HomeMy WebLinkAboutr 10492 chapter 7 (airport) draft land use elementRESOLUTION NO. 10492 (2014 Series) A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO ENDORSING CHAPTER 7 (AIRPORT) OF THE DRAFT LAND USE ELEMENT TO BE CONSIDERED THROUGH THE EIR PROCESS (GPI 15 -12) WHEREAS, the City received a Strategic Growth Council grant in the amount of $880,000 with strict performance timeframes to update the City's Land Use and Circulation Elements; and WHEREAS, in June 2011, the City Council approved goals for the 2011 -2013 Financial Plan including additional funding to support the update of the Land Use and Circulation Elements; and WHEREAS, public participation has been a long tradition in land use issues in the City of San Luis Obispo and public involvement is essential in updating the 1994 Land Use and Circulation Elements; and WHEREAS, to date input has been received through two different on -line tools, five community workshops, one workshop at Cal Poly, 31 Task Force meetings, seven Planning Commission hearings, two traveling open houses in six locations, and a community survey returned by over 2,000 respondents; and WHEREAS, the public participation strategy calls for a Task Force for the Land Use and Circulation Elements Update (TF -LUCE) to inform the update process at key milestones, provide feedback and recommendations and disseminate information to each participant's circle of influence; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission has reviewed and recommended goals, policies, and programs in the Land Use Element based upon input from the community and the Task Force; and WHEREAS, endorsing the draft Land Use Element to be considered through the Environmental Impact Report process is an important milestone step in the update of the City's Land Use and Circulation Elements update; and WHEREAS, the Council will have additional opportunities to further review the draft Land Use Element after the environmental review process of the Land Use and Circulation Elements update; and WHEREAS, the City Council has duly considered all evidence, including the testimony of interested parties, and the evaluation and recommendations by the TF -LUCE, Planning Commission, and staff presented at said hearing NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of San Luis Obispo that Chapter 7 (Airport) of the Draft Land Use Element presented at the hearing on R 10492 Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 2 January 28, 2014 as amended by Council shall be considered through the environmental review process as part of the Land Use and Circulation Elements Update. SECTION 1. Airport Chapter. A portion of the project description to be considered as part of the EIR process includes the policies and programs related to the Airport Chapter in the Draft Land Use Element shown in Attachment A as modified by City Council, an official copy of which shall be maintained in the Office of the City Clerk referencing this Resolution. Upon motion of Council Member Smith, seconded by Vice Mayor Christianson, and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Council Members Ashbaugh, Carpenter and Smith, Vice Mayor Christianson and Mayor Marx NOES: None ABSENT: None The foregoing resolution was adopted this 281h day of January 2014. May® J �Parx ATTEST: APPROVED AS TGARM: distine Dietrick Attorney Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 3 0 7 AIRPORT AREA POLICIES NOTE TO REVIEWER: The City is working with an airport safety guidelines for development near the airport. ATTACHMENT A expert to develop a new set of Policies in this section apply to the Airport Area, as shown on Figure 8 and represent the Airport influence Area subject to airport safety, noise height, and overflight standards. 7.1 Regional Service The City shall support the airport's continued service to the region, consistent with the approved Airport Master Plan and FAA - approved Airport Layout Plan. Policy 7.1 0 Style ❑ Clarity 10 Currency ❑ Relocate I ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources 7.2 Airport Land Use Plan Land use density and intensity shall carefully balance noise impacts and the progression in the degree of reduced safety risk further away from the runways, consistent with California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook guidelines. The City shall use the Airport Master Plan forecasts of aviation activity as a reasonably foreseeable projection of ultimate aviation activity sufficient for long -term land use planning purposes. Prospective buyers of property subject to airport influence should be so informed. Policy 7.2 12 Style 1 ❑ Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate 10 Com plete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources Edited for style only. NEW POLICY 7.3 Airport Safety Zones_ Airport Safety- Zones shall be consistent with California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook guidelines and substantiated by the San Luis Obispo County Airport Master Plan activity forecasts as used for noise planning purposes. NEW I ❑ Style ❑ Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources NEW POLICY 7.4 Airport Noise Compatibility The City shall use the aircraft noise analysis prepared for the Airport Master Plan Environmental Impact Deport as an accurate mapping of the Ion( term noise impact of the airport's aviation activity that is tied to the ultimate facilities development depicted in the FAA - approved Airport 'Layout Plan. The City shall use the 60 dB CNEL aircraft noise contour (FAA and State aircraft noise planning standard) as the threshold for new urban residential areas. Interiors of new__residential structures shall be constructed to meet a maximum 45 dB CNEL Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 4 NEW El Style ❑ Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance El Resources 7.5 City Annexation and Services The City shall actively pursue annexation of the airport area as noted in the Airport Area Specific Plan. Airport Area land inside the urban reserve shall be considered for annexation if it meets the criteria stated in Policy 1.12.4 and provisions in the Airport Area Specific Plan. Urban development and provision of adequate resources and services needed citywide shall be closely monitored. Policy 7.3 0 Style J ❑ Clarity I ❑ currency ❑ Relocate ❑Com lete ❑ Relevance Edited for style only. Interim criteria are no longer applicable since specific plan has been adopted. 7.6 Greenbelt Protection The City shall ensure annexation of the Airport Area Specific Plan is consistent with the growth management objectives of maintaining areas outside the urban reserve line in rural, predominantly open space uses. Annexation shall not take effect unless the annexed area helps protect an appropriate part of the greenbelt near the Airport Area, through one or more of the following methods: A. Dedicating an open -space easement or fee ownership to the City or to a responsible land - conservation organization. B. Paying fees to the City in -lieu of dedication that shall be used within a reasonable time to secure greenbelt open space near the Airport Area. Policy 7.4 10 Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance 70 Resources Edited for style only. 7.7 Internal Open Space The City shall ensure areas designated for urban uses in the Airport Area Specific Plan, but not necessarily each parcel, should include open areas as site amenities and to protect resources, consistent with the Conservation and Open Space Element. In addition, the City shall ensure wildlife corridors across the Airport Area shall be identified and preserved. Policy 7.5 0 Style I ❑ Clarity 10 Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources First sentence is not necessary as an element doesn't need to say you must comply with other elements. Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 5 ME- - ■■ �- — TO BE UPDATED �', • � iilm f' c I Figure 9: Airport Area qqr AL city f Airport Area A maw sm Wi s om spo " ;,- City Limit Line N Airport Area Figure 9 ❑ -Style ❑ Clarity D Currenc ❑ Relocate I ❑ Complete 10 Relevance 10 Resources Figure 9 will be updated once airport section is complete. Currently doesn't show full extent of area covered by AASR Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 6 7.8 Development Before Annexation A. Areas which are designated for eventual urban development in the Airport Area Specific Plan may be developed during the interim with rural residential or rural commercial uses. In such areas, County development standards and discretionary review should assure that projects will not preclude options for future urban development consistent with the City's planning policies and standards. Before any discretionary County land -use or land- division approval for such areas, a development plan for the site should be prepared, showing that circulation, water and other utility, and drainage proposals will be compatible with future annexation and urban development; and conditions of approval should include payment of City fees required to mitigate traffic, housing, and open space impacts. B. Any development within the urban reserve approved by the County prior to annexation should comply with City standards for roadway cross - sections, bus stops, walking and bicycle paths, landscaping, view protection, setbacks, preferred site layouts, and architectural character. Policy 7.6 10 Style 10 Clarity 10 —Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources Minor edits proposed. 7.9 Transit Service The City shall work with SLOCOG, the County, RTA, the Airport, and area businesses to extend transit service to the airport and County areas south of the City. Polio 7.7 0 Style ❑Clarit ❑ Currenc l ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance 0 Resources Policy reworded to promote the continued efforts of this extension. Policy 7.8 10 Ste TO Clan7ty ❑ CCUrrgncy ❑ Relocate ©Com fete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources The Airport Area Specific Plan has been completed and adopted. Business parks may be deveioped--in areas designated -for therm: - BUSinesS- parks are to accommodate research and development and light- rianufactu ring- in a -Carr +pus like setting: They should provide high- quality design of public - and - private- facilities. Land designated- for a- lousiness park should not- be further divided -or- developed- until -- the -city aanexes -tke area and approves a master- plan -for -the business park. Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 7 Policy 7.9.1 10 Style 10 Clarity ❑ - Currency 0 Relocate 0 Complete 10 Relevance 10 Resources Relocated to new uses and standard table (Table 1). 0.. Dwellings may be provided only a6 Garetaker qwartel:6 er as part of a Gpedally approved mixed Y6e development. The appropriate residential den6ity would be set Gonsidering is4dent'al density allowed in any Relghboring residential area. (Alse, 6ee rc edenfi I ecntkm for nol'g•io OR density bonuses for affordable housing.) Policies 7.9.2 ❑ Style 10 Clarity ❑ Curren_cy 0 Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources Relocated to new uses and standard table (Table 1). Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 8 PROGRAMS Prog. 7.10 ❑ Style 10 Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate 0 Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources The Airport Area Specific Plan has been completed and adopted. 7.10 Airline Service shall continue to work with the County and regional airlines to assure that regional airline services are continued and expanded to adequately serve the needs of the population in the service area of the airport. Prog. 7.11 0 Style ❑Clarit ❑Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete 0 Relevance ❑ Resources i — — -- - Policy has been refocused to address airline service. It is not necessary for policy to require compliance with another element. 7.11 Growth Management The City will annex the Airport area denoted in the Airport Area Specific Plan and accommodate incremental development consistent with the growth management policies, including those concerning adequacy of resources and services and development paying its own way. Prog. 7.12 ❑ style ❑ Clarity ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate I ❑ Complete 0 Relevance ❑ Resources Edited to clarify applicability to AASP. 7.12 Open Space Dedication and In -lieu Fees In approving development proposals, the City will assure that Airport Area properties noted in the Airport Area Specific Plan secure protection for any on -site resources as identified in the Conservation and Open Space Element. These properties, to help maintain the greenbelt, shall also secure open space protection for any contiguous, commonly owned land outside the urban reserve. If it is not feasible to directly obtain protection for such land, fees in lieu of dedication shall be paid when the property is developed, to help secure the greenbelt in the area south of the City's southerly urban reserve line. The City shall set fee levels that would be appropriate in- lieu of open space dedication. Prog 7.13 ❑ Style ❑ Clarity [ ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate I ❑ Complete 121 Relevance 1 ❑ Resources Edited to clarify applicability to AASP. NEW POLICY 7.13 County Airport Land Use Plan The Citv shall continue to work with the County Airport Land Use Commission to strive to achieve consistency between the County Airport Land Use Plan and the City's General Plan. If consistenc cannot be achieved the City shall preserve and maintain as a plausible alternative its constitutional land use and statutory authority to overrule the Airport Land Use Commission with regard to adopting General Plan policies that are consistent with the purposes of the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook State Aeronautics Act and State Law. Applicable sections of the Zoning Regulations and Specific Plans shall be amended accordingly. NEW ❑ St le 10 Clarit ❑ Currency ❑ Relocate ❑ Complete ❑ Relevance ❑ Resources NEW PROGRAMS Council Resolution No. 10492 (2014 Series) Page 9 7.14 Airport Overlay Zone The City shall create an Airport Overlay Zone category to codify airport compatibility criteria identified in the general plan for those areas located within the Airport Influence Area consistent with the requirements of the California State Aeronautics Act (Cal. Pub. Utilities Code Section 21570, et. seq.) which establishes statewide requirements for airport land use compatibility lannin the California Airport Land Use Planning Handbook, which is published by the California Department of Transportation Division of Aeronautics to support and amplify the State Aeronautics Act requirements, and other related federal and state requirements relating to airport land use compatibility planning. Implementation of the compatibility policies will be accomplished through the Airport Land Use and Zoning Code, NEW O Style 10 Clarity I O Currency O Relocate 10 Complete O Relevance O Resources 7.15 Airport Land Use and Zoning Code The City shall update its Zoning Regulations to address allowable uses and development standards for areas located within the Airport Influence Area consistent with the requirements of the State Aeronautics Act Cattrans Handbook and related state and federal re uirements relating to airport land use compatibility. These development standards will include but not limited to intensity and -density limitations identification of prohibited uses infill development height limitations and other hazards to flight, noise insulation requirements, buyer awareness measures nonconforming uses and reconstruction and the process for airport compatibility criteria reviews by the City consistent these develo ment standards. NEW O Style O Clarity O Currency 10 Relocate 10 Complete 1 O Relevance 10 Resources