HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRR20058 Sampson - 1605 Calle Joaquin - certificate of occupancyThe Planning & Zoning Resource Company 6RXWK0HULGLDQ$YHQXH6XLWH2NODKRPD&LW\2. 7HOHSKRQH  ā)D[   Toll Free (800) 344-2944 Ext: 4563 Please fax to my direct fax number: 405-328-7369 To:Andy Torres Fax: Email:Atorres@slocity.org Date:3/6/2020 Subject:Certificates of Occupancy Ref. Number 137420-6 RE:Courtyard San Luis Obispo, 1605 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, California Add'I Info:Parcel Number: 053-171-032. Please provide copies from 2017 - present. $WWDFKHGLVRXUUHTXHVWIRUSURSHUW\LQIRUPDWLRQRQWKHDERYHPHQWLRQHGSURSHUW\3OHDVHFRS\LWRQWR your letterhead, provide the requested information, sign and return to me via either my direct fax, shown above, or via email to: Ronna.Sampson@pzr.com It is my understanding that there will not beEHIHHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKWKLVUHTXHVW3OHDVHEHDGYLVHG that the total fees are not to exceed $0ZLWKRXWP\DSSURYDO,I\RXVKRXOGH[SHFWWKHIHHVWRH[FHHG WKLVDPRXQWSOHDVHQRWLI\PHDVVRRQDVSRVVLEOH)XUWKHUPRUHDQ\DGGLWLRQDOFRVWVDVVRFLDWHGZLWK this request must be approved, in writing, prior to their incurrence. 7KDQN\RXLQDGYDQFHIRU\RXUWLPHDQGFRQVLGHUDWLRQRQWKHDERYHPDWWHU,IWKHUHDUHDQ\TXHVWLRQV \RXDUHXQDEOHWRDQVZHUSOHDVHOHWPHNQRZZKR,VKRXOGFRQWDFW,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVRU concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at the toll free number 800-344-2944, extension 4563. You may also reach me by email at: Ronna.Sampson@pzr.com Sincerely, Chelly Sampson (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) The Planning & Zoning Resource Company 1300 South Meridian Avenue, Suite 400 2NODKRPD&LW\2. 3/6/2020 ATTN:Chelly Sampson Ref. No.137420-6 RE:Courtyard San Luis Obispo, 1605 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, California Add'I Info.Parcel Number: 053-171-032. Please provide copies from 2017 - present. :HUH&HUWLILFDWHVRI2FFXSDQF\LVVXHG",IVRSOHDVHSURYLGHDOODYDLODEOHFRSLHV,IFRSLHVDUHXQDYDLODEOHSOHDVHILOO out our attached form letter. Please call the undersigned at , extension if you have questions or concerns. Sincerely: Name: Title: Department: Email: (PLEASE COPY ONTO YOUR LETTERHEAD) Based on our Records [Choose One]: 3/6/2020 ATTN:Chelly Sampson Ref. No.137420-6 RE:Courtyard San Luis Obispo, 1605 Calle Joaquin, San Luis Obispo, California Add'I Info.Parcel Number: 053-171-032. Please provide copies from 2017 - present. …$YDOLGILQDOFHUWLILFDWHRIRFFXSDQF\KDVEHHQLVVXHGDQGLVLQHIIHFWIRUWKH3URMHFW7RWKHEHVWRIRXUNQRZOHGJHDOO required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. (See Attached Copy Issued) …&HUWLILFDWHVRI2FFXSDQF\DUHQRWUHTXLUHG)LQDO%XLOGLQJ3HUPLWVKDYHEHHQLVVXHGDQGDUHQRZRXWVWDQGLQJIRUWKH 3URMHFW 6HH$WWDFKHG&RS\,VVXHG …Certificates of Occupancy for projects constructed prior to the year …:HDUHXQDEOHWRORFDWHDFHUWLILFDWHRIRFFXSDQF\IRUWKH3URMHFWIURPRXUUHFRUGV:HKDYHHYLGHQFHLQRXUUHFRUGV however, one was issued and has been subsequently lost or misplaced. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for WKH3URMHFWLVQRWDYLRODWLRQDQGZLOOQRWJLYHULVHWRDQ\HQIRUFHPHQWDFWLRQDIIHFWLQJWKH3URMHFW7RWKHEHVWRIRXU knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity, restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof. …This site is still being constructed. The absence of a certificate of occupancy for the Project will not give rise to any HQIRUFHPHQWDFWLRQDIIHFWLQJWKH3URMHFW$FHUWLILFDWHRIRFFXSDQF\IRUWKH3URMHFWZLOOEHLVVXHGZKHQDOOILQDO inspections have been passed. DUHQRORQJHURQILOHZLWK WKLVRIILFH7KH3URMHFWZDVFRQVWUXFWHGLQ 7KHDEVHQFHRIDFHUWLILFDWHRIRFFXSDQF\IRU the Project is not a violation and will not give rise to any enforcement action affecting the Project. To the best of our knowledge, all required Certificates of Occupancy have been issued. A certificate of occupancy for the Project will only be required to the extent of any construction activity (such as restoring, renovating or expanding the Project or any part thereof). …There are no records of a certificate of occupancy in any of our files; however, we consider the structures to be legally occupied. Sincerely: Name: Title: , extension if you have questions or concerns.Please call the undersigned at