Report for a gift of 315 acres of open space land located north of the city on TV Tower Road; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Neil Havlik) Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik presented the staff report recommending the Commission determine and report to the City Council that the proposed property acquisition consistent with City's General plan. PUBLIC COMMENT: Jan Marx, 265 Albert Drive, ECOSLO, spoke in support of the request. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENT: On a motion by Commr. Stevenson to determine and report to the City Council that the Proposed property acquisition is consistent with the City's General Plan. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, McCoy, Stevenson, Gould -Wells NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Miller The motion passed on 6:0 vote. 3. Citywide. GPI and ER 21-07; 2007 Bicycle Transportation Plan Update and Environmental Review; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Peggy Mandeville) Principal Transportation Planner Peggy Mandeville presented the staff report recommending that the Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 2007 Page 3 update to the 2002 Bicycle Transportation Plan and adoption of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. She gave a summary of grant funding and improvements associated with the approved 2002 Bicycle Plan was presented followed by a discussion of new/amended policies, definitions, standards and bikeways, noting that this update has been in process for five years. PUBLIC COMMENT: Kevin Christian, Bicycle Advisory Committee Chairperson (BAC), demonstrated the web site information showing aerial photos and documentation of the committee's work. Jean Anderson, BAC member and certified bicycle instructor spoke in support of the plan and provided copies of a Handy Guide for Cyclists. Adam Fukushima of the Bicycle Coalition, spoke in favor of the ranking system being used by the BAC and the Plan in general, and supported the updated plan. COMMISSION COMMENT: Commissioners discussed the plan, corrected several minor errors and gave some suggestions. Commr. Ashbaugh suggested a definition of a bicycle be included, and noted some minor clerical errors to be corrected. It.was noted that the definition of a bicycle is included in the State Code. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, McCoy, Stevenson, Gould -Wells NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Miller The motion passed on A 6:0 vote. 4. Airport and Margarita Area. A.NNX and ER 172-05; Review of the City of San Luis Obispo's proposal to annex 620 acres of land and environmental review, City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Michael Codron) Michael Codron presented the staff report with a discussion of phasing, numbers of parcels affected, public outreach that was conducted, annexation costs and the LAFCO process, recommending that the Commission recommend to the Council, approval of a _J resolution of intention to annex approximately 620 acres of land in the Margarita Area and Airport Area, a pre -zoning ordinance consistent with the Margarita Area Specific Plan, and a Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact. Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 2007 Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENT: Raymond Hanson, 3960 South Higuera Street, had a concern regarding property located at 4080 Horizon Lane. He supports the future annexation of this property but felt further study is necessary and corrections need to be made to the map. Jan Marx, mobile home owner, was pleased that the mobile home park will be coming into the City but had reservations with the zoning that allows other residential uses, and expressed the need for a mobile home ordinance. Tent' Simons, Orcutt Road, would like to see the Margarita Area annexation move forward if Airport Area issues slow the process down. Robert Miller, business owner on Suburban Road, SLO, expressed concerns with utility bills and taxes that would be imposed and does not want his property to be annexed. Dale Whtison, business owner near Unocal property, would like to change the way his property is zoned in the AASP, from Manufacturing to Service -Commercial. Charles Senn, 178 Broad Street and property owner in the airport area, noted various concerns owners and businesses have with the proposed annexation. Ty Safreno, 1621 Higuera Street and business owner on Tank Farm Road, felt his property should not be in Phase I because services will not be immediately available, and additional taxes will be imposed. Bill Thoma, business owner 3562 Tank FarmRoad, felt some of the costs of the annexation should be shared with the larger community if annexation meets community- wide goals. John Wallace, 4415 Broad Street, and property owner on Suburban Road/Horizon, felt the business owners along Suburban Road do not need City services and would not welcome the added fees. Carol Florence, representative of owners in the Airport area, noted concerns with water and sewer availability, and felt individual properties should be looked at separately. Scott Lathrop, business owner, expressed conflicting thoughts because he is involved in two properties in Phase 1A, one of which he wants annexed and the other which he does not want annexed because of the uncertainty of timing on sewer service. Richard Ferris, 365 Branch Street, felt the map used was inaccurate and expressed concerns with the annexation, primarily with the City's required creek setbacks in light of the existing water detention system on Unocal land. �, _ There were no further comments made from the public. Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 2007 Page 5 COMMISSION COMMENT: The Commission discussed the testimony and asked for staff clarification on several issues, including treatment of non -conforming uses, timing of the Tank Farm Lift Station project, pre -zoning, use of pre -annexation agreements, and preparation of the boundary map description. Staff committed to continue working with individual owners to discuss concerns. Commr. Ashbaugh expressed support of the annexation. Commr. Brodie requested staff discuss specific comments made by the public. Commr. McCoy asked about business owners changing zoning while keeping non- conforming uses. He did not agree with including the area south of Tank Farm Road into the annexation without testimony from the major landholder or representative, or compelling testimony from property owners south of Tank Farm Road that they support the annexation. Commr. Stevenson asked about the Prado Road interchange, cost evaluation, fair share, and traffic mitigation concerns. Economic Development Manager Claire Clark responded to concerns regarding building permits that were issued by the County prior to annexation would still be allowed by the City after annexation. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Stevenson and Gould -Wells NOES: Commr. McCoy RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Miller The motion passed on a 5:1 vote. Commr. Stevenson moved a recommendation to the City Council that if the Airport Area with respect to their particular concerns and timing of services. Seconded by Commr. Brodie. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Christianson, McCoy, Stevenson, Gould -Wells NOES: Commr. Ashbaugh ABSENT: Commr. Miller ABSTAIN: None The motion passed on a vote of 5:1. Planning Commission Minutes March 28, 2007 Page 6 A motion to extend the meeting past 11:00 p.m. was taken and passed. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 5. Staff A. Request to consider adding a special Planning Commission meeting on April 18, 2007 for a study session on the Broad Street corridor design plan. Deputy Director Kim Murry requested consideration of a special Planning Commission meeting on April 18, 2007 in order to schedule the introduction of the South Broad Street Corridor Plan with the Commission. The Planning Commission agreed to add the date as a special meeting. B. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Kim Murry indicated that a Planning Commissioner retreat was in the planning stages and that there were two dates under consideration: May 16th and June 11th. The retreat is planned to be a 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. meeting held off-site to discuss Commission operation and issues. Planning Commissioners will respond via email as to their preferred date for this session. J Deputy Director Murry also gave a preview of items currently anticipated for the April 11, 2007 Commission meeting: Airport Hotel project, City's annual report on the General Plan, yearly consideration of by-laws, installation of the new Commissioner and election of officers. 6. Commission Commissioner Stevenson expressed appreciation of service by Jason McCoy to the Planning Commission for the last term. He indicated that Commissioner McCoy brought valuable insight as a working architect and a practical point of view that will be missed. Acting Chair Carlyn Christianson and Commissioner John Ashbaugh added their thanks. ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Approved by the Architectural Review Commission on April 11, 2007 Jill Francis Recording Secretary 11MF � Diane R. Stuart,'CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 11, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OATH OF OFFICE: Swearing in of new commissioner Dan Carpenter Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick swore in new commissioner Dan Carpenter who is filling an unexpired term. ELECTION: Election of Chair and Vice -Chair Carlyn Christianson was nominated for Chairperson, with Chuck Stevenson being nominated for Vice -Chair. Both accepted the nomination, and the commission unanimously approved their election, effective at this meeting. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, John Ashbaugh, Amanda Brodie, Andrea Miller, Diana Gould -Wells, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planner Michael Codron, Housing Programs Manager Peter Brown, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of March 28, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of March 28, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: There were no public hearing items on this agenda. BUSINESS ITEM: Citywide. General Plan Annual Report. Discussion of the report on the status of the General Plan and its implementation. (Michael Codron) Planning Commission Minutes April 11, 2007 Page 2 Associate Planner Michael Codron presented the staff report and asked the Commission to discuss report topics, give direction on changes, request additional information, and have comments forwarded to the City Council. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission discussed the 2006 General Plan Annual Report and asked for information to be added regarding the downtown building height discussion, the results of the County -wide Measure J initiative and its effect on the City's General Plan, clarification on the status of the City's URM program, additional photographs to add interest to the report, and clarification on progress towards implementing General Plan programs. The Commission discussed the content of the report, especially commercial growth and the population and housing figures for 2006, and the effects of increased housing opportunities on the Cal Poly campus. Commr. Christianson asked staff to clarify the second paragraph on pg. 23. Staff will review before sending to the City Council. Commr. Stevenson expressed his concern with the decline in population as stated on pg. 7, which he felt reflected families moving out of the city looking for lower cost housing. He felt the City will need to balance commercial with residential growth and the need for low-cost housing. He suggested that in the future the report contain photos to make it more interesting and easier for the public to review. Commr. Brodie commented on the 2007 figures that differ from the 2006 numbers on pg. 7. Corrections to errors on pg. 8 were noted. She would also like to see the City of San Luis Obispo place importance on the subject of new housing. Commr. Carpenter asked staff about the status of Program No. 125 on pg. 33. Peter Brown said that this item is ongoing. Commr. Gould -Wells discussed annual growth management limits which staff referred to the graph on pg. 13. Commr. Ashbaugh asked for a clarification on the possible date referring to water supply delivery from Nacimiento Lake on pg. 18. The Commission commended staff for the work that went into the preparation of the General Plan Annual Report. Planning Commission Minutes April 11, 2007 Page 3 COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 2. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave the Agenda Forecast for upcoming meeting. The Commission discussed and agreed on June 20th as the date for the Planning Commission Retreat. 3. Commission A. Biennial Review of Bylaws It was the consensus of the Commission that no changes to the Bylaws are needed. ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. to the special meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday April 18, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by Planning Commission on April 25, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Special Meeting April 18, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, John Ashbaugh, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Andrea Miller, Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Staff: Deputy Director Kim Murry, Senior Planner Jeff Hook , Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments on non -agenda items. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Citywide. GPI 49-06; An Introduction to the South Broad Street Corridor Plan; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Jeff Hook) Kim Murry, Deputy Director introduced the item. Senior Planner Jeff Hook introduced the Commission to the South Broad Street Corridor planning effort, explaining that this presentation is intended as background for future, more detailed presentations and no action or comments on the Draft Plan are necessary at this meeting. The Commission should review the tentative plan review strategy and suggest changes, as appropriate. Mr. Hook explained how the City's grant received from Caltrans is allowing the plan to proceed and how it will use form based codes. Martin Flores, consultant for the draft plan, gave a history about himself and the company he works for, as well as the work that has gone into this project so far. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Chuck Crotser, focus group member, expressed enthusiasm with the Broad Street Corridor Plan and the future changes. Jennifer Metz, focus group member, noted concerns with a form based code, the project review process associated with form -based codes, and potential traffic problems. Planning Commission Minutes April 18, 2007 Page 2 Jeff Lambert, focus group member, noted several concerns including public transportation and the future of mixed-use housing which he suggested the Commission investigate further. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Stevenson ,questioned the fluidity of the boundary lines, questioned when the environmental study would be available, and expressed that he would like to see a joint meeting with the ARC, CHC, and the PC in the design review portion of the draft plan. Commr. Brodie asked staff to explain form based codes to the general public requested photo descriptions before the next PC meeting so the public could better understand form based code and comment on it. It was explained that a form based code will be based on street type, architectural and site design, and land use compatibility. Commr. Ashbaugh would like to see further studies on traffic concerns and environmental impacts and asked if there would be two different plans, one with Broad Street remaining a State Highway and one with it becoming a City street. Staff said it would be addressed. Commr. Miller asked if Caltrans is close to changing Broad Street from a Highway to a City street and was informed that it was being discussed and could occur in a 5-10 year horizon or possibly sooner. Commr. Carpenter would like to see concerns regarding cultural heritage and mixed- use housing brought forward in the future Planning Commission meetings. Commr. Christianson explained that as a member of the focus group she is perhaps more familiar with what has already gone into the plan, and that the proposed meeting schedule appears to be in a logical order. It was the consensus of the Commission that the ARC and CHC should review the Plan with the form based codes before the Planning Commission discusses this part of the plan in detail. The Commission did feel the upcoming schedule was aggressive but endorsed the recommended review strategy with form based codes to be introduced at the May 9th meeting.. ACTION: The Planning Commission endorsed the schedule for review of South Broad Street Corridor Plan as follows: May 9th: Review and comment on project goals and objectives, Circulation and overall Land Use Plans and supporting information; Introduce form based code concept. May 23`d: Review and comment on Economic, Form -based code and urban design sections (after ARC review — request ARC members to attend and participate in discussion). June 13th: Complete plan review, consider the environmental determination, take action Planning Commission Minutes April 18, 2007 Page 3 on the project. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 2. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Kim Murry gave the Agenda Forecast. 3. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday April 25 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by Planning Commission on April 25, 2007. OaIY��.� � Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES April 25, 2007 CALL TO ORDERIPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Andrea Miller, John Ashbaugh, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore, Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of April 11, 2007 and April 18, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of April 11, 2007 were approved as submitted. The minutes of April 18, 2007 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 1925 Sydney Street. ANNX, GP/R, TR and ER 4-05; Request to annex approx. 70 acres (13 acres for 9 homes and 57 acres of open space), amend the General Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map to R-1 (Low -Density Residential) and C/OS (Conservation/Open Space), and relocate the Urban Reserve Line; tentative tract map creating 12 residential lots and 1 open space lot; and environmental review; King Ventures, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Deputy Director Doug Davidson provided an introduction on the role of the Planning Commission for this hearing, explaining that the Commission is wearing its quasi-judicial "hat" in determining if the proposed annexations meet the City's policies. Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report, recommending the Commission recommend denial of the current proposal to the City Council, and consideration of staff recommended project alternatives including the option to continue the item to a date uncertain with specific direction to staff and the applicant. Deputy Director Doug Davidson explained the "Sphere of Influence", a plan for the probably physical boundary and service area of a city. It is a long-range, 20 -year planning tool. The Urban Reserve Line was described as "The boundary between areas that the City has decided my be appropriate for urban development and land to remain in open -space and rural uses. Agricultural and open space uses my also be maintained within the urban reserve line." Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 2 Rachel Covesdi, King Ventures, expressed surprise that staff was recommending denial of the project since the applicant has complied with all requests. She briefly discussed the suitability and resource protection, water tank addition, public concerns such as who was paying for the tank and road improvements, and City guidelines. She requested the environmental review go forward to address staffs concerns. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Pat McKeague, 1695 EI Cerrito Court, voiced concerns with the unstable soil above his property, flooding, fires, and loss of views. Randal Allen, 2490 Parkland Terrace, noted concern with urban sprawl, increased traffic, safety, fire and flood hazards, and wildlife impacts. Jesse Norris, 2047 Wilding Lane, felt all the projects should be denied because of concerns with fire, water costs, and loss of open space. Arlene Winn, 3346 Barranca Court, made comparisons with problems that occurred in Malibu. Carol Rich, 2832 EI Cerrito, expressed concerns generally with long-range impacts could occur with these projects, and specifically connected with the retaining walls proposed. John Belsher, 2606 EI Cerrito and 412 Marsh Street, brought visual materials for the public and Commission to view which shows the impacts of the projects. Tony de Jong, 1854 Sydney Street, voiced general concerns with the proposed annexation. David Kuykendall, 1218 Pismo Street, noted traffic and safety concerns. Norman Jacobson, 1683 Knoll Drive, agreed with concerns described by the previous speakers. Randy Hickok, 1820 Sydney Street, described concerns with flooding, City maintenance and liability. Marion Wolff, 3128 Spring Court, agreed with previous speakers, and noted her main concern is with the loss of Open Space. John Ewan, Sylvia Court, discussed the definition of sphere of influence, including trails. Robert Mueller, San Luis Obispo, discussed the sphere of influence. C. Steven Sororick, SLO, spoke against the proposed projects. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 3 Buzz Kalkowski, SLO, felt the steepness of the hillside is not appropriate for development, and had concerns with traffic. Tom Wineshank, Santa Clara Street, agreed with limited development, affordable housing, downtown development, and retaining the open space. Vance Weber, SLO, voiced concerns with flooding. Richard Minkle, 1810 Sydney, SLO, also expressed concerns with flooding. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh asked staff to define the R-1 designation and asked about other zoning options. Commr. Miller discussed the current water tank size and water line and supported the need for environmental review noting how it will make the project easier to review. She did not support staffs recommendation because she felt alternatives should have been looked at with direction by staff. Commr. Brodie addressed public concerns and the problems with going forward with two of the projects and not all four. On motion by Commr. Brodie to recommend denial of the current proposal. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Gould -Wells, Carpenter NOES: Commr. Miller RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion carried on a 5:1 vote. 2. 1854 Sydney Street. ANNX, GP/R, TR and ER 126-06; Request to annex approx. 88.96 acres; amend the General Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map to Low - Density Residential (R-1) and Conservation/Open Space (C/OS) and relocate the Urban Reserve Line; tentative tract map creating 6 residential lots and one open space lot; and environmental review; H & D, R & K, D & N Filipponi, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report, recommending the Commission recommend denial of the annexation and General Plan map amendment to the City Council. Dan Gilmore, City Utilities Engineer was available to answer questions regarding the water line. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 4 Neil Havlik, Natural Resources Manager, discussed the proposed open space, and the opportunity to eliminate antiquated subdivision and replace it with a modernized tract map, and natural wildlife resource preservation. Carol Florence, applicant's representative, reviewed Agenda items 2, 3 and 4, and requested environmental review so that the project could be properly understood and reviewed. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Gary Holdgrafer, 1840 Alrita Street, noted that he and six neighbors had previously sent the Commission written testimony explaining his concerns with this project, specifically access to the project through his (and the neighbors') property. Cameron Tapp, 1841 Alrita Street, voiced concern with mudslides and wildlife impacts. Steven Zawalick, 2384 Florence Drive, noted concerns with slopes, floods, retaining walls, and loss of open space. John Edmisten, 3055 Bahia Court, spoke against the project, noting that as a civil engineer, he could understand the many problems that could arise with these projects. Janie Howland, 1690 EI Cerrito Court, had various concerns voiced previously. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh discussed the height of the retaining wall and requested that staff identify and discuss any benefits of the annexation. Commr. Brodie had questions regarding the driveway, lot 6 not being shown, and water tank visibility. Public access to the open space was discussed with staff. Commr. Miller asked when environmental review would be completed, who would pay for it, and if it would this help the Commission to review the feasibility of this project. Deputy Director Davidson clarified that the purpose of an EIR is not to define the project. It is appropriate when there are significant conflicts with City policies to conduct the policy review first, and then based on its outcome, define the project. This more refined and consistent project is used as the basis for the EIR. Commr. Carpenter discussed the viewshed and other public concerns. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 5 AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Miller, Gould -Wells, Carpenter NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr: Stevenson The motion carried on a 6:0 vote. 3. 1700 Harmony Way. ANNX, GP/R, TR and ER 142-04; Request to annex approx. 11.54 acres; amend the General Plan Land Use Map to Low -Density Residential and Conservation/Open Space and prezone the property to R-1 and C/OS and extend Urban Reserve Line; tentative tract map creating 12 residential lots; and environmental review; Roger Brown, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report recommending the item be continued to a date uncertain, with specific direction to staff and the applicant. Carol Florence, applicant's representative, was available to answer questions. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Charles Felix, 3380 Sequoia Drive, brought written material for the Commission, and discussed how the City Council previously denied development in this location. ( Chuck Putnam, San Luis Obispo, did not support the project, and did not want any changes in the area Guy Hackman, 1740 Southwood Drive, felt the project should be denied. Norman Dean, 1699 Southwood Drive, presented photographs to Commission, and agreed with previous speakers on the importance of denial of the project. Barry Cleveland, did not support the project, and noted that will put his concerns in writing. Sean Laughney, 3391 Southwood Drive, had financial concerns with the proposed developments in that his property value will go down with the loss of the open space surrounding them. Deannie Curtis, 1630 EI Cerrito Court, spoke against the project, but in support of preserving open space. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh discussed the property that would be annexed as future City property, and felt that the City Council should take another look at this area for inclusion in the sphere of influence. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 6 �i Commr. Brodie questioned how this project could continue without the 1854 Sydney Street Annexation (including the tank) going forward in that they would have to provide their own gravity fed water system. She asked the City Fire Marshall to define the requirements for access which would be a 20 foot wide road, and noted she could not support the project because of consistency issues. Commr. Miller felt this project could stand on its own and therefore could support the project. Commr. Christianson could not support the project because of the change of the development line and the need for the water tank proposed on project #2. On motion by Commr. Brodie to recommend to the City Council denial of the project Seconded by Commr. Carpenter. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Gould -Wells, Carpenter NOES: Commr. Miller RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion carried on a 5:1 vote.. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Christianson, Miller, Gould -Wells NOES: Commrs. Brodie, Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion carried on a 4:2 vote. 4. 1600 Bishop and 2220 Flora Streets. ANNX, GP/R, TR and ER 135-06; Request to annex approx. 23.61 acres; amend the General Plan Land Use Map and Zoning Map from Conservation/Open Space (C/OS-40) to Low -Density Residential (R-1) and relocate the Urban Reserve Line; tentative tract map creating 26 residential lots; and environmental review; R-1 and C/OS-40 zones; County of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report, recommending that the project be continued to a date uncertain with specific direction to staff and the applicant, noting that water service and neighborhood compatibility are the major constraints for this project. Carol Florence, applicant's representative, described of the work involved to meet the City requirements. Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 7 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Joanne Weatley, 2263 Flora Street, felt these projects would have financial impacts to the City, and expressed concern with the loss of open space. David Young, 2084 Skylark Lane, agreed with previous speakers, spoke in favor of retaining the open space. Deborah Cleere, 1804 Viewmont Drive, noted that she could not find any positive aspects for the residents of San Luis Obispo for these projects to go forward. Patrick Mullen, 2234 Flora Street, voiced concerns with possible fire hazards, flooding, and other issues described in the staff report. Steve Zawalick, 2384 Florence Drive, voiced concerns brought up previously. Chris, 2840 EI Cerrito, had concerns focusing on the geology of the site. Karen Allen, 2940 Parkland Terrace, voiced concerns not only with the annexation, but with housing and when and where it is feasible. Courtney Cable, San Luis Obispo, felt the project should not go forward and environmental review should not be completed. Jim Andry, San Luis Obispo, voiced concerns that the density does not meet the neighborhood. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: On motion by Commr. Ashbaugh to continue the meeting beyond the 11 D.M. Seconded by Commr. Miller. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Christianson, Carpenter, Gould -Wells, Miller, Ashbaugh NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion carried on a 6:0 vote. AYES: Commrs. Gould -Wells, Miller, Ashbaugh NOES: Commrs. Brodie, Christianson, Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson Planning Commission Minutes April 25, 2007 Page 8 The motion failed on a 3:3 vote. On a second motion by Commr. Miller to continue to a date uncertain with development kept to slope of 20% or less and kept in the 460 contour line. Seconded by Commr.. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Miller, Gould -Wells NOES: Commrs. Brodie, Christianson, Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion failed on a vote of 3:3. On a third motion by Commr. Ashbaugh to recommend to the City Council denial of the project. Seconded by Commr. Camenter. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Carpenter, Ashbaugh, Christianson, Gould -Wells NOES: Commr. Miller RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Stevenson The motion carried on a 5:1 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 5. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director gave a brief agenda forecast of upcoming projects. 6. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 12:40 a.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Approved by the Planning Commission on May 23, 2007. Jill Francis Recording Secretary n M� � Diane R. Stuart, Management Assistant ROLL CALL: Present: Absent: SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES May 23, 2007 Commissioners Andrea Miller, Christianson None Dan Carpenter, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, John Ashbaugh, Charles Stevenson, and Carlyn Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Senior Planners Jeff Hook and Pam Ricci, Contract Senior Planner Mary Beatie, Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik, Deputy Public Works Director Tim Bochum; Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: It was the consensus of the Commission to modify the order of the agenda and hear Business Item 4 first. MINUTES: Minutes of April 25, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of April 25, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. BUISINESS ITEM: 4. Citywide. General Plan Conformity Report for the City's CIP Program; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Jeff Hook) Senior Planner Jeff Hook presented the staff report, listed the top 10 CIP projects for discussion, and recommended that the Commission find and report to the City Council that the 2007-09 Capital Improvement Plan, Appendix B, conforms with the General Plan. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh suggested the plan make note of the City purchasing energy efficient vehicles, as well as consistency with the Bicycle Transportation Plan specific to the Bob Jones Trail. Planning Commission Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 2 On motion by Commr. Miller to find and report to the City Council that the 2007-09 CIP Appendix B. conforms with the General Plan, and recommended the Council consider policies in the Conservation and Open Space Element encouraging best practices in the purchase and use of low -emission, energy efficient City fleet vehicles. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Stevenson, Christianson, Miller, Gould -Wells, and Carpenter NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2056 Rachel Street SDU 184-06; Request to allow a 620 sq. ft. secondary dwelling unit with exceptions to code consistency requirements relating to size and location; R-2 zone; David Fosse, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Deputy Director Doug Davidson presented the staff report, recommending the Commission approve the exception to allow the existing residence to be considered as a secondary dwelling unit, based on findings and subject to conditions which he outlined. Marcy Villa, applicant, explained the history of the project and its many changes, and reviewed the problem with slope density. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Discussion focused on the proposed architecture of the primary residence, and a discussion regarding neighborhood compatibility. Commr. Christianson noted that the applicant has spent many years working and re- working the plans for this project. Commr. Miller asked how it could be enforced if the property was used as a living space instead of a workshop or art studio as proposed. Commr. Carpenter asked if this project has historic significance and if it went before the Cultural Heritage Committee, and noted his opinion that it is not necessary for the secondary dwelling unit to be of the same design as the primary residence. Planning Commission Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 3 Commr. Stevenson had questions regarding the retaining wall, the style of the proposed J dwelling unit, maintenance needed on the main house, and particular architectural elements. He noted the secondary dwelling should be complimentary to the main dwelling and not of another architectural design. Commr. Brodie pointed out several text corrections. Commr. Ashbaugh suggested a pathway (stairways/porches) to the secondary unit be of the railroad architectural design. ordinance. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Brodie, Gould -Wells, Christianson, Miller, Ashbaugh NOES: Commr. Stevenson RECUSED: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Stevenson voted against the designation of the existing structure as a SDU because he felt that the proposed new primary residence was out of character with the existing historic structure. The motion carried on a 6:1 vote. 2. 3000 Calle Malva. PD, MOD/TR and ER 98-06; Consideration of a vesting tentative tract map and amend the Zoning Map to add a Planned Development overlay to the central portion of the property to allow for smaller lot sizes and dimensions with varied setbacks and lot coverages, and environmental review; C- O/S-100 zone; John King, applicant. (Pam Ricci) Deputy Director provided a brief summary regarding the Margarita Area Specific Plan (MASP) and introduced Mary Beatie, a Senior Planner with TPG Consulting, Inc. He explained that Ms. Beatie has been providing assistance in processing the three vesting tentative tract maps proposed in the Western Enclave of the MASP. Ms. Beatie presented the staff report, recommending the Commission adopt a resolution as a recommendation to the City Council to amend the zoning on an approximately 11 -acre portion of the central portion of the subject property from R -2 -SP (Medium -Density Residential with a Specific Plan overlay) to R -2 -SP -PD (Medium -Density Residential with a Specific Plan and Planned Development overlay), approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration (ER 98-06), and approve Vesting Tentative tract map 2428, based on findings, and subject to conditions and code requirements. She provided a detailed presentation of the project history including the Planning Commission's conceptual support in January of 2006 for increased density in the center of the project. Dave Watson, applicant's representative, noted his concurrence with the staffs recommendation and indicated that he was available for questions. Planning Commission Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 4 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Daryl Boothe, San Luis Obispo, expressed concerns with increased density and congestion, increased parking problems, and construction traffic and noise. Elizabeth Righetti, San Luis Obispo, wanted to see lots adjacent to Chumash Village limited to single -story homes and asked that notices for construction activity have a greater range and be mailed out more than a week in advance. Gene Nelson, San Luis Obispo, expressed concerns with the locations of fencing and felt that open space preservation was important. Robert Phelps, San Luis Obispo, presented the Commission with a written statement, expressed concerns with air quality from construction dust and supported a 30 -day notice of when grading would begin. Douglas Gerald, San Luis Obispo, had no problem with the increased density of the project in the PD portion, but was concerned with grading that affected the perimeter. He asked where a possible "roundabout" would be located. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: In reaction to testimony provided by existing neighbors of the project site, the Commission focused on project conditions that would most directly affect adjacent development both during and after development such as those dealing with air quality and grading. Commr. Stevenson recommended that the amount of guest parking within the project be maximized. He supported the changes described by staff to project grading to minimize the grade differentials between the project and surrounding existing development, but noted that greater setbacks were still warranted to minimize new buildings from towering over other lots. He suggested revisions to comer lots, and recommended that fireplaces in the project be gas burning to alleviate air quality concerns of neighbors. Commr. Brodie asked if this project would be compatible with the Bicycle Transportation Plan and was informed that it is. She asked if there would need to be excess parking for public accessibility to open space areas. Deputy Public Works Director Tim Bochum explained that the open space areas were intended to sere the surrounding neighborhoods and that most people would walk there, but that there would be on -street parking available to accommodate those that might drive there. Commr. Ashbaugh asked for clarification on the proposed grading plan; he was told that the lots along the northern tier that bordered the large open space area were being cut somewhat to more closely meet the lower grade of the street. Planning Commission Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 5 Commr. Miller reiterated her understanding of the overall grading plan, and felt that the local residents could be given two weeks notice of when grading will start. Commr. Gould -Wells explained that there are strict controls over air-quality as it relates to grading and notice requirements, especially in the case of potentially asbestos - containing materials. Residential with a Specific Plan overlay) to R -2 -SP -PD (Medium -Density Residential with a Specific Plan and Planned Development overlay), and approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration (ER 98-06), and approve Vesting Tentative tract map 2428, based on findings, and subject to conditions and code requirements, with the modifications the affordable component, direction to maximize quest parking, and that fireplaces be gas -burning. Seconded by Commr. Stevenson. AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Brodie, Gould -Wells, Christianson, Miller, Ashbaugh and Stevenson . NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7: 0 vote. 3. Citywide. GPI 49-06: Review of the Draft South Broad Street Corridor Plan; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (To be continued to June 13, 2007) This item was continued to the meeting of June 13, 2007, without discussion. 4. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming events. B. Planning Commission Retreat Deputy Director Davidson discussed the Commission's upcoming June 20th retreat and explained the format in more detail. Commissioner Ashbaugh noted that he will be unable to attend. O 5. Commission Planning Commission Minutes May 23, 2007 Page 6 ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:15p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, June 13, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis, Recording Secretary Approved by Planning Commission on June 13, 2007. LDiane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 13, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Carlyn Christianson, Andrea Miller, Charles Stevenson Absent: Commr. John Ashbaugh Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Senior Planner Jeff Hook, Housing Programs Manager Peter Brown, Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The order of the agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of May 23, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of May 23, 2007 were approved as amended. t PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: Citywide. TA and ER 79-07; Amendments to Municipal Code Chapter 17.90 (zoning regulations) to clarify the resident selection process for affordablehousing projects and environmental review; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. ( Peter Brown) Housing Programs Manager Peter Brown presented the staff report explaining the background and need for clarification on how candidates are selected for affordable housing projects, and recommending the Commission adopt the resolution which recommends that the City Council approve the revisions to the Zoning Regulations in Chapter 17.91, and approve a Negative Declaration of environmental impact.. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioners had one question regarding the resident selection process and expressed a desire to not allow employee selection even when going above and beyond the Planning Commission Minutes June 13, 2007 Page 2 U inclusionary housing requirement. Commr. Miller questioned the possibility or need of employee incentives. On motion by Commr. Carpenter to adopt the resolution recommending that the City Council approve a Negative Declaration and revisions to the Zoning Regulations in Chapter 17.91. Seconded by Commr. Miller. AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Brodie, Gould -Wells, Christianson, Miller and Stevenson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Ashbaugh The motion carried on a 6 : 0 vote. 2. Citywide. TA 75-07; Amendments to the City's Subdivision Regulations including new standards for airspace subdivisions; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report giving an explanation of airspace subdivisions and other minor text clarifications proposed to the Subdivision Regulations, and recommending the Commission adopt a resolution recommending the City Council approve the revisions to the Subdivision Regulations. PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission had several questions regarding the airspace subdivision process and what has been done in other communities Commr. Stevenson had questions regarding the minimum amount of backyard space required for common interest subdivisions and asked who would be responsible for building maintenance within the airspace subdivision when there is no homeowners association. He complimented staff on bringing forth the project. Commr. Christianson asked if there would be a checklist on items to go over such as insurance, retrofitting, plumbing, etc. for airspace maps. She also questioned who would be responsible for preparing the tentative map and asked if a member of the public could prepare it as long as it had all the required information. Commr. Miller asked if there are any other cities amending their regulations, and if so, are they having any issues. It was noted that revisions are being considered in Santa Monica, Los Angeles and Sacramento, with no issues to report. Planning Commission Minutes June 13, 2007 Page 3 AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Brodie, Gould -Wells, Christianson, Miller and Stevenson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Ashbaugh The motion carried on a 6 : 0 vote. The Commission commended staff for taking the initiative to introduce innovative code amendments. 3. Citywide. GPA and ER 49-06; Review of goals, objectives and land use; and introduction to form -based codes proposed for the South Broad Street Corridor Plan area; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Jeff Hook) Senior Planner Jeff Hook presented the staff report recommending the Commission review and comment on the Draft Plan's goals and objectives, proposed land use, and form -based codes. Mr. Hook gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the topics to be considered at the meeting: goals and objectives, land use and an introduction to form - based codes. He noted that representatives of the South Broad Street Condor Focus Group were in the audience and would like to present their recommended goals for the planning area. Michael Young, Rick Engineering, provided background on the Draft Plan and explained form—based codes. PUBLIC COMMENTS:. Elaine Lawson, SLO, focus group member, noted the primary concerns of the focus group are keeping a sense of place including the area's "funkiness" and uniqueness, traffic safety, providing neighborhood connections and affordable housing. Jeff Jaminson, SLO, focus group member and artisan, would like to see the area keep its uniqueness. Leanna Daniel, SLO, focus group member, voiced concerns about the effect of the proposed cul-de-sac streets along Broad Street on vehicle access to businesses along Broad Street. Jeff Lambert, SLO, focus group member, explained that the goals are in no particular order but stressed the importance of the Land Use section. There were no further comments made from the public. Planning Commission Minutes June 13, 2007 Page 4 COMMISSION COMMENTS: After lengthy discussion, Commissioners asked staff to: 1) rework the section on Goals and objectives to incorporate the Focus Group's goals and the goals listed in the staff report, 2) make objectives clear and measurable, and 3) provide an evaluation of how the goals and policies implement general plan policies. Commissioners also asked for additional clarification of the plan's land use concept and to provide a "recipe" for how form -based codes would be applied.. Commr. Stevenson asked about methods of financing, requested a better understanding of cottage industry, and noted he would like to see the plan have a unified edge with the Railroad area as well as closing off random access to the area. Jeff Hook explained that the feasibility of economic strategy was in process. Commr. Brodie did not feel the goals and values listed were specific enough, asked what speck things would help to keep the artisan, funky sense of place feel to the area, and noted that the focus group has given direction in this regard. Commr. Christianson felt the focus group goals and objectives were much more specific and useful than those in the current draft plan. Commr. Gould -Wells agreed with Commr. Christianson that the goals need to be more measurable like those of the focus group. Commr. Carpenter would like to note the benefits to the environment with the proper changes, and asked if there were considerations for relaxing the codes and fees for new businesses in this area. The main concern of the focus group appeared to be the retention of the neighborhood, as well as combining the neighborhood with the new mixed-use projects and commercial projects. It was the consensus of the Commission to continue review of this item to the meeting of August 8, 2007. 4. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming events. 5. Commission Planning Commission Minutes June 13, 2007 Page 5 ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. to the special meeting of the Planning Commission (retreat) scheduled for Wednesday, June 20, 2007 from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. at Cafe Roma Restaurant, located at 1020 Railroad Avenue, San Luis Obispo Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by Planning Commission on June 27, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES June 27, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, Andrea Miller, John Ashbaugh, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director John Mandeville, Deputy Community Development Directors Doug Davidson and Kim Murry, Associate Planner Michael Codron, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The order of the agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of June 13, 2007. Accept or amend. The minutes of June 13, 2007, were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 625 Toro Street. TR and ER 176-05: Review of a 10 -unit residential condominium development and environmental review; R-4 zone; Narnaji Enterprise, applicant. (Jaime Hill) Deputy Director Doug Davidson presented the staff report recommending approval of the tentative map and Mitigated Negative Declaration to the City Council, based on findings and subject to conditions of approval. Staff pointed out the project is affordable by design, meets City standards, and no exceptions are needed. Ernie Kim, Architect, applicant's representative, discussed the changes to the project, as well as red curbing, vegetation removal, and the size of the driveway. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Gary Fowler, SLO, would like to see vegetation growing on the sound wall to prevent graffiti. Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of June 27, 2007 Page 2 There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Carpenter questioned the dimensions of the driveway. Commr. Gould -Wells asked staff to explain the location necessity of the driveway. Commr. Christianson discussed the height of the sound wall. Commr. Stevenson expressed support for the increased density in the revised project. On motion by Commissioner Stevenson to recommend approval of the tentative map and Mitigated Negative Declaration to the City Council, based on findings and subiect to conditions of approval. Seconded by Commissioner Carpenter. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Stevenson, Christianson, Miller, Gould -Wells, and Carpenter NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7:0 vote. 2. Downtown Core. R/TA and ER 50-06; Review of a proposed ordinance to control building height and floor area ratio in the downtown core, and environmental review; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Michael Codron) Community Development Director John Mandeville introduced the item and gave direction to the Commission for public comments on this item. He clarified that the focus at this public hearing is whether the ordinance meets the desirable features for the downtown such as historical preservation, sunlight availability, view preservation, and pedestrian features. Associate Planner Michael Codron gave a program overview and reviewed the Zoning Regulations amendments recommended to implement new General Plan policies and programs relating to building height and intensity limits in the downtown core. He explained that program includes amendments to the Zoning Regulations and an update to the Community Design Guidelines to implement the new policies. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Joesph Abrahams, SLO, expressed concerns with building scale. Elizabeth Abrahams, SLO, (Save Our Downtown member), would like to see a physical model instead of a digital model. Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of June 27, 2007 Page 3 Carol Pierce, SLO, noted concerns with traffic safety, sunlight, and pollution, and questioned what affordable housing really is. Neil Dilworth, SLO, felt the Commission should look at the long view and not the immediate financial impact, and would like to see the sidewalks remain wide and pedestrian friendly. David Brodie, SLO, had many concerns including the quality of natural and reflected light in retail spaces, wind, need for setbacks, and historic preservation. Andy Pease, SLO, (Leeds), stressed the importance of green buildings and the need for higher energy efficiency requirements (from 15% to 25%). George Breznay, SLO, presented a memo from Alan Cooper with suggested changes to policy language. Ken Haggard, (San Luis Green Build), Santa Margarita, expressed concerns that Title 24 does not provide a good measure of energy efficiency for downtown buildings. He said that density was one of the best ways to save energy and that efficiency and reduction of Green House Gas (GHG) emissions was best achieved through design that includes natural sunlight and natural ventilation in downtown buildings. Stanley Renhenberg, SLO, voiced concerns with parking not being required in some residential projects and that the City is not doing analysis on each project. Susan Ellenbogen, SLO, noted concerns with ordinance loopholes that would not require certain policy objective requirements to be met and suggested that all policy objectives should be met for tall buildings. Bill Thoma, SLO, discussed performance standards and policy objectives, and the need to provide for flexibility in design. He noted there is good protection for historic resources and limited sites for new tall buildings so the entitlement process should be simplified. Patricia Wilmore, SLO Chamber of Commerce, presented the Commission with a letter, discussed building height requirements and the need for flexibility, and provided suggestions for revisions to the proposed ordinance language. Richard Krejsa, SLO, discussed the types of businesses in the downtown area, energy efficiency, and traffic safety. Hugh Wadman, SLO, would like to see the City keep its ambience, and not block sunlight. Roger Longden, SLO, felt strongly for the need of story poles and scale models of each project proposed. Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of June 27, 2007 Page 4 Boz Schrage, SLO, strongly supported preservation of the current SLO charm and expressed concern with possible problems resulting from the proposed changes. Nick Watry, SLO, discussed the input available from the Cal Poly Department of Architecture for public viewing. Thomas Jones, SLO, noted that the information provided by the proposed 3D digital model would be the first in the state and maybe the first in the nation. He expressed concerns with the ordinance provisions and felt there is a need to balance the cost of project requirements with the resulting public benefit. Eric Meyer, SLO, presented a letter to the Commission suggesting retail uses on side streets, the use of story poles, and pedestrian access. He related his experiences in Santa Barbara where the community is now trying to lower building height limits because of a few bad projects. Terry Mohan, SLO, spoke in opposition to higher buildings in the downtown area. Leonard Grant, American Institute of Architects, supported higher height limits with flexibility and choices for design, along with pedestrian activity. Paul Wolff, SLO, would like to have more time between this meeting and the City Council meeting, and would like to see a physical model for future projects. Paula Carr, SLO Historical Society, opposed the ordinance and felt historical preservation should be a mandatory policy objective. Bob Anderson, SLO, felt more time should be taken before approving the ordinance, and that sunlight should be a main concern in building design. Michael Isensee, felt the ordinance should focus on objectives such as pedestrian gathering areas and the downtown core should be studied to determine the best locations for features that are encouraged, such as plazas. George Garcia, SLO, felt a certain amount of growth is needed, quality design is important, and flexibility is necessary. Carol Florence, Oasis Associates, had a question about whether or not office space would be considered revenue generating", and asked if incentives are available for builders. Mark Rawson, SLO, submitted a letter to the Commission, noting he hopes there is room for flexibility. Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of June 27, 2007 Page 5 .�� COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Miller asked about energy-saving requirements and LEED. She agreed that more time is needed to review the project, applauded staff's work on the project, and expressed the need for public comment to address all perspectives. Commr. Christianson discussed the requirement for housing with any new project, as well as natural sunlight, ventilation, affordable housing, and pedestrian walkways. Commr. Ashbaugh felt any project over 50 feet in height should go before the Planning Commission. Commr. Brodie applauded staff's work and public comments, and welcomed the chance to have more time to review the project. Commr. Gould -Wells expressed her desire to review all the letters submitted, and agreed that the Planning Commission review all buildings over 50 feet in height. Commr. Carpenter spoke of the energy objective, possibly simplifying the ordinance, and encouraged the use of physical models as a method for increasing public awareness. Commr: Stevenson felt the public testimony was very informative, and spoke of the need for a visual reference tool and economic vitality. He noted that 5% above Title 24 may be a more realistic standard than the proposed 15% because of continued improvements to energy efficiency requirements. On motion by Commr. Miller to continue the public hearing beyond 11:00 p.m. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh. The motion passed on a 7:0 voice vote. On motion by Commr. Miller to continue review of this project to a date uncertain. Seconded by Commissioner Ashbaugh. AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Ashbaugh, Stevenson, Christianson, Miller, Gould -Wells, and Carpenter NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion passed on a 7:0 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 3. Staff Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of June 27, 2007 Page 6 A. Agenda Forecast Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming projects. 4. Commission ADJOURNMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 11:10 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, July 11, 2007, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on August 22, 2007. Ma u Pritchard for Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 11, 2007 CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OATH OF OFFICE: Swearing in of new commissioner Michael Multari City Clerk Audrey Hooper swore in new commissioner Michael Multari. ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson, Michael Multari, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director John Mandeville, Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Senior Planner Pam Ricci, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, City Clerk Audrey Hooper, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 840, 842, 844, 848, 861, 868, 870, 886 Monterey, 984 986 Chorro 847 863 877 Palm and 955 Morro Streets. ARC and ER 69-05: Review and discussion the draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) prepared for the Chinatown mixed-use project. C -D -H zone; SLO Marketplace Assoc., LLC, applicant. (Pam Ricci) Senior Planner Pam Ricci presented the staff report, recommending the Commission take public testimony and provide input to City staff and EIR consultants on any additional analysis or data needed to adequately evaluate environmental issue areas. She noted that the project was submitted in the spring of 2005, but not actively processed because the emphasis was on completing the Court Street and 919 Palm projects. She pointed out that given the significance of the scale and location of this project, it was determined early on that an EIR would be required to evaluate the project's potential environmental impacts. She noted that it had become City policy to hold a hearing before the Planning Commission during the required public review period on the Draft EIR which runs in this case between June 11th and July 25th. She explained that no formal action was expected tonight except gathering comments. She also clarified that the project would not be scheduled for Planning Commission review Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2007 Page 2 until a height ordinance was adopted so that there was objective criteria in place for the Commission to evaluate whether the proposed building heights over 50 feet were warranted. Dan Gira, Program Manager, Amec, provided an overview of the main EIR issue areas and project impacts. He began by discussing transportation issues including the loss of public parking, pedestrian demand and sidewalk capacity, and long-term traffic and circulation impacts. He then elaborated on aesthetic impacts and related mitigation strategies such as increased upper -story setbacks to address concerns with the proposed building height and mass, and revisions to building detailing to respond to architectural compatibility issues, He outlined the main cultural resources concerns including: the demolition and/or remodel of historic structures; the change in character of the Downtown/Chinatown Historic districts; and potential disturbance of human burials and other subsurface artifacts. He mentioned that there were also potential inconsistencies with City Land Use Element policies including the provision of affordable housing as well as public viewing areas. He concluded by describing the project alternatives which are no project, incorporation of historic structures, alternative uses, protection of visual resources, reduced development, and other comparable sites. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Alex Gough, 964 Chorro St., SLO, noted the historic expansiveness of the Mission's grounds and properties, and that because of this, the cultural resources below the project site are extensive. He expressed concerns that potential archaeological resources may be lost. He pointed out that there were residents within the project block that would be impacted by project development. Bob Lucas, 1831 San Luis Drive, SLO, spoke of the need for more reflection before plans were approved on the project site which includes City properties. He felt that the EIR and project should not be finalized until a new building height ordinance affecting the downtown was adopted. Joseph Abrahams, 335 San Miguel, SLO, spoke in favor of the three-level portions of the project with the walkway. He expressed concerns about the significant and unavoidable impacts related to aesthetics and noted that Building A should have a minimum of 10 to 12 -foot setbacks with the removal of patios. He also suggested that the fagade of Building B should be redesigned for consistency with the area with setbacks above 2 stories and opening up of the approach to Mission Plaza. He felt that tools like story poles should be installed as mitigation to help the public understand the magnitude of visual impacts. He wanted the project model to include adjacent properties, including the surrounding streets and buildings. He recommended that the project include at least 10 affordable units, noting that the residential units, even some of the smaller ones, included in the project are likely not to be affordable. Boz Schrage, SLO, noted that he was opposed to the project and does not feel that the EIR adequately addresses its impacts. He expressed specific concerns over the loss of public parking, the destruction of historic artifacts, lack of affordable housing, and the proposed project building heights, noting that the buildings should be set back more. Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2007 Page 3 O Pete Evans, 2040, SLO, pointed out that the public is still unaware of the amount of large-scale projects that are currently in the planning stages. Luther Bertrando, 267 Foothill, SLO, noted that the project has numerous general plan inconsistencies including the provision of affordable housing which he felt needed to exceed minimum requirements given the public land included as part of the project site. He wanted the EIR to disclose the MOU with the City. He fell that the overriding considerations to potentially support the project design were not fully explained. He questioned the plaza design as being a truly public space. He mentioned that the EIR did not include a traffic analysis for Chorro/Higuera at noon where there are intersection backups and pedestrian traffic that cause congestion. He thought that the cumulative analysis should extend beyond the adjacent block. He wanted the Sauer Bakery building to be retained and thought that there should be an alternative for adaptive reuse of existing buildings. Terry Mohan, 2416 Santa Clara, SLO, expressed concern over the scale of the project and did not feel that it constituted downtown revitalization. He noted that construction traffic would be extensive given the amount of soil that would be removed from the site. He was also concerned with the loss of public parking spaces. Paula Carr, 615 Lawrence Dr., SLO, felt that the EIR should have more of a discussion regarding avoidance and minimization rather than mitigation and wanted to see mitigation language stated as conditions rather than recommendations. She asked for mitigation for required historic record reports (NABS) to 'include a requirement for qualified personnel to prepare them and that public outreach should include color publications that are made widely accessible. She suggested that MM CRA a should address issues regarding adequate curation. She wanted the mitigation for the Shanghai Low sign to specify that restoration should include modest improvements, such as use of neon lighting, but that it should not look like a new sign once restored. She felt that preservation of facades did not go far enough in terms of mitigation for historic demolitions. She pointed out the importance of context noting that the project's impacts on the scale and loss of integrity of the setting for adjacent cultural resources, as well as the district, need to be considered. She suggested that the architectural background should be expanded to include all ethnicities and their labor classes and their respective impacts on the history of downtown. Mark Rawson, applicant's representative, indicated that he was available for questions from the Commission. He indicated that a formal letter from the applicant would be submitted, but that he wanted to first listen to the comments from the public and the Commission. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh asked staff if the CHC and ARC will review the project before the Planning Commission looks at the project again. Senior Planner Ricci mentioned that they would be reviewing the project before it returned to the Commission and suggested Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2007 Page 4 a tentative timeframe for their review. He noted that small businesses would be impacted while construction is underway and suggested that the EIR Include mitigation for a public relations campaign for existing businesses affected by the project. He expressed concerns with construction trucks on Morro and Chorro Streets. He wanted the executive summary table to be expanded to include discussion of residual parking impacts Commr. Carpenter asked Wendy Nettles from Applied Earthworks who prepared the Cultural Resources section of the EIR to summarize how resource recovery efforts would be overseen. Ms. Nettles described the field work plan and noted curation shortcomings in the area, mentioning that there may be opportunities in the project for some display of artifacts collected. Commr. Multari noted that the EIR should more fully explain the MOU with the City. He brought up concerns with sidewalk capacity. Referencing MM CR -5, he suggested additional setbacks for the hotel, even at expense of the loss of the historic facade look. He asked that the text of MM LU -1 b be changed from "shall consider" to "shall find". He recommended that the text of MM VIS -2 be changed from "commissioners shall redesign" to "applicant shall redesign", noting that the intent is that the Architectural Review Commission will review the applicant's redesign. He wanted the Land Use section of the EIR to clearly explain the consistency of the proposed building heights within the project with the existing and proposed zoning ordinances. He was concerned that the project as depicted in elevations included in the EIR might potentially not be able to comply with the proposed maximum height of 75 feet given the grade of the sloping site and the City's requirement that height be measured above average natural grade below the building footprint. He wanted the EIR to include a discussion of greenhouse gases in cumulative impacts. He stressed that the EIR needs to more clearly explain findings for approval for different entitlements. Commr. Stevenson noted that the buildings on Palm Street shown in Figure 2.4-9 will seem. higher than 75 feet when viewed from Monterey Street due to the significant change in grade across the site. He thought that MM VIS -1a should be amended to include elimination of a level of the building as mitigation for visual impacts. He agreed that the explanation of the statement of overriding considerations on Page ES -10 and the process for findings needed to be expanded. He thought that the discussion of Aesthetics on Page ES -5 should specify how much lower the building height needed to be reduced. He suggested that the alternatives look at a project design which opens up and enlarges the plaza. He thought that the objectives on Page ES -2 were too general; and that Objective #4 should reference the need for workforce housing. Commr. Gould -Wells suggested that the local Air Pollution Control District (APCD) staff be contacted, specifying Aeron Arlin Genet as contact person, and pointed out that there may be potential flaws with the URBEMIS model used in the air quality analysis. Commr. Christianson noted that further review of the project by the Planning Commission should be postponed until after the building height ordinance is in place so that it could be properly evaluated. Planning Commission Minutes July 11, 2007 Page 5 2. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming events. 3. Commission ADJOURMENT: There being no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday July 25, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Architectural Review Commission on July 25, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES July 25, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Deputy Community Development Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planners Phil Dunsmore and Michael Codron, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of July 11, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of July 11, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bruce Loeffler, 670 Woodbridge St., SLO, would like to see the neighborhood around Meadow Park preserve its historic character. Richard Ferris, SLO business owner for 35 years, voiced concerns with parking at peak retail times. He felt that lack of parking is detrimental to local merchants. Boz Schrage, SLO, voiced concerns with Chinatown EIR and strongly objects to the construction of the Chinatown project. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Downtown Core. R/TA 50-06; Review of Zoning Regulations amendments recommended to implement new General Plan policies and programs relating to building heights and intensity limits in the downtown core; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (continued from 6-27-07) (Michael Codron) Associate Planner Michael Codron provided a brief presentation describing some changes proposed to the draft Zoning Regulations amendments, based on public testimony and Commissioner comments during the June 27, 20q hearing. He noted that staff is recommending that the City Council introduce an ordnance amending the Zoning Regulations to implement new policies relating to downtown building height and intensity limits. Planning Commission Minutes July 25 2007 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: The Commission re -opened the continued hearing for additional public testimony. Ken Haggard, Santa Margarita, local architect and member of SLO Greenbuild board, was very concerned that equal emphasis is given to energy efficiency. He was dismayed by input from architects, noted in the staff report, regarding the cost of reducing greenhouse gases by 2030. He reiterated that AB32 mandates that we reduce greenhouse gas production by half. Tom Jones, SLO, suggested that staff be explicit about maximum density set at 36 if there are no affordable units. He supported the notion that the City needs smaller units somewhere in our community. He recommended that we get as many units as possible downtown. Mr. Jones was opposed to the strict limits of 800 square feet and 1100 square feet. He suggested that the best thing we can do for the environment is to get people to live downtown and reduce parking requirements. Mark Rawson, SLO, opposed the 1100 square foot average unit size mandate. He felt that. flexibility should be allowed in order to facilitate creative projects with larger units to accommodate all types of interested parties. Mr. Rawson suggested that the 1100 square foot limit should only apply to half of the units; or perhaps there should be a graduated unit average. John Ewan, SLO, representative of SLO Greenbuild, suggested that goals for energy conservation should be more substantial than 15% over Title 24. He would like to see staff move towards a goal that really makes a difference like the 2030 standard. Hamish Marshall, 895 Aerovista Place, SLO, Westpac investments, opposed the 1100 square foot restriction. He suggested that the City not try to dictate what the housing market demands. He felt 1100 square feet is too small, and offered supporting evidence about the lack of sales of recent 800 square foot mixed-use units at Broad Street. Luther Bertrando, 267 Foothill Blvd., SLO, suggested a pedestrian crosswalk with a stoplight instead of a countdown light. Because his comments did not address the agenda item, his comment time was ended by the Commission. Bob Lucas, 1831 San Luis Drive., SLO, was concerned that the new buildings reaching heights upwards of 60 and 75 feet will not maintain the city's character. He called attention to the City Council meeting held in early February that approved amending the General Plan for a "moderate increase" in downtown building heights and asked staff to be clearer on the definition of "moderate' . Barry Williams, SLO Chamber of Commerce subcommittee for height, licensed architect and Cal Poly professor, supported increasing heights because it increases density downtown. He suggested that the City deal with the FAR in the downtown core instead of dwellings -per-unit, which may increase housing downtown. He cautioned that smaller sized units do not mean cheaper units. He opposed the fixed limit of 1100 square feet, and suggested that the City utilize tools like the Cal Poly 3D map in conjunction with Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 2007 Page 3 potential building overlays to address key issues like viewsheds, sun shading and shadowing. Diane Diamond, 2864 Victoria, SLO, was concerned that increasing density may affect walkability of downtown. She suggested that more attention be given to buildings at the pedestrian level. She also expressed concern with vacant buildings on Broad Street and increased urban sprawl. Debbie Highfill, Morro Bay, suggested that language should be added to downtown core amendment regarding stepping back buildings to include a "wedding cake" stepping effect like the new building in Cayucos. She suggested that there should be step back provisions for buildings with more than two stories, and strongly encouraged staff to give more attention to workforce housing and rentals. She would like to see the limit lowered to 900 square feet average unit size. William H. Geiger, 138 Ramona Dr., SLO, withdrew his public comment. Betty Winholtz, Morro Bay City Council member, was concerned about height limits, noting she would like to see stronger regulations through amendments, like the "wedding cake" setback. She addressed a study in NYC about tall buildings and detrimenta..l affects of shadowing, and strongly suggested that the number of high buildings should be limited. She encouraged protection of historic buildings. Finally, she suggested that the City needs more rental opportunities to accommodate burgeoning workforce. Rachel Kovesdi, SLO, opposed the 1100 square foot limit, and strongly opposed the 800 square foot average limit. She cautioned that exceeding Title 24 by 30% will be difficult for storefronts, especially those stores that are not solar facing. She encouraged staff to consider excluding other non -habitable areas in FAR calculations such as decks, covered atriums and balconies. Stanley Richenberg, 2410 Cima Court, SLO, suggested that story poles should be utilized in advance of new construction downtown to help residents visualize building height. Boz Schrage, SLO, alluded to 140 California cities he has been to that are under four stories. He cautioned that staff should consider every project carefully so as not to leave a city and a legacy that nobody will enjoy. Pete Evans, SLO, voiced that it is inappropriate for the Commission or staff to discourage public input. He was concerned that the staff report was confusing regarding affordable units. Mr. Evans suggested that new buildings should not leave their doors locked in an open position because it wastes energy. Joseph Abrams, 335 San Miquel Ave, SLO, questioned the policy objectives of the Planning Commission. He challenged the Commission to not rubber stamp the City Council and encouraged that each project should be vigorously evaluated. He Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 2007 Page 4 supported the addition of viewing platforms and open space plazas in the new height ordinance. Elizabeth Abrams, 335 San Miquel Ave, SLO, suggested that a physical model should be constructed and story poles should be utilized to give citizens the impression of proposed height limits. Richard Krejsa, 189 San Jose Court, SLO, was concerned that increased heights will "channelize" the city streets creating "canyonization". He cautioned that high buildings may impact solar collectors and diminish viewsheds. Sharon Dobson, 1839 Corralitos Ave., SLO, would like to see the Commission take care when reviewing applications and plans in the "control phase" because developers don't always proceed as planned. Bruce Loeffler, 670 Woodbridge St., suggested that the City should be reluctant to approve high buildings on topographic high points. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission asked questions of staff and determined by consensus that the revised amendments were responsive to the concerns expressed by the public and the Commission during the previous meeting. The Commission determined, by consensus, that the ordinance amendments were sufficiently developed and that with sufficient time for discussion, they could move forward and develop a recommendation to the City Council. Seconded by Commr. Stevenson. AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Stevenson, Ashbaugh, Carpenter, Brodie and Christianson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7 :0 vote. 2. 2321 Broad Street. FH 59-07; Appeal of the Director's denial of a Fence Height Exception request to allow a 5 foot fence where a 3 foot fence is allowed along the street yard property line; R-2 zone; Matthew Frakes, applicant. (Brian Leville) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore provided a comprehensive presentation of the requested fence exception, recommending the Commission deny the appeal and uphold Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 2007 Page 5 Cthe Director's action to deny the request, based on findings which he outlined. Planner Dunsmore listed the exception criteria and why this request does not meet the criteria and is not compatible with the neighborhood. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Matthew Frakes, applicant, described other tall fences and shrubs that are in the neighborhood, and addressed noise and traffic issues in the neighborhood. He indicated he would like to work with the City to improve his existing fence instead having to build a new fence. Bruce Loeffler, 670 Woodbridge, SLO, felt that exceptions need to be made to protect homeowners from noise and traffic, and supported the tall fence. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission discussed the options and potential compromise that could be available to the applicant. Commr. Multari discussed setting back the fence, lowering it, and adding landscaping. Commr. Ashbaugh disagreed with keeping the fence but spoke in support of existing City codes. Commr. Carpenter also felt the applicant needed to meet City codes. Commr. Stevenson suggested a masonry wall and possible improvements to the house. He would like to see the City Council send code enforcers to the area for compliance. On motion by Commr. Ashbaugh to deny the appeal and uphold the Director's action denying the fence height exception. Seconded by Commr. Carpenter. AYES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Carpenter and Brodie NOES: Commrs. Multari, Stevenson and Gould -Wells RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Christianson The motion failed on a 3:3 tie vote. On a second motion by Commr. Multari to continue the item to September 12. 2007. to Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 2007 Page 6 AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Brodie and Stevenson NOES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Christianson The motion passed on a 4:2 vote. Commissioners Carpenter and Ashbaugh voted against the motion and felt that the fence should comply with the established regulations. 3. 950 and 990 Aero Drive. U 5-07; Request to allow a 134 room hotel in the BP -SP zone; Airport Hotel, LP, applicant. (Phil Dunsmore) Associate Planner Phil Dunsmore presented the staff report recommending the Commission approve the hotel use the B -P zone based on findings and subject to conditions, code requirements and mitigation measures. Carol Florence, Oasis Associates, applicant's representative, presented a slide presentation and was available for questions. Brad Breckwaid, Wallace Group, spoke to the project relating to undergrounding utilities. Hamish Marshall, Westpac Investments, discussed placement of the transit stop. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Robert Wisberg, SILO, addressed water and sewer line issues. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission discussed the project conditions and mitigation measures, and commented on items such as parking, site access, a potential shuttle to serve hotel guests, and whether or not the utilities along Broad Street would be placed underground. Commr. Ashbaugh supported further study on esthetics, undergrounding utilities, visible public art, and containing light and glare from lobby light fixtures. He asked if a bus stop would be located at this location, and parking was discussed at length. Commr. Stevenson would like to see a transit stop required for the use permit if feasible and necessary. fixtures. Planning Commission Minutes July 25, 2007 Page 7 �' The motion failed for lack of a second. adiacent property. Seconded by Commr. Stevenson. AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Stevenson, Ashbaugh, Carpenter, Brodie NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Christianson The motion carried on a 6: 0 vote. A third motion was made by Commr. Stevenson to discuss with the City, code enforcement in this area relating to fence and landscape height along property lines. A vote was taken. Seconded by Commr. Carpenter. AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Stevenson, Carpenter and Brodie NOES: Commr. Ashbaugh RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Christianson The motion carried on a 5:1 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 4. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave the agenda forecast of upcoming events. 5. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting was adjourned to a special meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday August 1, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Approved by the Planning Commission on August 22, 2007 Jill Francis Recording Secretary MaryPritcha d for Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Adjourned Meeting August 1, 2007 CALL TO ORDERIPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director John Mandeville, Deputy Community Development Directors Doug Davidson and Kim Murry, Associate Planner Michael Codron, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. Downtown Core. R/TA. 50-06; Review of Zoning Regulations amendments recommended to implement new General Plan policies and programs relating to building heights and intensity limits in the downtown core; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Continued from 7-25-07) (Michael Codron) Associate Planner Michael Codron explained that this is the third Planning Commission meeting on the height ordinance, and that during the previous two meetings, the Commission heard public testimony from approximately 50 speakers and received written comments from over 30 individuals. Staff recommended that the Commission consider revisions to the Zoning Ordinance and formulate a recommendation to the City Council to implement new policies relating to downtown building height and intensity limits. PUBLIC COMMENTS: The public comment period was closed during the previous meeting (7-25-07), and was not re -opened. Planning Commission Minutes Adjourned meeting of August 1, 2007 Page 2 COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Stevenson discussed some changes to the Purpose and Intent section of the ordinance, which included adding the language "affordable workforce housing opportunities". He expressed his uncertainty that all projects over 50 feet can meet all policy objectives but agreed that all projects should come before the Planning Commission. He felt that a pedestrian connection or public plaza/gathering place should be a performance standard; after some discussion, it was determined that was more appropriate as policy objective. Commr. Ashbaugh requested the term "shared housing" be changed to the already defined "group housing", and discussed the need for "free public access" to views decks in proposed tall buildings. He felt a three dimensional model of prospective projects should be on the City's internet site to make it publicly accessible. Commr. Carpenter felt that all buildings/projects over 50 feet should meet all policy objectives and standards, and should come before the Planning Commission. He felt the wording on the Historic Preservation objective needed to be clarified to distinguish between buildings located on-site versus off-site. Commr. Multari recommended a set of performance standards for buildings over 50 feet tall. He suggested adding language to the housing performance standard that would eliminate the unit size limitations if 60% of the building floor area, excluding parking, is devoted to housing; and suggested raising the average unit size to 1,500 square feet max. instead of 1,100 square feet, as proposed. He presented a drawing to describe a proposed definition of building height on sloped sites, as well as a drawing to depict the upper story setbacks needed to screen views of upper floor building walls from pedestrians on the fronting sidewalk. Commr. Brodie agreed that a basic set of performance standards that all projects over 50 feet would have to meet is necessary, as well a specific number of standards and objectives that each project over 50 and 60 feet would have to meet. Commr. Christianson discussed going through the performance standards one by one to see which ones may fit in as objectives and which as performance standards, as suggested by Commr. Multari. She supported the energy objectives that the builders would have to meet: 15% above Title 24, LEED silver rating, or SLO GreenBuild rating. In discussing historic preservation, it was noted that the number of buildings downtown that were designated on the Master List of Historic Resources was approximately 41. Commr. Gould -Wells agreed with a need for a new baseline survey of historic buildings. The subject of trip reduction plans and their incorporation, as a possible performance standard was discussed. The Commission expressed agreement with Commr. Multari's comments the objectives that are particularly valuable for future large projects and a suggested finding to insure that public benefits outweigh the negative impact of increased building height. The Planning Commission's recommendation reflects the public testimony, the Planning Commission Minutes Adjourned meeting of August 1, 2007 Page 3 recommendations of staff and the consensus -building approach employed by Chairwoman Christianson to work through each section of the ordinance and develop agreement before moving on to the next. The results are summarized below: Performance Standard a. was modified to increase the average floor area maximum from 1,100 square feet to 1,500 square feet. If at least 60% of the floor area of the building is devoted to housing (excluding parking) there would be no floor area limitation. 2. A new Performance Standard was added to address building height limitations. 3. A new Performance Standard was added to specify a minimum setback for the upper story generally not be visible to pedestrians on the sidewalk along the building's street frontage. 4. A Policy Objective for historic preservation was made into a Performance Standard. As recommended by the Planning Commission (and previously recommended by the Cultural Heritage Committee), projects on sites with historic buildings must provide for the preservation or adaptive reuse of those buildings in a manner consistent with City policy to be eligible for increased building height. 5. The Planning Commission added LEED and SLO Green Build ratings as alternatives to meeting the requirement for tall buildings to exceed California energy efficiency requirements (Title 24) by 15%. 6. After augmenting the Performance Standards as described above, the Planning Commission reduced the number of Policy Objectives required for approval of buildings between 60 and 75 feet to "at least two," where four objectives had previously been recommended. The Commission is also recommending a finding for approval of buildings between 60 and 75 feet that would require the Commission to determine that the public benefits associated with the project significantly outweigh any detrimental impacts associated with additional height." The Commission also recommended that in weighing potential public benefits the Commission shall consider objectives related to affordable and workforce housing, economic vitality, historic preservation and open space preservation to be especially important. 7. Policy Objective c. was modified to require residential density greater than or equal to 36 units per acre with average floor area not to exceed 1,100 square feet, increased from 800 square feet. 8. Additional minor changes were made to the formatting and content of the proposed ordinance. Planning Commission Minutes Adjourned meeting of August 1, 2007 Page 4 AYES: Commrs. Stevenson, Christianson NOES: Commr. Multari RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 6:1 vote. Ashbaugh, Gould -Wells, Carpenter, Brodie and It was noted that the City Council is tentatively scheduled to consider the Planning Commission's recommendation on Tuesday, September 4th. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday August 8, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on August 22, 2007. Yq"Q463) Marylo Pritchard forl%aine R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 8, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Michael Multari, John Ashbaugh, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: Commr. Dan Carpenter Staff: Deputy Community Development Directors Doug Davidson and Kim Murry, Senior Planner Jeff Hook, Associate Planner Tyler Corey, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. PUBLIC COMMENT: Astrid Gallagher, Arroyo Grande, commended the City of San Luis Obispo on its adaptation and use of its Historic Preservation Guidelines. There were no further comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 642, 2201 Emily Street and 2238 Broad Street. TR 62-05: Request for a tentative tract map to create a residential and commercial condominium subdivision within an approved mixed-use project; C -N -H and C -S -H zone; H/D Maymont LLC, applicant. (Pam Ricci) Commr. Stevenson recused himself due to a conflict of interest because he owns property within 500 feet of the project. Deputy Director Doug Davidson presented the staff report recommending adoption of a resolution which recommends that the City Council reaffirm the City Council's prior approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact, and approval of the tentative tract map, based on findings and subject to conditions and code requirements which he outlined. He explained that the tentative tract map will create 82 airspace residential condominiums and 27 commercial condominium units within the previously approved project. Debbie Rudd, applicant's representative, confirmed that the applicant would have no problems meeting the conditions required by staff. Planning Commission Minutes August 8, 2007 Page 2 .PUBLIC COMMENTS: There were no public comments. COMMISSION COMMENTS: There was no discussion. On motion by Commr. Ashbaugh to reaffirm the prior approval of a Mitigated Negative Declaration of environmental impact and recommend approval of the tentative tract AYES: Commrs. Multad, Gould -Wells, Ashbaugh; Brodie and Christianson NOES: None RECUSED: Commr. Stevenson ABSENT: Commr. Carpenter The motion carried on a 5:0 vote. 2. Citywide. GPI and ER 49-06: Review land use and phasing strategy, form -based codes, street and building character and general regulations in the Draft South Broad Street Corridor Plan; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Continued from June 13, 2007) (Jeff Hook) Senior Planner Jeff Hook explained that the purpose of the meeting was to review the Draft South Broad Street Corridor Plan's land use strategy, form -based codes, and economic development/phasing strategy and noted that no final action is anticipated at this meeting. He gave a slide presentation and introduced Michael Young, planning consultant, who explained how form -based codes would be applied using a "mock" development project. He also recommended that discussion be continued to the September 12, 2007 meeting, for additional discussion of the draft plan. Consultant Gary London described the economic strategy, described project phases that would occur over a period of up to 25 years and responded to questions. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Dan Kallal, SLO, expressed concerns with land use changes and the elimination of light manufacturing and industrial uses. Jeff Lambert, SLO, would like to see a more concise definition of form -based codes, more flexibility in types and sizes of business as well as a new land use type called "cottage industry", and some assurance that lower-income residents are not overlooked in the Plan. Planning Commission Minutes August 8, 2007 Page 3 Tom Swem, representing the owner of the former Valley Mazda property, expressed concerns with the proposed cul-de-sac streets and the timeframe outlined for project phasing. There were no further public comments. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission generally supported the Plan's overall land use concept, but had concerns and questions about many details, including plan length and organization, parking, land use transition and compatibility, street design and circulation, cul-de-sac street ends at Broad Street, infrastructure improvements and financing, and possible economic tools to implement the Plan. Commr. Ashbaugh discussed how the plan will be adopted, noted he would like to see the next Plan draft delete the cul-de-sacs and include further discussion on current residential land rezoning, suggested the Victoria Street extension be moved up to Phase 1 in the Plan, and that a light industrial designation be added to the map. Commr. Multari asked that color plans be provided to review the plan. He felt the Plan did not flow well but was generally going in the right direction. He felt that further research and analysis is needed on the potential impacts and problems with the mixed- use project, and noted concerns with parking and various definitions that needed clarification. Commr. Christianson explained the main "focus" of the South Broad Street Corridor Focus Group was circulation which had yet to be reviewed by the Planning Commission, and discussed the need for traffic safety and the resulting design measures like traffic medians, lighting, and cul-de-sacs which will be reviewed at a later date. Commr. Stevenson felt the Plan is going in the right direction but had concerns with the economics, and supported the idea of incubator businesses that could be allowed in the homes on the west that face Broad Street, if so desired. Commr. Brodie suggested that a special meeting be held to address circulation, and asked staff about alternate land uses or ideas. Staff felt residential land use needs to be the Plan's main focus with commercial, retail, office, and phasing out of manufacturing. Commr. Gould -Wells agreed with Commr. Brodie on the need to add circulation/traffic concerns to the discussion and asked how form based codes would be implemented into the businesses already in place. No action on the draft Plan was taken. The Commission requested that colored plans be provikded to them for review. Discussion focused on compatibility with housing and business including light manufacturing. Commissioners asked staff to provide information on the questions raised.. Planning Commission Minutes August 8, 2007 Page 4 AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Ashbaugh, Brodie, Stevenson and Christianson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Carpenter The motion passed on a 6:0 vote. 3. and 748 Marsh Street. ER 124-06; Public scoping meeting to discuss the workscope of the Environmental Impact Report being prepared for the Garden Street Terraces project; C -D -H zone; Garden Street SLO Partners, applicants. (Tyler Corey) Associate Planner Tyler. Corey presented the staff report, recommending the Commission receive public testimony and provide input to City and consultant staffs on any additional workscope items or environmental issues that need to be evaluated in the Garden Street Terraces Project EIR. Dan Gira, Amec Earth & Environmental, described the key environmental issue areas and range of alternatives that will be addressed in the EIR. Carol Florence, applicant's representative, provided a presentation on the details of the project, including project history, public outreach and prior CHC and ARC conceptual reviews. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Boz Schrage, San Luis Obispo, felt that this project is a test to City standards and guidelines, including building setbacks, height, cultural resources and affordable housing. Richard Stevens, Garden Street, expressed concerns over the construction phase of the project and its potential impacts to Garden Street businesses. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh expressed a desire to add a discussion to the EIR regarding the current shortage of available curation space in the area, as was included for the Chinatown Project EIR. Planning Commission Minutes August 8, 2007 Page 5 Commr. Gould -Wells suggested further traffic impact studies and noted the construction pollution would be thoroughly regulated by existing codes and requirements. The Commission provided the following comments regarding the EIR workscope: 1. Provide a discussion of the current shortage of available curation space in the area. 2. Provide a thorough analysis of construction phasing, including coordination with the Air Pollution Control District. 3. Consider expanding the traffic analysis to include additional intersections further from the project site as well as project impacts to alternative modes of transportation.. 4. Consider an alternative that includes a reduction to the number of residential units provided within the project. No formal action was taken. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 4. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming items. 5.. Commission ADJOURMENT: The meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m. to the Commission scheduled for Wednesday August 22, Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary regular meeting of the Planning 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Approved by the Planning Commission on September 12, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES August 22, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Andrea Miller, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: Commr. Gould -Wells Staff: Deputy Community Development Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planner Brian Leveille, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick and Recording Secretary Marylou Pritchard ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of June 27, July 25 and August 1. Approve or amend. The minutes of June 27, and July 25, 2007 were approved as submitted. The minutes of August 1, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: Tom Swem, representing Don Valle, encouraged the Commission to delete the cul-de- sac at Broad and Caudill Streets, as shown in the Draft South Broad Street Corridor Plan. He felt deleting this aspect of the plan will improve the access and marketability of the former Valley Mazda site. He asked the Commission to address the Caudill Street closure separately rather than in the context of the comprehensive Broad Street Plan. Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick advised the Commission that they cannot discuss the item at this meeting, but that the Commission can be polled to determine if the majority would like hold a special meeting for to address Mr. Swem's request prior to the October 17, 2007 meeting. On a 4:2 straw vote (Commrs. Ashbaugh and Carpenter voting no) the Commission voted to keep review of the street closure issue tied in with the overall Plan and not review the issue earlier in a separate hearing. The majority of the Commission wanted to maintain the schedule and review the matter at the scheduled special meeting of October 17, 2007 when the traffic analysis will be available. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 281 Ramona Drive. MS 92-07; Request to split one lot in two with an exception to allow a 46.5 foot wide lot where 50 feet is the minimum, and environmental review; Rob Gantenbein, applicant. (Brian Leveille) Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2007 Page 2 Brian Leveille, Associate Planner, presented the staff report, recommending the Commission approve the tentative parcel map with exceptions to the Subdivision Regulations for lot width, and adopt the Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, based on findings, and subject to conditions and code requirements. Staff confirmed for the Commission that another single-family residence could be built on the existing parcel without a lot split because the parcel is over 12,000 square feet in size. PUBLIC COMMENTS: AI Bonin, SLO, voiced concerns with parking impacts to the neighborhood, and opposed the request. Jim Smith, 940 Pasa Tiempo Drive, SLO expressed that this project is similar to student row -housing, urged denial of the request and retention of the current lot structure. He felt that the large yards in the neighborhood does not conform to the existing character of the neighborhood. Nancy Howland, 285 Ramona Drive, submitted a letter opposing the project which was read into the record, noting that she resides next door to the proposal and is concerned primarily about damage to her retaining wall, drainage concerns and structural considerations (too close to her retaining wall). Dr. Margaret Herron, 276 Del Mar Court, SLO, was concerned that the higher density for this proposal conflicts with the current personality of the family-oriented neighborhood, noting that this proposal will invite students into the neighborhood. Michael Rourke, applicant's representative, clarified that both properties have yards and that the applicant has made extra efforts to maintain riparian areas in order to ensure a pleasing "look" that will blend with the neighborhood. He explained that they try to ensure that student tenants are responsible, and has worked with existing neighbors and changed their plans to allow larger side yards. Rob Gantenbein, applicant, discussed drainage and retaining wall concerns. He noted that this particular lot is very large and 80% is covered with asphalt with poor drainage; however, the new proposal will improve lot drainage. He also explained his efforts to ensure that the existing Redwood tree is maintained and that allowances were made to lower the proposed structure one story as a compromise with the neighbors. There were no further comments made from the public COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh questioned the expanse of asphalt on the current lawn, and noted that Code Requirement #8 seems to address the drainage concern adequately, and suggested that drainage also be listed as a condition. He noted this is a small exception, continuity of frontage will not be compromised, and he likes the single -story home proposal. His felt that Mrs. Howland's situation will be improved through this process. Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2007 Page 3 Commr. Multari felt that a condition addressing drainage is redundant since it is already addressed as a Code Requirement. He did not feel that the Commission can be make a judgment which is based on a prejudice against students and supported the project. Vice -chair Stevenson reiterated that this request is an exception to standards and not a land use or parking issue, while recognizing that parking is a city problem and he is sympathetic to that problem. He noted that the proposed homes are well set back from the street and that the overall plan is well designed, with attention to maintenance of existing trees and character of the neighborhood. Commr. Carpenter agreed that this is an issue about an exception to a standard but could not support the project because he does not want to send a message that the Commission will continue to make exceptions in the future. His assertion is that the existing regulations should be upheld. Chairperson Christianson stated that student housing is a City concern but not building houses will not address the concern; the City needs to address tenant/landlord issues in another forum. AYES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Multari, Brodie, Stevenson and Christianson - NOES: Commr. Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commr. Gould -Wells The motion carried on a 5: 1 vote. Commissioner Carpenter voted against the motion since he does not support granting exceptions to the Subdivision Regulations. 2. 1302 and 1314 Palm Street TR 11-07; Consideration of Vesting Tentative Tract Map creating 10 air space condominiums from 10 apartment units; R -3-H zone; Fonte, Rossi and McAdams, Applicants. (Tyler Corey) Commr. Brodie recused herself because she previously resided at this address. Deputy Director Doug Davidson presented the staff report, recommending adoption of the resolution recommending that the City Council approve the vesting tentative tract map, based on findings and subject to conditions and code requirements. He noted that one of the units will be designated as a moderate income unit (deed restricted). The overall project complies with property development standards with exceptions for parking and storage but this project will help to alleviate area parking problems. In response to questions from Commr. Multari, Deputy Director Davidson explained the Mills Act and owner obligations, and addressed the following questions: Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2007 Page 4 Does the Mills Act provide tax relief for individual owners? Yes, there can be substantial tax relief for the permanent and long term preservation of this structure although the City cannot provide tax advice. What obligations do they then incur for the preservation of the exterior? The owner obligation is dependent on how the covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs) are written and they should be created subject to Mills Act requirements with specific wording related to the maintenance and preservation of the historical resource and provide monetary punishment if the homeowners fails to perform. Will preservation be the obligation of the Homeowner's Association or each individual owner? It's the same as if each owner has entered into a separate Mills Act Agreement. How do they pool enough money for historical upkeep? This would be addressed through the CC&R's also which would be deemed as "running with the land'.. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Lou Smith, architect, presented photographs of the property before and after renovations showing improvement progression including the demolition of a 4 -unit apartment house and a garage. She stated that the preservation is complete and maintenance is now the issue. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh stated his overall support of the project with a minor concern regarding the numbering of units, questioned why there seems to be excessive red curb markings near the comer, and expressed concern with parking. Commr. Stevenson felt that it was a stunning project and commended the owners. Commr. Multari felt that this project is an improvement to the city. He suggested finding #6 include the text: "the project as proposed will not have an adverse impact on historical resources, ... " AYES: Commrs. Ashbaugh, Multari, Carpenter, Stevenson, Christianson NOES: None RECUSED: Commr. Brodie ABSENT: Commr. Gould -Wells The motion carried on a 5: 0 vote. Planning Commission Minutes August 22, 2007 Page 5 COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 3. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming events. 4. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday September 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Marylou Pritchard Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on September 12, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, M Management Assistant O SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 12, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson, and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director John Mandeville, Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planner Brian Leveille, Chief Building Official Tim Girvin, Code Enforcement Officer Gene Gailey, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of August 8, 2007 and August 22, 2007 Approve or amend. The minutes of August 8th and August 22, 2007 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2321 Broad Street. FH 59-07: Appeal of the Director's denial of a Fence Height Exception request to allow a 5 foot fence where a 3 foot fence is allowed along the street yard property line; R-2 zone; Matthew Frakes, applicant/appellant. (Brian Leveille) (Continued from July 25, 2007) Associate Planner Brian Leveille presented the staff report, recommending the Commission deny the appeal but approve an exception with a reduced height of four feet, and increased setback at the corner, based on findings. Matt Frakes, applicant and appellant, spoke in support of the exception and changes offered by staff, and voiced his appreciation for the opportunity to work out a solution. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Bruce Loeffler, San Luis Obispo, expressed support for the compromise presented by 10 staff. There were no further comments made from the public. Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2007 Page 2 �) COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission discussed the proposed alternatives and the specific circumstances in the subject case. Commr. Carpenter did not support making exceptions to the requirements and setting a precedent with this exception, and noted that he felt this fence would not achieve the needs of the applicant. Commr. Multari supported the changes recommended by staff. Commr. Stevenson did not support staffs recommendation, and expressed agreement with Commr. Carpenter. Comm.r. Christianson did not feel it was the Commission's place to enforce requirements, especially when looking at the lack of enforcement in the neighborhood as a whole. Seconded by Commr. Gould -Wells. AYES: Commrs. Multari, Gould -Wells, Brodie and Christianson NOES: Commrs. Stevenson, Ashbaugh, Carpenter RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 4:3 vote. Commissioners Ashbaugh, Stevenson, and Carpenter could not make the required findings and voted against the motion. 2. Staff A. Code Enforcement Update (Tim Girvin and Gene Gailey) Chief Building Official Tim Girvin and Code Enforcement Officer Gene Gailey provided an overview of the code enforcement program. Discussion ensued about the nature and number of cases and the program's emphasis on neighborliness and voluntary compliance. The Commission appreciated the good work on code enforcement and offered several suggestions to improve educational efforts, particularly regarding fence height regulations. B. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming projects and meetings. Planning Commission Minutes September 12, 2007 Page 3 3. Commission ADJOURNMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday September 26, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on September 26, 2007. Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 26, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners John Ashbaugh, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, and Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson Absent: Commissioners Carlyn Christianson and Amanda Brodie Staff: Deputy Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planners Tyler Corey and Jaime Hill, Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of September 12, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of September 12, 2007 were approved as submitted. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 871 and 879 Islay Street. GP/R and ER 8-06; Request to amend the general plan map and zoning map from medium -density residential with a Historic overlay zoning (R -2-H) to medium-high density residential with a Historic overlay zoning (R -3-H); Mike McNamara, applicant. (Tyler Corey) Associate Planner Tyler Corey presented the staff report, recommending the Commission adopt the resolution which recommends that the City Council approve the Mitigated Negative Declaration and amend the General Plan Land Use Element map to change the land use designation of 871 Islay Street from Medium Density Residential to Medium -High Density Residential; and rezone the property from R -2-H to R -3-H. Mike McNamara, applicant, described the design features of the project and clarified that the purpose for the request was not to take advantage of additional site density, but rather to accommodate a four lot common -interest subdivision. Ernie Kim, Architect, explained how the project came about and the need for the zone change. C . PUBLIC COMMENTS: Darren Kraker, San Luis Obispo, did not support additional development adjacent to his property and expressed concerns with potential privacy and overlook impacts from the Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 2007 Page 2 project. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments focused on the need to build on vacant land while meeting the intent of the City's development goals. Commr. Multari asked for clarification of the density that would be allowed if the property were sold in the future. On motion by Commr. Ashbaugh to recommend that the City Council approve the Seconded by Commr. Gould -Wells. AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Multari, Ashbaugh, Gould -Wells, and Stevenson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commrs. Christianson and Brodie The motion carried on a 5:0 vote. 2. 300 Lawrence Drive. TR, PD and ER 77-07; Request for a Vesting Tentative Tract Map and Planned Development zoning creating 10 residential and 2 open space lots, and environmental review; R-1 zone; Total Development Company, applicant. (Jaime Hill) Associate Planner Jaime Hill presented the staff report, recommending the Commission recommend the City Council approve the vesting tentative tract map and Planned Development rezone, and adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact, based on findings, and subject to conditions and code requirements. Michael Coss, applicant, addressed several of the Commissioners concerns, explaining that the on-site crusher would be a small machine that would operate for approximately 3-5 days and that the easement at the Mitchell Drive extension allows for general access currently. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Lisa Myrick, San Luis Obispo, expressed concerns about increased traffic, as the street is narrow with non -ADA compliant sidewalks. Dan Calden, San Luis Obispo., opposed the extension of Mitchell Drive and voiced concern that Lot 10 would affect his property value. Dave Hacker, San Luis Obispo, noted that the project was much improved, felt there was no public benefit to an entrance gate, that de minimus finding was not appropriate, and that traffic was insufficiently mitigated. Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 2007 Page 3 Shawn McNab, San Luis Obispo expressed concerns with increased traffic, and was concerned about being advised if hazardous materials were found, light pollution, private views from homes, and safety impacts associated with the proposed trail. Arnold Jonas, San Luis Obispo, thought that the project was significantly improved but pointed out that it was up to the decision makers to determine if full use of the available density was appropriate. He described concerns with protecting natural resources versus providing density, and noted that the potential new owner should be provided with a copy of the requirements for building design. Jeff Lambert, San Luis Obispo, spoke in support of the project because it is consistent with the General Plan, but stated that the neighborhood should be looking into traffic calming options. Richard Stevens, San Luis Obispo, expressed concern about on -street parking capacity and asked if Meadow Drive was going to be closed. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commissioner Multari asked several questions about the Conservation easement on JLots 2-6, which Natural Resource Manager Neil Havlik explained would follow City standards as applied most recently to the Bowden Ranch subdivision. He noted he would like to see signage depicting the route to the open space area which would keep it more accessible to the public. He asked for clarification of Council direction No.2, and stated that he was in favor of the public trail and that in addition to being provided architectural guidelines, the future property owners should be given the conditions of approval, mitigation measures, and Landscape & mitigation plan. Commissioner Ashbaugh questioned the feasibility of 2:1 replacement of Buckeyes in- kind, and potential interference with the freshwater seep, and Mr. Havlik explained that the final planting plan would include sufficient buffering to protect the seep, lily and needlegrass, and if required plantings exceed the available on-site area, some plantings may occur in other areas as identified in the South Hills Management Plan. He expressed that the neighbors should be notified if pollutants are found and he felt the design of Lot 10 was greatly improved. Commr. Gould -Wells explained that the APCD notification process regarding pollutants was very successful and expressed that the City should provide off-site signage on Mitchell identifying the public trail. Commission Stevenson expressed concern about the noise impacts associated with rock crusher operation on the property, noted that there should be images in the architectural guidelines, and that the guidelines needed to be provided to property Oowners. to -guidelines, mitigation measures, and all easements shall be recorded on -title with the Planning Commission Minutes September 26, 2007 Page 4 individual lots: 2) A rock crushing operation plan shall be provided to and approved by the Department and approved by the APCD prior to the issuance of public improvement or Commr. Multari. AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Multari, Ashbaugh, Gould -Wells, and Stevenson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: Commrs. Christianson and Brodie The motion carried on a 5:0 vote. 3. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Davidson discussed the open agenda for the next regularly scheduled agenda (October 10th) and the upcoming special meeting on October 17th on the South Broad Street Corridor Plan. The Commission decided to hold the regularly scheduled meeting of October 10th as a walking tour of the South Broad Street area in preparation for the October 17th meeting. Meeting will start at 5:30 at Fire Station #1, the comer of Santa Barbara Street and Broad Street. 4. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. to the regular meeting (field trip) of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday October 10, 2007 at 5:30 a.m.; congregating at Fire Station #1 at Santa Barbara Avenue and Broad Street Respectfully submitted by Approved by the Planning Commission on November 14, 2007 Jill Francis Recording Secretary , r, r,� r_r Diane R. Stuart, CM Management -Assistant Minutes/Meeting Update SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION Walking Tour of the South Broad Street Corridor Area October 10, 2007 Wednesday 5:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Commissioners Amanda Brodie, Dan Carpenter, Chairperson Carlyn Christianson, Michael Multari, John Ashbaugh, Diana Gould -Wells, and Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson All commissioners were present. STAFF: Deputy Director Kim Murry and Senior Planner Jeff Hook WALKING TOUR: 1. South Broad Street Corridor. Planninci Area. GPI and ER 49-06; Review of general regulations and discussion of development and character of the South Broad Street Corridor. City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. A public walking tour of the South Broad Street Corridor Plan was conducted to familiarize Commissioners with the planning area's existing conditions, opportunities and challenges, in connection with review of the Draft South Broad Street Corridor Plan. Commissioners, staff and four members of the public (Debra Denker, Jeff Lambert, George Garcia and Dan Kallal) assembled at the City Fire Station #1 Parking Lot, 2160 Santa Barbara Avenue and toured the planning area on foot. Commissioners walked along portions of Broad Street, Woodbridge, Victoria, Francis, railroad right-of-way and Lawrence Street. Staff and area residents Denker and Kallal pointed out key public street features, businesses, .houses and existing or potential pedestrian and bike connections. The tour was purely informational and no action was taken. The field trip ADJOURNED at 7 p.m. to the special meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, October 17, 2007 at the San Luis Obispo City/County Library Community Room, 995 Palm Street, in San Luis Obispo. C C� SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 14, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, Michael Multari, Amanda Brodie, Diana Gould -Wells, John Ashbaugh, Vice- Chairperson Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Cadyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Deputy Community Development Resources Manager Neil Havlik, Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: The agenda was accepted as amended. Director Doug Davidson, Natural City Biologist Freddy Otte, and MINUTES: Minutes of September 26, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of September 26, 2007 were approved as presented. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 2963 So. Hiauera Street. U 103-07; Request to allow a mixed-use development and a 30% parking reduction in the C -S zone; Dean and Linda Powers, applicants. (Phil Dunsmore) This item was continued to a date uncertain to allow more research into the Airport Land Use Plan and its effect on the proposed project. 2. 5182 & 5190 Ontario Street. GPI and ER 169-07; Review of a Draft Conservation Plan for the Johnson Ranch Open Space Area for property located outside (but adjacent to) the City of San Luis Obispo city limits (APN 076-114-012 and 019); AG/Rural Lands zone with a Geologic Study Area and Sensitive Resource Area overlay; City of San Luis Obispo, applicant. (Neil Havlik) Natural Resources Manager Neil Havlik and City Biologist Freddy Otte presented the staff report, recommending the Commission recommend approval of the Conservation Plan to the City Council. They described the site's natural features, including native grasslands, oaks, creek, and a pond. Issues of the Conservation Plan include erosion control, public access, and resource protection/enhancement. Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 2 PUBLIC COMMENTS: Gary Axleson, representative for the adjacent Miramonte Ranch owners, stated that they were against the Plan, and particularly concerned about protecting their easement rights. He summarized the other issues as contained in their letter to the Commission dated November 14, 2007. There were no further comments made from the public. COMMISSION COMMENTS: Commr. Ashbaugh inquired about the role of the Planning Commission on this plan. He noted his main concem is the road easement, and voiced strong concerns with the right-of-way of the neighboring property owners and their responsibility to maintain the road. He suggested an addition to the Goals and Policies section for maintaining and improving the aesthetics as seen from Highway 101. Commr. Stevenson discussed the road width, noting it has increased from 12 feet to 20 feet, and that any future improvements of the road would be done by the neighboring land owners. He felt there should be limitations on public usage because of the wildlife and vegetation abundance, and would like to see the Billboard removed. Commr. Carpenter discussed the guided tours currently offered and the issue of parking. Commr. Brodie had questions regarding the grading and road realignment. Commr. Christianson discussed the current situation of cattle grazing as it relates to fencing and access to water. Commr. Multari asked if dogs would be allowed and was informed that they would be allowed on leashes no more than 6 feet long. He discussed the location of hiking trails and the public's tendency to want to go down to a creek or up to the top of a knoll or hill. Commr. Gould -Wells agreed with Commr. Multari with the need to clearly state trails and taking into account the public's pattems of behavior. On motion by Commr. Stevenson to approve the Conservation Plan with a change to language on Billboards and regulatory agencies. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh AYES: Commrs. Carpenter, Brodie, Gould -Wells, Christianson, Multari, Ashbaugh, and Stevenson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None Planning Commission Minutes November 14, 2007 Page 3 The motion carried on a 7:0 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 3. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave the agenda forecast of upcoming events. 4. Commission ADJOURMENT: With no further business before the Commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday, November 28, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on December 12, 2007. AA P— Diane R. Stuart, C Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES November 28, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners, Amanda Brodie, John Ashbaugh, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, Dan Carpenter, Vice -Chair Charles Stevenson,. and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director John Mandeville, Deputy Community Development Director Doug Davidson, Senior Planner Pam Ricci, Assistant City Attorney Christine Dietrick, Principal Transportation Planner Peggy Mandeville, and Recording Secretary Jill Francis ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no comments made from the public. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 861, 847, 877, & 863 Palm Street, 840, 842, 844, 848, 868 & 870 Monterey Street, 984 & 986 Chorro Street and 955 Morro Street. ER 69-05; Review of the final EIR for the proposed Chinatown mixed-use development project; C -D -H zone; SLO Chinatown; LLC, applicant. (Pam Ricci) Senior Planner Pam Ricci presented the staff report, recommending the Commission adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council authorize certification of the Final EIR with Update by the Architectural Review Commission (ARC), with findings of overriding considerations relative to air quality, cultural resources and short-term construction noise. She described the old and new project descriptions to highlight changes since the Commission had last reviewed the EIR. Deputy Director Doug Davidson explained that the Commission must review and consider the information contained in the Final EIR and Update to determine whether it is complete and in compliance with the California Environment Quality Act (CEQA), and that the Commission's comments would be forwarded on to the City Council and ARC to be considered with their future review of the Final EIR. Dan Gira, Environmental Consultant, reviewed the final EIR organization and changes since the draft EIR was completed. He reviewed the alternatives and the four key areas of the EIR: 1) Transportation; 2) Aesthetics and Visual Resources; 3) Cultural Resources; and 4) Land Use. Project Draft Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 2007 Page 2 Mark Rawson, Project Architect, presented the new project plans with a visual demonstration. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Allan Cooper, San Luis Obispo, noted his support for the reduced scale of the revised project, but expressed concerns with the amount of affordable housing proposed in the project and the proposed demolition of the Blackstone Hotel and Sauer Bakery buildings. He noted the Cultural Heritage Committee (CHC) had recommended that a detailed rehabilitation feasibility analysis be done for the two historic buildings before a decision on their demolition was made and that the Blackstone Building contained Ah Louis bricks Joseph Abrahams, San Luis Obispo, felt that retaining the historic buildings in the project was financially feasible. He objected to the tall and stark building wall proposed at the corner of Chorro and Monterey Streets across from the Mission. Elizabeth Abrahams, San Luis Obispo, explained how the Sauer Bakery ovens were, at one time, a community gathering place and expressed the need to preserve the past. Don Rivera, San Luis Obispo, presented information on the history of the Blackstone Hotel (Quintana Building) and how it had been remodeled over time. Gary Fowler, San Luis Obispo, expressed concerns with the proposed building height, lighting, and impacts to parking. Alex. Gough, San Luis Obispo, owner of a historic building on Chorro Street, noted the potential that project construction could impact his adobe structure and mentioned the cultural importance of the Blackstone Hotel and Sauer Bakery buildings to many ethnic groups. David Brodie, San Luis Obispo, felt the information provided to the CHC meeting should also be made available to the Commission. He noted the importance of both retail planning and energy conservation in the project design. Pete Evans, San Luis Obispo, questioned the amount of affordable housing in the project and mentioned issues with the curation of recovered archaeological artifacts. Bob Vessely, San Luis Obispo, expressed concerns with the loss of the Blackstone Hotel and Sauer Bakery buildings. Rode Radakovich, San Luis Obispo, felt the historic buildings should be rehabilitated, and would like to see energy conservation measures as well as a more cutting edge building design. There were no further comments made from the public. Draft Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 2007 Page 3' COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission recommended changes to Mitigation Measures MM CR -4 & MM CR -5 which require the applicant to submit a detailed rehabilitation feasibility analysis of adaptive reuse to the City Council and establishes an order of priority with regard to alternatives on the disposition of the Sauer Bakery and Blackstone buildings. They included a suggested requirement associated with the demolition alternative that the applicant contributes to a fund that would assist other property owners in the preservation of historic resources elsewhere in the City. The Commission also expanded and modified the findings of overriding considerations to reinforce the social and economic vitality policy objectives that are realized with project development. Commr. Multari brought up the mitigation idea of collecting funds to restore historic buildings elsewhere in the City to offset the impacts of the loss of the historic buildings on the project site. He noted the lack of architectural significance of the of the Sauer Bakery and Blackstone buildings as they appear today and felt the Commission needs to further review the options regarding those buildings. Commr. Carpenter questioned the ability to make findings in support of demolition of the Blackstone Hotel and Sauer Bakery buildings. He recommended that a more complete feasibility study for rehabilitation of these two buildings be conducted and supported the adaptive reuse of the two historic buildings. Commr. Ashbaugh supported the proposed walkways in the project in terms of goals to maintain the pedestrian orientation of downtown. He questioned the significance of the historic buildings on this project site as they appear today, but agreed that the feasibility of adaptive reuse should be looked into. Commr. Stevenson noted the importance of construction mitigation measures and asked staff to clarify the parking calculations in the EIR. Commr. Gould -Wells spoke to providing a vibrant downtown while keeping the historic imprint, and encouraged a more green and energy efficient design. She questioned the affordability of housing units in the project and whether they would accomplish goals to provide workforce housing. Commr. Brodie felt it was important to focus on the impacts of the revised project design. Commr. Christianson felt the improved revised project reflects the changes requested earlier, noting that she would like to see adaptive reuse of the Sauer Bakery further explored given its master list historical status. She did not support the idea of designing a new building to replicate the current facade of the Blackstone Hotel. Draft Planning Commission Minutes November 28, 2007 Page 4 Sauer Bakery buildings were made and establishing an order of priority with regard to alternatives on the disposition of the two buildings. The motion included a suggested requirement associated with the demolition alternative that the applicant contributes to a fund that would assist other property owners in the preservation of historic resources elsewhere in the City.. Seconded by Commr. Ashbaugh AYES: Commrs. Brodie, Multari, Stevenson, Ashbaugh, Carpenter, Gould -Wells and Christianson NOES: None RECUSED: None ABSENT: None The motion carried on a 7: 0 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 2. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming events. 3. Commission ADJOURNMENT: ADJOURNED at 10:35 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday December 12, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Jill Francis Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant SAN LUIS OBISPO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES December 12, 2007 ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Dan Carpenter, Michael Multari, Diana Gould -Wells, John Ashbaugh; Vice -Chairperson Charles Stevenson and Chairperson Carlyn Christianson Absent: Commr. Amanda Brodie Staff: Deputy Community Development Director Doug Davidson, Associate Planner Brian Leveille ACCEPTANCE OF AGENDA: Commissioners or staff may modify the order of items. The agenda was accepted as written. MINUTES: Minutes of November 14, 2007. Approve or amend. The minutes of November 14, 2007 were approved as amended. PUBLIC COMMENT: There were no public comments. PUBLIC HEARINGS: 1. 663, 671 & 677 Osos Street. MS and ER 146-07 (SLOMS 07-137); Consideration of a tentative parcel map to create three lots from one with exceptions to lot area and width requirements, and environmental review; R-3 zone; Steven Frank, applicant. (Brian Leveille) This item was continued to a date uncertain, without discussion, to allow additional time for staff and the applicant to resolve project issues. 2. 225 No. Chorro Street. TR and ER 135-07: Consideration of a vesting tentative tract map to create 12 airspace residential condominiums from one lot, and environmental review; R-4 zone; Tim and Mary Ann Riley, applicants. (Brian Leveille) Associate Planner Brian Leveille presented the staff report, recommending adoption of a resolution recommending that the City Council approve the vesting condominium tract map and negative declaration of environmental impact. Truitt Vance, applicant's representative, answered questions of the Commission regarding parking, decks, common area, and the trash enclosure, and discussed project grading and proposed tree removal. Draft Planning Commission Minutes December 12, 2007 Page 2 Corey Goodwin, project designer, also addressed questions of trash pick-up, turning radius, and the ability of trucks to access the site. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Steve Del Martini, San Luis Obispo, spoke in support of the project, describing it as a good example of infill housing. Mary Riley, applicant, discussed the project and concerns with trash pickup. COMMISSION COMMENTS: The Commission discussed whether there was adequate clearance for vehicles under second level decks and if there is adequate space for vehicle maneuvering. Commr. Stevenson discussed the size and placement of the trash enclosure, questioned if the common open space area requirement was adequate, suggested adding features such as benches, and commented on parking counts as it relates to required vehicle and motorcycle parking. Commr. Carpenter questioned the bicycle parking language in the resolution and suggested the plans be labeled specifically for bicycle parking. Commr. Ashbaugh questioned the second level decks and whether adequate clearance was provided; questioned the open space requirements; and asked if the shading on the plans was accurate. Commr. Gould -Wells asked if the driveway aisles and back-up space was adequate for vehicles, and stressed that condition 6 relating to drainage, must be enforced. Commr. Multari asked how the project would comply with the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance and supported the project as a good example of an R-4 project. aeciaranon.. Seconaea Dy Uommr. Ashbaugh The motion carried on a 6:0 vote. COMMENT AND DISCUSSION: 3. Staff A. Agenda Forecast Deputy Director Doug Davidson gave an agenda forecast of upcoming projects. Draft Planning Commission Minutes December 12, 2007 Page 3' 4. Commission ADJOURNMENT With no further business before the commission, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m. to the regular meeting of the Planning Commission scheduled for Wednesday January 9, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street. Respectfully submitted by Doug Davidson Recording Secretary Approved by the Planning Commission on Diane R. Stuart, CM Management Assistant