HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/21/1993, C-9 - TIME EXTENSION REQUEST FOR TRACT 2077, A 43-UNIT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM TO BE BUILT AT 145 SOUTH STREET, ACROSS FROM THE GREYHOUND STATION. �I�NII����IINIIIIIIIuIII� MEETING DATE: �° 1111 city of san LUIS oBispo COUNCIL AGENDA REPORT ITEM NUMBER: - Q FROM: Arnold B. Jonas, Community Development Director (moo PREPARED BY: Glen Matteson, Associate Planner J SUBJECT: Time extension request for Tract 2077, a 43-unit residential condominium to be built at 145 South Street, across from the Greyhound Station. CAO RECOMMENDATION Adopt a resolution granting a one-year extension to file the final tract map, as requested by the subdivider, subject to the original findings and conditions. BACKGROUND Data Summary Address: 145 South Street Subdivider/owner: Village Park Associates General plan: Medium-high density residential Zoning: R-3-PD Environmental status: Negative declaration with mitigation Evaluation The subdivider requests a one-year extension to file the final map, due to lack of demand. The project setting, and City policies and standards, have not substantially changed since the original approval in October 1991. If the request is granted, the applicant will have until October 29, 1994, to complete the conditions of approval and record the tract map. ALTERNATIVES The Council may approve the time extension subject to original findings and conditions, or deny it if Council finds circumstances have substantially changed. Conditions cannot be revised as part of a time extension. ATTACHMENTS Draft resolution granting time extension Vicinity map Site plan Resolution 7045 (1991 Series) approving tentative map Subdivider's statement G:GMA2077.CAR RESOLUTION NO. (1993 Series) A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO APPROVING A TWELVE-MONTH TIME EXTENSION FOR TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 2077 AT 145 SOUTH STREET WHEREAS, The subdivider requests a twelve-month time extension to complete processing of the final map; and WHEREAS, reasonable progress has been made toward filing of the final map; and WHEREAS, the circumstances and findings of the original tract approval are unchanged; NOT THEREFORE, the City Council resolves as follows: Section 1. That Tract 2077 is granted a twelve-month time extension, to October 29, 1994, subject to original tract map findings and conditions as specified in City Council Resolution 7045 (1991 Series), attached. On motion of seconded by and on the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: the foregoing resolution.was passed and adopted this _ day of , 1993. Mayor Resolution No. (1993 Series) Tract 2477 Page 2 .. APPROVED: City Clerk - -- --- ---- Cit 'At i C-9 .3 RESOLUTION NO. 7045 (1991 SERIES) A RESOLUTION OF THE SAN LUIS OBISPO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 2077 (VILLAGE PARK CONDOMINIUMS, 145 SOUTH STREET) The Council of the City of San Luis Obispo resolves as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. After considering the tentative map of Tract 2077 , the Planning Commission' s recommendation, and staff report and recommendation, the Council makes the following findings: 1. The design of the tentative map and proposed improvements are consistent with the general plan. 2 . The site is physically suited for the type and density of development allowed in the R-3-PD zone, including exceptions to property-development standards approved with the preliminary development plan. 3 . The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements are not likely to cause serious health problems, substantial environmental damage or substantially and unavoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. 4 . The design of the subdivision or the type of improvement will not conflict with easement for access through (or use of property within) the proposed subdivision. 5. The proposed project has been granted a negative declaration of environmental impact, based on the following mitigation measures being incorporated in the project (Initial Study 69-89) : A. Applicant shall provide a traffic-signal actuator, approved by the Fire Department, at the intersection of Higuera and South streets prior to project occupancy. B. Final plans will reflect one or a combination of the following measures to reduce to acceptable levels traffic noise exposure along South Street: - Relocation of decks to building elevations facing east, south, or west; - Provision of glass screens above solid deck railings; R-70455 C— G. v Resolution No. 7045 (1991 Series) 2 Tract 2077 Extension of the solid deck railings from about three feet to about six feet tall. C. A qualified archaeologist will instruct the project' s construction contractors in how to recognize resources that may be encountered. If excavations encounter archaeological resources, construction activities which may affect them shall cease until the extent of the resource is determined and appropriate protective measures are approved by the Community Development Director. The Community Development Director shall be notified of the extent and location of discovered materials so that they may be recorded by a qualified archaeologist. Disposition of artifacts shall comply with state and federal laws. A note concerning this requirement shall be included on the grading and construction plans for the project. D. Prior to issuance of a building permit for any substantial construction on the site, the applicant shall provide to the city Fire department 'an assessment of soil and groundwater contamination for the entire site. The extent of the investigation, the form of the report, and any required decontamination shall be subject to approval by the city Fire Department. SECTION 2. Conditions. The approval of the. tentative map for Tract 2077 shall be subject to the following conditions: 1. All units shall be served by individual sewer, water, telephone, cable television, gas, electricity. All new utilities within the tract shall be placed underground in easements to the approval of the appropriate utility company and the City Engineer. Water meters shall be clustered in the public sidewalk along Beebee Street and South Street to the approval of the Public Works Department and the Utilities Department. 2 . The on-site sanitary sewer main shall be private, maintained by the Homeowners Association. Individual water service shall be by manifolds installed along the public street frontage, in accordance with City Standards. 3 . Final map shall note entire common lot area as a blanket utility easement (exclusive of buildings) acceptable to the utility companies and City Engineer. C_ 9-Jr Resolution No- 7045 (1991 Series) 3 Tract 2077 4 . A1.1 on-site driveways, nonstructural parking improvements, and utilities shall be installed as subdivision improvements. 5 . Subdivider shall dedicate and improve street right-of-way, including bus pull-out, along the project's South Street frontage. Improvements shall be constructed per City Standards, including gutter, curb, integral six-foot sidewalk, and street pavement, to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Subdivider shall install frontage improvements along Beebee Street and Bridge Street per city standards, as required by the planned-development rezoning. The existing nonstructural pavement in Beebee Street shall be removed and replaced the entire width of the street, per City Standards and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 6. Subdivider shall prepare conditions, covenants, and restrictions (CC&R' s) to be approved by the City Attorney and Community Development Director prior to final map approval. CC&R' s shall contain the following provisions: a. Creation of a homeowners ' association to enforce the CC&R' s and provide for professional, perpetual maintenance of all common area including private driveways, drainage, parking lot areas, walls and fences, lighting, and landscaping in a first class condition. b. Grant to the City the right to maintain common area if the homeowners ' association fails to perform, and to assess the homeowners ' association for expenses incurred, and the right of the City to inspect the site at mutually agreed times to assure conditions of CC&R's and final map are being met. C. No parking except in approved, designated spaces. d. Grant to the City the right to tow away vehicles on a complaint basis which are parked in unauthorized places. e. Prohibition of storage or other uses which would conflict with the use of garages for parking purposes. f. No outdoor storage of boats, campers, motor homes, or trailers nor long-term storage of inoperable vehicles. C'Q-� Resolution No. 7045 (1991 Series) 4 Tract 2077 g. No outdoor storage by individual units except in designated storage areas. h. No change in City-required provisions of the CC&R' s without prior City Council approval. i. Homeowners' association shall file with the City Clerk the names and addresses of all officers of the homeowners ' association within 15 days of any change in officers of the association. j . Provision of appropriate "no parking" signs and red-curbing along interior roadways as required by the City Fire Department. k. Allowance for outdoor clothes drying in locations screened from general public view. 7. All units shall be numbered in accordance with an addressing plan approved by the Community Development Director. 8. Subdivider shall install a unit identification plan with directory at the project entrance to the approval of the Community Development Director. 9. Trees shown to remain on the approved preliminary development plan shall be protected during construction to the satisfaction of the City Arborist. Subdivider shall, before starting site grading, submit a tree protection agreement and surety acceptable to the City, to guarantee protection and/or replacement of the tree to be preserved. 10. All boundary monuments, lot corners, and centerline intersections, beginning-of-curves and end-of curves shall be tied to the City' s control network. At least two control points shall be used and a tabulation of the coordinates shall be submitted with the final map. A 5-1/4" computer floppy disk, containing the appropriate data for use in Autocad geographic information system, shall be submitted to the City Engineer. 11. Subdivider shall obtain an easement for storm water drainage, over the adjacent property to the south, to Bridge Street, in a form satisfactory to the City Engineer. 12 . The site shall be raised above the 100-year storm elevations to eliminate the Special Flood Hazard Zones (A, AO-2) , to allow the proposed underground parking as approved under PD 1483 , prior to issuance of building permits. C- l9- 7 Resolution No. 7045 (1991 Series) 5 Tract 2077 "Prior to final map approval, the subdivider shall process an amendment to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) and shall submit satisfactory evidence to the City Engineer from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that upon grading of the site per the final grading plan that FEMA will approve such amendments. 13 . Subdivider shall provide to the Community Development Director an instrument agreeing to retain lot 3 of block 153 of Harford's Addition as a mobile home park for not less than five years, and lot 4 of the same block and tract as a mobile home park for not less than 10 years; such instrument shall be recorded at the office of the County Recorder before issuance of building permits or recordation of the final tract map, whichever occurs sooner. On motion of Councilwoman Rappa , seconded by Councilman Reiss , and on the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmembers Pinard, Rappa, Reiss and Mayor Dunin NOES: Councilmember Roalman ABSENT: None the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted this 29th day of October , 1991. Mayor Ron Dunin ATTE T: U4W city lerk Pamo es C R-7045 Resolution No. 7045 (1991 Series) 6 Tract 2077 APPROVED: City A inistrative Officer in CIZ,414.t�'1 i t orney Communi 6 Development Director gmD: 2077-res.wp R-70'+5 c- s•y SDG a r c ni L e c t u r e — p i a n n i n y T p u o i i s p o i i c y August 23, 1993 RECEIVEL AUG 2 41993 Planning Commission cry OF SAN LUIS OBISPO City of San Luis Obispo OOMMUN"DEVFLOPMF P. O. Box 8100 San Luis Obispo, CA 93403-8100 RE: Tract 2077 Dear Council Members: On behalf of the property owners, Village Park Associates, I hereby request a one year extension of the Tentative Tract Map approval which expires on October 29, 1993. The effect of the state and local economies on the real estate market has not been what we had hoped. Sincerely, STUDIO DESIGN GROUP . —--' Warren Hamrick, Architect Vice President 08/24/93 7%:-217PM 10140043 PLAN APDL FEES$768.L;C A13 VI PL S F U U l U D E 5 1 G N G R U L' 13 631 Higuera Street. Suite 200 San Luis Oo spo. California 93401 (805) 541-3835 Brian Starr. Architect