HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRR19268 Muckrock - Christopher Olcott records,019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ San Luis Obispo City Clerk] n �ur� PRA Office 990 Palm Street j\ San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 June 3, 2019 RE: Christopher Olcott City Clerk & Custodian of Records, 15034867909 PAGE 1, RECEIVED JUN 03 2019 SLO CITY CLERK Please see the attached California Public Records Act request directed to the City. You have 10 days to respond. Responses should be by email to the address in the footer. Records may be provided as attachments, or directly uploaded to MuckRock.com if too large (email us to find out how to do so). *** Note that every response (whether mailed, emailed, or uploaded, and including all responsive records) you send may be automatically and immediately visible to the general public on the MuckRock.com internet service used to issue this request. Please be certain all appropriate redactions have been made prior to sending records. *** Thanks, Anonymous Filed via MuckRock.com E-mail (Preferred): 74670-04839724@requests.muckrock.com For mailed responses, please address (see note): MuckRock News DEPT MR 74670 411A Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02144-2516 PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as undeliverable. ;019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ RE: G'alil'orwia Public: Records Act !Request -- Ref# ZA05-923081;-0I 2019-06-03 �ZXO,5-923085-01 15034867909 PAGE 2e Please provide the following public records pursuant to the California. Public Records Act (the. "Act"), any Sunshine ordinances that apply to your jurisdiction, and Article I of the California, Constitution, If the recipient cannot address this request, please forward it to the: appropriate official or staff Member. "You" and `your;" refer to each of the ono. or more requeste.e public agencies; and not meroly the individual recipient or muni :aer, agent, officer, or e..mployec of the, public agency. "Including" means "including but not llrnited to." lVe reserve all of our rights under the Act and other applicable law. I'lease be certain all responses are; properly redacted. I am not a representative of MuckR,ock, (The a.g;ency ies addressed in the cover ernaile/faxjletter trantimilting this request) An a,nonyrnous member of the public°.. Who may be contacted only via enla.il Your determination and reply to this request. (or notice of 14 -clay extension), including estimated date of recoI'd availability.. is expected within 10 calendar days. (Gov't Code see. 6253(c)) 'Since Act requests are not even required to be in writing ("The California Public Records Act plainly does not require a written request." Los Angeles Times v. Alameda Corrido+' Transp. Auth. (2001) 88 Cal.App.4th 1381, 1392.) and may not be distinguished by the purpose of the request (Gov't Code sec. 6257.5), 1 choose not to use any forms you may have made available for Act requests nor will I identify myself nor provide contact information other than e-mail address. I will not use any private entity's contracted public records website if doing so would require agreement to 1 of 5 15 '019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ 15034867909 PAGE 3e als RL': California Public Records Act Request --- Rejd ZX05-91.908. -01 The checked items below are incorporated into our request: Z Pleaso waive fees if possiblo. Provide us only those copies of records available: without auv fees For all copies that worild incur greater fees, please instead provide the (free) Statutorily- regtlirecl d0te1'Tl1irlati01l of whicli records axe available for in-person inspoetiorl, if we So choose, and an estimate for copying. 9 C."oIltact 118 pI'ioI' to peI'forming any s(rvic.c.g I'equirinig fess. Please assist in identifying and locating responsive records and overcoming objections to their disclosure (Gov't Code sec. 6253.](x)). Wr Under City (f San Jose v. Superior Court (2017), search personal email and mobile accounts and devices for requested records, as appropriate. V Include all olta.6111lcnt.s, exhibits, appendices, aild images, in and to all .responsive records. L1CJ Perform a diligent, seaI'ch for respor181ve I'ecords and examine thein before, determining they are exempt, as you may find that responsive records slave, Segregatable, disclosable portions that you Inust disclose (Gov't Code sec, 6253(a)) which cannot be determined unless you actually search for records. If you waived exemptions by prior disclosure to other members of the public (Gov't Code sec. 6254.5), we request you clo not withhold that record or portion frons us either. ❑ Immcdirltc disclosuro is requested under 'your local sunshine ordinance. Pl[vwe provide recclrcls in rollbig or as they are ready. ❑ This is a. written extension of tho 10-(1ay respousc ((!!Mille by ars a.ddi6ioual 0 (lays. El This is a v>rittcri extension of the 14 --day extension period 1y an additional 0 clays. 2 of 5 1019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ 15034867909 PAGE 4v 315 RL': C.alij''ornia Public: Records Act Request - Ref,1 ZX05-91a08•:;-01 Please provide records- in: electronic format (Gov't. Code sec,. 6253.9(x,)), via e.-ina.il attachments ❑ electronic format (Govt Code sec. 6253.9(a)), on C S13/DVD 'CD via mail ❑ paper format, via. mail If you have I'esponslve. e-inail I'ecoI'ds in .insg oI' .eml formats, please pI'ovide, a lossless copy of that record in that original format, or in another format that fully preserves all c-ina.il Ilca.ders and other Incta.dat•a. (Gov't Code 6253.9(a)(1).). If you instead, for cxaulple, print the email to PDF format, we will lose valuable data associated with the record, and Wil will r►.oi, Iiave pr(wldl xl. w,% complete copy of the public: record. If a. mTord is available on S our public website, a UR -L is preferable, to duplication. Cite statutory authority for all records wit, tcheld/redacted. Inform us of any appeal procedures if any records are: withheld/redacted. The following are each distinct )ltd separate requests. If you object to or gleed clarification on a subset of these requests, you moist still respond to the remaining requests in the legally required arliount of time. Electronic copies. via, email, of all records prepared, owned, used, or retained by each agency (see attached Important. Notes for clarificxtlorls) of: Rl. a. full copy of this request in the form your agency received it R2. all complaints filet] regarding the. behavior raf Cilri s,■'Chri ctoplict Olcot# he "Subject") R3. all claims filed against the City that mention t1w Subjcct, R.4. every public; records request nliule by any other member of public,: roedia. rnentionincg the Subject AND every response (including all responsive records). If you have provided it to other lltcinbers of the public, we expect you to provide it to us as well (Gov't Code. sec. 625=1.5). R.5. all press releases or stat.enlents I'e:ga,rding the Subject, OR the widely repoI'ted' Inisde.Ineanor battery with great bodily injury that: tho Snbjcct. pled guilty to (t.lw "Incident"), OR: the case: People v Olcott (the "Criminal Case") R6. every e-mail/SMS j text,/MMS instant %chat, message to or from the City Manager mentioning the Subject, the incident, the Criminal Case, or the City's investigation of the Subject/I116- dent ("Investigation"). between April 1, 2016 and the date of receipt of this request (inclusive) using the. Full Query defined below. eVe. would like the following case -insensitive search query in the subject, body, or attachments of the entails (the "Full Query,"): "Olcott" OR "assault" 013, "battery" 011 "appalling" Olt. "bar fight" OIl "Olcutt" 011. "111r. Ricks" Olt. "Mr. Rick" 3 of 5 1019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ 15034867909 PAGE 5, E: California F'iLbl'E L' Records it rt Request -- IieJ; ZX11,;-Jl.s'08c�-01 OR. "Mr. Ricks" OR "Chavez" OR "McCorinack" OR. "McCorinick" OR, "Funke-Bilu" OR ''Funke" OR. "Avila Beach bar" OR. "drunk" OR. "surveillance" OR. "Mexican)'. Include all att•achruent,s and Tina-cs. and include. all other cinalls in the threads of responsive cinails (i.e. every reply or forward to every re9ponsive entail Is also a respoIlsive elnail to this re(luest•). R.7. every e-iilaili"SMS/text;'A-I1 s .,instant• %chat message to or from the Subject's city -provided ��. cnla.il or phone accounts incntioning the Tncidcnt, the, Criminal Casc, or the. Itivostiga.tion, between April 1. 2016 and the elate of receipt of this request (inclusive) Using the Lim- ited Query defined below. \•'A."e would like the following case -insensitive search query in the Subject, body, or attachments of the messages (tile "Limited (.query'): "fight" OR. "felony" OR "1riis.denleanor" "iiSSa,Lilt" OR, "battery" OR, "Mr. Ricks" OR, "Mr. Rick" OR "Mr. R.ickV' OR. "Chavez" OR "McCormack" OR "McCormick" OR: "Funke-Bilu" OR "Funke" OR, "Avila Beach Isar" 013. "punch" OR "elbow" 013. "administrative leave" OR "fired" OR "surveillance" OR "Mexican" 013. "drunk". Inchide all attachintents and iniages, and include all other messages in the threads of responsive ernails (i.e. every reply oI' forward to eveI'y 1'08l)01ASiVC 111CS.S J.gO 15 iilso a respoIlsive inessago to this rc(luest). R8. every 1ricidmit report, lnvostlgat'1ve report, aftor-C.iCtlon roport, at't'est report or similar the City has regarding the. Incident or Criminal Case. R.9. every document or piece: of evidence provided by the. Subject to the City in the Investigation R.10. all surveillance videos the City has regarding the Incident R11. all body -cam footage the City has regarding the Incident .0> R12. every e-niail message to or from any City- employee including the Incident surveillance video or n. link to the surveillance video (search bet-woen :April 1, 201.6 and the da.tc of receipt of this request (inclusive)] , which includes any internal copies of the video AND ALSO includes, but is not limited to, any variation (with or without http/https, www, etc.) of ally of these uI'ls: yUutul)C`.colii,'watch?v=xbV8_dL.jrx(Z , youtube.colll/watcli'?v=7Iii-DlUmrMbuA yout•ube.coirl; wa,t•ch?v IJpekHFvtJ-g i youtube.rant'watcll?v nS7stlYvkAo. .Include all attachments and images, and include all other mossabcs in the threads of responsive cinails (i.e. every reply of forward to every responsive, message is also a responsive, message, to this recluest) . R 13. every message received by the City froin incinbers of the. public regarding ding, the Incident of punishing or investigating the: Subject search between April 1; 2016 and the date of receipt of this re(lucst (inclusive)] . Include all atu)chlrtonts and 1lnages, and inchide all other I11essa,gos in the threads of responsive entails (i.e. every reply or forward to every responsive message is also a responsive inessage to this request). 1114. every- inessal;e received by the City from Carnile Chaves [search between April 11 2016 arid. the date of receipt of this request (inclusive..)] . Include all at.tachmeIlts and imagE.s, and include, all other messages In the threads of responsive. emalls (i.e. every reply or forward to every responsive inessahc is Also a responsive inessa.ge to this request). 4of5 1019-06-03 04:09 -04:00 California Public Records Act Request: Christ RL': California Public Records Act Request -- RrM ZX05-92308ci-01 15034867909 PAGE 6, 5/5 R.15. every Inessage reccivec] by the City from Isaaae A1eC;orrna.ek [search between April 1, 201.6 and the date of receipt of this request (inclusive)] . Inc:lude all attachments and images. and include all other ralessages in the threads of responsive erna.ils (Le, every reply- or liOravard to every responsive rrlossage is also it, responsive mrssa.gc to this re(luest). 16, every Inessage received by the City froin any Ineinber of the jury in People v Olcott (search between April 1. 2016 and the date of receipt of this request (inclusive)] , Include all at- tachments and ianages, and include all other Inessage5 in the threads of responsive cinails (Le. every reply or forward to every responsive, message Is also a responsive niessage to this reque8 t ). R.17. the Full disciplinary record of the Subject - All of your responses; including a.ny disc.losc..d records; secret: URLs or file share passwords, lna•y be automatically, instantly, and publicly viewable via the nivackrock.com Internet service used to issue this request. Ohttps://www.sanluisobispo.com/opinion/editorials/article229719054.html, https://calcoastnews.com/2019/04/slo-city-employee-guilty-of-random-assault-video/. https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/local/crime/article229342554.html, https://ksby.com/news/local-news/2019/04/23/slo-city-manager-calls-actions-during-bar-fight-by-city- mployee-appalli https://ksby.com/news/local-news/2019/04/18/city-of-san-luis-obispo-responds-to-employee-involved-in bar -assault, https://ksby.com/news/local-news/2019/04/17/slo-city-employee-on-paid-leave-3-years-after-bar-assaul, https://www.foxnews.com/us/california-city-employee-placed-on-leave-for-knocmking-out-woman-three-ye s -ago 5of5 1 Christian, Kevin To:74670-04839724@requests.muckrock.com Subject:RE: California Public Records Act Request: Christopher Olcott (SLO) From: 74670‐04839724@requests.muckrock.com <74670‐04839724@requests.muckrock.com>   Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 8:45 AM  To: White, Kelly <kwhite@slocity.org>  Cc: CityClerk <CityClerk@slocity.org>; Dietrick, Christine <cdietric@slocity.org>  Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Christopher Olcott (SLO)      San Luis Obispo City Clerk  PRA Office  990 Palm Street  San Luis Obispo, CA 93401  June 26, 2019  This is a follow up to a previous request:  R20 was intended to cover check registers or line items in your accounting system in the case you asserted privilege over  the invoice amounts in R19. However, since you have not done so, R20 is withdrawn.  Thanks!  *** Note this is a public mailbox: every response (whether mailed, emailed, or uploaded, and including all responsive  records) you send will be automatically and immediately published to the general public on the MuckRock.com internet  service used to issue this request. Please be certain all appropriate redactions have been made prior to sending records.  ***  Filed via MuckRock.com  E‐mail (Preferred): 74670‐04839724@requests.muckrock.com  Upload documents directly:  https://accounts.muckrock.com/accounts/login/?next=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.muckrock.com%2Faccounts%2Flogin%2F %3Fnext%3D%252Faccounts%252Fagency_login%252Fsan‐luis‐obispo‐10638%252Fchristopher‐olcott‐slo‐ 74670%252F%253Femail%253Dkwhite%252540slocity.org&url_auth_token=AAAxLzUiVo672WiUAuJIVi6yyko%3A1hgA6 R%3AjNtVPmglWcDv0N4Lyf9nob1YY14  Is this email coming to the wrong contact? Something else wrong? Use the above link to let us know.  For mailed responses, please address (see note):  MuckRock News  DEPT MR 74670  411A Highland Ave  Somerville, MA 02144‐2516  2 PLEASE NOTE: This request is not filed by a MuckRock staff member, but is being sent through MuckRock by the above in  order to better track, share, and manage public records requests. Also note that improperly addressed (i.e., with the  requester's name rather than "MuckRock News" and the department number) requests might be returned as  undeliverable.  ‐‐‐  On June 26, 2019:  Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Christopher Olcott (SLO)  Good Morning,  For R18 I will run the additional search and produce any non‐exempt records.  For R19 I have posted<http://opengov.slocity.org/weblink/1/fol/94865/Row1.aspx> the redacted invoices for the work  of firm Hanley & Fleishman on the Olcott investigation. I will run a search for any additional communications.  For R20, please clarify what you are asking for that is different from the invoices.  Kelly White  Legal Assistant/Paralegal  City Attorney's Office  E kwhite@slocity.org  ‐‐‐  On June 25, 2019:  Subject: RE: California Public Records Act Request: Christopher Olcott (SLO)  *** Note this is a public mailbox: every response (whether mailed, emailed, or uploaded, and including all responsive  records) you send will be automatically and immediately published to the general public on the MuckRock.com internet  service used to issue this request. Please be certain all appropriate redactions have been made prior to sending records.  ***  I will be adding some follow‐up requests:  R18. All emails to, from, cc, or bcc, <Dietrick, Christine> with any of the words: Olcott or Olcutt or Chavez or McCormack  or McCormick or Funke‐Bilu or Funke or Bilu [dates: April 1, 2016 to June 25, 2019]. I understand she is the City's  attorney. However, not all of her records are automatically exempt as A/C privileged or as work‐product. Please provide  justification for any records withheld. You have an obligation under CPRA (Govt Code 6253(a)) to provide all non‐exempt  portions of records that may be reasonably segregated from purportedly exempt portions.   R19. All letters, invoices, bills, receipts, statements of work to/from the firm(s) performing the City investigation of  Olcott. I understand the firm(s) may be attorneys. However, not all of their records are automatically exempt as A/C  privileged or as work‐product. Please provide justification for any records withheld. You have an obligation under CPRA  (Govt Code 6253(a)) to provide all non‐exempt portions of records that may be reasonably segregated from purportedly  exempt portions.   R20. All accounting entries/forms/checks showing payments to or debts owed to the firm(s) performing the City  investigation of Olcott.  In both R19 and R20, you only need concern yourself with records relating to those firms' investigation of Olcott ‐ not  their other work for the City (if that is the case).  3 All "Important Notes" (re fees and search methods, etc.) from my June 3 original request  [https://cdn.muckrock.com/foia_files/2019/06/13/PRR19268_Muckrock_‐_Chrisopher_Olcott_records.pdf] are  incorporated by reference for these follow‐ups.  You have 10 days from today to respond to these follow‐ups.  Thanks,  Anonymous  ‐‐‐