HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-04-2021 PRC Minutes Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 1 Minutes PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Wednesday, August 4, 2021 Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Commission CALL TO ORDER A Meeting of the San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order on Wednesday, August 4, 2021 at 5:37 p.m. at 990 Palm Street, City Council Chambers, San Luis Obispo. ROLL CALL Present: Vice Chair Robert Spector, Commissioners Kari Applegate, Rick Blair, Andrew Webber. Absent: Commissioners Adam Stowe and Kari Howell Staff: Parks and Recreation Director Greg Avakian and Administrative Assistant III Lisa Russell PUBLIC COMMENT ITEMS NOT ON THE AGENDA None APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1) Consideration of Minutes of the Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of July 7, 2021. ACTION: Approved and seconded motion for July Minutes. UPON MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAIR, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER WEBBER, CARRIED 4-0-1-1 the Parks and Recreation Commission approved the Minutes of the Regular Parks and Commission Meeting of July 4, 2021, as presented. BUSINESS ITEMS 2) Parks & Recreation Blueprint: Top Blueprint Priorities for Next 6-12 Months a. Provide input and direction on recommendations regarding proposed priorities for projects based on the Parks & Recreation Blueprint for the Future. (Avakian – 45 minutes) Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 2 Director Avakian presented re-cap of the Blueprint Plan, announced Lindsey Stephenson’s retirement and that Devin Hyfield was out on vacation. Introduced new Recreation Manager Meghan Burger. Review and discuss opportunities for PRC to provide to staff: Presentation by Director Avakian on the following topics: Upcoming CIP Projects 2021-23 • Emerson Park Fitness Replacement • Cheng Park Revitalization • Eto Park Revitalization’ • North Broad Street Park • Mitchell Park Enhancement Grant • Prop 68 Grant Application Update Future Developments overview in order of project progress: • Righetti Ranch Development and anticipated amenities. • San Luis Ranch • Avila Ranch • Froom Ranch Master Plan Themes, Strategies and Goals reviewed: • Design Excellence • Building Community • Stewardship & Sustainability • Connections & Access • Partnerships & Public Engagement • Good Governance Goal #1 - Build Community and Neighborhoods Goal #2 - Sustainability Goal #3 – Safety Goal #4 – Parks, Facilities and Amenities ETC Institute data from 2018 survey: all data in Director’s presentation. Unmet Needs Rating for Recreation Amenities – ETC Institute 2018 data from survey Importance Rating for Recreation Amenities – ETC Institute 2018 data from survey Top Priorities based on 2018 Survey Key Identified Amenity Needs: Swim Center, Athletic Fields, Dog Parks, Indoor Facilities, Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 3 Updated Playgrounds, Special recreation facilities, Sport Courts. City Sub Areas (Equitable Distribution of resources) Foothill, Downtown, Meadow, Righetti, Stoneridge, Laguna Lake Future projects will follow implementation in Tiers: Critical, Strategic, Visionary Role of Parks and Recreation Committee and Staff Discussions - Utilizing Vice Chair Spector: Good communication. Asked for Input from commissioners Commissioner Webber: What are you looking for now? Director Avakian: Next three months are key. We are showing we are now ready to move forward. Is there anything in addition that staff should re-prioritize? Commissioner Webber: Requested review of “Key Needs” slide and asked to have Dog Parks moved up in priority on the list for Righetti Ranch amenities. Director Avakian: Righetti Ranch development is a focus in fall to gather feedback from the community and would be 12-18 months until any type of groundbreaking. Commissioner Blair: How long would it take until complete? Director Avakian: We’ll get back to you with proposed timeline. Commissioner Blair: My interest is in moving the project quickly ahead. Dog Park is top of list. Splash Pad would also be a very good addition to the plan. What are the gating factors to getting Righetti Ranch project moving ahead quickly? Director Avakian: The pandemic delayed parks planning project by one year. The discussion about what exactly the project will be will determine timeline. There are two parts to the recreation area, large and small. Described the specific locations were described to the staff. Commissioner Blair: Righetti Ranch usage timeline, seems 3 years out. Director Avakian: The larger community park will take longer, however the linear park could be a shorter timeline Commissioner Blair: Good dog park included. Perhaps Emerson Park could have a dog park. Director Avakian: Emerson Dog Park could happen if state grant is awarded and moved to higher priority. A standalone Splash Pad could be within the current SLO Swim Center because the current infrastructure is there. Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 4 Commissioner Applegate: SLO Swim Center Expansion appears to be a priority based on community feedback. Director Avakian: Perhaps Sub area 6 or 1 could possibly be included for swim center of some sort however agree that current Swim Center needs assessment. Vice Chair Spector: Equitable distribution model could be outdated by the time projects are completed. Do we want neighborhood pools vs. Swim Center for further discussion? Commissioner Applegate: Expansion of SLO Swim Center footprint discussion needed. Director Avakian: With the new SLO high school pool there could be reduced usage at SLO Swim Center and staff will evaluate impacts. Good usage of resources to expand SLO Center and centralize Commissioner Applegate: Second to Webbers movement about and updated Diamond Field Area to be able to hold tournaments. Dog Parks should be high priority. Could be done at Laguna Lake. Indoor Facilities and could Meadow Park be enhanced for community space or Emerson Park. Director Avakian: Indoor remodeling of Emerson Park building is limited to same office footprint, no expansion. Commissioner Applegate: Noticed that the Roller Rink/Santa Rosa was a problem because of the shared space for separate sports. Vice Chair Spector: The “Guiding Themes” are building community in neighborhoods: #1 Dog Parks - Expansion of Laguna Park. Dog owners become “groups” which enriches the park because it draws more people. #2 Pop-up Programs - More Pop-Ups in as many parks as possible to show it is a gathering spot. #3 Downtown Mission Plaza Area and Creek Way - Lots of building going on and not much space left. A nice walking path. #4 Swim Capacity - A needs increase. Expansion at SLO Swim Center is easy to do. #5 Athletic Fields - Need more fields for all groups to play on and all fields should be in playable condition. Add additional trees and greenery to enhance environment. Director Avakian: In answer to Vice Chair Spector’s comments on Downtown - There is an approved Downtown Concept Plan that includes upgrades for Downtown Parks which includes a pathway along the Creek and Public Art. Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 5 Summary of comments on project priorities from the Commission: #1 Dog Parks concepts, expansion and enhancements - for Laguna Lake and Righetti Ranch #2 Righetti Ranch Parks to help provide amenities to community #3 Emerson Park Grant Plan #4 Diamond/Sport Fields #5 Aquatic Venues - Begin with current facilities and expansion on current SLO Swim Center footprint and evaluate if there is a need for standalone facilities in a particular Sub area. Splash Pads could be a good addition. #6 Community Center – Review and discuss if Meadow Park building could turn into a “true” community center. Evaluation of Ludwick Center for enhancements. Would be a longer-term project. #7 Court Spaces - Lack of lighted courts. Santa Rosa Park is highly used so has additional needs. #8 Mobile Stage Areas and /Pop-Ups in Parks - There have been successful Monday popups this summer. Plan to look at additional stage areas in parks. Vice Chair Spector: Summer Pop-Ups have been receiving lots of great feedback. Having them more frequently would be great. Director Avakian: We have added another Pop-Up for the Fall. Specific details to come. They have been well received and serve as community building activities for children and adults in addition to food trucks. Vice Chair Spector’s question to Staff: Perhaps enhancements at Emerson Park or Mitchell for example could be a quick build and are there other apparent quick builds? Commissioner Webber: Add Meadow Park to list for having an official dog park. Vice Chair Spector: Add walking paths around the parks to walk safely around within the park. Emerson Grant could help. Director Avakian: This year Meadow Park enhancement will include the walking paths. Commissioner Blair: Lighted courts are much needed but depends on proximity to residences. Better farther away from homes. Director Avakian: Righetti Ranch would not have lights because of proximity to homes. Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 6 Grant Updates by Director Avakian Emerson Park Fitness Equipment - Fall 2021 opening Prop 68 State Park Grant - Mitchell Park grant awarded Emerson Park Revitalization - Grant Application status PUBLIC COMMENT: John McKenzie - Dog Parks are great and I appreciate your inclusion of them in the plans. -End of Public Comment-- UPDATES 3) Directors Report (Avakian – 30 minutes) a. Update on current projects and grants b. Staffing Updates c. Summer and Fall Program Updates Director, Greg Avakian provided summer and fall program and services updates for each of the following divisions: • Youth Services • Sports & Classes • Special Event • Public Art • Aquatics • Golf • Facilities • Ranger Service • Projects Overview - listed previously • Administration Commissioner Blair: Thank you to you and your Parks and Recreation Staff for all that you’ve been doing. Commissioner Blair: Question to reclarify the Mitchell Park Grant and what new and upgraded amenities for the community were included in scope of Grant. Vice Chair Spector: We all thank you. Minutes – Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting of August 4, 2021 Page 7 SUBCOMMITTEE LIAISON REPORTS 4) Subcommittee Liaison Reports (15 minutes) a. Adult and Senior Programming: Vice Chair Spector Senior Programs. Gathering protocol and mask guidelines for Senior Center. b. Active Transportation Committee: Commissioner Webber Traffic safety and bike paths. c. City Park and Rec Facilities: Commissioner Applegate None. Director Avakian has covered all topics. d. Jack House Committee: Vacant e. Tree Committee: Vacant f. Youth Sports Association: Commissioner Stowe – No Report g. Liaison Roles: Director Avakian There is a need to clarify and revise roles between Commission and Parks and Recreation Staff for the Tree Committee, Jack House and the Senior Center and to have further discussion on ideas for a potential Teen Activity Center. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. The next Regular Parks and Recreation Commission meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, September 1, 2021 at 5:30 p.m. via teleconference. APPROVED BY THE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION: August 4, 2021