HomeMy WebLinkAboutSLO City Charter 1883OF THE
tai _ boll :and Re4t carpi~ration
City of San Luis Obispo.
The Common Council of the Cit;-, by resolu-
'Zloll pissed Parivary 26th, 18S:;, ordered a gener-
�1 election to be held February i 3th, -ISS4,
tc; ek"CL the customary City Officers, and als;i 20
Note: upon the pror)osition of re -organization un -
IJ -r the r eenerral Law of Municip,il Corporations,
�e statutes 18(�3, P. 93 et seq.1 At said election
d proposition of re -or, anization. was carried by
trate of 3.52 to 41, and at the same time a full
set of officers were elected to hold office until the
cicction under said statute should be held.
`subsequently, to wit, on February 26th, 1485,
a sp cial 1�lunicipal Electir,n was held, and a full
.t of officers were elected Under the statute of
I (S;1) in rcga;-d to Municipal Corporations of the
i :tli Class.
I-�l, CacZ, ve"I'leYalliz, YL-0r,0n1z1,2'1i071 0,112zuz1ClPlal
co;� 07"a11G11s, 1LT1z1iL'Y 11,Wn1C1V),-, 7 CO? JO?'Cai 2011
azcl, �z1h 51-o�-�c �al�ch }�, zb3�, and under
lace f01' rcz szficalinlz flae�f a�hroved, IGI�r.1-ell
z, 1883.
St.c'rio. i. All cities and counties, cities or
;rrv7ns, re-or,(;anized, or clain-Jing to have been re-
organized, or claiming to have been re-organized,
since the passage of the acts, the titles of which
are recited in the title hereof, or which have at-
tempted since said elates to re-organize, or incor-
porate under the provisions of said acts or either
of them, and have acted as municipal corpora-
tions since such re-organization, are hereby de-
clared to be, and to have. been from the date of
such re-or( aniz ation, or attempted re-organization,
duly and legally incorporated- and re-organized
cities, and all proceedings for the re-organization
of such municipal corporations are hereby vali-
dated and declared legal.
SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from and
after Its passage.
(Approved March 11, i£9r; Stats. 189i, p.
(ioverning San Luis Obispo as a Municipal Corporation of
the Sixth Class, being that for�Cities and Towns having
a Population of not Exceeding 3000.
SECTION 850. Every municipal corporation of sxth cies-_
the sixth class shall be entitled the city (or town)
Of ---- (naming it), and by such., name shall
have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued
in all courts and places, and in all proceedings
whatever; shall have and use a common seal, al-
terable at the pleasure of the city or town au-
thorities, and may purchase, lease, receive, hold,
and enjoy= real and personal property, and control
and dispose of the same for the common benefit.
SEc. 85i. The'government of such city or officers.
town shall be vested` in a Board of Trustees, to
consist of five member; a Clerk, who shall be "
ex -officio Assessor; a t easurer; a Marshal, who
shall b:: ex -officio Fax and License Collector ; a
Recorder, to be appointed``by the Board of Trus-
tees, a-nd-who-shall- lie -one -of the -justices -of- - the
I_'f ace of the township.-inwhich_ said city -on -town
is.situated; and such subordinate officers as are
hereinafter provided for.
SEC. 852. The -members of the Board of
Trustees and the Clerk, Treasurer and Marshal
shall be elected by the qualified electors of said
city or town at a general municipal election to be
held therein on the second 1VIonday�in April in
each 'even numbered year. The Clerk, Treas-
urer and Marshal shall hold office for the period
of two years from and after the Monday next
Election and ten-
ure of office.
i0w� 1
SI1(-,cucdi1I"",- tfl(,- day of such a;l�i
their mI(-c(:SS" il:� :
)1"; ar(,, 1-,luctud and (111
I wrs of thn Board of Trustoz shall W,K;
101, Lhi; Pul iod of four ,'Iand �L! . (':i -
r \%:ar:� from I I I
i\Io I 1 (1, 1 v ncxt succc�:(Jiil--hu, day 4 mich
t J,
tion, and until llp-,ir ;[Icc(�
(I ual i 1-1u( I : that the r:>t !,wa-d
tees Clf!Cte(-j 11116!1- the ),,'
;It their first Incutilig, S(l clasif-v
lot as that three of GO nunUP mjmH
ofrc,,, "it the cxl)ll-;ILi()Il of LNO 0
the expiration of four yc.irs.' 'Pic Bear -1
Trustcus may, in their appoint
Attorney, a Pound Master, a .1; uj),.,ri n Lea t !(jlt
Streets, a civilI�:ninecr,and s!Icjl
other subordinate it, their j u
may be (1ccilled necessary, and fix their colnp-_11-
sation, which said nf.icers Simil hold of -rice
the plCaSLJYC of Saj,j I)(-)ard.
SEU 851 The Clerk, Knisurur and Alw-
shal resp) :uivcly, I"efore entering upon Au
duties of their respective
each ea -cute a
bond to such city or toxch in such penal sum m--,
the Board of Trustees by ordinance may dcti,r
"line, c"Ilditi('Ilcd for the faithful perforinanc(.° o�-
IliS duties, inClLldill�,' in the SpIne bond the.- ChIti(--;
Of all offices of ME he is nmde by this chanm
ex -officio incumbent; such 1-)011ds shall be a,) -
proved by the Board of Trustees. Ail bonds,
when approved, shall be tied with the (Durk, ex-
cept the bond of the Clerk, which shall be
with the President of the Board of 'Trustees. "d!
the provisions of any law of this Suite relaky
to the OKI] bends of officers shall apply to s,.Iclj
bonds, except as herein otherwise provided.
Every officer Of such city, before enterill"',- up' -)n
the duties of his office, shall take and file %vith
the Clerk the constitutional Oath of Office.
SFC. 854, Any vacancy occurring' In any of vacancies, how
tl.e offices provided for in this act shall be filled suea.
I y appointment by the Board of Trustees; but if
such office be elective, such appointee shall hold
office only until the next regular election, at
M'hich time. a person shall be elected to serve for
the rciiiainder of such unexpired term. In case
a member of the Board. of Trustees is absent
frorn'the city for the period of ninety days, unless
by permission of the Board of Trustees, his office
shall I -,v the Board bc: declared vacant, and the
same 61led as in case of other vacancies. .
SEC. 85,. The nlernbers of the Board of conipensat.ioil
Trustees shall receive no compensation whatever.
The Clc.:rk, Treasurer, Marshal and Recorder
shall severally receive, at stated times, a compen-
sa.tion, to be fixed by ordinance by the Board of
Trustees, which compensation shall not be in-
creased or diminished after their election, or
during their several terms of office. Nothing
herein contained shall be construed to prevent
the Board of Trustees from fixing such several
amounts of compensation in the first instance,
during the term of office of any such officer, or
after his election. The compensation of all other
officers shall be fixed from time to time by the
Board of Trustees.
SFC. 856. All c:lec"Llons in such city or town Election provis-
shall be held in accordance with the general elec-
tion laws of the State, so far as the same may be
mule applicable; and no person shall be entitled
to vote at such election unless he shall be a quali-
fied elector of the county, enrolled upon the great
register thereof, and shall have resided fn such
city for at least thirty days next preceding such
flection. The board of Trustees shall give such
notice of each election as may be prescribed by ordi-
5 crr.lr.rrx.
nance, shall appoint boards of election, and fi:<:
their compensation, and establish election pre-
cincts and polling places, and may change the
same. At any municipal election the last printed
great register of the county shall be used, allcl
any elector whose name is not upon such printed
register shall be entitled to vote upon producing
and filing with the board of election a eertificatr,,
under the hand and official seal of the Cowitu,
Clerk, showing that his name is re()-istc;red and
uncancelled upon the great register of such Coun-
ty;,�rovzdeel, that he is otherwise entitled to vote.
rligibilitytooffice. SEC. gj�. No person shall be eligible to or
hold any once in such city, whether filled by
election or appointment, unless he be a resident
and elector therein, and shall have resided in
such city for one year next preceding the date of
such election or appointment.
Board of Trusteep. SECTION SSS. The Board of Trustees shall
meet on the Nfonday next succeeding the date of
said general municipal election, shall take the
oath of office, shall choose one of their number
President, and shall hold regular- meetings at
least once in each month, at such times as they
shall fix by ordinance. S_I e-cial meetings may be
called at any time by thePresideiit oftFie Board,
or by three Trustees, by written node r, delivered
to each member, at Ieast three hours before the
time specified for the proposed meeting. All
meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held
within the corporate limits of the city, at such
place as may be designated by ordinance, and
shall be public.
21feetings. SEC. 8-9. At any meeting of the Board of
Trustees a majority of the 'Trustees shall consti-
tute a quorum for the transaction of business, but
a less number may adjourn from time to time,
and may compel the attendance of absent mem-
bers ill such manner and under such penalties as
may be prescribed by ordinance. The President
of the Board shall preside at all meetings of the
Board, and in case of his absence the Board may
appoint a President pro tem; and in case of' the
lbsence of the Clerk, the President or President
int one of the members of the
pro tem, shall appo
-Board Clerk pro tem.
Si -,c. 86o. The Board of Trustees shall judge Rnres.
of the qualifications of its members, and of all
election returns, and determine contested elec-
tions of all city officers. "They may establish
rules for the conduct of their proceedings, and
punish any member or other person for disorder-
ly behavior at any meeting. They shall cause
the Clerk to ker-_p a correct journal of all their
proceedings, and at the desire of any member
,Hall cause the ayes and nays to be taken on any
question, and entered on the journal.
SL,,,. 861. No ordinance, and no resolution Franchises and
(,ranting any franchise for any purpose, shall be resolution to pay'
p;,ssed by the Board of Trustees on the day of
its introd i_iction, nor within five days thereafter,
nor at any other than a reo-ular meetino. No
resolution or order for the payment of money
shall be passed at any other time than at a reau-
l�.r meeting. And no such ordinance, resolution
or order shall have any validity or effect unless
passed by the votes of at least three Trustees.
Sic.. 86z. The Board of Trustees of said city rowers. -
shall have power:
1. To pass ordinances, ''nest in conflict with ordinances.
8 CIIAR'I'1;x.
the co>>stitution and laws of this State. or of thr.
United States.
Pear estate. To purchase, lease, or receive such
estate and personal property as may be neccs>_ar;;
or proper for nwnicipal ptu-poses, and to contrr;l.
dispose of, and convey the sante for the henef��:
of the city or town; tll;it tht,xshill not
have power to sell or convey :illy portion of any
water -front.
Water. 3. To contract for supplying the city or town
with water for municipal purposes, or to acquire..
construct, repair, and inange punlps, aClneCrUCiS,
reservoirs, or other- ivr,rks necessary or proper for
supplying water fir the use of such city or its irI-
habitants, or for irrigating purpo;:es therein.
Highways. 4. To establish, build, and repair bridges; to
establish, lav out, alter, beep op n, improve and
repair streets, sidewalks, alleys, squares, and
other public highways and places within the city
or town, and to drain, sprinkle, aril light the
same; to remove all obstructions therefrom; to es-
tablish the grades thereof; to grade, pave, macad-
amize, gravel, and curb the same, in whole or in
part, and to construct gutters, culverts, sidesvalks,
and cross -wallas therein, or on any part thereof,
to cause to be planted, set out, and cultivated
shade trees therein; and geperally to manage and
control all such highways and places.
sewers. 5. To construct, establish, and maintain drains
and sewers.
Fires. 6. To provide fire engines and all other nec-
essary or proper apparatus for the prevention and
extinguishment of fires.
roll tax. 7. To impose on and collect from every male
inhabitant between the ages of twenty-one and
sixty years an annual street poll tax, -not exceed-
ing two dollars and no other road pall -tax shall
be collected withit n the limits of such city.
S. To imposeand collect an annual license, Dog tax.
not exceeding t\�o dollars on every male dog
and four dollars ow,every female dog owned or
harbored within the, limits of the city.
9. To levy and collect annuallya property Property tax.
tax, vA}I 1 7l C t}1211�7G71—�1-s--"- g r `
w,c• T+t�r t}iv rcan f�,11.�.L1.,.�.wh—icl4s�ball—TTLC`ide i
-the fund—for-street--:w4)xk, not /xceedixig fifty
cents on each one hundred dollars;
fun�� nnr P�,��n�r fftee-n�ee�ts'"c�n -each-one
io. To license, for 'the purpose of revenue Licenses,
and regulation, all and'';every kind of business
authorized by law and transacted and carried on
in such city or town, and ; all shows, exhibitions,
and lawful games carried on therein; to fix the
rates of license tax upon the same, and to pro-
vide for the collection of the same, by suit or
otherwise. Ps-ovided, that'i, any licensed taxes
collected under a city ordinance shall be collected
by the city or town marshal;', and paid into the
city or town treasury for the use of the city or
town in which it is collected.
i i. To improve the rivers and streams flow- water -front im
ing through such city, or adjoining the same ; to provement.
widen; straighten and deepen the channels there-
of, and remove obstructions therefrom ; to im-
prove the water -front of the city, and to construct
and maintain embankments and 'other works to
protect such city from overflow, and to acquire,
own, construct, maintain and operate on any
lands bordering on any navigable bay, lake, inlet,
river, creels, slough, or arm of the sea within the
10 cnARTE] R.
corporate limits of such city, or contiguous there-
to, wharves, shutes, piers, breakwaters, bath
houses; and life-saving stations.
Public buildings. 12. To erect and maintain buildings for
municipal purposes, libraries, gymnasiums, etc.
Tracks and pipes 13. To acquire, own, construct, maintain and
operate street railways, telephone and telegraph
lines, gas and other works for light and heat,
public libraries, museums, gymnasiums, and
baths, and to permit, under such restrictions as
they may deem proper, the laying of railroad
tracks and the running of cars drawn by horses,
steam, or other power thereon, and the laying of
gas and water pipes in the public streets ; and to
permit the construction ana maintenance of tele-
graph and telephone lines therein.
nances. 14. To impose fines, penalties and forfeitures
for any and all violation of ordinances; and for
any breach or violation of any ordinance to fix
the penalty by fine oil imprisonment, or both ; but
no such fine shall exeed three hundred dollars,
nor the term of imprisonment exceed three
Prison labor. 15. To cause all persons imprisoned' for vio-
lation of any ordinance to labor on te streets or
other public property or works with�n the city.
Other acts. t6. To do and perform �ny an all other acts
and things necessary or proper t carry out the
provisions of this chapter. (St5 s. 1891, P. 233)•
Fnacting clause. SEc. 863. The enacting clause of all ordi-
nances shall be as follows: "The Board of
Trustees of the city (or town) of do or-
dain as follows.” Every ordinance shall be
signed by the President of the Board of Trustees,
attested by the Clerk, and published at least once
in a newspaper published in such city or town, or
printed and -posted in at least three public places
SEC. 864. All demands against such city or Demands.
town shall be presented to and audited by the
Board of Trustees, in accordance with such regu-
lations as they may by ordinance prescribe; and
upon the allowance of any such demand, the
President of the Board shall draw a warrant
upon, the Treasurer for the same, which warrant
shall be countersigned by the Clerk, and shall
specify for what purpose the same is drawn, and
out of what fund it is to be paid.
SEC. 865. The Board of Trustees shall not Indebtedness not
to exceed available
create, audit, allow, or permit to accrue, any debt funds.
or liability in excess of the available money in
the treasury that may be legally apportioned and
appropriated for such purposes; provided, that
any city or town during the first year of its exis-
tence under this act may incur such indebtedness.
or liability as may be necessary, not exceeding in
all the income and revenue provided for it in such
year; nor shall any warrant be drawn, or evi-
dence of indebtedness be issued, unless there be
at the time sufficient, money in the treasury le-
gally applicable to the payment of the same, ex-
cept as hereinafter provided.
SEc. 866. If at any time the Board of Trus- Incurring excess
tees shall deem it necessary to incur any indebt- decided by vote.
edness in excess of the money in the treasury
applicable to the purpose for which such indebt-
edness is to be incurred, they shall give notice
of a special election by the qualified electors of
the city or town, to be held to determine whether
such indebtedness shall be incurred. Such notice
shall specify the amount of indebtedness pro-
posed to be incurred, the purpose or purposes of
the same, and the amount of money necessary to
be raised annually, by taxation, for an interest
and sinking fund, as hereinafter provided. Such
notice shall be published for at least two weeks
in some newspaper published in such city or
town ; and no other question or matter shall be
submitted to the electors at such election. if
upon a canvass of the votes cast at such election
it appears that not less than two-thirds of all the
qualified electors voting at such election .shall
have voted in favor of incurring such indebted-
ness, it shall be the duty of the Board of Trustees
to pass an ordinance providing for the mode of
creating such indebtedness, and of paying the
same ; and in such ordinance provision shall be
made for the levy and collection of an annual tax
upon all the real and personal property subject
to taxation within such city or town, sufficient to
pay the interest on such indebtedness as it falls
due; and also to constitute a sinking fund for the
payment of theprincipal thereof, within a period
of not more than twenty years from the time of
contracting the same. It shall be the duty of
the Board of Trustees, in each year , thereafter,
at the time at which other taxes are levied, to
levy a tax sufficient for such purpose, in addition
to the ,taxes by this chapter authorized to be
levied. Such tax, when collected, shall be kept
in the treasury as a separate fund, to be inviola-
bly appropriated to the payment of the principal
and interest of such indebtedness.
Incarceration. SEC. 567. The violation of any ordinance of
such city or town shall be deemed a misdemean-
or, and may be- prosecuted by the authorities of
such city or town in the name of the people of
the State of California; or may be redressed by
civil action, at the option of said authorities. Any
person sentenced to imprisonment for the viola-
tion of an ordinance may be imprisoned in the
jail for such city or town ; or if the Board of
Trustees by ordinance shall so prescribe, in the
county jail of the county in which such city or
town may be situated, in which case the expense
of such imprisonment shall be charged in favor
of such county and against such city or town.
SEC. 868. Every actor thing done or being Nuisances.
within the limits of such city or town, which is
or may be declared by law or by any ordinance of
such city or town to be a nuisance, shall be and
is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and shall be
considered and treated as such in all actions and
proceedings whatever; and all remedies which
are or may be given by law for the prevention
and abatement of nuisances shall apply thereto.
SEC. 869. The Board of Trustees are hereby Cost of street
work assessed on
authorized and empowered to order any work fronting property.
authorized by this chapter. to be done upon the
streets, avenues, highways, and public places of _
such city or town. The cost and expense in-
curred therefor shall be paid as follows, to wit:
The expense or cost of improving and repairing
streets, sidewalks, alleys, squares, and other pub-
lic highways and places within the city or town,
removing obstructions therefrom, grading, pav-
ing, macadamizing, graveling, and curbing the
same, and constructing gutters, culverts, and
sidewalks therein, shall be assessed upon the lots
and lands fronting thereon, each lot or a portion
of a lot being separately assessed for the full
depth thereof in proportion to the benefits upon
the property to be benefitted, sufficient to cover
the total expense of the work to the center of,
the street on which it fronts; trovided that the
Board of Trustees may expend from the general
fund for said purposes a sum which in their judg-
ment may be necessary. The expense of all im-
provements in the space formed by the junction
of two or more streets, or where one main street
terminates in or crosses another main street, and
also all necessary street crossings, or crossways
at corners or intersections of streets; and the ex.
pense of establishing, building, and repairing
bridges in such city or town,s hall be paid by
such city or town:V-1-he expense incurred in
making and repairing sewers in any street shall
be paid, -one-fourth by the owner of the lands on
one side of said street, one-fourth by the owner
of the lands on the other side of said street, and
one-half by the city or town out of the sewer
fund. In all the streets constituting the water-
front of such city or town, or bounded on the
one side by the property thereof, the expense of
work done on that portion of said streets, from
the center line thereof to the said water -front, or
to such property cf the city or town bounded
thereon, shall be paid for by such city or town,
but no contract for any such work shall be given
except to the lowest responsible bidder, and in
the manner hereinafter provided. When any
work or improvements mentioned in this section is
done or made on one side of the center line of
said streets, avenues, or public highways, the lots
or portions of lots fronting on that side only
shall be assessed to cover the expenses of said
work according to the provisions of this chapter.
Whenever any expenses or costs of work shall
have been assessed on any lands, the amount of
said expenses shall become a lien upon said
lands, which shall take precedence of all other
liens, and which may be foreclosed in accordance
with the provisions of the Code of Civil Proce-
dure. Such suit shall be in the name of such
city or town as plaintiff. Upon the filing of a
complaint in the Superior Court .to enforce a lien
of any kind hereon, the plaintiff shall be entitled,
if a recovery is had or the money is paid, to in-
clude as costs the sum of twernty-five dollars"as
attorney's fees.
SEC. 870-, Whenever it shall become neces- light of way.
sary for the city or town to take or damage pri-
vate property for the purpose of establishing, lay-
ing out, extending, and widening streets and
other public highways and places within the city
or town, or for the purpose of rights of way for
drains, sewers, and aqueducts, and for the pur-
pose of widening, straightening, or diverting the
channels of streams and the improvement of
water -fronts, and the Board of Trustees cannot
a-ree with the owner thereof as to the price to ; ° liCae • I
aid, the Trustees may direct proceedings to
be taken under section twelve hundred and thirty-
seven and following sections, to and including
section twelve hundred and sixty-three of :the
Code of Civil Procedure, to procure the same.
SEC. 871. The Board of Trustees, shall have
power, send it shall be their duty, to provide_ by Levy of taxes. ^
ordinance a system for the assessment, levy, and htU1� ;� ►1�
collection of all city or town taxes, not inconsist-
ent with the provisions of this chapter, whicht1tit�7�
system shall conform as nearly as the circum
stances of the case may permit to the provisions
of the laws of this State in reference to the as-
sessment, levy, and collection of State and county
taxes, except as to the times for such assessment.
levy, and collection, and except as to the officers
by whom such duties are to be performed. All
taxes assessed, together with any percentage im-
posed for delinquency, and the costs of collection,
shall constitute liens on the property assessed,
from and after the first Monday in March in each
year; which liens may be enforced by a summary
sale of such property; and the execution and de.
livery of all necessary certificates and deeds
therefor, under such regulations as may be pre-
scribed by ordinance, or by actions in any court
of competent jurisdiction to foreclose such liens;
fiyovided, that any property sold for such taxes
shall be subject to redemption within the time
and in the manner provided, or that may here-
after be provided by law for the redemption of
property sold for state or county taxes. All.
deeds made upon any sale of property for taxes
or special assessments, under the provisions of
this chapter. shall have the same force and effect
in evidence as is or may hereafter be provided by
law for deeds for property sold for non-payment
of state or county taxes.
Vquatization. SEC. 872• The Board of Trustees shall meet
at their usual place of holding meetings on the
second Monday of August of each year, at ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and sit as a
Board of Equalization, and shall continue in ses-
sion from day to day until all the returns of the
assessor have been rectified. They shall have
power to hear complaints, and to correct, modify,
strike out any assessment made by the assessor,
and may, of their own motion, raise any assess-
ment, upon notice to the party whose assessment
is to be raised. The corrected list for each tax
shall be the assessment roll for said tax for. said
year. It shall be certified by the clerk, who shall
act as clerk of the Board of Equalization, as be-
ing the assessment roll for said tax, and shall be
the assessment roll upon which such tax is to be
levied in said year.
Construction of SEC. 873. Nothing in this chapter contained
act. - shall be construed to prevent any city or town
having.a bonded indebtedness, contracted under
laws heretofore passed, from levying and collect-
ing such taxes for the payment of such indebted-,
ness, and the interest thereon, as are provided for
in such laws,. in addition to the taxes herein au-
thorized to be levied and collected. All moneys
received from licenses, street poll -tax, and- from
fines, penalties, and forfeitures, shall be paid into
the general fund.
SEC. 874.. In the erection, im
repair of all pub c buildings an
street and sewer ork, and in
about streams, bay or water-fi
about embankments other work
against overflow, and in furnishii
or materials for the sam when t
required for the same exceeds
hundred dollars, the same shall be
tract, and shall be let wo the lov
bidder, after notice by publkation
of general circulation, print d an(
such city or town, for at leas two
there be no newspaper prr ted
therein, by printing and posti tl
least four public places therein
period. Such notice shall distict
ally state the work contemplat . i
Provided, that the Board of Trust
any and all bids presented, and
their discretion. (Statutes 1.891, p
rovement and Public work to be
done by contract.
I works, in all
ill work in or
)nts, or in or
for protection
any supplies
e expenditure
le sum of one
]one by con-
st responsible
i a newspaper
published in
weeks ; or, if
or published
same in at
or the same
y and specific -
to be done ;
°s may reject
•e -ad ertise in
SEC. 875. The President of the Board Of Signatureofwar-
rants and contracts
Trustees shall preside over all meetings of the
Board at which he is present. In his absence a
President pro tem. may be chosen. The Presi-
dent, and in his absence the . President pro tem.;
shall sign all warrants drawn on the Treasurer,
and shall sign all written contracts entered into
by said city or town, as such President or Presi-
dent pro tem The authority and power of the
President pro tem. shall continue only during the
day on which he is chosen. The President and
President pro tem. shall have power to adminis-
ter oaths and affirmations, and take affidavits and
testify the same under their hands. The Presi-
dent or President pro tem, shall sign all convey-
ances made by said city or town, and all instru-
ments which shall require the seal of the city or
town. The President is authorized to acknowl-
edge the execution of all instruments executed by
said city or town that require to be acknowl-
Treasurer. SEC. 876. It shall be the duty of the Treas-
urer to receive and safely keep all moneys which
shall come into his hands as Treasurer, for all of
which he shall give duplicate receipts, .one of
which shall be filed with the cleric. He shall
pay out said money on warrants signed by the
President and countersigned by the clerk, and
not otherwise. He shall make quarterly settle-
ments with the clerk. For his compensation he
shall be allowed one per cent. on all moneys re
ceived and paid by him as such Treasurer. He
may credit himself with such per cent, in his set-
tlements with the cleric. Upon each quarterly
settlement, he shall file a statement of his account
with the clerk.
Assessor, SEC. 877- It shall be the duty of the Assessor,
between the first day of May and the first day of
August in each year, to make out a true list of
all the taxable property within the city or town.
The mode of making out of said list, and pro-
ceedings relating thereto, shall be in conformity
with laws now 'in force regulating county Asses-
sors, except as the same may be otherwise pro-
vided in this act, or by ordinance. Said list shall
describe the property assessed, and the value
thereof, and shall contain all other matters re-
quired to be stated in such lists by county As-
sessors. Said Assessor shall verify said list by
his oath, and shall deposit the same with the
clerk on or before the first Monday of August of
each year. The Assessor shall, during said time,
also make a list of all male persons residing with-
in the limits of the city or town, over the age of
twenty-one years, and shall verify said list by his
oath, and shall, on or before the first Monday of
August in each year, deposit the same with the
clerk. Said Assessor and his deputy shall have
power to administer all oaths and affirmations
necessary in the performance of his duty.
SEC. 878. It shall be ,the duty of the clerk to
keep a full, true record of all the proceedings .of
the Board of Trustees and of the Board of Equal-
ization. The proceedings of the Board of Trus-
tees shall be kept in a book, marked "Records of
the Board of Trustees." The proceedings of the
Board of Equalization shall be kept in a separate
book, harked "Records of the Board of Equali-
zation." He shall keep a book, which shall be
marked "City or Town accounts," in which shall
be entered as a credit all moneys received by the
city or town for licenses, the amount of any tax
when levied, and all other moneys when re-
ceived, and in which shall be entered upon the
debtor side all commissions deducted and all
warrants drawn on the treasury. He shall also
keep a book, marked "Marshal's account," in
which he shall charge the Marshal with all the tax
lists delivered to him, and all licenses delivered
to him. He shall credit the Marshal with the
delinquent lists returned by him, and with his
commission for collectins. He shall also keep
a book, marked "Treasurer's account," in which
he shall keep a full account of the transactions of
the city or town with the Treasuer. He shall
also keep a book, marked --L ce . nses," in which
he shall enter all licenses issued by him, the date
thereof, to whom issued, for what, the time when
it expires, and the amount paid. He shall also
keep a book marked "Attorney's account," and
shall therein charge said attorney with all delin-
quent tax lists delivered to him, and shall credit
him with money paid and delinquent tax lists re-
turned. He shall keep a book, marked "Ordi-
nances," into which he shall copy all city or town
ordinances, with his certificate annexed to said
copy stating the foregoing ordinance is a true and
correct copy of an ordinance of thecity or town,
and givins the number and title of said ordinance,
and statins that the same has been published or
posted according to law. Said record copy, with
said certificate, shall be prima facie evidence of
the contents of the ordinance and of the passage
and publication of the same, and shall be admissi-
ble as such evidence in_ any court or proceeding
Such records shall not be filed in any case, but
shall be returned to the custody of the clerk.
Nothing herein contained shall be construed to
prevent the proof of the passage and publication
of ordinances in the usual way. Each of the
foregoins books, except the records of the Board
of Trustees and the Board of Equalization, shall
have a general index, sufficiently comprehensive
to enable a person readily to ascertain matters
contained therein. The clerk shall also keep a
book, marked "Demands and warrants," in which
he shall note every demand against the city or
town, and file the same. He shall state therein,
under the note of the demands, the finale disposi-
tion made of the same ; and,if the same is al-
lowed, and a warrant drawn, he shall also state
the number of the warrant, with sufficient dates.
This book shall contain an index, in which refer-
ence shall be made to each demand. Upon the
completion of the assessment roll of any of the
taxes of the city or town, and the levying of the
tax thereon, the clerk shall apportion the taxes
upon such assessment roll, and make out and de-
liver to the Marshal a tax list in the usual form,
taking his receipt therefor. He may appoint a
deputy, for whose acts he and his bondsmen shall
be responsible, and he and his deputy shall have
power to administer oaths or affirmations, to take
affidavits and depositions to be used in any court
or proceeding in the State, and to certify the
same. He and his deputy shall take all neces-
sary affidavits to demands against the city or
town, and certify the same without charge. He
shall be the custodian of the seal of the city or
town. He shall make a quarterly statement in
writing, showing the receipts and expenditures of
the city or town for the preceding quarter, and
the amount remaining in the treasury. He shall at
the end of every fiscal year make a full and .
detailed statement of the receipts and expendi-
tures of the preceding year, and a full statement
of the financial condition of the. affairs of the city
or town, which shall be published. He shall
perform such other services as this act and the
ordinances of the Board of Trustees shall require.
SEC. 879. It shall be the duty of the Attorney Attorney.
to advise the city or town authorities and officers
in all legal matters pertaining to the business of
said city or town. He shall receive the delin-
quent list and receipt therefor; he is authorized
to bring suit in the name of the city or town, in
the proper court, for the collection of any tax; he
shall receive for collecting taxes such per cent. on
the amount collected as may be provided by or-
dinance, which said percent. shall be collected of
the delinquent tax -payers as provided by ordi-
nance. In case a suit shall be brought in the
superior court upon a tax upon real estate to sell
sdch real estate for the purpose of paying such
tax and costs, he shall b2 allowed, in addition to
the said per cent, twenty-five dollars for each suit
brought, to be taxed as costs in such suit, and
not to be paid to said Attorney unless collected
of the defendant in such suit. Said Attornev
shall receive such other compensation as may be
allowed by the Board of "Trustees.
Marshal. SEC. 880. The department of police of said
city or town shall be under the direction and
control of the Marshal and for the suppression
of any riot, public tumult, disturbance of the
peace, or resistance against the laws or public
authorities in the lawful exercise of their func-
tions, he shall have the powers that are now or
may hereafter be conferred upon Sheriffs by the
laws of the State, and shall in all respects be en-
titled to the same protection ; and his lawful or-
ders shall be promptly executed by deputies, po-
lice officers, and watchmen in said city or town,
and every citizen shall also lend him aid, when
required, for the arrest of offenders .and main-
tenance of public order. He shall, and is hereby
authorized to execute and return all process is-
sued and directed to him by any legal authority.
It shall be his duty to prosecute before the .Re-
corder all breaches or violations of or non -corn
pliance with any ordinance which shall come to
his knowledge: He shall collect all taxes levied
by the Board of Trustees, except as is herein
shalprovided. Hl the expiration of any
month, pay to the "treasurer all taxes and other
funds of said city or town -collected by him dur-
ing said month. He shall, upon payment of the
money, file with the Treasurer an affidavit, stat-
ing that the money so paid is all the taxes or
funds that he collected or received during the
preceding month. He shall, upon the receipt of
any tax list, give his receipt for the same to the _
Clerk, and shall, upon depositing with the Clerk
the delinquent tax list, take his receipt therefor.
He shall receive from the Clerk all licenses, and
collect the same. He shall have charge of the
prison and prisoners, and of any chain -gang
which may be established by the Board of Trus-
tees. He shall for service of any process receive
the same fees as Constables. He may appoint,
subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees,
one or more deputies, for whose acts he and his
bondsmen shall be responsible, whose only com-
pensation shall be fees for the service of process,
which shall be the same as those allowed to the
Marshal. He may also, with the concurrence of
the President of the Board of Trustees, when
the same be by them deemed necessary for the
preservation of public order, appoint additional
olicemen, who will discharge the duties assigned
in 6nor one day only. He shall perform such
other services as this act and the ordinances of
the Board of Trustees shall require, and shall re-
ceive such compensation as shall be fixed by
SEc. 88 i. 'The Board of Trustees shall, by or- fi o p nsati n
dinances not inconsistent with the provisions ,of
ibe the additional duties of all
this chapter, prescr
officers, and fix their compensation.
Recorder's Court. SEC. 882. A Recorder's court is hereby estab.
lished in such city or town, to be held by the
Recorder of such city or town. Said Recorder's
court shhll have jurisdiction, concurrently with
the Justice's courts, of all actions and proceed-
ings, civil and criminal, arising within the corpor-
ate limits of such city or town, and which might
be tried in such Justice's court; and shall have
exclusive jurisdiction of all actions for the recov-
ery of any fine, penalty, or forfeiture prescribed
for the breach ,of any ordinance of such city or
town, of all actions founded upon any obligation
or liability created by any ordinance, and 'of all
prosecutions for any violation of any ordinance.
The rules of practice and mode of proceeding in
said Recorder's court shall be the same as are or
may be prescribed by law for Justice's courts in
like cases ; and appeals may be taken to the Su-
perior court of the county in which such city or
town may be situated, from all judgments of said
Recorder's court, in like manner and with like
effect as in cases of appeals from Justices' courts.
Power of Record- SEC.
er as Judge. 883. The recorder shall be judge of the
Recorder's court, and shall have the powers and
perform the duties of a magistrate. He may ad-
minister and certify oaths and affirmations, and
take and certify acknowledgments. He shall be
entitled to charge and receive for his services
such fees as are or may be allowed by law to
Justices of the Peace for like services, except that
for his services in criminal prosecution for vioia-
tion of ordinances he shall be entitled to receive
only such fees as the Board of Trustees shall by
ordinance prescribe.
Recorder dis-
nrtain cases. fied as Judge
i certain
n certaiSEC. 884.. In all cases in which the Recorder
is a party; or in which he is interested, or when
he is related to either party by consanguinity or
affinity within the third degree, or is otherwise
disqualified, or in case of sickness or inability to
act, the Recorder may call in a Justice :of the
Peace residing in the city or town to act in his
place and stead ; or if there be no Justice of the
Peace residing in the city or town, or if all those
so residing are likewise disqualified, then he may
call in any Justice of the Peace residing in the
county in which such city or town may be
SEC. 885. Every officer collecting or receiving mnsneys. of
any moneys belonging to or for the use Of such
city or town shall settle for the same with the
Clerk on the first Monday in, each month, and
immediately pay the same into the treasury, on
the order of the Clerk, for the benefit of the funds
to which such moneys respectively belong.
SEc. 886. No officer of such city or town shall No officer to be
interested in any
be interested, directly or indirectly, in any con- pnbiic contract.
tract with such city or town, or with any of the
officers thereof in their official capacity, or in do-
ing any work or furnishing any supplies for the
use of such city or town, or its officers in their
official capcity; and any claim for compensation
for work done, or supplies or materials furnished,
in which any such officer. is interested, shall be
void, and if audited and allowed shall not be paid
by the Treasurer. Any willful violation of the
provisions of this section shall be a ground for
removal from office, and shall be deemed a misde-
meanor, and punished as such. (See Siaiuies and
,4mendmen1s, -883, 9.3-]
An Ordinance Relating to th. Bieslio I of City Officers,
The Board of Trustee; of the City of San Luis
Obispo, do ordain as follows:
General inunici- Section r. An
pal election. election for all elective Citp
officers shall be held on the second Monday in i.
April, in each even numbered year, and shall be
known as the General Municip-al Election. 1
Ten days notice Section 2. At least ten days before each gen-
by publication.
eral Municipal election the Board of Trusteesshall
cause notice thereof to be given by publication in
some newspaper published in the said City of l
San Luis Obispo or by posting notices thereof
in not less than three public places in said Citv
which notices shall state the time and place of
election and the offices to be filled.
Held in accor- SEC. 3 All elections in said City of San Luis
dance with general
election laws. Obispo shall be held in accordance with the gen-
eral election laws of the State of California, so
far as the same may be applicable, provided that
wherever the words "County Clerk" are used in
said general laws, they shall be held to mean
"City Clerk" and all the provisions of the general
election laws of the State of California, are here-
by adopted and ordained to be the election laws
of said City of San Luis Obispo, so far as the
same can be made applicable. R
Conflicting or -SEC
diances repealed.ed. .. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances '
in conflict with this ordinance and particularly
ordinance NO- 3, approved March roth, 1884,
are hereby repealed.
Take effect. SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and ap-
Approved December 21, 1896.
Relating to Officers, Terms of Office and Fixing the
Official Bonds of Officers.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The Board of Trustees consisting
Elective °ffieers
of five members; the Clerk who shall be ex-
tak When they
take office.
officio Assessor; the Treasurer and the Marshal,
who shall be ex -officio Tax and License Collec-
tor, shall be elected by the qualified electors of
the City of San Luis Obispo at each general
municipal election to be held therein and shall go
into office on the first Monday next succeeding
such general election. The Clerk, Treasurer
and Marshal shall hold office for the period of
two years and until their successors are elected and
qualified. Members of the Board of Trustees
shall hold office for the period of four years from
and after the Monday next succeeding the day of
such general municipal election, and until their
successors are elected and qualified, provided,
that the Board of Trustees elected on the second
Monday in April in the year 1884, shall, at their
first meeting, so classify themselves, by lot, as
that three of their number shall go out of office
at the expiration of two years and two at the ex-
piration of four years.
SEC. z. Any person elected or appointed to nteeslong op
fill a vacancy in any elective office shall hold the ECB•
office to which he shall have been elected or
appointed during the remainder of the term of
such office and until his successor is qualified.
SEC. The Board must appoint a Cit Re- Must appoint
3• Pp Y city Recorder. ,
corder, and may in their discretion appoint a City
Attorney, a Pound Master, a Superintendent of
An Ordinance Relating to th., 81e�tio i of City Officers,
The Board of Trustee, of the City of San Luis
Obispo, do ordain as follows:
General inunici- tCSection i. An election for all elective City
pal election. officers shall be held on the second Monday in
April, in each even numbered year, and shall be
known as the General Municipal Election.
Ten days notice
by publication. Section 2. At least ten days before each gen-
eral Municipal election the Board of Trusteesshall
cause notice thereof to be given by publication in
some newspaper published in the said City of
San Luis Obispo or by posting notices thereof
in not less than three public places in said City
which notices shall state the time and place of
election and the offices to be filled.
Field in accor- SEC. 3 All elections in said City of San Luis
dance with general
election laws. Obispo shall be held in accordance with the gen-
eral election laws of the State of California, so
far as the same may be applicable, provided that
wherever the words "County Clerk" are used in
said general laws, they shall be held to mean
"City Clerk" ant all the provisions of the general
election laws of the State of California, are here-
by adopted and ordained to be the election laws
of said City of San Luis Obispo, so far as the
same can be made applicable.
Conflicting or- SEC.. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordinances
diances repealed.
in conflict with this ordinance and particularly
ordinance NO- 3, approved March loth, 1884,
are hereby repealed.
Take effect. SEC. S. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and ap-
Approved December 21, 1896.
Relating to Officers, Terms of Office and Fixing the
Official Bonds of Officers.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The Board of Trustees consisting- and when they
le when
of five members; the Clerk who shall be ex"_ take office.
officio Assessor ; the Treasurer and the Marshal,
who shall be ex -officio Tax and License Collec-
tor, shall be elected by the qualified electors of
the City of San Luis Obispo at each general
municipal election to be held therein and shall go
into office on the first Monday next succeeding
such general election. The Clerk, Treasurer
and Marshal shall hold office for the period of
two years and until their successors are elected and
qualified. Members of the Board of Trustees
shall hold office for the period of four years from
and after the Monday next succeeding the day of
such general municipal election, and until their
successors are elected and qualified, provided,
that the Board of Trustees elected on the second
Monday in April in the year ISS4, shall, at their
first meeting, so classify themselves, by lot, as
that three of their number shall go out of office
at the expiration of two years and two at the ex-
piration of four years.
SEC. z. Any person elected or appointed to o'ow s `9 of
fill a vacancy in any elective office shall hold theOe
office to which he shall have been elected or
appointed during the remainder of the term of
such office and until his successor is qualified.
staSEC. 3. The Board must appoint a City Re- City. RdPPoint
corder, and may in their discretion appoint a City
Attorney, a Pound Master, a Superintendent of
Streets, a City Engineer and such Police and
other subordinate officers as in their judgment
may be deemed necessary, and fix their compen.
sation, which said officers shall hold office during
the pleasure of said Board. (Ordinance No. 87).
Officers const
take and file oath. SEC. 4' All city officers before entering upon
their official duties must take the oath of office
and must file the same with the City Clerk.
Must give bond. SEC. 5. The officers hereinafter named shall,
respectively, before entering upon their duties,
each execute a bond to said city in the following
penal sums:
City Clerk's bond The City Clerk and ex -officio Assessor in the
penal sum of three thousand dollars.
City bond. Treasurer's The City Treasurer in the penal sum of twelve
thousand dollars
Marshal's bond. The Marshal and ex -officio Tax and License
Collector in the penal sum of ten thousand dol-
b The City Attorney in the penal sum of one
thousand dollars.
bonay Recorder's The City Recorder in the penal sum of one
thousand dollars.
erinendent of
bond. The Superintendent of Streets in the penal
sum of three thousand dollars.
bo ay Engineer's The City Engineer in the penal sum of three
thousand dollars.
Method of exe-
cuting bond. SEC. 6. Each official bond must be signed by
the principal and by at least two sureties con-
ditioned for the faithful performance of his duties
including in the same bond the duties of all offices
of which he is made by law or any ordinance of
said city ex -officio incumbent ; Provided, thYt the
sureties on any official bond shall not be accepted
for portions of less than five hundred dollars
thereof. If in the opinion of the Board of Trus-
tees the bond of any city officer shall become in-
sufficient from any cause he shall be required by
said Board by resolution to give any additional
bond within five days after due notice beina, giv-
en, and upon his failure so to do his office must
be declared vacant. All bonds must be approved
by the Board of Trustees before they can be
SEC. 7. All official bonds (except that of the All bonds Sha„
City Clerk) shall be filed in the office of the City
be filed except p s`'
Clerk ; the bond of the City Clerk shall be filed o eTrutese Board
with the President of the Board of Trustees. All
ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict
with this ordinance are hereby repealed. This
ordinance shall take effect and be in force from
and after its passage 'and approval. (Approved
March 3rd, 1884).
Relating to Duties of Officers.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo do ordain as follows:
When and what
standing commit- SECTION I. At the regular meetiil Of the
tee. appointed. Board of Trustees held on the. third Monday in
April of each year, the President of the Board
of Trustees shall appoint the following standing
committees, each committee to consist of three
members of the Board of Trustees, viz.: On
Police, Jail and Fire Department; Streets, Land
and Squares; and on Finance and Ordinances,
and shall designate the chairman of each of said
committees; and the President and Board of
Trustees, as a whole, shall be a Committee on
Dutv of commit-
tee on police, jail SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the Committee
and fire depart-
ment. on Police,. Jail and Fire Department, to examine
into the acts of allofficers in any way connected
with the Police force of said city or with the Fire
Department, and to report to the Board of TCUS-
tees any neglect or violation of duty on the part
of such officer or officers. They shall have a
general supervision of all the apparatus of the
Fire Department and of repairs to be clone and
supplies to be furnished therefor, and of all other
matters connected with the City Jail and Fire
Department, and 'from time to time report the
condition of the same to the President and Board
of Trustees, with such recommendations as they
DurIgS of OFFICERS. 31
shall deem for the best interests of the different Must report when
and to whom.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the Committee
on Streets Lands and Squares to superintend Duties of `0111-
7 ', mittee on streets,
the opening and extension of all new streets, side- land and squares.
walks, alleys and avenues, and the widening,
straightening, grading, planking, macadamizing,
paving, guttering, curbing, sprinkling and im-
proving of all existing public streets, sidewalks,
alleys and avenues; and all streets, sidewalks,
alleys and avenues which may hereafter be open-
ed and dedicated to the public use, together with
the location, preservation and general charge of
all street lamps and hydrants now erected or
which may hereafter be erected on any of the
public streets, alleys or avenues of said city; they
shall have a general supervision of all lands,
parks and squares belonging to the city or over
which said city has any control, and all sewers
which are or may hereafter be constructed; they
shall see that the Superintendent of Streets faith-
fully performs the duties of his office, and that he
executes all orders made to him by the Board of.
Trustees, or by said committee, and shall report
generally upon the result of their labors and ex- Must report when
and to whom.
aminations from time to time, to the President
and Board of Trustees, with , any recommenda-
tions they may deem proper
Duties of,Finance
SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Finance and Ordinance
and Ordinance Committee to examine into the Committee.
accounts and transactions of all officers having
the collections, custody or disbursement of public
money. Said committee may visit any of the
public offices when, and as often as they think
proper, and make their examinations and inves-
tigations therein without hindrance, and make
report thereof. The chairman of the committee,
in conjunction with the City Clerk, shall, at
Must exa=nine least once in each quarter, examine the books
Treasurer's books
and count rmoney of the Treasurer, incl shall be permitted, and it
shall be their duty, to see and count over all
moneys remaining in the hands of such "Treas
urer, and make a report thereof to the President
and Board of Trustees. If from the examination
made it shall appear that a misdemeanor in office,
or a defalcation has been committed by any officer
of said city, they shall immediately report the
same to the President and Board of "Trustees.
They shall report and recommend to the Presi-
Must report all dent and Board of Trustees for passage and ap-
=ances for pas.
sageproval, or rejection, all Ordinances presented to
the President and Board of Trustees
Chairman must nanonotify m
com- SEC. 5•
mittittee It shall be the duty of the chairan
hers to meet of each committee
and consult. , when any business has been
referred to the committee of which he is chair-
man, to notify the members of the committee to
meet and consult upon the business referred to
Committee con-
tracts must be ad-
vertised as direct-
ed by the Board,
SEC. 6. Contracts for work entrusted to any
committee, to have done for and on behalf of the
city, shall in all cases be advertised for such
length of time and in the manner as the Presi-
dent and Board of Trustees may direct, and any
contract made contrary to the provisions of this
Section shall not be binding upon the President
and Board of Trustees, unless otherwise special-
ly ordered by them.
Committee ed SEc. 7.
health empowered It shall be the duty of the Committee
to make rules. on Health, to make such rules and regulations as
they may deem proper for the preservation of the
sanitary condition of the city. (See ordinance
NO. 42.)
�, SEC, S. The President and Board of Trustees
shall meet within five days after any election and when Board of
Trustees must
canvass the returns and declare the result, and meet and canvass
returns and declare
when two or more persons for any office have result,
an.equal and highest number of votes, the Board
of Trustees shall decide the election by a plural-
ity vote of their own Board. Should any of the
officers elected fail to qualify and give the bond When officers
required, for the period of six days after their elected fail toqual-
ify must declare
election, the office shall be declared vacant, and vacant.
shall be filled as provided by Ordinance for the
filling of other vacancies.
SEC. g. The Board of Election, Or officers act- Joandn sigtmaall
.returns and depos-
ing as such Board, shall make out and sign all it With city clerk.
returns of city elections as required by law in
general elections, and shall deposit the same with
the City Clerk. .
SECTION Io. The City Marshal shall fix the Duties of Mar -
beats of policemen and assign to each his term
of service thereon; he shall keep a register of
arrests, and shall enter, Or cause to be entered
therein, the name of every person arrested, the
offense for which be was arrested, the name of
the complainant and witnesses, and their places
of residence; and when property has been Stolen, stolenp pro
shall enter thereon a description of the stolen P p y
property, and the name of the owner thereof, and
when a person or property has been injured, he
must record the name of the person injured or'a
description of the property injured, and he ; .
file or cause to be filed, a copy of such entries, in
the Recorder's Court, every judicial day, at such
hour as the Recorder may fix. He shall keep .a
correct record of the number of arrests made by
each policeman and the convictions or acquittals
thereon, and report the same quarterly to the
in conjunction with the City Clerk, shall, at
Tre surer'sXbooks least once in each quarter, examine the books
port money of the Treasurer, and shall be permitted, and it
shall be their duty, to see and Count over all
moneys remaining in the hands of such Treas
urer, and make a report thereof to the President
and Board of Trustees. If from the examination
made it shall appear that a misdemeanor in office,
or a defalcation has been committed by any officer
of said city, they shall immediately report the
same to the President and Board of Trustees.
They shall report and recommend to the Presi-
Must report all dent and Board of Trustees for passage and ap-
sAgeor'reJectopal proval, or rejection, all Ordinances
J presented to
the President and Board of Trustees
Chairman of coin- SEC. 5 It shall be the duty of the chairman
mittee must notify
members to meet of each committee, when any business has been
and consult.
referred to the committee of which he is chair-
man, to notify the members of the committee to
meet and consult upon the business referred to
Committee con- SEC. 6. Contracts for work entrusted to any
tractvectis in list - committee, to have done for and on behalf of the
vertised as direct-
ed by the Board, city, shall in all cases be advertised for such
length of time and in the manner as the Presi-
dent and Board of Trustees may direct, and any
contract made contrary to the provisions of this
Section shall not be binding upon the President
and Board of Trustees, unless otherwise special-
ly ordered by them.
Committee d SEC. 7.
health empowered It shall be the duty of the Committee
to make rules. On Health, to male such rules and regulations as
they may deem proper for the preservation of the
sanitary condition of the city. (See ordinance
No. 4z.)
3 SEC. S. The President and Board of Trustees
shall meet within five days after an election and When Board of
3 Y Trustees inust
canvass the returns and declare the result, and meet and canvass
returns and declare
when two or more persons for any office have result,
an,equal and highest number of votes, the Board
of Trustees shall decide the election by a plural-
ity vote of their own Board. Should any of the
officers elected fail to qualify and give the bond When officers
required, for the period of six days after their elected failtognal-
ify must declare
election, the office shall be declared vacant, and vacant.
shall be filled as provided by Ordinance for the
filling of other vacancies.
SEC. 9. The Board of Election, or officers act- oBoaudms must
n all
in as such Board shall make out and sign all returns and depos-
it with City Clerk.
returns of city elections as required by law in
general elections, and shall deposit the same with
the City Clerk. ,
SECTION 10. "rhe City Marshal shall fix the Duties of Mar -
beats of policemen and assign to each his term 'hal,
of service thereon; he shall keep a register of
arrests, and shall enter, or cause to be entered
therein, the name of every person arrested, the
offense for which be was arrested, the name of
the complainant and witnesses, and their places
of residence; and when property has been stolen, stolen Keeproperty. reister of
shall enter thereon a description of the stolen
property, and the name of the owner thereof, and
when a person or property has been injured, he
must record the name of the person inured or`a
description of the property injured, and he
file or cause to be filed, a copy of such entries, in
the Recorder's Court, every judicial day, at such
hour as the Recorder may fix. He shall keep .a
correct record of the number of arrests made by
each policeman and the convictions- or acquittals
thereon, and report the same quarterly to the
Board of Trustees ; he shall also, in a book to be
kept for such purpose, enter a description of all
Must keep rec- eommo into his possession officially
ord of property property r,
c°ming into his (whether stolen or otherwise), stating from whom
it was received, and the disposition made thereof.
He shall have control over the Police Depart-
ment of the city, and shall conform to, and cause
Shall control po-
lice department the policemen to obey the requirements of the
rules and regulations prescribed by the Ordi-
nances now in force, or that may hereafter be
passed by the Board of Trustees ; he shall be ac-
countable for the efficiency, official conduct and
Shall e account -policemen mood order of all the subordinates of the Depart-
ment; he shall in all things obey and see that
every officer obeys all rules and regulations for
the government of the Department, and he shall
Must obey and
cause to be obeyed communicate to the Board of Trustees all com-
all rules plaints made against any officer. It shall be his
duty to prosecute before the Recorder all breaches
or violations of, or non-compliance with any Or -
Must prosecute dinance which shall come to his knowledge. He
violations d takorde shall have charge of the city prison and prisoners,
vances and take
charge of chain
gang and of any chain -gang which may be established
by the Board of Trustees.
nx-officio license
and tax collector SEC. I I. He is ex -officio Lict nse and Tax
Collector, and it shall be his duty to collect all
licenses and taxes required by any Ordinance to
be collected by him, and shall give his receipt to
the Clerk for all 'tax lists received by him, and
shall take the Clerk's receipt for any delinquent
tax list he may deposit with him. He must give
notice whenever required of him so to do by law
or by any Ordinance of said city, or by 'any rule
or order of the Board of Trustees and in the
manner prescribed by law, ordinance, rule or
Must do bidding. order.; and must do and perform such other and
of Board of Trus-. additional duties required bylaw, or any ordi-
nance now in force or which may hereafter be
passed by the Board of "Trustees,
SEC. 12. He shall receive for services of any what fees to re-
ceive and pay into
process, the same fees as are now allowed by law City Treasury
to constables,' provided that no such fees shall
ever become a charge against the city nor be
paid Out of the City Treasury ; but the salary of
the Marshal and ex -officio "rax and License Col-
lector as now fixed by ordinance shall be full com-
pensation for all services rendered by him for the
city, unless otherwise specially provided for, and
all fees collected by him shall be paid into the
Treasury for the use, and benefit of the city.
(See Ordinance No. 63).
SEC. 13. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer Duties of Treas-
to receive and safely keep all moneys which shall
come into his hands, as Treasurer, for all of
which he shall give duplicate receipts, one of
which shall be filed with the Clerk; he shall not
pay out any money, except on warrants signed
by the President of the Board of Trustees and
countersigned by the Cleric ; he shall make quar-
terly settlements with the Clerk, and shall quar-
terly file with the Clerl,:- a .statement of his ac-
count, and do and perform such other and addi-
Treasurer must
tional duties as are required of him by law or by make quarterly
any ordinance of the city now in force, or that settlements
may hereafter be passed by the Board of Trus-
tees. (See Ordinance No. 63).
SEC. I4- It shall be the 'duty of the City
Clerk, to attend all meetings of the Board.'of
Trustees and keep a full and true "record of all
36 DITT1ES or OFFICrxs.
of city the proceedings of the said Board, and of the
Board of Equalization; he shall keep an account
with the Marshal and City Attorney, and shall
keep the city accounts in it book kept for the
purpose ; he shall keep a full account of the
transactions of the city with the Treasurer; he
shall keep a license account in which he shall en-
ter all licenses issued by him, the date thereof, to
whom issued, for what, the time when it expires
and the amount paid ; he shall copy all ordi-
nances passed by the Board of `trustees, into it
book kept for the purpos-_% and shall certify to
said copy, stating that the foregoing ordinance is
it true and correct copy of an ordinance of the
city, and giving the number and title of said or-
dinance, and stating that the same has been pub-
lished or posted according to law.
city clerk I�X . 1
officio City Asses- 5• SFCHe is ex -officio City Assessor, and
sor shall discharge the duties of Assessor is pre-
scribed in Section 877 of aii Act of' the I.e;isla-
ture of the State of California entitled "An Act
to provide for the organization, incorporation
and government of municipal corporations," ap-
proved March 13th, 1883, except as may be
otherwise provided for by ordinance ; and he
shall do and perform such other and additional
duties as are required by law or any ordinance
now in force, or that mai.: hereafter be passed by
the Board of Trustees. (See Ordinance No. 63).
ADutiey es of city SEC. 16. The City Attorney shall advise the
city authorities, and officers, in all legal matters
pertaining to the business of the city ; he shall
bring suit for the city, and in the name of the
city, in the proper court, for the collection oigaro
tax whenever ordered so to do by the Board of
Trustees ; he shall receive the delinquent list and shall bring so it
receipt therefor.; he .shall .receive for collecting and collect taxes
taxes, such per cent on the amount collected as
may hereafter be provided by ordinance, which
said per cent shall be collected of the delinquent
tax payer, and he shall do and perform such other
and additional duties as are required by law or Shall do all else`r.. -
any ordinance now in force, or that may hereafter 'dered by the Borg:',
be passed by the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 17. It shall be the duty Of each Police- Duties of Poli,.,
man to be present at roll call in the City Hall, men
at such times as the Marshal may direct the call-
ing thereof, and to obey all lawful orders of. the
Marshal; to prevent the commission of any
breach -of the peace, or other public' offense to
suppress riots, and disorderly assemblages to ar-
rest and take to the city jail, or before the Re-
corder, and every person found violating an ordi-
nance of the city, or committing' any public of-
fense, and to report such arrest to the _Marshal
with such particulars as may be necessary to en-
able him to make the entries, required to be made
by Section Io, Article II, of this ordinance.
SEC. 18. Each policeman, when on duty, or Shall wear star
whenever it is necessary that his official position
be known, shall wear and expose on his left
breast, outside of his coat or outer garmen�,a
five pointed star, not less than three inc es in
diameter, having thereon the words Police
Officer No.—" the number to be such"as may be
assigned him by the Marshal. The Marshal
Marshal sha".
shall wear a shield with the words "City Marshal" wearshield
inscribed thereon. ' Such stars shall be procured
' % e Board of Trustees, and shall'be allotted to
�1't,f?.:.�rS �-•-1 L1 ._ 1\§R%iS.2 sl ,1-.. ,, Shall
keep a record of the number assigned to each
policeman, regular or special.
Misdemeanor in SEC. 19. It shall be a misdemeanor in office
Marshal .and p- for the City Marshal, or any policeman, to loan
licemen to loan
oeblem, la:
rineg ectduty rds his emblem of office, or during the time he is
required to be on duty, to play any game of
chance or skill, or to fail, neglect, or refuse to
report any arrest made by him, as hereinbefore
directed, or to release any person after such
person has been arrested, unless such person has
first been admitted to and has given bail, or un-
less such person has been ordered discharged b},
a competent court or magistrate.
Shan be fined SEC. 2o. Any officer or member of the Police
and dismissed
from office for mis-
Department who shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
demeanor in office, shall upon conviction thereof, be fined
in a sum not less than ten nor more than three
hundred dollars, and shall be discharged from
Board of Trus-
tees may appoint SEC. 2 1. The Board of Trustees may appoint
Private policemen private police, upon, the application of any citizen,
to guard and protect private property, and such
private policemen shall have full power and
authority to act as policemen, subject to the pro-
visions of this Article, fiYovided, that they shall
receive no pay from the city for such services.
Marshal may sus-
pend policemen SEC.. 22. The Marshal may at any time sus-
andreport toBoard pend from duty any policeman who shall neglect
or refuse to perform any official duty required of,
or -imposed on him, and report such suspension
and the cause thereof, at the next meeting of the
Board\of Trustees, who shall, at their discretion,
limit th,e period of such suspension, reinstate the
officer, or remove him from office.
Guilty ofr isde- SEC. �3 Any person who shall falsely repre-
meanor in erson-
Iatingoflicer sent himself as a peace officer of this city, or
who shall arrest or attempt to make an arrest un-
der such representation, shall, upon conviction
thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than
twenty dollars, or not more than three hundred -
dollars, and may be imprisoned -for 'a term not
exceedinj ninety days for each offense:
SFC. 24 No police officer- shall absent him No policemat,
shall absent him-
self from the city during the time assigned him self from city with.
for duty, without the permission of the Board' of out permission
"Trustees, and until a substitute shall have been
temporarily appointed.
SEC. 25. No police officer, _ while on. duty, policemen while
shall visit an drinkin -hose, house of ill -fame on duty shall not
y g uvisit places of
ball, circus, theatre, or any'other place of amuse_ amusement
ment, except in 'the' discharge of their official
SEC. 26. Neglect or refusal of any public Neglect or failure
officer to report for daily duty, or to comply with to report for duty
for one day cause
the duties imposed upon or required, of him by of suspension or
the. provisions of this Ordinance, or unprofession- removal
a] or immoral conduct on the part of any police
officer, either or. or off duty, shall be punished by
suspension or removal from office, in the discre-
tion of the Board of Trustees. Complaints
against such officers shall be filed with the Presi-
dent of the Board of Trustees, who shall present!
the same at the next subsequent meeting of the
Board of Trustees, for determination.
SEC. 27. The police officers shall, whn on Police officers
duty, do everything in their power for fro-
pro- must protect' per-
sons and property,
tection . of persons and property, and shall do and etc
perform such other additional duties as are re-
quired by any -ordinance, of said. city now in force,
or that may hereafter be passed by the Board of
Duties of Super-
intendentofstreets SEC. 28. The City Superintendent of Streets
shall have the charge and supervision, under the
direction of the President . and the Board of
Trustees, and the Committee on Streets, Lands
and Squares, of all streets, public buildings, hi;h-
ways, sewers, bridges, sidewalks, squares, lots
andgrounds, and it shall -1 be his duty to protect
the same against all intrusion, trespass and injury,
and to. make all necessary repairs thereon not
otherwise provided for by law or by order of the
Board of Trustees.
. SEC. 29. Whenever in the performance of
any of the duties mentioned in Section 28 of
this Ordinance, the said Superintendent shall be
able to employ prison laborers in a manner
Shall make re- p
shal rofitable to the city, he shall make a requisition
quisition on Mar. upon the Marshal of said city,. and the Marshal,
thereupon, shall furnish as many such prison la-
borers as in the judgment of the Superintendent
may be so employed or as many as may be at
the command of the Marshal.
Must post notices SEC-� 30. It shall be the duty, of.the City Su-
perintendent of Streets, to post � and publish all
resolutions, notices and other proceedings required
Keep record f of him by ordinance -or by law, to keep a record
au contracts of all contracts entered into by him for the con-
struction or improvement of any sewer, street,
alley, sidewalk, culvert, man -hole, or other city
Keep record of work,`and his action thereon, and shall keep a
accepted streets registC�` in his office of all accepted streets, the
same td be indexed so that reference may be
Must make esti-. easily had thereto ; to make fair and just estimates
mates on property of the benefits upon the lands, prices- of lands,
lots and portions of lots, in any assessment dis-
trict to be assessed for the purpose of improving
the streets, sidewalks, culverts, sewers, or other
work, which the public convenience may require, costal) assess
of imp
shall assess according to law, the costs and went of property,
expenses of the proposed improvement against
said lands in said assessment district, and shall
collect said assessment as required by law and\
the ordinances of said city.
SEC. 31. He shall collect from every male
inhabitant of said city, between the ages of Collect poll tax.
twenty-one and sixty years, an annual street poll
tax of one dollar, and pay the same into the City
SEC. 32. He shall render a monthly statement
Must render
to the Board of Trustees of all his transactions
monthly statement
to Board.
as such Superintendent, and of all moneys re-
ceived by him and the disposition of the same,
and if any laboters have been employed to assist
him, the nature of the work and the amount per-
formed by such assistants.
SEC- 33. He shall keep a record of all notices
Keep record of
served, required by law to be served by him or
notices served.
any other person under his direction, by whom
served, when said service was made, and if served
by any other person than himself, proof of ser-
vice of the same by the affidavit of the person
making such service.
SEC. 34. He shall have charge and control of
of horse and cart:
any horse and cart belonging to the city, and
shall use proper care and diligence in the care of
the same, and shall not use or allow said horse or
cart to be used by any other person or persons
for any purpose, other than for I the benefit and
use of the city.
SEC. 3J. He is authorized, and it is hereby
barFees to be
made his duty, to charge the following fees: For
serving each notice required by law, or by order
of the Board of Trustees, ten cents; for every
day's work while superintending the construction
of sewers, or construction or repair of any street,
sidewalk, or crosswalk, to be included in the
assessment against the property benefited by
such improvement as incidental expenses, one
said fees when collected to be paid into
No lees to in Treasury. y the City TreNo fees allowed by this
the city_ section shall ever become a charge against the
city, nor be paid out of the City Treasury; but
the salary of the Superintendent of Streets as
now fixed by ordinance, shall be full payment for
all services rendered by him for the city.
tie streqdo all
du- SEC. 36. He shall do and perform such other
and additional duties as are required of him by
law or by ony ordinance now in force, or that
may hereafter be passed by the Board of Trus-
Preserve all recSEc. Treserve in his office all his
ords and maps etc.. 39• o p ,
official records, and all maps, diagrams, plats and
surveys of the city measurements done under
contracts for regrading and macadamizing streets,
Duties or city
SEC- 37, It shall be the cluty of the City
Engineer to make all surveys, maps, plans, es-
timates, diagrams and reports ordered by the
Board of Trustees, as required by law.
Must keep rec-
SEC. 38. To keep a record in a book, fur-
deverOrd of os and
nished for that purpose by the city, minutes and
sor. -
field notes of all surveys, bounds and marks set
for metes, and all other work done by him,
officially, within the city limits, and deliver the
same to his successor in office.
Preserve all recSEc. Treserve in his office all his
ords and maps etc.. 39• o p ,
official records, and all maps, diagrams, plats and
surveys of the city measurements done under
contracts for regrading and macadamizing streets,
nurrV;s of O F CURS. 43
and his estimate of costs and expenses thereof;
and shall, when required, give a certificate of such
records signed by him in his official character,.Give certificate
f records when
and do and perform such other and additional required.
duties as are required of him by law or any*
nance now in force, or that may hereafter be pass-
ed by the Board of Trustees.
SEC, 40. All ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict with this ordinance, are hereby Repealing act.
SEC. 41. This ordinance shall take e ect and Go in effect when.
be in force from and after its passageand ap-
proval. (Approved May 24th, 1884.)
Relating to the Duties of Officers.
The Board of Trustees of _ the City of San
Luis Obispo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. In addition to the duties of the
City Clerk and ex -officio Assessor, and of the
City Marshal and ex -officio License and Tax
Collector, and of the City Treasurer, now pre-
scribed by law and ordinances, said officers shall
perform' the following duties:
city Clerk keep y
Licence Requisit- SEC. 2. The Cit Clerk shall provide and
ion bookkeep in his office a "License Requisition" book.
All requisitions for licenses shall be entered by
the Collector in such book. The form shall be:
On ............. the Collector requested of and
y/ received from the City Glerk licenses as follows:"
(giving name of licensee, business and amount).
The Collector shall sign the requisition when he
receives the licenses; and no license shall be de-
livered by the Clerk to him without such requisi-
tion and receipt.
Cy Clerk videLicense sub SFC. 3. The City Clerk shall provide a
book. "License Stub Book"., All licenses for each year
shall be numbered consecutively, commencing
with No I. A stub shall be retained by the
Clerk for each license delivered by him to the
Collector. As to each license, its stub shall show
its number, date, quarter ending, licensee, busi-
ness, amount. When a license is ordered can-
celled by the City Council, the Clerk shall write
across the face of its stub : "Cancelled", giving
All stubs shall be date of order. All stubs shall be kept in the
kept. City Clerk's office until the City Council shall
order their destruction.
SEC- q.. The License Collector shall on the License Collector
third Monday of the first month of each quarter file a report.
make and file with the Clerk, for the City Coun- ✓
cil, a report stating what, if any, licenses remain
uncollected, and the reasons therefor.
SEC.. Whenever the Tax Collector dlscoV- Tax Collector
error or double
ers an error or double assessment on the assess- assessment
ment roll, he shall note such error or double as- Note such error
sessment on the roll, on the margin of the as- on the margin,
sessment, make a list thereof at the end of the
roll and report the matter to the City Council. No credit until
These entries shall be made in ink. No credit an order
shall be given by the City Clerk or Treasurer to
the Collector for errors or double assessments
until an order, specifying the amount, is made
and entered on the minutes of the City Council.
SEC. 6. 'On Monday of each week (oftener, if, Monday of
each week Tax and
he desires) the Tax and License Collector shall License Collector
shall pay to the
ay to the City Treasurer all tax and license City Treasurer
money collected by him. Any tax or.license
money which the Collector marks on the City's %
books, or reports, as paid, shall be deemed paid
to the Collector, and shall be by him paid over
to the Treasurer as above provided. With re- salesto the City
Bard to sales to the City for delinquent taxes, the taxes delinquent
Collector shall -deliver the certificates, of sales to
the* City Treasurer, take his receipt therefor,
showing the name of the person whose property
was sold, and the amount for which the Collector
is entitled to credit. The Collector shall deliver
such receipt to the City Clerk, who shall place
the same on file in his office, and thereupon
credit the Collector with the amount shown by
the receipt.
SEC. 7. The City Clerk shall provide and o ae aebooken-
keep a book, to be endorsed `'Claims", in which horsed "Claims"
he shall enter all claims against the City in the
order in which filed; which book shall have
separate columns- headed thus: "Claimant",
"Fund", "Amount Claimed", "Amount Allowed",
"When Allowed or Rejected". At each meeting
At each meeting of the
of the City Trustees City Trustees such book shall be produced
such book shall be
produced and the claims -allowed at such meeting, together
with the date, shall then and there be entered
thereon by the Clerk. Before drawing any war-
rant for a claim allowed by the "Trustees, the
Clerk make for
Treasurer a list Clerk shall make for and furnish to the City
"Treasurer a list of allowed claims, taken from
said book, giving the claimant, fund, amount
claimed, amount allowed and when allowed.
First and third SEC. 8. On the first and third Mondays of
Mondaysof each
month Treasurer each month the City Treasurer shall make for
make statement the City Council and file with the City Clerk, a
statement of the amount of money in each fund
on such day over allowed claims or fixed liabilities
payable out of such fund.
SEC. 9. All ordinances and parts of ordi-
conflict repealedin nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
repealed in so far as .they conflict.
This ordinance SEC. Io. This ordinance shall be published
take effect for two days in the San Luis Obispo Tribune, a
daily newspaper printed, published and circulated
in said City, and shall take effect and be in force
from and after such publication. (Approved
September 18th, 1893•
Relating to the Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The stated meetings of the Board Meeting of Trus -
of Trustees of the City of San Luis Obispo shall tees When held
be held at the City Hall, on the first and third
Monday of each month, at. the hour of. 7.30 P. in.
SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of each member Members of Board
of the Board to attend all the meetings of the igpustattenameet
Board; and the Board may punish its members
by a majority vote for non-attendance at any
meeting, by a fine not exceeding $5, unless a rea-
sonable excuse be given for such non-attendance.
SEC. 3. Any member of the Board, or other Punishment for
person, who shall be guilty of disorderly behavior dlosoraerly beha-
at any meeting of the Board shall upon a majority
vote in favor thereof, be fined not exceeding $to
for each offense.
Fines paid into
SEC. 4. All fines collected under the provls- general fund
ions of this Ordinance shall be paid into the City
Treasury, to the credit of the general fund.
SEC. 5. All ordinances or parts of ordinances Repealing clause
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.
SEc. 6. This ordinance shall take effect' from effWten shall take -
and after its passage and approval. (Approved
Mav 5th, 1884).
Relating to City Hall, Public Records and Offices of
Certain City Officers.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ord iin as follows:
known as City Hall SECTION i. The apartments provided b, the
Board of Trustees of the City of San Luis Obispo
for their meetings shall be known as the City
Recorders Court
where held, SEC. 2. The Recorder's Court shall be held
at the City Hall.
Recorder, City3• ecorerr, SEy
Marshal and City C. The RdCit Marshal and ex-
Clerk have
at City Hall °CeS officio Tax Collector, and City Clerk and ex -
officio Assessor shall all and each of them have
their and each of their offices at the City Hall
and all the records, papers, maps and documents
Records to be belono-ino- to the City of San Luis Obispo and
kept at City Hall Z-1
pertaining to such offices shall also be kept there-
in except such as are required by law or shall be
directed by competent authority to be otherwise
disposed of and the Board of Trustees of the City
of San Luis Obispo may at any time prepare
other be
t ruay offices in the Cit Hall and order all the other
be ordered to City y
Hall officers of the City of San Luis Obispo to have
and take offices therein.
Records notbe SEC,
allowed to leave 4.. No City Officer shall allow any
office record, document or map required to be kept in
his office to be taken therefrom unless by order
of the Board of Trustees or committee thereof,
but shall upon payment of the legal fees therefor
give a certified copy thereof to any person re-
quiring .the same.
Repealing clause SEc. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re-
When ordinance SEC. 6. This ordinance shall take effect and
to take effect
be in force from and after its passage and ap
proval. (Approved September 21, 1885).
Relating to Salaries.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San Luis
Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. There shall be allowed and paid
City officers sala-
to the several city officers, salaries as follows: ries
The Cit Marshal, for discharging the duties city Marshal one
Y hundred dollars
of Marshal and Tax and License Collector, one
hundred dollars per month.
The City Clerk, for discharging the duties of aoCliarsClerk sixty
Clerk and Assessor, sixty dollars per month.
The Treasurer shall receive for his compensa Treasurer one
per cent on all
tion, one per cent on all moneys received and moneys received
and paid
paid by him as such treasurer,
The Cit Attorney shall receive forty-one and city attorney
City y y forty-one dollars
sixty-six and two-thirds cents per month. and sixty-six and
Y two-thirds cents
Each policeman, sixty dollars per months, pay-, Each policeman
able at that rate for time actually employed sixty dollars
The City Recorder shall receive for his ser- �L'6"''Ao ktWj-,
vices thirty-five dollars per month, which said city Recorder
thirty-five dollars
sum shall be in full compensation for all services
performed by said Recorder.
The City Engineer shall receive as compensa-- city );ngineer
tion for his services for each and every day's each day employed
six dollars
work when employed by the city to perform any
work by the day, the sum of six dollars per day;
Assistants two
and for all necessary assistants actually employed dollars per day
by him while working by the day, two dollars
each, per day.
The Superintendent of Streets, for discharging superintendent
the duties of Superintendent of Streets, the of Streets seventy-
five dollars
duties of Pound Keeper, and the dischar;e of
such police duties as the Board in their discretion
shall impose upon him as policeman ; the sum of
seventy-five dollars per month which said sum
shall be in full conipens>.tion for all services per-
formed by him in all capacities, and for the dis-
charge of all duties imposed upon him by the
Board. '
gne Engineer ev fire The Engineer of the fire engine, for discharg-
engine seventy
d°"ars ing the duties of steward of the fire department,
the duties of janitor of the city hall, and engineer
for the fire engine, and for the discharge of such
police duties as the Board in their discretion shall
impose on him as policeman ; shall receive the
sum of seventy dollars, which said sum shall be
in full compensation for all services performed by
him in all of said capacities, and for the discharge
of all duties imposed upon him by the Board.
Chief engineer
of fire department The Chief Encrb ineer of the Fire Department
twenty-five dollars shall receive as compensation for his services,
twenty-five dollars per month.
Salary paid on
last month ay of each SECTION 2. The salary of all officers shall be
paid on the last day of each month, and the pres
ident of the Board of Trustees, and City Clerk
shall, on the last day -of each month draw a war-
rant on the o-eneral fund in fat -or of each officer
mentioned In this ordinance for the amount of
salary due him.
Ordinances in 3.
SFC. All ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
Ordinance take SEC. q. This ordinance shall take effect front
effect from a�p
al and publicrov- and after irs passage and approval, and publica-
tion three times in a daily newspaper of this city,
that said publication shall be made in the San
Luis Obispo Breeze, a newspaper printed and
published in said city. (Approved May 25th,
Relating to the Way and Time -all Bilis Must be Pre-
sented and Salaries Drawn Against the City
of San Luis Obispo.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. All bills against the City of San
Luis Obispo owned or held by any one whatever
shall be presented to and filed with the Clerk of The Way and
timebills must be
said City duly verified within one year from . the presented
date it accrued and if riot so presented and filed,
a shall not be allowed by the Board of Trustees
of said City, and a failure to so present and file
any bill against said City, will be and it is hereby
made a bar to the right to ever thereafter recover
the same.
SEC. 2. All salaries or parts of salaries due
and owing to any of the officials of the City of
San Luis Obispo, must be drawn monthly if
there is monev in the treasury to pay the same,
and if not so drawn and is allowed to remain un Time dna Way
salaries shall be
drawn for the period of one year from and after drawn
any one month the same should be drawn it is
hereby made a bar to the right to ever thereafter
draw or recover the same.
SFC. 3. All ordinances and parts of ordi Repealing clause
nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
SF.C. 4.. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and ap-
proval. (Approved April 19, 1887).
To Provide a System for Assessment, Levying and Col.
lection of City Taxes, for the City of San Luis Obispo.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Must assess be- SECTION I. The Cit Assessor of the City of
tween May and y y
August San Luis Obispo must .between the first Mondav
in May and the first Monday in August of each
year, ascertain the names of all taxable inhabi-
tants and all property within the city subject to
taxation and must assess to its full cash value all
such property to the persons who own, claim, or
have the possession or control thereof in the
manner hereinafter provided.
Must complete SEC. 2. On or before the first Monday of
and certify and L J
deliver assessment AU-LiSt In each ear the Assessor must make out
roll to Board before � J
ugust Monday of a correct list of all the taxable property within
the city limits, with the valuation. in a book to be
provided for that purpose, which shall be known
as the Assessmeni: Roll of said city, and shall cer-
tify to such list and roll, and deliver the same to
the Board of Trustees.
Manner andform SEC. 3. The manner; form and time of assess -
of assessing and
collecting taxes Ing, levying and collecting- City taxes shall be the
same as was prescribed by the Political Code of
the State of California, prior to amendments of
1891, for assessing, levying and collecting State
and county taxes, and all the provisions of Title
IX of Part III of said Code as it stood prior to
said amendments are hereby adopted and or-
dained to be and are the law for assessing, levy-
ing and collecting city taxes as to manner, mode
and time, pi ovided, that for such purposes when-
ever in said Title is used:
First: The words "County or State" shall be
deemed to be preceded by the words "City of
San Luis Obispo of."
Second: The words "Board of Supervisors"
shall read, be read, and be, ""the Board of Trus-
tees of the. City of San Luis Obispo."
This -d: The words "People of the State" shall
read, be read, and be, "City of San Luis Obispo."
Fourth' . The word `.`Treasurer" should read,"
be read, and be, "City Treasurer".
Fifth: The words "Assessor" shall read, be
read, and be, "City Assessor."
Sixth: The words "County Surveyor" shall
read, be read, and be, "City Surveyor."
Seventh: The words "Tax Collector" shall
read, be read, and be, "City Tax Collector".
Eighth: The words "Clerk of the Board of
Supervisors" shall read, be read, and be, "City
Ninth: The words "County Auditor" shall
read, be read, and be, "City Clerk."
Tenth: The words "School Fund" shall read,
be read, and be, "City Treasury."
Eleventh: The words "District Attorney"
shall read, be read, and be "City Attorney."
And provided further that Article II of Chap-
ter IV and Chapters IX and X of said Part III
and sections 3637, 3713, 3715, 3719, 3758, 3763,
3893, 3894 and 3895 of said Code and also the
provisions of said Code relating to the State
Board of Equalization and State Controller shall
�v�""I I I
not be applicable to assessmentj levy, collection
or disbursement of city taxes.
May extend time SEC. 4. The Board of Trustees of the Citv of
for assessing andSan Luis Obispo may by an order rendered on
collecting taxes
their minutes extend the time for doing any act
required to be done in assessing or collecting city
Need not make SEC. 5. It shall not be necessary to make out
out duplicate roll a duplicate assessment roll, but the original as-
sessment roll may and shall be used for all pur-
poses for which a duplicate or assessment roll of
said city is required.
This ordinance shall take effect immediately.
(Approved May 26, 1884).
Relating to; Licensing Business in the City of San Luis
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The City Clerk must prepare and The city clerk
have printed licenses of all classes mentioned in prepare licenses
this ordinance, for the term of three months, and ,
for such shorter terms as are herein authorized,
to be issued, with a blank receipt attached for the
signature of the tax collector, when issued.
SEC 2. The City Clerk shall number and Number and de-
liver licenses to
sign all licenses, and from time to . time deliver tax collector tak-
ing receipts there -
them to the City Tax Collector, in such quantity for
as may be required, taking his receipt therefor,
and charge him therewith, giving in the entry
on the stub of the license book the numbers,
classes and amounts thereof.
SEC. 3. The City Clerk must keep an account Beep an account
with tax collector
with the Tax Collector for all licenses delivered
to him, sold, or returned unsold by him ; a cor-
rect statement of the Collector's license account
must be certified to the Board of Trustees each f/
month by the City Clerk. But the City Clerk
shall not give the Tax Collector credit for, -norDo not give cred-
it for unsold licen-
shall the Tax Collector be entitled to, or have seswithout first
credit for any unsold license, without first pro-
curing the cancellation thereof, by and through
the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 4. A city license must be procured lm- Licenses must be
mediately before the commencement of any Prtheocured before
commence -
business or occupation liable to a license tax un- rnentofbusiness
der the provisions of this ordinance from the
City Tax Collector, which license shall authorize
the party obtaining the same to transact the busi.
ness described in such license ; separate licenses
must be obtained for each branch, kind, estab.
lishment, or separate house of business within
the city limits.
Snit brought SEc. 5. That suit may be brought against
against person or any person, firm, association or corporation who
firm who neglected `
to take a license has heretofore failed, neglected or refused, or
who shall hereafter fail, refuse or neglect to take
out a.license, or who heretofore carried on any
business or calling without paying. the license tux
required, or who hereafter carries on any busi-
ness or calling without a license., when the same
is, or has been required by ordinance, for the
recovery of any unpaid license tax. Said suit
Suit brought in the may be brought in the name of the City of San
name of the city Luis Obispo, and all license taxes due and unpaid
Deemed a dept shall be deemed a debt for all purposes of suit;
and in such suit for the recovery of license taxes
hereafter coming due, ten dollars additional to
Attorney fees said license tax shall be recovered as attorney's
fees for the collection of said tax..
City tax collector 'SEC. 6. The CityTax Collector must make
must make dilig- diligent inquiry as to all persons in the city liable
ent inquiry
b - q
to pay license as provided in this ordinance and
the amount of license tax each person or corpor-
tion is liable to pay; and in all cases where the
amount of the license tax is, determined by the
amount ' of the average monthly sales or
the average amount of business trans-
acted by such person or corporation by the
month, before delivering a license to such person
or corporation, it shall be the duty of said city
Person state un- Tax Collector to require such person or corpora -
der oath the prob-
able amount of tion to state under oath the probable amount of
business which . he or the firm of which he is a
member or for which he is agent or attorney, or the
association or corporation of which he is presi-
ident, secretary or managing agent, will do in the
next succeeding three months; and thereupon
such person; agent, president, secretary, or other
officer, must procure a license from the.Tax Col- License for class
lector for the term desired, and the class for
which such party is liable to pay; and in all cases
where an under -estimate has been made by the
party applying, the party. making such under-esti-
inate or the company he represented, shall be re-
quired to pay a license for the next quarter in oaths filed With
double the sum otherwise required. All oaths city clerk
herein required must be in writing and delivered
to said City Tax Collector and by him filed with
the City Clerk on or before the third Monday of
the first month of each quarter. When the City
Tax Collector, by information or otherwise, shall
have reason to believe that an under -estimate has
been made by any person, firm or corporation
liable to pay a license; he shall require of such
person, firm or corporation liable to pay alicense;
a statement, under oath; in writing, of the amount Statement of the
amoof business done b such ersori firm or cor ora= done ofbusinessy p p done preceeding
tion, for the preceding quarter; also, of any fact quarter
and all facts necessary or convenient to deter-
mine the rate of license to be paid by him or
them. From such statements, and from the best From such state-
ments collector fia
information he can obtain, the Tax Collector rate of license
must fix and determine the rate of license to be
paid by the applicant, such statements to be made
in such form as may be prescribed by the Board
of "Trustees. (Ord. 'No. 84).
Trial defendant
SEC. 7. Upon the trial of -any action author- is deemed not to
ized in this ordinance, the defendant .is ,deemed proper license
not to have procured the proper license, unless
he either .produces" it or can, prove,that he did
procure it ; but he may plead in bar, of the. action
a recovery against him and the payment by him
in a civil action,. of the proper license tax, to-
gether with damages and costs.
All license pay- SEC. S. All license taxes shall be payable and
able - at collector's
office in the city paid at the City Tax Collector's office in the City
hall Hall, and when any license tax is not paid at the
City Tax Collector's office prior to . the opening
or commencement of the business for which it is
imposed, the City Tax Collector shall proceed at
once to collect the same, or as soon thereafter as
he has knowledge or information, of any business
being commenced or opened prior to taking out
a license for the business opened or commenced,
as required by this ordinance, and if the City
tom llollllYctor fails Tax Collector fails, refuses or neglects to so col-
lect, or commence to collect the same in the man-
ner provided by this ordinance for the period of
five days after he has "information or knowledge
of the business being, commenced or opened
without taking out a license, as provided by this
ordinance, he shall become and is hereby made
Personably re- personally responsible and he shall pay the City
_ sponsible
of San Luis Obispo, all license taxes uncollected
by reason of his failure; refusal or neglect to col-
lect, or in good faith commence to collect the
same within the time and in the manner afore-
Term of three SEC. q. All licenses shall be issued for a term
months of three months, unless otherwise provided for
and specified in this article.
City marshal to SEC. ' Io. It shall be the dutyof the city mar -
arrest every person shal to arrest, or cause to 'be arrested, every per-
son, who, without first procuring a city license
therefor does any act for which a license is re-
quired by this ordinance, and' bring such person
before the Recorder's Court for trial:
SEC. 1 r. Every person, company orcorpora-
tion, who shall carry on or engage in any busi-
ness or having- in his or their charge or under Every person
b neglects to make
his or their control, an business for which a 11- statement be fined
Y fifteen dollars and
cense tax is imposed in this ordinance, without three dollars hundred
first having paid such license.tax, or who refuses
or neglects to make any affidavit or statement
under oath or otherwise, required to be made by
him by the provisions of this ordinance shall,
upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than
fifteen dollars, nor more than three hundred
dollars for each offense, and may be imprisoned
until such fine be paid, not exceeding ninety days.
The city attorney shall receive a fee of - ten ($to) City attorney fees
dollars for each conviction under this section, to
be paid out of the fine collected.
SEC. 12. Every licensed vehicle shall be num Every licensed
bered by the Tax Collector, at the expense of the vehicle numbered
owner, and such number shall be placed and
kept in a conspicuous place upon such vehicle,
whether used for carrying passengers or freight
for hire. A violation of the provision of this
Section shall subject the owner -of such vehicle
to a fine of r.ot less than five ($) dollars nor. more
Collector keep a
than one hundred and fifty dollars for each record of vehicles
offense. The tax collector shall keep a record
of all such vehicles.
SLC. 13. The quarters for collecting license
taxes shall be and commence on the first day of
January, the first day of April, .the first.day of leQ iter liter
July, and the first day of October of each and shall commence
first day January
every year, and all quarterly licenses shall be April, July and
issued, that the second license issued to the same
person, company or corporation, shall. fall due
and be payable on the first -day of one of the
quarters hereinbefore mentioned, next ensuing
the time of issuance of the first _license and must
thereafter be issued and collected regularly on
the first day of each and every quarter thereafter
so long as necessary as in this ordinance pro-
vided. And where a Iicense is issued for a less
period than a whole quarter it shall be paid or
collected as follows:
When issued in the first month of any quarter
the full quarterly license shall be paid or collected.
When issued in the second month of any
Broken quarters quarter two-thirds of the quarterly license shall
be paid or collected.
When issued in the third month of any quarter
one-third of the quarterly license shall be paid or
SEC. 14. A license must be procured from the
License must be
procured for carry -City Cit Tax Collector at the time and in the manner
"" inesosn ""y and way hereinbefore provided, and a license tax
must be paid therefor for engaging in carrying on or
pursuing every business or occupation mentioned
hereinafter in this ordinance, within the corporate
limits of the City of San Luis Obispo, as follows:
Auctioneer Sub. I. Every auctioneer must pay a license
tax of two dollars per quarter.
Selling was at
auction Sub. z. Every person, company or , corpora-
tion conducting the business of selling goods,
wares and merchandise at auction at a fixed place
of business or not, that is not herein otherwise
provided for, shall pay a license of five dollars
per day where the license is demanded for any
shorter period than one quarter, and thirty dollars
per quarter when a license for a quarter is de-
Business ofbank- -
Ing Sub. 3. Every person, company or corpora-
tion engaged in the business of banking, loaning
money at interest, or in buying, selling or dis-
counting notes, bonds or _other evidences- of in-
debtedness of private persons, State, County, or
Citv indebtedness or stocks, bonds,. notes or
other evidences of indebtedness of incorporated
companies, and brokers, must pay a license"
icense tax
per quarter, of forty cents on each and every
thousand dollars or fractional part thereof of
capital in said business had, used,- employed or
Sub. 4. Every person, company or, corpora-
tion who, at a fixed place of business, sells or Real estate
offers for sale, any real estate belonging to said
person, company or corporation, shall pay a
license of three dollars per quarter.
Sub. 5. Real estate agents selling real estate Real estate .on
on commission, must pay a license tax of two commission
dollars per quarter.
Sub. 6. Every fire, life, accident or other in- Insurance comp-
surance company, soliciting or doing insurance any
business by agent or otherwise, must pay a li-
cense tax of one dollar and fifty cents per quar-
Sub. 7. For each book, or map agent, or per- agent. b or map
son who from house to house canvasses, solicits
or sells, at retail for future delivery, any book,
picture, map, goods, wares, or merchandise; the
sum of fifteen dollars per week. (Ord. No. 77).
Sub. 8. For each and every billiard table, Billiard table
pool table, and pigeon hole table of any and
every kind whatsoever; not forbidden to [be j
_used by the statutes of the State of California,
two dollars per quarter, whether used and played
on for hire or not, if set up. and kept in or about
a place of business.
Bowling alley - Sub. 9. - For each nine or ten pin or bowling
alley, three dollars per quarter.
Skatingrink Sub. io. For each skating rink, five dollars
per quarter.
Undertaker Sub. i 1. For each undertaker, five dollars
per quarter.
Dance Sub. 12. For each ball, dance or party, where
a charge is m�ide or money is received for atten-
dance, one dollar.
Sub. 13. For each and every person en-
ing osbills ing °r Past- gaged in posting or paSting bills, or engaged in
the business of advertising by signs or cards of
any kind, or in distributing posters, circulars or
bills to advertise any entertainment or perform-
ance in said city, the sum of $3.00, provided that
this subdivision shall not apply to the merchants
or manufacturers of this city, nor to the posting
and distribution of bills for any religious, benevo-
lent or charitable purpose. (Ord. No. 93 b).
Shooting gallery Sub• 14• For each pistol or shooting gallery,
fifteen dollars per quarter.
Vehicle for deliv- Sub.
ery 15. For every dray, cart, wagon or
other vehicle used for the delivery of goods or
freight for hire, three dollars per quarter.
Pedaling goods Sub. 16. For peddling goods, wares and
with a wagon
merchandise (except meat) with a wagon or
other vehicle, with -one or more animals, twenty-
five dollars per quarter. (Ord. No. 84).
Peddling meat .Sub. - 1612. For peddling meat in quantities
less than a whole carcass with a wagon or other
vehicle, with one or more animals $20 per
quarter. (.Ord. -No. 94
Peddling as
othherrthan withitha Sub. 17: ' For peddling goods, wares and Mer -
wagon chandise, other than with a wagon or vehicle, or
with an animal or animals, five dollars- per'
Sub. 18. For each astrologer, fortune teller
and clairvoyant, who does by sign, advertise-
ment, notice or representations of any kind or
nature purport to pursue of these occupa-
tions, five dollars per quarter.
Sub. r9. For each livery and feed stable, seven
Livery and feed
dollars and fifty cents per quarter.
Sub. 2o. For each feed stable, two dollars
per quarter.
Sub. 2r. Every agent for the sale of bicycles
Agent for bicycles
must pay a license tax of one dollar and fifty
cents per quarter for each kind or make of bicycle
by such agent sold or offered for sale.
Sub. 22. Every telegraph company, gas Com-
Telegraph coni-
pany, telephone company, electric light company
and water company, doing business by agent.or
otherwise, must pay a license tax of five dollars
per quarter.
Sub. 23. Repealed by Ord. No. 93 b..
Sub. 24. For every public laundry. where
Public laundry
washing is done for hire, five dollars per quarter.
Sub. 25. For every rope or wire dancing'
Theatrical enter -
magic or theatrical entertainment, or other show
or exhibition where. an admission fee is . charged,
except a circus or menagerie,, three dollars for
each exhibition or performance; or, if a quarterly
license is desired twenty-five dollars ,per quarter;
provided, that nothing herein contained shall
be construed to prevent exhibitions or entertain-
inents for the benefit of churches or schools, or
other charitable or social entertainments by any
amateur association, benevolent, religious or
literary society of the city, without a license tax
therefor. (Ord. No. 93,1).
Menagerie or cir
cuS Sub. 26. For each menagerie or circus, fifty
dollars for each exhibition or performance.
Pawnbroker Sub. 27. For each ,pawn broker, ten dollars
per quarter.
$xpress business Sub. 28. For each express business, forward -
within the limits
oft hecity ing money, valuables, parcels, packages or other
articles, carried on within the limits of the city,
seven dollars per quarter.
Butcher shop Sub, 29. For each butcher shop, where fresh
meats are sold at retail, five dollars per quarter.
Bar cewhereliquors S -ab, ?o. For each bar room, saloon, or other
or other
are place where liquors 3
deomsesank pla
upon pce where vinous, spirituous or malt liquors are
sold bj, the glass, bottle or otherwise, to be
drank upon the premises where sold, one hun-
dred and fifty dollars per quarter. But no per-
son shall have issued to him or them a license to
keep a bar\room, saloon or other place where
vinous, spirituous or malt liquors are sold, except
l such person or persons be of good moral charac-
ter, and first obtain 'permission as provided here-
in by making applic=ltion in writing once every
year, to the Board of Trustees, at a regular meet-
ing thereof, for permission to obtain th ease
therein required; and shall file with said applica-
tion a written recommendation, signed by not less
t� than five responsible citizen § of the City of San .
` Luis Obispo tax payers and owners of, or occupy -
How license pro-
cured. incr real estate, within the bloc where the appli-
cant proposes to carry on the saicl\business, (pro-
vided there be fifteen such citizens within such
block) and setting forth that the �pplicant is a
person of good moral character, and a sober and
suitable person to keep and conduct such`;ta place,
and shall file with the city clerk a bond in the
penal sum of one thousand dollars with two or
more sureties, w 10 s all
each qualify in double
the amount of the penal sum of the bond, the
bond to be approved by the Board of Trustees
and conditioned that said applicant shall conduct
the business for which a license is sought, in a
quiet, orderly and reputable manner, and will not
permit of any breach of the peace or disturbance
of the public peace, order or decorum, by any
noise, riotous or disorderly conduct on the prem-
ises, and shall not sell, give or furnish any intoxi-
cating liquor, spirituous, malt or fermente&liquor
or wine, to any person in a state of intoxication
or to any person under the age of sixteen years,
and that said applicant shall obey and` abide by
all laws and ordinances now in force or which
may hereafter be enacted, regulating'saloons and
bar rooms and places of business where spiritu-
ous, malt or fermented liquors or wines are sold,
and the time of closing saloons, ,bar rooms and
places of business where spirituous, malt or fer-
mented liquors or wines are sold, in quantities
less than one quart. f
Said application and recgmmendation, after Application re -
the approval of said bond, shall immediately be gat, n. for investi-
referred by the board of trufstees to the acting
recorder, marshal and ex -officio tax collector and
the city attorney for investigation who shall re-
port the result thereon to/ the board -of trustees,
at the next regular meeting following.
If said report be in fa or of granting the license
to the said applicant, And shall be signed by at
least two of said officals, the board of trustees
shall by resolu-gLant the a rmis�lc�n and It ,Trustees shall by
resolution grant
shall be fi ec with th� tax collector. Such per- Permission.
mission shall in no case be given to the keeper of
a disreputable house or place of assignation, and
Bond everyyear. the said application must be made and the said
bond renewed once every year.
Sub. 30. Repealed—Ordinance No, 94•
Fora hotel. Sub. 31. For a hotel, boarding house, lodging
house, eating house, chop house, coffee or refresh-
ment saloon or restaurant, the license tax shall be
as follows:
Accommodations Where the average daily, accommodations of
less than five. persons is one and less than five, fifty cents per
quarter for each person.
Accommodations Where the average dailyaccommodations of
five and less than
ten. persons is five and less than ten, four dollars per
Accommodations Where the average daily accommodation of
ten and under fif-
teen . persons is ten and under fifteen, seven dollars
and fifty cents per quarter.
Accommodations Where the average daily accommodation of
fifteen and under
twenty-five. persons is fifteen and under twenty-five, ten dol-
lars per quarter.
Accommodations Where the average daily accommodation of per -
twenty -five and un-
der fifty. sons is twenty-five and under fifty, fifteen dollars
per quarter.
Accommodations Where the average daily accommodation of
fifty and over.
persons is fifty and over, twenty dollars per quar
ter. (Ord. No. 84.)
Stallion. Sub. 32: For each stallion, used f0}apaga-
ti& for hire, ten o a'
Jack. Sub. 33. For each jack, use o •pagation
for hire, three dollars per season.
Bull. Sub. 34. For each bull, ,used for propagation
for hire, three dollars per season.
Person sells any Sub. 35.. Every company, person or corpora -
tion who at a fixedplace of business, sells any
goods, wares or merchandise, (other than vinous,
spirituous or malt liquors) drugs, medicines,
jewelry or wares of precious metals, or other
articles of personal property, whether on commis-
sion or as owners, (except such as are otherwise $xcept such as
provided for in this ordinance) must obtain from �de�hfW�ritths
the City Tnx Collector a license, and pay therefor a -ordinance'
license tax for carrying on such business, and for
each branch of said business, q:iarterly, for the
use of the city, of twenty-five cents for each one
hundred dollars of average monthly sales, or
fractional part thereof, made 'by such person,
company, or corporation.
Sub. 36. Every company, person, or corpor- �erson sells liquors
in quantities of
ation, who at a fixed place Of business sells any one-fifthofagallon
vinous, spirituous or malt liquors in quantities of
one-fifth of a gallon or over, not to be drank on
the premises where sold, shall pay a license tax
of fifteen, dollars per quarter; provided, that no Provided.
license shall be required of physicians, surgeons,
apothecaries or dentists for any wines or,spiritu-
ous liquors they may use in the preparation of
Sub. 37. Every person, company, or corpor-
ation engaged in the business or occupation of
passengers or freight Business en ers.
car -
carrying p g ,,ht t0 OY from any ryivg passengers.
place within the limits of the City of San Luis
Obispo for hire, and who have a place of business
in said city or not, whether said carrying is done
through and on the outside of said city limits or
not, shall procure from the City "rax Collector a
city license, and shall pay a license tax therefor
for the use of said city as follows:
For carrying on such carrying business or Carrying on such
business by rail -
occupation by railroad and car, twenty-five dol- road.
lars per quarter.
For carrying on such - carr ing business or Carrying on such
y g y r business by stage.
occupation by stages or other conveyances, one
dollar per quarter.
raOperating street Every person, company, or corporation run-
ning, operating or controlling any street railroad,
shall pay a license of one dollar per quarter upon
each car run thereon.
$vers• person Sub. 38. Every person, company, or corpora-
has no fixed ' ll
place of business tion who has no fixed place of business within
wh°ve"dsg°°as. the city, and who vends or hawks on the public
streets,or other places within the city limits, any
goods, wares or merchandise, wines or distilled
liquors, drugs, medicines or mechanical appliances
for the cure of disease or injury, or jewelry wares
or precious metals, or other articles of personal
property, whether on commission, produced or
made by or for them, for the purpose of sale,
barter or exchange, or otherwise (except such as
are sold by auctioneers at public sale, under
license or are not especially provided for in this
Must obtain a ordinance) must first obtain a license from the
City Tax Collector for carrying on such business
and for each branch of such business, and must
pay a license tax therefor of five dollars for every
day such business is conducted or carried on in
said city; provided, such person, company or cor-
poration desiring to carry on such business, may
obtain from the City Tax Collector I quarterly
license, and must pay therefor a license tax of
fifty dollars per quarter, and in that case no daily
license shall be issued, or daily tax charged.
Sub. 39. Ever person, firm or association, or
their, agent or agents, engaged or hereafter to
Dance house• engage in the business of keeping a dance house,
or cellar, or beer saloon, or other place where
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors are sold, to be
drank on the premises, or retailed, for compensa-
tion or not, and served to customers by females
Females acin under employment or otherwise, or wherein
act capacity of bar females act in the capacity of bartenders, waiters,
actresses, dancers, musicians; policitors of custotn,
or servants, or in any capacity for inducement of
custom, within the corporate limits of said City
of San Luis Obispo,-, is hereby' required to pro-
cure a city license, "and pay therefor a license tax _
of one hundred and fifty dollars per quarter in
advance, m addition to a retail liquor license; and
no license issued hereunder shall be issued for
more nor, less than one quarter.
Sub: 40. No licensee shall be char( -ed or re=
a No license charg-
quired of any person or persons for sellin any ed for selling pro -
duels by the pro-
of the agricultural, pastoral or dairy products by ducersthereo£
the producers thereof, raised by themselves in the
County of San Luis Obispo, State of California,
or grown on the premises owned or leased'in said
county; jArovided, that a license shall be procured Provided.
by such person or persons who offers for sale or
sells meat in quantities less than a whole carcass
of cattle or animals so raisedoar grown.
SEC. 15. Except as otherwise hereinbefore eery person to
procure a license
provided, every person, company, association or who fails shall be
guilty of a misde-
corporation, required to procure a license as here- meanor.
inbefore provided, who fails, neglects or refuses to
do so, or violates any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereof, be. punished by. a fine of
not less than fifteen and not more than three
hundred dollars for each ,offense and may ,be
imprisoned in the city prison until such fine is
paid, not exceeding ninety. days, and every agent
of such person, company, association or corpora-
tion who solicits, commences or carries -on any
business aforesaid in said city, for his, her or its
principal, who fails, neglects or refuses to pro-
cure license as aforesaid, shall also be guilty of a
misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be pun-
ished as in this section provided.
SEC. 16. , The Board of Trustees of said city, .
upon proof to their satisfaction that any premises
so licensed are conducted in such a manner as to
disturb the peace or good order of the neighbor-
BoardofTrustees hood, or so as to become a nuisance thereto, or
have power to re-
vokelicense. conducted in violation of any of the ordinances
of said city, shall have power to revoke any such
license by written notice to any. such licensed
party, and any continuation of such business
after such notice shall subject the party so notified
to the penalties in the ordinance hereinbefore
provided for.
SFC. 17. No license issued or granted under
No license assign- any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
in any manner assignable or transferable, or
authorize any person other than is therein men-
tioned or named to do business, or authorize any
business, occupation, trade, profession, vocation
or calling other than is therein mentioned or
named to be done, transacted or carried on at
any place other than is therein mentioned .or
SiWithout permis- named, without permission from the City Tax
Collector endorsed thereon, and whenever the
City Tax Collector shall grant such permission
he shall at the time record such change or trans-
fer upon the proper register.
SEC. 18. The Board of Trustees shall not
Board of Trustees remit, return or dispense with, or allow remitted,
shall not remit li- returned or dispensed with any license paid or to
cense paid, �%
be paid under the provisions of this ordinance
under any circumstances whatever.
All ordinances in SEC. i9. All ordinances and parts of ordi-
conflict herewith trances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
repealed, This ordinance shall be published twice in the
Evening Breeze, a daily newspaper printed; pub-
lished and circulated in said city, and shall take
effect and be in force from and after such publi-
cation. (Approved March 18, 1895.)
Creating a Public Pouud, and Relating to the Management
ment Thereof.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San Public Pound es -
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows: tablished.
SECTION I. A public pound is hereby estab-
lished in the City of San Luis Obispo, to be lo-
cated on such lot or lots, within said city, as the
Board of Trustees shall from time to time, by
resolution entered on their minutes, name and
declare to be a public pound.
SEC. 2. The President and. Board of Trustees Board appoint
shall appoint some suitable person _as Pound pound Keeper.
Keeper in and for said city, who shall hold- office
during their pleasure, whose duty it shall be to
take up and receive into said pound all animals
(except dogs licensed) found running at large
upon any public street, square or grounds of said
city, or which shall be staked, fastenedor under
the control of the owner thereof, his or her ser- Pound animals
found at large.
vant, or any other person, upon any public street,
square or ground, for the purpose of grazing or
SEC. 3. Any person owning or having the
control or management of any animals (except persons letting
licensed dogs), permitting said animals to run at large. als run at
large or to be staked or fastened, or under the
control of any _person upon any of the public
streets, squares or grounds within said city, for
the purpose of grazing or exercise, shall be deem-
ed guilty of a misdemeanor; provided, however,
that nothing in this ordinance shall be so con-
strued as to prevent the free use of any public
street for the purpose for which it has been dedi-
cated; and, fiYovided, that the fastening of ani-
mals to a public hitching post in such a manner
as to control them within a radius of four feet
therefrom, shall not be deemed a breach of anv
of the provisions of this ordinance. I
Pound must keep SEC. 4. The Pound Keeper shall keep a true
record of animals
gat post
same at and faithful record of the number and description
of all animals taken into his custody, with the
date and manner of their disposal, and shall keep
conspicuously posted at the entrance of the pound
a list of animals therein detained. He shall also
provide all necessary subsistence for all animals
in his custody.
Pound Keeper
SEC. 5. It is hereby made the duty of the
must notify parties Pound Keeper to notify the owner or the party
if known, having control (if known to him) of any animal
impounded, within twelve hours after impound-
ing the same, and if such animal be not redeemed
within forty-eight hours after being impounded,
the Pound Keeper shall make a complaint to the
City Recorder against the person owning, claim-
ing, or having the control or management of such
impounded animal or animals, for the crime of
misdemeanor, in accordance with section 3 of
this ordinance, and in all cases of arrest and con-
viction the fine shall include, (in addition to the
If animals not ordinary costs of such arrest and trial), the fees
redeemed then
must t.
com- of the Pound Keeper for impounding and keep-
plaining such animal or animals.
If animals not SEC. 6. All animals, (except dogs), taken into
reclaimed must be custody of the Pound - Keeper, if not reclaimed
posted and sold, h
within forty-eight hours thereafter, shall be ad-
vertised by posting in three public places in said
city, and by posting on the pound gate; said ad-
vertisement shall contain a notice that the animal
or animals described therein will be sold at the
expiration of threedays from the date of said
advertisement unless costs and expenses are paid
and the animals reclaimed.
SEC. 7. Immediately upon the expiration of :linst bell
three days from the date of the advertisement Pay charges
time appointee
mentioned in section 6 of this ordinance, the
Yotnid Keeper shall sell at public sale to the high-
e-st bidder for cash, lawful money of the United
States, at the time and place designated in such
advertisement, all animals so advertised, (and not
redeemed), arnd out of the proceeds thereof .pay
his proper fees and charges. • Any balances of
the proceeds of a sale of any animal or animals
remaining after payment of such fees and charges, -
shall be paid into .the city treasury to the credit Balance to
of the general fund at the end of each and every paid i,.Wrreasi
month; prpvided, that the owner or owners of
such impounded animals so sold as aforesaid, may
redeem such animal or animals at any time within
six months after such' sale, by producing satis-
factory proof of his or her right thereto, and bysi-",Iv redeem
x month by p
paying to the purchaser the amount -of the pur- in charges.
chas°! money, with five per cent added thereto,
together with the necessary expense incurred by
said purchaser in keeping said animal or animals.
SEC. 8. The charges upon every animal im-
Charges to
pounded shall be as follows: For every horse. collected.
mare, mule, ass, ,bull, ox or cow, one dollar and
fifty cents per day for keeping; one dollar addi-
tional if advertised; five per cent commission if
sold. For every colt, yearling, or calf, sheep,
r:,at or hog, fifty cents, and for keepino-, twenty -
'five cents per day; twenty-five cents additional if
advertised, and five per cent commission if, sold.
For every goose or duck, twenty-five cents; ten
cents a day for keeping, and five per cent com-
mission if sold; brovided, that in ''the event ten
animals belonging to one person and firm are im-
pounded at one time, then the charge for aii
above that number shall be one-half of that sped-
fled above. The fees and charges in this section.
paid t Chars
shall be specified must be paid by the Pound Keeper into
citthe city treasury at the end of each and every
month. (Ord. No. 89.)
May redeem be- SEC. 9. The owner or person entitled to. the
fore sale• control of any animal or animals impounded, may
at any time before the sale or other disposition
thereof, redeem the same by paying to the Pound
Keeper all proper fees and charges thereon, made
by virtue of any of the provisions of this ordi-
Pound Keeper SEC. lo. Upon making any sale under the
must give certifi- )
-:ate of sale, provisions of this ordinance, the I ound heeper
shall give the purchaser a certificate of sale con-
taining a description of the property sold and the
amount paid, and that the same is subject to
redemption within six months; and shall make an
entry in a register to be kept for the purpose, a
description of the animal or animals sold, the
amount paid for the property sold, the name of
the purchaser, with a statement of the costs and
charges against the animal soli_i, and he shall
number the entry of each animal on said register.
If at any time within six months after any sale
_ of animals under this ordinance, any person shall
If claim made in
proove that he or she was the owner of the ani -
six months balance mal sold, the Board of Trustees shall allow a
claim in favor of such person, payable out of
the general fund, for the amount paid into the city
treasury on account of said animal, but if he or
she fails to call for the money within six months,
it shall vest in the city.
SEC. i I. No person owning or having the
- All dogs must be
tagged to run on charge, care or control of any dog or slut, shall
the streets.
permit or allow the same to be upon any street,
alley or public square within the limits of said
city, excepting under the following restrictions:
every docr or slut shall have around his or her
neck a collar of me al or leather, attached to
which there shall bk a tag with the number
marked hereon by the City Marshal and License
Collector, as hereinafter provided, andno person
shall imitate or counterfeit such plates or tags, or
use the same when imitated or counterfeited. _....
SEC. 12. The City Marshal and License Col Marshal shall
lector is hereby authorized to procure the neces- collect for (log tags.
nary tags, and annually receive and collect from the ;
owner or owners of any male dog, (in advance),
the sum of $1.00, and_ for the owner or owners of
any female dog or slut, the sum of $4.00, and
issue the necessary license, which he shall procure
from the City Clerk, together with a tag contain-
iug a suitable design, stamped with the words
and figures, "April first, 1497," _which shall be
goo,t for one year from said date. And i': shall
be the duty of said License Collector to procure
new tags at the expiration of each and every !
year thereafter, properly stamped for the ensuing
year. It shall also be the duty of said License
nIarshal must
Collector to pay monthly into the city treasury, procure new tags
all moneys received for the issuance of tags for every year
the preceding month. (Ord. No. 89.)
SLC. 13. All sums of money received from the Tag money must
be paid into treas-
issue of tags and paid into the city treasury on furundorspecial dog
said account, shall constitute a special fund to be
called the " special dog fund," and shall be used
for no other purpose than that of carrying out
the provisions of this ordinance.
SLC. 14. It is hereby made the duty of the
Must impound
Pound Keeper and any assistants he may have, dogs for thirty-six
to take up and impound all dogs found upon the hours'
streets; alleys, or public squares in said city with-
out the necessary tag, and to keep the samN sr::.
f plied with water, and confided for the
thirty-six hours, unless tyle owner shall'
choose to redeem the animal by producir,r�:,�
requirecl tri( and receipt and paying til'-
sum Of one dollar pound fees. later )•;ecl)itr �..
restraining, any dog or slut for the required
3S thirty-six Of thirty-six hours Chf. ' 1 li t
hours must kill , I OUnd f' eN.pe1' S ;:iii _.
_ and
bury (log. the said anIIn111 and
city limitsItlter the CI1rC1SS OUtsIdC
; fur which service he shall be ein�'.
to the sum Of one dollar to be paid out of t';
special dog fund, and 'lot otherwise; � 1�
that he may keep any valuable dogs and
them, preservin( a full record of all such
73in of sale si:a„ His bill of sale
eC1ue endorsed by the License Collcci��_-
I'shall be a valicl title to the purchaser; and -.'
moneys so received shall be paid into the cir.
treasury. (Ord. NO. 89.)
SFC. 15. The Pound Keeper shall also
const keep record a rP� :rCl Of all clogs taken up, sold, redeen)(,d G�
°f dogs.destroyed, and make a monthly report thereof
the Board of Trustees under oath.
Pound SEC. 16. The Pound Keeper rnavat an ti .),1
Keeper p �'
may appoint aep_ appoint deputies or pound drivers at his .
proper expense, for driving any animal to th"
Pound Keeper SEC. I ", The Pound rr
find deputies must / d Sleeper and del�titii`:i
"ear badge• while engaged in the execution of their d utie:,
shall each wear a plain circular metallic badge cr
the left breast Of the outer garment, with, for
Pound Keeper, the words, "Pound Deeper...
plainly engraved thereon; and for the deputy and
Pound drivers the words "Deputy Pound Deeper."
Pound Keeper. SEC. 18. The Pound�,Keeper within five days
nest ggive bonds
cithinfivedays, after his appointment and before entering upon
his duties, shall execute a bond to said city in the
Crum of five hundred dollars, conditioned for the
faithful performance of his duty as Pound Keep-
er, with w o or more sureties to the satisfaction
of the President of ,13oard of Trustees, which
b:r)nd, when approved, shall be filed with the City
Clerk. .
Mast not resist
:'>EC. ig. No person shall resist, obstruct, or Pound Deeper.
pre-,,-ent the Pound Keeper, or any of his deputies
or assistants, in the exercises of his duties.'
EC. 2o. Any person violating any of the pro Penalty.
inions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor," and upon conviction thereof
shad lie punished by. a fine not exceeding three
h;indre:d dollars, or by imprisonment in the city
j� :i not exceeding ninety days.
SEC. 2 I. All ordinances or parts of ordinances
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re
SEC. 22. This ordinance shall take effect and
ire in force from and after its passage and ap
proval. (Approved March 5th, 1884.)
Creating a board of Health and Defining Its Powers,
Board of Health SECTION I. A Board of Health for the Ciz�
hereby established. of San Luis Obispo is hereby established, whi;:il
board shall consist of five members: and %A7. \;
SECTION I. It shall be- the duty of the Health e �t ��f the
Oficer, under the direction and control of the TI
Board of I-Iealth, to enforce all laws, ordinances
and regulations relating to causes of sickness,
nuisances and sources of filth existing in said
SEC. a. lie may, under the direction of the I� son' y anresi-
lioard of Health, remove any person who Is TIOt dent infected with
a resident of said city, and who is known to be
infected with, any dangerous, contagious and in-
fectious disease, to the pest house, when such
action shall be deemed necessary, to prevent the
spread of such disease, and when such removal
can be made without danger to the life of such
SEc. 3. Whenever a nuisance endangering, in Nvhenever a nuis-
exist shall
the opinion of the Health Officer, the public nanceotify to abate
health, shall be ascertained to exist on any prem-
ises, or in any house or other place in said cit}',
he shall, with the approval of the Board of
Health, notify in writing, any person or persons
owning or having control of, or acting as agents
for, such premises, house or other place, to abate
or remove such nuisance within a reasonable
time, to be stated in such notice.
SEc. ¢. Upon the neglect or refusal of any t Upon neglect
comply ay
owner, occupant, agent or other person having abate nuisance
control of such house or other place within said
city, to comply with such nuisance, the Health
Officer may abate such nuisance, and the owner,
ent or occupant or other person having control -
of such house or place, in addition to the penalty
provided by this ordinance, shall be liable to said
city for the costs of such abatement, to be recov-
Bred in a civil action in any court of competent
jurisdiction within said city.
Duty of public SEc. S. It shall bel the duty of any membor
officer enter prem
isestoinspect of said Board of Health, the Health Officer, cr
any public officer, when necessary to secure tine
public health, to ether upon the premises, or M
the house or other place, of any person within
said city, to ascertain any nuisance that may there
exist, to inspect drains, vaults, cellars, cesspools,
water closets, privies or sewers, or the yards of
such premises, to examine into their condition:
and when satisfied that apartments used for lodg-
ings or other purposes are improperly constructed,
or liable from overcrowding or filth to become
dangerous to the public health, or to disseminate
contagious or infectious disease, or are not prop-
erly provided with privies, water closets or with
sewers, drains or cesspools properly trapped, they-
or any of them shall serve a written notice upon
the owner or other person in charge of such
premises, to remove the nuisance therein named;
and if such owner or other person in charge, ne:---
Board may put lects to obey such notice, said board or officer
in proper order may put the same in proper order at the expense
of the owner or other persons in charge thereof.
Everyperson SECTION 1. Every person practicing mid -
practicing imdwif-
ery wifery under whose charge and superintendance
any birth shall occur within the cin- shall fill up
and 'deliver to the Board of Health or Health
Officer, within forty-eight hours after said birth,
a blank schedule to be furnished on application
by said board, containing the particulars of su-h
birth as to sex, color, residence and names of
parents; and in case the birth of any child has
occurred without the attendance of a prictioner
of midwifery, or should no other person or nurse
be in 'attendance immediately thereafter, then it
shall be the duty of the parents of such child to
report its birth to said board, within the manner
and form above described; and said board shall
keep a record of the certificates of births so fur -
wished in a book kept for that purpose, and shall
report a transcript of the same monthly to the sec
rc-tary of the State Board of Health.
un -
SEC. 2. Every sexton, undertaker, or person dEveryr or person
wishing to inter
wishing to inter any human body, shall first ob- any human body
tain and file with the Superintendent of the Cem- deatle h certificate of
eters, a certificate of death as prepared by said
local Board of Health, signed by the attending
physician, or in his absence by. the president or,
other officer of the Board of Health, or by the
Coroner; and it shall be the duty of said superin-
ten(lent to examine such certificate, and if satis-
fied of its correctness and conformity with this
section, then to issue a permit of burial of such issue a permit of
person to the applicant; and in no case shall a burial
permit of burial be granted otherwise, unles it is
satisfactorily shown through the Superintendent of
the Cemetery to one or more members of the
Beard of Health that it is beyond the power of
the applicant to comply with these requirements.
`)'EC- 3. Every undertaker, or other person or Every person he_.
fore removing a
persons, before .removing a dead body from said dead body first pro
city to any other place beyond the jurisdiction of cure permit,
the Board of Health, shall first procure from the
Health Officer or any member of the Board of
Health a written permit granting such removal;
and said permit shall in all cases be annexed to
the certificate of death as provided in section 2
Of this Article.
SLC. 4. It shall be the duty of each physician Duty ofeach phy-
sician to report to
in this city to report to the Health Officer, or to the health officer
or Board infectious
a member of the Board of Health, every patient disease
he shall have laboring under Asiatic cholera,
diphtheria, scarlet fever, smallpox or other danger-
ous, contagious or infectious disease as soon a
he shall have become satisfied of the nature o"
the disease, and to report to the same officer or
member of the Board ` of Health, every case of
death from such disease immediately after it shall
have occurred,
householder to re SEC. S. It shall be the duty of every house-
portinfecnons dis- hold in this city to report in writing t
ease o, to the Hetltil
Officer, or a member of the Board of Healu:.
immediately, the name. of every person boardin
at his or her house, whom he or she shall ha,,",-
reason to believe to be sick with scarlet feeer,
diphtheria, cholera, small pox or other dangerous,
-contagious or infectious disease, and any death
occurring at his or her house from such disease.
Whenever ease SEC. 6. Whenever a case of small poi: ,...
of smallpox or "•
cholera duty of Cholera shall exist in any house or terement, aiicl
Health Officer it shall be deemed inexpedient to remove the per-
son so affected to the proper hospital, it shall he
the duty of the Health Officer to require all such
persons to be kept closely confined, in their re-
spective dwellings or places of abode; and shall
immediately cause to be.erected in a conspicuou
place in front of such dwelling or place of abode
a yellow flag or other suitable notice, setting forth
the fact; and it shall be unlawful for the occupanr
thereof, or any other person to remove such fla
or notice as long as in the opinion of the Health
Officer or Board of Health the same ought to
remain on said premises.
No person enter SEC. 7. No person or persons, except the
or depart from y physician, clergyman or undertaker, and those
any -house where a
smallpox cho_ having a written permit from the Board of Health
lera exists
or Health Officer, shall enter or depart from any
house where small pox or cholera exists, or while
the corpse of any person who shall have died of
such disease remains in. the house, or within ten
days thereafter, or until said building and its con-
tents shall have been disinfected or otherwise dis-
posed of to the satisfaction of the Board of Health
or Health Officer.
SECTION I. No privy vault privy cess pool No Privy, vault
> > shall be foul or of -
or water closets, shall be allowed by the owner or fensive
Other person in charge of the premises upon which
the same maybe situated, to become foul or offen-
sive; and when in the opinion of the Board of
Health or Health Officer, any such privy, vault Health Officerto
or closet, or cess pool shall need cleaning or dis- notify°Wrier
infecting, it shall be their duty to notify such
owner, or other person having control, to abate
the same by disinfecting or cleaning, as in the
je dgrnent of the board may be prudent. +
SEC. 2. No butcher's off«1 nor garbage, nor Pvteher's offal
nor garbage shall
anv dead animal, or any putrid or offensive ani- remain upon the
mal nor vegetable matter shall be allowed to re-
nlain on the premises of any person or to be de-
posited upon any street, alley or vacant lot, or
into any standing water or excavation.
SEC. 3. Any person who shall violate any of
the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in Penalty
anv sum not exceeding one hundred and fifty
dollars and costs of prosecution, or may be im-
prisoned not to exceed loo days, or both such
fine and imprisonment may be imposed.
1'his ordinance shall be published three succes- This ordinance
sive days in the San Luis Obispo Tribune, a take effect
daily newspaper printed and published in said
city, and shall take effect and be in force from and
after such publication. (Approved September
l)th, i889.
To Preserve the Peace and Good Order of the Cite of
Luis Obispo.
The Board of Trustees of the City
Luis Obispo, do ordain, as follows:
Must not inter- SECTION t. NO person shall bvithln the i,
rapt any public as-
sercblagc, etc Of Sall Luis Obispo, without authority of
disturb, disquiet or interrupt:
First: Any school or school procession.
Second. An), funeral'or funeral procession.
Third.- Any lawful assemblage of people .ntt
for a lawful purpose, or any lawful procession.
Noise, tumult, SEC. 2. l�lTO,pei"SOIL shall:disorder, etc
Fzz s1.' Make in any place, or suffer to be
Upon his premises, or premises within his, of h::-
control, any noise, disorder or tumult to the d;-
turbance of the public peace.
IIttering bawdy Secolul' TO utter ill the hearing of two tit
language, etc more persons, any bawdy, lewd, obscene or I)-
() -fare language, words or epithets.
Address, to another, or utter in t :1
create breacords dhorpresence Of another, ally words, language, Or
the peace pression having
p � a 'tendency to create a brr�ach cf
the peace.
etcc,te ots,knuc- FoL?tIZ:
klMake use of or have in his,possessin"
any slip ;shot, pistol -cane, rubber sling or other
Instrument or device of a similar kind, by mean,
of which missiles of any kind or description are
hurled or projected.
Wear or carry any slingshot, knuckles,
sword cane, pistol -cane, rubber slim; or instrli-
ment of a similar character.
Must not gine -
pistols to minorst 3• It shall be unlawful for any person to
sell or to give to any minor under the age of eigh-
teen years, any revolver or pistol of any kind,
from and by which any bullet, shot or other mis-
file of any kind is, or may be fired or projected
b}' weans of percussion caps, cartridges, or any
es:plosive substance whatever.
SEC. 4. It sConcealed weap
hall be unlawful for any person a,,
not being a public officer or traveler, or not hav-
ing a permit from the President of the Board
of* "Trustees, with the consent of the Marshal of
said city to wear or carry concealed, in this city,
any pistol, dirk or other dangerous or deadly
weapon. Such persons, and no others, shall be
termed travelers within the meaning of this sec
tion, as may be actually engaged in making a
journey at the time. The President with the
consent of the marshal, may grant written per-
mission to any peaceable person, whose profes-
sion or occupation may require him to be out at
late hours of the night, to carry, concealed, dead-
ly weapons for his own protectection.
SI:c. 5. It shall be unlawful to fire off or dis- Filing guns ord-
inance, etc
charge any ordnance, gun, rifle, pistol or other
firearms or any squib, rocket, roman candle,
chaser, firecrackers, Chinese bombs or other fire-
works or firearms of any kind or nature whatever;
nor shall any bonfire be made or any hay, straw,
shavings or other combustible matter, be burned
within the city limits at. night; provided, that
nothing in this section shall be so construed as to
prohibit the erection and establishment of shoot-
ing galleries in accordance with an ordinance that
is or may be passed by the Board of Trustees,
and provided further, that the Board of Trustees
may grant written permit to fire ordnance or any
of the articles mentioned in this section and make
bonfires at such times and places as they may
deem proper.
SVc. 6. It shall be unlawful for arra n
51i11ors 1111"1 not Under the acre
be on streets ,c of eighteen years to be on am
public streets of the city of San Luis
between the hours of eight O'clock, P.
daylight the following- morning, from :v oven,l,::;
rst to Alay 30th of each year, and between tic:
hours of nine o'clock, P.
m., and daylight the f�,i-
lowin, morning, frorn June rst to October 3r,t
of each year, unless by direction or with ti,e
l:nowledf;e or consent of the parents, guardi;tn5
or other persons having the lawful control of
SEC. 7• No person shall, within the City c
San Luis Obispo:
" Drunk_ Firsi. Be drunk in a public place or pace
open to public view.
Drunkenness in
p„Ipubhcand PrivateS'eCOII(I.• TO be on any public hi;;hway or n,
places any public place in a state' -.of drunkenness or i:;-
toxication, or be- on any private premises, or in
any private house in a state of drunkenness t(
- the annoyance of any other person.
SEC. S. No person shall:
Lewd and Inde_ FZVst. Offer for sale, exhibit circulate or dis-
cent books tribute, or cause to be circulated or distributed,
any obscene, lewd, or' indecent book, 'pamphlet.
picture, card, print, paper, writing, mould, cast or
Indecent dress Second.* Appear in a public place naked, or in
a dress not belonging to his or her set, or in at,
indecent or Iewd dress.
Exposure oi'.per
son TIiid..• Make an indecent exposure
her person: .
tirinate or to
F0111.1I. Urinate or stool in a public
place open to public view.
of his or
place, or
f -i -iii: ro be guilty of any indecent or lt'_WCl Indecent or le,ed
aict or behavior.
S2x1h: Exhibit or, perform any indecent, in -i- Immoral play
moral or lewd play, or representation.
sC'Z'E7lth: /Solicit, employ or engage another to Init'o'ffense corn -
commit, a public offense.
Src. ). No person shall keep, or maintain or I{ecp, maintain
or visit houses of
become an inmate of, or be a visitor to, nor shall iii -fame
aiiy parson in any manner contribute to the sup -
Por; of any disorderly house or house Of ill -fame;
'ind no person shall knowingly let, or underlet, or
transfer the: possession of any house or lands of
the aforesaid purposes.
SEC. 10. It shall be unlawful for any person Bathing in creel,
to bathe in any creek or channel within the cor- etc
porate limits of the City of San Luis Obispo, be-
tween the hours of four O'clock a, m., and eight
o'clock, p. m., without wearing a suitable bathing
S 1:c. i i. It shall be unlawful for any person Disturbing
in any manner or for any purpose to obstruct, Streets, sidewalks,
break up, or dig up, disturb, dig under, under- etc
mine, grade, fill in with dirt, rock or any sub-
:,tance whatever, construct or repair, or cause
either to be done in or upon any street, alley,
bridge, culvert, or other public place within the
city unless required or permitted, so to do, by an
or:_linance or an order of the Board of Trustees.
SEC. 12. Every person, company Or corpora- 'must as, smpn as
orktion authorized to obstruct, lay down any gas or possible
water pipes, or mains, or to dig up, disturb, dig
t.mder, or open any street, alley, or other public
place, within the city, must complete such work
when commenced with dispatch and without Cie-
lay, must put the street or other public place, so
disturbed, dug up, opened, or dug under, in
good conndition as it was prior to the colnmer;cr!-
ment of such work.
slusc „�c scop SLS• 13• It shall be unlawful for any p
team on cross walk tC�L'_,
driving or having charge of any vehicle er'tearl
of whatsoever description, to stop the same upon
any cross walk within the limits of said city so as
to impede or obstruct public ,travel over anc
along said cross walk.
Dve notridesidewalk
SEC. 14. It shall be unlawful for any pe-rs%7'i
drive on sidewalk 4
or 'aster than six to ride or drive any mule, horse, or team,
miles per hour
the corporate limits of this city at a greater sp--td
than a rate of six miles per hour, or to lead, rids:,
or drive any horse, mule, team, or any beast o
burden upon any sidewalk or over any foal
bridge, in said city, or willfully suffer or permit
any such animal or animals to go upon any sucil
Walk on bridges SEC. 15. It shall be unlawful for any persoil
to ride or drive upon or across any bridge faster
than a.walk.
It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to put
up and maintain on each bridge within the city
limits a notice containing the works, "Walk 5'our
horses," so that the same can be seen from either: -
end of such bridges, and the expense of puttirl�
up and mg- aintaininsuch notices shall be a cit;°
No person Shan ' :$ kc. 16.. No person shall deposit or procure
suesdeposit shhinany
stream to _be a'e�osiiea'` any dead" animal, filth, garba,��,
rQI-�sh, manure, litter, suds, slops, or any
table or animal substances or other offensive mat-
ter in the channel or upon the bank border -or
side of `any stream, 5:i-eek,'or water course, or it;r_c
any -public street, lane or' all within the vitt
limits. (Ord. No. 81).)
d �
17. All owners and occupants of prem- Free rromfilth
ises within the limits of the city shall at all times
keep the same free from filth.
SEC. 18. %NThenever the free passage of any
Persons must
street or sideivalk shall be ob tructed by a crowd pass on when or.
(except on occasions of publ 0meetings) the per-
, Berea
sons composing such crowd s -'all disperse or move
on when directed to do so by, all
Sj,,c. 19. It shall be unlawful to hitch or tie Must n°t hitch
any animal to any shade, ornamental or fruit or places orses t° certain
other tree, or shrub, or to any lamp post, water
butt or hydrant in any street or public place with-
in the city. X
SEC. 20. It shall be unlawful to cut down, 1Sust n°t cut
mutilate or injure any tree or shrubbery growing trees or shrubbery
in any street or alley or public place within the
city limits, unless by order of .the Board of Trus-
t e e, S.
SEC. 21. Every person who shall violate any
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be Penalty
de-_:med guilty Of a misdemeanor, and upon con-
victioif lereof, shall be punished by a fine of not
more than three hundred dollars, or by imprison-
ment in the city jail not exceeding ninety days.
SEC. 22. All ordinances or parts of ordinancs
in conflict with this. ordinance are hereby re-
SEC. 23. This ordinance shall take effect and
be- in force from and after its passage and ap-
proval. (Approved October 12, 1885:)
Relating to Vagrants, Opium Lodging, Gaining, sp.i
The Board of Trustees` of the City of ,
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Vagrants, what
coustitutes SECTION t. All persons who have no vi�iL'�
means of living, or lawful occupation, or enwioy_
ment by which to earn a living; all persons v�hn
��habituall roam the streets without any la.ti,iui
business; all p::rsons who live in or about house
Of ill fame, all persons having no known occu�Xa-
tion or business, all common prostitutes
drunkards, shall be deemed vagrants.
opium smoking SEC. 2. No person shall within the City
or visiting house "
wheremoked S
,an: Luis Obispo, keep or maintain, or becon
an inmate of, or visit any place, house or roost.
where onium is smoked, or where persons assenn-
ble for the purpose of smoking opium, or Huh:d-
ing the fumes of opium; nor shall any persoli
contribute to, or visit for the purpose of Contri-
buting to the support of any such place, house or
etcodgmginbarns SEC. 3. All persons found lodging In a'1;
barn, shed, out -house, vehicle or place, other
than such as are kept for lodging purposes, with-
out the permission of the owner or party entitled
to the possession thereof, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor.
SEC. 4• No person shall, in. the City of San
Luis Obispo:
Gambling house I: Keep or maintain or become a visitor to,
shall not visit or
support. or in any manner contribute to the support of
any place or house for the practice of gambling;
or, knowingly let or underlet, Or transfer the underlSha11 et not gam]et or
t)ossession of any premises for use by any person ho,5e.
for any of said purposes.
Deal, pia}', carry on, open, or cause to be oBankinl� games
f all kinds pro -
opened, or conduct, either as owner or employee, hibited.
Whether for hire or not, itny game of faro, monte,
roulette, lanscluenet, rouge et noire, rondo, tan,
fan -tang stud -horse poker, seven and a half,
teventy-one, keno, or any banking or percentage
"kine played with cards, dice, dominoes or any
device, sign, symbol or appliance for money,
ch( cks, credit or any other representative of
value:, or permit any such game or device to be
carried on, in or on his premises or premises un-
der his control.
Conduct any business, game, stand, room, other games for
or place, for the exercise of skill, or hazard of ,teambling prohib-
chance, bypersons in throwing, pitching, tossing,
tossing up, or overturning, in any manner, quoits,
coins, balls or any device, upon the skillful or
successful pitching tossing, tossing up, overturn-
ing or throwing, whereof any property, money
or thin- of value is to change ownership, or per -
alit any such game or device to be carried on, in
or on his premises, or premises under his control.
4. Play or bet at or against any of said pro- aga nallganoe bet
hibited game or games.
5. Be present at, or in any room where any Must not be in a
such game or device is played, or in any room boomling where
g or
connected therewith, knowing that such game is ga,nnig. tools or
lottery tickets kept
being played therein, or be present at any room
or place where the apparatus or device for play-
ing any such game is found, knowing the same
to be therein or in any room wherelottery tickets
are found.
6. Receive or take, or have in his possession
niu have
deal in or under his control, any paper, certificate, tlCl:e:t,
or have lottery
tickets. chance, share, instrument or other thing or to!j,(,t,
purporting to be, or understood to b�. or r�pre-.
sent any ticket, share, chance or interest, in oN
depending upon the event of any lottery,
penalty Slc. S. Every person who shall violate ant -
of the provisions of this ordinance shall be
deemed guilty pf a misdemeanor, and upon cor'
if r' IA viction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not
more than one hundred dollars, or by impr1son-
ment in the city prison not exceedingninet} da,,:,
or b}, both such fine and imprisonment.
Repealifig clause SLC. 6. All ordinances or parts of ordinances,
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repeai-
When shall take SEC. 7. This ordinance shall take. effect and be
effect, in force from and after its passage and approval.
(Approved July 6th, ISM)
In Relation To Streets And Sidewalks In The City Of San
Luis Obispo.
SEC; I. 'rhe width of the sidewalks on each
side of the streets in said City of San Luis Obispo,
is hereby. established as follows:
In all streets of seventy feet Jr more wide, at an dthSideofstreets
tNyelVe feet.
In all streets sixty feet wide and less than sev-
enty feet wide, at ten feet.
In all streets fifty and less than sixty feet wide,
at eight feet.
In all streets forty and less than fifty feet wide,
at six feet.
In all streets thirty and less than forty feet
wide, at four feet.
In all streets, lanes and alleys, less than thirty
feet wide, at three feet.
S.C. 2. The owner, lessee, tenant or occupant frtchingposts.
of any building or lot fronting on any street of
said city, may with the permission of the Board
of Trustees, erect and maintain in front of said
building or lot, hitching posts; which shall be se-
curely fastened in the outer line of the sidewalk,
provided that the same may at of the Board ofaTrustees, be re-
moved by order
SFC. 3. No person shall, break, injure, remove Shall notdisplaor
hitching posts or
or displace, without lawful authority, any hitch- to
allon gacross Si e
swing across side-
ing post erected or maintained said
malntain Oa walks.
no person shall hang, keep, place,
have or allow to remain any gate, door or window
shutter, in such manner , as to swing across or
upon any sidewalk in said city.
I (/
How signs and SI'c. 4• No person owning Or OCCU inrr
awnings shall be building py an}
hung. premises or lot in said city, shall' ince
or cause to be placed, maintain or cause to be
maintained, upon anv street or sidewalk, in front
of said building, premises or lot, any sign or aci.
vertisement, or place any goods, wares or inc,
(. chandise upon the sidewalk or in the street for
exhibition, advertisement or other purpose, which
shall project over or upon the inner li
sidewalk more than two (z) feetne of the.
. No hall
suspend or cause to be Suspended, pperson isor
suffer to remain, over or across any- street ma in t side-
- walk in said city, any sign or advertisement, or
hang or suspend any goods, wares or merchandise
from or under any avenin„ shade or balcony, over
any street or sidewalk in said city, or hang or
Shall not hang SUS end any, S1<7
goods over side- P y �[I Or advertisement across'lin'
walk. Sidewalk lh.}>.
said cit Provided' that nothing in
this section contained shall apply to the space of
two feet in width next and adjoining any.store or
place of business.
iioiV high a w -n -
Ings must be hung SFC. 5. All awnings extendinc
atjdhow fastened. a OVeC any Side-
walk or street in said city, must be suspended or
placed on iron or wooden stays securely fastened
to the building, and not less than ten feet above
the sidewalk, and riot beyond the outer line of
the sidewalk, and no person shall allow or per
mit the lower edge *of any drop awning to remain
suspended at an altitude of less than six feet
above the curb of the sidewalk, and all drop awn -
Ings. must at all times be kept securely fl.steneci
to the curb so as not to swing
sidewalk. upon or over the
Animals must S 1 . 6.
lot be lett unhitch CNo person.shaIl leave standing in any
street or alley of said city, any horse or work -
animal, attached or hitched to any wagon, buggy,
cart or other vehicle, unless attended by some
lr rson of suitable age and discretion, or hitched
or fastened in a good and substantial manner;
priziidded, that this section shall not apply to per-
sons engaged in the business of delivering goods,
~cares or merchandise, while actually engaged in
said business.
ti Src. 7. No person shall raise or fly any kite fust not fly kite
or play at, or participate in any game of ball on ° Play ball -
any street or alley in said city.
SEC. S. Whenever the free passage of any Crowds
a Crowd ove when direct
street or sidewalk shall be obstructed by , ed by officer.
(t!xcept on occasions of public meetings) the per-
sons composing such crowds shall disperse or
move on when directed to do so by a peace officer.
SEc. 9. No person having the possession of velocipede must
not be run on side -
any velocipede, horsecart or other vehicle, shall walk.
run or permit the same to be run on any sidewalk
in the said city.
Sic. Io. No person shall ride drive, lead or Horse must n°t
e on sidewalk.
tic any horse, mule, or other animal, on any side -
«alk nor shall any person allow his horse, mule,
wagon or other vehicle to Stand upon the crossing
of any street walk in said city. r--�
SIC. I I. No person upon any sidewalk in Must not carry
said city shall carry a basket or baskets, bag or on sidewalk any-
thing suspended
bags suspended from or attached to a pole upon from pole.
or across the shoulder. And no person upon any
sidev, alk shall carry any rubbish, filth, or garbage
so as to be offensive to pedestrians.
SEC, I2. No person shall throw or deposit must not deposit
upon any Street, highway, or ground, or upon any rubbish on
any private premises or anywhere in said clty, ex
rept in such places as may be designated by the
Superintendent of Streets, any glass, tin, broken
ware, dirt, rubbish or filth.
Must not Obstruct SFC. 13• No person Shall place., or Cause
street or sidewnlg
for more than one upon any street or Sidewalk 1 placed anywhere tU
hour• said city, or shall suffer to remain on any stre;.t
or sidewalk, anything which shall obstruct ti:e
free passage of said street or sidewalk for more
than one hour at a time; provided, that this sec
tion shall not apply to goods ormerchandise in
actual course of receipt, delivery or removal, o-
to hitching posts or watering troughs erected and
maintained by permission of the Board of Trus-
Must.not occurp• tees, or to ornamental trees on the outer line of
:Wore than halt tttc the sidewalks, or to lam
width otstreet. 1 posts, hydrants, tele-
graph or telephone poles erected by permission of
the Board of Trustees, or materials being used M
the construction or repair of any building if SLICII
material shall not occupy more than one-half of
the whole width of the street in front of such
Shall 'tot injure SEc. 14. No person shall injure or destroy-
property ocltyorextinguish an property belon(rinm
toc't}'orextin extinguish y y J J t0 the said city, Or sh rfl
lights. extinguish any lamp or light maintained for pub-
lic convenience or safety within said city, without
lawful authority.
Shall not disturb SEC. 15. No person shall in any manner or
treetwitltontlaw- for any purpose break, dig
'' a°"'°ri`y' up, disturb or under-
mine any part of any street or alley in said cit),
or break, destoy, remove or injure any bride,
or any part of any bridge within said city, with-
out lawful authority, or take or remove any lum-
ber, earth, stone or other material used, or to be
used, or which has been used in, or upon any
bridge or street in said city, without lawful au-
nst place'bar- SEc' 16. Whenever. anypersonshall with per-
saround work mission of the. Board o
treet and light f Trustees, or with other
fight. .authorityto dig up, or excavate any part of any
street of said city, or place any obstruction in any
street of said city, they shall erect around the
,ame a good and substantial barrier and shall
maintain at each end of said excavation or ob-
smiction a light from sunset until sunrise each
ni;l;t cluring the whole time that such obstruc-
tion or excavation shall remain.
17. No person having the control of any shall not a>ll
lkapou, cart, or other vehicle, shall allow the same wagon to stand in
front of house.
t,> remain or stand for a length of time greater
than one hour, in front of any store, dwelling
house or other building, without the consent of
the owner of such store or building.
Src. is. The owner or occupant of any real
Drive down nails
property of .said city where wooden sidewalks are
or may hereafter be laid, shall drive down and
beep driven down even with the upper surface of
sidewalk, all nails or spikes used therein.
31t, not let wa-
ST,C" rg. No person having Control of any terruusnacrossside-
nater pipe, drain or spring shall permit the water
therefrom to run across upon any sidewalk or
street in ,aid city, upon the surface thereof.
Src. zo. No person shall deface, remove, in- `Inst not deface
jure or ' intelligence or Sign
destroy, any sign,news,
L,ulletin board, or use such board to post or post
thereon anv notice, device or other matter with-
out the consent of the owner of the board.And
I,() person shall paint or post any notice, picture,
device or advertisement upon any building, wall,
or fence within said city, without the consent of
theowner of such building, wall, or fence.
bench -
1,'C,. Zz. No person shove
all remove, injure, de- Piustace not bench-
. or. deface bench -
face, or destroy any monument or . benchmark mark or mourn-
~ erected or placed by the City Surveyor or Engi ment.
neer;provided, that if it shall become necessary
to remove any such monument or benchmark,
notice of such necessity shall be given to such
Citv Engineer whose d;.[tv it shall bL- to rcn;ove
the same and to replace it in its original position
as soon as the object for which it was rernored
has been attained upon the person request' said
removal pavin; all costs and expenses In such
removal and replacing.
Sr:c. 22. No person or
T'etegraph and I C0CpOratl0n shall erect
telephone Win:; or maintain or cause to be erected or malntanleil
niust be twentyfi"e
feetabovesictewalk within the fire limits ofsaki cit , an
or telephone wire at a less distance than`t"c 'I
five feet high from the sidewalk nor shall ani -
such wire be attached to any house without the
consent of the owner. (See
Ord. NO. 41.)
condtruct,d. how Src. �a. All sidewalks constructed within the
said city shall be at the outer eche of the curb of
such sidewalk at the same height or grade as the
crown of the official grade of the street in front
of said sidewalk, and all sidewalks shall slope
towards the center of the street at a rate or slope:
of not less than one-sixth of an inch nor more
than one-fourth of one inch to each foot of the
width of such sidewalk. All sidewalks shall be
constructed of suitable material andin a 01001!and workmanlike manner, to the satisfaction of
and to be approved by the Superintendent of
Streets. If built of lumber the lumber used must
be not less than two inches in thickn,:ss, [aicl
upon redwood stringers not less that four inches
sq care. _
Persons must not
rect sign post on SEC. 24• No person
xeet Nvithoutper- Shall erect Or maintain OC
!fission -cause to be erected or maintained any hitchin,,
post, sign, sign post, -barber pole, waterin trou;h,
telegraph or. telephone pole, along or upon, or it
an sidewalk or street in said city, unless permis-
cion trst obtained from the Board of Trustees
who may at their pleasure revoke said, permission
by resolut'on entered on their minutes.
Ste. 25. It shall be the duty of the occupant
of each lot and the owner 'of each unimproved lot
Fronting on either side of Monterey street between
Otos and Nipomo streets, Higuera street between
Court and Nipomo streets; Court street between
�Tonterev and Higuera streets, Morro street be-
tween Monterey and Higuera streets; Chorro
street between Monterey and Higuera streets;
Broad street between Monterey and Higuera
streets; Nipomo street between .Monterey and
Higuera streets, to clean and cause to be cleaned
the street fronting on such lot as far as the center
line of such street by 'collecting and piling the
dirt and rubbish in the center of the same on or
before four o'clock p. m. on each and every Sat-
SEC. 26. Any person who violates any pro-
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of
a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall
be punished by a fine in a sum not exceeding
three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the
cityjail not exceeding ninety days.
SEC. 27. All ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict with the provisions of this ordi-
nance are hereby repealed.
SFC. 28. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in. force from and after its passage and ap-
proval. (Approved October 12th, 1885.)
Concerning Cleaning and Caring for Streets and Sideu,alF;
in the City of San Luis Obispo.
The Board of Trustees of the City of 4_
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Clean streets and
sidewalksotgrass, SECTION I. It shall be duty Of the Owner, OCCi_7_
weeds, etc. pant or person in charge or control of each impro';--
ed lot or lots and the owner of each unimproveu IcLt
or lots fronting on any street or streets in the cit.;
of San Luis Obispo in actual use as often as i
reasonably necessary, at—hl�� s o`wii expense a11,
without notice or demand, to clean away anti in-
tercept the growth of all grasses, weeds and ve-
etable matter of any and every kind whatever.
being or growing on the streets and side%valks iri
front of his lot or lots.
Duty of street
Superintendent to SEC, 2, It shall be and it is hereby expressly'
enforce ordinance, made, the duty of the e Superintendent of Streets'
in and for the city of San Luis Obispo to pay at-
tention to and carefully and thoroughly loc&'after
the enforcement of and to enforce all of the pr,)-
visions of section one of this ordinance and if the
Superintendent of Streets discovers or knows of
any lot or lots in front of which the streets and
sidewalks have not been cleaned and cared for as
provided in section one of this ordinance, the
-Must give written Superintendent of Streets shall at once give the
❑otice. owner, occupant or person in charge or control
thereof, written notice to clean and care for the
same within five days from the date of notice.
Board of Trustees SEC, 3,. If the owner, occupant or person in
Lay clean lot when
irties fail to do so. Charge of said lot or lots fail, refuse or neglect to
clean and care for the streets and sidewalks in
front of their premises for the period of five days
after being notified so to do,, the Board of "Trus
J -
tees of the City of San .-Luis Obispo . may cause
the street or sidewalk, or both, cleaned and cared
for and the owner or occupant, of such premises
shall be severally liable to the city of San Luis
Obispo for the expense in cleaning and caring_ for
the street and sidewalk in front of such premises
and the expenses so incurred shall be a lieu upY�on liable
of lot
t" liable for cleaning.
the land and premises in front of which the streets,
and sidewalks have been cleaned and, cared for.
SEC. 4. When there is—no person occupying -How notice may
the premises in front of which streets and side- be given in some
walks are sought to be cleaned , and cared for the
Street Superintendent may serve the notice here-
inbefore provided for by posting a, copy of the
same upon such. prerdises.
SEC. 5. It shall be and it is herby made the Superintendent
of Streets shalt
duty of the Superintendent of streets to make make complaint.
complaints against airy one violating any of the
provisions of this ordinance.
SEC. 6. -,Anv person who violates any pro Repealing clause,
vision of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, .and upon conviction thereof
shall be punished by a fine in a sum not exceed-
ing three hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in
the city jail not exceeding ninety days, or by both ,
such fine and imprisonment.
SEC. 7. All ordinances and parts of ordi- Penalty'
nances in conflict with the provisions of this ordi-
nance are hereby repealed.
SEC. S. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in force from and after its passage and ap-
proval. (approved June 11, 1887.)
Relating to Labor of Prisoners.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Marshal must SECTION I. It shall be lawful for the Marshal
work prisoners to take any and all prisoners confided in the city
jail for violation of the city ordinances, or for the
non-payment of any fine imposed for the viola-
tion of such ordinances, and put them to labor, in
charge of the Superintendent of Streets, or other
proper person, on the public streets, or -squares
or' other public places within said city, and any
prisoner whilst employed outside of the city prison
on any public work, who escapes whilst so em-
ployed, or whilst going to or coriminj from said
work, is guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con -
Prisoner escap- vlctlon thereof, shall be punished- by fine of not
Ing while at work
guilty of misde-
more than three hundred dollars, or by imprison-.
ment in the city prison not'more than ninety days.
SEC. 2 Any person undergoing, or serving
Prisonerrefiising OUt a term of imprisonment in the city prison,
to work guilty of -
misdemeanor. who refuses to labor or does not labor on the
public streets -or works when so required, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon con-
viction thereof shall be punished by a fine not ex-
ceeding three hundred dollars, or by imprison-
ment, in the city prison for not exceeding ninety
days; and the Marshal is hereby empowered and
required to teed any refractory prisoner, or pris-
oners, on a diet of bread and water during the
Feed refractory time such prisoner, or prisoners, refuse to -labor
and water..
Prisoners bread or does not labor on said public'streets, or work
when required, and the Marshal may use any
measures he may deem necessary- to prevent the
escape of any prisoner, or prisoners, while at work
outside such prison.
SEC. 3. Any person who shall speak to, or in Must not speak
any way or manner correspond with any prisoner to prisoners.
while said prisoner is at work, or while such pris-
oner is on the way to or coming from such work,
without the permission of the Marshal, or other
officers having charge of such prisoner, shall up-,
on conviction thereof, be fined in a sum not ex-
ceeding three hundred dollars, or be confined in
the city jail not exceeding ninety days.
SEC. 4. All ordinances and' parts of ordi-_ Repealing clause
nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
SEc. 5. "Phis ordinance shall be in force from In force
and after its passage and approval. (Approved
March 24th, 1884.)
Ordinance Prohibiting Veterinary Hospitals Within
City Limits. /
o veterinary ' SECTION r. No person shall establish or main -
Hospital within tain d veterinary hospital, or carry on the busi-
limits of the cit
ness of veterinary surgeon; within the limits of
the city of San Luis Qbispo. (Ord. No. 92.)
Person guilty ofa SEC. 2. Any person violating any of the pro-
misdemeanorshallvisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty
be punished
of a misdemeanor, and upon the conviction there-
of, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county
jail 'not exceeding thirty days, or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
Ordinance take SEC. 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be
etre``. in force from and after its approval and publica-
tion. (Approved Oct. r, r888.}
An ordinance Regulating Wash Houses and Laundries
and Prescribing their Limits.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Unlawful to car-
SECTION I. It shall be unlawful for any person ry on Laundry
within fifty feet of
or persons to carry on, or conduct, or. work in business house, -
within the follow
any wash house or laundry in any wooden build- ing limits or to
ing or structure within fifty feet of any business lease or let•
house, dwelling or stable within the following
hinds or boundaries, or to lease or let any such
wooden building for such business within fifty
feet of any business house,. dwelling, or stable,
commencing at the intersection 'of the centre lines
of Nipoimo and Marsh streets thence N 53 7 min.
E along the centre line of Marsh street to its in
with the centre line of Osos street; thence
N 36 22 min. W along the centre line of Osos
street to its intersection with the centre line
of Monterey street, then N 26 32 min. W
along the centre line of OsOS street 275
feet; thence S 53 7 mill. W parallel with the
centre line of Marsh street to the intersection
with the centre line of _Nip Dmo street; thence
S 36 53 -min. E 125 32 feet along the centre
t to its intersection with the
line of Nipomo stree
centre line of Monterey street, thence along the
centre line of Nipomo street S 36 53 min. E to
intersection with the centre line of Marsh street
and point.of beginning.
SEC. 2. Any person violating any of the pro- Person violating
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty Provofaismioinssdemguilty
b eanor
of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine.
punished by �L fine not exceeding $ioo,oi by im-
lowed except on a written application of such
owner or anent.
Notice must be SEC, 5• Notice must be given at the office of
given twenty-four the Superintendent of Streets twenty-four hours
hours before any
public street call before any street can be opened .for 'the. purpose
be opeued for pri-
vatedrain. of laying a private drain, and no work can be
commenced or continued unless the permit for do-
ing the same, as provided for above, has been
structed in open n
All diains con SEC. (• All dCalns or sewers must be co -
trenches, structed 'in open trenches; and in openinga trench
for any drain the excavated material must be
placed so as to cause the, least practicable incon-
venience to the public, and as little as possible of
the trench must be dug until the junction piece or
branch in the street sewer is found. The sides
of the trenches that -will not stand perpendicular
must be properly braced and sheeted to prevent
jnf-orniation giv- SEC Such lnfOrmation as ay be obtained
e, to applicents. �• m
from the maps in the'City Engineer's office as
regards the location of such junction' or other
openings in, the street sewers will always be given
to applicants, but at their risk as to the accuracy
of the same.
All pipes laidnni SFC. 8- All drains or pipes must be laid in a
f°r"""clina`ion_ uniform inclination or gradient fi-oni the street
sewers to any point of the premises connectin,
with water closets, kitchen or other drains of not
less.than one-half an inch in two feet, and for cel -
Jars or other drains to receive water only, not less
than one -quarter -of an inch in two feet.
SEC. 9. All joints of stone -pipe drains must
An joints with
Portland cement, be made •with Portland cement, and the inside of
every drain after it is lurid must be made and left
smooth and 'perfectly clear, throughout its entire
length, and to insure the same it scraper of suit -
he shape of the pipe and slig
able materiel of tht-
Iv less In diameter must be drawn through each all joints tnu+t
length of of pipe after'the same has been laid. All l,e ,,,a(Ie water.
joints must be made water tight.
111 all cases "gl'`
where the trench for a stone -pipe drain passes
through quicksand or other unsafe or slushy
;round, the said drain pipe must betided upon
a layer of six inches of well compacted clay, and
after the joints of the pipes have been cemented
as provided for above, must be coated entirely Of
clay not less than four inches thick, the clay to
form a compact body, excluding effectually all
quicksand and dirt from the pipes.
SEC. 10. I n case it shall be necessary to con- In case connect
with the public
nect a drain pipe with the public sewer where no sewer.
junction is left in such sewer, the connection in
such sewer can only be made under the special
supervision and direction of the City Engineer.
SEC. I 1. For all drains extending from the All drains C
heeling laid tinder
sewers to the premises or buildings, or connecting the buildings, vit-
rified stoneware
with the iron pipes to be laid under the buildings, pipes
as provided in section 15' of this ordinance, vitri-
fied stoneware pipes, four to five inches in diam-
ger pipes shall only be used
eter will be used. Lar
by a special permit of the City Engineer and
Street Superintendent.
er the
SEC. 12. Drains placed under the floors of Drains nnducted
floors cofistructed
basements or cellars for the purpose of drain- gravelulorbaZr cul-
ing, underground water may be constructed o tnral dram -tile.
suitable fine gravel or agricultural drain tiles, I Y,
to 2 inches In diameter, laid in trenches t Y to
covered with well comot
cted clay
2Y2 feet deep, her desir-
or earth. At the .terminus, or at any such
able place outside or under the building, ,
drains must be connected with a small ti
covered brick basin or iron' box, from
110 HOUSE DRAINING AND P1,17111131 NG.
Suchdrainsmust a pipe connection consist' IC Uf 2 t0 -inch
be connected with n
a basin. stone -pipes will be extended to the street or house
sewer, the said pipe connection to be trapped at
the basin with a suitable flap -valve, and also to be
ventilated into the vent -pipe of the building.
An pipe -drains SEC. 13. All pipe drains shall be laid fair and
truetoline. true to line and grade upon secure foundation. It
is recommended to place at unavoidable angles
or turns in the course of the drain, outside of build-
ings, a curbed and tightly closed iron box or suit-
able brick manhole, .affording access for examina-
tion and cleansing of such drain.
sol- SEC.Back-filling 14. The back fillings over drains after
they are laid must be solidly rammed and pud-
died within the public street, and all roadway
material or pavement must be properly replaced
to the satisfaction of the Streets Superintendent
and the owner of the property shall keep in re-
pair any settling of the ground which occurs
within one year on account of the laying of such
drain. All gas and water pipes must be protected
lightsdisplayed gs from injury or settling. At all openings of
such trenches lights must be displayed when left
open over night, and all other necessary precau-
tions to guard the public against accidents must
be taken by the owner of the property laying such
SEC. 15. Drain and soil pipes, through which
i . and cash iron Soil water an
ppes d sewerage is to be carried, .shall be of
when within a
building. cast iron when within a building, and extend not
less than three feet beyond the front walls of such
buildings if such building is erected on the line of
the street. They shall be not less than four
inches in diameter, sound, free from holes or
other defects and securely ironed to walls, laid in
trenches to uniform grade; or suspended on floor
Suspended where timbers by . strong
they maybe readi- iron hangers, where they may
ly inspected' be readily inspected at any time, and also be sup-
plied with an 'accessible cleanout either outside or
inside of the foundation wall of the building.
And also that the said soil pipes be extended and
carried undiminished in size above the highest
point of the roof to it height of not less than two
feet. 'chat all changes in direction be made with
curved pipes, and connections with other pipes be
made with Y branches. When the house drain
or soil pipe is placed outside the building lines, `NIC11 pike is
or where there is an open space of four feet i rifiei sto,el`Pipes-
height under the house, such drain may be vitri-
fied stovepipes, Where the soil pipe passes
through or under the foundation wall of a brick
building it must be carried through an arched
opening to prevent its being d isplaced or broken
by the settlement of such wall.
SEC. 16. No trap or other obstruction to the efree toNV of
the free flow o.
free. flow of air'throu;h the whole course of the allowed.
drain and soil pipe will be allowed.
SEC. 17. Sewer soil pipe or waste pipe venti-
lators shall be constructed of brick, sheet, metal, Ventilators,
or earthen ware, and rain water leaders or chim-
ney flues shall not be used as such ventilators.
SEC. 18. No steam exhaust shall be connect- No steam ex -
haunt connected.
ed with any drain, communicating with a public
SEC. 19. A grease trap shall be constructed Grease be constructpdhal]
under the sink of every hotel, eating house, res-
taurant, and public wash house, and suitable catch
basins must be provided by fruit or meat packers
and lard rendering establishments. (Ord. No.
SEC. 20. All stone -pipe drains shall, after be- Ston -pipe drains
inspected by City
ing laid, be allowed to remain uncovered until in Fngineer,
spected by the City Engineer.
SEC. 21. Every sink, basin, bath tub, water
closet, slop hopper and each set of trays - and '
Every fixture every fixture having
having waste a waste pipe, shall b' aluriiipipe
fur -
shall trpshed nished with a trap, which shall be placed as near as
practicable to the fixture for which it is intended,
and such traps. be protected from siphonage or air
pressure by special vents or air pipes extending
from the crown of the trap, and be of the size not
less than waste pipe, but air pipes from water
closets should not be less than two-inch bore for
thirty feet or, less, and not less than three-inch
bore for more than thirty feet in length. Air or
vent pipes should run as direct as possible, and be
not less than four -inch bore where they pass
through the roof.
Waste pipes not SEC. 22. Drip of waste' pipes from refrigera-
be connected with
drain unless trap tors or other receptacles in which provisions or
suitably ventilated
fruits are stored shall not be connected with the
drain or other waste pipe, unless such waste pipes
are provided with traps suitably, ventilated, and in
every case there be an open tray between the trap
and refrigerator. All waste pipes from all inter-
ior plumbing exclusive of water closets, discharge
in an open trap hopper outside of the building.
);very water clos-
SEC. 23. Every.water closet, or line of water
et supplied with closets on the same floor, shall be supplied with
Water' water from a tank or cistern, and a flushing pipe
be not 'less than one inch in diameter.
Drip or overflow
pipes lead or SEC. 24. Drip or overflow pipes from safes
wroughtiron. ,.. under a bath,: urinal tank, water closet, or other
fixture shall be drained by a special pipe of lead
or wrought iron to some place in open sight, and
in no case should any pipe be connected directly
with the drain, waste pipe or soilpipes.
When not more SEC. 25. When not more than one water
` than one water
closet air pipe closeVon the basement and first floor of a build -
wrought iron.
ing,connects with a line of soil pipes, an air pipe
of cast or wrought iron 2 z inches in diameter ex-
tending two feet above the ridge of the roof or
fire walls, shall be used.
uil ig
SEC. 26. All leaders, SOLI, waste, OT air pipe, Atl of bpi}�enshall
s inside
i�lside of a building before being Covered up shall be tested.
be tested by having all openings stopped and then
filled with water. The test to be made in the
presence of the City Engineer.
SFC. 27. All provisions of this ordinance shall This ordinance
shall have equal
have equal force and application for <111 WOTI: force for work here
heretofore done as for wort: to be done in the fu_ toforedone.
tve; and ,ill house drains, plumbing and sewer
connections heretofore made shall be made to
conform to the requirements of this ordinance.
SEC. 28. The City Engineer shall examine all city $ugineer
p'^.ns and accompanying SpeclficatlonS, and if In examine all
accordance with the provisions of this ordinance
he shall issue a permit for the work to go on.
Any plan or specification that does not con-
form to the provisions of this ordinance shall
be by the City Engineer presented o zhe Commit-
tee on Streets, and if not the -1 approved by said
committee, shall be- returned to the parties present -
in; them with a note explaining the corrections
necessary to have them comply with the provis- Street snperin-
ions of said ordinance. The Street Superinten- tendent Sha„ ex -
dent shall examine all drain work before the same amine all drain
work before same
is enclosed or covered up, and if found to have is enclosed and
shall issue certifi-
been done in accordance with the provisions of Bate.
this ordinance and the plans and specifications
filed, he shall issued a certificate to that effect.
SEC. 29. All pipe drains to be laid from build- All p;dp e drains
ings and connected with the public sewers shall pub,ccsewers shal
be laid by drain layers to be licensed by the Coln- layer ttobeliceised
neon Council of said city. Applications'for license
shall be filed with the City Clerk, showing the ap-
plicant to be a resident of the City of San Luis
Obispo, and stating his qualifications to perform
work. Before any license shall issue, the
person so licensed shall file a bond in Before any
such li-
cense issue a bond.
the sum of
five hundred dollars, with two good and sufficient
sureties, to be approved by the president of the
- Board of Trustees of said city, conditioned for a
faithful performance of the provisions of this or -
No licensed drain dinance, so far as the same shall relate to work to
la er shall
other person to
ruse be by him performed. No licensed drain layer
his name. shall permit any other person to use his name or
license for the purpose of obtaining permits to do,
or for doing any work under his license.
journeyman plumber doing business or carrying on
his trade in said city shall register his name and
Journeymen shall address at the office of the Superintendent of
register w a
h CityClerk nd la Streets of said city, and shall file with the City
Clerk a bond in the sum of five hundr,-d dollars,
to be approved by the Mayor, conditioned for the
faithful performance of his duties as plumber.
Said bonds shall be executed with two good sure-
ties. All applications for registration shall be
made upon blanks furnished by the Board of
Street Superin- SEC. j0. It is hereby made the duty of the
tendent to see pro- Superintendent of Streets to see that the provis-
visions of section
one enforced. 1"s Of section one of this ordinance are strictly
enforced and to notify all persons by written
notice to make the necessary connections and do
the necessary work. Such notice may be given
by personal service on the owner of the property,
if found within said city; or, if he cannot be found
within said city, then by posting upon the prop-
erty and delivering a copy to any person found in
Pn erintendent possession of such property. - Said superinten-
shall file monthly dent shall file monthly with the City Clerk a re -
port to the Common Council stating the names
of the persons who have thus. been notified, the
date of service of the notice, and a'description of
the premises to be connected. He must make a
monthly report to the council of the number of
applications received, the number approved .and
rejected, also stating the number of examinations
made, and where and by whom the rules have
been violated, and to report such other matters
as may be required by the, committee on streets.
SEC. 31. If any person shall fail or refuse
for a period of ten days after being notified as Person failing
aforesaid, to make the necessary connections as forten daydent Street
in section one of this ordinance provided, or for cato
use connections
the same period shall fail or refuse to comply with to be made.
any of the provisions of this ordinance, the Street
Superintendent, when ordered by the City Coun-
cil, shall cause such connections to be made and
work to be done, providing the necessary mater-
ial and labor, at the expense of the owner of the
property, which expense shall be chargeable
against the property. Before making such con-
nection or doing such other work the City Engi-
neer shall make and deliver to the Street Super-
intendent specifications of the work to be done
and the material to be used, including all neces-
sary water closets, urinals, grease -traps, hoppers
and the like. The engineer's compensation shall be Engineer's coin -
paid by the city in the first instance, and shall be pensation.
repaid to the city by the person whose bid for the
work is accepted; if no bid is accepted -it shall be col-
lected from the property and owner, as hereinafter
provided. On receiving such specifications .the
Street Superintendent shall advert'se- for sealed
bids to furnish the material and do the work, and
shall specify therein the amount of the engineer's
compensation. Such advertisement shall be made
by posting in front of the City Hall of said city advertise'by Post
five days before the day on which bids will be =ng.
opened; and the advertisement shall name the day
and hour when bids will be opened. Each bid shall
be accompanied with a certified check, payable to
the Street Superintendent, for the amount of the
engineer's compensation, otherwise it shall not be
considered. At the time appointed the Street
Fixing and Establishing Fire Limits.
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The fire limits of the City of San Pire limits of the
Luis Obispo is fixed and established as follows, city o established
to wit: Commencing at the: intersection of the
centre lines, of High and Islay streets of said
city, and running thence northeasterly along the
centre line of Islay street to its intersection with
the centre line of Santa Rosa street; thence north-
westerly along the centre line of Santa Rosa
street to its intersection with the centre line of
Buchon street; thence along the centre line of
Buchon street, northeasterly to its intersection
with the centre line of Essex street; thence along
the centre line of Essex street, northwesterly to
its intersection with the centre line of Pacific
street; thence along the centre line of Pacific
street, northeasterly to its intersection with the
centre line of Johnson street; thence along the
centre line of Johnson street, northwesterly to
its intersection with the centre line of Mill street;
thence along the centre line of Mill street, south-
westerly to its intersection with the centre line of
Essex street; thence along the centre line of Essex
street, northwesterly to its intersection with the
centre line of Peach street; thence along the
centre line of Peach street, southwesterly to its
intersection with the centre line of Chorro street;
thence along the centre line of Chorro street,
southeasterly to its intersection with the centre
line of Mill street; thence along the centre line
of Mill street and Mill street produced, _south-
westerly to its intersection with the centre line of
Stenner creek; thence following down the centre
treet s"peril-
dent examine all 1 Su aerinteadent shall open and examine all bids and
and accept the acce
lowept the lowest by writing his acceptance on the
back thereof; he shall also write thereon the tine
within which work shall be completed,not exceed-
ing :en clays (which time he may extend for ten
days) and he shall retain such bid. Whenthe work is clone in accordance with the
specifications, the Street Superintendent shall
give the person whose bid was accepted a
certificate of the fact; and thereupon such per-
son may proceed to collect from the owner
and property the amount 'of his bid with
costs. Should no bid be made or accepted the
Street Superintendent shall report the fact to the
City Council, who may order re -advertisement or
order the Superintendent to procure the material
Costa charge in
t1��orofoityagainst and cause the work to be done. In this latter
property. event the cost (including the engineer's compen-
sation) shall be a charge in favor of the city
against the property and its owner, to be enforced
by appropriate action. (Ord. No. 63.)
SEC. 32. No person shall allow or cause rain
No person allow
surface water to or surface water to enter the public sewers, except
enter the public
sewers. by special permit of the Board of Trustees.
Violation of the SEC. 33. Any violation of Bey. of the pro -
pr inane of this Visions of this ordinance is - hereby declared. a
ordinance's misde-
meanor. misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not exceeding
one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not ex-
ceeding thirty days.
Ordinances d. SEC.
conflict repealed. 34. All ordinances in conflict with this
ordinance are hereby repealed.
effectOrdinance take SEC- 35. This ordinance shall be published
publication. such for two days in the San Luis Obispo Tribure, a
daily newspaper printed, published and circulated
in said city, and shall take effect and be in force
from and after such publication. (Approved
Nov. 7th, 1892.)
Fixing and Establishing Fire Limits.
The Board of "trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I. The fire limits of the City of San Fire limits of the
Luis Obispo is fixed and established as follows, city of Batt rhea
Obispo established
to wit: Commencing at the intersection of the
centre lines, of High and Islay streets of said
city, and running thence northeasterly along the
centre line of Islay street to its intersection with
the centre line of Santa Rosa street; thence north-
westerly along the centre line of Santa Rosa
street to its intersection with the centre line of
Buchon street; thence along the centre line of
Buchon street, northeasterly to its intersection
with the centre line of Essex street; thence along
the centre line of Essex street, northwesterly to
its intersection with the centre line of Pacific
street; thence along the centre line of Pacific
street, northeasterly to its intersection with the
centre line of Johnson street; thence along the
centre line of Johnson street, northwesterly to
its intersection with the centre line of Mill street;
thence along the centre line of Mill street, south -
intersection with the centre line of
westerly to its
long the centre line of Essex
Essex street; thence a
street, northwesterly to its intersection with the
centre line of Peach street; thence along the
centre line of Peach street, southwesterly to its
intersection with the centre line of Chorro street;
thence along the centre line of Chorro street,
southeasterly to its intersection with the centre
line of Mill street; thence along the centre line
of Mill street and Mill street produced, _south-
westerly to its intersection with the centre line of
Stenner creek; thence following down the centre
line of Stenner creek, southerly, to its junction
with the centre line of San Luis Obispo creek;
thence following clown the centre of San Luis
Obispo creel:, southerly to its intersection with
the centre line of South street; thence along the
centre line of South street, southeasterly to its
intersection with the centre line of Beebee street,
thence along the centre line of Beebee street,
northeasterly to its intersection with the centre
line of High street; thence along the centre line
of High street, southeasterly to the point of be-
Ordinances in SEC. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances
conflict repealed. in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re-
pealed, in so far as they conflict.
effect. SEC-
stake SEC 3, This ordinance shall be published at
least twice in the San .Luis Obispo Republic, a
daily newspaper printed and published in said
city and shall take effect and be in force from
and after such publication. (Approved Feb. nth,
Concerning the Fire Department of the City of San Luis
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTION I: A fire department of the city of Afire department
San Luis Obispo is hereby created which shall be li e r e b y created
what to co istst of.
known as the San Luis Obispo Fire Depai-linent
and which shall consist of one Chief Engineer, a
First Assista-it Engineer, a Second Assistant En-
gineer, a Secretary, Treasurer and all such regu-
larly organized fire companies now or hereafter
or;anized in this city, as shall be admitted to said
fire department by the Board of Trustees of the
said city, on the recommendation of the Board of
Delegates of the Fire Department, and which
shall comply with the provisions and.requirements
of this ordinance which shall have been or may
hereafter be passed by this board. (Ord. No..
SEC. 2. Not less that 8 and not more that 20 Not less than S
members shall be allowed to a Fire Engand not more thanine Com- 20 members.
pany; not less than 8 and not not more than 20
shall constitute a Hook and Ladder Company;
and not less than 8 and not more than 20 mem-
bers shall constitute a Hose Company.
SEC. 3. On the first Monday in January and secretary shall
make out inventory
July of each year, the secretary of each company of all property.
shall make out and deliver to the Chief Engineer
a full and correct inventory of all property of the
city in its charge or under its control, certified by
its foreman and secretary.
SEC. 4. Repealed by Ord. No. 88,
SEC. 5. An election shall be annually held by Election.
the fire department of said city for the election of
Chief Engineer and First and Second Assistant
Engineers. Said election_ shall be held on the
last Saturday in February in each year, at such
time and place and under such rules and regula-
tions as shall be designated by the Board of Del-
egates for regular and special elections, and the
officers then elected shall hold office until the
first Saturday of March of the following year, and
until the election and qualification of their suc-
cessors. The secretary of the fire department
shall notify each company in good standing of
such election, and said notices shall be read in
open meeting of each company at the stated
meeting next -before said election, and a copy of
the notice shall be conspicuously posted in each
gine house at least 5 days before an election.
Proc--dure. 1V o person shall vote at any cy-eneral or special
election provided for in this ordinance who has
not been a certified member of said department at
least 30 clays before such election, Said First
and Second Assistant Engineer shall be elected
from the members of the department in the same
manner as is provided for the election of the
Chief Engineer. At such annual election there
shall be provided by the secretary of the depart-
ment, a ballot box into which the members of the
department shall deposit their ballots for Chief
Engineer, First Assistant Engineer and Second
Assistant Engineer. In all cases the person re-
ceiving the highest number of votes for any office
shall be elected. At every election whether regu-
lar or special, the inspector shall be furnished by
the secretary of the department, with the list of
the names of the members of each of the com-
panies whose members are entitled to vote at the
election, which list shall be certified by the said
secretary and as each member votes he shall an-
nounce his name and one of the inspectors shall
write opposite his name on the list the word
"voted" which list, together with the tally lists
shall be returned to the secretary of the Board of
Delegates. The poll lists and the tally lists for
for all elections to be held under the provisions of
this ordinance shall be furnished by the secretary
of the Board of Delegates; also a ballot box
therefor. No compensation shall be allowed to
the inspectors of the said election. (Ord. No.
SEC. 6. Repealed by Ord. No. 88.
SEC. 7. In case of a vacancy in the office of
VacChief Engineer, First Assistant Engineer or filled*
Second Assistant Engineer, the vacancy shall be
filled by special election; provided, that if such
vacancy shall occur within two months preceding
the time of the annual election, the Board of Del-
egates shall fill such vacancy. A special election
En -
to fill the vacancy in the office of the Chief En-
gineer, First Assistant Engineer or Second As-
sistant Engineer shall be called in the same man-
ner as a regular election, and the same notice of
time and place of all special elections shall be
given that is required for annual elections. (Ord.
No. 88.)
SFC. S. All elections held as provided for in flections shall
this ordinance shall commence at 4 o'clock p. M. commence.
and close at 9 o'clock p. in., and proclamation
shall be made at the time of closing by one of the
inspectors in a distinct voice at the polls,
SEC. 9. As soon as any election shall close, the As soon as elec
tion shall close in
inspector shall proceed to count the ballots and eep s ector shall conn
tally lists, and when the count shall have been com- ballots.
pleted, the result shall be certified to by all the
n duplicate and one certified
Board of election, i
poll list and one tally list shall be retained by the
inspectors for one year after such election, and the
other shall be delivered to the secretary of the Board
of Delegates without unnecessary delay by one
of the inspectors of said election. The number
of votes received by each candidate for each office
to be filled at such election shall be extended and
written out in full. The ballot with the ballot
box sealed, shall be delivered to the secretary of
the Board of Delegates with the election returns.
Canvass recti ns. SEC. Io. At its first meeting after the secre-
/J tary shall have received the returns and the bal-
/� lots at any election held under the provisions of
this ordinance, for Chief Engineer or Assistant
Engineer, the Board of Delegates of said fire
partment shall. canvass the said returns and de-
clare the result, a minute of which shall be entered
upon the journal of the proceedings of the board,
and the board shall issue certlLcates to those
elected, signed by its president and countersigned
by its secretary.
Engineer, Assist- . SEC. I I. Each Engineer, Assistant Engi-
ant Engineer, sec- neer, secretaryand treasurer, on receiving his
retary, Treasurer
shall take oath of certificate of election or appointment, shall take
and subscribe to the Constitutional oath of office,
before some officer authorized to administer oaths,
which shall be endorsed upon or attached to his
certificate and filed therewith by the City Clerk
in his office.
An officers shad SEC. 12. _ All officers elected at regular elec-
hola for one year. t1Ons under the provisions of this order, shall
hold for one year, commencing on the first Sat-
urday after their" election and until the qualifica-
tion of their respective legal successors, unless
sooner removed from office for valid cause shown
as hereinafter provided.
I must - SEC. 13. The Engineers herein provided for
have been active:
members one year. must have been active members of the fire de-
FIRr I)rrART1Ir T. 123
partment of said city at least one year previous
to such election.
SEC. 14. It shill be the duty of the Chief t sl al be duty
of Chief Engineer
Engineer and he shall have power: and he shall h'
Ist. To superintend, direct, and control the-
action of officers and members of the fire depart- llirect memUe s.
went at all fires.
2d. To order the removal or destruction of
any house or other structure, and to do and per- order the re-
moval of structure.
form any other act which may be necessary to
stay the progress of fire.
3d. To superintend the affairs of the depart- Superintend the
ment and see that all apparatus and supplies nec- affairs of Depart-
essary for use at a fire are kept in good condition ment,
and ready for use.
.4th. To report to the Board of Trustees Report to Board
quarterly on the third Monday of January, April, of Trustees.
July, and October the number, location and con-
ditions of cisterns, fire plugs and fire apparatus,
and the state of fire company houses, and all
property of the city in keeping of said depart-
ment. Also all accidents by fire which may have
taken place, with the causes thereof, and the de-
scription of the property destroyed or injured,
the names of the owners of the same and amount
of loss and insurance; also such other information
and recommendations as he may deem proper.
He shall furthermore inquire into and report the
causes of all fires.
5th. To suspend any company .for disobed- Suspend any
fence of orders until action thereon can he had by company.
the Board of Trustees.
6th. To take charge of all property belong- Take charge °f
ing to the city and under the control:. of any dis- an property.
banded or suspended company, and hold the same
subject to the directions of the Board of Trustees.'
Sign all certificates 7th. To sign all certificates of membership
. properly made out.
Deliver to his 8th• To deliver to his successor in office all
successor property. records, papers and property pertaining to his
Act Warden. 9th. Fire 9th. He shall act as Fire Warden and see
that all premises in the city are kept in condition
of safety against fire.
Noliability SEC. 15. No liability shall be incurred against
against city. the city'on account of the fire department except
as shall be ordered or approved by the Board of
Board of Dele- SEC. 16. The Board of Delegates of said fire
gates may remove
any officer. department may, for good cause shown and en-
tered on its minutes, and after fair and ,just hear-
ing, and trial had,'remove any officer elected or
appointed under the provisions of this ordinance,
or any member of this department. Reasonable
notice of the charges preferred, and time fixed
for trial, shall be given through the secretary of
the Board of Delegates to the accused officer or
member, before the trial shall be had.
Chief Engineer SEC. 17. ,. The. Chief Engineer, if present, shall
have control. have control and command of all operations of
the department at. fires. If the Chief Engineer
is not present at any fire the First Assistant En-
gineer shall have such control and command, and
if neither the Chief Engineer nor the First As-
sistant Engineer is present, then the Second As-
sistant Engineer' shall have such control and
command. All the members of the fire depart-
ment shall obey, '.he orders of the officers in
charge at any fire, and it shall be the duty of all
the companies of the department with their ap-
paratus, and all of the members of the company,
to turn out at any fire unless otherwise directed.
(Ord. No. 88.)
1� Chief )~ngineer
SEC. 18. The Chief Engineer shall tla\'e have charge of all
charge, subject to the Board of Trustee
ts, of ail property.
property of the department.
SEC. ICS. Every fire company hereafter organ- Every -Fire com-
piny file a certifi-
ized shall, before it is admitted into the depart- care•
ment, file with the secretary of the Board of
Delegates, a certificate showing:
First: The date of its organization.
Second: Names of its officers, when and for
how long they are elected or appointed.
Third: The time of the regular meetings and
regular elections.
Fourth: The names of all of its active members
in good standing.
Alike certificate shall be made and filed annual- A like certificate
ly with the said secretary not less than 30 Clays filed annually.
before the annual election.
Such certificate shall be signed by the foreman-sigs.,l, crtifiente reman
and secretary of each company.. (Ord. No. 88.)
All Fire Com -
SEC. 20. All fire companies and all members panies shall be sub -
thereof, shall be subject to the rules and regula- ject to rules
tions in this ordinance contained, or which may
hereafter be established by said Board of Trus-
SEC. 2I. No person shall be a member of No person shall
be a member who
said fire department, or of any company of said isnotatleast IS.
department, who is not at least 18 years of age.
SEC, 22. None of the fire apparatus of said None of the fire
apparatus shall be
department shall be taken out of the city without taken ont of the
the consent of the Board of Trustees, except in city.
case of fire, and then only by order of the Chief
Engineer, or Engineer in charge.
SEC. 23. The fire. department shall be gov
The Fire Depart- erned by a Board of Delegates who shall be
ment shall be gov-
erned by a Board knower as the "Board of Fire Delegates of the
of Delegates. City of San Luis Obispo,'' and shall be elected
from the several fire companies of the depart-
ment at their stated meetings in the month of
February of each year,, except the first, election
of delegates, which shall be at the first regular
company meeting after the adoption and publica-
tion of this ordinance, and the delegates shall or-
ganize on the first Monday after their election.
Said board shall consist of three active members
from each fire company in the department, and
shall have exclusive charge and control of all
matters appertaining to the government of said
department, and shall have power to adopt such
rules and regulations for the government of the
same as shall not conflict with this ordinance.
Said board shall meet for organization on the last
Wednesday. of February in each year at 8 o'clock
p. m., at the City Hall.
Secretaryshallbe SEC. 24. A secretary (who shall also be secre-
BoardofDelegat se tary of the fire department) shall be elected by
the Board of Delegates immediately upon its or-
ganization, and shall hold office on the last Wed-
nesday in February of the year following or
until his successor is elected and qualified. He
shall issue certificates of active membership and
of exemption of all members of the fire depart -
merit who may be entitled to receive the same,
and shall perform such other duties as may be
provided in this ordinance, or in the rules and
regulations of the Board of Delegates-
Chief Engineer SEC. 25. The Chief Engineer shall be noti-
shall be notified at b
once of any neces- fled at once of any neces,ary repairs to houses,
„- sorry repairs.
apparatus, &c., and all communications to the
Board of Trustees in reference to said. matters,
shall pass through his hands for approval or dis:
approval prior to coming before the board.
SEC. 26. The compensation of the Chief En- compensation of
the Chief Engineer
gineer for all services rendered by him both as shall be $25 pei
Chief, Engineer and Fire Warden shall be $25.00 month.
per month.
SEC. 27. A treasurer of the fire department
shall be elected at the annual meeting of the ATreeaas rer shalt
be d.
Board of Delegates. He shall take charge of
and receipt for all moneys of said fire department
and Board of Delegates, and shall perform such
other duties as may be provided by the rules and
regulations of the Board of Delegates.
SEC. 28. Each company shall be allowed and Each Company
allowed ten dollars
paid ten dollars per month from the city treasury.
SEC. 29. Any pe; son interfering with or ob- Any person in-
structing the fire department at a fire, or going to terfering With Fire
Department at fire
or returning therefrom, shall be guilty of a misde- guilty of misde
meanor and punishable by a fine not exceeding meanor.
$ioo.00, or imprisonment not exceeding fifty
days, or by both such fine or imprisonment; and
such Iverson may be summarily arrested by any
police officer or fireman upon the verbal order of
the fire department officer in command at the
SEc. 3o. There shall be an engineer for the an her"egishall for
fire engine,who shall be appointed by the Board of thefire engine ap
pointed ,by the
Trustees; to hold office during the pleasure of the Board of Trustees.
board. Such engineer shall be ex -officio janitor
of the City Hall and steward of the fire depart-
ment. His compensation shall be at the rate of
of sixty-five dollars per month, which shall be
in full for all his services as engineer, janitor and
steward. He shall 'reside within one hundred
yards of the City Hall, and shall at no time ex-
ceed one hundred yards therefrom, except on duty
with. the fire engine; provided, however, that a
majority of the Board of T�istees, either by an
order entered upon the minutes, or by a writing
duly signed, may grant him leave of absence for
a definite time, upon him furnishing a substitute
at his own cost, who shall be subject'to all the
laws, ordinances and rules covering the engineer.
*See Ord. No. 81.
All ordinances SEC. 2, All ordinances or parts of ordinancs
in conflict with
this ordinance and In COnfliCt with this ordinance and with Ordi-
43 ordinance
No nance No.
43, above referred to, are hereby re-
pealed, in so far as they conflict. (Ord. No. 44.)
It shall be nn- . SEC. 31. It shall be unlawful:
lawful to cause a
false alarm' Frst: To willfully cause a false alarm of fire.
To mctilate or Second: To willfully mutilate or damage any
damage property. property used by the fire. department.
To use for pri-
Third: To use for private purposes, or for any
vatepurposes. purposes other than such as are necessary or con-
venient for use of the fire department, any fire
ladders, hose, trucks, engine or other apparatus
belonging to or connected with the -fire depart-
Ti? take water Fourth: To take water from any fire plug, cis -
during a are tern or other source of supply of this city for fire
purposes, during a fire, except under the direction
of an officer in charge of, or in command of the
To drive across Fifth: To ride or drive any dray, truck or other
hose. vehicle across any fire hose while in use, unless
such hose is protected so as to prevent any pos-
sible injury to it.
Any personvio_ Sixth: Any person violating any of the provis-
,shed, gshallbepun- ions of this section shall, upon Conviction, be
punished by. a fine of not more than $200, or by
imprisonment not more than go days, or by both
such fine and imprisonment. (Ord. No. 88.)
This ordinance shall be published by posting,
This ordinance and shall take effect and be in force from and
shall take effect. after such posting. (Approved Dec. 2,. 1889.)
Fire Proof Buildings and Limits of.
SECTION i. The following described portion The following
of the city of San Luis Obispo is established described portion
of the City of San
and shall be known as "The Fire Proof Building Lnis Obispo is es-
taished and shall
District," and the rules and regulations herein- beblknown as "The
Fire Proof Build -
after contained shall apply to said district and to in; District."
all buildings that may hereafter be constructed
within said district; and also to all buildings now
in said district when specially referred to, to wit:
Commencing at the stone monument at the inter-
section of the centre line of Nipomo street with
the old center line of Higuera street (said monu-
ment having been set by H. C, Ward, City Sur-
veyor, in 1875 and 1876), thence S 36 deg 53 min
E along the centre line of Nipomo street 12712
feet; thence N 53 deg 7 minutes E along the line
that is parallel to, and distant S 36 deg 53 min E
127% feet ftom the old centre line of Higuera
street (as defined by the stone monuments set by
said Ward in 1875 and 1876) to the centre line of
Morro street; thence N 56 deg 46 minutes E par-
allel to the new southerly line of Higuera street
(from Morro to Toro streets) and distant S 36 deg
14 minutes E go feet therefrom to the intersec-
tion with the westerly line of Osos street; thence
along the westerly line of .Osos street northwest-
erly to a point on said line that is distant N 36
deg 22 min W 135 feet from the intersection of
the old centre of Monterey street (as defined by
the monuments set by H.- C. Ward in 1875 and
1876) with the westerly line of Osos street; thence
S 54 deg 6 min W along a line that is parallel to
and distant N 35 deg, 54 mins W 135 feet from -
said old centre line of Monterey street to the in-
tersection with a line that is parallel to and_ dis-
tant N 53 deg 38 min E go feet from the easterly
line of Morro street; thence N 36 degs 22 mins
W along said parallel line to the easterly line of
Morro street to the intersection with the south-
erly line of Palm street; thence along the south-
erly line of. Pam street S 53 degs 38 mins W to
the easterly line of Chorro street; thence S 36
degs 22 mins E along the easterly line of Chorro
street to intersection with the southerly line of
West Monterey street produced easterly; thence
along the southerly line of West Monterey street
`S ,3 degs 7 mins to the easterly line of Broad
street; thence S36_ degs 53 mins E along the
easterly line of Broad street to the intersection
with a line that 'is parallel to and distant N 36
degs 53 mins W 12212 feet from the above men-
tioned old centre line of Higuera street; thence S
53 degs 7 mins W parallel to said old centre
line of Higuera street to the intersection with the
centre line of Nipomo street; thence S 36 degs 53
mins E along centre line'of Nipomo street 122lz
feet to stone monument at intersection of old cen-
tre line of Higuera street, the -point of beginning.
(Ord. No. go.)
SEC. 2. - All buildings hereafter erected shall be
Buildings here- brick or stone buildings: All others are forbid -
after erected shall
be briek or stone, den; p-ov dell, that what- are known, as "Iron
Buildings" may be erected on obtaining a permit
from the City Council.
Foot Walls. SEC- 3. All foot walls shall be brick, stone -or
concrete, not less than 36 inches in thickness and
may batter up. '
Side and Party SEC- 4. All side and party walls shall extend
from the foot walls through and four feet above
the roof. Said walls shall thoroughly separate all
exterior and interior wood work—and the roof—
from any adjoining building. The distance be-
tweea said side or party walls shall not exceed
66 feet.
SEC. 5. All outer walls shall be of the fol-
lowing thickness: For a one story building
the basement shall not be less than 16 inches
and the first story not less than 12 inches.
For a two story building the basement shall not
be less than 16 inches, the first story not less
than 12 inches and the second story not less than
8 inches. For a three story building the basement
shall notbe less than 20 inches, first story not less
than 16 inches, the second story not less than 12
inches and the third story not less than 8 inches.
For a four story building the basement shall not
be less than 20 inches, the first and second stories
not less than 16 inches, and the third and four,h
stories not less than 12 inches.
outer walls.
one story.
Two story.
Three story.
Vour story.
SEC. 6. Party walls. For a three story build- Party walls.
ing or less, each party wall shall be 20 inches
thick for the basement and 12 inches for first and
second stories and S inches for third story. For
a four story building each party wall shall be 20
inches thick for the basement and 16 inches for
the first story, 12 inches for the second and third
stories, and eight inches for the .fourth story.
Party walls to be solid brick or stone walls.
Should openings be required in said walls they openings.
shall not exceed 6 feet in width and shall have a
sold brick arch formed with three rollocks, and
shall have double wood doors covered with tin on Doors.
side and edges at -each side of the wall; and not
more than two openings shall be allowed in said
walls for each story.
7 If a corner building add four inches corner building.
SEC. here Front or rear walls ;
to any bearing walls having openings. W
front or rear wall carrying joists or timbers add
four inches. If a building is over ioo feet in
depth, without cross walls, add four inches to all
Interior cross
walls 12 inch bearing walls. Interior cross walls may
be four inches less th n bearing walls, but must
walls. be 12 inches. Division walls same as outer walls.
If they support floor timbers on both sides, same
Fire walls.
as party walls. Fire walla shall be 8 inches thick
above roof. All partitions in the basement and
first story shall be of brick. All stud partitions
shall have two rows of bridging in each story;
said bridging shall finish flush ,with the face of
the studs, and if furring is used on brick walls the
spaces between same shall be stopped twice each
story with pieces of equal thickness to break the
The roof shall be covered with metal, or
with asphaltum covered with gravel or with some
fire proof material. No brick or stone walls shall
. Stringersofwood be supported upon stringers of wood, and no.
stone or iron steps shall be set upon wooden car -
riages. The height of the building shall not ex-
ceed four stories above basement.
Inverted brick
SEC. 8. Inverted brick arches. All exterior
columns, piers, and jambs of openings shall be
supported by inverted brick or stone arches in
all buildings above one story.
SEC. 9. Materials. No swelled or refused
brick shall be allowed in any wall or pier; and
brick used in the construction, alteration or re-
pair of any, building or part thereof, shall be
Z!, hard, well burned brick The mortar
used in the construction, alteration or. repair of
any building shall be composed of lime or cement,
mixed with sand in a proportion of three of sand
to one of lime, and two of sand to one of cement;
and no lime or sand mortar shall be used within
24 hours after being mixed. No inferior lime or
cement shall be used; and all sand shall be clean,
sharp grit and free from loam; and all joints and
all walls shall be entirely filled with mortar.
SEC. io All side or party and front and rear
walls of any building 15 feet high or more shall `V An side or Party
be built up and extended at least four feet above
the roof; provided, that where partition walls are
carried up or where mansard or French roofs are
built the partition and division walls shall be car-
ried at least 4 feet above the roof. And where a
mansard or French roof, or a roof having 3o deg
pitch or over, shall be placed on any brick build-
ing the same shall be constructed as follows: The. RoorShanbecon-
roof shall'be covered on the outside with metal, ,
tructed how
asbestos being placed between the metal and
boarding, or with cement laid on wire lathing, or
with tiles, and lathed with iron laths, or wire
lathing and finished with 3 good coats of the best
lime mortar on the inside. If there is a level
platform over the sloping sides, then it shall be
constructed in the same manner as before men-
tioned for the sloping portion. The coverings of
all steeples, towers and turrets shall be of fire
proof material.
SFC: I i. No person shall build a bay or
oriel window which shall project over the line of Bay or oriel win -
any street more than three feet, or more than g
in width, nor shall the bottom of said bay or oriel
window be less than thirteen feet from the side-
walk. No bay or oriel window shall be- con-
structed upon any street, lane, alley, or place less
than 35 feet in width. No swelled front shall be 6wd1edfro111.
erected unless the walls are entirely of fire proof
material, and no bay or oriel window shall pro-
ject from any swelled front. Bay or oriel win-
dows constructed in brick buildings shall, for, a
two story building, have piers of not 'less than six
feet in width between them, and for a four story
building the pier separating said windows shall'
not be less than eight feet in width; and no bay
or oriel window shall be more than four stories in
height above the sidewalk. No bay or oriel win-
dow shall be erected on the corner of 'any brick
building. The joists of bay windows shall be
supportedshall be supported on lintels of iron on each story, said
lintels to be the full width' of the wall and rest
eight inches on each jam, -and the top of the
opening shall be covered with a brick or stone
arch. The exterior frame work of such bay win-
dow or oriel windows shall be covered with fire-
proof material.
No cornice or SEC. 12. No cornice, entablatures, belt courses,
wood placed on wooden awnino-s or other ornamental projections
any brick building. b
of wood shall be placed on any brick' building.
All exterior cornices, entablatures, belt courses and
other projections of an ornamental character
shall be constructed of some fire -proof material
--if of iron to be riveted together with rivets not
more than two inches apart—and shall be sup-
ported on wrought, iron brackets built into the
wall at distances not to exceed two feet apart; and
in every instance the greatest weight of stone,
iron or other material of which they shall be
composed shall be on the inside of the outer line
of the. wall on which they may rest—in the pro-
portion of four of wall to two of cornice in
weight. Allowance must be made for the excess
of leverage produced by, the projection -of cornice
beyond the face of the wall. All cornices shall
be well secured to the wall with iron anchors, in-
dependent of any wood work; and in all cases
the wall shall be carried up to the planking of the
roof; and when the roof is below the cornice
then the walls shall be carried up to the top of
the cornice, or the blocking over the same, and
shall be coped with some fire -proof material. All
wooden cornices or gutters on brick buildings
that are now or may hereafter become unsafe,
shall be taken down and reconstructed of some
fireproof material, upon an order from the City
SEC. 13. All brick -anti stone buildings here- Brick buildings
after erected more than one storyin height shall shallhereft a erected
J shin have doors
have doors and shutters made of two thicknesses and shutters.
of wood and covered with tin, on every window
or entrance that is within thirty feet of any oppo-
site or diagonally exposing building. Same shall
be hung on the outside of the building upon iron
supports, and above, the first story shall be so ar-
ranged as to be opened from the outside.
One door in the front and rear of each store—
in first story or basement.—shall be fastened with
a lock only.
Any building already erected shall be changed
to conform with the requirements of this section,
if it shall be deemed necessary by the City
SEC. 14. The openings through or upon each 4openings through
floor of any building in which there is a hoist or or upon each floor,
elevator car not running in a shaft shall be pro-
tected by sufficient gates, and shall also be closed
at each floor by sufficient trap doors, to be closed
at night; and every elevator car and hoist shall be
provided with proper apparatus to prevent the
falling of the car Or hoist In the event of any acci-
dent to the ropes, pulleys or other hoisting appar-
atus. All passenger elevators shall be run in a Passenger eleva
shaft, which shall be formed with brickwork not tors.
less than twelve inches in thickness, or it is to be
formed of substantial frame work, each side of
which shall be covered with smoke -proof iron
laths or wire lathing and finished with three good
coats of mortar, and said shaft shall pass up
through the roof at least three feet, and shall be
covered with a ventilating skylight;.; glazed with
light glass. Doors in such shafts shall be cover-
ed with metal on the inside, and so placed that
they can be opened or closed from the inside, and
shall be entirely under the control of the elevator
operator. Openings for windows in such shafts
shall not exceed three feet by six feet in size, one
window to be allowed to each story, the frames
and sashes to be of metal, glazed with prismatic
Open passenger elevators within the well -holes
of fire -proof stairs are not prohibited if said stairs
are enclosed within brick walls extending through
the roof.
Light shafts. Light shafts shall be formed with substantial
framing, both sides of which shall be covered
with smoke -proof iron laths or- with wire lathing,
and finished with three coats of mortar. The
frames and sashes in said light wells are to be
formed with metal and glazed with thick glass.
Scuttle framSEC. 15. All store buildings over one story'
es. high, whether already erected or hereafter to be
built, shall have scuttle frames, and covers or
bulkheads shall be. kept so as to be ready for use
at all times, and all scuttles shall not be less in
size than 2x3 feet; and if a bulkhead . is used or
substituted in any building in place 'of .a scuttle,
itshall have stairs with a sufficient guard or hand-
rail leading to the roof. The door in any bulk-
head or any scuttle shall at no time be locked,
but may be fastened on the inside by movable
bolts or hooks.
Skylights. - All skylights in frame buildings, not enclosed
with substantial railings at least three feet high,
shall . be protected with screens of No. io or
heavier wire, the meshes to be not more than one
and a half inches, such ,screen to be secured to
the sash and be kept four inches above the glass.
All skylights placed in brick buildings shall be
made of metal and glazed with glass not less than
three -sixteenth of an inch in thickness.
SEc. 16. All buildings which may hereafter be Chimneys.
erected or altered or changed, where fire is to be
or may be used, shall have chimneys of brick or
stone attached to thein. In lieu of either brick
or stone, all said chimneys now erected or here-
after to be erected, or altered or changed, may
have any kind of chimney for which U. S. patents
have been issued, except terra cotta, provided that
no patent chimney shall be placed on or attached
to any buildings unless the name of the patentee
and the date of the letters patent shall be stamped
on each chimney, so that the same can be readily Chimneys of
seen; provided, that whenever chimneys of either either brick or
stone are used,
brick or stone are used,or attached to buildings,the
same shall commence on the ground and be
carried up at least four feet above the extreme
height of the building to which they are attached;
and should such chimney be deemed unsafe to the
building or buildings adjoining, by the City Council,
they shall be carried up at least four feet above
the extreme height of said building or buildings
Chimneys in
adjoining. All chimneys in present frame build- frame buildings
ings shall be built so as not to .increase the size shall be built so as
not to increase in
from the foundation. When flues are built"in Size from n flue-
tion. When flues
brick walls, the same shall be carried u at least be carriedlt
a at
p be carried up at
two -feet above the fire wall and subject to the fi ewawofeetabove
same rule as the chimneys, and no flue or chim-
ney shall have any joist or timber resting on or
entering in the same further than will leave at
least six inches between the end thereof and the Patent chimneys
inside of the chimney or flue. All patent chim- standing on floor
of st be
neys standing on the floor of a building must be seton iron plate. _ g Seton iron plata
set on an iron plate one-fourth of an inch thick,
well secured to the floor. There must be an
opening near the bottom of the chimney for the
purpose of cleaning the same, with a cover to fit
the opening—the cover to be smoke tight. A11
the joints to be -cemented, and when bands are
used they must be filled with cement or plaster of
Paris; so as to make them smoke and spark tight.
When galvanized iron is used for bands, or for
the outside of the chimney, it shall he the best
NO. 24 iron, and the same riveted together, the
rivets to be not more than three inches apart; all
seems and joints to be smoke tight. When fire-
places are built on the floor, they shall rest on
trimmer arches, the header kept at least eighteen
inches from face of chimney breast. The backs
of all fire places shall be not less than eight inches
No patent shim- thi
ney shall be less patent No chimy ne shall be less than one
than one and half
inches from wood_ ainches 'and a half hfrom the woodwork;
- the Open-
work. ing in the roof shall be covered with cast iron
plate or some other fire -proof m--lterial. No patent
chimney on the inside or outside of a building
shall be fastened to the laths or siding of the
building, but shall be securely fastened to the
studding or cross plates with good iron straps or
rods, and in no case shall such patent chimney be
suspended to any roof timber or floor beam, but
shall be built from the floor up solidly, and of
good, sound material in workmanlike manner.
Every chimney or flue shall be pargeted on the
inside with good parging mortar, or the joints
shall be struck smooth on the inside and outside.
SEC. 17. No smoke flues of brick shall be
is smoke ane°t less than 8Y8 inches in the clear; for abakery the
bricl� shall be less
than 8x8 inches in
the clear, oven fluesshall be not less than .1 2x r 2 inches in
the clear; and for factories the flues shall be in
proper proportion to the fire or grate surface. All
furnaces and bake oven flues shall have the sides,
back and front of brickwork not less than eight
inches in. thickness, or .such flues may, be built of
bre clay or iron pipe set in fire clay mortar; Pro-
;vided, said pipe shall have not less than one Inch
of an air space and four inches of brick work
around it. All boiler flues shall be lined with four
inches of fire brick laid in fire clay to the height
of fifteen feet on the top of the second story
joist floor beams; and no flue shall be used as a
furnace or boiler flue unless the same conforms
to the requirements of this section, and unless
the same is used as such before the passage of
this ordinance; and all such flues, if out of order
or dangerous, shall be made safe in the manner
herein specified. In no building, whether the
same be a frame building or otherwise, shall any
woodwork be placed on or in a wall within eight
inches of any flue—whether the same be a
smoke, air or other flue—nor shall any timber be
placed under any fire place or hearth stone, nor
shall any wainscoting, base, furring, heading or
any other woodwork be placed against ativ smoke
flue unless there is at least eight inches of solid
brick work between it and the flue.
SEC. 18. No steam pipes shall be placed clos- Steam pipes.
er to wood than three inches, and if said space is
objectionable it shall be protected by a soapstone
oreirthen ring or tube. No smoke pipe in any smoke pipe.
building with wooden or combustible floors_ and
ceilings shall enter any flue, unless the said pipe
shall be at least eighteen inches from either floors
or ceiling; and in cases where smoke pipes pass
through wooden partitions of any kind,' whether
the same be plastered or not, they shall'be guard-
ed by either a double collar of, metal—with at
least four inches of air space and holes for venti-
lation—or by a soapstonering not less than three
inches in thickness and extending through the
partition, or by a solid coat of plaster of Paris ,
three inches thick from the pipe, or by an earth-
enware ring three inches from the pipe. In all build -
Where a brick 1n 1 w
cfiimveyinto which ahere there is a brick chimney or flue into
stovepipes enter. which stovepipes enter, there shall be either a dou-
ble collar—with at least four inches of air space and
holes for ventilation—or an earthen receiving pipe
extending from the inner side of the chimney or
flue and coming out flush with the outer side of
the plastering. In all cases where hot water,
Hot water, steam steam, hot air or other furnaces are used, the fur -
furnaces. nace smoke pipe must be kept at least two feet
below the beams or ceilings above the same, un-
less said beams or ceilings shall be properly.pro-
tected by a shield of tin plate suspended above
said smoke pipe, with sufficient space for the free
circulation of air above and below said shield,
and the smoke pipe shall, in all cases, be kept at
least eight inches from the beams or ceiling as
aforesaid, and the top of all'furnaces set in brick
must be covered with brick, slate or tin plates,
supported by iron bars, and so constructed as to
be perfectly tight; said covering to be in addition
to, and not less than six inches from the ordinary
covering to the hot air,chamber. If, however,there
is not height enough to build the furnace top at
least four inches below the floor beams or ceiling,
then the floor beams must be trimmed around the
furnace and covering trimmers and headers must
be at least four inches from the same. The top
- of portable furnace or furnaces not set in brick
must be kept at least one foot below the beams
of ceiling, with a shield 'of tin plate—made tight
and suspended below.the said beam or ceiling—
and extend one foot beyond the furnace on all
No person shall r"
SEC, g. No person or persons shall erect or
erect furnace for cause to be erected, or shall maintain or use, any
melting iron with-
out permission, cupola, furnace, or other appliance for melting
iron or other metal, or shall erect or cause to be
erected, or shall maintain or use any steam en-
uine, or boiler, or steam boiler, without permis=
sion from the City Council; and no such permit
to erect or use any steam en gine or boiler, or
steam boiler, shall be granted unless the person
applying for the same shall file with the City
Council a certificate signed by the manufacturer
or by a competent engineer, who shall also be a
comnetent boiler inspector, of the soundness of
the same at the date of the application for said
permit. And the person or persons to whom
ranted shall employ ooy a com- Person to
said permit may be whom perall is
petent person to attend to such engine and boiler, ploy"tad competent
or steam boiler, who shall have a certificate of person.
his competency signed by the said engineer; such
certificate shall be filed in the office of the chief
engineer. All cupolas, furnaces, engines and
boilers, or steam boilers, must be constructed,
erected and maintained to the satisfaction of the
City Council.
SFC. 2o. All boiler rooms or boiler houses Boiler rooms shalt
be so arranged that
hereafter erected shall be built of brick, stone or ba dose ing doors
iron, and shall be so arranged that all openings covered with tin.
between said boiler room or house and other
parts of the building in which it is placed shall
be closed by doors of wood covered on both
sides and edges with tin. And if the boiler is
set within any building, either of brick, wood,
iron or stone, it shall be isolated from the other
portions of the building with fire proof partitions
and ceilings—with, doors as also provided for.
And no boiler shall be set above the first floor of
any building, unless.the foundation for the same-
ameshall start from . the ground; or it may be sup-
ported on wrought iron girders or beams built
into the brick walls. No gas engine exceeding
four horse power shall be set above the basement
floor of any building. -
smoke or dry SEC. 2I All smoke or dry houses shall be
houses brick or
stone. built of brick or stone, and the doors and roof of
the same shall be constructed of some non-com-
bustible material.
No person kindle Sf C 2 T
ally fire of char- 2 l� o person shall kindle or maintain
coalbustible thmaterrial any fire of charcoal, wood or other combustible
iny !'Poll ally open tin material in or upon any open ting metal can, or
any earthenware vessel whatsoever, in any room,
entry or passage, or in any other part of any
building in this city, or in any furnace or stov-
of any. kind, unless the same be connected by
means of a good sheet iron flue or pipe with a
Patent chimney; �1-ovic�'ea' however, that the pro
t thevisions of this ordinance shall not be deemed to
provisions shall
not apply to Porta- apply to portable stoves, furnaces or lamps tem-
porarily used by artisans in the prosecution of
their regular lawful business, to open fomes used
by metal workers or to properly constructed kero-
sene or gas stoves used for cooking purposes or for
heating chambers.
Nobuildingerec- SEC• 23. No building shall be erected, al-
ageatehoutot= tered or enlarged without first obtaining from
tainingpermit. the Cit' 'Council uracil a permit so to do. The applica-
tion for such permit shall state the exact size, di-
mensions, material, estimated cost and probable
time to be occupied in building. The City Coun-
cil shall, thereupon, afteran inspection of the
premises, issue a permit giving permission to
erect a building in accordance with the provisions
of this ordinance at the place, and of the mater-
ial and dimensiords mentioned in the application,
and authorizing the use of one-third of, the road-
way, and one -ha f of the sidewalk, and limitin;
the time for which ,said permit shall continue,
plans of proposed building, alteration or addition
shall be submitted for inspection before permit
shah be issued, if so required. No permit shall
be issued to increase the size of any frame build-
ing within the fire limits. A record shall be kept
of all permits issued, which shall show the name
of the owner, architect and contractor and esti-
mated cost.
SEC. 24. The provisions Of this ordinance Provisiousertlns
shall aply to the owners of all buildirlgs situated ordinance apply to
owners of all build -
In the' 111I11tS described. A -tints of Sllld OWnCCS thus situated in
the limits dtscrib
and the builders, contractors and Snb-contractors, owne,se1tsandf said the
of all buildings in Course of construction or re- Uuildc rs.
pair within said limits, and any owner, agent,
builder, contractor, sub -contractor, or person
violating any of the provisions of this ordinance
shall be deemed guilty Of a MiSdemeanor, and
upon conviction thereot shall be punished by a
tine in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars,
nor more than On- hundred dollars, or by impris-
onment for any period not exceeding thirty clays,
or by both such fine and imprisonment; and the
continuance or maintaining of such violation shall Coutinuauce or
maintaining of
be deemed a 11eW offense fur each day On which such violation
deemed a new of -
same SJ continued SContinued or maintained, and shall be fence.
punished accordingly.
SEC. 25. • It shall be unlawful to keep or main- Unlawtnitoleep
taln any fore within the limits set out in section one iins desolue build -
of this ordinance unless it be inside some building,
and have a good and sufficient flue to carry oft
the smoke and sparks from it, which said flue
shall extend at least four feet above the roof of
the, building and discharge at least that distance
from any combustible material, Ord. No. go)
Whenever" any
SEC. 26. Whenever any person OW111110- or occu- person neglects to
rix and arrange in
ing any premises, neglects to fix ,and arrange the manner re -
1n the manner requited by the provisions of this visna bofthispro-
ye, grate Or nance.
ordinance, any stove furnace,
other utensil of any kind, in which fire is kept,
or pip for conducting smoke, upon or in any
premises so owned or occupied by such person
within twenty-four hours after being notified so
to do by a Fire Warden, the City Marshal may
T a ituye ars
�h cause such stove, range, furnace, grate or other
naoce,'gr anteor'u en- utensil in which fire is kept, or pipe for conduct-
sil to be fixed.ing smoke to be fixed and zrranged as required
by this ordinance; and the expense of fixing and
arranging the same shall be a charge against such
owner or occupant so notified and neglecting as
aforesaid, and shall be recovered by the person fix-
ing and arranging the same, from such delinquent
or in case the city shall pay such expense it may
be recovered from the delinquent by the city in
an action for such purpose. (Ord. No. go.)
Every person SEC. 27. Every person occupying any build -
must allow the ing within the city limits, at any time when pres-
Marshal or Fire
Warden to inspect. ent in such building between the hours of eight
o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the
afternoon of any secular day, must allow the
Marshal or Fire Warden to enter such bnilding
and inspect such pipes and flues for conducting
smoke and all depositories for hot ashes, and all
place where fire is kept in such building; but
such inspector must not cause such occupant any
more inconvenience than is actually necessary to
make such inspection. (Ord. No. go.)
SEC. 28. This ordinance shall take effect and be
Ordinance take in force from and after its approval and publica-
tion. (Ord. No. go.)
This ordinance shall take effect from and after
(Approved April 17, 189o.)
Relating to the Doors and Main Aisles and Passage Ways
in Buildings Used in Whole or in Part for Pub lc
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
N;vtrance doors
SECTION I. All buildings used for public as- to public halls, etc.
in part, shall have doors t° °" both ways.semblies, in whole or. ,
that are used for the ingress or egress of the pub-
lic, to the portions so used for said assemblies, so
constructed that they shall open both inwardly
and- outwardly; and in no case shall they be so
constructed so as to open inwardly only, or to
slide; and all builditigs hereafter- to be altered for
the use of public assemblies shall be made to con-
form to this section.
Sec. z. All the main aisles and passage ways Aisles,
les, etc. to be
in buildings used for public assemblages shall be k
kept free from all obstructions, during any per-
formance, service, exhibition, lecture, concert, ball,
or any public assemblae whatever; and all build-
'Tidgs intended for the above purposes, shall have
the main aisles and passage ways at least six (6)
feet in width;, and, providell, that all the main
doors and entrances to such building shall not be
less than ten (io) feet in width.
SEC. 3. Any person violating any of the pro- as Width S f aisles
visions of this ordinance, upon conviction thereof, are
may be punished by fine not to exceed the sum of
two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) or imprison-
ment in the city prison- of the city of San Luis Penalty.
Obispo not to exceed ninety days, or by both
such fine and, imprisonment.
SEC. 4. All ordinances and parts of ordi- Repealing section
nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
SEC. 5. This ordinance shall take effect be in r,,ke,ff,,t.
force from and after its passage and approval.
(Approved July 13th, 1885.)
An Ordinance Concerning Poles and and Wires of Tele-
graph, Telephone and Electric Light Companies and
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
No person shall SECTION I. No person or company shall erect
erect within the or maintain, or cause to be erected or maintained
present corporate
limits of saidcity within the present corporate Iimits of said city,
any telegraph, tel-
ephone or electric any telegraph telephone or electric lioht wire at
light wire at a less t' t
distance than a less distance than twenty feet high from the
twenty feet high
from the sidewalk, sidewalk.
Allpoles erected SEC. 2. All telegraph, telephone and electric
m ihately inside light poles in the streets of said city shall be
curerected and maintained on the sidewalk, immed-
iately on the inside of the curb, and not at any
other place, except that at rounded corners of
sidewalks such poles may be placed on the out-
side of the curb on obtaining permission from the
City Council; 12li-ovided, that in this case the pole
shall, be surrounded with bituminous rock or con-
crete in such a way as to_ prevent water running
in the gutter from being too much obstructed by
the pole.
SEC. 3. All such shall not be less than
poles not poles.
less than e quary eight by eight inches square at the base, and not
eighless than four by four by four inches at the top,
and shall be surfaced and painted.
to When necessary SEC. 4. When it becomes necessary to disturb
disturb, side- the sidewalk in erecting, removing or repairing
any such pole, the walk shall forthwith be repair-
ed and restored to the same condition 'in' which it
was before being disturbed.
No pole in. front SEC. 5• No such pole shall be erected or main -
of door. tained in front of any door or gateway.
Owners of wires SEC. 6. Owners of any of the aforesaid wires
authorized to trim are author
liths. ized to trimlimbs and branches of trees
which may overhang
or grow over"the line of the
E� �
street in such a way as to interfere with said
SEC. 7 Whenever in moving a house or other whenever in
thing it becomes necessary o cy to an of said moving a house
necessary to cut
wires or take down any of said poles, the person writtennot ce.give
about to do such moving must give the owner of
such wire or pole, or the local agent, a written
notice of his intention, specifying the thing to be
moved; the place where it will be necessary to cut
the wire or wires, or remove a pole; and
the time when it will be necessary to do so; he
must pay the owner of said wire or pole the cost
of cutting and removing the wire or pole and of
replacing and restoring the same; and for that
purpose must deposit the sum of ten dollars with
the owner of said wire or pole or his local went Must deposit the
sum of ten dollars
at the time of giving such notice. The notice
herein provided for Inust be given a reasonable
time in advance; not less than 24 hours.
SEC. 8. If through necessity or by accident Iffirede�artme
break wires city
the fire department of said city should break any not liable.
of the aforesaid wires or poles, the city shall not
be liable therefore.
SLC. 9. Any person violating any of the pro- Guiltyolamisde-
visions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty meauor.
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine of not more than one
hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the city
jail not exceeding thirty days, or by both such.
fine and imprisonment.
SLC. Io. All ordinances and parts of ordinances ordinances in
in conflict with this ordinance are hereby re- Pea eat hereby re-
pealed, in so far as they may conflict.
SLC. I I. This ordinance shall be published at
This ordinance
least twice in the Daily Republic, a daily news- shantakeeffect.
paper printed and published in said city; and shall
take effect and be in force from and after such
publication. (Approved April 15th, 1869.)
Ordinance Concerning the Keeping and Storing of Explo= /
sive and Inflammable Material Within the City Limits. /
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
No person shall SECTION i. No person shall keep or store or
keep or store gun }T one p
powder. have in an lace within the city "of San Luis
Obispo more than fifty pounds each of gunpow-
der, blasting powder and giant powder, and this
shall be kept in metallic cans or wooden boxes
marked "powder" and it shall be kept near and
convenient to the door, where, in case of fire, it
can easily be seen and taken away.
$rest powder SEC. 2. No person shall erect or maintain any
-agazne. powder magazine within the limits of said city
without having first received a license or permit
so to do from the Board. of Trustees of said city.
nlawfulfor pel- SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person,
son to keep more firm or corporation to store or permit to be stored
than zoo gallons of L'
coal oil, thirty gal- or kept for sale within the limits of said city in a
lons turpentine, -
gasoline, benzine, larger. quantity than 200 (-allons of kerosene or
naptha, unless b
storedinwarehouse coal oil, thirty gallons of turpentine, or gasoline,
or benzine, or naptha, or other article qu lly
explosive, or as easily ignitable or inflammable as
either,of the above named articles, unless the
same e stored in a building or warehouse used
for and devoted exclusively to the storage of such
substances, or the storage of gunpowder, _ No
building shall be used for such storage except on
permission of said Board of Trustees, and not
--"less than eight blocks from the City Hall.
Noperm} Kshal
keep :g M. ln fire SEC. 4. No person shall keep or, store or suf
imits.,ore than
10 tions hay or fer to remain in any place within the fire limits of
SiKw within Voo
/seet fronl anysaid city any hay or straw in quantities exceeding
i;Xrr,osrvlss, r;'r'C. 149
:;:,; c,w, or receive or kecp or ;uff(-r to remain
I .iv or straw in any quantity in any place ill said
v,4hin a distance of one hundred feet from
(1 veiling house or place of business; Jsrot�icz'cr�t'
t t llay or straw may b(� received, kept or stored
t, ,iiiv enchved wooden -building situated at a
�icater distance that twenty feet from any clwell-
_11 I?OUSe or place° of business in quantity not ex-
c:.���lin ten toras,arnd in a securely enclosed Wood-
1;�_�i'tclin situate within a distance of lint less
!:.n onu hundred feet front any dwolkyt house
r,r . !: ,ice of business in quantity not exceeding
_:e hundred tons; and in any securely enclosed
or [ire proof l:,i_lilding, in quantity nqt ex
"'o pci:on shall
one hundred tons. No person Shall, �f.i.r, .,.•iUiiu fire
linnts any hay or
-'.±ltn the fire limns, have or keep any hay,straw, taw „�,,ept carne
sn,mig; or other things more combustible than
be cudosed
,;.owxl or lit mber,unless the same shall be enclosed
�.�r co;w.red with wood or some other material not
combustible than wood: Nor shall any per-
uWuing or occupying any lot within such fire
iniits cause suffer or allow to accumulate upon
such lot o itside of a building, any straw, paper,
dry rass,imflammable rubbish or any matter
r Substance of a more inflammable nature than
,5r-oz)1(",(1, that nothing in this section shall
Kcconstrued to 'prevent the accumulation of
for two weeks in and around a building
1.1' oth,2.r structure while in the course of construe-
Any person violating any of the pro Penaacy.
dons of this ordinance shall be deemed guaity
of fi aaaisdemeataor, and upon conviction thereof
hv.ii be punirshed by a . fine of not more then
hundred dollars, or by imprisonment ;A the
,:_ail. riot exceeding ninety days.
'Vo pe so i snarl
f.C. 6, No person shall outside_, of a building make uv fire
w this 25 feet of
-within the fire limits, make or cause to be a vbu.l
made any fire within twenty-five feet of" a1,S, i ,i'x _
)61,0zli ed that the Boar(- of Trustee: mr.;
hermit bonfires to be made at such pl,jees th_;4
may dire t; but such bonfires sllall o111y l.�e ,I.,1�1':
and maintained in the presence of sonic
directed by the Chief F�n�rineer, or ,lctinf,
Engineer to s1JpUrintend them.
'Vope:3ou Shall • % • No person shall place h )t aslit ' L1
pFcchota�hc' a1IV C01111ilStlble receptacic,nor put imy
for hot ashes N�'ithin tell feet of an�° buiidi�l;� (�
other combustible substance.
Si.(:. S. No person shall open, well7h or
No p.' '1u,1t ure, Ont. dellver or ex?ose to tile air In any
open or exll.-�sc exp
il.l 1, rlnin i cct-ally fe oiy powder, blastb p0�4'�!CI", Cci [1111�!i'Ile;
or flame. kerosene, alcohol, turpentine, gasoline Or �A:,,,'
other article of in explo:;iye or hi;hly inL1111i""I''i1-
nature:, within twelve feet of a fire or f'L,n(a
an)- kind.
Sf-:C. 9. No person shall build or mal - c -
No person shall CRUSSC to be made or built, any fire �Vlth111 Or
build fire a on lot
is lo'�eda ; ttke the lot in which a magazine is loc, -d,or sliud t ;:
lighted articic,vith- - i
in 2oleet of same. Or have any ll heed Cigar, .pipe, cl(rarette or otl.f r
lighted article or matches in the lna�azine or ���i11) it, twenty feet of the s-Irne.
Per�ons aho
SFC. to. All persons, firms, or corporaticl S,
sireto tell articles. who desire to Sell or keep for sale ally of the ;ir-
in this ordinauce
must obtain per- ticles in this ordinanCC e11U111erateCl, Shah,
keeping- or selling the same, obtain permission
from the Board of Trustees so to do.
SEC. 1 i. Ordinance No. 55, approved Jun;:
Repealing cla„se” 6 1892, and all ordinances and parts of orcl'i-
,lances in conflict with this ordinance are herelv
SEC. 1This ordinance shall take effect ani
Ordinance - takeF-:iPet be in force fa
from and after its passcre and a
provrll. (Approv<cd DCC. 21, 1896.)
Ort,iiiArIc", Jtejatlllg to spjtOfl; oil and in
plibilt: B1.1111.1ill.rs of tilt: Cit}*-
�J(' Board
C Tru"t--'; 01 flit'
(Io ord,th" It.; tAli
C. Nil P'I"'()h
(m :111\,
oiaU, I . ..
'A, dw SM(I CIL\,
N� .)
or on IIIc t1w)r of ally public,
or 011 "IIIN' Ow CM-p)raM1
of ;lid City of Silli 1,01s
or ur;11111f,
Flo jwrson .111:Lll slit or (1(1)0sIL or
III ally plact. ,mv kwillia or
11c (I ()J' CM-
1;f:�"� on
limitslimits s;tid city of
)'I, 1A
of the pro
11-UPLguiltyVl- '('S 01 t1w; or(Jin';
�tllcc 11A("I11(1(1 ,
1 be (1(�-
;ms,,t:m(-.anor mIJ 111mil Colivictioll O�in-cof,
- �i hile not u.\C(,,
iW 11 . $2;.00,
�-;Iwd b%
the City jail not exceeding
tii:w' C,i2 j (In
effect from Incl after
the followilik), Vote*. Ales: Smith
k I -�jncl W. A. He"-
Liiid, A. S. Wh;ts�- C. H.
Approv('(-1 May 17, 1897.
W. A. 1I EN 1)
p,-c,;j(-jcnt of the I-,)oar(I of Trust'-'cs.
( I 1�. SAM�MANIN-,
Orc1cr of the Board of Tl"-stecs
W) v namedl.
17. Sj_'JANN, UtY —l'
Ordinance Concerning the Keeping and Storing of Explo=
sive and Inflammable Material Within the City Limits. /
The Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as: follows:
No person shall SECTION" I. No person-shall keep or store or
pkeeep or store gun have in any one place within the city "of San Luis
Obispo more than fifty pounds each of gunpow-
der, blasting powder and giant powder, and this
shall be kept in J metallic cans or wooden boxes
marked "powder" and it shall be kept near and
convenient to the door, where, in case of fire, it
can easily be seen and taken away.
1~rect powder SEC. 2. No person shall erect or maintain any
magazine.powder -magazine within the limits of said city
without having, first received �a license or permit
so to do from the .$oard.of Trustees of ,said city.
e pe,- SEC 3. It shall be unlawful for any - P erson
nlawful for . ,
Son to keep more firm' or
oration, to store or corporation, permit to be stored
than zoo gallons of p.
coal oil, thirtygal or kept for sale within the limits of said city in a
Ions -turpentine,
gasoline,' benzine, larger,quantity than 200 gallons .of .kerosene or
naptha, - unless_
.storedinwarehouse coal oil,',thirty-gallons of turpentine,. or gasoline,.
for that p e. `'or 'benzine, or. naptha, or other.3rticle-.qually
explosive, or as easily ignitable or inflammable as
either, of the above "named articles, unless the
.same be stored in a building or warehouse used
or and tdevoted exclusively to the storage of such
substances, or the" storage of : gunpowder.. No
building shall be used for such :storage except on
permission of said Board of Trustees, and not
Mess than eight blocks from the. ".City, Halla
No perso shah
keep ,n fire " SEC. + No person shall keep or,store or suf
limits� ,ore than -
10 tens - hay or fer to remain in any place. within the fire limits of -
itaw within foo --
f we f=o,,n: �,n\y-said city. any hay or straw in quantities exceeding
� t
ten toils, or receive or keep or suffer ,to remain
hay or straw in any quantity in any place in said
city within a distance of one hundred feet from
anv dwelling, house or place,of business; provided,
that hay or straw may be received, kept or stored
in any enclosed wooden .building situated at a
c; lc
•ater distance that twenty
feet from any dwell -
ng house or place of business in quantity not ex-
ceeding ten tons,and in a securely enclosed wood
en building- situate within a distance of not less
then one hundred feet from any dwelling house` "
or. piace of business in quantity not exceeding
one hundred tons; and in any securely enclosed;
brick or fire proof -building, in quantity not ex
No person shall
ceeding one hundred tons. :'No person shall, beep within are
lints any hay or
within the fire limits, have or keep any hay,straw, stave exceptsame
shavings or other things 'more combustible than, beenclosea l
wood or lumber,unless the same shall be enclosed
or covered with wood or some other material not
more combustible than wood: Nor shall any per-
s,tei owning or occupying any lot within such fire
limits cause, suffer or allow to accumulate upon
such lot out of a building, any straw, paper, .
hay, dry grass,im flammable rubbish or anv matter
or substance of a more inflammable nature than
wood; pi-ovided, that nothing in this section shall
be construed to "prevent the accumulation of
shavings for two weeks in and around a building
or other structure while in the course of construe-
5Ec. 5. Any person violating any of the' pro- -• Penalty:
visions of this ordinance shall be, deemed guilty
of a `misdemeanor, and upon conviction; thereof
shall be punished by a , fine of not more than, '
three hundreddollars, or by imprisonment ati the.,
city jail not exceeding ninety days. No Person sh111.
P;e , 6. N O person shall outsrde Jf a building. make a n I' are
` within 25 . %et of
anct within ` the fire limits' make . or cause to be anybnilaing:
ten toils, or receive or keep or suffer ,to remain
hay or straw in any quantity in any place in said
city within a distance of one hundred feet from
anv dwelling, house or place,of business; provided,
that hay or straw may be received, kept or stored
in any enclosed wooden .building situated at a
c; lc
•ater distance that twenty
feet from any dwell -
ng house or place of business in quantity not ex-
ceeding ten tons,and in a securely enclosed wood
en building- situate within a distance of not less
then one hundred feet from any dwelling house` "
or. piace of business in quantity not exceeding
one hundred tons; and in any securely enclosed;
brick or fire proof -building, in quantity not ex
No person shall
ceeding one hundred tons. :'No person shall, beep within are
lints any hay or
within the fire limits, have or keep any hay,straw, stave exceptsame
shavings or other things 'more combustible than, beenclosea l
wood or lumber,unless the same shall be enclosed
or covered with wood or some other material not
more combustible than wood: Nor shall any per-
s,tei owning or occupying any lot within such fire
limits cause, suffer or allow to accumulate upon
such lot out of a building, any straw, paper, .
hay, dry grass,im flammable rubbish or anv matter
or substance of a more inflammable nature than
wood; pi-ovided, that nothing in this section shall
be construed to "prevent the accumulation of
shavings for two weeks in and around a building
or other structure while in the course of construe-
5Ec. 5. Any person violating any of the' pro- -• Penalty:
visions of this ordinance shall be, deemed guilty
of a `misdemeanor, and upon conviction; thereof
shall be punished by a , fine of not more than, '
three hundreddollars, or by imprisonment ati the.,
city jail not exceeding ninety days. No Person sh111.
P;e , 6. N O person shall outsrde Jf a building. make a n I' are
` within 25 . %et of
anct within ` the fire limits' make . or cause to be anybnilaing:
made any fire within twenty-five feet of any btrild-
ing; j5y-ovi?ded, that the Board ofTrustees, mai-
permit bonfires to be made at such places as they
may direct; but such bonfires shall only be made
and maintained in the presence of some Persoli
directed by the Chief Engineer, or actin( Chief
Engineer to superintend them.
No person shall SEC. 7• No ,person shall place hot ashes in
place hot ashes. any combustible receptacle,nor put any receptacle
for hot ashes within ten feet .of any building or
other combustible s.ubstance.:
SEc. S. No person shall open, weigh or meas -
No person shall ure out, deliver or expose to the air 1n any I)LI"C1-
open or expose [) 5
nyexplofarly with-
in ing any, grun powder, blasting powder, camphene,
izfeetofanyfire � J J t- � p l
osame. kerosene, alcohol, turpentine, gasoline or ani
other article of an explosive or highly inflammable
nature, within twelve feet of a fire or flame of
any kind.
SEC. 9. No person shall build or mal- , or
No person shall Cause to be made or built an fire .within or upon
build fire upon lot , y
in which magazine the lot in which a magazine is located,or shall tak.,
is "located Hr take
lighted articlewith- or have any lighted cigar, pipe cigarette or otl cr
in zo feet of same. ,
lighted article or matches in the magazine or with-
in twenty feet of the same.
Persons who de -
SEC. 1o. . All persons, firms, or corporaticris,
.sireto sell articles. who desire to sell or keep for sate any of the �ir-
--in this ordinauce
must obtain per tlCles in this ordinance - enumerated, shall,` before
mission. - .keeping or selling the same, obtain permission
from the Board of Trustees so to dor
SEC. 11. ' Ordinance No. J5, approved Juice
Repealingclanse_6 1892, and ...all ..ordinances and parts of ordi-
nances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
SEc. 12 This ordinance sha1L take effect and
Ordinancetakebe in force-, from and after its
effect. pass�zge and ap-
proval. (Approved; Dec. 21, 1896.)
An Ordinance Relating to Spitting on Sidewalks and in
Public Buildings of the City.
'rhe Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
Sixrios t. No person shall spit on the floor
of any public building or on any sidewalk within
the corporate limits of the said city of San Luis
SFC, 2. No person shall throw or in any man-
ner place.. or deposit on the floor of any public
building or on any sidewalk within the corporate
limits of said city of San Luis Obispo, any
banana or orange peel
SEC- 3. No person shall spit or deposit or
throw or in any manner place any banana or
orange peel on the floor of any street railway car
.within the .corporate limits of said -city of San
Luis Obispo.
)EC, 4. Any person violating any of the pro
vi5ioiis of this ordinance shall be, deemed guilty
of a. misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof,
shill be p,,' 'shed by a fine not exceeding $25.00,
or mpris�-� menu in the city jail not exceeding
a term Of 25 days.
This ordinance shall take effect from and after,
its pasiage and approval.
Passed by the following vote: Ayes: Smith
Shaw, Jos. Lind., A. S. Whitsel and W. A. Hen-
clerson, president. Noes: None. Absent: C. H.
Reed, Approved May 17, 1$97.
President of the Board of 'rrustttes.
(� al Attest: C. F. S MINT N
City Clerk.
'Published i.,y order of the Board of, Trustees
above named.
[Seal] C. F. SA -,,t 14AN'_NT, City Clerk.
k 1
made any fire within twenty=five`feet of any build
mg; firovi?d'ea; that the 'Board of -Trustees; may
Permit bonfires to be made at such places as they
may direct; but such bonfires shall ;only be made
and maintained in the presence of some person
directed by the Chief Engineer, or acting Chien
Engineer to superintend them,
No peon shall SEC. 7. No person shall place hot ashes in
piacehotashes. any combustible receptacle,nor put any receptacle
for hot ashes within "ten feet of any building or
other_ combustible s.ubstaoce:
SEC. 8. No person shall open, weigh or meas
en person shall lire -out deliver or expose to the air in any built
open or expose ) - [ l-
losivewith- ino- an � cyan t'tOWder, blasting powder, camphene,
in r2 feet of anyfire J b p ,
or same. kerosene, alcohol, turpentine; gasoline or anj,
other article of an explosive or highly inflammable;
nature, within twelvefeet of a fire or flame of
any kind.
SEC. 9. No person` shall build or lnak-, oi-
No person sham.
build fire upon Tot cause to be made or built, any fire .within or upon
in which magazine: the lot in which a ma�yazine is--located,or shall t,
is 'located er take
lighted articlewith-.-or have any lighted' cigar, pipe' cigarette . or other
in zo feet of Same. , ,,
lighted article or matches in the magazine or with-
in twenty, feet of the same -
SEC. io. All persons, firms, or corporatlans,
Persons who de-
sireto sell articles, who desire to sell Or keep for sale any of the ar-
- in this ordinance.
:. must obtain per- titles in this ordinance enumerated, shall,` before
keeping or selling the 'same,; obtain permission
from the Board of Trustees so to. do:'
SEC: t i. ' Ordinance No. �5, approved )ane
IiepealingclauI 1892, and all ordinances and parts of ord'
riances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby
SEC. 12 This ordinance shall take effect and
'Ordinance take be in force-, from arid- after its passage and ap-
proval. �Apf roved Dec. _21) i$96.}
f �
An Ordinance Relating to Spitting on Sidewalks and in
Public Buildings of the City.
The .Board of Trustees of the City of San
Luis Obispo, do ordain as follows:
SECTioN r. No person, shall spit on the floor
of any public building or on any sidewalk within
the corporate limits of the said city of San Luis
SEC. z. No person shall throw or in any man-
ner 'place. or deposit on the floor of any public
building or on any sidewalk -within the corporate
limits of said city of San Liiis Obispo, any
banana or orange peel.
SEC. 3 No 'person 'shall :spit or deposit or
throw or in any manner place any banana or
orange peel'on the floor of' any street railway car
within the zorporate limits of said -city of San
Luis Obispo'.
�ErC- 4. Any person violating any of the pro-
visions of this ordinance shall be. deemed guilty,
of a. misdemeanorand upon conviction thereof, µ.f;
shall be p,;,� ished by a fine not exceeding $25.00,
or mprisv:ament -im the city jail not exceeding
a torn of 25 days.
This ordinance shall take effect from and after
it, passage and approval.
Passed by the following; vote: Ayes Smith
Shaw, Jos. Lind., A. S. Whitsel and W. A. Hen-
derscin, president. Noes: None. Absent: C. H.
Beed, Approved May 17, 1897.
President of the Board of Trustees.
Attest: C. F. S TNIM Av�g
City Clerk.
Published by order `of the Board of .Trustees
above named.
[Sea]] C. F. ' S�.:tnN
AN, 'City Clerk.
z t
RULES .OF, ' 0RDEW' .'
Of the Board of Trustees of. the City of San Luis Ubisp;)l,
.Adopted, 188�.�
w, At the hour fi♦:ed for inee°tinga, the Prc sidte t.
shall take the chair and call � the members of th,-
Board of Trustees to order,'and upon lthe c�i l e!.
' the roll, if there .lie a , quorurrr present, he ';ori it
cause" the clerk'to read'.the 'uiaapprov'ed rnir yv-
of the' preceding re ular. arid, specla we :tl,,("
Amajorit,, of the mem'be'rs of the Board of Tris-
tees'sh�all constitute aquorunh for the �transmcItion
of business.
I he.'Standin;; C,orntnittees'shall be
On Street and To; h L'a'nds
On'. Finance, and 0zdimm' e
r-_41 'On Police Jail and;Fire�I���ar�rrlca�
'-Each; tandinConirnittee shah} eonsi4
niembf;rsj and "shall be ap x)tnretl
dent, the mem her first, narned sir. ericir ^aMr:-4v, .:
shaft bethe chair' mi .m� thereof..
Rl LP -s olk oRFi:FG.v''
. l3nfani hed Bu-siness
�a. � env, lusille.ss �` • �
tSccllJ ncqus 'Bu' ineSS. %
Clsit Stioil Shall be'Sl�lted `from t0c Chillr uT1',v"
anti seconded, nor I)e open for discus- '
�.° ,ntiI .tatCd, by .the President and .NYhen a
�.'•fmn is tx3f6r(- the Trustees:.the only motions
3:c1c1 sh.111
». o` l l.y 611'the thbl (2
1cC l'c.,Vious qucstln,
] cW 105 lIm" I litely.- ,
j o v nto 'a ptlhtic'ular time.
i o r, f Mr: ilt
• �.�.: � `r'i fc , -iia; a c��m�liittee.
, i
kc precedence ` iri the
�ilway. be in order.
r � Yjestiol. ' a rid " ad
t l i. n
� ��
n`fi •:� Wer �h � � ' �
t#YvlOi GnII y
he LlcZ C
! li7 Z V 1:
revlou� to ri cahit, ttlasL risme
� ='the
an!, l)e recognized by -
1� 1 t14AS i !
d 1',
Of the board of Trustees of the City of Sari LFAs of)N!so.
,. (Adopted; 1885.1
kULE, 1.
` At the hour, li,:ed for ineetinf;, the Pre ij C",
shall tale the chair and call . the itaeallbers of Cli
Board of Trustees to order, and upon thy: ci�fl! <<'
the roll, if there he aduoruni.present, he :, h-,:4
cause the clerk to read the Unapproved 172l:11UL't;
of the precedin(�r rCgUl<ar and special
A majorityof the members of the Board Or i :5
tees shall constitute a quoruin for the
of business.
R[;LE" iI
I Iaf: Standing Committees shall l,e:
Oil Streets and Town Lands.
Linai}ce and Ur..din anM.
C?n ;police, ,jaii and T'ire Deparluner(r
Each Standinc, Coninjittee shall cons�;
754 /�Uus F QRDRP
same time, the �Iresid nt'j+shall l decide whic.i is.
entitled to the floor; and no member shall sp.-a!>
oftener than once on the same subject or questior.
until all who wish have spoken, nor more th.}i•
twice without permission of the Trustees.
Any member may call for a division ofchic
question ,when the sense will admit of it. incl
when any member falls for the yeas and nays,
they shall be ordered by the President. Th:: yc,)
and nays shall be taken upon the pa sa(,e of
every ordinance" and appropriations of mon=-`N,s,
and shall lie recorci.nd upon the minutes of the
proceedings; the, names- of members,• :aiiiny fo
yeas and nays shall also
No member shall vote uljor. "I. -TV '.,luestion in
which he is directly interes`ec<.
r ULI.
No 1,cm1, .Y shall !if -.c -)n -ie sleety on any Ix.t :_f .
note or obltaat ofi given to the city.
Every motion, e,eept .subsidiary ones, shall b=.
reduced to writin( at the- reque;,t of any rmernber
Lavery member who, shall be present WhEr
question is put, shall vote furor assx.'.3t tfi ar�rc
unfr s excused by ine frust`e" , -he €, directly`
interestedtherein, in w?iich case he shall not.vote_
And any merr,ber nj y, change his vote before
the res It i4 (4CC Ired l;y the I're;ideritJ and ut,.
lr: s pros: nt- when his name is called in regular
order, shall not be permitted to vote without con-
sent of the Trustees.
Ail nutters of business shall be presented to
the Board of Trustees by either petition, memo-
rial or communication, except such as may be of-
f= -;(,,d by.the members by motion.
All reports of Standing or Select Committees
shall be in writing and signed by a majority of
the committee; )5i-ovzded, however that a minor-
i;y report may also be made and received.
After roll call no member can withdraw or ab-
sent himself without the permission of the Presi-
d:° ra.
s o member shall be interrupted while speak -
=g .except it be to call him to order, or granting
of privilege, or for the purpose of explanation;
and if any member, while speaking, be called to
)rdel he shall be seated until the question of or-
der shall have been decided by the President
without debate. And any member shall have the
riJlit from appealing from the decision of the
)Ie ident upon points of order. The President
;,.al have precedence in speaking to points of or -
6 r, and he shall take and announce all votes.on
'luestions of appeal.
The Board of. Trustees may at any time, on
motion, resolve itself into a Committee of the
Whole, whereupon the President shall leave his
seat, and call a member of the Board of Trustees
to preside during the session ofsaid committee -
When the Committee of the ��' hole rise, the
Chairman thereof shall report the proceedings--
thereof to the trustees.. Said committee shall
be subject to the rules of order he so far as�
the same are. consistent with its powers and
When a blank is to, be filled, the question shall
be first taken on the highest sum-, or number, and
longest time proposed..
After any question (except one of indefinite"
postponement) has been, decided," any two mem-
bers who voted in the majority therefor, may at
the same or the next regular meeting of the Board
of Trustees, move for a reconsideration thereof,
provided, that no motion for a reconsideratiorn
shall be made after the resolution or ordinance
affected thereby shall have gone out of the pos
session° of the Board of Trustees; and no motion
for reconsideration shall be made more than once.
motion to reconsider a vote to reconsider cannot
be entertained.
When the President desires to leaves the chair-
hainhe shall appoint some member of.the Board of
Trustees to fill the same pro tem.; in the absence
of the President the Board of -'Trustees shall
appoint, from their number, a. President pro ten :
\Vhenever the word " President "' shall appear
i;1 these rules, it shall be held to mean and ap-,
ply to the presiding officer of the Board of
1 motion can be withdrawn at any time after
it is stated from the chair, by leave of the Trus-
tees, obtained by regular motion.
The parliamentary rules laid down in Cush
Mo - S Manual shall govein in all cases not other-
wise provided for herein.
These Rules of Order maybe altered; amended,
repealed or suspended at any regular meeting,. by
a two-thirds vote therefor of all the members of
the Board. of Trustees.
f t.
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4 t
:iCC;O(?tiTS t
City Clerk to keep ..................................
To public buildings ..................................
Hot, depositln..........L
Duties of ..... ........................ .......
tiara duties of ......................................
Who is.......... ........................
When to assess .........................:...........
What to aSse s ....................................
Salary of ..................................... .....
.Appointed ...... ....................
3 .
Duties of............ ................ ...
Special duties......."
Sue for licenses..........
Suefor taxes .................. ...'...........
Salaryof .. ................................. .......
Wben presented .....................................
Powersof ................................. ..........
When to meet ............ ......
When to meet .:......... ...........................
Cauvass.returns................... .................
Tix all sa;aries......................................
Appoint officers ........................... .........
Appoint special police ..............................
- 21
Members attend meetings.' ............ .............
Disorderly bebayior of.......... ...
3. +
Fines,to general .....:.........................
Old bilis, not to allow ...............................
Extend time for taxation ............. ...........
Barroom license ....................................
Est,blirh pound ....................................
Caws streets to be cleaned ..........................
esu,- permit to lay drains. ' ........... .:........
.Issue permit to build ...............................
Mules of order for ...................................
Permit poles erected ................................
Permit explosives, etc ................ ..............
General powers, etc ......... .......................
Recommend measures .............................. 78
Burial permit)........_
.... 81
0 i
Birth record ......................_.....................
�. :30NDS :
Offices, of all .........................................
Executed, how ...... ........... . .. ..................
Ofcity . .......................................
CityIIah................................ ..........
En,ineer, see Sury-yor.
Clerk, see Clerk.
Provisions for .............. ........................
Duttes of .................................
Duties of, extra .... .............................:...
rssue licenses. .....................................
Beep records, etc ....................................
Draw warrants............
Prepare licenses, etc ................................
Bond of ............................................
Salaryof ....................... ._..._........:-.......
What, and how appointed .............. ............
30 1-2
Chairmen of.... ........................
Health, on.......... .....................
Contracts, to let ........................... _. - ......
_ 32
Members of ..........................................
Reports (if ..........................................
Public work, for .......... ...... ....................
Sinned, how...: ...............::.
Officer, not to be interested........_..-_..-...._....
Against city..._..._ ..................................
Provided for.... .... ... ......... ...................
Tax....:.....:.......:._ ..................... ......
Tax rate .................. .............
Fund .. ........ ........ ... _
Must not run nntagged.......................
Tags const not be imitated ........ .... ......
To public buildings.... _ ................ _ ..... _......
1- :
Each.house drained......... .........................
Cesspools emptied ......... ............... . ..........
Owner must give notice ......... ..............:.....
3 ,
Grease trap over drain ...............................
Water closet suuplied with water .....................
112 23-Z)
Plans to be passed by City Engineer ................
Work tq satisfy, Street Superintendent .... .........
Page. Sec.
Pip, slaid by licensed journeymen .................. 113 29
Street Superintendent may do work ................. 115 31
Surface water not to run in ....... ................. 1115 32
General provisions .............................. 101; illi
';+heu held ..........................................
Ten days' notice .......:. ........
In accordance with State laws .......6 ..............
Board of, canvass returns .....................
..... 33
Returna, how signed ............ ...................
Of ollieers ...........................
... ......... 3
114)w held ............. .............................
See Poles and Fires.
ll'_;ACTIfIG clause......................... .................
=_h U.1LlZ ATl0N of taxes...: ...............................
EX"',ESS over debt provided for ...................
......... 11
l.Sr:+.'U IVE department........... ..................
..... 1S
Powder, storing ...................:......
.......... 148
Hay, straw, etc ............. ........................
Hot ashes..... .. ......................
.. .......... 150
Weighing on ........... ......................
..... 150
Fires,, etc., near ................. ...................
1'ermiss:ion to keep .......................
... ..... 150
1'rocisions for ...........
1,'ire limits hxed...�......... ....
.. 8
..... ........ 117
How organized .......... .........................
Election of officers ..................................
Elections, how held ......................:.
........ 121 89-10
Vacancy, how filled .................................
Oath and term of office .............................
122 11-12
Powers and duties of Chief Engineer.......
XLinoval of otHeors......... ......................
:. 124
Offleers control at fire ........... ........
........... 124
City, limited liability ........
.............. 124
Chief Engineer, charge of property_
........... 125
Certificate of fire company ..........
........... 125
Companies subject to City Council ..................
Members must be 18 ...........................
Property not to be moved from city .
............... 125
Governed by Board of Delegates......
.............. 123
Sceretary,etc ......... .:...........I
.............. 126
Chief Engineer to repair, etc .......................
Treasurer, duty, etc .................................
27 -
Salaries ................................._....
-Engineer of .:
Unlawful to use or injure property ..................
Fire Warden, duty ..................................
AVhere built ....... ................
............... 149
District or limits of.....:............................
Buildings brick or stono............ .......
How constructed.... ........ .................. .....
Chimneys, brick or stone.......:....................
Smoke flue, size .....................................
Pipes, steam and smoke, etc ..................
.. 199
Furnace, how built............................ .....
Boiler rooms........ ...........
Smoke or dry houses...............................
Chimneys for all fires................ ...........
Permit before building....... ....
Rules to apply to all .................................
No forge without chimney ........
Neglect of any person....
Fire Warden or Marshal, inspect................. ..
26 2'i
See pages 129 to 144.
Storing, etc .........................................
Board of, etc ........................ ..:.......... ...
To enforce ordinances...............................
Remove diseases......... ........... ..............
Cholera, Asiatic, etc ....................... I...... ..
Smallpox, etc ................................ ......
5 6:
Inspect premises ............................ .......
Abat, nuisances......: ............
3 1=
Compensation of................:
Established ......... .................
HISTORICAL statement....................................
Amount......-.........., .................... ......
86 �
Excess........ .........:.............
36 �5
INCARCERATION ...................................... _.
See Explosives.
Recorder's powers...................................
When disqualified ...................... ...:........
JUDICIAL department....._.............:..
Page. Sec.
I o
L.'.1 -N I) RIES:
Limits for .............................. ...........
License for .............. .........................
LFGISLATIA'E department ................................
General provislous..................................
Board to establish ...................................
Clerk to issue.................... ................. 55 1-2-3
Who to procure ........... .....................
Amount determined..... ........................
Where payable.. ....... ...............
Terms issued for ............... . . ..............
Failure to make statement .....................
.... 58
Quarters forisswing................................
,11 -,it to collect ....................................
.. 5
Trial, presurnpti, n ........................
Vehicles to be numbered .............. .............
For every business ..................................
Marshal, collector ..................................
Attorney sue for ...............56
Drain layers ........................................
No part remitted......... ......................
Trausferred, when ..................................
l:evoked, when.......... ... ....
For selling any goods ................. I............. 66
No, for selling own produce .........................
Rite per quarter—
Astrologer, $5.......... ........................
:Auction. $30 ............................... .......
Auctioneer, $2 ................. ..................60
per cent ...................................
Bar -room, $150 ............. ........................
Billiard table,$2....................................
Bill poster, $3 ..............
L'ievele agent, $1.50 . ...............................
Bull (season), $3 .................................... 66
Butcher shop, $5 ..................... ..............
Look agent ..........................................
Bowling alley, $3 .............. ...................
Carrying passengers .................................
Dance (each),$1....................................
Dance house, $150 ................ ...........
Delivery wagon, $3 .............. ..................
Express busrne:s, $7 .................... I ..........
Feed stable, $2 ..................... :................
Hotels, etc ..................... ........ ...........
Hawker, $50
Insurance company, $1.50 ..........................
Jack (sea,on),$3..................................
........... .............
Land on �,ommission,
Laundry, :$5 .. .... . .......................
Liquors less than quart, $15 .........................
Li:.;ry stable,$7.50.................................
19 .
1626 .
feat peddler.*20. ....................... ..........
Pawn broker,$10 .............................,
( 3
Peddling by wagon,$25.............................
Peddling on foot, $5 ................. ..............
Real estate, $3 ......................................
Shooting gallery,$15................................
Skating rink,$5 ...............................
Stallion (season), $10 ..... .........................
I(" a
Fag e. ::: c b
Telegraph company, etc., 5• ................ :........ 63 -12
Theatrical, etc., $25.............. .. 63
Undertaker, $5 .................. ................... a2
Duties of........
Bond of ............ ............. .
..... ...........
Duties of........ .
License Collector . .................................
Salary of...............ti.............................
Rear shield .......
. 37
Misdemeanor ....... .......... .......... ...
Suspend policemen .................. .............
Extra duties of ......................................
Office, where kept.
Is Tax and License Collector .. .....................
Now to collect licenses........ ....................
Collect dog tax ......................................
Yost notices on bridge ........ ............ .......
Inspect buildin ms ......................................
General provisions....................................
When held ..........................................
Rales of oiiler for ................. .................
Allow garbage or filth, etc............. ...............
Resist pound -keeper ......... ......................
Interrupt public meeting ..................'..........
Disturb public peace... .............................
Carry slingshots, etc... ............ ...............
Give pistol to minors ................ ..............
Chrry concealed weapons ..............................
Fire guns, etc., in city ...............................
Children on street at night ..................... .....
Get drunk in public view ....... .... ..............
Sell indecent books .................................
Indecent behavior or exposure .....................
Beep or visit house of ill fame......
Bathe in creek naked ...............................
Dig up street ............ ............ ..............
Stop team on crossing .... ................:........
Fast driving ........................................
Orive over bridge fast ...............................
Deposit filth in or near creek .. _.......... .........
Tie horse to tree, etc ................................
Mutilate public trees ..................................
Smoke opium, etc. ....... ........................
Sleeping in house, no permission. ..................
Gambling, or visiting place of .......................
Lottery, to engage in ...............
Remove hitching post...... ..... ....
. .......... .
Swing gate, etc., on sidewalk....:........._...: ...
_ Fang signs across sidewalk ........... .......... .
Hang awnings low.... . . .............................
.j- _
Leave bo se unhitched .... ........................
Play ball or fly kite on street ........ ...............
Velocipede on sidewalk.................
Permit horse on sidewalk .................... .......
Carry baskets on pole, etc ..........................
Depo;=it rubbish on street .................... .......
T9 obstruct sidewalk.. . .......... .............. .....
Interfere with city property. .................
'Remove l 'd 1 1
)ri ge. or um 3er............................ .%6
L,eaz e l+orse in front of house, etc :...................
lDra',11 water across sidewalk .............I ..........
1.) _
iDeface signs.... .. .......................
or's osts
Remoce eurve ............................
To hang wire acros4Psidewaik ....'...................
;.1�or httchmlr post, erecting......................
Fr'!souer refuse to work......... ....
Yer::onify police officer .............................
To interfere with fire department ...................
jilt on sidewalk, etc ....... ...............
Stock to run loose .... ............................
Banana peel, etc., on sidewalk ...... ......
iiation of any ordinance .........................
Collected ;paid over ............................. ...
OATH of office......... ... ...:
Storin„ etc.......... .......
Yti ho cliaible to.....................................
Val ancy in, h w filled ..............................
Ton:re of..........
Who arc.... ....... ,...............................
- 26
Wben elect, d .........
I terest in public contract............ • • • : ..
Dat+es of.......... ........... ..... ...
Sen heading for each officer.
Ilow passed ...................................
Enacting clause....
Violation of, misdemeanor ..........................
TACE and good order... .........,.........
See, {Drainage.
Where erected............. ........ ........... ..
Size of, etc.......... ...................
+Li. TAX:
Board to fix.................... ...............
%ate fixed. ....:... .......:............
..................... I..........
ar.............. ....................
ie. nor of..................... ............
led, w:.en ........................ ..........
:,nubstitute................. ....................
protect persons and property.
salary of........... .......................
\V&ftS of city of sixth class ............::...............-
p4ce. Sec.
Board of Trustees.....:.,,,,,
To pass ordivances....�, ....... 7,.
,��eo A;2
Lease real estate.... ............... .....
Supply water .......... ........
Establish highwayway-.s...........
...... ....................
Lay Sewers.-..
............ ................
Provide for fires
Levy poll tag ......................
— S
Levy clog tax............... ..................
Levy property tax .........:....................
Nix licenseser
Improve water front
.... • • .. • • • . ""•
To erect public buildings
• ')
...... ,
To maintain public worl.s..._..............._......
b'ix penalties, etc.......;...
Cause prisoners to wurlc "'
., , ,
To pe2form all necesaarr acts
How stored.....
Hon- handled...... ....................
bla, dDe for, where.
Fire or matches Lear...._........... ,._ .... '........_........
PubLc ...
...... ...........
POnnd anima a
Notify owners.
5e11 animals ..........„... — ........ .............
Pav money into treasury,,,, .....
.5 ........... ..
Deliver to ow. er �................:...
”` 7:i
........ .......... ................
Certifi tate of sale
Ki lldog1 ........: ...:.:..........
.. 74
Keep record of dogs........... .....................
' Appoint deputies . ......... ..........
Wear badge ..........
Salary of.........
.. ... ...
Bond, to provide
.... .............
Fersans not to resist.........
How a ppornted
Must work..............
See Board of Trustees.
Sign warrants, etc.:...
Appoint cominittees,... .....
. - •
Chairra-1 of Board ........
PUBLJC buildiug,a, doors, etc ............. .. . .
Contract for......
Not to contract ... '
YiTNISH:h1EN1': ..... .... _
See penalty in each ordinance.
stn � Page.
Se. I ,.
..................... .......
1' �.
oare........ ............I.............. ...
;t, statute......................................
_pi':al and enrgeon5... _........................ ..
1-2 .
863 i
�o i•crtase debt...............................
meeting........ .............................
TR.................. .........._.................
1a7 furnish....................................
betaken when fire...........................
�P C'LOa;E,'P9;
c„,hplic3 kith water.................................
}.'iho co:mactions.....�....._ ......................
24 25 T�
To be kept c'.ear................................ _...
Fle.tric.i,tc., height ...................... .........
Io, attached to'house ................. .
O�%nens of may trim trees ...........................
C1,st, when necessary................................
Dv,ma-,e.city mAliable ...... ,........ .............