HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 2 - USE-0348-2017 (35 Prado Road)Meeting Date: January 10, 2018 Item Number: 2 2 PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA REPORT SUBJECT: Review of modifications to an existing Use Permit to update the City of San Luis Obispo’s Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) to meet new discharge permit requirements, increase capacity, replace aging infrastructure, maximize recycled water production and incorporate public amenities and interpretive features. PROJECT ADDRESS: 35 Prado Road BY: Rachel Cohen, Associate Planner (25, 29, 41, 43 & 45 Prado Road) Phone Number: (805) 781-7574 e-mail: rcohen@slocity.org FILE NUMBER: USE-2882-2016 FROM: Doug Davidson, Deputy Director RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Draft Resolution (Attachment 1) that approves modifications to the use permit for the City of San Luis Obispo’s Water Resource Recovery Facility, subject to findings and conditions of approval. SITE DATA Applicant City of San Luis Obispo  Representative Jennifer Phillips, Architect  Zoning PF & PF‐S (Public Facility)   General Plan Public Facility  Site Area ~ 48 acres  Environmental  Status  Consistent with the Certified FEIR  approved by Council on August  16, 2016 ‐ Resolution No. 10740  (2016 Series)  SUMMARY The applicant has submitted a project for a upgrades to the City of San Luis Obispo’s Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) to meet new discharge permit requirements, increase capacity, replace aging infrastructure, maximize recycled water production and incorporate public amenities and interpretive features. These upgrades include modifications and demolition of existing infrastructure and structures as well as the addition of a new Water Resource Center (WRC) and landscaping. The project is located within the Public Facilities (PF) zone and requires Planning Commission to review an update to the Use Permit for the proposed modifications and upgrades. PC2-1 USE-2882-2016 35 Prado Road Page 2 1.0 COMMISSION’S PURVIEW The Planning Commission’s role is to review the project in terms of its consistency with the General Plan, Zoning Regulations, and applicable City standards. Specifically, the Planning Commission is reviewing this upgrade and expansion of the WRRF to verify that the proposed changes are consistent with City Goals, Policies and Regulations. 2.0 BACKGROUND July 7, 2015 Council adopted the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project Facilities Plan and authorized the issuance of a request for proposals for design engineering services. CH2M was awarded this contract in November 2015. August 16, 2016 City Council adopted and certified the WRRF Project Final EIR so that the City could proceed with construction on the WRRF Project and obtain State Revolving Fund funding. 3.0 PROJECT INFORMATION 3.1 Site Information/Setting The City owns and operates the WRRF located on Prado Road in San Luis Obispo, California. The WRRF treats municipal wastewater collected from the City, California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), and the San Luis Obispo County Airport under Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) R3-2014- 0033 and National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) No. CA0049224. The plant was originally constructed in 1923 and upgraded or expanded in 1962, 1994, and 2006. Zoning PF & PF‐S (Public Facility with a special considerations overlay)  Site Size ~48 acres  Present Use & Development The City’s Water Resource Recovery Facility, Corporation Yard and SLO  Transit Bus Yard  Topography Relatively flat  Access Prado Road  Surrounding Use/Zoning North: O‐PD (Future site of the RTA Office/Yard, Homeless Services  Center, & residences and junk yard)  South: C‐S‐S, R‐2‐S, & C/OS‐20 (Various Offices and Services, Silver City  Mobile Home Park, and Open Space)  East: C‐S & C‐S‐S (Services and Offices)  West:  Hwy 101 and the future site of San Luis Ranch  3.2 Project Description The proposed project includes an in-depth upgrade to the existing WRRF to meet new discharge permit requirements, increase capacity to meet future flows and loads under dry and wet weather conditions, replace aging infrastructure, maximize recycled water production and incorporate interpretative features and public amenities. The modifications to the WRRF will include process facilities and non‐process facilities. Process Facilities represent the facilities and structures that will house the liquid stream and solids stream treatment processes and equipment (mechanical, instrumentation and electrical) to achieve the performance goals of the WRRF. Non‐Process Facilities represent the Water Resource Center and PC2-2 USE-2882-2016 35 Prado Road Page 3 the remodeled Administration Building, which provide spaces for the Utilities staff to execute their responsibilities and for the public to interact with the staff and the WRRF. A more extensive discussion on the upgrades and expansion are included in the attached Project Narrative (Attachment 4). The project includes the following components:  A new Water Resource Center (WRC) that includes: o Office space for staff from the WRRF, Wastewater Collections, Water Distribution and Environmental Compliance in one location, o A water quality laboratory; o Maintenance facility; o Interpretive center for the community, and o An interpretive landscape and demonstration wetland.  The existing Administration Building will be converted to a process laboratory for use by WRRF operations staff;  The existing Operations Building and some of the maintenance sheds will be demolished;  The existing Process Laboratory at the Dewatering Facility will remain; and  82 vehicle parking spaces, 5 motorcycle spaces and 12 short-term bicycle parking spaces. Table 1 (below) lists the existing buildings that will either be modified or demolished as part of the WRRF upgrade. Table 1: Proposed modifications and new buildings/structures Modification of Existing Buildings/Structures New Buildings/Structures 14* ‐ Expansion of Equalization Pond 10 - Water Resource Center 15 ‐ Headworks (modification) 28 ‐ Primary Effluent Screens 20 ‐ Primary Clarifiers (modification) 35 ‐Bioreactor Basins 30 ‐ Bioreactor Basins (conversion) 36 ‐Chemical Storage Facility 70 ‐ Solids Blend Tank (conversion) 40 ‐ Membrane Building 80 ‐ Digester No. 1 (conversion) 54 ‐ UV Disinfection 85 ‐ Digested Sludge Storage Tank (conversion)Cooling Towers 86 ‐ Dewatering Facility (modification) 72 ‐Solids Thickening 88 ‐ Odor Control 64 ‐Sidestream Treatment *Numbers correlate to Attachment 3, Project Site Plans, Sheet 03. The project also includes a separate application for architectural review that will be reviewed once the use permit has been approved by the Planning Commission. 4.0 PROJECT ANALYSIS As discussed in the sections below, the proposed project is consistent with General Plan goals, policies and programs as well as with the development standards outlined in the Zoning Regulations. The project is also consistent with the City’s WRRF Facilities plan which can be found online at http://www.slocity.org/government/department-directory/utilities-department/wastewater/wastewater- treatment/wrrf-upgrade-project. PC2-3 USE-2882-2016 35 Prado Road Page 4 4.1 General Plan The General Plan includes the Water and Wastewater Element (WWE) which outlines the goals, policies and programs for the City’s water and wastewater. As proposed, the upgrade to the WRRF is consistent with goals, policies and programs of the WWE; specifically, the modifications and the new WRC will:  Maximize production of recycled water to preserve potable water sources;1  Increase capacity to meet future growth and increased flows;2  Meet new State discharge permit requirements;3 and  Replace aging infrastructure. 4.2 Zoning Regulations All new work will take place within City owned property that is zoned Public Facility (PF). Per the Zoning Regulations Land Use Table 9, Water and wastewater treatment plants and services require a Planning Commission Use Permit. As proposed, the modifications and demolitions and the construction of the new Water Resource Center (WRC) are consistent with the zoning of the site. 5.0 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The City Council adopted and certified the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the WRRF project on August 16, 2016 (Attachment 5, Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series)). The FEIR reviewed whether any significant environmental impacts associated with the project existed. The conclusion of the evaluation stated that “all identified environmental impacts associated with the [WRRF] project can be mitigated to less than significant levels, either with the implementation of standard project best management practices (BMPs) included as part of the proposed project and/or with mitigation identified in the analysis. No significant unavoidable impacts would occur from proposed project implementation.” Overall, the WRRF Project will not have significant environmental impacts. 6.0 ALTERNATIVES 1. Continue the project with direction to the applicant and staff on pertinent issues. 1Goal A 7.1.1 Utilize recycled water for non-potable purposes, thereby offsetting the use of potable water. Goal A 7.1.2 Maximize the use of the City’s available recycled water supply for approved uses. Policy A 7.2.2 Recycled Water Supply: The City will make available recycled water to substitute for existing potable water uses as allowed by law and to supply new non-potable uses. Goal B 3.1.2 A high-quality, dependable recycled water supply that meets an increasing portion of the City’s non-potable demand. Policy B 3.2.2 Recycled Water Production: The City will produce high-quality, dependable recycled water, suitable for a wide range of non-potable uses. 2 Goal B 2.1: Adequate wastewater collection and treatment service to meet the long-term needs of the City. Policy B 2.2.2 Service Capacity: The City's wastewater collection system and Water Reclamation Facility shall support population and related service demands consistent with the General Plan. Program B 2.3.1 Expand capacity in the City’s collection system and Water Reclamation Facility in support of projected wastewater flows. 3 Refer to footnote 2. And Goal B 3.1.1 Wastewater treatment that meets or exceeds regulatory requirements and ensures the protection of public health and the environment. Policy B 3.2.1 Treating Wastewater: The City will treat all wastewater in compliance with approved discharge permits. PC2-4 USE-2882-2016 35 Prado Road Page 5 2. Deny the project based on findings of inconsistency with the General Plan, Zoning Regulations, or other policy documents. 7.0 ATTACHMENTS 1. Draft Resolution 2. Vicinity Map 3. Project Plans 4. Project Narrative 5. Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) PC2-5 R ______ RESOLUTION NO. PC-XXXX-18 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING MODIFICATIONS TO AN EXISTING USE PERMIT TO UPDATE THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO’S WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY (WRRF) TO MEET NEW DISCHARGE PERMIT REQUIREMENTS, INCREASE CAPACITY, REPLACE AGING INFRASTRUCTURE, MAXIMIZE RECYCLED WATER PRODUCTION AND INCORPORATE PUBLIC AMENITIES AND INTERPRETIVE FEATURES, AS REPRESENTED IN THE STAFF REPORT AND ATTACHMENTS DATED JANUARY 10, 2018 (USE-0348-2017; 35 PRADO ROAD) WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a public hearing in the Council Chamber City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on April 27, 2016, for the purpose of receiving a presentation, public testimony and providing feedback to staff on the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) project Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on August 16, 2016, for the purpose of considering the Final EIR for the WRRF project; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a public hearing on January 10, 2018 in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, for the purpose of considering USE-0348-2017, an update to Planning Commission Use Permit for the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) project; and WHEREAS, notices of said public hearing were made at the time and in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of the applicant, interested parties, and the evaluation and recommendations by staff, presented at said hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The Planning Commission hereby grants final approval to the project (USE-1035-2015), based on the following findings: a) The proposed modifications to the Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) will not adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of persons residing or working on the site or in the vicinity. b) The modifications are appropriate at the proposed location and are compatible with the site and the surrounding land uses. ATTACHMENT 1 PC2-6 Resolution No. _____ (2018 Series) Page 2 c) The upgrades to the WRRF are consistent with the General Plan and meets Zoning Regulation development standards. SECTION 2. Environmental Review. The Planning Commission hereby finds that: a) All potentially significant effects were analyzed adequately in the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) certified by the City Council on August 16, 2016. b) The proposed project shall be subject to the FEIR mitigation measures outlined in Attachment 1, Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series). Upon motion of _______________________, seconded by _______________________, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: The foregoing resolution was adopted this 10th day of January 2018. ____________________________________ Doug Davidson, Secretary Planning Commission ATTACHMENT 1 PC2-7 PF R-2-S C-S O-PD C-C-SF O-PD C-S-S PF-S C-S-S M-SP C-S-SP C/OS-20 C-S-SP C-R-PD O-SF C-S C/OS-20 C-S-S C-S C-S-SP-PD C-T-SF M-SP M-SP PRAD O HINDELKSZACA ELM CENTERPINE HIGUERA SMEISSNER MAPL EBEECH CEDARGRANADA RED W O O D MAG N O L I A BIRC H ACAC I A DA L I D I O HOLLEYPINE MAPL E VICINITY MAP USE-0348-2017 35 Prado Road ¯ ATTACHMENT 2 PC2-8 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-9 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-10 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-11 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-12 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-13 VERIFY SCALEAPVDBYREVISIONCHKDRDATEDSGNNO.APVDDATEPROJDWGSHEETARCHITECTURAL REVIEW SUBMITTALTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OFREUSE OF DOCUMENTSBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING.CH2M HILL AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF CH2M HILL.6688761"0CH2M HILL 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.cBCDA123456PRELIMINARY"NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"WATER RESOURCE RECOVERYFAC LITY PROJECT11/15/2017 4:45:51 PMC:\Users\lrandolph\Documents\WRC Central_lrandolph.rvtNOVEMBER_2017WATER RESOURCE CENTERCheckerApproverAuthorDesignerRENDERINGSWATER RESOURCE CENTER- BIRDS EYE VIEWATTACHMENT 3PC2-14 VERIFY SCALEAPVDBYREVISIONCHKDRDATEDSGNNO.APVDDATEPROJDWGSHEETARCHITECTURAL REVIEW SUBMITTALTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OFREUSE OF DOCUMENTSBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING.CH2M HILL AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF CH2M HILL.6688761"0CH2M HILL 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.cBCDA123456PRELIMINARY"NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"WATER RESOURCE RECOVERYFAC LITY PROJECT11/15/2017 4:46:09 PMC:\Users\lrandolph\Documents\WRC Central_lrandolph.rvtNOVEMBER_2017WATER RESOURCE CENTERCheckerApproverAuthorDesignerRENDERINGSWATER RESOURCE CENTER- VIEW FROM PRADO ROADATTACHMENT 3PC2-15 VERIFY SCALEAPVDBYREVISIONCHKDRDATEDSGNNO.APVDDATEPROJDWGSHEETARCHITECTURAL REVIEW SUBMITTALTHIS DOCUMENT, AND THE IDEAS AND DESIGNS INCORPORATED HEREIN, AS AN INSTRUMENT OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE, IS THE PROPERTY OFREUSE OF DOCUMENTSBAR IS ONE INCH ONORIGINAL DRAWING.CH2M HILL AND IS NOT TO BE USED, IN WHOLE OR IN PART, FOR ANY OTHER PROJECT WITHOUT THE WRITTEN AUTHORIZATION OF CH2M HILL.6688761"0CH2M HILL 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.cBCDA123456PRELIMINARY"NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION"WATER RESOURCE RECOVERYFAC LITY PROJECT11/15/2017 4:46:23 PMC:\Users\lrandolph\Documents\WRC Central_lrandolph.rvtNOVEMBER_2017WATER RESOURCE CENTERCheckerApproverAuthorDesignerRENDERINGSWATER RESOURCE CENTER- ENTRY VIEW FROM PARKING LOTATTACHMENT 3PC2-16 ATTACHMENT 3PC2-17 1‐1  Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) PREPARED FOR: City of San Luis Obispo  PREPARED BY: CH2M, MWA Architects, Cannon   DATE: November 29, 2017  PROJECT: Water Resource Recovery Facility Project  PROJECT NUMBER: 668876  1.Water Resource Recovery Facility Introduction  The Water Resource Recovery Facility (WRRF) receives and treats municipal wastewater from the City of  San Luis Obispo, including contributions from California Polytechnic State University and the County  Airport. The City is undertaking an upgrade to the WRRF to meet new discharge permit requirements  effective November 30, 2019, increase capacity to meet future flows and loads under dry and wet  weather conditions, replace aging infrastructure, maximize recycled water production and incorporate  interpretative features and public amenities. Design influent flows and loads are based on projected  demands for 2035 buildout aligned with population growth projections, as outlined in the San Luis  Obispo 2010 General Plan. The WRRF effluent will be treated to meet National Pollutant Discharge  Elimination System (NPDES) permit and Title 22 recycled water permit requirements for discharge to the  San Luis Obispo Creek and reuse. The design average dry weather influent flow is 5.4 million gallons per  day (mgd).  The WRRF Project will modify existing process facilities, add new process facilities, and provide a new  Water Resource Center campus that will house Public Utilities staff, a water quality laboratory,  maintenance functions and an educational interpretive center for interface with the community. The  Water Resource Center will be the public face and entry to the WRRF, will invite engagement with the  community, and will be visible from Prado Road and the future Highway 101 overpass.  Site Data  The City of San Luis Obispo (City) owns and operates the WRRF, which is located at 35 Prado Road, San  Luis Obispo, CA 93401. The WRRF shares Assessor Parcel Number (APN): 053‐051‐045 with other City  functions, including the City Corporation Yard (25 Prado Road) and the San Luis Obispo Transit Bus Yard  ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-18 1.WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY 1‐2  (29 Prado Road).  These functions are separated by security fencing. The City of San Luis Obispo property  boundary also encompasses APN 053‐131‐013 and 053‐141‐012. Under this project, all of the work will  be completed in APN 053‐051‐045. No work will be performed in APN 053‐131‐013 and APN 053‐141‐ 012.   The 88.38 ± acre property is defined by Prado Road to the north, U.S. Highway 101 to the west, the San  Luis Obispo Creek and Bob Jones Trail to the east and Los Osos Valley Road to the south. The two Site  Zoning Exhibits show the project site and vicinity, and identify the zoning information and adjacent  properties. It is located within the Land Use and Circulation Planning Subarea (LUCE SOI) and the Urban  Reserve area per Figures 1 and 2 of the SLO Land Use Element adopted December 9, 2014.   The property is designated as Public/Government Facilities (PF) use for commercial land with no  identified overlays or sub‐districts per the SLO Zoning Map.  This use designation, “… provides for public,  cultural, and quasi‐public uses to meet the needs of city and county residents.”  In addition, the  property is also designated as a social services area per Figure 5 of the SLO Land Use Element.   The site data is provided in Table 1.    TABLE 1 ‐ SITE DATA  Applicant City of San Luis Obispo  Representative Jennifer Phillips, CH2M  Parcels APN: 053‐051‐045, 053‐131‐013, 053‐141‐012  Zoning Government / Vacant Commercial  General Plan Upgrade of Water Resource Recovery Facility  Site Area Overall: 88.38 ± acres  Affected: 35 ± acres  Environmental Status The Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for  the project was prepared in accordance with the  California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and  certified in July 2016.   Project Description  The City began a program to upgrade the WRRF to meet the required performance standards set by the  Regional Water Quality Control Board and the State Water Resource Control Board, as well as achieve  the goals outlined by the City to replace aging infrastructure, maximize recycled water production and  interweave public amenities to provide the community understanding of the One Water strategy.  The One Water strategy views treated wastewater effluent as a valuable resource in water supply  portfolio planning and considers all supplies as ‘One Water.’ An integrated water strategy will maximize  production and beneficial reuse of the WRRF treated effluent, focusing on producing an effluent that  meets recycled water quality to help preserve potable water sources and provide a sustainable water  supply. An integrated water strategy will improve the reliability and redundancy of the City’s  infrastructure, preparing the City for the future and supplementing use through recycled water supply  while meeting the current treatment needs.  The WRRF project will provide an upgraded treatment  strategy that will produce high quality effluent that is suitable for recycled water uses and as a potential source for potable reuse. The project allows the City to create a long-term asset for the community by educating the public about the value of water as a resource and use of green infrastructure.  ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-19 1.WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY 1‐3  The WRRF Project is a critical component of the City’s plan for a sustainable future. The City and its  Program Manager developed a Program Charter to guide the project, establishing a unified project  vision and mission, with objectives and performance measures based on a triple bottom line philosophy  to meet economic, environmental and social criteria. The Program Charter embodies the City’s  commitment to following a triple bottom line approach for the Project, making the WRRF a community  asset that provides the City with long term sustainability and increased water certainty.  A Facilities Plan was issued in June 2015 that outlined improvements to create a valued community  asset and meet the objectives of the Program Charter.  Its development incorporated significant public  outreach efforts to involve stakeholders. The conceptual design phase built on these elements and the  Project is currently in the detailed design phase with delivery of final contract documents in the fall of  2018.  Treatment strategies for liquids and solids treatment are being implemented to provide the level of  treatment required for reuse, discharge and disposal, with considerations for space available on‐site,  constructability, optimization of chemical and energy usage, and considerations for future potable  reuse. The modifications to the WRRF will include process facilities and non‐process facilities.  Process Facilities. Process facilities represent the facilities and structures that will house the liquid stream and solids stream treatment processes and equipment (mechanical, instrumentation and electrical) to achieve the performance goals of the WRRF. Non‐Process Facilities. Non‐process facilities represent the Water Resource Center and the remodeled Administration Building, which provide spaces for the Utilities staff to execute their responsibilities and for the public to interact with the staff and the WRRF. The Project will include elements that highlight the Program Charter and City goals:  Explore cost saving opportunities in the management of influent flows and loads. A Value Engineering process conducted at the 30% design phase enhanced the cost effectiveness and value of the proposed treatment facilities. Select treatment processes that position the City for potable reuse and recycled water. A membrane bioreactor process has been selected for treatment of wastewater to produce a high‐quality effluent for reuse. Maximize odor control to enhance the visitor experience and be a good neighbor.  The project will mitigate and control fugitive odors from select process facilities by design. Create a community legacy through Water Quality Learning. The WRRF and its interpretive features will help the community understand water as nature’s amazing reusable resource, by providing information that will help visitors to make intelligent choices about the future of sustainable water management in San Luis Obispo. ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-20 2‐1  2.Water Resource Center The original WRRF was built in 1923. In 1984 in response to the California Uniform Building Code and  Title 24 requirements, the Operations Building (and lab at the time) was built as a part of the biofilter  project.  All of the non‐process buildings were built between 1992 and 1994. In 1993, the Administration  Building was constructed, and the Operations Building was expanded and remodeled.  The lab moved  out of the Operations Building and into the Administration Building at this time.  The new lab was built  in 1993.    The current WRRF non‐process buildings include:  WRRF Administration Building WRRF Operations Building WRRF Process Laboratory at Dewatering Facility Maintenance sheds The Campus currently serving Public Utilities is currently located at 25, 27 and 35 Prado Road within the  parcel (APN: 053‐051‐045). The Facilities Plan defined comprehensive future non‐process needs at the  WRRF. These needs were characterized in program space diagrams, text and renderings. As part of the  Facilities Plan, the team conducted a series of stakeholder interviews and held a community workshop  to communicate the scope and goals of the WRRF Project and better understand the concerns and  preferences of interested parties and the ratepayers to facilitate creation of a community asset. Through  the outreach activities, the public had expressed support for an interpretive center and/or elements at  the WRRF that are integrated with and accessible from the Bob Jones bike trail.  The siting of  interpretive elements will be performed in parallel with siting of the treatment upgrades.  Project  budget, available footprint, safety and security, accessibility, and proximity to sources of noise and odor  will be considered when siting the interpretive elements.  MWA Architects, as part of the needs verification activities, confirmed the elements of the Facilities Plan  that carried high acceptance by SLO Utilities and the community with Utilities staff through job  shadowing and a series of workshops. Throughout this planning, a combined campus concept evolved to  house staff from the WRRF, Wastewater Collections, Water Distribution and Environmental Compliance  in one location. The campus will also include a water quality laboratory, maintenance facility and  interpretive center for the community. It was concluded by SLO Utilities and MWA Architects that co‐ locating the user groups into a single site within the WRRF Campus better aligns itself with the SLO  General Plan, the SLO Community Design Guidelines and the One Water vision.  Under the WRRF Upgrade Project, the existing Administration Building will be converted to a process  laboratory for use by WRRF operations staff, the existing Operations Building and some of the  maintenance sheds will be demolished, and the existing Process Laboratory at the Dewatering Facility  will remain. Functions related to staff from the WRRF, Wastewater Collections, Water Distribution and  Environmental Compliance will be relocated to the Water Resource Center (WRC) campus.  The consolidation of the activities and user groups conserves land for future expansion, creates a public  asset by establishing a destination around water education that includes a welcoming demonstration  wetland at the site entrance, an extension of the Bob Jones Trail experience, an indoor/outdoor learning  center and self‐guided tours through the use of signage and landscaping.  The WRC’s diverse program  expresses itself through dynamic building form, varied building materials, open air circulation, and mini  plazas between the different structures.   ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-21 2.WATER RESOURCE CENTER 2‐2  There will be (4) four separate functions that comprise the WRC campus: administrative office space  with conference/training rooms, a laboratory, a maintenance shop with warehouse and an interpretive  center. The WRC structures are situated within the PF Public Facility zone.  The SLO Zoning Regulations  establish development standards that pertain to height limits, lot coverage and landscaping, accessory  structures, signs, lot size, buffering and screening standards, connectivity standards, and off site impact  standards. The WRC meets the property development standards, community design guidelines and  zoning regulations outlined in the SLO Municipal Code. The WRC has no known needed exceptions to  the property development standards, community design guidelines or the zoning code.   ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-22 3‐1  3.Process Facilities Table 7 identifies the process facilities that will be modified or added to the WRRF to achieve the  treatment goals. The Rendered Overall Site Plan (Sheet 03, Project Site Plans) identifies the new and  modified existing facilities and locations on the site.    TABLE 7 ‐ PROCESS FACILITIES  Modification of Existing Buildings/Structures New Buildings/Structures  14 ‐ Expansion of Equalization Pond 28 ‐ Primary Effluent Screens  15 ‐ Headworks (modification) 35 ‐ Bioreactor Basins  20 ‐ Primary Clarifiers (modification) 36 ‐ Chemical Storage Facility  30 ‐ Bioreactor Basins (conversion) 40 ‐ Membrane Building   70 ‐ Solids Blend Tank (conversion) 54 ‐ UV Disinfection  80 ‐ Digester No. 1 (conversion) Cooling Towers  85 ‐ Digested Sludge Storage Tank (conversion) 72 ‐ Solids Thickening  86 ‐ Dewatering Facility (modification) 64 ‐ Sidestream Treatment  88 ‐ Odor Control Odor Control  Equalization Pond: The existing flow equalization pond will be expanded to store excess flows during intermittent wet weather events, with controlled release to limit flows on downstream processes (headworks, primary treatment and secondary treatment). Headworks: Existing bar screens and aerated grit removal will remain in service. New flow measurement will be added for improved flow metering. Primary Treatment: The two existing clarifiers will remain in service and will be provided with new mechanisms and pumping systems. Chemical addition will be provided through the addition of polymer and ferric chloride to improve performance during wet weather conditions. Chemical Addition to Primary Effluent: Existing calcium hydroxide addition for alkalinity adjustment will be maintained and new carbon addition for denitrification will be provided. Primary Effluent Fine Screens: New drum screens will be added to remove fine solids to protect the membranes. Screenings will be washed and deposited in a dumpster. Bioreactors and Membrane Bioreactor Facility: Secondary treatment will be achieved by two new and two modified aeration basins to provide nitrogen, carbon and solids removal. Mixing, pumping and blower systems will be provided with the basins. Permeate will be extracted using new membranes. Air scour and chemical cleaning systems will maintain the membrane permeability. UV Disinfection: A new low pressure, high output ultraviolet disinfection process will treat permeate for Creek discharge, Title 22 recycled water, and plant water (3W). Hypochlorite will be added to the recycled water and plant water to prevent pathogen regrowth. ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-23 3.PROCESS FACILITIES 3‐2  Cooling Towers: New cooling towers will be provided to cool disinfected effluent for temperature compliance in the San Luis Obispo Creek. Solids Blending: Primary and secondary treatment sludges removed from the liquid treatment processes will be blended in the solids blend tank to homogenize and equalize flow prior to thickening. Primary scum will bypass thickening and go directly to digestion. Solids Thickening: New screw thickeners with polymer addition will produce thicken primary and secondary treatment sludges. Digestion: Mesophilic anaerobic digestion of thickened sludge and primary scum will occur in two parallel digesters (one new, one modified). Digested Sludge Storage: One unheated, mixed sludge holding tank will be located after digestion for storage prior to dewatering. Dewatering: Screw presses (one new, one existing) will dewater digested sludge. The dewatering filtrate will be sent to sidestream treatment. The dewatered sludge will be disposed of offsite. Sidestream Treatment: Dewatering filtrate will be equalized and treated in a deammonification process to remove nitrogen, while minimizing the use of energy and supplemental carbon. Odor Control: Biological treatment will be provided for odorous air collected from the headworks, primary clarifier effluent launders, primary clarifier effluent screens, solids thickening, solids dewatering, sidestream equalization, and sidestream treatment. ATTACHMENT 4 PC2-24 RESOLUTION NO. 10740 (2016 SERIES) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, CALIFORNIA, CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR THE WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY PROJECT WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of San Luis Obispo conducted a public hearing in the Council Chamber City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on April 27, 2016, for the purpose of receiving a presentation on the Water Resource Recovery Facility WRRF) project Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, said public hearing was for the purpose of public testimony and providing feedback to staff on WRRF project Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing in the Council Chamber of City Hall, 990 Palm Street, San Luis Obispo, California, on August 16, 2016, for the purpose of considering the Final EIR for the WRRF project; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of interested parties and Planning Commissioners, and presented at said hearing, and the evaluation and recommendation by staff; and WHEREAS, notices of said public hearing were made at the time and in a manner required by law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo as follows: SECTION 1. Finding. Based upon all the evidence, including, without limitation, staff reports, memoranda, technical studies, maps, letters and minutes of all relevant meetings, the City Council hereby makes the following findings in addition to the CEQA findings set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full; 1. The Draft EIR for the Water Resources Recovery Facility (WRRF) was released on April 18, 2016 with a 45 -day comment period that closed on June 6, 2016. The Final EIR was issued on July 25, 2016. For each identified potentially significant effect under the categories of Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, and Recreation, mitigation measures and/or the implementation of standard project best management practices (BMPs) were included and incorporated into the WRRF project to reduce the identified potentially significant impacts to less than significant levels. No significant unavoidable impacts were identified as a result of the proposed project implementation. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-25 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 2 2. Pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15025(c), the Planning Commission has reviewed and considered the information in the EIR prior to making its recommendations to the City Council. 3. The EIR was presented to the City Council, and the Council has reviewed and considered the information contained in the EIR prior to approving the WRRF project. 4. The City Council finds that the information and analysis in the Final EIR prepared for the WRRF project reflects the independent judgment of the City Council as to the environmental consequences of the proposed project, and certifies the EIR as adequate, complete and in compliance with CEQA statues and guidelines, and the City's local guidelines. SECTION 2. Action. The City Council hereby adopts the CEQA findings set forth herein, approves and adopts Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program attached as Exhibit A and hereby certifies the Final EIR for the WRRF project. The Utilities Director is hereby directed to file a notice of determination consistent herewith. Upon motion of Council Member Christianson, seconded by Council Member Ashbaugh, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Ashbaugh, Christianson and Rivoire, Vice Mayor Carpenter and Mayor Marx NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 16th day of August, 2016. Mayor Ja arx ATTEST: Q "Oj ti. Carrie Gallagher City Clerk R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-26 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) APPROVED AS TO FORM: City Attorney Page 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the official seal of the City of San Luis Obispo, California, this WN day of AOO S l a C Carrie Gallagher City Clerk R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-27 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 4 EXHIBIT A CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO FINDINGS OF MITIGATION AND ADOPTION OF MITIGATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY PROJECT I. Environmental Determination The City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo considers and relies on the Final Environmental Impact Report State Clearinghouse Number 2015101044) for the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project (WRRF) in determining to carry out the proposed project. The Final EIR consists of the Draft EIR; responses to comments on the Draft EIR; a list of persons and agencies commenting on the Draft EIR; a Mitigation Monitoring Program; and technical appendices. The City Council has received, reviewed, considered, and relied on the information contained in the Final EIR, as well as information provided at hearings and submissions of testimony from official participating agencies, the public and other agencies and organizations. Having received, reviewed and considered the foregoing information, as well as any and all information in the record, the City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo hereby makes these Findings pursuant to, and in accordance with, Section 21081 of the Public Resources Code, as follows: II. Summary Project Description and Background The City is proposing the WRRF Project, which entails upgrading the City's wastewater treatment facility to comply with updated discharge requirements outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit adopted by the Regional Water Quality Control Board and State Water Resources Control Board in September 2014. The NPDES permit went into effect December 1, 2014, and compliance is required by November 30, 2019. At the same time, the WRRF would be upgraded to provide a nominal increase in average dry weather flow (ADWF) capacity to serve the needs of the City, as projected in the updated San Luis Obispo 2035 General Plan Land Use Element. The WRRF Project includes equipment and process upgrades that are based on meeting various performance standards so that the facility will comply with the updated discharge specifications set by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Implementation of the proposed project would include the following elements: A. Demolishing existing structures to make room for new and enlarged equipment. B. Modernizing equipment and operations processes to improve primary, secondary, and tertiary wastewater treatment systems, as well as solids and liquids handling processes. C. Upgrading effluent cooling system through the addition of cooling towers, wetland cooling, and/or other methods. D. Improving internal site drainage for stormwater management and flood control, with the possibility of designing these improvements to support the effluent cooling system. E. Incorporating public amenities at the site, including within the newly constructed Water Resource Center, the proposed Learning Center, and grading and restoring land at the northeast corner of the WRRF site after removal of the existing supernatant lagoon; this restored area may ultimately be used for public park purposes under the direction of the City Parks and Recreation Department. F. Promoting continued research and development activities by Cal Poly and future testing of as yet unidentified pilot process and treatment technologies at the WRRF facility. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-28 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 5 EXHIBIT A These project elements are further described in the EIR, specifically Section 2.4.2, Project Characteristics, and the proposed changes are shown in Figure 2-4 (Construction Sequencing) and 2-5 (Proposed Site Plan). Additionally, detailed descriptions of the proposed upgrades are provided in Section 7 of the WRRF Facilities Plan, while control upgrades and other proposed amenities are further described in other sections of the WRRF Facilities Plan. The WRRF Facilities Plan is available at the following link: httn://www.slocity.org/government/department- directarylutilities-depart-mentiwastewater/wastewater-treatmentlwrrf-use-project. Because the WRRF must continue operating during upgrades, not all of the demolition and upgrades would occur concurrently. The proposed construction sequencing is shown in Figure 2-4 of the EIR (Construction Sequencing) and described in the WRRF Facilities Plan (Figure 13-2). This sequencing, however, may be refined as the design process continues. Construction activities are expected to start in late 2017. The deadline for most of the proposed upgrades that are required to meet the Time Schedule Order issued by the RWQCB and SWRCB is November 30, 2019. Other upgrades that will address capacity, condition and other facility needs are planned to be completed as part of this project, at a later date. The proposed project and alternatives are described in more detail in the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project Final and Draft EIR (EIR), and Appendices thereto. The City of San Luis Obispo Staff recommends the proposed project (for which these CEQA Findings are prepared). As discussed in Section 5.0 (Alternatives) of the DEIR, the No Project Alternative was determined to potentially be the environmentally superior alternative, when compared to the proposed project in that it would avoid all of the potentially significant impacts associated with construction of the proposed project. However, it would not meet any of the objectives of the proposed project, including complying with the stringent discharge requirements included in the facility's September 2014 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the accompanying Time Schedule Order that establishes the compliance schedule for the project. In addition, none of the beneficial impacts of the project with regards to water quality and odor reduction would be realized under this alternative. The proposed project is described in more detail in the Staff Report accompanying these findings. III. The Record The California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15091 (b) requires that the City's findings be supported by substantial evidence in the record. Accordingly, the Lead Agency's record consists of the following, which are located at the City Community Development Department office, San Luis Obispo, California: A. Documentary and oral evidence, testimony and staff comments and responses received and reviewed by the Lead Agency during public review and the public hearings on the Project. B. The City of San Luis Obispo Water Resource Recovery Facility Project Final Environmental Impact Report July 2016). IV. The July 2016 Final Environmental Impact Report for the WRRF Project The City Council of the City of San Luis Obispo makes the following findings with respect to the July 2016 Final Environmental Impact Report for the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project SCH #2015101044: A. The City Council has considered the information in the July 2016 Final Environmental Impact Reportfor the Water Resource Recovery Facility Project, the pubnlic comments and responses previously submitted and the public comments and information presented at the public hearings. B. The City Council hereby finds and determines that implementation of the WRRF Project may have a significant adverse effect on the environment. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-29 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 6 C. The City Council hereby finds with respect to the adverse environmental impacts detailed in the Final EIR: 1. That, based on information set forth in the Final EIR, the City Council finds and determines that changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project which avoid or substantially lessen the adverse environmental effects identified in the Final EIR. 2. That no additional adverse impacts will have a significant effect or result in substantial or potentially substantial adverse changes in the environment as a result of the WRRF Project. D. The City Council hereby finds and determines that 1. All significant effects have been eliminated or substantially lessened; 2. Based on the Final EIR, the Findings, and other documents in the record, specific environmental, economic, social and other considerations make infeasible other project alternatives identified in the Final EIR; 3. Should the WRRF Project have the potential to result in adverse environmental impacts that are not anticipated or addressed by the July 2016 Final EIR, subsequent environmental review shall be required in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15162(a). V. Statement of Overriding Considerations Findings pursuant to CEQA Guidelines sections 15093 and 15092. A. The WRRF Project would not result in any significant, unmitigable, unavoidable adverse effects. Therefore, a statement of overriding considerations is not required. VI. Potential Environmental Effects Which Are Not Significant or Beneficial (Class III) The findings below are for Class III impacts. Class III impacts are adverse but not significant. The City Council has concluded that the following effects are adverse but not considered significant. Air Quality Impact AQ -1 The proposed project would not contribute to population growth, and would therefore be consistent with the growth assumptions in the 2001 Clean Air Plan and the City of San Luis Obispo Climate Action Plan. This impact would be Class III, less than significant. Impact AQ -3 Standard operation of the proposed project would involve regular testing of two new diesel generators, which would incrementally increase long-term emissions. Regular testing of the generators would ensure they would not generate emissions greater than the daily or annual thresholds set by SLOAPCD. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact AQ -4 In the unlikely event of an emergency power outage, the two new generators would temporarily generate worst-case scenario emissions over a short period of time. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact GHG-1 The proposed project would generate greenhouse gas emissions through construction, increased energy use, increased biogenic processes as a result of the increased wastewater capacity, and testing of emergency diesel generators. The increased emissions would be below the SLOAPCD threshold for annual greenhouse gas emissions, therefore impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact GHG-2 The proposed project would not conflict with State GHG reduction goals, or any applicable plan, policy, or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing GHG emissions. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-30 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 7 EXHIBIT A Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impact HAZ-4 The proposed project would not result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area due to location within an airport land use plan. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Hydrology/Water Quality Impact HYD -2 The proposed project would not result in flooding, erosion or siltation on- or off-site. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Noise Impact N-1 Construction activities associated with the proposed project would expose nearby sensitive receptors to temporary increases in noise, however, these would not exceed City noise thresholds. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact N-2 Project construction would expose nearby sensitive receptors to a temporary increase in vibration levels. However, vibration levels during construction would not expose nearby structures to vibration damage or excessive vibration noise. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact N-3 Noise associated with operation of the proposed project would not exceed City thresholds. Therefore, impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Public Services and Utilities Impact UTL-1 The proposed project would not directly or indirectly induce population growth and require the need for new or addition fire protection or police services that would result in the need for expanded facilities. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact UTL-3 Stormwater drainage improvements are included as part of the proposed project. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact UTL-5 The proposed project would not be served by a landfill with insufficient capacity to accommodate solid waste that would be generated. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. Impact UTL-6 The proposed project would comply with all federal, state, and local statutes and regulations related to solid waste. Impacts would be Class III, less than significant. VII. Potential Significant Effects Which Have Been Mitigated to a Level of Insignificance Class II impacts are significant but can be mitigated to a level of insignificance by measures identified in this EIR and the project description. When approving a project with Class II impacts, the decision -makers must make findings that changes or alternatives to the project have been incorporated that reduce the impacts to a less than significant level. The City Council has concluded that the mitigation measures identified in the Mitigation Monitoring Program Section X.) will result in substantial mitigation of the following effects and that these effects are not considered significant or they have been mitigated to a level of insignificance. Air Quality Impact AQ -2 Construction of the proposed project would result in temporary generation of air pollutants, which would affect local air quality. Short term emissions would exceed SLOAPCD thresholds for ozone precursors. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Biological Resources Impact BIO -1 Construction of the project could have a substantial adverse effect on candidate, sensitive, or special - status species. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact BIO -2 Construction of the project could have a substantial adverse effect on sensitive habitats, including riparian areas. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-31 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 8 EXHIBIT A Impact BI0-3 Construction of the project could have a substantial adverse effect on Federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Cultural Resources Impact CR -1 Construction of the proposed project would involve ground -disturbing activities which have the potential to unearth or adversely impact archaeological resources. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact CR -2 Construction of the proposed project would involve ground -disturbing activities which have the potential to unearth or adversely impact paleontological resources. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Impact HAZ-1 Construction of the proposed project would temporarily increase the routine transport and use of hazardous materials used in construction activities. Operation of the expanded and upgraded WRRF would entail the routine transportation, use, storage, and/or disposal of minor amounts of hazardous materials. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact HAZ-2 The proposed project has potential to create a hazard through reasonably foreseeable upset and accident conditions involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment during both construction and operation. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact HAZ-3 The proposed project could result in the disturbance of contaminated soils on an active cleanup sites listed on the SWRCB GeoTracker database. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact HAZ-5 The proposed project could impair or physically interfere with an adopted emergency evacuation and response during construction. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact HAZ-6 The proposed project would not increase the exposure of people or structures to wildfire risks due to population growth, but construction activities could create hazardous fire conditions. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Hydrology and Water Quality Impact HYD -1 During construction the proposed project could potentially violate water quality standards or waste discharge requirements. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Impact HYD -4 The proposed project would result in placement of structures within a 100 -year flood hazard area. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. Recreation Impact REC-2 Impacts associated with construction of the recreational components of the proposed project are part of the wider project analyzed in this EIR. Potential adverse impacts have been identified in several environmental issue areas, related primarily to construction activities associated with the proposed project. Impacts would be Class II, potentially significant unless mitigation is incorporated. VIII. Potential Significant Unavoidable Effects for Which Sufficient Mitigation is not Feasible (Class I) Class I impacts are significant and unavoidable. To approve a project resulting in Class I impacts, the CEQA Guidelines require decision makers to makefndings ofoverriding consideration that ' :.. specific legal, technological, economic, social, or other considerations make infeasible the mitigation measures or alternatives identified in the EIR... ": No significant and unavoidable (Class I) impacts were identified. IX. Beneficial Impacts (Class IV) R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-32 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Class IVimpacts are beneficial impacts. Page 9 Air Quality Impact AQ -5 The proposed project would have the potential to emit odors as a result of several processes on site. However, one of the main objectives of the proposed project is to prevent and reduce odor on site, with a variety of odor control technologies proposed. The reduction of odors to levels lower than currently emitted at the project site is a goal for the City of San Luis Obispo, and new odor control systems and enhancements to the treatment process would accomplish this. Therefore, impacts would be Class IV, beneficial. Public Services and Utilities Impact UTL-2 The proposed project would include improvements to the WRRF, which would improve treated wastewater quality. There would be a beneficial impact on wastewater effluent quality. Impacts would be Class IV, beneficial. Hydrology/Water Quality HYD -3 The proposed project would result in an improvement in the quality of discharges from the WRRF to San Luis Obispo Creek. Impacts would be Class IV, beneficial. Recreation Impact REC-1 The proposed project would enhance recreational amenities at the site. This is a Class IV, beneficial impact. X. Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code requires that when a public agency is making findings required by State CEQA Guidelines Section 15091(a)(1), codified as Section 21081(a) of the Public Resources Code, the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes to the proposed project which it has adopted or made a condition of approval, in order to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment. The City Council hereby finds and accepts that the Draft Mitigation Monitoring Program for the WRRF Project attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference meets the requirements of Section 21081.6 of the Public Resources Code by providing for the implementation and monitoring of mitigation measures intended to mitigate potential environmental effects. XI. Alternatives The City has examined a reasonable range of alternatives to the project, including the required No Project Alternative. The City has determined that none of these alternatives, taken as a whole, is both environmentally superior and more feasible than the project. The Final EIR identifies the No Project Alternative as the environmentally superior alternative. However, it would not meet any of the objectives of the proposed project, including complying with the stringent discharge requirements included in the facility's September 2014 NPDES permit and the accompanying Time Schedule Order that establishes the compliance schedule for the project. In addition, none of the beneficial impacts of the project with regards to water quality and odor reduction would be realized under this alternative. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-33 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 10 EXHIBIT A Alternative 1 No Project. The No Project Alternative assumes that the project site and existing treatment methods at the WRRF would remain as currently described in the existing setting under each issue area discussed in Chapter 3, Environmental Setting, Impacts and Mitigation Measures. It should be noted that implementation of the No Project Alternative would not be feasible because implementation of improvements at the project site are required to meet the more stringent discharge limits in the new NPDES permit for the facility as well as the accompanying Time Schedule Order. The Time Schedule Order establishes the compliance schedule for the permit and requires the City achieve the required disinfection byproduct limits and nitrate limits by November 30, 2019. If the No Project Alternative is selected the City would not be able to achieve compliance with the NPDES permit requirements in the required timeframe. Alternative 2 Alternate Process Options. Alternative 2 considers alternate technologies that would enable the WRRF to meet the new NPDES permit requirements. These process alternatives are available for renewable energy, flow equalization, disinfection, cooling, secondary treatment and filtration. Details of these various alternatives are discussed in the WRRF Facilities Plan. While these alternate process options were not included in the proposed project, they would be feasible for use at the WRRF site, though not preferred based on the various alternative analyses that were performed and the objectives and performance measures in the WRRF Programs Charter. For a list of the current technology at the site, the technology that was selected for each process for inclusion in the proposed project, and a list of the alternate technologies considered as part of this alternative, refer to Table 5-1 in the Final EIR. The alternate technologies considered comprise Alternative 2. Alternative 2 would result in a similar level of impact as the proposed project, though in some issue areas, such as air quality, noise and greenhouse gases, potential impacts could be better or worse depending on which combination of process options is selected. This alternative would avoid the potential need to realign the segment of the Bob Jones Bike Trail that passes through the southern portion of the site as it would not include the wetland cooling option. The impact to the trail resulting from the proposed project would be less than significant as it would not necessitate removal of the trail from within the site and would maintain continuity with the portions of the trail north and south of the facility. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-34 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) Page 11 EXHIBIT A WATER RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITY PROJECT MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM CEQA requires that a reporting or monitoring program be adopted for the conditions of project approval that are necessary to mitigate or avoid significant effects on the environment (Public Resources Code 21081.6). The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program (MMRP) is designed to ensure compliance with adopted mitigation measures during project implementation. For each applicable mitigation measure recommended in this Environmental Impact Report, specifications are made herein that identify the action required and the monitoring that must occur. In addition, a responsible agency is identified for verifying compliance with individual conditions of approval contained in the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. In order to implement this MMRP, the City of San Luis Obispo shall designate a Project Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Coordinator ("Coordinator"). The coordinator shall be responsible for ensuring that the mitigation measures incorporated into the project are complied with during project implementation. The following table shall be used as the Coordinator's checklist to determine compliance with required mitigation measures. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-35 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 12 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or E art W A E AIR QUALITY Q -2(a) Standard Mitigation Verify that standard Prior to Once. City of San Measures. The project shall comply mitigation measures are issuance of Luis Obispo with the following, outlined in Section included as a note on all grading and Utilities 2.3.1 of the SLOAPCD CEQA grading and building building Department Handbook: permits. permits. Once. Maintain all construction equipment in proper tune according Prior to to manufacturer's specifications; Verify that standard issuance of Fuel all off-road and portable diesel mitigation measures are contractors Periodically. powered equipment with CARB included as a note specifications. certified fuel (non -taxed version contractor's suitable for use off-road); specifications. During Use diesel construction equipment grading and meeting CARB's Tier 2 certified construction. engines or cleaner off-road heavy- Field verify compliance. duty diesel engines, and comply with the State off -Road Regulation; Use on -road heavy-duty trucks that meet the CARB's 2007 or cleaner certification standard for on -road heavy-duty diesel engines, and comply with the State On -Road Regulation; Construction or trucking companies with fleets that do not have engines in their fleet that meet the engine standards identified in the above two measures (e.g. captive or NOx exempt area fleets) may be eligible by proving alternative compliance; All on and off-road diesel equipment shall not idle for more than 5 minutes, with the exception of concrete delivery vehicles. Signs shall be posted in the designated queuing areas and or job sites to remind drivers and operators of the 5 minute idling limit; Diesel idling within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors is not permitted; Staging and queuing areas shall not be located within 1,000 feet of sensitive receptors; Equipment shall be electrified when feasible; Diesel powered equipment shall be substituted with gasoline powered equipment when feasible; Alternatively fueled construction equipment shall be used onsite when feasible, such as compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), propane, or biodiesel. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-36 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 13 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Action Required Timing Monitoring Agency or Responsible a a EApprovalFrequencyPartyAU AQ -2(b) Best Available Control Verify that standard Prior to Once. City of San Technology (BACT) for BACT are included as a issuance of Luis Obispo Construction Equipment. The note on all grading and grading and Utilities following BACTs, outlined in the building permits. building Department SLOAPCD CEQA Handbook, shall permits. Once. be incorporated into construction of the proposed project: Verify that standard Prior to Tier 3 or Tier 4 off-road and 2010 BACT are included as a issuance of on -road compliant engines shall be note contractor's contractors Periodically used; specifications. specifications. during Equipment shall be repowered with grading and the cleanest engine available; Continuously construction. California Verified Diesel Emission Field verify compliance. during grading Control Strategies shall be installed. and construction. BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES BIO -1(a) Special Status Plant Verify that a qualified Prior to start Once. City of San Species Surveys. Prior to the start of biologist has conducted of Luis Obispo on-site construction activities and pre -construction surveys construction. Utilities when the plants are in a phenological for special -status plant Department stage conducive to positive species within all identification (i.e., usually during the vegetation communities blooming period for the species), the on the project site with applicant shall ensure an approved the exception of the biologist will conduct surveys for Developed/Landscaped/ special status plant species throughout Constructed" areas suitable habitat within the project site. shown on Figure 3.2-1 in the Final EIR. BI0-1(b) Special Status Plant Verify that standard Prior to start Once. City of San Species Avoidance. If special status Special Status Plant of Periodically, Luis Obispo plant species are discovered within the Species Avoidance construction. Utilities study area, the applicant shall ensure Measures are Field verify Department an approved biologist will flag and implemented, as during fence these locations before required based on the construction to construction activities start to avoid pre -construction surveys. ensure impacts. avoidance measures remain in lace. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-37 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 14 13I0 -1(c) Restoration Plan. If If avoidance is not Verify that the Once. City of San avoidance is not feasible; the applicant feasible, verify that a restoration Luis Obispo shall ensure all impacts be mitigated at restoration plan has been plan has been Utilities a minimum ratio of 2:1 (number of prepared by a qualified completed Department acres/individuals restored to number biologist/ restoration prior to of acres/individuals impacted) for ecologist which includes issuance of each species as a component of habitat the required grading restoration. The applicant shall components. permits. Once. prepare and submit a restoration plan to the City for approval. The Verify that restoration plan shall include, at a habitat minimum, the following components: restoration Description of the project/impact plan has been site (i.e., location, responsible implemented parties, areas to be impacted by by end of habitat type); construction. Goal(s) of the compensatory mitigation project [type(s) and area(s) of habitat to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved; specific functions and values of habitat type(s) to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved]; Description of the proposed compensatory mitigation site location and size, ownership status, existing functions and values); Implementation plan for the compensatory mitigation site rationale for expecting implementation success, responsible parties, schedule, site preparation, planting plan including species to be used, container sizes, seeding rates, etc.]); Maintenance activities during the monitoring period, including weed removal and irrigation as appropriate (activities, responsible parties, schedule); Monitoring plan for the compensatory mitigation site, including no less than quarterly monitoring for the first year, along with performance standards, target functions and values, target acreages to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved, and annual monitoring reports to be submitted to the City for a maximum of five years; Success criteria based on the goals and measurable objectives; said criteria to be, at a minimum, at least 80 percent survival of container plants and 30 percent relative cover by vegetation type; An adaptive management program and remedial measures to address any shortcomings in meeting success criteria; R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-38 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 15 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or party F A E v Notification of completion of compensatory mitigation and agency confirmation; and Contingency measures (initiating procedures, alternative locations for contingency compensatory mitigation, funding mechanism). BI0-1(d) Best Management Verify that standard Prior to Once. City of San Practices. The applicant shall ensure BMPs are included as a issuance of Luis Obispo the following general wildlife Best note on all grading and grading and Utilities Management Practices (BMPs) are building permits. building Department required: permits. Once. No pets or firearms shall be allowed at the project site during Verify that standard Prior to construction activities. BMPs are included as a issuance of All trash that may attract predators note contractor's contractor's Periodically. must be properly contained and specifications. specifications. removed from the work site. All such debris and waste shall be During picked up daily and properly Field verify compliance grading and disposed of at an appropriate site. that BMPs are in place construction. All refueling, maintenance, and in all identified staging of equipment and vehicles Environmentally shall occur at least 100 feet from Sensitive Areas. San Luis Obispo Creek and the Environmentally southern holding ponds and in a Sensitive Areas include: location where a spill would not any area where a special drain toward aquatic habitat. A plan status species plant is must be in place for prompt and identified; San Luis effective response to any accidental Obispo Creek and the spills prior to the onset of work surrounding riparian activities. All workers shall be vegetation (i.e. red informed of the appropriate willow thicket — see measures to take should an Final EIR Figure 3.2-1); accidental spill occur. and areas where nesting To control sedimentation during birds are identified to be and after project implementation, present. appropriate erosion control BMPs i.e., use of coir rolls, jute netting, etc.) shall be implemented to minimize adverse effects on adjacent San Luis Obispo Creek. No plastic monofilament netting shall be utilized on-site. All vehicles and equipment shall be in good working condition and free of leaks. Environmentally Sensitive Areas shall be delineated to confine access routes and construction areas. Work shall be restricted to daylight hours. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-39 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 16 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or part G E , E U BIO -1(e) WEAP Training. Prior to Verify that all personnel Prior to start Once. City of San the initiation of construction activities associated with project of Luis Obispo including staging and mobilization), construction activities in construction. Utilities the applicant shall ensure all personnel Environmentally Periodically. Department associated with project construction Sensitive Areas attend During shall attend a Worker Environmental WEAP training prior to construction Awareness Program (WEAP) training. start of construction. period as new The training shall be conducted by Personnel associated workers attend a qualified biologist, to aid workers with construction in the site. in recognizing special status these areas who have not resources that may occur in the completed the WEAP project area. The specifics of this training shall be program shall include identification accompanied onsite by of the sensitive species and habitats, personnel who has a description of the regulatory completed the training. status and general ecological characteristics of sensitive resources, and review of the limits of construction and avoidance measures required to reduce impacts to biological resources within the work area. A fact sheet conveying this information shall also be prepared for distribution to all contractors, their employers, and other personnel involved with construction of the project. All employees shall sign a form provided by the trainer documenting they have attended the WEAP and understand the information presented to them. 13I04(f) Blainville's Horned Lizard Verify that a qualified During initial As needed. City of San Phrynosoma blainvillt). The biologist is present on- ground Luis Obispo applicant shall ensure the following site during initial ground disturbance at Utilities measures are implemented to avoid disturbance in areas identified Department and minimize potential impacts to determined to have sensitive Blainville's homed lizard. suitable habitat for areas. A qualified biologist shall be Blainville's Horned present on-site during initial ground Lizard. Suitable habitat As needed. disturbance in areas determined to onsite consists of Groves During have suitable habitat for this and Screens, Annual relocation species. Any Blainville's horned Grassland, and Coastal activities. lizards that are observed during Scrub (see Final EIR initial ground disturbance shall be Figure 3.2-1). relocated the shortest distance possible to a location that contains Verify any relocation suitable habitat not likely to be completed complies with affected by activities associated distance requirements. with the proposed project. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-40 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 17 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or PartyA a U 11I04(g) Western Pond Turtle Verify that a qualified Prior to start of Once. City of San Actinemys /==Emysl marmorata). biologist conducted a pre- work activities Luis Obispo The applicant shall ensure the construction survey in identified Utilities following measures are implemented within 24 hours prior to areas. Department to avoid and minimize potential the onset of work impacts to southern western pond activities within and turtle: around areas considered A qualified biologist(s) shall potential western pond conduct a pre -construction survey turtle habitat. within 24 hours prior to the onset of This is only applicable to Once. work activities within and around the red willow thicket and Prior to start of areas considered potential western sparsely vegetated work activities pond turtle habitat. If this species is streambed vegetation in identified found and the individuals are likely communities and the areas. Once. to be injured or killed by work holding ponds (see Final activities, the approved biologist EIR Figure 3.2-1). Prior to start of shall be allowed sufficient time to work activities move them from the project site in identified before work activities begin. The Verify required relocation areas. biologist(s) must relocate the any occurs and complies with western pond turtle the shortest distance requirements. distance possible to a location that contains suitable habitat that is not likely to be affected by activities Verify minimization of associated with the proposed access routes, staging project. areas and construction Access routes, staging, and areas in in riparian and construction areas shall be limited wetland areas. to the minimum area necessary to achieve the project goal and minimize potential impacts to southern western pond turtle habitat including locating access routes and construction staging areas outside of wetlands and riparian areas to the maximum extent practicable. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-41 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 18 13104(h) California Red -Legged Verify receipt of written Prior to start Once. City of San Frog (Rana draytonit). The applicant approval from USFWS of of Luis Obispo shall ensure the following measures the approved biologist. construction. Community are implemented to ensure that Once; Developmen impacts to CRLF from the proposed Verify placement of Prior to start periodically. t Department project are reduced to a less than exclusion fencing around of significant level. areas of suitable habitat, construction; Only USFWS-approved biologists including red willow during shall participate in activities thicket, sparsely construction associated with the capture, vegetated streambed, period. handling, and monitoring of CRLF. seasonal wetland and the Ground disturbance shall not begin holding ponds (see Final until written approval is received EIR Figure 3.2-1), as well from the USFWS that the biologist as on the southern and is qualified to conduct the work. If eastern boundaries of the Periodically. the USFWS does not authorize the site to place a barrier relocation of CRLF occurring between the San Luis During within the project site, CRLF found Obispo Creek riparian construction within the project site shall be corridor and the rest of period. Once; avoided with a 100 -foot buffer and the site with the exception periodically. no activities shall occur within that of the northern portion of Prior to start buffer until the CRLF has left the the site where operations of project site on its own. are ongoing and the construction; The project site shall be surrounded adjacent habitat is during by a solid temporary exclusion developed/landscaped/co construction Once. fence (such as silt fencing) that nstructed. period. shall extend at least three feet above the ground and be buried into the Verify vehicles and Prior to start ground at least 6 inches to exclude equipment are in good of CRLF from the project site. Plastic working order. construction. monofilament netting or other Periodically. similar material will not be used. The location of the fencing shall be Verify delineation of determined by a qualified biologist. Environmentally The fence shall remain in place Sensitive Habitats. During throughout construction activities. construction Installation of the exclusion fencing period. shall be monitored by a qualified biologist to ensure that it is installed correctly. All vehicles and equipment shall be Verify work hour in good working condition and free restrictions, the of leaks. fieldwork code of practice Environmentally Sensitive Areas developed by the shall be delineated to confine access Declining Amphibian routes and construction areas. Populations Task Force, Work shall be restricted to daylight and pet and firearm hours. restrictions are included To ensure that diseases are not as a note on the conveyed between work sites by the contractor's approved biologist, the fieldwork specifications. code of practice developed by the Field verify complianceDecliningAmphibianPopulationswithworkhourTaskForceshallbefollowedatall restrictions, the times. No pets or firearms shall be fieldwork code of practice permitted on-site. developed by the Declining Amphibian Populations Task Force, and pet and firearm restrictions. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-42 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 19 BI0-1(i) Steelhead Trout Verify that all Prior to start Once. City of San Oncorhynchus mykiss 14deus). The construction personnel of Luis Obispo applicant shall ensure the following working in proximity to construction. Utilities mitigation measures are undertaken to San Luis Obispo Creek Periodically. Department ensure that impacts to steelhead from or on activities that During the proposed project are reduced to a could result in indirect construction less than significant level. These impacts to the creek period as new measures are included in or are attend a Steelhead Trout workers attend subsequent to the measures stipulated training. the site. in the facility's existing National Continuous] Marine Fisheries Service Biological During Y. Opinion. construction. Before any activities begin on the project, a qualified biologist will conduct a training session for all Verify compliance with construction personnel. At a all requirements of the minimum, the training will include measure. a description of the steelhead and its For the habitat, the specific measures that purposes of are being implemented to conserve this measure this species for the current project, the area and the boundaries within which identified as the project may be accomplished. immediate Brochures, books, and briefings vicinity of San may be used in the training session, Luis Obispo provided that a qualified person is Creek" is on hand to answer any questions. defined as the During the duration of project red willow activities, all trash that may attract thicket predators will be properly contained vegetation and secured, promptly removed community from the work site, and disposed of see Final EIR regularly. Following construction, Figure 3.2-1). all trash and construction debris Cover of stock will be removed from the work piles is areas. required Al] refueling, maintenance, and during rain staging of equipment and vehicles events and will occur at ]east 100 feet from when not riparian habitat or bodies of water actively in use. and in a location where a potential Silt fencing is spill would not drain directly required along toward aquatic habitat (e.g., on a the top of bank slope that drains away from the only where water source). The monitor shall project related ensure that contamination of construction suitable habitat does not occur will occur; during such operations. Prior to the specifically in onset of work activities, a plan must the area where be in place for prompt and effective the outfall will response to any accidental spills. be installed All workers shall be informed of within the red the importance of preventing spills willow thicket and of the appropriate measures to vegetation take should an accidental spill community. occur. The number of access routes, size of staging areas, and the total area used for construction activities shall be limited to the minimum area necessary to achieve the project goals. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-43 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 20 The City will attempt to schedule work within the immediate vicinity of San Luis Obispo Creek for times of the year when potential impacts to steelhead would be minimal. To the maximum extent feasible, work should be restricted during the wet season (October 15 through April 30) and should ideally occur during the late summer and early fall. To control sedimentation during and after project implementation, the City shall implement the following BMPs. If the BMPs are somehow ineffective, the City, in consultation with the appropriate resource agency(ies), will attempt to remedy the situation immediately. It shall be the owner's/contractor's responsibility to maintain control of the entire construction operations and to keep the entire site in compliance. The owner/contractor shall be responsible for monitoring erosion and sediment control measures including but not limited to fiber rolls, inlet protections, silt fences, and gravel bags) prior, during and after storm events, monitoring includes maintaining a file documenting onsite inspections, problems encountered, corrective actions, and notes and a map of remedial implementation measures. All earth stockpiles over 2.0 cubic yards shall be covered with a tarp and ringed with straw bales or silt fencing. The site shall be maintained so as to minimize sediment -laden runoff to any storm drainage system including existing drainage swales and/or sand watercourses. o Construction operations shall be carried out in such a manner that erosion and water pollution will be minimized. o State and local laws concerning pollution abatement shall be complied with. o If grading operations are expected to denude slopes, the slopes shall be protected with erosion control measures immediately following grading on the slopes. Specifically, in order to prevent sedimentation and debris from enterin San Luis Obispo Creek R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-44 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 21 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or parley R G E v during construction, silt fencing shall be installed along the top of the banks on the west side of the channel prior to the onset of construction activities. The project biologist will monitor construction activities, in stream habitat, and overall performance of BMPs and sediment controls for the purpose of identifying and reconciling any condition that could adversely affect steelhead or their habitat. Equipment will be checked daily for leaks prior to the initiation of construction activities. A spill kit will be placed near the creek and will remain readily available during construction in the event that any contaminant is accidentally released. In addition to these avoidance and minimization measures, mitigation measure 13I0-2 would also ensure that potential indirect impacts to steelhead from this project are reduced to the extent practicable. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-45 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 22 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or Partv R U BI0-10) Nesting Birds. The If initial ground Prior to start Once. City of San applicant shall ensure the following disturbing activities of Luis Obispo mitigation measures are undertaken to occur during the construction Utilities reduce any potential impacts to breeding bird nesting if during Department nesting birds to a less than significant season, verify that a nesting level. qualified biologist has season) Periodically. For construction activities occurring performed a nesting bird during the nesting season (generally survey with results During February 1 to September 15), submitted to the City. construction. surveys for nesting birds covered by the California Fish and Game Code If active bird nests are and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act located during the pre - shall be conducted by a qualified construction survey, biologist no more than 14 days field verify buffer zones. prior to vegetation removal. The The size of the buffer surveys shall include the zones required will be at disturbance area plus a 500 -foot the discretion of the buffer around the site. If active qualified biologist. nests are located, all construction work shall be conducted outside a buffer zone from the nest to be determined by the qualified biologist. The buffer shall be a minimum of 50 feet for non -raptor bird species and at least 300 feet for raptor species. Larger buffers may be required depending upon the status of the nest and the construction activities occurring in the vicinity of the nest. The buffer area(s) shall be closed to all construction personnel and equipment until the adults and young are no longer reliant on the nest site. A qualified biologist shall confirm that breeding/nesting is completed and young have fledged the nest prior to removal of the buffer. If feasible, removal of vegetation within suitable nesting bird habitats will be scheduled to occur in the fall and winter (between September 1 and February 14), after fledging and before the initiation of the nesting season. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-46 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 23 BI0-2 Riparian Habitat. A Habitat Verify that a HMMP has Prior to start of Once. City of San Mitigation and Monitoring Plan been prepared by a construction. Luis Obispo HMMP) shall be prepared which will qualified biologist/ Utilities provide a minimum a 1:1 ratio for restoration ecologist and Department temporary and permanent impacts to that it includes the riparian habitat. The HMMP will required components. identify the specific mitigation sites The HMMP would apply During Periodically. and it will be implemented to areas of riparian construction. immediately following project habitat only (i.e. red completion. The HMMP shall include, willow thicket — see at a minimum, the following Final EIR Figure 3.2-1). components: Description of the project/impact Verify compliance with site (i.e. location, responsible HMMP. parties, areas to be impacted by habitat type); Goal(s) of the compensatory mitigation project [type(s) and area(s) of habitat to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved; specific functions and values of habitat type(s) to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved]; Description of the proposed compensatory mitigation -site location and size, ownership status, existing functions and values of the compensatory mitigation -site); Implementation plan for the compensatory mitigation -site rationale for expecting implementation success, responsible parties, schedule, site preparation, planting plan including plant species to be used, container sizes, seeding rates, etc.]); Maintenance activities during the monitoring period, including weed removal and irrigation as appropriate (activities, responsible parties, schedule); Monitoring plan for the compensatory mitigation site, including no less than quarterly monitoring for the first year performance standards, target functions and values, target acreages to be established, restored, enhanced, and/or preserved, annual monitoring reports); Success criteria based on the goals and measurable objectives; said criteria to be, at a minimum, at least 80 percent survival of container plants and 80 percent relative cover by vegetation type; An adaptive management program and remedial measures to address negative impacts to restoration efforts; R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-47 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 24 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or party G E U Notification of completion of compensatory mitigation and agency confirmation; and Contingency measures (initiating procedures, alternative locations for contingency compensatory mitigation, findin mechanism). R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-48 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 25 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or PartyA y E U 13I0-3 Jurisdictional Water and Verify that BMPs are Prior to Once. City of San Wetlands BMPs. The following included as a note on all issuance of Luis Obispo BMPs shall be implemented: grading and building grading and Utilities 1. To control sedimentation during permits. building Department and after project implementation, permits. Once. appropriate erosion control best management practices (i.e., Verify that BMPs are Prior to installation of straw wattle, jute included on contractor's issuance of netting, etc.) shall be specifications. contractor Periodically.. implemented to minimize specifications. adverse effects on jurisdictional areas in the vicinity of the Field verify compliance During project. Plastic monofilament in area of jurisdictional construction erosion control matting will not waters as identified on activities. be implemented onsite. Final EIR Figure 3.2-1. 2. Project activities within the jurisdictional areas shall occur during the dry season (typically between June i and November 1) in any given year, or as otherwise directed by the regulatory agencies. Deviations from this work window can be made with permission from the relevant regulatory agencies. 3. During construction, no litter or construction debris shall be placed within jurisdictional areas. All such debris and waste shall be picked up daily and properly disposed of at an appropriate site. In addition, all project -generated debris, building materials, and rubbish shall be removed from jurisdictional areas and from areas where such materials could be washed into them. 4. Any substances which could be hazardous to aquatic species resulting from project -related activities shall be prevented from contaminating the soil and/or entering jurisdictional areas. All refueling, maintenance, and staging of equipment and vehicles shall occur at least 100 feet from bodies of water and in a location where a potential spill would not drain directly toward aquatic habitat (e.g., on a slope that drains away from the water source). Prior to the onset of work activities, a plan must be in place for prompt and effective response to any accidental spills. All workers shall be informed of the importance of preventing spills and of the appropriate measures to take should an accidentals ill occur. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-49 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 26 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Action Required Timing Monitoring Responsible Agency or z Approval Frequency party C U CULTURAL RESOURCES CR -1(a) WEAP Training. Prior to Verify that all personnel Prior to start Once. City of San project construction, the applicant associated with ground of Luis Obispo shall retain a qualified archaeologist disturbing activities construction; Utilities meeting the Secretary of the Interior's attend a WEAP training. Periodically, Department Standards for historic archaeology to Personnel associated During conduct a Worker's Environmental with ground disturbing construction Awareness Program (WEAP) for all activities who have not period as new construction personnel working on the completed the WEAP workers attend project. The training shall include an training shall be the site. overview of potential cultural accompanied onsite by resources that could be encountered personnel who has during ground disturbing activities to completed the training. facilitate worker recognition, avoidance, and notification to a qualified archaeologist in the event of unanticipated discoveries. The Native American monitor shall also be present at the WEAP training to provide the Native American perspective on cultural resources and potential project -related impacts, and to receive information regarding the project schedule, roles and responsibilities, and mitigation measures. CR -1(b) Archaeological and Native Verify that a qualified Field Periodically. City of San American Monitoring. Prior to archaeologist and Native verification as Luis Obispo project construction the applicant shall American monitor are necessary Utilities retain a qualified archaeologist and present for all project during Department Native American representative to related ground disturbing construction conduct archaeological monitoring of activities within 200 feet period. all project related ground disturbing of the centerline of the As needed. activities within 200 feet of the creek creek bed. As needed. bed. Archaeological monitoring should be performed under the direction of an archaeologist meeting Verify conditions of the Secretary of the Interior's measure are implemented Professional Qualification Standards if archaeological for archaeology (NPS 1983). The resources are discovered. duration and timing of monitoring shall be determined by the qualified archaeologist in consultation with the City and based on the grading plans and level of previous disturbance within work areas. If archaeological resources are encountered during ground -disturbing activities, work in the immediate area must halt and the find be evaluated for significance under Section 106 of the NHPA and CE A. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-50 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 27 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequencypart Agency or Responsible E m G E U 11 CR -1(c) Discovery of Verify that standard Prior to start of Once. City of San Archaeological Resources. In the mitigation measure CR- construction. Luis Obispo event that archaeological resources are 1(c) is included as a note Utilities unearthed during project construction, on contractor's As needed. As needed. Department all earth disturbing work within the specifications. vicinity of the find shall be temporarily suspended or redirected Verify measure until an archaeologist has evaluated implemented if the nature and significance of the find. archaeological resources Evaluation of significance for the find are discovered. may include the determination of whether or not the find qualifies as an archaeological site. Isolated finds do not qualify as historical resources under CEQA or historic properties under the NHPA and require no management consideration under either regulation. Should any resource(s) be identified, an evaluation of eligibility for the CRHR and NRHP may be required through the development of a treatment plan including a research design and subsurface testing through the excavation of test units and shovel test pits. After effects to the find have been appropriately mitigated, work in the area may resume. Mitigation of significant impacts or adverse effects to the find may include a damage assessment of the find, archival research, and/or data recovery to remove any identified archaeological deposits, as determined by a qualified archaeologist. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-51 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 28 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency ResponsibleResp Agency or party E E U CR -1(d) Discovery of Human Verify that standard Prior to start of Once. City of San Remains. If human remains are mitigation measure CR- construction. Luis Obispo found, the State of California Health 1(d) is included as a note Utilities and Safety Code Section 7050.5 states on contractor's As needed. As needed. Department that no further disturbance shall occur specifications. until the county coroner has made a determination of origin and Verify measure disposition pursuant to Public implemented if human Resources Code Section 5097.98. In remains are discovered. the event of an unanticipated discovery of human remains, the San Luis Obispo County coroner must be notified immediately. If the human remains are determined to be prehistoric, the coroner will notify the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will determine and notify a most likely descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend scientific removal and nondestructive analysis of human remains and items associated with Native American burials. CR -2(a) Paleontological Mitigation Verify that a Prior to start of Once. City of San and Monitoring Program. Prior to Paleontological construction. Luis Obispo construction activity a qualified Mitigation and Utilities paleontologist should prepare a Monitoring Program has Department Paleontological Mitigation and been prepared by a Monitoring Program to be qualified paleontologist implemented during project ground which include the disturbance activity. This program required components. should be based on the final project plans to identify specific areas where ground disturbing activity has the potential to impact scientifically significant paleontological resources and include the following details: 1) Outline the procedures for construction staff Worker Environmental Awareness Program WEAP) training; 2) Specify the extent, location and duration of paleontological monitoring based on proposed construction activity; 3) Specify the procedures for salvage and preparation of fossils; 4) Require a final mitigation and monitoring report; and 5) Specify the qualifications of a qualified paleontologist and paleontological monitors. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-52 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 29 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Action Required Timing Monitoring ResponsibleR Agency or y,, E E Approval Frequency part A U CR -2(b) Paleontological WEAP. Verify that all personnel Prior to start Once. City of San Prior to the start of construction, associated with ground of Luis Obispo construction personnel should be disturbing activities construction. Utilities informed on the appearance of fossils attend a WEAP training. Department and the procedures for notifying Personnel associated paleontological staff should fossils be with ground disturbing discovered by construction staff. activities who have not completed the WEAP training shall be accompanied onsite by personnel who has completed the training. CR -2(c) Paleontological Verify that mitigation Prior to Once City of San Monitoring. Any excavations measure CR -2(c) is issuance of Luis Obispo exceeding five feet in depth, including included as a note on start of Utilities those in the young alluvium, should be contractor's construction. Department monitored according to the specifications. Periodically, specifications outlined in the PMMP. During as needed. At a minimum, paleontological construction monitoring should be sufficient to Verify monitoring period. evaluate the potential of newly occurs in identified exposed geologic units to contain locations. fossils. If the qualified paleontologist determines that geologic units are unlikely to yield significant paleontological resources, monitoring may be discontinued. If ground disturbance activity is initiated in a new area or to a deeper depth than previous excavations, paleontological monitoring should be re-initiated. Monitoring should be conducted by a qualified paleontological monitor as specified in the PMMP. Ground disturbing activity that does not exceed five feet in depth in young alluvium would not require monitoring. paleontological CR -2(d) Salvage of Fossils. If fossils Verify measure As needed, if Periodically. City of San are discovered, the qualified implementation if fossils fossils are Luis Obispo paleontologist (or paleontological are identified during identified. Utilities monitor) should recover them. construction. Department Typically fossils can be safely salvaged quickly by a single paleontologist and not disrupt construction activity. In some cases larger fossils (such as complete skeletons or large mammal fossils) require more extensive excavation and longer salvage periods. In this case the paleontologist should have the authority to temporarily direct, divert or halt construction activity to ensure that the fossil(s) can be removed in a safe and timely manner. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-53 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 30 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Action Required Timing Monitoring Responsible Agency or y E Approval Frequency Part A u CR -2(e) Preparation and Curation Verify measure By end of Once. City of San of Recovered Fossils. Once salvaged, implementation if fossils construction. Luis Obispo fossils should be identified to the are identified during Utilities lowest possible taxonomic level, construction. Department prepared to a curation-ready condition and curated in a scientific institution with a permanent paleontological collection (such as the University of California Museum of Paleontology or the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History), along with all pertinent field notes, photos, data, and maps. CR -2(f) Final Paleontological Verify that a Final By end of Once. City of San Mitigation and Monitoring Report. Paleontological construction. Luis Obispo Upon completion of ground disturbing Mitigation and Utilities activity (and curation of fossils if Monitoring Report has Department necessary) the qualified paleontologist been prepared by a should prepare a final mitigation and qualified paleontologist monitoring report outlining the results which include the of the mitigation and monitoring required components. program. The report should include discussion of the location, duration and methods of the monitoring, stratigraphic sections, any recovered fossils, and the scientific significance of those fossils, and where fossils were curated. HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY HYD -1 Prepare an Emergency Verify that an Prior to start of Once. City of San Wastewater Treatment Plan. Emergency Wastewater construction. Luis Obispo Before construction is initiated, the Treatment Plan has been Utilities City of San Luis Obispo shall work prepared. Department with its design engineers and construction contractor to develop an Emergency Wastewater Treatment Plan which identifies procedures for handling and treating wastewater flows during construction of the Project. This Plan shall include procedures and contingency measures for proper handling and treatment of wastewater flows in the event that the treatment train goes offline unexpectedly as a result of construction activities, such as temporary storage wastewater flows. The Plan shall consider storage options, varying levels of treatment and/or blending, temporary treatment options, and conveyance to alternative treatment facilities. An existing emergency treatment plan could be used in place of this Emergency Wastewater Treatment Plan so long as its provisions could be successfully implemented during project construction. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-54 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 31 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Action Required Timing Monitoring Agency or Responsible EApprovalFrequencyPar( A HYD -4 Design Stormwater Outfall Verify that USACE Prior to start of Once. City of San with Energy Dissipaters. The City approval of stormwater construction. Luis Obispo of San Luis Obispo shall ensure that outfall design and Utilities the San Luis Obispo Creek location. Department stormwater outfall, if selected to manage storm flows on the VAW site is designed with energy dissipation features as needed to prevent flooding and erosion at or downstream of the point of discharge. The design and location of the stormwater outfall shall be approved by USACE to ensure that it does not impede high flow CS a'OyV HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS HAZ-1(a) Hazardous Materials Verify that a HMMSCP Prior to start of Once. City of San Management and Spill Control has been prepared. construction. Luis Obispo Plan. Before construction begins, all Utilities construction contractors shall be Department required to develop and implement a HMMSCP that includes project - specific contingency plan for hazardous materials and waste operations. The HMMSCP shall establish policies and procedures consistent with applicable codes and regulations, including but not limited to the California Building and Fire Codes, and federal and California Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The HMMSCP shall articulate hazardous materials handling practices to prevent their release into San Luis Obispo Creek during construction of the storm water outfall. HAZ-1(b) Preparation of Verify that a HMBP has Prior to Once. City of San Hazardous Materials Business been prepared. operation of Luis Obispo Plan. Prior to operation of the new new facilities. Utilities facilities, a HMBP shall be prepared Department and implemented for the proposed project. The HMBP shall include a hazardous materials inventory, site plan, an emergency response plan, and requirements for employee training. An existing HMBP can be updated and resubmitted for the expanded facilities. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-55 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 32 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or Part U HAZ-3(a) Phase I Environmental Verify that a Phase I Prior to start of Once. City of San Site Assessment. Before ESA has been prepared construction. Luis Obispo construction begins, the City of San for the southern end of Utilities Luis Obispo shall perform a Phase I the site if construction is Department Environmental Site Assessment planned in that area; ESA) to clarify the potential for soil verify recommendations contamination due to the adjacent have been implemented. open cleanup site. The recommendations set forth in the Phase I ESA shall be implemented before construction begins. Follow- up sampling may be conducted, if needed, to characterize soil and groundwater quality. Prior to construction, contractors shall be informed of the location of potential areas of hazardous materials that may be encountered during construction, and shall ensure that safety precautions are in place to avoid or minimize exposure to potentially contaminated soils, and to reduce the potential for accidental damage to underground storage tanks that could cause accidental release of hazardous materials into the environment. HAZ-3(b) Contaminated Soil Verify that a Prior to start of Once. City of San Contingency Plan. The City of San Contaminated Soil construction. Luis Obispo Luis Obispo shall require its Contingency Plan has Utilities construction contractors to develop been prepared. Department and implement a Contaminated Soil Contingency Plan to handle treatment and/or disposal of contaminated soils. If contaminated soil is encountered during project construction, work shall halt and an assessment made to determine the extent of contamination. Treatment and/or disposal of contaminated soils shall be conducted in accordance with the Contingency Plan. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-56 Resolution No. 10740 (2016 Series) EXHIBIT A Page 33 Mitigation Measure/Condition of Approval Action Required Timing Monitoring Frequency Responsible Agency or Partv y E U HAZ-S Traffic Management Plan. Verify that a Traffic Prior to start of Once. City of San Prior to the start of construction, the Management Plan has construction. Luis Obispo City shall develop a Traffic been prepared. Utilities Management Plan, in coordination Department with City Transit, Public Works, and other appropriate departments or users of the site, that would include industry, Caltrans, and City standards for managing construction traffic to and from the site. Measures to manage construction traffic could include warning signs, flag men, and scheduling deliveries outside the AM and PM peak hours. The Traffic Management Plan shall include measures that address how to accommodate emergency evacuation and response, if needed. HAZ-6 Prevention of Fire Verify that standard fire Prior to Once. City of San Hazards. During construction of the prevention measures are issuance of Luis Obispo proposed project, staging areas, included as a note on all contractor's Utilities welding areas, or areas slated for contractor's specifications. Department construction shall be cleared of dried specifications. Periodically vegetation or other material that Continuously during could ignite. Construction equipment during grading grading and that includes a spark arrestor shall be Field verify compliance. and construction. equipped in good working order. In construction. addition, construction crews shall have a spotter during welding activities to look out for potentially dangerous situations, such as accidental sparks. Other construction equipment, including those with hot vehicle catalytic converters, shall be kept in good working order and used only within cleared construction zones. The creation and maintenance of approved fire access to work areas shall be required in accordance with local Fire regulations. During construction of the proposed project, contractors shall require vehicles and crews working at the project site to have access to functional fire extinguishers. R 10740 ATTACHMENT 5 PC2-57